فئة المحفوظات: رئيس الوزراء الملاكمة أبطال أوروبا

GERVONTA DAVIS و BADOU JACK يناقش ديسمبر المقبل 28 ماتشوبس – ديفيس يواجه يوريوركيس جامبوا لبطولة العالم للوزن الخفيف WBA بينما يتحدى جاك WBA خفيفة الوزن الثقيل Titlist جان باسكال يعيش على SHOWTIME® من State Farm Arena في أتلانتا

ماذا: Gervonta ديفيس و بادو جاك التقى أعضاء من وسائل الإعلام يوم السبت الماضي في لاس فيغاس لمناقشة المباريات القادمة التي ستجرى يوم السبت, ديسمبر 28 مباشر على SHOWTIME في State Farm Arena الحائزة على جوائز في أتلانتا في حدث خاص في نهاية العام Premier Boxing Champions.

سيواجه ديفيز بطل وزن الريشة الفائق مرتين بطل العالم الموحد السابق يوريوركيس جامبوا في بطولة العالم للوزن الخفيف WBA حيث يتطلع ديفيس البالغ من العمر 24 عامًا للتغلب على دوري آخر. في الحدث الرئيسي المشترك لعطلة خاصة لملاكمة بطولة شوتايم® بث, سيتحدى جاك بطل دوري الدرجة الثانية السابق ، بطل العالم للوزن الثقيل الخفيف WBA جان باسكال.

تذاكر لهذا الحدث, والتي يتم الترويج لها من خلال عروض Mayweather الترويجية, الترقيات GTD والترقيات TGB, متوفرة من خلال Ticketmaster.com.

كما شارك في مأدبة غداء يوم السبت في وولفغانغ باك في إم جي إم جراند ليونارد إليربي, الرئيس التنفيذي لشركة الترقيات مايويذر, وستيفن اسبينوزا, رئيس, الرياضة & البرمجة الحدث, شوتايم شبكات المؤتمر الوطني العراقي.

هذا ما قاله المقاتلون والمسؤولون التنفيذيون:

خواطر عن جامبوا والارتقاء في الوزن:
“نحن نعلم أن جامبوا من المحاربين القدامى وأنه خاض الكثير من الحروب, لذلك نحن نعلم أن لدينا معركة صعبة. إنه خطير بالتأكيد. يمكنه أن يضرب. وقال انه يمكن محاربة.

“معركته الأخيرة التي قام بها 134, لذلك نعرف أنه يمكن أن يصبح أكبر مني بهذا الوزن. سأخوض في هذا مع العلم أنه مقاتل أكبر مني. سأقوم فقط بجلب قوتي والاستفادة من فئة الوزن تلك وأصبح بطل العالم.

“أعتقد أنني أحد أفضل المقاتلين في العالم, لكني لا أقارن نفسي بالمقاتلين الآخرين. أنا فقط أخرج وأنجز المهمة.

“أتلانتا هي بيتي الثاني. أنا واثق من أنني سأبيعها.”

على قدرته وتفرده كمقاتل:
“لقد جئت من قماش مختلف عن هؤلاء الرجال الآخرين. لقد مررت بكل شيء في حياتي. الكثير من الناس لم يختبروا ما لدي. إذا تعرضت للهزيمة في أي وقت ، يجب أن يكون ذلك من قبل شخص مر بما مررت به. لا يمكن أن يكون أي شخص يتدرب طوال حياته.

“في كل مرة أخطو فيها إلى الحلبة ، أرغب في ترك كل شيء هناك. لم ير الكثير من الناس مهاراتي الكاملة لأنني لم أقاتل خصمًا أخرجهم.”

عن إمكاناته في الرياضة:
“لم ير عالم الملاكمة إمكاناتي الحقيقية كمقاتل, لقد رأوا للتو قوتي. أنا من الملاكم حيث لا تنتمي معي, لن تكون هناك لفترة طويلة. يحب بعض المقاتلين أن يأخذوا وقتهم. أنا من النوع, إذا كنت أعلم أنك لست في مستواي, سأريها. سيرى العالم. سأقاتل أي شخص.”

JACK بادو:
في مباراته القادمة ضد باسكال:
“انا متحمس لهذه المعركة. اتصلت بالفعل باسكال قبل يوم من معركته الأخيرة وأخبرته أنني أتأصل له. ولكن هذا عمل في نهاية اليوم. أنا قادم لاستعادة لقبي.”

حول ما يشعر به في هذا العمر:
“أشعر وكأنني شاب 36 سنة. أعيش حياة نظيفة. أنا دائمًا أتدرب في صالة الألعاب الرياضية وأحاول ألا أعاقب. بقي لدي بضع سنوات وأنا متحمس الآن أكثر من أي وقت مضى. كنت بحاجة إلى تلك الراحة الصغيرة. لم أحصل على استراحة منذ أن كنت هاوًا قبل عشرين عامًا. لقد قضيت وقتًا في الاسترخاء مع العائلة وتناول طعامًا جيدًا. الان انا جائع.”

عن أدائه الأخير ضد ماركوس براون:
“كل من رآني في معركتي الأخيرة يمكن أن يرى أنني كنت مسطحًا. بدأت غريزتي القتالية في تلك المرحلة. كان يقاتل رجلاً ميتًا.”

في مباراة ديفيس. مباراة جامبوا:
“انها معركة كبيرة. جامبوا أكبر بقليل, لكنه بدا جيدًا في قتاله الأخير. أنا كبير, مروحة كبيرة من تانك – الطريقة التي يحارب بها, سرعته, الألعاب الرياضية له, كل شىء. لديه قوة النجوم. كان على بطاقتي السفلية, الآن أنا في بلده. سيحقق أشياء رائعة لهذه الرياضة وطالما بقي مركزًا, سيكون نجما. إنه بالفعل نجم.”

ليونارد ELLERBE:
في ديفيس’ المركز والتقدم في الرياضة:
“سوف نظهر للجميع كيف سيصبح أكبر نجم في هذه الرياضة. في 2020 سنقوم بتفجير هذا من الماء. لقد تمكنا من التفكير خارج الصندوق. هذه هي الطريقة التي تنمي بها الرياضة. لقد بذلنا جهودًا متضافرة لنقله إلى التيار الرئيسي; العمل مع بالتيمور رافينز, موكبه, الآن أتلانتا.

“خطتنا هي إجراء أكبر وأفضل المعارك هناك. سنستدعي الأمر وسيكون ذلك وفقًا لشروطنا, وسنعلم الجميع عندما يحدث ذلك. الكل يريد محاربة دبابة. هناك شيء واحد مشترك عندما تتحدث عنه 126, 130, 135, والآن 140. هناك اسم واحد مشترك بين المقاتلين وهو الدبابة. ستكون هذه رحلة رائعة ومن الأفضل أن تبدأها الآن.

“إذا استطاع تجاوز غامبوا في ديسمبر 28, ثم في 2020 سيذهب إلى عالم الدفع لكل مشاهدة. عندما يكون لديك هذا النوع من قوة النجوم وكنت تفكر خارج منطقة الجزاء, ليس فقط مشجعي الملاكمة, سنقوم بعمل أكبر المعارك في العالم.”

على بادو جاك:
“Badou حلم المروج. إنه رجل لا يمنحك أي مشاكل. إنه هناك يفعل أشياء رائعة له ولعائلته. إنه يفعل الكثير لمساعدة الكثير من الآخرين. إنه يستخدم منصته بالطريقة الصحيحة. يشرفني العمل مع مقاتل مثله.

“كنت أعلم دائمًا أنه كان موهوبًا رائعًا وأحيانًا يمكنك العثور على الماس في الخام. الجميع ينظرون دائمًا إلى اللاعبين الذين يخرجون من الأولمبياد. رأيناه في صالة الألعاب الرياضية وقد أفسد الرجل حقًا. كنا نراقبه وتوصلنا إلى اتفاق مع لو [DiBella] والباقي هو التاريخ.

“كان لدينا نكسة واحدة, ولكن كل شيء يحدث لسبب ما, وانطلق للتو منذ ذلك الحين. إنه مقاتل رائع وأنا أحب حقيقة أنه مستعد دائمًا لمحاربة الأفضل. لم يضطر أبدًا للتخمين أنه مستعد لمحاربة الجميع.”

ستيفن اسبينوزا:
“هناك مزايا وعيوب للترويج لعرض ما في هذا التاريخ. كان هناك الكثير من النجاح في الترويج للعروض الموسيقية في عطلة نهاية الأسبوع تلك. إنه ليس تفاحًا إلى تفاح, ولكن هذا أحد العوامل التي ظهرت وهناك طريقة لتحويل هذا إلى شيء مميز وفريد ​​بسبب قاعدة المعجبين بـ Gervonta.

“إنه لأمر رائع أن يكون لدينا ملاكمون ماهرون ولكننا بحاجة, من أجل صحة الرياضة, الرجال مثل Gervonta الذين يضعون بأعقاب في المقاعد. هذا هو المفتاح لإحضاره إلى أتلانتا. الملاكمة جزء من ثقافة تعبر إلى الموسيقى والرياضة. لا يوجد رياضي لا يشاهد مباراة ملاكمة للدفع مقابل المشاهدة. إن الاستفادة من ذلك بشخصية مثل تانك سيؤدي فقط إلى توسيع هذه الرياضة.

