Former Unified Heavyweight World Champion Andy Ruiz, Jr. Helps Distribute 500 Bags Of Groceries To Families in Need In Las Vegas

Crèdit de la imatge: Ryan Hafey/Premier Boxing Champions

Feu clic a AQUÍ for Photos from Ryan Hafey/Premier Boxing Champions
Feu clic a AQUÍ for Photos Esmeraldo Ferraro

Feu clic a AQUÍ for Video from the Event

LAS VEGAS – April 19, 2021 - Former unified heavyweight champion Andy "El destructor" Ruiz Jr.. took time out from training this past Saturday to lend a hand to those in need, as he joined the Project Hope initiative and helped distribute 500 bags of groceries to families in Las Vegas. Ruiz returns to the ring in the FOX Sports PBC Pay-Per-View main event Saturday, Maig 1 against all-action heavyweight Chris “The Nightmare’’ Arreola from Dignity Health Sports Park in Carson, Califòrnia.

“This is a really important event for my community,” said Ruiz. “All the Mexican people, all the Raza. There is so much love here, and I just want to show everyone that anything is achievable.”

Ruiz was joined by his trainer Eddy Reynoso and shared the stage with heavyweight champion Tyson Fury at the event. Ruiz spoke to the crowd that gathered and expressed his belief in overcoming adversity.

“Anything is possible,” said Ruiz. “Nobody believed I could become a heavyweight champion…and what do you know? I ended up becoming the first Mexican heavyweight champion of the world.”

Ruiz Jr. has stayed involved with charitable efforts thought his career. The Mexican-American star also visited the Disabled Children’s Association and the Charity Committee for Orphans Care in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia before his most recent fight with Anthony Joshua in December 2019.

For more than 60 any, Project HOPE has transformed the health and well-being of people and communities around the world. They work on the front lines of the world’s health challenges, partnering together with communities, health care workers and public health systems to ensure sustainable change.

Ruiz vs. Arreola veurà l'ex campió del món pesat unificat Andy "The Destroyer" Ruiz, Jr. Chris Arreola, el pes pesat de totes les accions, lluita contra l'esdeveniment principal d'una extravagància de boxa exclusivament mexicana, Maig 1 encapçalant un pagament per visió FOBC Sports PBC des del parc esportiu Dignity Health a Carson, Califòrnia.

El pagament per visualització comença a les 9 p.m. ET / 6 pm. PT i compta amb l'ex campió del món Omar "Panterita" Figueroa, Jr. enfrontant-se amb Abel Ramos a la prova principal de pes welter de 12 rondes. El sensacional contendent super pes welter Sebastián "The Towering Inferno '' Fundora s'enfronta a Jorge" El Demonio '' Cota en una batalla de 12 rondes i l'estrella creixent de pes welter Jesús Ramos duella als Estats Units.. L'olímpic Javier "El Intocable" Molina per a 10 rondes d'acció en pes welter a l'obertura de pagament per visualització.

L’esdeveniment està promogut per TGB Promotions. Les entrades ja estan a la venda i es poden comprar a Dignity Health Sports Park estarà obert als aficionats amb capacitat limitada, amb tots els convidats que es mantinguin distanciats socialment i que estiguin subjectes a les directrius de salut locals i estatals durant tot l'esdeveniment.

El pagament per visualització FOBC Sports PBC té un preu de $49.99. Buy now on and watch on any screen!

European Super Featherweight Champion Samir Ziani calls out Tevin Farmer: “Farmer has chickened out” of WBC Eliminator

PARIS, França (Abril 18, 2021) – European Super Featherweight Champion Samir Ziani (32-3-1, 7 KOs) has called out Tevin “American Idol” Farmer (30-5-1, 6 KOs), former International Boxing Federation World Super Featherweight Champion, to fight June 5º for the WBC Silver belt in a World Boxing Council (CMB) eliminació lluita. The winner would position himself for a title fight against WBC World champion Oscar Valdez.

The battle of left-handed super featherweights would be on the June 5º Triller pay-per-view card in Florida, headlined by undefeated World lightweight champion Teofimo Lopez (16-0) vs. George Kambosos, Jr. (19-0), supported by an exhibition fight between 4-time World heavyweight champion Evander Holyfield i Mike Tysonconqueror Kevin McBride.

According to Ziani’s manager Gary Hyde, was offered the WBC eliminator against Farmer and the Frenchman immediately accepted, while all has been quiet from Farmer.

“”I was excited to fight Farmer on a great Triller show,” Ziani said, “especially because it is my dream to win a World title in the United States. “I am surprised to hear that Farmer has chickened out of our fight, but I suppose je knows his boxing is slipping downwards.

“I want you, Farmer! Accept the fight and be a real warrior. Don’t run away from me. I want to box in the capital of boxing, the United States, to show American fans what I can do. They say you’re a technician, I will show you that I am a true warrior. The ring is for real men with the ambition to beat the best, not box the weakest, de forma, let’s give true value and pay respect to our noble art of boxing.”

Classificat núm. 11 pel CMB, així com No. 9 in the International Boxing Federation (FIB), the 30-year-old Ziani is the reigning EBU European champion, riding a 10-fight win streak. En la seva baralla més recent (Set. 5, 2020) and second title defense, Ziani dropped a bloody Alex Dilmaghian (19-1-1) three times en route to a 12º round win by technical knockout with 9-seconds left in what was a Fight of the Year candidate.

Ziani’s last loss was 4 ½ years ago to World title challenger and fellow Frenchman,Guillaume Frenois (41-1), by a razor-thin margin, 115-113 tres vegades, a París. Anteriorment en la seva carrera, Ziani also suffered a disputed 10-round loss by decision (97-93, 96-94, 96-94) in Denmark to current IBF World Lightweight Champion Richard Commey (18-0) a 2014.

“Ziani is an all-action fighter with an enormous work rate,” the Ireland-based Hyde added. “It would be a tantalizing match between two talented southpaws with the winner going on to fight for the WBC World title.”

The president of NoWhere2Hyde Management, Hyde has managed numerous world-class boxers during his career including world champions Guillermo Rigondeaux,Youri Kalenga i Simpiwe Vetyeaka.

Facebook: /SamirZiani, /nowhere2hyde
Refilo: @BoxeurProZiani, @nowhere2hyde
Instagram: @samir_ziani_boxeurpro, @gary_nowhere2hyde

“Cruïlla de camins: resultats de doble capçalera de N.H.: Kendrick Ball, Jr. hits home run vs.. Bryan Vera

Resultats "Crossroads" de New Hampshire

DERRY, N.H. (Abril 18, 2021) -Ex-campió de pes mitjà de Nova AnglaterraBall de Kendrick "Peppa", Jr. va representar la millor actuació professional a l’esdeveniment principal d’ahir a la nit contra perillososBryan "El guerrer" Vera a la part nocturna de la capçalera doble-dia "Crossroads", presentat per Granite Chin Promotions, al New England Sports Center de Derry, Nova Hampshire.

