分类存档: 混合武术

FNU搏击运动展: MacGregor/Mayweather Talks; Soccer Headers as Dangerous as Heavyweight Boxing; UFC 回顾和预览; 费多尔VS. Mitrione Bellator Preview and Predictions

托尼, Rich and Tom come back from a week off with a ton of stuff to talk about. From the controversy of Holly Holm’s UFC 208 main event title fight with Germaine De Randamie to the upcoming battle between Matt Mitrione and Fedor Emelianenko, we cover a wide range of past and upcoming MMA events. We also look back at Ivan Barnchyk’s masterful comeback last weekend against Abel Ramos in a thrilling boxing match. We also go over the upcoming week’s boxing schedule. We also update the Mayweather vs. MacGregor negotiations with a big surprise: The UFC is the big stumbling block at this point. Additionally we discuss the recent study showing soccer players can suffer the same damage as heavyweight boxers after long careers in the sport where heading soccer balls repeatedly can bring on CTE in retired players. We also spend time discussing Brock Lesnar’s retirement and GSP’s imminent return.



BELLATOR 172 周六晚圣何塞 SAP 中心对决之前,竞争对手们带我们了解幕后情况

圣荷西, CALIF. (二月. 16, 2017) – 距离 Bellator MMA 历史上最受期待的重量级战斗之一只有几天的时间, 如 费多尔艾米连科 (36-4, 1 NC) 和 Matt Mitrione (11-5) 标题是一张巨大的主卡 Bellator 172. 再次, Bellator 的数字团队整理了一系列独家新内容,准备 周六 SAP 中心的庆祝活动. 如果您想更深入地了解这些竞争对手的主赛事之路, 加入我们,探索 Bellator 动态中一些精彩的幕后花絮 YouTube 页面.



费多尔不朽的职业生涯与他的“绝对胜利的光荣毛衣”紧密相连。亚当·卡罗拉 (Adam Carolla) 和其他人对俄罗斯强击手的神秘着装表示赞同.

看什么: 费多尔VS. 米特里奥内

Bellator 172 费多尔·艾米利亚年科 (Fedor Emelianenko) 和马特·米特里奥内 (Matt Mitrione) 之间的重量级主赛不容错过, 但在两人在笼子里相遇之前,吉米·史密斯讲述了利害攸关的事情.

Fedor Emelianenko 的后台

让我们回到后台,与游戏中最伟大的球员之一一起仔细看看在圣何塞举行的促销活动最后一场活动中进行的初步签约 Bellator 165.

与马特·米特里奥 (Matt Mitrione) 坐下来

重量级巨星马特·米特里奥 (Matt Mitrione) 与我们坐下来讨论他即将与传奇人物费多 (Fedor) 进行的主赛事对决.

在焦点: 乔希汤姆森

我们在最新一期的《乔什·汤姆森》中仔细研究了乔什·汤姆森的故事以及他与 Bellator MMA 主席斯科特·科克的密切关系。 在焦点.

FIGHT INFO: 当晚的主要赛事是一场备受期待的重量级拳击赛,与传奇人物展开对决 费多尔艾米连科 (36-4, 1 NC) 针对 Matt Mitrione (11-5).


San Jose’s own 乔希汤姆森 (22-8, 1 NC) 重返 Bellator MMA 笼,与资深淘汰赛艺术家较量Patricky“斗犬” (16-8) 在一场轻量级的共同主力冲突中. 粉丝们还可以体验一场重量级的斗技大战谢赫·金刚 (25-10-2) 对抗英国天才 这是汤普森 (17-9) 以及女子蝇量级拳击配对 女杰阿特亚加 (2-1) 针对 布鲁克·梅奥 (登场). 最后, 次中量级对决 乔希Koscheck (17-10) 针对毛里西奥·阿隆索 (12-7, 1 NC) 斯派克电视转播的主要卡牌行动圆满结束.


Bellator 172: 费多尔VS. 米特里奥内 宣扬直播和免费的尖峰 9 P.M. AND/8 P.M. CT, 预赛将在 Bellator.com 和 The Bellator 移动应用程序上直播. 剩余门票所剩无几,可在 SAP 中心售票处购买, as well as Ticketmaster.com and Bellator.com.


