Цатегори Арцхивес: Микед Мартиал Артс


Улазнице за „Цомбате Цласицо “у продаји сада

ЊУ ЈОРК - Јул 6, 2017 - Цомбате Америцас данас је најавио високо очекивану атомску тежину (105 фунти) сховдовн питтинг грапплинг сензација Кира "Могваи" Батара (5-4) против џудо црног појаса Ванеса Рицо (2-2) на предстојећем „Цлассиц Цомбат”10-струка професионална мешовита борилачка вештина (ММА) догађај у Мајамију, Фла., о Четвртак, Јул 27, преносио уживо на Азтеца Америца и ЕСПН ЛАТАМ.

Улазнице за „Цомбате Цласицо“ су у продаји на мрежи на адреси Тицкетон.цом.

Готово шест месеци након што није успео да одреди тежину за своју борбу 11 Главни догађај, 22-годишња Батара (5-4) Лас Вегас, Невада, штићеник џиу-џицу легенде Еди Браво, ризикује њен непоражени рекорд у Ла Јаули, цомбате Америцас кавез, у месту Миами’с Мана Винвоод, након огорченог ривалства које се наставља интензивирати на друштвеним мрежама.

„Није тајна да је међу нама лоша крв и узбуђена сам што ћу„ донети врућину “у Мајами и запалити перформанс„ Борбе ноћи “на тако великој сцени,”Рекао је Батара. „Из Лас Вегаса, Не волим да се коцкам, али ако постоји нешто на шта сам спреман да се кладим, то сам ја. "

Због чега је САД. деби, 36-годишњи Рицо (2-2) из Аликантеа, Шпанија, има другостепени црни појас у џудоу и 13-годишњи је члан шпанске репрезентације у џудоу и бивши државни првак у слободном рвању. Њене две професионалне победе у ММА каријери до данас су дошле путем предаје.

„Заиста сам се радовао борби за борбу у фебруару, али нажалост, Кира ми је отела ту прилику својим непрофесионалним понашањем пропуштајући тежину,”Рекао је Рицо. „Надам се да ће Кира овог пута бити спремна јер сам веома мотивисана да покажем свету ко сам. Сад сам толико чекао да уђем у кавез на Цомбате, то је моје време!"

ММА догађај „Цомбате Цласицо“ уживо придружиће се готово недељној екстраваганци која започиње мечем између фудбалских клубова Јувентуса и Парис Саинт-Гермаина на стадиону Хард Роцк на Јул 26 као и концерти, забаве и други интерактивни догађаји пре „Ел Цласицо Миами“ дана Јул 29.

Догађај ће се уживо емитовати у САД-у. на Азтеца Америца и уживо на ЕСПН ЛАТАМ у Латинској Америци на 10 п.м. И/9 п.м. ЦТ. Такође ће се емитовати следеће ноћи, Петак, Јул 28 на ТВ Азтеца у Мексику. Додатни мечеви за „Цомбате Цласицо“ биће ускоро најављени.

За више информација о навијачима Ел Цласицо Мајамија можете их посетити елцласицомиами.цом и интернатионалцхампионсцуп.цом.


ЗА ОБЈАВЉИВАЊЕ ОДМАХ: Бангор, Мејн (Јул 3, 2017) - Нев Енгланд Фигхтс (НЕФ) returns to the Cross Insurance Center у суботу ноћ, Август 5, 2017 са следећом мешовитим борилачким вештинама-догађају Фигхт Промотион је, “НЕФ 30: Rumble in Bangor.” Раније данас, NEF announced the addition of a female amateur bantamweight bout to the fight card. Ангела Иоунг (2-2) ће се састати JessicaThe Black WidowBorga (5-3) на тежини борбе од 135 килограма.

If there is anyone who knows about putting on exciting fights, it is Angela Young. The wife of Young’s MMA founder Chris Young, мајка, and a full-time nurse, she has brought the heat in all four of her previous contests for NEF, earning several “Борба оф тхе Нигхт” honors. Young had the crowd on the edge of its seat for her thrilling encounter with Christine Brothwell earlier this yeara fight she won via unanimous decision. She has never backed down, even when on the losing end of a slugfest like the one she had with Kylie O’Hearn on Cape Cod last year, and it has made her one of the most popular fighters with the NEF audience. Based on their styles, Young predicts yet another strike-fest full of fireworks when she meets Borga on August 5th.

