Undefeated M-1 Challenge welterweight champion Alexey Kunchenko to defend title belt against former M-1 Challenge lightweight champion Alexander Butenko

Joe Riggs vs. Boris Polezhay in co-feature
M 1 Isfida 90, Baħar. 30, in Saint Petersburg at M-1 Arena
SAINT PETERSBURG, Russja (Marzu 14, 2018) – Undefeated M-1 Challenge welterweight champion Alexey Kunchenko (17-0-0) will put his perfect MMA professional record and title belt on the line Marzu 30, against former M-1 Challenge lightweight titlist Alexander “Iron Capture” Butenko, fil- M 1 Isfida 90 main event at the new M-1 Arena in Saint Petersburg, Russja.
M 1 Isfida 90 will be live-streamed from Russia in high definition on www.M1Global.TV. Telespettaturi se tkun kapaċi li tara l-ġlied preliminari u karta ewlenija billi jidħlu fuq biex jirreġistraw fuq www.M1Global.TV. Fans may watch all the action on their computers, kif ukoll fuq Android u Apple smart phones u pilloli. M 1 Isfida 90 huwa available on www.FITE.TV(preliminary card is free, $7.99 for the main card)
The 33-year-old Kunchenko captured his M-1 Challenge welterweight title nearly two years ago, fi M 1 Isfida 65, meta hu knocked out Murad Abdulaev fir-raba 'round. Kunchenko has made three successful title defenses. He won two decisions in a rematch with Abdulaev and against Maksim Grabovich, and he stopped Sergey Romonav fir-rawnd ftuħ.
The Russian-born Kunchenko is a legitimate knockout artist, waqfien 12 ta 'dmirijietu 17 pro victims, and he is 9-0 in in M-1 Global competition.
Kunchenko (R) is a lethal striker with 12 KOs in 17 tissielet pro
Butenko (45-12-3, M-1: 11-2-1) is an experienced fighter, who is attempting to become a two-division M-1 Challenge champion. The battle-tested Ukrainian won his M-1 Challenge lightweight crown at M 1 Isfida 67, back in June of 2016, when he won a five-round decision over Artem Damkovsky for the vacant title.
Fl-ewwel difiża titolu tiegħu, Butenko was knocked out by Abukar Yandiev fir-rawnd ftuħ, Frar 18, 2017 fi M 1 Isfida 74. He has won his last two fight, fi M 1 Isfida 82 & 86, rispettivament, kontra Keith Johnson (DEC3) u Eler Narmurzan(TSUB1).

Butenko (R) also has power
American middleweight and former UFC fighter,Joe “DieselRiggs (47-17-0, 1 NC, M-1: 2-0-0), fighting out of Phoenix, IL, jieħu fuq Boris Polezhay (18-6-0, M-1: 2-1-0), ta 'l-Ukraina, in the co-featured event.
Riggs is riding a six-fight win streak, including a pair of victories in M-1 Challenge events, in which he knocked out Oleg Olenichev u Dmitry Samoilov. Polezhay has won 13 tal-aħħar tiegħu 14 tissielet.
Also fighting in the main card is Brazilian flyweight Rafael Dias (14-5-0, M-1¨0-1-0), li qed tiffaċċja Vadim Malygin, tar-Russja. Dias has lost only two of his last 10 tissielet, both of those in bantamweight matches. Malygin lost his only M-1 Challenge title fight last September, meta Aleksander Doskalchuk submitted him in the second.
All fighters and fights are subject to change. Additional main and full preliminary card bouts will soon be announced.
Twitter & Instagram:
@ M1GlobalNews
@ M1Global


