فئة المحفوظات: موعد العرض

كيث ثورمان & Shawn Porter Take New York

Welterweight Stars Discuss السبت, يونيو 25 Showdown Live on CBS
From Barclays Center During Whirlwind Two Days in NYC

انقر هنا for Press Images From Amanda Westcott/SHOWTIME
نيويورك (أبريل 28, 2016) – The best the sport has to offer, two of the most talented fighters in the world, elite athletes in their prime and set to fight each other at the world-class Barclays Center in Brooklyn and live on broadcast TV in primetime, كيث ثورمان و شون بورتر,took over New York this week as they made the rounds to officially announce their welterweight blockbuster on السبت, يونيو 25 on SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING on CBS, مقدمة من Premier Boxing Champions (PBC).
Thurman and Porter, who are confident and hard-working boxers inside the ring and classy gentlemen outside, have the spotlight to themselves on the world’s biggest stage on June 25. And what an extraordinary moment it will be for the two 147-pound prizefighters, competing at Barclays Center and on CBS, America’s most-watched network.
This is the very best that boxing has to offer,” وقال لو DiBella, رئيس DiBella الترفيه, في يوم الثلاثاء press conference at the Edison Ballroom in midtown.
From the press conference, Thurman and Porter where whisked throughout the city, من المصور الرياضي offices in the Financial District, to the offices of Complex Magazine, CBS الرياضة راديو و SiriusXM in Midtown and across the bridge to Barclays Center and the PIX 11 studios.
Barclays Center makes this a big fight,” وقال ثورمان. “We get to promote here in New York City. This is a fight town.
يوم الثلاثاء, Porter visited withThe Breakfast Club” في قوة 105 while Thurman paid a visit to CBS This Morning to promote their highly anticipated showdown and stake their claim as the present and future of the welterweight division.
This is going to be a memorable night,” قال بورتر. “It’s going to be a record-breaking night at Barclays Center and we’re going to put on a show.
انقر هنا for photos from Thurman and Porter’s media tour. If you’re interested in visiting Thurman or Porter in their respective camps or speaking to them over the phone, please don’t hesitate to reach out to the PR contacts below.
تذاكر لالحدث على الهواء مباشرة, والتي يتم الترويج لها من قبل DiBella الترفيه, تبدأ في $42, لا بما في ذلك الرسوم المطبقة, ومعروضة للبيع الآن. ويمكن شراء التذاكر عبر الإنترنت من خلال زيارة www.ticketmaster.com, www.barclayscenter.com أو عن طريق الاتصال 1-800-745-3000. تذاكر وتتوفر أيضا في شباك التذاكر أمريكان إكسبريس في مركز باركليز. الخصومات مجموعة المتاحة عن طريق استدعاء 844-BKLYN-GP.
# # #
وتقدم منصة مركز باركليز في البرمجة بروكلين الملاكمة ™ من الرابطة. PBC برعاية Corona, أروع البيرة.
لمزيد من المعلومات، يرجى زيارة www.SHO.com/Sports و www.premierboxingchampions.com, تابع على تويترSHOSports, @PremierBoxing @KeithFThurmanJr, ShowtimeShawnP, @AbnerMares, LouDiBella, BarclaysCenter وSwanson_Comm أو تصبح مروحة في الفيسبوك في www.Facebook.com/SHOSports, www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions, شبكة الاتصالات العالمية.Facebook.com/DiBellaEntertainment وwww.facebook.com/BarclaysCenter.

بطولة العالم للوزن الثقيل ديونتاي ميديا ​​وايلد تجريب اقتباسات من الشمال, ALABAMA