I’m beyond excited for the match up with Borga for NEF in Bangor,” рекао Млади. “I respect her as a fighter and even more so for traveling to Maine once again take a fight. Neither one of us are afraid to stand and bang, making this a fight people aren’t going to want to miss.

Jessica Borga of Florida will make the trip north to compete in Maine for the third time in less than a year. She made her NEF debut last September and quickly became a favorite of Pine Tree State fight fans. Last November, Borga put on a dominant performance in Lewiston, winning a unanimous decision over black belt Brianne Genschel. She has captured multiple regional titles in the southeast portion of the country. Borga looks forward to returning to fight in front of her Maine fans once again.

I can’t wait to be back at NEF for 2017,exclaimed Borga when reached for comment. “I’ve been waiting to come back and show what I’ve learned. I appreciate Angela Young stepping up to put on a show for everyone. I’ll be ready and can’t wait to show my improvements.

"НЕФ 30: Rumble in Bangor” will be held at Cross Insurance Center in Bangor, Maine on Saturday, Август 5, 2017. Улазнице су у продаји сада на ввв.ЦроссИнсуранцеЦентер.цом.

За више информација о новостима догађаја и ФИГХТ ЦАРД, посетите сајт промоцији је у ввв.НевЕнгландФигхтс.цом. Додатно, можете гледати видео записе на НЕФ ввв.иоутубе.цом/НЕФММА, follow them on Twitter @nefights and join the official Facebook group “Нев Енгланд Фигхтс."

О Нове Енглеске Бои

Нев Енгланд Фигхтс ("НЕФ") је борба настани промоције компанија. Мисија НЕФ је да створи најквалитетније догађаје за Маине бораца и фанове подједнако. Извршни тим НЕФ има велико искуство у борби спортски менаџмент, Производња догађаји, односи са медијима, маркетинг, правни и оглашавање.


ЗА ОБЈАВЉИВАЊЕ ОДМАХ: Gorham, Мејн (Јун 30, 2017) - Нев Енгланд Фигхтс (НЕФ) announced earlier today that the fight promotion would once again sponsor an athlete at this year’s BrawlinLobsta Wrestling Clinic & Turnir. The camp is set to take place at the Gorham campus of the University of Southern Maine (УСМ) одЈул 18 to July 22. As it has done in years past, NEF will select one winner for which the fight promotion will cover tuition to the program.

This is one of the most important things we do in the community every year,” said NEF matchmaker and co-owner Matt Peterson of Rumford, Мејн. “So many of our promotion’s competitors came from a wrestling background. Wrestling instills in young athletes a lifelong sense of discipline and hard work, and that is exactly what we want the winner of this contest to take away from the camp this summer.

Camp instructors Mike Morin and Jon Deupree are both veterans of the MMA cage. Morin is the head wrestling coach at USM and a two-time All-American during his days competing for the Huskies. Deupree is an assistant coach with USM and was a two-time NCAA national qualifier.

“Myself and my staff would like to thank NEF for once again sponsoring a local wrestler to attend the Brawlin’ Lobsta Wrestling Camp,” exclaimed Morin. “This is not only directly helping raise the level of wrestling in the state of Maine, it has also helped us at USM jump levels. We look forward to working with all of the wrestlers this year at the camp and in the future.”

Interested contestants are asked to submit a photograph of themselves wrestling to either the NEF Facebook page or via email to newenglandfights@gmail.com along with a brief statement of 100 words or less detailing why they believe the clinic will help them achieve their goals.

Нев Енгланд Фигхтс’ next mixed-martial arts event, "НЕФ 30: Rumble in Bangor,” will be held at Cross Insurance Center in Bangor, Маине о Субота, Август 5, 2017. Улазнице су у продаји сада на ввв.ЦроссИнсуранцеЦентер.цом.

