Kategórie Archív: Showtime Boxing

Bryan De Gracia to Face Eduardo Ramirez in 12-Round Featherweight Showdown on Saturday, Marec 2 Live on SHOWTIME from Barclays Center in BrooklynEdner Cherry Forced to Withdraw from Fight Against Ricardo Núñez Due to Medical Issue

Former World Champion Erislandy Lara Battles WBA Super Welterweight Titlist Brian Castaño in SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING® Main Event

BROOKLYN (Február 25, 2019) – Hard-biť Bryan De Gracia will face once-beaten contender Eduardo Ramirez in a 12-round featherweight match live on SHOWTIME Saturday, Marec 2 z Barclays Center, the home of BROOKLYN BOXING™, a predložila Premier majstrov v boxe.

Bryan DeGracia, Eduardo Ramirez, Edner Cherry, Ricardo Nunez,

De Gracia vs. Ramirez replaces the previously scheduled Ricardo Núñez vs. Edner Cherry match after Cherry was forced to withdraw due to a medical issue. The winner of De Garcia vs. Ramirez will capture the WBA Gold Featherweight Championship and be in line to face WBA (Regular) Featherweight World Champion Can Xu.

BOXING MAJSTROVSTVA PRE ZOBRAZENIE VÝSTAVY® tripleheader begins at 9 p.m. ET / 6 p.m.. PT a je hlavnou hviezdou bývalý majster sveta Erislandy Lara challenging undefeated WBA Super Welterweight Champion Brian Castaño and also features Cuban heavyweight contender Luis Ortiz potýkali Christian Hammer.

Vstupenky na akcie, which is promoted by TGB Promotions in association with DiBella Entertainment, are on sale now and can be purchased at ticketmaster.com,barclayscenter.com, alebo na telefónnom čísle 800-745-3000. Tickets can also be purchased at the American Express Box Office at Barclays Center. Skupinové zľavy sú k dispozícii na telefónnom čísle 844-Bklyn-GP.

The Panamanian De Gracia (24-1-1, 20 KO) will be fighting for the first time in the United States on March 2. The 25-year-old has knocked out seven of his last eight opponents and scored four straight stoppage victories since his one loss to Jorge Sanchez in 2017. De Gracia, ktorý je zaradený Žiadny. 2 by the WBA at 126 libier, picked up two victories in 2018, including most recently stopping previously unbeaten Edinso Torres Jr. v auguste.

Ramirez (21-1-3, 8 KO) suffered the only loss of his career when he dropped a unanimous decision to then-featherweight champion Lee Selby in December 2017. The 26-year-old southpaw from Los Mochis, Sinaloa, Mexico had fought unbeaten Leduan Barthelemy to a draw prior to the Selby fight and most recently bounced back from that loss with a TKO victory over Carlos Jacobo in November.

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Neporazený ťažký váha Joe Joyce vyradil Bermane Stiverne V RÁMCI ŠPORTOVÝCH ŠAMPIÓNOV® Otvárač

Sledujte prezentáciu Encore dnes večer o 10 p.m. ET / PT On SHOWTIME EXTREME®

Kliknite na tlačidlo TU
Pre fotografie; Úver: Ian Walton / VÝSTAVA

LONDÝN - február 23, 2019 - Chris Eubank Jr. si vyslúžil víťazstvo v kariére tvrdým jednomyseľným rozhodnutím nad britským rivalom a bývalým dvojnásobným majstrom sveta Jamesom DeGaleom v sobotnej nevraživosti v zápase strednej váhy v SHOWTIME od londýnskeho The O2.

Eubank, syn britskej legendy v boxe a bývalý majster sveta v dvoch divíziách Chris Eubank st., na podlahe DeGale dvakrát na ceste k jasnému rozhodnutiu, , Ktorý bol hodnotený 114-112, 115-112, 117-109. VIDEO UDALOSTI: https://s.sho.com/2E6mWI8

Práca v jeho prvom zápase s trénerom na plný úväzok, Eubank viedol kontrolovaný boj. Bývalý vyzývateľ na titul majstra sveta položil DeGale v drsnej chvíli v druhej, omráčil svojho rivala veľkým ľavým hákom proti povrazom a o chvíľu neskôr ho podlomil silným pravým krížom, ktorý poslal DeGale na plátno len pre druhý boj v jeho kariére.

DeGale, , ktorý založil svoju majstrovskú kariéru ako uhladená južná labka, nebol schopný bodnúť na diaľku a nedokázal zvládnuť konštantný tlak z Eubank. Bývalý zlatý olympijský medailista sa uchýlil k výpadom zvonku a vo vnútri bol z veľkej časti neúčinný, často klinčovanie v tesnej blízkosti.

"Vedel som, že na mňa takto príde.",“Povedala Eubank. "Je to úhľadná južná labka.", ale môj herný plán fungoval. Chytrý tlak a príliš sa nedostávam pred seba. Je to pekelný bojovník, sakra konkurent, ale na konci dňa moja hlava a moje srdce tento boj vyhrali. “

"K tomuto boju viedlo veľa nepriateľstva.". Povedal som mu, „Toto je môj čas,' a bolo to. Je veteránom tejto hry, hodí veľké strely a podarí sa mu zostať hore. Vstať po týchto zrážkach je vyjadrením o jeho húževnatosti a type bojovníka, aký je. “

Druhé zrazenie prišlo v 10th keď Eubank pristál so silným ľavým hákom, ktorý DeGalea podlomil iba 30 sekúnd zostáva na bicykli. Opäť, DeGale sa pokúsil zaistiť, aby sa vyhol úderu, ale jeho ruka sa dotkla plátna a bolo ovládnuté len tretím zrazením jeho kariéry.

Po boji, DeGale, ktorý ako prvý britský bojovník získal zlatú olympijskú medailu a svetový šampionát, sa zdalo, že sa prikláňa k dôchodku.

"Rozhodne som neurobil dosť.",”Povedal DeGale. "Bol na tom a ja som neurobil dosť.". Musíte urobiť viac ako dosť, aby ste čelili niekomu, kto sa prihlásil ako Chris.

"Idem sa vrátiť a porozprávať sa so svojím tímom.", moja rodina, a rozhodnúť sa. Nechal som svoju stopu v boxe. Vyhral som olympijskú medailu, dva tituly majstra sveta a môže byť čas zavesiť to. “

Zatiaľ čo DeGale uvažuje o odchode do dôchodku, Eubank sa zameriava na ďalší pokus o titul majstra sveta.

"Toto bol najdôležitejší boj v mojej kariére.", a urobil som vyhlásenie. Som späť tam, kde som mal byť, na vrchole potravinového reťazca. Prichádzam pre všetky opasky v divízii strednej a super strednej váhy. Bojujem s každým, koho postavia predo mňa.

"Som rád, že tu môžem debutovať v Amerike v čase SHOWTIME.". Som rád, že ma takto môžem predstaviť americkej verejnosti - urobiť vyhlásenie. “

V úvodnom záchvate Showtime CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING doubleheader, neporazený hráč v ťažkej váhe Joe Joyce udržal svoj vyraďovací rekord nedotknutý so šiestym kolom TKO bývalého majstra sveta v ťažkej váhe Bermana Stiverna.

Po vzrušujúcom prvom kole, Joyce v druhom otvorila akciu obludnou pravou rukou a vyložená zo zvončeka na bezbranný Stiverne, ktorý pokračoval v úderoch napriek tomu, že jedol škodlivé výstrely. Po sérii komb v úvodnej minúte tretiny, Joyce chytila ​​Stiverna rovnou pravou rukou, aby ho po piatykrát v profesionálnej kariére poslal na plátno. Stiverne kolo prežil pri zahadzovaní opakovaných striel, ale nedokázal vrátiť zmysluplné údery.