“عندما نخطو في تلك الحلقة, لا شيء مقبول الا الضربة القاضية. وأنا أتطلع لإسقاطه.” – ديونتاري وايلدر
وايلدر (36-0, 35 كوس) يدافع ضد المتحدي الإلزامي
الكسندر Povetkin (30-1, 22 كوس) شهر من اليوم
في مايو 21 في موسكو, روسيا
الميناء الشمالي, ALA. (أبريل 21, 2016) -مهزوم WBC بطل العالم للوزن الثقيل ديونتاري وايلدر استضافت تمرين إعلامي الثلاثاء في Skyy Gym في Northport, علاء. بينما يستعد ليصبح أول بطل أمريكي حامل للوزن الثقيل يسافر إلى روسيا للدفاع عن لقبه.
في شهر واحد بالضبط, في السبت, مايو 21, وايلدر (36-0, 35 كوس), من توسكالوسا, علاء., سيضع لقبه العالمي على المحك ضد المنافس الإلزامي والروسي الأصلي,الكسندر Povetkin (30-1, 22 كوس), في موسكو.
هذا ما قاله وايلدر في يومه التدريبي الإعلامي يوم الثلاثاء:
ديونتاري WILDER
(حول توقعاته بالذهاب إلى روسيا…)
“توقعي هو, بالطبع, للفوز. ليعود مع ذلك النصر لأمريكا. هذا هو معركة كبيرة, ليس فقط لنفسي, لأمريكا. انها مثل روسيا ضد. أمريكا. لم أتلق سوى ردود فعل إيجابية من المعجبين في كل مكان. حتى لو لم يكونوا من محبي Deontay Wilder فهم الآن من أجل هذه المعركة بالذات. آمل أن أتمكن من الفوز بهم للبقاء من محبي Deontay Wilder بعد هذه المعركة. أعتقد أنها معركة عظيمة. أعتقد أنه لشيء رائع أن نذهب إلى روسيا للدفاع عن لقبي في الفناء الخلفي لشخص آخر.
“وقال كأنني قبل, من الأسهل بالنسبة لي أن أقاتل هنا في أمريكا ولكن هذا ليس كل شيء بالنسبة لي. عندما يكون لدي لقب يقول بطل العالم للوزن الثقيل, أريد أن أسافر حول العالم للدفاع عن لقبي. أنا أعيش حلمي, لدي فرصة للقيام بذلك في هذه المعركة. إنني أتطلع إلى روسيا وأريد أن أخبر روسيا,'ها أنا آتية.’ “
(ماذا يعني أن تكون أول بطل للوزن الثقيل يقاتل في روسيا…)
“فهذا يعني الكثير. يجعلني حتى أقرب إلى إيماني. الله لا يخطئ في الحياة. لا يخطئ في حياتي, حياتك أو أي شخص آخر. تحدث الأشياء لسبب ما وتحدث في الوقت المناسب في حياتك. قد لا تأتي الأشياء عندما تريدها, ولكن عندما يأتون في الوقت المناسب. الأشياء التي تراكمت طوال حياتي المهنية, لقد كان مذهلاً. كيف تمكنت من صنع التاريخ, حطم سجلات أخرى, والاستمرار في صنع التاريخ. شيء مذهل. أريد فقط أن أعرف ما الذي يخبئه لي طوال حياتي. إذا كان يتم صنع التاريخ باستمرار, ماذا بعد? أنا متحمس.
“لا أطيق الانتظار لأرى كيف ستتكشف حياتي في نهاية مسيرتي. ماذا يحدث في نهاية Deontay Wilder عندما حان الوقت ليقول إنني فعلت كل ما فعلته في هذه الرياضة ولا أريد أن أفعل ذلك بعد الآن. أريد أن أرى مقدار الأرضية التي يمكنني تغطيتها لأولئك الذين جاءوا قبلي.”
(كيف تتوقع استمرار القتال…)
“أتوقع أن القتال كان عقابًا في الجولة الأولى ثم أخرجه. جميع أصحاب الوزن الثقيل يريدون إقصاء أحدهم لذا علينا أن نقول إننا سنطردهم. هذا هو كريم تقسيم المحاصيل. الأثقال. الضاربون المتشددون. الضاربون الثقيلة, كما يقولون. عندما نخطو في تلك الحلقة, لا شيء مقبول الا الضربة القاضية. وأنا أتطلع لإسقاطه.”
(إذا وصل إلى ذروته…)
“لا على الإطلاق وهذا هو الجزء المخيف فيه. لم أصل حتى إلى ذروتي حتى الآن وما زلت أتعلم في طريقي. اريد ان اتعلم دائما. كل معركة تجلب لي الخبرة. إنه يجلب شيئًا أخذته بعيدًا عن تلك المعركة وأضيفه إلى المعركة التالية. نتطلع إلى أن تكون هشًا وجيدًا جدًا في هذه المعركة وأن تُظهر للناس قدرًا أكبر قليلاً مما يمكن لـ Deontay Wilder. خاصة أولئك الذين لم يروا أي شيء حتى الآن, ترقبوا هذه المعركة. هذا واحد لا تريد أن تفوتك.”
(في توحيد العناوين في المستقبل…)
“بالتأكيد. أشعر حقًا عندما أقول إنني سأكون بطل العالم للوزن الثقيل بلا منازع, أنا لا أقولها لأقولها فقط, لكني أشعر به أيضًا بداخلي, في أعماقي سأكون بطل العالم للوزن الثقيل بلا منازع وأضيف اسمي إلى عدد قليل من الأبطال بلا منازع الذين سبقوني. سيتم وضع اسمي في التاريخ على ذلك. لماذا لا? كل الأشياء التي فعلتها حتى الآن, سيكون هذا هو الجليد على كعكة بلدي ليكون بطل العالم للوزن الثقيل بلا منازع. لن أتوقف, بغض النظر عن عدد الساعات التي يجب أن أضعها. بغض النظر عن عدد المعارك التي يجب أن أخوضها. بغض النظر عن عدد الدول التي يجب أن أزورها للدفاع عن لقبي. سأكون بطل العالم للوزن الثقيل بلا منازع.”
(حول مخاوف بشأن الذهاب إلى روسيا…)
“ليس لدي أي مخاوف. لا أترك عقلي يجلس ويفكر فيما إذا لم أطرده أم أنهم سيسرقونني, أو أي شيء من هذا القبيل. أنا فقط لا أريد أن أكون في ذهني عندما أكون في قتال. أريد أن يكون لدي عقل صافٍ. أريد أن أذهب إلى هناك وأفعل ما تستطيع Deontay فعله. كما قلت, كل الأشياء في يد الله ، وإذا أرادت لي الفوز, سوف يحدث. إذا لم يكن ثم, أنا لا أتوقف عند هذا الحد. إرثي لن يتوقف عند هذا الحد. لكنني واثق جدًا مما سأفعله وما سأفعله, ونعلم جميعًا أنه إذا طردناه فلا داعي للقلق بشأن ذلك. لذلك بالطبع سيكون هذا أولويتي على قائمتي – ليطيح به.”





Former World Champion Heads to Las Vegas
For 154-Pound Title Showdown May 21
Against Jermall Charlo Live on SHOWTIME

At The Chelsea inside The Cosmopolitan of Las Vegas

‘I don’t see this being a boring fight; he’s going to bring it, I’m going to bring it’ – Austin Trout

انقر هنا For Photos From Dave Nadkarni/PBC

واشنطن, D.C. (أبريل 20, 2016) - أوستن سمك السلمون المرقط (30-2, 17 كوس), the former super welterweight world champion, is ready to collect his second world title on السبت, مايو 21 when he meets IBF Junior Middleweight world champion Jermall تشارلو in a 12-round match live on موعد العرض (10 عصرا. و/7 عصرا. PT) من تشيلسي, a one-of-a-kind 40,000-square-foot venue inside كوزموبوليتان لاس فيغاس.


“It’s my time,” said Trout. “My focus is amplified 10-fold. I’m the confident, happy Austin that fans know, but trust me, when it’s fight time I’m ready for any dogfight that comes. You’ll see Austin bring out and defeat the ‘Lion’ in him because at the end of the day I’m taking that belt.”


تذاكر لالحدث على الهواء مباشرة, التي يروج لها الترقيات مايويذر والترقيات TGB, هي للبيع الآن. أسعار التذاكر تبدأ من $39, وتتوفر على الانترنت في www.cosmopolitanlasvegas.com أو من خلال Ticketmaster في (800) 745-3000و www.ticketmaster.com.


Born in El Paso, Texas and raised in Las Cruces, نيو مكسيكو, Trout is trained by Barry Hunter and Louie Burke of Headbangers Gym in Washington D.C. Having started boxing at the age of 10, his natural talent and the ability to grow into the sport took Austin across the United States and Latin America in the amateur divisions and then into the pros. Known as one of the fiercest gentlemen competitors in the sport, he beat the likes of Miguel Cotto, Rigoberto Alvarez and Delvin Rodriguez, before losing his title to Saul ‘Canelo’ Alvarez. Trout comes into مايو 21 looking to claim a title in a division he’s been a true threat within for his career.


