Kategorija Archives: mišrių kovos menų




ANGELIAI - Bellator is pleased to announce a renewed global partnership with Monster Energy. The new three-year-deal sees Monster Energy, a longstanding official partner, remain a key part of Bellator’s marketing strategy going forward.




“The partnership with Monster Energy has been an important component of our business since day one,Sakė Bellator prezidentas Scottas Coker. “They have played a factor in our success and we are thrilled to announce this new three-year extension. The hard work and passion that Hans Molenkamp and the rest of their team have for this sport is unmatched. We look forward to new and exciting opportunities for our brand, fighters and fans that this continued relationship brings to the table.”




Beginning in 2014, Bellator became the first MMA promotion to partner with Monster Energy, which paved the way in creating numerous future sponsorship opportunities throughout the combat sports landscape. Nuo to laiko, many of MMA’s most memorable events and elite athletes have been supported by the industry-leading energy drink brand.




“Bellator delivers compelling, high-action, adrenaline-pumping MMA events worldwide,” added Monster Energy Vice President of Sports Marketing Mitch Covington. “We are thrilled to continue our longtime partnership and look forward to evolving our relationship even further, allowing us to further integrate the Monster Energy and Bellator brands.”




Per metus, Monster Energy and Bellator have worked together to host unique and creative activations for fans. Prieš, Monster Energy Bellator MMA fight series events have been held during Monster Energy NASCAR Cup Series and Monster Energy Supercross races. Drawing thousands in attendance to experience live MMA bouts and fighter autograph signings, these events are expected to continue and evolve under the new partnership.




Monster Energy has also led the way in fighter sponsorship, building one of the most talented and diverse athlete rosters in the sport. Monster currently sponsors prominent Bellator fighters Quinton “Rampage” Jackson, current welterweight champ Rory MacDonald, Michael Chandler, Roy Nelson, Philas Davis, James Gallagher and Gaston Bolanos, as well as kickboxers Kevin Ross, Joe Schilling and John Wayne Parr.




Monster Energy will also be featured prominently throughout the broadcast, including on-screen integration and placement inside the Bellator cage.




Be, fans can look forward to meeting their favorite fighters and Bellator personalities at official dinners, parties and other meet-and-greets throughout the year.




Daugiau informacijos, apsilankykite Bellator.com ir MonsterEnergy.com.


Oficialūs svoriai “FFC 34” Kelių disciplinų renginys „Fight Dome“.

Las Vegasas, NV, (Lapkritis 15, 2018) – Svoriai yra oficialūs “FFC 34 – Gazani vs. Dainavimas”, „daugiadisciplinė“.’ (Boksas, Kikboksas ir MMA) Kova skyriaus, kuris vyksta penktadienio vakarą, lapkričio 16 d, į “Kova su kupolu,” įsikūręs „Caesars Entertainment“ Rio Las Vegase. Durys atviros ne 5:30 p.m. ("PST), numatyta pirmoji kova 6:15 p.m. ("PST).




Prie „Fight Dome“ televizijos studijos susirinko audringa minia kovinio sporto aistruolių, įsikūręs Rio Las Vegaso Maskaradų kaime, žiūrėti “FFC 34” kovotojai daro svorį penktadienio vakaro kovos kortelei.




“Tai tikrai bus linksma kovų naktis,” sakė FFC generalinis direktorius / įkūrėjas, Orsat Zovko. “Kiekvienas kovotojas turi labai draugišką gerbėjams kovos stilių ir visi jie pažadėjo surengti pasirodymą gerbėjams čia, „Fight Dome Las Vegas“, ir gerbėjams, žiūrintiems per CBS sporto tinklą.”




Galutinė Kova čempionatas (FFC) yra pirmoji ir vienintelė profesionalių kovinių sporto šakų franšizė, siūlanti gerbėjams unikalią „daugiarūšį“.’ patirtis (Boksas, Kikboksas ir MMA), kur kiekvienas renginys baigiasi kova dėl čempiono titulo. Visi FFC renginiai vyksta viduje “Kova su kupolu” „Caesars Entertainment“ Rio Las Vegase, visiškai nauja kovinio sporto meka.




Bilietus galima įsigyti bet kurioje Las Vegaso „Caesars“ pramogų kasoje ir TicketMaster.com. „Daugiadisciplinė“.’ renginys bus transliuojamas visoje šalyje per CBS sporto tinklą, ir ispaniškai, apie Claro Sports Meksikoje ir Lotynų Amerikoje. Norėdami gauti daugiau informacijos, patikrinkite vietinius sąrašus.




Norėdami gauti daugiau informacijos apie FFC, galite apsilankyti www.finalfightchampionship.com arba sekite FFC „Instagram“., „Twitter“ ir „Facebook“ @FFCFighting.




Štai oficialūs svėrimo rezultatai iš “FFC 34 – Gazani vs. Dainavimas”

(MMA) Sunkiojo svorio divizionas

Marius Cantoneru (0-1-0), Las Vegasas, NV / Rumunija, 219 kg.

Zacas Cavenderis (Pro debiutas), Tooele, OUT, 212.4 kg.


(Kikboksas) Svorio kova

Džermainas “NĖRA ŽODŽIO.” Tankumynas (24-6-0), Los Andželas, PVZ, 153.8 kg.

Meletis “Košmaras” Kakoubavas (32-7-0), Atėnai, Graikija, 155.2 kg.

