分类存档: 的ShoBox

不败的重量级新秀特雷·利普·莫里森已准备好在本周五的电视首秀, SEPT. 23, 在ShoBox: 新一代四重头球



“Hot Rod”卡拉季奇在主赛事中面对不败的特拉维斯·彼得金,
伊万Baranchyk, 王志敏在不败青少年次中量级比赛中, 次中量级伊万·戈卢布(Ivan Golub)冒着完美战绩对阵詹姆斯·史蒂文森(James Stevenson)的风险

住在Showtime®10 P.M. AND/PT

纽约 (七. 21, 2016) - 特雷·利佩·莫里森 是 11-0 同 11 击倒. 他是已故前世界重量级冠军的儿子汤米·“公爵”·莫里森. 格罗夫, 俄克拉何马州。, 本地人, 特雷居住在好莱坞, 加利福尼亚州。, 并受训于 罗奇 在外卡健身房.


星期五, 七. 23, 莫里森迎来了他热切期待的电视首秀,面对的是不败对手和洛克国家队的前景 艾德·拉铁摩尔 (13-0, 7 科斯), 匹兹堡, 霸。, 在第二回合中 的ShoBox: 新一代 quadrupleheader生活 开演时间 (10 P.M. AND/PT, 延迟在西海岸) 从 布法罗奔跑 赌场 在迈阿密, 俄克拉何马州.


莫里森, 谁转 27 上 七. 27, 已记录八次第一轮淘汰赛, 2月份开始的职业生涯中两次第二轮淘汰赛和一次第四轮KO 2014. 他与他已故的父亲有着惊人的相似之处, 体格和战斗风格, 穿红色, 白色和蓝色泳裤,腰带上写有“TOMMY”字样. 他在俄克拉荷马州参加了除了一场比赛之外的所有比赛; 这是他的 10 从布法罗跑开始.


霍顿四州特许经营稳定的受欢迎成员, 身高 6 英尺 2 英寸的莫里森在最近一场比赛中因右肌腱受伤接受了手术,这是他第一次参加比赛, 第四回合TKO结束 托马斯·霍金斯 最后 一月. 23.


以下是莫里森和罗奇对特雷与拉铁摩尔的战斗的评价星期五, 他前途光明的职业生涯, 擂台外的生活, 对父亲的回忆, 与弗雷迪等人合作:

“我将像对待第一场比赛一样对待这场与拉铁摩尔的战斗 11 打架,”莫里森在预定的六回合比赛前说道. “我获得了很大的信心和很多新技能, 我很荣幸能够展示它们. 出现在 SHOWTIME 就是一个巨大的奖励。”



“我看了一点视频. 他真的和我很像. 他总是摇头,是一个真正有侵略性的战士,总是挺身而出. 这几乎就像我在与自己的克隆人战斗. 他有点像迈克·泰森的风格, 这就是我期望看到的. 如果他没有那样向我走来, 然后我就必须为其他事情制定一个计划。”


拉蒂摩尔是你迄今为止最艰难的战斗吗? …

“哦, 耶. 肯定. 100 百分. 他的记录说明了一切 [13-0, 7 科斯]. 他很有运动天赋. 从我所看到的他过去的战斗来看, 他将是迄今为止我对抗过的最坚强的人。”



“我感觉就像是 100 治愈百分比. 这是一场离奇的事故. 我一记上勾拳,击中了他头部的坚硬部位. 自从我能够戴上手套以来, 这不是问题。”


这场战斗的关键是什么? …

“我认为你总能在战斗的前几轮中找到关键. 这时候你就明白了一个人. 我想我只需要有耐心, 等待我的射门,当它到来时, 拿去。”


汤米被称为左撇子, 你以右手有力而闻名? 当你缺阵时,你是否更多地锻炼左侧身体?? …


“哦, 是的. 极大地. 我想说我被伤害是一件幸事. 我认为它对我的帮助大于对我的伤害. 我真的能够发展和磨练我的左手. 所以现在我觉得我的左手和我的右手一样致命. 我相信我现在可以用我的左手做所有我用右手能做的事情. 以前我更多的是右手拳手,因为我的左手还没有那么发达. 之前我的左手时机和速度不太好, 但现在我两者都很好。”



“我和弗雷迪合作已经大约一年了. 我住在西好莱坞; 正好处于所有疯狂的中间. 但我远离这一切. 我更像是一个隐士. 如果我不训练, 我在家. 我确实不怎么出门. 我真的只是喜欢有时一个人呆在我的地方. 我没有很多爱好. 我会说我是一个书呆子. 我喜欢和朋友在线玩电子游戏。”



“我最初搬到这里是为了和 杰西·里德. 他决定搬到拉斯维加斯, 这并不是我的发起人的举动, 托尼·霍尔登, 我打算做. 既然我已经在这里了, 托尼和弗雷迪共进午餐,弗雷迪同意看着我. 所以我和他进行了一次私人会谈,之后他说他愿意与我合作。”


在弗雷迪的注视下你学到了多少? …

“我学到了很多 — 可能一切. 以及我之前擅长的任何事情, 他把它锐化了. 我可能会把一切都归功于他. 和我一起打过球的人也教会了我很多东西. 这确实在各个方面都帮助了我。”


你高中时参加过体育运动吗? …

“我踢足球, 篮球和田径. 我在足球场上踢近端锋和防守端锋,我跑跨栏、投篮和飞盘. 我在中阿肯色大学打了四年大学橄榄球. 我在那里打防守端锋. 有几个职业团队在看着我, 但我在高四那年搞砸了,最终被踢出了球队. 我做了一些错误的决定, 只是一个愚蠢的大学生, 这导致了它. 当拳击出现时, 这对我来说就像是第二次机会.


“我还没有准备好结束我的运动生涯. 足球对我来说结束了,因为我做出了错误的决定. 我需要被告知我还​​不够好,无法继续前进并出去找到一份正式工作. 大约在同一时间发生的事情, 我爸爸去世了. 我妈妈告诉我托尼·霍尔顿在我上高中的隔壁镇有一家赌场. 我以前从未见过他,但我们出去谈论我的父亲,聊得很开心. 所以我向他提出了这个问题,问他是否愿意帮助我进入拳击领域. 他说绝对不会. 我告诉他我要尝试一下,因为我无法放弃田径运动. 他给我回了电话 三天后.”


作为汤米·莫里森的儿子,你感到压力吗? …

“是啊. 我认为我有很大的压力要做得好, 我认为前几次战斗对我来说确实很沉重. 那永远都会在那里. 不管我和谁打, 或者我做得有多好, 他们总是拿我和我爸爸做比较. 我只需要处理它. 压力肯定有, 但我现在可以更好地处理它.


“当我刚开始, 人们将我的第一场比赛与我父亲结束职业生涯的方式进行比较……与他最好的一场比赛进行比较. 所以显然我不会那样匹配. 我知道我会变得更好,有一天我会到达那里。”


你会如何描述你和你父亲的关系? …

“我想说我们的关系很棒. 我们是好朋友. 你知道, 我们的时间被缩短了, 我们没有花很多时间在一起. 但我们度过的时光真是太棒了. 我们真的很珍惜它。”


你认为你爸爸今天会为你感到骄傲吗, 追随他的脚步?

“我想他会为我感到骄傲. 我希望他在这里,因为他说的话会对我有很大帮助. 我真的认为他会感到自豪。”




“如果没有他,我就不会取得现在的成绩. 我什至无法用语言表达. 老老实实, 如果我没有他就开始拳击, 没有人会知道我是谁. 我在拳击中拥有的一切, 是因为他. 我是在十月份认识他的 2013, 在我开始接触拳击之前两三个月。”



罗奇, 七届美国拳击作家协会年度最佳教练 2012 入选国际拳击名人堂, 将在莫里森的角落 星期五 在迈阿密. 他说特雷很专注, 合作愉快并且不断进步. 但他的工作仍在进行中.


“特雷是一个非常好的人, 一个简单的人, 像大多数拳击手一样非常有礼貌。”.


“他继承了父亲的拳法. 他是一个大拳手. 他学会了如何拳击并且每天都在进步. 他努力尝试. 我喜欢他进步的方式. 他在健身房里与一些老将保持着自己的地位,并且表现非常好.


