BMA BELLATOR חוזר ל- 3ARENA בדובלין ביום שישי, נובמבר 5

זוג משחקי גראד מכוונים את הכרטיס כאימשה פנומנון ג'יימס גאלגר פוגשת את תערובת ACE PATCHY MIX ב- BANTAMWEIGHT & פיטר אהוב הביתה פיטר באופן פופולרי מעל הדירוג של פטריקקי "פיטבול" בקשר מיידי


התיאור נוצר באופן אוטומטי

BELLATOR 270 כרטיסים למכירהזה יום שישי, אוגוסט 27

דובלין – אחרי יותר מ 18 חודשים ספורים מהארנה 3, החזרה של BELLATOR למקום האיקוני בדבלין נקבעת ביום שישי, נובמבר. 5, כאשר המספר האישי של אירלנד. 6 מדורגג'יימס "הסטראבנימל" גלאגר (11-1) פונה אל מס '. 2 מדורגמיקס מטושטש(14-1) באירוע מרכזי ענק במשקל bantam לכותרתBELLATOR 270.

בשיתוף כותרתן, לא. 4 מדורגת כקליטה ומשלה של דבליןפיטר "המופע" בשקט (13-5-1), יחפש להפיל את הבית שוב כאשר יתמודד מול ותיק BELLATOR בן ה -23 ולא. 1 מדורגPatricky "Pitbull" פריירה (23-10) במשחק חוזר צפוי. חמישה התאמות מקדימות נוספות עבורBELLATOR 270: גלאגר נגד. לְעַרְבֵּב מאושרים גם להלן.

כרטיסים לBELLATOR 270: גלאגר נגד. לְעַרְבֵּב יוצאים למכירה כללית ביום שישי הקרוב, Aug. 27, עם מכירה מוקדמת בלעדית ביום חמישי, Aug. 26, וניתן לרכוש דרך ו

מעריצים באירלנד יוכלו לצפות באירוע הן ב- Virgin Media Two והן ב- Virgin Media Sport, בעוד שבבריטניה יכולים לצפות באירוע בשידור חי ב- BBC iPlayer. בינתיים ארה"ב. מעריצים יוכלו ליהנות מפעולת הכרטיס הראשית בשידור חי ב- SHOWTIME בשעה 5 p.m. ET/14:00. PT, עם שידור חוזר ב 10 p.m. ET / PT.

ההתמודדות במשקל הקנטה המיוחל בין גלאגר למיקס יש פוטנציאל לרדת כאחד הקרבות הגדולים בכל הזמנים בהיסטוריה של BELLATOR. זה אמור היה להתקיים במאי ב- BELLATOR 258, אך הפציעה אילצה את גלאגר לצאת מהמפגש. עכשיו, מול מה שמובטח שיהיה קהל אירי חשמלי, ה"סטראבנימל "סוף סוף יקבל את ההזדמנות שלו להשתיק את מיקס כשהוא רוצה להרוויח את הניצחון הגדול ביותר בקריירה שלו עד כה.

"אני כל כך אסיר תודה לחזור לכותרת בדבלין,"אמר גלאגר, “I’ve moved to America to take my mindset and skill set to another level and I’m happy I can show my work to my home fans! Welcome to the Jimmy Show🇮🇪"

Patchy Mix is currently the #2 ranked bantamweight and fights out of Extreme Couture in Las Vegas. Like Gallagher, Mix has made a name for himself in the BELLATOR cage by displaying impressive submissions, כולל מתיחת Suloev הנדירה.

מיקס אמר על השידוך המיוחל שלו: "אני הולך להיכנס לארץ מולדתו של ג'יימס ולהעמיד אותו בסיבוב הראשון".

לאחר סדרה של מפגשי טראש תוססים הלוך ושוב וטורפים התקפות עקב פציעה, Queally ופיטבול נפגשו לבסוף בכלוב BELLATOR במאי מוקדם יותר השנה, כשהאירי גרם להתרגשות עצומה, להבטיח ניצחון קשה TKO עקב הפסקת רופא בעקבות חתך שפטרי ספג בסיבוב השני.

בשקט, בינתיים, שמתאמן לצד גאלגר מחוץ לחדר הכושר המפורסם סטרייט בלסט באירלנד, יחפש להשתמש שוב בכוחו של הקהל הביתי כדי לעזור לו להשיג ניצחון מכריע על יריבו המר, Pitbull.

"אני לא יכול לחכות לחזור לשם כדי לסדר את זה אחת ולתמיד עם פיטבול ולתת באמת לקהל 3 ארנה משהו מיוחד,"אמר בקול. “פטריק הוא יריב מושלם כל כך, היה כל כך הרבה מה שקרה איתי ואיתו שאני חושב שהקהל הפעם יהיה אפילו יותר מושקע מהרגיל. צפה למלחמה כוללת-אני עומד לנצח אותו, והחגורה הקלה היא הבאה ".

פרייר - אחיו הבכור של אלוף קל משקל BELLATOR פטריסיו - התחרה מקצועית מאז 2005, צובר מוניטין מפחיד כאמן נוק -אאוט. לחיות עם הכינוי "פיטבול,"פרייר יחפש לאזן את התוצאה עם קווילי, להשתיק את הקהל הביתי ולחזור לדרכיו המנצחות.

"הוא יודע שהוא קיבל מכות בקרב הראשון,"אמר פיטבול. "הוא חש כאבים ברגליים ובגוף, אני הולך לגרום לו להרגיש יותר כאב עכשיו. האוהדים האירים רועשים ונלהבים מאוד, אבל כשאני דופק אותו, תוכל לשמוע סיכה נופלת בזירה הזו. "

החדשות על חזרה לדבלין מסיימות שלישיית אירועי BELLATOR MMA שאושרו על אדמת אירופה ב 2021, כשהכלוב יושב בלונדון באוקטובר 1 ומוסקבה באוקטובר 23 לפני שנצא לבירה האירית בנובמבר 5.