(Boksas) Super lengvo svorio skyrius

Izaokas “Mėlynas” Mėnesio (3-0-0), Žingsnis, TX, 143.4 kg

Kevinas “Perkūnija” Johnsonas (5-1-0), Las Vegasas, NV, 144 kg.


(Bendras Main Event – MMA) Sunkiojo svorio divizionas

D.J. “Apsaugo” Lindermanas (21-14-0), Yreka, PVZ, 264.2 kg.

Aristokratiškas “Hulkas” Johnsonas (11-4-1), Nešvilis, TN, 265.6 kg

(Main Event – Kikboksas) FFC lengvas titulas

Bruno Gazani (60-6-0), Brazilija, 154.4 kg.

[Gynantis čempionas] Tiesiog Dainuoja (35-6-1), Slovėnija, 154.8 kg.

Nuotrauka aukščiau esančioje nuotraukoje (iš kairės į dešinę) Bruno Gazani, FFC generalinis direktorius Orsatas Zovko ir valdantis FFC lengvojo kikbokso čempionas, Tiesiog Dainuoja (FFC 34 Pagrindinio renginio kovotojai.)

Nuotrauka aukščiau esančioje nuotraukoje (iš kairės į dešinę) DJ Lindermanas, FFC generalinis direktorius Orsat Zovko, Aristokratiškas “Hulkas” Johnsonas (FFC 34 Bendras Main Event)
Nuotraukos sutikimu: Sergejus Baranovas / Finalinės kovos čempionatas


(Nuotrauka kreditų: „Badou Jack“ „Instagram“)
Dviejų divizionų pasaulio čempionas surengia viesulo kelionę, kurioje buvo rodomas kvietimas dalyvauti „Dubai Fitness Challenge“ varžybose,
Susitikimas su Khabibu Nurmagomedovu & daugiau
LAS VEGAS (Lapkritis 12, 2018) – Dviejų divizionų bokso čempionas Badou Džekas toliau rodė, kad yra tikrai viso pasaulio čempionas, nes padarė įdomią kelionę į Dubajų, į kurią įsijungė kvietimas dalyvauti „Dubai Fitness Challenge“, susitikimas su UFC žvaigžde Khabibu Nurmagomedovu ir daug daugiau.
Su Dubajaus turizmo kvietimu, Džekas dalyvavo JAE piliečių skatinimo iniciatyvoje, gyventojų ir lankytojų bent jau mankštintis 30 minučių per dieną, už 30 dienas iš eilės. Viešas renginys suteikė Džekui galimybę toliau skleisti savo teigiamas žinutes.
“Buvo tokia garbė būti pakviestam į šį renginį, kuris buvo nepamirštamos kelionės dalis,” sakė Džekas. “Esu labai dėkinga Dubajaus miestui, kuris leido man kalbėtis su žmonėmis apie tai, kaip svarbu išlikti aktyviems. Man svarbu, kad galėčiau daryti įtaką visame pasaulyje, ir tai buvo puiki proga.”
Be to kvietimo, Džekas lankėsi su UFC žvaigžde Khabibu Nurmagomedovu, atgaivino pergalę prieš Conorą McGregorą praėjusį mėnesį. Du pasaulio čempionai, kurie abu praktikuoja musulmonų tikėjimą, susitiko pirmą kartą ir aptarė įvairias temas, taip pat apžiūrinėdamas vietinę bokso / MMA sporto salę ir pozuodamas su Džeko čempiono diržais.
“Buvo nuostabi patirtis, kai teko kalbėtis su kitu čempionu ir varžovu, tokiu kaip Khabibas,” sakė Džekas. “Aš esu didelis gerbėjas to, ką jis gali padaryti ringe, ir kaip kolega ambasadorius musulmonų tikėjimui. Tai buvo tikrai įdomus laikas kalbėtis su juo, kai abu buvome Dubajuje.”
Kelionės dalis, Džekas kalbėjo Vyrų sveikata Vidurio Rytuose straipsniui, kuris bus rodomas žurnalo viduje, ir išsamiau aprašysime daugybę pastangų, kurias Džekas šiuo metu siekia tiek žiede, tiek už jo. Jacko laikas Dubajuje jį taip pat pakvietė GQ Viduriniai Rytai kaip specialus svečias į starto renginį prieš jų inauguracinę laidą.
I love taking these trips around the world to experience a variety of cultures and also continue to build my brand and give back anywhere that I can make a difference,” sakė Džekas. “Whether it’s Ripper Nutrition, the Badou Jack Foundation or my boxing career, I’m proud to use my platform. I have a lot of goals and dreams in the sport of boxing, but also outside of it. Making these kinds of connections is going to aid me long past my boxing career.
With more and more recognition being laid upon Jack year after year, the groundswell of worldwide support for “Skerdikas” is rising as he prepares to return to the ring in early 2019. Keep an eye out for more news from Jack, including charity events for the upcoming holiday season.


(Pictured from left to right below): “COPA COMBATEtournament fighters Andres Quintana (JAV), Gaston Reyno (Urugvajus) and Alejandro Flores (Meksika) were on hand today for the 2018 “COPA COMBATEkick-off press conference that took place at the Mexican Consulate in Fresno, Kalifas. in promotion of the event that takes place on Friday, Gruodis. 7. At the press conference, the tournament winner’s cup (pavaizduota žemiau) – the largest trophy in sportswas unveiled, and the names of the remainder of the 145-pouund fighters that will complete the tournament field, were revealed.