完成 Bellator 172: 费多尔VS. 米特里奥内 SPIKE-电视主卡:

重量级的主要事件: 费多尔艾米连科 (36-4, 1 NC) VS. Matt Mitrione (11-5)

轻量级功能战: 乔希汤姆森 (22-8, 1 NC) VS. Patricky“斗犬” (16-8)

重量级功能大战: 谢赫·金刚 (25-10-2) VS. 这是汤普森 (17-9)

蝇量级特征战: 女杰阿特亚加 (2-1) VS. 布鲁克·梅奥 (登场)

重量级功能扑灭: 乔希Koscheck (17-10) VS. 毛里西奥·阿隆索 (12-7, 1 NC)


Bellator.com-Streamed 预选卡:

中量级初步回合: 阿纳托利Tokov (24-2) VS. 旧金山法国 (13-4-1)

次中量级预赛: 詹姆斯·特里 (18-9) VS. J.C. 拉马斯 (8-5)

轻量级预赛: 尼科·杰克逊 (1-1) VS. 塞萨尔·冈萨雷斯 (0-1)

羽量级预赛: 胡安·卡德纳斯 (1-0) VS. 路易斯·巴尔加斯 (0-1)

次中量级预赛: 多米尼克·萨姆纳 (1-0) VS. 亚伯拉罕以扫 (1-0)

蝇量级预赛: 安东尼待办事项 (4-1) VS. 鲍比·埃斯卡兰特 (4-5)

蝇量级预赛: 马特·拉米雷斯 (1-2) VS. 杰里米·墨菲 (3-3)

轻量级预赛: J.J. Okanovich (3-1) VS. 扎克·安德鲁斯 (5-1)

羽量级预赛: 阿布纳·佩雷斯 (登场) VS. 加斯顿·博拉尼奥斯 (登场)

羽量级预赛: 贾斯汀·福克 (登场) VS. 罗克·雷耶斯 (0-3)

中量级预赛: Martin Sano (4-2) VS. 迭戈赫尔佐格 (4-2)

刘易斯顿 MMA 赛事迎来数千个勇敢的冬季天气


即时发布: 路易斯顿, 缅因 (二月 11, 2017) – 东北复活节 48 几个小时前, 零度以下的温度, 钟声时降大雪, 地平线上若隐若现的暴风雪无法阻止 2,500 周六晚上,忠实的格斗迷们在安德罗斯科金银行体育馆 (Androscoggin Bank Colisee) 尽情体验综合格斗动作. 该活动标志着新英格兰拳击比赛的推广’ (NEF) 在古老的拳击场上庆祝五周年.

该节目的主角是 NEF 职业 MMA 轻量级冠军锦标赛的半决赛. 乔恩·莱姆克 (6-7) 以首轮技术淘汰赛晋级决赛 杰西·埃里克森 (9-6). 瑞安·桑德斯(Ryan Sanders) (13-8) 与莱姆克一起进入最后一轮,首轮淘汰赛 约翰·奥托拉尼 (8-11).

拉斯希尔顿 (1-0) 在他的职业首秀中获胜 迈克·汉森 (5-5), 而前 NEF 业余 MMA 次中量级冠军 瑞奇德克斯特 (1-0) 也以口头提交战胜进入职业行列 马特·丹宁 (3-6) 在遭受残酷的身体枪击后.

关于格斗卡的业余部分, 维克多·欧文 (3-0) 成为新的轻重量级冠军,提交了 瑞恩·格洛弗 (3-2).

NEF进一步宣布其下一场MMA赛事, “NEF 28: 无敌,” 源自 Androscoggin Bank Colisee 星期六, 四月 29, 2017.

的全部结果 “NEF 27: 再起”:



瑞恩·桑德斯def. 约翰·奥托拉尼 KO, 圆 1

乔恩·莱姆克DEF. 杰西·埃里克森 TKO, 圆 1

拉斯希尔顿DEF. 迈克·汉森(Mike Hansen)通过口头提交

瑞奇德克斯特高清. 马特·丹宁通过口头提交

乔希·哈维高清. 里奇·科林厄姆 (Richie Collingham) 通过 D’arce 窒息, 圆 1

埃利亚斯·利兰 Def. 尼克·桑托斯(Nick Santos)通过手臂三角, 圆 1



维克多·欧文 Def. 瑞恩·格洛弗 (Ryan Glover) 通过后裸绞, 圆 1

沃尔特·谢伊. 艾伦·布斯塔曼特(Alan Bustamante)一致决定

贾斯汀威瑟姆DEF. 瑞恩·伯吉斯(Ryan Burgess)通过蟒蛇窒息, 圆 2

亚历克斯·克拉克后卫. 亨利·克拉克一致决定

约翰·泰夫特. 肖恩·伍斯特 (TKO), 圆 2

莎拉·齐姆(Sarah Ziehm). 妮可·伯吉斯 (Nicole Burgess) 裸绞, 圆 3

弗雷德·李尔DEF. 迈克尔·克雷斯波 (Michael Crespo) TKO, 圆 2

德文·科森 后卫. 温斯顿·科尔特斯(Winston Cortez)一致决定

泽尔·麦克格鲁 防守. 皮特·格林内尔(TKO), 圆 1

弗兰克·约翰逊def. Jacob Deppmeyer 通过三角扼流圈, 圆 3

罗斯形式def. 菲尔·查森 (Phil Chason) 一致决定

安吉拉·杨(Angela Young). 克里斯汀·布罗斯韦尔(Christine Brothwell)一致决定


新英格兰拳击赛重返刘易斯顿的安德罗斯科金银行体育馆, 缅因州即将举办下一场综合格斗赛事, “NEF 28: 无敌,” 周六, 四月 29, 2017. 门票现已在 Colisee 售票处发售 207-783-2009 X 525 并在网上 www.TheColisee.com.

有关事件,并拼牌更新的详细信息, 请访问推广的网站 www.NewEnglandFights.com. 此外, 你可以在观看视频NEF www.youtube.com/NEFMMA/, 关注 Twitter 和 Instagram @nefights 上的促销活动, 并加入官方Facebook群组 “新英格兰之战。”


星期三, 2月8日, 2017

爱尔兰轻重量级新星在凯奇勇士主赛事中与前 TUF 竞争对手争夺凯奇勇士金牌 81 在都柏林, 三月的爱尔兰 4.

凯奇勇士带着世界冠军头衔回到都柏林,爱尔兰的卡尔摩尔在 3Arena 与前 TUF 竞争对手乔什克拉克争夺空缺的轻重量级冠军.

摩尔以令人印象深刻的方式进入比赛 7-1 记录, 去年 11 月,在 BT 体育工作室的 Cage Warriors Unplugged 比赛中,Paco Estevez 的首轮比赛令人印象深刻.

他将面对“乡巴佬万人迷”克拉克, 谁也将进入三月 4 在淘汰赛胜利的背后回合, 在 SFL 阻止了 Brent Knopp 51 塔科马, 去年十月的华盛顿. 美国人拥有一个 10-3 记录, 并且是佩恩队在第 19 赛季的第二顺位 终极战士.

腰带的获得者将成为自迈克尔“伯爵”比斯平以来第一位赢得凯奇勇士轻重量级冠军的拳手, 从那以后,谁继续在 UFC 中获得无可争议的世界中量级冠军.

“卡尔有机会成为最新的爱尔兰CW冠军 – 我们有一些很棒的 – 但这可能是任何一种方式, 一路走来. 这是一场激动人心的战斗” 凯奇勇士总裁格雷厄姆博伊兰说.

三月 4 都柏林的战斗卡还包括轻量级前景劳埃德曼宁和保罗麦克贝恩之间的战斗.

爱尔兰的曼宁在他的职业生涯中开了个好头, 在开场一分钟内通过淘汰赛赢得了他的两场职业比赛, 而苏格兰的麦克贝恩也在他的职业记录中以两次首轮比赛的成绩参加比赛.

爱尔兰球迷将为“阿尔法女性”凯瑟琳·科斯蒂根出战, 谁让她在离开两年半后重返 Cage Warriors. 她将在原子量级比赛中面对英格兰的温迪·麦肯纳 (105磅) 竞赛.

除了在 3Arena 的大量战斗之外, CW81 门票持有者还将有机会与过去在 UFC 中以优异成绩战斗的一些过去的 Cage Warriors 明星进行特别见面会.

活动门票现已通过以下方式发售 票务大师, 售价 98 欧元, 38 欧元和 24 欧元, 但如果您在 2 月星期五午夜之前获得 24 欧元的门票 10 通过我们的特别早鸟优惠,您只需 15 欧元即可认领您的座位.

比赛将通过电视直播 爱尔兰体育 在爱尔兰, 英国电信运动 在英国和爱尔兰, Viasat 在斯堪的纳维亚半岛并在全球范围内流式传输 UFC战斗通行证.

获取最新的 Cage Warriors 格斗锦标赛新闻和更新, 跟踪我们 Facebook的, 叽叽喳喳Instagram的. 查看过去的 CWFC 行动, 免费和按需, 通过在线 笼武士电视.

照片: 卡尔·摩尔 – 多莉·克鲁 为 CWFC

其他图片 / 可用资产 在这里下载.


笼子战士争夺冠军 是欧洲领先且时间最长的混合武术促销活动. 爱尔兰人拥有的品牌,在英国设有办事处 & 爱尔兰, CWFC是这项运动发展最快的组织, 上演 80 发生的事件 12 自成立以来,遍布三大洲的国家 2002. MMA过去的一些巨星的故乡, 现在和将来.