Joyce, the 2016 Strieborný olympijský medailista, dôsledne nastavujte silný bojový zásah priamo za presným a efektívnym ľavým úderom počas celého boja. S Joyce (8-0, 8 KO) pokračovanie v odpaľovaní proti prevažne bezbrannému Stivernu, Rozhodca Howard Foster nastúpil, aby zastavil súťaž o 2:26 šiesteho. Stiverne (25-4-1, 21 KO) proti zastaveniu neprotestoval.

"Veľký rešpekt k Stivernovi - ako skutočný šampión.", je veľmi tvrdý a stále hádzal strely, ale myslím, že som bol len trochu príliš,“Povedala Joyce. "Išlo o trpezlivosť.". Je to taký tvrdý chlap, že tieto zábery neurobil bez problémov.

"Bil som ho so všetkým, čo som mal.", vrátane kuchynského drezu. Počúval som Ábela (Sanchez) v rohu, urobil všetko, čo povedal, a dopadlo to dobre. Môj úder bol skutočne efektívny. Som ostrieľaný veterinár. Vzal som svoj postoj a zostal som pri ceste pokojný.

"Veľké veci sa blížia.". Moja ďalšia bude pre WBA Regular (Názov) a čoskoro som späť v telocvični. Potrebujem ešte pár takýchto súbojov a potom budem pripravený na veľkých šampiónov. “

Najvýznamnejšie momenty debutu ľahkej váhy bývalého majstra sveta Lee Selbyho boli uvedené počas sobotňajšieho televízneho vysielania. Bývalý šampión v mušej váhe, Selby (27-2, 9 KO) prekonal náhodné zadok v druhom kole a získal jednomyseľné rozhodnutie v 12 kolách (116-112, 116-112, 115-114) nad Omarom Douglasom (19-3, 13 KO).

Doplnková prezentácia sobotňajšej hlavičky šampiónov v boxe SHOWTIME BOXING sa bude vysielať dnes večer / v sobotu o 10 p.m. ET / PT V EXTRÉME PREDSTAVENIA, Nedeľa o hod 9 a.m. ET / PT v SHOWTIME a pondelok o 10 p.m. ET / PT V EXTRÉME PREDSTAVENIA.

Vysielateľ veterán Brian Custer hostil dvojhlavu z Londýna so všestranným bojovým športovcom Maurom Ranallom, ktorý zavolal do akcie po boku analytika Siene slávy Al Bernsteina. Dnešný tím televízneho vysielania zavŕšili dve Siene slávy - Emmy® ocenený reportér Jim Gray a svetovo uznávaný ringový hlásateľ Jimmy Lennon ml. Výkonným producentom bol David Dinkins ml. s réžiou Ricka Phillipsa. Sobotňajšie televízne vysielanie bolo koprodukciou s ITV.

Pre viac informácií navštívte www.SHO.com/Sports,

prihlásiť sa na odber SHOWTIME Športový kanál YouTube, sledujte na Twitteri @ShowtimeBoxing alebo sa staňte fanúšikom Facebooku na adrese www.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing.

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"Je čas odchodu do dôchodku.". Kto prehrá tento boj, je hotový. “ - DeGale

"V tom krúžku nemôže robiť nič, čo by som nezvládol.". Idem mu boxovať hlavu. “ - Eubank

SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING® Začína naživo 3:45 p.m. A / 12:45 p.m. PT

Kliknite na tlačidlo TU Pre fotografie; Úver: Ian Walton / VÝSTAVA

LONDÝN - február 21, 2019 - Bývalý dvojnásobný šampión v superhmotnosti strednej váhy James DeGale a bývalý vyzývateľ svetového titulu Chris Eubank ml. sa vo štvrtok stretli na rozohranej záverečnej tlačovej konferencii za svoje dvanásťkolové zúčtovanie, ktoré túto sobotu vedie na titulnej stránke BOXINGU MAJSTROVSTIEV ZOBRAZENÍ, Február 23 žiť na SHOWTIME (3:45 p.m. A / 12:45 p.m. PT) od The O2 v Londýne.

DeGale (25-2-1, 15 KO) a Eubank (27-2, 21 KO) konečne vyrovnajú svoje dlhodobé skóre, keď sa obaja otvorení rivali stretnú v Londýne. V zápase o MAJSTROVSTVO SHOWTIME sa zúčastnite spoločného zápasu, Strieborný olympijský medailista a najlepší kandidát Joe Joyce (7-0, 7 KO) bude merať proti bývalému šampiónovi WBC Bermane Stiverne (25-3-1, 21 KO) v 12-kolnom súboji ťažkej váhy.

Bývalý dve divízie majster sveta, Chris Eubank st., zúčastnil sa a nehanbil sa vyhlásiť, že to pre jeho syna nebude ľahký boj. "Toto je 50/50 bojovať a prvýkrát som skamenený, aký môže byť výsledok. Som skamenený, že Junior nemusí tento boj vyhrať,"Povedal.

Podujatie propaguje spoločnosť Poxon Sports a uvádza ju Premier Boxing Champions. Joyce-Stiverne je propagovaná v spolupráci so spoločnosťami Ringstar Sports a Don King Productions. Dvojitá hlavička bude vysielaná naživo v USA. výhradne v SHOWTIME a v pokladni ITV vo Veľkej Británii.

Vysielateľ veterán Brian Custer bude hostiť dvojhlavu z Londýna s bojovým športovcom Maurom Ranallom, ktorý bude spolu s analytikom Siene slávy Alom Bernsteinom hovoriť o akcii. Televízny tím zavŕši Tri sieň slávy - Emmy® ocenený reportér Jim Gray, boxerský historik Steve Farhood ako neoficiálny strelec ringu, a svetovo uznávaný ringový hlásateľ Jimmy Lennon ml.

Tu bolo povedané, čo museli povedať bojovníci a ich príslušné tábory počas štvrtkovej tlačovej konferencie v Intercontinental v spoločnosti The O2:


"Uvoľnil som svoj titul pre takéto boje.". Chris Eubank už dlhšie volá moje meno a nakoniec mám šancu udrieť mu päsťou do tváre.

"Nemám pred ním rešpekt.". Žiadne. Tento chlap je zriedený idiot. A v sobotu večer sa už neviem dočkať, kedy to s ním budem riešiť. Prídem mu to poriadne dať. Nemôže škatuľkovať. Všetci sme to už počuli.

"Toto je najväčší boj v jeho kariére.". Je čas odchodu do dôchodku. Kto tento boj prehrá, je hotový. Urobte alebo zomrite v sobotu ... Jeho boj o dôchodok je tu. Je to jeho posledný boj, Sľubujem vám, že.

"Som dokázaný.". Bol som tam, urobil. Vyhral som všetko. Nerobil nič. A idem ho do dôchodku.

"Eubank je tvrdý bojovník.", on je silný. Má veľa dobrých atribútov, ale som na neho príliš dobrý. Aby ste to premiešali a vyšli na samý vrchol, potrebujete viac ako silu a húževnatosť. Zakaždým, keď vystúpil, je stratený.

"Strach zo straty je ten, že viem, čo je na rade.". Toto je urob alebo zomri. Ak ho nemôžem poraziť, ak nemôžem poraziť Chrisa Eubanka ml., Skončil som.