FRESNO – November 8, 2018 – Combate Americas today unveiled at a news conference at the Mexican Consulate in Fresno, Kalifornijoje., a massive winner’s cup trophy, and announced the final four featherweight (145 svarų) contestants for its much-anticipated, “COPA COMBATE,” one-night Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) tournament extravaganza featuring eight fighters, representing eight different countries, battling it out for a $100,000 prizas, at Save Mart Center in Fresno on Friday, Gruodis. 7.


The previously announced, second annual “COPA COMBATE” event will air live in English in the U.S. and Canada on DAZN (10 p.m. ET / 7 p.m. PT), and live on television in Spanish in the U.S. on both Univision (12 tarifu. ET / PT) ir „Univision Deportes“ tinklas (UDN) (12 tarifu. IR / 9 val. PT).



The winner of the tournament will have persevered through three fights in one night to claim the grand prize check and the trophy.



The “COPA COMBATE” winner’s trophy unveiled today stands over 4 and a half feet tall, and is nearly 2 feet wide at its widest point. Custom made by U.K.-based CA Models, the makers of the Viking-style headdress that music superstar Madonna wore during her 2012 NFL SuperBowl halftime performance, the gold-colored trophy, valued at $100,000, is constructed from high-tech composite plastics used in Formula 1 racing and aerospace.



Announced today as the four fighters who will complete the “COPA COMBATE” one-night, eight-man tournament field were Bruno “Aquiles” Cannetti (7-5) Buenos Airės, Argentina; Latin American MMA pioneer Pablo “El Gallo” Villaseca (13-4) of Santiago, Čilė; nenugalėtas John “Ronin” Bedoya (6-0) of Bogota, Kolumbija; and powerhouse Marlon “Deriko Siete” Gonzales (13-3-2, 1 NC) of Lima, Peru.



Cannetti is the 29-year-old, younger brother of MMA superstar Guido “Ninja” Cannetti, and is riding a three-fight winning streak.


Combate Amerika’ La Jaula model Alyshia Barragan with theCOPA COMBATEwinner’s trophy



Villaseca is a 31-year-old, battle-tested veteran who has competed on three different continentsNorth America, South America and Europe – and who has earned 10 nuo jo 13 professional victories via (T)KO arba pateikimas.



Bedoya was a contestant on Galutinis kovotojas: Lotynų Amerika reality television series. The 27-year-old has scored three of his six professional victories by way of submission.



The 26-year-old Gonzales is the number one ranked featherweight fighter in Peru. He is coming off a thunderous, Pirmasis turas (3:34) PSO (štampus) apie Mariano Rocca rugpjūčio 18.



The four “COPA COMBATE” tournament entrants announced today join the four previously announced entrantsAndres “The Bullet” Quintana (15-2) of Roswell, N.M., JAV; Alejandro “Gallito” Flores (13-1) Monterrey, Naujas liūtas, Meksika; Gaston “Tonga” Reyno (8-2, 2 NC) of Montevideo, Urugvajus; ir Zebenzui “El Niño Roca” Ruiz (7-2) of Las Palmas, Gran Canaria, Ispanija.



The official “COPA COMBATE” tournament brackets with quarterfinal stage matchups for the one night, eight-man tournament will be announced soon.



Kaina nuo $30, tickets for “COPA COMBATE” are on sale online at CombateAmericas.com/Tickets and at Ticketmaster.com, as well as at the Save Mart Center box office.



Doors at Save Mart Center will open for the event at 5 p.m. PT on December 7, ir pirmasis preliminarus bijau prasidės 6 p.m.



Combate Americas also announced today that it has partnered with Jimenez Grappling Academy, an Exeter-based non-profit organization focused on utilizing martial arts classes to create family and community-oriented programs. As part of the local partnership, MMA superstar JuliannaThe Venezuelan VixenPeña will join fellow Combate Americas commentator and multiple-time WWE Heavyweight Champion, Alberto El Patrón, formerly known as Alberto Del Rio, to offer an MMA seminar to Jimenez’s students on Wednesday, Gruodis. 5, two days before the “COPA COMBATE” affair.

FFC 34 On Nov. 9 At Fight Dome Las Vegas Has Been Canceled

Medical Concerns And Fighter Safety Led To The Cancelation Of FFC 34
Photo Courtesy of: Galutinė Kova čempionatas

LAS VEGAS, NV (Lapkritis 8, 2018) – Due to reasons involving medical issues, Final Fight Championship has announced that “FFC 34” on November 9th has been officially canceled.




Nick Sadeghi, MD of Athlete Advantage Medical in Las Vegas, NV, released the following statement to Final Fight Championship.


The Nevada State Athletic Commission requires a series of medical examinations to be completed by a professional fighter in order to determine the medical condition of a fighter, the outcome of those exams determining if the fighter will be cleared to compete or not. Of utmost concern is the fighter’s physical well-being. It was determined by independent physicians conducting the exams for FFC as well as the Nevada State Athletic Commission that several fighters scheduled to compete on the November 9th fight card would not be able to compete due to abnormal MRA findings which identified small aneurysms in the brain. For obvious reasons, these fighters could not be cleared to compete without proper medical workup. This includes consulting with a Neurosurgeon and an Interventional Radiologist. Some fighters may be cleared after this, but some may need a surgical procedure to correct the aneurysm before he or she can continue to fight in the future.




FFC CEO/President, Orsat Zovko, issued his own statement regarding the unfortunate cancelation.




