Demetrius “Boo Boo” Andrade terus méré deui ka masarakat jeung taunan 2nd Turki Drive di Providence

PROVIDENCE (Nopember 10, 2015) – Undefeated super welterweight Demetrius “Boo Boo” Andrade (22-0, 15 KOs) geus kungsi poho di mana manéhna asalna ti, Providence, jeung taun kadua sakaligus urut jawara dunya 27 taun heubeul ieu spearheading a Turki Drive aya.
Golongan nu Andrade diadegkeun, Nu Andrade Team, Inc., nyaéta dina misi pikeun nyadiakeun masarakat Providence jeung sumber daya nu, lebar, geus jadi leuwih nyingsieunan, ngalakonan sagala rupa kajadian nu geus kaasup anak disebut tadi Turki Drive.
Nu Andrade Team ogé geus diayakeun hiji masarakat bersih-up di Providence, disadiakeun backpacks jeung suplai sakola nepi ka leuwih ti 500 barudak, jeung Lebaran permen leungeun-kaluar aman.
“Staf urang bakal nyadiakeun turkeys pikeun maranéhanana merlukeun ogé kiriman ti turkeys,” Andrade terangna. “Jeung iklim ékonomi keur naon nya ayeuna, urang ngarti yén leuwih jalma anu merlukeun sababaraha bantuan. Taun ieu we hoyong nambahan jumlah turkeys we mere jauh ti 500 ka 700. I’m asking companies and people for donations to help us reach our goal of $5,500.
I’m proud of our work and truly appreciate the support we’ve received in the past. It’s tough out there. People are working hard just to survive. This is a way for more fortunate people to show how thankful they really are at Thanksgiving by helping others.
Donations of any denomination will be gratefully accepted. Checks should be made out to The Andrade Team, Nyarita. jeung dikirim ka Demetrius Andrade, P.O. Kotak 28555, Providence, RI 02908.
Andrade ieu 2008 AS. Olympian jeung 2007 AIBA Dunya Championships medalist emas.
Turutan Demetrius Andrade dina TwitterAndradeATeam.

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