Catégorie Archives: Showtime Boxing


Unbarrage Lopez vs. Mario Muñoz, Ronald Ellis vs. Jerry Odom,
Lavisas Williams vs. O'Shaquie Foster, John Magda vs. Christopher Brooker

Telecast commence à 10 p.m. ET/PT; First Fight est à 7 p.m. ET

Les billets sont toujours en vente!

Cliquez ICI Pour Photos De Rosie Cohe / Showtime

ATLANTIC CITY (Février. 18, 2016) - Les huit combattants ont atteint leurs objectifs et sont prêts à se battre ce soir, Vendredi, Février. 19 sur ShoBox: La Nouvelle Génération survivre AFFICHER L'HEURE (10 p.m. ET/PT, retardés sur la côte ouest). Un quadrupleheader, présenté par GH3 Promotions, émanera de la Salle de bal Adrian Phillips dans le Promenade historique dans l'Atlantique, Ville, N.J.


Dans l'événement principal, deux perspectives invaincues avec des attentes excessivement élevées affrontent leur adversaire le plus dangereux à ce jour Adam «Beurre» Lopez (14-0, 7 KOs), de San Antonio, Texas, par Phoenix, Arizona, répond Mario «Yayo» Muñoz (16-0-1, 10 KOs), de Guadalajara, Jalisco, Le Mexique dans un match de super poids coq en 10 rounds.


Dans d'autres épisodes télévisés, tous prévus pour huit tours, Ronald «Flatline» Ellis (12-0, 10 KOs), de Dorchester, Massachusetts, affronte Washington D.C. "Fils du roi" Jerry Odom (13-2, 12 KOs) dans un choc de super poids moyens percutants, gaucher Lavisas «Red» Williams (8-0-1, 3 KOs), de Rochester, N. Y.. risque son record invaincu contre O'Shaquie "Ice Water" Foster (9-1, 6 KOs), d'Orange, Texas, dans une allumette légère et, ouverture de la télédiffusion, John «Madman» Magda (11-0, 7 KOs), de Rutherford, N.J., face à Philadelphie Christopher Brooker «Ice Cold» (7-1, 5 KOs) dans un match super poids moyen.


Les poids: Lopez et Muñoz pesaient chacun 121½ livres; Pèse-personne Ellis à 166½ livres, Odom 167½, Williams pesait 132 livres, Favoriser 134; et Magda pesait 167½ livres et Brooker 168½.


Les billets sont au prix de $25, $50, $75, $100 et $150 et sont disponibles pour achat en ligne au et par téléphone au (800) 736-1420.


Voici ce que les combattants ont dit Jeudi:




"C'est ma troisième fois ShoBox et mon troisième combat contre un combattant invaincu. Ils aiment me correspondre dur mais je dois avouer, Je suis vraiment impatient d'y être.


"Je sais que je n'avais 14 combats, mais je sens vraiment que je suis prêt pour un combat majeur ou un tir au titre à la fin de l'année. J'ai une solide expérience amateur, j'ai donc de l'expérience. Il y a beaucoup de bons combats en ce moment à 122 livres. La division est chaude.


"Je me suis battu 118 la dernière fois afin que je puisse faire ce poids si la bonne occasion se présente, mais je suis fort 122. Je pensais avoir clairement gagné mon dernier combat. Je ne pense pas que c'était aussi proche que les juges l'ont dit.


"Je me bats contre un gars, Munoz, qui est une sorte de mystère pour moi. J'ai vu une bande de lui, mais c'était de 2012. Donc je ne sais pas vraiment comment il s'est battu récemment.


"Il semble vouloir boxer et limace. Il a eu de bonnes performances dans le passé et en a combattu de bonnes alors je ne lui enlèverai rien et je le respecte.


"Mais je suis prêt à faire le combat et à être agresseur si nécessaire, et pour gagner de toute façon que je dois. Mon entraîneur [ancien double champion du monde Carlos «célèbre» Hernandez] continue de travailler sur toutes les petites choses, et me forme pour tout ce qui pourrait arriver sur ma route..


"Je sens que je suis passé de prospect à concurrent, mais une victoiredemain la nuit devrait le prouver à tout le monde. »




«C'est mon premier combat en neuf mois et premier en Amérique, ce qui est très excitant. Vous devez finalement vous battre aux États-Unis; c'est là que tu te fais connaître.


"Je sais que je suis en pleine forme. J'ai combattu quelques bons gars dans ma division, et je suis au niveau dont j'ai besoin. J'ai eu un camp d'entraînement vraiment dur; Je sais ce que je suis censé faire.


"Je suis reconnaissant de cette opportunité. Je sais que beaucoup de gens n'ont pas entendu parler de moi, mais je vous promets un bon combat.


"Je suis plus un boxeur qu'un puncheur, mais j'aime échanger et changer de position pour gaucher, bien que mon entraîneur ne l'aime pas.


"Lopez est très rapide, intelligent et a une grande main gauche. Mais je suis prêt pour tout ça. Je vais regarder ce qu'il a à offrir et contrer de mon mieux.


"Je suis un peu nerveux. Les choses avancent vite maintenant. Mais je ne pourrais pas être plus prêt. »»




«Je travaille pour ce genre d’opportunité depuis que j’étais 13, si, ben oui, Je suis très excité. Je veux gagner et avoir l'air bien en le faisant, donc les promoteurs et la télévision voudront me revoir.


"J'ai eu des problèmes dans le passé pour attirer des adversaires, donc j'ai pris quelques combats. Mais ce combat est une histoire totalement différente.


"Tout le monde dit que je suis boxeur-boxeur, et je sens que je suis polyvalent. Je vais décider comment je veux aller le soir du combat. Nous savons comment Jerry va se battre, donc je dois le combattre intelligemment. Nous verrons comment est le menton d'Odom car il va être testé demain nuit.


«Je n'avais que 24 combats amateurs, mais je suis dévoué et continue de m'améliorer à chaque combat. Ce sera une super soirée pour moi. J'ai hâte de présenter un bon spectacle. »





«Tout le monde doit faire des changements, j'ai donc un nouveau formateur, Kennie Johnson, pour ce combat. Il a essayé de souligner la finesse, mouvement et en utilisant mes compétences globales plus, avec moins d'emphase sur juste essayer de charger et d'assommer le gars.


"Nous travaillons sur moi pour choisir des photos, briser les adversaires et mettre en place les coups de puissance plutôt que de simplement le montrer. Défensivement, il m'a fait travailler sur mon mouvement global, mouvement de la tête en particulier.


"Je cherche à briller vendredi, surtout après ma dernière ShoBox combattre que j'ai perdu. Je n'aurais jamais dû me battre une fois qu'il est entré en surpoids. Ce fut une mauvaise décision commerciale de ma part, mais j'ai appris - plus de réflexion avec mon cœur.


"J'ai surmonté mon dernier combat tout de suite et j'ai hâte de faire mon travail et de montrer combien j'ai gagné et appris de cela. Je me sens certainement prêt. Mon seul objectif est de gagner.


