Цатегори Арцхивес: женски бокс

Тим САД избацује тим Ирске, 7-3 на америчком боксу 2018 САД против. Ирска Сјевероисточна боксерска тура заустављање #2; РЕЗУЛТАТИ ПРОЛЕЋНОГ ПОЉА

Тим САД у средњој категорији Трои Ислеи проглашен је за најистакнутијег боксера вечери

СПРИНГФИЕЛД, Маса. (Март 16, 2018) – Тим САД је победио тим Ирске, 7-3, синоћ (Четвртак) на другој станици три града 2018 САД против. Ирска Еаст Бокс Преглед, у МассМутуал Центру МГМ Спрингфиелд у Массацхусеттсу.

Тим САД победио је тим Ирске у тимском поготку, 8-4, прошлог понедељка у првом дуелу, а синоћ је освојио и тимску титулу, држање а 2-0 предност са још једним подударањем до краја у серији.
Четвртак коначни резултат ноћи био је донекле погрешан, мада, много конкурентнији него што коначни резултат тима може указивати, пошто је првих пет утакмица завршено 2-1 подељене одлуке, све у корист тима САД.
Даровита калифорнијска бантам категорија Марк Кастро освојио је своју другу узастопну борбу на овој турнеји,победивши Георгеа Батеса, 2-1, у борби ноћи.
Најистакнутији боксер ноћи, Вирџинија у средњој категорији трои Ислеи, the 2017 Освајач бронзане медаље на елитном светском првенству, закључао победу тима и победника серије у седмом мечу вечери изблиза и лично једногласном одлуком о утакмици ирске у средњој категорији Герард Френцх.
САД вс. Ирска Нортхеаст Бокинг Тоур завршава Среда, Море. 21 у хотелу Манцхестер Довнтовн у Њу Хемпширу. Акција ће почети у 7:00 п.м. И за до 12 аматерски мечеви светске класе, који ће се сви преносити уживо, бесплатно, на сајту УСА Бокс је (ввв.усабокинг.орг). Представила га је Цорона Премиум и служи као прикупљање средстава за другог партнера емисије, боксерски клуб Манцхестер ПАЛ, карте су $20 за опште упис, $30 за резервисана седишта поред прстена, и могу се купити на веб страници Агенције за продају карата Сеацоаст, ввв.сеацоасттицкет.цом, званични дистрибутер карата за догађај.
Ирски тешкаш Кирил Афганасев оштре 2017 Освајач бронзане америчке националне награде Адриан Тиллман, 3-0, по други пут заредом на овој турнеји. Виши Афранасов је био прејак унутра, поново, за Тиллмана.
Америчка полутешка категорија Кхалил Цое одлучени шестоструки државни првак Ирске Цаоимхин Хинес по други пут заредом идентичним бодовањем, 3-0, ефикасно користећи своју супериорну висину и предност досега.
Осмоструки ирски национални шампион Бретт МцГинти осветио је свој први губитак за вечерас, освајање а 2-1 одлука против националног првака ААУ Никита Абабии.
Левак Падди Донован донео Ирској прву победу ове вечери, узнемиравајући Цлевеланд у полутешкој категорији Куинтон Рандалл, a 2017 Члан тима елитног светског првенства, у шестом мечу, путем првог 3-0 једногласна одлука вечери.
2016 Омладински светски шампион ИспредТигар” Џонсон донео је подељену одлуку од ирске у полутешкој категорији Кевин Фергусон, 2-1.
Калифорнија полутешка категорија Цхарлие Схеехи задржао ваљање америчког теретног воза, доневши подељену одлуку од осмоструког ирског националног шампиона Ваине Келли.
У реваншу меча прошлог понедељка, амерички полутешкаш тешких руку Осхае Јонес, a 2017 Освајач сребрне медаље елитног континенталног првенства за жене, освојио тешку борбу подељеном одлуком Граинне Валсх по други пут заредом. Јонес је у првом колу испустио Валсха, али ирски боксер је узвратио у још једном живахном сукобу.
У уводној утакмици вечери, Вирџинија полутешка категорија Амелиа Мооре, у свом првом међународном мечу, узнемирен освајач сребрне медаље на светском првенству у лакој категорији Келлие Харрингтон, 2-1.
Потпуни појединац & тимски резултати:
Кирил Афанасев, Даблин, Ирска
ВДЕЦ (3-0)
Адриан Тиллман, Колорадо Спрингс, Колорадо, САД
ЛИГХТ тешке категорије
Кхалил Цое, Јерсеи, Град, Њу Џерзи, САД
ВДЕЦ (3-0)
Цаоимхин Хинес, Белфаст, Ирска
Бретт МцГинти, Дерри, Ирска
ВДЕЦ (2-1)
Никита Абабии, Бруклин, Њујорк, САД
трои Ислеи, Александрија, Вирџинија, САД
ВДЕЦ (3-0)
Герард Френцх, Антрим
Падди Донован, Лимерицк
ВДЕЦ (3-0)
Куинтон Рандалл, Кати, Тексас, САД
Тигер Јохнсон, Кливленд, Охајо, САД
ВДЕЦ (2-1)
Кевин Фергусон, Атријум
Цхарлие Схееи, Брисбане, Калифорнија
ВДЕЦ (2-1)
Ваине Келли, Лаоис, Ирска
Лаких модела
Марк Кастро, Фресно, Калифорнија, САД
ВДЕЦ3 (2-1)
Георге Батес, Даблин
Осхае Јонес, Толедо, Охајо, САД
ВДЕЦ (2-1)
Граинне Валсх, Оффали, Ирска
Амелиа Мооре, Александрија, Вирџинија, САД
ВДЕЦ (2-1)
Келлие Харрингтон, Даблин, Ирска
Да бисте били у току са САД вс. Ирска Еаст Бокс Преглед кликните овде.
САД против. Ирска Распоред
Март 21: Је Манцхестер Довнтовн, Манчестер, Н.Х.
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IWBHF Announces 2018 Inductees

Myriam Lamare, Belinda Laracuente, Jessica Rakoczy,
Mary Jo Sanders, Vonda Ward, Julie Lederman,
Belle Martell & Bernie McCoy
The International Women’s Boxing Hall of Fame has announced the 2018 inductees. The eight honorees include five retired boxers, a referee, a boxing judge and a journalist. The fighters include Myriam Lamare, Belinda Laracuente, Jessica Rakoczy, Mary Jo Sanders and Vonda Ward; the boxing judge is Julie Lederman, the referee, honored posthumously, is Belle Martell and the journalist, the first male ever so honored, is Bernie McCoy.

