
纽约, 纽约, 三月 26, 2015-狮心拳击制作’ gallant effort to resuscitate professional boxing in Zimbabwe may have been dealt a fatal blow. The Zimbabwe Boxing Board’s unexplained failure to act on a request by the company for permission to stage a boxing tournament in Harare may be the final straw that broke the camel’s back on the company’s “以星项目.


在十二月 2014, Lion Heart’s Board of Directors met and resolved to have one final go developing Boxing in Zimbabwe by exploring the possibility of promoting a quarterly boxing series in Harare starting in April 2015. 作为结果, 该公司决定派其CFO, 爱德华·门迪, 津巴布韦负责的目的只有一个 - 调查托管在哈拉雷拳击比赛的可行性举行 四月 16四月 23, 2015 与以星的第35届独立日的庆祝活动相结合, or other date as feasible. Ancillary to same, 门迪的任务是以下: (1) 确认的日期, (2) 保证场地, (3) book Zim boxers to feature in the Main Event, 和/或合作的主要事件, 和 (4) 安全委员会的批准举办的活动.


建议月的主要事件 2015 inaugural event was slated to feature Former Two Time British Champion and Two Time Commonwealth Champion Danny Williams (46-18) 承担布拉瓦约自己Thamsanqa杜贝 (12-3), a former WBA Pan-African Champion. 在联合主赛事中, 纳米比亚和前世界冠军哈里·西蒙 (30-0) was selected to take on an opponent to be announced. The Undercard was to be highlighted by a special feature boutWBC Africa Welterweight Charles Manyuchi (15-2) 是捍卫他的冠军称号在本土的首次,或只是做一个评价的战斗 (受他的赞比亚发起人克里斯Malunga和他的合作伙伴的认可). Manyuchi is currently the most internationally recognized Zimbabwean Boxer and has been plying his trade in neighboring Zambia since 2012 for lack of options at home. The event would have been broadcasted live on ZTV and streamed live worldwide on the Internet. 进一步, 该事件将已经通过区域体育频道在美国转播的延迟基础, 其中可达 165 万美国有线电视家庭 (以上 100 万独立家园) 采用狮心拳击制作’ established contractual relationships. 另外, 该事件被提名进行区域和其他市场的银团, 全球可行.


为促进公司的津巴布韦野心, 门迪离开纽约哈拉雷二月 26, 2015 on exploratory mission. He was received warmly by Zimbabweans of walks of life and spent a very enjoyable and productive ten days in Zimbabwe, visiting various cities and meeting with people. Lion Heart was able to achieve all of the stated goals except the last one, 确保拟议活动ZBB支持, 尽管原定于门迪议程的第一次会议是董事会. 不幸, 不但津巴布韦拳击理事会没有提供必要的点头, 它甚至不会召开董事会正式会议,听取门迪或表狮心的计划. 至今, 三个星期后,, Lion Heart has not received any correspondence from the Board on its application to host an event in May. The only information it has received relative to the event is from media reports, 以董事会需要更多时间来审议​​效果.


由于ZBB的非反应性, Lion Heart regrettably has decided to put its Zim Project on hold indefinitely. Says Lion Heart Event Coodinator Sporty Smith, “We have no choice but to put our Zim Project on hold since the ZBB has failed to afford us the smallest of professional courtesy. We can understand a Board’s refusal to sanction an event it does not like it. A failure by a Board to reply, 为了赶它提出否则无法communcate, 然而, is unheard of. Not only was the board frosty in its welcome of Edward Mendy, it would not even convene a meeting of the board even though advance arrangements were made with it. 进一步, the Board would not even give us the courtesy of a response despite numerous follow-up inquiries. What is most shocking about the whole thing, 该ZBB的行动 (或不), 是,它并不像ZBB已批准在其本届任期任何真正的拳击比赛, 一个任期三年十二月到期, 或已计划在其日历的任何拳击比赛. 无论是比狮心敲板的门或努力促进津巴布韦拳击比赛之外的任何发起人. 从而, 我们真的感到困惑给出了非常热烈的欢迎,并毫不掩饰的热情我们的项目从拳击手,否则收到, 教练, 拳击界的其他成员, 传媒, tourism and other government officials as well as ordinary Zimbabweans. Basically we have a Boxing Board that has seen no boxing events in its current term, 但它不采取行动之前提交的唯一真正的拳击事件, 并与国际公认的在那开始就提出的重大赛事。”