NEW YORK, NY (14 Mar, 2018) – Dominican Featherweight prospect, Braulio Rodriguez (19-2, 17Tal-KO), makes his return to the ring on IS-SIBT, March 17th, 2018 kontra Christopher Diaz (22-0, 14Tal-KO) from Barranquitas, Puerto Rico. The ten-round bout will take place at Madison Square Garden Theater fil New York, New York and will be for the WBO-NABO Super Featherweight title. The show will be promoted by Top Rank.
After a year and a half layoff, Rodriguez is excited to be back in the ring. Rodriguez was recently signed to a three-year promotional deal by Real Deal Boxing and also a managerial agreement by El Matador Management.
I feel happy to be part of Real Deal Boxing and El Matador Management. I know that with them, I will achieve great things in the sport of boxing. This is the opportunity that I have been looking forward to and now I will be able to show everyone who Braulio “Il Kid” Rodriguez is.
Braulio Rodriguez had an outstanding amateur background compiling close to 200 bouts dilettanti. He is strong and knows his way around the ring”, said his manager Felipe Gomez. “He was scheduled to fight on few occasions, but unfortunately for unforeseen reasons it didn’t happen. Rodriguez is one of those fighters that will have the crowd on their feet from start to finish.

Follow El Matador Management :

Twitter: @BoxingAdvisor
Facebook: @ElMatadorManagement
Instagram: @ElMatadorManagement
SnapChat: @ElMatadorMngmt
YouTube: @NewLegendPromotions


Dropkick Murphy’s concert and boxing card runs FREE from 7-10 p.m.nhar is-Sibt before FNL produces PPV music and matchups.
NEW YORK (Marzu 14, 2018) – Facebook FIGHTNIGHT LIVE has something for everyone din is-Sibt as the fan-friendly and completely FREE platform celebrates St. Patrick’s Day in Boston with the Dropkick Murphys and Murphys Boxing. Music fans and fight fans from across the nation and around the globe can catch the Dropkick Murphys in concert and an outstanding card with international appeal on any device wherever Facebook is available from 7-10 p.m., brought to fans by the promotion born out of the Dropkick Murphys popular Celtic punk band.

Following the three-hour FREE showfeaturing Dropkick Murphys music, fighter interviews and four free bouts live from the House of Blues adjacent to Fenway Parkfans can tune into the iN Demand, Vubiquity, DISH and the FITE.TV app for four more pay-per-view fights and a live acoustic set from the band. Canadian fight fans can tune in via Super Channel.

Times are changing for boxing just like streaming changed music. We are proud of the fights we are putting on and the big audiences we are drawing, and it’s great for our fighters to get the exposure,” qal Ken Casey, Dropkick Murphys Frontman and President and Founder, Murphys Boxing.

Recently surpassing 1.2 million views for the series, Sibt St. Patrick’s Day Clash continues FIGHTNIGHT LIVE’s meteoric 10-month rise, which has already included five live shows in the first two months of the New Year.

We’re excited to continue our two-fight promotion with Murphys Boxing and can’t wait to hoist a pint with them during our St. Patrick’s Day show in Boston,” qal Mark Fratto, Prinċipali tal Linacre Midja. “Facebook is a terrific medium to deliver these great early fights and interviews for free, and set the St. Paddy’s tone with some great music from Ken Casey and the fellas. We encourage fight fans and music fans to check out the PPV portion as well, there’s more music and unbelievable action coming up later in the evening.

As part of the Facebook bouts, New England champion GregThe VillainVendetti (17-2-1, 10 Kos) of Stoneham, Massa., jieħu fuq Engleberto Valenzuela(11-12, 3 Kos) tal-Messiku; the Fighting Pride of the Yezidi People YurikDon’t Be Sorry, Be Careful” Mamedov (6-1, 3 Kos) ta Brooklyn, N.Y.. jissodisfa Daniel Sostre(13-16-1, 5 Kos), or Puerto Rico; featherweight Amanda Pavone (2-0, 1 KO) or Burlington, Massa. Faces Sarah Click (għall-debutt) tal Framingham, Massa.; and lightweight Tomas Romain (6-1) ta Brooklyn, N.Y.. jieħu fuq Israel Rojas (13-20, 5 Kos) tal-Messiku.

Over the first nine-plus months of programming, the numbers on the 12-show FIGHTNIGHT LIVE series have showed promise and potential for the new platform with an average of 82,153 fight fans tuning in per event and more than 1.2 million fans served.

Il Seba. 9 “Promozzjonijiet Deal Real: Imperu Istat” minn Resorts Dinjija Casino (225,000), l CES Awissu “Super IS-SIBT” minn Foxwoods (203,000) and the Sept. CES “Twin Xmara Twinbill” minn Lincoln, R.I. (157,000) kollha kkompletati 150,000 fehmiet, and collectively the 15-show series has seen a total of almost 28,000 total hours of Facebook video consumed by 1,232,299 users across all devices.

