分类存档: 混合武术




天使- Bellator is pleased to announce a renewed global partnership with Monster Energy. The new three-year-deal sees Monster Energy, a longstanding official partner, remain a key part of Bellator’s marketing strategy going forward.




“The partnership with Monster Energy has been an important component of our business since day one,” Bellator总裁Scott Coker的说. “They have played a factor in our success and we are thrilled to announce this new three-year extension. The hard work and passion that Hans Molenkamp and the rest of their team have for this sport is unmatched. We look forward to new and exciting opportunities for our brand, fighters and fans that this continued relationship brings to the table.”




Beginning in 2014, Bellator became the first MMA promotion to partner with Monster Energy, which paved the way in creating numerous future sponsorship opportunities throughout the combat sports landscape. 自那时以来,, many of MMA’s most memorable events and elite athletes have been supported by the industry-leading energy drink brand.




“Bellator delivers compelling, high-action, adrenaline-pumping MMA events worldwide,” added Monster Energy Vice President of Sports Marketing Mitch Covington. “We are thrilled to continue our longtime partnership and look forward to evolving our relationship even further, allowing us to further integrate the Monster Energy and Bellator brands.”




历年, Monster Energy and Bellator have worked together to host unique and creative activations for fans. 早先, Monster Energy Bellator MMA fight series events have been held during Monster Energy NASCAR Cup Series and Monster Energy Supercross races. Drawing thousands in attendance to experience live MMA bouts and fighter autograph signings, these events are expected to continue and evolve under the new partnership.




Monster Energy has also led the way in fighter sponsorship, building one of the most talented and diverse athlete rosters in the sport. Monster currently sponsors prominent Bellator fighters Quinton “Rampage” Jackson, current welterweight champ Rory MacDonald, 迈克尔·钱德勒, 罗伊·尼尔森, 菲尔·戴维斯, James Gallagher and Gaston Bolanos, as well as kickboxers Kevin Ross, Joe Schilling and John Wayne Parr.




Monster Energy will also be featured prominently throughout the broadcast, including on-screen integration and placement inside the Bellator cage.




另外, fans can look forward to meeting their favorite fighters and Bellator personalities at official dinners, parties and other meet-and-greets throughout the year.




欲了解更多信息, 请访问 Bellator.comMonsterEnergy.com.


官方重量 “FFC 34” Fight Dome 的多学科活动

拉斯维加斯, NV, (十一月 15, 2018) – 重量为官方重量 “FFC 34 – 加扎尼 vs. 唱歌”, 一个‘多学科’ (拳击, 跆拳道和综合格斗) fight card, 发生在周五晚上, 11月16日, 在 “战斗圆顶,” 位于凯撒娱乐公司拉斯维加斯里约. 门开处 5:30 P.M. (太平洋标准时间), 第一回合定于 6:15 P.M. (太平洋标准时间).




一群喧闹的格斗运动爱好者聚集在格斗穹顶电视演播室前, 位于拉斯维加斯里约假面舞会村, to watch the “FFC 34” 拳手们为周五晚上的格斗卡增重.




“毫无疑问,这将是一个有趣的战斗之夜,” FFC 首席执行官/创始人说道, 奥萨特·佐夫科. “每一位拳手都拥有非常受粉丝喜爱的战斗风格,他们都承诺为拉斯维加斯格斗巨蛋和哥伦比亚广播公司体育频道观看的粉丝们带来一场精彩的表演。”




最后的战斗锦标赛 (FFC) 是第一个也是唯一一个专业格斗运动特许经营商,为粉丝提供独特的“多学科”’ 经验 (拳击, 跆拳道和综合格斗), 每场比赛都以冠军争夺战告终. 所有 FFC 活动均在内部举行 “战斗圆顶” 凯撒娱乐拉斯维加斯里约热内卢, 格斗运动的全新圣地.




门票可在任何拉斯维加斯凯撒娱乐售票处和 TicketMaster.com 购买. ‘多学科’ 赛事将在哥伦比亚广播公司体育频道全国播​​出, 以及西班牙语, 墨西哥和拉丁美洲的 Claro Sports. 检查您的本地列表以获取更多信息.




有关 FFC 的更多信息,您可以访问 www.finalfightchampionship.com 或在 Instagram 上关注 FFC, 推特和脸书@FFCFighting.




以下是官方称重结果 “FFC 34 – 加扎尼 vs. 唱歌”

(MMA) 重量级组

马里乌斯·坎托内鲁 (0-1-0), 拉斯维加斯, 内华达/罗马尼亚, 219 磅.

扎克·卡文德 (亲亮相), 图埃勒, OUT, 212.4 磅.


(跆拳道) 重量级比赛

杰梅因 “没有一个字。” 丛林 (24-6-0), 洛杉矶, 例如, 153.8 磅.

梅勒提斯 “噩梦” 卡库巴瓦斯 (32-7-0), 雅典, 希腊, 155.2 磅.

(拳击) 超轻量级

艾萨克 “蓝色” 卢纳 (3-0-0), 步骤, TX, 143.4 磅

凯文· “雷雨” 约翰逊 (5-1-0), 拉斯维加斯, NV, 144 磅.


(合作的主要事件 – MMA) 重量级组

DJ. “来自门生” 林德曼 (21-14-0), 怀里卡, 例如, 264.2 磅.

