Archivo de la categoría: Liga de Campeones de Boxeo


Kelly Swanson

Muchas gracias, todo el mundo, para llamar en. Tenemos una gran llamada hoy. Se unirá a nosotros Amir Khan, Chris Algieri, Paulie Malignaggi y Danny O'Connor, todos en emocionantes combates en Barclays Center en PBC en Spike. El evento es promovido por DiBella Entertainment y Star Boxing.. Este es un gran espectáculo. Ahora se lo voy a entregar a nuestro moderador., Lou DiBella, presidente de DiBella Entertainment. También se unen a nosotros en la llamada entre los luchadores Brett Yormark y Jon Slusser..

Lou DiBella

Es una gran tarjeta que estará en Spike TV en 9 p.m. ET / 6 pm. PT el viernes por la noche, el 29 de mayo, Barclays Center. La primera pelea contará con el regreso anticipado de Paulie Malignaggi al ring después de un año de descanso.. Muy pocos tipos en el box pueden decir que son más de Brooklyn que Paulie Malignaggi y él tiene las manos ocupadas en una pelea con Danny O'Connor.. Danny es un chico duro que tiene hambre de esta pelea. Este es un enfrentamiento entre un italiano-estadounidense y un irlandés-estadounidense, un niño de Nueva York y un niño de Boston tienen los ingredientes para una pelea increíble. Primero llegaremos a Danny. Danny va a decir algunas palabras, luego lo abriremos a algunas preguntas para él, luego entrégaselo a Paulie.

Danny O'Connor

Quiero agradecer a todos por estar aquí. Estoy muy emocionado con esta oportunidad de pelear contra Paulie y venir a Nueva York y mostrar mis habilidades en el Barclays Center.. He trabajado toda mi carrera para esto. Puse mucho esfuerzo y sacrificio en mi vida para llegar hasta aquí. Estoy muy emocionado y listo para la tarea en cuestión..


Danny, en una situación en la que estás peleando con un tipo que en su última pelea fue TKO, ¿Eso te hace pensar en venir de una manera diferente a la que normalmente podrías, realmente apuntar a él y ser más agresivo de lo habitual ya que fue detenido en su última salida?

D. O'Connor

No, Yo no. Cualquier cosa puede suceder en cualquier noche en el boxeo.. Eso es lo que hacemos, nos golpean en la cara. Por eso, No veo nada diferente.

Paul tuvo un tiempo libre para recuperarse y recuperarse. Espero a Paul en su mejor momento. Lo quiero en su mejor momento. El mejor es, el mejor desafío que tengo frente a mí. Cuanto más emocionado me pone eso. Mi plan de juego será mi plan de juego independientemente del resultado de su última pelea..


¿Cuál fue tu reacción cuando eligieron tu nombre?? Estás luchando contra Paulie Malignaggi, un ex campeón del mundo. ¿Pensaste que era una broma o lo viste como si estuvieras teniendo una pelea en un luchador de élite que te traerá un trampolín??

D. O'Connor

Estaba emocionado desde el principio. Para eso he trabajado toda mi carrera, es esa oportunidad de algo grande. Para poder comparar mis habilidades con alguien como Paul, con su currículum, eso es lo que me emociona. Me levanto para ese tipo de desafío. No quería hacerme ilusiones en caso de que algo fallara. Boxeo, cualquier cosa puede pasar. A medida que se volvía más y más real, era emoción. Todo se trata de emoción.

He trabajado mucho tiempo para llegar a este lugar.. Me esfuerzo mucho y merezco estar aquí. Estoy emocionado de aprovechar esta oportunidad y mostrar mis habilidades contra Paul.


Tienes un tremendo récord amateur, 110 victorias, solamente 11 pérdidas. ¿Es esa parte del campo de entrenamiento que tuviste que colocarte en esta posición ahora??

D. O'Connor

Sí. Pienso con cualquier cosa en la vida, la experiencia te llevará a lugares. Cuanta más experiencia tengas, más cómodo estarás, más inteligente vas a ser. Pienso junto con eso, el tipo de persona que soy, mi ética de trabajo, lo duro que he trabajado, me ha llevado muy lejos.


Una victoria sobre Paulie te pondrá en la cima de las listas de radar de los otros 47 libras.. Hay una gran comunidad central de 147 libras. ¿Es eso lo que estás buscando??

D. O'Connor

Ni siquiera está en mi mente, uno. No miro más allá de Paul. Él es un peleador duro. Estoy concentrado en la tarea que tengo entre manos, y ese es Paul. Eso es todo lo que estoy mirando.


Paulie es rápido. ¿Cómo piensa lidiar con su velocidad??

D. O'Connor

Con suerte, podré neutralizar esa velocidad teniendo mi propia velocidad. Yo no soy demasiado lento. Creo que va a ser una batalla mental..


Solo me gustaría agradecer a Ken Casey de Dropkick Murphys, la legendaria banda de rock irlandesa con sede en Boston que tiene Murphys Boxing – Promotor de Danny. Voy a presentarles a un hombre que conozco muy bien., y quién probablemente no pensó que haría este anuncio, pero Paulie, le gustaría decir unas pocas palabras?

Paulie Malignaggi

Estoy feliz de estar aquí. Estoy emocionado de volver a pelear en el Barclays Center. I’ve gotten the desire to fight again over the past year little by little. It was almost nothing and then the desire started growing more and more. Once you sign up for a fight, you see the event in front of you, you start seeing things like the teleconference and all that we’re doing now, it starts to resonate in your mind that it’s coming up, it’s close, so the excitement kind of builds. I’m happy to be a part of this event, part of this show and everybody involved with it.


Paulie, you’ve gotten off to a great start in your broadcasting career. Does this take anything away from what you’re achieving in broadcasting or slow your development that way, or do you feel like you can manage both things side by side?

P. Malignaggi

This has been a training camp where I’m kind of getting it all down pat together. It’s basically a training camp where I haven’t had as much work to do as I have this time around in the past. The reason I still have the passion for this is I still make time to train every day. I still find the time to prepare adequately every day.

It’s not always easy with the broadcasting. Throughout the course of my career, you have to fight, shut everything down and focus on the fight. It’s not like that anymore. That kind of comes with age, you kind of get into new things in your life and whatnot.

If it was a couple years ago, I wouldn’t have been able to handle it. I’m at a place in my life where I am more mature. I can handle it more and compartmentalize things more. The passion shows in and of itself. If I didn’t really want to do this, Créeme, I would do the broadcasting, I would half-ass it on my training. Last week was challenging, but every day I was able to get in my training somehow, some way. One workout a day, sometimes two workouts a day.

That shows me I have the passion. When you don’t want to train, but you still go out and do it, you have that victory in your mind, you want to persevere and excel. I’m the type of person that wants to do that. Al final, después de esta pelea, I plan on winning the fight and looking good. I’ve been feeling good in the training camp. Después de la pelea, Sólo estoy tomando una pelea a la vez. I’m not looking past Danny. It’s a little bit different in my career right now, but at the same time I’m still enjoying the ride.


At some point when you were doing the broadcasting, was there something about being on the sidelines that kind of inspired the feelings that you’d like to be back on the other side of the ropes again? Was it a particular fight or moment?

P. Malignaggi

I wouldn’t say it was anything in particular. I don’t say that was part of the reason, Supongo. At first it was part of the reason why I didn’t want to fight again. I would see these fights from close range, see the violence, some crazy exchanges. “Hombre, better these guys than me. I’m done.

Then little by little, as I started feeling better, I would start seeing the same kind of stuff, and I would focus on the crowd reaction, the adrenaline these fighters are feeling. I was starting to slowly change my thinking pattern. It was starting to slowly become more like, I got to feel this again, I got to feel that rush again. It’s something missing in my life.

The transition kind of came slowly. I don’t think it was one particular moment or situation, it just kind of came slowly and developed. At first I got back in the gym and wanted to keep my weight down. Before you know it, you start to hit a couple bags. As with any boxer in general, you start to hit the bag, you start to loosen, antes de darte cuenta, you start to feel it. I suppose when you retire from boxing you should stay away from the boxing gym, because otherwise you’re going to want to fight.


Paulie, how much of a factor was the result of your previous fight in motivating you to kind of come back and have a chance to go out with a win if, de hecho, that’s what ultimately occurs here?

P. Malignaggi

My last fight had no bearing on any of this. The only bearing in my life that fight had on me was the decision not to fight anymore. When I went into the fight, I didn’t decide it was going to be my last fight. I wasn’t thinking of any of that stuff at all.

When the result happened, I was more so thinking, okay maybe this is it. It wasn’t really that particular result as far as me not being able to accept it. It was more so, before the Porter fight, I hadn’t looked bad. I had a split decision lost against Broner. I had a dominant victory, but I had one bad night. If I really want to chalk up my entire career to that one bad night and be done, or do I give myself another shot?

It wasn’t about Idon’t want to go out on a loss, I have more left. The Porter fight doesn’t take away from what I did in the past two or three years. You have a fight like that, take a year off, people expect that’s where you are and that’s it.

I think people are going to draw their own conclusions. The Porter fight had no bearing on what I wanted to do. I felt like, I’m alive and I want to live. For me living is feeling that adrenaline rush, the rush of being in the ring and competing. I’m a competitive person. That’s more what was the motivator. I’m not dead, so I don’t need to live like I’m dead. Some people choose to live like they’re dead. I don’t need to do that. I can feel life. Nothing makes me feel more alive than having the adrenaline of being in a boxing ring in front of a packed crowd.


Paulie, depending on how you look at this fight, if you perform to your highest capabilities, if you win handily, what’s next for you? Do kick back into that mode where you go challenge for a title, fight one of the better fighters in the division again?