“一旦他学会了多一点拳击, 他会在赛区制造更多的噪音. 我现在对重量级选手的看法是,分区并不是那么强大. [安东尼] 约书亚可能是最好的, 还有其他几个大牌人物. 但我认为这个部门对于那些有心有胆、准备好坚持到底的人来说是敞开的. 特雷就是这样的孩子。”


是罗奇想要这场战斗. “他的经理问我是否准备好,我说他准备好了 100 %的准备. 拉铁摩尔是他最艰难的战斗, 但现在是挺身而出的时候了。”



周五 的ShoBox 主要事件, 一次挨打 Radivoje Kalajdzic (21-1, 14 科斯), 圣. 圣彼得堡, 佛罗里达州. 当他遇到不败的时候,他会尝试恢复他的胜利之路 彼得金特拉维斯 (16-0-1, 7 科斯), 布鲁克林, 纽约州. 在 10 轮轻重量级比赛中. 在共同特征, 超轻量火线 伊万“野兽”Baranchyk (11-0, 10 科斯), 布鲁克林, 纽约州, 挑战 Roc Nation 的 王志民 (7-0, 3 科斯, 7-1 WSB), 纳特利, N.J. 经 宁波, 中国, 在10全才. 在预定的八回合比赛中, 乌克兰次中量级 伊万“的沃尔克”戈卢布 (12-0, 10 科斯, 5-0 WSB), 布鲁克林, 纽约州. 面孔 詹姆斯“让他们睡觉”史蒂文森 (23-2, 16 科斯), 巴尔的摩, 马里兰州.

电视转播卡上八名拳击手的总记录是 114-3-1 同 78 击倒.


由 DiBella Entertainment 和 Tony Holden Productions 与 Roc Nation Sports 联合推广的活动门票价格为 $35, $55 和 $75 和可在 buffalorun.comstubwire.com.


巴里·汤普金斯 将调用 的ShoBox 从马戏团的行动 史蒂夫Farhood和前世界冠军 劳尔·马尔克斯 作为专业分析师. 执行制片人 戈登·霍尔 丰富的高根 生产和 里克·菲利普斯 导演.

Baranchyk Excited to Impress New Hometown Fans Friday in Miami, 行

迈阿密, 行 (九月 19, 2016) – When junior welterweight buzzsaw Ivan “The Beast” Baranchyk first fought at the Buffalo Run Casino in March, he was not known by locals. Many of the fans packed the venue primarily to support “Four State Franchise” members Kenzie Morrison, Jesse Cook and Dillon Cook. Things however quickly changed.
On that evening, Baranchyk destroyed fellow unbeaten Nicholas Givhan in 21 seconds with a crushing left hook. Exactly three months later, Baranchyk returned to the Buffalo Run Casino and had the fans watching him closely. The explosive 23-year-old delivered again, stopping another unbeaten fighter Eliseo Cruz Sesma in less than three rounds. A fighter previously unknown to locals quickly became in demand.
“The fans here fell in love with Ivan,” said Promoter Tony Holden, who has promoted fights for more than 25 岁月. “He’s got a great style that can win over a crowd that may not have known much about him and that’s exactly what he did in his last two fights.”
八月, Holden signed Baranchyk to a co-promotional agreement, working in association with DiBella Entertainment and Fight Promotions Inc.
Now a member of the “Four State Franchise,” Baranchyk looks to run his record to 12-0 同 11 knockouts when he meets 7-0 Zhimin Wang of China in a ten round contest for the USBA junior welterweight title 星期五 晚上在 Buffalo Run 赌场. The Branchyk-Wang bout takes places on a ShoBox quadrupleheader featuring three other exciting matchups between fighters with a combined record of 96-3-1. The card airs live on Showtime at 10 下午ET and tickets to the fight are sold out.
以胜利, Baranchyk will likely be ranked in the top 15 and move onto bigger fights. 然而, the Brooklyn, NY based Russian is solely focused on entertaining his newfound supporters.
Baranchyk said of his upcoming bout, “I’m excited beyond belief to once again fight on Shobox and in my new hometown of Miami, 行. 这次 (my opponent) is much more serious but I am prepared to fight anyone. I am going to show a high level of boxing and god willing the fight will end early in a knockout.”

八位拳手的综合战绩为 114-3-1 将于周五精选, SEPT. 23, 住在SHOWTIME®

ON 的ShoBox: 新一代 四重标题
从迈阿密 BUFFALO RUN 赌场出发, 俄克拉荷马州.

Radivoje “Hot Rod” Kalajdzic 在主赛事中面对不败的特拉维斯·彼得金,
伊万·巴兰奇克不败, 王志敏争夺USBA青少年中量级冠军,
次中量级伊万·戈卢布(Ivan Golub)冒着完美战绩对阵詹姆斯·史蒂文森(James Stevenson)的风险,



纽约 (七. 6, 2016) - 轻重量级 拉迪沃耶“热棒”卡拉季奇 将面对不败的左撇子 特拉维斯·“臭名昭著”彼得金 在堆叠的 10 轮主赛事中 的ShoBox: 新一代 quadrupleheader上 星期五, 七. 23, 住在 开演时间 (10 P.M. AND/PT, 延迟在西海岸) 从 布法罗奔跑 赌场 在迈阿密, 俄克拉何马州.

电视转播卡上八名拳击手的总记录是 114-3-1 同 78 击倒.

卡拉季奇, 25, 圣. 圣彼得堡, 佛罗里达州。, 彼得金及, 26, 布鲁克林布朗斯维尔区, 纽约州, 将会使他们的 的ShoBox 首次亮相和最初的 10 轮比赛.

这是卡拉季奇在八回合分歧判定中以不败战绩输掉一场极具争议性和可疑性的比赛后的首场比赛 2012 奥林匹亚 马库斯·布朗 最后 四月 16 布鲁克林. 卡拉季奇呼吁与世界排名布朗重赛, 但他不能忽视强者, 运动型彼得金, 谁即将结束停赛决定 拉里·普赖尔 最后 三月 30 并正在寻找突破性的表现.

的ShoBox 共同特征, 超轻量动力源 伊万“野兽”Baranchyk (11-0, 10 科斯), 布鲁克林, 纽约州, 面对 Roc Nation 的前景 王志民 (7-0, 3 科斯, 7-1 WSB), 纳特利, N.J. 经 宁波, 中国, 在 10 轮比赛中争夺空缺的 USBA 140 磅冠军头衔. 在预定的八回合比赛中, 乌克兰次中量级 伊万“的沃尔克”戈卢布 (12-0, 10 科斯, 5-0 WSB), 布鲁克林, 发生在 詹姆斯“让他们睡觉”史蒂文森 (23-2, 16 科斯), 巴尔的摩, 马里兰州.

当地人的宠儿,已故前世界重量级冠军的儿子, 汤米·“公爵”·莫里森, 重量级 特雷·利佩·莫里森 (11-0, 11 科斯) 他在备受期待的电视首秀中对阵不败对手和洛克国家队的新秀 艾德·拉铁摩尔 (13-0, 7 科斯), 匹兹堡, 霸。, 在六轮电视转播揭幕战中.

由 DiBella Entertainment 和 Tony Holden Productions 与 Roc Nation Sports 联合推广的活动门票价格为 $35, $55 和 $75 和可在buffalorun.comstubwire.com. (该 $35 门票已售完).

卡拉季奇 (21-1, 14 科斯), 身高 6 英尺 2 英寸,波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那人, 六月转为职业选手 2011. 他赢得了他的第一次 21 在输给布朗之前的一场比赛中,许多人认为他轻松获胜. 布朗 (18-0) 偶尔重击, 但卡拉季奇似乎用他的力量和笨拙的风格控制了战斗. 两位拳击手都上场了, 卡拉季奇 (从看似一个失误) 在第一个, 布朗 (清楚地) 从右手到头部的第六个. 因击倒而获得荣誉,其中似乎没有击中对手,这就是区别, 当比分达到时,球迷们发出了嘘声 76-75, 76-74 和 74-76 被宣布.

“我对这场比赛感到非常兴奋,而且我再次出现在电视上与另一位不败的左撇子战斗,“Kalajdzic说. “我将从上一场比赛结束的地方继续训练营,因为这是另一场左撇子比赛, 所以我会做好充分准备. 希望, 彼得金是来战斗的,而不是像我上一个对手那样拥抱,这样我们就可以给球迷一场精彩的战斗。”

彼得金 (16-0-1, 7 科斯) 如果不是在八轮多数平局中丢掉两分,他们仍然会拥有完美的记录 2008 奥林匹亚多明尼加 列宁卡斯蒂略 (12-0) 上月. 1, 2015 在巴克莱中心. 彼得金在第四局中场休息后击球并在第五局中因低击而被扣分. 该得分 76-74 和 75-75 两次.

尽管他上次的比赛打平了, 彼得金认为这是他一生中最令人欣慰的时刻. 从 2012-14, 他在巴克莱银行的套房里储备并提供食物. 在他最近的努力中, 彼得金轻松击败普赖尔,得分为 80-72 纽约3次. 这将是彼得金在家乡以外的第一场比赛.