El pla previ a la lluita es va seguir com a Ball (16-1-2, 11 KOs) caixonat i mogut, mentre que Vera (28-17, 18 KOs) pressió aplicada, des de la campana d'obertura. Ball va prendre el control a la segona ronda, quan es va quedar a la butxaca, eliminant combinacions nítides. Ball va disparar combinacions més efectives a la tercera ronda quan Vera començava a perseguir el seu rival. Ball va començar a moure's al voltant de l'anell i a lluitar des de l'exterior al quart i es va mantenir en els dits del peu la resta de la lluita.

Ball va guanyar una decisió unànime de vuit rondes (79-73, 79-73, 78-74) per convertir-se en el Consell Mundial de Boxa (CMB) USNBC (Estats Units) Super campió de plata de pes mitjà.

“Aquesta va ser la meva millor lluita, a causa de qui vaig lluitar, i la magnitud de la lluita,”Va comentar Ball. “El pla era fer box i moure's perquè era molt més petit i lent. De vegades vaig xocar, quan vaig saber que no em feia mal, però no hauria d’haver assumit els riscos ”.

Vera, de 39 anys, no és el mateix combatent que va guanyar tres campions del món diferents:Andy LeeSergio Mora (dues vegades) iSerhiy Dzinziruk.  El texà ha de decidir si és hora de penjar finalment els guants.

“Va ser increïble, sens dubte, el nostre millor programa fins ara,”Granite Chin’sChris Traietti declarat després de l'espectacle. “Ens sentim molt bé en intensificar per donar aquests combatents, sobretot els locals, una plataforma per actuar davant dels fans. Crec que molts promotors s’han quedat mandrosos. Ens van donar un carril i Granite Chin ho va aprofitar. Aquest va ser el nostre quart espectacle amb fans durant l'any passat. Brian va lluitar molt i és un noi fantàstic, però no és el mateix tipus que era el 2011. Ha de pensar què farà.

“Granite Chin torna aquí al juny 26º amb una altra doble capçalera. L’espectacle de la tarda serà el Granite Chin Invitational per als boxadors d’elit oberts. Amb els Guants d'Or de Nova Anglaterra cancel·lats de nou, hi ha un buit per omplir. Si els promotors ajudaran els aficionats, Segur que ho faré, a partir de juny 26º."

DesafiadorMarquès Bates (8-4, 6 KOs) destronat campió defensor del pes welter de New HampshireRyan DiBartolomeo (3-2-1, 1 KO) mitjançant una aturada de la sisena ronda en una divertida co-funció. Un dret devastador de Bates li va donar la nova corona, ja que l'àrbitre ni tan sols comptava, ja que el metge de l'anell va entrar ràpidament a l'anell.

Larry "Hitman" Pryor va contractar el contracteScott Lambert i va perdre poc temps ocupant-se dels negocis per convertir-se en el campió de pesos creuers de New Hampshire. Pryor va aprofitar la seva alçada decisiva i va aconseguir avantatges, tancant l'espectacle amb un ganxo esquerre perfectament llançat que va enviar Lambert a la tela. Lambert va aconseguir superar el compte, però l'àrbitre va aturar la baralla a la meitat de la primera ronda quan va veure Lambert balancejant-se d'anada i tornada sobre les cames de goma.

Lanky esquerràFrancis "El tanc" Hogan (5-0, 5 KOs) es va graduar ahir a la nit amb una brillant actuació en contraLarry "Slo Mo" Smith, qui era a la seva 60º lluita professional. Hogan va derrocar Smith a principis de la tercera ronda i va atrapar al texà a la fi de la mateixa ronda amb una combinació d'esquerres al temple. Smith va guanyar el compte, però no va poder respondre al timbre de la quarta ronda, i Hogan, de 20 anys, es va convertir en el nou campió júnior de pes mitjà de New Hampshire.

Ex campió dels pesos pesants de Nova AnglaterraJustin "Tren boig" Rolfe (5-2-1, 4 KOs) es va posicionar per un altre N.E.. títol amb un eliminatòria espectacular deAlfredo “So” Trevino (9-9-1, 1 KO). El Rolfe de 263 lliures, lluitant fora de Fairfield, Maine, va carregar contra el timbre a la campana i va adormir el seu oponent d’Arizona al seu racó, quan es va comptar amb la marca de 20 segons.

El membre més nou de la família Fightin ’Whitley de l’oest de Massachusetts, l'invicte pes welterDenzel Whitley, va aconseguir la seva quarta victòria amb el seu quart eliminatòria. Va perforarAquilandro Brandao al final de la primera ronda i l'àrbitre va aturar la lluita.

El invicteJahye Brown (9-0, 7 KOs) va aconseguir el títol vacant de pes mitjà júnior de l'ABF Athletic amb una dura i disputada decisió unànime de vuit rondes sobre un rival mexicà,Potes dormint (12-4-1, 9 KOs).  The two fought toe-to-toe from the opening bell and Brown landed the more effective punches inside to earn the victory.

Promising middleweight prospectJulien “Black Dragon” Baptiste va millorar a 2-0 with his second knockout, blasting outBruno Dias in the third round.

Fighting for the first time in more than eight years, Fall River, MA welterweightDustin Reinhold (6-4, 2 KOs) won a 4-round unanimous decision over pro-debutingAntonioAndreozziin what can best be called a rough and tumble match

Mitjà júniorCarlos Castillo’s professional debut was a gem as the Holyoke, MA fighter droppedTheo Desjardon dues vegades, the last closing the show late in the first round.

“Cannon” Berry stops Ibarra in 5

UBO All-America Welterweight ChampionBrandon “The Cannon” Berry (21-5-2, 13 KOs) successfully defended in the afternoon card’s main event, superant un inici lent en què es va animar a aturar el rivalGael Ibarra (5-3, 4 KOs) a la cinquena ronda.

Berry va acabar la lluita al cinquè, quan va descarregar dos bombs de cops de puny sense resposta sobre un Ibarra atrapat fins que l'àrbitre va deixar la baralla.

"M'alegro que no hagi estat una lluita de 4 rondes,”, Va dir Berry després de la baralla. “Era un noi fort. Ho sentia. Em va posar a prova. Vull donar les gràcies a la meva família i amics d’aquí, i Granite Chin i tothom que participa en la promoció ".

En l'esdeveniment co estel·lar, Campió dels pesos pesants de Nova AnglaterraMike "Fly" Marshall (4-1, 3 KOs), en una lluita sense títol, noquejatTracey Johnson (4-10-6) in the third round.

