Білет на шэсць каманд ЗША баксёраў на Алімпійскія гульні ў Токіо 2020

Каларада-Спрынгс, Круг. (Мая 12, 2021) — Спецыяльная група па боксе (BTF) абвясціла сёння 49 квотных месцаў, Першапачаткова ён быў узнагароджаны ў кваліфікацыі "Дарога да Токіо -Амерыкі", якія былі ўручаны баксёрам за ўдзел у Алімпійскіх гульнях у Токіо 2020 гэтым летам. У квотныя месцы ўвайшлі шэсць баксёраў каманды ЗША, які быў заснаваны на рэйтынгах BTF.

"Гэтыя шэсць баксёраў былі асноўнымі ў нашай праграме і зарэкамендавалі сябе сярод лепшых у свеце сваімі выступленнямі за мінулы квадрацыкл,», - заявіў дырэктар ЗША па боксеМэт Джонсан. "Цяпер ім пара выступіць на самай вялікай у свеце сцэне ў Токіо".

Прадстаўленне зборнай ЗША на Алімпійскіх гульнях у Токіо 2020, у чаканні Алімпійскіх гульняў ЗША & Зацвярджэнне Паралімпійскага камітэта, будзеРашыда Эліс (Лін, Маса.) Вірджынія Фукс(Х'юстан, Тэхас), Наомі Грэм (Фаетвіль, Н.З.), Delante Джонсан (Кліўленд, Агаё), Ошай Джонс (Таледа, Агаё) іРычард Торэс -малодшы. (Тулар, Каліфорнія.). Усе шэсць баксёраў будуць удзельнічаць у сваіх першых Алімпійскіх гульнях.

2019 Бронзавы прызёр чэмпіянату свету сярод жанчын Эліс спаборнічае ў лёгкай вазе сярод жанчын (132 фунты/60 кг) падзел. Эліс выйграў бронзу 2019 Панамерыканскія гульні папоўняць свой рэйтынг BTF, каб умацаваць сваю пазіцыю ў Токіо як другога па рэйтынгу баксёра Амерыкі і 12й у цэлым у сваёй вагавой катэгорыі. Эліс будзе імкнуцца выйграць першы жаночы алімпійскі медаль каманды ЗША ў лёгкім вазе.

«Выхад на Алімпіяду быў адной з маіх самых глыбокіх мараў,- згадаў Эліс. «Я ніколі не сумняваюся ў сваёй здольнасці. Я перастаў баяцца таго, што можа пайсці не так, і пачаў хвалявацца за тое, што можа быць правільна. Так, Я прымаю свае памылкі і вучуся на іх, так як мае памылкі дапамаглі мне палепшыцца і дасягнуць Алімпіяды. Мне не лёгка; Я прымушаю рэчы адбывацца. Працавітасць і самаадданасць з намаганнямі і рашучасцю, Я магу дабіцца поспеху ».

Фукс будзе прадстаўляць каманду ЗША ў лёгкім вазе (112 фунты/51 кг). 33-гадовая дзяўчына будзе імкнуцца зарабіць ЗША ў боксе другі медаль у жаночай катэгорыі ў лёгкай вазе з моманту ўвядзення ў Лондан 2012. Фукс прыносіць уражлівае рэзюмэ на рынг, у тым ліку бронзавы медаль 2018 Элітны чэмпіянат свету сярод жанчын і сярэбраны медаль з 2019 Панамерыканскія гульні, што ставіць яе як другую па велічыні баксёра Амерыкі ў лёгкім вазе і 16й у цэлым у рэйтынгу BTF.

«Я вельмі доўга чакаў гэтага моманту. Я так усхваляваны, што магу нарэшце назваць сябе алімпійцам,»Заявіў Фукс. «Пры ўсім гэтым свет перажыў і давядзецца пераносіць Алімпіяду на цэлы год, Я з гонарам магу сказаць, што я адзін з удзельнікаў алімпіяды, якая будзе прызнана самай вядомай у гісторыі. Я гатовы прадстаўляць сваю краіну самым паважаным чынам і прынесці дадому золата!"

2019 Панамерыканскія гульні Грэм - самая высокая жанчына ў сярэднім вазе ў Амерыцы (165 фунты/75 кг) баксёр у рэйтынгу BTF, дзе яна ў цяперашні час займае восьмае месца ў агульным заліку. Грэм зарабіла ачкі за тытул на Панамерыканскіх гульнях, а таксама яе трэцяе месца ў турніры 2018 Элітны чэмпіянат свету сярод жанчын і пяць лепшых фінішуюць на 2019 выданне. Грэм, якая стане першай дзеючай жанчынай -вайскоўцай ЗША па боксе, якая выступіць на Алімпійскіх гульнях, будуць змагацца за трэці запар алімпійскі залаты медаль каманды ЗША ў сярэдняй вазе сярод жанчын.

«Гэта нерэальна, што я еду на Алімпіяду,»Грэм заявіла, кажучы пра тое, каб зарабіць на яе месца ў Токіо. «Я працягваю здзіўляць сябе, знайшоўшы ўласныя межы, а потым мець смеласць пранесці міма іх ".

Джонс выйдзе на рынг у адной з дзвюх новых катэгорый вагі жанчын, нападаючым (152 фунты/69 кг) падзел. Джонс, хто ўвайшоў у гісторыю 2019 з яе залатым медалём на Панамерыканскіх гульнях, будзе імкнуцца працягваць рабіць гісторыю, стаўшы першай залатой алімпійскай прызёркай у сваёй вагавой катэгорыі. 23-гадовая дзяўчынка дадала каштоўныя ачкі ў свой рэйтынг, заняўшы пяць лепшых месцаў 2019 Элітны чэмпіянат свету сярод жанчын стане лепшым баксёрам Амерыкі і сёмым у агульным рэйтынгу BTF для паўцяжкай катэгорыі, каб прабіць білет на Алімпіяду.

«Я магу заняць толькі адно месца, але маё адно месца ўяўляе так шмат,», - падзяліўся Джонс. «Я ўдзячны за магчымасць прадстаўляць жанчын, Афраамерыканцы, мой маленькі горад Таледа, але самае галоўнае, мая краіна."

