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Chazz Witherspoon Nicholas Guivas borrokatu larunbatean, Abuztua 15 Atlantic City jolastokia

Atlantic City, NJ (Abuztua 6, 2015)–Larunbat gauean On, Abuztua 15, Atlantic City Boxing Ospearen Aretoan batera SILVERSPOON Promozioak boxeo gauean handi bat aurkeztuko du Atlantic City jolastokia.

10-txandan Ekitaldi nagusian, izan Heavyweight contender Chazz “Jaun” Witherspoon izango Nicholas Guivas hartu.

Witherspoon (33-3, 25 KO en) Gertuko Paulsboro of, New Jersey, goiko American St gisa Heavyweights bat bezala ezarri zen. Jose Unibertsitatean graduondoko bere lehen hogeita hiru bouts irabazi garaipen batekin Michael Alexander gustuko gorako (11-0), Talmadge Griffis (24-6-3), & Jonathan Haggler (18-1) bere 1go porrota jasaten etorkizunerako bi aldiz munduko Titulua Chris Arreola nahi kanporatu polemikoa bidez aurretik.

Witherspoon joan zen hiru irabazi irabazteko izan zen entretenigarria 8an txandan Adam gehiagoko ETEN bat nabarmendu da ilara batean “Swamp Astoa” Richards (21-1). Hori borroka bozkatu zen Ring aldizkaria 2008 Heavyweight Urteko Fight. Orduan Witherspoon etorkizunerako bi aldiz munduko Titulua Tony Thompson borroka batean eroriz.

Witherspoon joan zen eta horrek barne Tyson Cobb gehiagoko suntsipena 3.-txandan suntsitzaileak 4 partiduko knockouts lortuz (14-2).

Witherspoon gero boladan perspectiva Seth Mitchell hartu zuten apirilean 28, 2012 bout bat non Witherspoon izan Mitchell gaizki hainbat alditan minik Mitchell etorri aurretik irabazi du saioa.

Bere azken bout, Witherspoon duenean 5ean txandan ETEN Galen Brown zuten apirilaren on 18 Pennsauken, New Jersey.

Topeka Guivas, Kansas, Bere azken lau etsaia gelditu egin da hiru lehenengo txandan datozen. Bere azken bout, Guivas duenean Justin Willms gehiagoko txandan ETEN 6an bat (4-1) Ekainaren 6 Topeka, Kansas.

Bouts 6-txandan:

Keenan Smith (7-0, 2 KO en) Philadelphiako, PA Vinny O'Neil borrokatuko (3-2-1, 1 KO) Youngstown, OH.

Anthony Young (10-1, 5 KO en) Atlantic City of, NJ Jonathan Garcia hartuko (4-14, 1 KO) Welterweight bout batean.

John Lennox (13-2, 5 KO en) Carteret, NJ borrokak Dan Pasciolla (3-1) Brick, NJ heavyweight bout batean

Bouts 4-txandan:

Scott Philadelphiako Kelleher Brandon Philadelphiako Hinnant aurka bere pro debuta egingo du, PA Jr batean. Welterweight bout.

Jerome konkista (2-1) Philadelphiako pro borroka egingo David Perez Pittsburgheko debuta, PA arin bout.

Parris Chisholm (2-0, 1 KO) Washington, DC Ronnie Jordan borrokatuko (1-5-1) Cincinatti of, Ohio Welterweight borroka batean.

Zhang Zhaliel (4-0, 2 KO en) Txinako Dennis Benson borrokatuko (2-6-1, 1 KO) Norfolkeko, VA heavyweight bout batean.

Wang Zhimin (3-0, 1 KO) Txinako Rashad Bogar borrokatuko (4-5-1, 2 KO en) Newark, NJ Jr batean. Welterweight bout.

Dustin Fleischer (3-0, 3 KO en) Monmouth County of, NJ ekintza ikusteko aukera izango Welterweight David Ratliff aurka bout batean (0-1) North Carolina.

Obafemi Bakari (3-0) Staten Island, NJ Vincent Floyd borrokatuko (1-1-1) Phialdelphia of, PA Middleweight borroka batean.

Matthew Gonzalez (2-0) Vineland of, NJ Samuel Ellsworth kutxa izango (2-0, 2 KO en) FARMERSVILLE of, LA Middleweight bout batean.

Atlantic City jolastokia ikusteko, Egin klik bideoa:

The Playgorund Atlantic City
The Playgorund Atlantic City


The Playgorund Atlantic City

Jolastokia marka berria da, artearen aisialdi konplexua non Pier at dendetan erabili ahal izango estatuan. Instalazioaren 500,000 karratu oinak. Haur parkea dago, Ozeano Atlantikoan One at dago, Atlantic City, NJ 08401

Boxeo gauean handi hau izango bitartekoa sarrerak $75, $100 eta $150 eta egon www.ticketmaster.com erosi ahal izango dira

Ateak irekita 6:30 1go kanpai PM 8 PM

Beibut Shumenov historia, berriro egiten eraztunaren

TEAM SHUMENOV: (L-R) Laguntzailea Entrenatzaile Rodney Crisler, Mundu cruiserweight txapeldun Beibut Shumenov, Chingis Shumenov, burua prestatzaile Ismael Salas, ebaki-man Jacob “Stitch” Duran eta entrenatzaile laguntzaile Jeff Grmoja.