Popular irlandès de BostonJimmy Torney (3-0, 3 KOs) - 6 '6 ", 269 lliura. – només necessitaven 42 segons i un gran dret per deixar de debutar amb el pes pesatMarco Nascimento

Pes welter de MassachusettsEric "Gladiator" Goff va guanyar convincentment el seu debut professional contraJader Alves(0-5) mentre va llançar un tancament de quatre rondes

Tres vegades campió de New England Golden GlovesDemek "Hightower" Edmonds va tenir un debut professional increïble, caiguda de pes creuerFrancisco Net dues vegades a la primera ronda, el segon, un cos cruel va acabar amb la lluita. Edmonds, a Southpaw de Worcester, Massachusetts, és graduat universitari i té una bona perspectiva de veure.

En una lluita sense títol, Campió de pes welter de Nova AnglaterraMike "Bad Man" Ohan, Jr. (12-1, 6 KOs) va escolaritzar el seu oponent de Las Vegas de 54 combats, mitjà júniorRynell Griffin. Ohan va equipar Griffin tres vegades a la primera ronda, el tercer amb un ganxo esquerre al cos del qual Griffin no va poder superar el compte.

Pes creuer canadencYan "Cosa salvatge" Pellerin (11-1, 5 KOs) va atorgar dos dràstics drets al cos d'un veterà de 63 combatsSteve "The Spoiler" Walker, tots dos pavimentaven el lluitador de Missouri, el segon va resultar en una eliminatòria d’obertura per al títol vacant de l’ABF Atlantic.

Pes welter de ConnecticutOmar "La bèstia" Borday, Jr. (1101, 3 KOs) dominador de 65 combats dominatDewayne Wisdom en ruta cap a una decisió unànime unilateral de vuit rondes.

Resultats oficials a continuació: 




Kendrick Ball, Jr. (16-1-2, 11 KOs), Worcester, Massachusetts

WDEC8 (79-73, 79-73, 78-74) 

Bryan Vera (28-17, 18 KOs), Austin, TX

(Pilota al títol de pes mitjà WBC USNBC Silver)  


Marquès Bates (8-4, 6 KOs), Taunton, Massachusetts

WKO6 (2 :26) 

Ryan DiBartolomeo (3-2-1, 1 KO), Leominster, Massachusetts

(Bates va guanyar el N.H. títol de pes welter) 


Larry Pryor (14-23, 8 KOs), Frederic, Maryland

WTKO1 (1:50) 

Scott Lampert (1-2, 1 KO), Dover Plains, Nova York

(Pryor va guanyar el N.H. títol de pes creuer) 


Francis Hogan (5-0, 5 KOs), Weymouth, Massachusetts

WTKO3 (3:00) 

Larry Smith (12-46-2 (8 KOs), Dallas, TX

(Hogan va guanyar el N.H. títol júnior de pes mitjà) 


Jahyae Brown (9-0, 7 KOs), Schenectady, Nova York

WDEC8 (79-72, 77-74, 77074) 

Potes dormint (12-3-1, 9 KOs), Woburn, Massachusetts

(Brown va guanyar el títol júnior ABF Atlantic de pes mitjà) 


Justin Rolfe (5-2-1, 3 KOs), Fairfield, Maine 

WKO1 (0:20) 

Alfredo Trevino (9-9-1, 1 KO), Douglas, LA


Denzel Whitley (4-0, 4 KOs), Holyoke, Massachusetts

WTKO1 (2 :42) 

Aquilando Brandao (0-4), Boston, Massachusetts

Els pesos mitjans

Julien Baptiste (2-0, 2 KOs), Woburn, Massachusetts

WTKO3 (2 :26) 

Bruno Dias (0-5), Boston, Massachusetts


Carlos Castillo (1-0, 1 KO), Holyoke, Massachusetts

WTKO1 (2:16) 

Theo Desjardin (0-7), Attleboro, Massachusetts


Dustin Reinhold (6-4, 2 KOs), Fall River, Massachusetts

WDEC4 (39-36, 39-036, 39-37 

Anthony Andreozzi (0-1), Swansea, Massachusetts



Brandon Berry (21-5-2, 13 KOs), West Forks, Maine

WTKO5 (1:29) 

Gael Ibarra (5-3, 4 KOs), Bisbee, LA

(Berry va conservar el títol de pes welter UBO All-America) 


Mike Marshall (5-1, 4 KOs), Brooklyn, Nova York

WTKO3 (0:38) 

Tracey Johnson, (4-10-6, 0 KOs), Boston, MA.


Pellerin lateral (10-1, 4 KOs), Montreal, Quebec, Canadà

WKO1 (1:02) 

Steve Walker (26-37, 18 KOs), Anníbal, MO

(Pellerin va guanyar el títol de pes creuer ABF Atlantic) 


Jimmy Torney (3-0, 3 KOs), Boston, Massachusetts

WTKO1 (0:42) 

Marco Nascimento (0-1), Arc, NH


Així doncs, Edmonds (1-0, 1 KO), Worcester, Massachusetts

WTKO1 (2:56) 

Francisco Net (1-12), Woburn, Massachusetts


Mike Ohan, Jr. (12-1, 6 KOs), Holbrook, Massachusetts

WTKO1 (2:52) 

Rynell Griffin (8-46-2, 2 KOs), Las Vegas, Nevada


Eric Goff (1-0, 1 KO), Weymouth, Massachusetts

WDEC4 (40-30, 40-34, 40-34) 

Jader Alves (0-5), Woburn, MA.


Omar Borday, Jr. (11-1, 3 KOs), Danbury, Connecticut

WDEC8 (80-70, 79-72, 78-72 

Dewayne Wisdom (7-56-2, 3 KOs), Indianàpolis, IN


Refilo: @Granite_Chin


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Uncasville, Conn. -Bellator 257: Nemkov vs. Davis 2 saw incumbent 205-pound champion Vadim Nemkov (13-3) retain his championship, he now awaits his future opponent. En l'esdeveniment co-principal, #3-classificatCorey Anderson (15-5) advanced to the semi-finals to face #4 ranked pound-for-pound athleteRyan Bader(28-6, 1 NC) at a future date in the Bellator Light Heavyweight World Grand Prix.

BELLATOR MMA returns to action on May 7 with a bantamweight world title fight pitting c-Juan Archuleta (25-2) contra #1 classificatSergio Pettis (20-5) and a Light Heavyweight World Grand Prix opening round pairing between the debutingAnthony “Rumble” Johnson(22-6) iYoel Romero(13-5) to determine Nemkov’s next title challenger.Bellator 258 airs exclusively on SHOWTIME at 9 p.m. ET / 6 pm. PT.

“Rumble”had this to say about his upcoming BELLATOR debut on SHOWTIME: “You know how I fight. I come out there and throw bombs. If you get in the way and get hit, that’s just what happens. Romero is a hell of an athlete. We all have watched him fight. For his age, which to me doesn’t play a factor at all, he’s a beast. I’m very excited to fight a man of his caliber. He’s a true challenge to anybody that he faces. I look forward to testing myself against him. He’s definitely an opponent that I respect. Somebody that I know I’ll enjoy fighting and the fans will enjoy it too.