"Mnoho ľudí si myslí, že som videl lepšie dni.". Mnoho ľudí si myslí, že som na ústupe. V minulosti som mal problémy, ale môžem úprimne povedať, že som úplne fit. Som v najlepšej forme, v ktorej som už dlho bol, dlhá doba, fyzicky aj psychicky. Keď mám pocit, že mám pocit, nikto ma nemôže poraziť.

"Ak nemôžem poraziť Chrisa, znamená to, že som zastrelený.", to znamená, že som za kopcom. “


"Tento chlapík je zadok.". Hovorí dobrú hru. Bude to mať dobré, ale na konci dňa budem na neho príliš veľa.

"Obaja sme v štádiu, keď nemôžeme prehrať.". Obaja bojujeme za svoju kariéru. Vie, že ma nezvládne. Pýta sa sám seba, „Môžem prežiť?‘A odpoveď absolútne nie je.

"V tom krúžku nemôže robiť nič, čo by som nezvládol.". Idem mu boxovať hlavu.

"Teraz mám trénera na plný úväzok.". Prvýkrát v kariére, Denne mám trénera zameraného na stratégiu, ktorá ma pripraví na to, čo je James - uhladená južná labka. Preto som si taký istý. Ak chce kandidovať, máme gameplan. Ak chce stáť a hojdať sa, máme gameplan. Na všetko máme plán.

"Dôležité je, že Jamesova kariéra sa skončila za pár dní.". Poslal som mu správu potom, ako podľahol [George] Groves hovoril, že musí držať krok, pretože jedného dňa budeme bojovať. A teraz, keď sme konečne tu, sa mu pozriem do očí a nevidím sebavedomého chlapa.

"Je môj čas.". Očakávam to najlepšie, čo kedy bol, a to ešte nebude stačiť.

"Som bojovník na svetovej úrovni.". Každý v boxerskej hre to vie. Toto je moja príležitosť dokázať, že raz a navždy nastavím rekord a ukážem, že som skutočná dohoda. Viem, že ide o určujúci boj v mojej kariére. Urob to alebo zomri a ja som na to pripravený.

"James vie, čo príde.". Koniec koncov, jeho posledné vystúpenia neboli na úrovni, ale nemyslím si, že rešpektoval svoje [minulosť] oponenti. Rešpektuje ma, a rešpektujem ho, a preto je to skutočný boj.

"Som v hre už dlho, ale toto je pre mňa iba začiatok dlhej cesty.". Toto je môj najväčší boj. Musím vyhrať. Keby som vyhral, Som späť na svetovej scéne. Porážka Jamesa DeGaleho ma pripravuje o titul majstra sveta, čo je celý dôvod, prečo som v tejto hre začal. “


"Existujú rôzne úrovne boxu.". Chris mal dobrú perspektívu, ale nie je na takej úrovni ako James. Zistí, čo je potrebné na to, aby sa stal majstrom sveta. James DeGale je o úroveň vyššie ako Chris Jr..

"Chris môže mať všetku potrebnú energiu, ale nemá schopnosti poraziť Jamesa DeGaleho.".

"Viem, že James nestráca.". James DeGale je pravdepodobne najlepší britský bojovník, akého som vo svojej krajine videl. “


"Videl som vrchol Jamesa a je to opojné.". S Chrisom, nebolo použité všetko, čo som povedal. Možno to bolo počuť, ale neaplikované. To, čo som povedal, funguje. Ja by som nemal 19 šampionát vyhrá, ak nie.

"Nie som o tom presvedčený." [Chris vyhrá] pretože James DeGale má rodokmeň. Byť [Olympijské] Zlatý medailista a bývalý majster sveta je skutočný. Rešpektujem schopnosti človeka. Junior nie.

"Môj syn sa pozerá na fyzickú stránku boxu a.", z fyzického hľadiska, Myslím si, že nie je nikto, kto by s ním vydržal. Ale box nie je iba fyzický - je to aj duchovný, a tam Juniorovi chýba. Neviem, či to má.

"Toto je 50/50 bojovať a prvýkrát som skamenený, aký môže byť výsledok. Som skamenený, že Junior nemusí tento boj vyhrať.

"Toto je múdrosť niekoho, kto tu bol.". Na základe minulých výkonov svojho súpera nikdy nepodceňujete. Každý, kto si myslí, že tento človek je na snímke kvôli minulým vystúpeniam, robí chybu.

"Z fyzického hľadiska.", Junior má navrch. Z duchovného a rodokmeňového hľadiska, James má navrch, a preto je to 50/50 boj.

"Viem, že sa Chris naučil, a pozrime sa, čo sa vyrába.". Môže to byť skvelý zápas. “

Paulie Malignaggi:

"Páčia sa mi naše šance.". Poznám toho chlapa, s ktorým som bol v tábore. Veci, ktoré som videl, mám rád. Tentokrát sú oveľa pozitívnejší.

"Nemôžeš podceniť chlapa ako Eubank.". Vždy príde vyhrať. Ale, bez ohľadu na gameplan, existuje určitá mentalita a môj chlap ju má. Je zlatým medailistom a vie, čo si má v sobotu priniesť.

„James získal dva významné svetové tituly, zlatú olympijskú medailu. Chris má za sebou niekoľko dobrých výhier, ale keď šiel na túto elitnú úroveň, on stratil. Chris je dobrý bojovník, ale túto úroveň odporu neprekonal. “

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Pre viac informácií navštívte www.SHO.com/Sports,

prihlásiť sa na odber SHOWTIME Športový kanál YouTube, sledujte na Twitteri @ShowtimeBoxing alebo sa staňte fanúšikom Facebooku na adrese www.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing.


World Champion Lara Talks Title Showdown, Sparring Top Prospects, 2018 Fight of the Year Against Jarrett Hurd & More Before Taking on WBA Super Welterweight Champion Brian Castaño Saturday, Marec 2 Naživo na SHOWTIME®od
Barclays Center v Brooklyne

Kliknite na tlačidlo TU for Photos from Hosanna Rull/Team Lara

HOUSTON (Február 20, 2019) – Former super welterweight world champion Erislandy “Americký sen” Lara will look to reclaim a piece of the 154-pound crown when he challenges WBA champion Brian Castaño v sobotu, Marec 2 žiť na SHOWTIME z Barclays Center, the home of BROOKLYN BOXING™, a predložila Premier majstrov v boxe.

Brian Castaño is coming into this fight with an undefeated record, ale nie je to nič, čo by som ešte nevideli,” Said Lara. “This will be my third fight in a row versus an undefeated fighter. Beriem to veľmi vážne. Stylistically, I feel I’m the superior fighter, but he’s a very strong champion. I will be prepared to take back a title in this great division, then look to the biggest fights that are out there.

One of the big fights that could be out there for Lara is a rematch with unified 154-pound champion Jarrett Hurd. Lara dropped a split-decision to Hurd in a unification showdown on SHOWTIME that was the consensus 2018 “Boj roka”, having been recognized by the BWAA, ESPN and Sporting News, okrem iného.

The fight against Hurd was a great fight for the fans, but I felt I won seven or eight rounds that night,” Said Lara. “To be on the wrong end of another close decision left a bad taste in my mouth. That fight being recognized as ‘Fight of the Yearshows my versatility as a fighter. I was on the ballot before with Alfredo Angulo, so it was good to get recognized for being a warrior, not only a craftsman. I will always give the fans my all and come March 2, it will be no different.

Lara is continuing to to work with longtime trainer Ronnie Shields in Houston, where Lara has prepared for his matchup with sparring that includes going up against top prospects in 18-year-old Joey Spencer and 24-year-old Eimantas Stanionis.

