Lineal smagā svara čempiona dusmas izslēdz Frančesko Pianetu, lai ierindotos 2018 Izrāde ar WBC pasaules čempiona smagsvaru Deonteju Vailderu


Primetime Encore Presentation Airs Šovakar Pie 10 p.m. UN/PT Showtime EXTREME

Klikšķiniet ŠEIT fotogrāfijām; Kredīts: Kriss Robertss / Frenks Vorens


BELFAST (Augusts 18, 2018) - Bijušais divu divīziju pasaules čempions Karls Framptons nokautēja Lūku Džeksonu, lai sestdien Belfāsts Vindzoras parkā, Belfāstā, Vindzoras parkā saglabātu savu pagaidu titulu virslīgā svarā, kas tika straumēts tiešraidē SHOWTIME Sports sociālajās platformās.




SHOWTIME BOXING INTERNATIONAL atklāšanas cīņā, čaulas smagā svara čempions Taisons Fjūrijs izslēdza Frančesko Pianetu rindās a 2018 kāršu atklāšana ar WBC pasaules čempionu smagsvariem Deontē Vailderu.




Šovakar plkst 10 p.m. ET / PT par SHOWTIME EXTREME®.




Frampton (26-1, 15 Kos) pagriezās iespaidīgā sniegumā un guva savu pirmo nokautu kā pussvars "sapņu" mājās atgriešanās cīņā Ziemeļīrijas futbola mājās. Bijušais 126 un 122 mārciņu čempions tagad ir iecerējis atkal kļūt par čempionu vienā no boksa dziļākajām divīzijām.




Pēc dominējošām septiņām kārtām, Framptons ieguva nokautu, izmantojot ķermeņa šāvienu ar 30 sekundes atlikušas astotajā. Jackson (16-1, 7 Kos) pārdzīvoja astoto, bet bija acīmredzami ievainots. Džeksonam absorbējot turpinātu sodu devītajā, un uz leju liels uz rezultātu kartēm, Džeksona stūris iemeta dvieli 1:21.




“Tas bija nereāli,” Teica Framptons. “Atmosfēra bija īpaša, pūlis bija fantastisks, un viņi piepildīja manu sapni. Tas bija neticami no sākuma līdz beigām.”




Dusmas (27-0, 19 Kos) nodibināja savu žagaru pret Pianetu (35-5-1, 21 Kos) un parādīja kustību, rokas ātrums un pēdu darbs, ko galvenais čigānu karalis izmantoja, lai tronētu Wladimiru Kļičko 2015 kļūt par vienoto un lineāro smagsvaru čempionu.




"Es domāju, ka tas bija aprēķināts boksa sniegums, kā solīts,”Sacīja Fjūrijs, kurš cīnījās tikai otro reizi gandrīz trīs gadu laikā. "Mēs varējām nokļūt 10 labi ieskauj grūts vīrs. Es strādāju pie sava boksa, mēģinot paslīdēt un slīdēt, izmantojiet žokli un iegūstiet kārtas. Es biju ļoti apmierināta ar sniegumu.




"Nav noslēpums, ka man ir vajadzīgas kārtas. Man jāpierāda, ka varu iet 10 kārtās un tvertnē ir palicis daudz, un es to izdarīju šovakar. ”




Pēc cīņas, Vailders stājās ringā, lai paziņotu, ka abi neuzvarētie smagsvari ir piekrituši 2018 kāršu atklāšana par Vaildera WBC titulu. Pasākuma datums un vieta, ko ražos un izplatīs SHOWTIME PPV, tiks paziņoti tuvākajā laikā.




"Mēs esam gatavi tagad,”Vailers sacīja intervijā pēc cīņas. “Šī cīņa notiks. Tas ir ieslēgts. Šī cīņa ir oficiāla. To mēs gaidījām, labākais cīņas labāko.




"Ir viena lieta, ko Taisons Fūrijs nekad nav bijis. Viņš ir ieguvis daudz jostu, bet nekad nav bijis WBC jostas. Ja viņš kādreiz pat domā par to, ka ir šī josta, viņš labāk pamostas un atvainojas man, jo tas nekad nenotiks. Es nevaru gaidīt, kad cīnīšos ar tevi, jo es tevi izsitu. To es tev apsolu. Katrs vīrietis, kurš kādreiz ir kāpis ringā ar mani, Es tos esmu iznīcinājis postošā veidā. Jūs nekad neesat nokautēts, bet jūs sajutīsiet pieredzi, kā tas ir, ja jūs triecat bronzas bumbvedējs. "




6 pēdu 9 dusmas, kurš ringā nekad nezaudēja titulus, tagad saskarsies ar 6 pēdu-7 Vailderi, kuram ir 39 knockouts Savā 40 profesionālās cīņas.




“Mēs esam divi vīrieši, kas cīnīsies ar jebkuru cilvēku,- Fjūrijs sacīja. "Šis vīrietis ir mēģinājis izvest lielu cīņu ar otru čupu, Es domāju, ka mēs visi zinām, par ko es runāju. Viņi piezvanīja, ES atbildēju. Es teicu nosūtīt līgumu, viņi man atsūtīja līgumu. Es teicu jā. Un tagad viņš saņem iespēju cīnīties ar pasaules čempionu smagsvarā.




“Mans solījums ir tāds, ka, dodoties uz Lasvegasu, Es tevi izsitu. ”





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WBC Heavyweight World Champion Deontay Wilder and lineal heavyweight champion Tyson Fury announced sestdien that they have agreed to a heavyweight showdown later this year. The announcement was made in Belfast immediately following’s the undefeated Fury’s shutout decision of Francesco Pianeta. VIDEO:

Wilder vs. Dusmas, a 12-round matchup for Wilder’s WBC Heavyweight World Championship, will be produced and distributed by SHOWTIME PPV. A date and venue for the event will be announced shortly.

The 6-foot-7 Wilder is 40-0 ar 39 knockouts and American’s only heavyweight champion since 2007. The 6-foot-9 Fury is a former IBF, WBA and WBO Champion who has never been defeated in 27 profesionālās cīņas.


