Category Archives: Te Pirimia mekemeke Champions

Kaiwhakatairanga Floyd Mayweather ME PREMIER BOXING Champions Fighter Quotes MEDIA īngoa & Whakaahua

Pāwhiritia HERE No te Photos i Idris Erba / Whakatairanga Mayweather

Las Vegas (Pipiri 17, 2015) – Ki te pauna-no te pauna kingi, me te peresideni o Mayweather Whakatairanga Floyd “Money” Mayweather titiro i runga i, whawhai whakataetae i runga i tenei wiki o Te Pirimia mekemeke Champions kāri i MGM Grand, whai wāhi i roto i te īngoa pāpāho Wednesday i Mayweather mekemeke Club. Hanga Mayweather te nuinga o tona wa i te whare hākinakina, noho hoki tata rua nga haora, ki te kōrero ki te pāpāho, hoatu i te matauranga whawhai, me te tohutohu, me te haina tëneti mō pā.


Whawhai nei i mahi i roto i i te kaupapa e ngā i runga i Rāhoroi o Pirimia mekemeke Champions i runga i te kāri NBC ngā Adrien “Ko te Problem” Broner (30-1, 22 Koó),“Showtime” Shawn Porter (25-1-1, 16 Koó) a Errol “Ko te Truth” Spence Jr. (16-0, 13 Koó). Kapinga i runga i NBC haamata i 8:30 p.m. AND/5:30 p.m. PT. Broner, te tangata e whakaaro Mayweather te kaitohutohu, me te “teina nui,” kua whakaakona i te Mayweather Boxing Club mō wiki, ia te whakaaro o Mayweather.


Whawhai parau tumu ko wai e whakaaturia i runga i te sabati o te Pirimia mekemeke Champions i runga i te kāri CBS i hoki i roto i te tae atu rite Rances Barthelemy (22-0, 13 Koó), Antonio DeMarco (31-4-1, 23 Koó), Sammy Vasquez (18-0, 13 Koó) a Wale Omotoso(25-1, 21 Koó) mahi i roto i te katoa, ka hainatia tëneti. Haamata kapinga i runga i CBS Sports i4 p.m. AND/1 p.m. PT.


Tīkiti mō te takahanga o te Rāhoroi, whakatairangatia ana e te e Mayweather Whakatairanga i roto i te feohi ki TGB Whakatairanga, E utu i $400, $300, $100 a $50, e kore e tae atu utu ratonga e hāngai ana, me te takoha kei runga i te hoko inaianei. Ki te ki atu tenei na roto i te waea ki te kāri matua nama he, karanga Ticketmaster i (800) 745-3000. Wātea i he hoki ranei


Tīkiti mō te takahanga Rātapu o, i te hoki e whakatairangatia ana e Mayweather Whakatairanga i roto i te feohi ki utu TGB Whakatairanga e i $100, $75, $50, a $25 e kore e tae atu utu ratonga e hāngai ana, me te takoha kei runga i te hoko inaianei. Ki te ki atu tenei na roto i te waea ki te kāri matua nama he, karanga Ticketmaster i (800) 745-3000. Wātea i he hoki ranei


Tenei ko te aha nga kaiuru īngoa i ki te mea:


Floyd Mayweather, Peresideni o Mayweather Whakatairanga


“Kua ka koe rua takatu tenei wiki i roto i te Adrien Broner me Shawn Poata te hunga i nga kapa tika a tawhio noa ratou. Ki te mau tonu ratou ki te riro me te kawe mai e tatou to ratou huru i roto i o ratou, ka kite tatou i te mea e tupu.


“Kua Shawn Porter kua he toa i mua i. Ko ia anake e kotahi te hinganga, Adrien anake kotahi mate e. Na whakaaro ahau ko te matchup pai tenei.


“I te whiwhi ahau rite mo Robert Guerrero, ko wai te mea he southpaw, tīmata ahau i te taata matamua titiro ki te rākau ki te i te southpaw me Errol (Spence Jr.) i hoatu ahau work.He tino pai tau turaki i ahau, a ka meinga ahau e te tiki i roto i te huru runga matamata, a ko ahau i roto i te huru runga matamata kotahi, Ko ahau i rite, me te pai i taea e ahau. Ko ia he o te toa reinga.”




“E kore e taea e Porter whiua ahau, e kore e haere te reira ki te tupu.


“E kore e ahau te muri Floyd Mayweather. Ka waiho hoki ahau i te tuatahi, me te anake Adrien Broner.


“E kore ahau e mohio ki te aha e ahau kia mataku o Porter. E kore ahau e ahau mataku o tetahi mea. Ka taea e te kōrero ia, te reira pai katoa.


“Kei te haere ahau ki te hoatu ki toku papa he Matua nui o Day hakari tenei wiki, ina whiwhi ahau i taua wikitoria Rāhoroi po.


“Ko ia tangata e ki te rangi-i roto i ki te kite i AB i runga i NBC, te haere i te reira ki te waiho i te whakaatu rite noa te wa katoa manga e ahau ki te whakakai.”


Shawn Porter


“Ite ahau nui. He nui toku taimaha, me e te katoa e faufaa. Ko e tuatahi te whawhai iti, a ka tae mai i te whawhai i muri i runga i Rāhoroi po.


“Whakaaro ahau whakaaro Broner ki te riro ia i heke ahau e waiho hei raruraru mo ahau, engari ka haere e kore e te reira ngā ki te hei. E kore te te ara Porter. Kua mahi matou i nga mea katoa e tika ana ki tenei wāhi.


“Broner Nā mea e tūmanako ia ahau rite ki te kawe i te reira, engari e kore e tino matau ahau he aha te tikanga ia no te mea e matau ana nga tangata katoa ahau rite, e mohio ana nga tangata katoa tonu kawea mai e ahau i te reira. E kore koe e whai ki te ui ki e o Shawn Poata.


“Ko ia te pu korero, pai ia ki te rere i tona mangai, engari te mea pai katoa. E haere noa tatou i te rave i to tatou mea i runga i Rāhoroi po.


“Tenei te haere ki te waiho i te kotahi pai. Pono he pleaser mano. Old hou ki te mekemeke ranei, tenei te haere ki te pai mo koutou. He pūkenga Broner, engari e ahau pūkenga rawa. Te haere ki te waiho i te whawhai nehenehe i runga i Rāhoroi po.”


Errol Spence JR.


“Ngā puni i te whakangungu i te reira rite mua mo tatou. Kihai tino mahi matou i tetahi mea rerekē, ko reira he iti kaha ake ko te kotahi nga mea katoa te mahi tatou i.


“Ahau rite noa ki te whawhai. E hiahia ana ahau ki te paunatia-i roto i, te tiki i te tahi kai i roto i toku kopu, me te whiwhi i roto i taua mowhiti. Ahau i runga i te taimaha kua, kua ngā reira i te roa, waru-wiki puni whakangungu kia matou 100 ōrau rite.


“Ahau i te kaimekemeke-puncher. Ka taea e ahau te haere mai atu ranei e taea e kuru ana ahau,. E rapu ana tonu ahau mo te knockout me au mau mai tonu ahau whakaongaonga whawhai.


“Fighting i runga i NBC, i runga i toku kāri nui ki te rā, te reira tino nui hoki ahau, e ahau i ki te mahi pera e taea te tiki i ahau hoki i runga i NBC, kia te hui matua wā i muri.”


RANCES Barthélemy


“E mohio ana ahau e rite DeMarco, a ka hoatu e ia he rota o te pēhanga rite te mahi whawhai Mexican. Ko e te ara anake e ia he tupono. To tatou he mahere mo pehea e haere tatou ki te whawhai.


“Hanga Moving ki Las Vegas i ahau māhorahora ake, he hāneanea hoki. Na e ahau faaipoipo e taku tamahine, kua ngā reira noa atu te hau. Ahau rite ki te haere.


“Te i runga i CBS te wahi katoa i roto i te U.S. Ka taea e kite i ahau, homai ki ahau ake ara faaururaa. Ka mohio te iwi ko wai ahau i muri i tenei whawhai.”




“Ahau haere mai ahau i roto i te rite ki te pouaka, whawhai te mea ka tangohia te reira ki te tiki i te wikitoria ranei i runga i te Sabati.


“E mohio ana ahau ki he tūturu toku hoa tauwhainga, engari kua kore ia whawhai nga tāne taua i ahau. Taku wheako Ko te pai a ka whakaatu i te reira i roto i te whakakai.


“I matou i te puni whakangungu nui, mahi katoa i te mahi pakeke te. Te pā ana ki te haere te reira i roto i i runga i te Sabatia maka ana i runga i te whakaatu mo te katoa ki te kite.”


Sammy Vasquez


“Tenei ko pea te puni mākutu pai kua tonu ahau i. Ko te he iti roa atu i ou whakamahia ahau ki – e pā ana ki e waru wiki – a i tatou i te tahi hoa mākutu nui. Ahau atu rite atu ake ake.


“Ko te takatu e Omotoso o fehangahangai, ngā patototanga i ia, na kua ngā mahi e ia tona mahi. Te ia te hai te mana kia mohio ahau e kore e taea te tango ahau ki a ia whakahawea. Maturuturu iho ia Jessie Vargas, otiia e kore e te ia i rite ki tere o te toa rite ahau.


“Ka taea e ia te mea te mea e hinaaro ia, otiia e kore e haere te ia ki te patoto i ahau i roto i. Ko te aha ngā hua noa ia ki te mea. Taui katoa ina te manga koe ki te mowhiti. Te haere ia ki te kitea i roto i tino hohoro, e kore i ia faaruru tetahi rite ahau.


“Taku mahere kēmu ko te ki te whiua a ia, ki te kite ahau i te whai wāhi ki te patoto ia i roto i na ka tangohia e ahau i te reira.


“Ou whawhai ahau mo toku pā katoa hoki i roto i te Pittsburgh, oku teina katoa, me te tuahine i roto i te Forces Armed. Ka e mau ana ratou e ahau i runga i toku hoki rite tomo ahau ki te mowhiti tenei Rātapu.”




“Kua kite ahau i te torutoru o te Sammy whawhai. Whakaaro ahau nei ia tere, engari e te anake te mea e kite ahau. E kore e whakaaro ahau e ia te mana ki te patoto i ahau i roto i.


“Kua fehangahangai ahau nga takatu uaua atu ia. I roto i toku whawhai whakamutunga floored ahau Jessie Vargas, a ka whakaaro ahau he tere atu ia Jessie.


“E kore e mahu'inga e tere ko ia, ka kawe ia i te pai i roto i ahau.


“A, no te kite ahau i tetahi wero ahau i rite ki te kanohi i te reira. Kei te haere ahau ki te patoto ia ki waho.”


