分类存档: UFC

This Week’s Combat Sports Show: Nunes vs. Pennington Recap, 洛马琴科vs. Linares analysis, Liddell Unretires and calls out Jon Jones

This week’s fight news unlimited combat sports show is a great mix of boxing and mixed martial arts. 汤姆, Tony and Rich cover all the action from last weekend and marvel at the master of his craft that is Vasyl Lomachenko. We discuss Chuck Liddell coming out of retirement with Golden Boy MMA, and Tito Ortiz taking the debate to be his first opponent. We also have a bit of a debate about Raquel Pennington telling her corner she wanted to be done after the fourth round against Amanda Nunes. Her coaches pep talked her into continuing, which led to more blood loss and facial damage from a clearly more hyped up and fresh opponent. Weigh in right here in the comment section if you have your own opinion on the situation.


Listen to the show live through this link:



FNU搏击运动展: Fedor地板Frank Mir, 托尼的马戏团费城拳击报告和汤姆和里奇回顾了最新的TUF赛季

本周的FNU战斗体育节目涵盖了广泛的主题. 我们首先讨论有关Fedor Emelianenko在他的重量级比赛的最新一期中对Frank Mir的拆除. 我们将继续讨论联邦调查局上周末对费多的阴影. 我们讨论本周末即将举行的大型Cinco De Mayo拳击比赛,并回顾上周的战斗, 包括托尼亲自参加费城的人. 我们还赶上了最新的TUF赛季,其中有Daniel Cormier执教Stipe Miocic.





FNU搏击运动展: McGregor Goes Berserk, UFC 223 Card Suffers, 事件重述要点和预览

This week’s show features Tom, Tony and Rich chatting about the circus atmosphere surrounding UFC 223, starting with Conor McGregor’s hand cart throwing incident. We also recap the past week’s boxing and MMA events, and we even briefly discuss Ronda Rousey’s Wrestlemania performance and the news that Brock Lesnar recently signed an extension to stay with the WWE. 听下面的广播:

FNU搏击运动展: Behind the Scenes of the New Creed Movie, 事件重述要点和预览

Tony takes Tom and Rich backstage on the set of the newest Rocky movie, 信条 2, the sequel to the breakout performance from Michael B. Jordan as Appollo Creed’s son. We also discuss Anthony Joshua’s cruise to victory over Joseph Parker and the ESPN boxing card in Quincy, 马萨诸塞州. Then we preview the return of some big MMA events this weekend with UFC 223 and a Bellator MMA and kickboxing event.

FNU搏击运动展: 安东尼约书亚的潜在UFC合同, 帕克VS. 约书亚拳击前瞻和其他作战体育新闻

本周在FNU搏击运动展, 汤姆, 托尼和丰富的讨论范围广泛的议题. 我们甚至在一个小WWE新闻碰在演出结束. 我们首先对安东尼约书亚可能签署UFC拳击旗帜下战斗,后来在展示移动到本周末预览他的打击约瑟夫·帕克讨论. 我们还包括CANELO阿尔瓦雷斯临时停牌和马克伯内特在新的职业联赛战士参与. 听在播放器中充分展现出:



FNU搏击运动展: Mayweather Taking MMA Seriously, Joshua May Sign with UFC, 战斗重述要点和预览

本星期, Tom Tony and Rich get into some discussion about Floyd Mayweather, JR. jumping into MMA. We also recap a big win by Alexander Volkov over Fabricio Werdum at the latest UFC Fight night and cover the upcoming boxing schedule and last weekend’s results.


Listen to the full show 这里


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弗洛伊德·梅威瑟案, JR. VS. UFC笼中的CM朋克

由: 丰富的伯​​杰龙

梅威瑟, JR. 战斗尚未结束. 在格斗运动的危险世界之外,他与康纳·麦格雷戈在一场一边倒的拳击比赛中赚到的钱并不容易. 退休似乎总是在弗洛伊德吃饭, 迟早他会回来参加另一场震惊世界的重磅比赛.


CM Punk 需要抽签才能让我们对他的职业生涯感兴趣. 即使他击败了下一个人,他们也会在 UFC 八角笼里喂他, 朋克仍有很多东西需要证明. 让他与梅威瑟对决,以迎接这位世界级拳击手参加 MMA 比赛, 并使其成为弗洛伊德的梦想设置,为他提供合同中他想要的所有福利和赞助优惠.


弗洛伊德将自动成为一个失败者,立即在笼子里对抗麦格雷戈. 像CM Punk这样的挑战者给了他更多的战斗机会. 如果CM朋克能击败弗洛伊德,他就有机会真正开启自己的职业生涯.