Ronnie and I are working great together, and we have an excellent game plan in place.,” Said Lara. “This is one of the better camps I’ve had the last few years. Having young fighters like Spencer and Stanionis in camp with me is refreshing because I know they are hungry. Keď sme zápasí, I feed off their energy, because I know they are trying to take take their game to the next level, which makes me better. This is a demanding sport and they are definitely pushing me.

Marec 2 also gives Lara a chance to share the stage with another one of Cuba’s best fighters, as Luis Ortiz is set to take on Christian Hammer in the co-main event, making the night a celebration of Cuban boxing.

Luis Ortiz and I go way back and I’m happy that my brother is fighting on the same card as me,” Said Lara. “We’ve gone through a lot since leaving Cuba to pursue our dreams of becoming world champions here in the U.S. Like myself, I know he’s going to be ready to entertain the fans on fight night and make this a memorable night for Cuban boxing!”

Vstupenky na akcie, which is promoted by TGB Promotions in association with DiBella Entertainment, are on sale now and can be purchased at ticketmaster.com, barclayscenter.com, alebo na telefónnom čísle 800-745-3000. Tickets can also be purchased at the American Express Box Office at Barclays Center. Skupinové zľavy sú k dispozícii na telefónnom čísle 844-Bklyn-GP.

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England’s Thomas Ward Wins In U.S. Debut With Impressive Unanimous Decision Over Jesse Hernandez

Catch The Replay Monday, Február 18 Na 10 p.m. ET / PT On SHOWTIME EXTREME®

Kliknite na tlačidlo TU Pre fotografie; Kredit Rosie Cohe / SHOWTIME

MULVANE, Máj. – February 15, 2019 – Shohjahon Ergashev overcame a five and a half-inch height advantage recording a unanimous decision victory over fellow undefeated prospect Mykal Fox in the 10-round super lightweight main event of ShoBox: Nová generácia Friday on SHOWTIME from the Kansas Star Casino.

With famed trainer Sugarhill Stewart shouting instructions from his corner, the Detroit-based power-punching Ergashev (16-0, 14 KO), by way of Fergana, Uzbekistan, did enough to beat the rangy 6-foot-4 Fox (19-1, 5 KO) in a matchup of two exciting undefeated prospects. Skóre sa 96-94 a 98-92 dvakrát (Kliknite na tlačidlo TU sledovať).

“I didn’t think it was a close fight,” said Ergashev, who was only able to land two jabs the entire fight missing more than a hundred times. “He was awkward and his head was very low. He was very long and tall too, so it was hard to hit him in the head. I expected him to run all fight and he did.”

Ergashev did connect on 29 percent svojich energetických razníkov (66 pre 225) compared to Fox at 27 percento (41 pre 153).

Ergashev said he was disappointed in his performance. “I come to fight,"Povedal. “I like fighters who stand and fight. Som bojovník. I like guys who let me showcase my skills and bang. Fox wasn’t even boxing. He was just running around the ring. I wanted to sit down and fight.”

The 23-year-old Fox of Forest Hill, Md., one of the tallest fighters in the 140-pound division, said he agreed with one of the judges’ cards, but not the two 98-92s. “I knew it was close, and thought maybe I did enough to win,” said Fox, who did a nice job slowing the pace of the fight. “I think it was closer than 98-92. I took a few shots, but I knew he was going to be strong.”

Fox became the 186th fighter to lose their undefeated record on the prospect developmental series.

Líška, who had his father Troy and brother and fellow professional boxer middleweight Alantez in his corner, became the ninth fighter in ShoBox history to have a brother who also fought on ShoBox joining brother duos like Jermall and Jermell Charlo, Andre and Anthony Dirrell and Glenn and Nonito Donaire.

V úvodnom zápase na televízne vysielanie, England’s Thomas Ward (26-0, 4 KO) put on an impressive performance and showed U.S. fight fans he will be a force to be reckoned with in the wide-open 122-pound weight class as he won a unanimous decision against ShoBox veteran Jesse Hernandez (11-2, 7 KO).Kliknite na tlačidlo TU to watch a recap.

Fighting for the first time in the States, the WBO No. 4-ranked Ward of West Rainton, Anglicko, scored a fourth-round knockdown and took the 10-round super bantamweight fight easily against Fort Worth’s Hernandez. Skóre sa 100-89, 99-90 a 98-90.

“I came to America and fought a home fighter and won quite comfortably, I even got a knockdown,” the 24-year-old Ward said. “He was supposed to be the puncher and I was supposed to be the boxer. A lot of people think I can’t punch, then they get over-confident and get clipped. Then they realize I can punch. Look at his face compared to mine. That will tell you something.”

Ward started strong, and seemed to get better as the fight went on. “He’s been on the gas from the opening bell, and he hasn’t gotten off it,” said International Boxing Hall of Famer and ShoBox play-by-play commentator Barry Tompkins in the final minutes of the 10th a posledné kolo.

Ward exceeded double-digit connects in every round and topped 30 in five of the final six rounds while Hernandez reached double digits just three times.

It was a clean left hook that sent Hernandez to the canvas in the final seconds of the fourth round (Kliknite na tlačidloTU sledovať). Ward controlled the middle of the fight and landed consistent three-punch combinations against Hernandez, who at the end of round six was warned by referee Bill Clancy that he was taking a lot of punishment and had to show him something or he would stop the fight. At the top of the ninth, the referee still concerned about Hernandez lack of action, called the doctor and asked once again the same question. The doctor cleared Hernandez to continue.

Hernandez said he felt Ward’s power, and was impressed. "Jo,, he got me with that left, but I recuperated,"Povedal. “But all the credit to him. A knockdown is a knockdown.”

Ward said Hernandez asked for the fight, but wasn’t prepared for the it. “I knew he was a good, experienced fighter,"Povedal Ward. “He’s fought some good guys and knocked out some good guys. He’s supposed to be a puncher, but I was just on another level tonight.

“I wanted a good fight to showcase my skills and I’m glad the people on ShoBox got to see it.”

Farhood interviewed undefeated middleweight world champion Claressa Shields before the main event. Shields and fellow undefeated champion Christina Hammer will meet on Saturday, Apríl 13 live on SHOWTIME to crown the women’s undisputed 160-pound world champion. The blockbuster unification from Boardwalk Hall in Atlantic City, N.J. will be the main event of SHOWTIME BOXING: SPECIAL EDITIONlive at 9 p.m. ET/PT and is arguably the most significant women’s boxing event in history (Kliknite na tlačidlohttps://s.sho.com/2UVWXtE to watch full interview).

Shields talked about her disdain for Hammer. “I’m going to keep it 100 percent professional,” she said. “I don’t like her as a person but that doesn’t matter. I want to beat her well. She’s just mad because I’m meaner that her and I’m better than her. I’m the GLOAT. Greatest lady of all time. I’m fighting every person that they say I can’t beat. I’m going to unify my division. I’m going to be the undisputed champion and nobody is going to be able to say otherwise.”

Friday’s fights were promoted by Salita Promotions. The full telecast will replay on Monday, Február 18 na 10 p.m. ET/PT on SHOWTIME EXTREME and will be available on SHOWTIME ANYTIME® and SHOWTIME on DEMAND®.

Barry Tompkins called the action from ringside with boxing historian Steve Farhood and former world champion Raul Marquez serving as expert analysts. The executive producer was Gordon Hall with Richard Gaughan producing and Rick Phillips directing.

