分类存档: 混合武术

未来格斗运动女王阿曼达·塞拉诺 (Amanda Serrano) 成为 iKON 的头条新闻 7 本周五MMA活动

LAS VEGAS (六月 7, 2021) – 纯粹而简单, 阿曼达“实打实”塞拉诺 是真正的战士, 无论是在笼子里, 戒指或垫子上. 总有一天, 她很可能被称为“格斗运动女王”。

10次, 7 分区世界拳击冠军成为本周五晚上的头条新闻 图标 7, iKON格斗联盟主办, Roy Jones Jr 的混合武术部门. 拳击, 在洛斯莫奇斯的贝尼托华雷斯礼堂, 锡那罗亚, 墨西哥.

图标 7 将于 6 月 11 日在 UFC FIGHT PASS 上独家直播®, 开始 10 P.M. AND / 7 P.M. PT. 要注册UFC FIGHT PASS, 世界领先的格斗运动的数字订阅服务, 请访问 www.ufcfightpass.com 或下载UFC应用程序.

公认的当今世界三大女拳手之一, 加入 凯蒂·泰勒Claressa盾, 波多黎各土著塞拉诺, 的战斗布鲁克林, 纽约, 是 1-0-1 在综合武术比赛中. 她将面临亲出道 瓦伦蒂亚·加西亚, 墨西哥, 在 图标 7 主要事件.

“很荣幸能登上 iKON 7 的头条,”塞拉诺说. “这是一个快速崛起的综合格斗组织,我计划在其上插旗. 我的合作经理, 珍珠冈萨雷斯, 把我打开了,到目前为止, 我喜欢和他们打交道.

“我在 MMA 中的前两个对手也是墨西哥人,他们很顽强. 如果我想让人们认真对待这项运动,我不希望有任何其他方式. 据我了解, 我的对手有惊人的经验,但在综合格斗中, 你永远不应该期待一种特定的风格. 大多数都很圆润,无论他们的主要风格如何, 我已经准备好了。”

塞拉诺已经征服了拳击并被合法地评为有史以来最伟大的女拳击手之一, 以及未来的名人堂成员, 运动 40-1-1(30 科斯) 亲纪录. 她也是 6-0 与柔术五次提交.

“我很难在我想要的拳击比赛中取得好成绩,”塞拉诺解释说, “所以, 我问过我的教练/经理 约旦 (马尔多纳多) 开始谈论 MMA. 在 MMA 出道前一年, 我拍了一部电影, 《战斗谷》, 其中我姐姐, 辛迪(塞拉诺), 我和我一起出演 Miesha Tate, 克里斯·赛博格冬青霍尔姆. 在拍摄期间,我们谈到在各自的学科中互相帮助训练,是的, 它实现了,但在某种程度上我成为了 MMA 练习者.

“训练完全不同. 我从拳击中休息了一年只是为了学习基础知识. 今天, 无论即将到来的战斗与否,我每天都在训练. 我还有很多东西需要学习. 我几乎是一个工作狂和一个痛苦的失败者, 所以, 如果我搞砸了, 我全都要! 我很想有一天为世界冠军而战 (在MMA) 同时成为两项运动的冠军. 如果有人这样做,我有能力去做. 我确实想改变作为前锋的叙述,并因我的地面比赛而在 MMA 中出名。”

拉斯维加斯战斗机 约翰尼“悖论”帕森斯 (6-2-0, 图标: 2-0-0) 发生在 里卡多“伍迪”查韦斯 (5-1-0), 墨西哥, 在 175 磅的重量级比赛中.

不败图森次中量级 皮特“死游戏”罗德里格斯 连续第四场胜利而没有输球 – 全在 iKON 比赛中——对阵墨西哥对手罗伯托“皮克斯利 2B”皮克斯利 (5-1-0).

同样计划在底牌上战斗的是亚基马, 华盛顿羽量级 豪尔赫“自然”阿尔卡拉 (4-1-0) VS. 塞尔吉奥“动物”科尔特斯 (3-2-0), 香港女子羽量级 雷蒙娜·帕斯夸尔 (4-2-0) VS. 亲开张 瓜达卢佩·古兹曼, 迈阿密对阵埃及次中量级 曼穆德·塞比 VS. 恩里克·埃尔南德斯 在亲首次亮相的战士的战斗中, 支持首次亮相的女性蝇量级 罗瑟琳·查维拉, 图森 (THE) 和 索菲亚萨拉卡尔, 迈阿密最轻量级 Claudia Zamaora (2-1-0, 图标: 1-0-0), 和墨西哥羽量级 路易斯“马诺”加西亚 (1-2, 图标: 1-1-0) VS. 亲开张 天使里维拉 非UFC格斗通行证.



Websites: HTTP://www.RoyJonesJrBoxing.com, www.ufcfightpass.com
Facebook的: /UFCFightPass, /KeithVeltre
叽叽喳喳: @iKONFightingFederation, @UFCFightPass, @Keith_Veltre, @RoyjonesJRfa @RoyJonesJrOfficial
Instagram的: @iKONFightingFederation, @UFCFightPass, @KeithVeltre, @RoyJonesJrBoxing

关于罗伊·琼斯JR, 拳击促销: 合作公司成立于 2013 10次​​世界冠军罗伊·琼斯, JR. 和Keith Veltre, 罗伊·琼斯, JR. (RJJ) 拳击促销是它的方式来重塑拳击. RJJ在短短几年已经取得了拳击界产生巨大影响. 为UFC Fight Pass创建令人振奋的内容, CBS体育, 开演时间, ESPN和贝因体育在一些全国最好的场地, RJJ 已经证明它正在征服这项运动的甜蜜科学.