"Ellis devrait être un bon adversaire pour moi. De toute évidence, il a le pouvoir, un bon coup et des coups de poing. Il y a de bonnes choses à son sujet, mais je vais mieux. Je vais sortir et exécuter, il ne pourra pas m'arrêter. »» »



"Je suis naturellement gaucher ... je me suis battu contre des boxeurs ambidextres, donc j'aime dire que je suis prêt à tout ce qui vient à ma rencontre.


"Je suis ravi de faire mes débuts à la télévision nationale. C’est un gros problème pour moi donc j’ai besoin de faire un super show. Surtout pour ma base de fans à la maison, ils vont tous regarder.


"Je prends la boxe au sérieux. J'aime dire que je suis très dévoué. Je profite de toute opportunité que je vois. Je me suis entraîné au Mayweather Boxing Gym à Las Vegas pour un peu l'année dernière. C'était une bonne expérience.


«Mon travail consiste à le frustrer et à me faire confiance, Je ferai. Il combattra mon combat. S'il se fige à nouveau, Je suis sûr d'en profiter, mais je ne compte pas dessus.


"Je vais savoir que je suis le meilleur boxeur, mais pas trop confiant. Vous ne pouvez ignorer personne, mais je sais que je suis celui qui sort vainqueur. "



"Je ne sais pas ce qui s'est passé lors de mon dernier combat. Je pensais que tout allait bien mais je n'arrivais pas à trouver mon rythme de combat. Je ne pouvais pas descendre pour une raison quelconque. Mais j'ai fini de penser à cette nuit.


"Je suis définitivement plus concentré cette fois-ci et en meilleure forme. J'ai besoin d'une victoire - et je me bats contre un gars qui a battu le gars qui m'a battu, Samuel Seah. Si, Je dois être intelligent. C'est un gaucher mais je peux faire face à ça.


"Je n'ai jamais travaillé aussi dur au camp. J'ai quitté le Texas pour aller à Washington D.C. s'entraîner pour ça. Je suis 100 pour cent prêt à partir.


«J'ai besoin d'un défi et c'est tout. Je suis prêt à intervenir et je suis prêt pour lui. "




"Je suis excité et prêt à partir. En ce moment je regarde ça comme juste un autre combat, mais c'est vraiment un gros, grosse affaire. J'espère gagner et donner un spectacle passionnant.


"Je fais de la gym depuis novembre mais une série d'événements malheureux ont eu lieu et je ne me suis pas battu ce mois-ci, ou en décembre, ou en janvier. Si, Je m'entraîne depuis un moment. Je suis prêt à se battre.


«Je suis avec un brouillon, tough guy. Je ne peux pas le laisser intimider ou me pousser; Je ne peux pas le laisser se lever et lancer.


"J'ai besoin de boxer, bouge toi, faire beaucoup de choses que je sais que je peux faire. Je dois voir comment ça joue. C'est juste une question de faire ce que je suis censé faire, que ce soit pour boxer ou limace. Je suis prêt pour ça. »




«J'adore être l'opprimé; J'y suis habitué. C’est pourquoi je travaille si dur, rester dévoué et ne quittera jamais.


"Magda lance beaucoup de coups de poing, donc vous ne pouvez pas vous attendre à ce qu'il reste à l'extérieur. Mais je cours 15 miles par jour, trois jours par semaine après le combat, pour entrer dans le genre de forme que je dois être et suis pour ce combat.


«C'est mon premier combat contre un gaucher, mais j'ai eu sparring gaucher, dont certains récemment avec [ancien champion du monde] Andre Dirrell. J'ai tellement appris de lui.


"Je suis un combattant Philly de bout en bout: Je ne suis peut-être pas un favori pour gagner, mais je viens à la guerre et je n'abandonnerai jamais. C'est un peu comme la façon dont j'ai grandi en vivant en famille d'accueil — et ensuite, sans abri, pour quelques temps. Je n'abandonne pas, Je continue à me battre.


"Il y a beaucoup à faire pour moi ce vendredi et je suis prêt à montrer ce que je peux faire. »


# # #



Barry Tompkins appellera la ShoBox l'action du ringside avec Steve Farhood et ancien champion du monde Raul Marquez servant analystes experts. Le producteur exécutif est Gordon Hall avec Richard Gaughan la production et Rick Phillips direction.



Sur ShoBox: La Nouvelle Génération
Depuis sa création en Juillet 2001, la série de Showtime Boxing acclamé par la critique, ShoBox: La Nouvelle Génération jeunes talents a présenté correspondait difficile. Le ShoBox la philosophie est de téléviser passionnante, foule-agréable et matchs compétitifs, tout en offrant un terrain d'essai pour les perspectives prêts déterminés à se battre pour un titre mondial. Une partie de la liste croissante de la 65 combattants qui ont apparu surShoBox et avancé pour recueillir titres mondiaux comprend: Andre Ward, Deontay Wilder, Erislandy Lara, Shawn Porter, Gary Russell Jr., Lamont Peterson, Guillermo Rigondeaux, Omar Figueroa, Nonito Donaire, Devon Alexander, Carl Froch, Robert Guerrero, Timothy Bradley, Jessie Vargas, Juan Manuel Lopez, Tchad Dawson, Paulie Malignaggi, Ricky Hatton, Kelly Pavlik, Paul Williams et plus.



Undefeated Santa Cruz Defends Featherweight World Title Against
Former Champ Kiko Martinez Samedi, Février 27 En direct sur Showtime®
From Honda Center In Anaheim, Californie.

Cliquez ICI Pour les photos de Scott Hirano / Showtime
ANAHEIM, CALIFORNIE. (Février 18, 2016) – Undefeated featherweight world champion Lion “Tremblement de terre” Santa Cruz held an open media workout Thursday at Who’s Next Boxing Academy in La Puente, Calif., as he prepares for his first title defense against Kiko “Sensacià partir den” Martinez Samedi, Février 27 survivreAFFICHER L'HEURE from Honda Center in Anaheim, Californie.
Santa Cruz vs. Martinez headlines a Showtime Championship Boxing® tripleheader that features Mexican warriors Juillet Ceja et Hugo Ruiz meeting in an awaited super bantamweight world title rematch plus heavyweights Gerald “Le Coq Noir” Washington et Oscar “Kaboom” Rivas will put their unblemished records on the line in a 10-round matchup. L'action commence à 10 p.m. ET/7 p.m. PT.

Les billets pour l'événement en direct, qui est promu par Promotions TGB, sont au prix de $27, $54, $104 et $199 and are on sale now via, Ticketmaster retail locations or by calling 800-745-3000. Tickets are also available at the Honda Center Box Office.