Другі Агаён, які прадстаўляе каманду ЗША, Джонсан, павялічвае серыю алімпійцаў па боксе, якія родам з Кліўленда, да чатырох чалавек, па слядах Чарльза Конуэла (2016), Террелл Gausha (2012) і Рэйнел Уільямс (2008). Сярэдні вага (152 фунты/69 кг), які ўпершыню прыцягнуў увагу сусветнага бокса сваім залатым медалём 2016 Чэмпіянат свету сярод моладзі, зарабіў свае рэйтынгавыя ачкі дзякуючы бронзавым медалям 2019 Панамерыканскія гульні і топ 16 размяшчэнне ў 2019 Элітны чэмпіянат свету. Джонсан стаў трэцім па пасеянні баксёрам Амерыкі 19й у цэлым.

«Мая барацьба - гэта мае палосы, і я ношу іх на спіне, каб людзі вакол мяне бачылі гэта, нават калі вы жывяце ў джунглях, вы ўсё яшчэ можаце гнацца за сваімі марамі,», - заявіў Джонсан. «Я раблю гэта не толькі для свайго горада, але для маіх двух трэнераў, Дантэ Бенджамін -старэйшы. і Клінта Марціна, якога я страціў падчас падарожжа на гэтыя гульні ".

Тарэс, найвышэйшы рэйтынг суперцяжкай вагі (201+ фунты/91+ кг) баксёр з Амерыкі і 11й ў цэлым, заслужыў сваё месца за выступленне на трэцім месцы 2019 Панамерыканскія гульні і пяцёрка лепшых на чэмпіянаце свету ў эліце ў гэтым годзе. Тарэс, былы бронзавы прызёр чэмпіянату свету сярод юнакоў, стане першым амерыканскім баксёрам, які выступае ў гэтай вагавой катэгорыі з 2012 года.

«Усе шчаслівыя, што ідуць на Алімпіяду, гэта мара кожнага, але мне трэба быць там,- сказаў Торэс. «Агонь, які быў запалены ў мяне яшчэ да таго, як я нават хадзіў, гэта прымушае мяне быць лепшым, агонь, які быў у маёй сям'і пакаленнямі, перапоўнілася. Ён запаліў усе мае іншыя варыянты, і яна зрабіла попел любой іншай магчымасці, акрамя поспеху ".

Падчас гэтых Алімпійскіх гульняў каманда ЗША будзе кіравацца галоўным трэнерам зборнай ЗША па боксе Білі Уолшам.

«Гэта фантастычная навіна для нашых шасці баксёраў, якія бясконца працавалі апошнія пяць гадоў, каб стаць алімпійцам,», - падзяліўся Уолш. «Цяпер мы засяродзімся на наступным этапе працэсу, стаць алімпійскім чэмпіёнам ».

Спаборніцтвы па боксе пачнуцца ў суботу, Ліпеня 24й (JST). Працягвайце правярацьusaboxing.org і сацыяльныя медыя -платформы ЗША Boxing, каб быць у курсе дадатковай інфармацыі аб Алімпійскіх гульнях у Токіа 2020.

Усе намінацыі каманд падлягаюць зацвярджэнню USOPC.



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Аб ЗША БОКС:  Прасоўваць і развіваць аматарскі бокс у алімпійскім стылі ў ЗША, а таксама натхняць на нястомную імкненне да алімпійскага золата і даваць магчымасць спартсменам і трэнерам дасягаць устойлівых спаборніцкіх дасягненняў. Дадаткова, USA Boxing імкнецца навучыць усіх удзельнікаў характару, упэўненасць і засяроджанасць яны павінны стаць пругкімі і разнастайнымі чэмпіёнамі, як на рынгу, так і з яго. ЗША па боксе - гэта адна каманда, адзін народ, збіраюцца на золата!


Hard-Hitting Lightweight Contender Isaac Cruz Faces Former World Champion Francisco Vargas in the Co-Main Event

Former World Champion Angelo Leo Duels Mexican Contender
Aaron Alameda to Kick Off Telecast at 9 p.m. ET / 6 p.m. PT

Tickets on Sale Tomorrow, Чацвер, Мая 13 на 12 p.m. Канэктыкут!

Х'юстан (Мая 12, 2021) – Undefeated WBC Middleweight World Champion Jermall Charlo will enter the ring for a Juneteenth Day celebration in his hometown when he takes on hard-hitting Juan Macías Montiel у суботу, Чэрвеня 19 at Toyota Center in Houston headlining a Premier Boxing Champions event live on SHOWTIME.

SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING will begin at 9 p.m. ET / 6 p.m. PT and feature rising lightweight contender Isaac Cruz змагаючыся былога чэмпіёна свету Францыска Варгас in the 10-round co-main event. Пачатак тэлетрансляцыі, былы чэмпіён свету Angelo Leo returns to take on Mexican contender Аарон Аламеда у 10-раўндавым баі найлёгкія вага.

Charlo has established himself as a force in two divisions and will seek to thrill his hometown crowd against Mexico’s Montiel, in a first-of-its-kind Juneteenth Day boxing celebration. Charlo will fight in Houston for the fourth time as a pro and look to keep his undefeated record intact against the upset-minded Montiel.

The event is promoted by Lions Only Promotions and TGB Promotions. Tickets for the live event go on sale tomorrow, Чацвер, Мая 13 на 12 p.m. CT and can be purchased attoyotacenter.com. Leo vs. Alameda is promoted in association with Mayweather Promotions.

Charlo (31-0, 22 КО) will return to fight in his hometown for the first time since a June 2019 unanimous decision victory over Brandon Adams on SHOWTIME. The 30-year-old most recently scored an impressive victory over top middleweight contender Sergey Derevyanchenko in their September 2020 ускрыццё. Charlo has held the WBC middleweight belt since 2019, after a championship reign at 154-pounds that lasted from 2015 праз 2017. He has compiled a perfect 6-0 record since moving up to middleweight and owns victories over former champions Julian Williams, Austin Trout and Cornelius Bundrage at super welterweight.

“It’s great to be back in the ring, headlining on SHOWTIME and defending my title in front of my hometown fans in Houston,” said Charlo. “Fighting on Juneteenth means a lot to me because there is a battle going on far greater than this. Тым не менш, I have to handle my business on June 19. Montiel is a tough, малады, power puncher. I know he wants my crown, but I’m hungrier than ever and ready to put on a show for my fans. Get ready for a special, explosive night.”

Representing his native Los Mochis, Сіналоа, Мексіка, Монтьель (22-4-2, 22 КО) has earned knockouts in all 22 of his pro victories, as the heavy-handed brawler established himself as a hard-hitting force. The 27-year-old has put together an unbeaten streak since moving up to middleweight, first competing at the weight in September 2017, and most recently scoring a first-round knockout victory over longtime contender James Kirkland in December 2020. He owns stoppages of Marco Reyes and Gustavo Castro, and a draw against Hugo Centeno, Малодшы. у сярэднім. Montiel had previously campaigned at welterweight and super welterweight, dropping a February 2017 bout to former champion Jaime Munguia in a 147-pound fight.