Minbarra l-numri jarawhom primi, -kolonna tal-interattiv, fan-friendly productions have seen aktar minn 155,000 impenji kollettivi post ħajjin(aktar minn 10,000 per show), including almost 103,000 “jħobb” jew “tant iħobb,” aktar minn 27,000 comments and more than 7,000 shares.

FIGHTNIGHT LIVE broadcasts are viewed by 76 irġiel fil-mija, 24 nisa fil-mija. The top demographic is comprised of males ages 25-34, li jinkludi madwar 30.0 mija tal-udjenza, medja.

Il Seba. 9 “Promozzjonijiet Deal Real: Imperu Istat” set a new bar with 224,658 fehmiet u l- Seba. 15-16 DiBella-CES doubleheader carried the series to three-quarters-of-a-million views in just over four months. Il Frar. 10 Hard-Hitting PromotionsPhilly Fight Night” juru jispikka individwalment ma ' 3,421 live hours of content viewed, filwaqt li l- Seba. 15 DiBella card saw aktar minn 40,000 interazzjonijiet telespettatur including almost 39,000 “jħobb” jew “tant iħobb.”

The FIGHTNIGHT LIVE page on Facebook has more than 80,000 fannijiet u aktar minn 82,000 followers. And Facebook itself has taken noticethe world’s No. 1 social network recently profiled FIGHTNIGHT LIVE on itsSuccess Storiesmedia blog, noting the seriesuse of industry best practices for production and interactivity:


Facebook FIGHTNIGHT LIVE has been delivered to fans absolutely free since its May 2017 launch courtesy of series corporate partners like Elite Heat Water, Montauk Iced Tea (montaukbev.com), Mr. Custom Made (mrcustommade.com) and BallWash (ballwash.com).

Fuq IS-SIBT, Marzu 17, live from live from the House of Blues in Boston, fannijiet jistgħu jistennew b'impatt għoli, multi-kamera streaming esperjenza kompluta bi grafika, animazzjonijiet, replays, interviews and an announce team anchored by blow-by-blow announcer Ray Flores of Premier Boxing Champions, Showtime Boxing, HBO Boxing and CBS Sports Network, u analista marc Abrams of AWE, NBC Sports Philadelphia, 15Rounds.com u AbramsBoxing.com. To provide spectators with a fully-interactive ringside experience, kummentaturi se jistaqsu u jwieġbu għall-mistoqsijiet mill-udjenza Facebook madwar id-xandira.

Maħluqa u prodotti mill Linacre Media barra ta 'New York City, -serje LIVE FIGHTNIGHT karatteristiċi announcers professjonali, angoli tal-kamera multipli, grafika tat-televiżjoni, replays u wara l---kwinti aċċess u intervisti. Il turi streaming huma disponibbli globalment kulfejn Facebook huwa disponibbli. L-inizjattiva mhux biss jippermetti fannijiet minn madwar id-dinja biex tixgħel, iżda wkoll jagħti up-u-li ġejjin ġellieda pjattaforma globali biex juru l-ħiliet tagħhom, tagħti promoturi aċċessibbli “xandira” soluzzjoni u jagħti isponsors l-abbiltà li jilħqu udjenza tal-massa permezz kontenut tad-ditta.

More FIGHTNIGHT LIVE Spring 2018 dati se jitħabbru uffiċjalment fil-ġimgħat li ġejjin.

LIVE FIGHTNIGHT huwa disponibbli online fuq: https://www.facebook.com/FaceFIGHTNIGHTLIVE /

Follow all the action via social media at FaceFIGHTNIGHTLIVE on Facebook, @FaceFIGHTNIGHTLIVE on Instagram and @FIGHTNIGHTLIVE_ on Twitter, or by using the hashtag #FIGHTNIGHTLIVE. Għall-avvenimenti aħħar Linacre Midja u l-iskeda tax-xandir, follow @LinacreMedia across all social platforms or use the tags #LinacreMediaEvents or #LinacreMediaOnTV.




