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Chazz威瑟斯龐戰鬥尼古拉斯Guivas上週六, 八月 15 在操場上在大西洋城

大西洋城, 新澤西州 (八月 6, 2015)–上週六晚, 八月 15, 在名人堂的大西洋城拳擊館一起銀匙促銷活動將在遊樂場在大西洋城的拳擊呈現一個巨大的夜晚.

在10輪的主要事件, 是重量級競爭者Chazz “紳士” 威瑟斯彭將在尼古拉斯Guivas.

威瑟斯彭 (33-3, 25 KO的) 附近的保羅斯伯勒, 新澤西州確立了自己作為美國頂尖重量級的聖之一. 約瑟夫的大學畢業生超過邁克爾·亞歷山大喜歡贏得了他的第23回合與勝 (11-0), 塔爾梅奇格里菲斯 (24-6-3), & 喬納森Haggler (18-1) 通過有爭議的取消資格的痛苦他的第一次慘敗給未來的兩屆世界冠軍挑戰者克里斯Arreola前.

威瑟斯龐去贏得三贏這是強調了一個有趣的第八輪停工超過亞當一排 “沼澤驢” 理查茲 (21-1). 這場鬥爭中被評為環雜誌的 2008 年度重量級的鬥爭. 威瑟斯彭則下降了戰鬥未來兩屆世界冠軍挑戰者托尼·湯普森.

威瑟斯龐繼續進球4個連續擊倒對手,其中包括了毀滅性的第三輪破壞了泰森科布 (14-2).

威瑟斯彭則承擔了不敗的前景塞思·米切爾四月 28, 2012 在一個回合,其中彭米切爾已經嚴重傷害了幾次前米切爾來到客場的勝利.

在他的最後一個回合, 威瑟斯彭在四月拿下了第五輪停工超過蓋倫·布朗 18 在品薩肯, 新澤西州.

托皮卡Guivas, 堪薩斯州, 已經有三個即將在第一輪停止了他的最後​​四個對手. 在他的最後一個回合, Guivas拿下了第六輪停工超過賈斯汀·維爾姆斯 (4-1) 六月 6 托皮卡, 堪薩斯州.


基南·史密斯 (7-0, 2 KO的) 費城, PA會打奧尼爾溫尼 (3-2-1, 1 KO) 揚斯敦, OH.

安東尼·揚 (10-1, 5 KO的) 大西洋城, 新澤西州將採取喬納森·加西亞 (4-14, 1 KO) 在重量級較量.

約翰·倫諾克斯 (13-2, 5 KO的) 卡特里特的, 新澤西再戰丹Pasciolla (3-1) 磚, 在新澤西州一個重量級的回合


費城斯科特·凱萊赫將他的親亮相費城對布蘭登Hinnant(欣南特), PA的JR. 次中量級回合.

杰羅姆征服 (2-1) 費城將爭奪親開張匹茲堡的戴維·佩雷斯, PA輕量級回合.

帕里斯奇澤姆 (2-0, 1 KO) 華盛頓, DC將爭取羅尼約旦 (1-5-1) 辛辛那提的, 在俄亥俄州的一個重量級的戰鬥.

張Zhaliel (4-0, 2 KO的) 中國將爭取丹尼斯本森 (2-6-1, 1 KO) 諾福克, VA在一個重量級的回合.

王志民 (3-0, 1 KO) 中國將爭取拉沙德Bogar (4-5-1, 2 KO的) 紐瓦克, 新澤西州的JR. 次中量級回合.

達斯汀·弗萊舍 (3-0, 3 KO的) 蒙茅斯縣, 新澤西州會看到在對陣大衛 - 拉特利夫一個重量級回合動作 (0-1) 北卡羅來納.

奧巴費米·巴卡里 (3-0) 史泰登島, 新澤西州將爭取文森弗洛伊德 (1-1-1) Phialdelphia的, PA在中量級的戰鬥.

馬修·岡薩雷斯 (2-0) 葡萄園的, NJ將框塞繆爾埃爾斯沃思 (2-0, 2 KO的) 對FARMERSVILLE, 在洛杉磯一個量級回合.

