ESPN Reaches Multi-Year Agreement to Televise Premier Boxing Champions Series

PBC fuq ESPN to Air 12 Two-hour Live Shows Annually on ESPN and ABC

Marzu 18, 2015ESPN will televise Premier Boxing Champions, serje maħluqa għat-televiżjoni bil Haymon Boxing, ikkaratterizzata tissielet ogħla livell bejn ħafna mill-ikbar ismijiet boxing l. The multi-year agreement was announced today. The first of 12 two-hour annual live Premier Champions Boxing fuq ESPN (PBC fuq ESPN) telecasts is scheduled for IS-SIBT, Lulju 11, fi 9 p.m. U on ESPN and ESPN Deportes.


Telecasts ESPN se arja live fil primetime. ABC broadcasts will air nhar is-Sibt wara nofsinhar, b'iktar dettalji li għandhom jiġu mħabbra f'data aktar tard. ESPN, Netwerk bil-lingwa Spanjola ESPN, will also televise all PBC fuq ESPN fights as part of its Tissielet Night serje.


Live kopertura se jkun disponibbli wkoll permezz WatchESPN fuq il-kompjuters, smartphones, Pilloli, Amazon Nar TV u Fire TV Stick, Apple TV, Chromecast, Sena, Xbox 360 u Xbox One permezz ta 'fornitur video affiljata. Il-ftehim jinkludi wkoll id-drittijiet madwar id-dinja permezz ESPN Internazzjonali.


Card details of the first PBC fuq ESPN telecast and subsequent shows will be announced at a later date. ESPN’s long-standing Il-ġimgħa Tissielet Night will celebrate its last show Il-ġimgħa, Mejju 22 with the finals of the Boxcino 2015 tournament.
ESPN has a long history of carrying world-class boxing events and the new Premier Boxing Championsserje tkompli l-impenn tagħna għall-isport ma tissielet primetime ta 'livell premier qabel kien disponibbli biss fuq netwerks tal-kejbil premium,” qal John Kaptan, President ESPN.


PBC fuq ESPN telecasts will be produced by ESPN. Blow-by-blow commentator Joe Tessitore u analista Teddy Atlas, kemm dawk li jirċievu l-Premju prestiġjuż Sam Taub għall-Eċċellenza fil Broadcast Journalism ppreżentati mill-Assoċjazzjoni Kittieba Boxing 'l-Amerika (BWAA), will call the fights ringside on ESPN and ABC.Additional on-air commentators will be announced at a later date.

ESPN3, ESPN’s live multi-screen sports network,will present non-televised undercard bouts and PBC fuq ESPN weigh-ins live leading up to the fights. Stories about the fighters and the fights will also be featured on and on SportsCenter.

Boxing fuq ESPN

Boxing kien staple ta 'programmazzjoni ESPN għal kważi 35 snin. ESPN began televising boxing on April 10, 1980 – ewwel sena tan-netwerk fuq l-arja – when weekly boxing returned to television for the first time since 1964. For the past 17 snin, ESPN Il-ġimgħa Tissielet Night hasshowcased wħud mill-aqwa bouts fl-industrija tal-boksing u introdotti fannijiet għall stilel futuri u ċampjins.


About Ġestjoni Haymon Boxing
Haymon Boxing Management hija bbażata fil Las Vegas, Nevada, u tamministra u tagħti pariri aktar minn 200 ġellieda professjonali.


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