BELLATOR 270: גלאגר נגד. לְעַרְבֵּבMainCard:

ההצגה מתחילה (ארה"ב) / BBC iPlayer (בריטניה) / וירג'ין מדיה שתיים & וירג'ין מדיה ספורט (אירלנד)

יום שישי, אוקטובר 1 - 9 p.m. GMT/17:00. ET/14:00. PT

אירוע הראשי של Bantamweight: #6-ג'יימס גלאגר (11-1) לעומת. #2-פטריק Mix (14-1)

Co-ראשי קלות אירוע: #4-פיטר קווילי (13-5-1) לעומת. #1-Patricky "Pitbull" פריירה (23-10)

כרטיס ראשוני:

ערוץ YouTube של BELLATOR MMA | ערוץ YouTube של ספורט SHOWTIME | טלוויזיה פלוטו (ארה"ב)

BBC iPlayer (בריטניה) | וירג'ין מדיה שתיים & וירג'ין מדיה ספורט (אירלנד)

5:30 p.m. GMT/1:30 p.m. ו / 10:30 a.m. PT

בוט קל: דניאל סקאטיסi (10-5) לעומת.בריאן היי (16-7, 1 NC)

משקל נוצה Bout: סיאראן קלארק(3-0) לעומת.ג'ורדן ברטון(6-1-1)

Strawweight Bout: דני נילן(4-0) לעומת. אודרי קראוש(7-5, 2 NC)

משקל נוצה Bout: ג'וניור מורגן(3-0) לעומת.דראג 'קלי(את הופעת בכורה של Pro)

Welterweight Bout:סטיבן קוסטלו (את הופעת בכורה של Pro) לעומת.יוסוף נזוקאטוב(את הופעת בכורה של Pro)


*נושא כרטיס לשינוי.

אנא בקר ב למידע נוסף.

לוח הזמנים המעודכן של אירועי BELLATOR

שבת. שבע. 18 // BELLATOR 266: דייוויס vs. רומרו//מרכז SAP // סן חוזה, כגון

חינם. אוקטובר. 1 // BELLATOR 267: לימה לעומת. MVP 2 //זירת SSE, וומבלי // לונדון, אנגליה

שבת. אוקטובר. 16 // BELLATOR 268: חצי גמר העולם הגדול במשקל כבד// מרכז טביעת רגל // פניקס, AZ

שבת. אוקטובר. 23 // BELLATOR 269: פדור vs. ג'ונסון// ארנת VTB // מוסקבה, רוסיה

חינם. נובמבר. 5 // BELLATOR 270: גלאגר נגד. לְעַרְבֵּב// 3זירה // דבלין, אירלנד


Undefeated World Light Heavyweight Contender Gilberto Ramirez believes in “Zurdo,” Golden Boy & his Mexican heritage

(L-R) – Oscar de la Hoya, ז'ילברטו רמירז & ברנרד הופקינס

לאס וגאס (נִשׂגָב 23, 2021) לא מנוצח ג'ילברטו "Zurdo" רמירז (42-0, 28 קוס) feels he’ll get his first World light heavyweight title shot because he believes in himself, his promoter Golden Boy Promotions, and his Mexican heritage.

The former World Boxing Organization (WBO) super middleweight World champion is a leading light heavyweight contender, מדורג כרגע אין. 2 על ידי ארגון האיגרוף העולמי (WBO) ולא. 5 על ידי פדרציית האיגרוף הבינלאומית (IBF), כמו גם לא. 9 ב הטבעת independent rankings for the first time in the 175-pound division.

After Ramirez’ recent knockout victory over סאליבן Barrera (22-3, 14 קוס), positioning him for a World title shot, the boxing world looked forward to “Zurdo” challenging World Boxing Association (WBA) Super Light Heavyweight Champion דמיטרי ביבול מאוחר יותר השנה. Bivol had all but assured a showdown with Ramirez through social media posts, but suddenly he changed his tune and was dreaming of a match this November that isn’t going to happen against WBA and WBC Super Middleweight Champion “Saul “Canelo” Alvarez (56-1-2, 38 קוס).

The 30-year Ramirez has openly called for a fight with Bivol or either of the other World light heavyweight title holders, ארתור בטרבייב (WBC/IBF) ו ג'ו סמית, ג 'וניור. (WBO), whose rumored unification fight doesn’t appear to be on the horizon.

בינתיים, all three reigning World light heavyweight champions have gone dark, at least in terms of fighting Ramirez. Is “Zurdo” too risky for them, or are they just hesitant to fight a proven Mexican challenger?

“I leave my opponents to my promoter, נער זהב, and its matchmaker, Robert Diaz,” Ramirez explained. “They’re aware of what I want, and I trust they are diligent and will do whatever is best for me. כלוחם, I’ve been clear that all the World light heavyweight champs are on my hit list; and I don’t retract my statement or shy away from the fights as most of them have. In this world, all I have are my word and balls, and I don’t break ‘em for anyone. I fight not just for myself, but for my pride and the spirit of Mexican people. We are proud of our heritage and have been the best fighters. Russians know I will take out both Bivol and Beterbiev; ג'ו סמית, ג 'וניור. is just an appetizer.”

“Canelo” and Julio Cesar Gonzalez (2003) are the only native Mexicans to be crowned World Light Heavyweight Champions, but everybody in boxing knows Mexican boxers are called warriors for a good reason.

“I think they’re all reluctant to fight a Mexican light heavyweight like me,” Ramirez added. “There’s a reason why Bivol is retracting his statement and staying quiet after all his social media antics. If he was serious, it’s an easy fight to make, and he knows it (both fighters have fought on DAZN). I’m also hearing (יהושע) Buatsi’s name in the mix, but I would absolutely destroy him. All these guys talk the talk but rarely walk the walk. I am a Mexican warrior; everybody knows the way we are built!"

Other potential contenders in the mix, excluding the reigning world champions, may include אדואו ג'ק, אליידר אלוורז, Maxim Vlasov (Ramirez defeated him as super middleweights), ו Lyndon Arthur.

“My time will come, Ramirez concluded. “I know Golden Boy is working hard on making this a reality and when that time comes, all these guys will have nowhere to run or hide. I leave who I fight next up to my matchmaker, Robert Diaz. I trust that Golden Boy will do whatever is best for my career.

“I’m not frustrated, this is part of the process. I’m a veteran in this game. Many will talk, but they will fall when it’s time to act. שוב, I trust Golden Boy will do what has been promised and I look forward to what fight they will present me with.”