“هناك أصالة وانفتاح حول Gervonta. هناك الكثير من الناس الذين لديهم نكسات لا يتحدثون عنها, مثل دبابة. إن الحديث عن هذا الأمر ينطوي على مخاطرة ، ولهذا السبب يمكن للعديد من الأشخاص التواصل. هذا دبابة. ما تراه هو ما تحصل عليه. إنه حقيقي للغاية. إنه حقيقي للغاية وأعتقد أن هذا هو السبب في أن الناس يتواصلون معه باعتباره الشخص الذي يعارضه المقاتل.”

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لمزيد من المعلومات، يرجى زيارة www.SHO.com/sports, www.PremierBoxingChampions.com, اتبع على التغريدShowtimeBoxing, PremierBoxing, MayweatherPromo, TGBPromotions وSwanson_Comm أو تصبح مروحة في الفيسبوك في www.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing

Highly Anticipated WBC Super Welterweight Title Rematch Between Tony Harrison & Jermell Charlo Headlines Live in Primetime on FOX PBC Fight Night & On FOX Deportes Saturday, ديسمبر 21 from Toyota Arena in Ontario, كاليفورنيا – 8 عصرا. ET / 5 عصرا. PT

أونتاريو, كاليفورنيا. (تشرين الثاني 5, 2019) – The highly anticipated WBC Super Welterweight Title rematch between توني “Superbad” هاريسون و Jermell “الرجل الحديدي” تشارلو will headline live in primetime in FOX PBC Fight Night Action and on FOX Deportes Saturday, ديسمبر 21 from Toyota Arena in Ontario, كاليفورنيا.

هاريسون مقابل. Charlo II is a high-voltage rematch that has been building ever since the end of the first matchup. The two were set to meet in June, but the rematch was postponed when Harrison suffered torn ligaments after spraining his ankle in training.

Now that he is fully healed, Harrison is ready to solidify his hold on the title while Charlo is ready to take back what he believes belongs to him. The rematch comes just one day short of a full year from the first time the two stepped into ring against each other on FOX.

After a dramatic and razor thin first fight, Tony Harrison and Jermell Charlo are sure to be at their best on December 21 when they settle their rivalry in a can’t miss rematch,” وقال توم براون, رئيس الترقيات TGB. “This is the kind of high stakes 50-50 fight that belongs in primetime on FOX and I know that the Southern California boxing fans watching in Ontario will love everything that these two champions bring to the ring.

تذاكر لهذا الحدث, التي يتم الترويج لها من خلال Lions Only Promotions و TGB Promotions, are on sale now and can be purchased at Ticketmaster.com.

In the first meeting, Harrison deployed a tactical defensive strategy that blunted much of the force of Charlo’s high-powered offense. The intrigue of the rematch is whether Harrison will be able to use a similar strategy to remain champion or will Charlo be able to impose his will on Harrison and regain the title.

The 29-year-old Harrison (28-2, 21 كوس) entered the first match against Charlo having come up short in his previous world title attempt. He lost to Jarrett Hurd in a bid for the IBF title in 2017. هاريسون, a protégé of the late Emanuel Steward and a native of Detroit, bounced back with three strong performances, including a decision victory over former world champion Ishe Smith.

The delay just made me even hungrier heading into this fight,” سعيد هاريسون. “Watching Charlo the night we were supposed to go shine, and rejuvenate himself, it built up so much hunger in me. I’m tired of the talk and the noise. أنا مستعد للذهاب.

We’re looking to work smarter this time,” added Harrison. “I think everything I did before worked, but we want to make it even more decisive. The plan is to be more technically sound overall. You may see an early knockout. It’s tense between both parties. I’m pretty sure he wants to knock me out as much as I want to knock him out. Whoever has the best plan will win. But I’m by far the better athlete. Athlete for athlete it’s not even close. I’ll beat him in everything, تشغيل, كرة السلة, كرة القدم. My style is perfect for his style. He’s Shane Mosley to my Vernon Forrest. I’ll beat him every time I face him.

It was an emotional night for Charlo (32-1, 16 كوس) the first time he fought Harrison. He and his twin brother, Jermall, the WBC Middleweight World Champion, were defending their titles on a FOX PBC Fight Night doubleheader at Barclays Center in Brooklyn. Jermell and many ringside observers thought he had done enough to beat Harrison, but the judges saw it differently, handing Harrison a unanimous decision victory and setting up a hotly contested rematch.

A 29-year-old native of Houston, تكساس, تشارلو, won the title with a knockout victory over John Jackson in 2016. He went on to establish himself as one of the best young finishers in the sport with devastating stoppage victories over Charles Hatley and Erickson Lubin in defense of the title. He scored a majority decision over former world champion Austin Trout before taking on Harrison and most recently scored a knockout victory over Jorge Cota on FOX in June.

I still feel strongly that I won that first fight and I’m going to do things in a more dominant fashion this time,” سعيد تشارلو. “I’m coming in to this fight being the overpowering, قوي, ferocious Jermell Charlo. Tony Harrison is not on my level. It’s my job on December 21 to prove that and to prove my worth. I’m coming in there mentally focused. When I fought Jorge Cota, that’s a prelim of what’s to be expected from me in the future.

I want to look for the knockout and set it up,” continued Charlo. “I don’t want it to go the judges. That’s my worst nightmare. If it does go 12 جولات, he’s going to be very injured at the end. The loss taught me how to be more patient and to take things step-by-step. I’m going to show everyone why Jermell Charlo is a threat to the whole 154-pound division. I personally feel I’m the best in the division. I’m an upgraded Jermell Charlo that you’ll see on December 21.

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يمكن للمشاهدين البث المباشر لعروض PBC على تطبيقات FOX Sports و FOX NOW أو على FOXSports.com. بالإضافة, جميع البرامج متوفرة على FOX Sports على قناة SiriusXM 83 على راديو الأقمار الصناعية وعلى التطبيق قناة SiriusXM.

لمزيد من المعلومات: زيارة www.premierboxingchampions.com, حزب التحرير
و www.foxdeportes.com, اتبع على التغريدPremierBoxing, PBConFOX, FOXSports, FOXDeportes, TGBPromotions, وSwanson_Comm أو أصبح معجبًا على Facebook على www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions, www.facebook.com/foxsports & www.facebook.com/foxdeportes.


روبرت جونيور عيد الفصح. Earns Decision Over Adrian Granados in Super Lightweight Debut & Rising Heavyweight Frank Sanchez Remains Unbeaten

انقر هنا لصور من أماندا ستكوت / SHOWTIME
(الصور ستضاف قريبا)

قراءة, السلطة الفلسطينية. – أكتوبر, 27, 2019 – Top super welterweight contender إريكسون لوبين continued his resurgence with a dominant 10-round unanimous decision victory over ناثانيل غاليمور Saturday night on SHOWTIME from Santander Arena in Reading, السلطة الفلسطينية.

لوبين (22-1, 16 كوس) won his fourth straight fight since a knockout loss to Jermell Charlo in a title challenge in 2017. The 24-year-old landed 42 percent of his power shots en route to the wide decision, وسجل 99-91 by all three judges.

The southpaw relied on a suburb left hook, attacking from a variety of angles against the durable Gallimore (21-4-1, 17 كوس) as he improved to 4-0 since beginning to train with southpaw specialist Kevin Cunningham.

I had a tremendous training camp thanks to Kevin Cunningham,” Lubin said. “At first we had Terrell Gausha but he fell out due to his injury. I appreciate Gallimore for stepping up to the plate. He gave me a tough fight and I appreciate it. We gave the fans what they wanted. I measured him. I just timed him and I was able to land my power shots.

Kevin is a real strict trainer and he’s a southpaw specialist. We’re just improving our game every camp. I definitely want Jermell Charlo again. My goal is to get revenge.

Cunningham was pleased with his pupil, who was pushed past the fifth round for the first time in more than three years.
He’s always been a hell of a fighter and I just wanted to fine tune and refine the skill set,” Cunningham said. “He can do everything that you can teach. He’s the total package. He’s got power, he’s got speed, he’s got footwork. He’s more than a brawler. He’s a skillful fighter with power.

He’s ready for all the top guys in the division. The guys with belts are what he wants.

Former lightweight world champion روبرت عيد الفصح, الابن. was victorious in his debut at super lightweight, winning a unanimous decision over أدريان غرانادوس in an all-action fight scored 97-93, 98-92, 100-90.

عيد الفصح (22-1-1 14 كوس), who lost his lightweight title in a unification with Mikey Garcia in 2018, was matched for his first fight a super lightweight against one of boxing’s most aggressive, come-forward fighters and the result did not disappoint. Granados charged forward from the opening bell, pressing on the inside against his rangy, 5-foot-11 opponent. In the first half of the fight, Easter pocketed rounds while fighting from a distance, leaning on his speed to win the first four rounds on all three judges’ بطاقات الأداء. But the fight seemed to change tides at the midway point, with Granados able to force the bout to be contested at close range. Rounds seven through 10 featured tremendous, back-and-forth exchanges and the more active Granados seemed to get the better of the exchanges.