Santa Cruz worked out alongside his father and trainer, Jose Santa Cruz, for the media in attendance and spoke about his upcoming bout and more. The workout also featured a surprise performance from Martin Castillo and a five-piece band that included a tuba and an accordion. Santa Cruz jumped rope and went through drills while traditional Mexican folk music called Corrido filled the Southern California gym.
Here is what Santa Cruz and his father had to say Thursday:
I always train to make a statement. I want to go out there and show everyone that I’m really good and I deserve to be considered one of the best.
I fight for my family. Since I was small, this is what I’ve wanted to do to help my family. I wanted to work hard and give my family a better future.
Martinez is a strong fighter who comes forward and always puts pressure on you. He never backs down and always comes to fight. That’s what we like about this matchupit makes for a more intense fight.
We’re going to give the fans an entertaining show. The fans are the ones who are going to win at the end of the night. I’m going to go out there and try to knock him out by the end of the third round.
I think he’s going to be the aggressor because he’s shorter and has to fight that way. But I’m going to go forward and be the aggressor too. If that’s not working, I’ll box him. We’re going to do what we need to do to win the fight.
I see Carl Frampton vs. Scott Quigg as a 50-50 lutte. It’s a tough fight for both of them. I think whoever catches the other guy first will get the victory. They both can hit and they both have great skills. It could go either way.
It’s a very interesting fight between Frampton and Quigg. They’ve both been possible opponents for me and I hope that I do well that night and face the winner of that fight. Je ne me soucie pas de qui il est, I want to fight them.
I’m willing to fight whoever. I want the winner of Frampton-Quigg. If not then Lee Selby, Gary Russell Jr., Jesus Cuellar or anyone in the division. Hopefully next it will be one of those fighters.
My fighting style is to always go forward and throw a lot of punches. I just want to entertain the fans. I fight for them and I try to send them home happy. I want to go in there and fight in a war.
I’m going to fight all of the top guys. I’m still young and I know if I keep working hard and taking care of the guy in front of me, I’ll get all of those fights.
We’re working on our distance and learning new things every day in camp. I don’t want to change too much, since I’m undefeated. I’m going to be prepared mentally and physically to get the win.
We’re working hard all the time. We know what we have to do in the ring to win the fight. My last fight our strategy was to brawl but we adjusted it and moved more and we were able to get the victory.
On his recent foray into boxing promotion: Being a promoter is difficult. It’s very hard. You’re always busy, so right now I’m focused on my boxing career. I’m letting my brothers and my family take care of it now. I’m not there 100 percent yet but I like to give my opinion. It’s something I’d like to do after I retire.
Leo is very well prepared as he always is. Nous formons toujours 100 percent and we are ready.
The team is ready to fight. We have one week left to rest and put some finishing touches on this camp.
We’re going to fight Martinez with our style. We’re going to do whatever we need to do to win the fight. Leo is going to take the fight to him and try to counteract whatever style Martinez brings.
“Ça va être un bon combat. Whichever style Martinez brings, we’re going to out-maneuver him and make it a good fight. I see Leo winning a decision at least if not a knockout.

Pour plus d'informations, visitez suivre sur TwitterSHOSports, @LeoSantaCruz2, @MartinezKiko, TGBPromotions, @HondaCenter and @Swanson_Comm or become a fan on Facebook



Challenger Vows To Take Advantage Of Unexpected Opportunity, Ceja-Ruiz II In Co-Main Samedi, Février. 27, En direct sur Showtime® From Honda Center In Anaheim, Californie.

Showtime Championship Boxing® Tripleheader Begins With
Unbeaten Heavyweights Gerald Washington vs. Oscar Rivas


Cliquez ICI For Martinez Training Photos From Sampson Boxing Promotions

ANAHEIM, Californie. (Février. 16, 2016) – Spain’s Kiko “Sensación” Martinez is a soft-spoken, hard-hitting former IBF Super Bantamweight World Champion and a three-time European champion at 122 livres. He’s a come-forward, comes-to-win, aggressive-minded slugger who makes for exciting fights and has been in with excellent opposition.


The ultimate road warrior, the 5-foot-5, 29-year-old Martinez has fought more than one-third of his fights outside his native Spain, where he has tussled 26 fois. He’s also fought four times in Ireland, three times in England, three times in Northern Ireland and one time each in Japan, Argentine, France and South Africa.


So don’t expect Martinez (35-6, 26 KOs) to be in awe of the surroundings in his second start in the United States when he challenges unbeaten, defending featherweight world champion Leo Santa Cruz (31-0-1, 17 KOs) sur Samedi, Février. 27, dans l'événement principal d'un Showtime Championship Boxing tripleheader en direct sur AFFICHER L'HEURE (10 p.m. ET/7 p.m. PT) from Honda Center in Anaheim, Californie.


Martinez won his U.S. debut and the IBF 122-pound crown with a sixth-round TKO overJhonatan Romero le août. 17, 2013. “That was a great night for me,’’ Martinez said. “I’m confident of another great performance on Feb. 27.''


A winner of three in a row in his homeland, including a fourth-round TKO over Miguel Gonzalez dernier Décembre. 12, Martinez aims to make amends after losing three high-profile fights in recent years to super bantamweight world champions – twice to Carl Frampton(IBF) and once to Scott QUIGG (WBA).


Martinez gets an opportunity against Santa Cruz in a fight he never saw coming.


“I’m thrilled to be fighting Leo Santa Cruz, but getting this fight was a total surprise because I already had a fight scheduled,’’ said Martinez, who trains at his friend and manager, ancien champion du monde des super-moyens Sergio Martinez’ gym in Spain. “I had been scheduled to fight for the European title. When this opportunity came up, I decided to give up the European title to come to America.


“I was very happy and very emotional when I heard about this fight. It was one of the best days of my life when I agreed to fight Santa Cruz. Maintenant, more boxing fans will get to see me. I will not take one step back. I will come forward the whole fight.


“I’m thankful to SHOWTIME and I’m excited for the challenge. It’s a huge fight in the United States and a great opportunity. Some people don’t think I can fight because I lost to those guys [Frampton and Quigg], but they are wrong. I am as determined as ever. I’m going to fight a great fight and come out with a victory.’’


While respectful of the champion, Martinez is no stranger to fighting on foreign soil and is poised to pull off a stunner.


“I will surprise many people who don’t believe in me,'' At-il dit. “I’m working so hard for this fight. People doubting me has me even more motivated. They will see on Feb. 27 and everyone will change their minds.


“I love fighting in my opponent’s backyard. That is not a problem for me at all. People who know boxing know I will give everything to this sport. I want to give great shows and entertain people. I’m coming forward and throwing punches and I don’t give up.


“I’m going to give 100 percent and it’s going to be a tremendous fight. I have a ton of respect for Leo Santa Cruz. He’s a world champion and a great fighter who’s clearly one of the very best featherweights in the world and a Top 10 livre pour livre de combat. I am very conscious of that point.


“Leo and I are true warriors so this will be a brutal war. But I have what it takes. I’ve been working very hard with my longtime trainer, Gaby Sarmiento, and I will be victorious.’’


A lifelong resident of Spain, Martinez was born in Granada, Espagne, and resides in Alicante. He has two sisters and two brothers but is the only one in the family who boxes professionally. He turned to boxing as a young teenager.


