Снимка от Марио Серано – Team Plant
LAS VEGAS, NV (Април 17, 2017) – Това минало Събота, undefeated super-middleweight contender, Калеб “Сладки Hands” Растение (15-0, 10 Нокаута), made an impact while doing a speaking engagement to at-risk teens at the Spring Mountain Youth Camp (SMYC) в Лас Вегас. Caleb spoke to the youth about a variety of subjects but mostly about staying focused on their goals.
I really wanted to come talk with these kids instead of at them,” каза Калеб Plant. “The kids were very well mannered and they asked a lot of questions. I was honest with them and I believe I made a positive impact on the entire group. They have a boxing program up there and I was able to give a few pointers to some of the kids. It was a very uplifting experience for me and I’m grateful to the Spring Mountain youth leaders for inviting me.
About Spring Mountain Youth Camp: (SMYC) is a staff-secure correctional facility, housing male youth between the ages of 12 и 18. This division provides for the therapeutic, образователен, social, medical and recreational needs of approximately 240 young men each year. SMYC is located at Angels Peak in the Mt. Charleston National Forest Area. It sits at an elevation of 8,470 feet and has a capacity of 100 youth.

Boxing judge Steve Weisfeld & Retired welterweight boxer Johnny Turner Ring 8 Guest Speakers tomorrow night in NY

NEW YORK (Април 17, 2017) – Boxing judges стив Weisfeld, and retired welterweight boxer Джони Търнър will be Ring 8’s April meeting guest speakers tomorrow night (Вторник, Април. 18, като се започне от 7 p.m. И), в ресторант O’Neill’s, с 64-21 53rd Drive, Maspeth, NY 11378.
ЗА RING 8: Пръстен 8 стана осмата дъщерното дружество на какво е бил известен като Националната асоциация по Veteran боксерки – следователно, RING 8 – и днес мотото на организацията остава: Боксьорите Подпомагане боксерки.
RING 8 е изцяло ангажирана с подкрепа на по-малко късмет хора в общността по бокс, който може да се нуждаят от помощ по отношение на плащане на наем, медицински разходи, или каквото и да е оправдано нужда.
Отиди на линия За повече информация относно RING 8, най-голямата група по рода си в САЩ с повече от 350 членове. Годишният членски внос е само $30.00 и всеки член има право на вечеря на бюфет в RING 8 ежемесечни срещи, с изключение на месеците юли и август. Всички активни боксьори, любителски и професионални, с ток лиценз бокса или книга, имат право на безплатна RING 8 годишното членство. Гостите на Ring 8 членове са добре дошли на цена от само $7.00 на човек.




Официален Bellator Kickboxing 6 Основни карти Резултати & Цитати:

Карим Гаджи (98-13-1) победен Золтан Лазак (11-3) чрез съдийско решение (50-45, 48-47, 46-49)

Цитат на Карим Гаджи:

“Подготвихме се много здраво за тази битка. Всичко, което сме си поставили за цел да постигнем, направихме. Знам, че мога да се справя дори по-добре, но знаете, че в битките не става точно както искате всеки път. В първия кръг, когато се подхлъзнах, Нараних коляното си и беше изключително болезнено, но знаех, че трябва да копая и да правя повече и повече, за да спечеля този колан, което означава всичко за мен,” Гаджи каза. “Това е най-красивият ден в живота ми. Както казваме: „Алилуя! Върнах си колана.’ Чувствах голям натиск да си върна този колан, и какво невероятно усещане е да го спечелиш обратно. Очаквам с нетърпение да се бия с най-добрите бойци, които Bellator може да предложи, за да потвърдя, че съм шампионът, но също, Бих искал да се състезавам в ММА. Във Франция имаме много яки ММА бойци в нашата зала и моят граунд и паунд е доста разрушителен. Бих искал да направя това.”

Джо Шилинг (21-9) победен Александру Негреа (10-4) чрез единодушно решение (29-28, 29-28, 29-28)

Цитат на Джо Шилинг:

“Битката беше наред, бях наистина изненадан, че беше толкова здрав. Той се е бил в Super Combat в Румъния, така че е имал много трудни европейски противници, срещу които се е бил. Ниво на умения Не мислех, че той се е борил срещу нивото на конкуренцията, срещу което аз съм се състезавал, но той свърши наистина добра работа и беше наистина корав. Той се опитваше да ме подмами да хвърлям с него и се опитваше да ме хване, когато влизах, така че се опитвах да остана много по-спокоен и да покажа, че не съм онзи идиот, който се биеше [Хисаки] Като два пъти,” - каза Шилинг. “Направих много промени в личния си живот. Аз съм много по-концентриран и по-сериозен и моята цел тази вечер беше да покажа нивото на състезател и кикбоксьор от световна класа, което съм, и мисля, че го направих. Шапки долу за Алекс, той свърши страхотна работа. Няма толкова много хора, които могат да правят такива изстрели за три рунда. Мисля, че решението на съдиите беше малко нелепо. Не мисля, че бих му дал половината от един рунд, да не говорим за рунд. Мисля, че му дадоха второто, което е глупаво. Но, като цяло беше добра нощ, ваканцията започва сега.”

