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(图片来源: 阿曼达韦斯科特/欣欣)
DeGale的战斗杰克超中量级世界冠军统一 星期六, 一月 14 巴克莱中心布鲁克林 & 住在Showtime
布鲁克林 (一月 3, 2017) — IBF超中量级世界冠军 詹姆斯DeGale 已经做了他的名字作为道路的战士,并期待从他在伦敦的家换上另一个伟大的客场表现时,他对同胞的超中量级世界冠军 八斗杰克 在他们的168磅重的统一摊牌星期六, 一月 14 巴克莱中心在布鲁克林和活在Showtime.
DeGale的抵达中美. 在周五, 十二月 30 并将在著名的完成了他的训练 5 街健身房在布鲁克林的对决提前迈阿密.
“这是伟大的,我的生活中最大的打击再次回到美国,” 说DeGale的. “一切都在我的英格兰训练营飞驰过去了,现在我们会花这些过去 10 几天下来在迈阿密前往了纽约参加战斗前一周.
“现在我专注于让在杰克区和吸我的心态博取. 我赢得世界冠军的美国, 我在这里捍卫它,现在我要在这里做统一. 做什么没有其他的英国超中量级已经做 — 并且已经有不少大师在168磅 — 让我充满骄傲和将巩固我的遗产中的分工。”
门票现场活动, 这是由梅威瑟促销和DiBella娱乐推广, 开始 $25. 门票现,并且可以通过访问网上购买 www.ticketmaster.com, www.barclayscenter.com 或致电 1-800-745-3000. 门票也可在美国运通票房在巴克莱中心. 集团折扣可致电844-BKLYN-GP.
看看下面的这已导致DeGale的一些有趣的事实,他的 一月 14摊牌:
1. DeGale的出生于伦敦的英国母亲和英国-
出生的黑人 父亲 其父母从格林纳达起源. 他有三个兄弟姐妹, 所有比他大 — 两个哥哥和一个姐姐. 他也有一个外甥和外甥女.

2. DeGale的是一个淘气的孩子,并会进入各种

麻烦 特别 在学校. 他的祖父建议他的父母让他拿起拳击引导他的能量.

3. 在九岁的时候, DeGale的走进了他的第一个拳击俱乐部 (在木马

哈勒斯登), 拿起拳击,他从来没有回头.

4. 他给他的绰号 “矮胖” 从第一天开始时的一个

教练 看着他 (因为他是一个有点胖) 并表示 “好吧矮胖” 和名字曾经因为卡住. 每个人都在业余拳击只知道他是 “矮胖。” 如果有人问起詹姆斯DeGale, 人们会奇怪地看,每个人都在业余拳击只知道他是 “矮胖。”


5. DeGale的是在著名的芭芭拉SPEAKE阶段学校学生

伦敦 并表现出在歌唱和舞蹈承诺, 但他的不良行为让他驱逐出境.

6. DeGale的,在度过了一个艰难的夸大的年龄 13-14 当他走到离

轨道 并没有去健身房几个月. 这一切都改变了,当他的父母有足够的任性他的行为,并告诉他,如果他不改变他的方式,回到拳击,他会去社会服务.


7. 从那天起,他已经从发展壮大. 他被选为

年轻 英格兰14岁, 深得各大业余赛事和NABCs DeGale的物质,由英格兰队领奖台选择. 他周游世界重大比赛的竞争中获胜铜牌 2006 英联邦运动会和 2006 被选定为GB领奖台队在代表他的国家 2008 在北京奥运会.

8. 他的唯一成员 2008 拳击队与金返回

勋章 被授予MBE (大英帝国勋章成员) 由英女皇对他的了不起的成就.

9. DeGale的转职业的 2009 并迅速占领了英国,

欧洲的, WBA国际, WBO洲际和WBC银标题.

10. 然后DeGale的成为第一个英国奥运取得英国历史

# # #
精彩表演拳击锦标赛® 连赛开始于 9:30 P.M. AND/6:30 P.M. PT与初中轻量级世界冠军 何塞·佩德拉萨 承担不败的竞争者 Gervonta戴维斯.
附加动作精选的 SHOWTIME EXTREME®和初中轻量级世界冠军和布鲁克林本地标题 阿曼达·塞拉诺 作战前两分世界冠军 Yazmin里瓦斯. 电视节目开始在 7 P.M. AND/PT和功能 Ievgen Khytrov 作战 伊曼纽尔·阿利姆 在不败上升的竞争者的10轮对决.
巴克莱中心的布鲁克林拳击™编程平台是由美国退休人员协会提出. 欲了解更多信息,请访问 www.SHO.com/Sports 在Twitter上关注@BadouJack, @ JamesDegale1, @Sniper_Pedraza, @Gervontaa, @ShowtimeBoxing, @SSports, @MayweatherPromo, LouDiBella, @BarclaysCenter, 和@Swanson_Comm或成为Facebook上的粉丝 www.Facebook.com/SHOSports, www.facebook.com/MayweatherPromotions万维网.Facebook.com/DiBellaEntertainment, www.Facebook.com/barclayscenter. 此事件是由电晕额外赞助, 最好的啤酒.


(图片来源: 阿曼达韦斯科特/欣欣)
杰克在超中量级世界冠军统一赛中遇见詹姆斯·德盖尔 星期六, 一月 14 巴克莱中心布鲁克林 & 住在Showtime
布鲁克林 (十二月 20, 2016) – 超中量级世界冠军 八斗杰克在万众期待的超中量级世界冠军统一对决之路上经历了漫长的道路 詹姆斯DeGale 发生 星期六, 一月 14 巴克莱中心在布鲁克林和活在Showtime.
杰克拥有独特的拳击手背景,但他坚持不懈地经历了职业拳击手每天面临的同样的斗争. 他面临着很少有人能够克服的障碍,现在, 盛大的 SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING 主赛事即将来临, 杰克正处于明星的风口浪尖.
门票现场活动, 这是由梅威瑟促销和DiBella娱乐推广, 开始 $25. 门票现,并且可以通过访问网上购买 www.ticketmaster.com, www.barclayscenter.com 或致电 1-800-745-3000. 门票也可在美国运通票房在巴克莱中心. 集团折扣可致电844-BKLYN-GP.
看看下面一些有趣的事实,这些事实让杰克找到了他的 一月 14摊牌:

1. 杰克出生于瑞典,母亲是瑞典人,父亲是冈比亚人. 他有

六个兄弟姐妹 — 两个姐姐, 两个妹妹和两个弟弟.