狮心的努力,以帮助发展拳击在津巴布韦的运动, 该 “以星项目,” 已经跨越了十多年. In addition to sponsoring various tournaments in Zimbabwe over the last decade, 狮心拳击制作和它的主人曾试图帮助推动众多津巴布韦拳手的职业生涯, 包括当时的不败Thamsanqa杜贝和以实玛利Kuckocha, 通过赞助他们促进其在美国的训练和职业. 然而, 尽管它认为是自己最大的努力, 狮心拳击制作已非常有限的成功,其以星项目,并有很少或没有表现出其艰巨的努力,有助于推动拳击在津巴布韦.


津巴布韦拳击比赛的狮心发起并没有达到预期的财务业绩. 进一步, 各地方推动者和津巴布韦的合作伙伴 (比吉尔伯特Munetsi其他) that Lion Heart Boxing Productions had contracted with over the years had turned out to be unreliable and unproductive. Many of local promoters and partners promised much and delivered little. 进一步, the Zimbabwe Boxing Board would not approve the signing of any of the fighters that Lion Heart had interest in the 2000’s. 最近, 狮心答应帮一个小地方启动, 三角洲部队促销, with an event he planned by securing the event’s purse money and depositing same with the Boxing Board. The local Promoter, 然而, was unable to organize the event to the Board’s satisfaction. After that experience, 狮心终于解决了 2014 to give up on its Zim Project. 然而, 狮心深信通过捷镇的作家和前ZBB董事会成员吉尔伯特Munetsi坚持其以星的努力,并继续工作的项目以星.


说公司CFO爱德华·门迪, “说实话, equal credit for our perseverance on the Zim Project should go to Gilbert Munetsi and I. But for our continued pleading and my obstinacy in the face of adversity, 狮心就早已终止了进军津巴布韦拳击。”


添加门迪, “经过十多年的努力,而不在我们以星项目的成功, 我们缺乏在尝试登录各种以星拳击手的成功带给美国的 2004-2005, 与考克斯Chigwana在惨败 2013 而我们最近的努力失败,以帮助克莱德Musonda和他的三角洲拳击制作得到的理由,他们在事件 2013-14, 我们只需要面对现实津巴布韦可能不是我们. Our trials and tribulations in Zimbabwe are well-documented, covered in great part by the Zim media and well-known to members of the current Board. While I am not one to give up easily, I learnt a long time ago that there is really no sound business reason for force a promotion in a jurisdiction with an unfriendly board. This is very unfortunate considering the scale of the proposed May event, 其潜力,助推拳击在津巴布韦,并作为可持续体育旅游车辆, 已入以星项目的其他利益相关者和工作的大量的热情。”


关于狮心拳击促销 (启动子)

狮心拳击制作是全球拳击经纪人和体育娱乐公司总部设在美国. 该公司成立于 2001 提供最高的娱乐价值最高质量事件的唯一目的,并促进了拳击比赛在四大洲. 公司迅速赢得了声誉高品质战斗生产者,非常尊重战士的公平待遇,并承诺战士’ 权利.


狮心拳击制作已作为其支柱企业的责任之一,帮助发展拳击在非洲的运动有特殊兴趣. 这种兴趣导致其推广拳击在津巴布韦和半打非洲国家, 所有具有不同程度的成功.



有关狮心拳击制作的更多信息, 有限公司, 星期四 夜战斗@亚斯岛,星期四 夜战斗系列, 请致电爱德华·B. Mendy, 首席财务官, 在 +973-650-9721 或写信给他的ebmendy@gmail.com 或 11 埃里克驱动器, Kinnelon, 新泽西州 07405.