Raymond Daniels (13-3) победен Чаба Гьорфи (20-6) чрез KO в 0:36 на три кръгли

Цитат на Реймънд Даниелс:

“Още една възможност да отидете там и да оставите отпечатък с тази марка Bellator. Знам, че моят човек Ник Диас казва: „Прекратете всички тези въртящи се глупости,“, но мисля, че той има предвид всички, но не и мен,” Даниелс каза. “Тренирам от много години спортно карате и бойни изкуства и знаете, че много прилича на тренировка за снайперист, така да се каже. Има дупки и прозорци и когато опонентът ви даде тези дупки, трябва да се възползвате от тази възможност. Видях тази дупка, Изложих го, и това се случи с моя спин ритник, който е една от най-мощните ми и опустошителни техники. Ако ударя тази точка с този удар, това е хоумрън, голям шлем, Всеки път го удрям от парка. Наскоро успях да правя спаринг с няколко страхотни ММА ветерани като Рори Макдоналд, St Georges. Pierre и Tyron Woodley и аз се забавлявахме много, тренирайки с тези момчета, така че определено се интересувам отново да се занимавам с ММА. Много е забавно да го правя с малки ръкавици, защото хората не могат да използват големите ръкавици като щит, за да блокират ударите ми. Искам да грабна тази титла на Bellator Kickboxing и да продължа да помагам за изграждането на тази кикбокс марка, защото знам, че инвестират много време в това. Така че да, Определено се интересувам да премина през този мост и да имам няколко ММА битки, но основният ми фокус е да взема вкъщи златото от кикбокса.”


Йорина Баарс (41-0-3) победен Ирен Мартенс (20-10-2) чрез единодушно решение (30-25, 30-25, 30-25)

Цитат на Йорина Баарс:

“Това беше един добър бой, Мислех, че Ирен [Мартенс] беше много трудно. Имах контрол от самото начало на двубоя и го запазих и в трите рунда. Бях малко разочарован в първия кръг, но във втория и третия се представих много по-добре. Тя работеше много и се движеше много, така че моята стратегия беше да продължа да я натискам и да се опитам да я притисна в ъгъла и мисля, че успях в това,” каза Баарс след победата си. “Беше невероятно най-накрая да се бия за Bellator. Организацията е много професионална. Очаквам с нетърпение бъдещите си битки тук и се надявам да спечеля титлата на Bellator.”

Габор Горбич (31-10) победен Gabriel Варга (13-5) чрез съдийско решение (29-28, 29-28, 28-30)

Цитат на Габор Горбикс:

“Много съм щастлив от победата и се надявам да продължа да печеля тук в Bellator,” каза Горбикс. “Тренирах много здраво за това. Имам прекрасно семейство и екип, които ми помогнаха да се подготвя и ще се върна във фитнеса в понеделник да продължи обучението.”


Undefeated Prospects Malik Hawkins & Glenn Dezurn Victorious In Co-Featured Bouts

Catch The Replay Понеделник, Април 17 При 10 p.m. И/PT На SHOWTIME EXTREME®

Кликнете ТУК За да изтегляте снимки; Credit Аманда Уесткот / SHOWTIME

OXON HILL, MD. (Април 15, 2017) – Undefeated WBA Interim Light Heavyweight Titlist Dmitry Bivol knocked down Samuel Clarkson three times en route to a fourth-round TKO Петък в главното събитие наShoBox: Новото поколение live on SHOWTIME from MGM National Harbor.


Бъфало (10-0, 8 Нокаута) is now the mandatory challenger for WBA (редовен) Light Heavyweight World Champion Nathan Cleverly.


Bivol stalked Clarkson from the opening bell. The former Russian amateur standout floored Clarkson in the opening 30 seconds with a series of shots and then knocked him down again a minute later with a straight right. Кларксън (19-4, 12 Нокаута) survived the round but didn’t respond well to trouble and was unable to upset Bivol’s rhythm and incredible accuracy.


Clarkson was knocked down for a third time when he appeared to walk into a big right midway through the fourth, forcing referee Harvey Dock to halt the contest at 1:40 as Clarkson struggled to get to his feet. Bivol landed 46 percent of his power shots over the four rounds compared to just 17 percent for Clarkson.


“I thought I would finish him in the first round, but I think it was better that it went to four rounds because the fans were able to see the way I fight,” Bivol said.


“I’m definitely ready for my title shot against (Nathan) Cleverly in my next fight. Аз съм готов. "


Clarkson had entered the ShoBox main event on a nine-fight winning streak.


He caught me with a good body shot for the first knockdown,” Clarkson said. “I thought I was back in the fight in rounds two and three. In round four I got caught, I stumbled and my balance was off.


Welterweight prospect Malik Hawkins kept his undefeated record intact with a dominating second-round TKO of previously undefeated Carlos Soto in the ShoBox ко-функция.


Hawkins (11-0, 8 Нокаута) attacked early and virtually closed Soto’s left eye late in the first round. Soto took a knee in the closing seconds of the round but survived, although his vision was clearly impaired.


Hawkins out-landed Soto 39-15 във втория, включително и 15-1 in the final minute. The ringside physician ruled that Soto (13-1-2, 7 Нокаута) could no longer see out of his left eye following the second round and waved off the contest.


