Category Archives: Te Pirimia mekemeke Champions

PREMIER BOXING Champions ON matau Manahau PRESS WHAKAMUTUNGA Tuhinga & Whakaahua

Pāwhiritia HERE No te Photos i Lucas Noonan / Pirimia Boxing Champions

MANHOLE (Pipiri 10, 2015) – Te Pirimia mekemeke Champions i runga i Koi whana whawhai wiki atu i roto i te Chicago i tenei ra ki te amuiraa press whakamutunga i mua i Erislandy “Ko te Dream American” Lara (20-2-2, 12 Koó)e i runga i Delvin Rodriguez (28-7-4, 16 Koó) i roto i te hui matua i runga i Rāmere, Pipiri 12 i UIC teneti.


Haamata Mahi i runga i te te Koi i 9 p.m. AND/PT ki te taupatupatunga taumahamaha marama i waenganui i artist knockout tūturu Artur Beterbiev (8-0, 8 Koó) a Alexander Johnson (16-2, 7 Koó).


Tikiti mo te takahanga ora, whakatairangatia ana e te e Warriors Boxing i roto i te tahi Rōpū Yvon Michel (Te omaoma) a Star mekemeke, E utu i $151, $101, $51, a $31, e kore e tae atu utu ratonga e hāngai ana, a kei runga i te hoko i teie nei. Ki te ki atu tenei na roto i te waea ki te kāri matua nama he, karanga Ticketmaster i (800) 745-3000 ranei UIC ti'ahapa Box Office i (312) 413-5740. Wātea i he hoki Tickets ranei mā te toro i te Tari UIC Pouaka ti'ahapa (Rāpare ranei Rāmere 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.).


Tenei ko te aha te whai wāhi mai te amuiraa press i ki te mea Wenerei:



“E hiahia ana ahau ki te whakawhetai ki te pā i konei i roto i te Chicago. Ko ha faingamālie nui ki te whakaatu i toku pūkenga i runga i te pouaka whakaata i runga i te motu Koi tenei.

“Kua vēkeveke ki te tiki i hoki i roto i te mowhiti i muri i toku korero taitara tuatahi kua ahau, a Delvin Rodriguez ko te hoariri e tika.

“Kei te haere ahau ki te kia electrifying i runga i te po, whawhai, me e haere i te pā ki te kite i te mahi mīharo i ahau.”


DELVIN Rodriguez

“Ahau rawa oaoa mo tenei whawhai. I matou i te puni whakangungu nui. Kua haere matou mo te toru marama, a ka whakaaro tino ahau ko tetahi o nga puni pai kua ake ahau i tenei.


“Kua hinga nga mea katoa ki te wahi tenei wa a tawhio noa. Ka rite ki te toa, koe ite tonu rite reira paha kua tahi mea ngaro. Hoki tenei whawhai i nui te wā ki te faaineine ia tatou.


“Ahau tango ahau i tenei whawhai kia rite ki te mea te reira i toku faingamālie whakamutunga. Ko e pehea haere ahau ki te whawhai ki tenei whawhai. Ko e founga kua programmed e ahau toku ngakau mo tenei whawhai, me te mea ko toku hoki ki te taiepa. Ko toku faingamālie whakamutunga i te taitara te ao tenei.


“Kei te e anga ahau he kaimekemeke nui. Ko ia te toa rawa hangarau, me te he ia pūkenga nui. Na e tauturu faaitoito i ahau noa atu. Hanga te reira i mahi ahau i te nui o uaua mo tenei whawhai.


“Kua kua ahau te pānui i te rota e pā ana ki te mea i te pāpāho kei te mea e pā ana ki tenei whawhai. Fafau e ahau nga pā i mea katoa e ahau ki te mahi i, tenei te haere ki te hei whawhai whakaongaonga. He ki te waiho i te whawhai whakaongaonga mō Delvin Rodriguez no te mea ko toku faingamālie whakamutunga tenei.”



“Ahau hari rawa ki te kia i konei i roto i te Chicago mo tenei whawhai. Ahau rite mo tetahi mea i roto i te whakakai.


“Ki te haere i toku hoa tauwhainga ki te karanga ia ia Alexander 'te Great’ Johnson, katahi ahau ka kia 'Kingi Arthur’ a ka ahau i konei ki te toa. Ahakoa meinga e ahau e kata ahau i konei ki te riro me e ko te pono.


“Kihai i taea e matou rawa nui rangahau mahi i runga i te hoariri hou, engari kua titiro atu tatou i roto i o ngā ataata i te tokorua kia matou e mohio ki te hoa tauwhainga, ko te southpaw me koe rite mo taua tatou.


“E kore ahau e rite ki te haafaufaa ore i aku hoariri, me te taka e ahau mo te katoa te taua. Ka waiho e ahau rite ki te haere ki a ia.


“Toku whawhai whakamutunga ki Gabriel Campillo i ki te southpaw, na te reira te tahi mea ahau whakamahia ahau ki a whakapono ana ahau e ahau i te mohio e kore e waiho hei raruraru.”




I’m not a big talker. Rāmere we’ll see, ko ahau whakaaro ia (Beterbiev) Ko te hype katoa.


“Ahau pai ki te whawhai tangata tetahi wa hea. Ko te ofa'i taahiraa kohatu-noa tetahi mo toku taonga tuku tenei.


“Kihai ahau i mohio ki a ia i te aroaro o toku ki a te whawhai, heoi kua whawhai e ahau punchers nui i te aroaro o, a he kaha toku kauae. E kore ahau e raruraru ki tona kaha.


“Haere mai ahau ki te toa, kahore he mea he aha ra te reira, he aha te wā ko te reira, kahore he mea he aha te wahi te reira; Haere mai tonu ahau ki te toa. Ahau rite ki te whawhai ki ahau i nga wa katoa. Ko te ora o te kaimekemeke tenei.”