The 2018 inductees bring the five-year IWBHF total to thirty-seven. The Hall was conceived and founded in 2014 by Sue Fox, publisher and editor of WBAN, the longtime site of record for the sport of Women’s boxing. WBAN, for over two decades, has spotlighted and brought awareness to the sport of female boxing and five years ago, Fox crystallized that focus with the establishment a Hall of Fame, centered solely on the sport.

The five boxers being honored represent headline fighters from the past two decades in the sport and represented an era when the best of the female boxers, more often than not, were matched with other top fighters in their weight class. The five inductees represent countries ranging from France, Puerto Rico and Canada and include two U.S. спортисти, an indication of the burgeoning international flavor into which the sport has evolved.

Myriam Lamare epitomized the nounfighter.She had one gear, “all outand knew only one direction, “straight ahead.It is not an overstatement to call her two bouts with Anne Sophie Mathis fights that served to ignite interest in the sport of female boxing in Europe. Lamare fought 177 rounds over her career and was in the ring with every top boxer in the sport, ranging from Mathis to Holm to Braekus.

Belinda Laracuente set the bar high for ago anywhere, fight anyonereputation. The Puerto Rican born boxer fought every good fighter in the sport, including Christy Martin, Sumya Anani and Holly Holm in this country and Myriam Lamare in France, Esther Phiri in Zambia, Duda Yankovich in Brazil, Jelena Mrdjenovich in Canada and Emiko Raika in Japan. It was said that Laracuente, у прстену, had every move in the book along with some that were only in rare editions.

Jessica Rakoczy came out of Hamilton, Ontario and followed the pattern of the other inductees in looking up the rankings for opponents, fighting Layla McCarter, Jenifer Alcon and Jane Couch. But it was her 2007 loss to Ann Marie Saccurato that is often talked about when the subject isbest fights, ever,” in the sport. For Rakoczy, the bout was a text book example of the ring adage that even in defeat, the “good onesoften bring out the best in themselves and their sport.

Mary Jo Sanders had twenty-five wins over a sterling career coming out of the quintessential fight town of Detroit. She also had a loss and a draw on her record, both against the “лице” of the sport, u vreme, Холи Холм. The Holm bouts were the highlights of a career for a very fundamentally skilled fighter who had big wins against Layla McCarter and Chevelle Hallback.

Vonda Ward might well be considered the best all-around female athlete ever to box professionally. She was an outstanding high school basketball player in Cleveland before matriculating to the University of Tennessee to play for legendary coach Pat Summitt. У рингу, Ward compiled an estimable 23-1 запис, beating heavyweight fighters such as Carleton Ewell, Martha Salazar and Marsha Valley, losing only to highly regarded Ann Wolfe.

Julie Lederman grew up in a boxing household. Kao takav, it is fair to assume she was probably exposed to the sport from a young age. Those two circumstances may have had something to do with her gravitating to the sport as a boxing judge. Those two circumstances have nothing to do with her becoming one of the top officials in the NYSAC. Similar to the fighters honored by the IWBHF, she is a very good boxing judge, not a very good female boxing judge; she is also not a very good judge with a well- known last name. She is a very good judge well worthy of induction into the IWBHF.

Belle Martell, who is honored with induction posthumously, was the first female referee licensed in California in April,1940. She continued, along with her husband, Уметност, to be a factor in boxing for the following two decades serving also as an active promoter in the state’s amateur ranks along with being a highly-sought after ring announcer.

Bernie McCoy began writing while in the Army, serving with the Armed Forces Press Service. Upon discharge, he alternated between advertising (copywriting for the Reynolds Tobacco and Coca-Cola accounts) and the newspaper business (sports writing in St. Луис, New Orleans and various New York suburban papers) before retiring from two decades as part of the Media department at Pepsi Cola. Subsequently, he has written extensively about Women’s boxing for a number of Internet sites, most notably, WBAN. Founder and publisher, Sue Fox remarkedwhile always a staunch advocate and strong supporter of the sport, (McCoy) never pulled his punches in his writing.

While the fifth class of the IWBHF may be slightly more diverse than previous groups, including threenon-participantinductees, this ground breaking enterprise continues to forge ahead with its focus and mission, to provide recognition to a sport and it’s integral figures, past and present, who have contributed to the progress thus far achieved and to the future growth of the sport and it’s athletes.

We will have more information published soon. For more info on sponsorship opportunities, иди на: хттп://www.wbanmedia.com/sponsor-page2.htm

Claressa Shields and Mary J Blige Appear as Superheroes in Commercial Aired During Sunday’s Oscars Broadcast

WBC and IBF World Super Middleweight Champion, and two-time US Olympic gold-medal winner, Цларесса Шилдс, appeared with music legend and fellow female superstar Mary J. Blige in a special 60-second short film that aired during Sunday’s worldwide broadcast of the 90th Academy Awards.
Directed by Dee Rees and sponsored by Walmart, the film was inspired by Walmart delivery boxes and featured Shields and Blige as superheroes.