За више информација о новостима догађаја и ФИГХТ ЦАРД, посетите сајт промоцији је у ввв.НевЕнгландФигхтс.цом. Додатно, можете гледати видео записе на НЕФ ввв.иоутубе.цом/НЕФММА, follow them on Twitter @nefights and join the official Facebook group “Нев Енгланд Фигхтс."

Име непознато Борилачки спортови Покажи: УФЦ и Беллатор Рекапс, PFL Preview, Boxing Schedule

Том, Tony and Rich recap last week’s major events, including the controversial UFC Fight Night 112 finish and the near double KO at Bellator 180 from Madison Square Garden. We also discuss Conor McGregor calling out Khabib Nurmagomedov for his next opponent in the UFC Octagon. We of course also break down Manny Pacquiao vs. Jeff Horn.



M-1 Global returns to Finland for first time in 9 године


М-1 Цхалленге 82, Август 5, in Helsinki

Hartwall Arena in Helsinki, Finland
Home for М-1 Цхалленге 82
САНКТ-ПЕТЕРБУРГ, Русија (Јун 28, 2017) – М-1 Глобал, one of the largest mixed-martial-arts organizations in the world, has announced its return to Finland for the first time in nine years, Август 5, as top fighters from Finland, Русија, America and across Europe will compete in М-1 Цхалленге 82.
М-1 Цхалленге 82 will be streamed live from Helsinki, Finland in high definition on ввв.М1Глобал.ТВ. Гледаоци ће моћи да прате прелиминарне борбе и главну картицу пријавом на региструју на ввв.М1Глобал.ТВ. Навијачи могу да гледају све акције на својим рачунарима, као и на Андроид и Аппле паметних телефона и таблета.
Hartwall Arena, the largest ice hockey arena in Finland, ће бити домаћин М-1 Цхалленге 82. The famous venue seats between 12,000 и 15,000 spectators, pending the event, and it has hosted the 1997, 2003 и 2012 World Ice Hockey Championships.
Past M-1 Challenge events have featured leading Finnish fighters over the years such as Марцус “Пећински човек” Vanttinen (pictured on left), Juha-Pekka Vainikainen, Niko Puhakka, Janne Tulirinta, Toni Valtonen и Lucio “Спартанац” Linares. Some of these fighters will be competingАвгуст 5 у М-1 Цхалленге 82.
M-1 Global’s newest signed fighter, Vanttinen (24-6-0, М-1: 2-2-0), is a veteran member of the Team Finland. The 29-year-old Vanttinen faces Russian light heavyweight prospect Михаил Рагозин (8-2-0, М-1: 1-0-0) у М-1 Цхалленге 82 Главни догађај.
Mikael “Понтон” Silander (16-5-0, М-1:0-0-0), 31, has an appropriate nickname. Powerfully built and possessing explosive physical force, he puts pressure on his rivals from the first second of the battle, using his grappling skills to his full advantage. Having won 15 његовог 20 туче, Silander is matched against M-1 Challenge title challenger Viali Branchuk (22-6-0, М-1: 2-2-0), Украјине,
Finnish fan-favorite JanneJambaElonen-Kulmala (15-5-0, М-1: 0-0-0) makes his M-1 Global debut versus Brazilian bantamweight Хелитон дос Сантос (15-6-0, М-1: 0-1-0). Elonen-Kulmala will be fighting in front of his hometown fans in Helsinki.
Valtonen (27-15-0, М-1: 6-2-0) returns to M-1 action against Ukrainian heavyweight BorisBoraPolezhay(16-6-0, М-1: 1-1-0. Valtonen has been an MMA fighter for 14 years and for much of that time-period he has been one of the stars of Finnish MMA-promotion, Fight Festival, which was successful at the 2009 M-1 World Championship Challenge. Valtonen fought in KSW and Shooto competitions. Another Helsinki native on the М-1 Цхалленге 82, Valtonen figures to have tremendous support at Hartwell Arena.
Son LeBuddahBinh (5-2-0, М-1: 1-1-0), 28, lives and trains in Gothenburg, representing the Finnish team, East Front. The 28-year-old first competed in MMA competition only five years ago, but he has since had a total of eight amateur and professional fights. Although relatively inexperienced, his strong performances have resulted in him being Sweden’s No. 3 rangiran u bantam kategoriji.
Binh is always in great physical shape and he has very good stamina. All eight of his fights went the distance but none were boring. In a contest against another Swedish prospect, Bilal Musa, Bing fractured his leg at the beginning of the second round, yet fought through the paid to earn victory by way of a three-round decision. In his very interesting M-1 debut against Emin Guseyov, who has an excellent strike technique. Binh used his wrestling and grappling skills, which he was taught by coach Babak Nejad, who also trains UFC star Антхони Јохнсон, to win a three-round decision.
Negotiations with several other leading fighters in Finland are also being concluded and their fights against foreign fighters will be announced shortly. Fighters from the United States, Бразил, Француска, Португалија, Шведска, Русија, Ukraine and Poland are also expected to compete on the М-1 Цхалленге 82 догађај.