LAS VEGAS (Abu. 3, 2015) – Berriki koroatu Munduko Boxing Elkartea (WBA) Behin-behineko cruiserweight txapeldun Shumenov Beibu (16-2, 10 Kos) Duela gutxi egindako historia, berriro, garaituz B.J. Flowers (31-2-1, 20 Kos) 12-txandan aho batez erabaki bat bezala bidez Premier Boxing Champions series kartel, bertan aired Uztaila 25garren NBCSN on Las Vegas Palms bizi.

Shumenov, 31, WBA derrigorrezko erronka bihurtu zen “erregularra” cruiserweight txapeldun Denis Lebedev (27-1, 20 Kos, 1 NC), Errusiako, Lehenengo Kazakhstan jaiotzez bi mundu pisua klase ezberdinetan izenburu bat harrapatu nahi izana WBA argi heavyweight batetik txapelduna izan baita 2010-2014.

Boxing harrobia Kazakhstan munduko beste bost Txapeldun ekoiztu du azken hiruhilekoan mendeko zehar: 1990 WBC super luma Aratoly Alexandrov, 2000 WBC heavyweight Oleg “Big O” Maskaev, 2001-2003 – IBF cruiserweight Vassily “Tiger” Jirov, 2010-2012 WBA super middleweight Dimitri Sartison eta indarreko WBA Super / WBC-behineko middleweight Gennady Golovkin.

Bere borroka ukabila historiko atzera ere 2010, Shumenov garaitu WBA heavyweight txapelduna argi defendatzeko Gabriel Campillo viaa 12-txandan erabakia gutxien-borrokak errekorra ezartzeko, 10, Mundu Erakundearen nagusietako bat txapeldun bihurtu 175 kiloko mailan egon.

“Oso harro boxeoa beste erregistro bat ezartzeko naiz,” 2004 Olympian Shumenov esan. “Ohore nire herrialdetik lehen borrokalaria izan naiz munduko txapeldun bihurtu bi divisions. Nire manager eskerrak eman nahi nuke, Al HAYMON, me aukera hau emateagatik for. Lebedev du helburu nagusia da eta, proba hori gainditu badut, Borrokalari onenak borrokatzea cruiserweight mailan egon nahi dut.”

Shumenov estilo eraldaketa baten bidez joan, ospetsu Kubako entrenatzailea bajo la dirección Ismael Salas, Nork Athletic Kazakh batera lan egin zion, aldaketa erasokorra batetik, Borrokalari ehotzeko zehatzagoa sartu, boxeolari guztiak-inguruan. Shumenov nahastu Flores, Shumenov nor espero zion eta truke punches etortzen, naturalki lodiagoak izan balira,, indartsuagoa abantaila bat Flores. Horren ordez, Shumenov maisuki bere bideari atxilotu garaipenaren, alboko mugimendua erabiliz, Angelu eta kokatzea Flores zapuztea eragingabeak Idatzia sartu, balantzetik punches eta misses sorta baten ondorioz.

Borrokaren ostean, Shumenov du aldaketa harrigarria joan zen Salas batera entrenatzen urtarriletik aurrera ostean bidez azaldu. “Oraindik ez naiz ikaskuntza prozesuan. Nire Entrenatzaile dio Like, ez dago mugarik, eta nik oraindik ez perfecto zer irakaskuntza me he. Benetan dator behera, lan gogor asko behar, muskulu memoria errepikapen. Nire borroka hau hanka nire Entrenatzaile zetorren. Zoriontsu garaile izan nahi izan dut, baina oraindik ere ikusten dut asko hobeto lortzean nire buruari, orokorra, boxeolari osoa bezala.”

(L-R) Shumenov & Salas

Salas trebatzen Munduko Boxing Kontseilua (WBC) World Lightweight txapelduna Jorge Linares (39-3, 26 Kos), Iraganeko eta egungo mundu hala nola Txapeldun manipulazioa gain Guillermo Rigondeaux, Yuriokis Gamboa, Danny Green, eta Jesse Vargas.