Instagram: @zurdoramirez, @zurdopromotions
טוויטר: @ZurdoPromotions, @ GilbertoZurdoRamirez



רוברט גררו, Mark Magsayo & Carlos Castro Victorious In Pay-Per-View Undercard Action
& Frank Martin, Steven Torres & Jose Valenzuela Score Impressive Wins in PBC Action Live on FOX

לחץ כאן for photos from Ryan Hafey/Premier Boxing Champions

לחץ כאן for photos from Sean Michael Ham/TGB Promotions

לחץ כאן for photos from Scott Kirkland/FOX Sports

לאס וגאס (נִשׂגָב 22, 2021) – In a career-defining fight, יודניס אוגאס shone bright on the biggest of stages.

A boisterous crowd of 17,438 at T-Mobile Arena in Las Vegas watched the underdog Ugas outbox and out-fight the great מני Pacquiao to win a 12-round unanimous decision and retain his WBA Welterweight World title in the main event of FOX Sports PBC pay-per-view.

“I’m very excited but, most of all, I want to thank Manny Pacquiao for giving me this moment in the ring today,” Ugas said afterward. “I told you, I am the champion of the WBA and I showed it tonight.”

“I’m very emotional. A lot of people say Cubans can’t win the big fight. אז, I’m very proud that I got this win for Cuba and showed what we are all about.”

Pacquiao, כמו תמיד, was gracious in defeat.

“Congratulations to Ugas and his team,” said Pacquiao. “Thank you to all of you. I want to thank all my fans and the media. For many decades, the press, media and boxing fans were always behind us, supporting us. That’s why we’re here, why we became popular and why we accomplished our dreams as a fighter.

“I am a fighter outside and inside the ring. I look forward to returning to the Philippines and helping them during this pandemic.”

Ugas used his size, strength and length to keep Pacquiao guessing, slowly wearing down boxing’s only eight-division champ to win in decisive fashion.

Pacquiao, 42 (67-8-2, 39 קוס), promised a fast start and lived up to his word in the first, darting in and out with combinations. Unfazed, the 35-year-old Ugas (27-4, 12 קוס) maintained a tight guard. במקרה השני, he unveiled his long left jab, alternating it up and downstairs as Pacquiao struggled to get inside.

Pacquiao began the third with a short left but Ugas silenced the crowd with power shots of his own. The Cuban began landing a looping right in the fourth, a punch Pacquiao struggled with the entire night.

Following a close fifth, Ugas regained the upper hand in the sixth, working the jab and delivering well-placed punches to the body. Two-way action brought the crowd to their feet in the seventh as they shouted “Manny! מני! מני!” Ugas remained poised, pushing the Philippine Senator back with more rights.

“My trainer, ישמעאל סאלאס, and I had a plan,” said Ugas. “We were going to move him around; we were going to use the jab and keep him off balance. That was the whole game plan.”

Ugas controlled the eighth, and the raucous audience responded to more punishing rights by Ugas. Sensing the fight slipping away, Pacquiao picked up the pace in the ninth. עדיין, the harder shots came from Ugas.

Early in the 10ה, a Pacquiao left forced Ugas to clinch. The momentum was short-lived. Ugas had now found a home for his right and was throwing it with regularity. The 12ה was particularly one-sided. Ugas repeatedly landed the right, hurting Pacquiao on several occasions and opening a cut near his left eye.

“The right hand was a shot I had planned to use on Manny,” said Ugas. “It kept working so I kept using it.”

The triumphant Ugas raised in his arms in victory as the bell sounded. רגעים לאחר מכן, three judges scored the bout in his favor, one turning in a 115-113 card while the other two had it 116-112.

“In the future, you may not see Manny Pacquiao in the ring,” Pacquiao said. “I don’t know. Let me rest first, relax and make a decision if I’ll continue to fight or not.”

“He’s a legend, one of the greatest fighters that ever lived,” Ugas said of his opponent. “I’ll always respect him not only as a great fighter but outside the ring. I also admire that he fights for his country, as I do. I want to free Cuba.”

במקרה שיתוף ראשי, Robert “The Ghost” Guerrero (37-6-1, 20 קוס) battled his way to a 10-round unanimous decision over “Vicious” Victor Ortiz (32-7-3, 25 קוס).

All three judges scored the bout 96-94.

“It felt good to be back in the ring with fans and I definitely fed off of their energy,” said Guerrero. “I knew this was going to be an all-out war. Victor Ortiz brought the best out of me tonight. It was back and forth action the entire fight and I came out on top as I predicted.”

Much of the action was fought on the inside where Guerrero landed the cleaner shots. After a feel-out opener, Guerrero came alive in the second, stunning Ortiz with a series of power shots.

Round after round, the two former world champions unloaded short shots in close quarters with each refusing to take a backward step. Guerrero capped off his performance with a strong 10ה מסגרת, which proved to be the difference on the cards.

“חשבתי שאני ניצחתי. זה מה שזה,” said Ortiz. “It was a close fight. He didn’t hurt me. A couple times I got caught off balance but that was it. I should have boxed a little better, but hey, he did what he had to do.”

Now I’m ready to step up and fight anyone they put in front of me,” said Guerrero. “I have a lot left in me and I’m in this sport to win another world title. I dedicate this fight to my family and I give all the glory to my lord and savior Jesus Christ.”

In a star-making performance, Mark “Magnifico” Magsayo (23-0, 16 קוס) of the Philippines scored a spectacular knockout of יולי Ceja (32-5-1, 28 קוס), putting the former world champion away in the 10ה round of their WBC Featherweight Title Eliminator.

“I just worked a lot on the straight punches,” said Magsayo. “I kept working it round after round and when I saw he was hurt, I followed up.

“I’m so glad for the outcome. I expected his style to make it happen and I expected a knockout tonight.”

It looked like it might be an early night when a counter left hook from Magsayo floored Ceja in the first. Mexico’s Ceja gamely rose and worked his way back into the fight, slowing Magsayo down with combinations to the ribs.

Ceja’s work paid off late in the fifth when a left uppercut introduced Magsayo to the canvas. The 26-year-old slugger made it to his feet. The bell sounded moments later.