Твиттер & Инстаграм:
@ М1ГлобалНевс
@ М1Глобал
М-1 Цхалленге 81: Јул 22, 2017 у Ингушетији, Русија
М-1 Цхалленге 82: Август 5, 2017 in Helsinki, Finland



Tickets are on sale NOW through CrownTickets.com
ХОУСТОН, Тексас – Легаци Фигхтинг Аллианце (ЛФА) CEO Ed Soares announced today that the promotion will crown its inaugural lightweight champion in July when the promotion makes its first visit to North Carolina.
The main event of LFA 17 will feature the inaugural LFA lightweight world title fight between the final RFA lightweight champion Thiago Moisés and regional kingpin Robert Watley . ЛФА 17 – Moisés vs. Watley takes place Петак, 21. јула at the Grady Cole Center in Charlotte, Северна Каролина. Цео главни картица ће бити уживо преносило и земље на АКСС ТВ у 9 п.м. И / 6 п.м. ПТ.
LFA will crown its first lightweight champion at LFA 17 in North Carolina,” Наведени Соарес. “Thiago Moisés is one of the most dominant champions in RFA history and Robert Watley has won multiple regional titles on the east coast. I am excited to see these two proud champions face off for the inaugural LFA lightweight title on 21. јула.”
Tickets for LFA 17 – Moisés vs. Watley are available for purchase NOW. You can support your favorite fighter by purchasing your tickets through CrownTickets.com and selecting their name at checkout.
Moisés (9-1) is one of the most dominant champions in RFA history. This is a promotion that has sent champions such as Sergio Pettis, Pedro Munhoz, and Brian Ortega to the UFC. The 22-year-old Brazilian dominated in all four of his RFA fights, but his title winning performance at RFA 35 is perhaps the most memorable. Moisés utilized an ultra-rare Helicopter Armbar to submit David Castillo to capture the vacant title. Highlights of the submission went viral and he was subsequently nominated forSubmission of the Yearat the annual World MMA Awards in Las Vegas. Moisés then defended his title twice and was featured on Dana White: LookinFor A Fight during his first title defense. He is now looking to add the inaugural LFA lightweight title to his ever-growing list of accomplishments.
Watley (7-1) is widely considered the top lightweight prospect on the east coast. The Maryland native is currently riding a seven-fight win streak that has wreaked havoc along the eastern seaboard to the point that movie buffs are now looking to amend the famous quote from Wedding Crashers: “Crabcakes, Фудбал, and MMA. That’s what Maryland does!” Watley is looking to win a third MMA title in four consecutive title fights. Међутим, this will be the most prestigious title that he has vied for and he sees the LFA title as his proof that he his the undisputed top lightweight prospect in the sport. The surging Baltimore battering ram put theharmin Charm City and now looks to do the same further south as he heads to North Carolina to fight for the inaugural LFA lightweight tile.
The co-main event of LFA 17 will feature a heated border war and long-awaited rematch between top bantamweight prospects from North Carolina and Virginia, when Dylan Cala (5-1) looks to avenge the lone loss on his record against longtime rival Tony Gravely (9-4). Cala is a highly-touted prospect fromThe Tar Heel State”. He is looking to defend his home turf and even the score against the only man to defeat him. That man would be Gravely, who is an NCAA Division I wrestler who grew up just north of the border in Virginia.
In the women’s bantamweight division, Alexa Conners (4-1) returns to the LFA Octagon after an exciting and triumphant performance at LFA 8. That bout served as the first televised MMA fight to take place in her home state of South Carolina. The 26-year-old now heads north of the border where she will welcome one of Brazil’s top female prospects to the Carolinas.
