Kategorija Archives: Showtime



Aprašas automatiškai sugeneruotas
„Aš atvykstu ten parsivežti pergalės namo į Filadelfiją ir gerai atrodyti tai darydamas, bet kokiomis priemonėmis,“- Ennis

Kylanti pusvidutinio svorio žvaigždė Ennis kovoja dėl buvusio pasaulio čempiono Sergejaus Lipineco šeštadienio, Balandis 10 Gyvena Showtime® „Premier“ bokso čempionų turnyre

Spauskite ČIA už Nuotraukos iš Amanda Westcott / Showtime

PHILADELPHIA (Balandis 1, 2021) - Undefeated Papildsvars Jaronas „Batai“ Ennis sieks įtvirtinti kylančios žvaigždės pusvidutinio svorio kategorijos statusą, kai jis užims tvirtą buvusį pasaulio čempioną Sergey Lipinets 12 turų mūšyje, kurio antraštės veiksmai rodomi šeštadienį, RODYMO LAIKAS, Balandis 10 iš „Mohegan Sun“ arenos Uncasville mieste, Conn. į "Premier" Boksas Čempionų atveju.

23-ejų metų Ennio laukia sunkiausios karjeros varžybos Lipinete, kai jis žengs į ringą savo pagrindiniame SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING turnyre. Atstovaudamas kovos miestui Filadelfijai, Norėdamas pretenduoti į kitą puikų miesto čempioną, Ennis naudojo didingus bokso įgūdžius ir jėgą abiejose rankose.

Ennis sudarė 16 kovų nokauto seriją, apimančią tapimą pirmuoju asmeniu, sustabdžiusiu Juaną Carlosą Abreu, kai jis rugpjūčio šeštame raunde sprogdino ilgametį varžovą. 2020. Ennis negalėjo pratęsti šios serijos gruodžio mėnesį 2020, kai jo kova su Chrisu van Heerdenu buvo paskelbta varžybomis po pirmojo turo dėl galvų susidūrimo, dėl kurio smarkiai nukirto Van Heerdeno kaktą.

Mokė jo tėvas Bozy Ennisas, Ennis pasidalijo mintimis apie treniruočių stovyklą, Lipinetai ir dar daugiau žemiau:

Ant jo pirmosios „Showtime Championship Boxing“ kortelės:

„Tai padarė mano grafiką šiek tiek beprotiškesnį. Buvimas pagrindiniame renginyje „SHOWTIME“ atneša daugiau dėmesio, bet man tai patinka. Man patinka būti dėmesio centre. Man patinka švytėti, taigi man tai nėra naujiena. Dabar kovos laikas. Esu užrakinta ir pasirengusi rokenrolui “.

Dėl treniruočių stovykloje:

„Stovykloje visada darome keturių minučių ratus. Aš tai dariau nuo mažens. Tai dar viena priežastis, kodėl nesėdžiu kovodamas, nes taip pripratau prie keturių minučių raundų. Trijų minučių raundai kovos naktį praeina tikrai greitai. Vienas dalykas, kurį pridėjome šioje stovykloje, buvo povandeninio bėgimo takelio darbas “.

Apie jo paskutinius pasirengimus:

„Savaitė prieš kovą, mes jį vyniojame ir aštriname. Tai buvo puiki treniruočių stovykla. Kiekvieną dieną man sekėsi vis geriau, ir nekantrauju pasirodyti kitą šeštadienį “.

Susidūręs su savo pirmuoju buvusiu pasaulio čempionu:

"Jis geras kovotojas, bet man tai nieko nereiškia. Tai tik dar viena diena biure. Jis yra įprastas žmogus, kaip ir bet kuris kitas “.

Sergejus vadina jį „tipišku„ Philly “kovotoju“:

„Spėju, kad jis žino, kad esu kieta, žvitrus ir aš pasiruošęs burzgti. Ateinu ten parsivežti pergalės namo į Filadelfiją ir gerai atrodyti tai darydamas, bet kokiomis priemonėmis “.

Dėl jo nokauto galios:

„Manau, kad dar neturiu savo vyro stiprybės. Jaučiu, kad praeis dar vieneri ar dveji metai, kol pilnai turėsiu savo vyro jėgų. Pamišusi dalis yra, Jaučiuosi kaip kovoje, Aš dar nesu metęs tikro jėgos smūgio ir tikrai atsisėdau ant smūgio. Viskas, kuo išmušiau vaikinus, buvo visa natūrali jėga “.

Apie tai, kaip jis žiūri į savo nokauto seriją:

„Kai kurie žmonės gali pažvelgti į nokautą balandžio mėnesį 10 kaip 17oji iš eilės nokautas, kai kurie gali tai vertinti kaip naujos nokauto serijos pradžią. Man, Man tai tikrai nerūpi, kol išeisiu pergalinga. Tai viskas, kas man svarbu. Aš neieškau nokauto, bet imsiuosi, jei jis ateis “.

# # #

Ennis vs.. Lipinets matys kylančią vidutinio svorio žvaigždę Jaronas „Batai“ Ennis susidurti su buvusiu pasaulio čempionu Sergey Lipinets dvylikos turų parodos antraštėje, tiesiogiai šeštadienį, SHOWTIME, Balandis 10 iš „Mohegan Sun“ arenos Uncasville mieste, Conn. į "Premier" Boksas Čempionų atveju.

Į Showtime ČEMPIONATO bokso bendradarbiavimo funkcija, pora sunkiai besimušančių pusvidutinių svarų atsiveria kaip Eimantas Stanionis užima buvusį pasaulio titulo varžovą Tomas Dulorme 12 turų WBA pusvidutinio svorio kategorijos eliminatoriuje. Televizijos atidarytuve dalyvauja IBF jaunių pasaulio „Bantamweight“ pasaulio čempionas Jerwino „Gražus berniukas“ Ancajas ginti savo titulą nuo Jonathanas Rodriguezas per 12-apvalios bijau.

Renginį reklamuoja „TGB Promotions“. Ennis vs.. Lipinets yra reklamuojamas kartu su D&D Boksas.

Daugiau informacijos rasite www.SHO.com/sports, www.PremierBoxingChampions.com, sekti Twitter @ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing ir @TGBPromotions „Instagram“ @ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing ir @TGBPromotions arba tapkite „Facebook“ gerbėju adresu www.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing.


Exclusive Fight Content Includes Past Events, Renginiai, And In-Depth Analysis of Featherweight And Light Heavyweight World Grand Prix

Grupė vyrų

Aprašymas automatiškai sugeneruotas vidutiniškai užtikrintai

NEW YORK – MARCH 19, 2021 – BELLATOR MMAis launching on SHOWTIME on Friday, April 2 withBELLATOR MMA 255: Pitbull vs. Sanchez 2 followed by two consecutive Friday nights of live championship MMA fight action. In anticipation of the launch, SHOWTIME will air a collection of BELLATOR specials and fight replays across its distribution platforms to set the stage for the April 2 live event featuring theBELLATOR MMA Featherweight World Grand Prix Semifinal, as well as the beginning of the highly anticipatedBELLATOR MMA Light Heavyweight World Grand Prix set to begin on Friday, April 9 and Friday, Balandis 16.

Starting this week, both SHOWTIME subscribers and non-subscribers have access to an exclusive collection of fights that have paved the way for the compelling upcoming matchups in each of these premier mixed martial arts tournaments featuringPatrickas „Pitbullas“Emmanuelis SanchezAJ McKeeVadimas NemkovRyan Bader ir dar daugiau.

Papildomai, SHOWTIME Sports will present a pair of highlight-driven specials hosted byMorning Kombat’sBrian Campbell and Luke Thomas to preview the Pitbull vs. Sanchez featherweight semifinal and the start of the eight-man Light Heavyweight World Grand Prix tournament. PavadinimasROAD TO BELLATOR MMAbothspecial programs will consist of highlights, analizė, and fight predictions, as SHOWTIME Sports’ dynamic combat sports duo prepares viewers for the live debut of BELLATOR MMA on SHOWTIME.

ROAD TO BELLATOR MMA: Pitbull vs. Sanchez 2 will debut on Monday, March 22 whileROAD TO BELLATOR MMA: Light Heavyweight World Grand Prixwill premiere one week later on Monday, Kovas 29 antShowtime Sportas irBELLATOR MMA YouTube channels.Both programs also will beavailable to subscribers on all SHOWTIME On Demand platforms, nuo Showtime EXTREME, as well as to SHOWTIME distributors for their free-on-demand and online portals.

Šeštadienį, Kovas 27, a replay ofBELLATOR MMA 253: Caldwell vs.. McKee will air on SHOWTIME at 8 p.m. ET / PT. The four-fight card, includingMcKee’s iconic “McKee-otine” finish over former BELLATOR Bantamweight World ChampionDarrion Caldwell that propelled the young star into the Featherweight World Grand Prix Final, will also replay onSHOWTIME on Sunday, Kovas 28 į 12 Midnight ET/PT, and again on Thursday, Balandis 1 į 9 p.m. ET / PT.

Bellator 253, along with several past events which featured the world-class fighters in the upcoming tournaments, will be scheduled on SHOWTIME EXTREME weeknights at 10 p.m. ET/PT and are now available on SHOWTIME On Demand platforms. Select events will be available for free to non-subscribers via SHOWTIME distributor platforms and on Pluto TV’s SHOWTIME Selects and BELLATOR MMA channels.

As part of the launch of BELLATOR MMA on SHOWTIME, the network is offering viewers who are new to the SHOWTIME streaming service a 30-day free trial, po to bus taikomas 4,99 USD mėnesio abonemento mokestis už kitus šešis mėnesius. Žiūrovai gali užsiregistruoti adresuSHO.com/BellatorMMA.

The following fight replays are scheduled for the weeks ahead as fans prepare for the launch of BELLATOR MMA on SHOWTIME:

·       BELLATOR MMA 252: Pitbull vs. Carvalho- (Original air date 11/12/2020)

·BELLATOR MMA 251: Manhoef vs. Anderson- (Original air date 11/05/2020)

·BELLATOR MMA 245: Davis vs. Machida 2- (Original air date 09/11/2020)

·BELLATOR MMA 244: Baderis vs. Nemkov- (Original air date 08/21/2020)

·BELLATOR MMA 222: MacDonald vs. Gracie- (Original air date 06/14/2019)

·BELLATOR MMA 220: MacDonald vs. Fitch- (Original air date 04/27/2019)

·BELLATOR MMA 214: Fiodoras vs. Blogiau- (Original air date 01/26/2019)

·BELLATOR MMA 186: Baderis vs. Vassell- (Original air date 11/03/2017)

·Daugiau, two individual bouts from BELLATOR MMA 209: - (Original air date 11/16/2018)

  • BELLATOR MMA: Davis vs Nemkov
  • BELLATOR MMA: Pitbull vs. Sanchez

Daugiau informacijos rasitewww.bellator.com arbawww.SHO.com, follow on Twitter @BellatorMMA and @ShowtimeSportson Instagram @BellatorMMA and @ShoSports, arba tapti "Facebook" gerbėjas newww.Facebook.com/BellatorMMA.