3-laiks, 2-division world champion Jose Antonio Rivera returns with a bang KO winner in his first fight in 7 gadiem

Featuring the return of 3-time, 2-nodaļa pasaules čempions
Piektdiena, Augusts 17, 2018
The Palladium, Worcester, Massachusetts
Oficiālie rezultāti
THE CHAMP IS BACK: referee Bob Benoit (L) and Jose Antonio Rivera

WORCESTER, Masa. (Augusts 19, 2018) – Seven years after his last fight, “Gallo” Jose Antonio Rivera returned to the ring in grand fashion last night (Sestdiena) ar virsrakstu “Homecoming, presented by Granite Chin Promotions in association with Rivera Promotions Entertainment, The Palladium in Worcester, Massachusetts.




The 45-year-old Rivera (42-6-1, 25 Kos), 35 pounds lighter than he was in February when he started training, packed the house in his hometown, fully entertained his supportive fans. Trīs laika, two-division world champion Rivera pressured LarrySlomoshun: Stiprs sitiens (10-38-1, 7 Kos) from the opening bell and he never let up.




It took a few rounds for Rivera to wear off the rust, but he fed Smith a steady diet of body shots, gradually breaking down his opponent, as he won round after round on points. Twice in the sixth round it looked like Smith was done, but the tough Texan showed a lot of heart to survive.




Beidzot, Rivera closed the show in the seventh round, when Smith broke his hand in the fifth round and was unable to continue, kneeling in his corner, obviously in pain.




I’ve always been tough,” Rivera said after the fight, “but I was a little rusty. He tested me early but, once he saw I wasn’t going anywhere and knew he was in for a fight. I started warming up in the fourth round. I was always a 12-round fighter. I didn’t know he broke his hand until after the fight. Es jūtos lieliski. We gave a good fight to the fans who have always supported me.




I give myself a C+ tonight. I’m going to talk with my family, but I’m thinking about one more fight, to make it 50 for his pro career).”




Jose Antonio Rivera (R) had a successful comeback fight




Jo sadarbības Featured notikums, Worcester super middleweight Kendrick Ball, Jr. (10-1-2, 7 Kos) demolished Fabiānis “El LoboValdez (2-4), flooring him with a right uppercut and soon after finished him with a vicious body shot for a technical-knockout victory in the opening round. The popular Ball was fighting at home for the first time as a professional




The rematch between Worcester junior middleweight Khiary Grey (16-4, 12 Kos) un Antonio Chaves Fernandez (9-34, 4 Kos) ended in the same fashion as their first encounter did three years ago. Also fighting at home for the first time, Gray blasted out his game opponent, cracking him with a picture-perfect, left-fight combination that put Fernandez on his back. Fernandez beat the count, but referee Bob Benoit apturēja darbību.



Southbridge, MA junior middleweight Wilfredo “Sucaro” pagānu (5-0, 3 Kos) palika undefeated, using a relentless body attack to drop EngelbertoGuarura” Valenzuela (11-15, 3 Kos) trīs reizes, the last ending the fight midway through the third round.




Springfield, MA junior lightweight Joshua Orta (1-0, 1 KO) turned in an impressive pro debut in a barn-burner that ended when (1-8-1, 1 KO), of Worcester, was unable to continue fighting after the third round.




Worcester welterweight Eslih Owuso (1-0) pitched a shutout in his pro debut, decking veteran Bryan “The Brick” Abraham (6-31-2, 6 Kos) divreiz otrajā kārtā, ceļā uz vienprātīgu lēmumu win.




In the opening bout of the night, 45-gadus vecs Jose Angel “KO” Ortiz (5-14-1, 2 Kos) samazinājies Patrick Leal (0-5) 10-seconds into the fight, once more later in the opening round, and stopped him in the second. Oritz, fighting out of Springfield, MA by way of Puerto Rico, was fighting for the first time in five years, and he registered his first victory in seven.

Oficiālie rezultāti zemāk:


Oficiālie rezultāti


Galvenais notikums – MIDDLEWEIGHTS

Jose Antonio Rivera (42-6-1, 25 Kos), Worcester, MA

WTKO 7 (1:07)

Larry Smith (10-38-1, 7 Kos), Dallas, Teksasa





Kendrick Ball, Jr. (10-1-2, 7 Kos), Worcester, MA

WTKO1 (2:21)

Fabian Valdez (2-4, 0 Kos), Cananea Sonora, Meksika





Jose Angel Ortiz (5-13-1, 2 Kos), Springfield, MA

WTKO2 (1:03)

Patrick Leal (0-5), Somerville, MA.





Khiary Grey (16-4, 12 Kos), Worcester, MA

WTKO1 (2:27)

Antonio Chaves Fernandez (9-34, 4 Kos), Brockton, MA




Wilfredo Pagan (5-0, 3 Kos), Southbridge, MA

WTKO3 (1:29)

Engelberto Valenzuela (11-15, 3 Kos), Agua Prieta, Meksika





Eslih Owusu (1-0), Worcester, MA

WDEC4 (40-34, 40-35, 40-36)

Bryan Abraham (6-31-2, 6 Kos), Schenectady, NY






Joshua Orta 1-0, 1 KO), Springfield, MA

WTKO3 (3:00)

Edwin Rosado (1-8-1, 1 KO), Worcester, MA





Event sponsors included Lundgren Honda, Elm Wealth Group, Atty. Maria M. Rivera-Cotto, Chieftain Liquors, Centro Las America, Baystate Savings

Bank, Pamela Laporte Realty, Worcester Vocero, ChrisFIT Xperience and Grille 57.




A portion of the proceeds was donated to Spina Bifida Association of Greater New England.

