Category Archives: Showtime

V Las Vegas prihajajo trije dvoboji za naslov svetovnega prvaka

Best Of 154-pound Division je v središču pozornosti kot Erislandy Lara & Vanes Martirosyan se sreča v repasažu za svetovno prvenstvo
Več! Nepremagljeni svetovni prvak Jermall Charlo se brani proti nekdanjemu prvaku Austinu Troutu & Brat dvojček Jermell Charlo se poteguje za prazen pas proti hudo prizadetemu Johnu Jacksonu
Sobota, Maj 21 Iz notranjosti Chelseaja
Cosmopolitan iz Las Vegasa v živo na SHOWTIME
Vstopnice v prodaji Petek, April 15 pri 10 a.m. PT
LAS VEGAS (April 13, 2016) – V središču pozornosti bo 154-kilogramska divizija Sobota, Maj 21 v zloženem tripleheaderju s tremi boji za naslov svetovnega naslova v isti diviziji. Pet od šestih najboljših borcev divizije* se bo pomerilo v živo na SHOWTIME od Chelsea, edinstveno prizorišče s 40.000 kvadratnih metrov, notranjosti Cosmopolitan Las Vegas.
V glavni dogodek, Kubanski senzacija Erislandy “American Dream” Lara bo branil svetovno prvenstvo v super velterski kategoriji po različici WBA proti U.S. Olimpijec in najboljši tekmovalec Kril “Nightmare” Martirosyan v revanš njihovega 2012 dvoboj, ki se je končal s tehničnim remijem.
bratje Jermall in Jermell Charlo se bosta trudila, da bi se zapisala v zgodovino v skupnih dvobojih kot prva dvojčka, ki bosta osvojila naslove svetovnih naslovov v isti diviziji. Neporaženi svetovni prvak v super velterski kategoriji IBF Jermall se sooča s svojo najtežjo preizkušnjo, ko je proti nekdanjemu svetovnemu prvaku ubranil svoj pas.Austin “No Doubt” Trout. Jermell se bo pomeril z razburljivim tekmecem John Jackson v dvoboju za prazno svetovno prvenstvo WBC v super velterski kategoriji.
Spodbujajo Mayweather Promotions in TGB Promotions, vstopnice v predprodaji prizorišča bodo šle v prodajoČetrtek, April 14 pri 10 a.m. PT. Vstopnice za širšo javnost bodo v prodaji Petek, April 15 pri 10 a.m. PT. Cene vozovnic začnejo pri $39, in so na voljo na spletni strani ali prek Ticketmaster na (800) 745-3000 in
Vrata v Chelsea se bodo odprla ob 3 p.m. PT z SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING akcijo, ki se začne ob 9 p.m. IN / 6 p.m. PT. Vsestranski, a intimen prostor v Chelseaju bo ustvaril neprimerljivo izkušnjo za gledalce in ljubitelje boksa..
“Veselim se in vesel sem, da bom naredil svoje 2016 debi v boksarski prestolnici Las Vegasa bo 21. maja,” Said Lara. “Komaj čakam, da pridem v ring, saj imam z Vanesom nedokončane posle. Jaz sem prvak in ostal bom prvak. Ne bom pustil dvoma, kdo je boljši borec, in pokazal bom svetu, da sem najboljši borec v 154-kilogramski diviziji. Ta boj posvečam velikemu človeku in boksarskemu idolu Gilbertu Mendozi Sr. Naj počiva v miru in uživa v tem prikazu mojstrskega boksa iz nebes, ki ga bom oblekel zanj, ko stopim v ring na noč borbe.”
“Erislandy Lara in jaz imava nedokončane posle od prvega boja,” Said Martirosyan. “Tisto noč sem ga dal premagati in premagal ga bom maja 21. Moj čas je zdaj in vem, da bom novi svetovni prvak Maj 21.”
25-letni Charlos cilja na zgodovino proti ostremu nasprotovanju nekdanjega prvaka v Postrvi in ​​olimpijca z Deviških otokov v Jacksonu.
“To bo ustvarjanje zgodovine, rekordna noč za dvojčka Charlo,” je rekel Jermall Charlo. “Vse nam pomeni, da se lahko v dveh prvenstvenih dvobojih borimo na isti karti. To je vse, o čemer smo kdaj sanjali. To bo odlična noč boksa in pripravljam se na vojno. Austin Trout je izkušen veterinar. Boril se je s svetovnimi prvaki in premagal bodočega člana hiše slavnih Miguela Cotta. To je eden mojih največjih bojev do zdaj, vendar se pripravljam na enak način kot vedno. Bom na moji 'A’ Igra. Pripravljen sem pisati zgodovino.”
“Zelo sem navdušen in hvaležen za priložnost, da se borim za svetovni naslov Maj 21,” je dejal Postrv. “To je dvakrat v življenju priložnost za drugi naslov svetovnega prvaka in to bom v celoti izkoristil. Trdo delam in sem že bil na trening kampu v D.C. in pripravljeni v celoti izkoristiti trenutek. Sedel sem pri prvakih’ pred mizo in sem pripravljen, da se spet vrnem in spet jem iz nje. Usoda me je pripeljala sem, da ne izgubim, ampak za zmago. Pokazal se bom in pokazal ta naslov svetovnega prvaka.”
“To je velik boj za mene,” je rekel Jermell Charlo. “To je moja prva priložnost, da se borim za naslov in moj brat je na isti karti, ki brani svoj pas. Še nikoli ni bilo identičnih bratov dvojčkov, ki bi bili oba svetovna prvaka v isti teži. Šli bomo ven in se spisali v zgodovino in poslali sporočilo celotnemu oddelku. Navdušen sem, da pridem v ring in vem, da je tudi John Jackson. To je pomemben čas v moji karieri in dobro bom pripravljen. Naj zmaga najboljši.”
“Zelo sem hvaležen za to priložnost, da postanem svetovni prvak,” Said Jackson. “Zadnja dva meseca sem zelo trdo treniral za ta boj in pridi Maj 21 Zmagal bom nad Jermellom Charlom in uresničil svoje vseživljenjske sanje, da bom postal svetovni prvak, kot moj oče, veliki Julian Jackson.”
“To je še en primer športa SHOWTIME’ zavezanost zagotavljanju najboljše postavitve v boksu,” je dejal Stephen Espinoza, Izvršni podpredsednik & Generalni direktor, Showtime Šport. “Predstavljamo tri pomembne prvenstvene boje v eni najbolj zanimivih mladih boksarskih divizij – tripleheader, ki bo prinesel naše 2016 seštevek dvobojev za naslov svetovnega prvaka 14 – vse brezplačno za naročnike SHOWTIME. Veseli smo, da lahko ponudimo to redko priložnost, da v isti televizijski oddaji vidimo najboljše borce v diviziji.”
“Mayweather Promotions z navdušenjem prinaša tega fantastičnega trojnega svetovnega prvaka v super velterski kategoriji v boj proti navijačem,” povedal Leonard Ellerbe, CEO Mayweather Promotions. “Najboljše iz 154-kilogramske divizije bo na ogled Maj 21 in pričakujemo akcijski večer drame.”
“Zelo smo navdušeni nad sodelovanjem s SHOWTIME na tem zanimivem tripleheaderju,” je dejal Tom Brown TGB Promocije. “Erislandy Lara in Vanes Martirosyan imata za poravnati ogromen rezultat 2012 konec, in Jermall in Jermell Charlo sta v dvobojih z visokimi vložki proti Austinu Troutu in Johnu Jacksonu, zaporedju, v tem, kar obeta zelo zabaven boksarski večer.”
32-letnik Lara je spreten boksar z zmožnostjo izvajanja kazni, medtem ko je v zameno vzeti zelo malo. Lara je zarezami zmag nad Alfredo Angulo, Austin Trout, Ishe Smith in Freddy Hernandez. Kot amater, Lara je osvojil številne naslove, vključno z državnega prvenstva v welterweight in sodelovala tudi pri 2007 Pan-Am igre. Borec prvotno iz Guantanama, Kuba je junija lani prevladala nad Delvinom Rodriguezom, temu pa je sledila prekinitev v tretjem krogu nekdanjega prvaka Jana Zavecka..
Rodil se je v Armeniji, ampak boj iz Glendale, Kaliforniji., Martirosyan zastopani U.S.. pri 2004 Olimpijske igre. Kot strokovni, zmagal je svojo prvo 32 se bori, preden se bori z Laro do neodločenega izida 2012. 29-letnik je v svojem prvem strelu za naslov svetovnega naslova proti Demetriusu Andradeju doživel tesen poraz z delno odločitvijo., vendar se je vrnil s trdnimi zmagami nad Mariom Lozanom, Willie Nelson in nazadnje Ishe Smith.
Novopečeni prvak pri 25 letih, Charlo osvojil svoj naslov s prevladujočo zaustavitvijo v tretjem krogu Corneliusa Bundragea septembra 2015. Stanujoč v Houstonu, Charlo zgradili svoj življenjepis v 2014 s prevladujočim zmagoslavjem nad Hectorjem Munozom, Norberto Gonzale, Lenny Bottai in Michael Finney. V svojem najnovejšem izlet, je uspešno ubranil naslov z ustavitvijo v četrtem krogu Wilkyja Campforta novembra.
V 2004, Trout zmagal v ZDA. National Amateur welterweight prvaka in po plezalni gor uvršča kot elitni pro boksar, je osvojil super welterweight svetovno prvenstvo v 2011 jih premagal Rigoberto Alvareza. V nadaljevanju je opravil štiri uspešne obrambe, vključno z najboljšim v karieri, prevladujoča zmaga nad Miguelom Cottom v New Yorku. Trenutno je v nizu štirih zmag, potem ko je septembra nokavtiral Joeyja Hernandeza in si tako ponudil priložnost za naslov svetovnega naslova..
Za eno minuto mlajši od Jermalla, Jermell Charlo je visoko uvrščen mlad borec, ki želi priti korak bližje naslovu svetovnega naslova. Visok borec za njegovo delitev, 25-letnik si je izboril naslov svetovnega prvaka z zmagami nad Gabrielom Rosadom, Charlie Ota in Mario Lozano v 2014 ter Martirosyan in nekdanji svetovni prvak Joachim Alcine v 2015. Zadnjič je navdušil tako, da se je znebil Alcineja v šestem krogu njihovega boja oktobra v Houstonu..
Odkar zastopa svoje rodne Deviške otoke v 2008 Olimpijske igre, Jackson je ustvaril impresivno profesionalno kariero. St. Borec, rojen v Thomasu, je dobil svojo začetnico 13 bojev po januarskem debiju 2009. 27-letnik si je prislužil št. 1 mesto in zadetek za naslov z izključno zmago nad Dennisom Laurentejem v avgustu. Jackson prihaja iz borbene družine; njegov oče Julian Jackson je bil svetovni prvak in se je bal močnega udarca, medtem ko je njegov brat, Julius, je tekmec v 168-kilogramski utežni kategoriji.
*prek transnacionalne boksarske lestvice
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Swanson Communications: (202) 783-5500
Chris DeBlasio, Showtime Networks Inc.: (212) 708-1633
Matt Donovan, Showtime Networks Inc.: (212) 708-1663
Flo Jocou, Showtime Networks Inc.: (212) 708-7319
John Beyrooty BZA/Showtime: (562) 233-7477
Nicole Craig, Mayweather Promotions: (702) 807-1788
Bernie BahrmaselTGB Promocije: (773) 592-2986
Nicole Sanchez, Cosmopolitan Las Vegas: / (702) 698 7150
Tasha Walker, Kirvin Doak Communications: / (702) 737-3100
Poverilnice za medije:

Ruslan Provodnikov, John Molina Jr. & Citati za kosilo Demetrius Andrade & Photos




Danes v prodaji vstopnice za SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING®Tripleheader med vikendom mednarodne boksarske hiše slavnih iz igralnice Turning Stone v Veroni, NY.

Kliknite TUKAJ Za fotografije iz

Emily Harney/Promocije pasic


NEW YORK (April 12, 2016) – Nekdanji mladinski svetovni prvak v velterski kategoriji Ruslan Provodnikov, nekdanji svetovni naslov challenger John Molina Jr. in neporaženi nekdanji 154-kilogramski svetovni prvak Demetrius Andradev torek sodeloval na medijskem kosilu, ki ga je gostil SHOWTIME® in Banner Promotions pred začetkom vadbenega kampa za svoje Junij 11pretepi, živeti SHOWTIME® od Turning Stone Casino v Verona, NY.


Nekdanja udeleženca boja leta Provodnikov in Molina se bosta srečala vJunij 11 SHOWTIME PRVENSTVO BOKS® Glavni dogodek. Tripleheader se začne pri 9 p.m. ET / 6 p.m. PT in vključuje nekdanjega mladinskega prvaka v srednji kategoriji WBO Demetrius Andrade sooča odpisana Willie Nelson v eliminatorju naslova WBC v super velterski kategoriji. V uvodnem dvoboju, WBC št. 1-uvrščen v lahke kategorije Dejan Zlatčanin bo izpodbijal št. 2-uvrstila Emiliano Marsili za prazno svetovno prvenstvo WBC v lahki kategoriji.


Vstopnice za dogodek v živo, ki ga promovira Banner Promotions, Inc., stanejo $85, $60, $45 in $35 in so v prodaji sedaj. Vstopnice lahko kupite osebno na blagajni Turning Stone, s klicem 877.833.SHOW, ali na spletni strani Ticketmaster (


Spodaj je tisto, kar so borci imeli za povedati:



»Takoj, ko sem slišal ime John Molina, skočil sem na to. Molina se bori s slogom, ki ga ljudje želijo videti. On vloži tožbo.


»Junij 11 je še ena borba tipa Fight of the Year. Lahko pričakujemo, ognjemet.


»Ljudje pričakujejo akcijske boje, ko pridem v ring. Cenim, da je SHOWTIME videl vrednost v tem, kar lahko ponudim, in želim se prepričati, da jih ne bom razočaral.


»Videl sem samo eno njegovo borbo, in to je bil boj z (Lucas) Matthysse. Ta boj kaže, kakšen borec je.


"Mislim, da se bodo naši stili spopadli. Razlog, zakaj ljudje to ljubijo, je, ker je nepredvidljivo. Nihče ne ve, kaj se bo zgodilo Junij 11. Nihče ne more niti napovedati, v katero smer bo šlo. Oba sva udarca, oba greva naprej, oba se boriva v tveganem slogu. Mislim, da bo ta boj postal boj, ki bi ga morali gledati vsi.