“I started in boxing because when I was about 13 I was smaller and other kids bullied me all the time. So I began looking for a way to learn to defend myself,'' At-il dit. “Once I decided to start boxing and dedicated myself to it I fell in love with the sport.’’


Comme un amateur, Martinez went 47-2 and won a Spanish national amateur championship, but he had no international amateur experience. “I had a good amateur career but never thought about the Olympics,'' At-il dit. “My mind was always on being a pro fighter.’’


A dangerous puncher who’s at his best when he pressures his opponents and wears them down, Martinez turned pro in June 2004. He was victorious in his initial 17 combats, winning all but three by knockout.


Martinez met Sergio Martinez [no relation] about nine years ago. “I met Sergio in the gym in Spain that he used to train himself in and we became good friends. When I started boxing I looked up to Julio Cesar Chavez and I am now a big fan of Marcos Maidana. I like to fight like him.


“But I’ve always had a special relationship with Sergio, who inspired me because he came from poverty like me. He has taught me so much. It’s like looking into a mirror because he knows where I came from. He’s taught me so much inside and outside the ring. We were very poor growing up and my father worked very hard.’’


Si triomphante, Kiko Martinez says “I would like to stay at this weight because I feel much stronger. But I would definitely love a rematch with Frampton or Quigg.’’


Regarding the Frampton-Quigg 122-pound world title unification that also takes place onFévrier. 27 (à Manchester, Angleterre, survivre Showtime EXTREME®), Martinez didn’t hesitate when picking a winner.


“Frampton will win against Quigg,’’ Martinez said. “He’s the more complete boxer. He is stronger as well.”


Dans le Février. 27 co-feature on SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING, hard-hitting Mexican warriors Juillet Ceja (30-1, 27 KOs) et Hugo Ruiz (35-3, 31 KOs) will box in a rematch of an exciting, two-way slugfest for the WBC 122-pound world title that Ceja won from Ruiz on a fifth-round knockout last August


Rounding out the televised tripleheader is a 10-round fight between undefeated heavyweights Gerald Washington (16-0-1, 11 KOs) de Vallejo, Calif., and Montreal-based Colombian Oscar Rivas (18-0, 13 KOs).


Les billets pour l'événement en direct, qui est promu par Promotions TGB, sont au prix de $27, $54, $104 et $199 and are on sale now via, Ticketmaster retail locations or by calling 800-745-3000. Tickets are also available at the Honda Center Box Office.


Pour plus d'informations, visitez suivre sur TwitterSHOSports, @LeoSantaCruz2, @MartinezKiko, TGBPromotions, @HondaCenter and @Swanson_Comm or become a fan on Facebook at


John Magda – Christopher Brooker prêt pour une confrontation Super Middleweight ce vendredi soir au Historic Boardwalk Hall à Atlantic City et en direct sur ShoBox: La Nouvelle Génération

John Magda affronte Christopher Brooker dans l'épreuve de force Super Middleweight de l'historique Boardwalk Hall en direct sur ShoBox: La Nouvelle Génération

Quadrupleheader comprend Adam Lopez vs. Mario Muñoz, Ronald Ellis vs. Jerry Odom,
Lavisas Williams vs. O’Shaquie Foster This Vendredi, Février. 19 à 10 p.m. ET/PT

Atlantic City, New Jersey (Février. 16, 2016) – Malgré le combat ajouté il y a seulement deux semaines, de nombreux initiés de boxe estiment que l'ouverture super-moyenne de huit rondes entre invaincu John Magda et Christopher Brooker cette Vendredi, Février. 19 survivreAFFICHER L'HEURE (10 p.m. ET/PT, retardés sur la côte ouest) pourrait voler la vedetteShoBox: La Nouvelle Génération quadrupleheader qui est chargé de talent.

Invaincu Adam “Beurre” Lopez (14-0, 7 KOs), de San Antonio, Texas, par Phoenix, Arizona, et Mario “Yayo” Muñoz (16-0-1, 10 KOs), de Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexique, affrontera leurs adversaires les plus coriaces à ce jour lors de leur rencontre dans le tournoi principal à 10 rondes Salle de bal Adrian Phillips en Promenade historique à Atlantic City, N.J.

Dans d'autres épisodes télévisés, tous prévus pour huit tours, Ronald “Flatline” Ellis (12-0, 10 KOs), de Dorchester, Massachusetts, affronte Washington D.C. Jerry “Fils du roi” Odom (13-2, 12 KOs) dans un choc de super poids moyens percutants, et gaucherLavisas “rouge” Williams (8-0-1, 3 KOs), de Rochester, N. Y.. risque son record invaincu contre O'Shaquie “L'eau glacée” Favoriser (9-1, 6 KOs), d'Orange, Texas, dans un morceau super léger.

Les billets pour l'événement GH3 Promotions sont au prix de $25, $50, $75, $100 et $150 et sont disponibles pour achat en ligne au et par téléphone au(800) 736-1420.

Le combat entre Magda et Brooker a un peu la sensation de rivalité territoriale car Magda se battra près de son Rutherford, N.J. à la maison tandis que Brooker fera le trek d'une heure sur la voie express d'Atlantic City depuis sa résidence à Philadelphie.
Magda et Brooker ont 24 ans.
Magda a bâti sa réputation sur son poinçonnage de volume qui l'a catapulté à une marque parfaite de 11-0 avec sept coups de grâce. L'ancien champion olympique junior du New Jersey vient de remporter la meilleure victoire, une décision unanime sur Dionisio Miranda.

Brooker a un record de 7-1 avec cinq KO et est un puncheur agressif avec une bonne puissance. Brooker est intervenu tardivement et a marqué un bouleversement en battant Leo Hall invaincu Décembre. 29.