We are disappointed to make this announcement, but on such short notice it was impossible to move forward because four of our six fights were stopped by the commission and medical personnel, including our Main Event and Co-Event,” said Zovko.




We must follow the strict rules and guidelines of the Nevada Athletic Commission, and we respect the decisions made by the medical community, because it is in the best interest of the fighters, and to protect their health is the ultimate goal.




Galutinė Kova čempionatas (FFC) yra pirmoji ir vienintelė profesionalių kovinių sporto šakų franšizė, siūlanti gerbėjams unikalią „daugiarūšį“.’ patirtis (Boksas, Kikboksas ir MMA), kur kiekvienas renginys baigiasi kova dėl čempiono titulo. Visi FFC renginiai vyksta viduje “Kova su kupolu” „Caesars Entertainment“ Rio Las Vegase, visiškai nauja kovinio sporto meka.




Daugiau informacijos apie Final Fight Championship, apsilankykite finalfightchampionship.com, „Facebook“ adresu Facebook.com/FFCFighting, ir sekite FFC „Instagram“ / „Twitter“ @FFCFighting.

Liddell vs. Ortiz 3 to air worldwide on FITE Saturday November 24, 2018

Main card and viewing details announced



New York City (Lapkritis 7, 2018): Golden Boy Promotions and FITE announced today that the third encounter of UFC Hall of Famers Tito Ortiz (19-12-1 MMA) and Chuck Liddell (21-8 MMA), taking place on Saturday Nov 24th at The “Fabulous” Forum in Inglewood, Kalifornijoje., will stream live around the world on the FITE digital streaming network as part of the partnership deal with Golden Boy Promotions. Bell time for the PPV broadcast is 9:00AM ET / 6:00val PT.



FITE will stream the trilogy fight on its platform, live on digital pay per view to a worldwide audience of viewers. Pre-orders are available now on the www.FITE.TV website, FITE mobile apps for iOS, „Android“, and the FITE channel on Amazon Fire, „Android“, "Apple TV", and Roku on a PPV basis.



Two of the most recognizable names in UFC and Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) istorija, Liddell and Ortiz enter the cage on Thanksgiving weekend in what’s expected to be a throwback fight to the golden age of MMA. The fight takes place under Oscar De La Hoya’s Golden Boy Promotions banner.



Main card details for the pay per view stream have been announced. The six-fight main card features UFC veterans Gleison Tibau (33-14) vs. Efrain Escudero (30-13) in a Catchweight bout and UFC veteran Tom Lawlor taking on prospect Deron Winn in a light heavyweight bout.



Main Card Lineup / Pay Per View Stream



Šviesos Sunkiojo:

Chuck LIDDELL (21—8) vs. Tito ORTIZ (19-12-1)



Šviesos Sunkiojo:

Deron WINN (4-0) vs. Tom LAWLOR (10-6)




Šviesos Sunkiojo:

Kenneth BERGH (4-1) vs. Jorge GONZALEZ (14-4)




Gleison TIBAU (29-14) vs. Efrain ESCUDERO (28-13)




Walel WATSON (13-11) vs. Ricardo PALACIOS (10-1)




Jay SILVA (10-9) vs. Oscar COTA (8-1)



The resumes of Liddell and Ortiz speak for themselves as both fought the most important fighters of their era. The two first fought in the UFC cage in 2004 after months of trash talk in which Liddell said he always dominated Ortiz in sparring during their past training sessions together. Liddell won the fight in spectacular fashion via KO, but the grudge was far from over. Į 2006 the two faced off again with Ortiz vowing he would even the score. Ortiz fared much better in the second encounter but again succumbed to Liddell via referee stoppage TKO.



Tito Ortiz returns to the cage after a submission win over Chael Sonnen back in January 2017 to fight for redemption against his longtime rival Chuck Liddell. Liddell, coming out of retirement, is fighting to make it a perfect 3-0 over the “The Huntington Beach Bad Boyand to close the door on a feud that has spanned more than a decade. With a rivalry this intense and emotions still running high, this trilogy fight has fighters and fans from multiple generations excited to see the final chapter of one of the biggest rivalries of all time!



To order and watch the fight, apsilankykite



Portlandas, Meino (Lapkritis 6, 2018) – Two things have provided a compass for Zac Richard through his admittedly challenging journey into young adulthood: Combat sports, and the fighting spirit of his older sister, Lacy.

Richard will combine those influences in a powerful way when he enters the New England Fights mixed martial arts cage Saturday, Lapkritis 17 for “NEF 36: Battle For the Gold” at Aura in Portland. Opening bell time is 7 p.m.

The former high school state champion wrestler from Waterboro, Meino, undefeated in two short MMA forays, will take on Chris Lachcik. It’s a weekend with unforgettable significance for Richard and his family: That weekend will mark the six-year anniversary that Zac’s sister, Lacy, 23, passed away after a battle with cancer.

“It’s a weird thing losing your sister. It’s certainly going to help motivate me,” Richard said. “A lot of the fans that are going to be there will be wearing T-shirts that we made with my sister’s picture on it. I think it will be an emotional night.”

Lacy’s death came early in Zac’s sophomore year at Massabesic High School.

It fueled his development as one of the top schoolboy wrestlers in the state. After losing an overtime decision at the Class A state meet as a junior, Richard finally grabbed 145-pound gold in his senior campaign of 2015.

“That was always my thing,” Richard said, “I remember a wrestling match my senior year. I was getting my ass kicked by this kid and had no energy to get up. That’s all I could think about was if Lacy could get up, so can I. I ended up winning that match, taip pat, so it’s kind of crazy.”