"Boj je že velika motivacija, ampak dejstvo, da je Hall of Fame isti vikend, je vsekakor super. Vsekakor sem vesel, da to vem, ker upam, da bom nekega dne lahko del tega."





»Nikoli ne rečemo umri borci. Pridemo naprej. To je dobesedno kot dva vlaka, ki bosta trčila. To je boj, ki ga ni mogoče zamuditi.


»On je hudičev borec. Ima veliko srce in veliko voljo.


"Takoj zdaj, moj edini fokus je – in vem, da se sliši generično –, vendar se osredotočam le na Ruslana Provodnikova. Trenutno si zasluži mojo nerazdeljeno pozornost, ker je tak borec.


»Pripraviti se moram na nekoga, ki ima stališče nikoli ne reci umreti. Je kot virus, ki nikoli ne bo izginil. Je hudičev borec - ima veliko srce in veliko voljo. Težko je premagati fanta, ki želi zmagati.


»Navijačem bomo privoščili poslastico, boj tipa Gatti-Ward. Ne pričakujem nič manj. Lahko imamo telefonsko govorilnico, ne potrebujemo velikega prstana.


"Sodnikom verjetno sploh ni treba biti tam, ker bomo sami odločali o boju."


Demetrius ANDRADE


"Willie Nelson, vstopil bo in poskušal bo vreči te močne udarce. Poskušal me bo premagati in dati izjavo, ampak to počnem že predolgo. Pripravljen sem biti tam, kjer moram biti, kjer si zaslužim biti, in to je na vrhu.

»Nisem zaskrbljen zaradi obročaste rje. V telovadnici sem ostal, kot bi moral pravi prvak. V igri sem še mlad, zato mislim, da ne bi smel imeti težav z gledanjem ali izogibanjem udarcem.


"Prepričan sem in vem, da sem najboljši 154-pounder tam, in ta boj tukaj bo ljudem dal vedeti, da sem spet v poslu.


»Vsi poznajo delo, ki sem ga vložil. Čas je zdaj in čas prihaja.


"Pripravljen sem se ponovno predstaviti oboževalcem boksa in jim pokazati, da sem najboljši 154-kilometer na svetu.


"Po tem boju z Williejem Nelsonom, Načrtujem se boriti proti zmagovalcu Jermella Charla in Johna Jacksona in dobiti ta WBC pas. In po tem, Želim se soočiti s preostalo divizijo in dokazati, da sem najboljši."



Za več informacij obiščite in sledite na TwitterjuSHOSports, BannerBoxing;RuslanProvod, @johnmolinajr135 ali postanejo oboževalec na Facebooku


BROOKLYN, NY (April 12, 2016) – Kot otrok je odraščal v Magnitogorsku, Rusija,cruiserweight Alexey Zubov slišal zgodbe o legendarnem Kronk Gymu in pokojnem legendarnem trenerju Emanuelu Stewardu, a nikoli si ni mislil, da se bo imel priložnost pridružiti ekipi. Ampak potem nekega dne, nekdanjega amaterskega prvaka so prosili, naj pride v Detroit, da bi se pomeril s Kronkovim Johnathonom Banksom … in ostalo je zgodovina.
To Petek, April 15, neporaženi Zubov (10-0, 6 Kos) se bo pomeril z Mandilestijem, Moldavija Konstantin Bejenaru (10-0, 4 Kos, WSB: 0-1-1) v uvodu osmih krogov mednarodne televizije ShoBox: New Generation v živo na SHOWTME (10 p.m. IN/PT, odloži na zahodni obali) ob Turning Stone Resort Casino v Veroni, New York.
Predstavlja Salita Promotions v sodelovanju z AASHA Record Breakers,na glavnem dogodku bo IBF št. 10-uvrščen v bantam Nikolay Potapov (14-0, 6 Kos), iz Podolska, Rusija, prevzema Stephon Young (14-0-2, 6 Kos), sv. Louis, Missouri v dvoboju v 10 krogih. V so-glavni dogodek, Eudy Bernardo (21-0, 15 Kos) obrazov Dominikanske republike Mason “Rock Hard Mighty” Menard (30-1-0, 22 Kos), od Rayne, Louisiana, v bitki v osmih krogih.
Vstopnice so zdaj v prodaji in jih je mogoče kupiti na blagajni Turning Stone Resort Casino, s klicem 877.833.SHOW, ali na spletni strani So po ceni $60 za ringu sedežev, $35 in $25.
“Zadnja dva meseca sem bil v Detroitu in tako sem vesel; Želim ostati tukaj, treniraj tukaj in živi tukaj,” je rekel Zubov. “Vsak ruski borec ve za Kronk Gym in Emanuela Stewarda.”
Zubov trenutno zaključuje kamp s svojim trenerjem in Stewardovim nečakom Javanom “Sladkor” Hill v obuditvi Kronk Gym. “Všeč mi je Javanov stil,” je rekel Zubov, “in toliko sem se naučil o hitrosti rok in delu nog ter o uporabi inteligence v ringu – kako moraš razmišljati, ko si v boju.”
“Alexey se lahko veliko nauči in zlahka absorbira boksarsko znanje,” je rekel Hill. “Komaj govori angleško, vendar se v to vpije. Neverjetno je. Pripeljal sem ga v sparing z Banksom in ko smo trenirali, Aleksej je samo sedel ob strani in gledal. Kasneje, Špariral je z Johnathonom in rekel sem mu, naj neha. Rekel sem 'Poslušaj tukaj. Treniram Jonathona Banksa in ti delaš vse, kar sem mu rekel. Kaj je narobe s teboj?’ Nato sem se zasmejal in rekel: 'To mi je všeč. Gledaj naprej. Naučil te bom vsega, kar želiš vedeti.’ “
Hill pravi, da je bil ta tabor z Zubovim prehod za borca. “Prehajamo na prvenstveno raven, kjer treniraš za določenega borca. Veliko je strategije in načrtovanja. Edina stvar, ki me skrbi, je, da je preveč navdušen. Je zelo vztrajen in želi stvari dokazati. Moram ga nadzorovati in preprečiti, da bi bil preveč navdušen. To je tisto, na čemer smo delali. Ko je navdušen, postane jezen.”
“Usposabljanje je bilo prefekt. Jaz sem 100 odstotno pripravljen,” je rekel Zubov. “Vem, da je Bejenaru levičar in je nizek tip z dobrim rekordom. Prvič sem v SHOWTIME in tako sem vesel, da lahko svetu pokažem, kaj zmorem.”

Demetrius Andrade vs. Willie Nelson WBC Super Welterweight Title Eliminator Added to SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING®on June 11


All Logos3

Dejan Zlaticanin To Face Emiliano Marsili For WBC Lightweight World Championship In Opening Bout Of Ruslan Provodnikov vs. John Molina Jr. Tripleheader

Živi na Showtime® Na 9 p.m. IN/6 p.m. PT

During International Boxing Hall of Fame Weekend

From Turning Stone Resort Casino in Verona, NY.

NEW YORK (April 11, 2016) – An outstanding super welterweight clash has been added to SHOWTIME PRVENSTVO BOKS na Sobota, Junij 11 as undefeated, former WBO Junior Middleweight Champion Demetrius Andrade will face hard-hitting perennial contender Willie Nelson v eliminatorju naslova WBC v super velterski kategoriji. The winner of the 12-round co-feature will become the mandatory challenger to the winner of the Maj 21 showdown between Jermell Charlo and John Jackson, who face off for the vacant WBC 154-pound title on SHOWTIME.