Hard work and dedication. I had a strong camp and believe in my team,” said Hawkins, who is trained by Baltimore’s Calvin Ford and is a stablemate of IBF Junior Lightweight Champion Gervonta Davis. “What makes it even more special is the blessing of my first-born child.


I want to give a shout-out to my opponent. He was big, he was strong, he was durable and he was undefeated.


Soto became the 163 fighter to suffer their first defeat on ShoBox.


In a matchup of undefeated super bantamweights in the opening bout of the ShoBox телевизионно предаване, Glenn Dezurn narrowly edged Leroy Davila to hand the latter his first career loss in a back-and-forth fight scored 78-74 by all three judges.


The Baltimore native Dezurn (9-0, 6 Нокаута) seemed to throw the harder punches and was more effective while fighting on the inside against Davila (5-1, 3 Нокаута), who was the naturally smaller of the two. While Dezurn was the more active fighter – he threw nearly 100 more punches over the eight-round bout – the final rounds were extremely difficult to score as the fighters landed within eight total punches across the last three rounds.


I came into the fight with the best trainers in the world, I train at the best gym in the world. I have the best team in the world and, Най-важното, I have the best wife and sparring partner in the world,” said Dezurn, who trains under Barry Hunter in Washington, Постоянен ток, and spars with his wife, female professional boxer and former eight-time national amateur champion Franchon Crews.


My team told me that all of the training and sparring I do is harder than this fight itself. The sparring I do every day is harder. I wasn’t going to shortchange myself during this fight when what I do every day is harder and when all of my friends and family came out to support.


Davila became the 162 fighter to suffer his first defeat on the prospect developmental series.


"Тази вечер wasn’t about winning or losing I showed that I have dog in me. I answered that question,” said Davila. “I went off the game plan and should have listened to my corner. The size played a small part in the fight, but I am not making any excuses. I have seen small men knock out big men before.”


Събитието се насърчава от Greg Коен Промоции и Банер Промоции във връзка сСветът на Boxing и Възрастващи промоции.


Петък tripleheader ще се възпроизведе отново Понеделник, Април 17 при 10 p.m. И/PT на SHOWTIME EXTREME и ще бъде на разположение на SHOWTIME на DEMAND® и SHOWTIME ANYTIME®.


Barry Томпкинс наречен ShoBox действия от страна на ринга с Стив Farhood и бивш световен шампион Раул Маркес служещ за експертни анализатори. Изпълнителният продуцент е Гордън Hall сRich Gaughan производство и Rick Phillips режисура.


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Официален Bellator 177: Дантас vs.. Смокиня Основни карти Резултати & Цитати:

Eduardo Dantas (20-4) победен Леандро Higo (17-3) чрез съдийско решение (30-27, 30-27, 28-29)

Eduardo Dantas Quote:

It was tough to stay motivated for this fight once he missed weight. There was nothing to gain whether I beat him fast or slow. It wasn’t for the belt, it wasn’t going to change my ranking in Bellator,” Dantas said. “Когато [Darrion] Caldwell got injured, I asked Scott Coker to bring in tough bantamweights and they brought in a tough fighter, but you have to make weight. I train hard for several months, I don’t go out, Аз тренирам. It’s the very minimum you can do. You have to make weight. Be a professional. I don’t think Caldwell is injured. I think he just doesn’t want to fight out of America. I am looking forward to getting my hands on him.

Daniel Weichel (39-9) победен Джон Макапа (21-2) чрез съдийско решение (29-28, 29-28, 28-29)

Daniel Weichel Quote:

Macapa is definitely a tough opponent. He was almost undefeated coming into this with only one loss and I took him as seriously as I can take an opponent. At this time I treat everyone I fight as if it’s a championship fight. I think he is one of the top featherweight opponents that I could face so I’m pretty happy that I was able to beat him,” Weichel said. “I have to give a big shout out to all of my friends and family that drove 17-18 hours from Frankfurt and Cologne to be here and support me. They’ve been there for me and believed in me since day one and it’s difficult for me to even put into words how much it means to have them in my corner. I have to thank Bellator for putting me on this card and giving them the opportunity to come and watch me fight. I’m hoping that Bellator brings me to Mohegan Sun next week and puts me cage side so I can see who I will get to beat up next when (Daniel) Straus and (Patrick) ‘Pitbull’ борба.

Лена Овчинникова (12-4) победен Хелън Харпър (4-2) via doctor stoppage at 5:00 на втори кръг

Lena Ovchynnikova Quote:

Before the fight I was a little bit nervous, and I felt that my first round wasn’t quite as good as I would of liked. But when the second round started she was going to feel my power and I knew that I would win,” Ovchynnikova said. “When the judges stopped the fight I couldn’t believe it. I was ready for a third round and I wanted to win with a knockout but we have what we have.

Адам Борис (6-0) победен Антъни Тейлър (1-3) чрез представяне (задно гол дросел) при 4:12 на първи кръг

Adam Borics Quote:

When the fight started, I felt a great deal of pressure from the crowd and I was in a bit of a rush. It took me a while to settle down and regain my composure, but once I did that I was able to see the fight much better. I’ve been working on my striking with Henri Hooft and I really was hoping to win with a knockout, but I saw my opening for a submission and I was able to end the fight with the choke,” Borics said. “I’m very happy that I was given this great opportunity to represent Hungary in MMA. This is very important for me to support the development of this sport in Hungary. It is my plan to continue to be an ambassador for the sport here and to continue to bring victories like this in the future.