Ryan Glover 准备在 NEF 2 月 11 日摇滚


由: 卡勒·奥克斯

即时发布: 路易斯顿, 缅因 (二月 9, 2017) – 锦标赛在 Ryan Glover 的年轻生活中发挥了决定性作用.

这个传统可以追溯到他在山谷高中三年级时, 格洛弗在三个月内罕见地获得了橄榄球队州冠军和个人重量级摔跤冠军的双冠王.

作为一名综合武术家,他延续了这一传统, 这是他职业生涯第四次闯入笼子,赢得了新英格兰拳击轻重量级业余冠军头衔.

在蓝领拉姆福德和墨西哥长大的经历也让格洛弗明白,体育并不是一切, 然而. 这就是为什么他在“NEF”上首次卫冕冠军对抗维克多·欧文(Victor Irwin) 27: 复兴”将是他首次亮相六边形 在 53 周.

格洛弗-欧文将成为一张雄心勃勃的卡的业余部分的头条新闻 星期六, 二月 11 位于刘易斯顿的安德罗斯科金银行体育馆.

“整个夏天我都在佛罗里达州和弗吉尼亚州的路上工作,没有时间和我通常一起训练的人一起训练,”格洛弗说. “你必须先付账单才能去做这些事. 这只是为了好玩. 我希望 (欧文) 我知道我会为此做好准备。”

一旦开场钟声响起, 格洛弗 (3-1) 与非冠军赛相比,他们会在笼子里经历更多的冠军赛. 他还为 NEF 业余重量级腰带进行了一场令人难忘的激战, 在那场比赛中,他以接近但一致的判定胜给了对手.


“他是一名优秀的运动员, 但是一个除了第一轮之外没有任何经验的小孩子,”格洛弗说. “当我第一次参加冠军争夺战时, 那是我第一次进入第二轮,那时我已经死在水里了。”


在他职业生涯的早期,他就在新英格兰重量级拳坛中迅速崛起,任何关注格洛弗运动成就的人都不应该感到惊讶. 他总是领先于通常的学习曲线.

作为一个不败的少年 2010 山谷足球强队,拥有资深杰出球员卡姆·考布里斯 (Cam Kaubris) 和克里斯蒂安·杜兰 (Christian Durland), 格洛弗在后卫方面的表现令人印象深刻,以至于他被《刘易斯顿太阳报》评为年度最佳球员.

“它有助于,” 格洛弗谈到他的橄榄球背景时说道. “我见过一些最大的高中运动场馆。”


格洛弗从 215 磅级跃升至 285 他二年级, 尽管他把天平倾斜到远低于极限. 这是 Berserker 的 MMA 伙伴、NEF 明星迈克·“小胡子”·汉森大约六年前发起的传统.

“迈克就像是与那些更大的重量级人物摔跤的小白鼠,”格洛弗说. “就是这个方法 (教练) 加里·多洛夫把它卖给了我. 我记得他说他决定和我一起尝试的原因是迈克在这方面取得了成功. 当然他是对的, 因为我们从中获得了州冠军。”

高年级并没有实现低年级的承诺. 疾病和受伤使格洛弗无法卫冕足球和摔跤冠军.

“我的排名是No. 1 进入高年级并生病了,“他说,. “这只是表明生活有时会阻碍你。”

格洛弗没有遵循大学的轨迹, 选择劳动力, 他的运动生涯似乎结束了.

他尝试过赛车一段时间, 然后转向拳击和综合格斗训练以恢复体形. 这导致他在二月份首次亮相 2015, 紧接着又进行了三场笼斗比赛和一场业余拳击比赛.

直到去年秋天,当他的工作重心回到河谷时,格洛弗才考虑回到笼子里。. 家庭义务是第一位的, 他说,. 是的, 对自己多年来为自己赢得的声誉感到自豪也是一个因素.

“这绝对是一项如果你尝试去做就会受伤的运动 (半), 尤其是面对像我这样的对手,”格洛弗说. “他是一名优秀的运动员. 他和我一样擅长摔跤, 也许更好。”

家人和朋友关系密切, 新贵狂战士阵营让格洛弗比以往任何时候都做好了更充分的准备. 瑞安的弟弟, 马特, 还两次参加 NEF 演出,值得赞扬.

“我一直在和我的兄弟以及其他人一起滚动 250 或更好,”格洛弗说. “这是一个改变游戏规则的. 我觉得我更像是一个扰乱者 (欧文) 是. 尤其是我要减肥才能到达的地方 205, 我会有实力优势。”

他可能享有另一项明显的优势: 粉丝支持.

名字认可有它的特权. 又或许是格洛弗的缺席让粉丝们的心变得更亲近了. 任何状况之下, 他的战斗正在成为 NEF 最受期待的看点之一 27.