A world-famous singer, songwriter, record producer, and actress, Blige is a nine-time Grammy Award winner, a three-time Golden Globe nominee and the first woman to receive multiple Academy Award nominations in the same year (for Best Supporting Actress and Best Original Song). She has sold 75 million records worldwide.
In addition to being the current unified WBC and IBF World Super Middleweight Champion, кремен, Michigan’s Shields won gold at the 2012 и 2016 Олимпијске игре, becoming the first American boxer-female or male-to win consecutive medals. In just her first full year as a professional, Shields was named USA Today: Жена борац оф тхе Иеар, Иахоо Спортс: Жена борац оф тхе Иеар, WBAN: Hottest Rising Star and WBAN: Most Inspirational.
Схиелдс (5-0, 2 КОс) is currently hard at work, preparing for her next fight in April on SHOWTIME.


Jose Uzcategui Stops Andre Dirrell to Become Interim IBF Super Middleweight World Champion in SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING® Цо-Феатуре
Не пропустите Реплаи Понедељак у 10 п.м. И/ПТ На Сховтиме Ектреме
Кликните ОВДЕ for Photos from SHOWTIME
Кликните ОВДЕ За слике из Ед Диллер / ДиБелла Ентертаинмент
Кликните ОВДЕ for Photos from Ryan Hafey/Premier Boxing Champions
Watch the Wilder KO : хттп://s.sho.com/2I0JWJB
БРООКЛИН (Март 4, 2018) – Undefeated heavyweight world champion Деонтаи “Бронза бомбардер” Вилдер retained his WBC title in his seventh defense with a tenth round knockout over unbeaten challenger Луис “Реал Кинг Конг” Ортиз in a thrilling back-and-forth SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING main event Saturday night from Barclays Center, дом БРООКЛИН Бокс®.
Вилдер (40-0, 39 КОс) not only survived the toughest test of his career but also finished the job in spectacular fashion by unleashing a ferocious 10тх round assault on Ortiz (28-1, 24 КОс). Wilder floored the Cuban challenger twice in the round, forcing referee David Fields to stop the fight at2:05 у кругу. Watch the knockout video ОВДЕ.
Oritz looked like he would dethrone Wilder in the seventh round, countering with a strong right hand that hurt the WBC heavyweight champion. Ortiz unleashed a barrage of punches against a stunned Wilder, who somehow managed to stay on his feet to close the round before being saved by the bell. Ortiz continued his assault on Wilder into the eighth round, who again managed to make it through the round.
In the ninth round, Wilder began to rebound as he knocked Ortiz off-balance with a straight right hand. America’s only reigning heavyweight champion was firmly back in the fight as he landed a strong combination on Ortiz to close the round, completely changing the momentum of the fight.
Both fighters came out strong at the start of the tenth round, landing simultaneous blows that made each fighter temporarily wobbly. But it was Wilder who capitalized on the moment, as the Alabama-native pounced on Ortiz, sending his opponent to the canvas for the second time of the night with a flurry of overhand right hands. A dazed Ortiz returned to his feet, but was unable to withstand a follow-up assault from a confident Wilder, who landed an uppercut that sent Ortiz to the canvas for the third and final time.
Following his third successful title defense at Barclays Center, an emotional Wilder spoke to SHOWTIME Sports reporter Jim Gray about the most difficult fight of his career.
A true champion always finds a way to come back and that’s what I did вечерас,” Саид Вилдер. “Luis Ortiz is definitely a crafty guy. He put up a great fight. We knew we had to wear him down. I showed everyone I can take a punch.
He was hitting me with those furious punches but they didn’t have sting on them. He was throwing combos that knocked me off balance. I just had to get my range back and my fundamentals back. And I was able to do that. I showed I was a true champion вечерас.”
A proud but disappointed Ortiz, who was on the brink of a sensational seventh round stoppage of Wilder before the bell rang, also spoke to Gray following the fight.
It was a great fight and I performed well,” Ortiz said. “I thought I was up on the scorecard going into the tenth round, but it’s heavyweight boxing and you never know what’s going to happen.
I almost had him and I think I would’ve if there were a few more seconds in the round.
Wilder out landed Ortiz 98-87, although Ortiz held a slight advantage in landed power punches, 63-60.
In the co-featured event of SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING, Jose Uzcategui (27-2, 23 КОс) поражен Андре Диррелл (26-3, 16 КОс) via TKO two seconds into round nine, upon the request of Dirrell’s trainer, Виргил Хантер. Победа, which makes Uzcategui the interim IBF Super Middleweight World Champion, puts the hard-hitting Venezuelan in position to fight for the super middleweight title that Caleb Truax earned via a majority decision over James DeGale in December.
Saturday night’s fight was a rematch of the hotly contested May 2017 крај, in which Uzcategui was disqualified for landing a punch after the bell sounded to end the eighth round. In the rematch, Uzcategui dominated the action from start to finish, using his powerful right hand to set the stage for the withering assault which led to Dirrell’s corner stopping the fight two seconds into round nine. Uzcategui out landed Dirrell 169-141 in total punches, including a huge 112-51 discrepancy in power punches landed.
I was a little surprised they stopped it in the ninth,” Саид Узцатегуи. “I had said it would be the third round that I would knock him out. It took a little longer, but it finally came.
I think it was very clear in the first fight that I did my job. In the second fight I showed even more, so there’s going to be a lot of Uzcategui from now on.
Диррелл, a native of Flint, Мичиген, found Uzcategui’s length and aggression difficult to deal with.
I’ve been in there with long fighters before, but he was especially long,” Саид Диррелл. “I think I was a little heavier than I wanted to be вечерас, but that’s no excuse. Uzcategui did a great job.
We knew we needed a knockout. The way it was going I needed to at least pick it up. I felt a little sluggish and he hit all the right shots. None of them really hurt, but he hit me where he was supposed to.
In a world title fight featured on the undercard, Лонг Ајленд је Алициа Наполеон (9-1, 5 КОс) won the Vacant Women’s WBA Super Middleweight world title with a dominant unanimous decision victory over Femke Hermans (6-1, 3 КОс).
It’s hard to find words to describe this right now,” said Napoleon. “It’s so surreal it’s almost like a dream. I’m just glad I did it. This is one down, but there’s many more to go. The goal is to get all the belts.
Napoleon controlled the action with her power and superior athletic prowess and wobbled Hermans in the final round before earning the decision by scores of 99-91 и 98-92 двапут.
I think this means a lot for women’s boxing, not just that I won the belt, but where I was placed on this great card,” said Napoleon. “People are going to continue to see and hear more and more from women boxers.
Субота је ТВ пренос ће понављати на, Недеља, Март 4 у 8 а.м. ET/PT on SHOWTIME and Понедељак, Март 5 у 10 п.м. И/Т. на Сховтиме Ектреме и биће доступан на Сховтиме ОН ДЕМАНД® и Сховтиме АНИТИМЕ®. This event was sponsored by Corona Extra, La Cerveza Mas Fina and promoted by DiBella Entertainment and TGB Promotions.
# # #
Пратите нас на Твиттер @СховтимеБокинг, @ПремиерБокинг, ЛоуДиБелла, @ТГБПромотионс, @БарцлаисЦентер, @Brooklyn_Boxing and @Swanson_Comm or become a fan on Facebook at ввв.Фацебоок.цом/СХОБокинг, ввв.Фацебоок.цом/барцлаисцентер,
и ввв.Фацебоок.цом/ДиБеллаЕнтертаинмент. ПБЦ је спонсоред би Цорона Ектра, финест pivo.