Showtime Championship Boxing® Tripleheader Headlined By
Unbeaten Featherweight World Champion Leo Santa Cruz Against
Former World Champ Kiko Martinez
ANAHEIM, CALIFORNIE. (Février 12, 2016) – Invaincu 2012 U.S.. Olympien Michael Hunter (10-0, 7 KOs), moyens prétendante Paul Mendez (20-2-2, 10 KOs) and exciting featherweight contender ClaudioThe Matrix” Marrero (19-1, 14 KOs) will compete in separate bouts that highlight undercard action on Samedi, Février 27 from Honda Center in Anaheim, Californie.
The event is headlined by a SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING tripleheader featuring undefeated three-division world champion Lion “Tremblement de terre” Santa Cruz making his first featherweight world title defense against former world champion Kiko Martinez.Dans le combat co-métrage, Mexican warriors Juillet Ceja et Hugo Ruiz will meet again in an awaited super bantamweight world title rematch and opening the telecast, poids lourds Gerald “Le Coq Noir” Washington et Oscar “Kaboom” Rivas will put their unblemished records on the line in a 10-round matchup. The telecast will air live on SHOWTIME® (10 p.m. ET/7 p.m. PT) and will be available in Spanish via Secondary Audio Programming (SAP).
Les billets pour l'événement en direct, qui est promu par Promotions TGB, sont au prix de $27, $54, $104 et $199 and are on sale now via, Ticketmaster retail locations or by calling 800-745-3000. Tickets are also available at the Honda Center Box Office.
Hunter will compete in an eight-round cruiserweight bout while Mendez will enter the ring in a 10-round middleweight affair against Joshua Okine (22-4, 15 KOs). Marrero takes on Jonathan Arellano (16-6-2, 4 KOs) in a 10-round featherweight attraction.
The action continues with 27-year-old Ceferino Rodriguez (20-1, 11 KOs) of Spain in an eight-round welterweight bout against Mexico’s Ernesto Ortiz (10-3, 7 KOs) plus 29-year-old South Korean brawler Min Wook Kim (14-1, 11 KOs) in a super lightweight contest against Mexico’s José Luis Rodriguez (14-6, 9 KOs).
Rounding out the night of fights is unbeaten 25-year-old Los Angeles-native Anthony Flores (9-0, 5 KOs) in an eight-round super lightweight bout against Daniel Nava (7-3-2, 3 KOs) while Leo Santa Cruz’s cousin,Antonio Santa Cruz (1-2, 1 KO) enters the ring in a four-round bantamweight fight against California’s Jorge Perez (2-0, 1 KO) and undefeated Mexican Roi Vargas (25-0, 20 KOs) en action plume.
Depuis le tournant professionnel au début 2013 après les Jeux Olympiques de Londres, le 27-year-old Hunter, combats de Las Vegas, Nevada, a continué à briller. With four victories in 2015, the last three by knockout, he will be looking to march again into the win column to kick off his 2016 campagne.
Fighting out of Delano, Californie, the 26-year-old Mendez looks for his seventh straight victory when he gets in the ring on Février 27. Il entre dans ce combat hors des victoires sur David Alonso Lopez, Santiago Perez, Raul Casarez, Andrik Saralegui and Ernesto Berrospe twice. He takes on the experienced Okine, who was born in Ghana but who fights out of Silver Spring, Maryland.
Après avoir remporté une médaille d'argent à la 2007 Jeux panaméricains, en plus de plusieurs autres distinctions amateur, Marrero de la République dominicaine a remporté le premier 14 sorties de sa carrière pro. The 26-year-old brings a five-fight winning streak to the ring and in his most recent bout he delivered a sensational one-punch knockout victory over former world champion Rico Ramos. Marrero takes on the 28-year-old Arrellano out of Commerce, Californie.
Pour plus d'informations, visitez suivre sur TwitterSHOSports, @LeoSantaCruz2, @MartinezKiko, TGBPromotions, @HondaCenter and @Swanson_Comm or become a fan on Facebook


From Sands Bethlehem Events Center in Bethlehem, Pennsylvanie.
Unbeaten Middleweight Contender Antoine Douglas Meets Former Champ Sam Soliman; Super Welterweight Tony Harrison Battles Fernando Guerrero
NEW YORK (Février. 10, 2016) – Invaincu super mi-moyens prétendante Julien “J-Rock” Williams and once-beaten Italian Marcello Matano will square off in a 12-round IBF eliminator for the No. 1 ranking at 154-pounds in the main event of BOXE SHOWTIME: ÉDITION SPÉCIALE sur Samedi, Mars 5, en direct sur Showtime (10 p.m. ET/PT) à partir de Sands Bethlehem Events Center à Bethléem, Pennsylvanie.
Dans la co-métrage, fast-rising middleweight contender Antoine Douglas va prendre ancien champion du monde Sam Soliman dans un combat de poids moyen de 10 rounds. Dans le combat d'ouverture de la télédiffusion, perspective percutante Tony Harrison will face veteran former world title challenger Fernando Guerrero dans un 10-ronde super concours welters.
This upcoming fight will be the biggest fight of my career,” Williams a dit. “I’m chomping at the bit to get back out there. I am taking my opponent very seriously and I refuse to let Marcello Matano stop me from being a world champion.
“Ce est un rêve devenu réalité,” said Matano. “I’ve been working for my whole life for a real opportunity to make to the top level and I will not let Julian Williams take it away. What will happen when Williams has to go to the championship rounds? Will he be ready? I know for sure that I will. This is the opportunity of a lifetime and I will do all I can to grab it.
Facing a former world champion like Sam Soliman is a great opportunity for me,” Douglas said. “The plan has always been to keep moving forward, and to do it successfully. This is that next step, and I’m ready for it. I’ve grown and learned so much fighting on ShoBox and it’s a beautiful thing to continue to progress and move to the next level.
“C'est un combat important pour moi,” said Soliman. “I had three opportunities on the table and I chose Douglas believing it to be a better fight for ranking, and it’s a challenge I’m excited to take on. De ce que je ai vu, Douglas is a very talented fighter, which will make for a good fight. I am in great shape and looking forward to fight night.
I’m excited and eager to showcase my abilities to the world again,” M. Harrison. “I’d advise fans to arrive early because I don’t plan to be in the ring long. I’m knocking this guy out. I know Guerrero is coming in with a chip on his shoulder and I can’t overlook him. I brought my uncle into camp and I think that’s going to give me the edge that I’ve needed to get over the hump. I’m putting the whole division on notice!”
It’s warrior time,” Saïd Guerrero. “We are going to have a war. This is going to be non-stop action. This fight will lead to big things for me. I’m used to fighting guys that are bigger than I am. I’m at my more natural weight and I’m looking to do great things in this division.
I’m thrilled to promote this great show on Mars 5,” a déclaré Marshall Kauffman Promotions roi. “This is a great card from top to bottom with some future champions looking to show the world that they are ready for the next level. I am honored to have Julian Williams headline this card. He put on an explosive performance in his last bout at the Sands and I am sure he will be looking to do the same on Mars 5.”
Les billets pour l'événement en direct, qui est promu par Promotions roi, sont au prix de $100, $75 et $45, non compris les charges et taxes de service applicables et sont en vente dès maintenant. Les billets sont disponibles ICIà Pour recharger par téléphone appel Ticketmaster au (800) 745-3000.
One of the most promising and highly regarded young stars in boxing, Williams (21-0-1, 1 Dakota du Nord, 13 KOs) will headline for the first time on SHOWTIME. He’s stepping up after honing his skills and steadily ascending the ranks after five fights on SHO EXTREME. The 25-year-old shut out longtime contender Joey Hernandez last April, followed that with a sixth-round stoppage of Arman Ovsepyan in June and closed the year by stopping Orlando Lora in the first round in September. The Philadelphian has also picked up victories over Joachim Alcine, Eliezer Gonzalez and Freddy Hernandez in his young career and looks to earn his first title shot with a win on Mars 5.
Matano (16-1, 5 KOs) is a former Italian super welterweight titlist. He’s registered four consecutive wins since the only loss of his career, including victories in three scheduled 12-round fights. The 29-year-old is coming off a 12-round unanimous decision over fellow-Italian Nick Klappert in October 2015. Like Williams, he fought three bouts in 2015, although he logged 31 total rounds compared to just 17 for Williams.
Douglas (19-0-1, 13 KOs) has been impressive in five consecutive victories since he boxed to a draw when he was just 21 years old with former world title challenger Michel Soro in July 2014. The former top amateur has won his last three fights by knockout, including a sixth-round KO of previously undefeated Thomas LaManna and a fourth-round TKO of veteran Les Sherrington last November in his fifth appearance on ShoBox: La Nouvelle Génération. On the prospect developmental series, the 23-year-old Douglas has graduated from unproven prospect to undefeated contender and is now ranked No. 4 dans la WBO et non. 6 dans la WBA. Douglas is promoted by GH3 promotions.
Soliman (44-13, 1 Caroline du Nord, 18 KOs), de Melbourne, Australie, is vastly more experienced than Douglas, having competed in four world championship fights. The 42-year-old held the IBF Middleweight World title before suffering a debilitating knee injury and losing via decision to Jermain Taylor in his first title defense in October 2014. Soliman, qui est 9-2-1 depuis 2008, won the IBF crown with a decisive 12-round decision over Felix Sturm in 2014. The Australian, who fights at a relentless pace and can be awkward at times, will look to bounce back from a close, 10-round split decision loss to Dominic Wade last June on ShoBox.
À seulement 25 ans, Harrison (22-1, 18 KOs) has showed tremendous promise as he recorded a 10-fight knockout streak from 2013 à 2015 and proved he could recover from a loss when he dominated Cecil McCalla for 10-rounds in October. The Detroit-native will look to make it back-to-back victories as he continues his ascent towards championship contender status. He has picked up knockout victories over Antwone Smith, Tyrone Brunson, Bronco McKart et Pablo Munguia dans les deux dernières années.
A former world title challenger, Guerrier (28-3, 20 KOs) returned to his winning ways in 2015 with victories over Abraham Han and Daniel Souza Santos. The 29-year-old lives and trains out of Los Angeles but grew up in Maryland after being born in the Dominican Republic. The veteran owns victories over Ishe Smith, Derrick Findley and Gabriel Rosado in a pro career that dates back to 2007.
Pour plus d'informations, visitez et, suivre sur TwitterSHOSports, JRockBoxing, @Action_Douglas, IAmBoxing, FernandoDomini, @TheSBECand @Swanson_Comm or become a fan on Facebook at