Artur PIN


“E mohio ana ahau e Manuel Quezada ko te toa uaua atu te taata whawhai ahau te wa whakamutunga i roto i te Chicago, engari au kia pai nui atu i ahau ka ahau.


“Tauturu i nga wa katoa i toku pā Polish ahau. A, no te whawhai ahau Mike Mollo, a haere ana ki raro, i ahau, Rongo ahau i karanga ratou ki toku ingoa; E mohio ana ahau, e kore ahau e taea e whakama ratou. Ka hoatu ki a ratou i nga wa katoa e ahau toku pai.


“O te akoranga e hiahia ana ahau ki te patoto Quezada i, and hopefully it will be seen on Spike.


“E hiahia ana ahau ki te waiho i te wahi nui o te Pirimia Boxing Champions, ko te mea tino nui e taea e ahau te mea he aha toku kaiwhakangungu Ronnie Shields e hinaaro ki ahau te mahi i roto i te tikanga ki te riro.”


# # #


Mō ētahi atu pārongo'a'ahi,, te whai i runga i TwitterPremierBoxing, LaraBoxing, @ DRodriguez1980, WarriorsBoxProm, yvonmichelgym, starboxing aSpikeTV, ka riro i te tahi i runga i Facebook, i,

PREMIER BOXING toa ON NBC Los Angeles Quotes PRESS AMUIRAA & Whakaahua

Adrien “Ko te Problem” Broner & “Showtime” Shawn Porter Tūtaki te Media

I mua i to ratou Rāhoroi, Pipiri 20 Showdown I

Ko te MGM Grand Garden Arena

Pāwhiritia HERE No te Photos i Suzanne Teresa / Pirimia Boxing Champions

Pāwhiritia HERE No te Photos i Idris Erba / Whakatairanga Mayweather

Pāwhiritia HERE No te rīpene i Press Conference o teie mahana

Credit: Te Pirimia mekemeke Champions

Los Angeles (Pipiri 10, 2015) – Ki te tika i runga i te wiki tae noa ki te Te Pirimia mekemeke Champions i runga i NBC pupūtanga i waenganui i Adrien “Ko te Problem” Broner (30-1, 22 Koó) a “Showtime” Shawn Porter (25-1-1, 16 Koó), e wahi i runga i Rāhoroi, Pipiri 20 i te MGM Grand Garden Arena, ka tutaki raua whawhai ki te pāpāho i roto i Los AngelesWednesday ki te matapaki i te matchup.


Kapinga i runga i NBC haamata i 8:30 p.m. AND/5:30 p.m. PT ki te taupatupatunga Welterweight i waenganui i whetū maranga tūturu Errol “Ko te Truth” Spence Jr. (16-0, 13 Koó) me te hōia uruhua Roberto “Ko te Threat” Garcia (37-3, 20 Koó).


Tikiti mo te takahanga ora, whakatairangatia ana e te e Mayweather Whakatairanga i roto i te feohi ki TGB Whakatairanga, E utu i $400, $300, $100 a $50, e kore e tae atu utu ratonga e hāngai ana, me te takoha kei runga i te hoko inaianei. Ki te ki atu tenei na roto i te waea ki te kāri matua nama he, karanga Ticketmaster i (800) 745-3000. Wātea i he hoki Tickets ranei


Ka pā te hunga e hoko i te titeti mo tenei kaupapa kia whakaurua ki roto ki Rātapu o Te Pirimia mekemeke Champions i runga i CBS eventthat ngā toa o mua te ao Rances Barthelemy(22-0, 13 Koó)a Antonio DeMarco (31-4-1, 23 Koó) squaring atu, me te whawhai Welterweight i waenganui i Sammy Vasquez (18-0, 13 Koó) a Wale Omotoso (25-1, 21 Koó) ki te kapinga teata timata i 4 p.m. AND/1 p.m. PT.


Tenei ko te aha nga kaiuru amuiraa pēhi i ki te mea Wednesday:




“Ahau manaakitia rawa ki te kia i konei. Kua ahau i roto i te tahi mau mea e mea e kore e kua konei ahau i tenei ra, tena ko tenei ahau tetahi o nga ingoa nui i roto i te mekemeke.


“Ko te whawhai nui tenei no te mea ko Adrien Broner i runga i te kāri. Kāore he whakahawea ki Shawn me Kenny, engari au e haere mai ahau ki te riro me te haere ahau ki te toa.


“Ara, ki te te mea he whawhai pakeke, Kei te haere ahau ki te toa i tenei whawhai. Mea ratou te ia kaha, e mea ana ratou haere mai ia kia rite ki te para whenua. Whatever they bring to the table on Pipiri 20, Ahau rite.


“Kei te haere ahau ki te hei i te toa tino kaha i runga i Pipiri 20th and definitely the prettiest fighter onPipiri 20. Kaua e kimo ka mahue i te reira koutou ranei.”


Shawn Porter


“Ahau ki te toa kaha e ake ka whiwhi Adrien Broner ki te whakakai ki.


“E mohio ana ahau ki ka ngā ia atu whawhai kia rite ki te ngaio atu ahau, engari e kore e tikanga ka ngā ia atu wheako atu ahau. E rave tatou i to tatou whawhai katoa i roto i te whare hākinakina, mua ki te whawhai.


“Au tonu te taua 'Showtime’ Shawn Porter, I tonu ahau nga mea katoa e hiahia ahau ki te kia nui, me te haere mai i roto i te wikitoria. E kore te hāngai i muri i kore ko tenei whawhai he kōwhiringa.


“E kore e te haere to tatou pakirehua tuatahi ki te waiho ki te houtamaki ia, engari ki te pae waho ia, ka whakamahi i to tatou tere. Kei te haere ahau ki te kia pai atu i ahau a ake ake i.


“Kua ako ahau i te rota e pā ana ki te pehea, ki te kore e puritia a me pehea ki te tiki takatu atu o koutou. Ko e wāhanga o te tukanga, a ka waiho nui i roto i tenei whawhai.