The fighters combined to throw 1,815 combined total punches and 1,379 combined power punches across 12 جولات.

We knew he was going to be a hell of a warrior in there,” Easter said. “That’s what we train for. This was no ordinary opponent and we knew he was going to bring it. I wasn’t surprised because that’s what he does. You’ve seen him fight with the best of the best and he threw down. I knew he was going to throw punches in bunches.

This was a hell of a test for me at 140 and I felt strong. I’m not calling out anybody specifically, but you know there are champions in this weight class and I’m coming for all the belts. Line ’em up.

One of boxing’s most reliable action fighters, غرانادوس (20-8-2, 13 كوس) threw more punches and connected more and was once again frustrated with a decision that did not go his way.

“أنا عاجز عن الكلام. I felt like I won the fight,” Granados said. “That 100 إلى 90? Come on now.

I’m tired of the same old story. It was clear that I controlled the fight. He never had me hurt. That was embarrassing.

I can’t control the judging. It’s very frustrating. I have a dream to be a world champion and it just seems like it’s not cutting out for me. But I have the heart of a champion and I’m not giving up.

في المباراة الافتتاحية لبثت, undefeated Cuban heavyweight فرانك سانشيزpitched a shutout against جاك مولوي, winning a 10-round unanimous decision scored 100-90 by all three judges.

سانشيز (14-0, 11 كوس) was the more active fighter from the opening bell, targeting the body against the defensive-minded Mulowayi (7-2-1, 3 كوس). The 27-year-old Sanchez, who was taken the 10-round distance for the first time, threw over 250 more punches than his opponent.

My opponent didn’t really want to fight, he just wanted to fight dirty,” Sanchez said. “So all I could do was give him some lateral movement. It’s difficult when someone doesn’t want to engage. We wanted to touch him down, touch him up high. But once he got touched, the guy just tried to tie up.

There was no problem going 10 جولات. I’m in great shape and I’m ready to fight again as soon as possible. I showed my technical superiority tonight. All the heavyweights better watch out.

Two-time super featherweight world champion Gervonta “دبابة” Davis was interviewed during Saturday’s telecast as he continues to train for his lightweight debut December 28 on SHOWTIME from State Farm Arena in Atlanta. The explosive Davis, who will fight Yuriorkis Gamboa for the WBA Lightweight World Championship, continued to call out the top fighters when he spoke with host Brian Custer.

I’ve heard all these guys calling me out, I don’t want to sound cocky, but I am the cash cow at this weight class,” Davis said. “Me and Leo Santa Cruz are going to fight in 2020.

Saturday’s SHOWTIME BOXING: SPECIAL EDITION tripleheader will replay on Monday at 10 عصرا. ET / PT على شوتايم EXTREME.

قام فريق إنتاج رائد في الصناعة وأعلن الطاقم بتسليم جميع المعالم السياحية, sounds and drama from Santander Arena. استضاف المذيع المخضرم براين كاستر البث, versatile combat sports voice Mauro Ranallo called the action ringside alongside Hall of Fame analyst Al Bernstein and former two-division world champion Paulie Malignaggi. قام ثلاثة من Hall of Famers بتجميع فريق SHOWTIME التليفزيوني – إيمي® جائزة الفوز مراسل جيم رمادي, الهداف غير الرسمي في الصف الأول في الحلبة ستيف فارهود والمذيع العالمي الشهير جيمي لينون جونيور. The Executive Producer of SHOWTIME BOXING: SPECIAL EDITION was David Dinkins, الابن. وكان المخرج بوب دنفي.

كان البث التلفزيوني متاحًا باللغة الإسبانية عبر البرمجة الصوتية الثانوية (SAP) مع أليخاندرو لونا وبطل العالم السابق راؤول ماركيز يطلقان الحدث.

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لمزيد من المعلومات، يرجى زيارة www.SHO.com/sports, www.PremierBoxingChampions.com, اتبع على التغريدShowtimeBoxing, PremierBoxing, TGBPromotions, وSwanson_Comm أو أصبح معجبًا على Facebook على www.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing
و www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions. The event was promoted by TGB Promotions and King’s Promotions.

BRIAN CARLOS CASTAÑO TRAINING CAMP QUOTES & الصور – Undefeated Former Champion Castaño Takes on Gritty Contender Wale Omotoso in Super Welterweight Showdown Headlining FS1 PBC Fight Night & على FOX ديبورتيس السبت, تشرين الثاني 2 From MGM National Harbor In Maryland

انقر هنا for Photos from Micaela Sotelo

NORWALK, كما. (أكتوبر 21, 2019) – Undefeated former champion Brian Carlos Castaño will look to further cement his place in the 154-pound division when he battles exciting veteran contender الحبار أثر الضرب بالسياط “محظوظ بوي” أوموتوسو in a 10-round super welterweight showdown that headlines FS1 PBC Fight Night and on FOX Deportes Saturday, تشرين الثاني 2 from MGM National Harbor in Maryland.

تذاكر لهذا الحدث, التي يروج لها الترقيات TGB, are on sale now and can be purchased by visiting www.mgmnationalharbor.com/.

Castaño most recently fought in a standout back and forth title match against Erislandy Lara in March that ended in a split-draw. With a win on November 2, the unbeaten Argentine will put himself in position for either a rematch with Lara or one of the other standouts in the stacked division.

Here is what Castaño had to say from training camp at Legends Gym in Norwalk, California with his head trainer and father Carlos as he discussed his showdown against Omotoso, his most recent fight, future matchups and more:

What are you looking to show to the rest of this division in the fight against Omotoso?

As I do in every fight, I try to prove that I belong among the best in the division. I may no longer be a world champion, but I still feel I am a world champion because I didn’t lose in the ring. هكذا, I want to show against Omotoso and the world that I’m ready for everyone.

What do you know about Omotoso’s style and what kind of fight can fans expect?

He is a warrior that always comes straight forward to fight. He has proven many times that he can take punches and compete with anyone. Since I´m a warrior too, I think the fans are going to be in for an exciting war.

What did you think of the decision in the Lara fight? Did you believe you did enough to win the fight?

Even though I know it was a competitive fight, I know I did enough to get the win. I respect Lara as a great champion, but you cannot win fights of that level by only backpedaling all the time. I applied the pressure and connected with great punches, so I saw myself as the winner.

Is the rematch with Lara the fight you want with a win on November 2?

I thought I was going to have the rematch with Lara already but he probably didn’t want it. أول الأشياء أولا, I have a tough challenge in front of me in Omotoso and I never underestimate anybody. I have to beat him in convincing fashion in order to earn another world title shot, either with Lara or any of the other top fighters in the division.

How does it feel to be sharing a card with another one of Argentina’s best fighters, يسوع كويلار (who fights Javier Fortuna in the co-main event)? Is there added inspiration because Argentina will be so represented on the telecast?

It’s always a great honor to represent Argentina in the U.S., which is the mecca of boxing. To share the card with a guy like Cuellar, whom I’ve known well since our times together on Argentina’s national team in the amateurs, will definitely be something meaningful. I know we’re both working hard to make our country proud on November 2.

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حول LARA VS. بنى
لارا مقابل. Castaño pits undefeated former champion Brian Carlos Castaño against exciting veteran contender الحبار أثر الضرب بالسياط “محظوظ بوي” أوموتوسو in a 10-round super welterweight showdown that headlines FS1 PBC Fight Night and on FOX Deportes Saturday, تشرين الثاني 2 from MGM National Harbor in Maryland.

ويبدأ العمل في 10:30 عصرا. و/ 7:30 عصرا. PT and features former world champions خافيير “El Abejón” ثروة و Jesús Andrés Cuellar colliding in a 10-round super featherweight showdown in the co-feature.

المشجعين يمكن أن يعيش تيار المعارك على التطبيق FOX الرياضة, available in English or Spanish through the FOX, FS1 or FOX Deportes feeds. The fights are available on desktop at FOXSports.com and through the app store, أو الأجهزة المتصلة بما في ذلك آبل, TV الروبوت, TV النار, اكس بوكس ​​واحد وروكو.

لمزيد من المعلومات: زيارة www.premierboxingchampions.com, حزب التحرير
و www.foxdeportes.com, اتبع على التغريدPremierBoxing, PBConFOX, FOXSports, FOXDeportes, @MGMNatlHarbor, TGBPromotions, وSwanson_Comm أو أصبح معجبًا على Facebook على www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions, www.facebook.com/foxsports و www.facebook.com/foxdeportes.