一个好的拳击手,技术精湛, 彼得金的父亲向他介绍了拳击, 伯纳德, 一 1987 重量级金手套半决赛, 在 2001. 他去 95-7 在业余; 赢得后 2010 纽约金手套, 他一月份转为职业球员 2011.

“我在 Hot Rod 的最后一场比赛中在场边. 我尊重他, 但我看到了他的缺点并且会利用它们,”彼得金说. “我预见到一场战争. 布鲁克林即将来到俄克拉荷马州,我不会失望的. 上 七. 23, 伟大在召唤。”

Baranchyk, 具有攻击性的战斗机器, 双手蕴藏着卓越的力量. 这是他第三次亮相 的ShoBox 并在布法罗跑中连续第三次. 他的另一个的ShoBox 开始, 首轮淘汰赛均对阵不败对手, 合计合计2:49.

备受推崇的, 巴兰奇克的所有行动记录了残酷的, 二拳, 21-第二次停赛结束 尼古拉斯·吉文(Nicholas Givhan) (16-0-1) 最后 三月 25的ShoBox 在布法罗跑. 他得分了 2:28, 第一轮淘汰赛上 沙迪Shehadeh (9-0-2) 在他的 的ShoBox 最后登场 十二月. 11 在休斯顿, 得克萨斯州.

巴兰奇克出生于明斯克, 白俄罗斯,住在布鲁克林. 他以淘汰赛的方式赢得了八连胜, 包括第三回合TKO之前不败的对手 若阿金极乐世界” 十字 (9-0-1) 最后 六月 25 在布法罗跑. 从一开始就凭借速度和力量占据统治地位, 巴兰奇克在第二局淘汰了克鲁兹. 克鲁兹的角球认输了 1:07 第三节.

所有 10 5英尺7英寸的, 23-一岁的巴兰奇克在三轮比赛中被击倒, 其中第一名有六名. 他曾战斗过 22 职业生涯 11 场比赛. 他唯一一次跑这么远是在他的第三次比赛中, 十二月的四轮比赛 2014. Baranchyk, 前欧洲业余选手, 14 年 6 月转为职业球员,几个月后移居美国.

“我对回到 的ShoBox,” Baranchyk说. “志敏是一位非常熟练的战士,他将是我迄今为止最难对付的对手. 然而, 我打算以毁灭性的方式结束这场比赛. 我保证战斗结束后你会看到志敏背上. 我希望向初级次中量级的其他选手传达一个信息,那就是我是一个值得畏惧的人。”

志民, 30, 11 月转为职业选手 2010 并在 WSB 中战斗过八次 2011. 停工三年后, 他移居美国. 并且已经走了 7-0. 他在八轮比赛中做出了决定 马修·多尔蒂 最后 六月 11. 志敏在WSB取得巨大成功, 赢得金牌 2011 在他的祖国中国, 在激烈的轻量级决赛中击败哈萨克斯坦选手耶尔詹·穆萨菲罗夫. 在此之前,, 他在中国全国拳击锦标赛上打进了决赛 2010, 他在那里获得了银牌. 在 2012, 他再夺一枚银牌, 这次在鄂尔多斯国际拳击比赛.

“我很荣幸能够参与这一盛事,” said Zhimin. “我要感谢发起人, 我的团队以及所有给我这个机会的人. 我的目标是获得那条腰带. 我知道这是一个充满挑战的过程, 但我并不害怕前方的一切. 我知道我会成功. 我对自己有信心. 我会尽我所能,为这场冠军对决做好准备,为球迷们奉献出最好的表现,并把金腰带带回家。”

戈卢布, 一名 27 岁的人, 6 英尺处, 对于次中量级来说很高, 十一月成为中量级职业选手 2012. 在他职业生涯的初期, 他去 5-0 在WSB. 他走了 12-0 因为, 胜利 10 淘汰赛, 包括他的最后六连胜, 最后三名是次中量级.

在他的 的ShoBox 登场, 这是他职业生涯中第一次触摸画布, 但反弹回来爆炸 马龙·沃特斯 在第六局的最后几秒内进行了一系列组合. 他以TKO获胜.

戈卢布, 一名左撇子在第二轮 TKO 结束 埃内斯托·奥尔蒂斯 最后 七月 21, 是一位出色的业余爱好者. 他去 270-32 作为一个业余, 曾五次获得乌克兰全国冠军,并在比赛中获得铜牌 2009 世界业余锦标赛.

“史蒂文森经验丰富,我正在为一场非常艰苦的战斗做准备,”戈卢布说. “他是一个喜欢坐以待毙并进行交易的人, 这正是我想要的. 一旦他感受到我的力量, 他会遇到麻烦的. 只要这场战斗持续下去,这将是一场激动人心的战斗。”

史蒂文森正在创造他的 的ShoBox 登场. 亲自 2008, he won his first 21 直到第九回合TKO输给当时不败的球队 萨米瓦斯奎兹 上月. 8, 2014. 在瓦斯奎兹接手之前,这场比赛已经进行了五轮比赛. 史蒂文森在第九局倒下.

5英尺11, 33-自那以后,一岁的史蒂文森已经赢得了三场比赛中的两场, 包括第五轮将军澳 凯文·沃马克 最后 五月 14 在他的第一次战斗 在 13 个月. 一位强硬的拳击手, 史蒂文森遭遇了温和的反对,仍在寻求标志性的胜利.

尽管史蒂文森的职业生涯因一系列挫折和悲剧而陷入困境,但他仍创造了令人尊敬的记录. 在 2011, 在例行慢跑期间, 一只狗恶毒地攻击了他, 要求史蒂文森获得超过 20 缝针. 此后不久, 他的父亲老詹姆斯·史蒂文森. 去世了, 和他的岳母一样.

“我很珍惜这个机会,”史蒂文森说. “但是他们犯了一个很大的错误,让我有时间为这场战斗做好准备. 我正在努力训练,我要发表声明. 我不害怕戈卢布,我保证它不会走得太远. 我正在哄他睡觉。”

莫里森已经八次在首轮淘汰赛, 2月份开始的职业生涯中两次第二轮淘汰赛和一次第四轮KO 2014. 莫里森, 与他已故的父亲有着惊人的相似之处, 体格和战斗风格, 轮流 27 上七. 27. 他在俄克拉荷马州参加了除了一场比赛之外的所有比赛; 这是他的 10 从布法罗跑开始.

霍顿四州特许经营稳定的受欢迎成员, 身高 6 英尺 2 英寸的莫里森在最近一场比赛中因右肌腱受伤接受了手术,这是他第一次参加比赛, 第四回合TKO结束 托马斯·霍金斯 最后 一月. 23.

“我付出了巨大的努力才走到这一步,现在这是我向世界展示我是谁的机会. 我要感谢 SHOWTIME 给我这个机会,”莫里森说. “拉铁摩尔对我来说是课堂上的一个巨大进步, 但我已经准备好了. 一旦我听到那些俄克拉荷马州球迷的声音并感受到球馆内的能量, 我按下开关,就可以开始了. 这将是我的出柜派对。”

拉铁摩尔, 谁在大学主修物理, 预计将给莫里森带来最严峻的考验. 拉铁摩尔正在打造他的 的ShoBox 今年首次亮相和第四次启动. 他刚刚结束八轮分歧判定 胡安·古德 最后 七月 15.

身高6英尺1, 31-一岁的拉蒂摩尔在一月份转为职业选手 2013. 作为一个业余爱好者, 他赢得了宾夕法尼亚州金手套奖, 全国 PAL 和场边锦标赛, 并战胜了 2012 奥林匹亚 多米尼克Breazeale 前 IBF 重量级冠军 查尔斯·马丁.

“莫里森对我来说将是一个真正的考验,”拉铁摩尔说. “在自家后院与某人打架绝非易事. 我刚刚在家乡匹兹堡参加比赛,所以我知道比赛之夜的感觉和动力. 我期待着为俄克拉荷马州的所有球迷和观看比赛的观众带来一场精彩的表演 的ShoBox.”

巴里·汤普金斯 将调用 的ShoBox 从马戏团的行动 史蒂夫Farhood 和前世界冠军 劳尔·马尔克斯 作为专业分析师. 执行制片人 戈登·霍尔 丰富的高根 生产和 里克·菲利普斯 导演.