“在我参加战斗后,我就卖掉了 50 自己买票,”格洛弗说. “当我的歌响起时, 我知道这个地方会爆炸. Young’s (班戈) 总是吸引一大群人, 所以我们需要这种支持。”

“NEF”开幕钟声 27: 二月“复兴” 11 被设定为 7 P.M. Tickets start at $25 和可在 www.TheColisee.com or by calling the Colisee box office at 207.783.2009, 延期 525.




伦敦 — (二月. 9, 2017) - 保罗“Semtex型爆炸物”戴利 (39-14-2) is getting what he asked for. 五月 19, the explosive fighter from Nottingham, England will meet 罗里·麦克唐纳(18-4) 在主要事件 Bellator 179: 戴利VS. 麦当劳 在上交所体育馆, 温布利.

Rising undefeated British sensation, Michael “Venom” Page (12-0), better known to Bellator fans as “MVP,” is also expected to make his in-cage return in front of a hometown crowd.

Bellator 179: 戴利VS. 麦当劳 将于 SPIKE 播出 9 P.M. AND/8 P.M. CT. Tickets for the event will be available 星期五, 三月 3 在上交所体育馆, 温布利票房 (0844 815 0815), ssearena.co.ukaxs.com. A special SSE pre-sale will take place 星期三, 三月 1 至周四, 三月 2. A pre-sale for The SSE Arena, Wembley will be available 星期四, 三月 2.


Immediately following his flying-knee knockout of 布伦南病房Bellator 170: VS奥尔蒂斯. 松嫩, Daley took the microphone during his post-fight interview and made the most of his time, emphatically calling for his 五月 19 opponent by name. 现在, a little more than 100 miles from his home, “Semtex” will attempt to spoil the Bellator MMA debut of MacDonald. A 55-fight veteran of the sport, with six appearances under the direction of the Scott Coker-led promotion, the British heavy hitter has recorded victories in 10 他最后的 12 bouts with 31 他 39 victories coming via finish.


After signing MacDonald to an exclusive, multi-year, multi-fight contract in 2016, the must-see talent returned to the gym where he carefully honed his craft and readied himself for an eagerly-anticipated return to MMA. The former No. 1 contender to the UFC welterweight crown now sets his sights on the always-exciting Daley, looking to add to a list of strong career wins, which includes current UFC welterweight champion Tyron Woodley, B.J. 佩恩, Demian Maia and Nate Diaz. “The Red King” is clearly the most popular active Canadian mixed martial artist since Georges St-Pierre, whom MacDonald has trained under for years at the world-renowned TriStar Gym in Montreal. At only 27-years-old, MacDonald joins Bellator’s welterweight fray poised to immediately make an impact in the division, as he looks to defeat Daley and shock the London crowd.


更新 Bellator 179: 戴利VS. 麦当劳 主卡:

次中量级的主要事件: 保罗·戴利 (39-14-2) VS. 罗里·麦克唐纳 (18-4)





布达佩斯 — (二月 8, 2017) – Bellator is returning to Hungary with a bantamweight world title fight pitting 爱德华多“嘟嘟”丹塔斯 (19-4) 针对 Darrion“狼”考德威尔 (10-1) serving as the main event of Bellator 177: 丹塔斯 vs. 考德威尔 from the Budapest Sports Arena on April 14. The MMA portion of the evening will also feature a featherweight bout between Hungarian-born Adam “The Kid” Borics (5-0) 和 安东尼“漂亮男孩”泰勒 (1-2).


此外, Bellator Kickboxing 6 will be headlined by a welterweight world title rematch featuring 佐尔坦·拉扎克 (11-2) 针对 Karim Ghajji (97-13-1). Additional bouts for both events will be announced in the coming weeks.

Bellator 177: 丹塔斯 vs. 考德威尔 将于 SPIKE 播出 9 P.M. AND/8 P.M. CT, 而 Bellator Kickboxing 6 will air immediately following the MMA portion of the event, 在开始 11下午ET/10pm CT.


Dantas made his presence felt during his last outing, successfully defending his bantamweight championship belt in a five-round victory over 乔·沃伦. A 10-fight veteran of Bellator MMA, “Dudu” has recorded victories in 12 他最后的 14 结束, including nine under the direction of the Scott Coker-led promotion. 从里约热内卢海陵, 巴西, the flashy 27-year-old is widely known as one of the most dynamic competitors in the division, tallying four knockouts and six submissions over his 23-fight career. A two-time Bellator MMA bantamweight world champion, Dantas will look to defend his title for the second time since winning the belt in a victory over former champion 马科斯加尔旺, and for the fourth time overall.