“I know that I am fighting the best middleweight in the world, but he has never faced someone who can punch like I can,” said Montiel. “All my losses in the past are from not training properly and trying to win by one-punch knockout. I’ve grown up and become a man since then. I proved that I was different when I beat Marco Reyes in 2019, and I haven’t left the gym since then. I’ve worked hard every day to become world champion and I will display everything I’ve learned on June 19.”

The 22-year-old Cruz (21-1-1, 15 КО) shot up the lightweight rankings in 2020, announcing his presence with an electrifying first-round knockout over veteran Diego Magdaleno in September. Cruz followed that up this March, when he won a unanimous decision over previously unbeaten Matias Romero. Since making his U.S. debut on the undercard of Jermall Charlo vs. Dennis Hogan in December 2019, the Mexico City-native has been unbeaten in his four ring appearances. This will mark his fifth fight in 20 месяцы, the last four of which will have come on SHOWTIME, including headlining ShoBox: The Next Generation у лютым 2020.

“Me and Vargas are going to show the fans true Mexican-style boxing on June 19,” said Cruz. “He is also from Mexico City, so I know this fight will be toe-to-toe. It’s my time to show the fans that I’m the best Mexican lightweight in the world. In with the new, and out with the old. I want to thank my promoter, Senator Manny Pacquiao, for his support and belief that I will become world champion very soon.”

Also a native of Mexico City, Варгас (27-2-2, 19 КО) won a 130-pound title in 2015 by defeating Takashi Miura in one of the year’s best fights. The 36-year-old would go on to fight Orlando Salido to an action-packed draw before losing his title to Miguel Berchelt in another memorable affair. Vargas went on to defeat Stephen Smith and Rod Salka before losing in his rematch with Berchelt in 2019. Зусім нядаўна, Vargas began campaigning at lightweight, scoring back-to-back victories with a technical decision over Ezequiel Aviles in October 2019 and a TKO over Otto Gamez in November 2020.

“I only know how to fight wars and the fans should expect nothing less on June 19,” said Vargas. “I am a warrior, and people are going to remember the reasons why I was in two Fight of the Year battles when they see me in the ring with Isaac Cruz. I want to thank my whole team for putting together this fight that I know the fans will enjoy.”

Леў (20-1, 9 КО), who fights out of the Mayweather Promotions stable, became the first world champion from his hometown of Albuquerque, Н.М., since legendary three-division champion Johnny Tapia, when he defeated Tramaine Williams by unanimous decision in August 2020. The 26-year-old dropped the belt when he lost a decision to unbeaten Stephen Fulton Jr. in January on SHOWTIME. Леў, who trains in Las Vegas, will look to re-establish his position in the stacked 122-pound division on June 19.

“I’m excited to get back in the ring for this fight,” said Leo. “I wasn’t the same fighter in my last fight, as I was when I won the title. That’s given me a big chip on my shoulder. I figured out my mistakes and learned a lot about myself. I’m here to show people that I’m still a top contender and a threat in this division. Alameda is a real contender and he’s not an opponent I’m taking lightly. Whoever comes out on top in this fight will be right there for another title shot and I plan on that being me.”

The 27-year-old Aaron Alameda (25-1, 13 КО) was able to stop Luis Nery’s knockout streak but came up on the short end of the decision in their super bantamweight title fight last September. Prior to the Nery fight, the Sonora, Mexico native had back-to-back knockouts over Jordan Escobar and Breilor Teran. Пра з 2014, his previous action in the U.S. saw him earn a sixth-round knockout over Andre Wilson in 2016.

“I can’t wait for another big fight on June 19,” said Alameda. “I showed that I belong with the best in my last fight against Luis Nery, and I will be even better against Leo. My goal is to become world champion and I plan on displaying everything I’ve worked on in this fight. I’m excited to battle Leo and give the fans a great show.”

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London UK– BELLATOR MMA have today confirmed thatПавел "Семтекс" Дэйлі (43-17-2) will join the main card ofБЕЛАТАР ММА 260: Ліма супраць. Amosov, where he will take on No. 3 месцаJason Jackson(14-4) in an explosive 175-pound contract weight co-main event at Mohegan Sun Arena in Uncasville, Канэктыкут. наПятніца, June 11.The event will be televised live on SHOWTIME at9 p.m. ET / 6 p.m. PT.

Bellator 260 will be headlined by Welterweight World ChampionДуглас Ліма (32-8), who will defend his 170-pound title against the undefeated and top-rankedЯраслаў Амосаў (25-0).

Elsewhere on the card, Ня. 9 месца Tywan Claxton (6-2) faces the undefeated and newly signed Джасцін Гансалес (11-0) у полулегком дзеянні, while Connecticut’s Нік Ньюэлл (16-3) takes center stage against promotional debutant Bobby King (9-3) in a 155-pound clash and Demarques Jackson (11-5) адпавядае Марк Лемінгер (11-3) у нападаючым вазе. Featherweight legacy fighter Lucas Brennan (4-0) бярэ на сябе Matthew Skibicki (4-3) і Amanda Bell (7-7) бярэ на сябе Marina Mokhnatkina (4-2) in female featherweight action.

The preliminary card will stream live on the BELLATOR MMA YouTube channel, SHOWTIME Спартыўны канал YouTube і Pluto TV. Additional bouts will be announced at a later date.

Fighting out of Nottingham, Англія, the hard-hitting Paul “Semtex” Daley will head into the fight looking to make it three straight wins on the bounce inside the BELLATOR MMA cage. Дэйлі, who remains one of the most experienced athletes on the BELLATOR MMA roster with 62 professional MMA fights to his name, returns to action after beating old foeSabah “The Sleek Sheik” Homasivia TKO at BELLATOR 257 У мінулым месяцы. Daley put on a dominant performance that night, reminding fans of his explosive power and ability to stop his opponent in the second round. With notable wins overLorenz Larkin, Erick Silvaі Вы Авад, Daley is currently the promotion’s No. 8 ranked welterweight athlete. Another win for the 38-year-old in his next fight against Jackson will see him rise up the welterweight rankings and could propel him into contention for a run at the title.

