kategorie Argief: Plaasmoorde


Las Vegas, NV. (April 13, 2020): Contenders Clothing is proud to announce the creation of the Fighting for Fighters Fund, a new program that will put money directly, and immediately, into the hands of professional fighters affected by the current Covid-19 crisis.

With combat sports across the United States being suspended indefinitely, many fighters who earn a living competing professionally are self-employed contractors leaving them out of work and not eligible for state unemployment. While there is money earmarked for contract workers under the Cares Act, funds have been hard to, if not impossible, to access, leaving many working class fighters in dire need of assistance.

While some well-known apparel companies are donating to large and mostly worldwide health organizations, we’ve yet to see any company directly help fighters,” said Contenders Chief Executive Officer, Jonathan Snyder.

We have been embraced by professional fighters of all levels who have worn our boxer briefs and t-shirts at weigh ins and we truly consider anyone who wears us as part of our family. They’ve had our back and now it’s time to have theirs.

Funding for Fighting for Fighters will come from the sales of an exclusive, ‘Go The Social Distancet-shirt created specifically as a fundraiser for the program. Daarbenewens, Contenders Clothing is giving 10% of every single sale throughout the entire month of April at www.contendersclothing.com directly into the fund.

Payments will go out the first week of May and will be divided equally from the overall amount Fighting for Fighters raises between all eligible fighters.

We’ve come to find that fighters are special people in and out of the ring and not enough people understand their sacrifice. As Fighting for Fighters can literally buy groceries for a fightersfamily for a week or pay a utility bill at a time when they desperately need it, then we will consider it a success.

If you are an active professional fighter based in the United States whose income has been affected by the Covid-19 crisis please sign up at:

If you’d like to purchase the Go the Social Distance t-shirt and have all proceeds go to the Fighting for Fighters Fund, please head to:

Contenders Clothing’s boxer brief line, which contains the first ever officially licensed Muhammad Ali and Rocky collections, has been a favorite of professional boxers at weigh-ins since launching in 2018. From world champions such as Tyson Fury to up and coming contenders and prospects, Contenders has been at the forefront of the world of boxing apparel.

Fight Club, Contenders Clothing’s endorsement program, was established in 2019. With a focus on working class and inspirational fighters, Contenders Fight Club has already seen one of it’s athletes, Andrew Cancio, win a world title in a massive upset. In addition to the announcement of current #1 contender and former world champion Jessie Magdaleno joining Contenders Fight Club last month, Contenders is continuing it’s commitment to the boxing industry with plans on announcing several new signees throughout 2020 that represent the future of the sport.

Vir meer inligting besoek: www.contendersclothing.com
For any further information on Contenders’Fighting for Fighters Fund – please drop us a line atchris@contendersclothing.com and we will get right back in touch. Thanks in advance for your support and helping spread the word.
Follow Contenders Clothing on Social Media!     

Bellator MMA Statement on May Events

Due to the ongoing safety concerns surrounding the COVID-19 outbreak, as well as current federal, state and local government mandates, Bellator MMA officials today have announced that three upcoming live events scheduled for May have been postponed.

These events include:

  • Bellator 242 – May 9 in San Jose, Kalifornië.
  • Bellator European Series London – May 16 in London
  • Bellator 243 – May 29 in Temecula, Kalifornië.

The organization will continue to monitor the situation closely and fully intends to reschedule the events as soon as possible.

Soos altyd, the health and safety of our athletes, fans, partners and staff remains our top priority. We appreciate the understanding and patience of everyone involved during this incredibly difficult time.

Refunds for ticketholders to these events, as well as Bellator 241 originally scheduled for March 13 op Mohegan Sun Arena, will be available at their original point of purchase.

BesoekBellator.com Vir meer inligting.

Neem fiksheid tot die digitale era

deur: Wat Andz

WhatsApp klink 10:00 ... ”Hallo, dit is jou gimnasium, as gevolg van koronavirus is die gimnasium tot verdere kennisgewing gesluit ”.

As jy soos ek is, en u het die hardloper nodig om u liggaam en gees in toom te hou, dan was die bogenoemde boodskap die donderdag-scenario. Vergeet die toiletpapier, Ek het my gewigte nodig!