要查看在大西洋城的遊樂場, 點擊視頻:




操場是一個全新的, 藝術娛樂中心,其中在碼頭的商店曾經是狀態. 該設施是 500,000 平方英尺. 該遊樂場位於一個大西洋, 大西洋城, 新澤西州 08401

門票拳擊這個偉大的夜晚將範圍從 $75, $100 和 $150 並可以在www.ticketmaster.com購買

門開處 6:30 與PM在第一鐘 8 PM

Beibut Shumenov讓歷史再次在環

TEAM SHUMENOV: (L-R) 助理教練羅德尼·克賴斯勒, 世界重量級冠軍​​Beibut Shumenov, 常憶Shumenov, 頭教練伊斯梅爾·薩拉斯, 切人雅各布 “縫” 杜蘭和助理教練傑夫Grmoja.


LAS VEGAS (八月. 3, 2015) – 新加冕的世界拳擊協會 (WBA) 臨時重量級冠軍 Shumenov北部 (16-2, 10 科斯) 最近再次創造了歷史, 擊敗 B.J. 花卉 (31-2-1, 20 科斯) 通過12輪的一致決定的方式 總理拳擊冠軍 頂篷系列, 其中七月播出 25 在NBCSN住在離棕櫚樹在拉斯維加斯.

Shumenov, 31, 成為強制性的挑戰者WBA “定期” 重量級冠軍 丹尼斯·列別捷夫 (27-1, 20 科斯, 1 NC), 俄羅斯, 以及第一哈本地捕獲兩個不同體重級別的世界冠軍已經從WBA輕重量級冠軍 2010-2014.

拳擊溫床哈薩克斯坦在過去四分之一世紀生產的其他五個世界冠軍: 1990 WBC超輕量級 Aratoly亞歷山德羅夫, 2000 WBC重量級 奧列格 “大O” Maskaev的, 2001-2003 – IBF重量級 瓦西裡 “老虎” 吉羅夫, 2010-2012 WBA超中量級迪米特里Sartison和衛冕WBA超/ WBC中量級臨時 根納季·戈洛夫金.

在他的拳頭歷史性的反擊 2010, Shumenov擊敗衛冕WBA輕重量級冠軍 加布里埃爾坎皮略 viaa 12輪的決定,以建立最少,戰鬥記錄, 10, 要成為一個主要的組織世界冠軍在175磅重的部門.

“我很自豪地設置在拳擊比賽中再創紀錄,” 2004 奧海Shumenov說. “我很榮幸從我國第一戰鬥機成為世界冠軍的兩個師. 我要感謝我的經理, 鋁海蒙, 給我這個機會,. 列別捷夫的主要目標和, 如果我通過了考試, 我要爭取最好的戰鬥機在重量級分工。”

Shumenov通過風貌改造去, 根據著名的古巴主教練的方向 伊斯梅爾·薩拉斯, 誰與運動哈合作,他從一個積極的改變, 研磨成戰鬥機更完整, 全能的拳擊手. Shumenov百思不得其解弗洛雷斯, 誰有望Shumenov來和他過招, 這將給予自然更大, 弗洛雷斯較強的優勢. 代替, Shumenov巧妙盒裝他的方式贏得勝利, 使用橫向移動, 角度和定位,以阻撓弗洛雷斯成無效的侵略, 導致失去平衡衝頭和未命中的陣列.

戰鬥結束後, Shumenov解釋說,他經歷了自一月薩拉斯訓練後的驚人變化. “我仍然在學習的過程中. 就像我的教練說:, 沒有限制, 而且我還沒有完善的什麼他教我. 它真的可以歸結為很多艱苦的工作,, 肌肉記憶的重複. 我的步法這場鬥爭來自我的教練. 我很高興能取得勝利,但我還是看到自己越來越好了很多, 總體, 作為一個完整的拳擊手。”

(L-R) Shumenov & 薩拉斯

薩拉斯還培訓世界拳擊理事會 (WBC) 世界輕量級冠軍 豪爾赫·利納雷斯 (39-3, 26 科斯), 除了處理過去和現在的世界冠軍,如 吉列爾莫·裡貢多·奧爾蒂斯, Yuriokis甘博亞, 丹尼·格林, 和 傑西·巴爾加斯.