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Mō ētahi atu pārongo'a'ahi, a, te whai i runga i TwitterPremierBoxing, AdrienBroner, ShowtimeShawnP, ErrolSpenceJr, RealKidBlast, @ De.Marco07, @ SammyV2112, MayweatherPromoNBCSports, SHOSports AMGMGrand, ka riro i te tahi i runga i Facebook i,, ranei

Whawhai Weekend METUA'S DAY tohu Tuhinga o HOLIDAY



Las Vegas (Pipiri 17, 2015) – Hītori faahiahia o Boxing o te whanaungatanga tata'oku ka haere mai ki te ora o tenei Matua Day Weekend rite Pirimia Boxing Champions hoki ki NBC i runga iPipiri 20 a CBS i runga i Pipiri 21 ora i MGM Grand i Las Vegas. Ko te whawhai i runga i ngā rua o enei kāri tāpae i te whanaungatanga tata ki to ratou ake matua, He matua ratou i kitea he ahua matua i roto i te omaoma mekemeke ranei.


Ano, Kei te maha pā o te pūtaiao reka whanau ki te aroha tü mo te hākinakina te haere i runga i tera whakatupuranga, ki te whakatupuranga rite matua faaite i te whakarerenga iho o te mātakitaki mekemeke i te fare, me to ratou mau utuafare. Ka rite ki te Pirimia mekemeke Champions tonu ki te kawe mai mahi nui ki te kötuitui pouaka, tetahi rave'a no te matua ki te ki te haere i tenei iho haere tonu o tenei Matua Day Weekend o kāri hoki-ki-hoki whawhai he.


I te Rāhoroi, Adrien “Ko te Problem” Broner (30-1, 22 Koó) a “Showtime” Shawn Porter (25-1-1, 16 Koó) Ka kanohi atu i roto i te matchup 12-a tawhio noa kaha whakataetae. Ano i runga i te kāri, te tūturu Errol “Ko te Truth” Spence Jr. (16-0, 13 Koó) e tona record i runga i te raina ki pakeke-patu hōia Roberto “Ko te Threat” Garcia (37-3, 23 Koó) i roto i te wero nui o tona mahi taitamariki. The PBC on NBC action begins at 8:30 p.m. AND/5:30 p.m. PT


Toa o mua te ao Rances Barthelemy (22-0, 13 Koó) a Antonio DeMarco(31-4-1, 23 Koó) kupu matua te Te Pirimia mekemeke Champions i runga i CBS kāri i runga i te rā o te Metua, Rātapu, Pipiri 21 te timatanga ora i 4 p.m. AND/1 p.m. PT. Hoki ngā i roto i te a'ee teata he matchup Welterweight taikaha e rua i te tūturu Sammy Vasquez (18-0, 13 Koó) ki te artist knockout Nigeria Wale Omotoso (25-1, 21 Koó).


Mai i te one rongonui o Floyd Mayweather, tahi-kaiwhakatairanga o kāri whawhai PBC o tenei wiki, me tona papa Floyd Mayweather Kaumātua. ki ētahi atu kapa orometau-tama te papa pērā iJulio Hiha Chavez Sr. a Hōngongoi Jr. a Don a Pirika “Tito” Trinidad, te faufaa o te metua, ko te rite lahi i roto i te pūtaiao reka i teie nei rite kua tonu te reira, rite kitea e nga whakaaro me kōrero kī i raro i te whawhai ngā o tenei wiki.




“Pops toku papa '’ Ko te tangata tuatahi ki te tango ahau ki te omaoma mekemeke me e ko te wahi ka tutaki matou Coach Mike [Stafford]. Toku papa i mohio noa i hiahia ia ki te pouaka ahau, a ka mau ahau e ia ki te wahi e tika ana.


“Nga tangata katoa e karanga Pops toku papa '’ no te mea te ia ano he papa ki te katoa a tawhio noa ahau – toku hoa, whawhai i roto i te whare hākinakina…katoa. He’s always been there 100 ōrau o te wā.


“Ahau me toku papa he iti e rua haurangi. He iwi rite tatou. Kua hatepea atu tatou, te tokorua i te kakahu rerekē, rite tatou ki te whai ngahau, me te pakeke te mahi. Mata tatou i.


“Te tikanga haere mai toku papa ki te puni i te wiki whakamutunga e rua, na ko ia i te rā hākinakina nui ki runga ki nga whawhai. A, no te kore ia te ki ahau i roto i te whare hākinakina, Kei te mahi ia i runga i ngā waka kia rite ki te mīhini i roto i te Cincinnati.


“[I te te te papa] Ahau aroha he ki toku kuao. Ahau rite ki te mahi i nga mea pārekareka ki a ratou, me te ake e hoatu ki a ratou i to i ahau, ano he kuao koati. E aroha ana ahau, ina haere mai ratou ki te omaoma, me te haere mai ki toku whawhai.


“A, no te whanau toku Adrieon whakaotinga i, Ko nga hikoinga o te ara ki reira ahau, a inaianei kei te haere Day o tenei Matua ki te kia ara pai, ka riro ahau.”


Shawn Porter


“Oku papa kua tonu i reira i hākinakina ki te kura, kua awhinatia ahau i roto i te katoa o reira. Ko ia he Pākatokato ana no te mea ko ia i reira tonu, ano he matua kotahi. E kore e tino kitea e koe e nui rawa i roto i te hapori American Āwherika – he papa kotahi e hiahia ana ki te hei reira mo ana tamariki ki te ara i toku papa, kua reira hoki ahau me toku teina.


Every day is kind of like Father’s Day for us. E hiahia ana ahau ki te hanga i te tino fakangalongata'a tenei tetahi, a ko reira te tuatahi o te maha ki te haere mai. Otiia mārama Rātapu e pai nui ki te riro ai i ahau.


“Ite e ahau kia rite ki meinga e ahau tona rā ra. Te reira ia me ahau. Ko tōna ta tatou e rave i. E koe ou ra pai, me nga ra kino. Hoki te ki ahau he tama, me te rōpū kaipara, hanga ana e ia e hiahia ana ahau ki te mahi i runga i te taumata rerekē.”


Errol Spence JR.


“Ua ahau tīmata taku papa i roto i te mekemeke. Ko ia he taraiwa taraka, na whakamahia ia ki te pei pō, a ka ka whiwhi ia te kāinga 12:00 p.m. ranei i muri mai ka tangohia e ahau ki te omaoma. Then after that he’d come from the gym, ko reira rite 5:00 ranei 6:00 p.m., a kia okioki ia mo tetahi e rua ranei, nga haora, ka haere tonu ki te mahi.


“I te wa, Kihai tino whakaaro ahau e pā ana ki reira, engari he iti bit rite ahau ka pakeke, me te nui, ite i nga patunga tapu katoa i patu whakahere ia ki a ahau mo e taea ki te pouaka, ka haere ki enei whakataetae motu katoa, me enei whakataetae katoa i roto i te kāwanatanga me te mea. He had to pay for the hotel, te utu mo te kai, me te mea rite taua i roto i te pute. We didn’t have any sponsors and stuff like that.

“Ko ahau whakakake ki te kia te ingoa i muri i toku papa, ka whakawhetai ahau ki a ia mō te whakapono i roto i ahau, me te aki i ahau ki te kia i te pai e taea e ahau.


“Nui ia he wahi nui o toku mahi mekemeke. He’s my supporter. That’s my mentor. That’s like my best friend. For Father’s Day, Kei te haere ahau ki te tiki i a ia i te wini, a kei te haere te reira ki te waiho i te wikitōria faahiahia e ka waiho ia whakakake o, a ka aroha ia. He played a big part in my career. Without him, E mohio ana ahau e kore e waiho e ahau mekemeke. E toku papa i roto i toku kokonga Rāhoroi po.”


RANCES Barthélemy


“Ko te rā o te Metua i te tino motuhake ki ahau, no te mea taku wahine, me te tamahine, ko wai toku ao, hamani ahau, ano he kingi mo te ra. Being a father is very important, a roto i te sotaiete i teie mahana, not enough fathers are there for their children. It’s great that there is a day to honor the good fathers that take care of their families.


“Toku papa, Emilio Barthelemy, was always there for me and my brothers. Ka eke ia tatou ki te takaro o te mekemeke. A, no te ahau i waiho Cuba ko reira tino uaua hoki ahau, no te mea i ahau, me toku papa rawa tata. I love him very much and I want to wish him a happy Father’s Day as well.


“Mahara ahau, ina ko matou iti, me and my brothers would take my father out to breakfast on Father’s Day. Ko te he wā tino motuhake me te fiefia matou katoa i te taime. My wife and daughter love to spoil me on Father’s Day. Last tau ka mau ahau e ratou ki toku wharekai Cuban tino, ka koa ahau i te kai faahiahia ki e rua o ratou.”

Sammy Vasquez


“Te riroraa ei papa o te toru ngā kōtiro, me te whai taua, he hononga kaha ki toku Papa hanga

Day o te papa kotahi o nga hararei nui hoki ahau.”


“Kua toku papa i ki ahau nga hikoinga o te ara tautoko i toku mahi i

hoko tīkiti i roto i te Pittsburgh, ki te ki ahau, i nga whawhai, me te te taviniraa rite ki tetahi o taku

kaiwhakahaere. Te reira nui ki te whai ia ia taha ahau, e te mea motuhake ki te riro i tēnei whawhai

runga i te rā o te Metua hoki ia.”


It’s tough having to be away from my daughter’s i runga i te Sabati but we’ll celebrate on

Rāhina when I get back home and have our Father’s Day then.




“Ko ahau na whakakake ki te whai e rua tamariki [tau 5 a 2] ki taku wahine. Kua noho ana matou i roto i te Los Angeles mō te wha tau, me te to tatou he ora tino hari tahi ki reira.


“Ka haere mai ngā mātua o taku wahine ki LA i Ahitereiria kia taea mataara ratou nga kuao tenei wiki, ina whawhai ahau me toku wahine e ahei te haere mai, ka ngakau i ahau i runga i.


“Mate toku papa i te tika i te aroaro o ahau ka tahuri tautoko, ka nekehia ki Ahitereiria i Nigeria. Ka e ahau he whai wāhi ki te neke atu i Awherika, a tangohia ana e ahau i te reira. E ia whakakake.


“Toku kaiwhakangungu Eric Brown he rite ki te papa ki ahau inaianei. E mohio ana ia ki taku wahine, me kuao. Tatou haere ki te wa katoa. Parau ia ahau ki te pupuri i toku mahunga i runga tonu me te arotahi.


“Kei te haere ahau ki te toa i runga i te Sabati. E te haere ki te hei o toku Matua Day hakari mo toku kuao rawa. Kei te haere ahau ki te riro i tenei whawhai mo ratou. Ko te reira i te Matua pai o Day hakari e taea hoatu e ahau – hoatu ki a ratou he take ki te kia whakakake o ratou papa.”


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Ngā Live o Te Pirimia mekemeke Champions i runga i NBC haamata i 8:30 p.m. AND/5:30 p.m. PT ki te Welterweight te whawhai 10-a tawhio noa i waenganui i whetū maranga tūturu Errol “Ko te Truth” Spence Jr. me te ngangau uaua Roberto “Ko te Threat” Garcia. Aru e a'ee e te faahinaaroraa headlining 12-a tawhio noa ngā Adrien “Ko te Problem” Bronertango i runga i “Showtime” Shawn Porter.