You’ve said you’ve been led to this fight, why is it important?

“Coming off of four consecutive wins, I’m not just on a comeback streak but I’m taking a full step forward. Charlo is the champ, this fight is about no more half stepping. It’s about taking on the best. Isn’t that what it’s about, being the best?"


How is camp going?

“I physically feel great. I’m really comfortable with Barry, it’s my fourth camp with the Headbangers team; Luis is there as well. Luis helps me with pre-camp and then I shift to D.C.


“I was already in D.C. getting camp started when the rumors about this fight came true. I had been at the gym at home for pre-camp for a month and a half before hitting D.C. I was working out five times a week, running every day just getting the program going. كما قلت, no half-stepping. I’m already sparring, doing the work, getting right. I’m not walking through it but running and trotting through it. أنا 30, I’m at my physical peak, my talent couldn’t be any better.”


Talk about the fight and what to expect?

“Neither one of us is going out without a fight, so I don’t see this being a boring fight. It’s time for people to remember me. I’ve earned this championship shot against an undefeated bull like Jermall Charlo but I will take his belt. "


Your first professional loss was against ‘Canelo’ Alvarez in San Antonio in 2013. What are your thoughts on that fight?

“I had a good, competitive fight with Saul – it felt like a unification bout – I was WBA champion and he was WBC champion. The open scoring was more detrimental to my game plan thea the judges! During the fight when I was told that I wasn’t winning on anyone’s cards I had to change my game plan. It was a dogfight. Canelo never had to box and move that much before in a fight.

"لكن, live and learn. Instead of walking into a fight like that I listened to those around me. No more surprises. This Charlo fight is a fight I want, a fight my team wants and we’re ready. I’m a more mature, focused champion who’s coming back. I’m dangerous – I have experience, talent and God on my side.”


لمزيد من المعلومات، يرجى زيارة www.sports.sho.com وwww.mayweatherpromotions.com, تابع على تويترSHOSports, LaraBoxing, تضمين التغريدة, FutureOfBoxing, NoDoubtTrout, TwinCharlo, تضمين التغريدة, تصبح مروحة في الفيسبوك في www.Facebook.com/SHOBoxingو www.facebook.com/MayweatherPromotions


Mayweather Promotions Stars Chris Pearson & Sharif Bogere Headline Undercard Action In Separate Bouts Saturday, أبريل 30 From The DC Armory In Washington, D.C.

أكثر! Impressive Lineup Of Top Talent & Local Prospects
واشنطن, D.C. (أبريل 20, 2016) Mayweather Promotions stars كريس “الملك الشاب” بيرسون (16-1, 11 كوس) و Sharif “الأسد” Bogere (27-1, 19 كوس) compete in separate bouts that highlight undercard action on Saturday, أبريل 30 from the DC Armory in Washington D.C.
The event is headlined by a SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING doubleheader that begins live on SHOWTIME at 10 عصرا. و/7 عصرا. PT featuring a pair of super middleweight world title fights, as WBC champion Badou “السفاح” جاك يأخذ على بطل العالم السابق لوسيان بوتيه, and IBF champion جيمس “Chunky” DeGale battles top contender روجيليو “الخنزير” المدينة المنورة.
Pearson will take on جوشوا Okine (22-5, 15 كوس) in a 10-round middleweight contest while Bogere faces former African champion صموئيل أموكو (21-9, 15 كوس) في 10 جولة مسابقة السوبر خفيفة الوزن.
تذاكر لالحدث على الهواء مباشرة, which is promoted by Mayweather Promotions and Interbox in association with Matchroom Boxing, يتم تسعيرها في $200, $100, $50 و $25, on sale now. لشراء تذاكر زيارةwww.ticketmaster.com, مواقع تيكت, أو دعوة (800) 745-3000.
Additional action inside the arena will feature unbeaten Washington, D.C.-born لاتوندريا جونز (2-0, 1 KO) in a four-round super welterweight bout against Virginia’s Kamika Slade, undefeated Ecuadorian كارلوس جونجورا (6-0, 3 كوس)in a light heavyweight match and the pro debut of D.C. product Keegan Grove in a four-round lightweight scrap.
Rounding out the non-televised undercard fights are Richmond, فرجينياالصورة Moshea Aleem(4-0, 2 كوس) who will go up against fellow unbeaten Georgia native Martez Jackson (2-0-1, 1 KO) في أربع جولات في وزن الوسط سوبر بوت, lastly is a four-round welterweight attraction with Brooklyn’s Chordale بوكر (1-0, 1 KO).
The 25-year-old Pearson will look to bounce back from his first career loss to unsurpassed Eric Walker in December with an emphatic victory on April 30. The Dayton, Ohio-born product previously picked up victories over Lanardo Tyner, Janks تروتر, Steve Martinez and Said El Harrak in the last two years after an outstanding amateur career in which he captured a National Championship in 2011. He takes on the experienced Okine, who is originally from Ghana but now fights out of nearby Silver Spring, ماريلاند.
A recent addition to the Mayweather Promotions stable, Bogere fights out of Las Vegas while proudly representing his native Uganda. The 27-year-old won his first 23 pro fights while picking up victories over Raymundo Beltran, Francisco Contreras, and Manuel Levya. He enters this bout on a four-fight win streak and will be challenged by the former African lightweight champion Amoako, who represents Ghana while fighting out of Silver Spring, ماريلاند.
لمزيد من المعلومات، يرجى زيارة شبكة الاتصالات العالمية.mayweatherpromotions.com و فيww.SHO.com/Sports and follow on Twitter at: BadouJack, @ButeLucian, @ JamesDeGale1, @PorkyMedina @MayweatherPromo, SHOSports وSwanson_Comm أو تصبح مروحة في الفيسبوك فيwww.facebook.com/MayweatherPromotions و شبكة الاتصالات العالمية.facebook.com/SHOsports.

بادو جاك & Lucian Bute Media Workout Quotes & Photos Ahead Of World Title Showdown On Saturday, أبريل 30 Live on SHOWTIME® From the DC Armory in Washington, D.C.