Lippe-Morrison to make TV debut against Latimore September 23

塔尔萨, 行 (八月 27, 2016) – Heavyweight sensation Trey Lippe-Morrison makes his highly anticipated TV debut when he faces fellow unbeaten Ed Latimore as part of a quadruple header on ShoBox: 新一代 星期五, 九月 23 在 10 下午ET live from the Buffalo Run Casino in Miami, 行.
Living and fighting out of Tulsa, 行, Lippe-Morrison’s 11-0 用他所有的胜利来通过击倒. A member of Holden Productions’ Four State Franchise, the 26-year-old power punching phenom has been out of the ring since January after suffering a hand injury. Under the watchful eye of 7-time BWAA Trainer of the Year Freddie Roach, Lippe-Morrison’s working hard daily towards his goal to become the heavyweight champion of the world like his late father Tommy.
拉铁摩尔, 13-0 (7 KO的), is without question the toughest opponent of Lippe-Morrison’s career. Fighting out of the Steel City Pittsburgh, PA, Latimore is fresh off a 七月 15 victory over Juan Goode. Known by his moniker “Black Magic,” Latimore is a former Pennsylvania Golden Gloves, National PAL and Ringside Champion. He also owns amateur victories over 2012 Olympian Dominic Breazeale and former IBF heavyweight kingpin Charles Martin.
This is a definite step up for Trey but these are the kinds of opponents we need to be fighting on TV,” said Lippe-Morrison’s promoter Tony Holden. “Trey has improved his boxing ability tremendously under Freddie Roach and has dynamic power. 同时, Latimore is here to spoil the party and was a very good amateur prior to his current run as an unbeaten professional. The fans at the Buffalo Run, where Trey is a favorite, and everybody watching on Showtime are in for exciting fight between two unbeaten heavyweights on the way up, which is a rarity these days.”
Lippe-Morrison and Latimore meet over six rounds.
Brooklyn-based Russian Ivan “The Beast” Baranchyk, 11-0 (10 KO的), puts his perfect record on the line against an opponent to be named in a ten round junior welterweight bout. Baranchyk, who scored back to back first round knockouts on ShoBox at the Buffalo Run, is the newest member of the Four State Franchise.
In a ten round light heavyweight affair, “Notorious” Travis Peterkin, 16-0-1 (7 KO的), travels from Brooklyn, NY to face once-beaten contender Radivoje “Hot Rod” Kalajdzic, 21-1 (14 KO的), 圣. 圣彼得堡, FL.
Rounding out the televised portion of the card is fellow Brooklyn-based Russian Ivan “The Volk” Golub, who risks his 12-0 ledger against an opponent TBA over ten rounds in the welterweight division.
The card is promoted by Holden Productions in association with DiBella Entertainment and Fight Promotions Inc. 门票开始 $35 are on sale now by logging onto HTTP://www.stubwire.com/event/shoboxthenewgeneration/buffaloruncasino/miami/13276 or calling the Buffalo Run Box Office at 918-542-7140.


Mason Menard KOs Bahomir Mamadjonov, Antonio Nieves and Alejandro Santiago Fight To A Split Draw & Bakhtiyar Eyubov Wins By Split Decision Against Karim Mayfield


赶在重播上 星期一, 八月. 22 在 10 P.M. AND/PT在Showtime EXTREME

Click On Le Link Below To Watch Menard’s Ninth-Round KO



点击 这里 对于照片; 信贷: 罗西Cohe /欣欣

罗切斯特, 纽约州. (八月. 20, 2016) – Undefeated heavyweight prospect 贾雷尔“大宝贝”米勒 won by third-round TKO over veteran Fred Kassi in the 的ShoBox: 新一代 主要事件, 星期五, 住在 开演时间 from Rhinos Stadium in Rochester, 纽约州.


Following a cagey first round that favored Kassi (18-5-1, 10 科斯), Brooklynite Miller (18-0-1, 16 科斯), turned up the body work and pressure in rounds two and three. After landing 36-of-57 power shots in the third and racking up 30 connects to the body, Kassi retired on the stool between rounds, citing a hand injury. Miller landed an impressive 57 percent of his power shots for the fight and limited Kassi to 22 percent of his hooks, crosses and uppercuts.


Kassi said after the fight that his right hand was injured in the second and pushed through the pain for one more round before giving in.


6英尺-4-, Miller viciously attacked the body and delivered some big rights and combinations. Kassi had some moments where he out-boxed his opponent, but Miller’s power and size—a possible 50+-pound advantage—was the deciding factor. 凭借这场胜利, “Big Baby” ups his winning streak to 14 直的.


“I knew it would take some time to get going 今晚. I was thinking maybe three or four rounds to warm up and get going. But in the second round, I got my wind and I knew I hurt him,” said Miller, who is ranked among the top 10 heavyweights in three of the four sanctioning bodies. “My legs came alive and I touched his body and his head. I knew I was going to get the stoppage.


“I think he could have continued, 虽然. He just didn’t want to. That’s why I take my hat off to Deontay Wilder. I still want to break his jaw, but he finished his fight with a broken hand. That’s what champions do. Kassi didn’t want to continue.


“Let’s talk about all these heavyweights. 泰森怒, he doesn’t want this work. He’s always complaining. He’s always sick or something. I don’t know what’s wrong with him. 怀尔德, every five minutes he breaks another finger. 看, it’s just a matter of time before these guys are going to have to put up or shut up. Anthony Joshua, that’s going to be a mega fight. I am just begging for him to call my name.”


Kassi said, “I must have hurt my hand in the first round because in the second, every time I hit him I felt a shock. I wanted to keep going but he’s a big guy and I couldn’t use my hand. When you fight a guy that is 50 pounds heavier than you are, you need all the weapons.”

“The size difference and the strength difference was so enormous,” said SHOWTIME Boxing’s veteran analyst Steve Farhood. “Once Miller started rolling, it was clear that Kassi had no answers. Kassi had been nimble and he slid off the ropes a few times in round one. That was gone in round 2. 所以, perhaps in some people’s eyes, this win is cheapened by the injury, but to me it was clear that Big Baby was on his way to doing what more advanced heavyweights like Dominic Breazeale and Chris Arreola couldn’t do, and that’s stop Fred Kassi.

“底线, Jarrell Miller’s stock went up 今晚. He faced his toughest test and he passed it.”

在合作的主要事件, promising Louisiana lightweight “Rock Hard Mighty” Mason Menard scored a brutal knockout at 2:26 of the ninth-round over battled-tested巴哈mamadjonov, winning the WBO NABO Lightweight belt. 视频精彩场面:http://s.sho.com/2b6MNPF


Both Menard and Mamadjonov were facing their most dangerous foe to date. Mamadjonov (18-3, 11 科斯), showed great ring generalship successfully keeping Menard’s output down for the first six rounds, but Menard (32-1, 24 科斯) dramatically turned the fight around with body shots that produced two knockdowns in the seventh. A slow eighth-round followed but the ninth brought another series of power shots leading to the third and final knockdown, prompting referee Steve Smoger to intervene and halt the contest.

At the time of the stoppage Menard, who out-landed Mamadjonov 10-0 in the bout’s final 26 秒, was ahead by two points on two scorecards and four points on the third.

“我感觉好极了, but it was a B-level performance from me,” said Menard who is coming from a knockout-of-the-year candidate, “I could have done better. My opponent was an awkward fighter and we got him with two weeks’ notice.

“I knew if I kept putting the pressure, slowly he would fade and I would take him out in the later rounds and that’s exactly how it happened. He was hurting to the body. I knew after the first couple rounds he was breathing really heavy, so the game plan was to start touching him to the body. It was affecting him greatly.

“I’m definitely excited to get my second SHOWTIME knockout and I got some rounds under my belt. It’s been years since I went that many rounds, so it was good to know I can go that long and still finish strong.”

“I don’t really know what went wrong,” said Mamadjonov, who is known for his high boxing IQ. “It was short notice and I think I lost too much weight.

“I didn’t feel his punches, but he caught me with some good body shots. I was fighting evenly with him until the weight loss caught up to me and I got tired.

“I feel ok now. 我很好. I am disappointed but I’m fine. 我会回来的。”

NABO Bantamweight Champion 安东尼奥·涅韦斯, 克利夫兰, Ohio and Tijuana’s Alejandro Santiago battled to a 10-round split draw (96-94 Nieves, 96-94 Santiago and 95-95) in the second fight of the 的ShoBox quadrupleheader.

Nieves, (16-0-2, 8 科斯), remains undefeated, but Santiago’s (11-2-2, 3 科斯) boxing ability clearly caught him off guard. The first five rounds featured brisk long-range boxing that was incredibly even. 圣地亚哥, a late-sub for Nikolay Potapov, appeared to pull away in rounds 6-10 as he out-landed Nieves 129-86 整体和 100-61 在电源拳.

Winning the late rounds was not enough for Santiago, who was stepping up in weight and opposition. Judge Don Ackerman had Nieves ahead 96-94 while Eric Marlinski had it 96-94 for Santiago. Pasquale Procopio’s 95-95 card proved pivotal. Given Santiago’s second-half surge, the Mexican visitor was unlucky not to get the win.