# # #

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O ShoBox: Nová generácia

Od svojho vzniku v júli 2001, kriticky oslavovaný SHOWTIME box série, ShoBox: Nová generácia predstavoval mladý talent uzavreté tuhý. The ShoBox filozofia je vysielať vzrušujúce, dav-potešujúce a konkurenčné zápasy a zároveň poskytuje Proving Ground pre ochotné vyhliadky odhodlaná bojovať o svetový titul. Niektoré z rastúceho zoznamu 79 bojovníci, ktorí sa objavili na ShoBox a pokročilé zbierať tituly majstra sveta zahŕňa: Errol Spence Jr., Andre Ward, Deontay Wilder, Erislandy Lara, Shawn Porter, Gary Russell Jr., Lamont Peterson, Guillermo Rigondeaux, Nonito Donaire, Devon Alexander, Carl Froch, Robert Guerrero, Timothy Bradley, Jessie Vargas, Juan Manuel Lopez, Chad Dawson, Paulie Malignaggi, Ricky Hatton, Kelly Pavlik, Paul Williams a ďalšie.


IBF, WBA And WBC Champion Shields To Meet WBO & WBC Champion In Recess Hammer In Arguably The Most Significant Women’s Boxing Event In History


NEW YORK - február 12, 2019 - Undefeated middleweight world champions Claressa Shields and Christina Hammer will meet on Saturday, Apríl 13 live on SHOWTIME to crown the women’s undisputed 160-pound world champion. The blockbuster unification from Boardwalk Hall in Atlantic City, N.J. will be the main event of SHOWTIME BOXING: SPECIAL EDITION live at 9 p.m. ET/PT and is arguably the most significant women’s boxing event in history.

Shields vs. Hammer features two of the consensus top-10 pound-for-pound fighters in the world squaring off to crown only the second undisputed champion in female boxing history.The fight, originally scheduled for November 2018, was postponed due to a now-resolved medical issue suffered by Hammer.

The 23-year-old Shields (8-0, 2 KO) is a two-division champion who holds the IBF, WBA and WBC 160-pound titles. The 28-year-old Hammer (24-0, 11 KO) owns the WBO belt, is the WBC Champion in Recess, and has dominated the women’s middleweight division for more than eight years. Shields and Hammer fought on the same card last June on SHOWTIME, with both fighters winning impressively to set up the first undisputed showdown in the women’s 160-pound division.

The winner of Shields vs. Hammer will join Terrence Crawford, Jermain Taylor, Bernard Hopkins, Oleksandr Usyk and women’s welterweight Cecilia Braekhus as the only fighters to have unified all four major world titles in any weight class.

Shields vs. Hammer is promoted by Salita Promotions. Ticket prices and on-sale date will be announced next week by Boardwalk Hall.

“I always seek the biggest challenges and set the highest goals. I will be ready like never before and will defeat Christina Hammer on April 13,” said Shields. “Nothing will stop me from becoming undisputed champion and continuing my journey to carry women’s boxing to never-before-seen heights. I want to be the greatest of all time and change the game forever for all women in sports, and April 13 is an important step on that road to history.”

“I have waited a long time for this moment,” said Hammer. “I am bigger, stronger and more experienced than Claressa Shields. I am undefeated and have been a champion for over eight years. I can’t wait to show the world that I am the best and undisputed middleweight champion of the world.”

“SHOWTIME Sports has a long history of featuring the best in women’s combat sports, whether it was with Laila Ali and Christy Martin in boxing, or Gina Carano, Cris Cyborg and Ronda Rousey in MMA,” said Gordon Hall, Výkonný producent SHOWTIME BOXING: SPECIAL EDITION. “More recently, od tej doby 2016 we have featured today’s elite with Claressa Shields, Christina Hammer, Katie Taylor and Amanda Serrano appearing in an industry-leading 10 presentations of women’s boxing. Male or female, SHOWTIME has delivered the best fighters in their toughest matchups, and April 13 tomu nebude inak. We have two of the best pound-for-pound female fighters in the world facing each other with all four middleweight titles at stake. It doesn’t get much better than that.”

“The biggest women’s fight of all time is set to take place on April 13 at Boardwalk Hall in Atlantic City,” said promoter Dmitriy Salita. “Claressa Shields and Christina Hammer, Obaja šampióni, both in their prime, are not only taking on the biggest challenge in their respective careers by meeting each other in the ring, but are breaking barriers for boxing and for women in sports. Apríl 13 is destined to be an electric and historic night of boxing live on SHOWTIME.”

“Shields vs. Hammer is the biggest and most important fight in women’s boxing history – two undefeated unified champions in their prime battling for the undisputed middleweight championship of the world,” said Shields’ manager Mark Taffet. “Christina Hammer is indeed a very good fighter and champion, but Claressa Shields is once-in-a-lifetime. The same intense focus and determination that got Claressa through life, earned her two Olympic gold medals, and won her five world titles in eight pro fights will carry her to victory on April 13.”

“We are very excited to bring world-class championship boxing back to Atlantic City’s Jim Whelan Boardwalk Hall,” said Matt Doherty, Executive Director of the Casino Reinvestment Development Authority. “This reinforces the CRDA’s commitment to attract world-class sporting events and increase visitors to our destination.”

Shields was the first American boxer in history – male or female – to win consecutive Olympic gold medals. Flint, Mich., native turned professional following the 2016 Olympics and became unified women’s super middleweight world champion in just her fourth professional fight. Shields moved down to middleweight for her June 22 headliner on SHOWTIME, defeating Hanna Gabriels to win the IBF and WBA titles and become a two-division champion in just her sixth professional contest. After Hammer was named WBC Champion in Recess due to her medical issue, Shields picked up the vacant WBC title last November with a unanimous decision over Hannah Rankin. She most recently defended all three titles in December against Femke Hermans.

Kladivo, of Dortmund, Nemecko, has been the dominant force in the women’s middleweight division since winning the WBO title in 2010. Hammer became unified champion in 2016 with a unanimous decision over WBC titlist Kali Reis and made four defenses as unified champion. In her eight years as champion, Hammer has lost just a handful of rounds across 16 world boja o majstrovský titul. Kladivo, who also models professionally and was recently featured at Fashion Week in New York City, made her U.S. debut on June 22 after campaigning mostly in Germany since turning professional in 2009. After being forced to withdraw from the November unification due to the health issue, Hammer won a non-title fight via second round knockout last Saturday, Február 9 v Nemecku.

The undercard for the SHOWTIME BOXING: SPECIAL EDITION telecast will be announced in the coming weeks.


Mario Barrios Remains Undefeated With Fourth-Round TKO Of Richard Zamora

Javier Fortuna Scores Unanimous Decision Against Sharif Bogere In Telecast Opener

Watch The Encore Presentation Monday At 10 P.m. ET / PT

Kliknite na tlačidlo TU pre fotenie; Úver: Dave Mandel/SHOWTIME

Kliknite na tlačidlo TU pre fotenie; Úver: Sean Michael Ham/Mayweather Promotions

CARSON, Calif., (Február 9, 2019) – Gervonta Davis defended his WBA Super Featherweight World Championship with a thrilling first-round TKO of former world champion Hugo Ruiz before a sellout crowd of 8,048 at Dignity Health Sports Park Saturday non SHOWTIME.
Knockdown video highlight: https://s.sho.com/2URYn8t

Baltimore’s Davis (21-0, 20 KO) recorded his eighth career first-round knockout as referee Jack Reiss called off the fight with one second remaining in the first round following a devastating sweeping right hook by Davis connected cleanly and sent Ruiz (39-5, 32 KO) down to his knees.

Davis, who entered the ring to Michael Jackson’s “Thriller”, wasted little time showing why he is one of boxing rising super stars with his impressive fourth win in a world title fight. The 24-year-old Davis is the youngest U.S.-born world titlist in boxing and was headlining for the first time.