“有每個人的生物力學方面的一個過程,” 薩拉斯評論. “但是也有一些不常用的拳擊訓練,我教的特色, 運動的動力學具體的練習. 我原本學會了教練在古巴系統, 這類似於蘇聯體制中Beibut第一次學習, 但我也一直在世界各地學習培訓不同的方法. 它仍然需要時間的世界一流的戰鬥機一樣Beibut, 誰一直世界冠軍作為一個專業, 並有許多業餘比賽. 豪爾赫·利納雷斯是兩屆世界冠軍之前,我們開始一起工作. Beibut越來越有. 他還沒有在他的全部潛力, 現在, 只使用 40-50 百分之他的工具。”

Shumenov是一名律師和成功的商人,誰講五種語言. 雖然他是一個兩屆世界冠軍, 他仍然拳擊的學生, 和薩拉斯是他德高望重的教授.

“他 (薩拉斯) 謙卑,但天才,” Shumenov堅持. “他要求,並聽取我的意見. 我們專注於基本面和他解釋我的一切!. 我們的團隊有一個日常的訓練營中,我們每次訓練後分享我們的知識. 我們四個 (Shumenov, 薩拉斯, Grmjoja和克賴斯勒) 結為一體。”




球迷也許朋友Beibut Shumenov在他的Facebook專頁的www.facebook.com/BeibutShumenov.

介紹不敗輕量級桑尼 “漂亮男孩” 弗雷德里克森


紐約, 紐約 (六月 11, 2015)-週六 夜晚, 六月 20 在甲骨文球館奧克蘭, 不敗輕量級前景, 桑尼 “漂亮男孩” 弗雷德里克森 (8-0, 5 KO的) will make his national television debut when he competes in a 6-round bout that will be part of the nationally televised card featuring Andre Ward taking on Paul Smith on BET.
桑尼弗雷德里克森表示6'2″ 帶電源的雙手和一個GQ模型好看. 該 “娃娃臉刺客” 不同於任何其他輕型世界.
托萊多Fredrckson, 俄亥俄州有一個恆星的業餘生涯他編寫的記錄 120-8 同 60 擊倒. He won many accolades such as being a 2013 國家PAL銅牌得主, 2013 全國金手套八強 & 他是五屆托萊多金手套冠軍.

作為一個業餘愛好者, 索尼還持有第一輪停工完胜 152 全國冠軍Jamontay克拉克.
“我只是完成了訓練營現在一切都很順利,”說 20 他準備的歲弗德利克森他六月 20 結束. “我一直在做的8輪會議. I have been doing a lot of running, 衝刺和瑜伽。”
弗雷德里克森, 誰把專業 2014 贏得了他的前四個回合與第一輪停工, 有一個積極的風扇友好的風格,並設有一個殺手的左鉤拳. He is a good looking kid who models his style after his idol, 霍亞.

當被告知他的第一次全國電視曝光, 弗雷德里克森感到非常興奮.
該 20 歲不急於去頂他知道,用正確的戰鬥,他將成為世界冠軍.
“我希望今年在五個戰鬥來獲得. I will continue to move up on the prospect list and by the end of the year, 我將準備加強。”
這場鬥爭將是弗德利克森第二次戰鬥,因為簽約大鵬民族體育, 他認為,他與他的新促進聯盟將有利於他在國內外享有很高的戒指.
“我覺得像大鵬民族將是巨大的. It will grow into a big promotion and will take over boxing. They can do things for us boxers that no other company can do and I look forward to exploring all of those opportunities.

體育勝利 & 娛樂是一家新成立的運動員管理公司,在紐約和拉斯維加斯的辦公室. Founded by noted sports attorney Rick Torres and boxing trainer Michael Leanardi, 勝利穩步建立年輕的前景令人印象深刻的穩定,它希望新郎為未來的明星. 體育勝利’ 網站 www.victorysportsent.com


* * * 視頻ALERT * * *



圖片來源: 以斯帖林 / 開演時間


We answered every question tonight.” – Deontay懷爾德

點擊 這裡 For An Embeddable Clip Lift From 週三 Premiere:HTTP://s.sho.com/1LX1zol


Relive the thrilling battle for the WBC Heavyweight Championship through the award-winning lens ofALL ACCESS as Deontay Wilder answers the critics with a dominant, 12-round decision over defending champ Bermane Stiverne. ALL ACCESS: Deontay懷爾德 reveals the depth of character within the new champion and a selfless nature to go along with his monster punching power and surprising boxing acumen. ALL ACCESS: Deontay懷爾德 首映 本週三10 P.M. AND/PT在Showtime®.