LOS ANGELES – Bellator is proud to announce that reality star turned MMA fighter Aaron Chalmers (3-0) will make his promotional debut on the main card of historic Bellator 200 kontra Ash Griffiths (4-5) at The SSE Arena, Wembley in London on Il-ġimgħa, Mejju 25.

Fighting out of Newcastle, England, Chalmers steps inside the Bellator cage following three first-round stoppage victories under the direction of BAMMA. Chalmers is a well-known cast member of MTV’s British reality television series “Geordie Shore,” having appeared for 10 seasons beginning in 2014, as well as MTV’s “Ex on the Beach.” He would go on to make his MMA debut in 2017, winning his first bout via submission in the first round. “The Joker” has since defeated two other opponents in under a minute and now looks to take the next step in his professional career.

Griffiths turned pro in 2013, fighting regionally in England, prior to making his debut with Bellator last year during the main card of Bellator 191 fil Newcastle. Hailing from Willington, England, the nine-fight veteran provides a tough test for the newcomer. Fans can expect fireworks, when these two compete for bragging rights in front of their U.K. crowd.

The catchweight contest joins a stacked card that already includes a Bellator middleweight title matchup pitting current champ Rafael Carvalho (15-1) kontra Gegard Mousasi (43-6-2), a rematch betweenheavyweight fan-favorites Mirko Cro Cop (36-11-2, 1 NC) u Roy Nelson (23-15), while former titleholder Phil Davis (18-4) jieħu fuq Linton Vassell (18-6) in a light heavyweight matchup and undefeated British striker Michael "velenu" Page (12-0) jissodisfa David "Il Caveman" Rickels (19-4, 2 NC) fil welterweight.

Tickets for the event are on sale now at The SSE Arena, Wembley Box Office (0844 815 0815), Ticketmaster.com, ssearena.co.uk u axs.com. Bellator 200 will be broadcast on Paramount Network at 9 p.m. U/8 p.m. CT, filwaqt li azzjoni preliminari se fluss fuq Bellator.com u globalment fuq il-Mobile App Bellator. The main card is now complete, additional preliminary contests will be announced in coming weeks.

Tlesti Bellator 200 Main Card:

Middleweight World Title Bout: Rafael Carvalho (15-1) vs. Gegard Mousasi (43-6-2)

Karta Main Heavy Bout: Mirko Cro Cop (36-11-2, 1 NC) vs. Roy Nelson (23-15)

Light Heavyweight Main Card Bout: Phil Davis (18-4) vs. Linton Vassell (18-6)

Welterweight Main Card Bout: Michael Page (12-0) vs. David Rickels (19-4, 2 NC)

163-Pound Catchweight Main Card Bout: Aaron Chalmers (3-0) vs. Ash Griffiths (4-5)

*Karta soġġetta għal bidla

Jekk jogħġbok żur Bellator.com għal informazzjoni addizzjonali.


PHILADELPHIA – Twenty year old welterweight boxer JaronBootsEnnis will honored asThe One to Watch” fil- 11th Annual Briscoe Awards fuq Marzu 25, 2018. Ennis, currently 18-0, 16 Kos, has been turning heads ever since he turned professional in 2016. After less than two years as a professional, Boots has convinced local boxing fans that he’s destined to become a world champion.
Ennis has every Philly boxing fan excited,” said John DiSanto, founder of the Briscoe Awards. “He is the real thing and at the rate he’s going, he’ll be fighting for the title in another year.
Ennis is no stranger to the Briscoe Awards. He won the “Amateur of the Year” sentejn ilu, and was named the “Rookie tas-Sena” sena li għaddiet. He returns to the Briscoe stage on March 25th to receive his third acknowledgement by Philly Boxing History.
The Briscoe Awards commemorate the biggest and best accomplishments of the Philly-area boxing scene. A total of eleven prizes will be given out in a variety of categories, Inklużi “Philly Fighter of the Year”, “Philly Ġlieda tas-Sena”, “Eliminatorja tas-Sena”, “Amateur of the Year”, “Rookie tas-Sena”, “Prospect tas-Sena”, and others.
Advance tickets for the Marzu 25, 2018 Briscoe Awards cost $20 and are currently available for sale at BriscoeAwards.com, jew billi ċċempel 609-377-6413. Tickets will not be sold at the door. Il $20 admission includes food, draft beer, wine, soft drinks, and a souvenir program and ticket. The Briscoe Awards will be held at the VBA Clubhouse, 2733 Clearfield Street, Philadelphia, PA, 19134.
The Briscoe Awards are presented by Philly Boxing History Inc., a 501c3 Non-Profit organization dedicated to preserving and honoring the great legacy of boxing in and around the city of Philadelphia. Għal aktar informazzjoni, call John DiSanto at 609-377-6413.