Plus Undercard Fighters Sharif Bogere & لاتوندريا جونز
Quotes From Las Vegas Workout
انقر هنا لصور من Esaiah جوميز / الترقيات مايويذر
انقر هنا For Lucian Bute Photos From InterBox
LAS VEGAS (أبريل 18, 2016) – WBC سوبر الوزن المتوسط ​​بطل العالم بادو جاك وبطل العالم السابق لوسيان بوتيه hosted media workouts at their respective training camps last week to discuss their السبت, أبريل 30 world title showdown live on موعد العرض من DC Armory في واشنطن, D.C.
The SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING® doubleheader begins at 10 عصرا. و/7 عصرا. PT with IBF Super Middleweight World Champion جيمس DeGale defending his title against top contender روجيليو المدينة المنورة.
جاك, who welcomed his first child, a daughter named Malaniyah, earlier in the day, held his workout at the Mayweather Boxing Club in Las Vegas while Bute hosted media at the gym owned by the Grant brothers in the western part of Montreal. Joining Jack at the Las Vegas workout were lightweight contender شريف بوغيري and Washington, D.C. born لاتوندريا جونز, who compete in undercard action on أبريل 30.
تذاكر لالحدث على الهواء مباشرة, which is promoted by Mayweather Promotions and Interbox in association with Matchroom Boxing, يتم تسعيرها في $200, $100, $50 و $25, ومعروضة للبيع الآن. لشراء تذاكر زيارة www.ticketmaster.com, Ticketmaster locations or call (800) 745-3000.
هنا هو ما كان على المشاركين أن أقول:
JACK بادو
I’m looking forward to another victory. هذه ستكون معركة صعبة, ولكن أنا مستعد. I’ve been training really hard and I’m ready to get into the ring.
I’m more focused and determined now than ever to secure what is mine. The fans will have an exciting show to look forward to on أبريل 30. I can guarantee that!
My daughter being born this morning is extra motivation for me and to continue working hard to provide for my family. I only slept for 2 ساعات, but I feel brand new.
I still feel fresh! معسكر تدريب جيد. Everything is right on schedule. I’m feeling really focused.
لوسيان BUTE
The most important thing for me is to have fun when I train. My confidence level is back at 100 في المئة. There’s a great atmosphere here at the gym and I have great chemistry with my trainers. I’ve done quality sparring and starting next week we’ll be reducing the training volume so as to focus more on the level of intensity.
The pressure won’t be on me because I’ll be on his turf, في واشنطن. He is the favorite because he’s the champion, but I’m confident and I’m able! We looked at some video of him with Howard (Grant). انه ملاكم جيد, but he’s not exceptional and he makes mistakes. I have experience. This will be my 13th world championship fight. My experience and my speed will make the difference.
My confidence level wasn’t at 100 percent before I fought James DeGale, but now it’s all back after performing the way I did against him. All the better for me if Badou Jack is already looking ahead to his next fight, is taking me for granted and is underestimating me. I know for my part that I can beat him. He did well in his last bout against George Groves, where he was able to come up with a good right blow that sent him to the canvas. But I’m going there to deliver.
I’ve now been training for a year with Howard Grant, who already knows me well and pushes me to go beyond my limits. We’ve developed a trusting relationship and I feel very comfortable working alongside him. It’s hard to put into words! It’s true, أنا 36 سنة, but I still have some good years ahead of me in professional boxing. For Éric Lucas, who had this belt for several years, I will bring back the title to the province of Quebec.
شريف بوغيري
Training camp has been going tremendously well. I’m excited to get back in action on أبريل 30. it’s going to be a good show. Two world titles on the line, that’s something big.
I want people to know who الأسد غير. People will know that الأسد is here to stay. I will put on a great show as I always do.
I want to put on a good show so the fans will never forget about my presence in this division. Being born in Uganda, it’s important for me to make my homeland proud.
“معسكر التدريب قد تسير على ما يرام, I am looking forward to going into the fight real strong, dominating and come out with a win. It’s important that I continue to stay mentally focused and physically ready.
I don’t really look too much into to my opponents, until I’m getting ready for that belt. As far as I know, this is her pro debut. I’m going to show her what this is all about, and give her that pro life.
I was born in D.C. إلى ذلك, I look forward to going back and fighting at the Armory to give my hometown fans what they want to see. They came to see a show, and I plan on delivering. I look forward to getting better and coming out on top. I’m working hard and taking it day-by-day. I thank God for being in this position that I’m in.
لمزيد من المعلومات، يرجى زيارة www.mayweatherpromotions.com و www.SHO.com/Sports and follow on Twitter at: BadouJack, @ButeLucian, @ JamesDeGale1, @PorkyMedina @MayweatherPromo, SHOSports وSwanson_Comm أو تصبح مروحة في الفيسبوك في www.facebook.com/MayweatherPromotions و www.facebook.com/SHOsports.


أكثر! 2012 الامريكى. Olympian Michael Hunter,
Unbeaten Isiah Thomas Collide In Cruiserweight Action!
تذاكر للبيع اليوم!
LAS VEGAS (أبريل 18, 2016) – Unbeaten Mayweather Promotions star أندرو “الوحش” Tabiti (12-0, 11 كوس) and undefeated power-puncher كيث “رشاش” جدار (16-0, 11 كوس) will go toe-to-toe and put their perfect records on the line in an 10 round cruiserweight bout on Friday, مايو 13 في ShoBox: الجيل الجديد from Sam’s Town Live in Las Vegas.
Televised coverage live on SHOWTIME begins at 10 عصرا. و/PT and features another exciting matchup in the cruiserweight division as 2012 الامريكى. أولمبي مايكل هانتر (11-0, 8 كوس) battles fellow unbeaten إيسه توماس (15-0, 6 كوس) in 10-round bout. صياد, who is coming off of a knockout victory in February, looks to keep his unblemished record in tact when he takes on Thomas, who is best known for winning the first ever Junior World Boxing Championship for the United States.
I’m focused and I’m ready,” سعيد Tabiti. “I’ve been in training camp for 10 أسابيع. My game plan is to go in and destroy. I want to thank my fans for supporting me and I am going to go in and give my fans a show.
I feel blessed by this opportunity to be boxing on ShoBox on May 13,” سعيد تابيا. “I’m training hard and will put on a great fight. I will show the fans that I’m one of the best cruiserweights in the world.
Camp is going well and I’m ready for May 13,” said Hunter. “No matter who gets put in front of me, I’m going to keep taking care of business, and there’s nothing else to talk about.
I’m feeling good about this fight. Michael Hunter is a quality fighter with a good amateur background. Dominating him will prove to the boxing world that I’m ready for a title fight,” said Isiah Thomas. “I don’t think Hunter can handle the speed and agility that I have for a cruiserweight, that’s my advantage in this division and I plan to put it on display مايو 13.”