Tikiti mo te takahanga ora, whakatairangatia ana e te e Mayweather Whakatairanga i roto i te feohi ki TGB Whakatairanga, E utu i $400, $300, $100 a $50, e kore e tae atu utu ratonga e hāngai ana, me te takoha kei runga i te hoko inaianei. Ki te ki atu tenei na roto i te waea ki te kāri matua nama he, karanga Ticketmaster i (800) 745-3000. Wātea i he hoki Tickets


Ngā o Te Pirimia mekemeke Champions i runga i CBS haamata i 4 p.m. AND/1 p.m. PT ki te tukinga Welterweight i waenganui i Sammy Vasquez a Wale Omotoso a aru ana e te pupūtanga i waenganui i toa mua te ao Rances Barthelemy a Wale Omotoso.


Tikiti mo te takahanga ora, whakatairangatia ana e te e Mayweather Whakatairanga, ka utu TGB Whakatairanga e i $100, $75, $50, a $25 e kore e tae atu utu ratonga e hāngai ana, me te takoha kei runga i te hoko inaianei. Ki te ki atu tenei na roto i te waea ki te kāri matua nama he, karanga Ticketmaster i (800) 745-3000. Wātea i he hoki Tickets



Kelly Swanson

Thanks everyone for calling in. We have an exciting conference call today to talk about an unbelievable boxing weekend coming up in Las Vegas. We’re going to hear more about that from Leonard Ellerbe, CEO o Mayweather Whakatairanga, ko wai e rere i te karanga.


Tuatahi i runga i te karanga e haere tatou i ki te kōrero ki a Errol Spence, Jr., me tona hoa, Roberto Garcia, I mahara hoki ki te uru atu i te karanga, engari, kāore, i ia he whakarite hauora miniti whakamutunga e ia ki te tiki i roto i te aroaro o mahue ia ia mo Las Vegas, na e kore e taea e ki te amui mai ia matou e ia.


Tenei atu taata kuao ko te toa whakaharahara, and I’m certainly looking forward to seeing him fight. I’m going to go ahead and turn it over to Leonard Ellerbe, ko wai e meinga e nga mihimihi, me te whakatuwhera i te reira ki runga.


Leonard Ellerbe

Mauruuru koe, Kelly. I’d like to thank everyone for joining us on this afternoon’s call. PBC on NBC returns to primetime network television this Saturday, Pipiri 20th. Haamata te telecast i 8:30 p.m. ME / 5:30 p.m. PT. We’ll be coming to you live from MGM Grand in Las Vegas. This event will be sponsored by Corona, a hinaaro nei e ahau ki te whakawhetai ki a ratou mo to ratou tautoko.


Our main event will feature a 12-round showdown between former world champions Adrien Broner and Shawn Porter. The co-main event features hot prospect Errol Spence, JR. and veteran Roberto Garcia in a 10-round welterweight fight. Following the fights on NBC, ka whakawhiti atu tatou ki NBCSN hoki atu mahi nui.


Ko te tīkiti mō te ngā ora, Ka e whakatairangatia ana e Mayweather Whakatairanga i roto i te feohi ki TGB Whakatairanga, kei runga i te hoko i teie nei. The tickets are available through Ticketmaster and With the purchase of a ticket to the June 20th whawhai tenei Rāhoroi, fans will also have access to the PBC on CBS card taking place on Sunday at the MGM Grand. That bout will feature, i roto i te hui matua, Rances Barthelemy versus Antontio DeMarco, a Sammy Vasquez Wale Omotoso e whawhai, e haamata i 4:00 p.m. ME / 1:00 p.m. PT i runga i CBS.


Te hinaaro nei au ki te tīmata i roto i te whakauru i te hui tahi-matua, and I’d like to start out with Errol Spence. Errol Spence is coming to us from Desoto, Texas. He is a 2012 US Olympian. He most recently dominated Samuel Vargas on the April 11 on PBC on NBC card. I’m very familiar with this young, exciting prospect. He’s a very talented fighter and he will be a force to be reckoned with for quite some time. He’s a future world champion. He’s coming to us at 16-0 ki 13 Koó. Errol?


Errol Spence Jr.

Hi, I’m glad to be here. It’s a big opportunity for me on a huge stage. I’m going to go in and do like I always do, put on a great show and a great performance and raise my stock. Te tūmanako, i muri i tenei whawhai, i muri i tenei mahi nui, E taea e ahau te hui matua i runga i NBC.



E ite koe rite kei te neke koe i te ara e hiahia ana koe ki te neke? Faster? Slower? Where you’re supposed to be? Na, pehea hohoro koutou whakaaro, e te mea e taea e te tango e koe te tiaki o koutou hoariri, Roberto Garcia, tenei wiki, e taea te tiki e koe ki te whawhai ara nui atu, pea mo te taitara i etahi wāhi?


Na. Spence Jr.

I feel like I’m moving the way I want to move. I’m fighting when I want to and I’m fighting on the regular, so everything’s been consistent and how I want it to go. I’m stepping up the competition, and I’m fighting on the big stage that I wanted to fight on. After I get rid of Roberto Garcia, I think it will be another step up fight. Te tūmanako, E taea te tiki i ahau i te atu ingoa-mohiotia hoariri, tūmanako he toa te ao o mua i roto i reira, a ka i te tau wawe wā i muri mai, Ka taea e whawhai ahau mo te taitara.



E ai ki te nuinga o te iwi, ko koe te toa tino pūmanawa i runga i te Team Olympic United States i roto i 2012 me te taata ki te pūmanawa tino rite ki te ngaio. He ko e te rorona mo koutou? Does it motivate you? Do you believe your clippings? How do you stay focused? Because it seems like you are a pretty focused guy, te ara kua haere koe e pā ana ki to koutou mahi.


Na. Spence Jr.

No te kotahi te mea, arotahi noho te tahi mea tika noatia mahi ahau, but I also want to live up to the hype and to the high standards that a lot of boxing writers and a lot of people have of me. I’ve just got to go out there and perform and look great, a ka hiahia ahau ki te titiro nui, so I have to stay focused and work hard. That’s the only way that I’m going to get where I want to be and get to the top and get to fighting these name-known opponents. Tika i ahau ki te noho hāngai, me te tika noho i whakatapua, a ka kia tino whawhai ahau hoariri mohiotia atu, rite Robert Guerrero ranei Keith Thurman ranei Amir Khan ranei tētahi rite taua.



He aha ra te wikitoria ki a Garcia mahi i roto i ngā o te whiwhi koe i reira?


Na. Spence Jr.

Roberto Garcia, te ia uaua, ia he hōia, a ka whakaaro ahau te ki ahau he 'amanaki, ki te mimiha te o te he nguha, I ahau ki te kanohi i te taata rite taua, he taata ki te rota o te wheako me te whakaatu tino pai, so I can go into that contender level and contender status where I can start fighting more name-known guys. I think it’s just a process I have to go through so I can get to where I want to be. Roberto Garcia is a tough fighter. He’s not as known as the guys I would like to fight, engari e ahau ki te whawhai ki a ia ki te tiki ki te hunga eé.



Ki te putanga o te rota i nga toa Pākehā Eastern o, te hunga e whawhai hoki i te taitara i roto i to ratou whawhai ngaio tuarua tuatoru ranei, mahi ite koe pēhanga ki ahua o taahiraa ake tou tukanga ake, me te tango inäianei whawhai, me te whakawhanake i tētahi iti bit tere atu kua tikanga kite matou i whawhai Amerika i roto i te mua?


Na. Spence Jr.

Kaua e. I don’t necessarily feel pressured. Everybody has their own path that they have to take. What those guys did was great, me e te faahiahia, e tino rangona o, engari te katoa e to ratou ara ake, a ka tupu katoa rerekē.



Errol, kua tīmata mai i PBC päpäho whawhai, i roto i te 2015, kua ia koe, te whawhai tetahi i runga i te undercard Garcia-Peterson, engari tou toa arumoni ranei koutou bio, Kua e te whiwhi i te rota o te rongo. E taea ranei e koe te korero ki ahau, ano he kia kite koe i runga i te TV te mea kua ngā e ka kua te mea kua ki te tauhohe ki taua puaretanga?


Na. Spence, JR.

It’s been great. Au oaoa ahau. It shows that my hard work’s been paying off, and it shows how my manager believes in me. I’ve only been a pro fighter for three years and some change and I’m already being broadcast in with guys that have been pro eight, kotahi tekau nga tau, kotahi tekau ma tahi nga tau, and I’m head-to-head with these guys. It just shows a lot of people believe in me and I’ve got a lot of people behind me who support me.



Whakahuatia e koe Robert Guerrero, Keith Thurman, and Amir Khan as potential opponents that you’re looking at. Do you see them as stepping stones to something bigger, Ko te hunga ranei nga whawhai e hiahia ana koe? It sounded like you might have been alluding to a different fight. He aha ahau miharo ahau, ki te kite koe i te hunga e takatu rite i roto i to koutou ara ki te whawhai Mayweather?


Na. Spence Jr.

Not necessarily. These are the guys that are in the top ten, that are in the top five. These are the guys that are supposed to be there after Floyd retires in September, Ko nga takatu e haere ana ki te tokua kia rere i te wehenga enei, so these are the guys I’m looking at. I’m nowhere near close to fighting Mayweather, because I haven’t even gotten in the top ten yet. These are the guys thatI’m looking at that are in the top ten that are supposedly running the weight class after Floyd’s gone and retired.



E hiahia ana ahau ki te ui ki a koutou e pā ana ki te mea e mohio ana koe o tou hoa tauwhainga, Roberto Garcia? E whakaaro ki a koutou, rite ki te pro, Garcia ki hei te toa uaua e kua fehangahangai koe?


Na. Spence, JR.

I see him as the most experienced fighter. It could be the toughest. It all depends. One of my tough fights was against Emmanuel Lartey. Ko ia 15-0, a ko ahau 8-0 i te wa. But I mean it could be. Te uaua ia, ngā ite ia, and he’s gritty. I know he’s going to come to fight, na tenei hei tetahi o toku whawhai uaua ki te rā.



Na, you’ve gone back and forth in the last year or so between welterweight and super welterweight. Is there one of those weight classes you particularly want to focus upon?


Na. Spence Jr.

Ahau noho ahau i 147, and welterweight is my weight class. A lot of times I might fight at 148 ranei te tahi mea rite ki taua, engari 147 Ko te piha haapiiraa taimaha e ahau te whawhai ahau i.


K. Swanson

Te pai, Ko e koutou pātai whakamutunga, Errol, but I have one for you that I’d like to add here. The weekend is Father’s Day weekend, a i te mea kua ahau i kite e pā ana ki a koutou, Ko tino whai i roto i te hanga tou papa tino i koe he umanga mekemeke. Ahau miharo ahau, ki te taea e koe te faaite ki a matou, he iti bit e pā ana ki to koutou hononga ki tou papa, te faufaa ko ia ki te whanaketanga o koutou aravihi mekemeke, a ki te mea ka waiho e ia ki a koutou i tenei wiki i roto i te Las Vegas.