“Ez dago denontzako prozesu bat bio-mekanika dagokionez da,” Salas, komentatu. “Badira hori ez erabili ohi dira boxeo prestakuntza irakasten dut espezialitateak, ariketa zehatzak motion dinamika alde. Jatorriz entrenatzaile ikasi nuen Kubako sistema, Sobietar sistemarenetik Beibut lehen ikasi antzekoa da, baina Nik ere izan da mundu osoan zehar ikasteko prestakuntza metodo ezberdinak. Oraindik denbora behar izaten ditu Beibut bezalako mundu mailako borrokalaria for, Nor izan da munduko txapeldun izan da profesional gisa, eta partiduak asko amateur izan. Jorge Linares bi aldiz munduko txapeldun izan zen hasi ginen elkarrekin lan egin aurretik. Beibut iritsi da. Oraingoz bere potentzial osoa ez, oraintxe, bakarrik erabiliz 40-50 bere tresnak baitu.”

Shumenov abokatu bat eta enpresaburu arrakasta duten bost hizkuntza mintzatzen. Bi aldiz munduko txapeldun izan zuen arren, oraindik zuen boxeoa ikaslea, eta Salas bere irakaslea oso errespetatu da.

“He da (Salas) xume baina jenio bat,” Shumenov berretsi. “Galdetzen zuen eta nire iritziak entzuten ditu. Oinarriak kontzentratu dugu eta guztia azaltzen zuen niri. Gure taldeak eguneroko kanpamenduan errutina bat, gure ezagutzak partekatu dugu prestakuntza saio bakoitzaren ondoren izan. Gurekin lau (Shumenov, Salas, Grmjoja eta Crisler) bihurtu zen.”


Eta emaitza bigarren titulua izan zen.


Fans laguna Beibut Shumenov bere Facebook Fan Page on maywww.facebook.com/BeibutShumenov.

Boladan arin Sonny aurkeztu “Pretty Boy” Fredrickson


New York, NY (June 11, 2015)-Larunbatean Gau, June 20 Oracle Oakland Arena, boladan arin perspectiva, Sonny “Pretty Boy” Fredrickson (8-0, 5 KO en) will make his national television debut when he competes in a 6-round bout that will be part of the nationally televised card featuring Andre Ward taking on Paul Smith on BET.
Sonny Fredrickson nabarmentzen 6'2″ bi eskuekin boterea eta GQ eredu baten itxura ona batera. The “Baby aurrean Assassin” munduko beste edozein arin ez bezala.
Toledoko Fredrckson, Ohio karrera amateur izar bat non erregistro bat konpilatu zuen 120-8 batera 60 knockouts. He won many accolades such as being a 2013 PAL National Brontzezko domina, 2013 Golden eskularruak Nazionala Final Eight & bost-time Toledo Golden eskularruak txapeldun izan zen.

Amateur bat bezala, Sonny halaber dauka 1. txanda ETEN baino gehiago irabazi 152 Espainiako txapelduna Jamontay Clark.
“Besterik ez naiz bukatutzat camp orain eta dena ondo joan,”esan zuen 20 Bere prestaketa Fredrickson urteko bereJune 20 end. “Dira saioak 8 osoan zehar egiten ditut. I have been doing a lot of running, esprint eta yoga.”
Fredrickson, profesionala duten aktibatuta in 2014 Bere lehen lau bouts irabazi Kopako lehen geldialdiak batera, oldarkorra fan errespetatzen estilo bat du eta hiltzaile utzitako kako ezaugarriek. He is a good looking kid who models his style after his idol, Oscar De La Hoya.

Bere lehen telebista esposizioa nazionalaren Noiz esan, Fredrickson oso hunkituta.
“Honek abisu labur da, baina ikuskizun bat jarri eta erakusleiho nire talentua munduaren aurrean prest nago.”
The 20 urte ditu, presarik ez izateko gorenera iritsi eta berak badaki eskuineko borroka hori txapeldun bihurtu zuen.
“Aurten bost borrokak lortu espero dut. I will continue to move up on the prospect list and by the end of the year, Urratsera prest izango dut.”
Borroka hau Fredrickson bigarrena borrokaren izango Roc Nation Kirol sinatu zenetik, eta bere sustatzaile berriei aliantza hori zion mesede egingo bai eta eraztuna zuen ustez.
“Atsegin Roc Nation erraldoia izango da sentitzen dut. It will grow into a big promotion and will take over boxing. They can do things for us boxers that no other company can do and I look forward to exploring all of those opportunities.
Fredrickson boxeo abokatua Rick Garaipena Sport Musika Torres-ek kudeatzen duen.

Garaipena Kirolak & Entertainment berriki osatutako atleta kudeaketa New York eta Las Vegas bulegoak duen enpresa bat da. Founded by noted sports attorney Rick Torres and boxing trainer Michael Leanardi, Garaipena lortu etengabe irtenbideak gazte egonkorra ikusgarria etorkizunean izar for senargaiaren espero du eraiki. Garaipena Kirolak’ webgunean dago www.victorysportsent.com


* * * VIDEO ALERTA * * *



Argazkia Kreditu: Esther Lin / SHOWTIME


We answered every question tonight.” – Deontay Wilder

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Relive the thrilling battle for the WBC Heavyweight Championship through the award-winning lens ofALL ACCESS as Deontay Wilder answers the critics with a dominant, 12-round decision over defending champ Bermane Stiverne. ALL ACCESS: Deontay Wilder reveals the depth of character within the new champion and a selfless nature to go along with his monster punching power and surprising boxing acumen. ALL ACCESS: Deontay Wilder estreinaldiak Asteazken honetan at 10 p.m. ETA/PT SHOWTIME on®.