Ceja attacked the body with abandon in the sixth and seventh but it was Magsayo who found his second wind late. His fast hands and feet allowed him to dictate the action in the eighth. He enjoyed an even better ninth, flashing his left in the forms of jabs and hooks.

With the fight seemingly hanging in the balance, Magsayo let it all hang out in the tenth. As Ceja sought refuge along the ropes, Magsayo uncorked a picture-perfect one-two flush on the Mexican’s jaw. Ceja sagged to the mat, helped along the way by another right. No count was needed. Referee Kenny Bayless ended the bout at 0:50 של 10ה סיבוב.

“I got knocked down and was surprised, but I focused my mind on what I wanted, a world championship shot,” said Magsayo. “It’s my dream today and now it’s coming true. Hopefully my next fight is a world title shot.”

In the pay-per-view opener, קרלוס קסטרו (27-0, 11 קוס) turned in the finest performance of his career, עצירת מתמודד באליפות העולם לשעבר Óscar Escandón (26-6, 18 קוס) ב 10ה round of their back-and-forth featherweight encounter.

“Escandón has been in there with the best. He’s gone a lot of rounds with world champions,” said Castro. “But it was just a matter of time, picking our punches. I sat down a little more on my shots. I’ve been with Manny Robles for only four months. With a little more time, I think we’ll be able to dominate the division.”

Castro used his height and reach to keep Escandón at bay early on. Escandón was game throughout. Late in the first, he pinned Castro against the ropes and buckled him with a hard left hook.

“I knew it was going to be a slow start,” Castro said. “Manny Robles taught me a lot, but a year and a half out of the ring, a new coach—it’s always different. Sparring and training is always different from fights, so I feel great and happy for the opportunity. I have to keep progressing.”

By the start of the second, Castro was back to using his jab and timely footwork. His punch output increased with each passing round.

Escandón began to show signs of wear in the fifth. Castro was now landing to head and body with regularity. Early in the seventh, Escandón was badly wobbled by a right hand. Castro pounced, unloading a series of power shots. Escandón countered with a wild left hook that missed. The force of the blow drove Escandón to the canvas. Referee Celestino Ruiz improperly ruled it a knockdown, which was later overturned and ruled a slip.

Castro sought to close the show but Escandón showed incredible heart, fighting him off until Castro was forced to retreat. The crowd roared their approval at round’s end.

Castro continued to dominate in the ninth. He closed the show in the tenth, landing another big right followed by a volley that floored Castro. Ruiz mercifully waved it off at 1:08 של 10ה סיבוב.

“I fought my heart out and gave my best effort, but it just wasn’t my night tonight,” said Castro. “I had him hurt in the first round, but I didn’t have enough time to finish him off. I give Castro a lot of respect, he’s a great fighter and showed great sportsmanship. I’m not done and I will be back.”

“What’s next is up to my promoters,” Castro said. “I’m going to take some time off to spend time with my family, thank my coaches and enjoy the victory.”

Preceding the pay-per-view, rising lightweight sensation Frank “The Ghost” Martin (14-0, 10 קוס) impressed again, pitching a 10-round shutout over ריאן Kielczweski (30-6, 11 קוס) in the main event on PBC action live on FOX and FOX Deportes.

All three judges scored the bout 100-90.

The 26-year-old Martin dictated the pace from the opening bell, working behind a southpaw jab and stepping in with combinations. Kielczewski was game but had no answer for Martin’s speed, power and athleticism.

In the co-main event on FOX, סיכוי במשקל כבד Steven Torres (5-0, 5 קוס) עבודה מהירה עשויה Justin Rolfe (6-3-1, 4 קוס), pounding Rolfe until referee Robert Hoyle stepped in at 2:33 of the first round of their scheduled four-round bout.

In the FOX televised opener, touted lightweight Jose Valenzuela השתפר ל 9-0 (6 קוס) with a fourth-round stoppage over Donte Strayhorn (12-4, 4 קוס).

The 22-year-old Valenzuela scored a knockdown early in the first when an overhand left sent Strayhorn staggering back. Referee Raul Caiz Jr. ruled that the ropes held Strayhorn up and administered a standing eight count.

במקרה השני, Valenzuela showed poise as he pressed the attack behind his lefty stance. Strayhorn had his moments in the third round. עם זאת, the heavier blows came from Valenzuela, who poured it on until the bout’s end at 1:29 of the fourth round.

תוצאות מלאות של ליל קרב & תמונות עבור BELLATOR MMA 265: קונגו לעומת. Kharitonov

תמונה המכילה אדם, ספּוֹרט

התיאור נוצר באופן אוטומטי
השלם תמונות אירועים כאן - אנא אשראי: לוקאס נונאן / BELLATOR MMA

#3-Cheick קונגו (31-11-2, 1 NC) ניצח סרגיי Kharitonov (32-9, 2 NC) באמצעות הגשה (לחנוק אחורי עירום) ב 4:59 סיבוב שני

#5-לוגן Storley (12-1) ניצח דנטה שירו (8-3) באמצעות החלטת פיצול (29-28, 28-29, 29-28)

מרסלו גולם (9-3) ניצח בילי סוונסון (4-1) באמצעות TKO (שביתות) ב 4:57 של סיבוב אחד

#6-לוגו Jornel (7-0) ניצח קית לי (7-4) באמצעות הגשה טכנית (לחנוק אחורי עירום) ב 5:00 של סיבוב אחד

כרטיס ראשוני:
פאביו אגיאר (18-2) ניצח טיילור ג'ונסון (7-3) באמצעות החלטת פיצול (29-28, 28-29, 29-28)
מייק האמל (8-5) ניצח ברייס לוגן (12-6) באמצעות החלטת פה אחד (30-27, 29-28, 29-28)
ארצ'י קולגן (3-0) ניצח בן סימונס (3-3) באמצעות TKO (אגרופים) ב 00:00 של סיבוב אחד
דואן ג'ונסון (6-2)ניצח דבן פישר(4-9) באמצעות הגשה (דארס חנק) ב 1:04 של סיבוב אחד
ביילי שונפלדר (2-0) ניצח קורי מוגנבורג (1-3) באמצעות TKO (שביתות) ב 4:11 של סיבוב אחד

אנא בקר ב למידע נוסף.