Andrade vs. Nelson will serve as the chief support to the all-action matchup between former junior middleweight world champion Ruslan Provodnikov and former world title challenger John Molina Jr., živijo na Showtime (9 p.m. IN/6 p.m. PT) od Turning Stone Casino v Veroni, New York. Andrade vs. Nelson is a co-promotion with Banner Promotions, Joe DeGuardia’s Star Boxing and DiBella Entertainment


In the opening bout of the SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING tripleheader during International Boxing Hall of Fame weekend, WBC št. 1-uvrščen v lahke kategorije Dejan Zlaticanin will take on No. 2-uvrstila Emiliano Marsili za prazno svetovno prvenstvo WBC v lahki kategoriji.


Fighting out of his native Providence, R.I., the 28-year-old Andrade has compiled an unblemished record of 22-0 s 15 knockouts since turning professional in 2008 after representing the United States in the 2008 Olimpijske igre v Pekingu, Kitajska.


A crafty southpaw with a piston-like jab and knockout power in each hand, Andrade won the vacant WBO Junior Middleweight World Championship with a career-best performance over Vanes Martirosyan on November 9, 2013 and successfully defended the title against No. 1-ranked mandatory challenger Brian Rose on June 14, 2014. Most recently Andrade, who is a consensus top-5 super welterweight, scored a second-round knockout over Dario Fabian Pucheta on October 17, 2015.


A true road warrior who is extremely tall for a junior middleweight at 6-foot-3, Nelson (25-2-1, 15 KO je) has faced and defeated numerous top contenders over his 10-year career. Fighting only once in 2015, the Cleveland native upset highly regarded and undefeated junior middleweight prospect Tony Harrison with a ninth-round knockout on Julij 11 v Tampi, Florida. In his first start of 2016, Nelson stopped Jonathan Batista in the second round on March 25.


Other notable names the all-action Nelson has defeated include John Jackson, Luciano Cuello, Michael Medina and Yudel Jackson. Oktobra 14, 2014, Nelson came up just short against Martirosyan, losing a hotly contested 10-round decision on SHOWTIME.


The southpaw Zlaticanin (17-0, 10 Kos) was an accomplished amateur in Eastern Europe before making a statement in his U.S. debut with an impressive fourth-round TKO of previously undefeated Ivan Redkach in a 135-pound title eliminator last Junij 13na Showtime.


Two bouts prior to the win over Redkach, Dejan (pronounced “DAY-han) Zlaticanin (silent “z” – pronounced “la-ti-CAH-nin) earned a well-deserved 12-round split decision over hometown favorite and former two-division world champion Ricky Burns in 2014.


The 31-year-old Zlaticanin is an offensive-minded fighter who constantly pressures his opponents, outworks them and wears them down. Zlaticanin, of the Southeastern European country of Montenegro, will be making his first start in nearly 12 mesecev.


The win over Redkach last June earned Redkach the WBC’s mandatory position at 135 funtov. He was scheduled to face WBC Champion Jorge Linares in early 2016, but Linares pulled out of the bout with a broken hand. Due to the injury, the WBC has since named Linares their champion in recess, creating the opportunity for the vacant title shot.


The Italian Marsili (32-0-1, 14 Kos) bo njegov 2016, U.S.. and SHOWTIME debut. The undefeated southpaw has fought all but one of his professional fights in Italy, the lone exception a 2012 TKO of veteran contender Derry Matthews in Britain.


The 39-year old fought twice in 2015, a seventh-round TKO of Gyorgy Mizsei Jr., for the European lightweight belt and a 12-round unanimous decision over Gamaliel Diaz for the WBC’s 135-pound silver title.


Za več informacij obiščite in www.banner-promotions.comsledite na TwitterjuSHOSports, BannerBoxing; RuslanProvod, @johnmolinajr135 ali postanejo oboževalec na Facebooku na

Former World Champion Chad Dawson, Featherweight Contender Ryan Kielczweski & Undefeated Prospects Antonio Russell & Carlos Gongora Highlight Undercard Action on Saturday, April 16 From Foxwoods Resort Casino in Mashantucket, CT.

Doubleheader of World Title Fights Featured on
(11 p.m. IN/8 p.m. PT)
MASHANTUCKET, CT (April 11, 2016) – A stacked undercard of action featuring former world champion “Bad” Chad Dawson (33-4, 18 Kos), Peresno bojevnik Ryan Kielczweski (24-1, 7 Kos) and undefeated prospects Antonio Russell (5-0, 4 Kos) in Carlos Góngora (4-0, 3 Kos) gre za Foxwoods Resort Casino v Mashantucket, CT., na Sobota, April 16.
The event is headlined by a SHOWTIME PRVENSTVO BOKS doubleheader of world title fights: WBC lahka stvar svetovni prvak Gary Russell Jr. battles Ireland’s Patrick “Punisher” Hyland and IBF Junior Lightweight World Champion Jose “Sniper” Pedraza takes on top contender Stephen “Swifty” Smith from the UK, pri televiziji pokritost, ki se začnejo v živo na Showtime na 11 p.m. IN/8 p.m. PT.
Dawson will face the veteran Cornelius White (23-4, 17 Kos) v 10 krogu svetlobe težji dvoboj, Kielczweski enters the ring for eight rounds of featherweight action, Gongora competes in a super middleweight attraction while Russell takes on Leonardo Reyes (3-9, 1 KO) in a bantamweight fight.
Also entering the ring is popular super bantamweight contender Shelley Vincent (16-0, 1 KO) out of Providence, RI., who will have plenty of support behind her when she takes on New Mexico’s Elizabeth Anderson (4-7, 1 KO) v šestih krogu dvoboja z.
Rounding out the action are a pair of prospects making their pro debuts as Providence’s Anthony Marsella Jr. fights in a four-round junior welterweight match and Connecticut’s Mykquan Williams in a four-round welterweight contest. Williams is a highly touted local prospect who fought to a 45-13 amateur record including three gold medal performances at the Ringside World Tournament.
Nekdanji svetovni prvak v svetlo težji, Dawson returns to the ring looking for the 34th Zmaga svoji uspešni karieri. 33-year-old lastnik zmage nad nekdanji svetovni prvaki Bernard Hopkins, Antonio Tarver and Tomasz Ademek and most recently defeated Shujaa El Amin in December 2015. The veteran owns a 17-1 record in fights in his home state of Connecticut. He takes on the veteran White out of Houston who picked up victories in his last two starts over Marcus Oliveira and William Johnson.
Runner-up v 2008 Turnir National Golden Glove, 25-year-old Kielczweski has become a staple fighting in his native New England. Rodil in odraščal v Quincy, Mass., he bounced back from his first defeat to deliver a first-round knockout over Anthony Napunyi in May 2015 and followed that up with a victory over veteran contender Rafael Vazquez in October of last year. During this camp, Kielczweski served as a chief sparring partner of the 126-pound champion Russell Jr.
Twice a National Golden Gloves runner up, Russell won the national championship in 2013 and he now looks to follow in the footsteps of his older brother and current 126-pound world champion Gary. A 23-year-old fighting out of Washington, D. C., Antonio has won four of his five fights inside of the distance. He faces the 22-year-old Mexican Reyes.
Fighting out of Brooklyn but originally from Esmereldas, Ekvador, Gongora was an Olympian in 2008 in 2012. Ker se obrača v pro 2015, the 26-year-old has picked up four victories, including a fourth-round stoppage of Derrick Adkins in his most recent triumph in January.
Za več informacij, Obisk, sledite na TwitterjuSHOSports, MrGaryRussellJr, @PajPunisher, @Sniper_Pedraza, @SwiftySmith, LouDiBella, @FoxwoodsCT in @Swanson_Comm ali postanite oboževalec na Facebooku na, in


Encore Presentation of SHOWTIME BOXING INTERNATIONAL®Airs Ponedeljek Na 10 p.m. IN/PT Na Showtime EXTREME®


Kliknite tukaj Za Fotografije; Credit Matchroom Sport


LONDON (April 9, 2016) – Anthony Joshua is the new IBF Heavyweight Champion of the World.