“I thought it was close, but I think I pulled it out,” said Nieves. “I should have gotten the victory by maybe one or two points. But the judges see what they saw, 你知道?

“I do not feel I put on the impressive performance I was hoping to. I wasn’t at my best. 他 (圣地亚哥) was a little awkward and my right hand was hurting a little bit, but I really don’t know why I wasn’t letting my hands go like I usually do.

“I learned I have to stick to my game plan and keep using my jab. I didn’t use it like I usually do. I need to just do what I do and not worry about what my opponent is doing.

“I don’t think nerves had anything to do with it, even though it was the biggest fight of my career. I was just letting him get off first. I should have followed my game plan, rather than react to what he was doing. I give myself a C for my performance 今晚.”

圣地亚哥, who came as a late replacement and was clearly the underdog, also felt he won the fight.

“It was close, but I think I won the fight. I was always sure I’d beat him and I did. I landed more punches,” said Santiago. “I thought Nieves would be stronger than he was in there.

“I usually fight at super flyweight. I was coming up in weight to do this. It was an opportunity to open more doors for me and I took it. And I think that’s what I did今晚.”

在转播的开幕回合, 次中量级不败 巴赫蒂亚尔Eyubov布鲁克林, 纽约州, by way of Kazakhstan won a close 10-round split decision—that could have gone either way—against veteran Karim Mayfield of San Francisco, 加利福尼亚州. (95-94 twice for Eyubov and 95-94 for Mayfield).

Yeyubov (11-0, 10 科斯), who had never been past the third round, was taken to uncharted waters by the more experienced Mayfield (19-4-1, 11 科斯). Mayfield extended Eyubov far longer than any other opponent and despite out-landing the adoptive Brooklynite in each of the final four rounds (110-80 整体和 87-66 动力) Eyubov escaped with a split decision. It was a learning victory for Eyubov and a disheartening loss for Mayfield, who averaged 69 punches per round to Eyubov’s 52.

“I felt it was close, but I did everything I wanted to do and I feel I won nearly every round,” said Eyubov. “I was surprised by Mayfield, especially how hard his head is. He is a real man.

“My lip is a little swollen but that’s because of headbutts. Mayfield fought dirty in there. But I’m happy with the decision. I learned that I can go 10 回合如果我要. 我可以去 12. I was still strong at the end of the fight.

梅菲尔德, who was clearly disappointed with the result, felt he won the fight.

“It was a good fight and he’s a tough fighter for sure, but I landed the harder shots and kept active. 他是个硬汉, 别误会我的意思, but I certainly won that fight,” said Mayfield. “I feel I performed well. There’s always more work you can do, but for the most part I feel I did good. People thought for some odd reason the fight wouldn’t even go the distance, which is ludicrous. I won the fight though.

“It was part of my game plan to frustrate him and I feel I did that. I executed my plan well. 当然, there was more I could have done. I could have thrown more punches, but I did well.

“They made it seem like he punched like hell, but I guess all punches feel hard to me, so if you’re a hard puncher or a light puncher, it’s still a punch and I don’t want to get punched. I got hit but I was never stunned or anything like that.

“I would love a rematch.”

Eyubov responded, “I don’t know if I would fight him again. I will think about it.”

的ShoBox: 新一代 will re-air on 星期一, 八月. 22 在 10 P.M. AND/PT on SHOWTIME EXTREME and will be available on SHOWTIME ANYTIME beginning Saturday, 八月. 20.


巴里·汤普金斯 的ShoBox 从马戏团的行动 史蒂夫Farhood和前世界冠军 劳尔·马尔克斯 作为专业分析师. 执行制片人 戈登·霍尔 丰富的高根 生产和 里克·菲利普斯 导演.


The event was promoted by Salita Promotions in association with Greg Cohen Promotions.



Heavyweight Jarrell Miller to Face Tough Veteran Fred Kassi
In Main Event From Rhinos Stadium in Rochester, 纽约州.

Lightweights Mason Menard and Bahodir Mamadjonov Clash in Co-Main Event

While Bantamweight Antonio Nieves Takes On Alejandro Santiago in a 10-Rounder

And Welterweights Bakhtiyar Eyubov and Karim Mayfield Do Battle in Telecast Opener

点击 这里 对于照片; 信用罗西Cohe / SHOWTIME

“Anthony Joshua is a punk. Deontay怀尔德, don’t get me started…”

– Jarrell Miller, Undefeated Heavyweight Prospect

罗切斯特, 纽约州. (八月. 18, 2016) – The eight fighters who’ll be fighting on 的ShoBox: 新一代 明天/星期五, 八月. 19, 住在 SHOWTIME® (10 P.M. AND/PT) at Rhinos Stadium in Rochester, 纽约州, all made weight 星期四.


不败 贾雷尔“大宝贝”米勒 (17-0-1, 15 科斯) faces his toughest test to date in veteran 弗雷德猫 (18-5-1, 10 科斯) 在主要事件, which will take place at the outdoor USL soccer venue here. The co-main event features promising Louisiana lightweight “Rock Hard Mighty” Mason Menard (31-1, 23 科斯) facing his most dangerous foe to date in Bahodir “Baha” Mamadjonov (18-2, 11 科斯) 休斯顿, 得克萨斯州, by way of Uzbekistan in a 10-round battle for the WBO NABO Lightweight title.


更多, undefeated welterweight knockout artist 巴赫蒂亚尔Eyubov (10-0, 10 科斯) 布鲁克林, 纽约州, by way of Kazakhstan, steps up to face veteran 卡里姆·梅菲尔德 (19-3-1, 11 科斯) of San Francisco in a 10-round clash. And unbeaten 安东尼奥·涅韦斯 (16-0-1, 8 科斯) of Cleveland will square off against Mexico’s Alejandro Santiago (11-2-1, 3 科斯) in a 10-round bantamweight bout for Nieves’ WBO NABO Title.

权重: Miller tipped the scales at 296 ½磅, while Kassi weighed 237 ¼磅. Menard weighed 134 ½磅, 而他的对手, Mamadjonov, measured half pound over the limit on his first try, but hit the 135 mark half an hour later. Nieves weighed 117 甚至, while Santiago weighed 117 ½磅. Eyubov weighed 142 ½, while Mayfiled measured at 142 ¾磅.


The event is presented by Salita Promotions and Greg Cohen Promotions.


Here’s what the principals had to say prior to the weigh-in:


贾雷尔米勒, Undefeated Heavyweight Prospect

“Mike Tyson was a freak of nature. Vitali Klitschko was a freak of nature. I’m also a freak of nature. I’m 6’ 4” and pushing 280. I’m a big guy, but I’m athletic. I can move. I can punch, and I was a kickboxer. I’m not your average heavyweight. I’m not trying to change the blueprint of how heavyweights should be. I’m just being myself and doing my job.


“They are like, ‘we’ve seen his body, we’ve seen his size. We’ll outwork him,’ but they are wrong. Never can judge a book by its cover. I’ll outwork him in the ring. I’m fast, I’m good and I can punch. He’s not going to see me coming.


“Don’t let my weight fool you. I’ve been doing cardio. I’m in really good shape and I’m ready to go the distance.


“Every fight, I have to know how to adjust. I feel like Fred has never been in with a guy like me. He’s been with [克里斯] Arreola的, who doesn’t move as much, and he also fought [多米尼克] BREAZEALE, who doesn’t have good footwork. I’m telling you, he’s never fought a big athletic body like me. He’s in for a surprise.


“I know my jab is going to be on his face. 对我来说, it’s not just about winning, it’s about performance. Every fight in my career from now on it’s about more than winning. Now I have to prove myself. I have to prove I’m worthy of a title shot.


“I wasn’t happy with my [一月. 22] win over Donovan Dennis. I knew I could’ve done better than a seventh-round TKO. That’s why I’m pushing myself on this fight. I want to win convincingly and I will.


“Anthony Joshua is a punk. Deontay怀尔德, don’t get me started. 现在, Tyson Fury can actually punch. 我给他说,. From all of them, Fury in my opinion is the better one. That’s why I want to fight him. I believe you should go for the hardest ones first. You take the biggest guy out first and then, you go for the easy ones. That’s how it’s supposed to be and that’s what I’d like to do. Take the hard ones out first. 愤怒, you are next.”


弗雷德猫, 重量级的前景

“I’ll be a little bit heavier than usual for this fight, but I’m feeling good. I’m feeling ready. I hope the judges see that. I have had some bad experiences with judges recently.


“I have had some big fights. I dealt with big guys and talkers, but that doesn’t concern me because in the ring it’s going to be just the two of us. That is when the real fight is going to happen.