Na. Spence Jr.

Toku papa, he got me started in boxing. Ko ia he taraiwa taraka, na whakamahia ia ki te pei pō, a ka ka whiwhi ia te kāinga 12:00 p.m. ranei i muri mai ka tangohia e ahau ki te omaoma. Then after that he’d come from the gym, ko reira rite 5:00 ranei 6:00 te ahiahi, a kia okioki ia mo tetahi e rua ranei, nga haora, ka haere tonu ki te mahi. I te wa, Kihai tino whakaaro ahau e pā ana ki reira, engari he iti bit rite ahau ka pakeke, me te nui, ite i nga patunga tapu katoa i patu whakahere ia ki a ahau mo e taea ki te pouaka, ka haere ki enei whakataetae motu katoa, me enei whakataetae katoa i roto i te kāwanatanga me te mea. He had to pay for the hotel, te utu mo te kai, me te mea rite taua i roto i te pute. We didn’t have any sponsors and stuff like that.


Nui ia he wahi nui o toku mahi mekemeke. He’s my supporter. That’s my mentor. That’s like my best friend. For Father’s Day, Kei te haere ahau ki te tiki i a ia i te wini, a kei te haere te reira ki te waiho i te wikitōria faahiahia e ka waiho ia whakakake o, a ka aroha ia. He played a big part in my career. Without him, E mohio ana ahau e kore e waiho e ahau mekemeke.


K. Swanson

Great. Thanks for sharing that. I know he was an important part of your story. Na, Leonard, that is it on the side for Errol. We appreciate you taking the time out of your training. Best o te waimarie ki a koutou, a ka titiro atu matou ki a te mātakitaki a koutou i runga i PBC i runga i NBC.


L. Ellerbe

The fans are going to be in for a great treat with this fight. Garcia comes with a lot of experience, and Errol is the new guy on the block. He’s making a name for himself. Big things are expected out of Errol, a ka titiro ia ki te haere mai i roto i runga i te pō o te Rāhoroi ki te mahi nui.


Na. Spence Jr.

Mauruuru koe. I’d like to thank everybody for their questions and stuff and everybody tuning in and listening. Just make sure you tune in Saturday. I’m going to put on a great performance and a great show.


L. Ellerbe

I roto i te hui matua, to tatou he whawhai tino whakaongaonga. We have two gentlemen who are very familiar with each other. They both come out of the state of Ohio. They both have extensive amateur backgrounds. I think it’s going to be an excellent fight.


We have Shawn Porter. Ka rite ki mea ahau, ngā haere mai ia ki a matou i roto i o Akron, Ohio. He’s now fighting out of Las Vegas. His most recent win was on Spike in March when he fought Eric Bone. He has fought a number of good fighters, including big wins over former world champions Devon Alexander and Paulie Malignaggi. He comes to us with a record of 25-1-1, ki 16 Koó, kahore ke atu i te toa Welterweight mua te ao, “Showtime” Shawn Porter.


Shawn Porter

He aha te ake, katoa? Thanks for having me on.


Ken Porter

Mauruuru e koe ko eé mo te introduction faahiahia, Leonard. We really appreciate you guys having us on today. As far as our training camp, Shawn has been preparing for this fight and the previous fight and the previous fight before that ever since he turned professional. We never really go into a camp, per se. We just continue with what we were already doing. I have been blessed with an athlete who understands that this is his lifestyle, te reira te tau-a tawhio noa, and he just works like that. So when it was time to turn up the heat a little bit, we were already ready to go. When it was time to bring down the weight a little bit, kihai i he raruraru rānei.


Ko ia kaha. He’s happy. He’s feeling really good. Today we did a little bit of track work. We headed to the gym, a ka i faahaamana'o ia tatou e, ia matou i tenei karanga amuiraa ki a koutou takatu, na ko reira tino kore raruraru mo ki te haere ia tatou hoki te fare, me te noho ki raro, mo te iti moka, ka mau i tenei karanga, no te katoa o to tatou mahi pakeke kua oti noa, e kore e tika i roto i tenei whawhai tenei puni ranei, but in previous fights and previous camps that we’ve had before this. Everything is on point. Everything is exactly where we want it to be, a e titiro whakamua matou ki te whawhai nui i runga i te pō o te Rāhoroi ki te toa nui.



He aha koe i mea ai rerekē i roto i tenei puni whakangungu ki te faaineine ia outou no te tenei whawhai, me te tere o Adrien Broner?


S. Mau

E mohio ana koe ki te aha, I’ll let you know. Ae, he is skillful and fast. We haven’t really done much different to try to offset that or anything. The reason being is because we know that I’m just as fast and just as quick as he is. There haven’t been any special workouts that we’ve incorporated this camp or anything like that to do anything differently to offset his speed. We’ve just really focused more so on my skills and also the different techniques that are required to cut off and slow down a fast fighter like him. Na, te reira te mea kua tatou i te mahi, noa i te taumata teitei. We’re not overlooking his speed. We’ve just done more of what we need to do to prepare for it, i te aha kua tatou i mea ai i nga wa katoa.


K. Mau

Just ki te hoatu ki a koe takatu i te info iti, Whakaaro ahau Devon Alexander ko tetahi o nga boxers tere i roto i te mekemeke, wā. I know that Manny Pacquiao is one of the fastest boxers in boxing. I know that Andre Dirrell is one of the fastest boxers in this sport. Shawn has been able to compete against those type of guys in professional fights, i roto i te wā, in camps. We don’t have a problem with anyone’s speed. He’s just as fast as anybody that comes in the ring with him, na ka kōrero koe e pā ana ki te tere o te taata, e kore e te taua te tahi mea e tokanga tatou ki.


Ko te raruraru e whai i taua taata ki te mahi ki he kei nohopuku tatou, and we’ve got power to come along with that. Na, we’re prepared for that. Just like Shawn said, we just continue doing what we’ve already done. At this point in time, e kore e te mea e he āwangawanga i te katoa, na kei rite hoki taua tatou.



Koutou i roto i tetahi ara rite koe mo pea nga rēreretanga e haere mai haere i roto i te whakakai ki te Adrien Broner?


S. Mau

E mohio ana koe ki te aha, I haven’t. I understand that could arise during the fight. My whole thing is this, a te reira te tahi mea e kua aki tonu toku papa ki runga ki ahau, is being professional at all times. Being professional means maintaining your composure and staying poised and sticking to the game plan no matter what. Na, noa'tu te e meatia e ia te mea i roto i te whawhai ranei, nui atu i pea e te tikanga ahau te mahi ahau i te tahi mea e tika ana, and I’ll just continue to do what I’m doing and what my corner’s asking me to do. I’m not worried about it at all. Ko ahau te hunga e ahau, a kia mahi ahau i te mahi.


K. Mau

Shawn’s coming to knock Adrien’s head off. He’s in a real fight, and this is a big fight. I think it’s going to be a very entertaining fight. They both have contrasting styles. Both have certain strengths that they do certain things very well. It’s going to be a very competitive and exciting fight.



You’re an Akron guy. Broner’s a Cincinnati guy. They’re saying it’s the battle of Ohio, a e haere ana matou ki Las Vegas, he wahi nui mo nui whawhai i te wa katoa, he wahi rahi ki te whai whawhai, engari i whakaaro koutou pea e koe takatu e duking te reira i roto i roto i te Ohio ki whakatau i te tika whakapehapeha mo te kāwanatanga?


S. Mau

Ahau i te raki Ohio taata, e kore e tika Akron, not just Cleveland. It’s a blessing to be able to represent northeast Ohio, and I’ve done that for a very long time with pride. I’ve made everyone proud back home along the way. Ano, nga mea katoa kua ahau ako, I learned from my dad. He told me a long time ago, e ai ta ia, ki te hiahia koe ki te whakapai ake, ki te hiahia koe ki te tiki pai, me te mahi i nga mea i te taumata teitei, kua ka koe ki te neke i runga i, a te tahi mau taime e waiho te fare anake, me te tango i te tiaki o koutou mahi.


Ki te taua te mea, Las Vegas is the Mecca of boxing. It’s where we all want to be. I’ve been blessed enough to move out here two years ago, and this is where I always wanted my career to go. A fight of this magnitude is happening where it’s supposed to happen at. The bragging rights will come after the fight.



Kia pehea te pakeke te haere i te reira ki te waiho mo ki a koe te tiki ki raro, ki 144? What was the reason that you guys made the fight for significantly under the welterweight limit when both of you guys have been welterweight champions and not had any issues with 147?


S. Mau

I’ll answer the first question first. Tika i teie nei, e Cadillacing tatou, and what I mean by that is we’re taking it one day at a time. We’re moving slow so everybody can see us, and we’re feeling good doing it. It’s coming along exactly the way we wanted it to, and it’s been a blessing. We were called and told that we were asked to be 144 pounds by Adrien Broner. That was not our decision. As soon as it was announced to me from my dad, Ka korerotia e ahau ki a ia, ta tatou e Me ki te mahi i ki te hanga i te whawhai.


Te mana'o nei au i reira te he koati iti i Cincinnati nei i te wehi o te whawhai i 147, even though that’s a weight that he’s even fought for a championship at. That’s neither here nor there. The weigh-in is Friday. We’ll be there. We’ll be on weight, and we’ll be excited to get on that scale and look him in the eyes at that weight and let him know that we’re feeling good. Whatever advantage he thought could come from that, e kore ngā whiwhi ia tetahi.


Ko te mea pai e pā ana ki reira au manaakitia e ahau he tinana nui ahau, and somehow we can get my body to do what it needs to do. I te mutunga o te ra, all I can do is give it up to God. It’s been great along the way and, rite mea e koe, Whawhai ahau kia rite ki te tiketike rite 165 i roto i te amateurs, me te noa 154 ki runga ki te tahuri pro, a inaianei 147 for the last about four or five years. It’s been great, a kore e waiho te raruraru e haere ki raro, atu i te tahi pauna.


K. Mau

I call it addition by subtraction. As he loses weight, he increases his opportunity for big fights. Na, haere mai matou i 154 ki 147, a reira te ingoa whawhai nui whawhai nui ki reira, me te reira. Tenei kua ui tatou ki te haere mai ki raro atu i te tahi pauna, and it just so happens he’s living this way year round so he didn’t have to go into some crazy I’ve got to get this weight off type thing. This morning, he was very light. He’s eaten twice this morning already. He’s feeling really good. We’re able to do this, and we’re confident that it’ll continue throughout the week to come off like it is. We’re looking forward to this big fight at a lighter weight. Na, that’s why I call it addition by subtraction. We get more out of coming down in a lower weight than we did being in the higher weight class.



Shawn, kua rua o koutou, a Adrien kua i roto i te tahi mau whawhai whakaongaonga, but you’re also both very good boxers also. What is your take on how this is going to play out?