Брайън Мур (10-5) победен Михал Хорейси (5-3) чрез TKO в 3:57 на втори кръг

Brian Moore Quote:


“Наистина съм, really happy that I got the call back from Bellator. To be honest I begged for the call back because Bellator is where I want to be. I want to be signed with Bellator, I want to be a household name. I really believe I’m one of the better featherweights in this division. I was given a guy who is very unpredictable. I was patient in my approach but I cut him down and was able to finish him. Тази вечер I wanted to make a statement with a knockout because my dream is to fight at Madison Square Garden. I want to open up the show. My teammate James (Gallagher) is already on the card and we’d put on a super camp together and we’d tear that place apart,” Moore said. “My hero, Sugar Ray Robinson used to own the Garden. I’ve watched every bit of footage I can get my hands on of Sugar Ray, he’s my idol. So to fight in the same arena as he has – and obviously my teammate Conor (McGregor) has fought there tooit would be a dream come true. But I want to open up the card and set the tone for the night because when you see a fighter that is as exciting as I am that’ll set the tone. Give me anyone, I don’t give a f-ck.

Мате Кертес (3-0) победен Патрик Събота (1-3) чрез TKO в 4:37 на втори кръг


ACB 57 Payback – Магомедов срещу Ян 2 – На живо и БЕЗПЛАТНО Събота 4/15 10:00AM ET – От Москва

ACB 57 Payback включва реванша на силно оспорваната първа среща между настоящия шампион на ACB в петна категория Магомед Магомедов (13-1 MMA) и Петър Ян (6-1 MMA) както и съпътстващо събитие на Александър Сарнавски (35-5 MMA) срещу Едуард Вартанян (15-3 MMA).


За пълната карта посетете нашия ACB 57 страница за събитие в: HTTPS:// / 2jjrk /

ACB 57: Магомедов срещу Ян (Прямая трансляция) Live Stream

РИЗИН 2017 Сакура PPV $14.99 – Каваджири срещу Бирчак – Неделя 2AM ET На живо от Йокохама Арена, Япония

RIZIN се връща със състезанието и нон-стоп действие, което е определило японски MMA! В основното събитие японската ММА легенда Тацуя “Crusher” Каваджири (35-11-2 MMA) срещу Антъни Бирчак (12-3 MMA) от САЩ. и съпътстващо събитие, в което се представя мощната борба Амир Алиакбари (5-1 MMA) срещу могъщия и опитен бразилец Жеронимо Дос Сантос (39-17). Картата включва и ММА суперзвезди Kyoji Horiguchi, Хийт Херинга, Олимпийски златен медалист Сатоши Ишии, Ветеранът на UFC Дарон Круиксханк и др!

За пълната карта посетете нашия RIZIN 2017 страница за събитие в: HTTPS:// / 2jn62 /