Wilder makes the first defense of his WBC Heavyweight title against Eric Molina on SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING®, 下一個 星期六, 六月 13 在Showtime.


# # #

懷爾德VS. 莫利納, 12輪的爭奪更加狂放的WBC重量級冠軍, 發生星期六, 六月 13, 在該巴托競技場在伯明翰, 翼. DiBella娛樂和布魯諾活動團隊聯手把這個事件阿拉巴馬. 這將現場直播在Showtime (9 P.M. AND/ 6 P.M. PT). 電視節目也將在西班牙通過二級音頻節目 (SAP). 初步較量將現場直播SHOWTIME EXTREME進行​​電視轉播 (7 P.M. AND/PT, 延遲在西海岸).


洛杉磯, 例如 – MMA的大學 marks its latest milestone on 星期天, 五月 31, with the tenth installment of its ‘Fight Night’ 系列. Taking place at 諾基亞俱樂部在L.A. LIVE (又名 “the U of MMA campus”), 大學 of MMA: 搏擊之夜 10 is packed with 15 打架, including three title matches to crown new University of MMA champions. 門票現已發售www.UofMMA.comwww.axs.com.


A new University of MMA’s lightweight champion will be decided between Julio ‘The Gr818er’ 洛佩茲 (Kings Combat Sports)安東尼奧·洛佩茲 (Gooch Training Academy/Saekson Muay Thai). Julio advanced from the opening round of the University of MMA lightweight championship tournament, still undefeated. Antonio was originally scheduled to be in the tournament as well, before injury sidelined him from action. But both men ride four-fight win streaks going into this title match, meaning pride and glory are on the line.


Elite Training Center’s featherweight star Tommy Aaron vacating his University of MMA title to turn pro, the crown at 145 磅. once again finds itself without a king. That won’t be for long, 然而, as U of MMA perennial favorite 瑞恩“獅子’ 李潔明 (巴斯呂滕的精英培訓中心) and the fast-rising 阿爾伯特·維洛茲 (凱奇戰鬥學院) vie to become the third-ever University of MMA featherweight champion.

The University of MMA has definitely grown as a live event series with the expansion of our fan base and the shows getting bigger and better every time. The same can be said for amateur fighters who have grown and matured within our promotion. Guys like Ryan ‘The LionLilley who will be fighting for us for the eighth time, and Albert Veloz, who is improving right under our eyes. We’re proud to see the development of fighters like Ryan and Albert, who will go on to be great pros,” 評論 U of MMA founder Turi Altavilla.

Two more U of MMA favorites will also square off to become the first-ever University of MMA bantamweight champion, 如 Vince ‘The AnomalyCacheroDemar ‘King’ 喬治· revisit each other in a rematch from 2013. The two met originally at Fight Night 3, when both were very young in their MMA careers. More seasoned in experience and sharper in skill, they are very much different fighters.


The six individuals vying for University of MMA titles on this show are people of heart, technical skill, character and integrity. We’ve seen their championship efforts on previous shows and they deserve the recognition these matches offer,” 說 U of MMA matchmaker Jay Tan.


Other confirmed matches for University of MMA: 搏擊之夜 10 包括:


大學 of MMA Lightweight Championship Tournament Finals:

155 磅. – 胡里奧·洛佩茲 (Kings Combat Sports) VS.安東尼奧·洛佩茲 (Gooch Training Academy/Saekson Muay Thai)


University of MMA Bantamweight Championship:

135 磅. – Vince ‘The AnomalyCachero (系統培訓中心) VS. Demar ‘King’ 喬治· (Dream Killer Fight Team)

大學 of MMA Featherweight Championship:

145 磅. – 瑞恩“獅子’ 李潔明 (BAS呂滕的精英MMA健身房) VS. 阿爾伯特·維洛茲 (凱奇戰鬥學院)


155 磅. – 雷明頓·索恩 (Saekson Muay Thai) VS.Carnation ‘The FlashContreras (Krav Maga Unyted)


120 磅. (catchweight) – 茉莉花“Tapout女王’ Pouncy (努比亞MMA) VS. Akari Wang (系統培訓中心)


205 磅. – 特拉維斯·威廉姆斯 (精英培訓中心) VS.Jonathan ‘Jonny McGregorSweitzer (瓦爾哈拉ETC)


155 磅. – Troy Hargrow (努比亞MMA) VS. Zach Kraschinsky (巴斯呂滕的精英培訓中心)