总部设在世界资本争夺, 拉斯维加斯, NV,罗伊·琼斯JR. 拳击促销活动正在快速攀升, 加入年轻人才不断增长的稳定: NABF超级轻量级​​冠军, IBF #8 和WBC # 14 翡翠“飓风” Bornea (15-0, 10 科斯); 两届世界冠军挑战者, 最轻量级的“威武”阿斯顿·帕利克特 (26-4-1, 22 科斯); NABF次中量级冠军, WBC #15 和圣地亚哥“萨莫尔”多明格斯 (24-0, 18 科斯); 前 NABA 次中量级冠军 Kendo “Tremendo” Castaneda (17-3, 8 科斯), 前《中期世界》中量级冠军挑战者约翰“飞鸿”维拉 (20-1, 12 KO), 不败超中量级前景胡安“Just Business” Barajas (11-0-1, 7 科斯), 和前 WBC 世界青年重量级冠军亚历山大“伟大的”弗洛雷斯 (18-3-1, 16 科斯).

关于UFC FIGHT PASS®: UFC FIGHT PASS® 是世界领先的格斗运动的数字订阅服务. 由于发动 2013, UFC FIGHT PASS现在可用于 200 国家和地区. UFC FIGHT PASS为会员提供无限制的现场直播UFC FIGHT PASS Prelims; 住来自世界各地的混合武术和格斗运动; 原创系列和历史编程; 特殊功能; 幕后的内容; 深入访谈; 和先进的的作战体育世界最新报告. UFC FIGHT PASS用户也有 24/7 访问世界上最大的图书馆打, 设有超过 20,000 从几十回合对抗的体育组织, 以及在UFC历史上每场战斗. 战斗迷可以在个人计算机上访问UFC FIGHT PASS, iOS和Android移动设备, 苹果电视, Xbox One上, 亚马逊消防电视, 的Chromecast, 年, 三星智能电视, LG智能电视, 和索尼电视与Android电视. 欲了解更多信息, 请访问 www.ufcfightpass.com.

NEF 将在新罕布什尔州首次亮相; 中量级冠军争夺战宣布

即时发布: 米尔福德, 新罕布什尔州 (六月 7, 2021) - 新英格兰战斗 (NEF) 今天宣布格斗促销活动将在下一次活动中回归, “NEF 44: 回到黑色,“ 在八月 21, 2021.  该节目将起源于米尔福德的汉普郡圆顶, 新罕布什尔州,将混合武术 (MMA) 和跆拳道比赛. 这将是 NEF 在花岗岩州期待已久的首秀, 这也将是自春季 COVID-19 大流行以来促销活动的第一场活动 2020.

NEF 之前安排的活动, “NEF 43: 乱闹,” 受疫情影响无限期延期, 仍在 UMaine Orono 的柯林斯艺术中心等待重新安排的日期. NEF 高管希望该日期将在秋季晚些时候, 但截至发稿时,他们仍在等待缅因州格斗体育局关于重新开放该州 MMA 和拳击赛事监管的决定,不受限制.

“拳手和球迷已经等得够久了,” NEF 发起人兼共同所有人 Nick DiSalvo 宣布。 “缅因州尚未完全开放格斗体育赛事, 汉普郡圆顶体育场和新罕布什尔州拳击委员会提供了一个绝佳的机会,让拳击手在夏天结束之前重新回到笼子里并重新活跃起来。”

NEF 今天进一步宣布,在米尔福德举行的“NEF 44”卡的第一场比赛将是一场业余次中量级冠军争夺战。邓肯“高地人”史密斯 (5-3), 自 6 月以来一直保持促销的 170 磅冠军 2018, 计划对抗排名第一的竞争者迈克“全班”贝赞森 (5-0).

“Coming out of COVID we’re going to find out who really wants it and is serious about accelerating in the sport,“说NEF共同拥有和媒人马特·彼得森. “Who was working during quarantine, grinding away in their basements and garages and backyards and getting better while the world was shut down? Duncan and Bezanson both believe they are those guys and we’re going to find out on August 21st. These are two of the best in the Northeast welterweight division and I can’t wait to see which one proves that they are ready to punch through into the professional division before the end of 2021.”

Reigning champion Duncan Smith is a perfect 3-0 in the NEF cage. His last defense of the title was at “NEF 38” in April 2019 when he defeated John Tefft (2-1) via unanimous decision. Smith represents Evolution Athletix based in Saco, 缅因.

“I’ve never felt more complete and confident in all aspects of living,” said Smith. “I am extremely excited to showcase my skills against a game opponent before I enter the pro ranks. A lot can change in two years.”

Undefeated Mike Bezanson is regarded by many as one of the most exciting competitors on the entire New England scene. He is known for his flashy striking style and explosive finishes. Bezanson represents Team Kaze of Lancaster, 新罕布什尔州.

