GH3 promosi tanda undefeated JR. Welterweight Keenan Smith

Nutley, NJ (Agustus 7, 2015) – GH3 promosi bangga ka ngembarkeun nu penandatanganan of undefeated JR. Welterweight Keenan Smith ka hiji kontrak promosi exlusive.
Smith ti Philadelphia ngabogaan rékaman 7-0 jeung 2 knockouts.
Smith diaktipkeun pro di 2009 sarta dianggap salaku pohara terampil professional.
“Téh mangrupa pelesir ka asup jeung GH3 promosi. I like the way they move their fighters and they are starting to do big things and I feel I fit in with that,” Ngadawuh Smith.
“Teu jiga cara Vito Mielnicki ngoperasikeun. They have been getting a lot of television dates and I look forward to showcasing my skills throughout the country.
Smith ieu 72-4 salaku amatir jeung ieu National Golden Sarung jawara sakaligus minangka JR. Jawara Olimpiade Olimpiade.
Nalika ditanya ngeunaan tujuan istilah pondok jeung panjang nya, nu 24 Smith taun umurna ceuk, “Kami néangan dalapan gelut dina taun hareup jeung geura-giru sanggeus éta mah kudu dina posisi ka rengat luhur-15.”
Smith kudu off ka mimiti alus pikeun ngahontal tujuan eta manéhna ngabogaan dua gelut dijadwalkeun di genep minggu hareup.
“Kami néangan tarung Agustus 15 di Atlantik City terus Kami penciled ka fightSeptember 18 di Las Vegas terus deui dina November dina televisi. That when I believe people will start to take notice that I am coming and establish myself as a legitimate contender on my to a world title.
Said Vito Mielnicki of GH3 promosi, “Kami pohara happy geus nandatanganan Keenan. He has slipped underneath the radar and he has a ton of talent. We plan to keep him extremely busy and we feel could have found a real gem in Keenan. He had some problems that he has put behind him but I have had several conversations with him and I love the kid and his personalty. He is a young man that learned from his mistakes. He defeated Amir Imam 2 kali dina amateurs. He is a real quality kid we are very happy to have him. Dave Harga jeung Dok Nowicki mikeun kuring nu makéna ngagarap eta jadi mitra jeung Keenan na nya bade jadi senang jeung jongjon. Nu kid bisa datar kaluar fight”.
Keenan diurus ku Dok Nowicki jeung Dave Harga D jeung D Management.
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