СХОВТИМЕ Цхампионсхип Бокинг® Ливе Ат 9 П.М. И/6 П.М. PT From Barclays Center In Brooklyn

Кликните ОВДЕ За слике из Аманда Вестцотт / Сховтиме

ЖКК Хеавивеигхт Светско првенство




Deontay Wilder – 214 ¾ фунти




Luis Ortiz – 241 ¼ фунти




Судија: David Fields; Judges: Глен Фелдман (Конектикат), Kevin Morgan (НИ), Царлос Ортиз (НИ)

Interim IBF Super Middleweight World Championship



Andre Dirrell – 167 ¾ фунти



Jose Uzcategui – 166 фунти



Судија: Рицки Гонзалез; Judges: Bernard Bruni (Пен.), Tony Paolillo (НИ), Robin Taylor (НИ)



“I’m going to let the world know that the weight don’t mean a thing; it’s all mental at the end of the day. Like I’ve said, I’d rather be the part than look the part. I’ve said many a time that I put these guys on their ass, and that’s what I come to do Субота ноћ. Over and over again all my guys have out-weighed me. So that’s nothing compared to where I came from, and nothing compared to where I’m going come Субота ноћ. You’re all in for a treat and I can’t wait.


“On paper he’s looked good against the opposition he’s faced, but he’s never faced a Bronze Bomber; he’s never faced a guy who has more killer instinct than him. He’s never faced a guy who wants to just rip his head off, and I do mean rip his head off!


“I am the best and I’m ready to show у суботу night that I’m the best in the world.”





“Our training camp was prepared for whatever Deontay Wilder was going to bring into the ring, whether it was a runner, or a puncher – whatever he wants to do we have trained for it so there’s no problem.



“You have to adapt and make changes come fight night, and I’m prepared to do that and I’m experienced to do that. I’ve been waiting my whole career to do this as a pro and as an amateur this is something I never dreamed I would do, and I’m not losing сутра."






“I just saw a piece of meat, and I’m hungry.



“The IBF demanded this. There were two wrongs from the last fight and I was hit after the bell, and he was hit after the bell. The IBF wanted to right that wrong and this is the only way to do so. He deserves this shot and I deserve this shot. It’s going to be a better fight this time around.



“It’s all about what [new trainer] Виргил [Ловац] has done with my mind. The ability is there, as we all know. We’ve perfected that. And we’ve changed the mind this time, као.



“We all know that Jose Uzcategui is a fighter in full; that boy can throw, but that’s just not going to be enough come fight night.”



ЈОСЕ Узцатегуи:



“The ref will not have to intervene; I’ll knock him out quicker this time.”



“Maybe if Virgil Hunter gets in the ring too because that’s the only way they’re going to win is if the corner gets in the rings. Because that’s the only way they will get the win.”

# # #

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и ввв.Фацебоок.цом/ДиБеллаЕнтертаинмент. ПБЦ је спонсоред би Цорона Ектра, финест pivo.