“Kua mea katoa kua haere tino pai, me te kua i ahau kaha tenei puni katoa. Kua nui a te reira te mea titauhia haere koe ki te whawhai.


“Kihai i ahau i titiro i tenei rite te taimaha hao, engari ka rite ki te akomanga taimaha. Taku akomanga taimaha ko te 144. Tetahi e titau ia ki te riro i i haere mai ki ahau ki raro, ki 144, haere kore ia ngā ki te tiki i te reira.


“Kua PBC he manaaki mo enei whawhai, me te mekemeke i roto i te whānui. Me nga whawhai katoa i runga i te pouaka whakaata te reira noa he honore ki te waiho i te wahi o te. He te kore marama faingamālie atu i teie nei, i runga i te pouaka whakaata whatunga ki te whakaatu he aha ka e ahau.”


Mike Stafford, A Broner Trainer


“E mohio ana takatu enei tetahi ki tetahi i nga amateurs. Te reira Ohio, so we are familiar with each other. I’m glad that they took the fight, E aroha ana ahau Shawn, I love Kenny, engari te reira mahi, me te e tatou i konei ki te riro.”


Ken Porter, A Porter Matua & Trainer

“Tenei ko te wā e hiahia ana matou katoa ki te hei i runga i, ki te keokeonga o te hākinakina. To tatou e rua whawhai whiriwhiri ki runga i konei ka tatari ahau ka hoatu e ratou ki runga ki te mahi e ka fakangalongata'a puta noa i te raumati, me te puta noa i te era atu o te tau.”


Leonard ELLERBE, CEO o Mayweather Whakatairanga


“Ki nga momo e rua o Adrien Broner, a Shawn Porter e kore e taea e koutou e mahara tetahi mea, engari i te whawhai nui.


“Ko te tūāpapa nui mo Mayweather Whakatairanga tenei. Kua whakanekehia ake matou i te nui whawhai i roto i te aamu o te hākinakina. Te reira i te mana'o nui ki te hei wahi o te utuafare PBC.


“Hei taahi tika i runga i roto i, me te whakatairanga i tetahi o nga ingoa nui o te hākinakina i roto i te Adrien Broner, e te tumanako tatou he Sālote, me te nui whakawākanga nui kia kia kia ki te rangi-i roto i te pā puta noa i te whenua.”



Mō ētahi atu pārongo'a'ahi, a, te whai i runga i TwitterPremierBoxing, AdrienBroner, ShowtimeShawnP, ErrolSpenceJr, AmenazaGarcia, MayweatherPromoNBCSports, koMGMGrand ka riro i te tahi i runga i Facebook i, a

TAE MAI ERISLANDY Lara I Chicago FOR Rodriguez pupūtanga

Press Release
No te Tonu Tuku

Sensation Cuban ERISLANDY Lara ki te kanohi DELVIN Rodriguez AS PREMIER BOXING Champions ON matau hoki KI

UIC teneti i Chicago ON FRIDAY, JUNE 12


MANHOLE (Pipiri 9, 2015) – Whetu mekemeke Cuban, Erislandy “Ko te Dream American” Lara (20-2-2, 12 Koó), Kua tae mai i roto i te Chicago mo tona a'ee ka ū mai ki Delvin Rodriguez (28-7-4, 16 Koó) rite Te Pirimia mekemeke Champions returns to Spike this Rāmere Pipiri 12, 2015.

Tēnei putanga o PBC i runga i Koi haamata i 9 p.m. AND. Tatau i UIC teneti tuwhera i 5 p.m. CT ki te huinga whawhai tuatahi mō 5:30 p.m. CT.

Tikiti mo te takahanga ora, whakatairangatia ana e te e Warriors Boxing i roto i te tahi Rōpū Yvon Michel (Te omaoma) a Star mekemeke, E utu i $151, $101, $51, a $31, e kore e tae atu utu ratonga e hāngai ana, a kei runga i te hoko i teie nei. Ki te ki atu tenei na roto i te waea ki te kāri matua nama he, karanga Ticketmaster i (800) 745-3000 ranei UIC ti'ahapa Box Office i (312) 413-5740. Wātea i he hoki Tickets ranei mā te toro i te Tari UIC Pouaka ti'ahapa (Rāpare ranei Rāmere 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.).

Mō ētahi atu pārongo'a'ahi,, te whai i runga i TwitterPremierBoxing, LaraBoxing, @ DRodriguez1980, WarriorsBoxProm ASpikeTV, ka riro i te tahi i runga i Facebook, i,

Lara Hei Maka Out Tuatahi wau I mua White Sox vs. Astros Game apopo Night!

WBA Super Welterweight World Champion Erislandy “Ko te Dream American” Ka Lara e akiritia te kawa te ware tuatahi i mua i apopo (Wednesday, Pipiri 10) a Chicago White Sox vs po. Houston Astros kēmu i U.S. Field pūkoro i roto i te Chicago.


Cuban boxing sensation Lara (20-2-2, 12 Koó) Kei te hanga i te rauna publicity o te hauhau City i roto i te mua o tona whawhai Pirimia Boxing Champions, teata ora i runga i te Koi TV,tenei Rāmere (Pipiri 12) ki Delvin Rodriguez (28-7-4, 16 Koó).


Wednesday o Chicago White Sox vs. Ka haapurorohia Houston Astros kēmu ora i runga i WPWR-TV, channel 50 (UHF digital channel 51) a ki runga ki te reo irirangi i runga i WSCR 670 a WRTO 1200 i roto i te Spanish.


32-Kua kāniwha Lara tau-tawhito whakaora mo Alfredo Angulo, Austin taraute me Freddy Hernandez puta noa i tona mahi. I te runaruna, Riro Lara maha taitara tae atu i te toa motu i te Welterweight, a whai wāhi hoki i roto i te 2007 Pan-Am kēmu. Te tuatahi i GUANTANAMO, Cuba, engari whawhai i roto i Houston, Lara tino tata patua toa mua ao Ishe Smith i runga i tona ara ki tona wikitoria ngaio 20.