РИЗИН 2017 in Yokohama Live Stream

Андре Берто срещу. Акценти в медийната конференция на Шон Портър

Lou DiBella
We’re going to start with “Showtime” Shawn Porter, out of Las Vegas right now. Бившият световен шампион IBF. Everyone knows he’s trained by his dad, Зная, and he was a tremendous amateur. He has been a tremendous pro. And I know he’s ready for this important matchup on 22 април. Средновековен обой?
Shawn Porter
Какво става, всички? Да, we’re just at the latter part of camp now, winding down, and we’re still working out hard, and everything is coming together just the way we want it. Така, в този момент, the excitement is building up and I can’t wait to get out there and see everybody, and be a part of what’s going on with this fight.
L. DiBella
Have you done anything special to prepare for Berto? Искам да кажа,, anything different in terms of sparring partners or anything in your usual routine?
S. Износване
I personally have been going 15 rounds up at an altitude of about 8,500 feet yesterday. I think that’s pretty special. We sparred 10 rounds with three different guys, and we pushed ourselves a few more rounds in the ring, and then also sprint some on the road as well. Така, we’re working hard. We swim every chance we have and try to work every chance. We have an oxygen chamber in our training facility for our performance center.
Така, everything we’re doing is just always to try to do it bigger and better each fight.
L. DiBella
Andre can you tell us a little bit about your training camp and how you feel about the fight as fight week is less than a week away.
Други Берто
Training camp has been tremendous. We’ve stepped everything up this camp. Tremendous sparring. I just can’t say enough about how this camp went. Аз съм в страхотна форма. I’m focused. We have been pushing ourselves to the limit each and every day. I’m more than excited coming into this fight. I’m ready to get it.
Стивън Еспиноза
We are thrilled to be back at Barclays Center and thrilled to be working with DiBella once again. At SHOWTIME, our spring schedule is starting to take shape. Това 22 април event is the start of a very aggressive lineup of fights over an eight-week span. There’s more to come on that in the very near future.
In terms of our televised fights, we’ve got compelling matchups that provide a little bit of everything for all sorts of boxing fans.
This main event is part of a series of ongoing welterweight fights that will determinepossibly by the end of the year, maybe early next yearwho is the top dog, така да се каже, in boxing’s glamour division.
We’ve had a series of phenomenal welterweight fights, including Shawn’s fight last summer on CBS.
Both Andre Berto and Shawn Porter, really gained national exposure early in their careers on SHOWTIME via ShoBoxno surprise there. Andre was on ShoBox в 2006; Shawn Porter in 2009. And they have progressed in very significant stages of their career on SHOWTIMEAndre four times on SHOWTIME, and Shawn five times on SHOWTIME and once on CBS.
These are two guys that everybody knows. They’re likeable, charismatic, and articulate. They’re guys who respect the sport and represent it well. Perhaps more importantly, they are all action fighters, and there’s no way that this fight is going to disappoint. Така, горе до долу, a lot to offer on this 22 април карта, и ние сме с голямо нетърпение да го.
Do you think that a victory against Shawn would represent maybe the best win of your career?
A. Берто
Да. I believe so. Looking down at my career, I’ve gone through a lot of physical things and now just coming back from that and just being healthy and a lot stronger, I’m a lot more focused.
Everything is just starting to show like it needs to be, and I believe that this fight right here definitely could be one of the biggest ones in my career, със сигурност.
I fought a lot of great guys coming up. I’ve fought with Steve Forbes, I’ve fought David Estrada and all those guys, they were big names at their time.
The most satisfying one for me right now, was my last one against Victor Ortiz just because there was so much emotion that went into that fight. So much of a storyline that went into that fight and how much it meant to me.
Emotionally all around the board, I think probably there’s no more satisfying win right now at this point. I fought Carlos Quintana, Стив Forbes, and all these guys that were very great fighters of their time, and they were at the top of their division at their time.
Do you think a win against Shawn would surpass that as the most satisfying because you’re a little older, you’ve been off a while and it’s going to put you back into position to fight another world title if you win?
A. Берто
I’m not sure, един. Както казах, that last fight just had a lot connected to it. And a lot connected to it. This fight here is a big fight as well. Every fight right now at this point in my career is a big fight and a very big, defining fight. Така, I’m just taking each of them, and one step at a time, and just preparing like I need to. I need to just get through them one at a time.
Shawn were you surprised that coming off of a loss that you were able to get a fight that would be a title eliminator to be in a position right back in a world title fight?
S. Износване
Знаеш ли какво? Честно, that’s kind of the business side that I don’t really think about as much. I didn’t think about how many fights it would take for me to get back to a championship fight.
След тази битка, my team went back to the drawing board figuring out what fight we can take to position ourselves to either get a rematch with Thurman or get another title, and that was it. That was how this fight with Andre Berto came to be.
This was the guy that I was told will be the one to position me to get back to a World Championship fight, и след това, boom, we’re at the press conference announcing the fight, and they tell us that it’s for an eliminator.
I couldn’t have been more surprised. I don’t think there was anything in my life that I’ve ever been more pleased with or surprised other than that.
When DiBella came up and said it would be for a title eliminator for the WBC title, Искам да кажа,, my heart justit just glowed with happiness. Така, Очаквам с нетърпение да тази битка. I been looking forward to this moment for a long time and I hope to just win.
We agreed to the fight with the understanding that, this will lead to something better, but again I didn’t know how long it would be. And then the man comes on the stage and says it’s for an eliminator, and I’m like, Еха.
If you could wave the magic wand, which guy of Thurman and Brook would you rather have a rematch against, and why?
S. Износване
Търман. I think he’s the better fighter. I think finally being able to beat him, I think would be something on my resume, in my legacy, that would be remembered for a very long time. Той е много добър боец; a very good defender of his belt/belts, and I’m looking forward to fighting him in a rematch.
Средновековен обой, I saw some comments you made recently discussing Berto’s fight against Mayweather and how you seemed to suggest that you were going to follow Floyd’s blueprint for his boxing Berto, and staying on the outside, and you seemed to kind of say that you were going to follow the same strategy. Is that true?
S. Износване
Добре, гледане на борбата, I definitely admired, as any fight that Floyd Mayweather’s in, his boxing ability, but that was something that was very effective against Andre Berto. Така, we’ll definitely pick our spots where we want to box; where we want to use the ring. But at any rate, through the entire fight, we will control the action as well as the ring.
Do you plan on showcasing more of your boxing ability in this fight against Berto?
S. Износване
Добре, it depends on the fight. Like you just said, my boxing ability may be a little underrated. I’d say, there are moments in the ring, sometimes you make it more of boxing, sometimes you make it more of the pressure and the aggression.
Така, we’ll build this fight accordingly. We’ll take a look at what’s going on. We’ll make our adjustments during the fight in the corner as well, and we’ll see. You might see more boxing; you might see more pressure. We’ll see how it plays out.
You mentioned before that you felt that Keith Thurman was a better fighter than Kell Brook. Can you just explain why you feel that way?
S. Износване
I just think overall. His boxing ability, ring IQ, скорост, quickness, мощност, всичко това. My personal opinion is it could be a biased opinion, but I feel like Keith Thurman is the better boxer/fighter than Kell Brook.
Друг, what do you think about Shawn saying that he might use Floyd Mayweather’s template against you in your fight? What’s your reaction to hearing that?
A. Берто
Това е добре. Искам да кажа,, that’s his business. He can us any game plan however he wants to. Whichever way he wants to maneuver, whatever the situation is, that’s on him.
We’re just preparing for every look. We’re just preparing for every look. What we need to prepare whether he’s boxing brawling.
We’re focused on what we need to do. We don’t really focus on the way he’s trying to beat us. We’re trying to make sure that we’re going to be all right, and we’re going to be focused.
Средновековен обой, he’s shown in the past he can brawl. He can press the guys out. He might try to use something new in this fight. I’m not sure. I’m just focusing on what I got to do. Както казах, we’re in tremendous shape all around the board. Ние можем да се боксира; we can bang; we can do whatever we want to do as well. So it doesn’t matter. We’re going to see what it is. We’re getting a start on that.
Shawn do you think Andre can handle your pace?
S. Износване