Dit is vir my, 'n gimnasiumganger…wat van die persoonlike afrigters?, die MMA-vegters, die stoeiers, die boksers wat hul lewens verdien uit alles wat Covid-19 ons dwing om nie te doen nie?

Hierdie beroepe is moontlik nie 'n “noodsaaklike diens” soos ambulansbestuurders en supermarkte nie, maar hierdie professionele persone is 'n noodsaaklike diens vir die komende dae, liggaam, en siel van almal, veral tydens 'n epidemie word dit by die dag meer en meer noodsaaklik, selfs deur die uur.

Die goeie nuus is…digitale kommunikasie van fisieke kunste is NIE 'n nuwe ding nie. Oefensessies, stoei en MMA-gevegte is almal gedigitaliseer vanaf TV-kolle, YouTube en op enige plek waar jy 'n skerm kan vind.

Die eerste stap is om jouself af te vra, hoe het u tot dusver u dienste aangebied??

Nou, kan u dit voor 'n kamera herhaal? 

Nou, kan u 'n rekenaar gebruik en dinge op 'n lidmaatskapwebwerf plaas?
(kyk hierna https://www.capterra.com/sem-compare/membership-management-software)

Hey! Jy het 'n besigheid!

Byna enige opvoedkundige gebaseerde diens, selfs fisies kan gedigitaliseer en aangebied word. Moenie, dit gaan nie so goed soos die regte dinge wees nie en ook nie, jy kan nie van jou kliënte verwag om die toerusting wat die gimnasium het, te hê nie…

…Maar hier is die moeilike deel, en hier is die verskil tussen 'n suksesvolle veldtog en een wat nie ...

Die eerste ding om te verstaan ​​is, mense betaal vir waarde, veral in hierdie era waarin die besteding goed gedoen moet word. Laat ons dit goed doen

Opsie A: Die toon af. Toerusting is meestal ontoeganklik, verander dus jou oefenprogram om nie sulke luukse stukke te benodig nie. Vra jouself, wat kan u binne of uit die roetine ruil en steeds die impak kry waarna u op soek is??

'N Trapmeester kan deur trappe vervang word, gewigte kan deur klippe vervang word (versigtig).

As u u opleidingsvideo's maak met hierdie afgestemde toerusting, maak dit iets wat almal kan doen, op enige begroting, jy het jouself 'n wenner.

Dit is ook die geleentheid om in ander dienste te kombineer wat saamwerk, soos voeding tydens isolasie. 'N Eindelose vlak van geleentheid, miskien selfs meer as normaal.

Opsie B: The Upsell – Mense het nie hierdie toerusting nie, waarom dit nie by hulle uitkom nie?. Alle winkels ly. Reik na hierdie winkels en fabrieke en tref 'n ooreenkoms wat u sal help om verkope vir hulle te vergemaklik.

Op sy beurt, jy adverteer 'n spesiale afslag op die beste toerusting. Al begin u kommissiepunte vir hierdie verkope verdien. 'N Wen wen vir almal. As u hulp benodig met u digitale bemarking, gesels met hierdie ouens.

Hou u gehoor in gedagte, dit is demografies en hoe dit bemark word.

Ek weet dit is nuwe soorte bemarkingstaktieke vir die alledaagse gimnasiumganger, dit is die tye wat ons moet leer om aan te pas en te verander…of verdwyn.


Orono, Maine (Maart 20, 2020) - New England Fights (NEF) het vandag aangekondig dat die gevegspromosie se volgende gemengde vegkuns aangebied word (Plaasmoorde) gebeurtenis, "NEF 43: Rampage,”Is hervat na Saterdag, Junie 13, 2020. Die geleentheid, wat afkomstig is van die Collins Centre for the Arts op die vlagskip Orono-kampus van die Universiteit van Maine, was oorspronklik geskeduleer om op April gehou te word 18. Organiseerders van die geleentheid, egter, het besluit om na Junie te hervat 13 gebaseer op die sentrums vir siektebeheer en -voorkoming (CDC) onlangse aanbeveling dat alle geleenthede en byeenkomste wat bestaan ​​uit 50 mense of meer uitgestel word vir ten minste agt weke weens kommer oor die besmetting van die coronavirus van die COVID-19.