INFORMĀCIJA: /RiveraPromotionsEntertainment, /GraniteChinPromotions

Čivināt: @RiveraPromoEnt @joseriverachamp @KingRivera_, @Granite_Chin




Complete Photos // Kredīts: Bellator / Lucas Noonan


Complete Bellator 204 Galvenais Card:


Featherweight Main Event: Darrion Caldwell (13-1) def. Noad Lahat (12-4) via PTK (perforatori) pie 2:46 Divu kārtu

*Caldwell’s bantamweight title was not on the line


Welterweight Co-Main Event: Logan Storley (9-0) def. A.J. Matthews (9-8) via PTK (perforatori) pie 3:56 Divu kārtu



Bantamweight Main Card Bout: Ricky Bandejas (11-1) def. James Gallagher (7-1) via KO (streiki) pie 2:49 apaļo vienu



Featherweight Main Card Bout: Tywan Claxton (3-0) def. Cris Lencioni (3-2) via vienprātīgu lēmumu (30-27, 30-27, 30-27)


Iepriekšēja Card:


Lightweight Preliminary Bout: Omar Morales (7-0) def. Troy Nawrocki (3-1) via KO (streiki) pie 0:58 apaļo vienu



Lightweight Preliminary Bout: Demarques Jackson (9-2) def. Bryce Logan (9-3) via split lēmums (28-29, 29-28, 30-27)



Welterweight Preliminary Bout: Jason Jackson (8-3) def. Jordon Larson (9-5) via PTK (perforatori) pie 3:52 apaļo vienu



Welterweight Preliminary Bout: David Michaud (13-4) def. Corey Davis (3-1) via KO (perforatori) pie 1:42 apaļo vienu



Middleweight Preliminary Bout: Romero Cotton (3-0) def. Willie Whitehead (2-3) via PTK (streiki) pie 4:12 apaļo vienu



Welterweight Preliminary Bout: Tyler Ray (3-1) def. Seth Bass (4-3) via KO (streiki) pie 3:30 apaļā 1



Lightweight Preliminary Bout: Keith Phathaem (1-1) vs. Micah Peatrowsky (2-1) via vienprātīgu lēmumu (29-28, 30-27, 30-27)



Flyweight Preliminary Bout: Lloyd McKinney (8-5) def. Robiel Tesfaldet (2-2) via iesniegšanas (arm triangle choke) pie 4:17 of kārtā trīs



Middleweight Preliminary Bout: Jeff Nielsen (2-0) def. Wyatt Meyer (1-1) via PTK (perforatori) pie 2:53 apaļo vienu


Queen of Bare KnuckleShows Off Skills Ahead of Matchup on “BKFC 2: A New Era Sestdiena, Augusts 25 no
the Mississippi Coast Coliseum in Biloxi, Mississippi
& Dzīvot uz Pay-Per-View
Klikšķiniet ŠEIT fotogrāfijām
Kredīts: Luis Mejia / Bare Knuckle Fighting Championship (BKFC)

LOS ANGELES (Augusts 17, 2018) – The Queen of Bare KnuckleBec Rawlings met with media in Los Angeles on Thursday to discuss her return to Bare Knuckle Fighting Championship (BKFC) and offer an inside look into the bare knuckle discipline.




Rawlings will be stepping into the ring at “BKFC 2: A New Era sestdien, Augusts 25 from the Mississippi Coast Coliseum in Biloxi, Mississippi and broadcast live across the United States and Canada on pay-per-view in state-of-the-art 4K.




Tickets are available now exclusively at sākot no $35 līdz $250. “BKFC 2: A New Erawill be broadcast across the United States and Canada, exclusively on pay-per-view through MultiVision Media, Inc. on all major television and streaming distribution outlets for $29.95.




Rawlings scored a thrilling victory in the inaugural BKFC event and will return to BKFC 2 to take on professional boxer Britain Hart. Rawlings was joined by BKFC pay-per-view analyst Benny Ricardo, as well as her coach John Bastable, to go over the technical points of bare knuckle fighting, including the unique hand-wrapping technique.




Here is what Rawlings, Ricardo and Bastable had to say Thursday from City of Angels Boxing Gym in Los Angeles:


BEC RAWLINGS, Former UFC Fighter; Defeated Alma Garcia at BKFC 1




On Bare Knuckle Fighting Championship




It took a lot of time and effort to really get MMA respected and looked at like a proper sport, and I think it’s going to take that with bare knuckle. But from the last event and how smoothly that ran, how professional it was, the fights were great. We all looked like seasoned fighters out there, which we were, and I think that’s what we definitely need to keep doing and it will progress from there.




I think the U.S. and even Australia one day will open up to doing bare knuckle as well, because it’s such a great event. It’s a great fighting sport, and it wasn’t any crazier than MMA and boxing, as you saw from the last event.




BKFC is doing it right, they’re doing it very professionally. They’re bringing in all the right people and all the right fighters. As long as it keeps going that way, I think the sport is going to take off.




A lot of boxing fans are coming over to bare knuckle because they love the stand-up aspect of boxing and this is just a new cool, fun twist. It’s taking it back old-school.




Even just around the local scene in Australia, I was with the UFC fighting and winning with the UFC and I could walk around a boxing promotion and no one would bat an eyelash at me. They would acknowledge me, but they weren’t interested in what I was doing. But as soon as I signed to fight bare knuckle I had so many people talking to me and offering really encouraging messages.




“Tik, it kind of evoked all the boxing fans to really get behind it and excited for it. It’s been pretty cool.




On fighting at BKFC 1




I finally settled in when I landed a really clean uppercut. To be hit, it didn’t feel any different than MMA at all. It’s more like a sting than a thud for a boxing glove.




The only difference I found was punching her, if you didn’t select where you were going to punch you felt it a little bit in your knuckles, but nothing crazy. The swelling was quite bad, but I swell and bruise really easily. It wasn’t too far different from MMA.




After BKFC 1, I had multiple messages from fighters in Australia, the U.S., even people with the UFC, asking me how I was treated, if it was fun, if I would do it again and how they could get involved.




It was just a whole bunch of different emotions, but a lot of interest in it. And I’ve got a lot of Australians wanting to get involved. Australians love to fight. I don’t think you’ve ever come across an Australian boxer that doesn’t go in there and leave it all in that ring. It’s ingrained in us. This sport is definitely built for an Australian.




On her upcoming bout at BKFC 2




Nothing has really changed on our side of it. My coach is a kung fu and open hand combat expert, so everything he has known for years we have just translated into the boxing aspect of it.




I guess we now know what to expect fight week, what it’s going to be like in there. That was kind of the unknown back (jūnijā). But I had so much fun last time, and I’m excited to get back in there and do it all again.