Wilder makes the first defense of his WBC Heavyweight title against Eric Molina on SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING®, hurrengo Larunbata, June 13 SHOWTIME on.


# # #

Wilder vs. Molina, 12-txandan Wilderren WBC Heavyweight Txapelketan borroka bat, gertatzenLarunbata, June 13, Bartow Birmingham arena, Ala. DiBella aisialdia eta Bruno Gertaera Team Alabama ekitaldi honetan ekartzeko indarrak batu dituzte. Zuzeneko aire egingo da Showtime on (9 p.m. ETA/ 6 p.m. PT). Telecast ere egongo da Espainiako bigarren mailako audio programazio bidez (SAP). Aurrematrikula bouts zuzeneko telebistaz egingo SHOWTIME EXTREME on (7 p.m. ETA/PT, West Coast atzeratua).


Los Angeles, ESATERAKO – Unibertsitate MMA The marks its latest milestone on Igandea, Maiatza 31, with the tenth installment of its ‘Fight Night’ serie. Taking place at Club Nokia L.A at. ZUZENEKO (aka “the U of MMA campus”), Unibertsitatean of MMA: Fight Night 10 is packed with 15 Borrokak, including three title matches to crown new University of MMA champions. Sarrerak orain salgaiwww.UofMMA.com eta www.axs.com.


A new University of MMA’s lightweight champion will be decided between Julio ‘The Gr818er’ Lopez (Kings Combat Sports) eta Antonio Lopez (Gooch Training Academy/Saekson Muay Thai). Julio advanced from the opening round of the University of MMA lightweight championship tournament, oraindik partidarik galdu gabe. Antonio was originally scheduled to be in the tournament as well, before injury sidelined him from action. But both men ride four-fight win streaks going into this title match, meaning pride and glory are on the line.


With Elite Training Center’s featherweight star Tommy Aaron vacating his University of MMA title to turn pro, the crown at 145 kgs. once again finds itself without a king. That won’t be for long, ordea, as U of MMA perennial favorite Ryan 'Lehoi’ Lilley (Bas Rutten en Elite Training Center) and the fast-rising Albert Veloz (Cage Combat Akademia) vie to become the third-ever University of MMA featherweight champion.

The University of MMA has definitely grown as a live event series with the expansion of our fan base and the shows getting bigger and better every time. The same can be said for amateur fighters who have grown and matured within our promotion. Guys like Ryan ‘The LionLilley who will be fighting for us for the eighth time, and Albert Veloz, who is improving right under our eyes. We’re proud to see the development of fighters like Ryan and Albert, who will go on to be great pros,” komentatzen U of MMA founder Turi Altavilla.

Two more U of MMA favorites will also square off to become the first-ever University of MMA bantamweight champion, bezala Vince ‘The AnomalyCachero eta Demar ‘King’ George revisit each other in a rematch from 2013. The two met originally at Fight Night 3, when both were very young in their MMA careers. More seasoned in experience and sharper in skill, they are very much different fighters.


The six individuals vying for University of MMA titles on this show are people of heart, technical skill, character and integrity. We’ve seen their championship efforts on previous shows and they deserve the recognition these matches offer,” esan U of MMA matchmaker Jay Tan.


Other confirmed matches for University of MMA: Fight Night 10 besteak beste,:


Unibertsitatean of MMA Lightweight Championship Tournament Finals:

155 kgs. – Julio Lopez (Kings Combat Sports) vs.Antonio Lopez (Gooch Training Academy/Saekson Muay Thai)


University of MMA Bantamweight Championship:

135 kgs. – Vince ‘The AnomalyCachero (Sistemak Training Center) vs. Demar ‘King’ George (Dream Killer Fight Team)

Unibertsitatean of MMA Featherweight Championship:

145 kgs. – Ryan 'Lehoi’ Lilley (Bas Rutten Elite MMA Gimnasioa) vs. Albert Veloz (Cage Combat Akademia)


155 kgs. – Remington Thorne (Saekson Muay Thai) vs.Carnation ‘The FlashContreras (Krav Maga Unyted)


120 kgs. (catchweight) – Jasmine 'Tapout Queen’ Pouncy (Nubians MMA) vs. Akari Wang (Sistemak Training Center)


205 kgs. – Travis Williams (Elite Training Center) vs.Jonathan ‘Jonny McGregorSweitzer (Valhalla ETC)