The 29-year-old Caldwell will be competing for division gold for the first time in his career and is coming off of a crucial victory over 乔TaimangloBellator 167. “The Wolf” was able to avenge his earlier loss to Taimanglo, earning his 10th career victory and seventh under the Bellator MMA banner. Caldwell has collected five wins by way of first round knockout or submission, making him one of the most dangerous compeititors in the 135-pound class. Hailing from Rahway, 新泽西州, the 11-fight veteran has quickly put together an impressive professional resume inside the cage, highlighted by a remarkable first round finish over former multi-division champion 乔·沃伦, a man whom Caldwell idolized coming into the sport. The Alliance MMA product now has the opportunity of a lifetime, as he prepares for the next chapter of his career and a shot at championship glory.


After winning the welterweight kickboxing championship at Bellator’s inaugural kickboxing show in Turin, 意大利在 2016, Ghajji dropped his belt to world-renowned Hungarian champion Laszak when the pair met during Bellator’s first visit to Budapest last year. 现在, fresh off an impressive win in Florence, Ghajji hopes to reclaim the belt that he feels is his.


If you missed their first enthralling encounter, watch it 这里.


更新 Bellator 177: 丹塔斯 vs. 考德威尔 主卡:

最轻量级世界冠军争夺战: 爱德华多·丹塔斯 (19-4) VS. Darrion考德威尔 (10-1)

羽特征回合: 亚当Borics (5-0) VS. 安东尼·泰勒 (1-2)


更新 Bellator Kickboxing 6 主卡:

次中量级世界冠军赛: 佐尔坦·拉扎克 (11-2) VS. Karim Ghajji (97-13-1)


星期二, 2月7日, 2017

广受欢迎的利物浦球星将于四月在利物浦回声竞技场举行的主赛事中挑战他的笼勇士羽量级世界冠军头衔 1.

利物浦的战斗骄傲帕迪“坏人”平布利特将在笼勇士队的主赛事中回归赛场,这是人们期待已久的比赛 82.

卫冕 CW 羽量级世界冠军平布利特将与英国同胞纳德·纳里马尼展开较量,他将进一步巩固自己作为英国崛起最快的 MMA 明星之一的地位.

平布利特 (Pimblett) 击败法国老将约翰尼·弗拉奇 (Johnny Frachey) 夺得 CW 空缺冠军头衔,夺得凯奇勇士队 (Cage Warriors) 金牌 78 去年九月在利物浦.

在赢得冠军之后,他成功卫冕了自己的金腰带, 去年 11 月,在 BT Sport 工作室举行的 Cage Warriors Unplugged 比赛中击败了《终极斗士》半决赛选手 Julian Erosa.

年仅 22, 平布利特重返回声竞技场,希望继续他作为 MMA 世界最炙手可热的年轻新秀之一的非凡崛起.

他将面临纳里马尼的严峻考验, 谁参加比赛 9-2 职业记录,并在凯奇勇士队一场激烈的战斗中将前凯奇勇士队羽量级冠军亚历克斯·恩伦德一路推向记分卡 73, 经过五轮激战,两队仅差一分.

纳里马尼与平布利特的比赛取得两连胜, 战胜杰里米·佩特利 (第一轮KO) 和丹尼尔·雷奎乔 (第三轮提交) 安排他的四月 1 与“坏人”发生冲突.

回乡前的讲话, 平布利特说: “我在利物浦赢得了冠军, 所以我绝对不会在这里失去它。”

“这是我的城市, 我的竞技场和我的头衔. 期待另一场盛大的聚会 – 和另一个巨大的胜利 – 当我回家捍卫我的金腰带时。”

笼勇士队主席格雷厄姆博伊兰说: “帕迪是大洋彼岸这项运动中最炙手可热的新秀,看到他在家乡球迷面前卫冕羽量级世界冠军的前景对于综合格斗迷来说是令人垂涎欲滴的前景.

“纳德将把他带到极限, 就像他对我们之前的羽量级冠军亚历克斯·恩伦德所做的那样, 所以期待一场艰难的考验和一场精彩的对决。”

笼战士门票 82 可以从 回声竞技场, 只需 25 英镑起: bit.ly/CW82tkts

有关笼式勇士的最新消息和更新,请访问 CageWarriors.com并按照我们 叽叽喳喳, Facebook的Instagram的.

笼子战士争夺冠军 是欧洲领先且时间最长的混合武术促销活动. 爱尔兰人拥有的品牌,在英国设有办事处 & 爱尔兰, CWFC是这项运动发展最快的组织, 上演 80 发生的事件 12 自成立以来,遍布三大洲的国家 2002. MMA过去的一些巨星的故乡, 现在和将来.