Bare knuckle was meant for me. I can’t wait to face off against Britain Hart on August 25th. This sport is all about precision and I know she’s going to come to fight and try to take this momentum from me. I’m not going to let that happen.


BENNY RICARDO, BKFC Pay-Per-View Analyst




“BKFC 1 in Cheyenne (Wyoming) was the first time in 130 years that a bare knuckle fight was sanctioned in the United States. Tik, it is a long time coming.




With bare knuckle fighting you need to be very precise. You have to punch through your index finger and middle finger and transfer that through the forearm where it cushions the blow. Outside of that you are going to break your hand.




A fight has five two-minute rounds. There’s not much of a feeling out period.




When I saw Joey Beltran was going to fight Tony Lopez I knew it was the fight of the night, and sure enough it was. That was a lesson in managing the time. At the beginning, Tony was feeling him out and by the third round he got into his rhythm, but it was too late.




For the men, it has always been three-minute rounds. Tik, they have to find a way to manage the two-minute rounds in BKFC.




The rules of (BKFC) are similar to boxing rules, which is David Feldman’s way of convincing the states. MMA fighters use Knees, shins and elbows.




Sam Shewmaker had the shot of the night. He fought a special forces guy who was chiseled and 305 mārciņas. I didn’t think he had a chance. Then you see him in the fight and land that overhand right. It was over.




What you can enjoy with bare knuckle fighting, that you can’t with boxing now, is the best fighting the best.




“Televīzijas pusē, MultiVision is sparing nothing to do this. BKFC 1 and BKFC 2 both being produced in 4K is tremendous, and you can see the action with extreme clarity.


JOHN BASTABLE, RawlingsCoach




They supplied wraps, bandages and tape, so that is what we used. For myself, it was the first time we wrapped like this because we had never competed in bare knuckle before.




It was the first time for all of us. The basis of the wrap is that the four knuckles of the hand are fully exposed.




The thumb and the wrist are stabilized, but besides that it is bare knuckle.




“Pēc cīņas, (Bec) had no damage to the wrist at all and no breaks in the hand at all, so the support worked. There was swelling and bruising, but the tape did the job.


Fernandez-Foster Headlines ShoBox Tripleheader Live at 9:45 p.m. UN/PT from Firelake Arena in Shawnee, Okla.


NEW YORK (Augusts 16, 2018) – Undefeated super featherweight prospect Jon Fernandez saskarsies O'Shaquie Foster galvenajā gadījumā saistības ShoBox: Jaunās paaudzes tripleheader on Friday, Septembris 21 dzīvot Showtime® pie 9:45 p.m. UN/PTfrom Firelake Arena in Shawnee, Okla.




The telecast, headlined by two ShoBox veterāni, is the first of back-to-back ShoBox: Jaunās paaudzes telecasts on Fridays in September. The following week, Septembris 28, will mark the sixth telecast in 2018 of the popular developmental series that has produced 77 world champions including the likes of Errol Spence Jr. and Deontay Wilder.




Pasākums, promoted by DiBella Entertainment, is likely to see knockout stoppages, with six prospects boasting a combined record of 68-2-1 un 47 Kos.




I’m thrilled to promote what will be an exciting edition of ShoBox: Jaunās paaudzes, piektdien, Septembris 21, at FireLake Arena in Shawnee, Okla.,” said Lou DiBella, Prezidents DiBella Izklaide. “This tripleheader features WBC Silver champion Fernandez, one of the hottest prospects in boxing, facing Foster, a tough Texan trained by the renowned Bobby Benton. The co-feature will be explosive while it lasts between Gonzalez, a New England knockout artist newly signed to DiBella Entertainment, and Ramos, an all-action pressure fighter from Spain promoted by Sergio Martinez. One of Brooklyn’s finest prospects, Ferrer will open the telecast against fellow unbeaten Ortiz, a stablemate of world champion Tevin Farmer from Philadelphia. I’m grateful to ShoBox Executive Producer Gordon Hall and SHOWTIME for continuing to provide a platform to showcase these top prospects.”




The powerful Fernandez (16-0, 14 Kos), a prospect from Bilbao, Spain co-promoted by DiBella Entertainment and MaravillaBox Promotions, will be making his third ShoBox appearance when he faces Foster (13-2, 8 Kos) in the 10-round main event contested at 130 mārciņas.




In a battle of two featherweights packing punching power, Worcester, Massachusetts’ Irvin Gonzalez Jr. (10-0, 9 Kos) uzņemsies Carlos Ramos (9-0, 6 Kos) in a scheduled eight-rounder. Rounding out the tripleheader, Wesley Ferrer (12-0-1, 7 Kos) Brooklyn, N.Y., collides with undefeated lightweight prospect Steven Ortiz (8-0, 3 Kos) in the eight-round telecast opener.




Biļetes uz pasākuma cena ir $60 for ringside, $40 for floor seats and $30 vispārējās uzņemšanas. Tickets go on sale Friday, Augusts 24 and can be purchased online at


JON FERNANDEZ vs. O’SHAQUIE FOSTER – 10-Round Super Featherweight Bout

Fernandez, the protégé of former unified middleweight world champion Sergio “Maravilla” Martinez, scored two sensational knockouts on ShoBox uz 2017, stopping Ernesto Garza in the third round and knocking out Juan Reyes with a highlight-reel right hook. VIDEO:




Making a name for himself as one of the best prospects in the sport, “Jonfer” has knocked out 14 consecutive opponents. The 5’11” Spaniard, who holds an 88 percent knockout ratio, is traveling to the U.S. for the fourth time with an eye on a statement victory.




O’Shaquie Foster is a very good fighter and although he was the underdog he put on a great performance by beating Frankie Alba in his last fight,” Fernandez said. “This is a big fight for both of us. I’m grateful to Lou DiBella for this opportunity to again show why I’m one of the best prospects in boxing.”




Fernandez, ranked WBC No. 10 pie 130 mārciņas, won the vacant WBC Youth World Super Featherweight Title in 2016 and the vacant WBC Silver Super Featherweight Title in 2017. The former amateur standout, who landed on the ESPN Top Prospects of 2017 list, is currently trained by Tinín Rodríguez in Madrid.