I’ve been sitting like a caged lion this last year because of COVID,” stated Bezanson when reached for comment. “Waiting eagerly for everything to open up just like everyone else. I’m very excited to be able to get back in there to perform for everyone!  I can assure you this will be the same game plan as all my previous fights. I’m going in there for two reasons, to knock out whoever is in front of me and walk out with a belt over my shoulder.

“With everything opening up and restrictions being lifted, there is a lot to get excited about,” said Bezanson’s coach and Kaze Dojo owner Greg Williams. “That being said, nothing excites me more than seeing Mike Bezanson bringing his unique brand of violence back to the NEF cage! He is a rare talent and I believe he will eventually realize himself on the highest level. Another amateur belt is just icing on the cake. We all look forward to seeing New England’s best amateur 170 prospect and how he has evolved in the past year!”

“NEF”门票 44: Back in Black” 现已发售www.NewEnglandFights.com/Tickets/The hybrid MMA and kickboxing event will take place at the Hampshire Dome in Milford, 周六新罕布什尔州, 八月 21, 2021, 与钟时间 7 下午。


新英格兰战斗 (“NEF”) 是打架事件推广公司. NEF的使命是创造战斗机和球迷的一致好评最高的质量事件. NEF的执行团队在作战体育管理方面拥有丰富的经验, 生产活动, 媒体关系, 市场营销, 法律和广告.

杰克保罗 VS. TYRON WOODLEY 对峙的名言和照片

点击这里 从阿曼达韦斯科特/ SHOWTIME照片

MIAMI(六月 4, 2021) – 社交媒体巨星和不败职业拳击手杰克“问题儿童”保罗 面对他的下一个对手, 五次UFC冠军泰伦·伍德利, 在历史性的 5 周四在迈阿密的街头健身房,在他们备受期待的 SHOWTIME PPV 夏季对决之前.



“我告诉他,如果你打败我,我会给你双倍的钱. 但是如果输了, 你必须把你的钱包付给我的慈善机构. 他缺乏信心. 如果你知道你会赢,你为什么不把这个赌注作为一个战士呢?? 赚双倍的钱? 这是你一生中最大的发薪日,你可以赚到两倍? 把钱放在嘴边.

“他是个好前锋. 他以打倒人而闻名. 但我想当我击败泰伦时, 人们必须尊重我的名字. 但老实说,这不是我来这里的目的. 我已经知道我有多好. 我知道这将是另一场轻松的战斗. 这就是 SHOWTIME 和我做生意的原因. 你看拳击的未来.

“他不如我,他正在追赶. 我们在他的整场比赛中都看到了漏洞,他试图学习如何拳击. 他很僵硬. 肌肉不打架,他会脱离他的元素. 这是拳击. 这不是 MMA. 你无法在这段时间内学习如何拳击. 现在我们要向他展示缰绳. 迪斯尼小子将击败五届UFC世界冠军. 会很热闹.

“我什至都没有表现出我的战斗能力. 在我的职业生涯中,我什至没有通过两轮. 我没有被打脸. 没有人甚至可以看到我是否有下巴或我的格斗游戏. 我还没热身. 顺便说一下, 我是那种战斗时间越长越好的战士. 我在陪练中变得更好,所以我什至无法热身,如果他能从第一轮中脱颖而出,我很高兴展示我的能力.

“我已经预测了我的每一场战斗. 我说本·阿斯克伦, 第一轮. 我说内特罗宾逊, 第一轮. 他到了第二. 我在第一次职业比赛中说过, 第一轮. 我不认为泰伦会在两轮比赛中获胜. 老实说,你甚至可能看不到我在这场战斗中的拳击能力。”


“我一直想用我的一生来装箱,但从未做到. 这是我的机会. 这是一个充满力量的孩子. 他身后有很多力量. 这将是一个展示我在拳击台上的能力的大平台. 他是一名斗士. 他可以打. 在一天结束时, 你可以看他和时间, 节奏和步法就在那里.

“他战斗的时间不长. 但我看到的小动作是干净的. 良好的防守. 内特冲他, 他保护了自己,他从壳里出来,把他弄裂了.

“他试图淡化他的能力. 他是一名斗士. 不要让他玩你说, “我只是一个 YouTuber。”上周, 他是一名战士. 当他说没人想和他打的时候, 他是一名战士. 你不再是 YouTuber. 你不在迪士尼. 好久没来迪士尼了. 这就像我说我只是一个大学摔跤手,我不打人.

“我只是想玩得开心. 我要努力训练. 我想变得更好. 我想走出去,按照我的意愿做事,成为做主的人. 我想去那里创造历史. 我总是创造历史. 我可能并不总是因此而获得荣誉,但我总是第一个. 战士总是打我问他们应该做什么, 他们做错了什么. 现在是我自己去做的时候了。”

BELLATOR MMA 确认 BELLATOR 的全面战斗卡 260 下周五的SHOWTIME, 六月 11 在 9 P.M. AND

道格拉斯·利马捍卫中量级世界冠军. 1 在主赛事中排名雅罗斯拉夫·阿莫索夫

包含文字的图片, 人, 人


LOS ANGELES– BELLATOR MMA 已经确认了完整的战斗卡BELLATOR MMA 260: 利马VS. Amosov星期五, 六月 11 在金神体育馆. 该活动是自大流行开始以来在美国举办的首场有粉丝参加的促销活动,并在 SHOWTIME 上直播9 P.M. ET /下午6时. PT.