Talita de Oliveira (5-1) has competed five times in her native Brazil and once in Europe. Her most recent bout was a first round win in Poland, which took place one day after Connersmost recent bout at LFA 8. The 30-year-old Brazilian submission expert is now set to make her North American debut against one of the division’s top American prospects as she faces Conners at LFA 17.
ЛФА 17 will also feature the promotional debut of Nathan “Осакаћење” Maness (8-0), who is one of the top bantamweight prospects in the country. The 25-year-old regional champion is widely considered one of the south’s most promising talents. After the first two opponents he signed on to face withdrew due to various reasons, the third scheduled opponent is expected to be named soon.
Currently Announced Main Card (Televised on AXS TV at 9 п.м. И / 6 п.м. ПТ):
Маин Евент | Lightweight Title Bout (155 лб)
Thiago Moisés (9-1) вс. Robert Watley (7-1)
Ко Маин Евент | Хеавивеигхт Боут (135 лб)
Dylan Cala (5-1) вс. Tony Gravely (9-4)
Women’s Bantamweight Bout (135 лб)
Alexa Conners (4-1) вс. Talita de Oliveira (5-1)
Хеавивеигхт Боут (135 лб)
Nathan Maness (8-0) вс. ТБД
У Септембру 2016, RFA and Legacy FC officials announced that they would be merging to form the premier developmental organization in Mixed Martial Arts (ММА) starting in January 2017. RFA and Legacy FC have launched the careers of over 100 athletes that have reached the pinnacle of MMA by competing in the UFC.
ЛФА 17 will serve as the second LFA event to take place on the east coast. It will also be the first time that the LFA has traveled toThe Tar Heel Stateof North Carolina before or after the merger. Further information about LFA 17 Ускоро ће бити расписан. The entire main card of LFA 17 ће бити уживо преносило и земље на АКСС ТВ на 9 п.м. И / 6 п.м. ПТ.
Молимо Вас да посетите LFAfighting.com за око ажурирања и информације. LFA is on Facebook at Легаци Фигхтинг Аллианце. LFA is also on Instagram at @LFAfighting и Твиттер у @LFAfighting.
About LFA:
LFA is a professional Mixed Martial Arts promotion that gives rising stars and top contenders the opportunity to prove their talent to fans and leaders in the industry. LFA was formed by the powerhouse merger between RFA and Legacy FC. LFA presents live Mixed Martial Arts events on a monthly basis around the United States including Las Vegas, Лос Анђелес, Денвер, Далас, and Houston. LFA can be seen live in over 48 милиона домова национално преко њеног телевизијског баве АКСС ТВ. Based in Houston, ТКС, LFA is one of the most active and respected MMA organizations in the fastest growing sport in the world. (Оцтагон, Ултимате Фигхтинг Цхампионсхип®, УФЦ®, и осам једностран мат конкуренција и кавез дизајн су регистровани заштитни знаци у власништву искључиво Жуффа, ДОО. Алл ригхтс ресервед).
АКСС ТВ Фигхтс представља још Камере Микед Мартиал Артс и кицкбок догађаје него било који други телевизијске мреже са 45 scheduled LIVE world-class fight cards in 2017 Петак nights at 9pE/6pP. AXS TV Fights can be found Онлине, о Фацебоок i dalje Твиттер. AXS TV is widely distributed in the U.S. via AT&Т У-стих, Чартер, Цомцаст / КСФИНИТИ, ДИРЕЦТВ, ЈЕЛО, слинг ТВ-, Судденлинк, Веризон ФиОС, и други кабл, сателит, telco and streaming providers. The network is also carried in Canada, Мексико и Кариби.





ЛОС АНГЕЛЕС – Bellator returns home to SAP Center in San Jose, Калиф. у суботу, Септембар 23 за Беллатор 183 и Беллатор Кицкбокинг 7, which features the return of former world champ “Smooth” Benson Henderson (24-7) taking on the always-dangerous Патрицки "Питбулл" (17-8), while current Bellator welterweight kickboxing champ Karim Ghajji (97-13-1) defends his title against the flashy Раимонд Даниелс (11-3).