P. Malignaggi:

Honestamente, it hasn’t even crossed my mind. I want to see not only how I look and feel in the fight. There are a lot of things I have to decide. I may look good and say, sabes que, I’m good to go again. I may look good and say, sabes que, this is taking away too much time from other things I want to enjoy in my life. I may need to feel this adrenaline rush again. No lo sé. I haven’t given it that much thought yet. I’m only focused on Danny O’Connor right now. I’m focused on May 29th. I feel like those are possible things that would be crossing my mind, but in reality I haven’t given it enough thought to really have made that kind of decision. I don’t know yet. I’m focused only on the fight right now. So anything post May 29th I’ll decide post May 29th.


You said you started training, you were feeling good, had no problem training. How much fun are you having again with boxing? Do you feel rejuvenated?

P. Malignaggi

I enjoy a good challenge in life, a challenge that I enjoy. If you put me in a chemistry class, it will be a challenge, but I don’t think I’ll enjoy it too much. Know what I’m saying? Boxing is a challenge to me, but it’s a challenge I enjoy. I enjoy pushing my body and mind to the limits and seeing if I can succeed and testing myself. Por supuesto, I’ve been enjoying it.

Sometimes people look at me and tell you, why would you want to fight again? You’re good. You’re set. You have good money coming in.

No es por el dinero. Bien, obviously it’s always about the money. That’s not the main motivator. The motivator is to feel alive. I can be dead when I’m six feet under. Right now I don’t want to feel like that. I want to feel that rush of adrenaline again, feel alive. While I can still do it, I will do it.


Paulie, what made this particular fight the right opportunity to get back into the ring? What does the New York/Boston rivalry add to this fight?

P. Malignaggi

The opportunity to be back in the ring could have came against anyone. The New York/Boston rivalry, I’ve thought of it a couple times over the camp. It’s not Boston/New York, Italian/Irish. It’s like 50 years too late. If it’s 1955 instead of 2015, you’re going to have this in a huge stadium, everybody would be into it. Everyone would be going crazy It could be a real cool event. Not that it’s not going to be a cool event anyway. What I’m saying is the perception of the event is different now than it would have been back in the day when the Italian and Irish rivalry, New York and Boston rivalry might have been more. It gives it a fall-back feel to me and that’s good for me.


What do you know about Danny O’Connor? He hasn’t fought a lot of the top-level opponents that you have. What do you see as your strengths and his weaknesses in this fight?

P. Malignaggi

I’ve known Danny for quite some time. Obviously he hasn’t fought at the level that I have. The experience is in my favor. I knew he had a good amateur career. He’s a solid competitor. He has a national Golden Gloves title and he was an Olympic alternate. When you have that kind of amateur career, you expect yourself to break through in the pros.

I had a good amateur career, I was a national championship as well. I remember turning pro with the expectation I would have a successful pro career as well. At that point you’re used to winning and winning at a high level.

I feel like Danny has that expectancy of himself. Maybe it’s come a little slower. I feel this is an opportunity for him because he has a chance to finally show all the things he had to show in the amateurs where he was a good amateur and was considered a top guy.

For that reason I can’t take him lightly, and I don’t take him lightly because I know what he’s feeling. I know what it’s like to have that successful amateur career, go into your first professional fight and have those goose bumps and be ready for it. I kind of know what he’s feeling, what’s going through his mind, both the good and the bad. In that way I guess I have the advantage because I’m prepared for that thing because I’ve already been through it. You can never underestimate me. I’m a hungry fighter and Danny’s a hungry fighter.


Are you able to focus on him as an opponent in this fight rather than all these broader questions about your career arc and all that type of thing?

P. Malignaggi

Sí, por supuesto. I’m preparing for a slick boxer named Danny O’Connor. He can become aggressive at times. He’s a southpaw, can sit back on the back foot sometimes. He might bring the kind of fight I intend to bring, my game plan. Every day I’m in the gym working on that.

Although the distractions are nice to talk about, in the end I’m working on the exact plan in the gym every day.

L. DiBella

Gracias, Paulie. Now I’d like to acknowledge John Slusser the senior vice president of sports for Spike and everyone at Spike TV. The first PBC on Spike card was on March 13 and it was a terrific show and we are looking forward to continuing that streak. I would now like to introduce a gentleman who has become a friend of mine. I would be remised first if I did not make this announcement. Tickets are available are priced at $250, $150, $75 y $45, sin incluir cargos e impuestos aplicables de servicio, y están a la venta.

Los boletos están disponibles en, y en la taquilla del American Express en el Barclays Center. Para comprarlos por teléfono, llamar a Ticketmaster al (800) 745-3000. Para boletos de grupo, por favor llame al 800-GROUP-BK.

Now I’d like to introduce the CEO of Barclays Center, Brett Yormark.

Brett Yormark:

Gracias, Lou. Glad to be here with everyone. Looking forward to hosting Paulie and Danny on the 29th, as well as Amir and Chris.

From a building perspective, obviously we’re committed to boxing. We’re thrilled to be hosting our second PBC fight. Our first event was just a resounding success. It was our biggest gate since we opened Barclays Center as it relates to boxing. It was the most highly attended event.

The atmosphere and the environment was electrifying. We think we’ll be able to duplicate and replicate that experience for our fans on the 29th.

I’m thrilled that Spike will be our partner. They have a great edgy and cool feel of broadcast, how they do their business. That’s a perfect fit for Brooklyn. Obviously we are just excited that Paulie is on the card. In bringing boxing back to Brooklyn, it was always about bringing fights that meant something nationally, but it was also about nurturing and fostering the careers of Brooklyn fighters.

There’s no bigger fighter in Brooklyn than Paulie Malignaggi. He’s a friend and has fought many times at Barclays Center. Welcoming him back after a year away from the sport is terrific for us.

We’re also thrilled to have Danny fight in our building for the first time. I’m also excited to be working with Amir Khan. He and I have become friendly and I always hoped that Amir would call Barclays Center home. He’s been in our building for Nets games and other boxing events. For him to be in our ring is a real pleasure.

Then Chris Algieri, he and Provodnikov last June probably had one of the biggest and most electrifying fights ever at Barclays Center. For him to come back and fight again is terrific for us. He brings a big Long Island fan base, which we hope to tap into again.

This should be a really big night for Brooklyn boxing, boxing in general and certainly the PBC. We are thrilled to be a partner and look forward to the 29th.

L. DiBella

Gracias, Brett. Now to what will be our other main event of the evening, the final fight of the evening on Spike on May 29th at Barclays Center. The first participant is the pride of Huntington, Long Island. As Brett mentioned, his career best victory took place at the Barclays Center when he upset Ruslan Provodnikov and really established himself as a force in boxing. He is promoted by Joe DeGuardia’s Star Boxing.

Chris Algieri with a record of 20-1, I know is looking forward to this great opportunity versus Amir Khan. Chris, can you say a few words.

Chris Algieri

Hola Buenas, todo el mundo. I’d like to thank Lou DiBella Entertainment for working with my promoter Joe DeGuardia’s Star Boxing. It’s a pleasure to be back at Barclays Center. We fought a year ago last June, had a great fight, won my first world title. I’m also excited to be fighting on Spike TV. Thank you for hosting the event. It’s a whole new network to fight on. I’m very excited about it all.

L. DiBella

Gracias, Chris.

This next gentleman, I use that word seriously, is one of the most talented fighters in the game. He’s from England. Former world champion with a terrific record of 30-3. Amir Khan.

Amir Khan

Hola Buenas, todo el mundo. I want to say hi to all the press and media. Brett Yormark is a friend of mine now from Barclays Center. I’m very excited to fight at the Barclays Center. I’ve been there a few times. I always said that I want to come over here and give New York a huge fight, bring boxing there. I have a big fan base from New York. I’m sure Chris Algieri also has a big fan base there as well. But we’re going to come and make some noise.

The fight is going to be on Spike TV, which I’m also excited for. I’m looking forward to the whole event on the 29th of May, el viernes. I hope you’re all going to be there cheering us on. Gracias.


Chris, you’ve had time to work with John David Jackson now. Do you see him changing you in any significant way?

C. Algieri

Sí, absolutamente. Ha sido un gran campo de entrenamiento. We’ve been learning quite a bit. John has been bringing out a lot of aspects of my style, things I can do in the ring that I haven’t had an opportunity to show just yet.

We’re both very excited about this fight, excited about what we’re going to be able to do on fight night the 29th. Learning new aspects in a sport I love has been an eye-opening experience and enjoyable one as well.


Taking someone on like Amir Khan, someone with his experience, the people he’s fought, I know you’ve kind of made the step up in these last two fights to a higher level, but this could have been an opportunity for you to take a little bit easier fight. Why did you keep it this tough right here?

C. Algieri

Ya sabes, I’ve never been that guy, to take an easy route or an easy fight. I’ve come up very fast in both of the sports I’ve come up in. Even at a young age when I was kickboxing, I took on big fights. In my young boxing career, it’s been a constant step-up my entire career.

I have not been one of those guys who has moved along gingerly. I’ve been excited to tackle big opponents and big fights on big stages. This is par for the course for my career.


Amir, you had a possibility of fighting Mayweather until he made the fight with Pacquiao. They’ve already mentioned your name as a next possible opponent. How critical is winning this fight toward preserving that dream of fighting Mayweather? Do you see it as part of the big picture?

La. Kan

Sin Duda, winning this fight is everything to me. I’m not looking past this Chris Algieri fight. I know it’s a very dangerous fight for me. Stylistically he’s very dangerous and I’m not going to be looking past it. If I do, I’ll have made a mistake. I’ve looked past fights and made mistakes. It will put me right back where I don’t want to be.

I have to be focused. I have to be disciplined in training camp, not looking past this Chris Algieri fight. I know there are big fights out there like Mayweather and stuff. I just have to stay focused and win this fight and go from there really.


You call Chrisdangerous”. He’s not known as a big puncher. It could be a good boxing match. What do you see as the danger that Chris poses to you?

La. Kan

Technically I think overall he’s a very good boxer, moves well. He makes a lot of fighters fall short. He’s very skillful. You have to be on your “La” game to beat him.