BELLATOR 的 170 磅主销道格拉斯·利马(32-8) 重返次中量级,将他的冠军头衔与不败和无. 1 排名雅罗斯拉夫Amosov (25-0) 在必看的主赛事冲突中.

除了顶篷, 整个 BELLATOR 260 SHOWTIME上的主卡堆叠, 包括一个 175 磅的合同重量联合主赛事进站传奇号. 6 次中量级 保罗·戴利 (43-17-2) 反对裸奔 否. 3 次中量级 贾森·杰克逊 (14-4). 还, 强硬的 No 之间的轻量级特征斗争. 6 排名 亚伦微微 (7-3) 对阵伯明翰 李艾登 (9-4) 和次中量级对决 德马克斯·杰克逊 (11-5) 和 马克旅鼠 (9-0, 1 NC). 新宣布的第五张也是最后一张主卡回合以 No 之间的对决为特色. 10 排名 凡妮莎·波尔图 (5-3) 和比特犬兄弟产品 伊拉拉·乔安妮 (9-5) 在 128 磅的合同重量回合中.

预赛卡被锁定在六个动感十足的战斗中, No之间的轻量级战斗突出了. 9 排名Tywan克拉克斯顿(6-2) 而不败贾斯汀冈萨雷斯(11-0), 谁将首次亮相 BELLATOR. 与此同时, 家乡的英雄和粉丝的最爱尼克纽厄尔(16-3) 设置为正对鲍比金 (9-3) 在轻量级比赛和 20 岁的天才中卢卡斯·布伦南(4-0) 准备与 150 磅的合同重量冲突马修·斯基比基 (4-3). 还, 两次获得 NCAA 全美摔跤冠军凯尔Crutchmer (6-1) 将挑战不败的次中量级莱万·乔赫利 (9-0, 1 NC) 结束这张堆叠的初步卡.

所有贝拉托 260预赛将在6 P.M. AND /下午3时. PT 在 BELLATOR MMA YouTube 频道上, SHOWTIME Sports YouTube 频道和 Pluto TV.

作为 BELLATOR MMA 在 SHOWTIME 上推出的一部分, 该网络为新使用 SHOWTIME 流媒体服务的观众提供 30 天免费试用, 接下来是未来六个月每月 4.99 美元的折扣订阅费. 观众可以在以下网址注册SHO.com/BellatorMMA. 订阅者将在整个过程中每月获得两次主要的 BELLATOR MMA 赛事 2021 超越, 所有活动都安排在现场直播 9 P.M. ET /下午6时. PT 任何可以使用 SHOWTIME 服务的地方.


 BELLATOR MMA 260: 利马VS. Amosov主卡:

星期五, 六月 11 – 活下去 开演时间

9 P.M. ET /下午6时. PT

次中量级世界冠军主赛事: Ç-道格拉斯·利马(32-8) VS. #1-雅罗斯拉夫Amosov(25-0)

175-磅合约重量联合主赛事: #6-保罗·戴利 (43-17-2) VS. #3-贾森·杰克逊(14-4)

羽量级布特: #6-亚伦微微 (7-3) 与李艾登 (9-4)

128-磅合约重量: #10-凡妮莎·波尔图 (22-9) 与伊拉拉·乔安妮(9-5)

次中量级回合: 德马克斯·杰克逊(11-5) 与马克旅鼠(11-3)


BELLATOR MMA YouTube 频道 | SHOWTIME 体育 YouTube 频道 | 冥王星电视

6 P.M. AND /下午3时. PT

次中量级回合: 凯尔Crutchmer (6-1) 与莱万·乔赫利 (9-0, 1 NC)

羽量级布特: #9-Tywan克拉克斯顿 (6-2) 与贾斯汀冈萨雷斯(11-0)

轻量级回合: 尼克纽厄尔 (16-3) 与鲍比金 (9-3)

150-磅合约重量: 卢卡斯·布伦南 (4-0) 与马修·斯基比基(4-3)

羽量级布特: #8-阿曼达·贝尔(7-7) 与玛丽娜·莫赫纳金娜 (4-2)

轻重量级回合: 亚历克斯·波利齐(7-1) 与古斯塔沃·特鲁希略(3-1)


请访问Bellator.com 了解更多信息.

Featherweight Sensation Aaron Pico Meets Birmingham’s Aiden Lee During Main Card of BELLATOR 260 在周五, 六月 11 – 住在Showtime


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LOS ANGELES — Today, BELLATOR MMA confirmed that No. 6 羽量级排名亚伦微微 (7-3) has been added to theBELLATOR MMA 260: 利马VS. Amosovmain card on Friday, 六月 11, where he will oppose grappling ace李艾登(9-4), 在145磅回合. The fight will take place at Mohegan Sun Arena in Uncasville, 康涅狄格州. and will be televised live on SHOWTIME at 9 P.M. ET /下午6时. PT.

BELLATOR 260 will be headlined by welterweight world champion道格拉斯·利马(32-8), who will defend his 170-pound title against the undefeated and top-ranked 雅罗斯拉夫Amosov(25-0).

The event marks BELLATOR’s first fan-attended event in the United States sinceBELLATOR 239 took place on February 21, 2020. 门票数量有限,起价为 $60 are available now and can be purchased through Ticketmaster or at Bellator.com.