S. Mau

I think this fight’s going to go everywhere. You’ve seen me fight. You know that I want to dictate everything. I want to dictate the pace. I want to be the commander in the ring. Ki te taua te mea, kei pūkenga tatou, i te mea nui, and we can box from the outside. There will also be points where we look to move in and get really physical. We’re just going to play it one round at a time and we’ll look to box and also look to punch and put it all together. That’s what you want in a big fight, when you can do so many things and this fight requires you doing so many things. We look to put it all together on Saturday night-the boxing, te meke, te pēhanga, te rongoā, katoa o reira.



A, no te titiro koutou i record Adrien Broner o, e kite koe i te tangata e mate ki Marcos Maidana. Is there anything you’ve learned from that fight with Maidana that you can apply for yourself in your fight with Adrien?


S. Mau

Ae. We’ve taken a look at a number of his fights, e kore e tika i te kino, but also the good. I’m steadily reminding myself not to underestimate him, e kore e ki te whakaaro e haere ahau ki te haere mai i roto i te reira, ka mahi i nga mea katoa i mea ai Maidana ki a ia, and that’s it and I’ll get the win. We look to do so much more than what Maidana did, engari ko te pēhanga i tono Maidana taua whawhai katoa nui, ka ko te mea e hiahiatia ana e ia.


We will look to do some of that. I’ve also taken a look at his earlier fights when he looked really sharp and superb, just to remind myself of what he can do. There were lot of things he didn’t do against Maidana, but there were a lot of things he did do well against some of his other competitors earlier in his career. We look to do a lot of different things this fight. It’s going to take a lot to win this one, a kei rite hoki reira tatou.



Kua reira mea tauwhāiti e kua ako koe ke i roto i tou huarahi mai i tō whawhai whakamutunga tau ki a awa Kell ranei kua?


S. Mau

Yes and no. I think with that fight, nga mea e kua ketia tatou, ki atu, kua riro atu mahi, tau kotahi, hinengaro, me te ka tau e rua, nga taketake. Ka mea ahau, tau kotahi, te hinengaro no reira he rota o te mea i ui ki ahau i roto i te kokonga e kore ahau i whakauru i roto i te ōrite i. I te mutunga o te ra, Ka taea e ahau anake te titiro ki ahau, and that’s the reason those things didn’t show up. We worked on a lot of mental preparation since that fight, te taea e ki te whakarongo kore anake ki te koki me te whakatinana i aua tohutohu i roto i te whawhai, a ka nga taketake.


There were a lot of things I didn’t do in that fight. I got a little wild at points. I muri i te whawhai, kotahi whakangungu tatou ka hoki, haere matou hoki te ara katoa ki te taketake, ano te mahi tonu tatou, ko matou he nui ake aronga iti i runga i te āhuatanga hinengaro me te taketake.



Te haere tenei whawhai ki te hei te po Rāhoroi, hui matua, wā pirimia, i runga i NBC i tata te kāinga katoa i roto i te whenua, and it’s going to be televised internationally. Tell us about how that affects you, he i roto i te taua whawhai Tuhinga.


S. Mau

E mohio ana koe ki te aha, Ahau e taea e fafau a koutou i tenei, this is something that I’ve always envisioned and I’ve always looked forward to. My fight with Julio Diaz, no te tuatahi i kitea e ahau i roto i te reira i MGM Grand, I was really excited. Then I was told it was going to be in one of the conference rooms. The whole entire bubble didn’t bust, but a little bit of the air came out. I’ve just always marveled at the crowd, pehea nui riro te reira, nga rama, the whole nine. I love every part of the ambiance of a big MGM Grand fight. I’m taking it with a lot of excitement and obviously not over enthused, but I do understand the moment that I’m about to have. The great part about it is it’s a moment that I’ve always wanted, and I’m looking forward to it, na ka tangohia e ahau i te reira ki te kahore he raruraru i te katoa.


He reira tetahi inoino legit i waenganui ia koutou, e Adrien?


S. Mau

E mohio ana koe ki te aha, there was no animosity about the weight up until the press conference that we had last week. We had the press conference. We’ve known for weeks now that the contracted weight is supposed to be 144. Here we are doing everything that we need to do as professionals to be on weight, kia i runga i te tata, kia 100%, a ki te koati nei i whiriwhiria e hanga i te kirimana, te taimaha 144, hiahia ana e kore e ki te kōrero e pā ana ki te taimaha kirimana, hiahia ana e kore e ki te kōrero e pā ana ki tetahi rarangi rehydration, e hiahia ana ki te karo i tetahi aparauraa whai wāhi rohe taimaha tetahi ranei rite taua.


Ko te atu a atu kōrero tatou e pā ana te reira, the more and more the animosity starts to set in because I’m a professional doing what I do. I’ve done it at this high level for so long, me toku piha haapiiraa taimaha ko te 147 for so long. You want to move up into my weight, then move up. Don’t be scared. Don’t be worried. Don’t be afraid. Put your skill on the line along with your record. Put everything on the line. Put it all on the line at 147. Don’t put it at 144 a ka kore e hiahia ana ki te kōrero e pā ana ki reira.


I’m not going to worry about it. We still maintain our professionalism and come into this fight and this weigh-in the way we’re supposed to. No personal animosity towards Adrien Broner. I know him, ko ahau e mohio ki a ia i te tawhiti.


Ki te taua te mea, ngā tonu kua reira ake o te, “Hey, me pehea e mahi koe?” momo o te hononga, e kore i te “Kia haere a ki te karapu tenei po” momo o te whanaungatanga, me te hoki, e kore i te “He aha koe ka korero ai ki a ahau ki a koutou? Taea te whawhai ahau ki a koutou wā,” relationship. Na, we’re cool. The night of the fight, ka waiho matou hoariri mo 12 rauna, or however many rounds it lasts. I muri i taua, Ka e ahau te hunga e ahau, kia ngaio, me te kia i te mekemeke tiaki o ano.



E ite te pai tenei taimaha, e kite ranei koe ia koe i muri i tenei neke tika hoki ki runga ki te Welterweight?


S. Mau

Oia mau hanga matou i tenei tere mo te take, and that was to fight the kid. I muri i taua, I don’t think there’ll be any other reason for me to move any lower than 147. It’s not going to be a problem this fight, but it’s not something that I want to entertain in the future. I’m a 147-pound fighter, simple as that. Anyone I fight will be a strong 147-pound fighter, not a blown-up 140-pound fighter and not a took-down 154-pounder. We look to fight everyone at their best, a ka te haere i toku pai ki te e 144 i runga i Rāhoroi.


K. Swanson

Te pai. That actually was your last media question, engari haere ahau ki te ui ki a koutou i te uiraa ahau, something that I actually shared with Errol Spence too. It’s Father’s Day weekend for the big boxing weekend in Las Vegas. Whakaaro ahau katoa i roto i te mekemeke e mohio e pā ana ki te tata, intimate relationship that the Porters have. I’d like, Shawn, hoki ki a koutou faaite ki a matou he aha te tikanga o to koutou papa ki a koutou, e te aha e whakamahere koe mo ra o te Metua i muri i te po Rāhoroi.


S. Mau

Pono, I’m happy that this fight has come at this time. My dad and I have worked extremely hard together for a very long time doing this sport. What better way to celebrate or wake up and just be proud of what we’ve done the night before, rite ki te utuafare, rite ki te rōpū? Au oaoa ahau e pā ana ki te mea i tenei whawhai kia te po i te aroaro o te rā o te Metua, a ka rapu ahau i mua ki te taea e ki runga, ki te ara, me te haere i runga i ki te ruma i muri, me te ake toku papa ara a miharo noa i kua mea i mahia e tatou, mārama, e kore e anake i roto i te whakakai, engari te mea to tatou i teie nei ei utuafare, me te rite ki te rōpū.


Te tikanga ia i te ao ki ahau, a ka mohio ia e. I definitely know I mean the world to him. I’ve said this before, te aroha e to tatou, e tatou faaite, kawe tatou e ki te whakakai ki ia atu, and it’s unparalleled. You can’t match it. E te tikanga o te rota. That makes a difference during the fight.


K. Swanson

Leonard, Te hinaaro nei au ki te tahuri i te reira i runga i ki a koutou no te kōrero whakamutunga.


L. Ellerbe

Te pai. I just want to clear up this whole weight issue. It seems that there’s a lot of back and forth about the weight. Both fighters have agreed to fight this fight Saturday at 144 pounds max. I want to be clear with that, 144 pounds max. Both fighters agree upon that. The fans are expecting a great fight, and I think that both fighters will be at their best come Saturday night. Both fighters have had an excellent camp and have prepared to fight at the weight, and both fighters know what to expect from each other. They know each other very well. They both have great strengths, a ka whakaaro ahau te haere i te reira ki te waiho i te whawhai i haere mai te po Rāhoroi rawa whakaongaonga.


Au tino mīharo ki a Shawn Porter ahau, with what he’s been able to do as a professional. What I like the most about Shawn is his confidence. As a young veteran, he’s willing to get in there with anybody and those are the things that are a rare attribute when what you see with young fighters. A lot of fighters talk the talk, but they’re not willing to step up. Ka rite ki mea ahau, one of the most impressive things that I personally admire about Shawn is that he’s willing to get in there with anybody. He’s even called out Floyd Mayweather. He’s willing to get in there with Floyd, and that’s what I like. The guy’s willing to put it on the line, takoto ki runga ki te raina, rave i te mea e te reira ki te whangai i to ratou utuafare e kia hoatu nga pā ta ratou e hiahia ana.


Titiro whakamua matou ki te pō o te Rāhoroi, he whawhai nui mo nga pā. Mauruuru a koutou katoa mo te kita i roto i.


K. Mau

Koe taata o te he wātū nui i reira, good questions. We’re feeling good, so we’re looking forward to seeing you guys on Saturday. Thanks for having us.

Mō ētahi atu pārongo'a'ahi,, te whai i runga i TwitterPremierBoxing, AdrienBroner, ShowtimeShawnP, ErrolSpenceJr, AmenazaGarcia, MayweatherPromoNBCSports, koMGMGrand ka riro i te tahi i runga i Facebook i, a


Haamata kapinga I ESPN I 9 p.m. AND/6 p.m. PT

He I te Sale tīkiti Na!

Brooklyn (Pipiri 17, 2015) – Whitu tekau World Champion Daniel “Ko te Miracle te tangata” Jacobs (29-1, 26 Koó) hoki ki te mowhiti i roto i tona pa o Brooklyn ki te tango i runga i te toa o mua ao Sergio “Ko te Latin Snake” Mora (28-3-2, 9 Koó) rite te kaiwahi i afata teata o Te Pirimia mekemeke Champions i runga i ESPN primetime Rāhoroi, Aug. 1 i Center Barclays ki timata kapinga teata i 9 p.m. AND/6 p.m. PT.


Ka mua tenei whawhai i te pupūtanga i waenganui i superstar tūturu Danny “Swift” Garcia (30-0, 17 Koó) a Brooklyn o ake Paulie “Ko te Magic te tangata” Malignaggi (33-6, 7 Koó).


“Ahau oaoa noa ki te kia i runga i tenei kāri nui, me te ki te e taea ki te mahi i Center Barclays He honore,” Said Jacobs. “E rapu ana ahau i mua ki te hanga i te pai i roto i tenei faingamālie me tino nui e hiahia ana ahau ki te hoatu i te pā Brooklyn he whakaatu nui. Whiwhi ahau ki te haere ki te mahi i roto i toku iāri ake.”