הצעות מחיר לאמנת אימון AMANDA SERRANO

“I’m facing a tough Mexican fighter, but I’ll beat her at her own game!"

WBC and WBO Featherweight World Champion Amanda Serrano Defends Her Titles Against Super Bantamweight Champion
Yamileth Mercado Sunday, נִשׂגָב 29 in Jake Paul vs. Tyron Woodley SHOWTIME PPV® Co-תכונה

NEW YORK – נִשׂגָב 18, 2021 – Puerto Rican star and unified WBC/WBO Featherweight World Champion אמנדה "הדבר האמיתי" סראנו plans to take full advantage of her opportunity on the SHOWTIME PPV event headlined by ג'ייק פול נגד. Tyron Woodley when she faces super bantamweight world champion Yamileth Mercado ביום ראשון, נִשׂגָב 29 from Rocket Mortgage FieldHouse in Cleveland, אוהיו.

“It means a lot to women’s boxing for me to be in this position to perform on this stage,” said Serrano. “We deserve to be in the spotlight. I’ll perform like I always do and represent for women’s boxing the best way I know how. I’m very excited that they chose me for this event.”

In an event headlined by the renowned content creator and pro boxer Paul, who will be taking on his toughest test to date in the ring against the former UFC champion Woodley, Serrano knows that her style will help her gain fans on this big platform.

“Expect this to be a war, because I always bring the fireworks,” said Serrano. “I have a fan-friendly style and I’m going out there to finish my opponent. That’s what the fans want to see.

“Don’t blink during this one, because even though she’s a tough fighter with a lot of heart, this could be a short fight. I give her a lot of credit for accepting this fight right away. I know that I’m facing a tough Mexican fighter, but I’ll beat her at her own game!"

Already the most-decorated fighter in women’s boxing, having won world titles at every weight class from 115 ל 140 קילו, the Brooklyn-based fighter currently has her sights set on becoming undisputed at featherweight, which means eventually luring the other 126-pound titlists into the ring with her.

“If Erica Cruz and Sarah Mahfood want to be considered the best, they have to face me,” said Serrano. “Each of them was offered the biggest purse of their career to face me on August 29, and they turned it down. I want to be undisputed in this division, but they refuse to take any chances. All I can do right now is train to be at my best and make another statement against Mercado.”

Throughout her training for this fight, Serrano has had the opportunity to train side-by-side with the event’s headliner in Paul. While she sees Paul doing what is necessary to reach his ultimate dreams, she too is intrigued by his matchup against the very tough Woodley on August 29.

“Jake is an up-and-coming fighter who’s taking all the right steps,” said Serrano. “He’s learning on the job and he’s shown that he’s a very hard worker. He’s got a positive team around him and I’m excited to see how he fights Tyron Woodley. Woodley is a great fighter and I’m looking forward to seeing how that matchup plays out.”

כרטיסים החל משעה $45 are still available via The event is co-produced by SHOWTIME PPV and Most Valuable Promotions and promoted by Tony and Bryce Holden of Holden Productions. The pay-per-view telecast is produced and distributed by SHOWTIME PPV. Barstool Sportsbook is the official sports betting partner for the event and will be incorporated in a unique, fully integrated brand activation that is to be announced in more detail.

# # #

About Jake Paul vs. Tyron Woodley:
ג'ייק פול נגד. Tyron Woodley is the headline attraction atop a stacked evening of professional boxing action presented by SHOWTIME PPV® and Most Valuable Promotions in association with Holden Promotions, live from Rocket Mortgage FieldHouse in Cleveland, אוהיו, ביום ראשון, נִשׂגָב 29 ב 8 p.m. p.m ET / 5. PT. The SHOWTIME PPV is available for purchase now at and via the SHOWTIME app, and is available to order through all major cable, satellite and telco providers in the U.S. וקנדה. Renowned content creator and undefeated professional boxer Jake “The Problem Child” Paul will take on the toughest challenge of his budding career in the former UFC champion Tyron “The Chosen One” Woodley. Featured on the undercard is unified featherweight world champion Amanda “The Real Deal” Serrano defending her titles against super bantamweight champion Yamileth Mercado and the U.S. debuts of popular U.K. attractions Daniel Dubois and Tommy Fury in separate bouts.

למידע נוסף, בקר, follow on Twitter via @JakePaul, @TWooodley and @ShowtimeBoxing, on Instagram via @JakePaul, @Twooodley and @ShowtimeBoxing, או להיות אוהד בפייסבוק ב

BELLATOR 267: LIMA VS. MVP 2 מוסיף אירוע CO-MAIN לחזרה ללונדון

תמונה המכילה טקסט, אדם, מתחזה

תיאור שנוצר אוטומטית
לונדון, בריטניה – מאבק נשים במשקל נוצה ישמש כאירוע המרכזי של BELLATOR MMA 267: לימה לעומת. MVP 2 ביום שישי, אוקטובר 1 כאשר לא. 5 מדורג לאה מק'קורט (5-1) פוגש ג'סיקה בורגה (3-3) בזירת SSE, וומבלי בלונדון.

ההתמודדות תשב על גבי הכרטיס לצד משחק חוזר שחובה לראות בין מס. 1 מדורג דאגלס "הפנום" לימה (32-9) ולא. 2 מדורג דף "ארס" מיכאל (19-1) שם יראה החלוץ המסוגנן מלונדון לנקום בכתם הבודד בשיאו מול הקהל הביתי שלו.

BELLATOR MMA 267: לימה לעומת. MVP 2 פעולת הכרטיס הראשית תצא לדרך בשעה 9 p.m. BST / 16:00. ו, בעוד הכרטיס המקדים מתחיל בשעה 5:30 p.m. BST/12:30 p.m. ו. מעריצי BELLATOR יכולים לצפות באירוע בשידור חי ב- SHOWTIME (ארה"ב), BBC iPlayer (בריטניה), כמו גם Virgin Media Two וגם Virgin Media Sport (אירלנד).

