Guivas Taking a Realistic Approach to Facing ‘Big BabyMiller in CBS-televised Showdown next Friday at Seneca Niagara Resort & Casino

Topeka, Kansas heavyweight NickTwo GunzGuivas is taking a realistic approach to facing one of the most dangerous up-and-coming heavyweights in the world next weekend.
Guivas (12-3-2, 9 Kos) will take on undefeated WBO #11, WBA #12 and IBF #15 Jarrell “Big Baby” Taħħan (16-0-1, 14 Kos) for the WBO NABO Heavyweight Championship on Il-ġimgħa, Mejju 27, 2016, at the Seneca Niagara Resort & Casino fil Niagara Falls, New York.
The two power-punching heavies will meet in the main event of Greg Cohen Promotions’ (in association with Salita Promotions, Adam Wilcock’s FightCard Promotions and David Schuster’s Winner Take All Productions) next instalment ofChampionship Boxing on CBS Sports Network.
In the 10-round lightweight semi-final bout, red-hot Filipino prospect HarmonitoEl Huracan de Gensan” Dela Torre (17-0, 12 Kos) will make his debut on US soil against capable veteran Guillermo Sanchez (15-18-1, 6 Kos) ta 'Buffalo.
Biljetti għall “Kampjonat Boxing fuq CBS Sports Network” tibda fil $35 and are available at the Seneca Niagara Resort & Uffiċċju kaxxa Casino, or you can charge by phone at 1-800-745-3000.
I’m coming there to win, definittivament,” Guivas imsemmija, “and I know I’m a lot smaller than him, but I think I can move around and stay away from his punches. He’s a very heavy hitter, so I’m going to move and box him and see what the outcome is. I’m going to give this guy everything I’ve got. And I know he’s coming to fight too, so at the end of the fight, may the best man get their hand raised.
Taking on the red-hot Miller is not a job many heavyweights are hoping to get at the moment, but Guivas says the time is right for a challenge of this magnitude.
I’m at the part of my career where I need to step up,” he explained. “When they offered me the fight, I was already somewhat in shape, so I said let’s get in better shape and see what we can do. I think at this time I’m ready for it.
Guivas says he respects Miller’s power, but might have some openings to get a few things done. “Matul is-snin, I’ve gotten smarter in the ring. I know the guy is a heavy puncher and had a really good amateur career. He’s got a good jab, but he doesn’t have super fast hands. I’ve also noticed he tends to wear down in the later rounds, so I have to take him deep and see if I can out-box him.
A service technician for Coca Cola during the day, Guivas stared boxing and had his first fight at age eight. He ultimately had around 200 amateur fights and was a two-time silver gloves medalist, won the regional Golden Gloves tournament twice and went to the PAL Nationals. He got the nicknameTwo Gunzfrom promoter Damon Reed.
“Promotur tiegħi, Damon, is my promoter and a fighter too. He gave me that name because of the size of my arms and because I hit him one time and he said he felt like he’d been shot with a gun.
Guivas says he’s working hard at the Danger Fire Gym in Topeka, before and after work every day, and doing things a bit different to prepare for Miller.
I get up early in the morning and get my run in and then in evenings after work I do my boxing and sparring. I end up doing four to five hours a day of training. Għandi l-ebda għażla, but to do it like that. Fil-passat, I’ve had one or two sparring partners for a fight, and I would go five or six rounds with that guy. Għal din il-ġlieda, we brought in five guys and I get a fresh one every round. And the guys I’m sparring with are guys that are at the next level or getting ready to become top fighters. I’m getting a fresh look from different guys every round.
A good counterpuncher and a decent boxer, Guivas says a victory il-ġimgħa d-dieħla would change everything.
I think beating Miller would definitely put me to the next level. The guy is top 10. If I can get the win I’d be in the money next time. I don’t fight just for the money though. I imħabba għall-ġlieda kontra. That’s what I do.
Fuq lejl ġlieda, bibien miftuħa fil 6 pm u l-azzjoni tibda fi 7:00 pm. The Seneca Niagara Resort & Casino is located at 310 4th Street fil Niagara Falls, NY. Għal aktar informazzjoni, sejħa 877-873-6322 jew żjara
Dwar Promozzjonijiet Greg Cohen
Wieħed mill ħwejjeġ promozzjonali premier boxing l, Promozzjonijiet Greg Cohen (GCP) huwa isem tajjeb rispettati għall waqfien avvenimenti ta 'klassi dinjija boxing professjonali u promozzjoni ġellieda professjonali elite madwar id-dinja.
Fundatur u CEO Greg Cohen kien involut ma boxing professjonali fil-kapaċitajiet varji mill-1980 tard, imsin dgħajjes tiegħu u li jistabbilixxi lilu nnifsu bħala negozjant shrewd boxing internazzjonali.
Distinti mill-kapaċità tiegħu biex spot u jiżviluppaw it-talent prima, Cohen ewwel magħmula aħbarijiet promozzjonali għall-gwida espert tiegħu ta, fost ħafna oħrajn, ex WBA Junior Middleweight Champion Austin “Nru Dubju” Trota, li Cohen għenu gwida mis mhux magħruf prospett New Mexico to-pay per view superstars livell elite.
Minbarra l-Trota, Promozzjonijiet Greg Cohen ħadem ma 'ismijiet stabbiliti bħal eks champion unifikata u żewġ time heavyweight Hasim “Il Rock” Rahman u l-great-time-piż multipli champion klassi dinjija James “Dwal Out” Toney.
Cohen currently promotes WBA Interim World Lightweight Champion Ismael Barroso, Undefeated WBA NABA Heavyweight Champion and world-rated contender Jarrell Miller, undefeated WBA NABA Middleweight Champion and world-rated contender Robert Brant, former world champion Kendall Holt, as well as current world-rated contenders including long-time elite middleweight “Jfissru” Joe Greene, featherweight super top Arash Usmanee, Kanadiżi eroj azzjoni ħfief u TV Tony Luis; WBA u ħames time Irish National Champion Amateur, Dennis Hogan; u l-prospett ħfief Awstraljan Josh King.
Promozzjonijiet Greg Cohen kien ospitat avvenimenti ta 'klassi dinjija boxing fil-postijiet ifjen madwar l-Istati Uniti u d-dinja u wkoll kburi provduta talent u / jew kontenut għal networks diversi televiżivi inklużi CBS Sports Network, HBO, Showtime, ESPN, NBC Sports Network, CBS Sports Network, MSG u FOX Sports Net.
Għal aktar informazzjoni, żjara Sib magħna fuq Facebook Twitter: GCPBoxing.

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