Cliquez ICI To Watch The Full First Fight Via
Premier Boxing Champions YouTube
Cliquez ICI For Photos From Their First Fight From
Suzanne Teresa / Premier Champions de boxe
ANAHEIM, Californie. (Février 9, 2016) – Hard-hitting Mexican warriors Juillet Ceja (30-1, 27 KOs) et Hugo Ruiz(35-3, 31 KOs) engaged in a memorable back-and-forth battle for the WBC 122-pound world title last August and they are eager to meet in the ring again to deliver another explosive fight. The eagerly awaited return bout is part of a tripleheader on AFFICHER L'HEURE CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING® en direct sur Showtime® (10 p.m. ET/7 p.m. PT) from Honda Center in Anaheim, Californie.
Headlining the event is undefeated featherweight world champion Leo Santa Cruz in his first title defense against former champ Kiko Martinez. Rounding out the televised tripleheader is a 10-round fight betweenundefeatedheavyweights Gerald Washington et Oscar Rivas.
Ceja recovered from a third-round knockdown to claim world title glory with a fifth-round stoppage of Ruiz, and he has promised once again to leave the fans thrilled.
One thing I can tell you, is that this fight will be as exciting as the first one,” said Ceja. “Vous ne voulez pas manquer. War is coming.
When Ceja and Ruiz clashed in Los Angeles last August, it was the U.S. debut for both and was also on a card headlined by Santa Cruz.
I knew it was a big step up in my career to get a fight in the U.S.,” dit Ruiz, “It was very emotional to be fighting in front of so many Mexican fans on such an important card.
In an excellent two-way matchup contested in the middle of the ring, Ceja and Ruiz combined to throw 373 power punches in just five rounds, with Ceja benefiting from a 96-67 advantage in power punches landed. It was the sharp-shooting Ruiz who struck the first big blow of the match however, as he caught a lunging Ceja with a perfect left hook that put him down with just under a minute left in the third round.
He definitely hurt me with that punch,” said Ceja. “I went straight into his hand and to the floor. But thanks to my great conditioning, I recovered fast. I train in the altitude in Mexico and that gives me the strength to fight 15 tours. I’m working just as hard this camp.
I feel like I have the advantage in speed and power,” dit Ruiz. “I was looking for the knockout from the beginning and I will do that again on Février 27.”
Showing little effect from the knockdown, Ceja made it through the third and had a solid fourth round against the lanky Ruiz. He began to work effectively inside the long reach of Ruiz and buzz him with left hooks and uppercuts. It was a perfectly timed left hook with 58 seconds remaining in the fifth round that put Ruiz down. Ruiz made it to his feet, but Ceja continued to batter him with both hands until the referee, Raul Caiz Sr., stepped in and stopped the fight at 2:34 dans la ronde.
Ceja came into the fight very aggressively and he put just the right amount of pressure on me,” dit Ruiz. “This defeat is behind me now, but I did gain experience from the defeat that I will take into this fight.
Both men know that there is plenty of work to be done in training camp.
There is no way to get into a comfort zone against Ruiz,” said Ceja. “Just because I beat him, it doesn’t make this fight easier. He’s smart, experienced and he won’t make the same mistakes again. He’s a guy who works distances perfectly and knows when to attack. We made mistakes in the first fight that we’re going to fix.
I’m working on my defense and on putting more pressure on him throughout this fight,” dit Ruiz. “I have to be aware of his left hand. The hook hurt me last time so I have been working on getting my right hand up to block it. I have to use my skills to be victorious.
With a world title on the line once again, expect similar fireworks when these two proud Mexican sluggers share the ring in Anaheim.
I want all my Mexican fans to come out and watch this fight, you will not regret it,” said Ceja. “I want to keep my belt for a long time and I want the fans to remember my name.
This is going to be another very explosive fight,” dit Ruiz. “Expect a lot of punches, but this time I will be walking out a world champion.
Les billets pour l'événement en direct, qui est promu par Promotions TGB, sont au prix de $27, $54, $104 et $199 and are on sale now via, Ticketmaster retail locations or by calling 800-745-3000. Tickets are also available at the Honda Center Box Office.
Pour plus d'informations, visitez suivre sur TwitterSHOSports, @LeoSantaCruz2, @MartinezKiko, TGBPromotions, @HondaCenter and @Swanson_Comm or become a fan on Facebook Sonnta Cruz vs. Martinez is sponsored by Corona Extra, La bière la plus fine.