That’s my mindset, my team says every time we get in the ring is that our opponent won’t be able to keep up with the pace that I perform at. I do everything that I can, leading up to the fight, to be ready for a fight like that.
I never go into the ring with the thought that I’m going to throw 60, 70, 80, 90, 100 удря кръгло. It’s just kind of how the fight flows and how it goes. Така, да, I’m always prepared to fight at the faster paceI think at a faster rate than most of the guys that I box.
I think that there is going to be an advantage for myself getting in the ring with Andre Berto, I think that I’ll be able to dictate the pace, and push his heart, and make him work harder.
The skills as well as the power should make this a very good fight. This is why this fight is very anticipated, because you know what I can do and what Andre can do.
But I think I’ve shown out there that there’s nothing that you can doubt when I’m getting into the ring, it’s down to I’m going to perform the way I’ve always performed and the fight will take care of itself.
Besides Mayweather, do you think you’re the most superior opponent that he’s faced, и ако е така, why?
S. Износване
Да, да, да. I would say I am. He’s fought some very good boxers. Some punchers and guys that were aggressive. Some counterpunchers. He’s fought them all. I think the thing that separates me from those guys is that I can do all of it. Very rarely do you have that in another fighter than can do it all in the ring.
Друг, what are your thoughts on what Shawn brings to the ring, and do you agree that with him, that maybe besides Mayweather, that he’s your most difficult opponent?
A. Берто
I can’t really say until I get in there with him. Както казах, I been there with a lot of guys, and I’ve been with a lot of different type of guys from my first 12 или 13 битки.
I’ve been in there with a few world champions. I have to go in there and see. Мейуедър, както казах, you’re bringing up Mayweather. Mayweather is Mayweather.
He’s going to go in there and move around, кутия, he’s going to play, real slippery. I believe that he is definitely one-of-a-kind and showed it throughout the years.
When it comes to Shawn, he does a lot of things wrong and he does a lot of things right. So I can’t say that Shawn’s going to be my most difficult fight, because I haven’t been in there with him yet. We’ll say that he is definitely a great fighter.
Do you feel that at the time of some of your earlier wins, that you were getting credit, and do you think that you have ever really gotten credit for being a better fighter?
A. Берто
Everybody knows the boxing game, you’re as good as our last performance. Just as they can raise you up high in the next great thing, going through defeat or going through some tough times, they’ll write you off quick.
They’ll write you off quick in this game. And that’s just how the game goes. I can’t sit there and just be upset at it. I knew what I was getting into.
With all of the buzz surrounding me, coming into the pro game, and me being a world champion myself, I can give myself accolades, but if things don’t go your way, they’ll definitely discredit you.
You have to see it for what it’s worth, един, and end-of-the-day, just know who you are. You can’t let this fight game ultimately define you.
It won’t give you the credit that you feel that you deserve at the end of the day, and that’s what, and I believe. Them retiring. I don’t know too many fighters that have retired satisfied.
They’re satisfied with this fight game, or satisfied with the notoriety of things they’ve got, from the writers, from the critics or the fans. I don’t know too many at all. You just got to go in there and do what you got to do. Like, just know who you are, and go and make yourself happy.
Друг, just piggybacking on what you said earlier, do you feel that you’ve been written off, going into this fight?
A. Берто
Добре, from my first loss moving forward, I’ve been written off. Както казах. going into it, it’s just where the fight game is. It’s just where the fight game is. From my first loss on, it’s been this and this, this and that. I’ve been through my hard times. I’ve been through everything in this fight game and have been in front of that TV screen.
That’s what you need to understand. I’ve got a chance to fight all over. I was with Lou DiBella and HBO. Everything that I’ve done has been in the eyes of the public. My rise, my fall, going through my defeats.
Coming back from shoulder surgery, coming back trying to continue to make a statement, make people know I’m still here. Харесва ми, because I love that roller coaster ride. I’ve never seen my career coming into the game as being perfect. Never. Never.
I’ve always wanted to feel everything that this game had to offer. But it’s just like Muhammad Ali said a long time ago, he was able to feel everything this game had to offer. He got knocked down. He got stopped. He wasn’t tired. He was the best alive. This and that. He had to experience it all.
When I’m done, I’ll be able to read my story and see that and explains everything this game had to offer.
Друг, he’s obviously he’s the younger fighter and he’s a pretty big favorite in the fight. How much motivation has that given you in this camp?
A. Берто
It’s a tremendous motivation for me. I believe they’ve been able to see a whole different type of determination and motivation in me. And they do see it in these fights as well. So it’s not going to stop. It’s not going to stop me. They can think of that some other type of way, but everybody right now, в този момент, it looks like they’re in the way right now for what I want. Това е. Това е. That’s all they’re getting out of my way.
How difficult has it been for you to not be more active since the Broner fight?
S. Износване
That’s a tough one to call. I think more than anything it’s been a little tougher mentally, outside of that, we still work hard and I’m on SHOWTIME for a reason.
I’m a Showtime fighter, so I’m never worried, about any amount of time that I stay out of the ring in the actual fight because we have tons of those before the actual match. Така, I’m just excited about this fight coming in, и аз очаквам с нетърпение да го.
Do you think maybe for your next fight if you’re able to beat Andre, do you feel like a Thurman rematch because, especially, this is an elimination match for his title that that is a realistic opportunity for you in your next fight?
S. Износване
I’m hoping so. I know that he has two different belts. He will have two different mandatories, so I understand all that, but I’m looking forward to getting back in the ring with Keith Thurman in a rematch as soon as we can after this fight with Andre Berto.
Друг, you’re going into this fight with roughly a one-year layoff since your last fight with the second fight with Ortiz. Can you tell us about that layoff and how you think it might affect your performance in this fight?
A. Берто
The layoff is the layoff. That’s something you got to ask the promoter, the managers on that. But anybody that follows me, they know I’ve been staying busy anyways. within this year I’ve been staying working out and I’ve been staying in shape.
I’d say we’ve had a nice lengthy camp to make sure to knock off all the rust. And we’re sharp, един. We’re sharp. And all ready to go. So I don’t think it’s going to play too much of a big part in this as well.
How does that affect you being off for that period of time, because as soon as the bell rings, it may get very heated very quickly.
A. Берто
It’s not going to affect me too much at all. Everybody knows me. When it comes to me, I’ve been scrappy that way my whole career. And plus we’ve been having tremendous sparring. We been having tremendous, tremendous sparring here at the gym.
So far everybody is trying to push me to a whole other level. I’m here putting real money on my own head to make sure these guys come from the first round. Always trying to see if they can knock me out.
So all the sparring has been top notch, and it’s definitely been highly, highly competitive. We’re going to be ready to go.
As the more veteran fighter, are there going to be changes in your approach?
A. Берто
Да, it’s crazy to say; I’m an old vet now. My boxing IQ has changed so much when it comes to everything in general.
We’re doing things for a reason. Not just out there throwing punches because we can. Not just always just being fast because we can, or being strong because we can. Everything is for a purpose and we’ve just been fine-tuning everything. And everything has been falling in place pretty amazingly.
Средновековен обой, do you think there are going to be any ring rust problems, or how are you going to deal with that?
S. Износване
Do Not, no ring rust at all, един. I’m just looking forward to this fight. I know it’s been a while since you guys have seen me, but I’m always working, and my team is always on me, making sure I’m in shape, getting in shape, staying in shape. And that I’m controlling my weight, my eating, all that kind of stuff. Така, в момента, there’s no problem for Shawn Porter.
# # #
Андре Берто срещу. Shawn Porter is a WBC Welterweight World Title eliminator between former 147-pound world champions. The 12-round bout headlines SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING, представени от Premier Boxing Champions, Събота април 22 от Barclays Center, в дома на Бруклин Бокс ™. В съвместно основното събитие, undefeated super welterweight world champion Jermell Charlo battles top rated challenger Charles Hatley, с телевизионно покритие, започваща в 9:30 p.m. И/6:30 p.m. PT.
За повече информация посетете следват по Twitter @ShowtimeBoxing, AndreBerto, ShowtimeShawnP, LouDiBella, BarclaysCenter ИSwanson_Comm или станете фен на Facebook в,, PBC е спонсориран от Corona, Finest Beer.