Додатно, Беллатор 183: Хендерсон вс. Питбулл will also feature the promotional debut of Roy “Big Country” Nelson (23-14) who meets California’s own Javy “Eye Candy” Ayala (10-5) in an explosive heavyweight showdown. Additional contests will be announced in the coming weeks.

Беллатор 183: Хендерсон вс. Питбулл will be broadcast live and free on SPIKE at 9 п.м. И/8 п.м. ЦТ, while preliminary action will stream on Bellator.com and the Bellator Mobile App. Tickets for the event go on sale Thursday, Јун 29 у 10:00 а.м. PST and are available at Ticketmaster.com.

Following what many considered to be 2016’s “Fight of the Year” against Michael Chandler, Henderson took time off to deal with nagging injuries. Сада, the 33-year-old is back to 100-percent and ready to take on the other “Pitbull” brother, following a victory against Bellator’s current featherweight champion Patricio “Pitbull”at Bellator 160 у августу прошле године. With wins against Nate Diaz, Доналд Церроне, Франкие Едгар, Gilbert Melendez and Jorge Masvidal already in his nearly 11 years as a professional, “Smooth” is healthy again and looking for another championship run in his already-impressive career.

Patricky “Pitbull” comes into this bout seeking revenge against Henderson following his TKO win over younger brother, Патрик. The Rio Grande Do Norte, Brazil product steps inside the Bellator cage for the18th time in his professional career and will be looking to build on an impressive start to his 2017 кампања. Having won seven of his last 10 крајеви, including a second-round finish of Josh Thomson at Беллатор 172 у фебруару, the 31-year-old has seen 11 његовог 12 career finishes come by way of knockout.

The inaugural Bellator welterweight kickboxing champion, Ghajji, traded victories with Zoltan Laszak on his road to meeting Daniels on September 23. The 36-year-old, known to many by the nickname “Gadjetboy,” will be making his fifth appearance under the Bellator Kickboxing umbrella, and will look to successfully defend his title for the first time since reclaiming the belt in April at Беллатор Кицкбокинг 6 у Мађарској.

Hailing from Los Angeles, Daniels will bring his aggressive, one-of-a-kind karate style to Northern California for the first time since debuting with Bellator last year. Undefeated with the promotionearning three stoppages in four outings“The Real Deal” will look to punish the body of Ghajji when Daniels competes to claim his first world kickboxing title.

Фигхтинг из Лас Вегаса, Nelson makes his Bellator debut following an eight-year, 19-fight run with UFC that saw him earn wins over Mirko Cro Cop, Антонио Родриго Ногуеира, “Bigfoot” Silva and Cheick Kongo. Са 19 његовог 22 каријера освојити долази путем нокаутом или подношења, “Big Country” is ready to make his return to Spike, where he memorably defeated the late Kimbo Slice and later went on to win season 10 of The Ultimate Fighter.

Ayala will enter the Bellator cage against Nelson looking for another shocking upset following his last outing against Sergei Kharitonov at Беллатор 163, where Ayala stole the show against Kharitonov by stopping the Russian heavyweight with a powerful punch a mere 16-seconds into the first round. Сада, given the opportunity to formally welcome Nelson to the Bellator fray, “Eye Candy” is looking to stun the crowd once again and firmly establish himself as a threat to the entire heavyweight division. With all five of Ayala’s wins in Bellator coming by way of stoppage, the matchup with Nelson is sure to produce fireworks.