2. 他出于自己的好奇心开始拳击,并已经获得了一些他的经验。

对培训感兴趣的弟弟妹妹. 瑞典禁止职业拳击运动 1969 通过 2007

3. 开始拳击于 2000 并在开始他的运动之前很快就开始了这项运动


4. 有资格参加 2008 冈比亚奥运会. 他仍然是唯一一位拳击手


5. 杰克是自此以来第一位获得拳击世界冠军的瑞典出生的男子

阿尔芒 克拉因克 (Krajnc) 夺得中量级冠军 2001. 唯一一位出生于瑞典的世界冠军是英格玛·约翰逊 (Ingemar Johansson), 众所周知,他在一轮比赛中七次击倒弗洛伊德·帕特森,赢得了重量级世界冠军。 1959.

6. 来到美国. 奥运会后开始追求拳击并首次开始

训练 在格里森的健身房布鲁克林.

7. 被前重量级世界冠军香农·布里格斯发现

他暂时搬到迈阿密与布里格斯一起工作. 他今天与布里格斯保持着密切的关系.

8. 搬到拉斯维加斯后, 杰克遇见了弗洛伊德·梅威瑟 2012 而

与安德烈·迪雷尔(Andre Dirrell)拳击并最终与梅威瑟促销签约.

9. 在赢得世界冠军后 2015, 他入围了瑞典赛决赛

运动员 年度最佳.

10. 他今年早些时候和去年访问过冈比亚, 与伊什·史密斯一起,


(图片来源: Instagram.com/BadouJack)
# # #
精彩表演拳击锦标赛® 连赛开始于 9:30 P.M. AND/6:30 P.M. PT与初中轻量级世界冠军 何塞·佩德拉萨 承担不败的竞争者 Gervonta戴维斯.
附加动作精选的 SHOWTIME EXTREME®和初中轻量级世界冠军和布鲁克林本地标题 阿曼达·塞拉诺 作战前两分世界冠军 Yazmin里瓦斯. 电视节目开始在 7 P.M. AND/PT和功能 Ievgen Khytrov 作战 伊曼纽尔·阿利姆 在不败上升的竞争者的10轮对决.
巴克莱中心的布鲁克林拳击™编程平台是由美国退休人员协会提出. 欲了解更多信息,请访问 www.SHO.com/Sports 在Twitter上关注@BadouJack, @ JamesDegale1, @Sniper_Pedraza, @Gervontaa, @ShowtimeBoxing, @SSports, @MayweatherPromo, LouDiBella, @BarclaysCenter, 和@Swanson_Comm或成为Facebook上的粉丝 www.Facebook.com/SHOSports, www.facebook.com/MayweatherPromotions万维网.Facebook.com/DiBellaEntertainment, www.Facebook.com/barclayscenter. 此事件是由电晕额外赞助, 最好的啤酒.



10 P.M. AND/PT From Bally’s Atlantic City Hotel & 赌场

Undefeated Super Middleweight Ronald Ellis Takes On Christopher Brooker;

Undefeated Super Lightweights Kenneth Sims Jr. & Wellington Romero Faceoff;

Stephon Young Risks Undefeated Record vs. Daniel Rosas




纽约 (十二月. 19, 2016) –不败, WBA无. 3-ranked super bantamweight 亚当·洛佩兹 (16-0-1, 8 科斯) will face the WBA’s No. 4-排名 丹尼·罗曼 (20-2-1, 7 科斯) 在一个10轮的主要事件 的ShoBox: 新一代 quadrupleheader上 星期五, 一月. 20, 住在 开演时间 (10 P.M. AND/PT, 延迟在西海岸) 从 Bally’s Atlantic City Hotel and Casino.


第一 的ShoBox telecast in 2017 features eight fighters with a combined record of 115 wins against just seven losses.


在共同特征, 不败的超中量级 罗纳德·埃利斯 (13-0-1, 1 NC, 10 科斯) will face off with 克里斯托弗·布鲁克 (11-2, 5 科斯) in an eight-round 168-pound matchup of 的ShoBox 退伍军人.


In another eight-round featured bout, former national amateur champion Kenneth Sims Jr. (10-0, 3 科斯) and Dominican Olympian 惠灵顿罗梅罗 (11-0-1, 5 科斯) will clash in an eight-round matchup of up-and-coming, unbeaten super lightweights making their 的ShoBox debuts in their toughest assignments to date.


在转播的开幕回合, 不败最轻量级 斯蒂芬·扬 (15-0-3, 6 科斯) takes on Mexican veteran and two-time interim world title challenger Daniel Rosas (19-3-1, 11 科斯) 在八轮超轻量级回合.


演出门票, 由 GH3 Promotions 推广, Kings Promotions in association with Thompson Boxing (主要事件) and Bally’s Atlantic City Hotel and Casino, 是 $125, $100 $75 & $50 并可以在购买 www.ticketmaster.com 或致电 1-800-745-3000


ADAM LOPEZ VS. DANNY ROMAN – 10 发, Super Bantamweights

洛佩兹, 圣安东尼奥, 得克萨斯州, 由凤凰路, 亚利桑那州。, is a prototypical 的ShoBox prospect-turned-contender. 他 3-0-1 on the series, having defeated three previous unbeaten boxers on the series: Mario Muniz (11-0) in a hard-fought 10-round decision on Feb. 19, 2016, outpointing Eliezer Acquino (17-0-1) 穿过 10 rounds on July 17, 2015, and knocking out 巴勃罗·克鲁兹 (11-0) in the second round on March 13, 2015. 在他最近的 的ShoBox 游览, Lopez boxed a 12-round draw with Roman Reynoso(18-1-1) 七月 22, 2016.

“This will be my toughest fight. It is all about levels and progressing,’’ Lopez said of the matchup between the 26-year-old world-ranked contenders. “This may be my last的ShoBox fight so I want to save the best for the last.