155 kgs. – Troy Hargrow (Nubians MMA) vs. Zach Kraschinsky (Bas Rutten en Elite Training Center)


125 kgs. – Karlee Pagilinan (Team Quest) vs. Gilbert Nakatani (Sityodtong LA)


125 kgs. – Matheus Leaondro Santos (MMAFC) vs.Angel Diaz (Sistemak Training Center)


170 kgs. – Aaron Landry (Fire Martial Arts Academy of Ring) vs. Lance 'Black Ranger’ Bush (Team Lizard)


145 kgs. – Victor Rivera (Nubians MMA) vs. Juan Vasquez (Team Victory Muay Thai/Dream Killer Fight Team)


195 kgs. (catchweight) – Christopher Llanes (Team Quest) vs. David Boyko (Bas Rutten Elite MMA Gimnasioa)


145 kgs. – Andrew Secaida (Dream Killer Fight Team)vs. Kurt Eberhard (Saekson Muay Thai)


135 kgs. – David Perez (Riverside Submission) vs. Julio Santa Cruz (Sistemak Training Center)


145 kgs. – Benito Mendez (Kings Combat Sports) vs.Sergio Gonzalez (Yuma United Fight Team)


Unibertsitate MMA The: Fight Night 10 gertatzen at5:00pm on Igandea, Maiatza 31, 2015, Club Nokia L.A at. ZUZENEKO, 800 West Olinpiar Boulevard. Ateak irekita 4:30pm. Fight txartela aldaketaren menpe. Sarrerak eskuragarri daude eta bidez erosi ahal izango dira www.UofMMA.com etawww.AXS.com, Telefonoz kobratzen 888-9AXS-TiX edo, 888-929-7849, eta batetik 10:00 AM-5:00 PM, Mon-Fri at the STAPLES Center Box Office located at 1111 S. Figueroa St. Aplikagarriak tasak aplikatu daitezke. Club Nokia txarteldegiak izango irekiko 2:00pm the day of the event.

Mayweather vs Pacquiao Watch Party Hosted by NYSYD Downstate, Sponsored by Gleason’s Gym


$20 for four hour open bar and food plus the FIGHT.


Mayweather vs Pacquiao Watch Party

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NEW YORK — April 23, 2015 — BET Networks is pleased to announce that it is stepping into the ring with Roc Nation Sports as their exclusive broadcast partner to air live throne boxeo events on the network. The partnership between BET Networks and Roc Nation Sports is the first of its kind for the network and includes airing up to nine live, two-hour telecasts of Roc Nation Sports throne boxeo events over the next 18 hilabete. The first main event fight to air on BET Networks will feature WBA Super Middleweight World Champion Andre Ward (27-0, 14 KO en) facing former World Title Challenger Paul Smith (35-5, 20 KO en) of England in a 12 round bout on Larunbata, June 20, 2015 Oracle Oakland Arena, California. Ekintza handi eraztuna barrutik gain, the telecast will feature several notable Roc Nation touches that offer an unprecedented fan experience, including a live musical performance and a name DJ to keep the energy at a high level throughout the night. Fans can catch the action live on BET in the United States and globally on TIDAL.com, abian jarri berri den musika streaming zerbitzua duten fideltasun handia soinu kalitate onena uztartzen, definizio altuko musika bideoak eta expertly komisariatu editorial.

Sarrerak tasatuak $250, $125, $90, $60 eta $30, Ez zerbitzuen kostuei aplikagarri eta zergak barne, salgai Ostirala, April 24 at 10:00 AM PT and will be available at all Ticketmaster locations, Ticketmaster.com at line eta karga telefono bidez (800) 745-3000.


“BET is constantly searching for ways to expand its portfolio of content with the sole goal of satisfying our audiences,” said Stephen G. Hill, President of Programming, BET Networks. “Roc Nation is doing very exciting things in the entertainment space and we are excited to partner with them on this groundbreaking deal positioning BET Networks as a go-to destination for premier live boxing events. Together, we’ll provide unique entertainment.”


“We’re thrilled to not only be introducing our newest broadcast partnership with BET Networks, but also to use this new platform to telecast Andre Ward’s highly anticipated return to the ring,", Esan du David Itskowitch, COOBoxing of Roc Nation Sports. "On June 20, we will once again provide fans a night of exciting tronua boxeoa Borrokak, live musical entertainment and an unprecedented fan experience.”


“I’m very excited to be coming back on June 20 at Oracle Arena in my hometown of Oakland which has been a long time coming,"Esan Ward. “I’m equally excited to be fighting on BET in front of a potential viewership of over 90 milioi etxebizitza. Borrokalaria bezala, this diversifies my portfolio and puts me in front of a whole different audience. I have an extremely tough fighter in front of me in Paul Smith who’s looking to pull the upset, but I can’t let that happen. I have to be on my best game to turn Smith away and beat him the way I want to beat him. Beti bezala, I’m ready to put on a tremendous performance in front of my hometown fans and those watching on BET. This is a fight you don’t want to miss.”