Unbeaten Cuban Heavyweight Frank Sanchez To Face Jack Mulowayi in Televised Opener of SHOWTIME BOXING: SPECIAL EDITION® this Saturday, أكتوبر 26 من سانتاندير أرينا في ريدينغ, السلطة الفلسطينية. – Nigerian Heavyweight Efe Ajagba Withdraws with Back Injury

Nigerian Heavyweight Efe Ajagba Withdraws with Back Injury

2016 Olympian Eimantas Stanionis & 17-Year-Old Sensation
فيتو Mielnicki, الابن, Lightweight Omar Douglas & وزن الوسط
Jose Miguel Borrego Highlight Jam-Packed Undercard Lineup in Separate Fights as Part of Premier Boxing Champions Event

قراءة, السلطة الفلسطينية. (أكتوبر 21, 2019) – Unbeaten Cuban slugger فرانك سانشيز ستواجه جاك مولوي in an eight-round heavyweight attraction to open SHOWTIME BOXING: SPECIAL EDITION this Saturday, أكتوبر 26 يعيشون على شوتايم® من سانتاندير أرينا في ريدينغ, السلطة الفلسطينية.

سانشيز (13-0, 11 كوس) steps in to replace الكرتون Ajagba, who withdrew from the fight against the once-beaten Mulowayi (7-1-1, 3 كوس). Ajagba injured his back in training last week.

The evening is headlined by top super welterweight contender إريكسون “مطرقة” لوبين أخذ على شديد اللهجة ناثانيل غاليمور in a 10-round showdown that headlines the Premier Boxing Champions event beginning at 9 عصرا. ET / 6 مساءا. PT. Former lightweight world champion روبرت عيد الفصح, الابن. will make his super lightweight debut against أدريان “تيغري” غرانادوس in a 10-round co-feature attraction.

Highlighting the action-packed non-televised portion of the card are fights featuring undefeated 2016 Lithuanian Olympian إيمانتاس ستانيونيس squaring off against Lancaster, Pennsylvania’s Evincii Dixon in a welterweight bout and 17-year-old welterweight prospect فيتو Mielnicki جونيور. facing Durham, North Carolina’s Marklin Bailey in a four-round attraction.

The action continues with bouts featuring Mexico’s صورة Jose Miguel Borrego (15-2, 13 كوس) taking on Colombia’s Likar Ramos (29-8, 22 كوس) in an eight-round welterweight bout and Wilmington, Delaware’s عمر دوغلاس (19-3, 13 كوس) facing Riverside, في ولاية كاليفورنيا Humberto Galindo (12-0-1, 9 كوس) إلى 10 rounds of lightweight action.

تذاكر لهذا الحدث, which is promoted by TGB Promotions and King’s Promotions, are on sale now and can be purchased through Ticketmaster.com or at the Santander box office (Monday-Friday, 10 صباحا. – 5 مساءا, Saturdays 10 صباحا. – 2 مساءا).

Also entering the ring is Colorado’s Ricky Lopez (20-4-1, 6 كوس) in a 10-round super featherweight contest against Texas-native Joe Perez (14-3-2, 10 كوس), باترسون, ولاية نيو جيرسي Norman Neely (3-0, 3 كوس) in a four-round heavyweight fight withD’Angelo Swaby (1-0, 1 KO) of the Bahamas, plus Miami’s Jessy Cruz (17-7-1, 7 كوس) يأخذ على والمكسيك ارنستو غيريرو (32-29, 22 كوس) in an eight-round super featherweight attraction, and Michigan-native Raeese العليم (14-0, 8 كوس) competes in an eight-round super bantamweight fight against Colombia’s Marlon Olea (14-5, 12 كوس).

Rounding out the action is undefeated Puerto Rican bantamweight prospect Jonathon Torres في معركة ستة جولة-, سوبر المتوسط ​​احتمال Darrion Lawson from Flint, Michigan in a four-round fight against Nicaragua’s Jaime Meza والمتوسط Zany Larry of Clearwater, Florida in a four-round bout against Kansas-native Antonio Hernandez.

شخصية هواة سابقة من وطنه كوبا, Sanchez now lives in Las Vegas and is unbeaten since turning pro in 2017. سجل اللاعب البالغ من العمر 27 عامًا بالضربة القاضية في أول ستة قتال احترافي, وحصل على تسعة انتصارات في 2018. Sanchez most recently scored a dominant stoppage of Puerto Rico’s Victor Bisbal in August.

Fighting out of Antwerpen, بلجيكا, by way of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Mulowayi will make his U.S. debut on October 26 in a pro career that dates back to 2015. The 32-year-old was unbeaten in his first seven pro fights before losing a narrow majority decision to Herve Bubeaux in a bout for the Belgium heavyweight title in May. He rebounded to defeat Artur Kubiak in July heading into his fight against Sanchez.

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Lubin vs. Gallimore pits top super welterweight contender إريكسون “مطرقة” لوبينagainst hard-hitting ناثانيل غاليمور in a 10-round showdown on Saturday, أكتوبر 26, live on SHOWTIME from Santander Arena in Reading, ولاية بنسيلفينيا, في حدث قدمه Premier Boxing Champions.

The three-fight SHOWTIME BOXING: SPECIAL EDITIONbegins live at 9 عصرا. ET / 6 مساءا. PT and features former lightweight world champion روبرت جونيور عيد الفصح. making his super lightweight debut against battle-tested veteran أدريان “تيغري” غرانادوسin the 10-round co-featured attraction, plus unbeaten heavyweight sensation فرانك سانشيز will enter the ring against once-beaten جاك مولوي في نوبة ثمانية الجولة.

لمزيد من المعلومات، يرجى زيارة www.SHO.com/sports, www.PremierBoxingChampions.com, اتبع على التغريدShowtimeBoxing, PremierBoxing, TGBPromotions, وSwanson_Comm أو أصبح معجبًا على Facebook على www.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing
و www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions.

Undefeated WBC Middleweight World Champion Jermall Charlo Defends Title Against Highly-Ranked Contender Dennis Hogan Saturday, ديسمبر 7 Live on SHOWTIME® in Premier Boxing Champions Event from Barclays Center in Brooklyn

تذاكر للبيع يوم الاثنين, أكتوبر 14 AT 10 صباحا. و!

(أكتوبر 11, 2019) – في السبت, ديسمبر 7, undefeated WBC Middleweight World Champion Jermall تشارلو will defend his title against highly-ranked contender دينيس هوجان يعيشون على شوتايم من مركز باركليز, منزل BROOKLYN الملاكمة ™, في حدث قدمه Premier Boxing Champions.

تذاكر لالحدث على الهواء مباشرة, التي يتم الترويج لها من خلال Lions Only Promotions و TGB Promotions, are on-sale Monday, أكتوبر 14 في 10 صباحا. ET and can be purchased at ticketmaster.comو barclayscenter.com.

يمكن أيضًا شراء التذاكر من American Express Box Office في Barclays Center, starting Tuesday, أكتوبر 15 في 12 عصرا. و. Group discounts are available by calling 844-BKLYN-GP.More information on the event will be announced in the coming days.

يستعد إريكسون لوبين ، صاحب أفضل وزن في الوزن الخفيف ، لمواجهة ناثانيال غاليمور صاحب الضربات القوية في الحدث الرئيسي لحدث أبطال الملاكمة الممتازين يوم السبت أكتوبر 26, بث مباشر على SHOWTIME® من سانتاندير أرينا في ريدينغ, السلطة الفلسطينية.

أكثر, Rising Heavyweight Sensation Efe Ajagba Added To The Televised Card Replacing Rau’shee Warren vs. ايمانويل رودريغيز

تيريل Gausha & Rau’shee Warren Withdraw Due to Injuries

قراءة, السلطة الفلسطينية. (أكتوبر 10, 2019) – Top super welterweight contender إريكسون “مطرقة” لوبين will now face hard-hitting ناثانيل غاليمور in a 10-round showdown on Saturday, أكتوبر 26, live on SHOWTIME from Santander Arena in Reading, ولاية بنسيلفينيا, في حدث قدمه Premier Boxing Champions.

The all-action Gallimore replaces تيريل Gausha, who was forced to withdraw from the main event bout due to an injury to his left hand during sparring that required surgery.

Unbeaten heavyweight sensation الكرتون Ajagba will enter the ring against once-beaten جاك مولوي in a 10-round bout that replaces the previously announced Rau’Shee Warren vs. Emmanuel Rodriguez fight. Warren had to withdraw from the contest due to a right hand injury suffered during sparring.

The three-fight SHOWTIME BOXING: SPECIAL EDITION begins live at 9 عصرا. ET / 6 مساءا. PT and also features former lightweight world champion روبرت جونيور عيد الفصح. making his super lightweight debut against battle-tested veteran أدريان “تيغري” غرانادوس in the 10-round co-featured attraction.

تذاكر لهذا الحدث, which is promoted by TGB Promotions and King’s Promotions, are on sale now and can be purchased through Ticketmaster.com or at the Santander box office (Monday-Friday, 10 صباحا. – 5 مساءا, Saturdays 10 صباحا. – 2 مساءا).

أورلاندو, Florida’s Lubin (21-1, 16 كوس) was one of the fastest rising contenders in boxing as he quickly raced to the top of the ladder to challenge Jermell Charlo for the WBC 154-pound championship in 2017. Following a one-punch, first-round stoppage to Charlo, the 24-year-old Lubin has rebounded with three straight stoppage victories of his own to regain his momentum toward a world championship.