125 磅. – Karlee Pagilinan (團隊任務) VS. Gilbert Nakatani (Sityodtong LA)


125 磅. – Matheus Leaondro Santos (MMAFC) VS.Angel Diaz (系統培訓中心)


170 磅. – 亞倫蘭德里 (Ring of Fire Martial Arts Academy) VS. 蘭斯'黑遊俠’ 灌木 (蜥蜴團隊)


145 磅. – Victor Rivera (努比亞MMA) VS. Juan Vasquez (Team Victory Muay Thai/Dream Killer Fight Team)


195 磅. (catchweight) – 克里斯托弗·蘭斯 (團隊任務) VS. David Boyko (BAS呂滕的精英MMA健身房)


145 磅. – Andrew Secaida (Dream Killer Fight Team)VS. 庫爾特·艾伯哈德 (Saekson Muay Thai)


135 磅. – David Perez (Riverside Submission) VS. Julio Santa Cruz (系統培訓中心)


145 磅. – Benito Mendez (Kings Combat Sports) VS.Sergio Gonzalez (Yuma United Fight Team)


MMA的大學: 搏擊之夜 10 發生在5:00下午星期天, 五月 31, 2015, 在諾基亞俱樂部在L.A. LIVE, 800 西奧林匹克大道. 門開處 4:30下午. 拼卡可隨時更改. 門票現,可以通過購買 www.UofMMA.comwww.AXS.com, 通過手機充電時888-9AXS-TIX或 888-929-7849, 從 10:00 AM-5:00 PM, Mon-Fri at the STAPLES Center Box Office located at 1111 S. 菲格羅亞街. 適用的費用,可申請. 諾基亞俱樂部的票房將在開 2:00pm the day of the event.

Mayweather vs Pacquiao Watch Party Hosted by NYSYD Downstate, Sponsored by Gleason’s Gym


$20 for four hour open bar and food plus the FIGHT.


Mayweather vs Pacquiao Watch Party

Hosted by NYSYD Downstate

Sponsored by Gleason’s Gym


星期六, 5月2日, 7PM – 11PM

4 Hour Open Bar / BBQ Buffet 7-11PM


LoneStar Bar & Grill

8703 5th Ave

布魯克林, 紐約 11209


#R Train to 86th Street Station


Gleason Gym Members Get $10 Off 線上

Use PROMO CODE “布魯斯”


$30 普通門票

$50 At The Door


Check out the event links below:

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NEW YORK — April 23, 2015 — BET Networks is pleased to announce that it is stepping into the ring with Roc Nation Sports as their exclusive broadcast partner to air live throne 拳擊 events on the network. The partnership between BET Networks and Roc Nation Sports is the first of its kind for the network and includes airing up to nine live, two-hour telecasts of Roc Nation Sports throne 拳擊 events over the next 18 個月. The first main event fight to air on BET Networks will feature WBA Super Middleweight World Champion Andre Ward (27-0, 14 KO的) facing former World Title Challenger Paul Smith (35-5, 20 KO的) of England in a 12 round bout on 星期六, 六月 20, 2015 在甲骨文球館奧克蘭, 加利福尼亞州. 除了環內的大動作, the telecast will feature several notable Roc Nation touches that offer an unprecedented fan experience, including a live musical performance and a name DJ to keep the energy at a high level throughout the night. Fans can catch the action live on BET in the United States and globally on TIDAL.com, 它結合了最好的高保真音質新推出的音樂流媒體服務, 高清音樂視頻和熟練的編輯策劃.

門票分 $250, $125, $90, $60 和 $30, 不包括適用的服務費和稅款, 開始銷售 星期五, 四月 24 在 10:00 AM PT and will be available at all Ticketmaster locations, 在網上Ticketmaster.com和充電通過電話 (800) 745-3000.


“BET is constantly searching for ways to expand its portfolio of content with the sole goal of satisfying our audiences,” said Stephen G. 山, President of Programming, BET Networks. “Roc Nation is doing very exciting things in the entertainment space and we are excited to partner with them on this groundbreaking deal positioning BET Networks as a go-to destination for premier live boxing events. 一起, we’ll provide unique entertainment.”


“We’re thrilled to not only be introducing our newest broadcast partnership with BET Networks, but also to use this new platform to telecast Andre Ward’s highly anticipated return to the ring,“大衛Itskowitch說, COOBoxing of Roc Nation Sports. “在 六月 20, we will once again provide fans a night of exciting 拳擊寶座 打架, live musical entertainment and an unprecedented fan experience.”