All-state and New England competitions were in play that year, o taip pat, but Richard said his postseason was cut short for disciplinary reasons.

It began a cycle of a year or two in which Richard – the only remaining child of Glen and Shelly – struggled to find his way in life.

His relationship with his parents suffered. Memories of their inseparable bond during his wrestling career ultimately provided Zac’s wake-up call.

“Starting in middle school, my parents drove me to New Hampshire every single day to practice. They drove me all around the country. They bought me a sauna to cut weight in. They always loved the sport,” Richard said, “Once wrestling ended, I was just kind of being a (jerk). They stopped talking to me as much and we weren’t as close.

“I always missed (imtynės). I had nothing to keep me out of trouble. Wrestling was what always did that for me. It sounds corny, but once 2018 came it was like, “All right, let’s get your (stuff) together.It was time to do something with my free time.”

Richard joined forces with Nostos MMA in Somersworth, Naujasis Hampšyras, home of former NEF Lightweight Champion and current Ultimate Fighting Championships (UFC) fighter Devin Powell.

It didn’t take long for Richard to find a home and follow his mentor into competition. His docket to date includes first-round technical knockouts of Gabriel Diaz and Clifford Redman.

“Devin is definitely cool. He took me under his wing when I first went in there,” Richard said. “I went to the NEF fights in February when I first started, and he brought me in the cage to get a feel for it and stuff. He’s always given me good advice and told me which fights I should take and which ones I shouldn’t.”

Netyčia, both Richard and Powell are preparing for bouts that will take place the same day. Powell’s is on the first-ever UFC card in Argentina.

“We’re both training right now, so it’s not as one-to-one as much this time, but I love having him as a coach,” Richard said. “I drive 45 minutes every single day because it’s Devin, jūs žinote,?"

Richard’s transition to the multi-dimensional MMA arena has been so quick that his repertoire remains a work in progress. He relies heavily on his wrestling acumen and the relentless personality that made him a champion on the mat.

“I love it because I can actually slam people now,” he said with a laugh. “I was a real scrappy wrestler. I had the most takedowns for my high school, which I crushed the record before me. So those two things help out a lot in MMA, the takedowns and the scrambling, because I don’t practice as much jiu-jitsu as I should. But my wrestling can usually get me out of most situations.

“I’ve always thought about doing MMA. Growing up as a kid I followed the sport. And I’ve always gotten into fights, so it was like, why not? I kind of hit it off pretty quick, and now I’ve fallen in love and I’m obsessed with it.”

That focus isn’t lost on Richard’s parents, who are heavily involved in his life – and budding career – once again.

Kartu, the family helped raise $33,000 for cancer awareness and research at an annual motorcycle ride in Lacy’s honor this past June.

Ticket and T-shirt sales also are part of their contribution, but they’re not afraid to get a little dirty, arba. When Zac’s boxing coach was unable to attend the last fight, Glen took his place in the corner.

“My parents are very big supporters,” Richard said, “I love them. I love seeing them be happy with me again.”

He noted that they drove all the way to Bangor, between two and three hours, for a one-minute fight earlier this year.

True to his own tradition, Richard hasn’t spent much time watching film of his upcoming opponent.

“I don’t like to game plan. I just want to go in there and do it. If you fought a guy on the street, you couldn’t watch videos of him. That’s the way I look at it,” Richard said. “All through wrestling, I watched film of one kid because it was my state final and I’d wrested him like 12 kartų. We went back and forth so it was like, ‘What am I doing wrong?’ But that was different.”

Richard expects this fight to be a jumping-off point as he tests himself against the top competition NEF has to offer in the year ahead.

“I’m just going to take any fight I can get against the best guys,” Richard said. “You can sit here and say, ‘I could have been one of the best fightersand stuff, but you’ll never know until you try. Every fight I’m going to put my hardest into it.”

And through all the blood, sweat and tears, one guiding force will remain constant.

“I’m usually pretty irritated that time of year,” Richard said of Lacy’s anniversary. “Every fight and wrestling match, I’ve just thought to myself if your little sister – well, big sister, but she was tiny – can fight cancer and deal with all this (crap), there’s no way I’m going to back down.”

NEF naujos mišrios kovos menų renginys, “NEF 36: Mūšis dėl aukso,” pamatys, kaip bendrovė grįš į „Aura“ Portlande, Meino. Planuojama, kad renginys vyks šeštadienį, Lapkritis 17, 2018 su varpo laiku 7 pm. Bilietai parduodami dabar www.AuraMaine.com.

Naujasis M-1 Challenge vidutinio svorio čempionas Bruno Blindado Silva

Naujasis M-1 Challenge vidutinio svorio čempionas Bruno Blindado Silva

CHELYABINSK, Rusija (Lapkritis 5, 2018) — Naujasis M-1 Challenge vidutinio svorio čempionas Bruno Blindado Silva M-1 Iššūkis 98 Naujasis M-1 Challenge vidutinio svorio čempionas Bruno Blindado Silva 12 Naujasis M-1 Challenge vidutinio svorio čempionas Bruno Blindado Silva, Naujasis M-1 Challenge vidutinio svorio čempionas Bruno Blindado Silva, Naujasis M-1 Challenge vidutinio svorio čempionas Bruno Blindado Silva Naujasis M-1 Challenge vidutinio svorio čempionas Bruno Blindado SilvaNaujasis M-1 Challenge vidutinio svorio čempionas Bruno Blindado Silva Meno Frolovas, Čeliabinske, Rusija.




