Ерол Спенс Џуниор, Крис Algieri, Стив Канингем & Marcus Browne PBC on NBC Press Conference Quotes & Фото-Галерија

Кликнете ТУКА За фотографии од Ед Diller / DiBella Забава
ЊУЈОРК (Март 9. 2016) – Непоразен зголемувањето на ѕвезда Ерол “Вистината” Спенс Џуниор. и поранешниот светски шампион Крис Algieri отиде лице-в-лице за прв пат Среда at a press conference at Gallagher’s Steakhouse in Manhattan as they discussed their Премиер бокс шампионите (PBC) на Ен-Би- земање пресметка место Сабота, Април 16 на Barclays Center во Бруклин.
Исто така, во присуство Среда was former world champion Стив “U.S.S.” Канингем, who takes on cruiserweight world champion Кристоф Glowacki, и непоразен 2012 U.S. Олимпиец “Сер” Маркус Браун, who faces undefeated RadivojeHot RodKalajdzic.
Билети за настан во живо, кој е промовиран од страна DiBella Забава во соработка со ѕвезда боксерска, со почеток во $25, не вклучувајќи потребни такси, и се на продажба сега. Билетите може да се купат на интернет со посета www.ticketmaster.com,www.barclayscenter.com или со повик 1-800-745-3000. Билетите се достапни и на Управата за Американ Експрес Рамка на Баркли центар. Групни попусти се достапни со повик 844-BKLYN-ГП.
Овде е она што учесниците имаа да кажат Среда:
Ерол Спенс JR.
A lot of people have been asking me when I was going to fight top competition. When you look good in the ring, nobody wants to fight you. Established guys don’t want to fight you, so I want to thank Chris Algieri for taking this fight.
It would be a major statement if I could stop Chris Algieri. He’s been in there with hard-punchers so I’m looking to make a statement about my power. Especially for me being a young contender, it would just show everything I have in my arsenal and where I’m going in my career.
I’ve never envisioned it this way, but my team always told me to be patient and everything will come on time. Now I’m here in the NBC main event.
This is a very important fight. Chris Algieri is a tough fighter. All of his fights have been exciting and we’re looking to make it exciting and one-sided. I’m looking to dominate the whole fight.
From watching Algieri, I know he has good footwork and likes to box. Recently it seems like he’s become more aggressive and standing his ground a bit more. I’m ready for either style.
I don’t really care if I get tested. I want to perform and show my skill set. I’m going to answers a lot of questions people have in the ring.
I know I’ll be the next big star in boxing. I just have to stay grounded, do what I’ve been doing and listen to my team. На небото е граница.
I want a world title this year. I want the winner of the Kell Brook vs. Kevin Bizier fight. I would definitely go to the UK. I’d fight any of the champions, but I can’t look past Chris Algieri. Јас сум 100 percent focused on him.
My career is a process. It doesn’t happen overnight. За мене, fighting on this platform and getting my story out is a good start. It’s about what I do in the ring, I have to look spectacular and get the knockouts.
Everybody should tune-in or get your tickets. This is going to be a fight for the history books.
It’s exciting to be back in the main event on the world stage. I take every fight very seriously and I prepare my best each time. It’s just another day at the office.
I’m looking forward to working extremely hard and being as prepared as possible. I’ve never picked who I step in the ring with. My job is to prepare, fight and win. На Април 16 that is exactly what I’m going to do.
I’m honored to be on a card of this magnitude. I’m looking forward to seeing everybody come out for a great night of fights.
Every fight going forward is about winning and moving towards a welterweight title. Every fight is one step closer to getting my opportunity. This win over Errol Spence Jr. will propel me into fights with the biggest names.
I have to beat everybody who is in front of me. That’s what this fight is. Spence is just another guy in the welterweight division. I’ve always said I’m willing to fight the top guys in my weight class and whether he’s the top guy now or will be one day, тоа не е важно.
I’m looked at as the veteran here, but I’m a young veteran. I have a ton of experience and I think that will propel me for the rest of my career.
Spence hasn’t fought anyone. I don’t think he’s fought a guy who’s tried to win. To label me as a gatekeeper against someone who hasn’t made real fights isn’t really a fair distinction.