Vroeër vandag, NEF het die volgende verklaring van sy eienaars Nick DiSalvo en Matt Peterson via sy Facebook-blad bekend gemaak:

Weens voortdurende kommer oor die koronavirus en openbare byeenkomste, NEF 43 is weer geskeduleer tot Saterdag, Junie 13, 2020, by die Collins Centre for the Arts in Orono. Deure sal oopmaak om 6 nm. en die eerste geveg is om 7 pm.

Vir kaartjies wat deur 'n vegter gekoop word (of vir diegene wat van plan is om kaartjies deur 'n vegter te koop): Alle kaartjies is met die April gedruk 18 datum word op 13 Junie by die deur vereer. As u nie die geleentheid op die nuwe datum van Junie kan bywoon nie 13, kontak die vegter wat u oorspronklik die kaartjie verkoop het.

Vir kaartjies wat deur die CCA-loket gekoop word: Alle kaartjies is met die April gedruk 18 datum word op 13 Junie by die deur vereer. As u nie die geleentheid op die nuwe datum van Junie kan bywoon nie 13, stuur 'n e-pos aan die loket byccatix@maine.edu. U mag ook skakel 207.581-1755 en laat 'n boodskap. Die loket sal terugbetalingsversoeke tot volgende Vrydag neem, Maart 27, 2020, by 5 pm EDT.

Baie dankie vir u geduld en volgehoue ​​ondersteuning, terwyl ons voortgaan om hierdie ongekende situasie te monitor en aan te pas. Ons wens al ons aanhangers toe, vegters, personeel, en vriende goeie gesondheid en veiligheid in hierdie moeilike tyd.

– Nick DiSalvo & Matt Peterson

New England Fights’ volgende geleentheid vir gemengde vegkuns, “NEF 43: Rampage,” vind Saterdag plaas, Junie 13, 2020, by die Collins Centre for the Arts by UMaine Orono. Kaartjies is te koop nou opwww.CollinsCenterfortheArts.com.  


VIR ONMIDDELLIKE VRYSTELLING: Orono, Maine (Maart 12, 2020) - New England Fights (NEF) bied die volgende gemengde-vechtkunsten aan (Plaasmoorde) event at the Collins Center for the Arts on the University of Maine’s flagship Orono campus. The event, getiteld “NEF 43: Rampage,”Vind Saterdag plaas, April 18, 2020, met 'n kloktyd van 7 pm EDT. Earlier today, the fight promotion announced the addition of an amateur strawweight bout to the card.BJ Garceau(1-1) is geskeduleer om gesigFatima Kline(1-0) teen 'n gevegsgewig van 115 pond.

BJ Garceau will enter the NEF cage for the third and final time on April 18. Garceau, who was diagnosed with Type-1 juvenile diabetes in 1993, made headlines with her amateur debut and became an inspiration to many. She defeated Sarah Ziehm (1-2) via split decision at “NEF 32” in February 2018. Garceau returned to the cage later that year, losing to Chelsea Tucker (3-3) in the third round of an “NEF 36” contest. Garceau is a product of Young’s MMA based in Bangor, Maine

“I’m so excited to be back in the cage in my hometown, for what will be my final fight this April,” said Garceau.  “I want to be able to leave my old stomping grounds with my hand held high at the end and walk away with a win for my fans, vriende, familie, afrigters, team and myself. I’ll give it everything I’ve got one last time and this will be a fight you don’t want to miss. With that being said, I am beyond grateful for my opponent taking on the fight and every opportunity Young’s MMA, NEF and everyone in the mixed martial arts community has given me over the years. Dankie, dankie, dankie!"

Fatima Kline will make the trek from her home in Hyde Park, New York for the fight. At just 19-years-old, Kline already holds a purple belt in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. She made her amateur MMA debut last fall with a unanimous decision win on a card in White Plains, New York. Kline represents Black Hole Jiu-Jitsu based in Wappingers Falls, New York.

