Lewiston, Maine (Дөрөвдүгээр 20, 2015) – When Crowsneck Boutin (0-0) makes his professional debut on Оны зургадугаар сар 13, 2015 Lewiston дахь Androscoggin банк Colisee дээр, it will be just days shy of the three-year anniversary of his amateur debut in the very same building. On that warm, late-spring evening in 2012, a crowd of more than 3,000 had assembled to witness the Maine debut of former UFC World Heavyweight Champion Tim “Maine-ОУЗБ” Sylvia (31-10) at New England Fights’ (NEF) third mixed-martial-arts (ММА) үйл явдал. Earlier that night, on the amateur portion card, Boutin was in action against BrentFrostyDillingham (1-1). Dillingham won via technical knockout (ДЭМБ-ын) Эхний шатанд. That was not the end of the action, Гэсэн хэдий ч, as Boutin and Dillingham exchanged in a heated post-fight confrontation, having to be separated by officials.


The bad blood has continued over the course of the past three years, with occasional barbs being hurled by both sides on social media. Boutin’s opponent on Оны зургадугаар сар 13 will be none other than Dillingham’s coach at MMA Athletix, “Junkyard нохой” Райан Cowette (2-2). When he met Dillingham, Boutin was an independent fighter with no formal training in the martial arts. In the months that followed, Boutin would join the Choi Institute of Portland, Maine and transform himself into a prolific striker. Boutin is clear that the fighter who will step in the cage on Оны зургадугаар сар 13 opposite Cowette is not the same undisciplined street fighter who lost to Dillingham three years ago.


As an amateur with zero days in a gym, I debuted against MMA Athletix,” recalled Boutin of his amateur debut. “Fast forward three years later, three years straight at the Choi Institute. Here is your throat back, thanks for the loan.


Not only is Cowette the head of MMA Athletix, but he is also the founder and pastor of Victory Church in Bath, Maine. Having suffered a major disappointment when his opponent backed out of their scheduled bout during fight week of “NEF XVII” earlier this month, Cowette is optimistic in regards to the Оны зургадугаар сар 13 fight with Boutin.


This should be a great fight for the fans,” хэлсэн Cowette. “We both show up to fight and put on a show. I’m looking to push forward in the 185-pound division. Crowsneck will be a good test. I’m thankful for the opportunities NEF gives me.


NEF дараагийн ММА үйл явдал, “NEF XVIII: АНУ-д үйлдвэрлэв” Lewiston нь Androscoggin банкны Colisee нь эх болно, -Нд Maine 13, 2015. Зориулсан хэрэгслээр зорчих тасалбар “NEF XVIII” зүгээр л эхлэх $25 одоо үед худалдаанд байгаа www.TheColisee.com эсвэл Colisee хайрцаг газар дуудлага тус207.783.2009 х 525. Үйл явдал болон тэмцэл карт шинэчлэлтүүдийн талаар дэлгэрэнгүй мэдээллийг, нь дэмжих вэб хуудаснаас авна уу www.NewEnglandFights.com. Үүнээс гадна, Таны NEF видео бичлэг үзэж болно www.youtube.com/NEFMMA, Twitternefights дээр дагаж, албан ёсны Facebook бүлэгт "New England тэмцэж байна."


Шинэ Английн тулаан тухай


Шинэ Английн тулаан ("NEF") тэмцэл үйл явдал урамшуулал компани юм. NEF-ийн эрхэм зорилго нь адилхан Мэйн-ын сөнөөгч болон хөгжөөн дэмжигчид хамгийн өндөр чанартай арга хэмжээ бий болгох явдал юм. NEF гүйцэтгэх баг байлдааны спортын менежментийн чиглэлээр арвин туршлагатай, үйл явдал үйлдвэрлэл, хэвлэл мэдээллийн харилцаа, маркетинг, хууль эрх зүй, зар сурталчилгаа.

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