O'Shaquie Foster, Orange, Teksasa, is making his fourth appearance on ShoBox, last appearing on the series in July 2016. Since falling to Rolando Chinea in a close split-decision in that ShoBox izskats, Foster has bounced back with three consecutive victories, including a majority-decision victory over veteran Frank De Alba last time out in April.




“This is a great opportunity for me,” said Foster. “I know how good Fernandez is and how well thought of he is, but once we get in the ring, I’ll show the world that I’m a future world champion. I’ve been in training and will be ready for victory on September 21.”




A highly decorated amateur standout who compiled a record of 162-18, the 24-year-old Foster advanced to the 2012 Neatrodas ASV. Olympic Trials where he lost to once-beaten professional prospect, Joseph “Jo-Jo” Diaz. Pirms tam, Foster was a 2010 PAL National Champion, a five-time Ringside National Champion and two-time National Junior Golden Gloves Champion.


IRVIN GONZALEZ JR. vs. CARLOS RAMOS – Eight-Round Featherweight Bout

A 22-year-old from Worcester, Mass., Gonzalez turned pro in 2016 after a standout amateur career where he compiled a 90-15 ieraksts. Viņš bija 2015 New England Golden Gloves champion and qualified for the 2016 Olimpiskās izmēģinājumi.




Gonzalez, who will be making his ShoBox debija, has knocked out all but one of his professional opponents. He scored an impressive unanimous decision victory over Raul Lopez and a body shot knockout of previously undefeated Marlon Olea in back-to-back bouts in 2017.




This is an opportunity to show the world what I’ve been working my whole life for,” Gonzalez said. “With hard work anything is possible and I will show on September 21 that I have what it takes to become a world champion. This is just the next step for me. I’m entering and leaving the ring with an undefeated record.”




Undefeated featherweight prospect Carlos Ramos, born in Ecuador but fighting out of Madrid, Spānija, has compiled a perfect record of 9-0 ar sešām knockouts. The 22-year-old southpaw will be making his U.S. debut against a serious step-up in competition in the undefeated Gonzalez.




Ramos, also under the tutelage of Sergio Martinez, fought on the undercard of Jon Fernandez’s WBC Silver title bout in September 2017, outpointing Lesther Cantillano. Relatively unknown stateside, the young Spanish prospect will be looking to make a splash in his U.S. debija.





“I’m excited to fight in America for the first time and face Irvin Gonzalez,” said Ramos. “I know he’s a big puncher and has a lot of knockouts but all the great sparring I’ve had has built my confidence for a fight like this. I’m sharper than ever and ready to hand him his first loss.”



Ferrer, a Brooklyn, N.Y.. dzimtais, būs padarot savu ShoBox television debut in his first fight of 2018. The skilled lightweight has started his professional career unbeaten through his first 13 cīņas, and will be facing his second consecutive undefeated opponent. Decembrī 2017, Ferrer, who is trained by his father Mateo De La Cruz, fought to a hotly contested draw with Will Madera in Times Square.




“This is exactly the fight I need against another undefeated prospect so that I can show how good I am,” said Ferrer. “This is my first fight of 2018, my first on ShoBox and hopefully the first of many big wins.”




An accomplished amateur boxer in New York City, Ferrer was a two-time New York Golden

Gloves champion, 2012 New York Amateur Boxing champion and New York City Metro Tournament champion, as well as a participant at the 2013 Nacionālie Golden Gloves.




Steven Ortiz, signed to Evander Holyfield’s The Real Deal Boxing, has made a name for himself in Philadelphia, winning five straight bouts in his hometown. Pēdējo reizi out, Ortiz registered an impressive second round knockout of Joshua Davis, sending his opponent to the canvas three times. Compiling a record of 45-5 kā amatieru, Ortiz is a five-time Pennsylvania Golden Gloves Champion and National Silver Gloves Winner.




“I am excited to show my talents on ShoBox and promise to bring an exciting fight against Wesley Ferrer,” Ortiz said. “The world is going to see the new face of the lightweight division on Sept. 21. I can’t wait to show everyone who Steven Ortiz is.”




# # #




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Par ShoBox: Jaunās paaudzes

Kopš tās pirmsākumiem jūlijā 2001, kritiski acclaimed Showtime boksa sērija, ShoBox: Jaunās paaudzes ir parādījies jaunais talants saskaņota grūts. The ShoBox filozofija ir pārraidīt aizraujoša, pūļa-patīkami un konkurētspējīgām sacensībām tajā pašā laikā nodrošinot, kas apliecina pamatu vēlas izredzes apņēmusies cīnīties par pasaules titulu. Daži no pieaugošo saraksts 77 cīnītāji, kuri ir parādījušies ShoBox un uzlabotas uzkrāt pasaules nosaukumus ietver: Errol Spence Jr., Andre Ward, Deontay Wilder, Erislandy Lara, Shawn Porter, Gary Russell Jr., Lamont Peterson, Guillermo Rigondeaux, Nonito Donaire, Devon Alexander, Carl Froch, Robert Guerrero, Timothy Bradley, Jessie Vargas, Juan Manuel Lopez, Čada Dawson, Pauls Malignaggi, Ricky Hatton, Kelly Pavlik, Paul Williams un vairāk.


Six Promotional Partners On-Board
Supporting MMA Pro League
Jab Apparel Set to Provide Uniforms Ahead of
Atklāšanas pasākums Sestdiena, Septembris 15 pie
Hard Rock Hotel & Casino Atlantic City

ATLANTIC CITY, N.J. (Augusts 16, 2018) – The newest entity in MMA and professional team sports, MMA Pro League, has struck an apparel partnership with Jab Apparel, as well as six promotional partners, ahead of their inaugural fight card on Saturday, Septembris 15

pie Hard Rock Hotel & Casino Atlantic City and streaming live on




In addition to Jab Apparel, the companies providing their promotional support for MMA Pro League are Everlast, the preeminent boxing brand since 1910, Select, a U.S.-based premium benefits card company, Everipedia, the world’s largest English encyclopedia by content, Captiv8, a full-service promotional product and marketing agency, the Village Pourhouse a New York City sports bar and cigar company Q Cigar. All promotional partners will also be distributing MMA Pro League video and photo content across their websites and social media platforms.