Whakaritea ano hoki mahi teata i runga i te Paraire po he artist knockout Russian Paweł Beterbiev (8-0, 8 Koó), ko wai whakatakotoria ki te tapawha atu ki a Maryland Alexander Johnson (16-2, 7 Koó).


Tēnei putanga o PBC i runga i Koi haamata i 9 p.m. AND. Tatau i UIC teneti tuwhera i 5 p.m. CT ki te huinga whawhai tuatahi mō 5:30 p.m. CT.


Tikiti mo te takahanga ora, whakatairangatia ana e te e Warriors Boxing i roto i te feohi ki Joe DeGuardia a Star Boxing me Rōpū Yvon Michel (Te omaoma), E utu i $151, $101, $51, a $31, e kore e tae atu utu ratonga e hāngai ana, a kei runga i te hoko i teie nei. Ki te ki atu tenei na roto i te waea ki te kāri matua nama he, karanga Ticketmaster i(800) 745-3000 ranei UIC ti'ahapa Box Office i (312) 413-5740. Wātea i he hoki Tickets ranei mā te toro i te Tari UIC Pouaka ti'ahapa (Rāpare ranei Rāmere 9:00 a.m.4:00 p.m.).

E KAINGĀKAUTIA Chicago taumahamaha o Artur SZPILKA ON Manuel QUEZADA AT UIC teneti ON PARAIRE, JUNE 12

Me whakaongaonga Stars Anthony Peterson, Dominique Dolton & Elieder Alvarez katoa I roto i te Mahi rite Pirimia Boxing Champions I Whakahokia Koi ki Chicago


MANHOLE (Pipiri 9, 2015) – He ūkui tonu i te whakaongaonga whawhai a tawhio noa i roto i te undercard Tāpae haere mai ki a UIC teneti i Chicago i runga i Rāmere, Pipiri 12 rite bruiser taumahamaha me te tahi tino Arthur Pin (18-1, 13 Koó) e i runga i Manuel Quezada (29-9, 18 Koó) i roto i te attraction taumahamaha 10-a tawhio noa.


Ko te po ki tonu i te mahi undercard tautoko ana i te Te Pirimia mekemeke Champions i runga i Koi doubleheader e ngā sensation mekemeke Cuban Erislandy “Ko te Dream American” Lara (20-2-2, 12 Koó) tango i runga i te hōia Delvin Rodriguez (28-7-4, 16 Koó) me te toi knockout Russian Artur Beterbiev (8-0, 8 Koó) e anga Alexander Johnson (16-2, 7 Koó). Tēnei putanga o PBC i runga i Koi haamata i 9 p.m. AND. Tatau i UIC teneti tuwhera i5 p.m. CT ki te huinga whawhai tuatahi mō 5:15 p.m. CT.


Ano te whakataetae i roto i te mahi undercard ko te taikaha Anthony Peterson (34-1, 22 Koó) te tangata e whawhai Ammeth Diaz (32-11, 23 Koó) i roto i te 10-a tawhio noa a'ee super ono tekau, me te tūturu aranga nguha Eleider Alvarez (16-0, 9 Koó), te tangata e whawhai Anatoliy Dudchenko (16-0, 9 Koó) i roto i te 10-a tawhio noa Tūkorehu taumahamaha o te marama.


Ronald Hearns, te tama a te rongonui Thomas “Hitman” Hearns, hoki ki te whakakai ki(27-5, 21 Koó) mata Rawiri Thomas (10-4-2, 8 Koó) i roto i te ono-a tawhio noa whakataetae Welterweight super i te tiaturiraa tūturu Domonique Dolton (16-0, 8 Koó) kanohi Victor Fonseca (9-4-1, 7 Koó)i roto i te waru rauna o super mahi Welterweight.


E miramira ana hoki i te kāri he patua o Illinois’ opuaraa runga tae-tau 24-tawhito Ramiro Carillo (8-0, 5 Koó) i roto i te pakanga Chicago-tau 31-tawhito Dedrick Bell (12-23-1, 7 Koó) i roto i Nopo i roto i te Welterweight whakataetae e ono-a tawhio noa, me te Chicago o Josh Hernandez ka meinga e tona tuatahi pro rite anga ia-tau 23-tawhito Joe Estrada (0-3)i Kearney, Missouri i roto i te whawhai Welterweight e wha-a tawhio noa.


Whakaawhiwhi i rongo te rohe, ko te 20-tau-tawhito Jose Quezada (6-0, 5 Koó) i Alsip, Mate., tango i runga i-tau 26-tawhito Jeffrey Ramos (4-3, 2 Koó)i Puerto Rico i roto i te a'ee ono tekau e ono-a tawhio noa, me te tiaturiraa tūturu-tau 22-tawhito Eddie Ramirez (8-0, 6 Koó) i roto i Aurora, Mate., pakanga-tau 35-tawhito Gerardo Cuevas (17-14, 15 Koó) i Mexico City i roto i te waru-a tawhio noa Welterweight tēina attraction.


Tikiti mo te takahanga ora, whakatairangatia ana e te e Warriors Boxing i roto i te tahi Rōpū Yvon Michel (Te omaoma) a Star mekemeke, E utu i $151, $101, $51, a $31, e kore e tae atu utu ratonga e hāngai ana, a kei runga i te hoko i teie nei. Ki te ki atu tenei na roto i te waea ki te kāri matua nama he, karanga Ticketmaster i (800) 745-3000 ranei UIC ti'ahapa Box Office i (312) 413-5740. Wātea i he hoki Tickets ranei mā te toro i te Tari UIC Pouaka ti'ahapa (Rāpare ranei Rāmere 9:00 a.m.4:00 p.m.).


