Julio Sezar Chaves Jr. MARCOS REYESSATURDAY Al-PASOK DON Haskins MARKAZI AT mag'lubiyatlar, Texas ON SHOWTIME®

McJoe Arroyo IBF Junior Bantamweight jahon chempionati kasb & Amir Imom kvplt_fan CHAMPIONSHIP boks to'g'risida 140-funt sarlavhasi qildiName oladi®


Replay Watch Dushanba At 10 p.m. VA/Kvplt_fan FAVQULOTDA bo'yicha PT


STEP, Texas (Iyul 18, 2015) - Julio Sezar Chaves Jr. bir ovozdan qaror qabul kasb (97-92, 98-91, 96-93) kvplt_fan CHAMPIONSHIP boks asosiy taqdirda Markos Reyes ustida shanba kuni oldida 9,245 Al-PASOK Don Haskins markazida, Texas.


Reyes was the more active fighter – he doubled Chavez’s output – but simply couldn’t hurt his larger opponent. Following a loss at light heavyweight last April, Chavez super o'rtasida da tashviqot harakat qilishga qaror qildi.


Chavez (49-2-1, 32 KOS), murabbiy Robert Garsiya bilan birinchi marta jang bo'ldi kim, irodasiga o'z kuch tortishish er imkoniyatiga ega bo'lish uchun edi, however he would pick his spots and had long bouts of inactivity. Although he was working with a new trainer, Chavez birinchi buldozer davom etdi va u singari aprel oyida Andrezj Fonfara qarshi juda o'xshash kurash jang, a kichik raqibi qarshi bu safar.


“I won. This is big for me and Robert,” Chavez said. “I can do it better, but I won and that is the important thing. I’m going to fight at 168 funt. Little by little, I’m going to get down in weight. We know we’re doing much better work in the gym.


“In the third round I hurt my left hand. I think it’s broken, Bilmayman. I’ll see the doctor. With all respect to Reyes, Men qo'limni zarar yo'q edi, men uni taqillatdi bo'lardi.


“I connected on the best punches to the chin and the body. Men uni zarar, but I couldn’t finish him because I hurt my hand. He threw a lot of punches but missed a lot. U meni zarar hech qachon. I felt I hurt him every time I landed.”


Kurash so'ng, Reyes (33-3, 24 KOS) kvplt_fan muxbir Jim Gray, uning ishini va'z va vazn tengsizlik ishora.


“I feel I won the fight. I showed him how I box,” Reyes said. “I made the weight at 168 and he didn’t make weight. He’s like a light heavyweight fighting a middleweight.


"Men urinishmasin edi - hakam, vazn, har bir narsa. I think I won the fight. It’s OK – I did my best.”


CO-xususiyati, Butning to'xtadi keyin McJoe Arroyo bo'sh IBF Junior Bantamweight jahon chempioni bo'lishni Artur Vilyanueva ustidan texnik qaror qo'lga kiritdi 2:10 ichida 10th round due to a deep gash over Villanueva’s right eye. The fight went to the judges’ scorecards and Villanueva was ahead 97-92, 98-91 sudyalar gol so'ng 10th.


Puerto-Riko Arroyo (17-0, 8 KOS) orolda uchinchi polvon bir 115-funt unvonini qo'lga kiritish uchun bo'ldi.


The lefty-righty matchup was at times highly technical and foul-filled. Referee Rafael Ramos deducted a point against Villanueva (27-1, 14 KOS) for leading with his head in the sixth. In a different clash in the sixth, a deep gash opened up over the right eye of Villanueva that ultimately led to the stoppage. Ramos ruled that the clash that opened the cut was unintentional.


Dr. Brian August inspected the cut midway through the seventh round and again after the eighth. Ramos again signaled for August to inspect the cut in the 10th and ruled that it was too deep to continue. In an interview with Jim Gray, Avgust u kurashchi manfaati kurash to'xtab qayd lekin Villanueva da'vo u hech ko'rish masalalarini ega bo'ldi.


"U kirib edi, he was entering low. He was clashing heads a lot,” Arroyo said. “Before the fight, Men u qiyin qiruvchi deb bilar edi. All Philippine fighters come to fight. I knew I had to be ready for 12 tur, boxing or brawling. It was a competitive fight but we just worked harder every round.”


Gray tomonidan so'rashganida u o'z ritmi topish qiyin bo'lsa, Arroyo javob, “That’s a normal thing when a southpaw fights a right hander. We were both trying to be slick and smart. That happens when two boxers with the same style fight.”


Villanueva to'xtab bilan ixtilof va zudlik Rematch chaqirdi.


"Bu headbutt so'ng men uchun bir qo'pol kurash va juda qiyin bo'ldi,” Villanueva said. “I thought I won the fight. I didn’t want them to stop the fight because it was just getting into the flow. I’m disappointed with the stoppage. Men uni mag'lub etdi mumkin bilaman va men zudlik revanshi istayman. "


Kechqurun ochilish Butning In, mag'lubiyati 140 funt raqib bo'sh WBC Super yengillashtirilgan jahon chempionatida uchun Viktor Postol va Lukas Matthysse o'rtasida rejalashtirilgan kuz showdown g'olibi bir majburiy to'pni topish uchun bir gumburlagan huquqi bilan Fernando Angulo elendikçe.


Bu imom uchun qiyin kurash bo'lishi ko'rindi (18-0, 15 KOS), lekin u har doim nazorat va favqulodda aniq bo'ldi, qo'nish 54 faqat nisbatan o'z kuch musht foizi 17 Angulo uchun (28-10, 16 KOS). Imam ended the bout in brilliant fashion with a powerful right to Angulo’s ear, Tuval va hakam uchun yuz-oldinga tushib raqibini kuchaytirish darhol da tanlov to'xtatish uchun :56.


“I take my hat off. He’s a good opponent,” Imam said. “I just hit him with a big shot on his ear and he was done.


“These guys get the belts and just hold it. I’m going to get the belt and hold it with pride.”


Said Imom promoter va Hall hududdagi fermer Don King, "Bu ajoyib tomosha edi - men va yana kutilmoqda faqat nima. You should never underestimate but pontificate when it comes to the ‘Young Master.We will take the belts and anyone that comes in front of us.

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