We are very encouraged by the breadth of promotional support being provided by this great group of companies who believe in MMA Pro League and our team concept,” said MMA Pro League CEO Hani Darwish. “We are very excited that they are with us at the launch of a new era in MMA.




I’d like to thank all of our promotional partners, as well as FloSports and the Hard Rock Hotel & Casino Atlantic City, for their support of MMA Pro League,” said MMAPL president Mark Taffet. “Their efforts not only enhance our brand but also extend the reach of MMA Pro League to fans across many demographic groups.




Amongst the many ways that these companies will be engaging fans heading intoSeptember 15 include various discounts and special offers for purchasing tickets through their vendors. Ticket buyers using their Select card will be given significant discounts, while purchasing tickets at a Q Cigar location will net fans free Robusto and Churchill cigars. Fans who buy tickets at Village Pourhouse will receive a free drink with their purchase and be rewarded with a discount meal after the fight.




The Everipedia database will house the biographies of each MMA Pro League fighter and be accessible from the league’s website. Everipedia will also present theTale of the Tapefor each fight and service other statistical information.




Jab Apparel, a UK-based company that launched in March, will provide training apparel and fight night uniforms for MMA Pro League teams and employees. Everlast will be the official glove provider of MMA Pro League, while Captiv8 will deliver MMA Pro League promotional items.




These partnerships are on top of the previously announced deals with the beautiful new Hard Rock Hotel & Casino Atlantic City, which will host a series of MMA Pro League matches, and FloSports, who will exclusively stream all MMA Pro League team fight action live on their worldwide combat sports site,




Tickets for the inaugural installment ofMMA Pro League At The Hard RockonSaturday, Septembris 15, featuring Team New Jersey vs. Team Pennsylvania, are available at


# # #




To access live and on-demand coverage of all MMA Pro League action, visit and become a monthly or annual PRO subscriber. Either subscription unlocks access to premium content across the entire FloSports network. Watch the games on all screens by downloading the FloSports app on iOS, Gads, or Apple TV 4.




Lai iegūtu vairāk informācijas, apmeklējiet, follow the conversation on Twitter @MMAPro_League, @DanMiller185, @DanielGracie, @Hani_Darwish1 and @MarkTaffetMedia, on Instagram at,,, and, and on Facebook at


Selina Barrios vs. PATRICIA JUAREZ

SAN ANTONIO, TX (Augusts 18, 2018) – Undefeated NABF Lightweight champion, Selina “Aztec Queen” Apkārtne (4-0, 2 Kos), has an opponent for her Corpus Christi Showdown on September 22, 2018. Barrios will face Patricia Juarez (4-0), sister of WBC Bantamweight champion, Mariana “Bārbija” Juarez (50-9-4, 13 Kos).




On the line will be Selina’s NABF Lightweight title. The 10-round bout will take place at Whataburger Field, home to the Corpus Christi Hooks, the double-A affiliate of the Houston Astros.




Patricia Juarez asked to fight me, and I feel that part of being a champion is accepting fights with worthy opponents,” teica Selīna Bariosa, who hails from San Antonio, TX. “She is an undefeated fighter with the same record as me, and her sister is a future Hall of Famer. I look forward to making a title defense against a worthy challenger like Patricia Juarez.




I want to represent Mexico and fight on behalf of my country, and win this title for my people,” said Patricia Juarez, who trains in Denver, Kolorādo. “I asked for this fight, and now I have it. I can’t wait to take advantage of this opportunity and follow in the footsteps of my sister Mariana. I’m going to bring home a victory for my people back home in Mexico.




Viņas pēdējā cīņā, Apkārtne, who is a devastating power-puncher, scored a sensational knockout against previously unbeaten, AidaLady SpartaSatybaldinova (3-1-1). The knockout has already been featured on many boxing publications list for knockout of the year, as Barrios showed off uncanny punching power for the women’s lightweight division.




Selina Barrios is one of the most talented fighters in the world and will be a force for anyone in her division,” teica Kerry Daigle, Selina Barrios’ advisor. “What separates Selina from the rest of her peers, is her high-level ring intelligence, along with devastating punching power




Apkārtne, who captured the NABF Lightweight title in only her third pro fight is taking a Vasyl Lomachenko approach to women’s boxing as she is facing her third undefeated fighter in a row.




Corpus Christi fell in love with Selina’s style and power in her last fight, and what she is doing in women’s boxing, hasn’t been done before,” teica Colin Campbell, who co-manages Barrios with his dad Charles. She is fighting the best opposition she can and knocking them out in dramatic fashion.




“Nav šaubu, manā prātā, Selina will be the next female fighter to showcase her talents on a major network,” stated co-manager Charles Campbell. “She has the fighting style that everyone wants to see. She truly is the Roberto Duran of women’s boxing.




This event titled Heavyweight Boxing Showdownis brought to you by CCC ENTERTAINMENT in conjunction with CC HOOKS, HOUSTON ASTROS, un KEEPPUNCHING ENTERTAINMENT.



Biļetes cena General Uzņemšana $8, Reserved Seating $12, Premium Reserved Seating $20, VIP Seating $150 are on sale now and can be purchased online at


General Uzņemšana $10, Reserved Seating $18, Premium Reserved Seating $25. Doors open up at5:30 PM, Pirmā cīņa ir 6:30 PM. Whataburger Field is located at 734 E Port Ave, Corpus Christi, TX 78401.


Winners of the one-round, featherweight fights will represent
neatrodas ASV. and Mexico in the $100,000 grand prize tournament

Neatrodas ASV. qualifying bout: Erick Gonzalez vs. Andres Quintana
Mexico qualifying bout: Pablo Sabori vs. Alejandro Flores

Tickets for “Combate Americas: Camino a Copa Combate” on sale now

NEW YORK - augusts 16, 2018 – Combate Americas today announced a live Univision Deportes Network (UDN) raidījums (12 a.m. UN/9 pm. PT) of an event that will be headlined by the premier Hispanic Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) sports franchise’s first-ever “COPA COMBATE” qualifying bouts in Long Beach, Calif. Par Piektdiena, Septiņi. 28.