Silva (19-6-0) Naujasis M-1 Challenge vidutinio svorio čempionas Bruno Blindado Silva. Naujasis M-1 Challenge vidutinio svorio čempionas Bruno Blindado Silva Aleksandras Shlemenko (56-11-1) Naujasis M-1 Challenge vidutinio svorio čempionas Bruno Blindado Silva M-1 Iššūkis 93 Naujasis M-1 Challenge vidutinio svorio čempionas Bruno Blindado Silva. Naujasis M-1 Challenge vidutinio svorio čempionas Bruno Blindado Silva, Frolov (11-1-0), Naujasis M-1 Challenge vidutinio svorio čempionas Bruno Blindado Silva 16 nuo jo 19 Naujasis M-1 Challenge vidutinio svorio čempionas Bruno Blindado Silva.




Naujasis M-1 Challenge vidutinio svorio čempionas Bruno Blindado Silva, kuris buvo 9-0-0 M-1 varžybose praėjusį penktadienį antrą kartą apgynė titulą prieš Silvą, buvo pasirašęs UFC sutartį ir praėjusį mėnesį jis turėjo kovoti UFC Maskvoje. Jis buvo priverstas pasitraukti dėl traumos.




Bendrame renginyje buvo numuštas dar vienas nenugalėtas kovotojas, kai rusų pusvidutinio svorio Sergejus Romanovas (15-3-0) perdavė savo varžovą šveicarą, Ursas Pablo Ortmannas (8-1-0), pirmasis jo pralaimėjimas profesionalams, trijų raundų vieningu sprendimu.




Kazachstano lengvaatletis Sergejus Morozovas (13-4-0) laimėjo trijų apvalios vieningą sprendimą per Bair namas (7-3-0), Rusijos.




Rusijos vidutinio svorio Ivanas Bogdanovas išlaikė savo nepramuštą rekordą, tobulėti iki 6-0-0, kai išmušė prancūzą Emmanuelis “Papou Lele” Vaistas (7-3-0) trečiojo turo.




Rusų Papildsvars Borisas Medvedevas (4-0-0) liko nenugalėtas, savo tautiečiui užrakinęs Galinį nuogą smauglį, Davidas Zakaryanas (1-1-0) už pergalę pagal pirmąjį techninį pateikimą.




Dėl preliminaraus kortelės, pavėluotas pakeitimas Olegas Popovas (4-1-0) užregistravo kolegos Rusijos sunkiasvorio antrojo raundo techninį nokautą, Jurijus Fiodorovas (1-1-0, 1 NC), turo dviejų, o rusiškas lengvas Magomedas Magomedovas (12-3-0) įdėti prancūzą Arnaudas Kherfallah(5-2-0) Arnaudas Kherfallah.




Arnaudas Kherfallah Arnaudas Kherfallah “Arnaudas Kherfallah” Arnaudas Kherfallah (9-3-0) Arnaudas Kherfallah Arnaudas Kherfallah “Arnaudas Kherfallah” Arnaudas Kherfallah (7-3-1) Arnaudas Kherfallah, ir Arnaudas Kherfallah (2-1-0) Arnaudas Kherfallah Arnaudas Kherfallah (1-1-0) Rusijos sunkiasvorių mūšyje.


Arnaudas Kherfallah (3-0-0) iškrenta Arnaudas Kherfallah (2-1-0) Arnaudas Kherfallah, Rusų lengvas Arnaudas Kherfallah (4-1-0) Arnaudas Kherfallah, Arnaudas Kherfallah (2-1-0), Arnaudas Kherfallah, Arnaudas Kherfallah (2-0-0) Arnaudas Kherfallah Arnaudas Kherfallah (7-5-1), Ispanijos, apskritojo vieną.




The 24 Arnaudas Kherfallah: Rusija, Brazilija, Prancūzija, Ukraina, Šveicarija, Ispanija, Arnaudas Kherfallah.