I’ve been watching a lot of videos like Provodnikov. Even the Pacquiao fight, there’s some good things he did there. It could be dangerous for me coming into this fight if I’m not on my “La” juego. I have to be one step ahead and make sure I don’t make any mistakes. Chris Algieri is a guy that if you make a mistake, he’s going to make you pay for it.


Amir, you were criticized heavily for taking this fight. What can you do in this fight to put your name up there to get the bigger fights again? What will you have to do? Are you going to have to knock out Chris to make a real impression?

La. Kan

¡Mire, there’s people putting this fight down, and I don’t know why. Al final de la día, Chris has won a world title. He’s been in the ring with Pacquiao in his last fight. He’s a very good boxer, moves well, boxes well. I definitely have to be on my “La” juego.

All this stuff what people are saying, they’re probably thinking Amir thinks it’s going to be a walk in the park, but he’ll make a mistake and lose this fight.

Tomo cada pelea en serio. I’ve made that mistake in the past. For example the Danny Garcia fight. I’ve fought some fights that I thought are going to be a walk in the park; I got hurt, I lost the fight. I’m not thinking any fight is going to be easy. Every fight I walk into, every person in front of me is going to be in there to win the fight.

Listening to Chris Algieri, he seems he wants to win this fight. That motivates me and makes me train harder. I’ve got someone in front of me that wants to win this fight. I’m not really listening to what people are saying about future fights or where this fight can take me.


There still is pressure on you to deliver because you have to send a message that you’re still a big name.

La. Kan

Definitely there is. There’s a lot of pressure on me in every fight because they want to see me perform. Obviously there’s always the bigger picture of the other side. At the end of the day I’m still fighting the top guys and I believe Chris is one of the top guys in boxing.


You were quoted on the weekend that saying Leonard Ellerbe has mentioned Mayweather to you. September is an issue. What would be your plan there? Would it be hoping he puts it back to November or could you fight late in September?

La. Kan

Sinceramente, No estoy mirando más allá de esta lucha. I’ll tell you everything after the fight. At the moment what’s on my mind is the Chris Algieri fight. I don’t have anything else on my mind.


Amir, you left Golden Boy after your contract ran out. You’re with PBC now. What was your thinking behind making that move?

La. Kan

PBC I think is brilliant because it’s going to give more fans the chance to tune in to get to see you. I think it’s going to be good for the boxers. To be on Spike, the viewers are going to be great.

At the end of the day it’s not like I’m making less money or anything. I’m still doing well financially. Obviously I’m getting more people to watch me fight hopefully on Spike and on PBC.


Obviously your name has been linked with Mayweather not just the last three weeks but with the last three years. You’re both with Haymon. Has he ever said what you need to do to get in the ring with Mayweather?

La. Kan

Mayweather is the best fighter in the world and in order to get that fight, you have to look good. You have to shine really. It’s all about working hard, training hard, putting in good performances in the ring. To turn in the best performances in the ring, I can’t take it easy in camp. I have to work very hard in camp and I have to be very focused. I have to be very focused.

There’s been the word there for the last couple years that that fight was going to happen. But I’m going to be taking every fight one step at a time, hopefully put on great performances. If that fight comes, obviously it’s something I’ve always wanted.


Is that what he’s saying to you?

La. Kan

Sí, Virgil my trainer, everyone has said, “You have a fight in front of you and Chris Algieri is no joke.I can’t go into this fight thinking it’s going to be easy. In boxing you can get beat and, there are always guys who are skillful and can beat you. I have to be that one step ahead. I can’t really take this fight lightly and think it’s going to be easy, lose my fight, then all my dreams are shattered to fight all the big names in boxing. Chris is a very dangerous opponent for me.

Losing this fight, it would ruin my dreams to fight the big names in boxing. I have to be focused on this fight. I’m fighting in his own backyard. I know what it’s like to fight someone in their own backyard. When I fought Lamont Peterson, you have to try harder to win that fight. There will be a big crowd there as well. I have to be very focused, definitely keep the game plan strong, just win your rounds and win the fight.


Chris, you were in the ring with Pacquiao before. Obviously there’s a shoulder injury he says he’s had for quite some time. Was there anything you felt when you were in there, maybe you saw a difference in him, different from when he fought you?

C. Algieri

I didn’t really see anything physically. I saw a little more mental. He seemed more focused from my fight, para decirte la verdad. Even at the weigh-in, he was kind of bubbly and smiley at the Mayweather weigh-in. He wasn’t that way with myself when we were in China. That’s neither here nor there. You don’t know whether that could be anything. That’s kind of a hard question to answer for someone else.


What does this fight mean for you going forward? A win against a top name in boxing would do wonders for your career. Tell us what a win would mean for your career moving forward.

C. Algieri

Sí, I don’t want to speak for Amir or any other fighter out there, but we’re all competitors. We’re all out there to win. There’s a reason we do this at the elite level. You have to have a burning desire to be a winner.

Amir is a champion, un ex campeón. I’m a former champion, a champion myself. That will and desire to always want to win is there. There’s a lot of questions that are being asked. You have to win this fight. Por supuesto, you have to win this fight. That’s how boxing is. That’s what competition is. You have to win to get the big fights.

That’s one of the great things about this sport: when you keep winning, good things happen. Por supuesto, we’re all very hungry to get this victory and move on with our careers. I’m in exactly the same place. This is a huge fight, a huge opportunity. As with any other fight, Quiero ganar.


Amir, did you see anything in Mayweather that you would have taken advantage of, something you saw that other people didn’t see? Did he look a step slower? Something you saw that you could take advantage of?

La. Kan

Sí, Quiero decir, I was there as a boxing fan. I’m only an hour away from Vegas. I went there to watch the fight. I enjoyed the atmosphere and everything.

Mayweather looked great. He did what he had to do to win the fight. His accuracy was nothing but the best. He was catching Pacquiao with some good, clean shots, whereas Pacquiao was falling short.

That’s the way he fights. He’s a very skillful fighter who is very patient and makes his opponent make mistakes. That’s what I liked about him.

His world grade is dropping tremendously because of his age. But there are a few things I saw there which I have not seen before; when he takes a good shot, he doesn’t panic. The only way to catch him is with speed, which Manny has. Pacquiao didn’t use as much speed and explosiveness in the fight. I enjoyed it. I’m sure there were all those people who said he was never going to beat Pacquiao, bien, he’s been there and done that.


One last point on Mayweather. Floyd Sr. said that Floyd would fight you next and it would be an easy fight and I was wondering what you think about that.

La. Kan

Floyd Sr. is going to say its going to be an easy fight. Before anything I have Chris Algieri in front of me. Maybe they don’t want me to focus on my next fight. I have to be smart. I’m not going to let anything distract me in anyway. I am not going to think about Floyd’s team or put me down. At the moment that fight is not happening. At the moment the only fight that is happening is between me and Chris Algieri. We are only three or four weeks away from the fight and it is crunch time.

Q. A lot of people want you to fight Kelly Brook, can you talk about the decision to take a different opponent who is not ranked as high?

La. Kan

I could have fought Kell Brook in the UK. I only want to fight in may. I don’t want to fight in June because of Ramadan coming up. De cualquier manera, I’d be taking Ramadan off. I don’t want to be going into Ramadan tired after a fight, going straight into Ramadan, fasting.

I like to give my body a break. I’ve done that before. I’ve had a fight and I’ve gone straight into Ramadan back-to-back. It’s too much for a body to take. Obviously I need to look after my body.

Sí, Kell Brook, the guy is a world champion, he should be fighting the likes of Bradley and the big names in boxing, like I’m doing. I’m fighting Chris Algieri, who just came out of the ring in his last fight against Manny Pacquiao. Kell Brook, his last fight, never heard of the guy he fought. Now he’s fighting another no-name fighter without a ranking.

That name doesn’t bother me anymore because he’s not doing anything. The only reason his name gets pushed to me because he holds the title. If he didn’t have the title, I don’t think it would mean anything to me or boxing.

Q. Tell us your thoughts on Algieri as a fighter and give us some of your scouting report on him.

La. Kan

Chris Algieri just came off a win against Provodnikov. I saw it the other day. It was a very good fight. He boxed very smart against a guy who is a good pressure fighter and a big puncher. Entonces, against Pacquiao, one of the quickest fighters in the world.

I think if you look at the names of Chris Algieri’s last few opponents and Kell Brook’s last few opponents, the names will speak for themselves.


Chris, in this fight there’s been a lot of discussion what Amir is going to do in his next fight, all this. You’re in some ways being overlooked in this. Tell us what you think your advantages are over Amir and why you think you’re going to be able to win this fight.

C. Algieri

All the talk is none of my concern, para decirte la verdad. I’m focused on training, preparing the best that I can for this fight. I’ve been working hard, working on a lot of new things with John David Jackson. Great sparring so far.

I’m just a very hungry fighter at this point. I’m coming off my first loss as a professional, and watching Pacquiao and Mayweather fight this weekend has spurred me on even that much more, made me that much more of a hungry fighter.

It’s one of those things, you have a guy in great shape that is really hungry for the win. I think that’s a big advantage in any fight.


Amir, focusing on this fight, what do you think your advantages are over Chris? You said you watched his fight recently with Provodnikov where he won. What do you think his advantages are?

La. Kan

Sí, la velocidad, the movement, el poder. Experience is something that I have on my side. I remember a couple years ago when I was fighting the guys who were a lot more experienced than me, I was going and beating those guys. Now I’m in a position where I’m one of the guys with most experience, fighting guys with less experience.

You can’t take that lightly really because obviously I was once in Chris Algieri’s position where I had one loss and I was going up against the top guys in boxing, and I beat those guys.

I can’t go into this fight thinking it’s going to be an easy fight or I’m going to win this fight because I was once in Chris Algieri’s position, where I was getting people telling me, you’re not going to make it, you’re not going to win this fight. I was the underdog and I proved everybody wrong.