Cliquez ICI to Watch Round 12 From Ayala-Tapia I & Tune-In Tonight To Re-Live The Full Fight (SHO EXTREME® à 10 p.m. ET/PT)

Crédit photo: Tom Casino / Showtime


NEW YORK (Février. 4, 2016) – Round 2 du Sports Showtime® 12-round celebration commemorating 30 années de Showtime Championship Boxing® continues in February with “Rivalries’’ onSHO EXTREME®.


This month will be highlighted by five of the most exhilarating and memorable fights in boxing history: the two Paulie Ayala-Johnny Tapiabattles and the first three Israel Vazquez-Rafael Marquez wars.


Ayala-Tapia I was 1999 Combat de l'Année; Ayala was 1999 Fighter de l'année.


The initial three Vazquez-Marquez showdowns are universally acknowledged as among the best of all-time and were consensus Fight of the Year winners in 2007 and ’08. En outre, the third round of Vazquez-Marquez II earned Round of the Year honors in ’07 while the fourth of Vazquez-Marquez III was 2008 Round de l'Année.


These epic rivalries will air on “Throwback Thursdays” all month long at10 p.m. ET/PT sur SHO EXTREME et sont disponibles sur SHOWTIME ON DEMAND®, SHOWTIME EN TOUT TEMPS® et via le service de streaming en ligne du réseau. Each fight will be wrapped with brief context and commentary from SHOWTIME Sports host Brian Custer.


Below is the schedule of SHOWTIME EXTREME premieres for the month of February:

  • Today/Thursday, Février. 4: Ayala vs. Tapia I
  • Jeudi, Février. 11: Ayala vs. Tapia II
  • Jeudi, Février. 18: Vazquez vs. Marquez I & II
  • Jeudi, Février. 25: Vazquez vs. Marquez III


In celebration of the best rivalries on SHOWTIME, see below for a special column from SHOWTIME Sports expert analyst and boxing historian Steve Farhood.



By Steve Farhood

Boxing without rivalries would be like elections without debates.

Rivalries are natural, especially in boxing. Who is the best prospect in the neighborhood?

Who is the best bantamweight in Mexico? Who is the best fighter in the entire world?

Fans want to know, and so do the fighters, especially if a one-on-one matchup is likely to provide a definitive answer.

The best example comes from the best rivalry in history, regardless of sport: When Muhammad Ali and Joe Frazier clashed in their rubber match in Manila, they were fighting for something much greater than the world heavyweight title. They were fighting for the championship of each other.

Ali-FrazierRobinson-LaMottaLouis-SchmelingBarrera-MoralesMayweather-PacquiaoPep-SaddlerLeonard-Duran … Holyfield-Tyson: Boxing history has been told through its juiciest rivalries.

En 30 years of memorable fighters and unforgettable fights, SHOWTIME boxing’s history can largely be told through its rivalries as well.

Sur Showtime EXTREME, we’ll be focusing on two rivalries in particular: Rafael Marquez-Israel Vazquez and Paulie Ayala-Johnny Tapia.

Marquez-Vazquez is the equal of any pairing in recent history. So compelling were the battles, so consuming was the rivalry that many fans can’t tell you what the final scoreboard read. It didn’t matter all that much.

(À juste titre, the fighters split four bouts.)

What made Marquez-Vazquez different from most rivalries: They were defined more by similarities than differences. Most rivalries feature stark contrast. Think Borg-McEnroe. Or Bird-Magic. Or Evert-Navratilova. But Marquez and Vazquez were both classy champions from Mexico who needed each other to raise their profiles and all-time standings.

They gave us no trash-talking, no posturing, no hatred, real or imagined. Plutôt, they punched and bled and fought proudly and at the highest level. And because of the classic ring drama they created, that was more than enough.

Suffice to say that two of their bouts were chosen as Fight of the Year. And Marquez-Vazquez III was surely among the best fights I’ve covered live in my 37 years in boxing.

It was a bit different with Ayala and Tapia. When they first fought, Ayala wasn’t a familiar name. Mur, d'autre part, was an undefeated and long-reigning champion with a unique personality and a distinctive ring persona.

A suitable rival is exactly what Tapia needed to fully realize the potential that we sensed when he soundly defeated New Mexico rival Danny Romero two years before.

A pair of controversial decisions, the contentiousness that marked the negotiations preceding the rematch, and Tapia’s raw emotion made Ayala-Tapia a particularly bitter rivalry.

It was a memorable rivalry as well.


# # #


Showtime Networks Inc. (SNI), une filiale en propriété exclusive de CBS Corporation, possède et exploite les réseaux de télévision premium SHOWTIME®, The Movie Channel ™ et Flix®, et offre également SHOWTIME ON DEMAND®, LE CANAL ™ films sur demande et FLIX ON DEMAND®, et l'authentification de service SHOWTIME EN TOUT TEMPS de réseau®. Showtime Digital Inc., une filiale en propriété exclusive de la SNI, exploite le service de streaming autonome SHOWTIME®. SHOWTIME est actuellement disponible aux abonnés via le câble, DBS et les fournisseurs de telco, et en tant que service de diffusion en continu autonome par l'intermédiaire d'Apple®, Année®, Amazon et Google. Les consommateurs peuvent également vous abonner à SHOWTIME via Hulu, Sony PlayStation® Vidéo Vue et Amazon Prime. SNI gère également Smithsonian Réseaux, une joint venture entre SNI et la Smithsonian Institution, qui offre Smithsonian Channel, et offre la Terre Smithsonian par SN Digital LLC. SNI commercialise et distribue des événements sportifs et de divertissement pour l'exposition aux abonnés sur une base pay-per-view par Showtime PPV. Pour plus d'informations, aller à