In February, Lubin became the first boxer to stop former champion Ishe Smith and is coming off a TKO victory over Zaharia Attou in his last fight in June on SHOWTIME.

It’s unfortunate that Gausha had to pull out because I was really looking forward to that fight,” said Lubin. “Now I’m facing Nathaniel Gallimore, who is a very good fighter whose only losses are to top level guys. I’m expecting a very difficult fight, one that will be explosive for the fans, but one I know I will win. It’s my time to show the world I’m ready to be back on top of the super welterweight division.

The 31-year-old Gallimore (21-3-1, 17 كوس) most recently defeated Antonio Todd by decision in August to rebound from close decision losses to unified champion Julian Williams and top-ranked contender Patrick Teixeira in 2018. Born in Kingston, Jamaica and fighting out of Evanston, إلينوي, Gallimore put together a seven-fight winning streak before the Williams fight, including knockouts of contenders Justin DeLoach and Jeison Rosario.

I’m approaching this like any other big fight that was in the works for a long time,” said Gallimore. “I’ve been waiting for this moment in my career for a while. This is a stepping stone that can take me where I want to go. Lubin’s a pretty good boxer-puncher. He was on the rise for a moment and I knew about him coming up. انها ستكون معركة كبيرة. I’ll make any adjustment in the ring to capitalize on what I need to do to be victorious that night.

Nigeria’s Ajagba (11-0, 9 كوس) most recently passed the toughest test of his professional career when he defeated fellow 2016 Olympian Ali Eren Demirezen by 10-round unanimous decision in July. The 25-year-old Ajagba gained widespread notoriety in August 2018 when his opponent, كورتيس هاربر, walked out of the ring after touching gloves to start the first round. Ajagba won the fight without throwing a punch as Harper was disqualified.

Living in Stafford, Texas and training with Ronnie Shields, Ajagba has steadily increased his competition and added knockouts wins over Amir Mansour and Michael Wallisch this year.

Fighting out of Antwerpen, بلجيكا, by way of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Mulowayi (7-1-1, 3 كوس) سيجعل له الامريكية. debut on October 26 in a pro career that dates back to 2015. The 32-year-old was unbeaten in his first seven pro fights before losing a narrow majority decision to Herve Bubeaux in a bout for the Belgium heavyweight title in May. He rebounded to defeat Artur Kubiak in July heading into his fight against Ajagba.

لمزيد من المعلومات، يرجى زيارة www.SHO.com/Sports, www.PremierBoxingChampions.com, اتبع على التغريدShowtimeBoxing, PremierBoxing, TGBPromotions, وSwanson_Comm أو أصبح معجبًا على Facebook على www.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing و www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions.

ايرول سبنس جونيور. يوحد ألقاب الوزن الخفيف ضد شون بورتر في بطولة القتال الملحمية FOX Sports PBC Pay-Per-View ليلة السبت من مركز STAPLES في لوس أنجلوس

ديفيد بينافيدز يوقف أنتوني ديريل للفوز بلقب بطولة دبليو بي سي للوزن المتوسط ​​للوزن المتوسط ​​في الحدث الرئيسي المشترك & ماريو باريوس يتفوق على باتير أحمدوف ليحصل على لقب الوزن الخفيف الخفيف في WBA; خوسيسيتو لوبيز يتفوق على جون مولينا جونيور. بواسطة TKO في الجولة الثامنة

روبرت غيريرو & التقط جوي سبنسر الانتصارات في FOX Sports PBC Pay-Per-View Prelims على FS1 & FOX الرياضة

انقر هنا لصور من فرانك Micelotta / FOX الرياضة
كلمه السر: الثعلب ppv

انقر هنا للصور من رايان هافي / بطل الملاكمة الممتاز

انقر هنا لصور من الترقيات ستيفاني تراب / TGB

لوس انجليس (سبتمبر 29, 2019) – ايرول “الحقيقة” سبنس جونيور. (26-0, 21 كوس) توحيد ألقاب الاتحاد الدولي للوزن الثقيل و WBC ليلة السبت ضد بطل مرتين “موعد العرض” شون بورتر (30-3-1,17 كوس) في حدث رئيسي مليء بالإثارة لـ FOX Sports PBC Pay-Per-View من مركز STAPLES في لوس أنجلوس.

“إنه شعور جيد للفوز,” قال سبنس. “هذا حلم العمر. يظهر العمل الجاد يؤتي ثماره. شكرا شون بورتر, كل فريقي وجميع أفراد شعب تكساس عندي على الخروج.”

حصد المشاجرة ذهابًا وإيابًا على الفور محادثة أفضل لعبة للعام عن جدارة حيث تبادل البطلان في وزن الوسط لكمات القوة من جرس الافتتاح حتى النهاية. أظهر بورتر أسلوبه العدواني المميز طوال الحدث, يختنق سبنس بينما يلقي بلكمات قوته.

“شون بورتر مقاتل خشن ومربك,” قال سبنس. “لم أنزل مما أردت. إنه بطل حقيقي. لقد جعلها صعبة.”

ترك ذلك الأمر متروكًا لسبنس للتغلب على العاصفة القادمة والعثور على نقاط للهبوط بلكمات القوة الخاصة به. وفقا لCompubox, هبط سبنس 44% من اللكمات قوته, إلى 25% من بورتر.

“إنه طفل قوي,” قال بورتر. “كلانا جاء للقيام بهذه المهمة. أعتقد أنه كان لدي أكثر قليلاً مما توقعه, لكنه تعامل معها. مبروك له ولفريقه. نحن فخورون بما فعلناه.”

في الجولة أربعة, كان بورتر يواجه سبنس في بعض المشاكل, حيث أن قوته على الرأس والجسم وضعت سبنس في موقف دفاعي. بقيت استراتيجية بورتر كما هي طوال الوقت, حيث بدأ سبنس في التكيف والعثور على منزل لجريمته, خاصة الخطاف الأيسر الكاسح.

شهدت الجولة الثامنة اتخاذ الإجراءات إلى مستوى آخر حيث حصل سبنس في البداية على أسوأ ما في واحدة من التبادلات العديدة, قبل الاستقرار والاستجابة بشكل كافٍ لإبقاء بورتر بعيدًا. استمرت المعركة عالية الأوكتان في الترفيه قبل جولات البطولة مع القتال في الميزان.

هبط سبنس بإحدى الضربات الحاسمة في المباراة 11, ربط التدفق مع هذا الخطاف الأيسر الكاسح وسجل ضربة قاضية عندما اصطدمت ركبة بورتر والقفاز بالقماش. كما هو متوقع, انتعش بورتر بقوة, going at Spence and putting him on the back foot for most of the remainder of the round.

I think that knockdown was the difference,” قال بورتر. “I couldn’t come back to the corner with my head down after that.

The final round was more of the same, with both fighters going toe-to-toe and leaving the STAPLES Center crowd on their feet and roaring until the final bell. The final punch stats saw both men throw nearly an equal number of punches, with Spence edging Porter 745 إلى 744 in punches thrown and 221 إلى 172 in punches landed.

All my punches have bad intentions,” قال سبنس. “By boxing Mikey Garcia, I wanted to show people I could do it with that style. Porter was throwing a lot. I wanted to show I was the bigger and stronger welterweight.

بعد 12 rounds the close nature of the fight yielded a split decision from the judges. One judge saw the fight 115-112 for Porter, overruled by two judges who saw it 116-111 لسبنس. In the ring after the fight, Spence was confronted and called out by former two-division champion Danny Garcia for a potential showdown next.

It was a top dog fight tonight,” وقال جارسيا. “I want you next Errol. It was a tough rugged fight. Shawn Porter is a tough fighter. I’m here to say I want next.

My how the tables have turned,” قال سبنس. “I’ve told my team, you line them up, I’ll knock them down.

سبنس مقابل. Porter highlights هنا, هنا, هنا و هنا.

The pay-per-view co-main event saw unbeaten ديفيد “العلم الأحمر” بينافيديز(22-0, 19 كوس) regain the WBC Super Middleweight World Championship from two-time champion أنتوني “الكلب” Dirrell (33-2-1, 24 كوس) with a ninth-round TKO victory.

Everything just fell in place perfectly,” قال بينافيدز. “From the suspension to all the big fights I’ve been in. All of that helped me out in this fight. لم أرتكب خطأ أو أفتح نفسي أكثر مما أحتاجه. عملت خلف ضربة بالكوع وتوقفت. ستتحسن الأمور وتصبح أكثر صرامة وأنا مستعد للتحدي.”

اتبعت المعركة نمطًا مشابهًا طوال الوقت, مع مطاردة بينافيدز لخصمه الذي يتطلع إلى تفريغ التسديدات القوية, بينما كان ديريل يدور حول الخاتم وهو يبحث عن مواجهته وإبقائه بعيدًا بضربه.

بقي بينافيديز مسيطراً خلال الجولات الأولى, حتى قلب ديريل الطاولة للحظة في الجولة الرابعة محاولًا ضرب بينافيدز بالحبال, لكنه لم يتمكن من إذهال الشاب البالغ من العمر 22 عامًا.