“Roman is very good fighter and I’m ready for a tough fight. He’s progressed a lot. He’s a good puncher, counter puncher and works the body. But I’m ready for whatever he brings. A win would be hugeit puts me in contention to fight a world champion.’’

一个优秀的拳击手,冲床和战术,喜欢反, Lopez was a standout amateur before going pro in February 2012. He is coming off an eighth-round knockout over Carlos Valcarcel 11月. 11, 2016, and is facing likely his toughest test to date in Lopez.


Roman has won 13 in a row dating to March 2014 – and none of the fights have been close. 他去 4-0 在 2014, 6-0 在 2015 和 4-0 在 2016. The Los Angeles native, who is coming of an eight-round decision over previously unbeaten 马龙·奥莱亚 (12-0) 最后 十一月. 18, 会让他 的ShoBox and East Coast debut in just his second outing outside of Southern California.


“I’ve been extremely active over the last few years and now all the hard work is starting to pay off,’’ said Roman, a pro since October 2009. “This is a tremendous opportunity and the type of fight I’ve been preparing for. Adam Lopez is a great fighter, and he’s highly ranked just like me. We are going to give the fans an exciting fight.


“I can box, I can brawl. I give the fans what they want. I think people are going to be impressed with how I fight. People want to see a fight and I know I’m going to bring it. Boxing fans are going to know who Danny Roman is on 一月. 20.''


RONALD ELLIS VS. 克里斯托弗·布鲁克, 8 发, 超级中量级

埃利斯, 林恩, 质量。, and Brooker, 费城, are making their second 的ShoBox 开始. Like Lopez, they fought Feb. 19, 2016, 在大西洋城. Ellis boxed an entertaining eight-round majority draw in a slugfest with hard-hitting 杰里奥多姆; Brooker took an eight-round majority decision over previously unbeaten 约翰·玛格达(11-0) in a match that was originally announced a split draw but was later changed to a majority decision win for Brooker.
This will be Ellis’ second fight since the Odom fight. The 27-year-old Ellis, 次中量级前景的哥哥 拉希迪埃利斯, outpointed 奥斯卡·里奥哈斯(Oscar Riojas) across eight rounds on Dec. 10.


Ellis feels he’s benefited from going the distance in consecutive contests. “It’s helped me that I’ve gone through it before,“”埃利斯说, whose 10 knockouts have come inside two rounds (八中第一). “现在, I know what they’re looking for. This time I’ll finish super strong and put on a show. I need this to further my career and put me in main event fights.


“I’ve seen Brooker fight a few times. He’s a tough guy who comes forward and comes to fight, and that is perfect for me. Brooker will be there for me to hit, and it will give me a great opportunity to showcase my talents.’’


作为一个业余爱好者, Ellis upset 特雷尔Gausha 赢 2010 全国金手套. Gausha went on to represent the United States at the 2012 Olympic Games and is now an undefeated professional middleweight.


Brooker, a physically strong, aggressive-minded boxer-puncher, is trying to regain his winning ways after a nine-fight winning streak ended when he lost by 10-round TKO to highly regarded 罗纳德Gavril (16-1) 最后 十月. 8 在拉斯维加斯. The 25-year-old Brooker dropped Gavril in the fifth round but went down twice in the 10 before it was stopped at 2:04. Entering the 10 而最后一轮, the fight was even on the judges’ scorecards.


“I’m ready and excited to get back in the ring,’’ said Brooker. “I can’t wait to fight another undefeated fighter on 的ShoBox. I’m still looking to get to the next level. I was at Ellis’ last fight, and I saw an average fighter compared to the guys I’ve fought. He’s solid, throws nice, short punches but runs out of gas.


“In my last fight I lost because I kept looking for the KO. I have a new trainer now (Gaunch Muhammad), and I’m getting back to the technical part of boxing. I’m jabbing more, and in my previous camps I wasn’t jabbing or boxing enough. I have the heart and condition but I have to get to my opponent with the jab.’’

The Philadelphia native was a top level amateur who has been active since turning professional in 2015.



模拟人生, 芝加哥, is matched with unquestionably the most dangerous opponent of a career that began in March 2014. This will be the eight-round debut for the 23-year-old, who has gone six full rounds six times.


“This is the biggest fight of my career,’’ said Sims, who is coming off a six-round decision over Jonathan Dinong 最后 十一月. 11. “I will be prepared for anything that I have to do. I’ve seen videos of Romero and I know he is a good fighter. I fought world champions in the amateurs so it’s not a big deal to fight him. I need to take care of business and get my win on national television. It’s as simple as that.”


Sims was a main sparring partner for 梅威瑟 (when he was getting prepared for 其他叶贝)帕奎奥 (as he was getting ready for Mayweather). 模拟人生, known for his boxing skills and ability to work the body, 是 2013 中美. National Amateur Champion and a 2012 Olympic Trials semifinalist.


罗梅罗不得不 268 amateur bouts and represented his native Dominican Republic in the 2012 奥运会, where he lost to eventual Gold Medalist Vasyl Lomachenko. 此后不久,他迁往纽约, where he turned pro in 2013. The 25-year-old is coming off a first-round knockout over 恩格尔贝托·巴伦苏埃拉 12月. 10.


A slick boxer who can punch and gives opponent issues because of his awkward style and movement, Romero has been brought along carefully against mostly modest opposition. The southpaw is coming off a first-round TKO over 路易斯 Meroles last Dec. 5.


Romero understands that this could likely be his most daunting task to date. “I’m looking forward to introducing myself to the American public,''他说. “Sims is a good fighter but I will always like challenges, and this will be my biggest challenge as a pro.’’


STEPHON YOUNG VS. DANIEL ROSAS – 8 发, Super Bantamweights


年轻, 圣. 圣路易斯, is making his second 的ShoBox 开始. In his debut, he boxed a 10-round draw with previously undefeated Nikolai Potapov (14-0) in April of 2016.


“To be able to be back on 的ShoBox feels good,” said Young, who registered a majority 10-round decision over previously once-beaten Juan Lopez Jr. in his last scrap on Sept. 30, 2016. “My first fight on 的ShoBox was not a fair decision. It was my first 10-rounder and I feel like I won the fight. This time I will be able to show more of what I have.