事实是, 梅威瑟可以快速学习综合格斗运动, 以及他的速度和运动能力, 如果有更多引人注目的选择,他实际上可以在他的第一场综合格斗比赛中震惊我们… 如果他真的用行动来支持他在笼子里战斗的言论.


在拳击比赛巡演期间, 拳击比赛按他的方式进行后,弗洛伊德多次提到在笼子里与麦格雷戈战斗的想法. 他不会大声说出他认为不真实的事情,或者如果他付出努力的话可能是真实的事情.




在他挥拳之前,我问他最喜欢拳击的什么. 在媒体热潮中我并没有试图靠近, 所以我认为他没想到这个问题.


他静静地坐着, 我不想让它像一个臭屁一样悬挂在风中. 我又问了一次, 甚至更大声. 他和自己打太极拳时没有看我的方向. “一切。” 他终于承认了, 然后他开始向所有媒体展示他的速度和拳击能力.


合并弯头, 后拳, 将踢腿和摔跤融入他的战斗习惯中可能会创造出梅威瑟真正的怪物. 还, 跟随他进入笼子的拳击收入对他和 UFC 来说都是巨大的. 在他这个年纪需要做大量的工作才能适应这项新运动, 但 CM Punk 作为第一个对手,设定的标准相当低,两人都有机会证明自己的归属. 给他们俩一个严肃的训练营, 用它制作真人秀, 这可能会发生.




“钱” 已经准备与 UFC 冠军泰伦·伍德利一起进行综合格斗训练, 他最近对伍德利和麦格雷戈作为战士给予了一些赞扬:


“所以我们必须调整一些事情, 将事情提升到一个新的水平. 你知道我不能忽视或击败任何 MMA 选手. 泰伦难以置信. 令人难以置信的战斗机, 强硬的竞争对手. 康纳尔麦格雷戈, 他是一个强有力的竞争对手, 地狱战士. 有很多艰辛, MMA 中有一些粗犷的家伙,我不能忽视或不尊重他们。”




MMA 与拳击的争论很久以前就一直在进行,直到我决定通过一系列广播节目来表达自己的观点,让一位专家与另一位专家对决. 我最喜欢的之一是 “冰人” 约翰·斯卡利对阵肯·沙姆洛克.


这并不奇怪, 这两位拳击手/教练员专家之间的争论转向梅威瑟跨界综合格斗. 这对弗洛伊德来说并不是一个新概念. 十多年来,他一直听到批评者抱怨他从未在 MMA 中取得成功, 总是想着有一天他如何才能证明他的仇恨者是错的.



任何认为同级别中最好的综合格斗选手能够击败弗洛伊德的人都从未看过他训练. 这家伙能通过几场调整战和冠军倾斜做些什么? 怎么样 9 数月的击倒和降服辩护的艰苦训练?


每个对 MMA 有所了解的人和他们的兄弟决定引用所有过去在 MMA 失败的拳击手的论点. 他们让我们想起了兰迪·库图尔(Randy Couture)轻松击败詹姆斯·托尼(James Toney)的怪诞表演战斗. 梅威瑟, JR. 不仅与詹姆斯托尼有机会在笼子里战斗时处于不同的水平, 他在另一个星球上.



弗洛伊德买得起最好的教练, 准备进入 UFC 八角笼的过程中,一切都是最好的. 他将不遗余力地投入财务和汗水,以巩固自己作为拳击和综合格斗历史上最好的跨界拳手的地位。. 谁拥有最好的真正运动员? 梅威瑟是拳击界最优秀的代表, 他没有太多时间来证明世界级拳击手可以通过正确的方法和策略统治 MMA 舞台.




麦格雷戈确实证明了他可以在拳击场上让弗洛伊德发脾气, 但在 UFC 合同的第三场比赛中,这场比赛可能会再次在笼子里进行. 弗洛伊德只需表明他属于, 但第一步是有勇气用行动来支持他的言论. 他确实在麦格雷戈拳击赛的拳击新闻发布会上说过,当他以自己的方式击败麦格雷戈时, 他会去UFC并在笼子里击败康纳, 太.




我预计一个 “创智赢家” 梅威瑟和 UFC 主席达纳·怀特之间的谈判类型. 弗洛伊德需要从促销活动中分一杯羹, 获得巨额赞助现金, 收取媒体收入的选项, 并且至少 $10 每场比赛只需基本工资即可获得百万美元. 为了获得他所设想的十亿美元合同, 只要弗洛伊德决定他需要为他的第一次战斗进行训练,律师就会解决细节.