Ki te kotahi anake te mate ki te tūturu Bryant Jennings i runga i tona record, te-tau 26-tawhitoPin Ka titiro ki te hanga i runga i ona whakaora tino tata, he whakatau loto i roto i te Nov. 2014 i runga i whetū taumahamaha Tomas Adamek me te TKO tuarua a tawhio mo Ty Cobb i April. Fanauhia i roto i te Wieliczka, Poland, kua hanga e ia he ingoa mo ia i roto i te Chicago ka whawhai i reira, e toru nga wa i mua i a kato ake knockout whakaora ia wa. Anga ia i te-tau 38-tawhitoQuezada i roto i Wasco, California i te ara o Mexico.


Ko te teina o te toa o mua ao Lamont Peterson, te-tau 30-tawhito Peterson tumanako ki te hohoro te hanga i te ingoa mo ia i runga i te atamira nui. Rangatira o te whakauru ia mo Daniel Attah, Dominic Salcido a Marcos Leonardo Jiménez, te Washington, D.C. Kei te titiro hua ki te riro tana whawhai karapīpiti tuarima i runga i Pipiri 12. Ka ātete ia i te e 32-tau-tawhito o mua kaiwero taitara ao Diaz te tangata e whawhai i roto i Panama.


A 2008 Tuaro Colombian, te-tau 31-tawhito Alvarez kua ara ki te mana nguha i roto i te wehenga taumahamaha marama rite noho ia tūturu me e toru te whakauru nui i roto i 2014. Whawhai i roto i Montreal i te ara o Columbia, tona 2015 tuatahi, ka waiho tona U.S hoki. tuatahi, ka e ia i runga i te-tau 36-tawhito Dudchenko te tangata e whawhai i roto i Los Angeles i te ara o Ukraine.


Tama a te rongonui Thomas “Hitman” Hearns, te-tau 36-tawhito Hearns titiro ki te hanga i runga i tona win whakamutunga, he knockout a tawhio rima i runga i Roberto Ventura i Hakihea. 2014. Ko te Southfield, Michigan Maori ko te kaipara makehe nei i te whakatangihanga a Division 1 poitūkohu i University American i te whiwhi i tana tohu i roto i te Ture Taihara. Anga ia i te e 32-tau-tawhito Thomasi roto i Evansville, Indiana.


Tūturu mai i tahuri pro i roto i 2008, te 25-tau-tawhito Dolton ka atu ki te tīmatanga kaha i roto i 2015 rite te wā ia ia Juan Carlos Rojas i Hui-tanguru. Titiro ki te Detroit-Māori ki te pupuri i ana whakauka haere ina tutaki ki te Mexican-tau 22-tawhito Fonseca i runga i Pipiri 12.

Mō ētahi atu pārongo'a'ahi,, te whai i runga i TwitterPremierBoxing, LaraBoxing, @ DRodriguez1980, WarriorsBoxProm, yvonmichelgym, starboxing aSpikeTV, ka riro i te tahi i runga i Facebook, i,



Pāwhiritia HERE No te Photos

Credit Photo: Suzanne Teresa / Pirimia mekemeke Champions


Carson, Calif. (Pipiri 6) – Southern California boxing fans were treated to an afternoon of hard punches and quick action as Premier Boxing Champions (PBC) on NBC took to the ring at StubHub Center in Carson, Calif. The Saturday afternoon fight card, part of a jam-packed day of sports action on NBC, showcased a heavyweight brawl between Dominic Breazeale and Yasmany Consuegra and a fast and furious welterweight bout between Robert Guerrero and Aron Martinez.


In the PBC on NBC main event, Guerrero and Martinez let their fists fly from the opening bell to the closing bell in a showdown that saw over 1,000 punches thrown between the two welterweights over 10 rauna. It was clear from the beginning of the fight that Martinez was not intimidated by Guerrero’s skills or resume as he dominated the first several rounds, even dropping Guerrero in the fourth. But Guerrero was able to turn the table in his favor as the fight progressed and dominate the second half of the 10 round brawl. ngä nga kaiwhakawa te a'ee 97-95 a 95-94 for Guerrero and 95-94 for Martinez in a split decision victory that brought the crowd to its feet.


BREAZEALE, te 2012 U.S. Olympian and Southern California-native, needed less than three rounds to defeat previously unbeaten heavyweight Conguegra. The referee called off the fight at 1:49 of the third round after Consuegra hit the canvas three times as Breazeale extended his professional record to 15-0 ki 14 Koó.


The featured fight on NBC SportsNet saw a featherweight battle between the once-beaten Argentinean Jesus Cuellar and former world champion Vic Darchinyan that came to a half when Cuellar knocked out Darchinyan at 1:04 of the seventh round.


NBCSN also featured the return of Alfredo Angulo, who scored a fifth-round knockout victory over Delray Raines in a middleweight contest that saw “Dog” raise his hand in victory for the first time since 2012.


Here is what the fighters had to say about Saturday afternoon’s fights:


ROBERT Guerrero


Aron Martinez came to fight and the fans got to see two warriors go at it.

I can’t explain why I go to war so much. I just love to get in there and mix it up.

When I got up off the canvas, I told myselfget up and win this fight.

Once I started boxing I felt I started dominating the fight.

We got the victory and now it’s time to move on to some big fights and give the fans the warrior type fights they deserve. I’m an action fighter and I’ll continue to be so.


There is something about this arena that makes you want to stand there and trade.


I just suffered the loss of my cousin. She passed away last week and this fight was for her.



Aron Martinez


“Au rawa hari ki toku mahi. I thought I won the fight.


I thought the third scorecard was way out of line.


It was a great experience fighting on NBC. I wanted to put on a great fight for the fans and me and Robert did that.


I look forward to being more active and fighting again as soon as possible.




Its always a little different to fight in the afternoon. The fans came out to support me. I put on a big show and got the win.


He was putting his hand on his right side and I was hitting him with the upper cut.


“Kihai i taea e ahau te ui mo tetahi mea pai.


I’d love to be back in the ring as soon as possible. Everybody did a great job putting this together. This was only three rounds right here and lets do it again in a couple months.


Ko Ihu Cuellar


I wasn’t hurt. It was more of a slip. Darchinyan is a very tough warrior and I’m glad I came out on top.