Standing in his way will be 30-year-old Jason Jackson, the electric welterweight who trains out of Sanford MMA in South Florida. Currently riding a four-fight win streak inside the BELLATOR MMA cage, Jackson put on a dominant display in his last performance againstНэйман Грэйс at BELLATOR 255. The win over Gracie is the latest in an impressive run with the promotion, which also includes victories over notable names includingKiichi Kunimoto, Мой Іарданія іБенсон ХендэрсанCurrently ranked No. 3 in the promotion’s welterweight rankings, Jackson will hope to make it five wins in a row and add another victory to his name when he meets Daley on June 11.

With further bouts set to be announced in the coming weeks, fans can look forward to another stacked card and an unforgettable night of world-class MMA action from the Mohegan Sun Arena.

BELLATOR MMA fans who are new subscribers to the SHOWTIME streaming service can sign up now for a limited time offer which includes a 30-day free trial, followed by a discounted monthly subscription fee of $4.99/month for the next six months. Viewers can sign up atSHO.com/BellatorMMASubscribers will be delivered two premier BELLATOR MMA events per month throughout 2021 і за, with all events scheduled to air live at 9 p.m. ET / 6 p.m. PT anywhere the SHOWTIME service is available.

БЕЛАТАР ММА 260: Lima vs. AmosovГалоўная Карта:


9 p.m. ET / 6 p.m. PT

Welterweight World Title Main EventC-Дуглас Ліма (32-8) vs. #1-Яраслаў Амосаў(25-0)

Contract Weight Co Main Event:  #8- Падлогу Дэйлі (43-17-2) супраць. #3 Jason Jackson (14-4)

Папярэдняе Card: 

Канал YouTube BELLATOR MMA | SHOWTIME Спартыўны канал YouTube | Тэлевізар Плутон

Лёгкі Бут: #9-Tywan Claxton(6-2) супрацьДжасцін Гансалес(11-0)

Лёгкі бой: Нік Ньюэлл (16-3) супрацьBobby King(9-3)

Лёгкі Бут: Lucas Brennan(4-0) супрацьMatthew Skibicki (4-3)

 Лёгкі Бут: Amanda Bell (7-7) супрацьMarina Mokhnatkina(4-2)

Бой у нападаючым: Demarques Jackson (11-5) супрацьМарк Лемінгер (11-3)

*Загаловак карты для змены.

Калі ласка, наведайцеBELLATOR.com Для атрымання дадатковай інфармацыі.

Hassan Mwakinyo Vs Brendon Denes Title Clash Headlines Rumble in Dar 2 Live on Plus TV/FITE TV May 28th.

Tanzania’s World Boxing Federation (WBF) Intercontinental Super Welterweight Champion Hassan Mwakinyo (18-2-0) will be back in Championship action in front of a home crowd on the 28th May 2021, when he faces Zimbabwe’s unbeaten Brendon Dene 8-0-0 for the WBC Africa (African Boxing Union) title at the Next Door Arena in Dar es Salaam on the Global Boxing Stars, The Jackson Group and Epic Sports & Entertainment co-promoted Rumble In Dar Second Edition.

Вярнуцца ў 2018 Mwakinyo shocked the boxing world when he sensationally stopped Great Britain’s highly ranked Sam Eggington in just one minute of the second round on the undercard of the Amir Khan vs Samuel Vargas at the Arena Birmingham.

Mwakinyo’s victory over Eggington made the headlines across the world, as the British fighter was was the reigning IBO Continental Champion. Despite the loss Eggington went on to become crowned the IBF World Champion the following year.

Since that sensational victory over Eggington Mwakinyo has won six times, four of these wins coming by way of stoppage, and secured Championship honours; The Universal Boxing Union (UBU) Інтэрнацыянальная, following a second round stoppage of fellow Tanzanian Joseph Sinkala and more recently the World Boxing Federation (WBF) Intercontinental crown, with a unanimous points decision over Democratic Republic of Congo’s Bebe Rico Tshibangu.

У лістападзе 2020 Mwakinyo successfully defended his WBF crown against Jose Carlos Paz, stopping the Argentinian in four rounds.

“Hassan, has so much potential and is probably one of the biggest secrets In the super welterweight division.

“He destroyed Sam Eggerton in the UK, and should have been a lot more highly rated after that fight. It’s now Hassan’s time and I’m excited to be promoting such a world class talent from Tanzania” said Scott Patrick Farrell, CEO Global Boxing Stars.

Rumble in Dar 2, headlined by Tanzania’s Hassan Mwakinyo (18-2-0) versus Zimbabwe’s Brendon Denes (8-0-0) for the World Boxing Council (WBC) African Boxing Union Super Welterweight Championship.

The co-main event features Nigeria’s Olanrewaju Durodola (34-8-0) versus Tanzania’s Shaban Jongo (8-1-2) for the World Boxing Council (WBC) Africa Boxing Union Cruiserweight Championship.

The stellar undercard features closely matched international fights:

8 Round Heavyweight Contest: Switzerland based Kenyan Collins Omondi (5-0-0) versus Zimbabwe’s Elvis Moyo (9-6-2)

6 Round Heavyweight Contest: Ukraine’s Ihor Shavadzutskyi (5-0-0) versus Uganda’s Shafik Kiwanuka (3-0-0)

8 Round Lightweight Contest: Tanzania’s Ibrahim Class (25-6-0) versus TBA

8 Round Super Welterweight Contest: Bulgaria’s Yosif Panov (18-3-0) versus Tanzania’s Nicolaus Mdoe (10-5-1)

4 Round Heavyweight Contest: Bulgaria’s Pencho Tsevtkov (4-0-0) versus Zimbabwe’s Simon Madhanire (1-2-1)

8 Round Super Welterweight Contest: Zambia’s Lolita Muzeya (16-0-0) versus TBA

4 Round Lightweight Contest: Bulgaria’s Joana Nwamerue (3-0-0) versus Zimbabwe’s Netsai Vaina Bondayi (2-3-1)

6 Round Heavyweight Contest: South Africa’s Ardi Ndembo (2-0-0) versus Malawi’s Alick Gogodo (4-5-0)

The second edition of the Rumble in Dar series, in association with the Tanzania Tourist Board #VisitTanzania, KCB Bank, Onomo Hotels, Urban Soul Apparel (Botswana) and M Bet, takes place at the Next Door Arena on Friday 28th May 2021 and will be broadcast live across Sub-Saharan Africa exclusively by Plus TV, which is available exclusively on DSTV channel number 294 in more than 30 African countries as well as syndicated globally to linear and digital channels (check local channel listings) and on-line on FITE.