“Right now, I can’t look past Yoel. I really can’t. I don’t look that far ahead. I have goals, but right now I got one of the toughest individuals you can possibly face in my face May 7. I’m looking forward to it and I just need to focus on Yoel. I’m just going to let the dice roll the way they’re going to roll and whoever makes it to the next round, I’ll focus on that later. Ara, I just need to focus on one individual and everybody else is not even on my radar right now. I just got to focus on the man that’s trying to knock my head off.”

BELLATOR MMA 257: Nemkov vs. Davis 2 Targeta principal:

c-Vadim Nemkov (13-2) derrotat #2-Phil Davis (22-5, 1 NC) per decisió unànime (48-47, 48-47, 48-47)

Vadim Nemkov: “My plan was to out-strike him today and defend the wrestling. I’m pretty happy with my performance but I had some mistakes and I’m going to work on them for next time.

“It’s very hard to knock out Phil Davis so I was getting ready for a five round fight and I knew it was going to go the distance. Our conditioning was on point.

“Both fighters [Johnson and Romero] are very unpredictable. They can strike or wrestle. I’m a champion and I’m ready for whoever wins that fight. It doesn’t matter to me who I face. Both fighters are really good on the ground or standup and it’s going to be a good fight for me either way.”

#3-Corey Anderson (15-5) derrotatDovletdzhan Yagshimuradov (18-6-1) per TKO (cops) a 2:15 de la tercera ronda

Corey Anderson on facing Ryan Bader: "I love the matchup with Bader. I love the matchup with anybody in this tournament. I love the matchup with any 205-er in the world because I know how good I am. I’m just going to show the rest of the world that. Me and Bader, we have history from training together and like I said, one person knows. Ell sap. We’re just going to find out in July when we match up. One man has to go out there and make the statement on TV.

“He knows who he’s matched up against. That’s all. I ain’t one of those dudes who’s going to put the film out there on Instagram because that ain’t a good sport. But at the same time, he knows. We know. They know it’s going to be a tough match. He’s gotten better. I’ve gotten better. He knows it’s going to be a war. It’s not like he’s going to go in there and take me down like he does with all these other guys. Because he knows. He knows he ain’t gonna go out there and out-strike me.”

#7-Costura Arteaga(6-4) derrotatDesiree Yanez (5-3) per decisió majoritària (28-28, 29-27, 29-27)

Costura Arteaga: “My overall goal is to have another opportunity at the title shot. One fight at a time. I wasn’t overlooking Desiree at all and I’ve just been watching all the females that fight in this division to see who I may be potentially fighting. I’m excited to hopefully climb right back up in the rankings and have another title shot.”

Paul Daley (47-17-2) defeated #8-Sabah Homasi (15-9) per TKO (cops) a 1:44 de la segona ronda

Paul Daley on who is next…

“Whoever fancies it. Whoever struggles to get down to 170 and feels like 175 is a good division for them, I’ll fight them. I’ve been in with the best at 170 and now I’m saying here on SHOWTIME and around the world that the 175-pound division is my division. If you want the belt, f*cking come and get it.”

Targeta preliminar:

#1-Julia Budd (15-3) derrotatDayana Silva (9-6) per decisió dividida (29-28, 28-29, 29-28)

#5-Julius Anglickas (10-1) derrotatGregory Milliard (12-5) per decisió unànime (29-28, 30-27, 30-27)

#7-Steve Mowry(9-0) derrotatShaun Asher (13-4-1) per TKO (cops) a :55 de la primera ronda

Grachik Bozinyan (11-4) derrotatDemarques Jackson (11-5) per decisió unànime (30-27, 29-28, 29-28)

Raymond Daniels(3-1, 1 NC) derrotatPeter Stanonik (4-4, 1 NC) per decisió unànime (30-26, 30-27, 30-26)

Lance Gibson Jr. (4-0) derrotatMarcus Surin (6-3) per decisió unànime (29-28, 30-27, 30-27)

Karl Albrektsson (11-3) derrotatViktor Nemkov (30-8-1) per decisió unànime (30-27, 30-27, 30-27)

#10-Mads Burnell(15-3) derrotatSaul Rogers (14-4) a través de la submissió (estrangulament per l'esquena) a 4:08 de la segona ronda

#7-Jay-Jay Wilson (8-0) derrotat #4-Pedro Carvalho (11-5) per TKO (vagues) a :53 de la segona ronda


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També, No. 9 Ranked Featherweight Tywan Claxton Welcomes Unbeaten Justin Gonzales to BELLATOR and ‘Notorious’ Nick Newell Battles Bobby King at Lightweight

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LOS ANGELES– BELLATOR MMA’s Welterweight World ChampionDouglas Lima (32-8) will defend his 170-pound title against the undefeated and top-rankedYaroslav Amosov (25-0) en l'esdeveniment principal deBELLATOR MMA 260 aDivendres, Juny 11 al Mohegan Sun Arena de Uncasville, Conn. The event will be televised live on SHOWTIME at9 p.m. ET / 6 pm. PT.

In addition to the main event, a pair of preliminary bouts are official, as No. 9 classificat Tywan Claxton (6-2) faces the undefeated and newly signedJustin Gonzales (11-0) en l'acció de pes ploma, while Connecticut’sNick Newell (16-3) takes center stage against promotional debutantBobby King (9-3) in a 155-pound clash. The preliminary card will stream live on the BELLATOR MMA YouTube channel, SHOWTIME Sports YouTube channel and Pluto TV. Additional bouts will be announced at a later date.

Fighting out of American Top Team in Atlanta, Ga., “The Phenom” Douglas Lima will look to protect the 170-pound title for the first time since reclaiming his status as division king with a win over Rory MacDonald atBellator 232 a 2019. With notable wins over the likes ofMichael Pàgina "Venom"Paul DaleyLorenz Larkin, and MacDonald, Lima is the promotion’s No. 6 ranked pound-for-pound fighter. Ara, he looks to reassert his dominance at 170-pounds after challenging middleweight world championGegard Mousasiin an attempt to become double-champ. The BELLATOR MMA Welterweight World Grand Prix winner went five rounds with Mousasi, giving fans an instant-classic and a glimpse of just how special the three-time BELLATOR welterweight world champion truly is. The 18-fight BELLATOR veteran is on a mission to to become the first to defeat Amosov on June 11.

“I’m pumped to get back in the cage and show everyone why I’m the most-feared welterweight in the game,” said Lima. “Amosov is a game opponent, who has climbed the rankings against top competition. He’s more than deserving of this title shot, but this is still my division and that isn’t changing any time soon.”

A relatively new addition amongst the sport’s elite welterweights, Amosov will enter his first BELLATOR world title bout riding a streak of six consecutive victories since signing with BELLATOR in 2018. “Dynamo” has established himself as a well-rounded and extremely dangerous fighter, collecting a remarkable 19 wins by finish, Incloent 13 en la primera ronda. The 27-year-old native of Irpin, Ukraine is a three-time combat sambo world champion and the No. 10 ranked pound-for-pound athlete in BELLATOR. Training out of American Top Team in Florida, Amosov aims to protect his unblemished professional mark of 25-0 and snatch away Lima’s most prized possession.