Deontay Wilder vs. Luis Ortiz Final Press Conference Quotes & Фотографије

I’ve always said I was the best and this is my chance
то доказати,” – Вилдер
I looked into his eyes and I knew that I’m not going to lose
this opportunity,” – Ортиз
(Фотографија Кредит: Amanda Westcott/SHOWTIME)
Heavyweight Title Showdown Headlines Action This Saturday,
Март 3 Live on SHOWTIME from Barclays Center in Brooklyn & Представили Премиер Бокинг Цхампионс
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Кликните ОВДЕ За слике из Ед Диллер / ДиБелла Ентертаинмент
БРООКЛИН (Март 1, 2018) – Unbeaten WBC Heavyweight World Champion Деонтаи Вилдер and unbeaten contender Луис Ортиз exchanged words and went face to face at the final press conference in Manhattan Четвртак ahead of their main event showdown this Saturday, Март 3 ливе он СХОВТИМЕ из Барцлаис Центер, дом БРООКЛИН БОКСИНГ ™, и представила Премиер Бокинг Цхампионс.
Also participating in Четвртак је press conference and opening the SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING telecast at 9 п.м. И/6 п.м. PT were super middleweight contenders Андре Диррелл и Jose Uzcategui, who meet in a rematch of their May 2017 matchup on SHOWTIME as they fight for an interim 168-pound world title in the co-feature.
Улазнице за догађају уживо, која промовише ДиБелла Забава и ТГБ Промоције, крећу од $50 и сада су у продаји. Да бисте купили улазнице, visit Ticketmaster.com, БарцлаисЦентер.цом, или позив 800-745-3000. Tickets for the event can also be purchased at the American Express Box Office at Barclays Center.
Ево шта су учесници су имали да кажу Четвртак:
The reason I wanted this fight is not only do I think Ortiz is one of the best technical fighters in the division, but he’s the boogeyman that everyone is running from. Champions have avoided him and I’ve always said I was the best and this is my chance to prove it.
This result isn’t up to anyone but myself. Every time I get under the bright lights, I give the fans what they want to see. This is the best versus the best and that’s what boxing deserves.
I had all the excuses in the world to run away from this fight after he failed the test. There are a lot of good, up-and-coming heavyweights out there, but I wasn’t interested in them. This fight is how I prove that I’m the baddest man on the planet.
“Он Марцх 3, with all the personal things put aside, it’s going to be an honor to fight Luis Ortiz, man to man and father to father. I know that family is his motivation, just like it is for me, and that’s why I blessed him with this opportunity.
The exciting thing about Saturday night is for everyone to see what I’m capable of doing. Luis Ortiz is determined to get my WBC belt. This is my seventh defense of my title and I’ve enjoyed every one. It’s a lot of responsibility and I take it seriously. You’ll all see у суботу night why I’ve said the things I’ve said.
Everyone knows what I’m expecting Субота ноћ. I can’t say it enough. I have knocked every opponent out for a reason. I plan on continuing my knockout streak. That’s what I do and that’s what I’m best at.
This is the best fight right here in boxing that can be made. Не може бити ништа боље од овога у суботу ноћ. You have to be here in person, because you won’t want to miss anything. You never know what you’ll see, али Субота night will be bombs away.
I never say anything bad about fighters because inside the ring, све је могуће. I respect everyone who steps into the ring. This is my opportunity. Ово је моје време. Deontay is a great champion but this is my chance.
Like I always say, this is my time and it’s going to be a great triumph. This is big for all of Cuban boxing and I will make my country proud.
This is going to be like two trains on the same track about to collide. I’m going to win and I’m going to take his belt.
This is not a video game. This is not using controllers. You have to actually step into the ring with me у суботу ноћ.
Deontay is scared. He’s talking a lot of nonsense. He’s worried about what I’m going to do. Ово је моје време. I’m going to show everyone.
“Ја сам 100 percent ready to go. Sparring has been amazing and I’m totally prepared for Deontay Wilder. Deontay’s biggest mistake is that he talks too much.
I looked into his eyes and I knew that I’m not going to lose this opportunity. I’m going to be the first Cuban and the first Latino born outside the country to win a title. Субота night will be historic.
The public gave me this opportunity to fight for the title and beat you for your belt. I’m going to make the most of my chance and knock Deontay Wilder out.
It was a rocky start for me in our first fight. He caught me with a good shot in the early rounds, but I was able to fight through it. I started to dominate the second half of the fight but he had definitely thrown my game off. I still weathered the storm and made good things happen. This fight is very deserving of a rematch and I’m looking forward to it.
This fight right here is one of the beautiful moments we have in boxing. There were two wrongs that night in the last fight. I’m really happy with everyone who has made this rematch and gave the sport what it deserves.
Now Jose Uzcategui and myself both have chances to prove ourselves again. This is going to be the worst opportunity of Uzcategui’s life. But it will be the best opportunity for me.
This is my opportunity to prove all of the critics wrong this time. I’m not the favorite, and it’s a beautiful thing. I’m going to change every single mind у суботу ноћ. I’m stepping up to the plate, and I’m preparing to hit a home run.
Virgil Hunter has definitely helped me with my mental game. We’ve worked on a masterful game plan. Virgil is tough to work with but we did all of the necessary things we had to in order to accomplish what we have to у суботу.
The next two years or more will be the best years of my career. I’ve been blessed with an illustrious career. This is a new look for me and I feel good. I have a very tough, hungry fighter in front of me and I can’t wait to prove myself.
ЈОСЕ Узцатегуи
We’re not doing anything differently heading into this fight. I’ve put the time in at the gym every day to make sure that the fight ends conclusively this time.
Before I even got to the ring in the first fight I felt some animosity from the referee towards me and it kind of led to what happened in the fight.
Saturday night you’re not just going to see that I’m a boxer-puncher, but you’ll see my full power on display.
I’m happy to be in this rematch. I hope that Dirrell brings action like he’s talking about у суботу. I don’t want to chase him around the ring all night.
I’m ready to accomplish my dreams, and that involves beating Andre Dirrell more decisively than last night and leaving no doubt at all who the better fighter is.
ЛОУ ДиБелла, Председник ДиБелла Ентертаинмент
Deontay Wilder put everything aside to face one of the greatest amateur heavyweights in the history of boxing. This fight is happening because Deontay is that good and he’s that proud. Deontay is ready to prove that he’s the baddest man on the planet.
There is a sensational off-television undercard beginning at 5:30 п.м. at Barclays Center that includes a group of top contenders and prospects. It’s really a loaded undercard from top to bottom.
That great undercard includes a woman’s title fight involving Alicia Napoleon. Everyone involved in this fight has made an effort to have women’s boxing represented on our cards and I’m proud to be able to deliver that for fans.
This will be Deontay’s third defense of his title in Brooklyn at Barclays Center. He successfully defended against Artur Szpilka and Bermane Stiverne, with two frightening knockouts. I’m proud to work with Barclays Center and promote boxing in Brooklyn. This is certainly one of the best venues for boxing in the world and certainly a venue that is dedicated to bringing the fans consistently excellent programming inside the arena.
This fight is getting the kind of reception that it deserves. If you want to get tickets for Суботаноћ, I would call now because they’re moving fast.
Степхен ЕСПИНОЗА, Нresident Sports & Events Programming, Showtime Sports Inc.
When we have a fight card like this, the network gets a lot of credit but these fights truly don’t happen unless fighters like Wilder and Ortiz are ready to take the fights.
When we announced our schedule back in January, there was one fight that jumped out to everyone, and it was Wilder vs. Ортиз. They have 67 fights between them, 67 победи, 0 losses and 62 нокаута. This is part of what we’re calling ‘March Madness’ на СХОВТИМЕ. All four heavyweight titles, the top four heavyweights in the world, including Anthony Joshua vs. Joseph Parker on Март 31, facing each other this month on SHOWTIME. There hasn’t been a lineup like that put together by any network in the history of the sport.
The titles are great but these fights are about something else. They’re about legacy. When people look back and ask, ‘what kind of fighter was Deontay Wilder?’ This is the fight that they will talk about. More important than knockouts and unbeaten records, this is why fighters are remembered.
Dirrell vs. Узцатегуи 2 is good enough to be a main event and they deserve to have a great stage for this rematch. These are the kind of cards that people look back and say, were you there that night? If you’re not watching this card, you’re not a boxing fan. Because this is the best that the sport has to offer.
Бретт ИОРМАРК, CEO of Brooklyn Sports & Забава
I can’t tell you how excited I am for Saturday night. People are starting to realize how viable this sport is and that boxing is a sport on the rise. We’re thrilled to be a part of it
Events like Субота in Brooklyn are why this sport is thriving. It features a deep card from top to bottom, 50-50 fights and great fighters with magnetic personalities
“Деонтаи, even though you weren’t born in Brooklyn, we do consider you our own. We’re excited to have Luis Ortiz as well, по први пут, у суботу ноћ. This is a card from top to bottom that’s incredible and I’m thrilled to welcome Andre and Jose to Brooklyn.
The seats are moving really quickly and this should be one of the biggest fights we’ve had at Barclays Center. We’re very excited for this show and look forward to seeing everyone there.
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Luis Ortiz Looks to Make Heavyweight History by Becoming First Latino or Hispanic Heavyweight World Champion Born Outside U.S.