Amir, you fought in New York before. Chris is going to be the hometown guy in this fight. You’re well-known in New York, demasiado. What do you think the effect is going to be having the fight in Brooklyn?

La. Kan

I always wanted to fight in Brooklyn. I fought at Madison Square Garden in 2009 against Paulie. Desde allí, I always wanted to come back to New York. The fan base is huge.

It’s like a second home for me. My wife lives in Staten Island. I spend a lot of time in New York. We live in England, but spend a lot of time in New York and America itself.

Para mí, every time I’m walking the streets of New York, I have everybody asking me, when are you going to be fighting again? We want to see you fight again in New York.

Also when I’m at Barclays Center, I’ve been there for a couple of the Nets games, people have always asked me, we need you back in New York. We need you to fight at Barclays Center.

I think it’s time now. I promised them I would come back. I’m coming back fighting one of their home fighters. I know by fighting that home fighter you have to work a bit harder because he’s going to have a little bit more fans than me.

Pero, Quiero decir, time will tell. We’ll see how it all goes. I’m going to be focused on everything. I’m going to stay calm and hopefully come fight night I’m going to be ready for everything that Chris Algieri brings to the table. Voy a estar listo, sí.


Amir, in Vegas over the weekend you were getting mobbed everywhere you went by fans. What are they saying to you at this point? They’ve been asking you about Floyd. Has that subsided or is that still the message?

La. Kan

Everybody was talking about that one big fight. “You should fight Floyd. You should fight Floyd.

I was telling them all, I’m fighting Chris Algieri next. That for me is a very tough fight. I need to win this fight if I need to go near any of the big names in fighting.

They were very supportive. I was getting a lot of respect in Vegas. Pero, como dije, this is time to fight Chris Algieri. I’m not going to be fighting Floyd Mayweather yet till I win this fight.

I was listening, being respectful back. Just meeting fans and greeting fans really.


How inspiring was that to be part of the weekend? It was something quite special, wasn’t it?

La. Kan

It was massive having two big names. I’ve been to both big fights. Normally you have a Pacquiao fight with big names. When you go to a fight with two big names, it was huge. Manny had the bigger crowd, it seemed to me. Floyd just did what he had to do. It was full of a high-profile people, celebrities and stuff. I sat amongst them. It’s something I want to be doing one day, being in the ring, having millions of people in the world watching you and having high profile people watch you ring side.


You had Adrien Broner in your ear. What was that all about?

La. Kan

I think he just wants to jump on the bandwagon really and get a little hype. I told my advisor Al Haymon to get me the fight with him before we even got the fight with Chris. Adrien to me seemed to not want the fight. In front of the cameras, he seems to want the fight, but when it comes down to signing the contract he didn’t want to sign anything. When it comes down to signing the contract, he doesn’t want the fight. Adrien didn’t want it, so obviously I had to go on to someone else.


Is it true that you’ve ruled out fighting in September if a Mayweather fight does come to pass? Will you not fight in September?

A Khan

No, no, I’ve not ruled out. It’s possible I could fight in September, sí. Ramadan is going to be a little bit earlier this year, so obviously it helps, gives me enough time to get the training done and everything. It can happen in September.

L. DiBella

Gracias, Amir and Chris. Gracias, todo el mundo, por estar con nosotros.


# # #

Para obtener más información, visita,, y Siga en TwitterPremierBoxing, AmirKingKhan, ChrisAlgieri, LouDiBella, SpikeTV YBarclaysCenter y hazte fan en Facebook en, rKha nThePage, Sigue la conversación utilizando #PremierBoxingChampions y #BrooklynBoxing.


Haga clic en AQUÍ Para las fotos de Ed Diller / DiBella Entertainment

BROOKLYN (Mayo 13, 2015) – El ex campeón mundial de dos divisiones Paulie “The Magic Man” Malignaggi (33-6, 7 KOs)held an open workout at Gleason’s Gym in Brooklyn Miércoles before he takes on Danny O'Connor (25-2, 9 KOs)en Liga de Campeones de Boxeo en Espiga, Viernes, Mayo 29 en 9 p.m. Y/6 p.m. PT live from Barclays Center.


Also working out at Gleason’s Gym El miércoles was undefeated bantamweight contender Brezo “El Heat” Resistente (12-0, 2 KOs) and undefeated Brooklyn heavyweight Adam Kownacki (9-0, 9 KOs).

These fights will be part of an explosive evening headlined by boxing superstar Amir “Rey” Kan (30-3, 19 KOs)who faces tough New Yorker Chris Algieri (20-1, 8 KOs). Las puertas del Barclays Center abren a las 6 p.m. Y.


Las entradas para el evento en vivo, which is promoted by DiBella Entertainment and Star Boxing, tienen un precio de $250, $150, $75 y $45, sin incluir cargos e impuestos aplicables de servicio, y están a la venta. Los boletos están disponibles, y en la taquilla del American Express en el Barclays Center. Para comprarlos por teléfono, llamar a Ticketmaster al (800) 745-3000. Para boletos de grupo, por favor llame al 800-GROUP-BK.


Here are what the fighters had to say Miércoles:


Paulie Malignaggi


I know Danny O’Connor pretty well. He’s a good boxer who had a good amateur career. He can be pretty slick and he’s a real intelligent guy. He’s not going to just hand it to you so you have to use your mind against him.


O’Connor is going to come hungry. With the situation he’s in, he’s really been looking for this opportunity in his career. I expect the hungriest and best possible Danny O’Connor.


I’m going to go out in the first round see what I’m looking for. I’m not going to go out and expect something from him, but we’ll make adjustments. If I see some of his patterns that I’ve seen on video, then I’ll know what to do. I’m going to look to take apart what’s in front of me.


Gleason’s Gym is the first place I ever learned to box. I learned to throw a jab in here. I learned to throw a right hand in here. All of my fundamentals came from here. I didn’t have a clue about boxing before I came to Gleason’s. I owe a lot to this gym.


There was a good six months where I didn’t really care about coming back. I was satisfied. But then I just started to miss being a competitor. I was keeping busy but the competition was missing in my life. Once I got back in the gym and started hitting the bag and I felt good I knew I wanted to get back out there.


It’s been tough balancing the schedule out with my announcing. It’s a mental challenge to make sure you’re still training despite all the other responsibilities. To me that proves that I still have the passion to fight. I still wanted to train no matter how busy I got.


I’m thankful to be able to be a part of something really big like this. Sometimes you take a bad loss in your career and you can take a big step back but I’m thankful to have an opportunity to be on a highly elevated show like this, it’s really cool.


I’d still like to fight for a world title and take on big names. If I could win another title I feel like I can put myself into the position to go into the Hall of Fame as a fighter. I’ve been fighting at a high level since 2006, a good percentage of them have been world class opponents.


PBC is really amazing, I think it’s great for the sport. It’s going to build up new stars because fighters are going to be on your television constantly. I think people are going to start to really follow it. You’re going to see a lot of different kinds of fights and fighters, there’s something for everybody.




Training camp has been very good, this is probably the biggest fight of my career so far against Noemi Bosques. I’m fighting the number two bantamweight and I’m really excited.


I haven’t changed my training at all. I go into every fight to win and I always give 100 por ciento.


I’m really happy to be back in the ring so quickly. I was winning my last fight and I was ready to knock this girl out, but then the head butt stopped it prematurely. There was an unfinished feeling after the last fight, almost like a sparring session.


I know I’m facing a tough fighter, she can box but she’s also an aggressive fighter. We’re going to do what we do against every fighter, which is make adjustments.


Me being on the undercards for these PBC shows has been great for women’s boxing because it’s got a lot of great media attention.


I love fighting at home. I watched them build Barclays Center and I thought about how much I’d love to fight there. Es un sueño hecho realidad. Barclays Center is special.


I’m still on the steps looking up in my career. There’s a lot more to go. I don’t feel like I’ve reached the highest that I can reach. I’m going to keep fighting and winning and giving the fans a reason to come back.


ADAM Kownacka


I was born and grew up in Brooklyn so it’s a real treat to fight at Barclays Center. I can’t wait to perform there. Va a ser una noche asombrosa.


It’s really a dream come true to be fighting at Barclays Center. I’m so glad it’s finally here. Hopefully one day I’ll be the main event.


I’ve fought recently in Chicago and Philadelphia, but I’m really excited to be back home and have a lot of people come out to support me.


“Vengo a luchar, if the knockout comes it comes. Hopefully the knockout comes again on Mayo 29.


I want the fans to keep looking for me, I’m going to get tougher opponents and tougher fights and more exposure that I’m so excited for.


I bring excitement to the ring. I throw a lot of punches and my defense has improved with every fight.


# # #

Para obtener más información, visite,, y Siga en TwitterPremierBoxing, AmirKingKhan, ChrisAlgieri, PaulMalignaggi, DOC_Boxing, LouDiBella, SpikeTV YBarclaysCenter y hazte fan en Facebook, rKha nThePage, y Sigue la conversación utilizando #PremierBoxingChampions y #BrooklynBoxing.



CHICAGO (Mayo 12, 2015) – Sensación del boxeo cubano Erislandy “El sueño americano” Lara (20-2-2, 12 KOs)regresa al ring en Viernes, Junio 12 para enfrentar al veterano Delvin Rodríguez (28-7-4, 16 KOs) mientras Premier Boxing Champions regresa a Spike.


Además, Artista del nocaut ruso Artur Beterbiev (8-0, 8 KOs) está listo para enfrentarse a los expertos en ring Doudou Ngumbu (34-6, 13 KOs) de Haute-Garonne, Francia.


Esta edición de PBC en Spike comienza en 9 p.m. Y. Puertas en UIC Pavilion abren a las 5 p.m. Connecticutcon el primer set lucha por 5:30 p.m. Connecticut.