“It is an honor to challenge Douglas Lima for the Bellator Welterweight Title,” Amosov said. “I have dreamed of becoming a champion since I have chose this path of MMA. Here I am, undefeated and on the verge of earning the gold.”

BELLATOR MMA fans who are new subscribers to the SHOWTIME streaming service can sign up now for a limited time offer which includes a 30-day free trial, followed by a discounted monthly subscription fee of $4.99/month for the next six months. Viewers can sign up will be delivered two premier BELLATOR MMA events per month throughout 2021 i més enllà, with all events scheduled to air live at 9 p.m. ET / 6 pm. PT anywhere the SHOWTIME service is available.

BELLATOR MMA 260: Lima vs. AmosovTargeta principal:


9 p.m. ET / 6 pm. PT

Welterweight World Title Main EventC-Douglas Lima (32-8) vs. #1-Yaroslav Amosov(25-0)

Targeta preliminar: 

BELLATOR MMA YouTube channel | SHOWTIME Sports YouTube channel | Pluto TV

6 p.m. ET/3 p.m. PT

Pes ploma Bout: #9-Tywan Claxton(6-2) vs.Justin Gonzales(11-0)

Lleugera Bout: Nick Newell (16-3) vs.Bobby King(9-3)

*La targeta està subjecta a canvis.

Si us plau per obtenir informació addicional.

Undefeated Lightweight Prospects Frank Martin & Jerry Perez Clash In FS1 PBC Fight Night Main Event & On FOX Deportes Tuesday, Abril 20 from Los Angeles

Unbeaten Middleweight Prospect Jose Resendiz Faces
Quilisto Madera In Co-Main Event
Promising Prospects Atif Oberlton, Burley Brooks, Travon Marshall & Amon Rashidi Compete in Separate Bouts on Telecast Beginning at 8 p.m. ET / 5 PM. PT

LOS ANGELES (Abril 16, 2021) – Undefeated lightweight prospects Frank Martin i Jerry Perez will go toe-to-toe in a 10-round battle that headlines FS1 PBC Fight Night and on FOX Deportes on Tuesday, Abril 20 from Shrine Auditorium and Expo Hall in Los Angeles.

La transmissió comença a les 8 p.m. ET / 5 PM. PT and will see unbeaten middleweight prospect Jose Resendiz square off against Quilisto Madera in the eight-round co-main event. The telecast will also feature exciting prospect Atif Oberlton in a light heavyweight attraction against Jesse Bryan, prospecte súper mitjà Burley Brooks tenint en Cameron Rivera, the pro debut of Travon Marshall in a super welterweight showdown against Christian Marron, i Amon Rashidi reunió Jesus Silverya in a super lightweight bout to open the telecast.

The event will be promoted by TGB Promotions and will take place without fans in attendance at the Shrine Auditorium and Expo Hall, an AEG venue, al centre de Los Angeles.

The 26-year-old Martin (12-0, 9 KOs) added two victories to his ledger in 2020, stopping Tyrone Luckey in December and Reymond Yanong in February. A seven-time national champion as an amateur, including a first place finish at the 2016 Guants d'Or Nacionals, Martin was raised in Fort Wayne, Indiana and now resides in Indianapolis. Martin has fought professionally since 2017, scoring knockouts in five of his first six fights.

Trained alongside four-division champion Leo Santa Cruz and his family, Pérez (13-0, 10 KOs) is riding a three-fight knockout streak into this bout on April 20. Most recently the 28-year-old scored a career best victory in blasting out Joshua Zuniga in their October 2020 duel, winning by third-round knockout. The Oak Hills, California native had previously earned stoppage victories over Tyrone Luckey and Ivan Leon Benitez in 2019.

The 22-year-old Resendiz (11-0, 8 KOs) farà la seva U.S. debut when he steps into the ring on April 20. Fighting out of Nayarit, Mèxic, Resendiz has won eight consecutive fights by knockout, after his first three pro outings saw him win unanimous decisions. En la seva última baralla, Resendiz stopped Joaquin Murrieta in the eighth round of their January 2020 clash.

Born in Mount Vernon, Washington, Madera (12-2, 8 KOs) now resides in Fresno, California as he prepares to face Resendiz. Més recentment, Madera won a unanimous decision over Osbaldo Camacho Gonzales in May 2019. That victory gave the 28-year-old back-to-back triumphs and wins in five of his last six contests overall, dating back to 2018.

Oberlton (1-0, 1 KO) made his pro debut on January 30 as the 22-year-old stopped Nathan Sharp in the third round. Representing the fighter-rich city of Philadelphia, Oberlton won the 2018 i 2016 National Golden Gloves tournaments and reached the finals of the 2018 U.S. National Championships prior to turning pro. He will be opposed by the 36-year-old Bryan (19-5-2, 15 KOs), who returns to the ring after a decision loss in February of this year. The Jefferson City, Missouri native had won 10 consecutive fights before dropping his last two contests.

Brooks (6-1, 5 KOs) trains with unified welterweight champion Errol Spence in Dallas, Texas under the tutelage of coach Derrick James. The 25-year-old Brooks is looking to bounce back from a split decision loss to Marco Delgado in his last fight in September. Rivera (8-6-3, 6 KOs) fights out of Fife, Washington and is coming off a TKO victory over Roberto Salas in his last fight.

The 20-year-old Marshall will turn pro on April 20 after an impressive amateur career. Marshall was born in Landover, Maryland and now resides in Capitol Heights, Maryland as he embarks on his professional journey. He will be opposed by the 31-year-old Marron (0-1) who fights out of Bakersfield, Califòrnia.

The 28-year-old Rashidi (8-1-1, 6 KOs) works out of the same gym in Dallas as Spence and Brooks and is coming off a TKO victory over Rynell Griffin in his last fight. He will face Silverya (8-6-2, 3 KOs), who is from Nuevo Leon, Mexico and is coming off a loss to Fazliddin Gaibnazarov in his last fight.

# # #

Per obtenir més informació: visita, i, segueixi en TwitterPremierBoxing, @PBConFOX, FOXSports, @FOXDeportes and @TGBPromotions become a fan on Facebook at, &

Indian Star Neeraj Goyat, who was set to fight Amir Khan in 2019 makes his UK Debut in AberdeenWBC Asia Champion Neeraj Goyat Co-Headlines Let Battle Commence IV on the 29th MayLive on FITE TV

Londres – Friday 16th April 2021

WBC Asia Champion Neeraj Goyat Co-Headlines Let Battle Commence IV on the 29th MayLive on FITE TV
Indian Star Neeraj Goyat, who was set to fight Amir Khan in 2019 makes his UK Debut in Aberdeen

Six time, five division World Champion and Promoter Lee Mcallister announced that he and World Boxing Council (CMB) Asia Welterweight Champion Neeraj Goyal will co-headline LET BATTLE COMMENCE IV, that takes place on the 29th May 2021 and broadcast live on FITE TV, as well as further linear and digital channels globally.