“I would like to thank NEF for giving me the opportunity to showcase all of my hard work,” said Kline when reached for comment. “Being that this is my debut fight for the organization, I promise to be at the top of my game come fight night. Dankie, BJ, for accepting this matchup, and I look forward to seeing you in the cage. The one message I would have for the crowd is: be prepared to be entertained.”

New England Fights’ volgende geleentheid vir gemengde vegkuns, “NEF 43: Rampage,” vind Saterdag plaas, April 18, 2020, by die Collins Centre for the Arts by UMaine Orono. Kaartjies is te koop nou opwww.CollinsCenterfortheArts.com.  

Oor New England Fights

New England Fights ("NEF") is 'n stryd gebeure promosies maatskappy. NEF se missie is om geleenthede van die hoogste gehalte vir vegters en aanhangers te skep. NEF se uitvoerende span het uitgebreide ondervinding in 'n geveg sport bestuur, gebeure produksie, media verhoudings, bemarking, wetlike en advertensies.


VIR ONMIDDELLIKE VRYSTELLING: Orono, Maine (Maart 11, 2020) - New England Fights (NEF) bied die volgende gemengde-vechtkunsten aan (Plaasmoorde) event at the Collins Center for the Arts on the University of Maine’s flagship Orono campus. The event, getiteld “NEF 43: Rampage,”Vind Saterdag plaas, April 18, 2020, met 'n kloktyd van 7 pm EDT. Earlier today, the fight promotion announced the addition of a professional featherweight bout to the card.Aaron “Relentless” Lacey(6-2) is geskeduleer om te voldoen aan“Yours Truly” Chris Herd(2-3) teen 'n gevegsgewig van 145 pond.

It will have been 19 months since the last time Aaron Lacey stepped in the NEF cage as a competitor. Lacey defeated veteran Jon Lemke (7-9) in the main event of “NEF 35” in September 2018. He has not fought since due to an injury suffered later that fall. A former NEF Amateur Featherweight Champion, Lacey started his professional career a perfect 4-0 before going 2-2 in his last four bouts. He will look to make his comeback a successful one on April 18. Lacey represents Young’s MMA based in nearby Bangor, Maine.

“I’m so super excited to be getting back into my happy place,” exclaimed Aaron Lacey.  “Matt (Peterson, NEF mede-eienaar en Match) worked really hard to get me a fight on this card, and I am beyond grateful! April 18ste ‘Relentless’ returns!"

Lacey se teenstander, Chris Herd, will make the 1,000-mile trip from his home in Wilmington, North Carolina for the fight. Herd had a stellar amateur career, gaan 5-0 with four knockouts and one submission and capturing a regional championship along the way. Both of his wins as a professional have been first-round finishes with one a technical knockout and the other a submission. Herd currently represents Brunson’s MMA & Fitness based in Wilmington, Noord-Carolina.

“No man can touch me without my permission,” said Herd when reached for comment.  “This fight will go where I want it, and I will finish it at will.”

New England Fights’ volgende geleentheid vir gemengde vegkuns, “NEF 43: Rampage,” vind Saterdag plaas, April 18, 2020, by die Collins Centre for the Arts by UMaine Orono. Kaartjies is te koop nou opwww.CollinsCenterfortheArts.com.  

Oor New England Fights

New England Fights ("NEF") is 'n stryd gebeure promosies maatskappy. NEF se missie is om geleenthede van die hoogste gehalte vir vegters en aanhangers te skep. NEF se uitvoerende span het uitgebreide ondervinding in 'n geveg sport bestuur, gebeure produksie, media verhoudings, bemarking, wetlike en advertensies.


VIR ONMIDDELLIKE VRYSTELLING: Orono, Maine (Maart 10, 2020) - New England Fights (NEF) bied die volgende gemengde-vechtkunsten aan (Plaasmoorde) event at the Collins Center for the Arts on the University of Maine’s flagship Orono campus. The event, getiteld “NEF 43: Rampage,”Vind Saterdag plaas, April 18, 2020, met 'n kloktyd van 7 pm EDT. Earlier today, the fight promotion announced the addition of a professional featherweight bout to the card.Carl Langston (0-5) is geskeduleer om te voldoen aanAaron “Short Fuse” Hughes(0-0) teen 'n gevegsgewig van 145 pond.