Box Fan Expo is the ultimate fan experience event that gives boxing fans the opportunity to meet-and-greet top fighters, current and former world champions, boxing celebrities and industry people in an up-close personal setting.
Tickets On-Sale Now at EventBrite
Las Vegas (Marzu 13, 2018) – Two-Time World Champion Badou Jack has confirmed that he will appear, have a booth and hold a Meet & Greet with his fans at the Las Vegas Convention Center for the 4th edition of Box Fan Expo that will take place Saturday May 5, 2018 from 10am to 5pm, during Cinco De Mayo weekend.
Jack will once again appear at this year’s Expo where he will be launching and introducing his newRipper Nutritionhttp://rippernutrition.com għallducts. Jack will be signing gloves, photos and merchandise. Boxing fans will also have a great opportunity to take pictures with this boxing star also known as “Il Ripper”. Jack will also be facing WBC Light Heavyweight Champion Adonis “Superman” Stevenson on Mejju 19 fil-Kanada. The fight will be promoted by Mayweather Promotions.
The Swedish professional boxer, who is promoted by Mayweather Promotions, held the WBC Super Middleweight title from 2015 biex 2017. Dwar April 24, 2015 he defeated Anthony Dirrell to win the WBC championship belt and defended it successfully against George Groves at the MGM Grand Las Vegas on September 12, 2015 during Mexican Independence weekend. He competed in a 2017 Fight of the Year candidate against James Degale that ended in a majority draw at Barclays Center in Brooklyn last January. He made his light heavyweight debut by defeating WBA World Champion Nathan Cleverly in August and will now look to become a three-time champion against Stevenson.
Jack joins, Kelly Pavlik, Erik Morales and Fernando Vargas as an early commitment to this year’s Box Fan Expo.

Box Fan Expo has been a huge success with fans and boxing industry people. Many boxing stars have attended the last three Expos such as Floyd Mayweather, Mike Tyson, Roberto Duran, Tommy Hearns, Marco Antonio Barrera, Roy Jones Jr., Marcos Maidana, Sergio Martinez, Keith Thurman, Danny Garcia, Tim Bradley, Deontay Wilder, Amir Khan, Shawn Porter, Fernando Vargas, Zab Judah, James Toney, Vinny Pazienza, Mikey Garcia , Mia St.Johns, Leo Santa Cruz, Badou Jack, Terry Norris , Riddick Bowe , Magni li jqaxxru Earnie, Leon Spinks, Danny Jacobs, Mares Abner, Jorge Linares, Brandon Rios and many more
Esebituri bħal boxing gear, ilbies, new equipments, energy drinks, alcohol, supplement products, broadcasting media, sanctioning bodies and other companies who wish to participate will once again have a chance to showcase their brand to fans, media and the boxing industry.
Biljetti għall-kaxxa Fan Expo huma disponibbli online fuq:
Box Fan Expo is the ultimate boxing fan experience event, which allows fans to Meet and Greet Boxing Superstars of today, current and former world champions, Legends of the sport and other boxing Celebrities at their booth. On Site, fans will experience different activities from Autograph Sessions, Photo Sessions, FaceOff with your favorite boxers, as well as a chance to purchase merchandise and memorabilia from their booth, plus so much moreyou won’t want to miss this must-attend Expo!
Box Fan Expo will also feature top boxing organizations, promoturi, ring card girls, famous trainers and commentators as well as boxing gear companiesALL UNDER ONE ROOF”.
Throughout the next couple of months leading up to the Event, there will be weekly updates on the many stars that will commit their appearance at the Boxing Expo. And for anyone in the Boxing industry or other Exhibitors (non-industry), who would like to be involved and reserve a Booth, contact Box Fan Expo:
Telephone number: (514) 572-7222 or Las Vegas Number (702) 997-1927
Għal xi inkjesti jekk jogħġbok email: boxfanexpo@gmail.com
Aktar informazzjoni dwar il-Kaxxa Fan Expo huwa disponibbli fuq: http://www.boxfanexpo.com
Inti tista 'ssegwi Kaxxa Fan Expo fuq Twitter fil: https://www.twitter.com/BoxFanExpo