“Training has been great. I already have been in camp for two months. The fight against Potapov was my first with my new coach (赫尔曼·凯塞多), and this will be our third fight. We won the NABA title by beating Lopez and now we’re back.”

The 25-year-old Young, 目前排名是谁 否. 9 在WBA, was an experienced amateur who compiled a record of 86-13 while representing the U.S. in a number of tournaments. In the U.S. Olympic Trials in 2011, he lost to the No. 1-rated amateur, Rau'shee沃伦.


The 27-year-old Rosas, 墨西哥城, is a nine-year veteran who is experienced against top opposition. 在 2011, in just his 13 professional fight, Rosas fought to a 12-round split draw against 何塞·卡布雷拉 in a bout for the Interim WBO Super Flyweight World Title. 在 2014, he lost a close, unanimous decision to Alejandro Hernandezfor the Interim WBO Bantamweight Title.


Rosas has rattled off three consecutive victories since fighting Hernandezt. 在他的最后一个回合上 四月 29, he lost via TKO to current IBF Super Bantamweight Champ乔纳森·古斯曼 在他的U.S. 登场.


巴里·汤普金斯 将调用 的ShoBox 从马戏团的行动 史蒂夫Farhood 和前世界冠军 劳尔·马尔克斯 作为专业分析师. 执行制片人 戈登·霍尔 理查德·高根 生产和 里克·菲利普斯 导演.



# # #

大约 的ShoBox: 新一代
公司自成立以来日 2001, 广受好评的欣欣拳击系列, 的ShoBox: 新一代 有特色的年轻人才匹配强硬. 该的ShoBox 理念是令人兴奋的转播, 万人空巷,并同时为愿意前景试验场正式比赛确定为世界冠军战斗. 一些的日益增长的列表的 67 谁曾出现在战士 的ShoBox 和先进的,以争取世界冠军,包括: 沃德, Deontay怀尔德, Erislandy拉拉, 肖恩·波特, 加里·拉塞尔小, 拉蒙特彼得森, 吉列尔莫·里贡多·奥尔蒂斯, 奥马尔·菲格罗亚, nonito Donaire主场, 德文亚历山大, 卡尔Froch, 罗伯特·格雷罗, 蒂莫西·布拉德利, 杰西·巴尔加斯, 胡安·曼努埃尔·洛佩斯, 乍得道森, 保利Malignaggi, 哈顿, 凯利帕夫利, 保罗·威廉斯多.


周六不败的本地天才选手完成了Undercard行动, 一月 14 巴克莱中心布鲁克林

波兰重量级选手亚当·科纳奇, 次中量级新秀朱利安·索萨和爱尔兰选手诺埃尔·墨菲均出现在
布鲁克林 (十二月 15, 2016) — 来自纽约市的顶尖本地人才将在 星期六, 一月 14 作为波兰重量级选手 亚当Kownacki, 布鲁克林本地人 朱利安·索萨 和爱尔兰次中量级 诺埃尔·墨菲 所有人都在布鲁克林巴克莱中心的单独比赛中进入擂台.
“除了一月份将在 SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING 和 SHOWTIME EXTREME 上电视转播的精彩赛事之外 14, 出席巴克莱中心的拳击迷将获得令人兴奋的底牌,其中包括当地崭露头角的拳击手,” 说娄DiBella, DiBella娱乐总裁. “波兰重量级拳手亚当·科纳奇, 爱尔兰次中量级诺尔·墨菲和布鲁克林人朱利安·索萨, 谁有墨西哥血统, 都将把自己的不败纪录赌上. 梅威瑟促销活动还将提供肯尼·罗伯斯, 来自史泰登岛的一名装饰业余爱好者, 首次职业亮相, 以及波多黎各前世界冠军挑战者托马斯·杜洛姆(Thomas Dulorme)的复出。”
一月 14 活动设有 精彩表演拳击锦标赛®双头比赛以超中量级世界冠军统一对决为主角 八斗杰克 詹姆斯DeGale. SHOWTIME 电视报道® 在开始 9:30 P.M. AND/6:30 P.M. PT与初中轻量级世界冠军 何塞·佩德拉萨 承担不败的竞争者 Gervonta戴维斯.
附加动作精选的 SHOWTIME EXTREME®和初中轻量级世界冠军和布鲁克林本地标题 阿曼达·塞拉诺 作战前两分世界冠军 Yazmin里瓦斯. 电视节目开始在 7 P.M. AND/PT和功能 Ievgen Khytrov 作战 伊曼纽尔·阿利姆 在不败上升的竞争者的10轮对决.
门票现场活动, 这是由梅威瑟促销和DiBella娱乐推广, 开始 $25. 门票现,并且可以通过访问网上购买 www.ticketmaster.com, www.barclayscenter.com 或致电 1-800-745-3000. 门票也可在美国运通票房在巴克莱中心. 集团折扣可致电844-BKLYN-GP.
不败者 Kownacki (14-0, 11 科斯) 将在 约书亚塔夫特 (19-1, 9 科斯) 在一场八回合的重量级比赛中 索萨 (6-0-1, 2 科斯) 面孔 加布里埃尔Solario (2-2-1) 在六轮次中量级比赛中 墨菲 (7-0, 2 科斯) 参加六轮次中量级比赛.
最后,梅威瑟促销团队最近新增了两位前冠军挑战者 托马斯Dulorme (23-2, 15 科斯) 进入拳击场参加八回合的青少年次中量级比赛,史坦顿岛本地人 肯尼·罗伯斯 在四轮次中量级战斗中首次亮相.
两届纽约金手套冠军, 四个 科纳奇的 过去五场胜利都是在巴克莱中心的友好场地取得的. 来自波兰,但现在居住在布鲁克林, 科纳奇上次上场时在六月比赛的第三回合中阻止了杰西·巴博萨. The 27-year-old has won six times since the beginning of 2015 and faces one of his toughest opponents to date in the former kickboxing champion Tufte of Kernersville, 北卡罗来纳.
由他的父亲受过训练, former pro fighter and New York Golden Gloves champion Aureliano, 索萨 has built a growing fan base fighting of the Flatbush Cops ‘NKids gym in his hometown of Brooklyn. The 20-year-old is unbeaten since turning pro in March 2015 and has picked up three wins in 2016. He will be opposed by the 27-year-old Solario who fights out of Seattle and picked up a win over Drew Bokenshire in his last bout.
最初从科克, 爱尔兰, 墨菲 has fought exclusively in the U.S. 自从转入职业 2014 while fighting out of Woodlawn, 纽约. The 22-year-old earned his seventh pro victory in November when he won a dominant decision over Mohamed Allam in November. 这是他今年的第二场胜利,现在他将在巴克莱中心开始他的职业生涯第二场比赛 2017 很有型.
# # #
巴克莱中心的布鲁克林拳击™编程平台是由美国退休人员协会提出. 欲了解更多信息,请访问 www.SHO.com/Sports 在Twitter上关注@BadouJack, @ JamesDegale1, @Sniper_Pedraza, @Gervontaa, @ShowtimeBoxing, @SSports, @MayweatherPromo, LouDiBella, @BarclaysCenter, 和@Swanson_Comm或成为Facebook上的粉丝 www.Facebook.com/SHOSports, www.facebook.com/MayweatherPromotions万维网.Facebook.com/DiBellaEntertainment, www.Facebook.com/barclayscenter. 此事件是由电晕额外赞助, 最好的啤酒.