“I’m very excited to be coming back on 六月 20 at Oracle Arena in my hometown of Oakland which has been a long time coming,“沃德說. “I’m equally excited to be fighting on BET in front of a potential viewership of over 90 萬家庭. 作為戰鬥機, this diversifies my portfolio and puts me in front of a whole different audience. I have an extremely tough fighter in front of me in Paul Smith who’s looking to pull the upset, but I can’t let that happen. I have to be on my best game to turn Smith away and beat him the way I want to beat him. 一如既往, I’m ready to put on a tremendous performance in front of my hometown fans and those watching on BET. This is a fight you don’t want to miss.”


“I cannot wait to get back in the ring and test myself against a class act like Andre Ward. I proved that I belong at the top level with my performances against Arthur Abraham and this is a challenge that I am relishing,“史密斯說. “Andre is a top pound-for-pound fighter and someone I respect a lot, but he has only boxed once in almost three years and I will give it everything I have got. I am fresh and confident going into this fight. It’s a massive opportunity for me and one that I took with both hands when it was offered. I have spent a lot of time boxing in the United States and I look forward to returning for this fight.”


Known for his strong character and integrity outside the ring and his killer instinct inside it, Andre Ward’s skill and talent were apparent early in his outstanding amateur career. He racked up every title in the books, 與金牌在輕重量級的高潮 2004 在雅典奧運會. As the only male American boxer to claim Olympic gold since 1996, 沃德加入了拳王阿里的喜歡, 糖光芒倫納德和霍亞. 他轉為職業選手十二月 18, 2004, scoring a second round technical knockout victory over Chris Molina at Staples Center in a fight that was televised live on HBO. He has gone on to rack up 26 more victories since then, building an ever-growing legion of fans in the process. 成為環雜誌和WBA超中量級世界冠軍後,, rising to the number two spot on the pound-for-pound list and winning the 2011 年度最佳戰鬥機 (ESPN, 體育畫報, 環雜誌和美國拳擊作家協會), 它宣布Ward在1月簽署的獨家推廣協議中華民國國家體育 2015, 在他傳奇的拳擊生涯的新篇章. Now the Bay Area product is ready to return to the ring on 六月 20 在甲骨文球館,他在奧克蘭的家鄉球迷面前, 加利福尼亞州.


Paul “Real Gone Kid” Smith enters his fight against pound-for-pound star Ward coming off of two heroic performances against WBO Super Middleweight World Champion Arthur Abraham. Smith challenged the Armenian-German for his title in Kiel, Germany in September 2014 and put on the performance of his career in his world title first shot. The 32-year-old native of Liverpool was the clear winner of large parts of the fight and celebrated at the bell in front of a hushed partisan crowd that thought that Abraham had been dethroned. Smith was not expecting the wide scorecards that were read out in favor of the hometown fighter and, judging by the far-reaching outrage at the lopsided numbers, neither were the majority of the boxing world and beyond, with Smith receiving support from some of Britain’s biggest sports stars on social media. A rematch was the only possible scenario and, like a true champion, Abraham duly obliged. Smith returned to Germany in February of this year to face Abraham again, this time in Berlin, but Abraham was a different fighter the night of their second fight, successfully defending his belt against a brave challenge from Smith. Once again the judges’ were forced to give a verdict and this time a decision win by Abraham was met with no outcry of controversy. 上 六月 20, “Real Gone Kid” will return to the ring and once again venture into hostile territory to take on one of boxing’s best, looking to silence the crowd.


沃德VS. 工匠, 一 12 回合回合由中華民國國家體育呈現, 發生 星期六, 六月 20 在甲骨文球館奧克蘭, 加利福尼亞州, 將電視直播的BET和全球流上TIDAL.com在 10:00 PM ET/7:00 下午PT和呈現相關聯地Matchroom的體育.