“Hoki ka haere ahau ki te poari, te tuhi,’ mahi pakeke a inaianei ahau manaakitia ahau ki te waiho i te wahi o tenei hui nui,” Said Mora, “I don’t plan to let this opportunity get by me. I August 1, Ahau haere mai ahau ki a Brooklyn ki te toa.”


Tikiti mo te takahanga ora, whakatairangatia ana e te e DiBella Entertainment i roto i te feohi ki Whakatairanga Swift, E utu i $250, $150, $75 a $45, e kore e tae atu utu ratonga hāngai, me te takoha, kei runga i te hoko i teie nei. E wātea ana i ngā tīkiti, www.ticketmaster.coma i te American Express Pouaka Office i Center Barclays timata Rāpare, Pipiri 18 i te poutumarotanga. Ki te ki atu tenei na roto i te waea, karanga Ticketmaster i (800) 745-3000. No te tīkiti rōpū, tēnā karanga 800-GROUP-bk.


Ko te ahua ranga ko wai e whawhai ki Center Barclays mo te wha o nga wa, Oti a Brooklyn Jacobs tona ara i te morehu pukupuku ki te toa, ka patua e ia Jarrod Fletcher mo te taitara whitu tekau August whakamutunga. I roto i te 2011, i te whai i te taitara i roto i te whakakai, whakawehi pukupuku tona ora, ka puritia e ia i te hiti no te 19 marama. A ka hoki mai ia, tangohia ana e ia ki runga ki te wahi i waiho atu e ia, a kahore i ngaro mai. Titiro te-tau 28-tawhito ki te pupuri i ana whakauka haere ina anga ia Mora i runga iAug. 1.


Ko te toa o NBC o “Ko te nguha” raupapa, te Mora-tau 34-tawhito, ko te toa ao o mua i te Welterweight super, me te titiro ki te tāpiri i te karauna whitu tekau ki tona ingoa. Nona te Māori Los Angeles whakaora mo Ishe Smith, Pita Manfredo Jr. a ka tomo Vernon Forrest me tenei whawhai i runga i te wini pūkenga e rima-whawhai. Patua tino tata ia Aperahama Han i Huitanguru o tenei tau, a ka meinga e tona timatanga pro matamua i roto i te Brooklyn i runga i Aug. 1.


I tua atu ki te kaupapa, me te tahi-matua hui matua o te ahiahi, Ka kawea kia ora pāngia undercard tīpako i runga i ESPN3. Ka televise ano ESPN Deportes te whawhai ora hei wāhanga o ona Whawhai Night ka tapae raupapa, me ESPN International kapinga ora puta noa i ona whatunga i roto i te Latin America, Brazil, te Karipiana me-Kiwa. Ka hoki hei kapinga Live wātea i roto i WatchESPN i runga i ngā rorohiko, smartphones, papa, Amazon Fire TV a Fire TV Pou, Apple TV, Chromecast, Tau, Xbox 360 a Xbox One mā te kaiwhakarato ataata hono.


Mō ētahi atu pārongo'a'ahi, Te whai i runga i TwitterPremierBoxing, DannySwift, PaulMalignaggi, LouDiBella, ESPNBoxing, BarclaysCenter ASwanson_Comm, ka riro i te tahi i runga i Facebook, i,,, A pee i te aparauraa te whakamahi i #PBConESPN me #BrooklynBoxing.


Me Prospects whakaongaonga Complete Full Undercard o

Pirimia mekemeke Champions i runga i CBS

Las Vegas (Pipiri 16, 2015) – Nguha whitu tekau Super J'Leon Love (19-1, 10 Koó) hoki ki te mowhiti ki te kanohi New Jersey o Jason Escalera (15-3, 12 Koó) i roto i te 10-a tawhio noa a'ee whitu tekau super hei wāhanga o te ra ki tonu i te mahi Rātapu, Pipiri 21 i te MGM Grand Garden Arena.


Ka kīnaki te undercard te Te Pirimia mekemeke Champions i runga i CBS whakaatu timata i 4 p.m. AND/1 p.m. PT ki te tukinga Welterweight i waenganui i Sammy Vasquez a Wale Omotoso followed by the showdown between former world champions Rances Barthelemy a Antonio DeMarco.


Ano tomo i te mowhiti he nguha tūturu Lydell Rhodes (23-0, 11 Koó) ko wai e tangohia i runga i Iarere Robinson (15-2, 7 Koó) i roto i te waru-a tawhio noa Welterweight tēina a'ee


Mahi anō ngā toi knockout tūturu Andrew “Te kararehe” Tabiti (9-0, 9 Koó) ki Thomas Hanshaw (6-5, 4 Koó) i roto i te whawhai cruiserweight waru-a tawhio noa, Ronald “Te oaoa” Gavril (12-1, 9 Koó) tango i runga i Jessie Nicklow (24-6-3, 8 Koó) i roto i te waru rauna o super mahi whitu tekau, me Lanell “KO” Pupuhi (12-1-1, 7 Koó) squaring atu ki Marcus Upshaw (16-13-4, 7 Koó) i roto i te waru-a tawhio noa whitu tekau super attraction.


Whakaawhiwhi i te ra o te whawhai e Juan Heraldez (7-0, 5 Koó) a Charvis Holifield(2-1, 1 KO) i roto i te pāngia motuhake.


Tikiti mo te takahanga ora, whakatairangatia ana e te e Mayweather Whakatairanga i roto i te feohi ki utu TGB Whakatairanga e i $100, $75, $50, a $25 e kore e tae atu utu ratonga e hāngai ana, me te takoha kei runga i te hoko inaianei. Ki te ki atu tenei na roto i te waea ki te kāri matua nama he, karanga Ticketmaster i (800) 745-3000. Wātea i he hoki Tickets


He nguha-mea patu kotahi i 168-pauna, ka meinga e te aroha-tau 27-tawhito i tona timatanga tuarua o 2015 i runga i Pipiri 21. Hoki poipoia ia i tona mate takitahi ki te nuinga Scott Sigmon i Maehe. Ko te Inkster, Nona Michigan taketake whakauru mo Marco Antonio Periban, Derrick Findley a Lajuan Haimona. Ka fehangahangai ia te Escalera-tau 30-tawhito i Hoboken, New Jersey.


He kaipara-hākinakina maha e tipu ake nei i whakataetae i roto i te mekemeke me te whakauru e rua toi hōia ngaio titiro Oklahoma City a Rhodes ki te noho hinga i runga i Pipiri 21. Kei te whawhai nga-tau 27-tawhito mo te wa tuarua i roto i te Las Vegas, me te wā tuatahi i roto i 2015. Whakamutunga whawhai ia i roto i te Nov. 2014 ka riro ia i te whakatau loto mo Miguel Huerta. E ia i runga i 32-tau- Robinson i roto i te Sumter, South Carolina.


Fanauhia i roto i te Chicago, engari whawhai i roto i Las Vegas, Tabiti he ōrau knockout tino rite ki te pro me te titiro mo tona knockout tuatoru i MGM Grand. Ko te 25-tau-tawhito whakamutunga whawhai i roto i te Hakihea. 2014 a ka fehangahangai te Ashland-tau 30-tawhito, Whanau Kentucky-Hanshaw.


He whawhai-tau 28-tawhito Romanian i roto i te Las Vegas, Poipoia hoki i tona mate tuatahi, Gavril i-mekemeke i mua hinga Oscar Riojas i April. Ka tapawha atu ia ki te taukei Nicklow-tau 28-tawhito i Baltimore.


Kārangaranga “KO” no te mea o tona kaha nui, titiro ki te Bellows 29-tau-tawhito ki te hanga ki runga ki tona pūkenga toa e ono whawhai i runga i Pipiri 21. E te Las Vegas-Māori i runga i te Upshaw-tau 34-tawhito i roto i o Jacksonville.


Mō ētahi atu pārongo'a'ahi a te whai i runga i TwitterPremierBoxing, SHOSports, RealKidBlast, @ De.Marco07, @ SammyV2112, MayweatherPromo , TGBPromotions AMGMGrand, ka riro i te tahi i runga i Facebook, i a ranei


Kapinga i runga i NBCSN haamata i 11 p.m. AND/8 p.m. PT

Tūturu Prospect Robert Aranga Jr. E i te

Miguel Mendoza i runga i NBCSN

Ētahi atu! Slate tonu o Prospects tūturu I roto i te Mahi

Las Vegas (Pipiri 15, 2015) – Ko te rongonui me te tūturu Terrell Gausha (14-0, 8 Koó) ka tangohia i runga i te ngangau Mexican Luis Grajeda (18-4-2, 14 Koó) i roto i te 10-a tawhio noa super a'ee Welterweight ki te kupu matua Te Pirimia mekemeke Champions kapinga i runga i NBCSN timata i 11 p.m. AND/8 p.m. PT i runga i Rāhoroi, Pipiri 20, e whai ake nei i te PBC i runga i NBC telecast ora i te MGM Grand Garden Arena.


Hoki i roto i te mahi i runga i NBCSN he tūturu Robert Aranga JR. (13-0, 10 Koó) ko wai e fehangahangaiMiguel Mendoza (21-5-2, 21 Koó) i roto i te a'ee ono tekau. I runga i te wā, te Gausha vs. Grajeda a'ee taea e timata i runga i NBC i mua i te whakawhiti i runga i ki NBCSN.


Ngā Live o Te Pirimia mekemeke Champions i runga i NBC haamata i 8:30 p.m. AND/5:30 p.m. PT ki te Welterweight te whawhai 10-a tawhio noa i waenganui i whetū maranga tūturu Errol “Ko te Truth” Spence Jr. me te ngangau uaua Roberto “Ko te Threat” Garcia. E a'ee e aru ana e te faahinaaroraa headlining 12-a tawhio noa ngā Adrien “Ko te Problem” Broner tango i runga i “Showtime” Shawn Porter.


He ūkui ki tonu i te opuaraa hinga taha i te toenga o te kāri rite Michael Hunter(7-0, 4 Koó) whawhai Deon Erama (14-2, 8 Koó) i roto i te a'ee ia e ono taumahamaha a tawhio noaLadarius “Nopo” Miller (7-0, 1 KO), Kevin “Te Piti-raa mai” Newman (2-0-1, 1 KO) a , Sanjarbek Rakhmmanov e ngā mea katoa i roto i te pāngia motuhake.


Tikiti mo te takahanga ora, whakatairangatia ana e te e Mayweather Whakatairanga i roto i te feohi ki TGB Whakatairanga, E utu i $400, $300, $100 a $50, e kore e tae atu utu ratonga hāngai, me te takoha, a kei runga i te hoko i teie nei. Ki te ki atu tenei na roto i te waea ki te kāri matua nama he, karanga Ticketmaster i (800) 745-3000. Wātea i he hoki ranei


I whānau a whakaarahia i roto i te Cleveland, Gaushawas he runaruna whakapaipai nei i riro mētara koura i te US. Toa National i roto i 2009 a 2012. Ko te-tau 27-tawhito tūturu te mai tahuri pro i roto i 2012. Te nuinga tata piro ia he wikitoria knockout i Maehe ki runga Norberto Gonzalez ki te whana atu tona 2015 pakanga a ka titiro ki te hanga i runga i taua angitu ina e ia i runga i te Grajeda-tau 28-tawhito i Chihuahua, Mexico.