Aprašas automatiškai sugeneruotas
Sunkiai besiverčiantys vidutinio svorio kategorijos žaidėjai Eimantas Stanionis ir Thomas Dulorme dvikova WBA titulų eliminatoriuje; IBF jaunių „Bantamweight“ čempionas Jerwinas Ancajasas televizijos atidarytuvuose gina titulą prieš Jonathaną Rodríguezą

Niujorkas - kovas 17, 2021 - kylanti pusvidutinio svorio žvaigždė Jaronas „Batai“ Ennis jis susiduria su sunkiausiu išbandymu, siekdamas pasaulio čempionų titulo, kai jis antraštėje užrašo savo pirmąjį „SHOWTIME“ ČEMPIONATO BOKSĄ® prieš buvusio pasaulio čempionas Sergey Lipinets. Šie baisūs varžovai susitinka per 12 turų, sankryžoje šeštadienį kovojama su pusvidutinio svorio pasaulio čempionų titulais, Balandis 10 gyvena Showtime ne 9 p.m. ET / 6 p.m. PT iš „Mohegan Sun“ arenos Uncasville mieste, Conn. į "Premier" Boksas Čempionų atveju.

Į Showtime ČEMPIONATO bokso bendradarbiavimo funkcija, pora sunkiai besimušančių pusvidutinių svarų atsiveria kaip Eimantas Stanionis žengia dar vieną žingsnį klasėje, nes susiduria su buvusiu pasaulio čempionų varžovu Tomas Dulorme 12 turų WBA pusvidutinio svorio kategorijos eliminatoriuje. Televizijos atidarytuve dalyvauja IBF jaunių pasaulio „Bantamweight“ pasaulio čempionas Jerwino „Gražus berniukas“ Ancajas ginti savo titulą nuo Jonathanas Rodriguezas per 12-apvalios bijau.

Renginį reklamuoja „TGB Promotions“. Ennis vs.. Lipinets yra reklamuojamas kartu su D&D Boksas.

„Ennis vs.. „Lipinets“ yra fantastinė kova pusvidutinio svorio kategorijoje, kuri kelia Enniso jėgą prieš buvusį pasaulio čempioną Lipinete.,“- sakė Tomas Brownas, Prezidentas TGB Akcijos. „Tai labai konkurencinga kova, kuri kelia įspūdingą stilių susidūrimą ir turės didelę įtaką 147 svarų srities ateičiai. Kitas sensacingas jaunas pusvidutinis svoris sieks geriausio karjeros laimėjimo kartu, kaip Eimantas Stanionis atlieka sunkiausią iki šiol išbandymą veterane Thomas Dulorme. Pridėjo 115 svarų sveriantį čempioną Jerwiną Ancajasą, kuris siekė įspūdingos devintosios gynybos prieš meksikietį Jonathaną Rodríguezą, ir visos sudedamosios dalys veiksmo kupinai nakčiai balandžio 10 d. RODYMO LAIKOJE “.

Ennis (26-0, 24 Kos) yra naujausias iškilių Filadelfijos kovotojų panteone, derinant didingus bokso įgūdžius su natūralia jėga abiejose rankose. Po daugybės pasirodymų ShoBox: Naujos kartos, 23-ejų metų Ennis baigė savo pirmojo „SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING“ transliacijos laidą. Vyksta į paskutinę kovą prieš Chrisą van Heerdeną, Ennis važiavo 16 iš eilės nokautai. Ši serija baigėsi, kai kova buvo nutraukta po pirmojo raundo dėl netyčinio galvų susidūrimo, kuris smarkiai įpjovė Van Heerdeno kaktą..

"Džiaugiuosi, kad grįšiu balandžio 10 d.", - sakė Ennis. „Tokio tipo kovos aš laukiau. Nekantrauju pasirodyti ir surengti gražų pasirodymą. Pamatysi, kad kažkas ypatingas iš manęs ateis kovos naktį. Džiaugiuosi, kad esu pagrindinis renginys. Man laikas spindėti!"

31-erių Lipinetsas (16-1-1, 12 Kos) įsitvirtino kaip jėga 140 svarų sterlingų, kai jis iškovojo IBF pasaulio čempiono titulą pergalę prieš Akihiro Kondo 2017. M. Jis neteko titulo keturių divizionų pasaulio čempionui Mikey Garcia 2018 ir tada persikėlė į pusvidutinį svorį 2019. Jis atkreipė dėmesį, kad jis bus pusvidutinio svorio varžovas, kai pelnė įspūdingą pergalę prieš dviejų divizionų čempioną Lamontą Petersoną. 2019. Gimęs Kazachstane ir atstovaujantis Rusijai, Dabar Lipinetsas gyvena Vudlando kalvose, Kalifornijoje ir yra apmokytas garsaus trenerio Joe Goosseno. Spalio mėnesį „Lipinets“ kovoja prieš daugybę kovų prieš nenugalėtą Custio Claytoną 2020.

„Treniruotės vargina ir aš sunkiai dirbu su Joe Goossenu, kad kovos naktį būtų kuo puikiausiai,- Sakė Lipinetsas. „Mes turime sunkumų, jaunas kovotojas Ennyje, kuris mano, kad esu jam laiptelis. Bet kartais tarpiniai akmenys tave pakelia, ir aš padarysiu viską, kad jį pakilčiau balandžio mėnesį 10. Tiesiog darau viską, kad pasiruoščiau šuns kovai. Kiekvienas gerbėjas, išmanantis boksą, žino, kad tai bus tikras karas ir dėl kurio verta nusiteikti. Tikiuosi, kad kartais kausimės telefono būdelėje, bet taip pat tikiuosi, kad jis kartais bandys panaudoti savo pasiekiamumą ir kovoti su manimi per atstumą. Bet kad ir ką jis darytų, Aš būsiu jam pasirengęs “.

Stanionis (12-0, 9 Kos) surinko įspūdingų pergalių virtinę, nes pakilo į gretas nuo perspektyvos iki varžovo. Jis į rungtynes ​​su „Dulorme“ patenka su keturiomis iš eilės pergalėmis nokautu. 26-erių iš Lietuvos, kuris dabar gyvena ir treniruojasi Kalifornijoje, atrodė įspūdingai, kai surinko tris solidžias pergales 2019, įveikus Samuelį Figueroa vieningu sprendimu ir įvertinus ankstyvą sustabdymą prieš Julio Cesarą Sanchezą ir Evincii Dixoną. Nenugalėtas pusvidutinis svoris atkreipė dėmesį į divizioną, kai lapkričio ir gruodžio mėnesiais pagrindiniai pagrindiniai renginiai dominuoja „back-to-back“ 2020, kai jis išmušė devintojo turo nokautus atitinkamai Justinui DeLoachui ir Janeriui Gonzalezui.

„Tai pirmas kartas, kai kovoju RODYMO LAIKU, ir atrodo, kad svajonė išsipildė,“- sakė Stanionis. „Dulorme yra patyręs ir ilgą laiką buvo geras kovotojas. Ant popieriaus, tai mano sunkiausia kova, bet aš esu pasirengęs. Aš būsiu pasiruošęs viskam, ką jis atneš. Su mūsų stiliais, tai bus karas. Aš esu pasirengęs kovoti dabar. Kažkas eina žemyn ir nesvarbu, kas nutiks, sirgaliai laimės “.

31-erių Dulorme (25-4-1, 16 Kos) sukaupė tvirtą gyvenimo aprašymą 140 ir 147 svarų per savo karjerą, lipdamas į ringą su pasaulio čempionais Yordeniu Ugais, Jessie Vargas ir Terence Crawford. Gimė Marigote, Gvadelupa, bet kovoja iš Karolinos ir jai atstovauja, Puerto Rikas, Dulorme'as atsikratė pralaimėjimo Crawfordui už 140 svarų sterlingų titulą pelnydamas „back-to-back“ nokautus., po kurio buvo negautas aukšto svorio kategorijos svorio Yordenio Ugo pralaimėjimas. Pasaulio čempionų varžovas vieningai priėmė nuostolį Jamalui Jamesui paskutinėje kovoje rugpjūtį.

"Aš labai džiaugiuosi šia kova balandžio 10 d.", - sakė Dulorme. „Paskutinėje kovoje dėl titulo atėjau trumpai, bet pergalė prieš Stanionį mane grąžins į norimą padėtį. Jis jaunas ir stiprus, bet turiu daug daugiau patirties ir tai parodysiu ringe, ir tai atves mane į pergalę “.

Atstovaudamas Filipinams, Ancajas (32-1-2, 22 Kos) buvo tik 15 metų, kai jį pastebėjo bokso legenda Manny Pacquiao. Jaunasis kovotojas sužydėjo vadovaujant Pacquiao, tapęs pirmuoju pasaulio čempionu pagal „Pacquiao“ reklaminę antraštę, kai rugsėjį jis aplenkė McJoe Arroyo dėl IBF pasaulio jaunimo „Bantamweight“ titulo 2016. 29-erių pietvakaris nuo to laiko nepralaimėjo ir, susidūręs su Rodríguezu, darys devintąją savo titulo gynybą.. Paskutinėje savo išvykoje gruodžio mėn, Ancajas sustabdė Miguelį Gonzalezą per šešis raundus.

„Labai laukiu grįžimo į ringą balandžio mėnesį 10 mano pirmajai kovai SHOWTIME,- sakė Ancajas. „Visi žino didelę varžybą tarp Filipinų ir Meksikos, ir tikiuosi, kad prie šios istorijos galėsiu pridėti dar vieną sprogstamą kovą. Kovos gerbėjai žino, kur šiuo metu yra visos veiksmo kovos, ir tai yra 115 svarų padalijimas. Esu dėkingas už šią galimybę ir planuoju ją išnaudoti. “

Meksikietis Rodríguezas (22-1, 16 Kos) buvo suteiktas slapyvardis „Titanas“ dėl savo didingos galios. Nuo kovo mėn. Jose Martinui Estradai Garcia patyrus ginčijamą dalinio sprendimo nuostolį 2018, 25-erių metų komanda laimėjo šešis iš eilės, įskaitant pergalę per nokautą prieš Julianą Yedrą pernai gruodį. Jis kurs savo JAV. debiutas prieš Ancajas.

