分類存檔: 托尼Penecale

FNU Combat Sports Radio Show: September 15th Broadcast

This week’s radio show features a recap of the Brook vs. Golovkin bout, the defeat of Phil “CM朋克” 布魯克斯, Stipe Miocic’s Heavyweight Title bout with Alistair Overeem and Tony’s visit with former gues Antonio Tarver at a recent Philadelphia boxing event. 湯姆, Tony and Rich also look at some news from combat sports and preview upcoming UFC, Bellator and boxing events.


FNU搏擊運動展: CM Punk’s Debut, UFC搏擊之夜回顧, Brrok vs. Golovkin Preview

湯姆, Tony and Rich discuss the week in Combat Sports, focusing on the recent UFC Fight Night in Hamburg, 德國, the UFC debut of Phil Brooks (A.K.A. CM朋克) and the upcoming battle between Kell Brook and Gennady Golovkin.

FNU Combat Sports Show For September 1, 2016

This Week’s Fight News Unlimited Combat Sports Show looks back at the last two weeks in the world of fighting. We discuss UFC 202, Bellator’s recent signing of Rory MacDonald, Patricky Friere’s broken leg and more. 托尼, Tom and Rich also look forward to upcoming boxing and MMA cards. Listen right here:


Fight News Unlimited Combat Sports Show: 8月18日, 2016


Join Tony “龍捲風” Penecale, “烏合之眾Rousin“” Rich Bergeron and “精神” Tom Padgett as we analyze UFC 202, discuss the budding Pro Fighters Association and go over the weekly combat sports schedule.



Our latest interview with a true class act. Jeff Daniels took to the task of telling his older brother Terry Danielsamazing story with a passion for posterity and a supreme sense of attention to detail. Despite having no book-writing experience, Daniels created what he considered to be as classic as a Beatles album when he finished crafting his masterpiece about a bygone era in the sport of boxing and his brother’s battles with some of the biggest names in the heavyweight division. You can buy the book here: http://amzn.to/1WQMNFO, access Jeff’s site here: http://jeffdanielscompany.com/index.php/about-the-author and watch a short YouTube video promoting the book here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5PDH_Laa6lY. Jeff shares some insights into the writing process during our interview here and takes us back in time in this amazing episode.

從福吉谷賭場龍捲風報告 – 六月 20, 2015


由托尼 “龍捲風” Penecale (馬戲團)



當你簽署戰鬥員之間的拳擊比賽命名為“公牛”和“終極戰士,” it is inevitable that a slugfest will ensure. “The Bull vs The Ultimate Warrior.” In the words of Apollo Creed, 它“聽起來像一個怪物的電影。”

在熱情的觀眾面前,在福吉谷賭場, 與利害攸關的空置賓夕法尼亞州立重量級冠軍, 加勒特“終極戰士”威爾遜和安東尼“牛市”卡普托史密斯發動有8分鐘的激烈毆鬥, 與一大亮點捲軸淘汰賽結束.


威爾遜 (右上), 195, 費城, 走進回合對陣不敗的維亞切斯拉夫·Shabranskyy一個勇敢的表現. 整個環是自己在敦實和積極卡普托史密斯近克隆, 197, 從肯尼特廣場, PA. It was an intriguing matchup between two throw-back fighters trying to rebound from some tough losses and secure a spot as a contender.


The bout opened with both fighters charging out of their corners like a couple of high-mountain rams and locking horns in the center of the ring. Neglecting there was a full ring to operate in; 威爾遜和史密斯卡普托站在自己的立場, 在環的中心交易拳.


雖然史密斯是更積極, 威爾遜密切老拳較高的容積在裡面贏了第一回合, winging right hands to the head and landing short body shots. Wilson’s success continued in the 2ND 圓, 當他降落硬砍權利卷身體, 周圍留下史密斯卡普托的胸腔傷痕.


在左鉤的交換, 威爾遜降落只是一點點快, dropping Caputo Smith to a knee. Caputo Smith bounced up and was ready to resume his head-first attack. Wilson started to change his tactics, 用堅硬的刺拳否定卡普托史密斯的侵略, 抽血卡普托史密斯的鼻子.


未成年漁村–並用自己的武士精神–Caputo Smith kept applying the pressure and engaging Wilson on the inside. 再次, 像兩隻公羊, they locked horns in the center of the ring. In a flash, 威爾遜向後退了幾步,並發動了本壘打勾拳, 沉積卡普托史密斯在他的背上, his head thudding off of the canvas. As the referee Shawn Clark counted, Caputo Smith vainly pulled himself to his feet. Despite courageously beating the count, 他在沒有形狀繼續, 迫使克拉克停止回合在 1:41 馬克.