托尼 “废墟” 约翰逊 (11-4-1), 纳什维尔, TN, 265.6 磅

(主要事件 – 跆拳道) FFC轻量级冠军争夺战

布鲁诺·加扎尼 (60-6-0), 巴西, 154.4 磅.

[卫冕冠军] 只是唱歌 (35-6-1), 斯洛文尼亚, 154.8 磅.

如上图所示 (从左到右) 布鲁诺·加扎尼, FFC 首席执行官 Orsat Zovko 和 FFC 轻量级跆拳道卫冕冠军, 只是唱歌 (FFC 34 主赛事战士。)

如上图所示 (从左到右) DJ 林德曼, FFC 首席执行官奥萨特·佐夫科, 托尼 “废墟” 约翰逊 (FFC 34 合作的主要事件)
照片由以下人员提供: 谢尔盖·巴拉诺夫/决赛冠军


(图片来源: 八斗杰克 Instagram)
会见哈比卜·努尔马戈梅多夫 & 更多
LAS VEGAS (十一月 12, 2018) – 两级拳击冠军 八斗杰克 继续证明他是真正的世界冠军,他进行了一次激动人心的迪拜之旅,其中包括参加迪拜健身挑战赛的邀请, 与 UFC 明星 Khabib Nurmagomedov 的会面等等.
应迪拜旅游局邀请, 杰克参与了鼓励阿联酋国民的倡议, 居民和游客锻炼至少 30 每天几分钟, 为 30 连续天数. 一次公共活动让杰克有机会进一步传播他的积极信息.
“很荣幸受邀参加这次活动,这是一次难忘的旅行的一部分,” 杰克说. “我非常感谢迪拜市让我向人们讲述保持活跃的重要性. 能够在世界各地产生影响对我来说很重要,这是一个很好的机会。”
除了那份邀请函之外, 杰克拜访了 UFC 明星哈比卜·努尔马戈梅多夫, 上个月刚刚战胜康纳·麦格雷戈. 两位世界冠军, 他们都信奉穆斯林信仰, 第一次见面,讨论了各种各样的话题, 同时还参观了当地的拳击/综合格斗馆并与杰克的冠军腰带合影.
“与像哈比卜这样的另一位冠军和竞争对手交谈是一次很棒的经历,” 杰克说. “我非常喜欢他在拳击场上以及作为穆斯林信仰大使的表现. 当我们都在迪拜时,与他交谈真的很有趣。”
作为旅行的一部分, 杰克与 中东男性健康 杂志内将发表一篇文章,详细介绍杰克目前在拳击场内外所追求的众多努力. 杰克在迪拜期间还受到了 智族中东 作为特邀嘉宾参加创刊号之前的发布会.
“我喜欢去世界各地旅行,体验不同的文化,并继续打造我的品牌,回馈任何我能有所作为的地方,” 杰克说. “无论是Ripper Nutrition, Badou Jack 基金会或我的拳击生涯, 我很自豪能够使用我的平台. 我在拳击运动中有很多目标和梦想, 但也在它之外. 建立这些联系将在我的拳击生涯结束后对我大有裨益。”
年复一年,杰克受到越来越多的认可, 全球范围内的支持浪潮高涨 “开膛手” 正在起身,他准备提前返回擂台 2019. 敬请关注杰克的更多动态, 包括即将到来的假期的慈善活动.

康贝特美洲推出体育最大的冠军奖杯, 完成一晚, 八人锦标赛场与四新的轻量级进入者将争夺 $100,000 特等奖

(从左图正下方): “FIGHTING COPA” 比赛战斗机安德烈斯·金塔纳 (美国), 加斯顿Reyno (乌拉圭) 和Alejandro弗洛雷斯 (墨西哥) 今天到场的 2018 “FIGHTING COPA” 开球,在弗雷斯诺发生在墨西哥领事馆新闻发布会, 加利福尼亚州. 在促销活动中,发生在周五, 十二月. 7. 在新闻发布会, 比赛优胜者杯 (如下图所示) – 在运动中最大的奖杯 – 揭幕, 和145-pouund战机的剩余部分的名称,将完成比赛场, 被揭露.

作者康贝特美洲的BIGGEST MMA事件 2018
制作的第一一晚, 八人锦标赛在美国加州

住在DAZN, 联视以及第UNIVISION Deportes进行网络
从萨韦中心弗雷斯诺, CALIF. 在周五, DEC. 7

Cannetti BRUNO (阿根廷), PABLO VILLASECA (智利),
JOHN贝多亚 (哥伦比亚) 和MARLON GONZALES (秘鲁)


弗雷斯诺 - 十一月 8, 2018 - 康贝特美洲今天亮相在墨西哥领事馆在弗雷斯诺的新闻发布会, 加利福尼亚州。, 一个巨大的赢家的杯奖杯, 并宣布最后四个轻量级 (145 英镑) 参赛者其备受期待, “COPA FIGHTING,”一晚混合武术 (MMA) 比赛汇演具有8名战士, 代表八个不同的国家, 争夺它出去 $100,000 大奖, 在萨韦中心弗雷斯诺上周五, 十二月. 7.


此前宣布的, 第二届“COPA康贝特”活动将现场直播在英语中美. 和加拿大DAZN (10 P.M. ET /下午7时. PT), 西班牙语直播电视在中美. 两个悠景 (12 A.M. ET / PT) 和Univision的Deportes进行网络 (UDN) (12 A.M. AND / 9时三十分. PT).