“I did my job against Arreola, I did what I had to do against Dominic Breazeale. I got robbed.

I’ve never fought a heavyweight shorter than me. I’m usually the shorter one in the ring, but I know my game. I know what I’m doing.”


“I’ve gotten robbed so many times. I was coming on hard against Hughie Fury. I didn’t do great in the first rounds, but I was leading in the late ones, and he was slowing down. The stoppage was a relief for him. He was running out of gas.


梅森梅纳尔, Lightweight Prospect

“After that last knockout, so many people were actually exhilarated about it. People that didn’t even know me, they’d come up and say, ‘Are you Mason? 男人, I saw that KO [and show me the video]. I’ve watched it a thousand times.’”



“He’s one of those guys that no one wants to fight. I took this fight as soon as it was offered because it’s another step up for me. I have to beat guys like this to get to the A-class of fighters. He’s not a bad fighter but he’s not A-class. I simply have to beat guys like this.


“Hand speed and foot speed, those are my difference makers.”


On his growth beyond the La., circuit now, 后 35 打架:

“I am glad to be getting the national exposure now. We had some step up fights in Louisiana at first. 现在, we are right where we need to be. It’s all happening now.”


Bahodir Mamadjonov Lightweight Prospect

“Menard fought many of the same fighters that we have. Many guys in the same class as we did. 所以, we are not impressed with his record or his knockouts. We prepared for seven or eight weeks. Although we only knew of this opponent for two-three weeks. At this level, this is no surprise. We are ready.


“We tried to fight him years ago. 他是 17-1 或 18-1 at the time and he didn’t want the fight. 现在, he’s out of options. I am by far the toughest test of his career.


“We are close to a world title now. A win here, our third appearance on SHOWTIME, and against a world-rated lightweight…. “I will bring the fight to Mason Menard. That is my style and it doesn’t change for this fight. He’s fighting to prove he’s legitimate. I am here to earn my title shot.”


安东尼奥·涅韦斯, 轻量级前景

“When they tell you are going to fight and then you hear your opponent got injured, you get a little bit down. 值得庆幸的是, Alejandro Santiago was ready to step up.


“We’ve noticed he’s successful when the fighter gets in his face, and I have the right strategy for that.


“From my last fight I took two weeks off, and then back in the gym. I didn’t even know the name of my opponent. I just wanted to be ready to go when the fight was set.


“I’m ranked fifth in the WBO, after Santiago I want to fight for the WBO bantamweight title and then, I will probably look for Rau’shee Warren to unify the titles. I think there’s not enough action in my division and I’m ready to change that.”


Alejandro Santiago, 轻量级前景

“I’ve known about this fight for two months. I was about 130 pounds when I found out. I’ve been training hard and I feel ready to move up in weight. I’m ready for my opponent.


“我喜欢盒. I like to get in my opponent’s face. I like to hit and not get hit. I’ve worked a lot on my defensive skills.


“I know Nieves is a tough fighter. He’s skilled. But I have a good strategy. I’ll approach him smartly, and I’ll get the decision.”


巴赫蒂亚尔Eyubov, Undefeated Welterweight Prospect

“We have been training in a large ring, specifically to prepare to cut the ring off. We are prepared to go 10 发, to go 15 发. We are not worried about going rounds.”


(Re: 只要 10 fights so far in career):

“I grew up in the gym, had a great amateur career. I expect to progress quickly just like the great amateurs before me. I am at the peak of my strength and I am ready. Karim has never been stopped, never been dropped. He’s a real test.


“I grew up in a rough environment, in the streets. I am not intimidated. If not for boxing, I would be in a very bad situation back home (哈萨克斯坦).”


(Re: 梅菲尔德)

“It will be a real fight. I hope he is ready 100 percent because we are. I am not a God, we can’t predict, but know this, it will be a good show. Let him do his job. I will do my job. And I will have him out of there within five rounds.”



卡里姆·梅菲尔德, 次中量级前景

“I’m a world class opponent. I’ve fought better fighters than him. He will be taking his first loss.


“For those that say it’s too late at 36, I tell them they are wrong. I’m not worn out. I haven’t been in one-sided wars or beatings. I’ve been taking care of myself. I’m experienced and I know my craft.


“I’m planning to show my opponent I know how to utilize the ring. I’ve only been down once. I know my opponent is a strong fighter and that he’s going to come strong, but he’s not going to take me down.


“I’m used to training late. I hit the gym at 7 或 8 点 at night. Our fight is late明天, but I’m used to it. At that time Eyubov is going to sleep. 所以, I’m going to do him a favor and I’ll put him to sleep.


“I feel that I still have the opportunity to thrive, to move forward in my boxing career. There’s still a lot of me left.”


# # #


大约 的ShoBox: 新一代
公司自成立以来日 2001, 广受好评的欣欣拳击系列, 的ShoBox: 新一代 有特色的年轻人才匹配强硬. 该 的ShoBox 理念是令人兴奋的转播, 万人空巷,并同时为愿意前景试验场正式比赛确定为世界冠军战斗. 一些的日益增长的列表的 67 谁曾出现在战士 的ShoBox 和先进的,以争取世界冠军,包括: 沃德, Deontay怀尔德, Erislandy拉拉, 肖恩·波特, 加里·拉塞尔小, 拉蒙特彼得森, 吉列尔莫·里贡多·奥尔蒂斯, 奥马尔·菲格罗亚, nonito Donaire主场, 德文亚历山大, 卡尔Froch, 罗伯特·格雷罗, 蒂莫西·布拉德利, 杰西·巴尔加斯, 胡安·曼努埃尔·洛佩斯, 乍得道森, 保利Malignaggi, 哈顿, 凯利帕夫利, 保罗·威廉斯多.


大约 Salita促销
的Salita促销始建于 2010 由德米特里Salita, 谁看到在北美和世界各地的促销实体功能拳击的最好的年轻前景的需要,并建立了竞争者一位职业拳击手和世界冠军挑战者. 观众收看全球电视网络,包括欣欣战士, ESPN, 斯派克电视, 环球体育网和味精都享有的Salita促销近年来战斗行动. 我们非常自豪,提供我们的战士内外环外的机会. 的Salita促销期待着继续增长,成为世界各地的斗争球迷的需求.


“I want to be heavyweight champion of the world. I want all the belts’’ – Jarrell “Big Baby” Miller

手表, Embed Or Share This Video:http://s.sho.com/2btfSWL

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贾雷尔“大宝贝”米勒 is brash, outspoken and powerful. In the last year alone, he’s called out the entire heavyweight division, most notably world champions Deontay怀尔德Anthony Joshua. It’s Miller Time, “Big Baby” believes. Bring on anybody!

不败者, world-ranked Miller, 布鲁克林, 纽约州, 是 17-0-1 同 15 击倒. The 28-year-old meets veteran 弗雷德猫 (18-5-1, 10 科斯), 新奥尔良, 在 周五 10-round main event of a 的ShoBox: The New Generation quadrupleheader生活 开演时间® (10 P.M. AND/PT) 从 Rhinos Stadium in Rochester, 纽约州.

“Every time I get into the ring I’m looking for knockouts,’’ says Miller, who has scored six consecutive stoppages in a row. “I want to be heavyweight champion of the world. 我希望所有的安全带.

“I can box. I can slug. I bring the pain … and I’ve got a big damn mouth
and I’m not afraid to use it.”

# # #

的ShoBox 共同特征, Louisiana lightweight “Rock Hard Mighty” Mason Menard (31-1, 23 科斯) 面孔 Bahodir “Baha” Mamadjonov(18-2, 11 科斯) 休斯顿, Texas by way of Uzbekistan in a 10-rounder for the WBO NABO Lightweight Title.


In two more scheduled 10-round bouts, 不败 安东尼奥·涅韦斯 (16-0-1, 8 科斯) 克利夫兰, 俄亥俄, defends his WBO NABO 118-pound crown against Mexico’s Alejandro Santiago (11-2-1, 3 科斯), 和, 在电视转播揭幕战中,undefeated welterweight knockout artist 巴赫蒂亚尔Eyubov (10-0, 10 科斯) 布鲁克林, 纽约州. by way of Kazakhstan, 符合老将 卡里姆·梅菲尔德 (19-3-1, 11 科斯), 旧金山, 加利福尼亚州.


Tickets for the event presented by Salita Promotions and Greg Cohen Promotions are available at http://www.rhinossoccer.com/HTTP://www.etix.com


巴里·汤普金斯 将调用 的ShoBox 从马戏团的行动 史蒂夫Farhood 和前世界冠军 劳尔·马尔克斯 will serve as expert analysts. 执行制片人 戈登·霍尔 丰富的高根 生产和 里克·菲利普斯 导演.