Former Unified Super Bantamweight Champion Román Battles Ricardo Espinoza Franco in Co-Main Event Live on SHOWTIME This Saturday, Мая 15 ад спартыўнага парку Dignity Health у Карсане, California in Event Presented by Premier Boxing Champions

Націсніце ВОТ for Photos from Kyte Monroe/Thompson Boxing Promotions

BELL GARDENS, Каліфорніі. (Мая 10, 2021) – Former unified super bantamweight world champion Danny Román will look to take one step closer to regaining his champion status when he takes on Ricardo Espinoza Franco in the co-main event of action live on SHOWTIME (10 p.m. ET / 7 p.m. PT) у гэтую суботу, Мая 15 in a Premier Boxing Champions event from Dignity Health Sports Park in Carson, Каліфорнія.

The 31-year-old Román (27-3-1, 10 КО) made his ring return after losing his unified titles in January 2020 last September, when he bested former champion Juan Carlos Payano on his way to a unanimous decision. The Los Angeles-native captured his first title with a 2017 stoppage of Shun Kubo, before unifying belts with a triumph over T.J. Doheny in 2019, and eventually lost the belts via a narrow decision against Murodjon Akhmadaliev.

Here is what Román had to say about his training camp, his matchup Saturday and more:

На сваім нядаўнім зборы:
“The final days of camp are wrapping up now before we head to the bubble. Як заўсёды, the sparring we got was top notch. My coach Eddie González and I have relentlessly been working every day to get me in the best shape of my life. These last two months have been demanding, but I know all the hard work will all pay off on fight night.”

On fighting in Southern California on SHOWTIME:
“Everyone knows Southern California is a breeding ground for boxers and the fans always show support for their hometown fighters. SHOWTIME has had some tremendous fights showcased out here and I plan to keep that tradition going strong. I plan to put on an entertaining fight for the fans by being explosive with my effort.”

On his matchup with Ricardo Espinoza Franco:
“This is not going to be an easy fight because I know my opponent is a tough fighter from Tijuana who is coming with everything he’s got. He’s got a lot of power, so I must be smart on how I throw my combinations. I believe my experience in big fights is going to be the difference on May 15. I’m expecting a rough fight and I’m ready for an intense battle.”

On his quest to become a world champion once again:
“Everything I do in boxing from here on out is to regain my status as a world champion. I’ll do whatever it takes to put me back in that position. A victory on May 15 will get me one step closer to that goal. I know in my heart I will become a world champion once again.”

# # #

Nery vs. Figueroa will see two elite undefeated 122-pound champions meet as Луіс Неры defends his WBC Super Bantamweight World Championship against Брэндон Фігероа in a 12-round showdown live on SHOWTIME Saturday, Мая 15 ад спартыўнага парку Dignity Health у Карсане, Халіф. in a Premier Boxing Champions event.

У са-функцыя SHOWTIME ЧЭМПІЯНАТ БОКС, former unified super bantamweight world champion Danny Román асобы Ricardo Espinoza Franco in a 10-round battle at 122 фунты, while undefeated rising star Xavier Martínez meets former world title challenger Juan Carlos Burgos in a WBA Super Featherweight Title Eliminator scheduled for 12 rounds to open the telecast.

Мерапрыемства прасоўвае TGB Promotions. Марцінес супраць. Burgos is promoted in association with Mayweather Promotions.

Квіткі прадаюцца зараз і іх можна набыць на AXS.com. Спартыўны парк Dignity Health будзе адкрыты для аматараў абмежаванай колькасцю, усе госці застаюцца сацыяльна аддаленымі і падпарадкоўваюцца мясцовым і дзяржаўным рэкамендацыям па ахове здароўя на працягу ўсяго мерапрыемства.

Для атрымання дадатковай інфармацыі наведайце www.SHO.com/sports, www.PremierBoxingChampions.com, прытрымлівацца на Twitter @ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing і @TGBPromotions на Instagram @ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing і @TGBPromotions або станьце прыхільнікам у Facebook па адрасе www.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing.

Джордж “El YuYuAcosta Speaks on Career Defining Win Against Gadwin Rosa

Photos by Damon Gonzalez / All-Star Boxing
Лос-Анджэлес, ТАКОЙ ЯК (Мая 10, 2021)Томпсан Boxing Promotions’ super featherweight prospect, Джордж “El Yuyu” Акоста (12-1, 1 KO), picked a career-defining win this past Friday, Мая 7, 2021, as he defeated Gadwin Rosa(11-2, 9 КО), at the Osceola Heritage Park in Kissimmee, Фларыда. З перамогай, Acosta captured the vacant WBA Fedecentro Super Featherweight title. Мерапрыемства спрыяла All-Star Boxing and televised by Telemundo.

I’m ready to step up and challenge all the top contenders at 130 фунты,” said Acosta. “I have never been one to call out names, but I know that I am deserving of a high-profile fight. I have fought above my weight for most of my career and took this fight on late notice and got the victory. I am ready for anyone and anything and am grateful to Thompson Boxing for believing in me.”

“We’re so proud of George Acosta,” were the first words of promoter Кен Томпсан, “Acosta has been in tough early in his career, and now has found a weight class he is supremely confident in. I see Acosta as a fighter who will be getting a big fights as he marches on at super featherweight.”

“George Acosta has grown as a boxer and is the perfect example of a Thompson Boxing fighter,"Сказаў Alex Camponovo, Thompson Boxing’s general manager. “George has faced tough competition and learned from a loss, and now he is one of the exciting up-and-comers of Thompson Boxing. We are immensely proud of George.”

I know that it takes a team to get to the next level and it also takes experience,” concluded Acosta. “I am 24-years-old, and I am right where I need to be. I have never been a disrespectful fighter. I do not call people out, or disrespect them, but I want people to know I am ready to fight anyone. I believe in my team and my promoter, and know good things are coming my way.”

George Acosta won by the following scores 96-94, 97-93 і 98-92, as he defeated Gadwin Rosa by unanimous decision.

Heavyweight Interim Title Bout Announced for BELLATOR 261 у пятніцу, Чэрвеня 25 – Жыць на SHOWTIME



Малюнак з тэкстам, асоба

Апісанне генеруецца аўтаматычна


Анёлы -As current BELLATOR MMA heavyweight championРаян Бадерcontinues his pursuit of re-claiming his light heavyweight championship in the ongoing Light Heavyweight World Grand Prix, BELLATOR MMA has officially introduced an interim title for the heavyweight division.