تذاكر لالحدث على الهواء مباشرة, والتي يتم الترويج لها من خلال عروض Mayweather الترويجية, يتم تسعيرها في $25 و $50, لا بما في ذلك الرسوم المطبقة, and go on sale today, أبريل 18. ويمكن شراء التذاكر عبر الإنترنت في: www.samstownlv.com/entertain, من خلال الدعوة (702) 284-7777, أو في أي شباك تذاكر Boyd Gaming.
We‘re looking forward to going back to Sam’s Town Live for a second time after a successful sellout show on فبراير. 16,” قال ليونارد Ellerbe, الرئيس التنفيذي لشركة الترقيات مايويذر. “Mayweather Promotions aims to promote action-packed cards that get fans off their feet. I think the matchups on this card will do just that.
The highly regarded 26-year-old Chicago native Tabiti, القتال من لاس فيغاس, تبذل له 2016 لاول مرة. لقد فاز 11 من له 12 fights inside the distance, including a second-round TKO over Tomas Lodi on September 29, 2015. Tabiti, a solid amateur with a record of 32-6, turned pro in July 2013. His unique style incorporates fast, explosive hand-speed in tandem with rapid body movement and exceptional footwork.
جدار, originally from the Bronx, has been victorious in four of his last five fights by knockout. He made his professional debut on Nov. 18, 2011 by stopping Andrew Kuilan in the opening round. Fighting out of Carolina, بويرتو ريكو, the determined, steadily improving 25-year-old Tapia is coming off of a 10-round unanimous decision over Garrett Wilson in December. Like Tabiti, Tapia also had an outstanding amateur career.
صياد, son of former heavyweight contender Michael Hunter Sr., is a two-time national amateur champion who competed at the 2012 الألعاب الأولمبية. Since making his pro debut in March 2013 by defeating Chad Davis, the up-and-coming 27-year-old hasn’t come close to losing. He’s won his last four fights by knockout, all inside four rounds. في نزهته الأخيرة, Hunter knocked out Phil Williams in the first round last فبراير 27.
A top-notch amateur, Thomas turned pro in 2008 and won his initial three starts by first-round knockout. A natural southpaw, discovered after the Junior Olympics by the late, great Emanuel Steward, the promising Thomas registered a clear, unanimous 10-round decision over previously unbeaten Jordan Shimmell last يوليو 25.
لمزيد من المعلومات، يرجى زيارة www.sports.sho.com و www.mayweatherpromotions.com, follow on Twitter: @FloydMayweather, @MayweatherPromo @SHOSports, @andrewtabiti89, @machine_gun_tapia_, follow on Instagram at: @floydmayweather, @Mayweatherpromotions, @shosports, تصبح مروحة في الفيسبوك في: www.facebook.com/FloydMayweather, www.facebook.com/MayweatherPromotions, www.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing.


‘He’s Ready for Anybodysays Promoter Greg Cohen
It’s been three days sincethe shot heard round the world,” the one-punch knockout Louisiana lightweight Mason “هارد روك العزيز” Menard scored over opponent Eudy Bernardo. VIDEO: HTTP://s.sho.com/1NtEYjW
In what should have been a fight against his toughest opponent to date, مينار(31-1, 23 كوس) destroyed the Dominican Bernardo, dropping him in the second and finishing their nationally televised ShoBox: الجيل الجديد co-main event with a single right hand at 2:11 من الثالثة.
In what will certainly be a “خروج المغلوب من السنة” مرشح, Menard’s devastating right hand left the formerly undefeated Bernardo unconscious and announced the 27-year-old as an unexpected fighter to watch in the lightweight division.
I train hard, diet right. I get good sparring. I do everything to the tee. I go to church on Sundays and the blessing come true for me,” said a happy Menard, بعد المباراة. “It felt great to be on the world stage and perform like that. With all my people back home watching and developing new fans out of the people watching everywhere, it’s just a great feeling. I want to continue this.
At the time of the KO, Bernardo appeared to be seriously hurt and was taken from the ring on a stretcher. He has since recovered. “I knew in my mind it’d last about three rounds, but I didn’t expect that shot to take him out,” continued Menard. “It’s a great feeling to get a victory, but I’d rather my opponent walk out of the ring. I saw he was seriously hurt and I got down on one knee and said a prayer for him.
For Menard’s promoter, جريج كوهين من الترقيات جريج كوهين, the victory was not unexpected, despite Bernardo being favored going in, but is still a very pleasant development.
With one punch, Mason is now a serious contender in the lightweight division,” وقال كوهين. “He’s ready for any of the champions including Jorge Linares, Rances Barthelemy or Terry Flanagan.
With a humble nature and movie-star good looks, Cohen saw the potential in Menard immediately. “Now everyone knows what we already did. He’s a sensational fighter with true star potential. I’m very excited to be working with him.
“أنا مستعد لأي شخص,” said Menard. “As long as business is right, انا لست خائفا من احد, تقديمهم على!”
حول الترقيات جريج كوهين
واحدة من رئيس الوزراء ملابس الترويجية الملاكمة, الترقيات جريج كوهين (GCP) هو اسم يحظى باحترام كبير لتنظيم من الطراز العالمي الأحداث الملاكمة للمحترفين وتعزيز مقاتلي النخبة المهنية في جميع أنحاء العالم.
وقد شاركت المؤسس والرئيس التنفيذي جريج كوهين مع الملاكمة للمحترفين في قدرات مختلفة منذ أواخر 1980s, شحذ حرفته ووضع نفسه على أنه رجل أعمال داهية الملاكمة الدولي.
يتميز بقدرته على الفور وتطوير المواهب الخام, قدم كوهين أول العناوين الترويجية لإرشادات الخبراء له من, ضمن أشياء أخرى كثيرة, رابطة الملاكمة العالمية الوزن المتوسط ​​بطل جديد السابق أوستن “بدون شك” سمك السلمون المرقط, الذي ساعد كوهين دليل من مجهول نيو مكسيكو احتمال أن النخبة نجم الدفع لكل عرض مستوى.
بالإضافة إلى سمك السلمون المرقط, عملت الترقيات جريج كوهين مع أسماء أنشئت مثل بطل موحد واثنين من مرة في الوزن الثقيل السابق هاشم “الصخرة” الرحمن وكل مرة وكبيرة متعددة الوزن الطبقة بطل العالم جيمس “إطفاء الأنوار” توني.
Cohen currently promotes WBA Interim World Lightweight Champion Ismael Barroso, Undefeated WBA NABA Heavyweight Champion and world-rated contender Jarrell Miller, undefeated WBA NABA Middleweight Champion and world-rated contender Robert Brant, former world champion Kendall Holt, as well as current world-rated contenders including long-time elite middleweight “متوسط” جو غرين, أعلى وزن الريشة السوبر أراش Usmanee, الكندي بطل العمل وخفيفة الوزن وTV توني لويس; رابطة الملاكمة العالمية وخمس مرات الوطني الايرلندي بطل الهواة, دينيس هوجان; واحتمال خفيفة الوزن الأسترالي جوش الملك.
الترقيات جريج كوهين قد استضافت الأحداث العالمية الملاكمة في أرقى الأماكن في جميع أنحاء الولايات المتحدة والعالم، وأيضا قدمت بفخر المواهب و / أو المحتوى لعدة شبكات التلفزيون بما في ذلك شبكة سي بي اس الرياضية, HBO, موعد العرض, ESPN, شبكة NBC الرياضة, شبكة CBS الرياضة, MSG وFOX الرياضة نت.
لمزيد من المعلومات, زيارة gcpboxing.com. تجدنا في الفيسبوك فيwww.facebook.com/GCPBoxing. تغريد: GCPBoxing.