“I cannot wait to get back in the ring and test myself against a class act like Andre Ward. I proved that I belong at the top level with my performances against Arthur Abraham and this is a challenge that I am relishing,"Esan zuen Smith. “Andre is a top pound-for-pound fighter and someone I respect a lot, but he has only boxed once in almost three years and I will give it everything I have got. I am fresh and confident going into this fight. It’s a massive opportunity for me and one that I took with both hands when it was offered. I have spent a lot of time boxing in the United States and I look forward to returning for this fight.”


Known for his strong character and integrity outside the ring and his killer instinct inside it, Andre Ward’s skill and talent were apparent early in his outstanding amateur career. He racked up every title in the books, urrezko domina batekin amaituko den heavyweight zatiketa argitan at 2004 Olinpiar Jokoak Atenasen. As the only male American boxer to claim Olympic gold since 1996, Ward fitxatu Muhammad Ali gustuko, Sugar Ray Leonard eta Oscar De La Hoya. Profesionala partidua, abenduak He 18, 2004, scoring a second round technical knockout victory over Chris Molina at Staples Center in a fight that was televised live on HBO. He has gone on to rack up 26 more victories since then, building an ever-growing legion of fans in the process. Ring aldizkaria eta WBA Super Middleweight Munduko txapelduna bihurtu ondoren, rising to the number two spot on the pound-for-pound list and winning the 2011 Urtea Saria Fighter (ESPN, Sports Illustrated, Ring aldizkaria eta Boxing Idazleen Elkarteak America), iragarri zen Ward duten sustapen hitzarmen esklusiboa sinatu Roc Nation Kirol urtarrilean 2015, kapitulu berri bat irekiz bere solairu boxeo ibilbidean. Now the Bay Area product is ready to return to the ring on June 20 Oracle bere Oakland zale jaioterrian aurrean Arena, California.


Paul “Real Gone Kid” Smith enters his fight against pound-for-pound star Ward coming off of two heroic performances against WBO Super Middleweight World Champion Arthur Abraham. Smith challenged the Armenian-German for his title in Kiel, Germany in September 2014 and put on the performance of his career in his world title first shot. The 32-year-old native of Liverpool was the clear winner of large parts of the fight and celebrated at the bell in front of a hushed partisan crowd that thought that Abraham had been dethroned. Smith was not expecting the wide scorecards that were read out in favor of the hometown fighter and, judging by the far-reaching outrage at the lopsided numbers, neither were the majority of the boxing world and beyond, with Smith receiving support from some of Britain’s biggest sports stars on social media. A rematch was the only possible scenario and, like a true champion, Abraham duly obliged. Smith returned to Germany in February of this year to face Abraham again, this time in Berlin, but Abraham was a different fighter the night of their second fight, successfully defending his belt against a brave challenge from Smith. Once again the judges’ were forced to give a verdict and this time a decision win by Abraham was met with no outcry of controversy. On June 20, “Real Gone Kid” will return to the ring and once again venture into hostile territory to take on one of boxing’s best, looking to silence the crowd.


Ward vs. Smith, a 12 Roc Nation Kirol aurkezten biribilak bout, gertatzen Larunbata, June 20 Oracle Oakland Arena, California, zuzeneko telebistaz egingo apustua eta, orokorrean erreproduzitu on TIDAL.com 10:00 PM ET/7:00 PM PT eta da elkartea aurkeztuko Matchroom Sport batekin.


BET Networks, a subsidiary of Viacom Inc. (NASDAQ: VIA, VIA.B), is the nation’s leading provider of quality entertainment, musika, news and public affairs television programming for the African-American audience. The primary BET channel reaches more than 90 million households and can be seen in the United States, Kanadan, the Caribbean, the United Kingdom and sub-Saharan Africa. BET is the dominant African-American consumer brand with a diverse group of business extensions: BET.com, a leading Internet destination for Black entertainment, musika, culture, eta albiste; CENTRIC, a 24-hour entertainment network targeting the 25- to 54-year-old African-American audience; BET Digital NetworksBET Gospel and BET Hip Hop, attractive alternatives for cutting-edge entertainment tastes; BET Home Entertainment, a collection of BET-branded offerings for the home environment including DVDs and video-on-demand; BET Event Productions, a full-scale event management and production company with festivals and live events spanning the globe; BET Mobile, which provides ringtones, games and video content for wireless devices; and BET International, which operates BET in the United Kingdom and oversees the extension of BET network programming for global distribution.