Carl Langston comes into the fight looking for the first win that has eluded him thus far in his professional career. Last month, Langston took on Jacob Deppmeyer (1-0) in Portland, Maine at “NEF 42,” losing via first-round technical knockout. It was his first fight back with the promotion since losing his pro debut in April 2018. Langston, a lifelong practitioner of Taekwondo, currently represents Young’s MMA based in nearby Bangor, Maine.

“It’s been hard getting fights altogether, but even more so in my home state,” noted Langston.  “So, with this last lost I didn’t think I was going to get another fight for a bit. I got in my own head and said I wanted to stop fighting for a bit, but when I got the call three weeks after the loss, I couldn’t say no. This is something I need, back-to-back fights. I just have to show up like I show up in the gym and I’ll get my hand raised without a doubt.”

Aaron Hughes will make both his professional and promotional debuts with NEF. He has had a very active amateur career since his debut in 2015, opstel van 'n rekord van 4-6 while competing on fight cards in his home state of Massachusetts. Hughes represents Regiment Training Center of Fall River, Massachusetts where he trains alongside the likes of current UFC star and former NEF Professional Cruiserweight Champion Yorgan De Castro (6-0).

“I’m really excited to take the trip to Maine to make my professional debut,” said Hughes when reached for comment.  “My opponent is skilled, but I’m coming to put on a show, and he’s just a man in the way of my dreams to the UFC. Thank you to NEF for having me out.”

New England Fights’ volgende geleentheid vir gemengde vegkuns, “NEF 43: Rampage,” vind Saterdag plaas, April 18, 2020, by die Collins Centre for the Arts by UMaine Orono. Kaartjies is te koop nou opwww.CollinsCenterfortheArts.com.  

Oor New England Fights

New England Fights ("NEF") is 'n stryd gebeure promosies maatskappy. NEF se missie is om geleenthede van die hoogste gehalte vir vegters en aanhangers te skep. NEF se uitvoerende span het uitgebreide ondervinding in 'n geveg sport bestuur, gebeure produksie, media verhoudings, bemarking, wetlike en advertensies.




LOS ANGELES – Bellator officials today announced that the eagerly anticipated promotional debut of Liz Carmouche (13-7) will take place on Friday, Mei 29 at Pechanga Resort Casino in Temecula, Kalifornië. against undefeated SBG Ireland’s flyweight prospect Mandy Böhm (6-0, 1 NC).

Kaartjies vir die Bellator 243: Carmouche vs. Böhm go on sale March 13 by 3 namiddag. PT and are available at the Pechanga box office, sowel asBellator.com, Ticketmaster.com en Pechanga.com.

The event will be broadcast live Friday, Mei 29 op Paramount Network en DAZN by 10 namiddag. ET/9 p.m. CT, while preliminary action will stream on Bellator’s MMA YouTube channel. Bykomende aanvalle sal aangekondig word in die komende weke.

A United States Marine Corps veteran and established flyweight competitor, Carmouche joined Bellator’s women’s flyweight division this past December following a six-year run in UFC – a tenure that includes world title bouts in both the bantamweight and flyweight divisions, as well as notable wins over Katlyn Chookagian and Jessica Andrade.

Fighting out of San Diego, the 36-year-old Team Hurricane Awesome-product also formerly competed for Strikeforce, notching a pair of victories with the promotion. She also earned a win over Valentina Shevchenko earlier in her career. Prior to “Girl-Rilla’s” days as a professional athlete, the Lafayette, Louisiana-native spent five years serving as an aviation electrician in the United Stated Marine Corps, where she completed three tours of duty in the Middle East.

Fresh off a flyweight title victory on the regional MMA scene last May, Mandy Böhm is ready to bring her undefeated mark as a professional to the highest levels of the sport when she meets former two-division title challenger Liz Carmouche on May 29. Hailing from Germany, but training under the tutelage of John Kavanagh at SBG Ireland in Dublin, “Monster” is a force to be reckoned with on the feet, but showcased her strong submission skills when she handed top Canadian prospect Jade Masson-Wong the first loss of her career in 2019.