„Tai yra mano gyvenimo galimybė,- sakė Rodríguezas. „Kai pradėjau boksuotis, buvo mano svajonė kovoti dėl pasaulio titulo ir jį laimėti. Balandžio 10, visos mano svajonės ir sunkus darbas išsipildys, kai išgirsiu „ir naują IBF pasaulio čempioną“. “

Veteranas sporto laidų vedėjas Brianas Custeris transliuoja „SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING“ transliaciją, o universalus kovos sporto balsas Mauro Ranallo kartu su šlovės muziejaus analitiku Alu Bernšteinu ir trijų divizionų pasaulio čempionu Abneriu Maresu vykdo smūgį po smūgio.. Trys „Hall of Famers“ suburia televizijos laidų komandą: žiedo žurnalistas Jimas Gray, bokso istorikas Steve'as Farhoodas kaip neoficialus įvarčius, ir visame pasaulyje žinomas žiedų diktorius Jimmy Lennonas jaunesnysis. Vykdantysis prodiuseris yra keturis kartus „Emmy®“ apdovanojimų laimėtojas Davidas Dinkinsas, Jaunesnysis. Televizijos laidą prodiusuos Raymondas Smaltzas, o režisierius - Chuckas McKeanas. Buvęs jaunimo vidutinio svorio pasaulio čempionas Raúlas „El Diamante“ Marquezas ir sporto vedėjas Alejandro Luna yra ekspertai ispanų kalba antrinio garso programavimo srityje. (SAP).

Daugiau informacijos rasite www.SHO.com/sports, www.PremierBoxingChampions.com, sekti Twitter @ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing ir @TGBPromotions „Instagram“ @ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing ir @TGBPromotions arba tapkite „Facebook“ gerbėju adresu www.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing.


Lengvas pojūtis Isaacas Cruzas pelnė vieningą sprendimą prieš Matiasą Romero iš pirmo pralaimėjimo; Terrellas Gausha per TV laidų atidarymo programą SHOWTIME surengia pabrėžtiną TKO pergalę prieš Jamontay Clarką.® „Premier“ bokso čempionų turnyre

Spauskite ČIA už Nuotraukos iš Amanda Westcott / Showtime
(Netrukus nuotraukos bus įkeltos)

Spustelėkite čia, jei norite žiūrėti pagrindinio turnyro paskutines akimirkas

Spustelėkite čia, jei norite žiūrėti David Benavidez interviu po kovos

Uncasville, Conn. - Kovas 13, 2021 - Buvęs dukart pasaulio čempionas Davidas Benavidez išsaugojo nepriekaištingą savo ringo įrašą su 11oji-turo techninio nokauto pergalė prieš veteraną Ronaldas Ellisas šeštadienio vakaro laidos „SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING“ pagrindiniame turnyre „WBC Super Middleweight Title Eliminator“., tiesiogiai per SHOWTIME iš Mohegan Sun arenos Uncasville mieste, Conn., į "Premier" Boksas Čempionų atveju.

Finikso „Benavidez“ (24-0, 21 Kos) mirgėjo puikus rankos greitis, tikslumas ir galia, kai jis dominavo Elisyje (18-2-2, 12 Kos) nuo Lynn, Mišios., per 11 raundų, kol teisėjas Johnny Callas pagaliau pamojo kovą 2:03 priešpaskutinio turo. 24 metų žvaigždė užėmė reikšmingą vietą visų trijų rezultatų kortelių etape (99-91, 98-92 x2) sustabdymo metu.

„Aš vertinu savo pasirodymą gana gerai, bet žinau, kad galėjau padaryti geriau,- sakė Benavidezas, kuris išplėtė savo tobulą rekordą 24-0. „Ronaldas Ellisas yra sunkus konkurentas. Tikiuosi, kad gerbėjams patiks tai, ką jie matė. Mečiau daug derinių, štampai kekėmis. Daug kartų maniau, kad Ellis mesti, bet jis to nepadarė. Kepurės nuo jo, jis kietas vyrukas. Tai buvo šiek tiek vėliau, nei norėjau, tačiau sustabdymas vis tiek yra sustabdymas. Tikiuosi, kad gerbėjai šį vakarą sulaukė gero šou “.

Bokso stebuklas tapo jauniausiu pasaulio vidutinio svorio pasaulio čempionu bokso istorijoje, Benavidezas pasirodė meistriškai, ką patvirtina jo smūgio statistika, nusileidimas 289 apie 532 galios smūgiai, išmetami, kad akį traukiantis ryšio greitis būtų 54%. Benavidezas prisijungė 50 smūgiai į 11oji kuris galiausiai pristabdė. Abu kovotojai kartu metė 1,403 štampus. Po jo dominuojančio laimėjimo SHOWTIME, Benavidezas yra dar vienas žingsnis arčiau pasaulio vidutinio svorio kategorijos susigrąžinimo.

„Aš noriu visų didelių vaikinų,- pridūrė Benavidezas. „Kalbėdamas ir gerbėjams, jie norėtų pamatyti mane prieš visus didelius vaikinus, nes, kaip matote, Man patinka mėtyti smūgius. Man patinka stabdyti žmones, todėl aš, palyginti su bet kokiu dideliu vardu, būtų nuostabi kova. Noriu [Jermall] Charlo, Canelo Alvarez, Kalebas augalų, Visi jie."

Ellis, 31, parodė didžiulį ryžtą ir labai tvirtą smakrą, nes sugėrė nuolatinį buvusio dukart pasaulio čempiono puolimą.. Benavidezas spaudė veiksmą, dažnai dirbdamas virvėmis, Ellis nusileido 89 nuo jo 334 Stumtelėjimus.

„Aš būčiau galėjęs šiek tiek labiau užkirsti kelią ir valdyti daiktus ir neleisti jam manęs užgniaužti,- sakė Ellisas. „Po velnių taip, aš norėjau pabaigti. Nenorėjau jam suteikti tokio pasitenkinimo. Aš galėjau šiek tiek daugiau pajudėti ir nepadaryti tiek šūvių į galvą. Kepurės nuo jo. Jis padarė tai, ką turėjo padaryti. Jis niekada skauda man, tai juokingas dalykas. I took a lot of shots but he didn’t damage me or have me super hurt. I never thought about quitting.”

The sports world lost an icon today as the death of Marvelous Marvin Hagler was reported hours before the live telecast began. A member of the International Boxing Hall of Fame, Hagler, kuris buvo 66 metai, fought in the first main event ever on SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING on March 10, 1986. Hagler was honored with a ceremonial 10-count prior to tonight’s main event. Click Here to Watch SHOWTIME’s Tribute to Marvin Hagler

Benavidez reflected on Hagler’s passing after the fight: “I had met Marvin once before and he was a great champion. Someone told me he fought the first fight on SHOWTIME. Someone on my team let me know a few hours before the fight that he had passed. Liūdna ir jis bus praleistas. Jis buvo tikra legenda “.

Be bendro pagrindinis renginio, Isaacas Cruzas (21-1-1, 15 Kos) Meksiko pelnė vieningą sprendimo pergalę prieš Argentinos Matiasas Romero (24-1, 8 Kos) 12 turų WBA lengvo svorio kategorijos eliminatoriuje. Tai buvo pirmas kartas, kai 22-ejų Cruzas nuėjo 12 profesionalo karjeros etapų. Skaityta teisėjų rezultatų kortelė 114-113, 115-112 ir 118-109. Neoficialus „SHOWTIME“ žaidėjas Steve'as Farhoodas įmušė kovą 115-112, duodamas raundus 10 per 12 kylančiai žvaigždei.

„Aš nesu patenkintas kovos stiliumi, tačiau esu patenkintas, kad parsivežiau pergalę namo ir mes priėjome„ Ne “. 1 vieta WBA,Sakė Cruz. „Aš nežinojau, kas nutiks [kiek teisėjai]. Mes visą laiką privertėme kovą, o teisėjams būtų buvę labai neįmanoma ką nors padaryti man, kai aš buvau stumiantis kovą “.

Visą 36 minučių romaną, Cruzas nuolat darė spaudimą priešininkui, kuris privertė Romero, labiau patyręs profesionalas, pernelyg laikytis bandant sustabdyti spaudimą. Nepaisant to, kad teisėjas Harvey'as Dockas dažnai įspėjo, 24-erių Romero niekada nebuvo nubaustas. Per šiurkštų varžybas, tačiau, Cruzas už mažą smūgį buvo užmuštas tašku šeštame raunde.

„Jis buvo kovotojas, nenorėjęs keistis smūgiais,- pridūrė Cruzas, remdamasis atkakliu klinikavimu. „Man buvo labai atsibodę klinikos - jam niekada nebuvo įspėjimo. Aš padariau viską iš ten. Not the best way I wanted to do it but thank God we won the fight and we’re taking the victory home.”

Romero presented an effective jab throughout the fight, nusileidimas 89 apie 282, but it was Cruz’s power punching that ultimately earned him the victory. Kryžius, who is now the No. 1 contender for a world title shot at 135 svarų, nusileido 145 apie 459 Baterijos štampus, įskirtinai 91 Kūno kadrai.

“Obviously I’m not happy with the decision,” stated Romero following his first professional loss. “I thought maybe it was a draw. Overall I’m happy with my performance. He’s supposed to the be the ‘Pit Bull’ and I went the distance. You have to take the opportunities when they are presented and I wish I would have had more time to get ready for this fight.”

In the evening’s opening bout, Cleveland’s Terrell Gausha (22-2-1, 11 Kos) scored an impressive second-round technical knockout over fellow Ohioan Jamontay Clark (15-2-1, 7 Kos) Cincinnati. Gausha, 33, did not land a single power punch in the opening round but worked well behind the jab, winning the round on two of the judges’ scorecards. As the second round neared completion, Gausha beautifully countered a lunging left hand from the southpaw Clark which sent the 26-year-old to the canvas for the first time in his professional career. Clark beat the count but moments later was met by a barrage of unanswered punches in the neutral corner. Referee Arthur Mercante jumped in and called a halt to the bout at 2:44 antrojo turo.