“Estoy muy emocionado de pelear en Spike TV en 12 de junio en Chicago.” dijo Erislandy “El sueño americano” Lara. “Delvin Rodríguez es un luchador veterano duro al que respeto. Tiene mucho corazón y determinación. Pero una vez que suena la campana, estoy buscando el nocaut!”


“En Junio 12, Voy a cambiar la opinión de todos sobre mí y mostrar que puedo vencer a Lara.,” dijo Rodríguez.


Las entradas para el evento en vivo, que está promovido por Warriors Boxing en asociación con Grupo Yvon Michel (GIMNASIO), tienen un precio de $151, $101, $51, y $31, sin incluir cargos aplicables de servicio, y están a la venta. Para comprarlos por teléfono con una tarjeta de crédito importante, llamar a Ticketmaster al (800) 745-3000 o UIC Pavilion taquilla en (312) 413-5740. Los boletos también están disponibles en o visitando la Oficina UIC Pavilion Box (Jueves o Viernes 9:00 a.m.4:00 p.m.).


El de 32 años Lara es un boxeador hábil con la capacidad de castigar mientras recibe muy poco a cambio. Lara suma victorias sobre Alfredo Angulo, Austin trucha y Freddy Hernández largo de su carrera. Como amateur, Lara ganó numerosos títulos, incluyendo un campeonato nacional en el peso welter, y también participó en la 2007 Juegos Panamericanos. El peleador originario de Guantánamo, Cuba, pero peleando desde Houston derrotó recientemente al ex campeón mundial Ishe Smith en su camino a su 20º victoria profesional.


Ya metido en una carrera consumada, el 35-años de edad, Rodríguez busca darle a Lara una dura prueba y entretener a la multitud en UIC Pavilion en junio 12. Habiendo luchado contra jugadores como Miguel Cotto y Austin Trout, Rodríguez también ha conseguido victorias sobre Mike Arnaoutis, Pawel Wolak y Shamone Alvarez a lo largo de su exitosa carrera. Born in Santiago de le Caballeros, República Dominicana pero peleando fuera de Danbury, Connecticut, Rodríguez buscará mejorar en su última salida, un empate contra Joachim Alcine en mayo 2014.


Habiendo derrotado a todos los oponentes a los que se ha enfrentado profesionalmente, el ahora ex-destacado aficionado de 30 años Beterbiev buscará mantener viva su racha de nocauts en Chicago. Habiendo logrado impresionantes victorias sobre Tavoris Cloud en 2014 y Gabriel Campillo a principios de este año, el duro ruso sabe que lo pondrán a prueba con un oponente experimentado en junio 12.


Tras una reñida derrota ante Andrzej Fonfara en noviembre 2014, Francia Ngumbuse recuperó muy bien con una victoria por nocaut en enero de este año. El veterano de 33 años probado en batalla buscará usar su gran experiencia profesional en UIC Pavilion para salir victorioso..


Para obtener más información, visite,, siga en TwitterPremierBoxing, LaraBoxing, @ DRodriguez1980, WarriorsBoxProm YSpikeTV y hazte fan en Facebook en,


Más! Chris Arreola & Alfredo Angulo

Competir en combates separados

Y un enfrentamiento de peso pluma entre Jesús Cuellar & Vic Darchinyan

CARSON, CALIF (Mayo 11, 2015) –Robert “El Santo” Guerrero (32-3-1, 18 KOs) regresa al ring mientras se enfrenta a Aron Martínez (19-3-1, 4 KOs) en sábado tarde, Junio 6 como Premier Boxing Champions (PBC) en NBC llega a StubHub Center en Carson, California. La transmisión comienza a las 3 p.m. Y/PT mediodía.


También aparecen en la tarjeta estrellas perennes Chris “La pesadilla” Arreola (36-4, 31 KOs) y Alfredo “El Perro” Angulo (22-5, 18 KOs) quién competirá en combates separados. Completar la acción es un enfrentamiento de peso pluma lleno de acción como Jesús Cuellar (26-1, 20 KOs) batallas Vic Darchinyan (40-7-1, 29 KOs).


Las entradas para el evento en vivo, que está promovido por Promociones TGB, tienen un precio de $200, $150, $100, $50 y $25, más los impuestos aplicables, tasas y cargos por servicio, están a la venta y están disponibles para su compra en línea en


“Estoy muy feliz de poder regresar rápidamente al ring., especialmente en NBC.” dijo Guerrero. “Es un honor luchar en StubHub Center una vez más como evento principal. Lo traeré como siempre y daré a los fanáticos una pelea emocionante.. I can’t wait for the bell to ring!”


I’m very thankful for the opportunity to fight Robert Guerrero on network television,” dijo Martínez. “Since my last fight, I’ve been in the gym working extremely hard. I want to shock the world and beat ‘The Ghost.’ No nos equivoquemos al respecto, Voy a ir a ganar.”


I am so happy to be getting back in the ring so soon after my last fight [Marzo 13],” , dijo Arreola. “The opportunity to stay busy and fight at StubHub Center is great and I plan on showcasing my skills.


I am grateful for the chance to fight on such a great card in Southern California where I have fought several times before,” dijo Angulo. “I see this as an important fight for me and I know that the fans won’t be disappointed.


We’re very excited to return to StubHub Center and work with the

NBC team on an action-packed card” dijo Tom Brown, de Promociones TGB. “Robert Guerrero and Aron Martinez will provide fireworks from the opening bell in

the main event and we’ll be adding a full card of terrific undercard fights

for a complete afternoon of entertainment for Southern California fight fans.


El de 32 años Guerrero fuera de Gilroy, California owns victories over Andre Berto, Selcuk Aydin and Michael Katsidis. He most recently electrified fans with an exciting performance against Keith Thurman on the inaugural PBC card on Marzo 7 de este año. A former world champion in four weight classes, Guerrero looks to put on another outstanding performance on Junio 6 at StubHub Center.


Born in Uruapan, Michoacan de Ocampo, México, but fighting out of East Los Angeles, Martínez makes his StubHub Center debut on June 6. The 33-year-old turned pro in 2005 and won his first seven starts before a technical draw in 2007 against Vito Gaspayran. Un duro luchador Martínez encadenado 10 victorias consecutivas entre 2009 y 2012..


Los 34 años de edad Arreola derrotó a Curtis Harper en un emocionante enfrentamiento de peso pesado en marzo 13 en Ontario, California. Nacido en Escondido, California. pero luchando fuera de Los Angeles, Arreola ha sido durante mucho tiempo uno de los boxeadores más temidos en la división de peso. Después de haber desafiado a los mejores de la división, Arreola sabe lo que se necesita para tener éxito en este nivel y busca entretener a los fanáticos de su ciudad natal en junio. 6.


Un guerrero mexicano luchando duro nacido en Mexicali, Baja California, México pero luchando fuera de Coachella, Calif.,Angulo está buscando una gran victoria frente a sus fanáticos locales adoptadas. Siempre listo para desafiar a los mejores del deporte, de 32 años de edad, ha ido mano a mano con algunos de los mejores boxeadores del mundo y tiene nocaut victorias sobre Gabriel Rosado, Joachim Alcine y Joel Julio.


Una estrella de rápido aumento de Buenos Aires, Argentina, Cuellar mira para que sea 10 victorias seguidas cuando lucha contra Darchinyan en junio 6. Su poder en ambas manos le ha llevado a seis golpes de gracia de sus últimas nueve victorias, incluyendo una segunda ronda de la destrucción del icono puertorriqueño Juan Manuel López en septiembre. 2014. El hará que comience su primera carrera en California cuando él entra en el ring en StubHub Center 28-años de edad,.


Mirando a ponerse de nuevo en la discusión de los mejores pesos pluma, de 39 años de edad, Darchinyan viene con el tipo de experiencia para derrocar el explosivo Cuellar. Un ex campeón del mundo, el peleador de Armenia quien pelea en Glendale, California viene de un nocaut técnico en el noveno asalto sobre Juan Jiménez en febrero de este año. Después de haber luchado contra los mejores contendientes como Abner Mares, Nonito Donaire y Nicholas Walters, Darchinyan también posee victorias sobre Yonnhy Pérez, Jorge Arce y Cristian Mijares.


Para obtener más información, visite y, siga en TwitterPremierBoxing, NBCSports, GHOSTBOXING, @PesadillaBoxing, @ ElPerro82, @JesusCuellarBOX & VicDarchinyan Y hazte fan en Facebook en, y


Jamie McDonnell Earns Close Decision Over

Tomoki Kameda

Haga clic en AQUÍ For Photos From Esther Lin/PBC on CBS

HIDALGO, TEXAS (Mayo 9, 2015) – Omar “Panterita” Figueroa (25-0-1, 18 KOs) remained undefeated as he put on an exciting show in front of a raucous hometown crowd and earned a unanimous decision over Ricky Burns (37-5-1, 11 KOs) on Premier Boxing Champions on CBS live from State Farm Arena in Hidalgo, Texas.


Figueroa was the sharper fighter who landed harder punches and was able to dictate the pace of the fight. Burns was deducted a point in both the eighth and 11º rounds by the referee for excessive holding. “Panterita” ganado por las cuentas de 116-110 dos veces y 117-109.


In the first televised fight of the afternoon, British star Jamie McDonnell (25-2-1, 12 KOs) earned a narrow but unanimous decision over previously unbeaten Tomoki “El Mexicanito” Kameda (31-1, 19 KOs). McDonnell was knocked down for the first time in his career by a sharp right hand from Kameda in round three but quickly recovered to win by a score of 114-113 en los tres jueces’ tarjetas.


Here are what the fighters had to say after their bouts:




Fighting a fight like that, it takes a lot to go even four rounds, much less 12. With a fighter like that, leaning on you and using his weight on you it’s tough. I’m just glad I was in shape and didn’t let my fans down.


I’m a very offensive fighter, so the holding kind of slowed me down. I tried to do what I could and, agradecidamente, the judges saw that.