Jose Pedraza Remains Unbeaten With Unanimous Decision Over Stephen Smith In IBF Junior Lightweight Championship

هذا الاثنين في 10 عصرا. و/PT في SHO EXTREME®

انقر هنا للصور From Stephanie Trapp/SHOWTIME


من Mashantucket, كونيتيكت. (أبريل. 17, 2016) – WBC Featherweight World Champion جاري راسل الابن. retained his title with a remarkable TKO of Irishman باتريك هايلاند السبتon SHOWTIME from Fox Theater at Foxwoods Resort Casino in Mashantucket, كونيتيكت. في ميزة التعاون, جوزيه بيدرازا defended his IBF Junior Lightweight title with a unanimous decision over Stephen Smith.


الليلة event was a family affair with Russell Jr. working his brother Antonio’s corner during الليلة undercard and boxing’s Smith brothers, including current WBO Super Welterweight World Champion Liam Smith, cheering from the crowd.


A relentless Russell brought the main event to a quick halt by registering three knockdowns in the second round, the last of which forced referee Danny Schiavone to end the contest at 1:33. من الجرس الأول, واشنطن, D.C. native came out swinging with his trademark hand speed and dangerous power. راسيل, جنوب, successfully broke down—and knocked out—Hyland with multiple vicious right hooks.


“We stuck to the game plan. We stayed sharp,” said Russell Jr., الذي يحسن سجله ل 27 انتصارات, one loss, 15 بالضربة القاضية.


“I’m ready to fight anyone in the division – Santa Cruz, لي سيلبي. We are ready. But what I really want is [فاسيل] وماتشينكو. I don’t care if he moves up to 147 جنيه. I will go anywhere to get that fight,” Russell said.


“There aren’t many fighters who you instantly know are special,” said SHOWTIME Sports expert analyst Steve Farhood. “The combination of Gary Russell’s hand speed and accuracy instantly shows us that he’s special. That was plainly evident هذه الليلة and at times his hand speed was frightening.”


بيدرازا (22-0, 12 كوس) remained disciplined and came out victorious during his second IBF 130-pound world title defense. A combination of timing, hand speed and good defense allowed the Puerto Rican native to dominate the 12-round championship fight.


“This definitely was a tough fight but the training really came to advantage in this fight,” Pedraza told SHOWTIME Sports reporter Jim Gray. “I knew he was a tough fighter so I was always aware.”


“I had better focus هذه الليلة. I had a better training camp,” said Pedraza, referring to his controversial split decision win over Edner Cherry two fights ago. “I knew that Stephen Smith was a great fighter and even after the knockdown, we were very cautious not to rush in.”


“Pedraza won هذه الليلة with different weapons. Mostly right hands to the head,"قال فرهود. “I had the fight even after eight rounds and once Pedraza dropped Smith in the ninth, he gained momentum that he never lost and he pulled away. It was an impressive performance but also an important one because it erased a lot of the negative criticism Pedraza received in his controversial win over Edner Cherry.”


Pedraza was the more accurate fighter, هبوط 50 percent of his power punches over the 12-round bout. The Sniper was able to pick his spots and pocket rounds once he figured out the distance. Smith had his moments, but wasn’t active enough.


براين كستر استضافت بث شوتايم, مع ماورو Ranallo استدعاء عمل, قاعة المحلل شهرة آل بيرنشتاين وبطل العالم السابق مرتين بولي Malignaggi ويعلق جيم رمادي التقارير. في اذع الاسباني, اليخاندرو لونا دعا ضربة تلو ضربة وبطل العالم السابق راؤول ماركيز شغل منصب اللون المعلق. وكان المنتج المنفذ لشوتايم بطولة الملاكمة ديفيد Dinkins جونيور. مع بوب دنفي توجيه.


VIDEO: Menard Knocks Out Previously Unbeaten Eudy Bernardo: HTTP://s.sho.com/1NtEYjW

القبض على الإعادة الثلاثاء, أبريل 19, في 10 عصرا. و/PT على SHO EXTREME®

انقر هنا لتحميل الصور

الصورة الائتمان: روزي Cohe / SHOWTIME®


VERONA, N.Y.. (أبريل 15, 2016) – Undefeated bantamweight prospects نيكولاي Potapov و ستيفون الشباب fought to a majority draw in theShoBox: الجيل الجديد الحدث الرئيسي الجمعة on SHOWTIME from Turning Stone Resort Casino in Verona, N.Y..


The bout was scored 96-94 Potapov and 95-95 مرتين.