Roc Nation Kirolak, Roc Nation azpizati bat, udaberrian martxan jarri 2013. Founder Shawn “JAY Z” Carter’s love of sports lead to the natural formation of Roc Nations Sports, Kirolarien lagunduz modu berean Roc Nation izan artistei laguntzen musikaren industria urtez. Roc Nation Sports focuses on elevating athletes’ career on a global scale both on and off the field. Roc Nation Kirol conceptualizes eta marketing eta abal jorratzen exekutatzen, komunitate dibulgazioa, ongintza gorbata-ak, komunikabideekin harremanak eta marka estrategia. Roc Nation Kirol bere boxeo zatiketa abian jarri, Zerbitzu osoa sustapen enpresa bat munduko txapeldun Miguel Cotto eta Andre Ward horrek adierazten, abuztuan 2014. Roc Nation Sports’ roster includes premiere athletes such as Robinson Cano, Skylar Diggins, Kevin Durant, Geno Smith, Victor Cruz, CC Sabathia, James Young, Dez Bryant, Ndamukong Suh, Rusney Castillo, Yoenis Céspedes, Jaelen Strong, Todd Gurley, Wilson Chandler, Erick Aybar and Frances Tiafoe. Informazio gehiago nahi izanez gero, bisitatu www.rocnation.com. Jarraitu Roc Nation Twitter eta Instagramrocnation eta on Facebook www.facebook.com/RocNation.



Oracle Arena and O.co Coliseum, managed by AEG Facilities, are the premiere sports and entertainment complexes in Northern California. Home of the NBA’s Golden State Warriors, the NFL’s Oakland Raiders and MLB’s Oakland Athletics as well as host to concerts, family shows and special events. Additional information on Oracle Arena and O.co Coliseum, including a complete schedule of events can be found online at www.coliseum.com. Follow Oracle Arena on Twitter, Instagram, Vine and Snapchat @OracleArena and on Facebook www.faecbook.com/OracleArenaO.coColiseum.


Thomas “Cornflake” LAMANNA: Oraindik partidarik galdu gabe ShoBox errespetu bila: Belaunaldi berriko Antoine Douglas aurka bout du

Boladan middleweights Nabarmenak gudua March 13 Westbury-txartela, N.Y.
SHOWTIME® honetan bizi Ostirala, March 13 at 10 p.m. ETA/PT

On berehalako

Millville, New Jersey (March 10, 2015)Ostiralean Gau, March 13 Westbury Space at, N.Y., boladan middleweight Thomas “Cornflake” LAMANNA (16-0, 7 KO en) will step up in class and try to silence any critics when he takes on fellow undefeated Middleweight Antoine “Ekintza” Douglas (16-0-1, 10 KO en). The quadrupleheader ShoBox: Belaunaldi berria zuzenean telebistaz egingo SHOWTIME on 10 p.m. ETA/PT (West Coast atzeratua).

The bout borondatea titular bat ShoBox: Belaunaldi berriak Epaileak txartel hassiric 10 PM ET

Adin bat non borrokalariak ez nahi probatu beharreko prima sare bat dator arte deituz, LAMANNA Douglas kreditu ematen aukera handiak honetarako zapaltzeko for.
“Duenak irabaziko edo galduko du uste dut, errespetu handia irabazteko behar dugu bi borrokalari gazte eta partidarik galdu gabe dagoela arrisku bat hartzen ari. In boxing, denean aukera bat aurkezten du bere burua, ezin duzu esan ez,” esan LAMANNA
The 23 LAMANNA urteko borroka hau prest dago daki ahalegin handi bat egin zion bertako erakarpen bat baino gehiago egingo du gisa.
“Orain dut profesionala izan delako dute lau urte eta hamasei borrokak eta nire taldearekin batera besterik ez dut sentitu beharrezkoa arrisku hori hartu hor nabil ikusteko.”
LAMANNA ere sentitzen du ez duela uste Douglas duela borroka gogor baten bidez eta izan da March 13 aldaketa guztiak egingo.
“Ados ez zuela lehia handia borrokatu du ideia dut, eta ez daukat. The only time he has had to bite down and grind it out, bakarrik berdinketarekin lortzeko gai izan zen. Not to take anything away from him, Behera hozka izan nuen eta irabazi ditut borrokak.”
“Badakit bere sustatzaile Ikuskizuna da, baina inola ere egin du borrokan parte B-aldea bezala begiratzen neure burua dut.”
LAMANNA jarraitzen du eztabaidatzeko duen zenbaki-ren atzean begiratzen baduzu, Douglas ordutegia indarra ez da paperean izan garbi ikusten da hori guztia.
“Boladan bi mutil borrokatu du He. One of them was from the Midwest and the other did not beat anybody of note. On paper it may look better and maybe because of the way I look or my body type, jendeak pentsatzen duten me beat egingo dute etorriko. I can’t say that for all of his opponents. I also have not faced many guys on short notice. Just about all my opponents have had full training camps to face me.
“Profesional altuena hori ezberdinak dira, ondoren amateurrak esan behar dizuet. I bring a lot more to the table then his other adversaries. Just like him, Boladan naiz eta ez dakit nola galtzen. On March 13, Guztia egingo dut mantentzea, era horretan. I am not in awe of anybody and I consider this another day at the office.
“Nire aita nor ere nire manager baita nire co-sustatzaileen Russell Peltz eta Peltz Boxing baita Vincent Ponte eta Gulfstream Promozioak da eskertu nahi dut.”
Vinny LaManna, Thomas’ Father and Manager believes, “Thomas buruz gauza bat da bere aurkarien guztiak hori entrenatu denbora zabala izan. They have all come to win. Halako March 13, lan gogorra eta eraztun esperientzia off ordainduko ditu.”
Thomas LAMANNA 022115
Thomas LAMANNA 022115
Co-Ezaugarri In, unbeaten southpaw ISmael Barroso (16-0-2, 15 Kos), El Tigre, Venezuela, egingo bere partiduko 13an garaipena tiro naizenean aurpegiak zuenssouf “Volcano” Kinda (17-2, 7 Kos), Bronx-en, N.Y., Hamar txandan NABO arin Izenburua txatarra batean. Zortzi-biribilak nabarmendu bout batean, behin-jipoitu Jerry “Erregearen semea” Odom (12-1, 1 NC, 11 Kos), Washington D.C. of, saiatuko da eta bere bakarti galera mendekatzeko denean hartzen boladan zuen Andrew “Urakanaren” Hernandez (8-0-1, 1 ND, 1 KO) Phoenix, Ariz., super middleweight errebantxa batean. Inaugurazio bout batean, Adam Lopez (9-0, 4 Kos), San Antonio, eta Houston-en Pablo Cruz (11-0, 3 Kos) Zortzi-biribilak Lone Star Estatuko super bantamweights batailan batean talka.