BET Networks, a subsidiary of Viacom Inc. (納斯達克: VIA, VIA.B), is the nation’s leading provider of quality entertainment, 音樂, news and public affairs television programming for the African-American audience. The primary BET channel reaches more than 90 million households and can be seen in the United States, 加拿大, the Caribbean, the United Kingdom and sub-Saharan Africa. BET is the dominant African-American consumer brand with a diverse group of business extensions: BET.com, a leading Internet destination for Black entertainment, 音樂, culture, 和新聞; CENTRIC, a 24-hour entertainment network targeting the 25- to 54-year-old African-American audience; BET Digital NetworksBET Gospel and BET Hip Hop, attractive alternatives for cutting-edge entertainment tastes; BET Home Entertainment, a collection of BET-branded offerings for the home environment including DVDs and video-on-demand; BET Event Productions, a full-scale event management and production company with festivals and live events spanning the globe; BET Mobile, which provides ringtones, games and video content for wireless devices; and BET International, which operates BET in the United Kingdom and oversees the extension of BET network programming for global distribution.



ROC國家體育, 一個細分大鵬民族, 在春季推出 2013. Founder Shawn “JAY Z” Carter’s love of sports lead to the natural formation of Roc Nations Sports, 幫助運動員以同樣的方式中華民國國家一直在幫助藝術家在音樂行業工作多年. Roc Nation Sports focuses on elevating athletes’ career on a global scale both on and off the field. 中華民國國家體育概念化和執行市場營銷和廣告代言, 社區外展, 慈善搭售, 媒體關係和品牌戰略. 中華民國國家體育推出了拳擊事業部, 一家提供全面服務的推廣公司,代表了世界冠軍米格爾·庫托和沃德, 八月 2014. Roc Nation Sports’ roster includes premiere athletes such as Robinson Cano, 斯凱勒迪金斯, 凱文 - 杜蘭特, 格諾·史密斯, 維克多·克魯茲, CC薩巴西亞, 楊國棟, 費爾南德斯科比, Ndamukong徐, Rusney卡斯蒂略, Yoenis塞斯佩德斯, Jaelen強, 托德·格利, 威爾森 - 錢德勒, Erick Aybar and Frances Tiafoe. 欲了解更多信息,請訪問 www.rocnation.com. 按照國家大鵬在Twitter和Instagram的@rocnation並在Facebook上 www.facebook.com/RocNation.



Oracle Arena and O.co Coliseum, managed by AEG Facilities, are the premiere sports and entertainment complexes in Northern California. Home of the NBA’s Golden State Warriors, the NFL’s Oakland Raiders and MLB’s Oakland Athletics as well as host to concerts, family shows and special events. Additional information on Oracle Arena and O.co Coliseum, including a complete schedule of events can be found online at www.coliseum.com. Follow Oracle Arena on Twitter, Instagram的, Vine and Snapchat @OracleArena and on Facebook www.faecbook.com/OracleArenaO.coColiseum.


托馬斯 “玉米片” 拉曼納: 不敗尚未尋找尊重的ShoBox: 對安托萬·道格拉斯新一代回合

不敗middleweights的亮點之戰 三月 13 卡韋斯特伯里, 紐約州
住在SHOWTIME®這 星期五, 三月 13 在 10 P.M. AND/PT


米爾維爾, 新澤西州 (三月 10, 2015)在週五 夜晚, 三月 13 在韋斯特伯里空間, 紐約州, 中量級不敗 托馬斯 “玉米片” 拉曼納 (16-0, 7 KO的) will step up in class and try to silence any critics when he takes on fellow undefeated Middleweight 安托萬 “行動” 道格拉斯 (16-0-1, 10 KO的). The quadrupleheader ShoBox: 新一代將現場直播在Showtime在 10 P.M. AND/PT (延遲在西海岸).