The “Combate Americas: Camino a Copa Combate” event, which will air live from The Walter Pyramid in Long Beach, will feature a pair of one, five-minute round featherweight (145 mārciņas) cīņas, the winners of which represent their respective countries – the U.S. and Mexico – in the “COPA COMBATE,” one-night, astoņu vīrietis, $100,000 turnīrs, the date and location of which will be announced soon.



Cena no $30, tickets for “Combate Americas: Camino A Copa Combate” are on sale at The Walter Pyramid’s

online ticketing platform, as well at


“These one-round qualifier fights are symbolic of what Combate Americas represents‘Mucha Mas Accion,’ or ‘Much More Action,"Sacīja Combate Americas izpilddirektors Campbell McLaren. “Faster-paced fights in a shorter time frame create the most electrifying platform in the sport and, with the opportunity to represent your country in the ‘COPA COMBATE," $100,000 grand prize tournament on the line, the intensity will be at an all-new high.”



Facing off with each other in one of the two ‘Camino a Copa Combate’ one, five-minute round, featherweight fights with the right to represent the U.S. in the high-stakes tournament, būs Erick “The Ghost Pepper” Gonzalez (8-2) un Andres “The Bullet” Quintana (14-2).



In the second ‘Camino a Copa’ one-round, five-minute fight, Pablo “El Gallo Negro” Sabori (8-4) būs saduras ar Alejandro “El Gallito” Flores (12-1). The winner of the matchup will represent Mexico in the “COPA COMBATE” tournament.




The 5-foot-10, 26-year-old Gonzalez of Redondo Beach, Calif. will drop from lightweight (155 mārciņas) to featherweight for the first time since joining the ranks of Combate Americas, in an effort to qualify for the coveted, one-night tournament.



A relentless battler capable of finishing opponents in any range of combat, Gonzalez has earned six of his eight professional career wins by way of (T)KO vai iesniegšana, including his last fight in which he avenged a previous, unanimous decision defeat at the hands of Danny “The Realist” Ramirez by scoring a highlight reel, first-round (3:15) nokauts (perforatori) on Ramirez at “Combate Estrellas” in Los Angeles on Aprīlis 13.



Quintana, a 6-foot, 27-year-old trailblazer who hails from Roswell, N.M., has been perfect to date in La Jaula, Combate Americas būris, winning all four of his matchups under the promotional banner since he made his debut last year.



Among Quintana’s conquests in Combate Americas action is a June 30, 2017 unanimous decision win over last year’s “COPA COMBATE” tournament winner Levy Marroquin, in a bout that took place in the taxing, high altitude of Mexico City, Meksika.




The 5-foot-8, 26-year-old Sabori of San Luis Rio Colorado, Sonora is a feared, devastating finisher who boasts a 100 procenti apdare likme, with all 8 of his professional career wins to date having come by way of knockout or submission, 5 of them inside the first round of action.



In his last start on July 29, 2017 Tijuana, Baja California, Meksika, Sabori slugged his way to a third round (3:03) PVO (perforatori) no Andrew Lagdaan.



Flores is a 5-foot-10, 27-gadus vecs, fast-rising star out of Monterrey, Nuevo Leon who will return to 145 pounds after a phenomenal run in the bantamweight (135 mārciņas) klase.



Flores is riding a four-fight win streak after coasting to victory over Team Grasso standout Victor Madrigal in Combate Americas’ debut live event in Monterrey onAprīlis 20. The win marked Flores’ second straight win in La Jaula, since defeating Walter Zamora by way of split decision on March 30, 2017.



An additional matchup for the live televised, main card portion of the Combate Americas world championship event will be announced soon, as will a complete, preliminary bout card.



Doors at The Walter Pyramid will open at 6 p.m. PT par Septembris 28, un pirmo provizorisko cīkstēšanās sāksies 7 p.m.



SHOWTIME BOXING INTERNATIONAL sākas plkst 3:30 p.m. UN/12:30 p.m. Par SHOWTIME Boksa Facebook Un SHOWTIME Sports YouTube

Klikšķiniet ŠEIT fotogrāfijām; Kredīts: Kriss Robertss / Frenks Vorens


BELFAST (Augusts 16, 2018) - Bijušais divu divīziju čempions Karls Framptons un neuzvarētais austrāliešu pretendents Lūks Džeksons ceturtdien Belfāstā stājās pretī pēdējai preses konferencē, kurā sestdien no Vindzoras parka atklāja savu pusspēļu kārtu.. Framptona pirmā WBO pagaidu jostas aizsardzība, kuru viņš ieguva aprīlī, tiešraidē tiks pārraidīta tikai uz ASV. auditoriju SHOWTIME Boksa Facebook lapu un SHOWTIME Sports YouTube kanāls sākas plkst 3:30 p.m. UN/12:30 p.m. PT. SHOWTIME ēterā demonstrēs encore prezentāciju vēlāk tajā pašā vakarā šovā SHOWTIME EXTREME® (10 p.m. ET / PT).




Gaidāms 25,000 fani Framptonas dzimtajā pilsētā būs liecinieki pirmajam boksa notikumam Ziemeļīrijas futbola mājās. Atklāšanas cīkstēšanās, bijušais IBF, FBA otrajā atgriešanās cīņā pēc divarpus gadu atlaišanas WBA un WBO pasaules čempions smagajā svarā Taisons Fjūrijs sacentīsies ar divkārtējo smagsvaru titula izaicinātāju Frančesko Pianetu..




SHOWTIME BOXING INTERNATIONAL studijas atspoguļojums no Ņujorkas sākas plkst 3:30 p.m. UN / 12:30 p.m. PT ar vadītāja Braiena Kastera un Slavas zāles analītiķa Stīva Fārdija sniegumu pirms un pēc cīņas. Tiešraide no Belfāstas, ko nodrošinās BT Sport, sāksies ar Pianetas gredzena pastaigu neilgi pēc tam 3:30. Lielbritānija. sporta vadītājs John Rawling izsauks darbību ar Bariju Džonsu, sniedzot analīzi, un Ronalds Makintošs, veicot cīņas intervijas Fury-Pianeta.