该“COPA康贝特”冠军奖杯亮相今天身高超过 4 半英尺高, 而近 2 脚最宽处宽. 自定义基于英国-CA模型制作, 海盗式的头巾音乐巨星的制造商 麦当娜 她穿着期间 2012 NFL超级杯半场表演, 金色奖杯, 价值 $100,000, 从在式用于高科技复合塑料构成 1 赛车和航空航天.



今天发布的四架战斗机谁将会完成“COPA康贝特”一晚, 八人比赛场均 布鲁诺“阿喀琉斯” Cannetti (7-5) 布宜诺斯艾利斯, 阿根廷; 拉美MMA的先驱 巴勃罗“厄尔尼诺加洛” Villaseca (13-4) 圣地亚哥, 智利; 不败 约翰“浪人”贝多亚 (6-0) 波哥大, 哥伦比亚; 和厂房 马龙“Deriko七”冈萨雷斯 (13-3-2, 1 NC) 利马, 秘鲁.



Cannetti是29岁, MMA巨星的弟弟 圭多“忍者” Cannetti, 而骑三战连胜.


康贝特美洲’ 香格里拉Jaula模型Alyshia巴拉甘与 “FIGHTING COPA” 冠军的奖杯



Villaseca是一位31岁的, 久经考验的老将谁在三个不同的大洲参赛 – 北美, 南美和欧洲 - 谁赢得了 10 他 13 通过专业的胜利 (牛逼)KO或提交.



贝多亚是对选手 终极战士: 拉美 现实电视系列. 这位27岁的已经提交的方式拿下了他的三个六个专业胜利.



这位26岁的冈萨雷斯是秘鲁排名第一的轻量级战斗机. 他度过了一个雷鸣, 第一轮 (3:34) WHO (拳) 的 马里亚诺·罗卡 八月 18.



这四个“COPA康贝特”比赛今天宣布参赛者加入四大先前宣布进入 – 安德烈斯“子弹”昆塔纳 (15-2) 罗斯威尔, N.M., 美国; 亚历杭德罗·“Gallito”弗洛雷斯 (13-1) 蒙特雷, 新莱昂, 墨西哥; 加斯顿“汤加” Reyno (8-2, 2 NC) 蒙得维的亚, 乌拉圭; 和 Zebenzui“厄尔尼诺摇滚”鲁伊斯 (7-2) 拉斯帕尔马斯, 大加那利, 西班牙.



官方“COPA康贝特”赛事与四分之一决赛舞台支架的对决了一晚, 八人赛将于近期公布.



从价格 $30, 门票“COPA战斗报”是在网上销售,CombateAmericas.com/Tickets和Ticketmaster.com, 以及在萨韦中心票房.



在萨韦中心的门会打开该事件在 5 P.M. PT上月 7, 和第一初步回合将开始在 6 P.M.



康贝特美洲今天还宣布,它已经与希门尼斯格斗学院合作, 基于埃克塞特的非营利组织,致力于利用武术类来创建家庭和社区为导向的计划. 由于当地的合作伙伴关系的一部分, MMA巨星 朱丽安娜 “委内瑞拉泼妇” 佩尼亚 将加入同胞康贝特美洲评论员和多时间WWE重量级冠军, 阿尔贝托模式, 原名 阿尔贝托·德尔里奥, 提供一个MMA研讨会,希门尼斯的学生在星期三, 十二月. 5, 在“COPA战斗报”红杏出墙前两天.

FFC 34 十一月. 9 拉斯维加斯的 Fight Dome 比赛已取消

医疗问题和战斗机安全导致 FFC 取消 34
照片由以下人员提供: 最后的战斗锦标赛

LAS VEGAS, NV (十一月 8, 2018) – 由于涉及医疗问题的原因, 最终格斗冠军赛宣布 “FFC 34” 11月9日已正式取消.




尼克·萨德吉, 拉斯维加斯 Athlete Advantage Medical 医学博士, NV, 向 Final Fight Champions 发表以下声明.


内华达州体育委员会要求职业拳击手完成一系列体检,以确定拳击手的健康状况, 这些检查的结果决定了拳击手是否可以参加比赛. 最关心的是战士的身体健康. 为 FFC 和内华达州体育委员会进行检查的独立医生确定,原定参加 11 月 9 日比赛卡的几名拳手将无法参加比赛,因为 MRA 结果异常,发现大脑中存在小动脉瘤. 出于显而易见的原因, 如果没有适当的医疗检查,这些战士就无法获准参加比赛. 这包括咨询神经外科医生和介入放射科医生. 在此之后,一些战士可能会被清除, 但有些人可能需要进行外科手术来纠正动脉瘤,然后才能继续参加未来的战斗.




FFC首席执行官/总裁, 奥萨特·佐夫科, 就不幸的取消发表了自己的声明.




“我们很失望地宣布这一消息, 但在如此短的时间内,不可能继续前进,因为我们的六场战斗中有四场被委员会和医务人员制止了, 包括我们的主赛事和联合赛事,” 佐夫科说.