“I knew Jamontay was a tough kid, I’ve been watching him since Cleveland so I knew about him already,” said Gausha. „Jaučiausi turėjęs galimybę jį išmušti, bet nežinojau, kaip klostysis kova. Bet aš jaučiuosi gerai, įvykdė žaidimo planą. Mano treneriai mokėsi kino ir mes įvykdėme egzekuciją.

„Aš tiesiog neskubėjau,“- pridūrė Gausha. „Aš statydavau spąstus. Žinojau, kad jis galų gale bus atviras, bet ir aš turėjau būti atsargus, nes jis - vaikinas, turi gerą kairę ranką. Bet aš žinojau, kad jo žaidime yra skylių, mes įvykdėme ir kai pasitaikė proga, mes nusileidome ta didele dešine ranka “.

Su savo pabrėžtinu sustabdymo laimėjimu, the 2012 „Olympian“ iškyla kaip pretendentas į supervidutinio svorio kategorijos šaudymo titulą. Pirmuoju ir vieninteliu pasaulio titulu nušovė 2017, Gausha dropped a unanimous decision to current super welterweight world champion Erislandy Lara.

“I know I made a statement tonight,“- pridūrė Gausha. “I put the division on notice. I’m locked and loaded and I’m ready. I want to be a world champion so I’m looking to fight whoever I need to fight to get to the belts.”

Šeštadienio Showtime ČEMPIONATO Boksas telecast will replay Sunday at 8:55 tarifu. ET/PT on SHOWTIME and Monday at 10 p.m. ET on SHOWTIME EXTREME.

Veteran sportscaster Brian Custer hosted the telecast. Versatile combat sports voice Mauro Ranallo called the action ringside alongside Hall of Fame analyst Al Bernstein and three-division world champion Abner Mares. Two Hall of Famers rounded out the telecast team: boxing historian Steve Farhood as unofficial scorer and world-renowned ring announcer Jimmy Lennon Jr. The telecast was available in Spanish via Secondary Audio Programming (SAP) with former junior middleweight world champion Raúl “El Diamante” Marquez and Alejandro Luna calling the action. The executive producer was four-time Emmy® award winner David Dinkins, Jaunesnysis. The director was Bob Dunphy, son of legendary Hall of Famer Don Dunphy.

The event was promoted by TGB Promotions and Sampson Boxing.

Daugiau informacijos rasite www.SHO.com/sports, www.PremierBoxingChampions.com, sekti Twitter @ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing ir @TGBPromotions „Instagram“ @ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing and @TGBPromotionss or become a fan on Facebook at www.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing.



(Penktadienis, Kovas 5, 2021 – Flint, MANO) Women’s superstar Claressa Skydai furthered her claim as boxing’s “GWOAT” Friday night and became the unified WBC, WBO, IBF & WBA Super Junior Middleweight World Champion, by scoring a one-sided 10-round unanimous decision over Marie-Eve Dicaire of St-Eustache, Kvebekas, Kanada, in the 10-round main event of the historic all-women’s “SUPERWOMEN: SHIELDS VS. DICAIRE event at the Dort Financial Center and live on pay-per-view in Shields’ hometown of Flint, Mičiganas.

Skydai (11-0, 2 Kos) also became the first boxer in the four-belt era to become an undisputed world champion in two weight divisions by virtue of her shutout victory (100-90 by all three judges) over now former champion Dicaire (17-1).

Uncharacteristically, the 25-year-old Shields turned counterpuncher early in this fight, to offset Dicaire’s attempts to bounce in and out of range. Relying on her reflexes to punish any attempt at aggression by Dicaire, Shields shut the Canadian down and then turned back to her customary forward aggression later in the bout.

Dicaire landed a quality southpaw left on Shields in round four, possibly her only significant blow of the fight, and Shields simply shook it off to no effect.

I can’t be mad about my performance,” said Shields after the bout. “She just kept elbowing and headbutting me. I tried for the knockout and I almost had it a couple times, but we’ve got two minutes and the ref not breaking it up when she’s holding me and elbowing me. I’m happy but I still wanted the knockout. I just didn’t have enough time. Tuo dienos pabaigos, I am the new undisputed champ at 154 and the first boxer to be undisputed champ twice.”

Shields said she was happy to have accomplished her latest piece of history in front of her family and friends in Flint, even if the pandemic meant a lot fewer fans in attendance.

“With Covid, we couldn’t have a full capacity. Yra 300 here and that’s the capacity of the day, so we have a full house. We couldn’t have full capacity, but I know if we could have, we would have had 6000 people in here. I’m happy to have been able to do it here (in Flint). I started boxing here at Berston Fieldhouse at 11 metai. Never in a million years did I think I’d be on pay-per-view and fighting for an undisputed title and be one of the biggest stars in boxing. I just wanted to win an Olympic Gold medal. God has given me two Olympic medals. aš turiu 12 championship belts now. It doesn’t feel real to say undisputed twice.”

When asked about two of her remaining rivals in boxing, fellow superstar Katie Taylor of Ireland and her one-time conqueror in the amateurs, Savannah Marshall of the UK, Shields brimmed with confidence.

“Katie Taylor is not the worry. 147 pounds is. They’d have to pay me a lot to lose my butt and go down to 147. Tuo dienos pabaigos, I’m a woman. I don’t have big breasts, but I got a nice butt, so come with that dough and I’ll be there. At least a million and I’ll be there.

“Savannah Marshall can’t f*** with me. Leiskite keep it real. Savannah Marshall, you won a lucky decision when we were kids. Also London was hosting the Olympics. If you want to gloat about beating me 14 points to 8… come on now. And then I went on to become world champion in three different division and she broke. She knows she cannot and will not ever be able to f*** with me. She can come to America. I will go to the UK. We can go to Mexico. We can go anywhere, and I will f*** her up. She knows that. She’s scared of me. Savannah Marshall can get it. Tell Eddie Hearn, he came that whack-ass 250K. Tell him to come with 500K… 750K if he wants me to go to the UK and smoke his girl. Pay me.”

Dicaire continued her graciousness in post-fight questioning and promised not to let the loss dampen her future in the sport.

“I think Claressa did a good job tonight,“, - sakė Dicaire. “Tonight, she was the best. Sometimes you win and sometimes you learn. Šįvakar, I learned. I think this is just going to allow me to grow stronger. I don’t box to protect my record or keep my record at 0 nuostoliai. I box to beat champions. Šįvakar, I had the chance to fight the real champion. She won this time but count on me to go back to the gym and work hard and be world champion again for sure.

Skydai, who says her much-publicized MMA debut will likely be in Las Vegas in June, threw 409 punches in the fight and landed 128 įskirtinai 34.9% of her power punches. Dicaire threw 263 punches in return but landed just 31.

“Flint Michigan got the baddest boxer in the world!” said Shields to her fans. “We two-time undisputed. Pacquiao who? Canelo who? When someone else does what I did let me know.”

Naktį anketa bendrai Main Event, Houston’s undefeated Danielle Perkins (3-0, 1 KO) showed marked improvement and had a much easier time in her rematch against Georgia’s Monika “Lay Em Down” Harrison (2-2, 1 KO), scoring a dominant eight-round unanimous decision while picking up the WBC Silver Heavyweight Championship in the process.

The former amateur world champion Perkins used every bit of her superior athleticism, 6’ height and 72-inch reach to move around the ring and keep the 5’ 10” Harrison at bay with a punishing southpaw right jab and a steady diet of strong left hands to the head and body. Kartais, Referee Michael Griffin appeared to be considering a stoppage, but the durable Harrison kept coming forward and swinging for the fences for all eight rounds, despite the firepower coming her way.

Balai buvo 80-72 iš visų trijų teisėjų.

“I apologize for not getting a knockout. I swear next time I’ll come back and give it to you, titnagas,” said Perkins, po kovos. “Monika made some adjustments this time. I hit her with some solid hammers and that girl stayed on her feet so kudos to her.”

Perkins threw 353 punches in the fight and landed 121 įskirtinai 40.9% of her power shots. Harrison threw 273 shots, but only found a home for 21 jų.

“I want to be the undisputed female heavyweight champion of the world,” continued Perkins. “I want to be the best you’ve ever seen.”

Undefeated bantamweight Jamie “The Miracle” Mitchell (6-0-2, 43 Kos) of Pacific Grove, Kalifornija, looked impressive in battering and stopping more-experienced veteran Noemi “La Rebelde / No-No” Bosques (12-16-3, 2 Kos) in five one-sided rounds.

With the two-fisted punishment from Mitchell steadily increasing with every passing round, Referee Gerard White decided the stumbling and retreating Bosques had had enough and mercifully waved the fight off at 1:49 of the fifth.

“I was just zoned out. I was doing whatever fit the moment,” said Mitchell, po kovos. “That’s how I got the knockout. Thanks to my coaches and thanks to Claressa Shields for putting me on this card. This is an unforgettable moment for women.”

Prior to scoring the technical knockout, Mitchell landed 48% (80/167) of her power punches, ir 40% (94/234) of her total punches. Noemi Bosques only landed 24 apie 153 štampus.

“I like to pick on myself to do better,” said Mitchell of her performance. “There were certain things I wanted to do, but they don’t call this girl a gatekeeper for nothing. I wish I had gotten her out of there quicker and been crisper with my jab. She was a bit tricky.”

In the opening bout of the broadcast, 2012 Olimpinis bronzos medalininkas Marlen Esparza(9-1, 1 KO) stayed busy ahead of her scheduled challenge of WBC Flyweight Champion Ibeth Zamora in April with a dominant six-round unanimous decision over Canada’sShelly Barnett (dabar 4-4-2, 2 KO).

Barnett tried to be aggressive, but Esparza’s skills allowed her to pot shot her bigger opponent, nearly at will, especially as the fight wore on. “We knew she was tough and bigger,” said Esparza. “I wanted someone with more weight because I never fight above 112 kg. and I think I handled it well. I’m happy about the way everything played out. I’m happy to have been part of this event and to be working with Claressa again.”

Esparza threw 352 punches in the fight, nusileidimas 126, įskirtinai 26 body shots and 38.4% of her power shots. Barnett threw 291 and landed 49. Teisėjai balai buvo 60-54, 6-53 x 2.

On the free pre-show portion of the pay-per-view, middleweight Timur Kerefov stayed undefeated (11-0, 6 Kos) with a TKO 3 over Saint Petersburg, Florida veteran Manny Woods (dabar 16-11-1, 6 Kos). Woods left eye couldn’t hold up under the onslaught of punches from the Russian former amateur star. The time was 1:06. Kerefov, Detroit via Shalushka, Russia and now training at Kronk Gym, threw 190 punches in the abbreviated encounter, nusileidimas 80, įskirtinai 24 Kūno kadrai. Woods threw 122 and landed just 17.