My hands are a little sore, but I really did hold back on my punches, especially because he has one of those European guards where he holds his hands up high and his elbows are exposed. I had to be careful going to the body because that’s how I hurt my hands most times, from hitting the elbows. I felt ridiculously strong at the new weight, but I didn’t think my hands would hold up, so I was holding back and trying to win the fight on points and if I could hurt him I would try to stop him.


He was punching me behind the head, so I felt like I had to do the same. If you want to play like that, I can play that game.


At the end of the fight, he came with a good body shot that hurt me a bit. That’s why I slowed down at the end. I have to give it to Ricky. Él es un peleador duro.


It’s time to rest up. I’ve been training since the beginning of the year and I deserve a little rest.




We knew it was going to be a tough fight, but I didn’t agree with the deductions for holding. I thought he was holding as much as me and that’s why I had to tie him up.


We moved up in weight for this one but still had some trouble making weight, but I didn’t want to jeopardize my chance to fight in America.


I think it was his size that gave me problems more than anything. I don’t know what weight he was in that ring, but it was a lot bigger than me.


The plan was to try to stick to boxing for the first half of the fight, but once the size really took over I had to stand and exchange more than I would have liked. I couldn’t get him off of me. I’ve got no excuses, as I said the best man will win.


I always leave everything in the ring and that’s all I can do. I hope everyone who watched enjoyed the fight.


We’ve enjoyed the experience of being in the U.S., obviously the decision didn’t go our way which puts a damper on it, but overall everyone here in Texas has been great. I want to say a big thank you to everybody. I hope to back again.




I felt in control all the way through. It was a great performance. I know I should have just boxed but I wanted to fight.


I didn’t think I was going to get the decision being abroad, but it’s more than spectacular to come out of here victorious. He’s a great, campeón invicto.


His speed surprised me on the knockdown. I knew he was going to be fast, but I didn’t expect it like that. I didn’t see the shot and next thing I knew I was on the floor.


Hit and move, hit and move, that was the strategy. I remember being in there and thinking, ‘Man, this isn’t easy.I knew the crowd was going to go his way but it was a great experience.


It’s been a fantastic time being here in America. I’d like to see some familiar faces but it’s a new experience. I was up against it but I knew I could pull it off. I knew deep inside that I could do it.


I think I’m going to move up in weight. I want to catch the big fights before they’re gone.


Tomoki Kameda


“Creo que gané la pelea. I did enough to win. He did a lot to win the last rounds, but I did more over the fight. I don’t agree with the judges decision, but I respect it.


I knew he would get up after the knockdown because he’s a world champion. He’s a great fighter and I take my hat off to him, but I won the fight.


“Quiero una revancha.”


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Para obtener más información, visite, siga en TwitterPremierBoxing, SHOSports, OmarFigueroaJr, RicksterKO, TomokiKameda, @ JamieMcDonnell1, WarriorsBoxPromo Y hazte fan en Facebook en, o visite el blog de SHOWTIME Boxeo en

Edwin Rodríguez y Craig Baker a enfrentarán en BOSTON COMO PARTE DE PBC ON NBC TOMA LA TARJETA DE LUGAR


Plus invicto Javier Fortuna Batallas Bryan Vázquez

En acción del respaldo

Combates preliminares para apoyar a Andre Dirrell vs. James DeGale

Supermediano Enfrentamiento

BOSTON (Mayo 8, 2015) – Semipesados ​​Emocionantes Edwin Rodríguez (26-1, 17 KOs)y Craig Baker, (16-0, 12 KOs) entrar en el ring en Sábado, Mayo 23 en Boston como parte de una edición de fin de semana de Memorial Day especial de Premier Campeones de boxeo en la NBC.


El PBC en vivo por NBC evento comienza a las 4:30 p.m. Y/1:30 p.m. PT y va hasta 6:00 pm. Y / 3:00 p.m. PT cuando la acción cambia a NBCSN de 6:00 p.m. Y/3:00 p.m. PT hasta 7:00 p.m. Y/4:00 p.m. PT.


Además acción del respaldo enfrenta a un par de pesos ligeros júnior peligrosas como Javier Fortuna(27-0-1, 20 KOs) y Bryan Vázquez (34-1, 18 KOs)batalla en la Universidad de Boston Agganis Arena. Estos combates preliminares apoyarán el concurso de peso súper mediano entre Andre Dirrell (24-1, 16 KOs) y James DeGale (20-1, 14 KOs).


“Voy a aprovechar esta oportunidad de estar en esta gran tarjeta,” dijo Rodríguez. “Voy a mostrar el mundo y todos los pesos pesados ​​de la luz superior, especialmente Kovalev, Stevenson y Fonfara, que soy una fuerza a tener en cuenta al tomar récord invicto de Craig Baker, de una manera entretenida.”


“Estoy bien preparado para aprovechar la oportunidad que esta lucha regalos,” dijo Baker. “Una victoria en Mayo 23 me pone más cerca de una pelea de título mundial y sólo he soñado realmente lograr algo tan grande. He visto a Rodríguez en acción antes y él es un buen boxeador, pero estoy trabajando para estar en perfecto estado para que pueda poner en un espectáculo para los aficionados en Boston. Vamos a tener un gran campamento y hacer mayores logros, las cosas deben ser muy interesante.”


Las entradas para el evento en vivo, el cual es promovido por DiBella Entertainment en asociación con Murphys Boxeo, tienen un precio de $250, $200, $100, $75, $50 y $35, sin incluir cargos e impuestos aplicables de servicio, y están a la venta. Los boletos estarán disponibles Para comprarlos por teléfono, llamar a Ticketmaster al (800) 745-3000.


Un amateur que ganó un 2006 Guantes de Oro Nacionales medalla de oro y un 2005 U.S. Medalla de oro en el Campeonato Nacional, el jugador de 29 años de edad, Rodríguez entra en esta lucha como el ganador de sus dos últimas peleas. Nacido en la República Dominicana, pero luchando fuera de cerca de Worcester, Misa., Única derrota de Rodríguez llegó a la estrella invicto Andre Ward en 2013 y es dueño de victorias sobre peleadores previamente invicto Will Rosinsky, Jason Escalera and Ezequiel Osvaldo Maderna.


Un peleador invicto que se convirtió en profesional en 2008, Panadero llega a esta pelea después de haber detenido sus últimos cuatro oponentes dentro de la distancia. El jugador de 31 años de edad, tomó victorias en casa sobre Anthony Greeley y Sergio Córdoba en 2014 y dio inicio 2015 al noquear a Umberto Savigne. Luchando fuera de su ciudad natal de Baytown, Texas, Panadero buscará una victoria grande como él da un paso adelante en la competencia.


El invicto y dueño de una 4-0 récord en 2014, el jugador de 25 años de edad, Suerte es un prospecto en ascenso buscando para hacer una impresión en Mayo 23. Después de una fracción de llamar la decisión en contra de Luis Franco en 2013, que se ha recuperado para ganar cinco peleas consecutivas. Nacido y criado en la República Dominicana, Fortuna posee victorias sobre Abner Cotto, Miguel Romano y Patrick Hyland.


Un ex retador mundial cuya única derrota llegó a Takashi Uchiyama en 2012,Vázquez entra en esta lucha en un impresionante cinco años de lucha racha ganadora. El jugador de 27 años de edad comenzó su carrera con 29 gana y ha añadido recientemente victorias sobre Sergio Thompson, José Feliz Jr. y René González. Luchando fuera de Costa Rica, Vázquez tiene una gran oportunidad para una victoria firma en mayo 23.


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Para obtener más información, visite, y, siga en TwitterPremierBoxing, AndreDirrell, @ JamesDeGale1, LouDiBella, DropkickMurphys, MurphysBoxing, NBCSports YAgganisArena y Hazte fan en Facebook en,,, Sigue la conversación utilizando #PremierBoxingChampions y #PBConNBC


Haga clic en AQUÍ For Photos From Esther Lin/PBC on CBS

Live On CBS Sports Starting at 4 P.M. Y/1 P.M. PT

HIDALGO, TEXAS (Mayo 7, 2015) – Lucha por semana Liga de Campeones de Boxeo en CBS continued Thursday as televised fighters Omar “Panterita” Figueroa, Ricky Burns, Tomoki “El Mexicanito” Kameda, Jamie McDonnelly Austin “No Hay Duda” Trucha spoke to the media at the final press conference before their respective bouts taking placeSábado, Mayo 9 en la State Farm Arena.


Here are what the participants had to say Thursday:




This is the biggest fight of my career thus far. I have my brother on the undercard and it’s here at home. Esto es lo. I think it’s great for people from the Valley to get a huge card like this here. They haven’t seen this since Vasquez vs. Márquez, so I hope to bring that level of boxing back to the Valley.


I definitely feel more pressure but the good kind of pressure. I’ve thrived on pressure my whole life. I was a pitcher for a long time. I was a closer. So I’ve been in situations where it’s bases loaded and we’re down so many runs and I’ve got to keep the game close. This is what I live for.


I haven’t seen any film of Ricky Burns. Haven’t watched him at all. But from what I’ve heard he’s a tough fighter in great shape, so if we go 12 rounds it’ll be a good 12 rondas. I’m going to go out there and give it my all and win in the most impressive way possible.


It wasn’t difficult to give up my title. I don’t fight for titles. I don’t care for titles. I think they’re just aesthetic things. I’d rather please the fans with a good fight. I don’t care if I win a title at the end of the day, but if the fans are happy, Yo estoy feliz.


I’m going to be a lot stronger at this new weight. I don’t know what to expect. I’m excited to get in the ring and find out.




When you’re in hard fights, that’s what brings out the best of you. I’m looking forward to getting in the ring and putting on a good performance and win some fans over here.


It’s a very tough fight and we knew that before we took it. Figueroa likes to come forward and be aggressive, but that can be his downside because he takes a lot of shots. We’re prepared for whatever happens on fight night and the best man will win.