威爾遜, 新的PA州重量級冠軍, 現 14-9-1 (8 KO的) 而史密斯卡普托下降到 15-5 (10 KO的).




* 米爾頓聖地亞哥, 只有一個星期他高中畢業後, 有過短暫的恐慌中贏得了一致的決定在何塞·米格爾·卡斯特羅.


聖地亞哥, 剛 18 歲, 競得在他的 11 專業回合, 和他年輕的成熟和自信讓人想起一個年輕的威爾弗雷德Benetiz的, 誰是世界冠軍時年僅 17.


聖地亞哥, 140, 費城, 盒裝順利控制了比賽節奏反對卡斯特羅, 138, 北卡羅來納, 波多黎各. Try as he might, 卡斯特羅找不到對時尚的聖地亞哥任何節奏.


聖地亞哥的唯一打嗝進來 2ND 圓, 當他被備份; 他被夾在下巴, sending him to the canvas for a brief count. Upon rising, 聖地亞哥重新控制, 巧妙拳.


對於他的部分, 卡斯特羅從未停止過努力, 降落在一個漂亮的勾拳 4 圓, 並通過繼續他絕望的侵略 5 和 6. But no matter what he did, 聖地亞哥只是一個或兩個在他的前面一步,巡航向下伸展,, 通過相同的比分贏得所有三張牌 59-55.


聖地亞哥提高到 11-0 (3 KO的) 作為卡斯特羅落在下 .500 並且現在 4-5 (2 KO的).


* 當晚最有趣的回合是不敗埃里克春之間的六輪激烈毆鬥, 153, 讀PA, 而心煩頭腦羅伯特·斯威尼, 154, 弗吉尼亞州漢普頓.


決鬥,左撇子快速啟動, 兩個站在彼此的前面, trading punches on near-even terms with Spring just a little bit better. Sweeney pressed the action in the 2ND 圓, 和Spring願意站在自己的立場和反打孔.


激烈和具有高度競爭力的回合繼續擔任右鉤在一場戰鬥 3RD round with the crowd enjoying the entertaining scrap. As the 4 圓開始, 驚人步伐正在採取其收費與兩個打架深呼吸,因為他們繼續交換權力拳.


戰鬥是接近進入最後兩輪, but Spring was just a little bit better down the stretch. The final bell was a welcome respite for the weary warriors.


春天獎勵一致決定勝利的分數 58-56, 59-55, 而令人驚訝的寬 60-54, 提高自己的不敗紀錄 6-0 (1 KO), 作為斯威尼下降到 3-3.


* 哈菲茲蒙哥馬利帶來了熱情的支持者團體對他的專業首演,他以百米衝刺的速度環,以滿足對強硬熟練工布萊恩·多納休.


蒙哥馬利, 207, 紐約, PA, 是更快,更比拋光的鬆弛多納休, 203, 費城. 多納休是扔範圍的內容, single punches. Montgomery attacked in the 2ND 圓,落在了幾個身體拍攝,但他的速度開始放緩,與多納休一輪進步登陸了幾個刺戳.


速度大大減緩了 3RD 和 4 rounds with a tired Montgomery landing a few punches and the slower Donahue offering a few sneers in return. It was no surprise as all three judges scored 40-36, 蒙哥馬利授予他開張的勝利, 送他的支持者變成一個狂熱的歡呼.


蒙哥馬利贏得他的親亮相,現在是 1-0 而多納休下降到 3-13-2.


* 約翰·馬奇在了他的職業生涯的下一步, 把他的不敗紀錄反對的強硬和經驗豐富的35戰鬥老將米蘭達迪奧尼西奧.


馬奇, 167, 盧瑟福, 新澤西州, 找到了早點回家為他的左撇子左直拳, 反對分裂米蘭達對手的後衛和沖洗登陸, 169, 邁阿密, FL. Not to be discouraged, 米蘭達全面降落幾個右手晚.




米蘭達有他最好的成功,在 4 圓了幾個不錯的右手早, 但馬奇迅速恢復的勢頭. 他卓越的技能和工作率就足以控制在最後兩輪動作.


馬奇戰罷一致決定贏得分數 59-55 和 60-54 兩次並保持不敗 11-0 (7 KO的), 而米蘭達下降到 22-12-2 (19 KO的)


* 另一個不敗的前景, 伯爵紐曼, 充分利用了他的機會通過破壞老將拉蒙特雀躍五輪殘酷打動.