The undefeated knockout artist blasted defending champion Charles Martin in the second round to capture the IBF belt on Saturday in front of a rousing hometown crowd at The O2 in London on SHOWTIME BOXING INTERNATIONAL.


Joshua, who kept his perfect KO record in tact to advance to 16-0 s 16 Kos, earned a heavyweight belt in the fewest number of fights since Michael Bentt beat Tommy Morrison in just his 12th pro match in 1993.


Joshua’s one-punch KO power was evident early. After an even first, the 2012 Olympic Gold Medalist floored Martin with a straight right less than one minute into the second round. The southpaw looked stunned and slowly rose to beat the count, but was floored again with another right hand just seconds later. That was it for Martin (23-1-1, 21 Kos), who had won the belt in January under bizarre circumstances and now owns the second shortest reign for a heavyweight champion.


“I’m only one-quarter of the way there,” said Joshua., who has expressed his desire to unify the heavyweight division. “I’m not going to get too carried away because we still have work to do. Imamo (David) Haye calling me out, Tyson Fury calling me out. I need to keep on pushing if I’m going to maintain at a high level.


Three World Title Fights Including Lara vs. Martirosyan Rematch & The Charlo Twins Attempting To Make History In SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING® Tripleheader


Sobota, Maj 21 Live On SHOWTIME At 9 p.m. IN/6 p.m. PT

NEW YORK (April 9, 2016) – The 154-pound division will take center stage on Sobota, Maj 21 in a SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING tripleheader featuring three world title fights in the same division. In a rare showcase of the division’s elite, five of the top-six super welterweights* will square off live on SHOWTIME at 9 p.m. IN/6 p.m. PT. Venue and ticket information are forthcoming.


(*prek transnacionalne boksarske lestvice)


V glavni dogodek, Erislandy “The American Dream” Lara—the consensus No. 1 borec na 154 pounds—will defend his WBA Super Welterweight World Championship against U.S. Olimpijec in najboljši tekmovalec Vanes “The Nightmare” Martirosyan v revanš njihovega 2012 dvoboj, ki se je končal s tehničnim remijem.


bratje Jermall in Jermell Charlo se bosta trudila, da bi se zapisala v zgodovino v skupnih dvobojih kot prva dvojčka, ki bosta osvojila naslove svetovnih naslovov v isti diviziji. Neporaženi svetovni prvak v super velterski kategoriji IBF Jermall se sooča s svojo najtežjo preizkušnjo, ko je proti nekdanjemu svetovnemu prvaku ubranil svoj pas. Austin “No Doubt” Trout. Jermell se bo pomeril z razburljivim tekmecem John Jackson v dvoboju za prazno svetovno prvenstvo WBC v super velterski kategoriji.


The event is being promoted by Mayweather Promotions and TGB Promotions.


With five of the top-six ranked fighters on the telecast, the Maj 21matchups join an already stellar slate of recently announced boxing events on SHOWTIME. The super welterweights join the top fighters at featherweight, welterweight, super middleweight and heavyweight in a series of fights that features accomplished champions and young stars facing each other in the most significant divisional matches that can be made.

“This is yet another example of SHOWTIME Sports’ commitment to delivering the best lineup in boxing,"Je dejal Stephen Espinoza, Izvršni podpredsednik & Generalni direktor, Showtime Šport. “We’re featuring three important championship fights in one of boxing’s most intriguing young divisions – a tripleheader that will bring our 2016 seštevek dvobojev za naslov svetovnega prvaka 14 – all free to SHOWTIME subscribers. We’re excited to offer this rare opportunity to see the top fighters in a division all on the same telecast.”


“Mayweather Promotions z navdušenjem prinaša tega fantastičnega trojnega svetovnega prvaka v super velterski kategoriji v boj proti navijačem,” povedal Leonard Ellerbe, CEO Mayweather Promotions. “Najboljše iz 154-kilogramske divizije bo na ogled Maj 21 in pričakujemo akcijski večer drame.”


“Zelo smo navdušeni nad sodelovanjem s SHOWTIME na tem zanimivem tripleheaderju,” said Tom Brown of TGB Promotions. “Erislandy Lara and Vanes Martirosyan have a huge score to settle from their 2012 konec, in Jermall in Jermell Charlo sta v dvobojih z visokimi vložki proti Austinu Troutu in Johnu Jacksonu, zaporedju, v tem, kar obeta zelo zabaven boksarski večer.”


A technical master, Lara is considered one of the toughest men to beat in the sport and will look to continue his reign at 154 pounds against the always-game Martirosyan, who is set on becoming a world champion on his second try.


25-letni Charlos cilja na zgodovino proti ostremu nasprotovanju nekdanjega prvaka v Postrvi in ​​olimpijca z Deviških otokov v Jacksonu.


32-letnik Lara je spreten boksar z zmožnostjo izvajanja kazni, medtem ko je v zameno vzeti zelo malo. Lara je zarezami zmag nad Alfredo Angulo, Austin Trout, Ishe Smith in Freddy Hernandez. Kot amater, Lara je osvojil številne naslove, vključno z državnega prvenstva v welterweight in sodelovala tudi pri 2007 Pan-Am igre. Borec prvotno iz Guantanama, Kuba je junija lani prevladala nad Delvinom Rodriguezom, temu pa je sledila prekinitev v tretjem krogu nekdanjega prvaka Jana Zavecka..


Rodil se je v Armeniji, ampak boj iz Glendale, Kaliforniji., Martirosyanzastopani U.S.. pri 2004 Olimpijske igre. Kot strokovni, zmagal je svojo prvo 32 se bori, preden se bori z Laro do neodločenega izida 2012. 29-letnik je v svojem prvem strelu za naslov svetovnega naslova proti Demetriusu Andradeju doživel tesen poraz z delno odločitvijo., vendar se je vrnil s trdnimi zmagami nad Mariom Lozanom, Willie Nelson in nazadnje Ishe Smith.

Novopečeni prvak pri 25 letih, Charlo osvojil svoj naslov s prevladujočo zaustavitvijo v tretjem krogu Corneliusa Bundragea septembra 2015. Stanujoč v Houstonu, Charlo zgradili svoj življenjepis v 2014 s prevladujočim zmagoslavjem nad Hectorjem Munozom, Norberto Gonzale, Lenny Bottai in Michael Finney. V svojem najnovejšem izlet, je uspešno ubranil naslov z ustavitvijo v četrtem krogu Wilkyja Campforta novembra.