Welterweights Collide In Opening Bout on ShoBox: 新一代;
Undefeated heavyweight Jarrell Miller Meets Fred Kassi in Main Event
住在 10 P.M. AND/PT在Showtime®
纽约 (八月. 11, 2016) – If the team behind 巴赫蒂亚尔Eyubov think his next fight will be another easy showcase for their unbeaten welterweight, 他的对手, 卡里姆·梅菲尔德 has a message.
He’s a very strong guy, but I’m more experienced than he is for sure,” 梅菲尔德说. “He comes out looking for the first-round knockout by swinging with everything he’s got and he’s going to find it doesn’t work on me.
梅菲尔德 (19-3-1, 11 科斯), 旧金山, 将取代哈萨克斯坦的埃尤波夫 (10-0, 10 科斯) in the 10-round opening fight on 的ShoBox: 新一代® 星期五, 八月. 19, 住在 开演时间® (10 P.M. AND/PT, 延迟在西海岸) from Rhinos Stadium in Rochester, 纽约州.
在10轮的主要事件, power-punching 贾雷尔 “大宝贝” 磨坊主 (17-0-1, 15 科斯) will take on smooth veteran 弗雷德猫 (18-5-1, 10 科斯) for the NABO Heavyweight Title. In the 10-round co-featured bout, 顶级的前景 石匠 梅纳尔 (31-1, 23 科斯) will face tough 巴哈mamadjonov (19-2, 11 科斯) in a 10-round battle for the NABO Lightweight Title. Also featured is WBO NABO Bantamweight Champion 安东尼奥·涅韦斯(16-0-1, 8 科斯) 克利夫兰, 俄亥俄, 卫冕他对冠军 亚历杭德罗· “Peque 圣地亚哥 (11-2-1, 3 科斯), 蒂华纳, 下加利福尼亚州, 墨西哥.
门票活动, presented by Salita Promotions and Greg Cohen Promotions, 可在 www.rhinossoccer.com/HTTP://www.etix.com.
梅菲尔德, who has held and defended the NABO Super Lightweight Championship, beatenuncrowned” 世界冠军 毛里西奥·埃雷拉 一致决定, as well as former world champion 史蒂夫福布斯 and taken the “0” of then red-hot prospect Raymond Serrano, correctly points out Eyubov’s lack of experience. Eyubov has only boxed a total of 16 rounds as a professional over four and a half years. Take his victory over Jarred Robinson off the list and the combined record of his other nine opponents is 20-87-10 and they have been knocked out 48 时.
He doesn’t show too much footwork either, so he’s going to have trouble,” Mayfield said. “I expect to bring it to him and for him to not be able to last the whole 10 rounds with me.
Mayfield’s promoter, 格雷格·科恩 of Greg Cohen Promotions, says another KO by Eyubov is far from a foregone conclusion.
There is no doubt that Eyubov is very strong and a tremendous puncher, but his lack of experience and quality of opposition leaves glaring question marks that will definitely be answered when he fights Karim,” 科恩说:. “Mayfield has fought at the highest level of the sport. Just take a snapshot of his last four opponents and their combined record of 73-14 同 44 KO’s.
Cohen says that if Eyubov can steamroll his fighter like he has his previous ones, he’ll be the first to congratulate him.
This is the classic matchup of a young stud vs. the established veteran. If Eyubov can knock out Karim like he has the opposition he has faced to date, I will be the first to take my hat off to him and would instantly consider him one of the top new contenders to burst onto the scene. On the flipside, if Karim beats Eyubov, this win should catapult him back to the top of the contender list and would immediately make him eligible for a world title bout or title eliminator. Truly a crossroads fight for both guys and one in which I really like Karim’s chances.
I’m training hard and getting prepared and sparring guys who come forward,” Mayfield said. “You haven’t seen a 100 percent Karim Mayfield. I’ve shown glimpses of it, but the past three fights, my training hasn’t been on point. I was training like a boxer. I’m not the boxer type. I bring it to you and I’m back to my original style. That wasn’t a good look for me. I was burning more energy moving around. I’m excited about this opportunity. 在这场胜利之后, I’ll be back in the top-tier fights. I’m excited I have a great opportunity and proper time to get prepared. I’m working hard and getting ready and I look forward to a sensational victory.
巴里·汤普金斯 将调用 的ShoBox 从马戏团的行动 史蒂夫Farhood和前世界冠军 劳尔·马尔克斯 作为专业分析师. 执行制片人 戈登·霍尔 理查德·高根 生产和 里克·菲利普斯 导演.



Undefeated Heavyweight Jarrell Miller Meets Fred Kassi In Main Event, Antonio Nieves Faces New Opponent Alejandro Santiago,

Bakhtiyar Eyubov vs. Karim Mayfield In Telecast Opener

星期五, 八月. 19, 住在Showtime® 在 10 P.M. ET / PT

From Rhinos Stadium in Rochester, 纽约州.

纽约 (八月. 9, 2016) – Top lightweight prospect 梅森梅纳尔 will face tough 巴哈mamadjonov in a 10-round battle in the new co-feature of 的ShoBox: 新一代星期五, 八月. 19 住在 开演时间 (10 P.M. AND/PT, 延迟在西海岸) from the outdoor soccer venue Rhinos Stadium in Rochester, 纽约州.

梅纳尔 (31-1, 23 科斯) is coming off a Knockout of the Year contender in his last appearance on 的ShoBox四月 15 (视频: HTTP://s.sho.com/1NtEYjW).

不败的重量级 贾雷尔“大宝贝”米勒 (17-0-1, 15 科斯), a consensus Top 15 重量级, will take on the experienced 弗雷德猫 (18-5-1, 10 科斯), 新奥尔良, 该. 在10轮的主要事件.

更多, undefeated welterweight knockout artist 巴赫蒂亚尔Eyubov (10-0, 10 科斯), 布鲁克林, 纽约州. by way of Kazakhstan, steps up when he faces veteran 卡里姆·梅菲尔德 (19-3-1, 11 科斯), 旧金山, 加利福尼亚州. 在10轮的战斗. 在转播揭幕战, 不败 安东尼奥·涅韦斯 克利夫兰, Ohio will square off against new opponent, 墨西哥 Alejandro Santiago in a 10-round bantamweight bout for Nieves’ WBO NABO Title.

Nieves was initially set to fight world-ranked 尼古拉·波塔波夫 (14-0-1, 6 科斯), of Potolsk, 俄罗斯, but he withdrew with an injury.

Tickets for the event presented by Salita Promotions and Greg Cohen Promotions are available at HTTP://www.rhinossoccer.与/HTTP://www.etix.com

“These are the fights I need to get to the top,” Menard said. “My opponent, 巴哈mamadjonov, 没有侧推. He has been in with some quality guys and I have to be able to beat guys like him to get to the top ones. I’m looking forward to getting the job done on 8月19日. It’s blessing to be able to fight on SHOWTIME and this time is for the WBO NABO title,” Menard said.”

“I’m excited I’m fighting on 的ShoBox 再次. It’s a great opportunity” Mamadjonov said. “Menard is no joke. He’s a credible opponent.

“I’m not going to rush on this fight. I’m not going to lie, I’m always looking for the knockout, but if it goes the distance I’d be ready.”

“I’m war-ready,” Nieves said. “I’m excited to finally showcase my skills on the big stage and let the boxing world know that I have graduated to contender. I feel many don’t see that I’m one of the best 118-pounders out there.

“I’m confident I have what it takes to win, and I’m a better boxer. 我 100 percent ready for whatever type of fight my Santiago brings. I will box my way to my big shots.

“打这以后, I’ll probably look for a path to a world title shot. I want to bring a title home, just like the Cleveland Cavaliers brought the NBA Championship home,”

I know I’m a replacement opponent, but I’m always ready,” Santiago said. “I’m always in training camp. I don’t take any breaks from the gym after I fight. I’m a true Mexican warrior. Always ready.

“I am looking to follow the heritage of great Mexican fighters from Tijuana and bring this win and title back home. I am coming to win. Get ready for war.“

Menard vs. Mamadjonov

The co-main event features promising Louisiana lightweight “Rock Hard Mighty” Mason Menard facing his toughest test to date in Bahodir “Baha” Mamadjonov of Houston, Texas by way of Uzbekistan for the WBO NABO Lightweight Title. Both fighters are making their second appearance on的ShoBox: 新一代.