紐曼, 177, 布魯克林, 紐約, 開始回合相當緩慢, 允許雀躍, 177, 霍利, PA, to disrupt his momentum by clinching after each punch thrown. Newman started to warm to the task in the 2ND 圓, working behind a stiff jab and penetrating Capers defense with thudding body shots. A thunderous body shot suddenly drove the air from Capers, 折疊他到畫布.


紐曼不停地攻擊耗盡雀躍的 3RD 圓, and the only respite came when Capers took a low blow. The extra minute to recover did very little for him as he continued to take punishment. By the 4 圓, 雀躍是純粹的生存模式與紐曼登陸五大系列直勾拳, 卡珀斯發送到畫布上的 2ND 時間.


紐曼跑來找殺了 5 圓, punishing Capers throughout the round before finally flooring him for the third time with a big uppercut. Capers managed to climb to his feet, 但表示對裁判布萊爾塔爾梅奇說,他受夠了, 促使立即停止在 2:56 馬克.


紐曼保持不敗 6-0 (5 KO的) 與卡珀斯下滑至 5-7.


* 出來向人們展示他的技能是另一個不敗的前景; 斯蒂芬·富爾頓是令人印象深刻的拆解巴勃羅Cupul在三個片面輪.


富爾頓, 123, 費城, 沒有浪費時間,採取的鬥爭Cupul, 120, 聖地亞哥, 例如. Fulton quickly found a home landing his jab to the body and arching his right hand over Cupul’s low left hand, landing it with ease. Despite his courage, Cupul實在太緩慢,太寬,開放競爭.


它成為更糟的來訪戰鬥機 2ND 圓, 作為富爾頓決定增加一個左鉤拳和身體拳打他的阿森納, landing virtually every punch he threw. The beating continued through the 3RD 輪富​​爾頓在主導命令, leaving a badly swollen and beaten Franco wobbling back to his corner. His corner and the doctor decided the punishment over three rounds was more than enough, 前停止回合 4 圓.


富爾頓還保留他的不敗紀錄保存和現在 6-0 (3 KO的) 而老將Cupul逢低 8-18 (5 KO的).



* 塞繆爾·凱諾之前幾個星期所帶來的煙花福吉谷 4 七月, 和Shiwone Gortman是他壓軸的不幸收件人.


醌, 149, 紐約, PA必須從生存的Gortman早期猛攻, 147, 大草原的, MY, 誰從角落裡扔野生猛攻, ineffective punches. Quinones established control late in the round with a combination at the bell.


凱諾開始土地thudding中的鉛的左鉤 2ND 圓而Gortman減少到扔慢, single punches. With Gortman breathing heavily, 醌加強與惡性上手就在 3RD 圓, depositing Gortman flat on his back. It didn’t last much longer as Quinones attacked his wounded prey, 布萊爾迫使以塔爾梅奇停止回合.


凱諾提出了自己的紀錄 9-3 (4 KO的) 而Gortman現在 4-8-1 (2 KO的).


在一個草率的事, 傑克·格雷迪和凱文·加西亞奮力有爭議的四個輪抽籤.


格雷迪, 138, 紐約州布法羅, 一個個子高挑的戰鬥機與笨拙的運動和業餘能力快速啟動, throwing long and sloppy punches. 加西亞, 135, 賓夕法尼亞州菲尼克斯, 降落幾個櫃檯.


Garcia slowly gained control as Grady tired with the bouts spiraling into a crude affair. After four uninspiring rounds, it seemed as Garcia had secured his second professional victory. One judge agreed, awarding him the win by the score of 39-37. 不幸的是,他, 另兩名法官未能就分出勝負決定, 在轉彎分數 38-38, 與布特被宣布多數平局.


加西亞現在 1-1-1 和格雷迪是依然不勝 0-1-1.


本次活動, 馬歇爾考夫曼的國王促銷推廣, was again an entertaining show with an appreciative crowd. The Valley Forge Casino is a fan-friendly place to see a boxing match and there was a lot of mingling going on after the show. Garrett Wilson was wearing his newly-won belt, 握手, and taking photos with friends and fans. His career has been rejuvenated and his smile showed a man that was happy to be back on the right path. His eyes showed a man who knows he is now a target with that belt around his waist. It is exciting to see who he will fight next and where “The Ultimate Warrior” will go from here.


