Ninth Annual Masters Only Clinic and Show

Gleason’s Gym will host it’s ninth annual Masters Clinic and boxing show Fevral 16-18,2017.
All participants will be invited to compete on the Gleason’s Team against an English team in London on Qadam tashlamoq 31, 2017.
You will be taking a vacation to London. You must make your own arrangements including airfare, hotel and food.
The clinic will be staffed with Hall of Fame Champions, World Champions both past and current and ranked World Class Trainers.
Payshanba Fevral 16
Morning Nyu-York ichiga kelish bo'ladi.
Yo'llanma bo'ladi 12:00 uchun peshin 1:00 pm.
birinchi mashqlar bo'ladi 1:00 uchun pm 3:00 pm.
Masters boks bo'yicha muhokama bo'ladi 3:00 uchun pm 4:00 pm.
Shundan keyin Free time.
Juma Fevral 17
Ushbudan boshlab: Training 10:00 ekanim 12:00 peshin.
ishlatish bo'ladi tushdan keyin sessiya 2:00 uchun pm 4:00 pm.
Havaskorlik boksi va Oq Yoqa boks bo'yicha A muhokama bo'ladi 4:00 uchun pm 5:00 pm.
Shundan keyin Free time.
Shanba Fevral 18
Engil ta'lim 10:00 ekanim 12:00 peshin.
Kunlari bo'lib o'tadigan oqshom show uchun Match UPS 12:00 uchun peshin 1:00 pm.
bo'ladi namoyishi uchun og'irlikka 4:00 uchun pm 5:30 pm.
Boks Show da boshlanadi ruxsat Master 6:00 pm va nihoyasiga etadi 9:00 pm.
klinika xarajatlari $369.00.
Agar manfaatdor bo'lsa-da Bryus Silverglade murojaat qiling (718) 797-2872 yoki email
White Collar/ Master’s Boxing show in London, Angliya
Qadam tashlamoq 31, 2017
Anybody with an up to date boxing book can participate.
Erkaklar, Women and Masters.
Master’s Boxing Clinic

Liz and Alicia Ashley
Vito Antuofermo and Bo

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