Keith Thurman and Shawn Porter Face Off in Welterweight Blockbuster
Dans Main Event de Showtime Championship Boxing® sur CBS
Présenté par Premier Champions de boxe
Live On CBS At 8:30 p.m. ET/5:30 p.m. PT
NEW YORK (Février. 3, 2016)Former three-division world champions Abner Mares et Fernando Montiel will square off in all-action co-feature on Saturday, Mars 12, live on CBS at 8:30 p.m. ET / 5:30 p.m. PT.
In the main event of the first primetime boxing presentation on CBS in nearly 40 ans, welterweight knockout artist Keith Thurman will defend his WBA Welterweight World Championship against former titlist Shawn Porter in a matchup of two elite fighters in boxing’s glamour division.
L'événement, promoted by DiBella Entertainment from Mohegan Sun Casino Resortin Connecticut, is produced by SHOWTIME Sports® for the CBS Television Network, both divisions of the CBS Corporation.
Mères (29-2-1, 15 KOs) and Montiel (54-5-2, 39 KOs) are two of the most accomplished and entertaining Mexican boxers in the sport today. Mares compiled a staggering resume over the past five years while earning titles at 118, 122 et 126 livres. Montiel is one of the most skilled boxers of his generation having won championships at 112, 115 et 118 pounds over a 17-year career.
I’m ready to get back in the ring and have the boxing world see the monster that the Mares and Robert Garcia partnership is creating,” lesdits Mares Abner. “I’m a tough fighter. I’ve made some adjustments and I will show my warrior spirit and skill on March 12. It’s time to go to work.
I have been wanting to fight Abner Mares for many years,” Saïd Montiel. “They say that styles make fights and Abner Maresstyle is tailor made for me. My last fight was a close decision against one of the best featherweights in the world in Lee Selby. I need to make every fight count and on March 12 Abner Mares will be my next step to another world title!”
Abner Mares and Fernando Montiel are both proud warriors,” a déclaré Lou DiBella, Président de DiBella Entertainment. “Both are coming off tough, competitive fights and both must win to once again realize championship dreams. This will be a throw down, entertaining battle.
Les billets pour l'événement en direct sont au prix de $300, $150, $75 et $35 (plus les frais applicables) and are on sale now through Ticketmaster. Ticketmaster customers may log on to; appel (800) 745-3000; or visit any Ticketmaster outlet. Tickets are also be available at the Mohegan Sun Box Office.
Né à Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexique et un combattant de Downey, Calif., Mares won his first title in 2011 when he beat Joseph Agbeko to win the bantamweight crown. He continued his rise up the pound-for-pound list with wins over Anselmo Moreno and Daniel Ponce De Leon to win world titles at super bantamweight and featherweight. The 30-year-old won three straight fights leading to a massive showdown with Leo Santa Cruz last August. Mares showed the same explosiveness that made him a multiple division world champion in a thrilling Fight of the Year candidate that he lost by decision. The always-exciting Mares will enter the ring for the first time under the tutelage of renowned trainer Robert Garcia and strength coach Luis Garcia as he looks to work his way towards another world title.
The veteran Montiel won his first world title in 2000 over Isidro Garcia and went on to have title-winning performances over Pedro Alzacar, Ivan Hernandez, Caps Z, Ciso Morales et Hozumi Hasegawa. Né à Sinaloa, Mexique, Montiel rode an eight-fight win streak heading into his October world title shot against Lee Selby. Montiel’s aggressive style frustrated Selby but it was not enough for him to grab a title in his fourth weight class. The 36-year-old has an opportunity to get back in the mix for a world title with a victory over Mares.
Showtime Networks Inc. (SNI), une filiale en propriété exclusive de CBS Corporation, possède et exploite les réseaux de télévision premium SHOWTIME®, The Movie Channel ™ et Flix®, et offre également SHOWTIME ON DEMAND®, LE CANAL ™ films sur demande et FLIX ON DEMAND®, et l'authentification de service SHOWTIME EN TOUT TEMPS de réseau®. Showtime Digital Inc., une filiale en propriété exclusive de la SNI, exploite le service de streaming autonome SHOWTIME®. SHOWTIME est actuellement disponible aux abonnés via le câble, DBS et les fournisseurs de telco, et en tant que service de diffusion en continu autonome par l'intermédiaire d'Apple®, Année®, Amazon et Google. Les consommateurs peuvent également vous abonner à SHOWTIME via Hulu, Sony PlayStation® Vidéo Vue et Amazon Prime. SNI gère également Smithsonian Réseaux, une joint venture entre SNI et la Smithsonian Institution, qui offre Smithsonian Channel, et offre la Terre Smithsonian par SN Digital LLC. SNI commercialise et distribue des événements sportifs et de divertissement pour l'exposition aux abonnés sur une base pay-per-view par Showtime PPV. Pour plus d'informations, aller à
Pour plus d'informations, visitez et, suivre sur TwitterSHOSports, @PremierBoxing @KeithFThurmanJr, ShowtimeShawnP, @AbnerMares, @LouDiBella and @Swanson_Comm or become a fan on Facebook at,


Exciting Night Of Action Features Undefeated Leo Santa Cruz vs. Kiko Martinez
& Julio Ceja vs. Hugo Ruiz 2 In A Pair Of World Title Bouts
ANAHEIM, CALIFORNIE. (Février 2, 2016) – Unbeaten brawlers Gerald “Le Coq Noir” Washington (16-0-1, 11 KOs) et Oscar “Kaboom” Rivas (18-0, 13 KOs) will meet in a 10-round showdown of rising heavyweights on Samedi, Février 27, in the opening bout of a Showtime Championship Boxing® tripleheader from Honda Center in Anaheim, Californie.
The telecast features two world title fights. Dans l'événement principal, undefeated three-division world champion Lion “Tremblement de terre” Santa Cruz will make the first defense of his Featherweight World Championship against former world champion Kiko Martinez. Televised coverage begins live on AFFICHER L'HEURE® (10 p.m. ET/7 p.m. PT) with the exciting super bantamweight world title rematch between Mexican power-punchers Juillet Cejaet Hugo Ruiz.
I’m thrilled to be fighting so close to home in front of all my friends and family,” a déclaré que Washington. “Oscar Rivas is a hard puncher but he’s never faced anyone as big and strong as I am. I’m anxious to get in the ring and continue to prove myself on my way to a world title opportunity.
I’m very excited to be fighting Gerald Washington in my first fight in Southern California,” Saïd Rivas. “I know that he is a very tough, strong fighter. I will be prepared to come out victorious and stay undefeated as I head towards my goal of becoming a world champion.
The heavyweight division has been revived and Gerald Washington and Oscar Rivas are two guys to keep your eyes on,” dit Tom Brown du TGB Promotions. “Both are undefeated and hungry to earn their shot at a world title.
Les billets pour l'événement en direct, qui est promu par Promotions TGB, sont au prix de $27, $54, $104 et $199 and are on sale now via, Ticketmaster retail locations or by calling 800-745-3000. Tickets are also available at the Honda Center Box Office.
Un joueur dans les deux sens (tight end et l'ailier défensif) à l'Université de Californie du Sud, Washington a passé du temps avec les escadrons de Seattle Seahawks et les Bills de Buffalo pratique sur son chemin non conventionnel qui l'ont amené à la boxe. Le 33-year-old a également travaillé dans la marine comme mécanicien d'hélicoptère avant d'aller à l'USC et n'a pas obtenu ses débuts dans la boxe professionnelle jusqu'à 2012. Combats de San Jose, Californie, he is yet to lose in his latest endeavor after fighting to a draw with Amir Mansour in October and defeating Jason Gavern in March last year.
Rivas, qui a représenté Columbia au 2008 Jeux olympiques, fought exclusively as a pro in his adopted hometown of Montreal before making his U.S. debut with a first-round knockout of Jason Pettaway in June 2015. Le joueur de 28 ans mène une séquence de sept combats à élimination directe et a récemment battu Joey Abell au deuxième tour d'un mois de novembre. 2015 lutte. He will be looking to impress against the toughest opponent of his career onFévrier 27.
Pour plus d'informations, visitez suivre sur TwitterSHOSports, @LeoSantaCruz2, @MartinezKiko, TGBPromotions, @HondaCenter and @Swanson_Comm or become a fan on Facebook