I want to fight again as soon as possible. I saw Abner Mares sitting in the first row and I want to fight him next.


Alfredo Angulo


I have so many fans and I want to thank them. They are here cheering for mecheering for the dog. I always say it’s for the fans and I want to thank them for the support.


This is my first fight coming back to my old trainer [Clemente Medina] and it was great.


A lot of people say ‘the dog is dead,’ but if you ask the people that saw my performance, they will all tell you the dog is alive and well.



Pāwhiritia HERE No te Photos i Suzanne Teresa / Pirimia Boxing Champions

Pāwhiritia HERE For Workout Photos From Tom Hogan/TGB Promotions



Los Angeles (Pipiri 4, 2015) – Fight week continued today for the Te Pirimia mekemeke Champions i runga i NBC event taking place Rāhoroi, Pipiri 6 at StubHub Center as fighters held a final press conference for media and fans at historic Olvera Street in Los Angeles.


Inanahi, fight week activities kicked off with media workouts at Wild Card West Boxing Gym in Santa Monica.


Te Rāhoroi afternoon telecast starts at 3 p.m. AND/12 p.m. PT on NBC featuring the heavyweight showdown between Dominic “Te pouri” BREAZEALE (14-0, 13 Koó) aConsuegra Yasmany (17-0, 14 Koó). Following that bout is the headlining event that pits former four-division world champion Robert “Ko te Varua” Warrior (32-3-1, 18 Koó) ki Aron Martinez (19-3-1, 4 Koó).


Tikiti mo te takahanga ora, whakatairangatia ana e te e TGB Whakatairanga, E utu i $200, $150, $100, $50 a $25, me takoha e hāngai ana, utu me utu ratonga, kei runga i te hoko i teie nei, a, he wātea mo te hoko ipurangi i


Here is what the fighters had to say yesterday and today:


ROBERT Guerrero


“Au oaoa ki te tiki hoki i roto i te whakakai ahau. I’ve trained very hard and my focus is fully on this fight.Rāhoroi afternoon you’re going to see a great fight.


It’s a unique event starting so early. I’ll get up, eat and go fight but I’m ready for it.


I want to fight often, inactivity is the worst thing for a fighter. I want to fight three-four times per year, every year.


I never take another fighter lightly. This is a huge opportunity for Aron Martinez and I’m sure he’ll be ready for a real fight.


Fighting on NBC puts all the eyes on me. I know how big of a platform this is.


StubHub Center is a terrific venue, fans are right on top of you. I love fighting there and I’m not going to leave the fans disappointed.


Aron Martinez


“Pērā i Rāhoroi, expect a great fight. Te haere ki te waiho i te whawhai. I want to go in there and show everybody who I am.


I know how tough of a fighter Robert is, he’s fought at the top level for a long time.


I’m a brawler and I’m ready to test whatever skills he has. I need to close the distance, stay on top of him and get to him early. My power will surprise him.


I love StubHub Center. I’ve been there many times to watch fights and can’t wait to fight there myself.


“Ko te whai wāhitanga nui hoki ahau tenei, fighting on such a big card. We know Robert is a former world champion but I’m focused and ready. I’ve trained extra hard for this fight.




Everything starts off the jab, I need to put pressure on him early. I’ve seen a couple of YouTube clips of him fighting but the key is to focus on what I do best.


This is a huge opportunity for me to fight on NBC at StubHub Center and I plan to take full advantage of it.


This camp has been great, my whole team has done a phenomenal job getting me ready for this fight.


I have to thank my opponent for coming out and putting his record on the line. When I’m done with him, he’ll be 17-1. I’m looking for an early round knockout and I want to keep the fans on the edge of their seats.




I’m very prepared for this fight. I’m thankful to Dominic for taking this fight and I can’t wait to put on a show tenei Rāhoroi ahiahi.


I feel strong and ready for this challenge. My team has done everything they need to help me come out victorious.


I was part of the national team in Cuba which is very difficult to do. I’m not worried about any hype leading into this fight.


Ko Ihu Cuellar


First Darchinyan, Then Leo Santa Cruz or Abner Mares, those are the fighters

I’m targeting.


He can talk as much as he wants but we’re going to fight and find out who is better i runga i Rāhoroi.


I’m very prepared and ready to represent Argentina. I trained hard and I’m ready to get in the ring. I’ve put in the hard work and I’m going to step inside the ring and showcase my talent for all of Argentina.




I will demolish this kid i runga i Rāhoroi, I have much more experience.


He has no idea what’s going to happen.


I was a champion for many years and want to win another title. I will show everyone that I’m still capable i runga i Rāhoroi.


We’re going to see great fights and great action i runga i Rāhoroi. I’m ready to go and I hope everyone enjoys the fights.


Alfredo Angulo


I’m so happy to be here in Los Angeles and fighting so close to home. 'Ko te Dog’ is coming back and you’ll see that i runga i Rāhoroi.


“Ahau rawa fiefia ki kia hoki i roto i te whakakai. It’s been a bit of a layoff but I want to be as active and busy as possible.


I’m back now with Clemente Medina. I work best with him and I’m happy to be back training in Los Angeles again.


I recently got married. I’m much more settled and much more focused on my career. I look forward to becoming a champion again.


OSCAR Molina


My left shoulder is completely healed, the recovery took a while which was frustrating but now all systems are go.


I’ve prepared well for this fight and I’m excited to go out and perform. It’s an honor for me to be on the same card as all these great fighters. I’m going to give a great show i runga i Rāhoroi.


I don’t know much about my opponent but I’ve been very busy in the gym learning everyday and I look forward to setting the pace and fighting my fight i runga i Rāhoroi.


I’ve been going to fights at StubHub Center for years and it’s great to be fighting there for the first time.