Undefeated Junior Lightweight Michael Dutchover back in action this Saturday night

PHILADELPHIA, PENN./ORANGE, Calif. (Marzu 13, 2018)- Din is-Sibt lejl fil- Doubletree Hotel fil Ontario, California, budding junior lightweight talent Michael Dutchover (7-0, 5 Kos) headlines the first show of his young career when he faces Ricardo Lopez (7-1-2, 6 Kos).
Dutchover, 20, hails from Midland, Tex. but moved to the Los Angeles area last year to take advantage of the rich sparring that the region offers. The former amateur standout is making his first start of the year against a fellow prospect in Lopez who will be eager to give him a fight.
There’s no doubt that Lopez is thinking upset,” said Dutchover, who is trained and managed by Danny Zamora. “I won’t let him do anything that he wants to do. I plan to dominate the fight. It’s my first main event as a professional so there’s added motivation to give the fans an excellent show.
All signs point to Dutchover delivering the goods on Saturday night. In the lead up to this fight, he spent several weeks in Guadalajara, Mex. sparring with world champion Oscar Valdez.
Spending time with the Valdez camp was an incredible experience,” Dutchover said. “I learned a lot from Valdez. The sparring sessions are what everyone wants to talk about, but it was more than that for me. Just seeing how he conducted himself and how focused he was. That left a lasting impression on me.
Dutchover is co-promoted by Banner Promotions and Thompson Boxing.
Thompson Boxing will livestream the main event and the full card onTB Presents” li tibda fl 7:00 PM PT. The livestream can be found on the Thompson Boxing facebook page, or on its website at ThompsonBoxing.com.
TB Presentsis anchored by Beto Duran as the blow-by-blow announcer, while Steve Kim will provide expert, color commentary.
For regular updates on our fighters, avvenimenti, and promotions, please like Banner Promotions Facebook Page, and follow us on Instagram and Twitter BannerBoxing.
Photo By Carlos Baeza / Thompson Boxing




Biljetti fuq BEJGĦ ISSA

NEW YORK – March 13, 2018 – Combate Americas announced six new matchups today for “Combate Estrellas I,” the premier Hispanic Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) sports franchise’s first live television event of 2018, and the first event of a two-part series featuring a collection of Combate Americas’ top estrellas, or “stars,” that will take place at Shrine Expo Hall in Los Angeles, Calif. fuq Il-ġimgħa, April 13.



Pprezzati minn $40, tickets for “Combate Estrellas I” are on sale at Ticketon.com.



The newly announced bouts include a featherweight (145 liri) main card battle between fellow rising stars Jose “Froggy” Estrada (4-1), representing the U.S., u Pablo “Gallo Negro” Sabori (8-4) tal-Messiku.


The matchup between Estrada, 27, who fights out of Ventura, Calif., and the 26-year-old Sabori of Tecate, Baja California, will precede the flyweight (125 liri) women’s co-main event between five-division world boxing champion Amanda "Il Deal Real" Serrano, (0-0) representing Puerto Rico in her much-anticipated MMA rules debut, kontra Erendira “Aketzaly” Ordoñez (2-1) tal-Messiku, and the bantamweight (135 liri) main event rematch between John “Sexi Mexi” Castaneda (16-3), representing the U.S., u Marc “Lufo” Gomez (21-11), representing Spain.



In “Combate Estrellas I” preliminary bout card action, Rafa “Gifted” Garcia (5-0) of Mexico will risk his perfect record in a lightweight (155 liri) scrap against fellow streaking prospect Chase “El Guero” Gibson (8-2) of the U.S.


A winner of Combate Americas’ first-ever open fighter tryout in 2016, the 25-year-old Garcia of Mexicali, Baja California, has defeated all of his opponents to date by way of submission inside of two rounds, while the 28-year-old Gibson, li tissielet barra ta 'Los Angeles, is a winner of his last five bouts.