Since his professional MMA debut in 2017, Aaron Pico has widely been considered one of the brightest prospects in the sport. The Jackson Wink fighter has showcased a wrestling acumen that stacks up with the best in the world, coupled with vicious punching power that has earned him stunning KO victories with both his left and right hand. The 24-year-old has shown steady growth each time out in the BELLATOR cage and is currently riding a three-fight winning streak.

Fighting for the first time on American soil, the 26-year-old Lee looks to secure his third straight victory inside the BELLATOR cage. An underrated submission specialist, the Englishman earned his fourth career victory via rear-naked choke against Damian Frankiewicz and a stunning head-kick knockout against Jeremy Petley in the first round of their matchup last September.

另外, a welterweight fight between BELLATOR veteran凯尔Crutchmer (6-1) and promotional debutant莱万·乔赫利(9-0, 1 NC) has been added as a preliminary bout. Crutchmer, who trains out of AKA in San Jose, wrestled at Oklahoma State University, where he became a two-time All-American and two-time Big 12 冠军. 与此同时, Chokheli looks to keep his record flawless while making a sound first impression in his BELLATOR debut. The 24-year-old Georgian boasts an impressive 100% finishing rate, having never seen the final bell in all nine of his fights.

Also added to the preliminary card, “The Boogeyman,” 兰斯·赖特(5-1) will be making his BELLATOR debut after an impressive showing on the American regional scene. He will be tasked with fighting泰勒·“墓碑”约翰逊 (6-2), a two-fight veteran of the BELLATOR cage.

All prelims will stream live at5:30 P.M. 与 / 2:30 P.M. PT 在 BELLATOR MMA YouTube 频道上, SHOWTIME Sports YouTube 频道和 Pluto TV. 完整的列表如下.

BELLATOR MMA 260: 利马VS. Amosov主卡:

星期五, 六月 11 – 活下去 开演时间

9 P.M. ET /下午6时. PT

次中量级世界冠军主赛事: Ç-道格拉斯·利马(32-8) VS. #1-雅罗斯拉夫Amosov(25-0)

175-磅合约重量联合主赛事: #6保罗·戴利 (43-17-2) VS. #3-贾森·杰克逊(14-4)

羽量级布特: #6-亚伦微微 (7-3) 与李艾登 (9-4)

次中量级回合: 德马克斯·杰克逊(11-5) 与马克旅鼠(11-3)


BELLATOR MMA YouTube 频道 | SHOWTIME 体育 YouTube 频道 | 冥王星电视

5:30 P.M. 与 / 2:30 P.M. PT

次中量级回合: 凯尔Crutchmer (6-1) 与莱万·乔赫利 (9-0, 1 NC)

羽量级布特: #9-Tywan克拉克斯顿 (6-2) 与贾斯汀冈萨雷斯(11-0)

轻量级回合: 尼克纽厄尔 (16-3) 与鲍比金 (9-3)

羽量级布特: 卢卡斯·布伦南 (4-0) 与马修·斯基比基(4-3)

羽量级布特: 阿曼达·贝尔(7-7) 与玛丽娜·莫赫纳金娜 (4-2)

轻重量级回合: 亚历克斯·波利齐(7-1) 与古斯塔沃·特鲁希略(3-1)

中量级回合: 泰勒·约翰逊(6-2) 与兰斯·赖特 (5-1)


请访问Bellator.com 了解更多信息.

SFT 称霸巴西国家 MMA 排名

圣保罗, 巴西 (五月 25, 2021) – SFT 马厩中的战士, 根据 MMA Premium, 主导五月巴西国家综合格斗排名.

在男性的同等评级中, SFT稳定战机占据前四位置中的三个: 2, 马科斯·“巴布伊诺”·德·桑托斯 (33-13-1, SFT: 3-0-), 3. 惠灵顿“捕食者”普拉多 (11-2-0, SFT: 5-1-0), 4. 蒂亚戈·“曼钦哈”·席尔瓦 (19-9-0, (SFT: 0-1-0).

“狒狒”和“捕食者”, 分别, 也都是顶级的 2 羽量级排名, 而少年和阿卡西奥“Pequeno”多斯桑托斯 (13-3-0, SFT: 2-0-0) 在轻重量级比赛中以一比二完赛.

SFT 女性在女性同磅评级中也排名第二和第三, 分别, 与稻草重量朱莉娅·波拉斯特里 (8-2-0, SFT: 1-0-0) 和卡琳“杀手”席尔瓦 (13-4-0, SFT: 2-0-0). 

SFT包揽女子雏量级排名前三, 为了, 与卡琳“杀手,” 谁是 SFT 的 2020 年度提交获奖者, 吉赛尔·莫雷拉 (9-4-0, SFT: 1-0-0) 和西迪·罗查 (12-8-2, SFT: 0-1-0).

“SFT 成立于 2018 由我们的电影和制作公司制作,” SFT 总裁大卫·哈德森 说。 “举办了两个活动, 但后来我们搁置了五年, 那时, 我和 SFT 没有任何关系。 当活动恢复时 2018, 我想知道为什么一个在 MMA 和 UFC 的创建中发挥了重要作用的国家没有获得世界级的推广。 在分析了正在做什么和参加之后SFT 4 在巴西, 我确信问题在于事情是如何做的。 我决定离开电影业,将我的一生奉献给MMA.