SUPERWOMEN: SHIELDS VS. DICAIRE was presented by Salita Akcijos kartu su "Groupe Yvon Michelis, dedicated to this year’s International Women’s Day (Pirmadienis, Kovas 8, 2021) and proudly sponsored by online gambling titansBetonline.net and plant-based online marketplace Vejii.
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ShoBox Continues Celebrating 20oji Anniversary Year With Telecast Featuring Eight Prospects With Total Record of 102-4-2

Niujorkas - kovas 1, 2021 -One of boxing’s fastest-rising prospects Brandun Lee will return to the “Fight Sphere” at Mohegan Sun in Uncasville, Conn., for the third time when he takes on Samuel Teah Wednesday, Kovas 10 gyvena Showtime ne 9 p.m. ET/PT in the super lightweight main event of aShoBox: Naujos kartos televizijos laida.

Lee vs. Teah headlines a four-fight card featuring eight promising prospects with a combined record of 102-4-2.

The 21-year-old knockout artist Lee (21-0, 19 Kos) of La Quinta, Kalifornijoje., will look to extend his impressive KO streak to 13 kai jis susiduria suShoBox veteran Samuel Teah (17-3-1, 7 Kos) per 10 turas Super lengvas bijau. The co-main event will see undefeated super featherweight prospect Misael Lopez (11-0, 5 Kos) battle once-beaten Jordan White (10-1, 8 Kos) in an eight-round bout and two tough undefeated prospects will clash in the second fight of the night as Philadelphia’s Steven Ortiz (11-0, 3 Kos) faces Jeremy Hill (14-0, 9 Kos) į aštuonių apvalios lengvo bijau. In the telecast opener, 22-year-old power-punching prospect Victor Padilla (8-0, 7 Kos) daro savoShoBoxdebut against another unbeaten Philadelphia native, Tomas Velasquez (10-0-1, 6 Kos), in an eight-round super featherweight contest.

The four-fight telecast is promoted by DiBella Entertainment and D&D Boksas.

“Our March 10ShoBox renginys, iš viršaus į apačią, perfectly represents the philosophy that the series has set forth to accomplish during our 20 years in boxing,“, - sakė Gordonas Hallas, executive producer forShoBox: Naujos kartos. “The full spectrum of prospects will be on display in this event from coming-of-age newcomers to a fighter at the doorstep of a world championship fight. In the opening bout we have a three-time amateur National Champion in Victor Padilla, who is in the infancy of his promising professional career at 8-0, Pateikęs savoShoBox debiutas, while atop the bill is Brandun Lee, one of the most promising prospects in boxing, taking on his toughest challenge against aShoBox veteran Samuel Teah.ShoBox is the ultimate proving ground for prospects and we will learn a lot about all of these fighters March 10 on SHOWTIME.”

“All eight fighters competing on March 10 at Mohegan Sun will be tested, and that is exactly what theShoBox series is all about. I’m proud to promote such an evenly matched event from top to bottom,” said Lou DiBella, Prezidentas DiBella Pramogos. “Puerto Rican lightweight Victor Padilla is a knockout artist with blazing fast hands and he’ll be facing unbeaten Philadelphian Thomas Velasquez. Junior lightweight Misael Lopez returns toShoBox following his series debut, an upset over touted favorite James Wilkins, now taking on heavy-hitter Jordan White. Philadelphia lightweight Steven Ortiz also returns to the series, after debuting with a win against unbeaten Wesley Ferrer, varžosi su nepralaimėjusiu Naujojo Orleano žaidėju Jeremy Hillu. Į pagrindinį renginį, baisus jėgos smūgio atstovas Brandunas Lee iškyla prieš klastingą veteraną Samuelį Teahą, savo didžiausiame iki šiol išbandyme.”

Lee vs. Teahas - 10 raundų itin lengvas pagrindinis turnyras

Gerai vertinamas Lee greitai dirbo dviem ankstesniais varžovais, su kuriais teko susidurti Mohegano „Sun“ arenoje 2020, įmušęs Jimmy Williamso pirmojo turo „high-roll“ ritąShoBox spalio mėn., o gruodžio mėn. - trečiojo etapo „Dakota Linger“ sustabdymas. Lee nokautavo visus, išskyrus du, savo profesionalius oponentus ir valdo 12 pirmojo rato nokautai. Mokė jo tėvas Bobis, Lee kovojo keturis kartus 2020, įskaitant trečiojo turo TKO virš Camilo Prieto viename iš paskutinių tiesioginių sporto renginių, kurie vyks prieš kovą, kai COVID-19 pandemija kelis mėnesius uždarė sporto pasaulį..

Lee had a decorated amateur career with an estimated record of 196-5. Jis buvo 2015 Ne JAV. Junior National Champion, taking home the gold medal at 145 svarų. With lightning quick hands that pack power, the exciting Lee has sparred with the likes of Mikey Garcia, Devin Haney, Mauricio Herrera, Timothy Bradley Jr., and Thomas Dulorme.

“I’ve just been training in La Quinta, staying safe and healthy and focusing on what I need to do in order to have another impressive performance,” said Lee. “I see that Teah is a good inside puncher and he has good speed. He’s a volume puncher but other than that, I don’t see much that I shouldn’t be able to handle. I’m super excited to be returning toShoBox in the main event so that my fans can see me live on TV, because the fans want to see knockouts so that’s what I’m going to give them.”

Taip, born in Liberia and fighting out of Philadelphia, has had mixed luck onShoBox. A three-fight veteran of the developmental series, Teah scored a unanimous decision over then-undefeated O’Shaquie Foster in 2015 but dropped a majority decision to Montana Love in 2018. Most recently onShoBox, Teah scored a unanimous decision over Kenneth Sims Jr. lapkričio 2018. The 33-year-old Taip, who did not start boxing until the age of 19, also owns an impressive win over Sonny Fredrickson and beat Dieumerci Nzau his last time out in March 2020.

“I don’t mind being the underdog and it won’t be the first time for me,” Teah said. “I haveShoBox wins against O’Shaquie Foster and Kenneth Sims, Jr, and I always seem to perform better when the lights and cameras are focused on me. I’m looking forward to the challenge.”

Lopez vs. White – Eight-Round Super Featherweight Bout

Born in Sonora, Meksika, and raised in Denver, Colo., Lopez had a successful amateur career before turning professional in 2016. He compiled an amateur record of 50-5, winning gold at the 2010 Colorado State Silver Gloves Tournament and the Colorado State Golden Gloves Tournament in 2009 ir 2015. Lopez’s career-best pro win came onShoBox rugsėjo 2018 when he outboxed the power-punching James Wilkins in a step-up fight. Trained by his father Evenezer, Lopez has added two wins since then, including a first-round TKO over Richard Flores.

“I can’t tell you how excited I am to be back onShoBox ir, šį kartą, with such a strong team behind me,” said the 24-year-old Lopez. “I respect my promoter, Lu DiBella, a lot and have no doubt that he can put me in the position to become a champion. I’m ready for the challenge and can’t wait for March 10.

Vašingtonas, D.C. native White was a former No. 1-ranked amateur, amassing 145-16 įrašas. He was teammates with future world champions Devin Haney and Shakur Stevenson on the Junior National travel squad, competing in the Junior World Championships in Kiev, Ukraine in 2013. White turned professional at 18, winning his first four bouts, three by way of knockout, before losing a decision to fellow undefeated foe Adam Lopez. White has since bounced back by winning six fights in a row, including a seventh-round TKO over previously unbeaten prospect Ronaldo Solis. White, 23, is the cousin of 2000 Ne JAV. Olympian Clarence Vinson.

I am honored for this opportunity to fight on SHOWTIME against the undefeated Misael Lopez,” said White. “I respect his fight game, but I am looking forward to displaying my superior skill set. Kovo 10, there will be lights, cameras, and plenty of action.

Ortiz vs. Hill – Eight-Round Lightweight Bout

The 27-year-old Ortiz has developed a cult following in his hometown region, fighting seven times in the greater Philadelphia area. Ortiz rallied off five straight wins in the “City of Brotherly Love” before making hisShoBoxdebut in September 2018, a majority decision victory over then-unbeaten Wesley Ferrer in Shawnee, Okla. Ortiz picked up two wins in 2019, including a unanimous decision over previously undefeated Philadelphian Jeremy Cuevas, but did not fight in 2020. Atliktas mėgėjų, Ortiz is a five-time Pennsylvania Golden Gloves Champion, a bronze medalist at the National Golden Gloves and a gold medalist at the National Silver Gloves.

The pandemic was a major setback for me and the careers of many other fighters, žinoma, but it kept me focused,” said Ortiz. “I stayed in the gym getting ready for when the opportunity came, and here it is. Hill is a tall, awkward fighter, but I am up for the challenge. It doesn’t matter who is in front of me, Aš esu čia, kad kova. This will be my second fight on SHOWTIME and I feel that, šį kartą, I’ll be coming back stronger, both mentally and physically. The audience will see the best of me.”

New Orleans’ Jeremy Hill blends his unique size, accuracy and power in both hands inside the ring with showmanship and charisma outside of it. A successful amateur who rose all the way to the No. 4 ranked U.S. lightweight amateur, Hill won the Male Elite Champion at the Ringside World Championships in 2017 and turned professional in April 2018 after posting a 55-10 record in the unpaid ranks. Kalnas, 28, is coming off a TKO over Travis Castellon in November but will be facing his first undefeated opponent in Ortiz since beating the 1-0 Lashawn Alcocks in his fourth pro fight. He also owns a unanimous decision over then-once-beaten Xavier Wilson in July, one of Hill’s four wins in 2020.

I’m excited and thankful for the opportunity,” said Hill. “I’ve been working hard and grinding for a chance like this. I feel like I’m overdue for this type of fight and this kind of exposure, so I’m just ready to show everyone what I can do. I’m about to cut up on national TV.

Padilla vs. Velasquez – Eight-Round Super Featherweight Bout

Padilla, 22, was born in Vieques, Puerto Rikas, and currently lives and fights out of Berlin, N.J. The all-action, power-punching southpaw has stopped all but one of his professional challengers, including six opponents who failed to make it out of the first round. His last time out in January 2020, Padilla needed just 2:46 to stop Israel Suarez-Olmeda. Padilla turned professional in December 2016 after a stellar amateur career that included three National Championships and a record of 90-7. He trains alongside former world champions Tevin Farmer and Jason Sosa under trainer Raul “Chino” Rivas.