הכרטיסים לאירוע נמכרים כעת וניתן לרכוש אותם באינטרנט ו

כרגע רוכב רצף ניצחונות של ארבעה קרבות, לאה מק'קורט של צפון אירלנד חוזרת לפעולה בעקבות ניצחון מדהים מהמקום Janay הרדינג במהלך הטיול האחרון שלה ב BELLATOR 259 במאי. עכשיו יושב במס '. 5 בדירוג משקל הנוצות של BELLATOR, ניצחון על חשבון יריבתה באוקטובר. 1 יעבור דרך ארוכה בהנעת "הקללה" צעד אחד קרוב יותר לזריקת תואר עולמי של BELLATOR מול האלופה המכהנת, קריס סייבורג.

הופעתה השלישית עבור BELLATOR, ג'סיקה בורגה תתחרה בפעם השנייה ב 2021. לאחרונה, "האלמנה השחורה" הלך 15 דקות עם אתגר התואר לשעבר טליתא נוגיירה, בעקבות ניצחון הגשה מרשים על אמבר לייברוק בהופעת הבכורה שלה.

התקפות נוספות נוספו לכרטיס הקרב, אשר ניתן למצוא להלן.

לוח הזמנים המעודכן של אירועי BELLATOR MMA
חינם. Aug. 20 // BELLATOR 265: קונגו לעומת. Kharitonov //סנטפורד פנטגון // סו פולס, SD
שבת. שבע. 18 // BELLATOR 266: דייוויס vs. רומרו //מרכז SAP // סן חוזה, כגון
חינם. אוקטובר. 1 // BELLATOR 267: לימה לעומת. MVP 2 //זירת SSE, וומבלי // לונדון, אנגליה
שבת. אוקטובר. 16 // BELLATOR 268: חצי גמר העולם הגדול במשקל כבד // מרכז טביעת רגל // פניקס, AZ
שבת. אוקטובר. 23 // BELLATOR 269: פדור vs. ג'ונסון // ארנת VTB // מוסקבה, רוסיה

בלטור MMA 267 לימה לעומת. MVP 2 MainCard:
ההצגה מתחילה (ארה"ב) / BBC iPlayer (בריטניה) / וירג'ין מדיה שתיים & וירג'ין מדיה ספורט (אירלנד)
יום שישי, אוקטובר 1 - 9 p.m. BST / 16:00. AND / 13:00. PT

Welterweight אירוע המרכזי: #1-דאגלס לימה (32-9) לעומת. #2-מייקל דף (19-1)
משקל נוצה Bout: #5-לאה מק'קורט (5-1) לעומת. ג'סיקה בורגה (3-3)
משקל נוצה Bout: רוברט וויטפורד (16-4))לעומת. אנדרו פישר (18-8-1)
בוט קל: איב לנדו (16-8) לעומת. טים ווילד (13-4)
אור המשקל הכבד Bout: לוק מאמן (4-0) לעומת. יאניק בהאטי (9-5)

כרטיס ראשוני:
ערוץ YouTube של BELLATOR MMA | ערוץ YouTube של ספורט SHOWTIME | טלוויזיה פלוטו (ארה"ב)
BBC iPlayer (בריטניה) | וירג'ין מדיה שתיים & וירג'ין מדיה ספורט (אירלנד)
5:30 p.m. BST/12:30 p.m. ו / 9:30 a.m. PT

Welterweight Bout: לואיס לונג (18-6) לעומת. אורוס יוריסיק (11-1)
בוט קל: קיין מוסה (13-3) לעומת. דייוי גלון (18-7-2)
Flyweight באוט: לוסי ברטו | (3-2) לעומת. אלינה קליונידו (7-4)
בוט קל: צ'רלי לירי (17-11-1) לעומת. גאווין יוז (10-2)
משקל נוצה Bout: פבקרי דיאטה (7-0)לעומת. נתן רוז (7-3)
Strawweight Bout: קיארה פנקו (5-3) לעומת. קתרינה דליסדה (5-2)
Bantamweight Bout: חורשד קחורוב (7-0) לעומת. מייק אקונדאיו (8-1)
Welterweight Bout: ג'ק גרנט (17-7) לעומת. נתן ג'ונס (13-10)

*נושא כרטיס לשינוי

אנא בקר ב למידע נוסף.

גרג Outlaw מתמודד עם אדגר טורס באירוע המרכזי ביום שישי, 10 בספטמבר ב 2300 זירה בפילדלפיה

The Return of Philly Favorite Christian Carto in The Co-Feature
Plus Undefeated Elijah Morales, Quadir Albright, Julian Gonzalez and Bilal Quintyne
פילדלפיה (נִשׂגָב 17, 2021)–King’s Promotions returns to the 2300 זירה in Philadelphia with a jam-packed night of boxing on Friday night September 10th.

באירוע המרכזי, welterweight גרג מחוץ לחוק will compete against Edgar Torres in a bout scheduled for six-rounds.

Outlaw of Bowie, מרילנד, יש לו רקורד של 8-1 עם שלושה knockouts. The 28 year-old Outlaw is a five year-professional. Outlaw has wins over Kashon Hutchinson (2-0) and Mack Allison IV (8-1-1). Outlaw is looking to get back in the win column after suffering his first defeat, which came on June 5th against Andrew Rodgers at the 2300 זירה.

Torres of Woodbridge, וירג'יניה, יש לו רקורד של 8-1-1 עם ארבעה knockouts. The 38 year-old is a 14 year-professional. Torres is coming off his first loss, when he was stopped by Hutchinson on June 5th at the 2300 זירה.

The six-round co-feature will mark the much anticipated return of popular bantamweight כריסטיאן קרטו.

Carto, 24 years-old of Philadelphia is 17-1 עם 11 knockouts. Carto, שהפך מקצועי ב 2016, won his first 17 קצוות, which were highlighted by a win over Alonso Melendez (14-1). Carto suffered his only loss on February 8th, 2019 to Victor Ruiz at the 2300 זירה.
Carto’s opponent will be announced shortly.

גם בהתקפים שישה-עגולים:

Elijah Morales (8-0, 4 קוס) של טרנטון, NJ לוקח על Kevin Davilla (5-8-3, 1 KO) of Lakeland, Washington in a welterweight contest.

Kashon Hutchinson (8-5, 2 קוס) רידינג, PA takes on an opponent to be named in a welterweight fight.