“在我的带领下, SFT有一种全新的方式来推广MMA。 我做出的每一个决定, 很多人告诉我我错了, 这将导致 SFT 的终结。 数字不会说谎,感谢上帝, 我有数字证明我是正确的。, 然而, 我的想法可能是创新的,甚至是疯狂的, 我知道最终我们的战斗必须是一流的. 我有一个三年计划,我的目标是成为顶级 10 SFT 各重量级别的巴西拳手, 不包括那些在巴西境外签订合同的人。”

SFT暂定7月10日回归SFT 27 在巴西.

“我们正在实现我们的目标, 但疫情也让我们在这一年暂停了,”哈德森解释道。 “由于不活动, 我们的许多战士从巅峰跌落 5 和 10 在全国排名中。 我们的马厩中仍然有很多巴西最优秀的选手,七月份我们将带着每月的活动回归。 我确信在一年内, 事情将会重回正轨, 我们会更接近我们的目标.

“我们战略的一部分是在美国举办活动, 但巴西人前往美国仍有旅行限制。 一旦我们能够将我们的战士带到美国作战, 我们将, 然后我们就离实现我的目标更近了一步。”


Website: www.sftcombat.com

Facebook的: /SFT.combat, 大卫·哈德森

叽叽喳喳: @SFTCombat, @SFTUSA

Instagram的: @SFTCombat, @ DavidHudson.SFT

你管: /SFT战斗, /美国金融时报, /SFT巴西


包含人物的图片, 运动

COMPLETE搏击之夜照片此处 - (请信用: BELLATOR MMA / 卢卡斯·努南)


Ç-克里斯机器侠 (24-2, 1 NC) 打败 #4-莱斯利·史密斯 (12-9-1) 通过TKO (罢工) 在 4:51 五轮的

Cris Cyborg after retaining the title:

“I knew she was tough and I’ve fought her before. I know her and respect her and she’s a real fighter. I knew with her it would be a great match, because she’s capable and she’s tough.

“I was really working in sparring to keep going and going because I knew it was going to be this way. I noticed I enjoyed it a little more. It’s going to be 16 years as a professional fighter this month so I started to enjoy it in there.

“I’ve been working on grappling my whole life but I just feel like I’m getting better and better every day. I got a black belt, but it’s like a white belt because I’m always learning.

“I’ve been doing this 16 岁月, I’ve got four titles. But before you can be a G.O.A.T. you have to fight the ‘Cat.’ So, I’d like to fight with Cat Zingano and I will ask Scott Coker. Because before you can be a G.O.A.T. you have to fight the ‘Cat.’”

#6-莱昂德罗肥后 (20-5) 打败 Darrion考德威尔 (15-5) 通过分裂的决定 (29-28, 28-29, 29-28)

“I’ve been waiting for this fight for three years now. It’s exactly how I wanted it to go. I used my wrestling and I used my jiu-jitsu. I’m a complete fighter and I’m ready for any fighter on the planet because I believe I’m the best. I knew I had lost the first round, but in the second when he was throwing all those elbows and cut me open, I’m from a poor family in Brazil and that was nothing I hadn’t seen before. I felt happy being in that cage with blood all over me.

“He ended up taking me down in the second and I went for a kimura, which is something I’m very accustomed to doing, but he reversed it but then he didn’t do anything and I hit him with a lot of strikes on bottom. A lot of elbows and strikes and I stayed very on bottom and he wasn’t doing anything. That’s why I won the second and third round.”

“I think that I deserve a title shot. I just beat three of the biggest names in the game and I just beat a former world champion. And nobody has beaten the top three guys of this world-class caliber like I have done in three consecutive wins. I’m going for that world title and that’s what’s next for me. So let’s make it fast.”

#3-奥斯汀Vanderford (11-0) 打败 #4-法比安·爱德华兹 (9-2) 通过一致决定 (30-27, 30-27, 30-27)

Austin Vanderford following his unanimous decision win:

“I like my fights bloody, whether it’s me or my opponent. I’ll get a scab. But hats off to Fabian who cut me up a little bit. But happy to get the win.”

“He was a big, 壮小伙. I started feeling him give me that head and arm choke. 不幸, I didn’t capitalize on it. But I knew what I was going to do. I was going to just grind it out. He’s a good striker so I had to be careful but I felt good. Wrestling … it’s my heart. I’m ready for the next step.”

贾里尔·威利斯(Jaleel Willis) (15-2) 打败 梅孔·门东卡 (11-5) 通过一致决定 (29-28, 30-27, 30-27)

Hannah Guy (3-1) 打败 #8-瓦莱丽Loureda (3-1) 通过一致决定 (30-27, 29-28, 29-28)

Hannah Guy following her first win inside the BELLATOR cage…

“I felt like I had really good cardio, so that was awesome because I was really worried about that a little bit. I’m so thankful she took the fight and I’m so thankful BELLATOR gave me this opportunity.

“I thought I was going to finish with the triangle (呛), 老老实实. She just slipped right out of there, so that was awesome of her. Her defense was really good. I was really impressed with that. I didn’t know what her ground game was but it was a lot better than I thought it was going to be.

“Grappling is just where I want to be if you’ve seen any of my other fights. My striking has really improved a lot though so I’m hoping to change that. But grappling has always been my strong suit. I didn’t want to just depend on my grappling, but I thought I landed some shots pretty well a few times. In this fight I thought I could see when the punches were coming. And I was able to defend a little bit better and how I’ve grown. So I’m just really proud of myself right now.”