梅纳尔, an eight-year pro at the age of 27, is fighting outside of his native Louisiana for only the second time. He’s is ranked among the Top 15 fighters at 135 pounds in the WBA and WBO. In the most noteworthy victory of his career, he made his 的ShoBox debut at Turning Stone Casino & Resort last 四月 15 delivering an impressive Knockout of the Year candidate over previously undefeated Dominican Eudy贝尔纳 with a vicious one-punch knockout. 视频: http://s.sho.com/1NtEYjW

Menard floored Bernardo for the first time in his career with a series of rights near the end of the second round. Bernardo beat the count and finished the round, 但他无法回答梅纳德的力量. With less than one minute left in third, 梅纳尔右脚巨大, knocking Bernardo out before he even hit the canvas.

Mamadjonov (19-2, 11 科斯), has been matched against very tough opposition throughout his career. His only blemishes were to opponents with a combined record of 46-0 (38 科斯) – 哥伦比亚 Darleys佩雷斯 in Aug., 2012 and Ghana’s 理查德·康梅 in April of last year. Perez went on to become interim WBA Lightweight World Champion and recently lost a rematch against world champion 安东尼克罗拉. Commey is set to fight 罗伯特·JR复活节. for the vacant IBF World Lightweight Title on 七. 9.

This is Mamadjonov’s third start since losing to Commey and his second的ShoBox 出现. 在他的 的ShoBox 出道四月, 2013 在拉斯维加斯, 内华达州。, Mamadjonov scored an upset ninth-round stoppage (:51) against previously unbeaten Cuban prospect Angelo Santana. 视频:HTTP://s.sho.com/2aPfkwp

Nieves vs. 圣地亚哥

Also featured in the Aug. 19 quadrupleheader are WBO NABO Bantamweight Champion Antonio Nieves and his new foe, Alejandro “Peque” Santiago

Nieves, (16-0-1, 8 科斯), a prospect at 118 英镑, has stayed active with five fights in 2014, five in 2015, and is fighting for the third time this year. The 29-year-old is coming off his first 10-round performance, a unanimous decision over then once-beaten 奥斯卡Mojica六月 18 华盛顿, 霸. A win against Santiago will put Nieves a step closer to his goal of challenging fellow Ohio-native WBA Super Bantamweight Champion Rau'shee沃伦.

圣地亚哥, (11-2-1, 3 科斯), 蒂华纳, 下加利福尼亚州, 墨西哥, is a three-year pro who seldom breaks training camp between fights. He has won three fights in a row since his last loss in November 2014 to fellow Mexican Hector Flores. 在他的最后一战 二月. 27, Santiago won an eight-round unanimous decision over Mario Lara. This will be his United States debut and the first time he’s fought north of 116 英镑.

巴里·汤普金斯 将调用 的ShoBox 从马戏团的行动 史蒂夫Farhood和前世界冠军 Raul Marquez serving as expert analysts. 执行制片人 戈登·霍尔 丰富的高根 生产和 里克·菲利普斯 导演.


Catch The Replay This 星期一, 七月 25 在 10 P.M. AND/PT在SHOWTIME EXTREME®


点击 这里 要下载图片; 信用罗西Cohe / SHOWTIME


马山, 康涅狄格州. (七月 23, 2016) – With a potential title shot on the line, Adam Lopez and Roman Reynoso fought to a 10-round draw in the main event of the 15-year anniversary telecast of 的ShoBox: 新一代 星期五 在Showtime® from Foxwoods Resort Casino.


In attendance ringside before the fight, newly crowned IBF Junior Featherweight World Champion Jonathan Guzman (22-0, 22 科斯) announced that he’d like fight the winner of Lopez-Reynoso, raising the stakes for this matchup of 122-pound prospects. While the fight was close and entertaining, 分析师史蒂夫Farhood, who has called all 219的ShoBox telecasts, didn’t believe either fighter did enough to earn an immediate title shot against Guzman.


The fight looked like a toss-up heading into the 10 – with Lopez leading by just one connect after nine rounds – and the Ronnie Shields pupil came up with a huge final round rally. The undefeated prospect hurt Reynoso (18-1-2, 7 科斯) in the final seconds with a flurry of shots, forcing the Argentine spit out his mouthpiece to buy himself nearly 30 seconds of rest. Seemingly out on his feet, Reynoso somehow survived the onslaught without falling to the canvas before the final bell. 洛佩兹 (15-0-1, 7 科斯) out-landed Reynoso 34-21 整体和 34-20 in power shots in the final round, but it wasn’t enough to earn him the victory.


Judge Don Ackerman saw Lopez a 96-94 优胜者, while Bill Morande had it 97-93 雷诺索, and Peter Hary cast the deciding ballot at 95-95. All three judges scored the last round 10-9 对于洛佩兹. Had Reynoso fell to the canvas in the final seconds, 该 10-8 round would have given Lopez the win.


“这是一场艰苦的战斗. He didn’t want to engage,“洛佩兹说, who out-landed Reynoso 158-144 整体和 131-125 in power shots. “He’s slick and experienced and a good fighter. I feel that this was my best performance on 的ShoBox. I have been working on new things with Ronnie Shields and it showed in there. I know I hurt him in the last round.


“The decision was bullshit. He could not hit me.”


“这是一场近距离的战斗, but I feel I won,” Reynoso said. “He never hurt me. The only thing that surprised me is that he was more aggressive than in other fights. I hurt my hand from hitting him.”


Late replacement Jerry Odom knocked out previously once-beaten Julius Jackson with a vicious third round knockout (1:57) 在 的ShoBox共同特征.


杰克逊 (19-2, 15 科斯), the son of former two-division world champion Julian “The Hawk” Jackson, was outworking Odom through two rounds, who took the fight 10-days notice after Ronaldo Ellis suffered a hand injury. That was until Washington, D.C.’s Odom (14-2-1, 13 科斯) clocked Jackson with a flush right counter shot with one minute left in the third, spelling the end for Jackson, who couldn’t beat the count and suffered his second consecutive knockout loss.


“I saw the right hand. I was throwing combinations and I saw the opening and landed a good shot,“奥多姆说. “As opposed to the last couple fights, I am in a great place physically, 心理和精神上. I have a great team around me. We are unbreakable.”


“He threw the punch at the right time and caught me,”杰克逊说. “I was OK, but the referee stopped the fight. I felt up until that point, I was boxing well and winning every round.”


Rolando Chinea won a close, eight-round split decision victory over O’Shaquie Foster (10-2, 7 科斯) in a matchup of lightweights, 进球 79-73 (Chinea), 77-75 (培育) 和 78-74 (Chinea).


Chinea (13-1-1, 6 科斯) was the aggressor, dictating the tempo of the fight from the outset. And while most rounds were extremely close – closer than the relatively wide scorecards – Chinea’s activity was the difference. Chinea threw 733 总拳, 相比 641 for Foster, and he edged Foster by nearly 150 权力拳 (592-449).


“He is a hell of a fighter and it was fun to fight him,” said Chinea, who was largely able to minimize the jab, Foster’s best weapon. “Like I said before the fight, he could not take pressure. I brought the pressure. I blocked and slipped a lot of his punches. My will and desire to win outweighed his will to punch.


“He did not take my pressure well. I worked my shots well inside and that was a difference in the fight.”


培育, who’s record fell to 10-2 同 7 科斯, complained that he “had distractions and couldn’t focus.”


在转播的开幕回合, Ian Green handed previously undefeated super welterweight prospect Khiary Gray the first loss of his career with a stunning second round TKO (2:50).


With former world champion and fellow Paterson, 新泽西州, Kendall Holt in his corner, 绿色 (10-1, 8 科斯) came from behind to floor Gray with a big right cross to the chin that sent him tumbling face-forward into the canvas. Gray, a local favorite from nearby Worchester, 质量。, tried to hold on with just 30 留在圆形秒, but he couldn’t make it to the break and was falling backward into the ropes when the referee halted the contest.


“I got him good, and I got him out of there,” said Green, who out-landed Gray 14-0 in the final minute. “He got me good one time, but I kept my left hand up and hung in there. We’re going all the way up. This is just the start.”


Gray (13-1, 10 科斯), who was seemingly in control of the fight and rocking Green with ease, 成为 151ST fighter to suffer his initial defeat on the prospect developmental series.


He just caught me,” Gray said. “I don’t even know what punch it was. I didn’t even see it. I tried to hold on and waste some time, but I got caught again. I just need to get back to the gym and fix my mistakes. I’ll bounce back.


周五 四场比赛电视转播将重播 这个星期一10 P.M. AND/PT在Showtime EXTREME.


巴里·汤普金斯 的ShoBox 从马戏团的行动 史蒂夫Farhood 和前世界冠军 劳尔·马尔克斯 作为专业分析师. 执行制片人 戈登·霍尔 丰富的高根生产和 里克·菲利普斯 导演.


The event was promoted by GH3 Promotions in association with Classic Entertainment & Sports Inc. (CES) and Sampson Boxing.