With his promoter Floyd Mayweather looking on, Davis made quick work of his late-replacement opponent. “I knew it was coming,"Povedal. “I wanted to go more rounds, but I knew if I got him out of there early I could fight again sooner. When I touched the jab I saw his arm was in front of his face so if I threw a hook or uppercut it was right in line.”

Davis, who has now stopped his last 12 oponenti, connected on 50 percent svojich energetických razníkov, just under the 51 percent power accuracy he logged in his last four fights.

The late substitute 32-year-old Ruiz was fighting for the second time in three weeks as he replaced the injured Abner Mares. Ruiz was used to being on the other side of first-round knockouts having recorded 18 of his own during his career.

As soon as he started landing punches, I could feel them,” Ruiz said. “I have a lot of first round knock outs, today was my turn to lose in the first round. It happens in boxing.”

Next up for Davis could be the winner of the March 2 Ricardo Nunez-Edner Cherry WBA Eliminator on SHOWTIME from Barclays Center. “We could do that,” Davis said. “At the end of the day I’m a fighter. I’m a fighter and I have a great team. One of the best in the sport. I believe in my team and whatever they line up, Som pripravený.

Davis told SHOWTIME reporter Jim Gray he’s ready for a sweet homecoming for his next fight. “Yes, sir. We’re coming to Baltimore. We’re going home, baby.”

V spolupráci funkcie, Mario Barrios (23-0, 14 KO) knocked out his seventh consecutive opponent as the 23-year-old from San Antonio stopped Mexico’s Richard Zamora (15-3, 10 KO). Prerušením prišiel na 2:16 in round four as referee Ray Corona waved off the fight after a barrage of Barrios punches landed cleanly and dazed the game Zamora.

With noted trained Virgil Hunter in his corner, the accurate Barrios landed a staggering 59 percent svojich energetických razníkov, počítajúc v to 37 na 58 (64 percento) in the fourth and final round.

“He wasn’t an easy target at all,” said Barrios, who sparred with Amir Khan and Devin Haney in training camp and is the WBA’s No. 1 ranked fighter at 140 libier. We just used everything we worked on in camp to find my range.”

He added: “It was an amazing fight. I tip my hat to Zamora – he’s a hell of a warrior. I wish him nothing but the best for the rest of his career. Like he said at the press conference, he wanted a war and I brought it to him. Total respect to him.”

Zamora was making his United States debut. “I came to fight,"Povedal. “I didn’t come to lay down. I thought I still could have fought more. I don’t want to criticize the referee. He did what he had to do.”

Barrios said he’s ready for the next big step-up in his career. “That’s up to my managerial team,"Povedal. “Whenever they feel I’m ready I’ll fight for a world title. Any one of them. I am knocking down the door for a world title right now.”

V otvárači televízneho vysielania, Javier Fortuna (34-2-1, 23 KO) won a unanimous decision against Sharif Bogere (32-2, 20 KO) v 10-dokola záchvat ľahké. All three judges scored the fight 96-93 in favor of Fortuna.

The southpaw Fortuna, of Braintree, Hmota, by way of the Dominican Republic, knocked down Bogere in the sixth round, the same round Bogere suffered a nasty cut above his right eye after an accidental head clash.

The knockdown occurred after a powerful left uppercut by Fortuna dazed Bogere, who appeared to be pushed down and touched his glove on the canvas. Referee Edward Collantes scored it a knockdown, giving Fortuna the 10-8 kolo.

"(The knock down) was correct,"Povedal Fortuna, who said he would love a future shot against Davis. “I saw his eyes were a little glossy and his legs buckled a bit. When I saw that he was cut, the game plan changed again and we had to work again to attack the cut.”

Originally from Uganda but now living in Las Vegas, Bogere gave himself a seven out of 10 grade. “I think I won the fight,"Povedal. “Even the knockdown was bull. He kept coming at me with the head. He kept trying to head butt me. The challenge was that there was blood in my eye. The first couple of rounds I was boxing him easily.”

At the midway point of the fight, Fortuna began pulling away winning rounds six, seven and eight on SHOWTIME Steve Farhood’s unofficial scorecard as Bogere continued to fade, although coming back to win round nine on Farhood’s card.

In the power punch category, Fortuna connected on 89 na 310 punches for 29 percent while Bogere landed 59 na 317 for just 19 percento. Bogere was riding a 13-fight winning streak over the past six years coming into the fight.

“What I want right now is a contract so I can fight Gervonta Davis wherever. Lomachenko, any of them,"Povedal Fortuna, who had a No Decision against Adrian Granados last June on SHOWTIME after falling out of the ring in the fourth round suffering a head and neck injury.

SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING COUNTDOWN featured two live undercard fights on social media platforms leading into the televised tripleheader. Former world title challenger Erickson Lubin (20-1, 15 KO) knocked down Ishe Smith (29-11, 12 KO) a total of four times before the fight was stopped at the end of round three in a scheduled 10-round super welterweight bout. Undefeated super lightweight Juan Heraldez (16-0, 10 KO) stopped Eddie Ramirez (17-3, 11 KO) in round seven of a scheduled 10-round fight.

Veteran broadcaster Brian Custer hosted SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING. Versatile combat sportscaster Mauro Ranallo called the action alongside Hall of Fame analyst Al Bernstein and former two-division world champion Paulie Malignaggi. Three Hall of Famers rounded out the telecast team – Emmy® ocenený reportér Jim Gray, boxerský historik Steve Farhood ako neoficiálny strelec ringu, a svetovo uznávaný ringový hlásateľ Jimmy Lennon ml. Alejandro Luna and former world champion Raul Marquez hosted the telecast in Spanish, available via Secondary Audio Programming (SAP). The Executive Producer of SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING was David Dinkins Jr., s réžiou Boba Dunphyho.

Saturday’s SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING tripleheader will replay on Monday at 10 p.m. ET / PT V EXTRÉME PREDSTAVENIA.

Pre viac informácií navštívte www.SHO.com/Sports a www.premierboxingchampions.com sledovať na Twitteri @ShowtimeBoxing, SHOSports, @PremierBoxing @MayweatherPromo, @TGBPromotions and @Swanson_Comm or become a fan on Facebook at www.Facebook.com/SHOSports, www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions and Facebook.com/MayweatherPromotions.


Super Featherweight Champion Davis Joined by Promoter Floyd Mayweather Ahead of Title Defense Against Former Champion Ruiz This Saturday Live on SHOWTIME®From Dignity Health Sports Park in Carson, Kalif. and Presented By Premier Boxing Champions

Kliknite na tlačidlo TU for Photos from Dave Mandel/SHOWTIME

Kliknite na tlačidlo TU for Photos from Sean Michael Ham
/Mayweather Promotions

LOS ANGELES (Február 7, 2019) – WBA Super Featherweight World Champion Gervonta Davis a bývalý majster sveta Hugo Ruiz went face-to-face Thursday at the final press conference before they go toe-to-toe this Saturday night in the main event of SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING® from Dignity Health Sports Park, formerly StubHub Center, v Carson, Kalif. a predložila Premier majstrov v boxe.

Also facing off on Thursday were fighters who will enter the ring live on SHOWTIME in televised undercard attractions. Neporazený extra ľahký Mario Barrios will be facing Mexico’s Richard Zamora, while former world champion Javier Fortuna will step in against lightweight contender Sharif Bogere as part of live SHOWTIME action kicking off at 10 p.m. ET / 7 p.m.. PT.

Akciu propaguje spoločnosť Mayweather Promotions, TGB Promotions and Sampson Boxing and tickets are sale now and can be purchased at AXS.com.