Arnaudas Kherfallah:
Main Event – M-1 lenktynės vidutinio svorio ČEMPIONATAS
Naujasis M-1 Challenge vidutinio svorio čempionas Bruno Blindado Silva (19-6-0, M-1: 2-0-0), Brazilija
WTKO4 (štampus – 3:36)
Meno Frolovas (11-1-0, M-1: 9-1-0), Rusija
(Arnaudas Kherfallah)
Sergejus Romanovas (15-3-0, M-1: 6-2-0), Rusija
Ursas Pablo Ortmannas (8-1-0, M-1: 2-1-0), Šveicarija
Sergejus Morozovas (13-4-0, M-1: 7-3-0), Kazachstanas
Bair namas (7-3-0, M-1: 3-3-0), Rusija
Ivanas Bogdanovas (6-0-0, M-1: 1-0-0), Rusija
WTKO3 (0:58 – štampus)
Arnaudas Kherfallah (732-0, M-1: 0-1-0), Prancūzija
Borisas Medvedevas (4-0-0, M-1: 3-0-0), Rusija
WSUB1 (3:55 – Galinis Nuoga smaugimas)
Davidas Zakaryanas (1-1-0, M-1: 1-1-0), Ispanija
Olegas Popovas (4-1-0, M-1: 2-0-0), Rusija
WTKO2 (2:38 – štampus)
Jurijus Fiodorovas (1-1-0, 1 NC, M-1: 1-1-0, 1 NC), Rusija
Arnaudas Kherfallah (1-1-0, M-1: 1-0-0), Rusija
WTKO1 (0:20 – štampus)
Arnaudas Kherfallah (1-1-0, M-1: 1-1-0), Rusija
Arnaudas Kherfallah (9-3-0, M-1: 1-0-0), Brazilija
WSUB2 (4:55 – Arnaudas Kherfallah)
Talekhas Nadzhafzade (7-3-1, M-1: 2-3-1), Azerbaidžanas
Talekhas Nadzhafzade (12-2-0, M-1: 3-1-0)
WKO1 (0:28 – štampus)
Arnaudas Kherfallah (5-2-0, M-1: 2-1-1)
Arnaudas Kherfallah (3-0-0, M-1: 2-0-0), Rusija
WTKO1 (4:27 – štampus)
Arnaudas Kherfallah (2-1-0, 1 NC, M-1: 2-1-0), Rusija
Arnaudas Kherfallah (4-1-0, M-1: 2-0-0), Rusija
WTKO3 (2:40 – štampus)
Arnaudas Kherfallah (3-1-0, (M-1: 0-1-0), Ukraina
Talekhas Nadzhafzade (2-0-0, M-1: 2-0-0), Rusija
WKO1 (3:56 – štampus)
Arnaudas Kherfallah (7-5-1, M-1: 1-1-0), Ispanija
Silva (viršus) Talekhas Nadzhafzade
Sergejus Romanovas (R) Talekhas Nadzhafzade (L) pirmasis jo pralaimėjimas profesionalams
Sergejus Morozovas (R) Talekhas Nadzhafzade
Talekhas Nadzhafzade (L) Talekhas Nadzhafzade
Borisas Medvedevas (L) Talekhas Nadzhafzade. Davidas Zakaryanas

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@ M1GlobalNews
@ M1Global
Talekhas Nadzhafzade: Lapkritis. 17 – M-1 Iššūkis 99: Talekhas Nadzhafzade. Talekhas Nadzhafzade, Talekhas Nadzhafzade, Rusija

FFC 33 Rezultatai iš Las Vegaso

FFC karūnuotas naujas kikbokso čempionas 33
Chub nuliūdino anksčiau neįveiktą Vrtacicą dėl vidutinio svorio kategorijos titulo
(Nuotrauka: Mykta Chub (į kairę) laimi FFC vidutinio svorio kikbokso titulą su Orsat Zovko (teisė) FFC generalinis direktorius / įkūrėjas)
Nuotrauka mandagumo: Sergejus Baranovas / Finalinės kovos čempionatas


Las Vegasas, NV, (Lapkritis 2, 2018) – Pagrindinis įvykis “FFC 33” pristatė nusiminusią ir naują čempioną, kaip Mykta Chub (18-7-0) nugalėjo iki tol nepralaimėjusį čempioną Andi Vrtačičių (10-1-0) išskaidyto sprendimą (47-48, 48-47, 48-47) laimėti FFC vidutinio svorio kikbokso titulą.




Chub ir Vrtacic parodė didelę ištvermę per savo penkis ratus. Chubas šios kovos metu gana dažnai sugebėjo įsmeigti Vrtacicą į kampus, nuliūdindamas jaunąjį Vrtacicą ir neleisdamas jam panaudoti jam būdingų aukštų smūgių. Vrtacici atliko keletą gražių smūgių galva ir keletą solidžių derinių, bet to nepakako, kad sužavėtų teisėjus, leidžiantis Chubui pavogti laimėjimą, ir pavadinimas.




Bendrame pagrindiniame renginyje, kuriame dalyvavo du labai jaudinantys MMA lengvo svorio kovotojai, Darrick prisiminimai (22-9-0) negaišo laiko pateikdamas buvusį UFC kovotoją, “Kasijus” Clay Collard (16-8-1) užpakalyje nuogas smaugimas pačiame pirmame raunde. Pateikimo pergalė, kuri buvo 19oji arba Minnerio karjera, tik paėmė 31 sekundžių įvykdyti.




Andre Keysas (10-1-0) distanciją nuėjo su Randy Fuentesu (7-7-1) super pusvidutinio svorio bokso kovoje. Raktai laimėjo padalijimo sprendimu (55-59, 55-59, 58-56) kovoje, kurioje abu kovotojai stovėjo kišenėje ir didžiąją dalį savo šešių raundų kovos sunkiais smūgiais.




Lengvo svorio kikbokso rungtynėse, nepaisant to, kad muštynėse susilaužė kairę ranką, Chrisas McMillan (38-10-0) laimėjo padalintą sprendimą (28-29, 29-28, 29-28) prieš Teo Mikeličių (18-7-0) kovoje, kurioje abu kovotojai smogė žiauriai ir smūgiavo.




Naktis prasidėjo Sherrard Blackledge (1-0-0) vieningu sprendimu laimėjo profesionalų MMA debiutą (30-27, 30-26, 30-27) virš Jordano Christenseno (0-2-0) pusvidutinio svorio kategorijoje.




“Dauguma šių kovų baigėsi įveikus distanciją ir šį vakarą kovotojai nenuvylė,” sakė FFC generalinis direktorius / įkūrėjas, Orsat Zovko. “FFC 33 pademonstravo daug ištvermės ir kietumo bei surengė linksmą šou gerbėjams.”




“FFC 33” vyko jos nuolatiniuose namuose, “Kova su kupolu”, kuri yra „Caesars Entertainment“ Rio Las Vegase. Renginys buvo transliuojamas visoje šalyje per CBS sporto tinklą.