في الجولة السادسة ، اخترق بينافيديز لحظة حاسمة في القتال, هبوط لكمة فتحت جرحًا في عين ديريل اليمنى. مع الدم يتدفق, the cut was immediately a problem for Dirrell, who now had limited vision to stop the incoming assault.

He hit me with a clean shot,” سعيد Dirrell. “That’s my first time ever being cut by a punch. It opened up. There was nothing I could do about it. I couldn’t see the whole fight after that. My corner did a good job on it, but I really couldn’t see.

Despite having his cut checked by the ringside physician in rounds six, seven and eight, Dirrell was able to use his veteran savvy to stay in the fight. As the fight went to round nine Benavidez increased his offense, slowing Dirrell down enough where he could tee off with power punches in the corner.

As Dirrell tried to navigate away from Benavidez’s offense, he began to take take more punishment and looked shaky on his feet. Referee Thomas Taylor officially stopped the fight 1:39 في الجولة, at the direction of Dirrell’s corner. Benavidez ended the fight with a 165 إلى 94 advantage in punches landed, with the biggest margin coming from his 101 power shots landed to just 41 from Dirrell.

There are so many emotions coming at me at once,” قال بينافيدز. “We put so much hard work into this training camp. We left home and were away from everything. But I had the dream to become the youngest two-time super middleweight world champion and I made my dreams come true.

I would have kept going in there,” سعيد Dirrell. “I’m not quitting against anybody. Everyone saw I didn’t go down. My legs were still strong, but I couldn’t do anything about it.

We’re going back to the drawing board. I’m still fighting. We won’t end on a loss. You can put anybody in there with me.

Watch highlights of Dirrell vs. بينافيديز هنا, هنا و هنا.

Additional action saw undefeated ماريو “الأزتك” أحياء (25-0, 16 كوس) score a close unanimous decision victory over باتير أحمدوف (7-1, 6 كوس) to capture the WBA Super Lightweight title in an action packed fight.

I knew this was going to be a war,” سعيد باريوس. “He was getting dirty in there but the Mexican warrior in me was not going to let this opportunity pass me by. I dug deep and got the victory.

The action began with Akhmedov trying to get inside against his taller opponent, while Barrios looked to move and punish Akhmedov with pot shots from the outside. في الجولة أربعة, Barrios connected with a combo that stunned Akhmedov before Barrios followed up and scored a knockdown when Akhmedov’s glove touched the canvas.

The plan was to gradually grow the activity,” said Akhmedov. “I knew that I had to win by a wide margin. After the first knockdown, I knew that I had to add activity more quickly than I had planned. So I started being more aggressive. I did everything I could to try to stop him.

After surviving the round, Akhmedov picked up the aggression and began effectively closing the space down between his opponent. He began to land numerous clean left and right hooks that put Barrios on the defensive.

As the championship rounds neared, Barrios began to experience severe swelling in his left eye amidst the onslaught from Akhmedov. In the final round, Barrios was able to turn the tide back in his favor late in the frame. He delivered a pinpoint right hand that stunned Akhmdov and again forced him to put a glove on the mat.

After the knockdown, the fight went to the judges scores, who saw the fight 116-11, 115-11 و 114-112, كل ما في صالح باريوس. The relentless pursuit after the first knockdown from Barrios ended with him holding a 238 إلى 135 advantage in punches landed, but it was not enough to sway the judges on this night.

I promised my city of San Antonio that I would bring this title back home and I did it,” سعيد باريوس.

The judges see better than I can from the ring,” said Akhmedov. “I did everything I could. ظننت أنني الانتصار في المعركة. They decided that he won the fight. When I watch the fight I’ll be able to tell you what it looked like. My job is to do everything to win. The judges are supposed to judge correctly.

I tried to do everything I could. I was told that I wouldn’t be able to handle his experience, but he was on the ropes most of the fight. I beat him up and I thought I won the fight.

The opening bout of the pay-per-view saw Josesito “ذا ريفرسايد روكي” لوبيز (37-8, 20 كوس) knock out جون مولينا جونيور. (30-9, 24 كوس) in the eighth round of their welterweight fight.

We both carry power in our hands so it wasn’t a surprise someone went down,” وقال لوبيز. “It easily could have happened to me with the power he has. I was able to catch him early, find openings and get the finish.

Lopez landed a critical blow on his first punch of the night, snapping off an overhand right that connected flush with Molina and put him on the canvas early in the first round. Lopez was patient following up and eventually landed a vicious body shot that put Molina down for the second time in the round.

Molina was able to rise to his feet and make it to the second round, and showed flashes that he might be able to change the tide of the fight. لقد أبطأ هجوم لوبيز في الجولة الثانية بمزيج شرير من الخطافات اليمنى واليسرى في الرأس.

“لا يمكنك أبدًا إخراج القتال من المقاتل,” سعيد مولينا. “لدي موقف لا يقول يموت أبدًا ولدي حياتي المهنية بأكملها. لقد كانت معركة صعبة, لكن الرجل الأفضل ربح الليلة.”

“كنت أعلم أنه لن يستقيل,” وقال لوبيز. “انه محارب. كان علي الاستمرار في الضغط. كنت أفكر في أن يقوم الحكم والفريق بالاتصال الصحيح لإنهائها في الوقت المناسب.”

ومع ذلك ، ظل لوبيز صبورًا وطعنه وهو يبحث عن وضع اليد اليمنى التي أطاحت بمولينا في المرة الأولى. في الجولة السابعة ، اخترق لوبيز مرة أخرى, هذه المرة تهبط بيد اليمنى المثالية المستقيمة التي وضعت Molia على القماش في وقت متأخر من الجولة.

بعد نظرة طويلة من طبيب الصف الأول وزاوية خاصة به, Molina tried to take his chance at a fight-changing punch in the eighth round. Early in the round, Lopez was able to land several big power shots that prompted referee Ray Corona to stop the bout 39 ثانية في الجولة.

I wanted to keep going at the end,” سعيد مولينا. “I thought I was still coherent and could still move well. But you can’t go against what the referees say.

There’s a lot more ‘Riverside Rocky’ اليسار,” وقال لوبيز. “Robert Garcia has turned my career around. I’m a race car and like NASCAR, I’ve got a whole team behind me. I’m a top 10-level fighter. I’m going to give any fighter and any world champion a run for their money. I want memorable fights and I want the best.

Watch Lopez drop Molina in round one هنا and round seven هنا.

The main event of prelims on FS1 saw former three-time world champion روبرت “الشبح” محارب (36-6-1, 20 كوس) earn a unanimous decision victory over Jerry Thomas (14-2-1, 8 كوس) in their 10-round welterweight fight.

The early rounds were strategic, as Thomas relied on his movement while Guerrero looked to fire jabs patiently until he found opportunities for his power punches. Round three saw action jump up a bit as Guerrero landed a big straight left that pushed Thomas hard back into the ropes.

I got some rounds in tonight, which was valuable,” سعيد غيريرو. “We got what we needed and boxed our way to victory.

Guerrero continued to stalk Thomas and attack the body as his opponent spent most of the fight set on circling the ring. لكن, in round nine, Thomas upped the presser and closed the distance on Guerrero. He landed numerous power shots that put Guerrero on the back foot.

It was Thomasbest round of the fight, but he was unable to put Guerrero down or out and after 10 rounds the fight was in the judges’ أيادي. All three saw the bout in favor of Guerrero, من جانب عشرات 98-92 و 99-91 مرتين.

I want to get back into those bigger fights,” سعيد غيريرو. “I moved around and stayed smart in there tonight. The goal was to stick to the game plan and I did until the end of the fight, but then I got right back on it. You just have to keep working out the kinks and that’s what I’m going to keep doing.

In the opening prelims bout, unbeaten top prospect Joey Spencer (9-0, 7 كوس) scored a third-round stoppage of previously unbeaten Travis Gambardella (5-1-2, 2 كوس) in their super welterweight contest.

Spencer started the action early, leading with power shots while also controlling the distance between him and his opponent. A series of body shots put Gambardella down twice in the first round, although he was able to make it to the closing bell of the frame.

The body shots weren’t really the plan going in,” said Spencer. “I started off with head shots and he was taking those well. I put one downstairs and I instantly saw it affect him badly. I knew it was a wrap. I was going to keep going to the body.

Spencer landed a powerful straight right hand to Gambardella’s head early in round two and quickly followed up with a flurry punctuated by another body shot that dropped him for the third time in the fight. Although Spencer looked to close hard, Gambardella was able to fight intelligently and make it through another round.

I thought the referee was going to stop it in the second round,” said Spencer. “When he let him go I took a deep breath and made sure not to punch myself out. I stuck to my jab and let the rest take care of itself.

Early into round three, Spencer went back on the attack and connected with a big left hook to Gambardella’s head. هذه المرة, referee Ray Corona jumped in and halted the bout 53 ثانية في الجولة, giving Spencer the TKO victory.

I’m so happy with the improvements that I was able to show tonight on the big stage,” said Spencer. “I’m really excited for what’s to come.

Watch highlights from Spencer هنا.