“Pirmiausia ir svarbiausia, Noriu padėkoti Dievui, my family and my team for keeping me positive through these hard times,” said Padilla. “I am very excited for this opportunity to showcase my skills in front of a national audience. I have sacrificed a lot to get to this point in my career. It takes a lot of dedication to the sport and I am confident that it will pay off. It has been 13 long years of working hard to show the world who Victor Padilla is and, kovo 10, a new chapter will begin. Thomas Velasquez is a good fighter and this is a good matchup, but may the best man win.

Velasquez, another Philadelphia native, made his professional debut in 2015 and looked to be rapidly rising through the ranks, winning his first nine fights including five by way of knockout. A draw with Tyrome Jones in September 2017 stalled his career to a near standstill, as he did not fight again until 2020 when he scored a third-round KO over veteran Gustavo Molina in his return bout. The 25-year-old will look to regain the momentum he had earlier in his career with a win over the highly regarded Padilla. Kaip mėgėjas, Velasquez had a 30-3 record and won the Pennsylvania State Golden Gloves. He is trained by Hamza Muhammad, who also trains the newly crowned WBO Junior Featherweight World Champion Stephen Fulton Jr.

“I could not be happier to have this opportunity to show the world what I can do,” said Velasquez. “It doesn’t matter who is standing in the opposite corner, I fight to provide a better life for my twin daughters. I look forward to putting on a spectacular performance on March 10 and leaving that ring with my unbeaten record intact.

International Boxing Hall of Famer Barry Tompkins will call the action from ringside with fellow Hall of Famer and boxing historian Steve Farhood and former world champion Raul Marquez serving as expert analysts. Vykdomoji gamintojas yra Gordon salė su Richard Gaughan gaminti ir Rickas Phillips vadovavimas.

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Daugiau informacijos rasitewww.sho.com/sports sekti Twitter @ShowtimeBoxing, SHOSports, #ShoBox, arba tapti "Facebook" gerbėjas newww.Facebook.com/SHOSports


“I don’t know how he feels, but I’m willing to die in the ring. I’m willing to put my life on the line.” – Broner

“I don’t have anything to lose, so AB better bring his A-game against me.” – Santjagas

Former Four-Division World Champion Adrien Broner Returns to the Ring to Face Undefeated Jovanie Santiago Live on SHOWTIME® Saturday, Vasaris 20 „Premier“ bokso čempionų turnyre

Click HERE for Photos from
Amanda Westcott/SHOWTIME

*Editor’s Note: Pagrindinis įvykis, previously announced as a super lightweight fight, will now be contested at the welterweight limit (147 Svoris.) following a mutual decision from both fighters.

Uncasville, Conn. – February 18, 2021 – Former four-division world champion and must-see attraction Adrien “The Problem” Broner and Jovanie Santiago met face to face Thursday at the final press conference to preview their main event attraction taking place this Saturday, Vasaris 20 gyvena Showtime (9 p.m. ET / 6 p.m. PT) in a Premier Boxing Champions event from Mohegan Sun Arena in Uncasville, Conn.

The popular Broner (33-4-1, 24 Kos), who by the age of 26 had captured world titles at 130, 135, 140 ir 147 svarų, will end his two-year hiatus from boxing and continue his quest for a fifth world title by returning to face the unbeaten Santiago (14-0-1, 10 Kos) in a 12-round welterweight bout.

The press conference also featured former heavyweight world title challenger Dominic Breazeale and highly touted contender Otto Wallin, who will square off in the 12-round co-feature of the SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING telecast, and former world champion Robert Easter Jr. and contender Ryan Martin who will meet in a 12-round super lightweight bout to open the telecast.

Renginį reklamuoja „TGB Promotions“. Breazeale vs. Wallin is promoted in association with Salita Promotions.

Here is what the press conference participants had to say Thursday:


“I’ve had so many great performances and I’m looking forward to another great performance Saturday night. I know he’s coming to fight, he’s undefeated and he’s hungry. Anybody who fights a name like Adrien Broner is going to always train to their best ability so I’m not looking at this as a fight where I just go in and destroy this guy. I’m just going to go to do what I have to do to get the victory – look good inside and outside the ring.

“I feel like I’m going to be a world champion again, vėl, vėl ir vėl. Until I’m really done with boxing. Taip, I took two years off from boxing, retired and let my body heal and rest. I just feel like I’ve got what it takes to win more championships in different weight classes so that’s what I’m going to do.

“At the end of the day, he’s here because of me and everybody in this room is here because of me, so that’s special. šeštadienio naktis, the only thing that’s going to be special is this whooping I’m giving out. He’ll know then. Santiago hasn’t been punched yet. When you punch somebody, they talk different. He ain’t going to be talking like that after Saturday.

“I went through a lot of things, dorai. Vieną dieną, I just woke and said, ‘I’m done.’ In order to change, you’ve got to make change or you’ll steady get caught up doing the same thing. I cut a lot of stuff, I stopped doing a lot of stuff and I got myself together. It was a long road to get to where I’m at today and now I’m here.

"Klausyk, if you got a belt, just hold on to it. I’m coming to sweep it all up; WBA, WBO, WBC, IBF. I’m coming to get them all.

“Just expect a hell of a show. I know he’s coming to fight, He’s from Puerto Rico, jie ateina kovoti. But I didn’t just do all this training to go into the ring and not fight. So he’s got to know that if he comes to a war, he’s going to be in a war too. He better be coming with a lot of equipment because I’ve got a lot of equipment coming with me. I’m just ready to put it all on the line. I don’t know how he feels, but I’m willing to die in the ring. I’m willing to put my life on the line. I don’t know how far he’s willing to go. He might start thinking about his kids, grandkids, aunts, nieces, Nežinau.

“From the time I was six years old, I never took a break from boxing. So that’s what I did. Dabar, I’m missing boxing again, I’m back in it and we’re back to it on Saturday night.

“It’s been a hell of a training camp. Maybe one of the toughest because I had to get back in rhythm, coming back and losing all that weight and working as hard as I do. I didn’t want an easy fight so I picked a guy like Jovanie Santiago because I know he’s going to push me and bring the best out of me. That’s what I know about him. Jis geras kovotojas, an undefeated fighter, and he’s not here to lose.

“I know a lot of people don’t know these guys, but guys like Jovanie can be very dangerous because a lot of people don’t know him. I know better, he’s coming to fight, he’s a good fighter and undefeated, so I have to stay on my A-game. I’m going in to get the victory – whatever presents itself. If the knockout presents itself, I’m taking it. You don’t get paid for overtime but I’m definitely coming to get my win.

“The overall goal is to get past this fight first. Bokse, you can’t look past no opponent. I don’t care how everything looks on paper. Bokse, you’re only one punch away from a knockout and that’s on both ends. So what I’ve got to do is go in, get my victory, get my hands raised first, and then we’re gonna go to the drawing board. So the plan for me is to get my victory Saturday night.

“Everything happens for a reason and I think this is going to be a great start. Kaip ir sakiau anksčiau, I didn’t want no easy out. I could have taken a pushover, but I’m not doing that. I love competition. I want somebody to test me, bring the best out of me, and that’s why I picked Jovanie Santiago. Saturday night is going to be a great fight.”


“This is a great opportunity for me. šeštadienio naktis, I’m going to show who I am. I’m going to show Adrien Broner that I’m ready to fight.

“Whatever Broner brings to the table, I’m going to beat him on Saturday night. Aš pasiruošęs šioje kovoje. At this point, Broner might think he has an easy fight, but he’s in the wrong. I’m here to fight, I’m here to win. Mes pasiruošę.

“This Saturday night is going to be a war and it’s going to be a victory for Puerto Rico. I’m ready to die in the line like we say in Puerto Rico.

“I know this is the biggest fight of my career. He’s a big name and I’m going to try and win for Puerto Rico. Winning this fight would be the best thing that’s happened in my career and my name would get a lot bigger in the boxing world.

“I don’t have anything to lose. Adrien Broner has everything to lose Saturday night so he better bring his A-game against me. A win for me would catapult me into a world title shot.

“AB always puts on a show so on Saturday I have to be ready to put on my own show against AB. He is a good champion but I’ve trained really hard in the gym and I’m going to show it on Saturday.

“I think Adrien Broner thinks that I’m an easy fight for him, but he’s wrong about that. I think Broner is going to let go of his hands because he sees me as a weak opponent. He’s definitely overlooking me.

“Whatever Broner brings to the table, I’m going to be ready for it. If he moves, I’m going to move with him. If he wants to brawl, I’m going to brawl. Whatever he does, I’m going to do it better than he does.”


“It’s true you’re only as good as your last fight, but at the same time I feel like this is my coming out party. It feels like my pro debut. I’ve been off for a long time and had a great training camp so I’m ready for Saturday night.

“After my last fight against (Deontay) Wilder I took a few days to digest the loss and then was back in the gym about 10 days later. I didn’t want to harp on it or let it bother me. There wasn’t really a sense of urgency, but I knew there were going to be changes and I knew they had to be done in the next couple of weeks. I focused on my eating and my training and, žinoma, the biggest change of all was my trainer change from Virgil Hunter to Abel Sanchez.

“Switching to Abel and training up in Big Bear has been huge and something I wish I would have done years ago. Abel actually has something written on the wall that says, ‘Imagine what if.’ And I imagine ‘what if’ every night. Kaip ir sakiau, I wish I would have done this a year ago, but my conditioning and my confidence are at an all-time high.

“Some people might have thought I would have wanted to get back in there with a pushover, but I’ve always wanted to fight the top guys. I saw the Otto Wallin fight and the performance he gave against Tyson Fury and then Travis Kauffman. When the name was brought to my attention, I jumped all over it. I knew that the boxing world would respect the fight against myself and Otto.

“I don’t think Otto’s been in there with a big, stiprus, athletic guy like myself. Mike Tyson said it best: ‘Everyone’s got a game plan until you get punched in the mouth.’”


“Everybody wants to ask about my fight with Tyson Fury and they forget that I’ve done a lot more than that. But it was a great performance and I understand that most people hadn’t seen me fight before, it was a great fight and it was better than what most people thought. I’m kind of over that now. I want to move forward. It’s nice to move forward. It’s nice to be on SHOWTIME fighting with Breazeale, who has a good name. So hopefully with this fight, I beat him and move on so people can see I’m able to beat good guys.