Reigning WBC Asia Champion Goyat is probably the best known Indian boxer by fans of the pugilistic arts, following the announcement back in 2019 that he was to face Amir Khan in a mega fight in Saudi Arabia, unfortunately prior to the much anticipated showdown, Goyat was seriously injured in a car crash and had to pull out, Khan fought Australia’s Billy Dib.

Goyat fully recovered from his injuries and immediately got back to winning ways, in his most recent contest, that took place at the Majestic Pride Ship, Panjim, India back in March this year Goyat knocked-out Sandeep Kumar after just 34 seconds of the fourth round.

On making the announcement McAllister said, “I’m a big fan of Neeraj.

“We had planned to bring him to the UK back in 2019, but when the opportunity to fight Amir was put on the table I just tore up the contract. Fighting Amir on an internationally broadcast event was a huge opportunity for Neeraj and I wasn’t going to stand in the way.

“To say I was gutted the fight didn’t happen is an understatement as the fans world-wide would have seen just how talented Neeraj is.

“So here we are two years later and finally we are going to have Neeraj fight on one of our shows and unlike when we were originally bringing him over, now our events are televised, so finally fans worldwide will get to see just what an immense talent he is.”

In mid-March 2020, like all sporting events, Professional Boxing shows world-wide were cancelled, due to the COVID-19 Pandemic.

UK Government restrictions were relaxed in July 2020 so that sporting events could resume, however with the proviso that no spectators would be allowed to attend. With this in mind McAllister joined forces with the British & Irish Boxing Authority (BIBA) to create a series of Professional Boxing events that take place ‘Behind Closed Doors’.

La presa de possessió LET BATTLE COMMENCE esdeveniment, that took place behind closed doors at the Northern Hotel in Aberdeen on Saturday 18th July 2020, was headlined by longtime WBO Featherweight King Scott Harrison versus PBC International Champion Paul Peers. The main support featured the professional debut of ten time Kickboxing World Champion Caitlin Foran.

LET BATTLE COMMENCE II, took place on Friday 4th September 2020 and was headlined by PBC & WBU International Champion Nathan Beattie versus UK based Nicaraguan Julio Bendana. The undercard featured no less than three female contests, including two of the UK’s top female amateur boxers, Hollie Towl i Eleanor Coulson, making their professional debuts, this event also took place behind closed doors in Aberdeen.

The third edition, LET BATTLE COMMENCETHE LIONESSES, that takes place on Saturday 24th April 2021 is set to enter the record books as the first all Female professional boxing event to take place not only in the UK but also the first in Europe.

Joining the much lauded duo McAllister i Goyat on the 29th May 2021 LET BATTLE COMMENCE IV són;

PBC/WBU International Super Lightweight Champion Nathan Beattie, rising unbeaten Super Featherweight prospect Kevin Traynor, stylish unbeaten Heavyweight prospect Craig Dick, unbeaten Middleweight prospect Adam Stewart, local Heavyweight Liam Allan makes his second professional outing, whilst Indian Featherweight Sukhdeep Singh makes his professional debut.

LET BATTLE COMMENCE IV co-headlined by Lee Mcallister i Neeraj Goyal will take place behind closed doors at the Northern Hotel, Aberdeen on the 29th May 2021 and will be broadcast live on FITE TV as well as further linear and digital channels globally (please check local listings)



Star-Studded Lineup Highlighted by Dynamic Twins Jermell Charlo and Jermall Charlo Each Headlining Separate World Championship Events Live on SHOWTIME

Dazzling Star Gervonta Davis Headlines A Spectacular Summer SHOWTIME PPV® Event

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NEW YORK – April 15, 2021 – SHOWTIME Sports and Premier Boxing Champions today unveiled a loaded five-month boxing schedule of nine high-stakes world championship events beginning Saturday, Maig 15, en viu per SHOWTIME. The schedule delivers two events per month through August. Thirteen matchups have been announced thus far with no less than seven world title fights, i 12 fighters defending undefeated records. The lineup features many of boxing’s best young fighters taking on career-defining challenges in their primes. All fights on the schedule will take place before a live audience, keeping with applicable local COVID-19 safety protocols.

The sizzling summer run features the dynamic Charlo twins as undefeated electrifying champion Jermall Charlo defends his WBC middleweight world title against Juan Macias Montiel in a special Juneteenth homecoming in Houston on Saturday, Juny 19, en viu per SHOWTIME.

The following Saturday, Juny 26, unbeaten Mayweather Promotions star Gervonta “Tank” Davis moves up two weight classes for a chance to become a three-division world champion when he takes on fellow undefeated champion Mario Barrios for his super lightweight world title in what will be Davis’ second pay-per-view showdown.

The next month, CMB, WBA and IBF 154-pound charismatic world champion Jermell Charlo looks to make boxing history when he takes on WBO junior middleweight world champion Brian Castaño in a mega-fight to crown the first four-belt 154-pound world champion. The World Championship Unification bout takes place on Saturday, Juliol 17, en viu per SHOWTIME.

The SHOWTIME boxing schedule features eight editions of SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING and one premier SHOWTIME PPV event, all presented by Premier Boxing Champions:

    • Luis Nery vs. Brandon Figueroa, WBC Super Bantamweight World Title Fight
    • Danny Roman vs. Ricardo Espinoza FrancoSuper Bantamweight Fight
    • Xavier Martinez vs. Abraham MontoyaAMB Super Featherweight Fight
    • Nordine Oubaali vs. Nonito Donaire, WBC Bantamweight World Title Fight
    • Subriel Matias vs. Batyrzhan Jukembayev, IBF Super Lightweight Title Eliminator
    • Jermall Charlo vs. Juan Macias MontielWBC Middleweight World Title Fight
  • Juny 26 – SHOWTIME PPV
    • Gervonta Davis vs. Mario Barris, WBA Super Lightweight World Title Fight
    • Erickson Lubin vs. Jeison Rosario, WBC Junior Middleweight Title Eliminator
    • Chris Colbert vs. Yuriorkis Gamboa, WBA Super Featherweight Interim Title Fight
    • Jermell Charlo vs. Brian Castaño, Undisputed IBF, AMB, CMB & WBO Junior Middleweight World Title Unification Fight
    • Guillermo Rigondeaux vs. John Riel Casimero, WBO Bantamweight World Title Fight
    • David Benavidez vs. Jose UzcateguiCMB Super Middleweight Title Eliminator
    • Stephen Fulton, Jr. vs. winner of Nery-Figueroa, Super Bantamweight World Title Unification Fight

“High-impact, meaningful fights amongst many of the biggest names and brightest stars in combat sports. That is what SHOWTIME promises and that is what we are delivering,"Va dir Stephen Espinoza, President, SHOWTIME Sports. “With an opportunity to crown an undisputed world champion at 154 lliura, a highly anticipated super bantamweight title unification, a stacked pay-per-view showdown and more than a dozen fights between 118-168 lliura, SHOWTIME is presenting boxing’s best young fighters, all daring to be great by putting their world titles and undefeated records on the line. This schedule’s caliber and volume – the deepest and most consistent of any network or platform – exemplifies our commitment to the sport. Between this incredible lineup of boxing events and our new partnership with BELLATOR MMA, with a live event nearly every week, there is no better value proposition in combat sports.”