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Mō ētahi atu pārongo'a'ahi, te whai i runga i TwitterPremierBoxing, NBCSports, @GHOSTBOXING, @ElPerro82, JesusCuellarBOX & @VicDarchinyan and become a fan on Facebook at,


Broner & Porter Square Off On Rāhoroi, Pipiri 20 On Premier Boxing Champions on NBC Live From MGM Grand Garden Arena

I 8:30 P.M. AND/5:30 P.M. PT

Las Vegas (Pipiri 4, 2015) – While the eyes of the sports world are fixated on game 1 of the NBA Finals between LeBron JamesCleveland Cavaliers and Stephen Curry’s Golden State Warriors te po nei, two other great Ohio athletes will look to bring the glory of victory home with them when Adrien “Ko te Problem” Broner a “Showtime” Shawn Porter meet in the ring on Te Pirimia mekemeke Champions i runga i NBC i runga i Rāhoroi, Pipiri 20 (8:30 p.m. AND/5:30 p.m. PT).


Both of these fighters have joined the list of Ohio-born world champions that include boxing greats such as Ray “Tōnuitanga Boom” Mancini, Arona Pryor, Buster Douglas and Kelly Pavlik.


The all-Ohio battle comes in the midst of an exciting time for Ohio sports. In addition to the Ohio State University football team’s national championship winning performance in January, Akron’s own LeBron James and his Cleveland Cavaliers are attempting bring the city of Cleveland its first professional sports championship since 1964.


Here is what Broner and Porter had to say about Ohio sports, LeBron and more:


Did you root for Ohio-sports teams growing up? Which ones were your favorite and who were your favorite players? What’s your favorite memory of watching Ohio sports teams?

Adrien Broner:I grew up watching the Cincinnati Bengals and the Cleveland Cavaliers. I didn’t start watching basketball until I was playing more of it in elementary and high school. That’s when LeBron first came into the league. I remember LeBron’s very first game in Cleveland. It was huge. Most players freeze under that kind of hype, but not him.

Shawn Porter: “I’ve always been a huge Browns fan. I’ve tried to watch every draft and every preseason and regular season game. I got into the Cavaliers a little more when I was in high school. I’m an all around Ohio sports fan though.

How would you describe Ohio-sports fans? How badly do you want to win for them?

AB:Ohio fans are very supportive. Some other states don’t like us because we come out strong. I would love to win for the fans in Ohio because bringing a championship back there means a lot to me. I’ve done it three times already and I’m looking for a fourth. You always want that rush again.

SP: We’re crazy! Cleveland fans root for their teams with a love and respect that’s admirable. Whether it’s good days or bad days we’re faithful and trying to stay positive. It would be huge for me to win for the fans here and represent Ohio. I’m doing this for everyone in Northeast Ohio. This is a statement about a great kid from Ohio representing the people there and winning another big fight.

How important was LeBron James returning to Cleveland for the psyche of Ohio sports?

AB: “LeBron coming home was very important because he’s made the Cavs so much better. With him in Cleveland we’re back in the championship series.

SP: “LeBron coming home was huge. If he didn’t return I don’t know what we’d have done. There probably would have been more riots. But him coming back brought joy to all of us in Ohio. That’s part of our job as professional athletes to bring joy and positivity to family, friends and the fans. That’s exactly what he did by returning to Cleveland.


Will you be watching the Cavaliers in the NBA Finals? Do you have a prediction for the series?

AB: “I’ll definitely be watching the games. No training until after the game te po nei. I think Cleveland wins it all in six games.

SP: “E kore ahau e meinga e matapae. I’m praying for the Cavs to do this for the city and for themselves. Hopefully they can pull it together and get what they deserve. It would be a great to get a win for the team and for NE Ohio. I’ll be watching every game on my projection screen.

Describe what it’s like to fight in front of a hometown crowd in Ohio?

AB: It’s always fun fighting at home in front of a lot of people who know you. Even when your back is against the wall they cheer and help push me on.


SP: “Pono, all the crowds are the same when I’m in the ring. I’m actually looking forward to fighting in the big arena at MGM Grand though. I kind of like having a mix of people in the crowd with some for and some against me.

Is there more pressure and emphasis on performing well on Pipiri 20 to walk away with bragging rights in Ohio?

AB:I think I already have the bragging rights in Ohio.

SP: There’s no added pressure, it honestly doesn’t matter to me like that. This is first and foremost about my team. We’re successful as a team and as a family.

If you could meet one athlete from or who played in the state of Ohio who would it be?

AB: “I’d have to say myself.

SP: I met my all-time favorite Cris Carter already. Cris is from Ohio and went to Ohio State. I haven’t met Charles Woodson or LeBron though. Charles is from here, but he went to Michigan for college. But I’d really love to meet LeBron because he’s still doing his thing and he has that burning desire to win. I need to have that same desire and I’m learning that from watching him play.

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Mō ētahi atu pārongo'a'ahi, a, te whai i runga i TwitterPremierBoxing, AdrienBroner, ShowtimeShawnP, ErrolSpenceJr, AmenazaGarcia, MayweatherPromoNBCSports, koMGMGrand ka riro i te tahi i runga i Facebook i, a

Tūturu superstar KEITH Thurman hoki KĀINGA ki te whawhai ki o mua AO Tuhinga Luis COLLAZO I tuatahi


Me tango tūturu Prospect Tony Harrison I Willie Nelson

Tīkiti I Sale Rāhoroi I 10 A.M.!

Tampa (Pipiri 4, 2015) – Superstar tūturu Keith “Kotahi te Time” Thurman (25-0, 21 Koó) hoki ki te mowhiti i roto i te kāwanatanga i tona whare ki te kanohi toa mua te ao Luis Collazo(36-6, 19 Koó) i runga i Rāhoroi, Hōngongoi 11 i roto i te hui matua o te tuatahi Te Pirimia mekemeke Champions i runga i ESPN whakaatu ora i 9 p.m. AND/6 p.m. PT i te USF Sun Dome i Tampa.