Unbeaten Cuban Faces WBC Heavyweight Champion Deontay Wilder Субота, Март 3 live on SHOWTIME from Barclays Center in Brooklyn & Представили Премиер Бокинг Цхампионс
БРООКЛИН (Фебруар 26, 2018) – When unbeaten heavyweight Луис “Реал Кинг Конг” Ортиз faces WBC Heavyweight World Champion Деонтаи Вилдер Субота, Март 3 ливе он СХОВТИМЕ из Барцлаис Центер, дом БРООКЛИН БОКСИНГ ™, he will be looking to make history not just for Cuban boxing, but for all Hispanic or Latino fighters.
Ortiz has a chance to become the first Latino or Hispanic heavyweight world champion born outside of the U.S. and just the second heavyweight of Latino or Hispanic descent to capture the heavyweight world title. The first was Massachusetts’ Јохн Руиз, whose parents were Puerto Rican and who defeated Evander Holyfield for the WBA Heavyweight World Championship in March 2001.
This fight is not only important for my family, but for Cuban boxing history,” Саид Ортис. “My only focus right now is on the strategy I will need to defeat Wilder, but I know this fight has a lot of significance. I’m going to make history for myself and my country when I knock out Wilder on Март 3.”
Cuba has had three previous fighters vie for the heavyweight title, with Jorge Luis Gonzalez losing to Riddick Bowe in 1995 and Vitali Klitschko defeating both Juan Carlos Gomez in 2009 Odlanier Solis in 2011. Ortiz hopes to stake his claim to the upper echelon of Cuban heavyweight lore along with heavyweight Teofilo Stevenson, who won three Olympic gold medals and is considered the greatest Cuban fighter of all time, despite never fighting professionally.
The strong boxing tradition of Cuba has continued to this day, with Ortiz looking to become the 18тх world titlist from the country. Prominent active Cuban fighters include WBA 154-pound champion Erislandy Lara, who fights Jarrett Hurd in a unification showdown Април 7 на СХОВТИМЕ, and two-division world champion Rances Barthelemy, who looks to become the first three-division champion in Cuban history Март 10 на СХОВТИМЕ.
The history of Hispanic fighters vying for the heavyweight title dates back to the legendary matchup in 1923 between Jack Dempsey and Argentina’s Luis Firpo. Мухамед Али, Joe Frazier and Larry Holmes all defended against Hispanic challengers while Deontay Wilder has beaten three Mexican-American opponents in Chris Arreola, Gerald Washington and Eric Molina.
The fourth heavyweight title fight in Barclays Center history will give Ortiz a chance to make his name not only as a world champion, but a barrier-breaker for Hispanic heavyweights.
Улазнице за догађају уживо, која промовише ДиБелла Забава и ТГБ Промоције, крећу од $50 и сада су у продаји. Да бисте купили улазнице, visit Ticketmaster.com, БарцлаисЦентер.цом, или позив 800-745-3000. Tickets for the event can also be purchased at the American Express Box Office at Barclays Center.
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За више информација посетите ввв.премиербокингцхампионс.цом,
follow us on Twitter @PremierBoxing, ЛоуДиБелла, @ТГБПромотионс, @БарцлаисЦентер, @Brooklyn_Boxing and @Swanson_Comm or become a fan on Facebook at ввв.Фацебоок.цом/барцлаисцентер,
и ввв.Фацебоок.цом/ДиБеллаЕнтертаинмент. ПБЦ је спонсоред би Цорона Ектра, финест pivo.