# # #

حول SPENCE VS. حمال
سبنس مقابل. Porter pit unbeaten IBF Welterweight Champion Errol “الحقيقة” سبنس جونيور. against WBC Welterweight Champion “موعد العرض” شون بورتر في اتحاد عنوان يبلغ وزنه 147 رطلاً والذي تصدر حدث الدفع لكل عرض FOX Sports PBC يوم السبت, سبتمبر 28 من مركز ستابلز في لوس انجليس.

بدأ حدث الدفع مقابل المشاهدة في 9 عصرا. ET / 6 مساءا. PT وبطل WBC Super Middleweight أنتوني “الكلب” ديريل يواجه ديفيد البطل السابق الذي لم يهزم “العلم الأحمر” بينافيدز في الحدث الرئيسي المشترك, المتنافسين لم يهزم ماريو “الأزتك” باريوس وباتير أحمدوف يتنافسان على لقب WBA Super Lightweight, والمحارب المخضرم خوسيسيتو “ذا ريفرسايد روكي” لوبيز والشجار جون مولينا جونيور. يتنافس في معركة وزن الوسط من 10 جولات. تم الترويج لهذا الحدث من قبل Man Down Promotions, عروض TGB وعروض Shawn Porter الترويجية.

لمزيد من المعلومات: زيارة www.premierboxingchampions.com
, http://www.foxsports.com/presspass/homepageand www.foxdeportes.com, اتبع على التغريدPremierBoxing, PBConFOX, FOXSports, FOXDeportes, TGBPromotions وSwanson_Comm أو تصبح مروحة في الفيسبوك في www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions,www.facebook.com/foxsports & www.facebook.com/foxdeportes.

Deontay Wilder Defends His WBC Heavyweight Title in Highly Anticipated Rematch Against Luis Ortiz on FOX Sports PBC Pay-Per-View Saturday, تشرين الثاني 23 في MGM Grand حديقة ارينا في لاس فيغاس

Three-Division Champion Leo Santa Cruz Seeks Title in Fourth Division When He Battles Miguel Flores for the WBA Super Featherweight Championship in Co-Main Event

Boxing’s Longest Reigning Heavyweight Champion Battles Dangerous Cuban Puncher to Settle Score After Epic First Clash

Tickets on Sale Now!

LAS VEGAS (سبتمبر 28, 2019) – Boxing’s longest reigning heavyweight world championديونتاري “الانتحاري البرونزي” وايلدرwill take on his most dangerous challenger to date when he defends his WBC title in a rematch against once-beaten Cuban sluggerلويس “كينج كونج” أورتيز in the main event of the FOX Sports PBC Pay-Per-View Saturday, نوفمبر. 23 في MGM Grand حديقة ارينا في لاس فيغاس.

Three-division champion and current WBA Featherweight Championالأسد “زلزال” سانتا كروز will seek a title in another division in the co-main event when he takes onميغيل “El Michoacan” الزهور for the WBA Super Featherweight Championship as part of the pay-per-view action beginning at 9 عصرا. ET / 6 مساءا. PT.

Wilder and Ortiz will renew the rivalry they set in motion when they first engaged in an explosive showdown in Brooklyn that was one of 2018’s best fights. Wilder won that bout by 10عشر round TKO after Ortiz stunned him and almost had him out in the seventh round. The thrilling match featured plenty of twists and turns to necessitate a rematch.

مع مجتمعة 66 بالضربة القاضية في 74 مباريات, وحشية ضد. Ortiz II is a heavyweight duel that guarantees an awesome display of punching power. The first fight last year saw Wilder dropping Ortiz in the fifth round, Ortiz stunning and hurting Wilder in a seventh round that he won 10-8 on all the judges’ بطاقات, and Wilder eventually dropping Ortiz again with a powerful right uppercut that forced the referee to stop the bout in the 10عشر جولة.

تذاكر لهذا الحدث, الذي يروج الترقيات BombZquad, الترقيات TGB والترقيات مايويذر, معروضة للبيع الآن، ويمكن شراؤها فيwww.mgmgrand.com أوwww.axs.com.

We are thrilled to add this phenomenal heavyweight rematch between Deontay Wilder and Luis Ortiz to an exciting month of entertainment at MGM Grand,” ريتشارد شتورم, President of Las Vegas Live Entertainment and Sports, قال. “We can’t wait for fight fans to witness what is sure to be a ‘knockoutof an evening at the Grand Garden Arena.

وايلدر (41-0-1, 40 كوس), a bronze medal winner for the U.S. boxing team at the 2008 مهرجان المباريات الأولمبية, has more than lived up to the nicknameThe Bronze Bomber.The 33-year-old Wilder has knocked out all but one of the men that he has faced in the ring, making him one of the most feared single-punch knockout artist in boxing today.

The most active heavyweight champion in the sport, this will be Wilder’s third title defense in 11 أشهر. He is coming off a highlight-reel first round knockout of Dominic Breazeale in Brooklyn on May 18. Before that had one of the most dramatic matches of 2018 when he dropped Tyson Fury twice, including a stunning knockdown in the 12عشر جولة, on the way to a split draw last December.

Born and still living and training in Tuscaloosa, ألاباما, Wilder will return to fight at MGM Grand in Las Vegas for the first time since he won the heavyweight title with a dominant 12-round decision over Bermane Stiverne on January 17, 2015. The victory had even more significance for Wilder because it came on the birthday of his boxing idol, محمد علي. The rematch against Ortiz will be his 10عشر الدفاع عن لقبه.

When I fought Ortiz not only did he have the pedigree, but also he had the classification of being the boogeyman of the division,” سعيد ايلدر. “I agree with those who say that Luis Ortiz was my toughest fight to date. No one wanted to fight him and they still don’t. In the rematch there’s more confidence and more motivation to do what I have to do. I’ve already seen the style before. It’s going to make it more fun. I can’t wait to see how he tries to handle me when I’m at my best.

This is the second big fight for me under my company, BombZquad Promotions, and I’m very happy about that. We still have a lot of work to do to build it into the kind of company that I know it’s going to be in the future, but it’s coming along. To be able to do a FOX Sports PBC Pay-Per-View at MGM Grand in Las Vegas under my own banner is fantastic.

أورتيز (31-1, 26 كوس) has ripped off three-straight victories since suffering the only loss of his career in that first match with Wilder in 2018, including most recently winning a unanimous decision over Christian Hammer on March 2. الأعسر, who was born in Camaguey, Cuba and now lives in Miami, is one of the most avoided heavyweight contenders in boxing because of his vicious knockout power and crafty southpaw boxing skills. In the first fight with Wilder, Ortiz hurt Wilder with a textbook counter right hook that nearly made him the first Cuban heavyweight world champion.

Outside of the ring, Wilder and Ortiz share a common bond-they’re both motivated to fight for their daughters. Wilder’s oldest daughter, Naieya, ولد مع السنسنة المشقوقة, motivating Wilder to take up boxing to pay for her medical expenses. Ortiz’s daughter, Lismercedes, has a painful skin condition called epidermolysis bullosa, which results in painful skin blistering and Ortiz has worked to raise awareness for.

I have to give Deontay Wilder a lot of credit for taking this fight because it shows he has the heart of a true champion,” سعيد أورتيز. “He is not at all scared to take a dangerous fight, because let’s be honest, this is the most dangerous fight for him. In my opinion, he’s the best heavyweight in the world until someone beats him, and that’s exactly what I’m going to do on November 23 at the MGM Grand Garden Arena on FOX Sports PBC Pay-Per-View. ‘King Kongis coming to Las Vegas!”

A three-division world champion fighting out of Los Angeles, Santa Cruz (36-1-1, 19 كوس) holds the WBA featherweight title and will be making his debut at super featherweight and seeking a title in a fourth weight class. The 31-year-old has been a dominant force in the featherweight division since 2015, including two thrilling featherweight title duels against Abner Mares and Carl Frampton each. He lost the belt in his first match against Frampton in 2016, لكنهم استعادوها في مباراة العودة في العام التالي. Santa Cruz has competed in title bouts in 16 من تقريره الأخير 18 المعارك, أثناء التقاط الأحزمة في 118, 122 and 126-pounds and is coming off a unanimous decision victory over Rafael Rivera in his last fight in February on FOX.

When I first started boxing my dream was to be a world champion and I’ve been fortunate to win three different world championships in three different divisions,” وقال سانتا كروز. “I couldn’t imagine winning championships in four divisions. It’s something I never really dreamed of and I’m very happy about this opportunity.

I know Flores is another tough Mexican boxer like me. He always comes forward, so it’s going to be a fun fight for the fans. I’m really looking forward to fighting again in Las Vegas at MGM Grand. It’s going to be a really exciting atmosphere because you have Deontay Wilder and Luis Ortiz in a heavyweight championship fight, and Deontay always knocks his opponents out, but we’re hoping that our fight will steal the night.