A 2012 U.S. Ma'ona nei i riro U.S. Amateur Toa i roto i 2009 a 2007, Kua timata te Hunter-tau 26-tawhito ki te hanga i te ingoa mo ia i roto i nga rarangi ngaio mai i tahuri pro i roto i 2013. I muri i toa e wha nga wa i roto i te 2014, te Van Nuys, Riro California-whenua te whakatau loto mo Avery Gibson i Hui-tanguru ki te tīmata 2015. E Hunter i runga i te hoa Van Nuys-Māori i roto i te Erama-tau 35-tawhito.


He runaruna ta'na ko wai te 2012 U.S. Kē Orimipia, te-tau 24-tawhito Aranga Jr. hanga e te rua o tona timatanga tika i te MGM Grand Garden Arena. Hinga mai i tahuri pro i roto i 2012, te Toldeo, Tukua Ohio whanau toa he knockout a tawhio rua i runga i Alejandro Rodriguez i Maehe. Aranga Jr. anga he wero uaua i roto i te Mendoza-tau 31-tawhito i Aguascalientes, Mexico.


Fanauhia i roto i te Nopo, engari whawhai inaianei i roto i te Las Vegas, Kei te rapu Miller mo te toru o tona wikitoria i roto i 2015 ka whiua kua Ryan Picou me Marquis Taylor pera tawhiti i tēnei tau. Ko te-tau 21-tawhito he hinga i roto i te whitu whawhai mai tahuri pro wawe i roto i 2014.


I muri i kato ake tona wikitoria pro tuatahi i runga i March 6 i MGM Grand, 23-Newman tau-tau i aru reira ake ki tona knockout tuatahi i roto i te Paenga-whāwhā, ka mutu ia ia Richard Urquizo i roto i te taka noa tuatahi. Fanauhia i roto i te Los Angeles, engari whawhai i roto i Las Vegas, Hoki Newman ki te mowhiti titiro ki te hanga atu o tona mahi whakamutunga.


He toa Āhia runaruna o mua, Ka meinga Rakhmanov tona waiata pro ki te whana-atu i te po whakaongaonga o whawhai i runga i Pipiri 20 rite te toa i Uzbekistan e runga i te hoariri ki te kia takoto i roto i te rauna e wha o te teina mahi Welterweight.


Tīkiti I Sale Wednesday, Pipiri 17 i 10 a.m.

Brooklyn (Pipiri 15, 2015) – Superstar tūturu Danny “Swift” Garcia (30-0, 17 Koó) ka tangohia i runga i Brooklyn o ake Paulie “Ko te Magic te tangata” Malignaggi (33-6, 7 Koó) i Center Barclays rite Te Pirimia mekemeke Champions ka ora i roto i te primetime i runga i ESPN i runga i Rāhoroi, August 1 ki te kapinga timata i 9 p.m. AND/6 p.m. PT.


“Te haere ki te waiho i te whawhai nui ki a Paulie i runga i August 1st,” Said Garcia. “E rapu ana atu e ahau ki ano whiwhi i roto i te whakakai, i roto i toku rima ahua i Center Barclays, a maka ana i runga i te whakaatu nui mo nga kaiwhaiwhai o Te Tai Rāwhiti i roto i te tae atu me nga pā e matakitaki ana katoa i runga i te ao. Na roto i te mutunga o te po, Ka tonu hei ahau te tūturu Danny 'Swift’ Garcia. Ki katoa o nga pā e aroha ana ki ahau, Aroha ana ahau ki a koutou rawa. Ko te hoki koutou tenei.”


“Ahakoa whai ahau he ton o te faatura i te Danny me tona papa anahera, e rua hoki ta ratou e kua rite i roto i te mowhiti me te here vahevahe ratou rite te papa / tama, Ahau, rite ratou, ahau i te whakataetae i roto i a roto i a i roto i tenei hākinakina te mea katoa e pā ana ki whakamatautau koe ki te whiriwhiri. So I look forward to defending my home turf of Brooklyn and matching my skills against Danny’s at Barclays Center on August 1.”


August 1 Ka tohu whawhai tuatahi Danny Garcia o rite ki te Welterweight pono,” Na ka mea a Lou DiBella, Peresideni o DiBella Entertainment. “Ka tango i te reira i te wahi i Center Barclays, i roto i te iāri o te Brooklyn Paulie Malignaggi. Tenei matchup PBC kounga tiketike i runga i ESPN ko te āhuatanga pau-win mō whawhai e rua.”


“He harikoa ki te manaaki i te toru tino Pirimia Boxing Champions hui me to tatou whawhai ESPN tuatahi i roto i Brooklyn matou,” Na ka mea a Center Barclays Kaiwhakahaere Matua Brett Yormark. “E tonu Danny Garcia i runga i te whakaatu nui, me te reira te kore nui tino tahi i roto i te Brooklyn atu Paulie Malignaggi. Ki te tenei whawhai, Kei te haere tonu tatou ki te whakapumautia Center Barclays rite te wāhi pirimia mekemeke i roto i te whenua.”


“Tenei aronui Philly versus New York ngā rua o nga whetu nui o te mekemeke ōrite-ake he rite aha te pouaka ESPN Pirimia Boxing Champions,” Na ka mea a Brian Kweder, kaiwhakahaere matua o te hōtaka, me hao i ESPN. “Whakatakotoria Danny Garcia kua ururua ki te wehenga Welterweight teina, me te utu o whakamahunga i tona ara ki roto ki te wehenga Welterweight, te whawhai ia he toa ao o mua i roto i te Paulie Malignaggi.”


Tikiti mo te takahanga ora, whakatairangatia ana e te e DiBella Entertainment, E utu i $250, $150, $75 a $45, e kore e tae atu utu ratonga hāngai, me te takoha, a kei runga i te hoko Wednesday, Pipiri 17 i 10 a.m. E wātea ana i ngā tīkiti, a i te American Express Pouaka Office i Center Barclays timata Rāpare, Pipiri 18 i te poutumarotanga. Ki te ki atu tenei na roto i te waea, karanga Ticketmaster i (800) 745-3000. No te tīkiti rōpū, tēnā karanga 800-GROUP-bk.


I tua atu ki te kaupapa, me te tahi-matua hui matua o te ahiahi, Ka e kauwhautia hohoro, Ka kawea kia ora pāngia undercard tīpako i runga i ESPN3. Ka televise ano ESPN Deportes te whawhai ora hei wāhanga o ona Whawhai Night ka tapae raupapa, me ESPN International kapinga ora puta noa i ona whatunga i roto i te Latin America, Brazil, te Karipiana me-Kiwa. Ka hoki hei kapinga Live wātea i roto i WatchESPN i runga i ngā rorohiko, smartphones, papa, Amazon Fire TV a Fire TV Pou, Apple TV, Chromecast, Tau, Xbox 360 a Xbox One mā te kaiwhakarato ataata hono.


Na i roto i tona tau wha ano he toa ao, Ka hoki mai a Philadelphia Garcia ki te kupu matua ki Center Barclays mo te rima o te wa record. Whakamutunga whawhai Garcia i Brooklyn i runga i April 11 hinga Lamont Peterson i roto i te puhaehae 12 nuinga whakatau a tawhio noa. Ko te-tau 27-tawhito etahi o nui nga ingoa tangohia iho kua i roto i te mekemeke i runga i tona ara ki te record tūturu, tae atu ki Amir Khan, Erik Morales, Lucas Matthysse a Zab Hura.


He toa te ao o mua i 140 a 147-pauna, ka hoki mai i te Malignaggi-tau 34-tawhito ki te mowhiti ki te whawhai ki Center Barclays mo te wha o nga wa, ano he ngaio. Kua fehangahangai ia he patua o nga ingoa nui i roto i tona mahi, a kua riro whakaora whare i runga i te momo o Zab Hura, Vyacheslav Senchenko a Pablo Hiha Cano. Whanau a whakaarahia i roto i te tata Bensonhurst o Brooklyn, “Ko te Magic te tangata” Ka manga ki te mowhiti mo te wa tuatahi mai i Paenga-whāwhā 2014.

Ko te ora tuatahi Te Pirimia mekemeke Champions i runga i Primetime ESPN (PBC i te ESPN) telecast, i te USF Sun Dome i Tampa, Fla., Ka ngā te 12-a tawhio noa Welterweight matchup whetu-hokowhitu i waenganui i tūturu Keith “Kotahi te Time” Thurman (25-0, 21 Koó) a Luis Collazo (36-6, 19 Koó) ka nga debuts raupapa i runga i ESPN i runga i Rāhoroi, Hōngongoi 11, i 9 p.m. Ka whakaatu i te whawhai whakatuwheratanga he teina matchup 10-a tawhio noa whitu tekau i waenganui i tūturu Tony Harrison (21-0, 18 Koó) a Willie Nelson (23-2-1, 13 Koó). Ētahi atu kōrero.


Mō ētahi atu pārongo'a'ahi, Te whai i runga i TwitterPremierBoxing, DannySwift, PaulMalignaggi, LouDiBella, ESPNBoxing, BarclaysCenter ASwanson_Comm, ka riro i te tahi i runga i Facebook, i,,, A pee i te aparauraa te whakamahi i #PBConESPN me #BrooklynBoxing.


MORE, Artist knockout taumahamaha Chris ARREOLA IN MAHI!

Haamata wā teata I 4 P.M. AND/2 P.M. MT / 1 P.M. PT

STEP, Texas (Pipiri 12, 2015) – Tūturu superstar Ingarangi Carl Frampton (20-0, 14 Koó) hanga ana U.S. professional debut when he takes on quick-fisted Mexican Alejandro “Cobrita” Gonzalez Jr. (25-1-2, 15 Koó) i runga i Te Pirimia mekemeke Championsi runga i CBS, Rāhoroi ahiahi, Hōngongoi 18 i te Don Haskins Center i UTEP i El Paso, Texas. Kapinga teata i runga i CBS tīmata i 4 p.m. AND/2 p.m. MT / 1 p.m. PT.


Hoki ngā i roto i te mahi teata he whetu taumahamaha Chris “Ko te moepapa” Arreola (36-4, 31 Koó), ko wai e hoki ki te mowhiti mo te wa tuatahi mai i Maehe.


Ko te hui ko te tuatahi o te rua i Don Haskins Center i runga i Rāhoroi, Hōngongoi 18 ki te superstar Mexican Julio Hiha Chavez Jr. Pakanga me Marcos Reyes me McJoe Arroyo tango i runga i Arthur Villanueva mo te taitara wātea te ao i runga i SHOWTIME ki te kapinga tīmata i 10 p.m. AND/8 p.m. MT / 7 p.m. PT.