Упдатед Беллатор 183: Хендерсон вс. Питбулл Фигхт Цард

Лагани главни догађај: Бенсон Хендерсон (24-7) вс. Патрицки "Питбулл" Фреире (17-8)

Тешка категорија, главни меч: Рои Нелсон (23-14) вс. Јави Аиала (10-5)


Упдатед Беллатор Кицкбокинг 7: Ghajji vs. Daniels Фигхт Цард

Welterweight Kickboxing World Title Main Event: Karim Ghajji (97-13-1) вс. Раимонд Даниелс (11-3)



About Bellator:

Bellator is a leading mixed martial arts and kickboxing organization featuring many of the best fighters in the world. Под руководством ветерана борба промотора Сцотт Цокер, Беллатор је доступан готово 1 billion people worldwide in over 160 Земље. У Сједињеним Америчким Државама, Bellator can be seen on SPIKE, the combat sports television leader. Bellator is comprised of an executive team that includes top industry professionals in television production, догађај уживо Оркестрација, развојни борац / односи, венуе набавке, Стварање спонзорство / развој, Међународни лиценцирање, маркетинг, оглашавање, публицитет и провизија односи. Bellator is based in Hollywood, Калиф. and owned by entertainment giant Viacom, дом за забаву премијер светских брендова који повезују са публиком кроз занимљив материјал широм телевизији, филм, Онлине и мобилне платформе.


О Спике:

Шиљак  is available in 98.7 million  homes and is a division of Viacom Media Networks. Јединица Виацом (НАСДАК: ВИА, ВИАБ), Виацом Медиа Нетворкс је један од водећих светских креатора програма и садржаја на свим медијских платформи. Spike’s Internet address is  ввв.спике.цом  and for up-to-the-minute and archival press information and photographs, visit Spike’s press site at  http://www.spike.com/press. Follow us on Twitter  спикетвпр  for the latest in breaking news updates, иза-сцене информације и фотографије.


ЗА ОБЈАВЉИВАЊЕ ОДМАХ: Бангор, Мејн (Јун 28, 2017) - Нев Енгланд Фигхтс (НЕФ) returns to the Cross Insurance Center у суботу ноћ, Август 5, 2017 са следећом мешовитим борилачким вештинама-догађају Фигхт Промотион је, “НЕФ 30: Rumble in Bangor.” Раније данас, NEF announced the addition of an amateur middleweight contest to the fight card. Josh Jones (2-0) will take on the debuting Carlton Charles (0-0) на тежини борбе од 185 килограма.

It has taken Jones a mere 24-seconds combined to polish off his first two opponents. His four-second victory over Anthony Spires (0-3) earlier this month set an all-time NEF record for fastest knockout. Video of the punch went viral almost immediately, giving Jones worldwide notoriety with exposure on major sports websites like Bleacher Report.

Prior to joining First Class MMA of Brunswick, Мејн, Jones was known for his exploits on the basketball court. He led Erskine Academy to a class B Maine state championship in 2004. Касније, as a senior at Husson University in Bangor, Jones averaged 19 points and 11 rebounds per game and was namedplayer of the yearby the Maine Basketball Writers and Coaches Association. He was drafted by the Rio Grande Valley Vipers of the NBA Developmental League (NBDL).

For all his accomplishments on the hardwood and the MMA cage, Jones is not resting on his laurels. His focus now is on the future and his upcoming fight on Август 5 with Carlton Charles.

Carlton Charles is another opponent that I have to respect and I know my teammates and coaches at First Class will have me prepared for everything,” said Jones. “I am trying to be well-rounded so that I can win anywhere in the cage. I look forward to another opportunity to showcase my talents.

Where Jones excelled on the basketball court, his opponent Carlton Charles was a star on the football field. Charles played for Windham High School and was later an assistant coach of the team when they won a class A Maine state championship in 2009. He would go on to play for the University of Maine Black Bears Division I NCAA team. Charles had a career season in 2011, playing in all 13 games for the Black Bears that year with a series of receptions and special teams tackles to his credit.

The Charles family name will be familiar to longtime NEF fans as Carlton is the younger brother of MMA and boxing veteran Nate Charles. Carlton has been training with Nate for his MMA debut as a member of team Charles Family Fighting.

I’m just really excited, thankful and extremely blessed for the opportunity to fight,” said Carlton Charles when reached for comment. “It’s always been something that I’ve wanted to do, but with football it was hard to be able to find the time to train. I’ve seen the videos of Josh’s first two fights and it is impressive what he has been able to do in the short amount of time that he has been training. I feel it should be a fun matchup with both of our athletic backgrounds and hopefully we can put on a great fight.