“我们必须遵守内华达体育委员会的严格规则和指导方针, 我们尊重医学界的决定, 因为这符合战士的最大利益, 保护他们的健康是最终目标。”




最后的战斗锦标赛 (FFC) 是第一个也是唯一一个专业格斗运动特许经营商,为粉丝提供独特的“多学科”’ 经验 (拳击, 跆拳道和综合格斗), 每场比赛都以冠军争夺战告终. 所有 FFC 活动均在内部举行 “战斗圆顶” 凯撒娱乐拉斯维加斯里约热内卢, 格斗运动的全新圣地.




有关《最终之战锦标赛》的更多信息, 请访问 Finalfightchampionship.com, Facebook:Facebook.com/FFCFighting, 并在 Instagram/Twitter 上关注 FFC @FFCFighting.

利德尔VS. 奥尔蒂斯 3 to air worldwide on FITE Saturday November 24, 2018

Main card and viewing details announced



纽约市 (十一月 7, 2018): Golden Boy Promotions and FITE announced today that the third encounter of UFC Hall of Famers Tito Ortiz (19-12-1 MMA) and Chuck Liddell (21-8 MMA), taking place on Saturday Nov 24th at The “Fabulous” Forum in Inglewood, 加利福尼亚州。, will stream live around the world on the FITE digital streaming network as part of the partnership deal with Golden Boy Promotions. Bell time for the PPV broadcast is 9:00pm ET/6:00下午PT.



FITE will stream the trilogy fight on its platform, live on digital pay per view to a worldwide audience of viewers. Pre-orders are available now on the www.FITE.TV website, 适用于iOS FITE移动应用, Android的, and the FITE channel on Amazon Fire, Android的, 苹果电视, and Roku on a PPV basis.



Two of the most recognizable names in UFC and Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) 历史, Liddell and Ortiz enter the cage on Thanksgiving weekend in what’s expected to be a throwback fight to the golden age of MMA. The fight takes place under Oscar De La Hoya’s Golden Boy Promotions banner.



Main card details for the pay per view stream have been announced. The six-fight main card features UFC veterans Gleison Tibau (33-14) VS. Efrain Escudero (30-13) in a Catchweight bout and UFC veteran Tom Lawlor taking on prospect Deron Winn in a light heavyweight bout.



Main Card Lineup / Pay Per View Stream




Chuck LIDDELL (21—8) VS. Tito ORTIZ (19-12-1)




Deron WINN (4-0) VS. Tom LAWLOR (10-6)





Kenneth BERGH (4-1) VS. Jorge GONZALEZ (14-4)




Gleison TIBAU (29-14) VS. Efrain ESCUDERO (28-13)




Walel WATSON (13-11) VS. Ricardo PALACIOS (10-1)




Jay SILVA (10-9) VS. Oscar COTA (8-1)



The resumes of Liddell and Ortiz speak for themselves as both fought the most important fighters of their era. The two first fought in the UFC cage in 2004 after months of trash talk in which Liddell said he always dominated Ortiz in sparring during their past training sessions together. Liddell won the fight in spectacular fashion via KO, but the grudge was far from over. 在 2006 the two faced off again with Ortiz vowing he would even the score. Ortiz fared much better in the second encounter but again succumbed to Liddell via referee stoppage TKO.



Tito Ortiz returns to the cage after a submission win over Chael Sonnen back in January 2017 to fight for redemption against his longtime rival Chuck Liddell. Liddell, coming out of retirement, is fighting to make it a perfect 3-0 over the “The Huntington Beach Bad Boyand to close the door on a feud that has spanned more than a decade. With a rivalry this intense and emotions still running high, this trilogy fight has fighters and fans from multiple generations excited to see the final chapter of one of the biggest rivalries of all time!



To order and watch the fight, 请访问



波特兰, 缅因 (十一月 6, 2018) – Two things have provided a compass for Zac Richard through his admittedly challenging journey into young adulthood: 搏击运动, and the fighting spirit of his older sister, Lacy.

Richard will combine those influences in a powerful way when he enters the New England Fights mixed martial arts cage Saturday, 十一月 17 for “NEF 36: Battle For the Gold” at Aura in Portland. Opening bell time is 7 P.M.

The former high school state champion wrestler from Waterboro, 缅因, undefeated in two short MMA forays, will take on Chris Lachcik. It’s a weekend with unforgettable significance for Richard and his family: That weekend will mark the six-year anniversary that Zac’s sister, Lacy, 23, passed away after a battle with cancer.

“It’s a weird thing losing your sister. It’s certainly going to help motivate me,” Richard said. “A lot of the fans that are going to be there will be wearing T-shirts that we made with my sister’s picture on it. I think it will be an emotional night.”

Lacy’s death came early in Zac’s sophomore year at Massabesic High School.

It fueled his development as one of the top schoolboy wrestlers in the state. After losing an overtime decision at the Class A state meet as a junior, Richard finally grabbed 145-pound gold in his senior campaign of 2015.

“That was always my thing,” Richard said, “I remember a wrestling match my senior year. I was getting my ass kicked by this kid and had no energy to get up. That’s all I could think about was if Lacy could get up, so can I. I ended up winning that match, 太, so it’s kind of crazy.”

All-state and New England competitions were in play that year, 还有, but Richard said his postseason was cut short for disciplinary reasons.

It began a cycle of a year or two in which Richard – the only remaining child of Glen and Shelly – struggled to find his way in life.

His relationship with his parents suffered. Memories of their inseparable bond during his wrestling career ultimately provided Zac’s wake-up call.