Kenny Robles (8-1, 3 קוס) של סטטן איילנד, NY takes on an opponent to be named in a junior welterweight scrap.

Jonathan Rodriguez (9-1, 3 קוס) בית לחם, PA takes on an opponent to be named in a bantamweight fight.
In Four-Round Bouts:

Quadir Albright (1-0, 1 KO) of Philadelphia battles debuting Humberto Camareno Jr. לייקווד, Washington in a junior welterweight fight.

Julian Gonzalez (1-0, 1 KO) רידינג, PA takes on an opponent to be named in a junior lightweight contest.

Bilal Quintyne (1-0, 1 KO) של אטלנטה, GA fights an opponent to be named in a middleweight tussle.

Tickets for this outstanding evening of boxing are $150, $100, $75
ו $50 and can be purchased by calling King’s Promotions at 610-587-5950.

Much at stake for “The Come Up” headliner “Fly” Mike Marshall in “The Come Up” Day-Night Doubleheader August 28 בדרים, N.H.

קווינסי, מסה. (נִשׂגָב 17, 2021) – New England Heavyweight Champion “Fly” Mike Marshall has the right attitude as he prepares to headline “The Come Up” card, מוצג על ידי Granite Chin Promotions, on August 28th at New England Sports Center in Derry, ניו המפשייר.

“The Come Up’ is the name of the professional card being held during the afternoon session of a day-night doubleheader, separate admissions. The championship final of the inaugural “Granite Chin Invitational” will headline the evening portion of Pro-Am doubleheader.

Marshall (5-1-1, 4 קוס), fighting out of Danbury (CT), who was supposed to fight on the Fury-Wilder III card July 24 בלאס וגאס, which was postponed until October 9ה due to members of Fury’s camp contracting COVID-19. Instead of playing things safe, avoiding risk and waiting to hear if he’ll be fighting on the rescheduled Tyson-Wilder III PPV, Marshall is fighting Jose “Olimpico” Corral (20-27, 12 קוס), in the August 28ה 10-סיבוב, non-title fight main event.

“I was super excited to be on Fury-Wilder III so I could show everybody what I am capable of,” Marshall remembered. “When I heard Tyson had COVID and the fight was postponed, it disappointed me, but I got that opportunity and figure others will be coming. I stayed in the gym. I’m very happy Chris (promoter Traietti) got me on the card in the first place.

“This is the hurt business and I’m not one of those guys afraid of a challenge. אני לוחם. The opportunity came up for this fight and I took it. I’m not one to sit at home waiting for a call. This is what I get paid to do. I’m focused on my job and not concerned about the uncontrollable.”

Marshall has won three fights in a row, all at the same venue as his August 28ה מאבק, including his New England title-winning performance last November, when he took a unanimous 8-round decision from defending N.E. heavyweight champion Justin Rolfe. In his most recent fight this past June, Marshal fought 13-1-1 Steve Vukosa to a 10-round draw, for the vacant NABA – USA crown.

“Winning the New England title meant a lot to be because it’s my first as a pro,” Marshall added. “A lot of people thought that he’d win, and he was the defending champ. I went in there and did what I had to do and took home the belt.

“I proved that I could go 10 hard rounds with a veteran like Steve. A lot of guys on TV can’t do that. חשבתי שאני ניצחתי, but he’s a veteran who is well known up there. I took care of business and imposed my will on him. Steve is a good guy; I gave him a lot of respect. I watched his training wars with James Toney.”

Rising New England prospect Denzel “Double Impact” Whitley (5-0, 4 קוס), an undefeated welterweight from Holyoke (תואר שני), is matched against 57-fight veteran Dewayne Wisdom in the 6-round co-featured event.

The Sumpter brothers from Pittsfield (תואר שני), light heavyweight Steve (1-0, 1 KO) and pro-debuting heavyweight Quintin, will be in action in 4-round matches. Steve faces Tahlik Taylor and 2020 New England Novice Golden Gloves champion Quinn faces Wallace Nass Silva (0-1).
Also fighting on the undercard in 4-round bouts are Lynn, MA heavyweight Dennis Ventura vs. Andrew Nolan (0-1), Holyoke junior middleweight Carlos Castillo (2-0, 2 קוס), Florida middleweight Josniel “TG” Castro (4-0, 3 קוס), לורנס, MA lightweight “El Gallo” Kevin Rodriguez (0-1), Springfield’s pro-debuting middleweight Jamer Jones, Niagara Falls junior middleweight Anthony Leaks (17-7, 7 קוס), ו ספרינגפילד (תואר שני) super middleweight Laurent Humes (1-0, 1 KO).

נושא כרטיס לשינוי.

The championship finals of the “Granite Chin Invitational,” sanctioned by USA Boxing, with five title matches will highlight the all-amateur evening card featuring some of future New England future champions.

The most celebrated amateur in the finals, welterweight Arika Skkog (Nonantum Boxing Club), is the reigning USA Boxing Elite National champion, as well as a 2-time New England Golden Gloves Champion. In the championship match, she will meet dangerous Emily Jones (Everybody Fights Rock), של ובורן (תואר שני).

Nashua (NH) middleweight Mike Fontanez (Nashua PAL), a 2-time N.E. Golden Gloves Champion and 2-time USA Boxing Nationals silver medalist, takes on Portland’s (ME) Wade Faria (Portland Boxing Club).

Framingham (תואר שני) welterweight Kenny Larson (Nonantum Boxing Club) is matched against faces Manchester’s (NH) Apostolus Lolas (Nashua PAL), לורנס (תואר שני) lightweight Jaydell Pazmino (Thrive Boxing) meets Worcester’s (תואר שני) Jonathan Cortez (Worcester Boys & מועדון בנות), and Meriden (CT) featherweight Diego “King” Bengochea battles Framingham’s (תואר שני) Fran Scata (Nonantum Boxing Club).
Matches subject to change.

כרטיסים מוצעים כעת במחיר של $35.00 (הודאה כללית, $45.00 שׁוּרָה רִאשׁוֹנָה) ו $240.00 for a ringside table of four for Day Show / $25.00 (הודאה כללית) ו $35.00 (שׁוּרָה רִאשׁוֹנָה) for the Night Show. Purchase tickets online at (חיפוש: The Come Up (day show) and Granite Chin Finals (night show).