He’s done all his work against guys who were tailor made for him to beat up. He hasn’t fought a guy with footwork or a guy who can box. He hasn’t fought many guys who were in there to win. It will be a really eye-opening experience for him and a lot of people on Април 16.
I’ve had some of my best performances at Barclays Center and it’s an honor to be back. I feel that arena brings the best out of me.
I won both of my world titles overseas. Guys like Glowacki grew up watching me fight in their home countries. He’s frothing at the mouth to get at me. Sometimes the meal that you want isn’t a good one for you. I’m going to upset his stomach really good.
“Тоа се случува да биде добра борба. I come intelligent and I come to fight. I’m going to make other 40-year-olds jealous when everyone sees the work that I do. I’m going to be prepared mentally, spiritually and physically.
I’m prepared to fight in any environment. My first title defense was in Marco Huck’s hometown. I went into the lion’s den. It’s all experience. I have a great range of experience and knowledge that helps me in the ring.
It’s great to be on a card with guys like Errol Spence Jr. and Chris Algieri. I’ve seen these guys grind. I watched Errol in the Olympics and I’ve fought on the same undercards as Algieri. It’s awesome to be a part of this.
A fight is a fight. Age doesn’t matter to me. Only thing that really means something is the opponent. When you get in there with your plan, the opponent matters less as you break him down.
When I first started, my motivation was to make money for my family. My motivation is always changing though. I believe I was born to do this. I love working out and pushing my mind and body to the brink. Most of all, I just love challenges.
I’m is a cruiserweight. My camps are always like seven or eight weeks, but I’m always in the gym. My team is great at making sure I’m ready and peaking at fight week.
I’m training in Philadelphia and living in Pittsburgh. There’s great work in Philadelphia and that’s why we’re staying there this time. It’s the perfect place to train for this fight.
There’s never been a champion from Staten Island and that is the goal. I want to become the first from Staten Island.
I’m always happy to be back at Barclays Center. I’m on a great card and I’m ready to breakout and move beyond the prospect label. I’m ready to display my talents against an undefeated guy.
“Како што се Април 16 I’m going to do what I do best. I really want my hands to do the talking on fight night.
I’m motivated because I came from nothing. I’m hungry to be a world champion, but not just a world champion. I want to be a legend.
We’re mostly training in Staten Island but we’ll go to California to train at The Rock Gym in Carson, Калифорнија. We’re going to get some really good work out there.
It’s very important to look good, but I’m not putting any extra pressure on myself. We will look good on Април 16 иако.
“Ова е бокс. This is what it takes. You have to beat guys like this to get to the next level. This has been a long time coming.
I’m blessed to be in the position I’m in. I haven’t made it yet and I won’t tell myself that I did. I can’t let myself get comfortable.
I’m not worried about what my opponent is bringing. I’m just worried about what I bring into the ring.
LOU DIBELLA, Претседателот на DiBella Забава
This is a great show and I’m really proud to be promoting it. These are three real fights with their own terrific storylines.
Rising super star Errol Spence Jr. is as talented of a kid as I’ve seen come on the scene во 10 години or so. That’s how much talent I believe he has. Тоа се рече, he hasn’t faced a guy like Chris Algieri. Who is a guy who can do anything in the ring and is a former world champion.
The fact that Errol is stepping up and that Chris is willing to face Errol says a lot about both guys. These are two confident champions. The winner of this fight will make big money very quickly.
Glowacki is coming off a Fight of the Year candidate bout and now he’s going to have to face a man who was a cruiserweight champion himself, in Steve Cunningham.
“Маркус Браун, an undefeated Olympian at light heavyweight, will face a strong undefeated fighter in ‘Hot RodKalajdzic. Marcus is confident in his road to superstardom and hot rod will try to derail that train.
These are three good competitive fights for the fans.
Брет YORMARK, CEO of Brooklyn Sports & Забава
On the heels of a spectacular night in January, we return for another great night at Barclays Center. This will make our 17та boxing show. We are the home of professional boxing now.
It’s our second PBC on NBC event and I’m thrilled to have Errol and Chris in our ring. We expect a lot of Long Islanders to take the LIRR to Barclays Center.
Marcus Browne has the most fights at Barclays Center. Even though he’s from Staten Island, we consider him an honorary Brooklynite.
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