你阿瓦德 (24-13, 1 NC) 打败 内特·安德鲁斯 (16-4) 通过KO (罢工) 在 3:16 of round one
#7-尼尔·格兰特 (6-0) 打败 #8-泰里财富 (5-1) 通过提交 (后方裸体扼流圈) 在 4:20 of round one
稻叶澄子 (2-0) 打败 Kristina Katsikis (1-2) 通过TKO (罢工) 在 3:35 第三轮
特拉维夫维多多 (6-0) 打败 Sean Felton (5-3-1) 通过提交 (脚后跟钩) 在 1:17 of round one
#9-Davion富兰克林 (3-0) 打败 泰勒·金 (12-10) 并通过KO 2:02 of round one
#7-利亚·麦考特 (5-1) 打败 6-Janay哈丁 (6-5) 通过提交 (三角阻气) 在 2:42 第二轮的
丹尼·萨巴特罗 (11-1) 打败 布雷特·约翰斯 (17-3) 通过一致决定 (30-27, 30-27, 30-27)
亚历山大·沙比利 (20-3) 打败 #9-阿尔菲·戴维斯 (14-4) 通过一致决定 (30-27, 30-27, 30-27)

请访问 Bellator.com 了解更多信息.


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天使- 主要活动 BELLATOR 262 在周五, 七月 16 will feature undefeated 125-pound world champion 朱莉安娜·贝拉斯克斯 (11-0) 对阵 BELLATOR 跆拳道的蝇量级世界冠军和没有. 4 排名 Denise Kielholtz (6-2). 这张卡片来自安卡斯维尔的 Mohegan Sun Arena, 康涅狄格州. 并在 SHOWTIME 直播 9 P.M. ET /下午6时. PT.

门票数量有限,起价为 $60 go on sale beginning Friday, 六月 4, with a special presale starting on Thursday, 六月 3 从 10 A.M. 到 10 P.M. AND, and can be purchased at Ticketmaster and Bellator.com.

初步部分 BELLATOR MMA 262: 贝拉斯克斯VS. 基尔霍兹 在开始 5:30 P.M. 与 / 2:30 P.M. PT 并将在 BELLATOR MMA YouTube 频道上直播, SHOWTIME Sports YouTube 频道和 Pluto TV. 其他比赛将在稍后公布.

Hailing from Rio de Janeiro, 巴西, the 34-year-old Velasquez makes the first defense of her flyweight title since dethroning inaugural champion Ilima雷·麦克法兰BELLATOR 254 in December of last year. Sitting in the No. 2 slot on the BELLATOR women’s pound-for-pound rankings, Velasquez is a former Brazilian national champion in judo, a martial arts discipline she began training at age four. The Team Nogueira product has been a dominant force throughout her unblemished 11-fight professional career, including six wins under the BELLATOR banner.

“I’m extremely excited and happy to get back in the BELLATOR cage and defend my title for the first time,” Velasquez说. “I’ve been training really hard, and I’m fully prepared to put on an incredible performance for my fans. Denise has been a great champion in the BELLATOR kickboxing ring, but this MMA belt is mine and it will be going back to Brazil with me after the fight.”

Already the reigning BELLATOR Kickboxing Flyweight World Champion, Kielholtz is looking to capture the promotion’s MMA gold as well when she straps on the BELLATOR MMA gloves for the seventh time. The Dutch striking sensation, known to fans as “Miss Dynamite,” is riding a four-fight MMA winning streak, including a first round knockout over former title challenger 凯特·杰克逊 BELLATOR 247 去年十月. Much like her opponent, the 32-year-old Kielholtz holds a black belt in judo with multiple titles as a member of the Dutch National Judo Team.

“This is the moment I’ve been waiting for since I was a child,” said Kielholtz. “My journey in martial arts started when I was nine years old. I have earned multiple championships from kickboxing and judo and I feel like the universe has put everything together. All the hard work, all the sacrifices I have made in my life have all led me to this opportunity. This will be the crowning achievement of my career. This is mine.”

# # #

BELLATOR MMA 262: 贝拉斯克斯VS. 基尔霍兹 主卡:
星期五, 七月 16 - 9 P.M. ET /下午6时. PT

蝇量级世界冠军主赛事: Ç-朱莉安娜·贝拉斯克斯 (11-0) VS. #4-Denise Kielholtz (6-2)

BELLATOR MMA YouTube 频道 | 欣欣体育YouTube频道 | 冥王星电视
5:30 P.M. 与 / 2:30 P.M. PT

有关即将举行的 BELLATOR MMA 活动的更多信息, 访问 BELLATOR.com.

Multi-World boxing champion Amanda Serrano to headline iKON 7 MMA赛事

直播 & 独家通过UFC战斗通行证®June 11th FROM LOS MOCHIS, SINALOA, 墨西哥
LAS VEGAS (五月 20, 2021) – Multiple World boxing champion 阿曼达“实打实”塞拉诺 将标题 图标 7, iKON格斗联盟主办, Roy Jones Jr 的混合武术部门. 拳击, 六月 11 在洛斯莫奇斯的贝尼托华雷斯礼堂, 锡那罗亚, 墨西哥.