詹姆斯DeGale媒体训练行情 & 照片


DeGale Faces Badou Jack in Super Middleweight World Championship Unification Showdown 星期六, 一月 14 巴克莱中心布鲁克林 & 住在Showtime

点击 这里 for Photos from Lawrence Lustig/Matchroom Sport

伦敦 (十二月 13, 2016) – IBF超中量级世界冠军 詹姆斯DeGale hosted a media workout in his hometown of London Tuesday as he prepares to face WBC Super Middleweight World Champion 八斗杰克 in a 168-pound world title unification showdown that headlines action on 星期六, 一月 14 from Barclays Center in Brooklyn and live on 开演时间.


精彩表演拳击锦标赛 电视节目开始在 9:30 P.M. AND/6:30 P.M. PT with with super featherweight world champion 何塞·佩德拉萨 承担不败的竞争者 Gervonta戴维斯.

门票现场活动, 这是由梅威瑟促销和DiBella娱乐推广, 开始 $25. Tickets are available and can be purchased online by visiting www.ticketmaster.com, www.barclayscenter.com 或致电 1-800-745-3000. 门票也可在美国运通票房在巴克莱中心. 集团折扣可致电844-BKLYN-GP.

DeGale worked out and answered questions for media at the Stonebridge Boxing Club as he nears his third straight fight in the United States, this time looking to return to the UK as a unified world champion.


Here is what DeGale had to say 周二:




“This is the best fighting the best and this fight will prove who’s the best in the divisionand I believe I am the number one super middleweight on the planet.


“Unification fights like this are still rare, never mind the best fighting the best, and me and Jack both wanted the fight. We both want to prove who is the best and everyone is in for a treat on 一月 14.


“I’ve got the best trainer in the world in Jim McDonnell; together we won the world title and now we’re going to unify the title. I’m going to win in style and do the business in the big New York City and come away with both belts to bring back to London.


“Jack’s a serious fighter, 他是世界冠军, he has something I want. The winner of this will be the number in the division.


“成长, 卡尔扎合, and Prince Naseem Hamed, they’re the ones I used to watch and I’d think, ‘I can’t wait to do that.’ Calzaghe’s one of my favorite fighters. He’s a bit similar to me. He’s a southpaw, 抛出了很多拳. He’s another one who didn’t get the full credit he was due until after he retired. But that’s how boxing is.


“I’ve got to perform. My last couple of performances haven’t been vintage James DeGale. 这是最好的战斗最好的, the champ fighting the champ: this is proper.


“I don’t get the respect. I made a bit of history. If I unify the division, going across the pond, no one’s ever done that from Britain.


“This is the one. I get love and support, I do have my fans, but it just feels like I look around at different fighters who haven’t done half what I’ve done and they get so much more recognition.


“I don’t get the credit: the full recognition, I don’t. But after this fight, people will start respecting me and knowing I’m the best.”


# # #


巴克莱中心的布鲁克林拳击™编程平台是由美国退休人员协会提出. 欲了解更多信息,请访问 www.SHO.com/Sports 在Twitter上关注@BadouJack, @ JamesDegale1, @Sniper_Pedraza, @Gervontaa, @SHOSports, @MayweatherPromo, LouDiBella, @BarclaysCenter, 和@Swanson_Comm或成为Facebook上的粉丝 www.Facebook.com/SHOSports, www.facebook.com/MayweatherPromotions www.Facebook.com/DiBellaEntertainment, www.Facebook.com/barclayscenter. 此事件是由电晕额外赞助, 最好的啤酒.



谢尔盖Lipinets, Erickson Lubin Triumph on SHOWTIME BOXING on FACEBOOK LIVE

IBF Heavyweight World Champion Anthony Joshua Retains Crown

With Third-Round KO over Eric Molina on SHOWTIME BOXING INTERNATIONAL

观看重播 星期一, 十二月. 12, 在 10 P.M. AND/PT的SHO EXTREME®

点击 这里 要下载图片

图片来源: 斯蒂芬妮特拉普/欣欣®

LOS ANGELES (十二月. 10, 2016) - 押尼珥Mares (30-2-1, 15 科斯) scored an impressive, upset 12-round split decision over defending champion 耶稣奎利亚尔 (28-2, 21 科斯) to capture the WBA Featherweight World Championship and become a four-time boxing titlist 星期六 in the main event of a SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING doubleheader.