V 2004, Trout zmagal v ZDA. National Amateur welterweight prvaka in po plezalni gor uvršča kot elitni pro boksar, je osvojil super welterweight svetovno prvenstvo v 2011 jih premagal Rigoberto Alvareza. V nadaljevanju je opravil štiri uspešne obrambe, vključno z najboljšim v karieri, prevladujoča zmaga nad Miguelom Cottom v New Yorku. Trenutno je v nizu štirih zmag, potem ko je septembra nokavtiral Joeyja Hernandeza in si tako ponudil priložnost za naslov svetovnega naslova..


Za eno minuto mlajši od Jermalla, Jermell Charlo je visoko uvrščen mlad borec, ki želi priti korak bližje naslovu svetovnega naslova. Visok borec za njegovo delitev, 25-letnik si je izboril naslov svetovnega prvaka z zmagami nad Gabrielom Rosadom, Charlie Ota in Mario Lozano v 2014 ter Martirosyan in nekdanji svetovni prvak Joachim Alcine v 2015. Zadnjič je navdušil tako, da se je znebil Alcineja v šestem krogu njihovega boja oktobra v Houstonu..


Odkar zastopa svoje rodne Deviške otoke v 2008 Olimpijske igre,Jackson je ustvaril impresivno profesionalno kariero. St. Borec, rojen v Thomasu, je dobil svojo začetnico 13 bojev po januarskem debiju 2009. 27-letnik si je prislužil št. 1 mesto in zadetek za naslov z izključno zmago nad Dennisom Laurentejem v avgustu. Jackson prihaja iz borbene družine; his father John David Jackson was a world champion and feared power-puncher while his brother, Julius, je tekmec v 168-kilogramski utežni kategoriji.


Za več informacij obiščite,, follow on Twitter @MayweatherPromo, TGBPromotions, SHOSports, LaraBoxing, @VanesBoxing, FutureOfBoxing, NoDoubtTrout, @TwinCharlo and @Swanson_Comm, Postani fan na Facebooku,





From The O2 In London

Kliknite TUKAJ Download Fotke; Credit: Matchroom Sport


IBF Heavyweight World Championship – 12 Rounds

Charles Martin – 245 Funtov

Anthony Joshua – 244 Funtov


IBF Featherweight World Championship – 12 Rounds

Lee Selby – 125 Funtov

Eric Hunter – 125 ¼ Pounds


OPOMBA: Highlight coverage of Selby vs. Hunter will air on to soboto jeSHOWTIME BOKS INTERNATIONAL® televizijska oddaja, preceding the live presentation of the IBF Heavyweight World Championship between unbeaten American titlist Charles Martin and fellow unbeaten British Olympic Gold Medalist Anthony Joshua. Martin vs. Joshua airs live on SHOWTIME® pri 5 p.m. IN/2 p.m. PT.



SHOWTIME PRVENSTVO BOKS® World Title Doubleheader

Živi na Showtime® (11 p.m. IN/8 p.m. PT) od
Foxwoods Resort Casino in Mashantucket, CT

NEW YORK (April 7, 2016) – The boxers who will be fighting Sobota, April 16 on aSHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING® world title doubleheader are deep into their respective training camps as they continue preparation for their bouts at Foxwoods Resort Casino v Mashantucket, CT.


V glavni dogodek, živeti SHOWTIME® (11 p.m. IN/8 p.m. PT), the talented and speedy southpaw Gary Russell Jr. (26-1, 15 Kos) makes the first defense of his WBC Featherweight World Title against Irish contender Patrick Hyland (31-1, 15 Kos). In the SHOWTIME co-feature, unbeaten sniper Jose Pedraza (21-0, 12 Kos) risks his IBF 130-pound world title as he defends his title for the second time against a mandatory challenger, Stephen Smith (23-1, 13 Kos).


Russell, who won the 126-pound title with a fourth-round knockout over defending champion Jhonny Gonzalez marca 28, 2015, trains in Washington, Enosmerno.


Hyland, whose only loss suffered was to WBA Super Featherweight World Champion Javier Fortuna, has been training at a gym in Dublin, Slovenija, owned and operated by his trainer, Paschala Collinsa, whose older brother Steve was a former two-time WBO world champion. Paschal Collins also boxed as a pro but is best known for being Irish heavyweight Kevin McBride’s head trainer during his shocking knockout of Mike Tyson.


The switch-hitting Pedraza, a 2012 Portoričan Olympian, has been working out in his native Puerto Rico. Smith, iz Liverpoola, Anglija, has been training in the UK.


Below is what the confident boxers had to say with less than two weeks to go before their major fights:


GARY RUSSELL JR., WBC lahka stvar svetovni prvak

(On Training Camp)

“I’ve been in camp in Washington, Enosmerno. for about eight weeks. I suffered the head butt before my November fight but I have been able to train this whole time and returned to sparring eight weeks ago. It’s been a really long training camp but I’m ready to go. This is the hardest part. Fighting is easy, but the preparation before the fight is where the hard work comes in. Being out of the ring so long is difficult, but it’s part of the business. Everything happens for a reason and I’m just really keyed in mentally.”


(On fighting Patrick Hyland)

“Hyland is going to come in there to win. You have to have that confidence to get in the ring. He’s preparing himself, but the question is, will it be good enough? I highly doubt it. We don’t take anyone lightly and we prepare to the best of our abilities. Everyone in the ring can pull off the upset. That’s why I have to be prepared to the fullest.”


“He’s not really a pressure fighter so I might have to take the fight to him. He’s long and rangy and he tries to keep his distance. He’s not a big puncher but he definitely has the ability to steal a fight.”


(On the fighting Russell family)

“My brother Antuanne made the 2016 U.S.. Olympic Team in the 141-pound division and he has a chance soon to qualify for the games with a tournament in Azerbaijan. My other brother Antonio is going to be on my undercard as well. Within my family we’re actually the first set of four brothers to all win the National Golden Gloves. That just goes to show the level of coaching we get from our dad, to have a world champion, two Olympians and four National Golden Gloves winners. We’re trying to leave a legacy in this sport. We’re all very similar in temperament and attitude. We all want to be world champions.”


(On dealing with injuries)

“I’ve never had a fight where I was 100 odstotkov. There’s always been something going on. I have had hand injuries since the beginning of my career but we have creative ways to handle that and preserve my hands. Sedaj, Počutim se odlično. I just have to pick my shots more, but that’s where the speed becomes a factor.”


(On possible future opponents)

“If I can get by Hyland, I want to fight the winner of the Lee Selby vs. Eric Hunter fight and unify titles. After that I’d like to see Leo Santa Cruz and take care of that. Then I want another crack at Vasyl Lomachenko. I don’t care what weight Lomachenko is at, I’ll follow him. He has to see me.”
PATRICK HYLAND, Peresno Contender


(On Training Camp)

“I’ve been training at Celtic Warriors Gym in Dublin since before Christmas because I had a fight here (Slovenija) na Februar. 6 but pulled out when I got word that I was fighting on March 12 (na Mohegan Sun). When that fight was postponed, I took it easy for two weeks until the April 16show was announced. That’s when I started picking up training again. I’ve been training really hard and putting everything on the line to become WBC champ. We plan to arrive in the U.S. a week prior to the fight.”