In women’s atomweight (105 liri) action on the preliminary bout card, Paulina “Firefox” Granados (4-3) will battle fellow American Sheila Padilla(3-2).



Lightweight American rivals Danny “The Realist” Ramirez (6-3) u Erick “Ghost Pepper” Gonzalez (7-2) will face each other for the second time, in a grudge bout, just over one year after Ramirez took a unanimous decision from Gonzalez at “Combate 11” on February 16, 2017.



Undefeated Javier “El Mariachi” Garcia (3-0) will collide with fellow American and aggressive-minded finisher Gabriel Green (7-2) in another lightweight affair. Both Garcia and Green have claimed all of their respective victories to date by way of (T)KO jew is-sottomissjoni.



In a flyweight contest, ass sottomissjoni Heinrich “Ricky Scraps” Wassmer (6-2) of the U.S. se jiffaċċjaw “Malicious” Michael Reyes (3-4-1) of the U.S.











Bantamweight Main Event:
John Castaneda (16-3) vs. Marc Gomez (21-11)



Flyweight Co-Main Event:
Amanda Serrano (0-0 vs. Erendira Ordoñez (2-1)



Featherweight: Jose Estrada (4-1) vs. Pablo Sabori (8-4)





Ħfief: Rafa Garcia (5-0) vs. Chase Gibson (8-2)


Atomweight: Paulina Granados (4-3) vs. Sheila Padilla (3-2)


Ħfief: Danny Ramirez (6-3) vs. Erick Gonzalez (7-2)


Ħfief: Javier Garcia (3-0) vs. Gabriel Green (7-2)


Flyweight: Heinrich Wassmer (6-2) vs. Michael Reyes (3-4-1)
# # #





LOS ANGELES – Due to an undisclosed injury, James Gallagher’s highly anticipated return to the Bellator cage will be delayed.

Bħala riżultat, the new headliner for Bellator’s third event in Budapest, Ungerija dwar Il-ġimgħa, April 6, will feature former world champion Benson Henderson (24-8) in a lightweight matchup against Roger Huerta (24-9-1, 1 NC), who returns to Bellator for the first time since 2010. Gallagher’s opponent, Hungary’s Adam Borics (6-0), will remain on the card and take on the undefeated Manuel Gaxhja (6-0) in the featherweight co-main event. B'żieda, Bellator 196 will also feature a flyweight contest pitting Bellator women’s 125-pound kickboxing champion Denise Kielholtz (1-1) versus Lena Ovchynnikova (12-5, 1 NC) and a featherweight battle between SBG Ireland’s Brian Moore (10-6) u Giorgio Belsanti (7-6-1).

With marquee victories over Nate Diaz, Donald Cerrone (x2), Frankie Edgar (x2), Gilbert Melendez and Jorge Masvidal, Glendale, Ariz.’s “Smooth” Benson Henderson looks to add another name to his already-impressive resume. The former UFC and WEC champ owns a win over a Patrick "Pitbull" inside the Bellator cage and is looking to make a statement on his way back to title contention when he meets Roger Huerta on April 6 in Budapest, L-Ungerija. Fighting out of Austin, Texas, the 34-year-old Los Angeles native returns to Bellator for the first time since facing Eddie Alvarez at Bellator 33. The first MMA fighter to ever appear on the cover of Sports Illustrated, Huerta’s entertaining fight style saw him memorably defeat Clay Guida and Leonard Garcia. Issa, fresh off of two consecutive victories, “El Matador” is not shying away from elite competition for his first fight of 2018.

Il April 6 card at BOK Hall will also feature world-class kickboxing action, as Bellator Kickboxing returns for another great night of fights. Fil-avveniment prinċipali, Raymond Daniels (33-3) defends his welterweight crown against Djibril Ehouo (38-9-2) ta 'Franza, filwaqt li l- undefeated Jorina Baars (44-0-3) prospetti li jiffaċċjaw Julie Burton (7-1) at 145-pounds. Barra minn hekk, fan-favorite Alexy Ignashov (85-21) will compete in a heavyweight matchup.