Advance sarrerak GH3 Promozioak eta Greg Cohen Promozioak sustatutako elkartea David Schuster en Irabazlea gertaera Hartu Productions guztiak, tasatuak $150, $125, eta $60 onarpen orokorrerako. Sarrerak Ticketmaster.com eskuragarri, Ticketmaster kokapen guztiak, thespacewestbury.com, Westbury leihatiletan espazioa 516.283.5566 edo GCP at Bulegora deituta 212.851.6425.

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Gleason en Gimnasioa Masters Only Erakutsi larunbat honetan berezi batekin 5:00 PM ordua. Plus, beste bi ekitaldi handia

Masterra Soilik Boxing Show Larunbat honetan 5:00 PM.

St omenez. Valentine, guztiontzat txokolate bihotz bat lortuko.


Zortzi zirraragarria master bouts programatutako dugu. Etorri eta gozatu ikuskizuna.


Gure bouts guztiak dira USABoxingMetro zigortuak.


The pisatzen Ikuskizun honetan izango at hasiko 3:00PM eta lehen bout egingo hasiko at 5:00PM.


Txartelaren prezioa da $20 Pertsona bakoitzeko. Haurrak 6 eta urtetik beherakoak ez dira kobratuko. Gimnasioa kide guztiak eta erregistratutako amateurrak bere eskua soldata liburuekin $15 Pertsona bakoitzeko.



P.S. Ezin baduzu egin, baina oraindik borrokak ikusi nahi badituzu, egingo dute streaming at

Gleason en Gimnasioa webgunean: www.gleasonsgym.net




Asteazkena, Otsailaren 18an, Golden eskularruak boxeoa Night Gleason en Gimnasioa hartuko du.


New York City Daily News Golden eskularruak aurretiazko boxeo Kopako Gleason en Gimnasioa izango dute next Wednesday 18an. Lehenengo bout egingo egon 7:00 pm.

Txartelaren prezioa da $25 Pertsona bakoitzeko. Ez dago gela mugatua da, beraz, mesedez bye zure txartela hasieran. Deitu gimnasioa 718 797 2872 edo e-posta



Gimnasioan izango da at itxi 4:00 PM prestakuntzarako dugu, beraz, Urrezko Xistera ikuskizuna prestatu ahal.



Oso zirraragarria ikuskizuna da Gleason en Gimnasioa datozen on Ostirala, otsailaren 20an.


The Vertigo Antzerki Konpainia The Living Room Series aurkeztuko du 2015 Bareknuckle batetik Otsaila 20 Martxoaren bidez 8, 2015, Gleason en Gimnasioa at.


Badira hiru munduko estreinu izango Lucy Thurber, Pia Scala-Zankek eta Lindsay Joy.


Zuzendariak da Laura Savia.


Txartela informazioa eskuratzeko hona joan thelivingroomseries.org.


Dute deskontu kode bat ezarri dugu sortu Gleason guztiak-ren ohiko for. Go to thelivingroomseries.org sarrerak erosteko. Sartu kodea stinglikeabee15 alde $15 sarrerak.