Birthday boy looking for ultimate present в събота нощ

Бърнс – Indongo unification bout тази събота on AWE-A Wealth of Entertainment and


Сан Диего, CALIF. – Ricky Burns is gunning for the ultimate birthday present this weekend as he aims to add Julius Indongo’s IBF and IBO World titles to his own WBA Super-Lightweight title in their unification clash at the SSE Hydro in Glasgow в съботаlive on AWE-A Wealth of Entertainment and

Картата на борбата ще започне в 2:30 PM ET / 11:30 AM PT. AWE is now on Directv channel 387
Burns turned 34 в четвъртък and came face-to-face with the Namibian at their pre-fight press conference in Glasgow.

The Rickster welcomes the unbeaten Southpaw to the venue of his moment of history in May when he became Scotland’s first three-weight World champion with an eighth round stoppage win over Michele Di Rocco.

Burns defended his crown for the first time with a dogged display against impressive mandatory challenger Kiryl Relikh in October. Indongo is the third man to test Burns in the Hydro cauldron, and Burns is in no mood to let slip another chance to create a piece of history as he aims to continue his remarkable career at the very top.

When I first started out you always think about winning belts and being in massive fights, but I never set myself any targets,” - каза Бърнс. “I just worked hard and when I got the chances, I took them and it paid off. I’ve had a few bad nights and it took me a while to move down to Essex and get used to training with Tony, but it’s clicked now.

I got the Di Rocco fight and I jumped at it. People noticed there that I still had something to give, I knew it was still there, but there were people that doubted that.