الزهور (24-2, 12 كوس) was originally scheduled to fight Santa Cruz for the featherweight title in February, but severely sprained his ankle in training and had to withdraw from the fight. ولد في المكسيك, but raised in and fighting out of Houston, Flores rose up the rankings with victories over Ryan Kielczweski, Ruben Tamayo and Mario Briones. After suffering a loss to Dat Nguyen and seeking to rebound, Flores was ahead on the scorecards against Chris Avalos in a fight on FS1 when the contest was stopped due to a cut on Floreseyebrow that was controversially ruled to have come from a punch. Flores bounced back from that loss to stop Raul Chirino in April 2018 and also scored a TKO victory against Luis May in his most recent fight on June 29 after the ankle injury.

I’m extremely excited to be getting this opportunity once again to fight Leo Santa Cruz and win a world title,” سعيد فلوريس. “Being the co-main event on this FOX Sports PBC Pay-Per-View card with Wilder vs. Ortiz headlining is incredible. This is a dream come true for me, and I’m going to take advantage of the situation. This moment in my life is something I’ve envisioned since I was a kid. On November 23, you will see the best version of myself as I plan to be in the best shape of my life, with the goal of becoming a world champion, and what better way to do it than in Las Vegas at MGM Grand. Leo and I are going to put on a great show, التي يمكنك ضمانها.”

# # #

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ايرول SPENCE JR. VS. SHAWN PORTER & أنتوني ديريل VS. أقوال ديفيد بينافيديز عن المؤتمر الصحفي الختامي & الصور

IBF Champion Spence and WBC Champion Porter Meet in Welterweight Title Unification that Headlines FOX Sports PBC Pay-Per-View while WBC Super Middleweight Champion Dirrell Takes on Former Champion Benavidez in Co-Main Event This Saturday, سبتمبر 28 من مركز ستابلز في لوس انجليس

انقر هنا for Photos from Leo Wilson/Premier Boxing Champions

انقر هنا لصور من فرانك Micelotta / FOX الرياضة
كلمه السر: الثعلب ppv

انقر هنا لصور من الترقيات ستيفاني تراب / TGB

لوس انجليس (سبتمبر 25, 2019) – بطولة العالم للوزن الثقيل IBF ايرول “الحقيقة” سبنس جونيور. and WBC Welterweight Champion “موعد العرض” شون بورتر had an intense faceoff at Wednesday’s final press conference before they headline a FOX Sports PBC Pay-Per-View this Saturday, سبتمبر 28 في مركز ستابلز في لوس أنجلوس.

The press conference also featured WBC Super Middleweight World Champion أنتوني “الكلب” Dirrell وبطل العالم السابق ديفيد “العلم الأحمر” بينافيديزexchanging words before they clash in the co-main event of pay-per-view action that begins at 9 عصرا. ET / 6 مساءا. PT.

تذاكر لهذا الحدث, which is promoted by Man Down Promotions, عروض TGB وعروض Shawn Porter الترويجية, are on sale now and can be purchased at AXS.com.

Here is what the fighters had to say Wednesday from the Wilshire Grand Ballroom II at the Intercontinental Hotel:

ايرول SPENCE JR.

I feel like all of my fights prepared me for this moment. Porter is not like Mikey Garcia. They have different styles and different mentalities. But there are a lot of distractions fighting at home and I feel like I overcame that to lead me to this point.

I don’t make anything of the words he’s saying. We train hard and we’re focused and prepared for anything he brings Saturday night.

He’s been talking a lot, his dad’s been talking a lot and I’m going to shut him up. They’re going to call me theshow stopperafter Saturday night.

I’ve prepared for everything. It’s all about adjustments. I make them fast in the ring. People thought Kell Brook’s experience would help him but it didn’t at all. I can adjust to my opponent’s style and we will show it Saturday.

“أنا مستعد للذهاب. I never missed weight and I’m always professional. It’s just hard work and dedication. I’m going to be even more ripped and ready than I was against Mikey Garcia.

This is going to be an amazing event come Saturday night. I will be the unified champion of the world. Shawn comes to fight and I embrace that. I can’t wait because I promise this is going to be one for the history books.

I just have to do what I’ve been doing. I don’t care about the rounds as long as it doesn’t go 12.
I’m going to win and do it in dominating fashion.

It’s important to me to get the knockout. It’s a goal of mine to stop him and I hope to get it done. If can’t get it done, then I’m just going to be comfortable with the victory. But you know I’m looking for the stoppage.


It’s the competitor in me to get at him any way I can. Until that bell rings, we’ll do whatever we need to do to let him know we’re really here to fight him.

When you’re in there with a top level opponent, it’s supposed to be a close action packed fight. I have everything it takes to make each fight exciting when I step into the ring.

Everyone has seen everything what I’ve done in my career. Everyone knows I can take a punch and I’ll be there from the first round to the last round. We’ll see what happens to Errol as the fight goes on.

This is the best camp I’ve ever had. The nutrition and everything has been spot on. I’m ahead of schedule and that’s where I plan to stay. I expect to be eating Friday morning.

I’m aggressive and I’m strong and guys can’t handle it. There are things that happen in the ring and you just have to move with it. I’m always ready to do whatever it takes to get the job done.

I expected it to get heated today. I know that if I fire at Errol, he’s going to fire back. That’s how the fights going to be as well. Everyone got a good taste of what you’ll see Saturday.

Being in the underdog position is literally where I come from. Northeast Ohio is always an underdog. Everybody works where I come from. We always do the best we can.

The resume is for everyone else to compare and contrast. لي, it’s all about who’s in front of me. I believe I have the right recipe to be the person to get the job done Saturday. I have the style to challenge him physically and mentally.

We didn’t change too much of our program heading into this fight. For the second time we went down to Washington, D.C. for part of our camp.

أنتوني DIRRELL

The underdog or the favorite I’m always going to ”الكلب’ بغض النظر. People can have their opinion on the odds, but it doesn’t play into my mentality at all for this fight.

This is a fight that could very well steal the show on this pay-per-view. It’s an honor to be in this position. It’s a dream to be on a card like this defending my title.

I have to see how it plays out, but age is just a number. You see Manny Pacquiao and fighters like that who went out and beat younger opponents. You have to be determined and still focused on the game.

Experience is definitely a big key in this fight. I think that he has holes in his game and I’m going to expose it on Saturday night.

The cut from my last fight won’t be an issue for this one. That fight was over six months ago, so if it’s going to heal, it should be healed. It doesn’t affect anything I’m doing in the ring.

My training camp in Las Vegas was spectacular. It’s all about taking yourself out of your comfort zone and push yourself to the max to be successful at this elite level.

I don’t think this fight is going the distance and I know I’m having my hand raised at the end. He got dropped with a jab and I hit harder than Ronald Gavril.

DAVID بينافيديز

“أنا بدافع جدا لهذه المعركة. I feel like I have another opportunity to not just get a title, but take it from a champion. لقد عملت بجد للغاية لهذه المعركة. Dirrell has never been knocked out and I’m taking the challenge to be the man who does it.

This is the perfect time for this fight. I’m getting stronger every day. Dirrell feels like he has a lot to prove to the fans. So it’s going to be a war as long as it lasts.

This is going to be an amazing card. It’s a stacked card from beginning to end. I want to make a statement and steal the show.

Dirrell is a great fighter and we’re both ready for what we’re going to do. There’s a respect between us, but I’m going for the knockout. إذا لم أفعل, he’s going to get a beating.

I’m definitely going to make this weight class my home. I have no problem at all making weight. There’s a lot of great fights to be made at super middleweight and we’re going to stay here as long as we can get those fights done.

“اعتبارا من الآن, all of my attention is on Anthony Dirrell. We give him the respect he deserves because he’s a champion at the end of the day. It’s going to take my best to beat him and we’re looking forward to doing it.

Dirrell has experience, plus some speed and power. He can change from orthodox to southpaw and has a lot of tricks in his book. He’s been in there with some good fighters. But what motivates me the most is that he’s never really been hurt and I want to be the first. I know when I put my hands on somebody, I can hurt them.

# # #

حول SPENCE VS. حمال
سبنس مقابل. Porter pits unbeaten IBF Welterweight Champion Errol “الحقيقة” سبنس جونيور. against WBC Welterweight Champion “موعد العرض” Shawn Porter in a 147-pound title unification that headlines a FOX Sports PBC Pay-Per-View event on Saturday, سبتمبر 28 من مركز ستابلز في لوس انجليس.

The pay-per-view event begins at 9 عصرا. ET / 6 مساءا. PT and features WBC Super Middleweight World Champion Anthony “الكلب” ديريل يواجه ديفيد البطل السابق الذي لم يهزم “العلم الأحمر” بينافيدز في الحدث الرئيسي المشترك, المتنافسين لم يهزم ماريو “الأزتك” باريوس وباتير أحمدوف يتنافسان على لقب WBA Super Lightweight, والمحارب المخضرم خوسيسيتو “ذا ريفرسايد روكي” لوبيز والشجار جون مولينا جونيور. يتنافس في معركة وزن الوسط من 10 جولات.

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, http://www.foxsports.com/presspass/homepageand www.foxdeportes.com, اتبع على التغريدPremierBoxing, PBConFOX, FOXSports, FOXDeportes, TGBPromotions وSwanson_Comm أو تصبح مروحة في الفيسبوك في www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions,www.facebook.com/foxsports & www.facebook.com/foxdeportes.