“I think I’m more well-rounded than Breazeale. Taip pat, you can’t forget that I’m actually 6’ 6”, 240, so I’m not that small. I know a lot of people look at me like I’m smaller but I’m not that small. Su Cela dit, Aš sumaniau, got a great team, we’ve had a great camp and I’m really good too. I’m faster than Dominic, I have better footwork, better defense, and better defense. So I’ve got to bring all of that in there, do what I’m good at and I’ll be fine.

“I think a win will hopefully help me move past Fury. But also it will put my name up there, to solidify my spot there. I don’t think this fight will get me a title shot but it will be a good shot on the way.

“I think you can expect a good fight, two good fighters. Dominic probably feels he has a point to prove and probably going to come out and be aggressive and try to come after me. I’m sure I won’t have to look for him and I’m ready for that. People can expect an exciting fight and a good night of boxing.

“Dominic is an aggressive guy so I have to be smart. I have to be who I am and set him up and I think I will be able to do that.

“I don’t feel a lot of pressure. I just have to be myself and I have to do what I do, what I’m good at. This is a big opportunity for me so I try to be positive. I waited a long time to get to this level, I’m finally here and I’m not going back.”


“I’ve been in some brawls, but I really haven’t ever shown my true boxing abilities. Aš, Mike Stafford and my father (Robertas Velykų, Sr) just worked on boxing and being myself.

“During COVID it really set me down and being off for all that time and never really knowing when I would get that call to get back in the ring. So I really had to focus up and I had to be ready whenever I was given that phone call. It motivated me. Daugiau, I had to look over my son and make sure he was alright. So it really put a different drive in me. This pandemic really set everything back, but we’re more than ready.

“140 is definitely the place for me to be right now. That’s the future. We’re worried about present right and capturing this title at 140.

“I’m just worried about me and showing my skills and everything we’ve worked on in training and this camp.”


“We fought in the amateurs and he beat me so there’s definitely a little chip on my shoulder there. I want to get back at him and let him know that I’m not a 16-year-old kid anymore.

“This fight is going to put me right back up there to be in a position to fight any of the champions or top contenders in the division. This fight is definitely going to steal the show.

“I’m focused. My mind is clear. This fight right here gets me excited. We’re two Ohio fighters with history – I’ve got a chip on my shoulder. It’s going to be an action-packed fight and I’m going to bring it. I’m not really surprised that Easter says he doesn’t see much difficulty in fighting me. I kind of expected him to say that. Easter is Easter.

“It’s going to be very important that I let my hands go against Easter. I feel that this fight is going to have so much action. I’m clear minded. Aš pasiruošęs. šeštadienio naktis, we’re going to get in there and let it fly.

“Words can’t explain how excited and anxious I am for this, to tell you the truth. I’m just so ready for Saturday night. I’m ready to get the weigh-in over with, get under the lights on Saturday night and put on a show. It’s going to be an entertaining fight. A lot of people are saying a lot of things about me based on the Josh Taylor fight. Taip, it’s kind of like I’m battling two things.

“Easter just needs to come with it on Saturday night. I always knew this fight with Robert Easter was going to happen. I don’t know why, but I just always knew that we would meet again in the ring. I think it’s because we were both in Ohio – he was in Toledo and I was in Cleveland – and I just always thought I’d get this fight. I just didn’t think it would happen like this in a bubble.”

For more information visit www.SHO.com/sports, www.PremierBoxingChampions.com, sekti Twitter @ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing ir @TGBPromotions „Instagram“ @ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing and @TGBPromotionss or become a fan on Facebook at www.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing.

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Broner vs. Santiago will see former four-division world champion Adrien Broner return to the ring to face undefeated Puerto Rican Jovanie Santiago in a 12-round welterweight bout in the main event Saturday, Vasaris 20 gyvena Showtime ne 9 p.m. ET / 6 p.m. PT iš „Mohegan Sun“ arenos Uncasville mieste, Conn. į "Premier" Boksas Čempionų atveju. The SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING telecast will also pit former heavyweight world title challenger Dominic Breazeale against highly touted contender Otto Wallin in the 12-round co-feature. The telecast opener features former world champion Robert Easter Jr. facing off against contender Ryan Martin in a 12-round super lightweight bout. Renginį reklamuoja „TGB Promotions“. Breazeale vs. Wallin is promoted in association with Salita Promotions.



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LOS ANGELES-Bellator MMAis pleased to announce the organization will implement an official fighter rankings system for each of its weight classes, in addition to a pound-for-pound list for both the men’s and women’s divisions, in the coming weeks. The officialBellator MMA Fighter Rankings will be determined by a 15-person voting panel, comprised exclusively of members of the MMA media.

“This is the greatest roster in the history of Bellator,Sakė Bellator MMA prezidentas Scottas Coker. “As we continue to sign the top free agents in the sport and see the success of young prospects inside the Bellator cage, we felt that the time was right to introduce official fighter rankings. We are always looking at ways to improve our product and this adds a new and exciting aspect to the organization that will have a significant impact on how fans watch Bellator. Every division is competitive, every matchup is important, and we are set for several potential blockbusters as we begin a new year on Showtime.”

Votes will be cast for eligible fighters following each Bellator live event and final results will be made public. To ensure transparency, the tabulation of votes will be overseen solely by a third-party company, Combat Registry.

The initial rankings will be released in the days leading up to Bellator’s return to action and debut on SHOWTIME® Penktadienis, Balandis 2 suBellator 255: Pitbull vs. Sanchez 2 į 9 p.m. IR.

Information detailing fighter eligibility, as well as additional voting criteria, is listed below:

Divisional Rankings:

  • Viršus 10 fighter rankings will be voted on in nine Bellator MMA weight classes, in addition to two pound-for-pound lists.
  • Champions of each division will be automatically assigned to the Champions slot atop the rankings.
  • Fighters in seven men’s divisions will be ranked, įskirtinai:
    • Sunkus
    • Šviesos Sunkiojo
    • Vidutinio svorio
    • Negu vidutinis svoris
    • Lengvas
    • Nereikšmingas daiktas
    • Gaidys
  • Fighters in two women’s divisions will be ranked, įskirtinai:
    • Nereikšmingas daiktas
    • Svorelis
  • Two pound-for-pound lists will be voted on, įskirtinai:
    • Men’s
    • Women’s

 New Fighter Eligibility:

  • A fighter must have competed once inside the Bellator cage on a current term with the company to be eligible.


  • A fighter is eligible to be ranked for up to 15-months without competing.


  • A fighter remains eligible for 60 days after an indication of retirement, with the organization ultimately determining if the fighter remains active and eligible.

Multiple Weight Classes:

  • A fighter is allowed to be actively ranked in two different weight classes and is eligible to be ranked in an additional weight class once they have competed at least once in that division.
  • A fighter must actively compete in each weight class – a period of inactivity longer than 15 months in a given weight class will result in the removal from that specific weight class, but not necessarily from another division or the overall rankings pool.
    • With the exception being that a fighter is actively participating in a World Grand Prix tournament in a different weight class.


  • A fighter serving a non-medical suspension from an overseeing regulatory body and/or the organization for longer than six months will be removed from rankings eligibility. A fighter will remain eligible with a suspension of six months or fewer.

Fighter Rankings Pool:

  • The final list of eligible fighters, and the weight classes in which they are eligible to be ranked, will ultimately be determined by the organization.

Voting Frequency:

  • New Bellator rankings will only be voted on after every event, regardless of frequency.
  • Votes will be due the Monday following a Bellator live event.

First-Place Votes:

  • Each rankings period will reveal how many number one contender votes each fighter received.

Voting Tabulation:

  • Tabulation of votes will be handled exclusively by Combat Registry, a third-party independent of Bellator MMA.

Voting Panel:

  • Bellator fighter rankings will be voted on exclusively by media members within the MMA industry.
  • In no capacity, will Bellator staff, sportininkai, talent or other organization personnel participate in voting.

The inaugural voting panel will include the following members of the media:

  1. Jeff Cain – MMA Weekly
  2. Brian Campbell – CBS Sports
  3. Rodrigo Del Campo – Claro Sports
  4. Rob DeMello – KHON Hawaii
  5. Jason Floyd – The MMA Report
  6. George Garcia – MMA Junkie
  7. Amy Kaplan – FanSided
  8. Nolan King – MMA Junkie
  9. John Hyon Ko – South China Morning Post
  10. Mark LaMonica – Newsday
  11. Igor Lazarin – TASS Russia
  12. Shakiel Mahjouri – Fightful MMA
  13. Joe McDonagh – Cageside Press
  14. John Morgan – MMA Junkie
  15. Ken Pishna – MMA Weekly

Prašome apsilankytiBellator.com papildomos informacijos.


NIUJORKAS - January 20, 2021 – SHOWTIME Sports has released a special video feature in advance of tonight’s ShoBox: Naujos kartos televizijos laida, the first of 2021. The video features ShoBox analyst and boxing historian Steve Farhood taking viewers through the history of the popular prospect developmental series, which debuted on SHOWTIME® liepą 2001 and celebrates its 20th year featuring boxing’s rising stars throughout 2021. To watch and share the video, eiti į https://youtu.be/c8-_w6qLCkQ.

“I would make the argument that today as we speak in 2021, it’s more important than it’s ever been because prospects need to fight so it’s very important forShoBoxto give them that opportunity because without fights they don’t grow and without grassroots boxing, boxing doesn’t grow,” Farhood says in the feature.

Since its inceptionShoBox: Naujos kartos has showcased young talent matched tough in exciting, crowd-pleasing and competitive matches for willing prospects determined to fight for a world title. Dabar, 83 kovotojai, kurie atsirado dėlShoBox have advanced to win world titles including the likes of Errol Spence Jr., Andre Ward, Deontay Wilder, Timothy Bradley and Nonito Donaire.

Tonight’s telecast begins at 9 p.m. ET/PT live on SHOWTIME and is headlined by Yeis Solano (15-0, 10 Kos) making his super lightweight debut against the first undefeated fighter of his career in East Hartford, Conn.’s Mykquan Williams (15-0-1, 7 Kos). The co-main event features Panama’s unbeaten Jose Nunez (11-0-1, 4 Kos) facing decorated amateur Aram Avagyan (10-0-1, 4 Kos) in an eight-round super featherweight matchup.