“Ko te he honore hanga ki te kia toku U.S. te waiata i runga i CBS,” Na ka mea a Frampton. “Kua oti i ahau he rota i roto i toku mahi, me te E rapu ana ahau i mua ki atu noa te angitu tīmata Hōngongoi 18. Te haere ki te waiho i te ahiahi nui mo te katoa o nga pā whawhai e matakitaki ana.”


“Au fiefia ki te kia whawhai Carl Frampton i El Paso ahau, Texas me ahau fafau ka waiho e ahau nga mea katoa i roto i te whakakai,” Na ka mea a Gonzalez Jr. “E mohio ana ahau ki reira e rota o pā Mexican reira te tautoko i ahau, me toku mahere, ko te ki te whawhai pakeke, ka tangohia atu record tino o Frampton.”


“E kore e taea e ahau e tatari ki te tiki i hoki i roto i te whakakai, ka whakaatu i toku pūkenga i runga i CBS,” Said Arreola. “Ahau e pā ana ki whakaongaonga, me te mohio ana hoki ahau e whiwhi katoa nei i haere mai i roto i roto i te El Paso, me te katoa te mātakitaki i runga i te pouaka whakaata i te whawhai whakangahau.”


Tikiti mo te takahanga ora, nei e whakatairangatia ana e TGB Whakatairanga i roto i te feohi ki Warriors Boxing me Whakatairanga Huripari, E utu i $50 ranei $25 no te whakauru whānui me te kei i runga i te hoko inaianei. Ki te ki atu tenei na roto i te waea ki te kāri matua nama he, karanga Ticketmaster i(800) 745-3000 ranei te Center University Tikite i (915) 747-5234. Wātea i he hoki Tickets


He runaruna ta'na nei i riro toa motu Irish i roto i 2005 a 2009, me te mētara hiriwa Pākehā Union Juniors i roto i 2007, i te Frampton-tau 28-tawhito, kua angitu nui ārahi ki tona US. waiata i runga i Hōngongoi 18. From Belfast, Airangi ki te Raki, United Kingdom, Frampton riro tana taitara ao i roto i te Mahuru. 2014 ki te whakatau loto tino mo Kiko Martinez. Tona whawhai tino tata ko te korero taitara i roto i te Hui-tanguru o tenei tau i roto i te i ngingio ia Chris Avalos i runga i te huarahi ki te Tuhinga tawhio rima.


Ko te tama a te toa mua te ao, te-tau 22-tawhito Gonzalez Jr. Kei te titiro ki te hanga i tona tohu i roto i tenei whawhai teata motu. Ko te Tijuana, Ko faahiahia i roto i tona a'ee o mua i runga i US Mexico Māori. oneone, patuki Leopoldo Gonzalez iho e toru nga wa i runga i tona ara ki te TKO tawhio tuatahi i roto i El Paso. Hoki ia ki a El Paso titiro ki te hanga i runga i tona pūkenga win e toru whawhai i kite nei tango ia ia ki raro Javier Franco, Além Robles a Gonzalo Garcia.


Patua-tau 34-tawhito te Arreola Curtis Harper i roto i te pupūtanga taumahamaha o faahiahia i runga iMarch 13 i roto i te Ontario, Calif. Fanauhia i roto i te Escondido, Calif. engari whawhai i roto i Los Angeles, Roa kua Arreola kua tetahi o nga punchers tino wehi i roto i te wehenga taumahamaha. Ka wero i te pai i roto i te wehenga, E mohio ana Arreola aha e te reira ki te angitu i tēnei taumata, me te titiro ki te whakangahau i te pā i runga i Hōngongoi 18.


Don Haskins Center mō te Frampton vs. Gonzalez Jr. kāri tuwhera i 12 p.m. MT.


Mō ētahi atu pārongo'a'ahi, te whai i runga i Twitter @ PremierBoxing, SHOSports, RealCFrampton, WarriorsBoxingProm, TGBPromotions Me te mea powhiriwhiriSwanson_Commbecome i runga i Facebook, a i te Blog SHOWTIME Mekemeke ranei



Artur BETERBIEV Tuhinga tuawhitu


Pāwhiritia HERE No te Photos i Lucas Noonan / Pirimia Boxing Champions

MANHOLE (Pipiri 13, 2015) – Te Pirimia mekemeke Champions (PBC) i runga i Koi hoki ki a Chicago UIC teneti i runga i te Paraire te po ki tetahi atu instalment o mīharo whawhai. Ko te kite a'ee whakatuwheratanga teata Artur Beterbiev (9-0, 9 Koó) whakahaere i te knockout a tawhio whitu ki Alexander Johnson (16-3, 7 Koó). The second televised bout featured Erislandy Lara (21-2-2, 12 Koó) as he secured a unanimous decision victory over Delvin Rodriguez (28-8-4, 16 Koó).


Kei raro nei he kōrero i hanga e nga whawhai teata e whai ake nei o ratou whakaaturanga te po nei:




“Mihi ki toku rōpū katoa me te ki Delvin mo te he whakataetae nui. Mauruuru koutou Al HAYMON.


“Ko te mahi nui tenei te po nei. Ko ahau taea ki te whenua ki toku maui. Delvin i tino tika ngana ana ki te ora i roto i te reira, a ka mohio ahau ki te mea e ahau i mahi i te mahi.


“I whai ahau ki te mounu ia ki te haere mai i roto i te, otiia kihai i mahi i te reira. Na i ahau ki te tiki i te riri i roto i reira.


“Ngā kore i te mana'o whakamarie mahue te reira i te reira ki runga ki nga kaiwhakawa. Te hinaaro nei au ki te riro nga a tawhio noa, me te whiwhi i te knockout ki te taea, engari i te iti rawa ka e ahau te win te po nei.


“Kei te haere ahau ki te noho ki raro, ki toku rōpū, me Al (HAYMON). Ko mārama te heke mai. E hiahia ana matou i te pai. E hiahia ana matou Floyd Mayweather. E hiahia ana matou Miguel cotto. E hiahia ana matou Gennady Golovkin i 160 lbs.”


DELVIN Rodriguez


“Ko te tino fiemālie i roto i reira no te ahau te po nei. Ko koi, me te hoatu i ahau rota o koki tipua ki te mahi ki a ia.


“I titiro tonu ia ki te whenua i tona maui. Kotahi mau ahau e ia ki te tinana, ahakoa me i tangohia e toru, ka wha nga rauna ki te ruia atu.


“Whakaaro ahau he nui hoki te hākinakina PBC. E tango ratou mekemeke ki te taumata hou katoa. Ētahi o nga mea e haere ratou e te hunga tino ki te hopu i runga i ki te pā. E rongoa nei i te arotahi ki runga i te whawhai, ko te wahi nui o taua.


“Te uaua ki te mea te mea te muri tika i teie nei. He tonu etahi whawhai nui hoki ahau. Just no te mea ngaro ahau ki te mohio, e kore e toa hangarau rite Lara te tikanga e kore e whawhai nui mahue hoki ahau ki reira.”




“Ko te tāpiri nui hoki ahau, e wheako nui hoki toku umanga pro tenei. Au fiefia rawa ki te i haere i mua e wha rauna te po nei.


“Kahore i tino mahi pai e hoki ahau te po nei ahakoa. Ahau rite ki te pouaka smart, me te kitea i te puare tika. Pea te righty ki te pana Lefty i roto i te wiki whakamutunga i hanga i te rerekētanga.


“Au nui atu te oaoa, me te whakakake ki te whai i tetahi wahi o tetahi kāri PBC me ki kua i te whawhai i konei i roto i te United States. Ko te wa whakamutunga i ahau i roto i Chicago i hoki i roto i 2007 i roto i te wāhi kotahi. Na ka ua te reira nui ki te kia hoki.


“Ahau i te kaimekemeke, otiia e kore ahau e rite ki te karanga i te iwi i roto i, ka tawai ratou. E kore e taea e ahau matapae i te heke mai, engari ka uaua ahau mahi ki te hanga ara pai ake i tenei tetahi toku pūkenga toa. E hiahia ana ahau ki te nui whitiki e taea te tiki e ahau. Ko te toku whāinga.”




“E kore e pānui poto mahu'inga no te mea te reira wahi o te kēmu kia rite tonu. Kahore ahau e ngatahi. Ko ia te tangata pai te po nei.


“Ka eke ia i roto i te kotahi tokua rapeti i muri i te taringa i uesia ahau, nui atu i te tahi o te tahi atu mau matā, engari whānui ko ia tika i te toa pai te po nei.


“Whakaaro ahau he nui hoki te hākinakina o te mekemeke PBC. E kore e taea te tango i ahau i tetahi mea atu i a ratou, a au mauruuru noa ahau mo ki te whai wāhi te whawhai i runga i to ratou kāri te po nei.


“Au pane e ahau hoki ki te omaoma, me te ka matapaki i ahau te mea haere mai i muri ki toku utuafare.”


# # #

I whakatairangatia ana te kāri i whakatairangatia ana e Warriors Boxing i roto i te tahi Rōpū Yvon Michel (Te omaoma) a Star mekemeke. Mō ētahi atu pārongo'a',, te whai i runga i TwitterPremierBoxing, LaraBoxing, @ DRodriguez1980, WarriorsBoxProm ASpikeTV, ka riro i te tahi i runga i Facebook,,



Pāwhiritia HERE Hoki Video o te Lara Hoa & Kōrerorero Ki te

White Sox Star Jose Abreu

Pāwhiritia HERE No te Photos i Ron Vesely / Chicago White Sox me Team Lara

MANHOLE (Pipiri 11, 2015)Super Welterweight World Champion Erislandy “Ko te Dream American” Lara (20-2-2, 12 Koó) threw out the ceremonial first pitch at yesterday’s Chicago White Sox vs. Houston Astros game at U.S. Pūkoro Field. Lara stepped on the mound and threw a perfect strike.

Erislandy Lara sitepu i roto i te whakakai tenei Rāmere Pipiri 12, 2015 ki Delvin Rodriguez (28-7-4, 16 Koó) rite Pirimia mekemeke Championa ki runga ki hoki Koi.

Tikiti mo te takahanga ora, whakatairangatia ana e te e Warriors Boxing i roto i te tahi Rōpū Yvon Michel (Te omaoma) a Star mekemeke, E utu i $151, $101, $51, a $31, e kore e tae atu utu ratonga e hāngai ana, a kei runga i te hoko i teie nei. Ki te ki atu tenei na roto i te waea ki te kāri matua nama he, karanga Ticketmaster i (800) 745-3000 ranei UIC ti'ahapa Box Office i (312) 413-5740. Wātea i he hoki Tickets ranei mā te toro i te Tari UIC Pouaka ti'ahapa (Rāpare ranei Rāmere9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.).

Mō ētahi atu pārongo'a'ahi,, te whai i runga i TwitterPremierBoxing, LaraBoxing, @ DRodriguez1980, WarriorsBoxProm, yvonmichelgym, starboxing aSpikeTV, ka riro i te tahi i runga i Facebook, i,