弗洛伊德可以轻松地捞钱 $90+ 百万美元的赞助和媒体收入 $100 每场比赛的收入高达 100 万美元,Showtime 高管在他的身边,并且熟悉在镜头前的表现. 五场比赛意味着 1/2 十亿美元的差距,除非我低估了 UFC 会给弗洛伊德的基本工资. 即使他让 $200 每场比赛百万, 其余的必须来自整个公司本身作为股权, 这就是康纳·麦格雷戈一直要求的.


弗洛伊德作为所有者/合作伙伴有更大的优势,当 UFC 希望在某个时候推广拳击时,弗洛伊德将是一笔巨大的资产. 他还可以带着他的粉丝和所有想看到他受到鞭打并接受新学科教育的人. 他带来了眼球, 无论他走到哪里,都受到极大的关注和金钱. 在一个 $5 亿估值, UFC可能会拿出百分之十的促销费用来让梅威瑟正式加入并与他签订一份长期合同.



弗洛伊德可能产生巨大影响的另一个领域是吸引更多拳击手转向综合格斗(MMA). 我们已经看到马特·米特里奥 (Matt Mitrione) 和格雷格·哈迪 (Greg Hardy) 等足球运动员在综合格斗 (MMA) 领域几乎立即取得了成功, 那么为什么不是像弗洛伊德这样的世界级拳击手呢? 19-0 职业拳击手 Gervonta Davis 已经暗示将追随他的门生弗洛伊德进入 MMA 并表示 他只是在等 Dana White 的电话. 然后还有一些重量级拳击手需要考虑带入笼中, 和世界冠军 安东尼·约书亚热衷于尝试一下, 太.




所以, 如果你相信梅威瑟迄今为止关于这一主题的最具争议性的视频之一,那么梅威瑟在今年 12 月之前踏入笼子参加比赛的可能性很高:



如果有一半的机会,梅威瑟可能会成为一名令人难以置信的综合格斗选手. 他不是一个会轻易接受这样的挑战的人. 他将有最好的方法来进入笼斗状态. 他将把各种兴趣重新带回拳击比赛. MMA 辩论实际上甚至可能激发这场辩论的一个全新阶段. 如果弗洛伊德和 UFC 能够使这种伙伴关系发挥作用,整个格斗运动界都将从中受益.



至于那些认为弗洛伊德会被活活吃掉的人, 他们当然有权表达自己的意见, 但不要用麦格雷戈未能适应拳击作为你对弗洛伊德的限制. 梅威瑟第一次踏入笼子时不会与世界级综合格斗选手较量. 他不会引进像 Paulie Malignaggi 这样的综合格斗选手来跟上这项运动的步伐. 他将不惜一切代价做好尽可能最好的准备. 他已经通过邀请泰伦·伍德利作为他的官方训练伙伴来证明这一点. 他会亲自挑选他的第一个对手,并且在两到三场比赛顺利之前他很可能无法获得冠军头衔.


那些认为自己可以出现在 MMA 健身房并在六周内进入 UFC 级别的人的批评者会说我疯了, 但弗洛伊德确实是一位了不起的运动员,他可以平息他的怀疑者, 他不再年轻了. 现在就解决这个问题:哪种运动真正更适合培养理想的拳击手.

FNU搏击运动展: CM Punk Not Ready for Floyd, UFC Fight Night Preview and Heavyweights who Think Cheating Boxers Should Go to Jail

This week’s FNU Combat Sports Show starts off with Tom and Rich talking MMA for a while and then Tony joins in to cap off the show with a long boxing discussion. 听下面的全部广播:

FNU搏击运动展: Wilder/Ortiz and UFC 222 Recaps

汤姆, Rich and Tony recap UFC 222 and Deontay Wilder vs. 路易斯·奥尔蒂斯, along with the last week’s biggest combat sports news stories. We have a short discussion about the Canelo Alvarez positive PED test, and we also preview upcoming boxing events.


LFA alum emerge as the biggest stars of UFC 222 在拉斯维加斯, 内华达

7 前战士参加比赛,
Several stars are born, 和
$150,000 赚取的奖金
HOUSTON, 得克萨斯州 – 传统格斗联盟 (LFA) 以及合并创建它的两个促销活动, RFA 和 Legacy FC, saw several more alum show up in full force and shine on the biggest stage when the UFC hosted UFC 222 in Las Vegas this past weekend.