In the co-feature from Galen Center on the campus of USC in Los Angeles, Jermall夏洛茨维尔 (25-0, 19 科斯) retained his IBF Junior Middleweight World title with an emphatic fifth-round knockout over previously unbeaten, top-ranked 朱利安“J-Rock”的威廉姆斯 (22-1-1, 14 科斯). (视频集锦: http://s.sho.com/2hqXDr8)


Earlier in the day on SHOWTIME, unbeaten IBF Heavyweight World Champion Anthony Joshua (18-0, 18 科斯) 淘汰 埃里克·莫利纳 (25-4, 19 科斯), 韦斯拉科的, 得克萨斯州, in the third round in Manchester, 英国. (视频集锦: http://s.sho.com/2hqHTo8)


母亲, 亨廷顿海滩, 加利福尼亚州。, by way of Guadalajara, 墨西哥, 以分数获胜 117-110, 116-111 和 112-115. Judge Kermit Bayless was the lone descender to score the hard-fought match for the Argentine. Mares scored the bout’s lone knockdown in the 11th round. 奎利亚尔, 布宜诺斯艾利斯, had an 11-fight winning streak end. (视频集锦: http://s.sho.com/2hbJayp)


母亲, making his first start 在 16 个月 and first with renowned trainer 罗伯特·加西亚, executed a technically sound game plan and was the more accurate puncher than Cuellar, who was under the tutelage of Hall of Famer 罗奇 在他职业生涯的第一次.


“I feel so good, it’s been a long time. I’m champion, 婴儿,’’ said Mares, 31, a former WBC featherweight and super bantamweight world champion and IBF bantamweight world champion, who became Garcia’s 10 世界冠军. “We had the perfect game plan.


“I never doubted myself. I felt it in my heart. When I fought 狮子 (圣克鲁斯) I beat myself because I fought the wrong fight. I fought smart 今晚. I thought it would be a unanimous decision, but at the end of the day I’m champion.’’


Cuellar is known as a devastating puncher, but he was unable to land his power shots or cut off the ring against Mares, who seemingly pocketed rounds with accuracy and a solid left hook. Mares floored Cuellar with a straight right in the opening minute of the 11th, sending Cuellar to the canvas for the third time of his career. The onslaught continued, with a resurgent Mares teeing off on Cuellar until he raised his hands following the final bell.

“They said he was a power puncher, they said he was going to knock me out, but I proved that I have some power, 太,’’ said Mares, who dropped a majority 12-round decision to Santa Cruz in his last fight on Aug. 29, 2015. “I want Leo, 我想要 (卡尔) 弗兰普顿, I want anyone. 我是冠军. I’m not afraid of anyone.”


Cuellar stated his case for a rematch afterward.


“I thought the fight was pretty even until he threw me down, and that’s when he took control,“奎利亚尔说, 谁正在第三次卫冕. “He definitely had the boxing skills going today. I would have preferred a rough fight, but Mares had his skills today. 我想复赛. I gave him the opportunity and now I think it’s fair that he gives it to me.”


在合作的主要事件, Charlo dropped Williams three times, once in the second and twice in the fifth. 威廉姆斯, who had not lost a round in 10 consecutive fights, went down for the first time in his career from a strong counter left-hand midway through the second round.


威廉姆斯, who established his counter right early, performed well for the next two rounds in the first title fight between undefeated 154-pound champions since 梅威瑟 拆除 CANELO阿尔瓦雷斯 在 2013.


But Charlo decked him again with a brutal right uppercut midway through the fifth round that sent Williams collapsing face-forward onto the canvas. Williams got up, but he was clearly in trouble. Charlo floored him seconds layer with a left hook, forcing referee Wayne Hedgepath to instantly halt the contest at 2:06.


Charlo was ahead with scores of 38-37 on the three scorecards entering the fifth round in a highly skilled matchup between two fighters in their prime.


Afterward a fracas broke out in the ring between the fighters and their cornermen after Charlo wouldn’t acknowledge Williams’ congratulatory hand shake. Williams immediately stormed from the ring. The fans booed Charlo loudly throughout his post-fight interview with SHOWTIME reporter Jim Gray.


“I did what I was supposed to do, 我很高兴我的表现, I listened to my trainer,’’ said Charlo, the identical twin brother of WBC 154-pound titlist Jermell夏洛茨维尔. “I trained hard for this fight, I stayed in the gym the whole time.


“No matter what, people have to respect my accomplishments. He just wasn’t on my level. I told everyone what I was going to do since the fight was announced. I knew I was going to win; he was badly hurt after the knockdown.

“I just want to tell Julian Williams, I’m sorry. Leading up to this fight Julian talked, and I held it in. I did what I had to do to become the champion of the world and I deserve my respect. He disrespected me all the way up to the fight. I made the fight happen; I gave the fans what they wanted to see. I stayed at 154 英镑, although I do want to move up to 160, just to fight someone the world said I couldn’t beat.


“I said I don’t want your congratulations; I want your apology. I don’t care what they say, 我把他打晕了. No matter what they say about me I’m going to continue to work hard. I did what my trainer told me to do, I stayed in there and bang the shot came home. I’m never disrespected this dude, never, until I knocked him out.


“是, 我要统一. I want to prove I’m the best junior middleweight in the world, none of them are on my level.

Williams offered no excuses. “我只是被抓了,' 他说. “I was fine after the second round and kept going. He just caught me. He wasn’t too big. He just caught me.

“I didn’t care about any of that [post-fight drama]. I just wanted to win.”


Charlo-Williams was the fourth 154-pound title fight on SHOWTIME in 2016.

In one off the fights streamed earlier 星期六 on FACEBOOK LIVE, 谢尔盖Lipinets (11-0, 9 科斯) 淘汰 Lenny Zappavigna(35-3, 25 科斯) to become the mandatory challenger for the IBF Junior Welterweight World Title.


After flooring Zappavigna midway through the fourth, Lipinets finished off the Australian with an overhand right in the eighth in a closely contested and bloody affair.


“是, this was my toughest fight, it’s bloody and rugged but no problem for me,’’ Lipinets said. “This was an eliminator and now I want my next fight to be for the world championship. Julius Indogo has the IBF title and now I’m the mandatory.

“I’m very happy with my performance. We’ve worked on adjusting during fights and that worked very well for me 今晚. I was hoping for the knockout but my trainer said to keep working and the stoppage will come.”

“I left it all in the ring,’’ Zappavigna said. “I fought my heart out and I came here to give it my best. Even though I’m disappointed with the loss, I am at peace with the result because I know I couldn’t have done anything else.