Some people think I’ve come over here just to be an opponent but that’s not the case. I had a bad year but it’s all behind me. I’m going to get back to my winning ways.


This is everything I’ve ever wanted to accomplish in boxing. It’s going to be a hard fight but by the time the fight comes it will be just about four weeks that I’ve been in Texas.


I treat boxing as my job, when it comes to training and fighting I always give it 100 percent and leave it all in the ring and hopefully the fans will see that. Omar is never in a dull fight and I’m not one to back out.


We’ve treated this fight exactly the same as any other. Even though we’re in his hometown, as soon as that first bell goes that’s when it’s going to count. It’s just me and him in that ring.


Tomoki Kameda


It is a dream come true to fight on a network like CBS. Millions are now going to get to know me, get to know my style. Boxing is changing and to be part of that is a great honor to me.

It was not easy to relinquish my world titleI was the first Japanese to hold that title. It’s never easy to give up something that you’ve worked so hard for. But I respect the sanctioning body’s decision, they said I had to relinquish it and so I did. Ahora, I’m going for another title, and after that maybe unification.

McDonnell is a good boxer. He knows how to box and knows his way inside the ring. Most British fighters do that, move around a lot. Its not an easy style to face, but my team and I have a great strategy and we are going to win, we are going to win by knockout.

I love Mexico. I moved there when I was 15 with my family. I did all of my amateur and all my professional career there. I’m grateful to Mexico and all Mexicans for giving me so much.

My team and the guys at the gym started calling me ‘El Mexicanitobecause I embrace Mexican culture as my own. I love the food, the people and of course the Spanish language. I struggle with it at first, but now I think I got it mastered.




I think Kameda is a bit scared and a bit intimidated by my size. I genuinely believe I am going to knock him out. I’m too big and too strong.


I’ve been a world champion for a couple of years now. I’m ultra-confident for this fight. It’s the best I’ve ever felt. Tengo muchas ganas de hacerlo.


Kameda is a good fighter and I expect the very best from him. He better expect the very best from me. This is life changing, whoever wins this fight gets propelled up a few levels.


I want the best life possible for my wife and baby daughter. To do that I have to beat him.


My losses were six years ago and I didn’t even really believe in myself at that time. I’ve gone through every experience that you can in that time and I bring everything to the table.


Fans can expect to see a lot of heart. Puedo recibir un golpe, I can give a punch. It’s an interesting fight and it’s a chance for me to showcase what I’m all about on this great stage here in America.




As far as my opponent dropping out at the last minute, disappointment is kind of an understatement. But I’m trying to keep it classy, so I’ll stick with disappointed. I’m not surprised though.


The day I heard that he pulled out it definitely changed my mindset, but I had to find that focus and realize that we still have work to do.


It’s an honor to be part of this whole PBC on CBS card. I feel like this is the resurgence of boxingbrining it back to the golden days. For me to be a part of that was one of my goals when I turned pro. I wanted to be a part of the comeback of boxing.


I’m trying to get a belt. I want my world title back. After I get a world title I’m going to try and avenge those losses. After I avenge those losses I want another title so I can become an undisputed champion. Once that’s done we can consider moving up to another weight class maybe.


Para obtener más información, visite, siga en TwitterPremierBoxing, SHOSports, OmarFigueroaJr, RicksterKO, TomokiKameda, @ JamieMcDonnell1, WarriorsBoxPromo Y hazte fan en Facebook en, o visite el blog de SHOWTIME Boxeo en


Austin Trout To Face Luis Galarza

Plus Top Local Talent & Highly-Touted Prospects Complete Card

Coverage of Premier Boxing Champions on CBS Starts

en 4 P.M. Y/1 P.M. PT

HIDALGO, TEXAS (Mayo 7, 2015) – A full day of exciting undercard fights come to State Farm Arena in Hidalgo, Texasen sábado tarde, Mayo 9 as local fan favorites and top prospects will look to make their marks on the boxing world. This includes former world champion Austin “No Hay Duda” Trucha (28-2, 15 KOs), que lucha Luis Galarza (21-3, 15 KOs) en acción súper welter .



A former world champion who defeated Miguel Cotto in 2012, el jugador de 29 años de edad, Trucha looks to make it three victories in a row on Mayo 9. He also owns victories over Delvin Rodriguez, Daniel Dawson and Rigoberto Alvarez, además de su 2004 U.S. Championships gold medal. Fighting out of Las Cruces, Nuevo México, he takes on the 33-year-old Galarza out of El Taino, Puerto Rico.



These fights will support the Liga de Campeones de Boxeo en CBS show featuring undefeated star Omar “Panterita” Figueroa luchando contra el ex campeón del mundo Ricky Burns and the bantamweight showdown between Tomoki Kameda (31-0, 19 KOs) y Jamie McDonnell (25-2-1, 12 KOs).



Las entradas para el evento en vivo están a la venta y tienen un precio de $150, $100, $75, $50, y $25, sin incluir cargos e impuestos aplicables de servicio. Los boletos están disponibles en o en la Oficina de State Farm Arena Box. Para comprarlos por teléfono, llamar a Ticketmaster al (800) 745-3000.



Undercard action will also feature a pair of knockout artists as Rogelio “Gordo” Medina (35-6, 29 KOs) adquiere Samuel Miller (28-10, 25 KOs) en un 10 asaltos peso súper mediano pelea. prospecto invicto Miguel Flores (14-0, 7 KOs) batallas German Meraz (43-34-1, 24 KOs) in an eight round featherweight attraction and Precio de Darwin (6-0, 3 KOs) caras Juan Ovalle (4-6-2, 3 KOs) in six rounds of super lightweight action.



Action continues with Steve Lovett (11-0, 9 KOs) luchando Eric Watkins (12-8-2, 5 KOs) in an eight round light heavyweight showdown. Más, Jose Prado (4-1, 2 KOs) se enfrentará a Victor Rosas (6-1, 2 KOs) in a four round welterweight tussle while Carlos Velásquez (18-1, 12 KOs) caras Juan Ruiz (24-16, 7 KOs) in an eight round featherweight bout.



Some of Texashottest prospects round out the card as Omar’s brother, Brandon Figueroa (para el debut) adquiere Hector Gutierrez (2-7) in a four round featherweight bout while Mario Barrios (8-0, 5 KOs) looks to remain undefeated against Jose Del Valle (4-10-1, 3 KOs) in six rounds of action in the super featherweight division.



More Texas flavor comes in the form of a pair of undefeated prospects as Ryan Karl (6-0, 5 KOs) caras Alfred Salón (4-8-2, 2 KOs) in four rounds of welterweight action and Enrique Alvarez (5-0, 3 KOs) batallas Alberto Espinoza (3-6) in a four round super welterweight swing bout.



After a long career having fought mostly in Mexico, el jugador de 26 años de edad, Medina burst onto the scene with a thrilling knockout over previously unbeaten J’Leon Love in Aug. 2014. The fighter out of Hermosillo, Sonora, Mexico added two more victories since then and looks for a third when he takes on the 35-year-old Molinero out of Arboletes, Colombia.



An undefeated fighter making his 2015 debut, el jugador de 22 años de edad, Flores out of Morella, Mexico will take on an experienced fighter in the 28-year-old Meraz out of Agua Prieta, Sonora, México. Another fighter looking to keep his perfect record intact, el jugador de 25 años de edad, Precio de St. Louis takes on the 27-year-old Ovalle from Mercedes, Texas.



En representación de Nueva Gales del Sur, Austraila, Lovett se convirtió en profesional en 2010 y todavía tiene que dejar caer una pelea en su primera 11 extremos. The 30-year-old takes on the 28-year-old Watkins out of Morgantown, Virginia Occidental.



After picking up his third straight victory in March, el jugador de 26 años de edad, Prado returns to the ring looking for a fourth win in a row. Fighting out of Reynoso, México, he faces the 27-year-old Rosas out of Nuevo Laredo, México.


La 2004 Puertorriqueño olímpico, el jugador de 30 años de edad, Velásquez has been perfect since his lone loss to Rico Ramos in 2013. The fighter out of Catano, Puerto Rico hopes for his fourth straight victory when he battles the 36-year-old Ruiz out of Santa Clarita, California.



Peleando en su estado natal y en representación de San Antonio, Barrios looks for his second victory of 2015 en Mayo 9. The 19-year-old hopes to build on his momentum when he squares off against the 25-year-old Del Valle de Bayamón, Puerto Rico.



The brother of headliner Omar, Brandon Figueroa will make his pro debut at 18-years-old just miles away from his hometown of Weslaco, Texas. His opponent is the 27-year-old Gutiérrez out of Mission, Texas.



A pair of swing bouts feature 23-year-old Houston native Karl battling the 32-year-old Sala out of Jackson, Michigan and the 20-year-old Alvarez from McAllen, Texas who faces 29-year-old Espinoza de San Antonio.



Para obtener más información, visite, siga en TwitterPremierBoxing, SHOSports, OmarFigueroaJr, RicksterKO, TomokiKameda, @ JamieMcDonnell1, WarriorsBoxPromo Y hazte fan en Facebook en, y o visite el blog de SHOWTIME Boxeo en

BADOU JACK DERROTA ANTHONY Dirrell por decisión mayoritaria EN PUNTO DE CHICAGO DE LA UIC Pavilion



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Crédito: Lucas Noonan / Premier Campeones de Boxeo

CHICAGO (Abril 25, 2015) – Premier Campeones de boxeo Chicago tomó por asaltoViernes noche con una tarjeta de pelea emocionante con tres peleas cautivantes en Espiga desde el UIC Pavilion.