該回合將一個標題 的ShoBox: 新一代 卡在開始 10 PM ET

在這個時代裡,戰士不希望進行測試,直到一個優質網絡來打電話, 拉曼納給道格拉斯信貸加強對這一重大機遇.
“我認為,無論誰輸贏, 我們應該收穫不少就該兩個年輕的不敗戰士冒險. 在拳擊比賽中, 當機會出現, 你不能說沒有,” 說拉曼納
該 23 歲拉曼納準備這場戰鬥,因為他知道,一個大的努力使他不僅僅是一個地方的吸引力.
拉曼納也覺得他不認為道格拉斯已經通過艱苦的鬥爭和 三月 13 這將改變一切.
“我不同意,他已經打了很強的競爭力的概念,我沒有. The only time he has had to bite down and grind it out, 他只能拿到平局. Not to take anything away from him, 我不得不咬下來,我已經贏得了戰鬥。”
拉曼納繼續在討論,如果你看看後面的數字的, 時間表道格拉斯的實力是不是所有的它看起來是紙上談兵.
“他已經打了兩場不敗的傢伙. One of them was from the Midwest and the other did not beat anybody of note. On paper it may look better and maybe because of the way I look or my body type, 經常有人在思考,他們會打我. I can’t say that for all of his opponents. I also have not faced many guys on short notice. Just about all my opponents have had full training camps to face me.
“我會說,這是專業的隊伍不同,那麼業餘. I bring a lot more to the table then his other adversaries. Just like him, 我不敗,我不知道怎麼輸. 上 三月 13, 我將盡一切努力保持這種方式. I am not in awe of anybody and I consider this another day at the office.
Vinny LaManna, 托馬斯’ Father and Manager believes, “有一件事情托馬斯是他的所有對手有充足的時間來訓練. They have all come to win. 例如 三月 13, 辛勤工作和環經驗將還清。”
托馬斯·拉曼納 022115
托馬斯·拉曼納 022115
在共同特徵, 不敗左撇子我Smael巴羅佐 (16-0-2, 15 科斯), 埃爾蒂格雷的, 委內瑞拉, 將拍攝他的第13個連續的勝利,當他面對我ssouf “火山” 有點兒 (17-2, 7 科斯), 布朗克斯, 紐約州, 在10輪的廢料為NABO輕量級冠軍. 在八輪功能回合, 一次挨打 傑里 “王的兒子” 奧多姆 (12-1, 1 NC, 11 科斯), 華盛頓特區的, 會嘗試報復他孤獨的損失時,他對不敗 安德魯 “颶風” 埃爾南德斯 (8-0-1, 1 ND, 1 KO) 鳳凰, 亞利桑那州。, 在超中量級複賽. 在開幕回合, 亞當·洛佩茲 (9-0, 4 科斯), 聖安東尼奧, 和休斯敦火箭隊的 巴勃羅·克魯茲 (11-0, 3 科斯) 衝突在孤星之州的超級bantamweights八輪戰鬥.

預售票由GH3促銷和格雷格·科恩促銷聯同大衛·舒斯特的贏家推動了事件採取的所有製作, 售價為 $150, $125, 和 $60 一般入學. 門票可在Ticketmaster.com, 所有票務地點, thespacewestbury.com, 在韋斯特伯里票房的空間 516.283.5566 或致電在GCP辦公室 212.851.6425.

本次活動由康州快活大賭場贊助 & 韋斯特伯里吉普, 克萊斯勒, 道奇和Ram經銷商 & 美心集團.

格里森的健身房大師只顯示這個星期六有特殊 5:00 下午開始時間. 再加上另外兩個大事件

法師的只有拳擊展 這個星期六 5:00 PM.

為了紀念聖. 情人節, 每個人都將得到巧克力心臟.


我們有八個激動人心的大師的較量定. 來吧,盡情展示.




在稱重在本次車展將開始 3:00PM 和第一回合將在開始 5:00PM.


門票價格 $20 每人. 孩子們 6 而在不帶電. 所有的健身房會員和註冊愛好者與他們在手的薪酬書籍 $15 每人.



P.S. 如果你不能讓它但還是希望看到的打架, 他們將在流

格里森的健身房網站: www.gleasonsgym.net




星期三, 2月18日, 格里森的健身房會舉辦拳擊的金手套之夜.


紐約每日新聞金手套將有一個初步的一輪拳擊在格里森的健身房 next Wednesday 18. 第一回合將在 7:00 下午.

門票價格 $25 每人. 所以請你再見早期票的空間十分有限. 致電健身房 718 797 2872 或電子郵件



健身房將收 4:00 PM 培訓使我們可以為金手套展示做好準備.



一個非常令人興奮的表演即將格里森的健身房上 週五2月20日.


眩暈劇團將呈現客廳系列 2015 Bareknuckle二月 20 到三月 8, 2015, 在格里森的健身房.


將有三個世界首演由 露西·瑟伯, 皮婭斯卡拉-Zankek林賽·喬伊.


署長 勞拉·薩維亞.


對於機票信息去 thelivingroomseries.org.


我們有一個折扣代碼設置為所有格里森的常客. Go to thelivingroomseries.org 購買門票. 輸入代碼stinglikeabee15的 $15 門票.