“I wish Sergey all the best in his world title fight.

“I know my fans are behind me and I’m bringing pride back to Australia. I know I was in control of the fight, but my Australian ‘white line feverkicked in and I tried to take his head off.”

In the opening bout on Facebook Live, talented undefeated middleweight 埃里克森鲁宾 (17-0, 12 科斯) knocked out previously once-beaten 胡安·乌巴尔多·卡布雷拉 (23-2, 15 科斯) 在 2:09 第二轮.


“He was a little awkward in the first round,’’ Erickson said. “I set him up with my jab and I knew I hurt him in the second. That’s when I knew it was time for him to go.


I think that fight definitely proves that I’m in the discussion as one of the top up and comers in the sport, but I don’t feel any pressure. I’m back in the gym 周一.


I want to be undisputed champion. I want all of the belts. Give me the Charlos, 朱利安·威廉姆斯, any of them.


I’ll take whoever is in front of me next, but those names and put them in bold letters and you know I’ll be front and center for that Charlo-Williams fight.


The SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING doubleheader and SHOWTIME INTERNATIONAL telecast will re-air on Monday, 十二月. 12, 10 P.M. ET / PT在Showtime EXTREME. The fights were promoted by Ringstar Sports and TGB Promotions and sponsored by Corona.




# # #


欲了解更多信息,请访问 www.SHO.com/Sportswww.premierboxingchampions.com, 在Twitter上关注@ShowtimeBoxing, @SHOSports, @PremierBoxing, JesusCuellarBOX, @AbnerMares, @FutureOfBoxing, JRockBoxing, @TGBPromotions和@Swanson_Comm或成为在Facebook上的风扇 www.Facebook.com/SHOSportswww.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions.PBC由电晕赞助, 最好的啤酒.




Matchroom Sport Announces Joshua To Defend Against Long-Reigning Heavyweight Kingpin Wladimir Klitschko 四月 29 At Wembley Stadium


点击 这里 对于照片; Credit Matchroom Sport


Anthony Joshua extended his perfect record to 18-0 同 18 knockouts in a dominating defense of his IBF Heavyweight World Championship over American challenger Eric Molina 星期六 on SHOWTIME from Manchester Arena in Manchester, 英国. 视频集锦: http://s.sho.com/2hqHTo8.


Joshua floored Molina with a huge left in the third, leaving the Texas native crumpled in the corner. Molina looked dazed and barely beat the count, but he was again in trouble and defenseless seconds later, 迫使裁判中止比赛,在 2:02.


战斗结束后, Matchroom Sport managing direction Eddie Hearn announced that Joshua will make the third defense of his title on 四月 29 against long-reining heavyweight kingpin Wladimir Klitschko at London’s Wembley Stadium.


“Disaster avoided 今晚,”约书亚说:. “He started off teeing off with some haymakers early on. There are not too many tactics he can do. It’s hard for him to come in and fight when you aren’t giving him any options. Someone who is boxing with you can give you options, but someone who is boxing on his back feet cannot.”


“This is the start of my story and there will be many more things to come when I step into this ring. I’m not one to talk and I’m not one to mess around, but if I did start talking I think people would find out what I’m all about. I’ve stayed consistent and I’ve stayed patient and I’m still undefeated.”


“We are moving into a huge arena (温布利). He’s a very respectful man outside of the ring, and he’s very competitive in the ring. This is the step up people have wanted. Klitschko wants his belts back and may the best man win.”


Said Klitschko: “He is the best man in the heavyweight division and his record speaks for itself. This is the fight that the fans want and that is why this fight will happen.”


“Do you want to see a big fight? Do you want to see a fight where two Olympic champs are involved? Do you want to see the fight between A.J. and W.K.? You got it.”





明天/星期六 住在Showtime®

From Galen Center On The Campus Of USC In Los Angeles


点击 这里 对于照片从萧蔷特拉普/欣欣


精彩表演拳击锦标赛® - 10 P.M. AND/7 P.M. PT


WBA Featherweight World Championship – 12 发

Jesus Cuellar – 124 英镑

Abner Mares – 126 英镑

裁判: 杰克·赖斯; 士师记: Kermit Bayless (加利福尼亚州。), 马克斯·德卢卡 (加利福尼亚州。), 戴夫·莫雷蒂 (内华达州。)


IBF Junior Middleweight World Championship – 12 发

Jermall Charlo – 153 ½磅

Julian Williams – 154 英镑

裁判: Wayne Hedgepeth; 士师记: Eddie Hernandez (加利福尼亚州。), Patrick Russell (加利福尼亚州。), 扎卡里·杨 (加利福尼亚州。)




IBF Junior Welterweight World Title Eliminator – 12 发

Sergey Lipinets – 139 ¾磅

Lenny Zappavigna – 139 ½磅

Middleweight Bout – 10 发

Erickson Lubin – 157 英镑

Juan Ubaldo Cabrera – 159 英镑


门票现场活动, 这是由Ringstar体育和TGB促销推广, 有售,并且售价 $35, $50, $75, $150 和 $200. 购买门票去 www.galentix.com.


欲了解更多信息,请访问 www.SHO.com/Sportswww.premierboxingchampions.com, 在Twitter上关注@ShowtimeBoxing, @SHOSports, @PremierBoxing, JesusCuellarBOX, @AbnerMares, @FutureOfBoxing, JRockBoxing, @TGBPromotions和@Swanson_Comm或成为在Facebook上的风扇 www.Facebook.com/SHOSportswww.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions. PBC由电晕赞助, 最好的啤酒.



欣欣拳击INTERNATIONAL® Airs at 5:30 P.M. AND/2:30 P.M. PT
住在Showtime; Encore Presentation During 周六 精彩表演拳击锦标赛® 演播

点击 这里 To Download Press Conference Photos (Credit Matchroom Boxing)

IBF Heavyweight World Champion Anthony Joshua weighed in at 249 英镑 and American challenger 埃里克·莫利纳测量 237 ½磅 for their heavyweight showdown 明天/星期六 at Manchester Arena live on 开演时间®(5:30 P.M. AND/2:30 P.M. PT).