“Starting in middle school, my parents drove me to New Hampshire every single day to practice. They drove me all around the country. They bought me a sauna to cut weight in. They always loved the sport,” Richard said, “Once wrestling ended, I was just kind of being a (混蛋). They stopped talking to me as much and we weren’t as close.

“I always missed (摔角). I had nothing to keep me out of trouble. Wrestling was what always did that for me. It sounds corny, but once 2018 came it was like, “All right, let’s get your (东西) together.It was time to do something with my free time.”

Richard joined forces with Nostos MMA in Somersworth, 新罕布什尔州, home of former NEF Lightweight Champion and current Ultimate Fighting Championships (UFC) fighter Devin Powell.

It didn’t take long for Richard to find a home and follow his mentor into competition. His docket to date includes first-round technical knockouts of Gabriel Diaz and Clifford Redman.

“Devin is definitely cool. He took me under his wing when I first went in there,” Richard said. “I went to the NEF fights in February when I first started, and he brought me in the cage to get a feel for it and stuff. He’s always given me good advice and told me which fights I should take and which ones I shouldn’t.”

巧合的是, both Richard and Powell are preparing for bouts that will take place the same day. Powell’s is on the first-ever UFC card in Argentina.

“We’re both training right now, so it’s not as one-to-one as much this time, but I love having him as a coach,” Richard said. “I drive 45 minutes every single day because it’s Devin, 你知道?”

Richard’s transition to the multi-dimensional MMA arena has been so quick that his repertoire remains a work in progress. He relies heavily on his wrestling acumen and the relentless personality that made him a champion on the mat.

“I love it because I can actually slam people now,” he said with a laugh. “I was a real scrappy wrestler. I had the most takedowns for my high school, which I crushed the record before me. So those two things help out a lot in MMA, the takedowns and the scrambling, because I don’t practice as much jiu-jitsu as I should. But my wrestling can usually get me out of most situations.

“I’ve always thought about doing MMA. Growing up as a kid I followed the sport. And I’ve always gotten into fights, so it was like, 为什么不? I kind of hit it off pretty quick, and now I’ve fallen in love and I’m obsessed with it.”

That focus isn’t lost on Richard’s parents, who are heavily involved in his life – and budding career – once again.

一起, the family helped raise $33,000 for cancer awareness and research at an annual motorcycle ride in Lacy’s honor this past June.

Ticket and T-shirt sales also are part of their contribution, but they’re not afraid to get a little dirty, 或. When Zac’s boxing coach was unable to attend the last fight, Glen took his place in the corner.

“My parents are very big supporters,” Richard said, “I love them. I love seeing them be happy with me again.”

He noted that they drove all the way to Bangor, between two and three hours, for a one-minute fight earlier this year.

True to his own tradition, Richard hasn’t spent much time watching film of his upcoming opponent.

“I don’t like to game plan. I just want to go in there and do it. If you fought a guy on the street, you couldn’t watch videos of him. That’s the way I look at it,” Richard said. “All through wrestling, I watched film of one kid because it was my state final and I’d wrested him like 12 时. We went back and forth so it was like, ‘What am I doing wrong?’ But that was different.”

Richard expects this fight to be a jumping-off point as he tests himself against the top competition NEF has to offer in the year ahead.

“I’m just going to take any fight I can get against the best guys,” Richard said. “You can sit here and say, ‘I could have been one of the best fightersand stuff, but you’ll never know until you try. Every fight I’m going to put my hardest into it.”

And through all the blood, 汗水和泪水, one guiding force will remain constant.

“I’m usually pretty irritated that time of year,” Richard said of Lacy’s anniversary. “Every fight and wrestling match, I’ve just thought to myself if your little sister – well, big sister, but she was tiny – can fight cancer and deal with all this (掷骰子), there’s no way I’m going to back down.”

NEF的下一个混合武术事件, “NEF 36: 黄金之战,” 将看到该公司重返波特兰的 Aura, 缅因. 该活动定于周六举行, 十一月 17, 2018 响铃时间为 7 下午. 门票现已公开发售,在 www.AuraMaine.com.

New M-1 Challenge middleweight champion Bruno Blindado Silva

M-1的挑战 98 结果 & 照片
New M-1 Challenge middleweight champion Bruno Blindado Silva and his team celebrate

车里雅宾斯克, 俄罗斯 (十一月 5, 2018) — Fists were flying last Friday night at M-1的挑战 98 as ten of 12 fights ended prematurely, eight by way of knockout punches and two submissions, highlighted by Brazilian mixed-martial-arts veteran Bruno Blindado Silva‘s title-winning stoppage of previously undefeated M-1 Challenge middleweight champion 阿尔乔姆·弗罗洛夫, 在车里雅宾斯克, 俄罗斯.




席尔瓦 (19-6-0) has taken M-1 Global by storm. He became the top middleweight contender by knocking out Russian MMA star 亚历山大Shlemenko (56-11-1) in the opening round of M-1的挑战 93 去年六月. With his fourth-round knockout by punches of another Russian, Frolov (11-1-0), the power-punching Silva has how stopped 16 他 19 defeated opponents during his outstanding pro career.




The 27-year-old Frolov, 谁是 9-0-0 in M-1 competition going into his second title defense last Friday versus Silva, had signed a UFC contract and he was scheduled to fight last month at UFC Moscow. He was forced to withdraw due to injury.