У Пятніцу, Чэрвеня 25, Ня. 1 ranked heavyweightЦім Джонсан (15-6) і Няма. 3 ranked heavyweightValentin Moldavsky (10-1) will vie for the interim title in the main event ofBELLATOR MMA 261.The event will be available live on SHOWTIME, with the main card set to kickoff at9 p.m. ET / 6 p.m. PT, emanating from Mohegan Sun Arena in Uncasville, Канэктыкут.

The winner of the interim title will become Bader’s mandatory challenger when he returns to the heavyweight division or will be elevated to full champion in the event that Bader chooses to stay at light heavyweight following the culmination of the current Light Heavyweight World Grand Prix.

In addition to the main event, three additional preliminary bouts have been confirmed. Two lightweight bouts, Ня. 5 месца Myles Jury (19-5) versus No. 6 месца Sidney Outlaw (15-4) і Isaiah Hokit (для дэбюту) супраць Aaron Hughes (1-1) have been confirmed. Таксама, a women’s strawweight tilt pitting Lena Ovchynnikova (12-6, 1 Паўночная Караліна) супраць Кіра батарэю (8-4) will also take place on June 25. The preliminary card of БЕЛАТАР ММА 261: Джонсан супраць. Moldavsky streams live on the BELLATOR MMA YouTube channel, SHOWTIME Sports YouTube channel and Pluto TV at 6 p.m. ET/3 p.m. PT. Additional bouts will be announced at a later date.

Riding a three-fight win streak, UFC veteran Timothy Johnson firmly entrenched himself as the clear-cut number one contender in the BELLATOR heavyweight division with impressive first-round finishes overМитрионіТайрэл ФарчунHis October 2020 Перамога надШэйх Конга during the first-ever major MMA event in France catapulted him to the top of the division. Proudly hailing from North Dakota, but fighting out of Las Vegas, the Xtreme Couture-product is also won two national championships while wrestling at Minnesota State University and a heavyweight championship on the regional MMA circuit.

Training under the tutelage of heavyweight legendФёдар Емяльяненка, Valentin Moldavsky has begun carving out his own legacy, becoming the No. 3 ranked BELLATOR heavyweight and securing himself an interim title shot with a perfect 5-0 record within the confines of the BELLATOR cage. A multi-time European Sambo champion, Moldavsky has defeated top heavyweight contenders such asJavy АйялаЛінтан Vassell, and Roy Nelson on his climb to the top. Born in Ukraine, the 29-year-old looks to join teammateВадзім немка and bring more gold to Team Fedor’s trophy case on June 25.

SHOWTIME streaming service is offering a 30-day free trial, followed by a discounted monthly subscription fee of $4.99/month for the next six months. Viewers can sign up atSHO.com/BellatorMMASubscribers will be delivered two premier BELLATOR MMA events per month throughout 2021 і за, with all events scheduled to air live on Friday nights at 9 p.m. ET / 6 p.m. PT anywhere the SHOWTIME service is available.

БЕЛАТАР ММА 261: Johnson vs. MoldavskyГалоўная Карта:


9 p.m. ET / 6 p.m. PT

Interim Heavyweight Title Main Event#1-Цім Джонсан (15-6) vs. #3-Valentin Moldavsky(10-1)

Папярэдняе Card: 

Канал YouTube BELLATOR MMA | SHOWTIME Спартыўны канал YouTube | Тэлевізар Плутон

6 p.m. ET/3 p.m. PT

Strawweight bout: Lena Ovchynnikova (12-6, 1 Паўночная Караліна) супрацьКіра батарэю (8-4)

Лёгкі бой: Isaiah Hokit (для дэбюту) супрацьAaron Hughes (1-1)

Лёгкі бой: #5-Myles Jury(19-5) супраць. #6-Sidney Outlaw (15-4)


Jean Pascal vs. Badou Jack and Jarrett Hurd vs. Luis Arias Also on Tap for Event at Hard Rock Stadium in Miami Gardens

Больш, Former NFL Star Chad Johnson Makes His Boxing Debut in an Exhibition Fight

Нью-Ёрк - (Мая 6, 2021) – All-time boxing great and 2020 Зала славы Міжнароднага бокса Флойд "Грошы" Мэйуэзер will make his return to the ring as the undefeated, 12-час, five-division world champion squares off in an exhibition bout against social media sensation and pro boxer Logan “The Maverick” Paul, headlining a blockbuster SHOWTIME PPV event on Sunday, Чэрвеня 6. The anticipated clash pits superstars from two different worlds in a must-see showdown for sports and entertainment fans around the globe.

The event is presented by Mayweather Promotions, Fanmio and Mavathltcs and will take place at the Hard Rock Stadium in Miami Gardens, Фларыда. The pay-per-view event also will feature a pair of intriguing professional boxing showdowns, as WBA Light Heavyweight Champion Жан Паскаль і два-чэмпіён свету Бадуеў Джэка meet in a 12-round rematch in the co-main event. Больш, former unified super welterweight champion “Swift” Jarrett Hurd вяртаецца на рынг да твару Луіс Арыас у 10-раўндавым баі.

In a fourth PPV bout, former NFL star wide receiver Chad Johnson will make his boxing debut in an exhibition match against an opponent to be announced. After years of off-season training with Mayweather in Las Vegas, the man once named Chad Ochocinco will test his skills in the boxing ring and bring his unique brand of fan-friendly entertainment to the star-studded event.

The pay-per-view telecast will begin live at 8 p.m. ET / 5 p.m. PT on Sunday, Чэрвеня 6. Tickets for the live event at Hard Rock Stadium will go on sale next week with additional details regarding tickets and the pay-per-view telecast to be announced shortly.

Мэйвезер, who was elected to the International Boxing Hall of Fame’s Class of 2020, мае дасканалую 50-0 запіс з 27 накаўты. He racked up 12 world titles in five weight divisions during his illustrious career that spanned three decades. His brilliant boxing resume includes 24 wins over world champions, including Manny Pacquiao, Oscar De La Hoya and Canelo Alvarez. За час сваёй кар'еры, he was named the world’s highest paid athlete multiple times by Forbes, Стан і Sports Illustrated. Mayweather has accumulated numerous “Fighter of the Year” awards, у тым ліку пяць узнагарод Варні і два бокса пісьменнікаў Амерыкі узнагарод. His 2015 showdown with Pacquiao shattered the all-time pay-per-view television record with 4.6 million buys, a record that still stands. Mayweather last fought in a boxing exhibition on New Year’s Eve 2018 у Японіі. His last professional boxing match was his 2017 stoppage win over Conor McGregor, the second biggest pay-per-view event in television history.