Potapov and Young were facing their toughest opponents in each other. Potapov (14-0-1, 6 كوس) controlled the pace early with his jab and was the more active fighter, throwing nearly double the punches that Young threw. Young picked up steam and gained confidence in the middle rounds and was at his best when he pressed the action and let his hands go. But the Russian Potapov, who had gone at least 10 rounds in his last six fights, was clearly more comfortable as the fight progressed.


After slowing in the seventh and eighth, شاب (14-0-3, 6 كوس) found another gear in an impressive ninth, winning the penultimate round on all the judges’ scorecards. لكن, even after urgent instructions from his corner, Young couldn’t carry the momentum into the 10عشر and lost the final round on all three scorecards.


“I am very unhappy with the decision. For every time he hit me, I hit him twice,” said Potapov, الذين القوا 315 jabs compared to just 113 for Young. “I was the much busier fighter. I don’t know what fight the judges were watching. At the very most I lost four rounds.


“I’ve never had a draw before. I feel cheated from a win. I was very happy to be fighting in America but I now feel cheated.”


بعد المعركة, سانت. Louis native Young was disappointed but knew that he needed to throw more punches.


“I feel like it was a good fight, but I should have got the decision,” Young said. “I hurt him every time I hit him. I let him be busier than me, but as far as the contact, I feel like I landed the more effective punches. That was my strategy.


“I should have come on a bit sooner. That was my plan, but I got a little relaxed in the fight. I came on in the ninth round when my coach told me to get him out of there.


“I most definitely want a rematch. I would like to do that again.”


Once-beaten Louisiana lightweight ميسون مينار خرج مهزوم سابقا Eudy Bernardo with a vicious one-punch KO at2:11 الجولة الثالثة. VIDEO: http://s.sho.com/1NtEYjW


Facing his toughest opponent to date, Menard floored (31-1, 23 كوس) Bernardo for the first time in his career with a series of rights near the end of the second round. The Dominican Bernardo beat the count and finished the round, but he had no answer for Menard’s power. Less than one minute into third, Menard connected with a huge right, knocking Bernardo (21-1, 15 كوس) out before he even hit the canvas.


“I made a statement هذه الليلة. Not many people knew who I was going into this, but they know me now,” said Menard, who landed nearly 50 في المئة من الطلقات سلطته. “My speed, power and footwork were the difference.


“I said a prayer for him in the middle of the ring that he goes back to his family healthy.”


برناردو, who was removed from the ring on a stretcher as a precautionary measure, was taken to nearby Oneida Healthcare where he was awake and responsive.


في المباراة الافتتاحية لبثت, undefeated cruiserweightConstantin Bejenaru الوفاض أليكسي زوبوف the first loss of his career in a convincing eight-round unanimous decision scored 77-74, 78-73 مرتين.


Save for a flash seventh round knockdown, Bejenaru (11-0, 4 كوس) controlled the fight from the outset. The Moldova native overcame a four-inch height disadvantage, attacking from different angles and controlling the exchanges on the inside and outside. أسنان (10-1, 6 كوس) never got into rhythm and failed to capitalize on his reach advantage against the active and athletic southpaw.


“He was a good classical boxer, but he’s too straight up and he couldn’t adjust,” Bejenaru said. “It wasn’t as easy as it looked to beat him. I adjusted my style to do that because I knew it would make him hesitate. I knew if I just constantly attacked him he wouldn’t know what to do.”


Zubov and Bernardo are now the 146عشر و 147عشر boxers to suffer their first pro loss on the prospect developmental series.


يوم الجمعة three-fight telecast will re-air الثلاثاء في 10 عصرا. و/PT on SHOWTIME EXTREME and will be available on SHOWTIME ON DEMAND beginning April 16

باري تومبكينس دعا ShoBox العمل من الصف الأول في الحلبة مع فرهود وبطل العالم السابق راؤول ماركيز بدور المحللين خبير. وكان المنتج المنفذ جوردون قاعة مع ريتشارد Gaughanإنتاج و ريك فيليبس توجيه.


“أنا need to maintain control of the fight, close the distance, and maintain the jab. Complete dominance.
جاري راسل الابن.
To fight for the WBC title is everything I’ve dreamed of since I was a kid.
– باتريك هايلاند
I have been waiting a long time for this day to come and we are going to demonstrate to Smith that I am a weapon.” – جوزيه بيدرازا
I believe I have what it takes to fight anyone and nothing will keep me from becoming a world champion.” –
Stephen Smith