"НЕФ 30: Rumble in Bangor” will be held at Cross Insurance Center in Bangor, Maine on Saturday, Август 5, 2017. Улазнице су у продаји сада наввв.ЦроссИнсуранцеЦентер.цом.

За више информација о новостима догађаја и ФИГХТ ЦАРД, посетите сајт промоцији је у ввв.НевЕнгландФигхтс.цом. Додатно, можете гледати видео записе на НЕФ ввв.иоутубе.цом/НЕФММА, follow them on Twitter @nefights and join the official Facebook group “Нев Енгланд Фигхтс."

О Нове Енглеске Бои

Sensational heavyweight showdown announced for “М-1 Цхалленге 81: Battle in the Mountains 6” Сергеј Харитонов вс. Geronimo Dos Santos

Јул 22 у Ингушетији
САНКТ-ПЕТЕРБУРГ, Русија (Јун 28, 2017M-1 Global has announced a sensational heavyweight shodeown between two International stars, Сергеј “Паратроопер” Харитонов и GeronimoMondragonDos Santos, at the July 22НД М-1 Цхалленге 81: Битка у планинама 6, to be held in the Republic of Ingushetia.
The international MMA event will coincide with the 25тх anniversary celebration of the Republic of Ingushetia.
The M-1 Challenge bantamweight championship fight between defending champion Павел Витрук (14-2-0), and interim titlist Мовсар Евлоев (7-0, М-1: 7-0) had been previously announced for М-1 Цхалленге 81.

The two giant heavyweights fighting on the card are each world ranked by Fightmatrix, both preferring early endings as they have 40 combined knockouts. This exciting duel is a fitting addition for such a grand tournament like М-1 Цхалленге 81: The Battle of the Mountains 6.
Russian strongman Kharitonov (24-6-0, М-1: 4-0-0) is coming off a devastating, one-punch knockout of American Рамо Тхиерри Сокоудјоу in the opening round of their main event fight, Јун 15 у Кини, у М-1 Цхалленге 80. Харитонов (pictured below on right vs. Кени Гарнер) has stopped 15 његовог 24 victims to date.
The fifth-highest rated Brazilian heavyweight in world ranking, Сантос (39-18-0, М-1: 0-0-0) looks like a frightening bodybuilder, displaying 290-pounds of cut muscle on his 6′ 3″ frame. У његовом 57 pro MMA fights around the world, on ima 39 победе, 25 coming by knockout. Although this will be his M-1 debut, Santos has fought several times in Russia, reaching the final of the Ahmat Grand Prix, where he lost to Zelimkhan Umievu. у децембру прошле године, he dropped a unanimous decision to Evgeny Erokhin уMFP: Cup of the Eastern Borders 2. Santos is returning once again to Russia on Јул 22 to take on an MMA monster in Kharitonov, hoping to defy the legendary Russian mixed martial artist.
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FNU Combat Sports Show With Special Guest Richard Barrientes, Pound For Pound Boxing Gym Coach

Том, Tony and Rich interview an up-and-coming Vegas boxing coach who is starting to make some real waves with his amateur and pro pupils. Richard Barrientes is obviously doing a great job with his students, and we had to know what his secret was. He points toconsistency” и “fundamentalsas the foundation for a great fighter, and he also puts a lot of work in every day to put his Las Vegas Pound 4 Pound gym on the world stage in a huge way. This was a fantastic interview with a man who obviously cares deeply about the sport and wants to make a positive impact on society. His hard work paid off in giving him a group of kids who could become future world champions in their respective divisions. He is indeed, doing something right in Las Vegas, and he explains everything about his program in this interview.

Том, Tony and Rich also discussed Mayweather vs. МцГрегор, Tim Hague’s recent death after a brutal defeat in boxing, Female Boxer Heather Hardy’s pro MMA debut for Bellator, and Matt Hughestragic accident in the first part of the broadcast. We also chat about Tony Penecale’s Boxing 101 video with his trainees and Hank Cisco:

We wrap up the show with a recap of last week’s UFC Fight Night and all the boxing action, plus we look ahead to this weekend’s boxing matches and the stacked MMA lineups for Bellator and the UFC.