As Mayweather dominated boxing en route to a perfect professional record and international stardom, Paul rose to fame on the internet. Падлогу, 26, welcomed the world into his life on various social media platforms including YouTube, where he has amassed more than 20 million subscribers. His legions of devoted fans supported him as he stepped into professional boxing in 2019 and sold out the STAPLES Center in Los Angeles in his six-round debut against fellow YouTube star KSI. The Ohio native is a former high school wrestling standout and has been training for more than two years. Зараз, he readies himself to face an undefeated boxing legend. While Paul stands six inches taller than Mayweather and owns an 18-year age advantage, the social media sensation will be challenging the best boxer of his generation, in his arena.

Pascal (35-6-1, 20 КО) earned a narrow split-decision victory over Jack in their December 2019 title showdown that saw both men hit the canvas. Prior to that fight, Pascal captured his interim title by handing Marcus Browne the first defeat of his professional career. Pascal scored four knockdowns in that fight, eventually earning a close technical decision when a cut suffered by Browne on an accidental head butt stopped the fight after eight rounds. The 38-year-old has been in the ring with the top fighters of his era during his brilliant career, including Bernard Hopkins, Сяргей Кавалёў, Карл Фроч, Лучиан Буте, and Chad Dawson. Pascal, who was born in Port-Au-Prince, Haiti and now lives in Laval, Квебек, won his first light heavyweight world title with a unanimous decision over Adrian Diaconu in 2009.

Раз'ём (22-3-3, 13 КО) will look to avenge the razor-thin defeat he suffered to Pascal in their first match. Jack mounted an impressive rally on the scorecards that nearly turned the match in his favor. Born in Stockholm, Раз'ём (who represented his father’s home country of Gambia in the 2008 Алімпійскія гульні) now lives in Las Vegas. Jack won the 168-pound world title with a majority decision against Anthony Dirrell in 2015 and successfully defended the belt three times before being handed a hard-fought majority draw against James DeGale in one of 2017’s best fights. In his first bout at 175 фунты, Jack stopped Nathan Cleverly to pick up the WBA light heavyweight title before fighting to a majority draw against then WBC champion Adonis Stevenson in May 2018. У сваёй апошняй прагулцы, Jack won a unanimous decision over Blake McKernan in November 2020.

The 30-year-old Hurd (24-1, 16 КО) unified the WBA and IBF 154-pound titles in 2018, dropping longtime champion Erislandy Lara in the final round to win a close decision in a fight that was the unanimous 2018 Бой года. The Accokeek, Maryland native lost the titles in one of 2019’s best fights, dropping a decision to Julian Williams. Hurd first became champion in February 2017 when he stopped former champion Tony Harrison in the ninth round, before going on to defend the title against another former champion in Austin Trout. Зусім нядаўна, Hurd scored a unanimous decision victory over Francisco Santana in January 2020.

Born in Milwaukee, Arias (18-2-1, 9 КО) will return to the ring for the first time since August 2019 when he takes on Hurd on June 6. The 30-year-old has faced some of the best in the middleweight division, including going the distance with former middleweight champion Daniel Jacobs in a 2017 duel. Arias racked up wins in his first 18 pro fights after turning pro in 2012 and is now training in Las Vegas as he prepares for this fight.

# # #

Для атрымання дадатковай інфармацыі наведайце www.SHO.com/sports, www.mayweatherpromotions.com і www.fanmio.com, the Official Digital PPV provider. Follow on Twitter @FloydMayweather, @LoganPaul, @SHOWTIMEBoxing, @MayweatherPromo and @Fanmio, and on Instagram @FloydMayweather, @LoganPaul, @ShowtimeBoxing, @MayweatherPromotions and @Fanmio.

Undefeated Super Bantamweight Champions Luis Nery & Brandon Figueroa Square Off In High-Stakes World Title Showdown Saturday, Мая 15 Headlining Action Live on SHOWTIME from Dignity Health Sports Park in Carson, California and Presented by Premier Boxing Champions

Former Unified Super Bantamweight Champion Danny Roman Battles Ricardo Espinoza Franco in Co-Main Event
Rising Super Featherweight Contender Xavier Martinez Takes on
Juan Carlos Burgos To Kick Off Telecast at 10 p.m. ET / 7 p.m. PT

Квіткі ў вольным продажы!

Карсан, Каліфорніі. (Мая 4, 2021) – Undefeated super bantamweight champions will meet for 122-pound supremacy when Луіс Неры makes the first defense of his WBC world title against Брэндон "Сэрцаломшчык" Фігероа in the headline attraction of a three-fight card live on SHOWTIME Saturday, Мая 15 in a Premier Boxing Champions event from Dignity Health Sports Park in Carson, Каліфорнія.

Тэлеперадача SHOWTIME ЧЭМПІЯНАТ БОКС пачынаецца 10 p.m. ET / 7 p.m. PT and will see former unified super bantamweight champion Danny Roman take on hard-hittingRicardo Espinoza Franco in the 10-round co-main event, plus in the telecast opener undefeated super featherweight contender Xavier Martinez squares off against former world title challenger Juan Carlos Burgos in a 12-round WBA Super Featherweight Title Eliminator.

Nery vs. Figueroa will see the powerful two-division champion Nery pursue a signature win at super bantamweight, while the rising Figueroa looks to use his all-action style to earn a career-best victory and announce his presence amongst the sport’s elite. The winner of this fight will be in line to face WBO 122-pound champion Stephen Fulton later this year in a unification showdown.

Мерапрыемства прасоўвае TGB Promotions. Марцінес супраць. Burgos is promoted in association with Mayweather Promotions.

“The super bantamweight division is one of boxing’s most intriguing, and this showdown between Nery and Figueroa will be a huge step towards declaring the king of the weight class,»Сказаў Том Браўн, Прэзідэнт TGB Акцыі. “These two undefeated 122-pound champions will leave it all in the ring in front of the passionate Southern California fight fans on May 15. With two Mexican-warriors going toe-to-toe, this is a main event that you won’t want to miss a second of.”

Квіткі прадаюцца зараз і іх можна набыць на AXS.com. Спартыўны парк Dignity Health будзе адкрыты для аматараў абмежаванай колькасцю, усе госці застаюцца сацыяльна аддаленымі і падпарадкоўваюцца мясцовым і дзяржаўным рэкамендацыям па ахове здароўя на працягу ўсяго мерапрыемства.