The boxing action begins on SHOWTIME on Saturday, Maig 15 with the highly anticipated WBC super bantamweight world championship fight between Luis Nery and Brandon Figueroa. The battle of two unbeaten champions who have been on a collision course for supremacy in the 122-pound division headlines a three-fight SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING telecast. Rounding out the May 15 esdeveniment, former unified super bantamweight world champion Danny Roman faces the tough, hard-hitting Ricardo Espinoza and super featherweight rising contender Xavier Martinez takes on the experienced Abraham Montoya.

Two weeks later on Saturday, Maig 29, SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING will present the long-awaited title tilt between Nordine Oubaali and future Hall of Famer Nonito Donaire for the WBC bantamweight world championship. The undercard will feature Subriel Matias taking on undefeated Batyrzhan Jukembayev in the stiffest test of their professional careers as they meet in an IBF super lightweight title eliminator.

This summer, the thrilling Charlo twins will headline separate SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING events to defend their titles.

In a Juneteenth Day celebration on Saturday, Juny 19, in his hometown of Houston, unbeaten WBC middleweight world champion Jermall Charlo takes on the power-punching Juan Macias Montiel. After claiming a championship in the 154-pound division, Charlo moved up in weight and has been just as dominant. The battle against Montiel will be Charlo’s fifth defense of his 160-pound title. Charlo is coming off a career-defining victory over Sergey Derevyanchenko in September.

En dissabte, Juny 26, current two-division world champion Gervonta “Tank” Davis looks to become a three-division world champion when he returns to headline his second SHOWTIME PPV event. Davis, 26, will jump up two weight classes from his last contest to face unbeaten super lightweight world champion Mario Barrios. Davis is coming off a career-best victory over world champion Leo Santa Cruz. The co-main event that evening will feature a high-stakes WBC junior middleweight world title eliminator between Erickson Lubin and former unified 154-pound world champion Jeison Rosario.

Llavors, en dissabte, Juliol 17, one month after his brother’s fight, Jermell Charlo looks to make boxing history when he defends his WBC, WBA and IBF junior middleweight world titles against undefeated WBO world champion Brian Castaño in one of the most highly anticipated and important matches of the year. Charlo aims to achieve something that has never been done in boxing history by becoming the first fighter to be undisputed champion at 154 pounds in the four-belt era. Charlo has held the WBC title since 2019 and added the WBA and IBF titles with a stunning knockout victory over Jeison Rosario in his last fight in September.

Also in July, undefeated rising star Chris Colbert of Brooklyn, N.Y. will defend his WBA super featherweight interim title against three-division world champion Yuriorkis Gamboa in a crossroads bout on Saturday, Juliol 3. The 24-year old Colbert is coming off a career best victory, a knockout win over Jaime Arboleda in December 2020. The Cuban-born Gamboa seeks to reassert himself by moving back down to super featherweight where he has excelled throughout his career.

August will feature another pair of SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING events. En dissabte, Agost 14, two of the best bantamweights in the world will meet when former unified world champion Guillermo Rigondeaux faces John Riel Casimero for Casimero’s WBO bantamweight world title.

Two weeks later, en dissabte, Agost 28, undefeated two-time former super middleweight world champion David Benavidez will face former super middle champion Jose Uzcategui in a fight that will put the winner one step closer to a world championship opportunity. Benavidez, 24, made boxing history when he became the youngest super middleweight world champion at age 20 with a victory over Ronald Gavril in 2017.

En dissabte, Setembre 11, the red-hot 122-pound division will take center stage once again on SHOWTIME as the WBO junior featherweight world champion Stephen Fulton, Jr. will make the first defense of his title against the winner of the May 15 clash between undefeated champions Nery and Figueroa. The unification fight will be the main event on SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING.

Earlier this month, SHOWTIME doubled its live combat sports schedule with the start of a partnership with BELLATOR MMA that delivers two world class mixed martial arts events per month to SHOWTIME subscribers. Coupled with live world championship boxing events, SHOWTIME will now deliver upwards of 40 live sports events per year and has established itself as the premier combat sports destination for fight fans. As part of the launch, which continues this Friday with the next two Light Heavyweight World Grand Prix opening round fights, the network is offering viewers who are new to the SHOWTIME streaming service a 30-day free trial followed by a discounted monthly subscription fee of $4.99/month for the next six months.

For more information and future fight announcements, segueixi a Twitter @ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing and @TGBPromotions on Instagram @ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing and @TGBPromotions or become a fan on Facebook


 Crèdit de la imatge: Amanda Westcott/SHOWTIME®

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QUÈ: SHOWTIME Sports released “FIGHT NIGHT: Jaron Ennis,” a 12-minute video feature that gives viewers an exclusive, behind-the-scenes look at the 23-year-old rising welterweight star Jaron “Boots” Ennis’ impressive knockout over former world champion Sergey Lipinets last Saturday on SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING. To watch, share or embed the video, clica aquí:

The latest installment of the SHOWTIME Boxing digital series FIGHT NIGHT delivers access to Ennis and his father and trainer Bozy, giving viewers a rare glimpse behind closed doors as they prepare for what was Ennis’ toughest test to date in pursuit of a world title shot inside the unique confines of the “Fight Sphere” at the Mohegan Sun in Uncasville, Conn.

From the official weigh-in and his appearance on the BELLATOR MMA on SHOWTIME telecast to fight night, the SHOWTIME cameras capture how Ennis gets his body and mind prepared to enter the ring in his first SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING main event.

“I’ll always be hard on myself when I look back at my performance,” said Ennis after his sensational sixth-round knockout. “My goal is to keep getting better, sharper, faster and stronger so I can become a world champion. It’s a great feeling. A great win over a top guy but now it’s on to bigger and better things.”

Saturday’s SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING telecast headlined by Ennis vs. Lipinets is available in its entirety on all SHOWTIME ON DEMAND and SHOWTIME streaming service platforms.