Opgedateer Bellator 243: Carmouche vs. Böhm Fight Card:

Flyweight Main Event: Liz Carmouche (13-7) vs. Mandy Böhm (6-0, 1 NC)


559 Fights returns to Visalia

SELMA, Kalifornië. – Larry Gonzales hasn’t had the best of luck in his young mixed martial arts career. The Fresno heavyweight had three fights fall apart before he even had a chance to compete.

But once Gonzales stepped foot in the cage, he hasn’t looked back amassing a 4-0 rekord, capturing a 559 Fights Heavyweight Championship and climbing to a No. 3 ranking in the state.

Gonzales hopes to keep the good fortune going on March 13 – Friday the 13th – in a heavyweight title showdown with Fresno’s Kail Melton (1-2) at the Visalia Convention Center. Doors open at 6pm and first fight is at 7.

“Looking at things now this might be one of the largest fight cards we’ve ever put together," 559 Fights owner Jeremy Luchau said. “15 mma bouts in all, with three of them being title fights and a grappling tournament. I don’t know what more fight fans could possibly want.”

The co-main event features a California Amateur Mixed Martial Arts Organization Middleweight State title fight, pitting two of the Valley’s best 185-pound prospects against one another – Hanford’s Marqus Blevins (3-0) and Orange Cove’s Jared Velasquez (4-3).

“It’s been a long time coming to get Blevins into the 559 Fights cage,"Luchau gesê. “Blevins trains out of Valley Fight Club and that’s where I had my start in mixed martial arts training. It’s an honor and a pleasure to be able to have them represented in our promotion. And I’m also excited to have Velasquez back in action. He’s as tough as they come and represents a great city in Orange Cove where we just had an extremely successful event.”

Flyweights will also take center stage, as 125-pound 559 Fights kingpin Johnny Maldonado of Bakersfield defends his perfect 4-0 record in a rematch with former champion Josue Gonzales (3-2) of San Luis Obispo.

559 Fights will also be hosting its first grappling tournament, which will take place in the 155-185 weight classes and feature competitors from all over the Central Valley.

“The fight card is pretty stacked, but I’m probably most excited about this grappling tournament that we are doing,” Luchau added. “There’s going to be a lot of notable names from the Valley competing. It’s a great start for us on where we see the future of both grappling and 559 Fights heading in the future.”

In other main card bouts; Irvine flyweight Meggan Tamondong (2-1) takes on Rocklin’s Valerie Thurs (3-4), Lindsay lightweight Mark Felix (4-3) battles Sacramento’s Julius Wright (5-4), Hanford featherweight Denzel Rosaroso (3-0) fights Bakersfield’s Sal Bruno (2-2-2), Sanger welterweight Anthony Mata (1-1) tangles with Bakersfield’s Jeramy Titsworth (1-1) and Porterville light heavyweight Omar Reneau (2-3) fights Lathrop’s Danny Moreno (2-2).

Grappling competitors include; Porterville’s Brandon Cohea, Fresno’s Nick Bustamante, Selma’s Julian Tovar, Parlier’s Christian Avalos, Fresno’s Art Hernandez, Visalia’s Marc DeLaCruz, Fresno’s Alex Rojas and Bakersfield’s Matt Reed.

For more information please visit www.559fights.com


VIR ONMIDDELLIKE VRYSTELLING: Orono, Maine (Februarie 28, 2020) - New England Fights (NEF) bied die volgende gemengde-vechtkunsten aan (Plaasmoorde) byeenkoms in die Collins Centre for the Arts op die Universiteit van Maine se vlagskip Orono-kampus. Die geleentheid, getiteld “NEF 43: Rampage,”Vind Saterdag plaas, April 18, 2020, met 'n kloktyd van 7 pm EDT. Vroeër vandag, die strydpromosie het die toevoeging van 'n amateurvlieggewigstryd op die kaart aangekondig. Caleb “Dr.. Feelgood ”Austin (4-0) sal in die gesig staar James Ploss (1-2) teen 'n gevegsgewig van 125 pond.