Janelson Figueroa Bocachica Returns Against Unbeaten Mark Reyes, Jr, in Main Event of ShoBox, Celebrating 20oji Year Featuring Boxing’s Rising Stars

NIUJORKAS - January 20, 2021 - Exciting welterweight prospect Janelson Figueroa Bocachica will meet fellow undefeated Mark Reyes, Jr, į ShoBox: Naujos kartos main event bout Wednesday, Vasaris 17 gyvena Showtime ne 9 p.m. ET/PT from Mohegan Sun Arena in Uncasville, Conn. Bocachica vs. Reyes headlines a four-fight card featuring eight compelling prospects with a combined record of 119-4-1, five of whom are undefeated.

Detroit’s Figueroa Bocachica (16-0, 11 Kos) is following up on his dominating performance in hisShoBox debut in October when he faces the power-punching Reyes (14-0, 12 Kos) from Tampa, Fla., per 10 turas Papildsvars bijau. The co-main event will feature unbeaten Russian and Detroit-trained Vladimir Shishkin (11-0, 7 Kos) taking on Ghana’s Sena Agbeko (23-1, 18 Kos) in a 10-round super middleweight matchup. Papildomai, Alejandro Guerrero (12-0, 9 Kos) of Irving, Teksasas, grįžta įShoBox and faces Mexico’s Abraham Montoya (19-2-1, 14 Kos) į aštuonių apvalios lengvo bijau. Another Russian-based in Detroit, Mich., Timur Kerefov (9-0, 4 Kos), will battle middleweight prospect Argenis Espana (15-1, 14 Kos) of Venezuela in the eight-round telecast opener.

The four-fight telecast is promoted by Salita Promotions.

“I am delighted to promote an exciting night of boxing, featuring some of the best young talent in boxing in opposing corners,” Salita said. “The February 17 card features possibly the best new talent in four different weight divisions in pick ‘em fights. Middleweight Timur Kerefov, fighting with trainer SugarHill Steward in his corner, is looking to quickly climb up the ladder. Super featherweight Alejandro Guerrero is fighting his toughest test against Abraham Montoya. Super middleweight Vladimir Shishkin is looking for a breakout performance against the hungry Sena Agbeko, who is looking to make a name for himself. This show may also be the crowning of one of the best new welterweights in the world with an exciting matchup between undefeated prospects, Janelson Figueroa Bocachica and Mark Reyes, Jr.”

Steward, who legally changed his name to SugarHill Steward to honor his late uncle Hall of Fame trainer Emanuel Steward, calls Kerefov, “One of the best middleweights in the world right now,” and that there is no limit to how far the 30-year-old can go. “We don’t have long conversations because of the language barrier, but I’m impressed how Timur is able to process the information I tell him, and quickly get better in the short time we’ve worked together,” said Steward, who is also training Anthony Dirrell at Big Time Boxing and Fitness in Boca Raton, Fla. “The Russians who come to Detroit are here to work and not run the streets, kuri man patinka. They have families and know that boxing in the United States is the mecca. Taip, they take it very seriously.”

Bocachica vs. Reyes – 10-Round Welterweight Main Event Bout

Bocachica returns for his second consecutiveShoBox appearance as the 22-year-old Detroit native overpowered Puerto Rico’s Nicklaus Flaz from the start earning a first-round TKO at 2:43 of round one in October. Bocachica is a four-year pro who began boxing at age eight. He won four consecutive Ringside Championships (2011-14), the National PAL Championships and the 2015 Detroit Golden Gloves. He boasts an amateur record of 55-5. He is trained by his father, Nelson Figueroa.

After the last appearance onShoBox, I felt like that was the performance that I needed,” Bochachia said. “I picked Mark Reyes out myself because I wanted better competition and he is 14-0. I want to put a statement out to all of the fighters in the 147-pound division. A win gets me closer to my dreams. I am fighting better opposition. It shows that Janelson is the truth, and I am coming for everyone in the welterweight division. I am not worrying about anything.

Reyes is coming off of a first-round knockout of Diego Perez on November 21, in his hometown of Tampa. Reyes was a successful amateur winning the PAL National Tournament in 2012, as well as the Junior Olympics and Ringside Tournament. He also won two National tournaments competing for Puerto Rico: the 2015 Frankie Larvae National Championships and 2016 Cheo Aponte National Championships. Bendras, he accumulated a record of 45-5 before turning pro in March 2016. He is now trained by Raul “Chino” Rivas, who also coaches former world champion Tevin Farmer.

“I am excited to be in this position, fighting onShoBox, where a win will put my name on the boxing map,- pasakė Reyesas. “Bocachica is a solid fighter, but I look forward to adding the first loss to his record and showing the viewers why I took this fight on short notice. Training camp has been going great and I will be ready.

Shishkin vs. Agbeko – 10-Round Super Middleweight Bout

Shishkin has previously fought twice onShoBox earning impressive wins over Ulises Sierra and DeAndre Ware. Steward worked Shishkin’s corner for the Sierra fight, but Steward’s commitment to heavyweight champion Tyson Fury has not allowed the two to train exclusively together. Shishkin has recently been working with L.J. Harrison. In his last fight on August 20, he recorded a ninth-round technical knockout of Oscar Riojas. Shishkin is currently ranked No. 9 pagal WBC, Ar ne. 11 pagal WBA ir ne. 12 by the IBF in the 168-pound division.

“I’m grateful, dar kartą, to get the chance to showcase my skills on SHOWTIME,” said Shishkin, 29. “I’m preparing in a new gym called Superbad with a new coach. I’m curious how that will affect me in the bout. I know this fight puts me just one step closer to my goal of becoming a world champion.”

Born and raised in Accra, Gana, Agbeko was a member of the Ghanaian National Team as a youth and had 69 mėgėjų seansų. Agbeko turned pro in 2011 tuo metų amžiaus 19 and had his first 15 bouts in Ghana before relocating to the United States in 2013 to pursue his dream of becoming a world champion. Agbeko has fine-tuned his craft serving as a sparring partner for Caleb Plant, Badou Jack and Brandon Adams. Agbeko currently lives in Nashville, Tenn., with his wife.

“Training is going great and we’ve been training for a while already, so we’re just doubling down on a few things and fine-tuning as well for the fight,” Agbeko said. “I know my opponent has an extensive amateur background and a style that’s reflective of where he’s from in Russia. I expect an aggressive, yet well-calculated fighter. I will win this fight because I know I want it more and, as a result, have put more effort into preparation. My superior boxing skills coupled with desire and effort will get it done.”

Guerrero vs. Montoya – Eight-Round Lightweight Bout

Kova iš Houston, Teksasas, Guerrero is a big-punching prospect who won a closely contested slugfest via majority decision over Jose Angulo in the lastShoBox telecast before the COVID-19 pandemic shut down the sports world for several months in March 2020. Prior to that win, Guerrero had stopped three consecutive opponents including a second-round TKO of Darnell Jiles, Jaunesnysis. sausio 2020. A celebrated amateur who won two junior national titles, the 22-year-old “Pork Chop” has sparred with the likes of world champions Mikey Garcia and Brandon Rios at the famed Garcia Boxing Academy in California.

“I know nothing about my opponent, but I’ve watched one clip of him and that’s all I needed to see to know he will go down,” Guerrero said. “This fight will mean a lot to me because it will show the world I’m the real deal. I will win this fight for my career and my family.”

The 26-year-old Montoya, of Baja California, Meksika, will be making his United States debut on February 17 and will be fighting outside of his native Mexico for just the second time. After dropping his second professional contest, Montoya rallied to go unbeaten in his next 18 bouts before traveling to Russia in November 2019 to take on undefeated prospect Muhammadkhuja Yaqubov, where he lost a 12-round decision. Montoya rebounded to score a second-round TKO over Reyes David Lopez his last time out in October, and also owns an impressive victory over then-undefeated prospect Luis Alberto Lopez Vargas.

“Fighting in the U.S. and on SHOWTIME has always been my dream and I can’t wait for February 17 to show what I can do,” Montoya said. “I’ve never worked or trained as hard for a fight as I have for this one. I’ve seen my opponent and know he will bring the action just like his last fight. He will be tough, but I’m as ready for this as I’ve ever been.”

Kerefov vs. Espana – Eight-Round Middleweight Bout

Hailing from Shaluska, Rusija, and now fighting out of Detroit, Mich., Kerefov will make hisShoBox debut on February 17. Kerefov, 30, amassed an impressive 298-12 amateur record in his home country during his nearly decade-long reign at the elite level of international amateur boxing. Į 2019, Kerefov turned in five impressive victories in Russia prior to his United States debut at the famed Kronk Gym in Detroit in August 2020, where he turned in a dominating unanimous decision victory over Calvin Metcalf in a middleweight bout.

“I am in the middle of a great training camp with trainer SugarHill Steward in Florida,” Kerefov said. “I look forward to showing the boxing fans that I am the new face of the middleweight division.”

The 31-year-old southpaw, Espana, will be fighting for the first time in the United States as 14 nuo jo 16 professional bouts have taken place in Venezuela. The power-punching Espana’s only career loss was to Dervin Colina in 2019 ir 14 nuo jo 15 victories have come via knockout. Gruodžio, he TKO’d Leonard Carrillo in his last fight.

“This is a great opportunity for me to appear in the U.S.,” Espana said. “I know very little about my opponent, but that does not bother me at all. I am always training and ready to go the distance or less. Victory will get me closer to a world title.”

International Boxing Hall of Famer Barry Tompkins will call the action from ringside with fellow Hall of Famer and boxing historian Steve Farhood and former world champion Raul Marquez serving as expert analysts. Vykdomoji gamintojas yra Gordon salė su Richard Gaughan gaminti ir Rickas Phillips vadovavimas.

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ApieShoBox: Naujos kartos

Nuo savo veiklos pradžios liepos 2001, kritikos Showtime bokso serija, ShoBox: Naujos kartos yra matomas jaunas talentas atitiko kietas. TheShoBox filosofija yra televizijų įdomu, minios malonus ir konkurencingos atitikmenų tuo pačiu užtikrinant poligonas už norinčių perspektyvas pasiryžusi kovoti už pasaulio čempiono titulą. Kai kurie iš augančios sąrašą 83 kovotojai, kurie atsirado dėlShoBox ir pažangios kaupti pasaulio čempiono titulus apima: Errol Spence Jr, Andre Ward, Deontay Wilder, Erislandy Lara, Shawn Porter, Gary Russellas Jr, Lamont Peterson, Guillermo Rigondeaux, Nonito Donaire, Devono Aleksandras, Carl Froch, Robertas Guerrero, Timothy Bradley, Jessie Vargas, Juan Manuel Lopez, Čadas Dawson, Paulie Malignaggi, Ricky Hatton, Kelly Pavlik, Paul Williams and more.