Lūk, ko cīnītāji bija teikuši Vindzoras parkā, sestdienas cīņas vieta, ceturtdien:


Carl Frampton



“Tas ir sapnis. Drīz būs realitāte cīnīties Vindzoras parkā manas kaislīgās fanu bāzes priekšā. Tas ir īpašs ne tikai man, bet arī pilsētai. Visi par to runā, un pilsētā valda kņada.




"Esmu tam gatavs. Esmu redzējis dažas lietas, ko Lūks ir teicis, un es patiesi visu šo nometni neesmu viņu vērojis. Visu cieņu, tas ir vairāk nekā Lūks Džeksons. Tas ir par mani Vindzoras parkā, un es esmu ļoti smagi trenējies. Es esmu labāks nekā biju pret Nonito Donaire.




“Es zinu diezgan daudz par Lūku. WBO viņu ļoti augstu vērtē, Es domāju, ka viņš ir stabils profesionālis. Es vienkārši uzskatu, ka esmu citā līmenī. Nav svarīgi, ko kāds saka, viss, kas notiek naktī, ir vissvarīgākais. Tas viss ir par to, kam nakts beigās tiek pacelta roka, un es uzskatu, ka tas būšu es.




“Tā kā esmu apvienojusies ar Džeimiju un viņa komandu, Es jūtos kā cits cilvēks. Es vēlētos, lai es to būtu darījis pirms gadiem. Es tagad esmu tik laimīgs, un es izbaudu boksu, un esmu gatavs uzstāties ar lielu sniegumu.




“Cilvēki man jautā (Izzobot) Varingtons un (Oscar) Valdez, tāpēc es tos pieminu, un tās ir cīņas, kuras es vēlos, bet Lūks Džeksons ir vienīgais puisis, kurš man ir domājis visu šo treniņnometni. ”


Džeimijs Mūrs, Framptona treneris



“Karls Framptons ir pilnīgs profesionālis. Acīmredzot, mēs gribējām lielu apvienošanās cīņu, bet tas vienkārši nebija iespējams. Tas, ko jūs esat sapratis, ir tas, ka tas jau ilgu laiku bija Karla sapnis, un nav svarīgi, kurš atrodas pretējā stūrī. Es saprotu, kāpēc Lūka Džeksona nometne cer, ka mēs viņu ignorējam, jo ​​tikai tā viņi var iegūt jebkādu pārliecību. Tā vienkārši nav. Statistika liecina, ka viņš ir 10 procentiem piemērotāks nekā viņš bija, kad viņš cīnījās (Nonito) Donērs.




“Karls ir labākajos gados. Bokss nav saistīts tikai ar jūsu tehniku ​​vai fizisko sagatavotību, tas ir šo divu lietu un jūsu mentalitātes apvienojums. Viņš joprojām pilnveidojas, kas ir tikai biedējoša doma. ”

Lūks Džeksons



"Sākumā, Es domāju, ka Karls mani mazliet pameta, bet es domāju, ka viņš saprot, kas ir uz spēles, un, ja viņš zaudē man, viņa karjera ir diezgan daudz beigusies.




"Mēs esam trenējušies ārkārtīgi smagi un gudri šajā nometnē, un es esmu pavadījis daudz vairāk laika kopā ar Billiju Huseinu nekā parasti. Man ir jāizcīna perfekta cīņa, un es ticu, ka es to varu.




"Pasaules tituls man būtu reāls" Rocky "stāsts. Es esmu cēlies no nekā, un manā dzīvē ir daudz jātiek galā, lai nokļūtu šajā amatā. Es ļoti lepojos ar sevi, ka esmu šeit. Mans tēvs ir 67 gadus vecs, un viņš nekad nav pametis Austrālijas valsti, un tas, ka es dodu savam tēvam iemeslu lidot pusceļā, piepilda mani ar lepnumu.




"Nav pārsteigums, ka sestdien tā būs naidīga vide. Beigās dienas, Man tikko jātiek ar to galā. Esmu mēģinājis tam garīgi sagatavoties, un mums tikai jāgaida, lai redzētu, vai tas darbojas. Es esmu gatavs nosvērt un cīnīties. ”

Billijs Huseins, Džeksona treneris



“Mums ir bijusi patiešām laba treniņnometne. Karls ir lielisks cīnītājs, tāpēc ir gods būt šeit un apmācīt Luku tik masveida cīņai. Tas mums ir milzīgs, un mēs ļoti vēlamies uzvarēt šajā cīņā. Austrālijas bokss šobrīd ir augstā līmenī. Mēs ļoti vēlamies uzvarēt šajā cīņā līdzjutējiem, kuri ir atbalstījuši Luku, un ir lieliski redzēt, kā visa Austrālija aiz viņa stāv šajā cīņā.




“Visu dzīvi esmu boksējis. Esmu piedalījies vairāk nekā simts pasaules čempionu cīņās, man kā trenerim tas nav nekas jauns, tāpēc es varu vadīt Lūku šajā visā. Viņš ir galvenais profesionālis un dara visu pareizi. Viņa treniņnometne vairāk bija domāta gudrībai, un es uzskatu, ka Karls Framptons vēro skatu uz Luku un gaida Warrington cīņu. Tikai pirms divām nedēļām viņi būvēja (Sergey) Kovaļovs cīnīties (Dmitrijs) Bivols un viņš tika piekauti, un es ticu, ka mēs darīsim to pašu. ”


Frenks Vorens



“Lūks šeit nenāk tikai ekskursijas dēļ, viņš patiešām iecienījis šo darbu. Tā ir lieliska iespēja sarūgtināt Kārli un nostādīt sevi pozīcijā vēl lielākām cīņām. Bet Karls ir īsts profesionālis, un dienas beigās viņš zina, kas šeit ir uz spēles. Viņš vēlas sniegt paziņojumu un nostāties pozīcijā iespējamai apvienošanās cīņai. Nav noslēpums, ka šeit ierodas Džošs Vāringtons - šīs cīņas uzvarētājam var notikt lielas lietas. ”




Lai iegūtu vairāk informācijas, apmeklējiet, abonēt SHOWTIME Sports YouTube kanāls, sekojiet Twitter vietnē @ShowtimeBoxing vai kļūstiet par ventilatoru vietnē Facebook vietnē




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