Coker and Di Blasi


以上: 斯科特·科克尔和卡罗帝布拉西

TORINO (二月. 7, 2017) – Bellator President Scott Coker today announced that his fast-rising promotion will be revisiting Torino, Italy for Bellator 176, which will be immediatelyfollowed by Bellator Kickboxing 5 at the Pala Alpitour on 星期六, 四月 8.

Less than one year ago, Bellator hosted it’s first-ever international event at the Pala Alpitour in front of a sold-out crowd of over 15,000 球迷. Since that show, the company has rapidly and successfully expanded across the globe under the direction of Coker, visiting London, 都柏林, 布达佩斯, 以色列, Florence and has an event booked in Belfast later this month.

The highly-anticipated return to Torino will feature MMA action starting Carrington “Jetsetter” Banks (6-0) VS. 米哈伊尔·尼卡 (5-0) in welterweight action as well as Djamal Chan (12-3) VS. 米尔恰·瓦列 (13-4) 在轻量级的事情中. Additional bouts, including a main event will be announced shortly.

In kickboxing action, Bellator’s female flyweight World Champion Denise Kielholtz (46-3) defends her strap for the first time against ISKA and WKU World Champion 玛蒂娜·米切莱托 (34-12-5) in the main event while 乔治·彼得罗相 (83-2-2, 1NC) 发生在 阿曼西奥·帕拉希夫 (23-5-1)

Bellator 176 Bellator Kickboxing 5 will be aired on SPIKE in America and further broadcast details will be announced shortly.

活动门票现已在 www.oktagon.it 并包括访问 Oktagon跆拳道 event in addition to the Bellator 176 Bellator Kickboxing 5 事件.

“We are thrilled to be returning to the amazing city of Torino and once again working with my friend Carlo Di Blasi and his team,“科克说:. “Carlo is a great partner, and we look forward to replicating the success we had in this sold-out arena last year.”

Oktagon is fortunate to be based in Italy, which is home to the most loyal and passionate sports fans in the world,” said Oktagon President Di Blasi. “The past two co-promotions with Scott and Bellator have been incredibly successful, and I know that this show will be no different.”

关于Bellator MMA:

Bellator MMA是一家领先的混合武术组织拥有众多最好的战斗机在世界. 在老将拼子斯科特·科克尔的方向, Bellator提供近 500 全球万户家庭超过 140 国家. 在美国, Bellator上可以看到穗, 在MMA电视龙头. Bellator MMA是由一个执行团队,其中包括顶尖行业人士在电视节目制作, 现场活动编排, 战斗机研制/关系, 会场采购, 赞助创建/开发, 国际牌, 市场营销, 广告, 宣传及佣金的关系. Bellator总部设在圣莫尼卡, 加利福尼亚州和娱乐巨头维亚康姆所拥有, 家与观众通过电视对面引人注目的内容连接世界上首屈一指的娱乐品牌, 影, 在线和移动平台.


Spike 在可 98.7 万个家庭,是维亚康姆媒体网络的一个部门. 维亚康姆的单位 (纳斯达克: VIA, VIAB), 维亚康姆媒体网络是全球领先的节目和内容的创造者在所有的媒体平台之一. Spike的互联网地址 www.spike.com 和达到了分钟和档案新闻信息和照片, 参观斯派克的新闻网站 http://www.spike.com/press. 跟随我们的Twitter spiketvpr 最新的新闻的更新, 背后的幕后信息和照片.

关于 Oktagon:

Oktagon has been a mainstay in combat sports for over 20 多年来, after officially being founded by Carlo Di Blasi in 1996. 节目一开始就致力于自由搏击, 最初给 MMA 的名称 (混合武术). 其他学科,如跆拳道, Muay Thai and Savate were gradually added. From the early 2000’s onwards. During the last years Oktagon has reached a huge popularity, 在意大利和国外, creating many superstars in the process. 在邸布拉西的注视, 推广已经把一些难忘的对决多年来与顶级战斗机,包括Bellator中量级保罗·戴利还有彼得罗兄弟 (乔治和阿尔钦), 罗宾·Roosmalen, Valentijn Overeem, 波多黎各范霍文和阿尔乔姆莱.



由: 卡勒·奥克斯

即时发布: 路易斯顿, 缅因 (二月 7, 2017) – On paper, it’s a mismatch. 行, while we’re being brutally honest, maybe it’s even a little crazy.

Mike “The Mustache” Hansen of Rumford stands a typical 5-foot-10. He has spent most of his competitive and everyday life since his junior year at Mountain Valley High School at a window between 200 和 215 英镑.

