Lewiston, Maine (April 10, 2015) - Tissielet New England (NEF), Amerika Numru ta 'wieħed promozzjoni ġlieda reġjonali, held weigh-ins for its seventeenth mixed-martial-arts event, “NEF XVII,” earlier today at the Ramada Hotel and Conference Center in Lewiston, Maine. "NEF XVII" se jseħħ fil-Kolleġġ tal-Bank Androscoggin li jinsab fi 190 Birch Street in Lewiston għada, IS-SIBT, April 11 bil-bibien ftuħ fil 6:00 pm. L-ewwel ġlieda hija skedata li tibda fi 7:00 pm.


The professional NEF MMA Lightweight Title bout between Bruce Boyington (10-7) u Jamie Harrison (5-1) is now a non-title catchweight fight after Harrison was unable to make the lightweight limit of 155-pounds.


The weights from Lewiston, Maine:



CATCH Bruce Boyington (154.0) vs Jamie Harrison (156.3)
170 Dennis Olson (170.9) vs Jarod Lawton (169.4)
CATCH Kaline Medeiros (116.2) vs Calie Cutler (117.9)

150 John Ray (150.4) vs Derek Shorey (149.3)

CATCH Jesse Erickson (156.3) vs Mark DEFORD (155.4)

CATCH Jay Perrin (139.0) vs Elias Leland (134.0)



CATCH Dave Brown (125.4) vs Norman Fox (126.2)
165 Connor Barry (165.2) vs CJ Ewer (164.7)
155 Rick Matthews (153.7) vs Matthew Hanning (154.7)

S.HWT Dave Smith (292.6) vs Ora Spratt IV (282.7)

185 Brandon Russell (186.0) vs Heath Hanson (176.6)
CATCH Caleb Serra (147.1) vs Clifford Redman (145.0)

S.HWT Ryan Glover (227.6) vs Jason Qasam (271.0)
135 Sheldon Bang (135.4) vs Mike Crespo (134.1)
115 Alex Walker (115.1) vs Randi Beth Knowles (115.8)

155 Ricky Dexter (154.7) vs Zenon Herrera (153.8)

185 Chris Rideout (182.7) vs Ruben Redman (181.1)

185 Chris Smith (185.6) vs Dan Meuse (181.2)

135 Caleb Costello (134.7) vs Wilmer Carrero (136.0)

150 Alex Johnson (149.2) vs Dustin Shorey (148.9)

Biljetti għall “NEF XVII” tibda fi ftit $25 u huma fuq bejgħ issa, by calling the Colisee box office at207.783.2009 x 525, or by visiting the Colisee box office at 190 Triq Birch, Lewiston, Maine 04240. For more information on the event and fight card updates, please visit the promotion’s website at B'żieda, you can watch NEF videos at, jsegwu minnhom fuqnefights Twitter u jingħaqdu mal-grupp uffiċjali Facebook "New England Tissielet."


About New England tissielet


New England tissielet ("NEF") hija ġlieda promozzjonijiet avvenimenti kumpanija. Missjoni NEF huwa li jinħolqu l-avvenimenti ta 'kwalità ogħla għall-ġellieda Maine u supporters. Tim eżekuttiv NEF għandu l-esperjenza estensiva fil-ġestjoni isports miġġielda, produzzjoni avvenimenti, relazzjonijiet mal-midja, marketing, legali u r-reklamar.

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