I don’t think about what I’ve done so far and I won’t until I hang them up. In my eyes, битка е битка. It’s always great to go into big fights like this one, but the pressure is big enough in World title fights that I keep stuff like legacies and so on away and just focus on what’s in front of me, that’s the way I’ve always been.

“Не ме разбирай погрешно, I’m happy with what I’ve achieved and people always say that I’m a three-weight World champion and only one of three ever in Britain, but I’ve not really thought about it and it’s not sunk in.

I just love fighting. People ask me all the time how long do I think I can keep going and my answer is always as long as I am not taking punishment, still want to do it and enjoy it, then I’ll keep goingand I think that there’s years left in me.

“Аз съм го като една битка в даден момент. This is a big, big night, the biggest I’ve had. We spoke about unification fights at Super-Featherweight and Lightweight and now it’s hereI just can’t wait. There were easier fights out there and maybe even more lucrative fights, but this is the fight I wanted and I’m confident that things will go well.

Burns clash with Indongo is part of a huge night of action in Glasgow with two cracking British title fights leading the supporting cast as Scotty Cardle looks to land the Lightweight belt outright when he faces Robbie Barrett and Charlie Edwards and Iain Butcher clash for the vacant Super-Flyweight title.

Rio Olympian Josh Kelly makes his pro debut, his Team GB teammate Lawrence Okolie boxes for the second time in the pros, Charlie Flynn fights for his first pro title as he faces Ryan Collins for the Celtic Lightweight title and Joe Ham takes on Scott McCormack for the Scottish Super-Bantamweight title.

Photos by Steve Welsh


AWE LIVE Boxing разполага живо световната титла на шампионата и елиминиране пристъпи демонстрират днешните най-вълнуващите бойци. Още от създаването на живи боксови събития AWE в 2011, AWE участва в 50 за световната титла на битки.

AWE донесе на феновете на бокса някои от най-вълнуващите и противоречиви двубои, включително мача на Рики Бърнс срещу Рей Белтран за световната титла. AWE представи на живо и изключително коронясването на американеца Теренс Крофорд над Рики Бърнс. AWE фенове са свидетели на експлозивна сила на непобеден в тежка категория Тайсън Fury няколко пъти в мрежата, включително победата Fury над Кевин Джонсън.

В 2017, AWE беше ексклузивният телевизионен доставчик на САЩ в историческия мач между легендарния британски тежка категория Дейвид Хей и Тони Белю.

За AWE – Богатството на Entertainment

Богатството на Entertainment (“AWE”) разполага с широк набор от начини на живот и забавления програмиране от екзотично пътуване и скандално домове, за да живеят на световното първенство по бокс. AWE се предлага на над сто кабелни системи, включително AT&T U-Verse, CH 147 и 1147 в HD, Verizon FiOS TV, CH 169 и 669 в HD. and Directv, CH 387. За повече информация, моля, посетете


За незабавно освобождаване

Ню Йорк (Април 14, 2017)-Boxing manager Felipe Gomez is proud to announce the signing of former world champion Елио Рохас to a managerial contract.

Elio Rojas who hails from San Francisco de Macoris, Доминиканска република има запис на 24-3, с 14 печели идва чрез нокаут.

Rojas won the WBC World Featherweight Title with a 12-round unanimous decision over Takahiro Ao (17-1-1) in Ao’s hometown in Tokyo, Япония. Rojas then defended his title against Mexican veteran Gutty Espadas Jr. (45-7) in Yucatan, Mexico with a 12-round unanimous decision. В последния си двубой, Rojas lost by TKO in the 5th round to hard hitting Mikey Garcia, 36-0, 30 нокаута.

Rojas, who had been living in Florida, recently moved to New York with the hopes of getting his career back on track.

I know Felipe Gomez for many years and I know he can help me jumpstart my career,” said Rojas.

Elio fought some big names in his career and is coming off a tough loss in a fight he accepted above his weight class. If he can get back down to his natural weight which is 126-130 паунда, I know he can beat a lot of good fighters,” said Gomez. “I am excited to be part of his career because I know he still has a lot of fight in him and he can become a world champion again.

Elios Rojas is training at the famous Gleason Gym in Brooklyn, New York with former world champion Joan Guzman.

Felipe Gomez, formerly of New Legend Boxing, has given up his promoter’s license to become a boxing manager. His recent signings include: Middleweight veteran Giovanni Lorenzo, Middleweight DeVaun Lee, Welterweight Cesar Francis and several other up and coming prospects residing in the Dominican Republic.

FNU Бойни спортове Show: Johnson срещу. Reis Preview, The Undertaker Retires, NASCAR Fights

Rabble Rousin’ Rich Бержерон, “Психически” Том Паджет и Тони “Торнадото” Penecale discuss the news and events of the last two weeks in combat sports. From Rampage Jackson’s rough final fight in Bellator to Chris Weidman’s controversial loss to Gegard Mousasi we cover all the major MMA happenings. We also discuss the upcoming week’s boxing schedule and look back at some events in boxing from the last two weeks. We wrap up with a discussion about NASCAR and Bellator taking advantage of their common partnership with Monster energy drink. The two sports giants announced recently that Bellator will host fight cards at future racing events.


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