When he hits the double-digit threshold of fights as a professional mixed martial artist on 星期六, 二月 11, 汉森 (5-4) will take on a relative giant making his pro debut.

Ras Hylton stands 6-foot-6, probably even in bare feet. He entered the cage for the last of his three amateur fights, a second-round stoppage of Kevin Smith, 在 248 英镑.

汉森, 31, says “NEF 27: Resurgence” at the Androscoggin Bank Colisee in Lewiston is simply another day at the office for a fighter who’s a light heavyweight in body but a heavyweight in spirit.

“People don’t realize my background in high school. My sophomore year I weighed 185 英镑. I never went below that,” Hansen said. “When I turned 17, I went above 200 pounds and stayed there. After that I wrestled exclusively at 275. Guys that are 6-4 or taller, guys who weigh 270, I’ve been playing with them for about 16 years.”

Grit, determination and technique have served Hansen beautifully since his days at that level, when he was a state champion.

In addition to a stint in the U.S. 军队, Hansen spent the early years of his adult life dabbling in what was the relatively new discipline of MMA.

Not only were the opponents bigger than Hansen, they were chosen essentially at random. He rarely ventured into the cage with the benefit of a scouting report.

“There would be a place set up in a bar, it would be $25 在门口, and you wouldn’t know who you were going to fight until you got there. But I needed the experience,” Hansen said. “I had a lot of unsanctioned fights, and that makes for a lot of unsanctioned experience. Now I know the rules and mechanisms are set up to give me the best chance not to get injured. I feel like I’ve already experienced the worst that can happen to me.”

Hansen’s propensity for fighting anyone, 随时随地, anywhere has followed him to the more structured environment of NEF.

He was still admittedly getting back into fighting shape when he accepted the challenge against veteran super heavyweight Artie Mullen (265 英镑) 2月. 7, 2015. Hansen took the battle to the canvas quickly and outdueled Mullen in 57 秒.

Brendan Battles checked in at nearly 260 pounds when he dealt Hansen a first-round TKO. Even at his more natural 205-pound limit, Hansen hasn’t shied away from the best or the biggest. He owns victories over past NEF fighter of the year Crowsneck Boutin and the 6-foot-3 Matt Andrikut.

Hansen said that the ingredients to that success are no secret: Stay aggressive, push the issue early and stick to the game plan. 输赢, he has never sat on the stool in the corner during a pro fight. Each has ended in the first round.

“I’m a first-round fighter. If this one gets to the second round, it’s because I changed my game plan for some reason,” Hansen said. “If you look at my Artie Mullen and Jesse Baughman (Hansen won by triangle choke in 4:21) 打架, you could say, ‘Act 1, Scene 1,’ and it played out exactly the way I choreographed it. I was that meticulous.”

That’s the voice of experience, another element that is squarely in Hansen’s corner heading into the Hylton showdown.

The 28-year-old Hylton’s three amateur scraps – he also knocked out Zak Bergeron in the first round and Hansen’s teammate at Berserkers MMA, Matt Glover, in the second stanza – have required him to fight for a total of 9 分钟, 41 秒.

“He’s a black belt in taekwondo, so he’s no joke. He’s had three fights. I know he wanted to go pro and find better competition,” Hansen said. “I welcome it, just like when I fought Brendan Battles. They’re both really talented, really skilled guys, but you can’t get that experience from three or four amateur fights.

”I think my number one advantage is my experience, if you add up all my time spent in the cage. You can’t get that from training. You just have to do it.”

Hansen points out that stamina is a question for bigger fighters, especially those making the transition from amateur to pro.

Rounds increase in length from three to five minutes. Fighters often believe that their training camp has prepared them for the change, until they hit the proverbial, invisible wall.

“In an amateur fight you go hard for three minutes, take a one-minute break, feel pretty good, go three more minutes and you’re just about done,” Hansen said. “In a pro fight, you go into that first round and three-and-a-half minutes in, you’re saying, ‘I’m good, let’s go.’ Then it gets to four minutes and you’re like, ‘Holy crap, I’m tired now.’”

Although he suspects that most observers expect Hylton to win on the merits of his size advantage and impressive amateur winning streak, Hansen said that being underestimated is as customary to him as being undersized.

“I’ve had people tell my striking coach, J.B. (Jason Eric Bell), before a fight that they felt sorry for me that their guy had such an advantage. They’ve told my wrestling coach, 加里·多洛夫, the same thing,” Hansen said. “Then we get in there and it’s a different story.”

“NEF”开幕钟声 27: Resurgence” on 二月 11 被设定为 7 P.M. Tickets start at $25 和可在 www.TheColisee.com or by calling the Colisee box office at 207.783.2009, 延期 525.