انقر هنا لتحميل الصور; ائتمان: ستيفاني تراب / SHOWTIME
نيويورك (أبريل 13, 2016) – WBC وزن الريشة بطل جاري راسل الابن. (26-1, 15 كوس), من كابيتول هايتس, ماريلاند., and Irish contender باتريك هايلاند (31-1, 15 كوس), of Dublin, faced off at the final press conference الأربعاء at Highline Ballroom in New York, as they approach هذا يوم السبت Featherweight World Title fight live on موعد العرض® from the Fox Theater in Foxwoods Resort Casino in Mashantucket, CT.
ال شوتايم بطولة الملاكمة® telecast begins live at 11 عصرا. و/8 عصرا. PT on SHOWTIME with IBF Junior Lightweight World Championship clash between unbeaten Puerto Rican جوزيه بيدرازا (21-0, 12 كوس) والمنافس الإلزامي Stephen Smith (23-1, 13 كوس), of Liverpool, انجلترا.
هذا ما قاله المقاتلون في الأربعاء final press conference.
جاري راسل JR.
(On Patrick Hyland…)
“أولا وقبل كل شيء, I gotta tip my hat off to him. I heard him say he was being trained by his father. Me and my younger brothers are also trained by my dad. My father is my favorite superhero, so it is very hard to deal with a situation like this and to bounce back and to grind and put all the hard work and effort into it after all the heartache and loss, I gotta tip my hat off to him for that.
I know that anytime you have a fighter that trains for six to eight weeks and prepares for no one else but you, is a dangerous fight. انه طويل القامة, he’s long, but we can take him. We’re going to handle it.
(On returning from injury…)
“أشعر أنني بحالة جيدة. أنا مستعد; I put the work in at the gym. كما قلت في وقت سابق, I got cussed out several times and sometimes I left the gym feeling like the worst fighter ever. لكن, الآن, we’re ready and we’re prepared to invest in my ability.
(On what it means to have his brother Antonio on the card he’s headlining…)
“فهذا يعني الكثير. أنا أتطلع إليها. I’m actually more looking forward to watching my brother compete than my own fight. I will definitely be working his corner in that fight. It means a lot for us to be able to pass this information down from generation to generation and watch it grow and watch us build as a family and as a unit. It’s amazing.
He definitely has the potential to be the best. Him as well as Antuanne, who is now on the 2016 الفريق الاولمبي. It’s all information passed down from generation to generation. I feel as though they definitely have the ability to be better than me. I would want them to be anyway.
(On what he needs to win the fight…)
I need to maintain control of the fight, close the distance and maintain the jab. Complete dominance; I want to touch the body early. He likes to move a lot, so we’re going to cut all that down.
(On potential future opponents…)
God willing, everything goes right come أبريل 16, we would love to unify with Lee Selby. If I had my choice, I would go with Lee Selby first to unify. Immediately after that, I want Leo Santa Cruz and after that I need Lomachenko.
I don’t care where [وماتشينكو] moves. He can lose his next 10 المعارك, but before my career’s done he has to see me.
(On what gives him the sense of satisfaction in boxing…)
To fight for the WBC title is everything I’ve dreamed of since I was a kid and all of the hard work that I have put in to get to this position to fight for it. I am happy and I am just living for it now for السبت الليل.”
(On being the first Irish boxer since Barry McGuigan to hold a featherweight world title…)
It’s a whirlwind and it’s great. I’m just a local lad from Johnstown in Dublin and to be fighting on the big stage and to be fighting for a major world title, and again to be named the second featherweight ever to win a world title would be just amazing; a real dream come true for myself.
(On Gary Russell…)
I know he’s got fast hands. He’s a great southpaw and a great boxer so I have to be at the best of my ability في.يوم السبت night for that. I worked on a game plan in the gym to counter his hand speed and it all has to come together on fight night. I can do all this and say all that, but I just have to perform في.يوم السبت night and put it in by doing everything I’ve worked on to become champion.
جوزيه بيدرازا
(في معسكر تدريبي…)
I am feeling really good, we’re in the last stretch of conditioning. It was a very long and intense training camp but we saw improvements in my abilities. I have been waiting a long time for this day to come and we are going to demonstrate to Smith that I am a weapon.
(On Stephen Smith)
Smith is a very good boxer, he has a lot of abilities and intelligence. He’s a boxer with very good defense, but we already utilize a variety of strategies to be able to neutralize all of his abilities.
(On what he plans to demonstrate في.يوم السبت…)
With my abilities, مثل السبت, I will demonstrate that I am above Smith and that I am at the level of what I am, a champion. شامل, I just want to put on a show and I hope that the fan base will enjoy this great card.
(On what he learned from fighting Edner Cherry)
I learned what I have always said and what I have always done to this very day, which is never watching. I never watch too many videos of my opponent because on the day of the fight he could be a completely different fighter and I think that is what occurred then. Aside from that, he utilized a great strategy.
(On his thoughts on other Puerto Rican boxers)
Actually I am a world champion just like Rocky Martinez; there are many Puerto Rican prospects. مثل [فيليكس] Verdejo but I don’t consider him as a world title contender just yet. He hasn’t fought with a boxer of championship caliber but he is currently among the top fighters in Puerto Rico.
(On other fights he may be interested in at 130 جنيه…)
I have always said that the less Puerto Ricans I fight, كان ذلك أفضل. If it is the last option, I will fight with Puerto Ricans too but aside from that Rocky [مارتينيز] the world champ, there’s Francisco Vargas, [خافيير] ثروة, to name a few that are at the top of my list.
(On his first time fighting in the U.S….)
“أنا متحمس. If you want to make a name in boxing, then you’re going to do it in the states and that’s what I plan on doing by becoming a world champion Saturday.
(On what he knows about Pedraza)
“جيد, not quite a lot. I know his name from the amateur days. He’s well established, he’s an Olympian and he’s a talented man. To fight somebody consists of winning or not, it goes beyond tactics, beyond style and beyond skillset really. I believe I have what it takes to fight anyone and nothing will keep me from becoming a world champion.
(On what he needs to do to get the victory)
It can be a different type of fight; we know he likes to switch it up and box from different stances. He’s obviously talented so it’s going to take a different set from each way but we know what to expect. I’ve gone over everything with my trainer Joe Gallagher and we’re ready to go.
(On his brothers Liam and Callum being champions and what it could mean to potentially join them)
It’s special. Two weeks ago Liam and Callum won a European world title and it just gives me the confidence, the spirit to hike. I’m in a really good place mentally and I couldn’t be feeling better going into it. After my boot camp going successfully, it just makes you feel better going ahead to become a world champion.
(On UK champions on the rise in the past year)
There’s a lot of history there and for myself and my family, so we do what we’ve always wanted to do and we’re looking to just keep moving forward.
(في معسكر تدريبي…)
It was good. Obviously it boiled up to Callum’s win. There’s a good momentum. Callum and then Stephen has his world title opportunity. It’s been a slow burning rise with Stephen but he’s got, as I call it ‘his World Cup final’ — something that is going to take heart and strength. His strength is going very well. Pedraza is a very good fighter, good orthodox, good southpaw, he can mix it up and we’re prepared for whatever style he wants to bring في.يوم السبت.”
(On the process of preparing for a fighter like Pedraza)
It’s a nightmare. It’s hard enough when you’re fighting a quality orthodox or a quality southpaw, of which he is, but not only that. He can also box on the back foot and on the front foot so we’re varying sparring partners, we’re mixing up the sparring in between the rounds, switching stances, and whichever way Pedraza wants to fight at the end of the night, I’m sure we’ll have an answer for.
(On how he feels the fight will play out)
I think that’s all up to Pedraza, looking back at a few of his fights, he boxes slow and gets off to a good start but then he seems to lose his way a little in rounds. When you watch him against [أندريه] Klimov, he started out very well, put him under manners very quickly and had him nearly beat by the fourth round but [أندريه] managed to stay in very well and boxed really well. He got to the middle rounds, lost his way a little bit, switched southpaw, so either way it’s going to be fascinating. We’ve just got to make sure we don’t get caught to early when he’s quick and he’s sharp and he’s trying to put manners in Stephen Smith and then take him into the deep waters like Edner Cherry.
(His prediction)
“Stephen Smith. Possibly by knockout. لا, definitely by knockout.
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