Die stryd is 'n herkansing van die eerste stryd tussen Austin en Ploss wat drie jaar tevore in April plaasgevind het 2017 by “NEF 28.” Austin is as die wenner van die eerste wedstryd aangewys, maar nie sonder omstredenheid nie. Sekondes in die eerste ronde, Ploss het 'n stywe guillotine-verstikking op Austin aangebring. Austin tik uit, maar die skeidsregter was buite posisie om die kraan te sien. Ploss het Austin uit die ruim vrygelaat, dink hy het die stryd gewen. Die skeidsregter, tot Ploss se verbystering, het die geveg beveel om voort te gaan. Terwyl Ploss probeer het om die situasie te verstaan, Austin het hom van stryk gebring en die stryd oomblikke later met tegniese uitklophou afgesluit.

In die dae daarna, baie was kritiek op Austin op sosiale media. Dit lyk asof die saak na 'n paar dae dood is, net om einde verlede jaar weer op die voorgrond te bring toe die voormalige UFC- en WEC-ster Mike Brown (26-9) het die clip op Twitter gedeel as 'n voorbeeld van 'baklei totdat die skeidsregter vir jou sê om op te hou.' Skielik, die geveg het wêreldwyd aandag gekry van groot aanlyn nuusbronne soosBloedige elmboogMMA JunkieDie Atletiek, enDie Underground.

Die eerste geveg met Ploss was Caleb Austin se amateur-MMA-debuut. Hy was toe 18 jaar oud en nog steeds senior aan die Mountain Valley High School in Rumford, Maine. Austin was 'n opvallende stoeier op hoërskool, opstel van 'n rekord van 208-11 meer as vier jaar en die verowering van staatstitels op 126 pond sy junior en senior jaar. Hy is aangewys as die 2017 “Stoeier van die Jaar” deur die Lewiston Sun Journal. Na die gradeplegtigheid, Austin sit sy stoeiloopbaan voort aan die Universiteit van Suid-Maine, maar hy neem die volgende twee jaar af van die MMA-kompetisie. Hy het verlede somer teruggekeer en het drie gevegte agtereenvolgens gewen sedert hy sy terugkeer gemaak het. Austin verteenwoordig tans die Brasiliaanse Jiu-Jitsu in Sentraal-Maine (CMBJJ) in Lewiston, Maine.

'Ek is opgewonde om uiteindelik weer met James te kan veg om 'n mate van sluiting te kry,”Het Austin van die herkansing met Ploss gesê. 'My MMA-debuut spook by my sedert dit amper drie jaar gelede gebeur het. Ek is James en sy span dankbaar dat hulle my die geleentheid gegee het om weer saam met hom daar in te kom. Ek wou dit al lank hê en ek belowe om die oomblik optimaal te benut. As ek hierdie keer die hok verlaat, dit sal sonder twyfel of kontroversie wees — dit sal definitief eindig. ”

James Ploss het nog twee keer in die stryd getree 2017 en het sedertdien nog nie deelgeneem nie. Hy is 'n lid van Greg Williams se Team Kaze in Lancaster, New Hampshire. Soos Austin, Ploss sal op soek wees na afsluiting van die uitslag van hul eerste ontmoeting.

'Ek is dankbaar vir 'n herkansing met Caleb,”Het Ploss gesê. 'Nadenke, Ek het die vraag nagedink, ‘Is ek beter as Kaleb, of is hy beter as ek?'Dit is die perfekte kans om uit te vind - 'n tweede kans vir ons albei om alles te gee en te sien wie bo uitkom en die ondersteuners gee, MMA-gemeenskap, en albei van ons die rematch wat ons almal wil hê! 18 April, ons toets albei onsself. ”

New England Fights’ volgende geleentheid vir gemengde vegkuns, “NEF 43: Rampage,” vind Saterdag plaas, April 18, 2020, by die Collins Centre for the Arts by UMaine Orono. Kaartjies is te koop nou opwww.CollinsCenterfortheArts.com.  

Oor New England Fights

New England Fights ("NEF") is 'n stryd gebeure promosies maatskappy. NEF se missie is om geleenthede van die hoogste gehalte vir vegters en aanhangers te skep. NEF se uitvoerende span het uitgebreide ondervinding in 'n geveg sport bestuur, gebeure produksie, media verhoudings, bemarking, wetlike en advertensies.