图标 7 will be streamed live and exclusively JUNE 11 on UFC FIGHT PASS®, 开始 10 P.M. AND / 7 P.M. PT. 要注册UFC FIGHT PASS, 世界领先的格斗运动的数字订阅服务, 请访问 www.ufcfightpass.com 或下载UFC应用程序.

Puerto Rico native Serrano, 的战斗布鲁克林, 纽约, 是 1-0-1 在综合武术比赛中. 她将面临亲出道 瓦伦蒂亚·加西亚, 墨西哥, 在 图标 7主要事件. One of the greatest female boxers of all-time, Serrano is a 10-time, 7-分区世界冠军, who sports a remarkable 40-1-1(30 科斯) 亲纪录.

“We are thrilled to have Amanda Serrano headlining our card,” iKON Fighting Federation president Keith Veltre 说. “She is a great boxing champion, one of the all-time best, who is going to make waves in MMA. She can really fight! Her fight is also a continuation of the terrific Puerto Rico versus Mexico sports rivalry.”

在共功能的事件, 拉斯维加斯战斗机 约翰尼“悖论”帕森斯 (6-2-0, 图标: 2-0-0) 面孔 里卡多“伍迪”查韦斯 (5-1-0), 墨西哥, 重量为175磅.

不败图森次中量级 皮特“死游戏”罗德里格斯, a familiar iKON fighter, goes for his fourth straight victory without a lossall in iKON competition – versus Mexican opponent 罗伯托“皮克斯利 2B”皮克斯利 (5-1-0).

Scheduled to fight on the undercard is Yakima, 华盛顿羽量级 豪尔赫“自然”阿尔卡拉 (4-1-0) VS. 塞尔吉奥“动物”科尔特斯 (3-2-0), 香港女子羽量级 雷蒙娜·帕斯夸尔 (4-2-0) VS. 亲开张 瓜达卢佩·古兹曼, 迈阿密对阵埃及次中量级 曼穆德·塞比 VS. 恩里克·埃尔南德斯 在亲首次亮相的战士的战斗中, 支持首次亮相的女性蝇量级 罗瑟琳·查维拉, 图森 (THE) 和 索菲亚萨拉卡尔, 和墨西哥羽量级 路易斯“马诺”加西亚 (1-2, 图标: 1-1-0) VS. 亲开张 天使里维拉.



Websites: HTTP://www.RoyJonesJrBoxing.com, www.ufcfightpass.com
Facebook的: /UFCFightPass, /KeithVeltre
叽叽喳喳: @iKONFightingFederation, @UFCFightPass, @Keith_Veltre, @RoyjonesJRfa @RoyJonesJrOfficial
Instagram的: @iKONFightingFederation, @UFCFightPass, @KeithVeltre, @RoyJonesJrBoxing




Elevate Sports Ventures Joins Bellator MMA To Support Sponsorship, Premium and Ticket Sales Strategies

NEW YORK – MAY 19, 2021 - BELLATOR MMA, a leading global mixed martial arts organization featuring the world’s most dominant combat sports athletes, is set to welcome back fans in attendance to watch live events beginning with BELLATOR 260: 利马VS. Amosov在周五, 六月 11, and BELLATOR 261: 约翰逊VS. 摩尔达夫斯基 星期五, 六月 25, 在金神体育馆安卡斯维尔, 康涅狄格州. Both events will be televised live on SHOWTIME®.

To amplify the anticipated return to fan-attended events, BELLATOR has tapped Elevate Sports Ventures, an innovative and resourceful sports and entertainment marketing firm, to support sponsorship, premium and ticket sales strategies for the internationally renowned mixed martial arts brand.

A limited number tickets starting at $60 will be made available beginning this Friday, 五月 21 for BELLATOR 260: 利马VS. Amosovand BELLATOR 261: 约翰逊VS. 摩尔达夫斯基 for purchase at Ticketmaster and Bellator.com.

Elevate’s integration comes on the heels of BELLATOR MMA’s move to its new exclusive U.S. television partner, 开演时间, which began televising the promotion’s events in April. The sports agency additionally will support BELLATOR’s marketing, operational and routing strategies for events moving forward.

“We are very excited to be getting into business with Elevate,” said BELLATOR MMA President Scott Coker. “They bring a tremendous amount of knowledge and experience to the table with a proven track record of providing consistent results for top professional sports franchises, leagues and events. It feels like our family just got bigger, and I am confident that this new relationship will lead to the continued growth of the BELLATOR brand.”

“At Elevate, we are inspired by BELLATOR’s ambition to meaningfully connect and engage with current and new fans, and aggressively route new live events to its diverse, global fanbase,” said Elevate Sports Ventures Chairman and CEO Al Guido.  

Following this Friday’s BELLATOR 259: 电子人VS. 工匠 2, BELLATOR MMA will have hosted 16 events without spectators in attendance at Mohegan Sun Arena during the COVID-19 pandemic. 此外, the promotion held three cards in Milan, 意大利, and a historic night of fights in Paris, which marked the first time a major MMA promotion held an event in France.

Elevate will leverage its “Insights” vertical, utilizing industry-leading data and analytics practices, to generate smarter sponsorship, premium and ticket-sales targets and strategies, including producing data-driven fan profile analysis, product and pricing strategies, lead-scoring modeling and more for BELLATOR MMA’s front office, global brand and future live events.

有关即将举行的 BELLATOR MMA 活动的更多信息, 访问BELLATOR.com.