El primer partido televisado mostró Roberto “La Amenaza” García (37-3, 23 KOs) conseguir una decisión unánime de ocho asaltos victoria sobre James Stevenson (22-2, 15 KOs). El primer evento principal vieron Daniel “El hombre de los milagros” Jacobs (29-2, 26 KOs) en una 12ºvictoria por nocaut asalto sobre el puro y duro Caleb “Dorado” Truax (25-2-2, 15 KOs). Segundo evento principal de la noche contó con Badou Jack “El Destripador” (19-1-1, 12 KOs) ganando una decisión mayoritaria sobre Antonio “El perro” Dirrell (27-1-1, 22 KOs).


A continuación se presentan los comentarios ofrecidos por los combatientes televisados ​​mientras discutían sus actuaciones de esta noche:




“Luchó una gran pelea de esta noche.


“Quiero una revancha.”




“Yo estaba en gran forma para esta noche y yo creí en mí mismo. Toda la charla de Dirrell y su campamento nunca llegó a mí.


“Nada de lo que hicimos esta noche me frustró. Él es un buen boxeador, y yo no me peleo una pelea perfecta, pero me dio la victoria.


“Sabía que no podía robarme. Pensé que gané claramente. Tuve un comienzo difícil de mi carrera, pero yo mismo re-enfocado con mi equipo y volvió a la pista.


“Es una bendición ser parte de PBC. Traer de vuelta el boxeo de horario estelar es increíble para el deporte. Ni siquiera estoy de este país originalmente, pero tengo un montón de fans aquí y esta serie me ayudará a ganar más.


“Quiero George Groves siguiente.”




“Yo estaba en gran forma para esta pelea. Yo sabía que estaba listo para ir 12 rondas. Él es un veterano cuando se trata de luchar en la recta final, así que tuve que estar preparado.


“Al final de la sexta ronda le pegué con un derecho que le hizo tropezar contra las cuerdas. Yo no estaba seguro en ese momento si estaba realmente duele, o simplemente si estaba jugando zarigüeya. Mi esquina me dejó saber cuando realmente tenía lo lastimó sin embargo y aproveché.


“No mantenga tanto como pensé que podría. Me alegro de que resultó de esa manera, pero yo estaba preparado para que si lo hacía.


“Era físicamente más fuerte de lo que pensé que estaría, pero nunca realmente me duele esta noche.


“PBC es una salida increíble para nosotros los boxeadores. Mi esperanza es que puedo seguir creciendo mi marca y convertirse en una estrella dentro y fuera del deporte del boxeo.


“Estoy fuera para demostrar que soy el mejor en esta división. Quiero quienquiera Al (Haymon) dice otro.”




“Yo quería presionarle, pero no pude conseguir mis golpes de la manera que quería. Su movimiento era genial y que era sólo una mala noche para mí.


“No pude conseguir que me dedican y creo que terminó ganándole la lucha.


“Había un par de buenos golpes que me zumbaban, pero no hay disparos que realmente me duelen casi nada. No hubo golpes devastadores o nada. Un luchador siempre quiere continuar, pero el árbitro hizo su trabajo.


“PBC es fantástico para traer a los fans casuales que no habría visto de otra manera nuestras peleas. Este es realmente innovador. Después de una pelea así que espero que cada vez más los aficionados seguirán sintonizar.


“Estoy de regresar al gimnasio para poner en el trabajo duro. Esperemos que voy a estar de vuelta en otra tarjeta de PBC en contra de quien Guerreros y Al (Haymon) decir.”




“Me sentí como Stevenson sólo estaba tratando de sobrevivir, mientras que yo estaba tratando de ganar. Me di cuenta de que mis golpes le estaban molestando. Podía oír su respiración muy fuertemente.


“Yo sólo estaba tratando de volver a esta noche. Mi última pelea fue hace casi nueve meses aquí, en este mismo lugar. Que necesitaba para conseguir esta pelea bajo mi cinturón para mantener mi disco duro y seguir trabajando hacia la meta.


“Por lo general tienen que perseguir a los chicos que estoy luchando. Incluso con los pegadores como (Antonio) Margarito termino tener que perseguirlos. Tomé todo lo que la experiencia previa y la utilicé esta noche. Básicamente, se sentía como una sesión de sparring para mí.


“PBC es una oportunidad increíble para los combatientes como yo y tengo pensado en seguir aprovecharla.


“Tengo un gran equipo detrás de mí y sólo estamos interesados ​​en avanzar. Estoy listo para un gran paso, aunque. Quiero Shawn Porter próximo. Hice un compromiso para luchar contra él, y planeo apegarse a eso.”




“Nada de lo que estaba haciendo era realmente conseguir para mí. El hecho es, Tomé esta pelea en una semana y un aviso de media. Honestamente creo que me sacó fuera. Todo el mundo sabe quién realmente ganó esta noche.


“Yo estaba en una ranura, pero luego mi espalda comenzó a hacerme daño y que me sacó de ella un poco.


“PBC da combatientes como yo la oportunidad de mostrar mis habilidades para tantas más personas de las que hemos estado acostumbrados.


“Estoy listo para todos los tomadores de mi clase de peso. Me dirijo de nuevo al gimnasio inmediatamente y voy a estar listo para lo que viene.”


# # #

La tarjeta fue co-promovido por Warriors Boxing y Promociones Mayweather. Para obtener más información, visite,, siga en TwitterPremierBoxing, WarriorsBoxProm, MayweatherPromo YSpikeTV y hazte fan en Facebook,, y


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Crédito de la imagen: Lucas Noonan / Premier Campeones de Boxeo

CHICAGO (Abril 22, 2015) – Lucha semana dio inicio oficialmente el miércoles en Chicago como combatientes en la Liga de Campeones de Boxeo en Espiga cartelera participó en la conferencia de prensa final antes de entrar al ring el viernes, Abril 24 en el UIC Pavilion.


La noche de peleas características Antonio “El perro” Dirrell (27-0-1, 22 KOs) luchando Badou Jack “El Destripador” (18-1, 12 KOs) y Daniel “Miracle Man” Jacobs (28-1, 25 KOs) teniendo en Caleb “Dorado” Truax (25-1-2, 15 KOs). La acción televisado por Spike comienza en 9 ET / 8 CT.


Las entradas para el evento en vivo, que es co-promovido por Warriors Boxing y Promociones Mayweather, tienen un precio de $151, $101, $51, y $31, sin incluir cargos aplicables de servicio, y están a la venta. Para comprarlos por teléfono con una tarjeta de crédito importante, llamar a Ticketmaster al (800) 745-3000 o UIC Pavilion taquilla en (312) 413-5740. Los boletos también están disponibles en o visitando la Oficina UIC Pavilion Box (Jueves o Viernes 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.).


He aquí lo que los participantes en la conferencia de prensa tenían que decir:




“Soy un luchador mejor ahora porque estoy trabajando más duro. Usted tiene que trabajar más duro para mantenerse en este nivel. Ahora todo el mundo está consiguiendo este año para usted, porque usted tiene lo que quieren.


“Me alegro de que a causa de esta plataforma, todo el mundo sabe lo que yo he pasado por ahora. La gente puede ver que todo es posible. Pasando por algo así como derrotar el cáncer ha ayudado a alcanzar mis sueños.


“Badou Jack es un buen boxeador, pero él no ha peleado un tipo como yo.


El Viernes noche sólo tengo que esperar que Jack no se ejecuta. Quiero que se interponga en allí conmigo y vamos a ver quién es mejor. Voy a probar la barbilla como si nadie más tiene.”




“Tuve el mejor campo de entrenamiento que he tenido y estoy listo para llevar el título de nuevo a Las Vegas.


“Yo no hago la basura hablando de medios sociales, Me guardaré para el anillo y el viernes Voy a mostrarle al mundo qué merezco ser campeón del mundo.


“Yo respeto Anthony Dirrell para ganar la lucha contra el cáncer. He perdido a dos de mis entrenadores aficionados para que la enfermedad y voy a estar dedicando esta pelea a ellos.


“Su equipo le gusta a ladrar y hablar un montón de basura, pero no pueden luchar por él. Tal Como Viernes la noche es sólo va a ser de nosotros dos en el ring.


“Yo no ladro, Yo no hablo de basura, Dejé que mis puños hablen.


“Oportunidades como esta no siempre vienen alrededor y voy a asegurarme de que no dejo que éste se escape.”




“Luchando aquí en Chicago sirve como motivación extra para mí. Siempre he sido la afición chico favorecidos en Barclays Center, y yo podría haber conseguido un poco estropeado. Así que estoy emocionado de ser el tipo que la gente quiere ver perder. Truax probablemente tendrá una multitud más grande apoyándolo, y los fans se motivan que sea más fuerte y luchar mejor el viernes.


“La gente le encanta una gran historia. Estoy muy orgulloso de mi historia y por tener cáncer de ritmo, pero no nos olvidemos de mi conjunto de habilidades.


“Truax puede decir que está cansado de oír hablar de 'El Hombre Milagro’ todo lo que quiere, pero no debería estar pensando en mi cáncer cuando lleguemos en el ring. Él sólo me debe temer. Yo voy a ser un cáncer a él una vez que comenzamos la lucha contra.


“No estoy diciendo que voy a noquear. Sólo estoy diciendo que voy a ganar, porque eso es lo que vine a hacer. Me quedo con una victoria sin embargo, puedo conseguirlo.”




“Esta es una gran pelea y una gran oportunidad para mí. Es un cambiador de carrera y la vida-cambiador para mi carrera en el boxeo. Tengo que ser inteligente en esta lucha.


“No podría estar en mejor forma en este momento. Físicamente estoy madura a los 31 años de edad. Este es el lugar adecuado para mí y una gran oportunidad.


“Quiero agradecer a todos mis fans y usted debe esperar ver un montón de gente de Minnesota que baja a verme. Va a ser genial para celebrar con todos ellos.”


# # #


Para obtener más información, visite,, siga en TwitterPremierBoxing, AnthonyDirrell, BadouJack, DanielJacobsTKO, GoldenCalebT, WarriorsBoxProm, MayweatherPromo YSpikeTV y hazte fan en Facebook en,,