Seven former fighters competed, which included three former champions. The seven fighters included Brian Ortega, Sean O’Malley, Mackenzie Dern, Alexander Hernandez, Pedro Munhoz, 扎克·奥托(Zak Ottow), and Jordan Johnson. 那个小组组成了 29.16% 整张卡的. Six of the seven fighters were victorious with the lone loss coming via controversial split decision.
I am always excited to watch the many fighters from LFA, RFA, and Legacy show what they can do in the UFC,” LFA 首席执行官埃德·苏亚雷斯 (Ed Soares) 表示. “What we saw 周六 night at UFC 222 is further proof that we are are producing the top prospects in MMA.

在合作的主要事件, former RFA featherweight champion Brian Ortega, stole the show with a first round knockout of former UFC lightweight champion Frankie Edgar. The undefeated contender known asT-Cityis widely regarded as one of the most dangerous submission masters in the sport, but it was an uppercut that allowed him to become the first person to finish the future Hall of Famer. The win also earned Ortega a shot at the UFC featherweight title and a $50,000 UFC “当晚表演” 奖金.
该 “Sugar Showwas also in full effect on the main card as Sean O’Malley continued to wow fans with his creative and wildly entertaining striking arsenal against Andre Soukhamthath. The LFA standout unleashed a flurry that nearly finished his opponent at the end of Round 1. Soukhamthath was literally saved by the bell as he was stumbling around as the round ended. The second round saw O’Malley impress on the ground with his underrated submission attack. 然而, it was the third and final round, that etched O’Malley’s name in MMA lore. After badly injuring his right foot, to the point he couldn’t stand on it, O’Malley finished out the fight by grappling. The huge lead he had built on the score cards through the first two rounds gave him the Unanimous Decision win. It resulted in a $50,000 UFC “夜扑灭” bonus and the first time Joe Rogan interviewed a winning fighter while he was lying on his back.
Mackenzie Dern made the most anticipated UFC debut of the year in the final fight of the preliminary card. The multiple-time jiu-jitsu world champion got her start in MMA with LFA and Legacy FC. Dern has since seen every step of her progression in the sport followed closely by media and fans alike. The daughter of legendary jiu-jitsu and judo black belt WellingtonMegatonDias, Dern possesses the greatest grappling skills of any woman to compete in MMA. Dern used those skills in her UFC debut to close out the final round on her opponent Ashley Yoder’s back. She was unable to finish the Rear Naked Choke, but it was enough to earn her the Split Decision win.
Alexander Hernandez made his UFC debut on a week’s notice against #12 ranked Beneil Dariush. Like the old adage states, “with great risk comes great reward.The Texan powerhouse, who made his mark under the LFA and RFA banners, wasted no time in dispatching his heavily favored and much more experienced opponent. “Alexander The Greatconnected with a big left hand to knock out Dariush in just 42-seconds. The win earned him the other $50,000 UFC “当晚表演” 奖金.
Zak Ottow also picked up a quick first round win. The RFA and Legacy FC alum earned a TKO win over UFC mainstay Mike Pyle midway through the opening round. The bout served as Pyle’s retirement bout and Ottow gave a touching show of respect to Pyle in his post-fight interview. This was Ottow’s third UFC win and the first after signing a new extension with the promotion.
Jordan Johnson got things moving in the right direction for the LFA alum at UFC 222. The former RFA light-heavyweight champion kept his undefeated record intact with a Split Decision win over former UFC heavyweight Adam Milstead. The win should set up a marquee matchup for the man who was victorious in the final bout under the RFA banner.
九月 2016, RFA 和 Legacy FC 官员宣布他们将合并成立 LFA. This new powerhouse promotion would serve as the premier developmental organization in the sport of Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) 一月开始 2017. RFA 和 Legacy FC 已经开启了超过 130 已经通过在UFC的竞争达到了MMA的巅峰运动员.
LFA returns this 星期五, March 9th 与 LFA 35 – Newell vs. Luque. The main event will feature the comeback fight of bona fide MMA star and inspirational congenital amputee “臭名昭著” Nick Newell when he faces the gritty south Texan and Bellator vet Sonny “萨尔瓦多疯子” Luque. The event will take place at the Arena Theatre in Houston, 得克萨斯州.
LFA 35 will be the fourth LFA event to take place in the City of Houston. It will also be the ninth time that the LFA has traveled to “孤星状态” 德克萨斯州. LFA全主卡 35 将进行现场直播,并在全国范围AXS电视在 9 P.M. AND / 6 P.M. PT.
请访问 LFAfighting.com 对于回合更新和信息. LFA 的 Facebook 网址为 传统格斗联盟. LFA也对在Instagram的 @LFAfighting 和Twitter的 @LFAfighting.