In the co-featured event another undefeated fighter was knocked off, when Russian welterweight 谢尔盖·罗曼诺夫 (15-3-0) handed his Swiss opponent, Urs Pablo Ortmann (8-1-0), his first pro loss, by way of a three-round unanimous decision.




Kazakhstan bantamweight 谢尔盖·莫罗佐夫 (13-4-0) 在赢得了三个回合的一致决定 拜尔家 (7-3-0), 俄罗斯.




俄中量级 Ivan Bogdanov kept his unbeaten record intact, 改进为 6-0-0, when he punched out Frenchman 伊曼纽尔 “Papou LeleDawa (7-3-0) 在第三轮.




俄罗斯量级 鲍里斯·梅德韦杰夫 (4-0-0) 保持不败, locking in a Rear Naked Choke on his fellow countryman, David Zakaryan (1-1-0) for a win by first-round technical submission.




对初步卡, late replacement 奥列格波波夫 (4-1-0) registered a second-round technical knockout of fellow Russian heavyweight, 尤里·费多罗夫 (1-1-0, 1 NC), 在第二轮, while Russian lightweight 马戈梅德·马戈梅多夫 (12-3-0) put Frenchman Arnaud Kherfallah(5-2-0) to sleep in the opening round.




French middleweight JeanPanquecaPetrick (9-3-0) made an impressive M-1 debut by submitting always dangerous Talekh “阿塞拜疆终结者” Nadzhafzade (7-3-1) with a North-South choke, 和 Ivan Tsygelnik (2-1-0) won his second pro bout by way of a first-round technical knockout via punches versus 马克西姆·巴鲁兹丁 (1-1-0) 俄罗斯重量级的战斗.


Denis Sulimov (3-0-0) 淘汰 Iliskhan Merzhoev (2-1-0) in the opening round on punches in a match between Russian lightweights, 俄罗斯轻量级 Rizvan Simbagaev (4-1-0) was too much for his Ukrainian rival, Alexey Shanin (2-1-0), who was stopped on punches midway through the third and final round, and Russian featherweight Nikita Barkhajov (2-0-0) blasted-out Agoney Romero (7-5-1), 西班牙, 在第一轮比赛.




该 24 competing fighters represented eight different countries: 俄罗斯, 巴西, 法国, 乌克兰, 瑞士, 西班牙, Kazakhstan and Azerbaijan.

Complete results and additional pictures below:
MAIN EVENT – M-1挑战中量级冠军
Bruno Blindado Silva (19-6-0, M-1的: 2-0-0), 巴西
WTKO4 (拳 – 3:36)
阿尔乔姆·弗罗洛夫 (11-1-0, M-1的: 9-1-0), 俄罗斯
(Silva won M-1 Challenge middleweight title)
共同特征 – welterweights的
谢尔盖·罗曼诺夫 (15-3-0, M-1的: 6-2-0), 俄罗斯
Urs Pablo Ortmann (8-1-0, M-1的: 2-1-0), 瑞士
谢尔盖·莫罗佐夫 (13-4-0, M-1的: 7-3-0), 哈萨克斯坦
拜尔家 (7-3-0, M-1的: 3-3-0), 俄罗斯
Ivan Bogdanov (6-0-0, M-1的: 1-0-0), 俄罗斯
WTKO3 (0:58 – 拳)
伊曼纽尔·达瓦(Emmanuel Dawa) (732-0, M-1的: 0-1-0), 法国
鲍里斯·梅德韦杰夫 (4-0-0, M-1的: 3-0-0), 俄罗斯
WSUB1 (3:55 – 后排裸体扼流圈)
David Zakaryan (1-1-0, M-1的: 1-1-0), 西班牙
奥列格波波夫 (4-1-0, M-1的: 2-0-0), 俄罗斯
WTKO2 (2:38 – 拳)
尤里·费多罗夫 (1-1-0, 1 NC, M-1的: 1-1-0, 1 NC), 俄罗斯
Ivan Tsygelnik (1-1-0, M-1的: 1-0-0), 俄罗斯
WTKO1 (0:20 – 拳)
马克西姆·巴鲁兹丁 (1-1-0, M-1的: 1-1-0), 俄罗斯
让Petrick (9-3-0, M-1的: 1-0-0), 巴西
WSUB2 (4:55 – North-South Choke)
Talekh Nadzhafzade (7-3-1, M-1的: 2-3-1), 阿塞拜疆
Magomed Magimedov (12-2-0, M-1的: 3-1-0)
WKO1 (0:28 – 拳)
Arnaud Kherfallah (5-2-0, M-1的: 2-1-1)
Denis Sulimov (3-0-0, M-1的: 2-0-0), 俄罗斯
WTKO1 (4:27 – 拳)
Iliskhan Merzhoev (2-1-0, 1 NC, M-1的: 2-1-0), 俄罗斯
Rizvan Simbagaev (4-1-0, M-1的: 2-0-0), 俄罗斯
WTKO3 (2:40 – 拳)
Alexey Shanin (3-1-0, (M-1的: 0-1-0), 乌克兰
Nikita Barkhatov (2-0-0, M-1的: 2-0-0), 俄罗斯
WKO1 (3:56 – 拳)
Agoney Romero (7-5-1, M-1的: 1-1-0), 西班牙
席尔瓦 (最佳) finished off Frolov to win the M-1 Challenge middleweight title
谢尔盖·罗曼诺夫 (ř) gave Urs Pablo Ortmann (L) his first pro loss
谢尔盖·莫罗佐夫 (ř) decisioned Bair Shtepin
Undefeated Ivan Bogdanov (L) drilled Emmanuel Dawa
鲍里斯·梅德韦杰夫 (L) connected vs. David Zakaryan