The SHOWTIME BOXING INTERNATIONAL® presentation originates from Galen Center at USC in Los Angeles, site of that evening’s SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING telecast. WBC重量级世界冠军 Deontay怀尔德 will join host 布莱恩·卡斯特 and analysts 铝伯恩斯坦保利Malignaggi as part of the SHOWTIME announce team for Joshua vs. 莫利纳.

Undefeated sensation and 2012 Olympic Gold Medalist Joshua (17-0, 17 科斯) will make the second defense of his title against Molina (25-3 19 科斯), a Texas native getting his second shot at a belt in his quest to become the first Mexican-American heavyweight world champion.

An encore presentation of Joshua vs. Molina will air as part of the SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING telecast later that evening, following the main event showdown between WBA Featherweight World Champion 耶稣奎利亚尔 and three-division former champ 押尼珥Mares. 在共同特征, Jermall夏洛茨维尔 will defend his IBF Junior Middleweight World Championship against fellow-undefeated challenger 朱利安·威廉姆斯.

Junior Lightweight Champion Jose Pedraza & Super Bantamweight World Champion Amanda Serrano Represent Puerto Rico Saturday, 一月 14 在巴克莱中心布鲁克林 & 住在Showtime

Only Puerto Rican-Born World Champions
Enter the Ring in Separate World Title Defenses
布鲁克林 (十二月 8, 2016)-The only two Puerto Rican-born world champions in boxing are set to show their skills and heart for boxing fans in New York as 何塞 “Sniper” 佩德拉萨 阿曼达 “实打实” 塞拉诺 defend their titles on 星期六, 一月 14 at Barclays Center in Brooklyn and live on 开演时间.
Puerto Rico has such a rich boxing history with many of the sport’s greatest champions hailing from the island,” 说娄DiBella, DiBella娱乐总裁. “现在, there are only two Puerto Rican-born world champions, junior lightweight Jose Pedraza and junior featherweight Amanda Serrano, and I happen to promote them both. 一月 14 at Barclays Center in Brooklyn is a tremendous card all around, but it will also serve as a celebration of Puerto Rican pride and heritage to be able to watch the country’s only two world champions defend their titles on the same show.
佩德拉萨 (22-0, 12 科斯) will defend his IBF Super Featherweight World Championship against hard-hitting unbeaten contender Gervonta戴维斯 (16-0, 15 科斯)in the co-main event on SHOWTIME. With his victory in June 2015, Pedraza added his name to the distinguished list of Puerto Rican world champions. After losses suffered by Roman Martinez and McJoe Arroyo, he currently stands as the only remaining male champion born in Puerto Rico.
Being the only male Puerto Rican-born world champion is something that I’m very proud of,” 佩德拉萨说. “It is also a big weight that I carry on my shoulders. I know that I have to give my best because I am not just a champion of the ring. I am a champion of my island of Puerto Rico. Knowing that all of Puerto Rico will be in there with me encourages me to give my all every time I step into the ring.
“上 一月 14 I will be facing a great boxer with a lot of talent, 速度和力量. 然而, I will let him know what it feels like to share a ring with a real world champion. Davis will enter the ring as a young, hungry unbeaten challenger, but the only thing he will leave with is the first loss on his record.
塞拉诺 (30-1-1, 23 科斯), a four-division world champion, will defend her WBO Super Bantamweight World Championship against former two-division world champion Yazmin里瓦斯 (35-9-1, 10 科斯) in the SHOWTIME EXTREME main event at 7 P.M. AND/PT. The winner of the Serrano-Rivas matchup will earn the prestigious WBC Diamond championship. Serrano’s first world title victory in 2011 made her just the third Puerto Rican-born woman to win a world title.
This bout also signifies the first nationally televised women’s world title bout in nearly a decade, since Mary Jo Saunders fought Valerie Mahfood on March 30, 2007 (ESPN2).
It feels fantastic to be fighting on SHOWTIME for the first time and sharing the stage at Barclays Center with my countryman Jose Pedraza,” 塞拉诺说. “Knowing that both he and I are currently the only two Puerto Rican-born world champions, 男女不限, in boxing today is an honor.
As for Yazmin Rivas being a tough fight, that’s only on paper. I will prove that I am in a different league. There’s a reason why finding someone to fight me wasn’t easy. I’m the hardest hitting female fighter in boxing today. Rivas will soon know that personally.
佩德拉萨, 卡瓜斯的, and Serrano, 北卡罗来纳, are the latest in a long line of world class and beloved Puerto Rican champions who will look to put on impressive performances and make a mark nationally with victories in front of the friendly New York crowd. New York City boasts nearly one million Puerto Rican residents, making it the largest population of Puerto Ricans outside of Puerto Rico.
I met Amanda Serrano at this year’s Puerto Rican Day Parade in New York,” 佩德拉萨说. “She is a kind woman and I can see that, 作为冠军, Serrano is dedicated and always gives her best. I am proud of her for representing our people of Puerto Rico very well. 搏击之夜, Barclays Center will shine with Luz Boricua as Amanda and I seek glory for Puerto Rico together.
To be able to defend my world title in Brooklyn, where I live, 是梦想成真,” 塞拉诺说. “New York is home to so many Puerto Ricans and I am sure they will really come out in support of this great event. I am truly a fan of my people. I would like to thank Lou DiBella, the best promoter in boxing, for giving me the chance to show the world why I am the ‘Real Deal’! I would also like to thank SHOWTIME for the opportunity. 先生. 斯蒂芬·埃斯皮诺萨, I will not disappoint you.
The SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING telecast is headlined by a super middleweight world championship unification showdown between 八斗杰克 (20-1-2, 12 科斯) 和 詹姆斯DeGale (23-1, 14 科斯), 与电视报道在开始 9:30 P.M. AND/6:30 P.M. PT.
门票现场活动, 这是由梅威瑟促销和DiBella娱乐推广, 开始 $25. 门票现,并且可以通过访问网上购买 www.ticketmaster.com, www.barclayscenter.com 或致电 1-800-745-3000. 门票也可在美国运通票房在巴克莱中心. 集团折扣可致电844-BKLYN-GP.
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