Davis was joined on-stage by his promoter, legendary boxer and Mayweather Promotions President Floyd Mayweather. Here is what the press conference participants had to say Thursday at the Westin Los Angeles Airport before Saturday night’s event:


I’m so excited to come back strong in 2019. This is the year that could put me over the top and put me at the highest level.

The opponent change didn’t really affect me. In the amateurs we fought four or five times a week so we always had different opponents. I had been sparring someone taller than me in training camp anyway. I think a fighter should be ready and able to adapt to anything that is in front of him in the ring. I’m ready and I hope Ruiz is too.

“Sústredenie bolo skvelé. I’m ready for Saturday night. We planned on fighting Abner Mares, but he had an injury and we hope to still get him down the line if everything is okay with his health.

Hugo Ruiz is a great opponent. He’s going to come to fight on Saturday night. He’s been telling the media he’s going to knock me out, so I hope we get an action packed fight for the fans. I’m glad Ruiz is coming for the knockout. We owe it to the fans and I’m praying that he comes ready to give them a great show.

I feel like I’m the fighter that can be the next big star. I’m working towards it. I’m just a kid soaking it all in right now. sobotná noc, I hope everyone is ready, because it’s going to be action.

Ruiz’s record speaks for itself. I’ve watched him and he has some pop. He’s accurate and I’m ready for it. I don’t think I’ll have any ring rust. I’ve worked with a lot of great fighters in the gym. I’m just excited to get back in the ring.

I want to give my fans all over the world a great show. Everyone tuning in is going to see a great performance. Hopefully Hugo will live up to his word, because I’m going to live up to mine.


I’m very happy to have this opportunity. Chystám sa nechať všetko v kruhu. I have a lot of faith in my boxing skills. I trust and believe that there is going to be a new world champion on Saturday night.

I’m in rhythm and in shape. I’ve been very active leading into and since my last fight. Davis is a tremendous champion, ale on ma nemá zastrašiť. I’ll be ready for him come Saturday night.

This is a great opportunity to fight a southpaw, as I had originally been training for a lefty before my opponent changed in my last fight. I also fought a southpaw in November. I’ve been training with a lot of lefties for a while. I’m more than ready for this opportunity.

Davis is a strong champion and I know this is a big opportunity for me to fight someone of his caliber. I’m ready mentally and physically for the greatest opportunity that has been given to me.

At 130-pounds I feel more power than ever and I will demonstrate that on Saturday night. This is a big challenge for me. This is the opportunity that I’ve been waiting for throughout my 12-year career. I don’t plan on wasting it.

MARIO Barrios

This is a huge opportunity and I’m very excited for it. I’m looking forward to going out there and putting on a great show for the boxing fans.

I’m ready and I’m prepared to take full advantage of this chance to make a statement on Saturday night. I want any one of the champions in this division, but I’m not looking past Zamora. I just know that the work that I put in will pay off.

I have big things on the horizon and Zamora is in my way. I’m focused and ready to make this a great night. If he wants a war, I’ll give him a war.


I’m very happy and thankful to be in this fight. This is the opportunity I’ve been looking for. I’m ready to compete and I’m not going to let this opportunity pass me by.

This is definitely a big step for me in my U.S. debut. If I can get a win over Mario Barrios, then I would be able to reach a lot of dreams that I have.

I come well prepared and I’m expecting a war. I’m going to be ready to go and battle until the end. You’ll see that I’m going to leave it all in the ring.


I’m going to give the best that I have in the ring. I’m going against a good boxer with a good record, but it doesn’t matter what obstacles are in front of me. I’m going to come through with a big win on Saturday night.

We have a new team and a new trainer that is going to give the fans the best Javier Fortuna possible on Saturday.

A victory against Sharif Bogere is very important for me and a stepping stone to where I want to get. It’s going to be a difficult fight, but I’m ready to make this a very tough night for him.


We are going to make this a great fight on Saturday. Fortuna is a good fighter and tough guy. I expect him to bring a lot of fireworks. I’m prepared for it and I have the game plan to win.

Every day is a tough test in life. This is going to be just another fight. I’m prepared and I have a great team behind me. I’m coming on Saturday night for what belongs to me.

Fortuna has a big name and is a step up for me. This win will put me up there toward the top and I’ll be prepared for whatever challenge comes after that.

FLOYD Mayweather, Prezident Mayweather Promotions

It’s great to be here with so many young talented fighters. I could remember 23 years ago when I was in that same position. When you’re in this position you have to take advantage of it. Opportunities like this come once in a lifetime. You must go out there and give it your all.

I want to see these fighters become great and become stars. The records that I’ve set were made to be broken.

I remember when Gervonta Davis first came to my gym. He worked hard and believed in himself. Sometimes we did two-a-days. If we didn’t think the job was done right, we’d come back and correct it. We continue to strive every day to be the best we possibly can be. Gervonta works extremely hard, but he can’t take anything for granted in this fight.

I think Hugo Ruiz is more dangerous opponent than Abner Mares. Abner is a tremendous fighter, but Ruiz is very tough and he has good knockout power. This is a great matchup and the kind that people want to see. It’s all about putting on great shows and Saturday will be another blockbuster.

LEONARD Ellerbe, CEO of Mayweather Promotions

We have a great event this Saturday night with great fights from top to bottom of this card. This is going to be a great night of boxing.

Gervonta Davis has reached goals beyond just the boxing ring. I know the impact that Gervonta has on the youth all around the world. When it comes to excitement, explosiveness and knockout power, this is something new that the fans are getting a chance to witness.

At the young age of 24, fans have come to know Gervonta for his punching power. But he’s also a very skilled boxer. This is one of the things that he’ll be able to showcase moving forward in a number of big fights he’s going to have.

We know he has a tough challenge in front of him. Anytime you have a last minute replacement who’s an excellent fighter, it’s a big challenge. Ruiz is an aggressive fighter and we expect nothing but a great fight.

Gervonta Davis has the full arsenal. Podľa môjho názoru, he’s the most exciting fighter and the biggest puncher in the entire sport. It takes more than knockout power and I think you’ll see an array of his skillset.

SAMPSON LEWKOWICZ, Prezident Sampson Boxing

It really is an honor for me to be involved in this great show. These are going to be three great fights. Hugo Ruiz had been training for a southpaw before an opponent switch led to him fighting a right hander last fight. After a few more weeks leading into this fight, Ruiz is 100 percent ready for this challenge.

“Ver mi, this is going to be a rough fight. I believe that Davis will have his hands full with Hugo Ruiz. Ruiz comes from a family of fighters and he is a true Mexican warrior who will leave it all in the ring on Saturday.

# # #
Gervonta Davis vs. Hugo Ruiz pits the WBA Super Featherweight World ChampionDavis against the former world champion Ruiz in the main event of SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING on Saturday, Február 9 from Dignity Health Sports Park, formerly StubHub Center, v Carson, California and presented by Premier Boxing Champions.

SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING coverage begins at 10 p.m. ET / 7 p.m.. PT and features undefeated super lightweight Mario Barrios taking on Mexico’s Richard Zamora and former world champion Javier Fortuna battling lightweight contender Sharif Bogere.

Pre viac informácií navštívte www.SHO.com/Sports awww.premierboxingchampions.com sledovať na Twitteri @ShowtimeBoxing, SHOSports, @PremierBoxing @MayweatherPromo, @TGBPromotions and @Swanson_Comm or become a fan on Facebook at www.Facebook.com/SHOSports, www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions and Facebook.com/MayweatherPromotions.