叽叽喳喳 & Instagram的:
@ M1GlobalNews
@ M1Global
即将举办的活动: 十一月. 17 – M-1的挑战 99: 多斯卡丘克 VS. 西兰德, 纳兹兰, 俄罗斯

FFC 33 来自 拉斯维加斯 的结果

FFC 新任跆拳道冠军加冕 33
(照片: 米克塔·楚布 (left) 与奥萨特·佐夫科 (Orsat Zovko) 一起赢得 FFC 中量级跆拳道冠军 (权) FFC首席执行官/创始人)
照片提供: 谢尔盖·巴拉诺夫/决赛冠军


拉斯维加斯, NV, (十一月 2, 2018) – 主要赛事 “FFC 33” 带来了爆冷和新的冠军, 饰演 Mykta Chub (18-7-0) 击败此前不败冠军安迪·弗塔西奇 (10-1-0) 分裂的决定 (47-48, 48-47, 48-47) 赢得 FFC 中量级跆拳道冠军.




Chub 和 Vrtacic 在五回合的比赛中表现出了极大的耐力. 在这场比赛中,丘布经常将弗塔西奇逼入角落, 让年轻的弗塔西奇感到沮丧并阻止他使用他标志性的高踢. 弗塔西奇打出了一些漂亮的头球和一些稳定的组合,但这还不足以给评委留下深刻的印象, 让 Chub 窃取胜利, 和标题.




在联合主赛事中, 其中涉及两名非常令人兴奋的 MMA 轻量级拳手, 关于作者Darrick回忆 (22-9-0) 立即提交前 UFC 战斗机, “卡修斯” 粘土领子 (16-8-1) 第一轮就被后裸绞. 提交胜利, 这是 19 明纳职业生涯, 只拿了 31 执行秒数.




安德烈·凯斯 (10-1-0) 与兰迪·富恩特斯一起坚持到底 (7-7-1) 在他们的超次中量级拳击比赛中. 分歧判定赢得钥匙 (55-59, 55-59, 58-56) 在一场六回合比赛的大部分时间里,两名拳手都站在口袋里,并用猛烈的击球进行比赛.




在跆拳道轻量级比赛中, 尽管在战斗中折断了他的左臂, 克里斯·麦克米兰 (38-10-0) 赢得了分歧判决 (28-29, 29-28, 29-28) 对阵 西奥·米克利奇 (18-7-0) 在一场双方拳打脚踢和清脆拳打的战斗中.




夜晚由谢拉德·布莱克利奇开始 (1-0-0) 以一致判定赢得他的职业 MMA 首秀 (30-27, 30-26, 30-27) 超越乔丹·克里斯滕森 (0-2-0) 在次中量级.




“大多数比赛都以长距离结束,今晚战士们并没有让人失望,” FFC 首席执行官/创始人说道, 奥萨特·佐夫科. “FFC 33 表现出了极大的耐力和韧性,为球迷带来了一场精彩的表演。”




“FFC 33” 发生在其永久所在地, “战斗圆顶”, 位于凯撒娱乐公司的里约拉斯维加斯. 该赛事在哥伦比亚广播公司体育频道全国转播.




最后的战斗锦标赛 (FFC) 是第一个也是唯一一个专业格斗运动特许经营商,为粉丝提供独特的“多学科”’ 经验 (拳击, 跆拳道和综合格斗), 每场比赛都以冠军争夺战告终. 所有 FFC 活动均在内部举行 “战斗圆顶” 凯撒娱乐拉斯维加斯里约热内卢, 格斗运动的全新圣地.



完成 “FFC 33” MMA成绩如下:




(跆拳道) FFC 中量级冠军



米凯塔·楚布 (18-7-0), FT. 劳德代尔堡, 经由乌克兰 佛罗里达

分歧判定获胜, 5 路数. (47-48, 48-47, 48-47)

安迪·弗塔西奇 (10-1-0), 反正 ,克罗地亚

(Chub 赢得 FFC 中量级冠军)

(MMA) 轻量级


关于作者Darrick回忆 (22-9-0), 内布拉斯加州城, NE

通过提交获胜 (后排裸体扼流圈) :31, 路. 1

粘土领子 (16-8-1), 托克维尔, OUT



(拳击) 超级welterweights的


安德烈·凯斯 (10-1-0), 塔科马, WA

分歧判定获胜, 6 路数. (55-59, 55-59, 58-56)

兰迪·富恩特斯 (7-7-1), 麦卡伦, TX

(跆拳道) 轻量级

克里斯·麦克米兰 (38-10-0), 卡尔加里 艾伯塔省, 加拿大

分歧判定获胜, 3 路数. (28-29, 29-28, 29-28)

西奥·米克利奇 (18-7-0), 反正, 克罗地亚




(MMA) welterweights的

谢拉德·布莱克利奇 (1-0-0), 拉斯维加斯, NV (亲亮相)

一致判定获胜, 3 路数. (30-27, 30-26, 30-27)

乔丹·克里斯滕森 (0-2-0), 拉斯维加斯, NV



波特兰, 缅因 (十一月 2, 2018) - 新英格兰战斗 (NEF) 将举行最后一场综合格斗比赛 2018, “NEF 36: 黄金之战,” 周六, 十一月 17 在Aura在波特兰, 缅因. 今天早些时候,, the fight promotion announced the fight card for the event featuring a full slate of professional and amateur fights.