פתיחת דלתות בשעה 1 p.m. ו (day) ו 7 p.m. ו (לילה) with the first bouts, בהתאמה, ב 1:30 p.m. ו 7:30 p.m. ו.

pro poster.jpg


Lawrence’s Undefeated junior welterweight prospect 11-0 Adrian Sosa finds new home in Ryan Roach’s Fighter Locker stable

(L-R) Trainer Sean Farley & Adrian Sousa

BOSTON (נִשׂגָב 18, 2021) – Undefeated junior welterweight prospect Adrian “Tonka” Sosa (11-0, 9 קוס) has found a new home having signed a managerial contract with ריאן רואץ '’s Fighter Locker.

The 26-year-old Sosa, fighting out of Lawrence (תואר שני), was a hot commodity after defeating previously undefeated Khiry Todd (7-0) ב 2018 by way of a 6-round majority decision, which led to Sosa signing a promotional contract with DiBella Entertainment. Sosa was unhappy fighting about only four times against journeymen through mid-2019, when the COVID-19 pandemic shutdown boxing.

“I had issues with opponents who kept falling out,” Sosa explained. “Foxwoods is only 2-hours from Lawrence, and I was losing credibility with my fans because fights kept falling out. I wanted to step up to showcase my skills, but I wasn’t getting good fights, and then COVID hit. I called (לו) DiBella and he gave me my release.

“That fight (לעומת. Khiary) is the biggest for me so far. People kept asking me why an undefeated fighter (6-0) would fight another undefeated prospect (Todd was 7-0). He wanted the fight and called me out in a disrespectful way on social media. I took the fight and knew I was faster than him. That fight led to me signing with DiBella.”

Despite his inactivity the past 2-plus years, in terms of fights, Sosa has kept busy in the gym, and he greatly benefited from four months in training camp this past May in Ft. לודרדייל (FL), קרבות 50 סיבובים עם ג'ורג 'קמבוסוס, ג 'וניור. for his since postponed fight versus unified World lightweight champion תאופימו לופז. Sosa used social media to get the sparring gig.

“I reached out to him on social media,” Sosa explained. “Every time he posted about his fight against Lopez, I replied asking him to bring me to his camp for sparring. One day I was DM’d by him on Instagram. He let me know his team watched my video and they wanted to bring me to his camp. I learned a lot there, more about my style, because I would just sit back as a boxer-puncher. I started to counter more, and my defense opened. I got a little more game from camp. When he did something, I wanted to come right back with it. The camp brought more of the fighter out of me. It opened my range and sharpened my defense.”

Sosa is a promotional free agent who has a new manager, ריאן רואץ '. The junior welterweight prospect is expected to be back in the ring next month at a site and date to soon be announced.

“I signed with Ryan because he is genuine and has proven himself,” Sosa noted. “Some doors were open to me, but he kept showing interest in me, and he never closed the door. He’s trustworthy and I want to be part of what he’s doing, and sign with a major promoter.”

“Signing Adrian means a lot to me personally because it took a lot of work over the past year,” manager Ryan Roach commented. “We built a relationship and I’ve proven to him what I do for my fighters. Adrian is special; I believe he could be one of the best fighters to come out of this region. He is a quick, talented fighter who has power and can work off of his defense very well. He also has a great work ethic. Adrian has all the tools to be a world champion. I look forward to guiding him as we are looking for tough fights right out of the gate. He’s been inactive but he’s ready, he’s learned a lot in the last two years. He was in camp with George Kambosos getting him ready for Teofimo Lopez I think that proves what kind of fighter Adrian is. Tonka will be a household name soon.”

Fighter Locker’s growing stable of gifted boxers include California super flyweight Rocco “So Cal Kid” Santomauro (21-1, 6 קוס), טרוי, NY ABF American West super lightweight Ray Jay “The Destroyer” Bermudez (12-0, 9 קוס), ABF USA super welterweight Jimmy “Quiet Storm” Williams (18-5-2, 6 קוס), ABF American West super middleweight champion “The Amazing” Shawn McCalman (8-0, 4 קוס), bantamweight סופר Daniel “G.D.F.E.” Bailey, ג 'וניור. (7-0, 4 קוס), קל ליאונל דה לוס סנטוס (3-0, 3 קוס), a2-time Dominican Republic Olympian, Boston featherweight טרוי אנדרסון, ג 'וניור. (1-0, 1 KO), pro-debuting Dominican Republic welterweight Juan Solano, Salt Lake City, 2016 Brazilian Olympic silver medalist Yuberjen Martinez, Brazilian Olympian Jorge Vivas, Colorado super middleweight Marvin “Too Much” Cordova, ג 'וניור. (23-2-1, 12 קוס), West Palm Beach, FL light heavyweight Robert Daniels, ג 'וניור. (4-0, 4 קוס), pro-debut Irish light heavyweight Thomas O’Toole, and Utah brothers, ABF American West lightweight champion Ignacio Chairez (9-0-1, 5 קוס) וקל משקל Gabriel Chairez (4-0-1, 2 קוס).

אתר אינטרנט:,
פייסבוק: /fighterlocker
טוויטר: @RoachRyan
אינסטגרם: @ RyanRoach82


לאס וגאס (נִשׂגָב 16, 2021) – Undefeated 122-pound world champions are set to square off as WBC champion Brandon “Heartbreaker” Figueroa and WBO champion Stephen “Cool Boy Steph” Fulton Jr. will meet in a title unification on Saturday, ספטמבר 18 live on SHOWTIME in a Premier Boxing Champions event from Park Theater at Park MGM in Las Vegas.

כרטיסים לאירוע בשידור חי ללכת על מכירה היום ב 10 a.m. PT וניתן לרכוש ב האירוע מקודם על ידי מבצעי TGB.

Figueroa vs. Fulton has been a much-discussed potential showdown for several years prior to the two unbeaten fighters joining the world championship ranks with career-best performances in 2021. Fulton struck first, dominating then-unbeaten Angelo Leo to capture the WBO title in January, while Figueroa made his own statement in stopping two-division champion Luis Nery to capture the WBC strap in May.

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