Motivational Speaker & Instagram Sensation Demarjay Smith to Participate in Open to the Public Media Workout with Heavyweight World Champion Deontay Wilder

The Young Jamaican Trainer” од “The Ellen Degeneres Showwill Be Joined by Unbeaten Contender Marcus Browne & Host a Fitness Presentation for Local Community Youth
Среда, Фебруар 28 у Барцлаис центру у Бруклину –
Event Begins at 3 п.м. И*
БРООКЛИН (Фебруар 26, 2018) – “The Young Jamaican TrainerDemarjay Smith, known for his motivational Instagram videos and appearances on The Ellen Degeneres Show, will join heavyweight world champion Деонтаи Вилдер о Среда, Фебруар 28 at the open to the public media workout at Barclays Center ahead of Wilder’s showdown with Луис Ортиз Субота, Март 3 live on SHOWTIME at Barclays Center.
The 11-year-old Smith, who recently spent NBA All-Star Weekend in Los Angeles taking part in various activities, will host a health and fitness presentation for the local community youth groups attending the workout before stepping in the ring with Wilder for a special photo opportunity. Kids in attendance will be from Gleason’s Give a Kid a Dream, BOXER Inc. and the Atlas Cops & Kids Program.
Smith has previously interviewed the likes of LeBron James, Stephen Curry, Usain Bolt and other top athletes and entertainers for Instagram and theEllen” шоу.
The open to the public event will being at approximately 3 п.м. И with Smith’s health and fitness presentation, featuring unbeaten local light heavyweight contender Marcus Browne, set to take place before Wilder’s workout.
Улазнице за догађају уживо, која промовише ДиБелла Забава и ТГБ Промоције, крећу од $50 и сада су у продаји. Да бисте купили улазнице, visit Ticketmaster.com, БарцлаисЦентер.цом, или позив 800-745-3000. Tickets for the event can also be purchased at the American Express Box Office at Barclays Center.
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За више информација посетите ввв.премиербокингцхампионс.цом,
follow us on Twitter @PremierBoxing, ЛоуДиБелла, @ТГБПромотионс, @БарцлаисЦентер, @Brooklyn_Boxing and @Swanson_Comm or become a fan on Facebook at ввв.Фацебоок.цом/барцлаисцентер,
и ввв.Фацебоок.цом/ДиБеллаЕнтертаинмент. ПБЦ је спонсоред би Цорона Ектра, финест pivo.

Andre Dirrell Talks Working with New Trainer Virgil Hunter Ahead of Interim Super Middleweight World Title Rematch Saturday, Март 3 against Jose Uzcategui Live on SHOWTIME From Barclays Center in Brooklyn & Представили Премиер Бокинг Цхампионс

Read the whole interview with Dirrell ОВДЕ via PremierBoxingChampions.com
ОАКЛАНД, КАО ШТО СУ. (Фебруар 23, 2018) – Super middleweight Андре Диррелл is preparing for his rematch with Jose Uzcategui by working with renowned trainer Виргил Хантер and former pound-for-pound great Андре Вард ahead of his showdown for the Interim IBF Super Middleweight title Субота, Март 3 ливе он СХОВТИМЕ (9 п.м. И/6 п.м. ПТ) из Барцлаис Центер, дом БРООКЛИН БОКСИНГ ™.
The Premier Boxing Champions event is headlined by the highly anticipated matchup between heavyweight world champion Деонтаи Вилдер и пораза Цхалленгер Луис Ортиз.
Улазнице за догађају уживо, која промовише ДиБелла Забава и ТГБ Промоције, крећу од $50 и сада су у продаји. Да бисте купили улазнице, visit Ticketmaster.com, БарцлаисЦентер.цом, или позив 800-745-3000. Tickets for the event can also be purchased at the American Express Box Office at Barclays Center.
Dirrell has moved his training camp out to Oakland to train with Hunter and gain wisdom from being around Ward. Ward for his part, feels Dirrell has not yet reached his potential in the ring.
The way I feel about Andre is the way I’ve always felt, the sky’s the limit,” said the recently retired Ward. “He has the God-given ability and talent to do whatever he wants to do in a boxing ring. Другим речима, he is blessed with the kind of gifts, that if he’s made up his mind that he won’t allow himself to be beat and if he prepares properly in camp, it’s going to be very hard to beat him.
With a fighter with Andre’s experience and pedigree, it’s less physical and more psychological. Do you want to be a champion and do you want to dominate your division? If the answer is yes, which I believe it is, then go do it. It sounds simple and in many ways it is, but you have to be very intentional to condition your mind to think this way and really believe it. That’s the reason he is training with Virgil in the Bay Area. Physical training, mental preparation & spiritual preparation. It all matters.
Here is part of what Dirrell had to say about training camp with Hunter and Ward. Read the full story ОВДЕ via PremierBoxingChampions.com.
What are some of the nuances Virgil brings, and will your grandfather, Леон “Bumper” Лавсон, remain in your corner?
Virgil is teaching me similarly to the way my grandfather taught me, and I can easily say that he’s picking up where my grandfather left off. My grandfather put my talents in me, making me the fighter Andre Ward had to worry about back in the day.
But my grandfather doesn’t have the ability to coach really anymore because he’s in the beginning stages of dementia, but I still have him in my corner, and I always will. Virgil has taken over, and this is bar-none, the best I’ve felt, ментално, in my career. There are little things about Virgil that I had to adapt to.
Virgil’s sense of humor is raw, playful and serious at the same time. If I stop for one minute, he’ll tell me, ‘It takes one second to get knocked out.He teaches with passion, direction and remains focused on the task at hand, really wanting you to instill how important things are, psychologically.
How beneficial is the atmosphere in Virgil’s gym?
There is a positive aura in the gym, which is a winning environment. When you walk into that gym, it’s time to work. Virgil lets you know that simply by staring at you. You have Andre Ward’s posters all around you, other fightersposters around you. There are a lot of fightersfaces up on those gym walls, including Andre Berto’s.
I’m definitely inspired because the atmosphere has everything to offer as far as training. You have the mountains, the beaches. И наравно, ultimately, you have Virgil, who has flair about him and a way to generate that fire within you and bring it out of you. The most important thing with Virgil is listening.
What counsel have you received from Ward?
Andre’s never really showed any hesitation about offering advice and has always been there to give it to me, no problem at all. Andre has always been cordial and honest about wanting to see me hold that championship belt. I believe that he’ll see that this year.
But I can imagine that now that he’s out of the game, he can do it more freely. I recently had a 45-minute conversation over the phone with him about Jesus Christ, али, face-to-face, we’ve spoken quite often. He came down for a few of my sparring sessions and he’ll be coming to a few more.
We’ve always talked and had a good time, and he’s been quite an inspiration, aside from being a boxer. Andre has a confidence about himself in and out of the ring, so he’s one of the top guys in my life as a motivator for life outside of and beyond boxing.
Has Virgil broken down the Uzecategui fight?
Virgil has watched the fight several times, and I’ve watched the fight several times. We both agreed that the mistakes were definitely all mine and both agree that I didn’t use my ring generalship.
Even with the flaws that I was committing, I still found my groove. I heard myself saying that I had gotten his timing down and was taking over leading up to the end of the fight.
Uzecategui is a fighter, but that’s ithe’s no boxer. He has great punching ability but not great skills and he’s not fast, so I expect him to attack me like the first fight. He knows how to put a one-two-three together, and he’s hungry.
As far as boxing goes, I’ll have to teach him a thing or two about how this game is really played. There’s no question I made the first fight harder than it had to be. I look at that first fight with so much confidence.
I know that I fought it incorrectly, but I was still coming back. He won the first, second and possibly third and fourth rounds, but I was coming back. So this time, I plan on frustrating this boy so much that he’ll be completely off of his game.
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follow us on Twitter @PremierBoxing, ЛоуДиБелла, @ТГБПромотионс, @БарцлаисЦентер, @Brooklyn_Boxing and @Swanson_Comm or become a fan on Facebook at ввв.Фацебоок.цом/барцлаисцентер,
и ввв.Фацебоок.цом/ДиБеллаЕнтертаинмент. ПБЦ је спонсоред би Цорона Ектра, финест pivo.