Тихуана, Mexico native Nery (31-0, 24 КО) became a two-division world champion in September as he won a wide unanimous decision over previously unbeaten Aaron Alameda to capture his WBC crown. The 26-year-old had held an 11-fight knockout streak entering that 122-pound title fight, establishing himself as a premier knockout artist at bantamweight during a run that included stoppages of former champions McJoe Arroyo and Juan Carlos Payano. Nery first became champion in 2017, when he went to Japan and stopped Shinsuke Yamanaka in his home country to capture the WBC bantamweight world title.

“This is one of the biggest fights of my career,»Сказаў Неры. “I am going to win this fight in spectacular fashion. I’m training hard every day to make sure I get the win on May 15. This is my time to make history for Mexico.”

The 24-year-old Figueroa (21-0-1, 16 КО) returns to the ring after his most recent outing saw him stop Damien Vazquez in round 10 of their September 2020 clash. Figueroa applied his all-action style scoring knockouts over veteran contenders Moises Flores and Oscar Escandon to move his way up the 122-pound rankings. He captured the WBA’s interim super bantamweight title by stopping Yonfrez Parejo in April 2019, before eventually being elevated to “regular” champion. Figueroa has trained for this career-defining bout in Southern California, alongside his brother and former world champion Omar Figueroa.

Training camp out here in California with Joel Diaz has been amazing,” said Figueroa. “I’m in tremendous shape and I’ll be ready to go on May 15. This is really one of the best training camps of my career. I know Nery is a tough fighter, maybe my toughest test to date. Я 24 зараз, so it’s time for me to start fighting these world class fighters and prove to myself that I belong in there with the best fighters. I know Stephen Fulton is lined up for the winner of this fight, but I’m preparing 110% for Nery. I know he’s not just any fighter, so I’m doing everything I can to come away with the win on May 15.”

Ranked in the top five by all four sanctioning bodies at super bantamweight, Рымскі (27-3-1, 10 КО) will look to continue on his path back toward another world title when he steps in the ring on May 15. The 30-year-old from Los Angeles most recently won an exciting 12-round unanimous decision over former champion Juan Carlos Payano last September. Roman first became world champion in 2017, when he stopped Shun Kubo for the WBA title. Roman would go on to unify titles by beating TJ Doheny for his IBF strap in 2019, before losing a narrow split decision to Murodjon Akhmadaliev in January 2020.

“I’m delighted to be fighting once again and can’t wait to step into the ring May 15 на SHOWTIME,” said Roman. “Ricardo Espinoza is a very tough fighter with a lot of heart. I know this fight is going to be another war and I’m fully prepared to go to battle. I’ve stayed in shape since my last fight, so fans can expect to see me throw a lot of punches. I’m going to make this fight a classic Mexican showdown.”

The 23-year-old Espinoza (25-3, 21 КО) has fought professionally since 2015 and has won 15 з яго апошніх 16 fights heading into May 15. Fighting out of Tijuana, Мексіка, Espinoza dropped a bantamweight interim title fight to current world champion John Riel Casimero in 2019 via a 12й round knockout in a fight that was virtually tied on the cards. Espinoza bounced back with two straight victories, including his most recent triumph, a unanimous decision win over previously unbeaten Brandon Valdes last August.

“I’m training as hard as I ever have for this opportunity on May 15,” said Espinoza. “I feel strong and prepared for anything Roman is going to throw at me. I know that he’s an accomplished fighter, but I have all of the tools to be victorious and win an exciting fight that the fans are going to love.”

A Mayweather Promotions prospect from Sacramento, Каліфорнія., Martínez (15-0, 11 КО) has trained for this fight in Las Vegas, Невада. The 23-year-old earned a career-best victory in his last outing, defeating veteran contender Claudio Marrero by unanimous decision in October on SHOWTIME. Папярэдне, Martínez added three stoppage victories to his record in 2019 to run up a seven-fight knockout streak heading into the Marrero fight.

“I’ve felt great in camp and have already been preparing hard for this opponent,” said Martinez. “My last fight was an incredible experience. The biggest thing it taught me is just because you’re winning, don’t fall asleep at the wheel. That’s the same mentality I’m taking into this fight. I proved in my last fight that I can box and can hang with the best in the sport. This is a side many haven’t seen because I’ve been decapitating my previous opponents. The world is going to see how much versatility I carry in my skill set. Мая 15 is another day in the office, and it’s time to work!"

Тихуана, Mexico native Burgos (34-4-2, 21 КО) has faced an impressive resume of top fighters throughout his extensive career, dropping world title bouts to Mikey Garcia and Hozumi Hasegawa, in addition to a draw in a 130-pound title tilt against Roman Martinez. The 33-year-old ended up on the short end of decisions in challenges of unbeaten champion Devin Haney in 2018 and undefeated Hector Tanajara in January 2020. Зусім нядаўна, he won a unanimous decision over Juan Ramon Bernal in March 2020.

This is another opportunity for me to show that I have a lot left to give in the ring,” says Burgos. “Martínez doesn’t have a strong chin, as everyone saw when he got dropped twice by Claudio Marrero in his last fight. I’ve been training hard and waiting for an opportunity like this. Fans can expect an explosive performance on May 15.

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Raw and Revealing Documentary Film Chronicling Sportscaster Mauro Ranallo’s Lifelong Battle with Mental Health Premiered on SHOWTIME in 2018



In recognition of Mental Health Awareness MonthBIPOLAR ROCK ’N’ ROLLER, a raw and revealing documentary chronicling the prolific combat-sports broadcaster Mauro Ranallo and his lifelong battle with mental illness, is available for free to non-subscribers on theSHOWTIME Спартыўны канал YouTube.

У дадатак, BIPOLAR ROCK ‘N’ ROLLERіQUIET STORM: THE RON ARTEST STORYa documentary film that shines a spotlight on the polarizing NBA star who was at times feared and often misunderstood both on and off the basketball court, will be available for subscribers on all SHOWTIME ON DEMAND and SHOWTIME streaming service platforms during the month of May.

SHOWTIME Sports will also support mental health awareness throughout the month across all social media platforms with a range of informative, insightful and inspiring content from both documentaries as well as from other original SHOWTIME Sports programming includingALL THE SMOKE WITH MATT BARNES AND STEPHEN JACKSON.

BIPOLAR ROCK ‘N’ ROLLERexplores Ranallo’s career, including his work on the two biggest pay-per-view events in television’s history, and his relentless pursuit of a childhood dream despite seemingly insurmountable odds. Through this deeply personal and unflinching portrait, Ranallo, who struggles with Bipolar Affective Disorder, hopes to inspire others to persevere in pursuing their dreams despite the challenges of a mental health condition. The film premiered on SHOWTIME during Mental Health Awareness Month in May 2018.

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