Tol bel Final pikeun manager tinju kasohor Si Stern

Kulon konci, Fla (September 6, 2015) -Manager tinju Si Star, presiden SHS tinju Management, diliwatan jauh dina yuswa 81 Senén katukang ieu alatan komplikasi ti serangan jantung.
Stern junun tilu waktu, dua division Randall “Nu Sambel Out King” Bailey, Samaun heavyweight Sherman “Tank” Williams, Raka “Arilli” Upshaw jeung urut Cuban Olympian Robert Alfonso.
A pangusaha suksés pisan, Williams explained that Stern also had a law degree and studied at one point to be a rabbi. Si recently returned from Romania, di mana manéhna dirojong Williams di fight nya, dina dinten Sabtu, Aug. 30 and he suffered a heart attack the following day at home in Key West. He was air lifted to a hospital in Miami, di mana manéhna tetep keur saminggu saméméh anjeunna succumbed.
Pasangan Bailey jeung Stern sacara, Dave Johnson, babarengan jeung putra Stern sacara, Gary, jeung putri, Cynthia, were bedside in the hospital with Si for several days until the end. “I ngomong ka Si dina Minggu peuting (Agustus 30) jeung meunang telepon poé saterusna nyebutkeun manéhna geus ngaku ka rumah sakit,” Bailey ngajelaskeun. “Manéhna ngalaman serangan jantung sacara masif. Hal, nya éta luhur jeung handap sadaya minggu nepi ka ahir minggu ka tukang.
Randall Bailey (L) jeung Si Stern (nyekel sabuk) jeung putrana, Gary Stern, dipidangkeun di dieu sanggeus Bailey knocked kaluar Mike Jones di 2012 judul welterweight IBF
Si was a great guy and a good friend. As a manager, he always fought for his boxers. If nobody else cared, Si cared; lamun maranehna teu bisa ngalakukeun hal eta, Si would do it. I was with him nearly 10 years and nobody was throwing money our way. It was hard for us. I only made enough money in a few fights, kawas basa kuring meunang gelar dunya, where he took any money. If Si had your back, manéhna kukituna indit ka perang sareng anjeun.
“Manéhna kukituna ngajalankeun nepi ti Key West ka Rajana nempo kuring tapi, tinimbang tinggal sapeuting, manéhna kukituna ngajalankeun deui. Manéhna kukituna ngagero kuring panggil kuring 10 times while he drove home. He was so happy to get me a promotional contract (AK promosi di Korea) sarta bener nempo maju ka fight mah Oktober 4th in Korea. I’m dedicating that fight to Si and we’ll be doing something special.
L-R: Si Star & Sherman “Tank” Williams dipintonkeun di dieu di Romania
Williams ieu dikelola ku Stern for jaman baheula 11 years and they had a special relationship. They had dinner together in Romania and flew back to the U.S., anjog Minggu, Agustus 30.
“Si ieu leuwih ti manager mah,” Williams offered. “Manéhna babaturan alus, a percaya diri kuring sok bisa ngandelkeun nasihat, in and out of boxing. Si was an all-around good man. We had many deep discussion about politics and religion, kuring keur hiji Christian jeung Si Yahudi, utamana belanja loba poé babarengan dina Romania.
We all lost a good man in Si Stern. I was proud to be represented by Si. He wasn’t in boxing for the money. He was an important part of my life. He was always there for me and all of his fighters. Si never took a short cut or spared money. Si Stern was the best manager I ever had.

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