Bellator 196: Henderson vs. Huerta will be broadcast Il-ġimgħa, April 6 b'xejn fuq Paramount Network fuq 9 p.m. U/8 p.m. CT. Bellator Kickboxing 9 will air immediately following at 11 p.m. U/10 p.m. CT.Tickets for the event are on sale now and are available at www.Bellator.hu.

Aġġornat Bellator 196: Henderson vs. Huerta Karta tal-Ġlieda:

Lightweight Main Event: Benson Henderson (24-8) vs. Roger Huerta (24-9-1, 1 NC)

Featherweight Co-Main Event: Adam Borics (6-0) vs. Manuel Gaxhja (6-0)

Nisa Flyweight Main Card Bout: Denise Kielholtz (1-1) vs. Lena Ovchynnikova (12-5, 1 NC)

Bout tal-Karta Prinċipali Featherweight: Brian Moore (10-6) vs. Giorgio Belsanti (7-6-1)

Aġġornat Bellator Kickboxing 9 Karta tal-Ġlieda:

Welterweight World Title Bout: Raymond Daniels (33-3) vs. Djibril Ehouo (38-9-2)

Heavyweight Co-Main Event: Alexy Ignashov (85-21) vs. TBD

Women’s Featherweight Main Card Bout: Jorina Baars (44-0-3) vs. Julie Burton (7-1)

*Karta soġġetta għal bidla.



Photo by Mario Serrano Prince Ranch Boxing
LAS VEGAS, NV (Marzu 13, 2018)Promozzjonijiet Boy Golden’ undefeated super lightweight prospect, BlairThe Flair” Cobbs (7-0, 5 Kos), li huwa mmexxi mill Prince Ranch Boxing’s Greg Hannely, ritorni lejn il-ring din Il-ġimgħa, Marzu 16, 2018 at the Belasco Theater in Los Angeles, BĦAL, on the highly-anticipated return of the LA FIGHT CLUB serje. The event will be headlined by the eight-round flyweight fight between SeniesaSuperbad” Road (11-0, 2 Kos) u Sonia Osorio (10-5-1, 1 KO). Cobbs, from Philadelphia by way of Las Vegas, will face undefeated foe, Mario Esparza (4-0, 1 KO) from Phoenix, IL, in a four-round bout.
Cobbs, who recently signed a promotional agreement with Golden Boy Promotions in December 2017, is looking to shine in his debut under their promotional banner. While training in Las Vegas with coach Bones Adams, Cobbs feels his career is about to take off.
“Man, I can’t wait to make my Golden Boy Promotions debut on March 16, and show everyone what I got,” said Blair Cobbs. “Signing with Golden Boy is a dream come true and I’m going to make everyone proud. This is the pivotal point in my career and I’m ready to advance to the next level. I worked very hard to get into this position. Now it’s time to show up.
Blair has been looking amazing of late,” said Prince Ranch Boxing’s Greg Hannely. “He’s been sparring top level guys in Las Vegas and dominating. I believe Golden Boy Promotions will be very pleased with Cobbs. I know they’ll be happy that he’s on their stellar roster. Cobbs will be at this best on fight night, ready to shine.
Estrada vs. Osorio is an eight-round flyweight fight presented by Golden Boy Promotions. The event is sponsored by Tecate THE OFFICIAL BEER OF BOXING and Casa Mexico Tequila. L-avveniment se sseħħ fuq Il-ġimgħa, Marzu 16 at the Belasco Theater in Los Angeles, Calif. Bibien miftuħa fi 5:00 p.m. PT and the first fight and RingTV livestream begin at 5:15 p.m. PT/8:15 p.m. U. Il Boxeo Estelar broadcast will air live on EstrellaTV at 10:00 p.m. U/7:00 p.m. PT. The card will also stream live on EstrellaTV.com and on YouTube via LBI Media, Inc.’s Fenomeno Studios. Mark your calendars and buy your tickets for the upcoming shows on April 6, Ġunju 1, Lulju 6, Awissu. 10, u Ottubru. 12.
Biljetti għall LA FIGHT CLUB start at the fan-friendly price of $25 and are available for purchase now at www.goldenboytickets.com and the Golden Boy Promotions Facebook page.

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