Āhuatanga i te hui tahi-matua o te ahiahi, he matchup whakaongaonga i waenganui i amanaki runga tūturu Tony Harrison (21-0, 18 Koó) me te fisted tere Willie Nelson (23-2-1, 13 Koó) i roto i te kaupapa e ka whana atu kapinga ora o PBC i runga i ESPN. Tatau tuwhera i roto i te ao i 6 p.m. AND ki te whawhai tuatahi tīmata i 6:30 p.m. AND.


Tikiti mo te takahanga ora, whakatairangatia ana e te Warriors Boxing, E utu i $200, $150, $75, $50 a $25, e kore e tae atu utu ratonga hāngai, me te takoha, ka haere i runga i te hokoRāhoroi, Pipiri 6 i 10 a.m. AND. Ki te ki atu tenei na roto i te waea ki te kāri matua nama he, karanga Ticketmaster i (800) 745-3000. Wātea i he hoki Tickets ranei mā te toro i te tari pouaka Sun Dome.


Wā kua Thurman whakakitea tona kaha nui i te patuki i 18 o tona tuatahi 19 hoariri a mai te taitara te ao i roto i te toa 2013, kua kake ia ki te tihi rawa o te piha haapiiraa whiriwhiri te hākinakina o. -Tau 26-tau te Clearwater, Hanga Florida Māori e toru angitu parepare taitara ki te whakauru i runga i a Ihu Soto Karass, Julio Diaz a Leonard Bundu. I roto i tona a'ee muri mōna ia te raupapa Mekemeke Champions Pirimia i hinga Robert Guerrero i roto i te whawhai i runga i mīharo March 7. Next ake i runga i Hōngongoi 11, Ka hoki mai Thurman ki te mowhiti i roto i te kāwanatanga i tona whare o Florida mo te wa tuatahi mai 2009.


Ko tētahi o whawhai a Brooklyn tino, Kua mahia ki Collazo tetahi i pere i te tihi o te wehenga Welterweight i runga i Hōngongoi 11. I roto i te April o tenei tau, Collazo hanga hei parau ki te TKO a tawhio tuarua o Christopher Degollado i Center Barclays. He toa te ao i roto i 2005, Kua fehangahangai Collazo tona mahi katoa runga whawhai. Te nuinga pērā i roto i te tau tata nei, tukua ana e ia he knockout a tawhio tuarua electrifying mo Victor Ortiz i Hakihea. 2014. Ka titiro Collazo ki te whakamahi i tana wheako me te hianga ki te tere Thurman i runga i te ara i runga i Hōngongoi 11.


I tika-nga tau 24-tau, Hanga Harrison kua haruru nui tata rite hopoi mai ia he 10 knockout riro pūkenga ki tona whawhai i runga i Hōngongoi 11. Kua whiwhi atu i te Detroit-Māori ki te tīmatanga mura i roto i 2015, kua patoto i Antwone Smith, a Pablo Munguia i roto i te ahua faahiahia. Atura i te toa lahi pūmanawa ake i roto i te whakataetae, me te tūmanako ki te pupuri i ana record tūturu tonu, ka anga ia Nelson.


A ngaio mai 2006, E Nelson nga taputapu, me te wheako ki te hoatu Harrison neke atu i te tika i te whakamātautau uaua. Nona te-tau 28-tawhito whakaora i runga i whawhai mua hinga John Jackson me Yudel Johnson me hōia mātanga Luciano Cuello, Michael Medina. Ko te whawhai i roto i o Cleveland kei te haere mai atu o te mate kuiti ki runga nguha Vanes Martirosyan i Oketopa. 2014.


No te toronga pārongo, te whai i runga i TwitterPremierBoxing, KeithFThurmanJr, RealLuisCollazo, WarriorsBoxingProm AESPNBoxing, ka riro i te tahi i runga i Facebook, i a


MANHOLE (Pipiri 3, 2015) – Alexander “Ko te nui” Johnson (16-2, 7 Koó) will replace Doudou Ngumbu as the opponent for Artur Beterbiev (8-0, 8 Koó) i runga i teRāmere, Pipiri 12 putanga o Te Pirimia mekemeke Champions i runga i Koi event taking place at UIC Pavilion in Chicago with coverage beginning at 9 p.m. AND/PT.

This fight precedes the evening’s headlining bout that features Cuban boxing sensation Erislandy “Ko te Dream American” Lara (20-2-2, 12 Koó) taking on the veteran Delvin Rodriguez (28-7-4, 16 Koó). Tatau i UIC teneti tuwhera i 5 p.m. CT ki te huinga whawhai tuatahi mō 5:30 p.m. CT.


Utu tikiti mo te hui ora e i $151, $101, $51, a $31, e kore e tae atu utu ratonga e hāngai ana, a kei runga i te hoko i teie nei. Ki te ki atu tenei na roto i te waea ki te kāri matua nama he, karanga Ticketmaster i (800) 745-3000 ranei UIC ti'ahapa Box Office i (312) 413-5740. Wātea i he hoki Tickets ranei mā te toro i te Tari UIC Pouaka ti'ahapa (Rāpare ranei Rāmere 9:00 a.m.4:00 p.m.).


Having floored every opponent he’s faced professionally, the now 30-year-old former amateur standout Beterbiev will be seeking to keep his knockout streak alive in Chicago. Having notched impressive wins over Tavoris Cloud in 2014 and Gabriel Campillo earlier this year, the heavy-fisted Russian is ready to pass another tough test with flying colors onPipiri 12.


He pro mai 2007, Johnson has been a steady force in the light heavyweight division, especially in the mid-Atlantic region. The fighter out of Oxon Hill, Maryland won the first 12 fights of his professional career, including a victory over the previously unbeaten Farah Ennis. The 33-year-old is coming off of a first round TKO over Henry Buchanan in Sept. 2014 and is looking to follow that up with another explosive performance on Pipiri 12.


Mō ētahi atu pārongo'a'ahi,, te whai i runga i TwitterPremierBoxing, LaraBoxing, @ DRodriguez1980, WarriorsBoxProm ASpikeTV, ka riro i te tahi i runga i Facebook, i,