(On fighting Gary Russell Jr.)
“To challenge a great champion, Gary Russell, Jr., is an honor for me. I think Gary is an awesome fighter with great hand speed and boxing ability. I’ve been working with Jono Carroll, an unbeaten Irish southpaw with good hand speed and good movement, who is ideal for what I have to work on to beat Russell.”

(On fighting again in the U.S.)
“I love fighting in the U.S. because there’s always a great atmosphere at the fights and it’s the real home of boxing. I’ve met friends for life who I consider family from the Marlboro area (Hyland lived in Marlboro, NY, for a couple of years). They’ll be at this fight, as always.”

(On the fighting Hyland brothers)
My brothers are no longer fighting. Their last fights were on the same show, Jan. 28, 2012 v Atlantic City, which I headlined in (against Emmanuel Lucero). My older brother, Edward (“Pride of Tallaght”) fought at super featherweight. He runs his own Boxing Club in Dublin. My other brother, Paulie, was a former European and Irish super bantamweight champion. He is back doing a bit of training. No other members of our Hyland family were in professional boxing. I’m hoping we’re not the last, čeprav, as I’ve got a few nephews and my own son now. One day they might lace up the gloves.”

Jose Pedraza, IBF Super Featherweight World Champion


(On Training Camp)

“I am currently training in the Municipal gym in Cidra, P.R., where I took my first steps in boxing. I decided to train here because it feels like home and I can feel the warmth of my people and I am able to set an example for those who are starting out in boxing as well.”

“My training started in December and it is divided into two sections (morning and evening). During the morning portion we work on all of the specifics of boxing, including gloving up in addition to physical training lasting about three and a half hours. For the evening portion of the training I run. Two days a week it is track training and four days of the week it is distance running for about two hours in the evening, making it a total of about five and a half to six hours of work daily.’’

(On his diet)

“Actually, thank God, I do not have a strict diet and can eat all varieties of foods. I am doing really well with weight and I just reduce portions in the evenings during the final stages of the camp to meet the required 130 funtov. That’s why I do not miss any foods. My favorite foods are steak and other grilled foods. After the weigh-in I prefer the pastas my mom makes. She always prepares three different kinds for me.’’


(On his team)

“My team is composed of Mr. Luis Espada (trainer-manager), Francisco Flores (conditioning and track trainer), Andres Melendez (Moč in naprave) in dr. Hector Santos (cutman and spiritual director). I’ve been with my trainer, who is my father, za 14 years ever since I threw my first punch. I haven’t made any major changes since I became champion. I’ve remained the same humble young man from a small town. I just push myself more to reach the bigger fights in the five categories from 130 to 154.”


(On his challenger Stephen Smith)

“I have seen some videos with my team of his fights and I can see that he is a boxer with a lot of resources who utilizes hooks to the body just as much as to the head. He is strong but something that works in my favor is that he is a come-forward fighter. He can handle 12 rounds comfortably. I hope on fight night I can neutralize all of his abilities and get the victory. I wouldn’t doubt if the win came by a KO anywhere from the sixth through the eighth round.’’

(Plans for his future in boxing)

“There are conversations about going up to 135. I’ve been at this weight since 2007; my body is demanding for me to go up to 135. Eventually my aspirations as a boxer are to be able to make boxing history not just in Puerto Rico but in the world. I want to go up and be the champion in five categories.”

“First and foremost I would like to face Francisco Vargas; he’s a seasoned boxer and is strong with a lot of rage. He went to the Olympics like I did in 2008 and he became a champion in what could be considered the fight of the year for 2015, very dramatic. It would be the Mexico vs. Puerto Rico rivalry. Another fighter who I would like to face is the champion Javier Fortuna. He is simply just a loud mouth with a poor memory (or selective memory) but I’ll send him a note to look up what happened in boxing history during the Roman Cup 2006 v Dominikanski republiki. I’ll leave it to him as an assignment.’’


(On his inspiration and role models)

“My biggest inspiration is my family. It is they who always, dan za dnem, are there supporting me as my No. 1 fan. I am a pro-family man and my family is my engine with God as my strength. Together they inspire me to carry the responsibility on my shoulders of doing my best in and out of the ring.’’


“Floyd Mayweather. He is an intelligent boxer and his abilities distinguish himself. He also works and trains very hard and puts in the gym time. He’s a man of his word and he invests 100 percent to each in his training camps and knows how to manage his fans as well. So many fans would like to see him win and just as many like to see him lose, but people just want to see him.’’


STEPHEN SMITH, IBF Ne. 1 Super Featherweight Contender


(On the significance of this matchup)

“All fights are important but this one is especially very important for me to win so that I can get back to where I was in the division.’’


(On finally getting a crack at the world title)

“I’ve waited a long time for this opportunity, but the timing couldn’t be better. I’m excited to get the opportunity to win the world title live on Sky Sports in the UK and on SHOWTIME in America.’’


(His views of the defending champion)

“Pedraza is a good fighter with a good amateur background and he’s not a world champion for nothing. He can box from either stance but I am confident of winning. I wouldn’t expect it to be an easy fight. It’s a world title fight, it’s meant to be tough. I’m preparing for the best of him; I don’t think he was at his best last time out against (Edner) Cherry.


“He could have lost that fight, but he got the win and he’s going to look to show he’s better than that. We’ve covered all bases as far as sparring for whatever way he comes out, and I think I have the game plan to beat him.


“It’s not like he’s looked at me and thought ‘he’s an easy fight– he has no choice if he wants to keep his title. I think this fight has happened at the right time for me. It’s dragged out a bit but I’ve got a good head on my shoulders and I think that everything happens for a reason. My last outing was a career-best performance and I think that this has come at the right time.’’


(On his strategy)

»(Trainer) Joe Gallagher is as meticulous as anyone when it comes to preparing to face someone. Pedraza’s a lot more aggressive from the orthodox stance, but we’ve studied everything and we’re really confident. The gym is still going strong; we were gutted for Scott Quigg as we know how much he gives in the gym for each fight. Spirits were down for a bit but big fights keep coming round, and now I have my fight.”


(On answering the critics who said he’d never fight for a title after his 2011 defeat to Selby)

“Because I had such a successful amateur career, I think that big things were expected of me. I had a bit of bad luck with injury, the loss to Selby set me back, but that was more from people writing me off. Lee is world champion now so there’s no disgrace in that, but people were saying after that fight that I wouldn’t fight for a world title. It can be a fickle sport at times but I’ve come back stronger and I think I will prove a lot of people wrong in America.’’


(On his fighting brothers, Paul, Liam and Callum)

“The family is doing great things, but it’s just something that we all set out to do when we started boxing so it’s not really come as a surprise to us. We work hard every day and we’ve hit the goals we’ve set ourselves; Liam is world champion, Paul has boxed for the world title twice, Callum is on the verge and I box for a world title soon. Four brothers fighting for world titles is a massive achievement but for us, it’s not enoughwe want to win them. I think it’s very achievable for us, Paul is back tonight and he’s looking for another shot, so it’s realistic to say that three of us will box for world titles this year.’’


(On making his U.S. debut)

“The training is the same but there’s more pressure and more media attention on this one as it’s the big one. I’ve never boxed in the states myself but I’ve been over there with Paul and Callum, and anyone who has brothers that box will tell you it is worse when they are fighting than when it’s your own fight. I know what to expect over there and I’m going to embrace it and soak it all up.”