Next Saturday’s Deontay Wilder vs. Luis Ortiz SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING® Doubleheader Will Open With Anticipated Rematch Between Andre Dirrell & Jose Uzcategui
Субота, Март 3 LIVE on SHOWTIME At 9 п.м. И/6 п.м. PT From Barclays Center In Brooklyn & Presented By
Премиер Бокс шампиона
БРООКЛИН (Јан. 23, 2018) – Миддлевеигхт кандидат Хуго Центено Јр.. suffered a rib injury while training and his Interim WBC Middleweight World Championship bout with Јермалл Цхарло has been rescheduled for a Premier Boxing Champions event on Субота, Април 21 ливе он СХОВТИМЕ.
The Март 3 SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING telecast continues as a doubleheader beginning at 9 п.м. И/6 п.м. PT from Barclays Center in Brooklyn. У главном догађају, WBC Heavyweight World Champion Deontay Wilder will make the seventh and most difficult defense of his title against fellow-unbeaten heavyweight Luis Ortiz.
In the opening bout of the Март 3 доублехеадер, Andre Dirrell and Jose Uzcategui will meet for the Interim IBF Super Middleweight World Championship in an immediate rematch of one of 2017’s best and most controversial fights.
Charlo vs. Centeno will now be a featured bout on the previously announced Април 21 SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING telecast presented by Premier Boxing Champions. Four-division world champion Adrien Broner will face undefeated former champion Omar Figueroa and one of boxing’s brightest young stars, Гервонта Дејвис, returns to the ring as the 23-year-old undefeated former champion looks to regain a title in the 130-pound class.
While the injury to Centeno is unfortunate, we’re pleased to have the flexibility to keep the Charlo-Centeno fight on our 2018 boxing schedule,” рекао је Степхен Еспиноза, Председник, Спортски & евент Програмирање, Сховтиме Мреже доо. “The Март 3 SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING event remains a can’t-miss night for any fight fan, with Deontay Wilder facing the most dangerous opponent of his career in Luis Ortiz, and Andre Dirrell and Jose Uzcategui settling the score in a rematch of one of 2017’s best fights.
I’m devastated.,said Centeno. “I’ve been in the gym for a long time. Being so close to a fight and accomplishing my dream of a world title it’s devastating.
It happened during sparring. I tried to work through the pain and as the day progressed and the adrenaline subsided I had to go to the ER and get checked out. It’s a good enough injury that it had to be postponed. Nothing was broken, but it was severe enough to keep me from fighting.
I was just about to peak. Now I have to taper off a bit and cut back to let my body recover and then pick it up and get some momentum back.
“Спреман сам да идем,” Саид Цхарло. “Ја сам 167 поундс управо сад, and this was the best camp I’ve ever had. I’m so disappointed. I’m at a loss for words. When you want something so bad and you don’t get it, you can’t be a kid about it. You just have to deal with it.
I’m hungry and I’m ready to get back in the ring. I’m still coming to the fight though. I’m going be there to support Deontay. I love Barclays Center and all my fans in Brooklyn.
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За више информација посетите ввв.премиербокингцхампионс.цом,
follow us on Twitter @PremierBoxing, ЛоуДиБелла, @ТГБПромотионс, @БарцлаисЦентер, @Brooklyn_Boxing and @Swanson_Comm or become a fan on Facebook at ввв.Фацебоок.цом/барцлаисцентер,
и ввв.Фацебоок.цом/ДиБеллаЕнтертаинмент. ПБЦ је спонсоред би Цорона Ектра, финест pivo.