“I love training with a young, hungry fighter like Jesús. We feed off of each other’s energy,” – Abel Ramos

“We both have the same goal, which is to win on May 1… If I’m ever tired, I just look to Abel and know that I have to keep pushing,” – Jesús Ramos

Welterweight Contender Abel Ramos & Rising Welterweight Star Jesús Ramos Preview Respective Showdowns on FOX Sports PBC Pay-Per-View Undercard Taking Place Saturday, Maig 1 del parc esportiu Dignity Health a Carson, Califòrnia

CASA GRANDE, LA. (Abril 14, 2021) – Welterweight contender Abel Ramos and his nephew, rising welterweight star Jesús Ramos, discussed their family’s bond through boxing while previewing their upcoming respective showdowns taking place Saturday, Maig 1 in FOX Sports PBC Pay-Per-View undercard action from Dignity Health Sports Park in Carson, Califòrnia.

Abel Ramos will step in to face former world champion Omar “Panterita” Figueroa in the co-main event of the pay-per-view, while Jesús Ramos will battle Javier “El Intocable” Molina in a welterweight attraction that kicks off the pay-per-view at 9 p.m. ET / 6 pm. PT.

Abel and Jesús are trained by Abel’s brother and Jesús’ father, Jesús Ramos Sr. in their hometown of Casa Grande, Arizona. Both have spoken effusively about how training alongside a family member, and a fighter at a different point in their career, helps push them during camp.

“It’s great working with Abel,” said Jesús. “We both have the same goal, which is to win on May 1. If I’m ever tired, I just look to Abel and know that I have to keep pushing. I’m always able to ask him for advice and we help each other a lot.”

“It’s great training with a young, hungry fighter like Jesús,” said Abel. “We feed off of each other’s energy, and there’s lots of competitiveness when we train. I think that’s a good thing for both of us.”

Both Abel and Jesús have known since Jesús was little that this was a path the younger Ramos would eventually walk. For Jesús, he’s always used Abel as his inspiration to help get him where he is today.

“Deep down I always knew he’d get into boxing,” said Abel. “He was at all of my fights when he was younger and he always showed an interest in the sport.”

“Abel is the guy that I’ve looked up to since I was a little kid,” said Jesús. “I watched him box from a very young age and have learned a lot from him. Seeing him do it has always inspired me. He’s always taken tough fights and that’s inspiring too. He’s played a huge role in getting me to where I am today.”

While the 20-year-old Jesús is considered a young up-and-comer in the sport, who will be taking on his toughest test May 1 in Javier Molina, Abel believes that his nephew will show wisdom beyond his years in this fight.

“People think because Jesús is young that he doesn’t have experience, but that’s where they’re wrong,” said Abel. “At a very young age he displayed a lot of the abilities of a veteran fighter. He’s always had great patience, as well as the ability to think in the ring. His ring IQ is really high for his age.”

Ahead of the two fighting Ramos’ sharing the pay-per-view undercard on May 1, here is what Abel and Jesús had to say about their training camp, their respective showdowns and more:


“We’re less than three weeks away now, and every week I feel stronger and more ready for May 1. I’ve been sparring with a bunch of local fighters from Arizona who are helping prepare me. The hardest part is yet to come, but I’m just focusing on the game plan and executing the same program that’s worked in the past.

“It’s great to be a part of this event and show the fans the warrior mentality that us Mexican and Mexican-American fighters have. I can’t wait to put on a great show! It’s motivating for me to showcase our warrior style and it’s making me work my absolute hardest in order to give my best on fight night.

“I learned a lot from facing Yordenis Ugas. I went back and watched that fight, and I saw some things I can improve on. It serves as motivation, but it also showed me that I belong in there with the best in the division. I don’t feel like it was a total loss because I learned from it. But in this fight, I’m going to show all the improvements I’ve made since the Ugas fight.

“I watched Figueroa’s fight against Ugas. But styles make fights and I think my fight against Figueroa is going to be different than what Figueroa and Ugas had. I expect way more action when I face Omar.

“The majority of the game plan is preparing for Figueroa to come forward. We’re getting sparring partners that mimic what Figueroa does. Even when I’m working on the heavy bag, we’re keeping that in mind. I’m constantly imagining someone in front of me who I know is going to throw a lot of punches.

“At the end of the day, I just want the win by any means necessary. I love that people are expecting a great fight from us and I just use that as motivation to prepare myself for what I know will be a grudge match.”


“Everything is going how we planned for in this training camp. It’s a grind seven days a week. I’m just keeping up a good diet and focusing on strength and conditioning. We’re going 12 rounds in sparring and I’m feeling ready. I’m in great shape already and we still have two and a half weeks to go. I’ve been sparring with my uncle Abel, Jorge Cota and some other local fighters from Arizona.

“I think Molina has a lot of experience, which I know he’ll try to use against me. He’s a fighter with good speed. But when he fought Jose Pedraza, he struggled against a southpaw. Així, I might cause him some problems there, but I’m also bigger than Pedraza. I’m a legit welterweight.

“This fight being so close to Cinco De Mayo, this is a huge deal for me. There are going to be tons of events and festivities that week and to be a part of all of that is an honor. I just want to represent Mexico in the best way that I can.

“A victory over Molina would be a big statement. A lot of people are saying that he’s my toughest opponent to date. And beating him will get me fights with some even bigger names. But I have to beat Molina first.

“I’d love to get a knockout against Molina. He’s faced some tough fighters and nobody has been able to knock him out. But if I can’t get the knockout then I just want to dominate him and look good getting the win however I can.”

# # #

Ruiz vs. Arreola veurà l'ex campió del món pesat unificat Andy "The Destroyer" Ruiz, Jr. Chris Arreola, el pes pesat de totes les accions, lluita contra l'esdeveniment principal d'una extravagància de boxa exclusivament mexicana, Maig 1 encapçalant un pagament per visió FOBC Sports PBC des del parc esportiu Dignity Health a Carson, Califòrnia.

El pagament per visualització comença a les 9 p.m. ET / 6 pm. PT i compta amb l'ex campió del món Omar "Panterita" Figueroa, Jr. enfrontant-se amb Abel Ramos a la prova principal de pes welter de 12 rondes. El sensacional contendent super pes welter Sebastián "The Towering Inferno '' Fundora s'enfronta a Jorge" El Demonio '' Cota en una batalla de 12 rondes i l'estrella creixent de pes welter Jesús Ramos duella als Estats Units.. L'olímpic Javier "El Intocable" Molina per a 10 rondes d'acció en pes welter a l'obertura de pagament per visualització.

L’esdeveniment està promogut per TGB Promotions. Les entrades ja estan a la venda i es poden comprar a Dignity Health Sports Park estarà obert als aficionats amb capacitat limitada, amb tots els convidats que es mantinguin distanciats socialment i que estiguin subjectes a les directrius de salut locals i estatals durant tot l'esdeveniment.

El pagament per visualització FOBC Sports PBC té un preu de $49.99. Buy now on and watch on any screen!

Per obtenir més informació: visita, i, segueixi en TwitterPremierBoxing, @PBConFOX, FOXSports, @FOXDeportes and @TGBPromotions become a fan on Facebook at,

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