WBA Super Welterweight Champion Takes on Former World Champion Lara Saturday, Marec 2 od Barclays Center v Brooklyne& Presented by Premier Boxing Champions

BROOKLYN(Február 7, 2019) – WBA super welterweight titlistBrian Castañois nearing his first U.S. main event and talked about how training camp has gone so far as he prepares to face former world championErislandy Larav sobotu, Marec 2 live on SHOWTIME from Barclays Center in Brooklynthe home of BROOKLYN BOXING™, and presented by Premier Boxing Champions.

Castaño is trained by his former pro boxer father Carlos in the bustling city of Isidro Casanova in Buenos Aires, Argentína. After a long and successful amateur career leading into his pro debut in 2012, Castaño has a chance on March 2 to make a lasting impact with an impressive performance against Lara.

I’ve been boxing since I was a small child and now this is my opportunity to prove myself on the biggest stage,” said Castaño. “This fight is the moment I’ve been waiting for and the kind of tough challenge that I love. I want to make a statement to the American audience against one of the best fighters in the world.

In recent years, Argentine fighters such as Marcos Maidana, Jesus Cuellar and Lucas Matthysse have become champions and stars in the U.S. with their relentless styles they bring into the ring fight after fight. Castaño specifically has spoken to another Argentine great in Sergio Martinez for inspiration as he continues his journey.

I have a great admiration for the Argentine champions that have made statements and become big names in the U.S. in recent years and I know how difficult that is to achieve,” said Castaño. “I’ve sat and had great conversations with Sergio Martinez not long ago and I was able to learn a lot from a fighter like that.

The 29-year-old first won an interim title with a knockout of Emmanuel de Jesus in 2016, before winning tough 12-round battles against Michel Soro, and most recently a final round stoppage win over Cedric Vitu to capture the belt he will defend on March 2. These were the first two times Castaño fought into the 12th round as a pro.

I learn new things each time I fight,” said Castaño. “When you are a world champion, there are no easy foes. The opponents come stronger and stronger each time. I’ve learned that I have to double my effort every time I get into the ring.

In LaraCastaño faces a challenging former amateur world champion who was the longest-reigning titleholder in the 154-pound division before he lost to fellow champion Jarrett Hurd last April on SHOWTIME in 2018’s Fight of the Year. Castaño is aware of what Lara brings to the fight and is preparing to negate it.

On paper we know that Lara is a slick fighter that can be difficult to catch, while I’m more like a demolisher that goes after you all fight,” said Castaño. “Lara moves around the ring very wisely and has great timing on the counterpunch. V kruhu, you never know how it can play out though. I probably haven’t faced someone like him before, so I have to cut off the ring in an even smarter manner.

On March 2, Castaño will be looking to take his career to the next level with his performance, knowing that chances at the highest level are hard to come by.

I’ve taken my career quietly to this point, but I know that I have to make myself known by putting up a great performance in this tough fight,” said Castaño. “I’m prepared to do just that. This is the opportunity that I’ve dreamed of ever since I was a little kid and I have to be ready to rise to the occasion.

Tickets for the event, which is promoted by TGB Promotions in association with DiBella Entertainment, are on sale now and can be purchased atticketmaster.com,barclayscenter.com, alebo na telefónnom čísle 800-745-3000. Tickets can also be purchased at the American Express Box Office at Barclays Center. Skupinové zľavy sú k dispozícii na telefónnom čísle 844-Bklyn-GP.

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Erislandy Lara vs. Brian Castaño pits former super welterweight world champion Lara against the WBA Super Welterweight Champion Castaño on Saturday, Marec 2 in the main event of SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING from Barclays Centerthe home of BROOKLYN BOXING™, and presented by Premier Boxing Champions.

SHOWTIME coverage begins at 9 p.m. ET / 6 p.m.. PT and will see Cuban heavyweight contenderLuis Ortizbrať na sebaChristian Hammerin a 10-round heavyweight attraction, plus hard-hittingRicardoNúñezbattling rugged veteranEdner Cherryin a 12-round super featherweight clash that opens the telecast.


BOXING MAJSTROVSTVA PRE VÝSTAVU V DVOJbojoch®Televízne vysielanie obsahuje prospektu veľkej váhy Joe Joyce vs.. Veterán Bermane Stiverne; Naživo NA PREDSTAVENIE A Sieťová streamovacia služba


NEW YORK - február 6, 2019 - SHOWTIME Sports predstaví veľmi očakávané stretnutie superhmotnosti medzi divokými britskými rivalmi Jamesom DeGale a Chrisom Eubankom ml. Sobota, Február 23 naživo v SHOWTIME z londýnskeho The O2. V spoločnom zápase, rýchlo rastúca vyhliadka Joe Joyce bojuje s 12-kolovým súbojom v ťažkej váhe s bývalým majstrom sveta Bermanom Stivernom. Udalosť sa bude vysielať naživo a prostredníctvom streamovacej služby sietí v čase začiatku, ktorý bude oznámený.

BOXING MAJSTROVSTVA PRE ZOBRAZENIE VÝSTAVY® udalosť predstavuje Premier Boxing Champions na ITV vo Veľkej Británii. a propaguje ju spoločnosť Poxon Sports. Zápas o spoločný celok je propagovaný v spolupráci so spoločnosťami Ringstar Sports a Don King Productions.


DeGale (25-2-1, 15 KO) a Eubank (27-2, 21 KO) konečne vyrovnajú svoje dlhotrvajúce skóre, keď obaja otvorení rivali konečne prejdú prstami pred vzrušujúcim davom londýnskeho rodného mesta v britskej záležitosti.


Tridsaťtriročný DeGale bol prvým britským boxerom, ktorý získal zlatú medailu na olympiáde a svetový šampionát ako profesionál.. Svetový titul získal jednomyseľným rozhodnutím o Andreovi Dirrellovi v r 2015 a urobil dve úspešné obrany predtým, ako v zápase bojoval o remízu proti Badou Jackovi 2017. DeGale pomstil svoj december 2017 prehra s Calebom Truaxom, ktorý v apríli získal späť svoj pás IBF Super Middleweight 2018 na SHOWTIME. Po dobrovoľnom uvoľnení pásu, DeGale stopped veteran Fidel Munoz his last time out.


The 29-year-old Eubank Jr., the son of former two-division world champion Chris Eubank, is highly motivated to challenge for more world titles after he lost a unanimous decision to George Groves for the WBA Super Middleweight belt one year ago. The rivalry between DeGale and Eubank has been brewing for several years after a series of run-ins. The duo has sparred each other in the gym and have traded several verbal jabs on social media. Eubank, who has been training in Las Vegas at the Mayweather Boxing Club, has won nine out of his last ten fights and has registered knockouts in eight of those wins.


The 6-foot-6 Joyce, Londýn, Anglicko, has started his professional career with a 100 percent KO rate after turning professional in 2017 vo veku 32. Dokonalý amatérsky, Joyce claimed the super heavyweight silver medal for Great Britain at the 2016 Olympijské hry. Joyce, who trains in Big Bear, Kalif. under renowned trainer Abel Sanchez, knocked out Joe Hanks at 2:25 of round one in his last fight on the Deontay Wilder vs. Tyson Fury undercard.


Stiverne (25-3-1, 21 KO), who was the first ever Haiti-born boxer to own a piece of the heavyweight crown, won the WBC title with a convincing sixth-round TKO over Chris Arreola in 2014. Stiverne then lost the belt in his next fight against Deontay Wilder, despite becoming the first fighter to take the current American champion the distance. The 40-year-old has not fought since his loss in the 2017 rematch against Wilder but is anxious to bounce back with a statement win over the highly regarded Joyce.