Za več informacij, Obisk, sledite na TwitterjuSHOSports, MrGaryRussellJr, @PajPunisher, @Sniper_Pedraza, @SwiftySmith, LouDiBella,@FoxwoodsCT in @Swanson_Comm ali postanite oboževalec na Facebooku na, in


The event is promoted by DiBella Entertainment. The bout featuring Pedraza and Smith is promoted in association with Gary Shaw Productions, Universal Promotions and Matchroom Boxing.





“I’m always here to prove the doubters wrong. When you doubt me, that just fuels my fire.” – Charles Martin

»I’ll probably go out and try to take his head off.” – Anthony Joshua

Kliknite TUKAJ Download Fotke; Credit: Matchroom Sport

LONDON (April 7, 2016) – IBF Heavyweight World Champion Charles Martin and unbeaten British Olympic Gold Medalist Anthony Joshua faced off at the final press conference on Thursday at Four Seasons Hotel in London as they near Sobota heavyweight showdown, live on SHOWTIME from The O2.


The SHOWTIME BOXING INTERNATIONAL® oddaja se začne v živo ob 5 p.m. IN/2 p.m. PT na Showtime. An encore presentation will air on SHOWTIME EXTREME® pri 8 p.m. IN/PT.


Here’s what Martin and Joshua had to say at Thursday’s final press conference.



“I don’t consider this a risk. The O2 Arena, that’s my arena. I’m comfortable everywhere I go. When eyes are on me, I’m going to perform.


“I know how to move my head and be evasive. Real true analysts see the things I do. They can tell.


“I’m always here to prove the doubters wrong. When you doubt me, that just fuels my fire.


“We’re going to keep the tide rolling. We’re rolling.”



They know when it comes to these big heavy-hitters we don’t play games. We’re here to go to war. We’ve just got two generals in the ring and the best army wins.


You know what I’m like, Jaz sem borec. I’m not going to go in there and dance around and try to evade punches. I’m going to walk through two to give him five. That’s just how it goes, I’m coming for him.


I’m here to box, but at the same time I know I’m ready to swim through deep waters to get it. It’s not going to be easy, I know that for a fact, no fight is easy. That’s why I said to you I will box and hopefully it will be an easy night.


It most definitely is a risk, but at the same time let’s scrap all this 15-fight, 16-fight nonsense and let’s put men in the ring together who want it. Whoever wants it comes out on top and it’s simple as that.”


When asked if he can control his emotions: “Probably not. I’ll probably go out and try to take his head off.”


Additional Fight Week Quotes (free to use):




“I don’t know how the fans will react to me knocking him out, but that’s what is going to happen. I don’t know how the fans in London will react, but I can only be myself.


“I’m world champion, but a lot of people don’t know me. After I knock him out we’ll see where that goes.


“I’m not going to go in there respecting anybody’s power. He’s going to have to respect me and my power and deal with me and my tools. I don’t care what he’s bringing to the table.


“This is my livelihood and I get real emotional with this. If you don’t take emotion into it then how are you even going to win? I’ve got to walk my own path. When I get emotional ahead of a big fight like this, I feel that I cannot be stopped. Even if I have doubt, I always have that.


“I don’t think about where he’s been. All I care about is where he’s going. I don’t care if he’s been in deep water before, or how many rounds he’s been. I want him to remember the word ‘timber’ because I’m going to make his ass hit that canvas real hard.


“This belt is mine. He’s trying to take what’s mine, take something from me. He’s trying to steal food out of my mouth, out of my kids’ mouth, out of my family’s mouth. This is my livelihood.


“I don’t want to let this go: this is never going to end. I want to be known as the greatest southpaw heavyweight that ever put on a set of gloves.


“When I get to this point now, I can’t be stopped. I’m like Lamon Brewster versus Wladimir Klitschko when he unloaded all those shots until he couldn’t throw anymore punches. And then what did Lamon Brewster do? Knock him the (Psovka) out. Just that will to win, ena. You can throw whatever you want, but I’ll walk through fire to get you.


“It’s controlled aggression, čeprav, because if it’s not, you’ll run into everything they throw at you. I go in there with my antennas to the ceiling and I won’t take my eyes off him until the job is done.


“Everything is just cooking in the kitchen like I am a master chef, and all of the ingredients put together make it perfect.


“Life is all about taking risks but I don’t consider this a risk because I’m confident in what I do. It’s all about just taking that first step. You’ve got to walk out on your own and you’ve got to believe in yourself. If I didn’t believe in myself I wouldn’t have made it this far. If I didn’t believe in myself I wouldn’t be Prince Charles Martin.


“The belt is absolutely in the right hands. I didn’t want to win it the way I did – that was just crazy – I don’t even really like talking about it because it wasn’t my fault. Afterwards, he walked out of the venue – he didn’t limp or get carried out, he walked. If that was me I’d have fought on and gone out on my shield. You’d have to knock me out no matter what. I don’t care if I break my hand, if I break my jaw, I am not stopping.”



“I believe I am ready to win the world title. A lot of people have said that this might be too soon for me, that I’ve bitten off more than I can chew, but right now my knuckles are itchy and I just want to get in there and show the world what I can do.


“When my promoter Eddie Hearn called me up and said ‘do you want to fight Charles Martin for the world heavyweight title?’ I just said: ‘Let’s roll’.


“Opportunity knocks and you have to open the door. I have trained and prepared correctly and am ready for this. There’s no turning back. I just embrace it.


“We saw the opportunity when Martin called me out. I was like, ‘OK Mr. IBF calling me out.’ The IBF champ calling out the British champ. I’ve got the heavyweight champion of the world calling me out saying he wants to fight me. I say cool. Let’s rock and roll.


“At the end of the day, let’s strip away the heavyweight title and let’s look at the opponent I’m facing. Charles Martin is a southpaw who can box and who can punch a bit.


“Facing a southpaw always comes with different angles and different tricks. I can’t go in recklessly because you can easily get counter punched. That’s why sparring is important and having a successful camp is important. I know I’ve done all I can to prepare myself for him.


“Let’s welcome Charles into the Lion’s den. He’s coming to The O2 – this is my stomping ground. When I fight here it’s electric and it’s going to be an amazing atmosphere, the best yet. It’s going to be interesting to see how he handles it. What a night it will be if I can lift that belt above my head.


“Sometimes you got to put talent to one side and dig deep. This is the fight game; you got to prove to yourself that when tactics aren’t working, you’ve got to dig a bit deeper, go to war and find a way to win. That’s what I thought when I fought Dillian (Whyte). Certain things weren’t working, I was rushing a bit, I wasn’t in my comfort zone, but I dug deep I found a way to win and I ended the night in a spectacular knockout.


“After I do the business with Martin, a fight with (Tyson) Fury is 10 ali 12 months awayproviding he handles his business in (Wladimir) Klitschko rematch.


“I find Fury a bit irritating to be honest. All his antics work for him, I suppose, but I can’t wait to fight him. He’s had plenty to say about me, and it’s coming from the same guy that was singing my praises when I sparred with him when I was a complete novice.


“As time goes on, it’s going to get worse for the others because my confidence will grow, I’ll train, learn and take it into the ring.


“David Haye? Bring it on. My heart tells me I am ready. I am at championship level now. After I get Martin out of the way, David is a massive name and when we’re ready to get it on it will be a huge fight.”


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