The professional side of the card will be headlined by a pair of title fights as 瑞安·桑德斯(Ryan Sanders) (17-9) defends the lightweight strap against 雅各布·博恩 (7-5) 和 拉斯希尔顿 (3-1) 会见 Yorgan De Castro (2-0) to crown the first-ever NEF cruiserweight champion.




Sanders has held the lightweight title since April 2017 当他击败乔恩·莱姆克时 (7-9) in a tournament final. He has won a remarkable eight in a row in the NEF cage, not losing on Maine soil in four years. New York’s Jacob Bohn has won his last two in a row over veterans Kenny Foster (12-13) and Lewis Corapi (8-4) 分别.




Ras Hylton is coming off a highlight-reel elbow knockout of Eric Bedard (6-8) 去年八月. The 6’6resident of South Portland, known to fans asThe Jamaican Shamrock,” 是一个完美的 3-0 in the NEF cage where he also went 3-0 作为一个业余. Yorgan De Castro is undefeated as a professional, having finished both of his opponents by technical knockout. The bout will be the first in the newly-created NEF 225-pound cruiserweight division which will fall between the light-heavyweight (205-英镑) 而权重股 (265-英镑) 类.




Also on the professional card will be a flyweight contest between Portland fan-favorite 埃内斯托·奥尼拉斯 (4-7) and undefeated Massachusetts prospect Jose Lugo (3-0). Ornelas is riding a two-fight win streak while Lugo, 绰号 “El Salvaje,” has finished all three of his opponents.


马特·普罗宾 (2-0) is scheduled to make his long-awaited debut with NEF when he meets veteran Lionel Young (7-15) 在轻量级比赛. Probin has won back-to-back bouts in Vermont via knockout to start his professional career.




截至记者发稿时, NEF was still searching for a replacement opponent for 卡尔·兰斯顿 (0-1) in a professional featherweight bout after several previous opponents had pulled out. Interested featherweights should contact NEF matchmakers via email at newenglandfights@gmail.com. Serious inquiries only please.




The amateur portion of the card is scheduled to feature a total of three women’s MMA bouts. 沃森的荣耀 (1-0) 将在 梅根·罗萨 (0-0), 而 BJ Garceau (1-0) 会见 切尔西塔克 (0-3) 和 Catie Denning (1-0) 与面临关闭 Taylor Thompson (2-0). 沃森, Garceau and Tucker are all members of Young’s MMA in Bangor, Maine owned and operated by coach Chris Young. The trio has been nicknamed “克里斯’ Angels.




The full “NEF 36” fight card (如有变更和缅因州的战斗体育局批准):





225*TITLE 拉斯希尔顿 3-1 (头等舱MMA) vs Yorgan De Castro 2-0

155*TITLE 瑞安·桑德斯(Ryan Sanders) 17-9 (Ç) (年轻的MMA) vs Jacob Bohn 7-5 (Behring Jiu Jitsu NY)

145 马特·普罗宾 2-0 (侦察) vs Lionel Young 7-15 (Citadel Martial Arts)

125 埃内斯托·奥尼拉斯 4-7 (财研究所) vs Jose Lugo 3-0 (BST MMA & 身体素质)






175 乔恩·阿萨姆 0-0 (CMBJJ) vs Jordan Norman 0-1 (坏小瀑布道场)

155 理查德·扎克 2-0 (Nostos) VS 克里斯·拉奇克 0-1 (独立)

155 穆罕默德·Kinani 4-1 (进化竞技) VS克利福德雷德曼 0-6 (独立)

155 Brandon Mailet 0-0 (CMBJJ) vs Ben Peters 0-0 (泰坦竞技)

140 梅根·罗萨 0-0 (进化竞技) VS 荣耀华生 1-0 (年轻的MMA)

140 亨利·克拉克 4-4 (财研究所) vs Killian Murphy 1-1 (Nostos)

135 Taylor Thompson 2-0 () VS 凯蒂·丹宁 1-0 (年轻的MMA)

135 Schuyler Vaillancourt 0-0 (Nostos) vs Felipe Gunther 0-0 (头等舱MMA)

135 内特鲍彻 2-3 (CMBJJ) 对阵 乔丹·杨 1-1 (独立)

125 切尔西塔克 0-3 (头等舱MMA) vs BJ Garceau 1-0 (年轻的MMA)




NEF的下一个混合武术事件, “NEF 36: 黄金之战,” 将看到该公司重返波特兰的 Aura, 缅因. 该活动定于周六举行, 十一月 17, 2018 响铃时间为 7 下午. 门票现已公开发售,在 www.AuraMaine.com.






新英格兰战斗 (“NEF”) 是打架事件推广公司. NEF的使命是创造战斗机和球迷的一致好评最高的质量事件. NEF的执行团队在作战体育管理方面拥有丰富的经验, 生产活动, 媒体关系, 市场营销, 法律和广告.