Galutinė Kova čempionatas (FFC) yra pirmoji ir vienintelė profesionalių kovinių sporto šakų franšizė, siūlanti gerbėjams unikalią „daugiarūšį“.’ patirtis (Boksas, Kikboksas ir MMA), kur kiekvienas renginys baigiasi kova dėl čempiono titulo. Visi FFC renginiai vyksta viduje “Kova su kupolu” „Caesars Entertainment“ Rio Las Vegase, visiškai nauja kovinio sporto meka.



Baigta “FFC 33” MMA rezultatai žemiau:







Mykyta Chub (18-7-0), Ft. Loderdeilas, FL per Ukrainą

Laimėti padalijimo sprendimu, 5 Rds. (47-48, 48-47, 48-47)

Andi Vrtacic (10-1-0), Pula ,Kroatija

(Chub laimėjo FFC vidutinio svorio titulą)



Darrick prisiminimai (22-9-0), Nebraskos miestas, NE

Laimėkite pateikimu (Galinis Nuoga smaugimas) :31, Rd. 1

Clay Collard (16-8-1), Tokervilis, OUT





Andre Keysas (10-1-0), Tacoma, WA

Laimėti padalijimo sprendimu, 6 Rds. (55-59, 55-59, 58-56)

Randy Fuentesas (7-7-1), McAllenas, TX

(Kikboksas) Lengvasvoriai

Chrisas McMillan (38-10-0), Kalgaris Alberta, Kanada

Laimėti padalijimo sprendimu, 3 Rds. (28-29, 29-28, 29-28)

Teo Mikelic (18-7-0), Pula, Kroatija





Sherrardas Blackledge'as (1-0-0), Las Vegasas, NV (Pro debiutas)

Laimėjo vieningu sprendimu, 3 Rds. (30-27, 30-26, 30-27)

Jordanas Christensenas (0-2-0), Las Vegasas, NV



Portlandas, Meino (Lapkritis 2, 2018) - Naujosios Anglijos Kovų (NEF) surengs paskutinį mišrių kovos menų renginį 2018, “NEF 36: Mūšis dėl aukso,” šeštadienį, Lapkritis 17 „Aura“ mieste Portlande, Meino. Anksčiau šiandien, the fight promotion announced the fight card for the event featuring a full slate of professional and amateur fights.




The professional side of the card will be headlined by a pair of title fights as Ryanas Sandersas (17-9) defends the lightweight strap against Jacob Bohn (7-5) ir Ras Hylton (3-1) atitinka Yorgan De Castro (2-0) to crown the first-ever NEF cruiserweight champion.




Sanders has held the lightweight title since April 2017 when he defeated Jon Lemke (7-9) in a tournament final. He has won a remarkable eight in a row in the NEF cage, not losing on Maine soil in four years. New York’s Jacob Bohn has won his last two in a row over veterans Kenny Foster (12-13) and Lewis Corapi (8-4) atitinkamai.




Ras Hylton is coming off a highlight-reel elbow knockout of Eric Bedard (6-8) praėjusių metų rugpjūtį. The 6’6resident of South Portland, known to fans as “Jamaikos „Shamrock“,” is a perfect 3-0 in the NEF cage where he also went 3-0 kaip mėgėjų. Yorgan De Castro is undefeated as a professional, having finished both of his opponents by technical knockout. The bout will be the first in the newly-created NEF 225-pound cruiserweight division which will fall between the light-heavyweight (205-svaras) ir sunkiasvoris (265-svaras) classes.




Also on the professional card will be a flyweight contest between Portland fan-favorite Ernesto Ornelas (4-7) and undefeated Massachusetts prospect Jose Lugo (3-0). Ornelas is riding a two-fight win streak while Lugo, pravarde “El Salvaje,” has finished all three of his opponents.


Matt Probin (2-0) is scheduled to make his long-awaited debut with NEF when he meets veteran Lionel Young (7-15) į lengvas konkursas. Probin has won back-to-back bouts in Vermont via knockout to start his professional career.




As of press time, NEF was still searching for a replacement opponent for Carl Langstonas (0-1) in a professional featherweight bout after several previous opponents had pulled out. Interested featherweights should contact NEF matchmakers via email at newenglandfights@gmail.com. Serious inquiries only please.




The amateur portion of the card is scheduled to feature a total of three women’s MMA bouts. Glory Watson (1-0) imsis Megan Rosado (0-0), o BJ Garceau (1-0) atitinka Chelsea Tucker (0-3) ir Catie Denning (1-0) susiduria ne su Taylor Thompson (2-0). Watsonas, Garceau and Tucker are all members of Young’s MMA in Bangor, Maine owned and operated by coach Chris Young. The trio has been nicknamed “Chrisas’ Angels.




The fullNEF 36” Kova skyriaus (keistis ir tvirtinimas Kovinis sportas tarnybos Meino):





225*PAVADINIMAS Ras Hylton 3-1 (Pirma klasė MMA) vs Yorgan De Castro 2-0

155*PAVADINIMAS Ryanas Sandersas 17-9 (c) (Jungo MMA) vs Jacob Bohn 7-5 (Behring Jiu Jitsu NY)

145 Matt Probin 2-0 (Recon) vs Lionel Young 7-15 (Citadel Martial Arts)

125 Ernesto Ornelas 4-7 (Choi institutas) vs Jose Lugo 3-0 (BST MMA & Fitnesas)






175 Jon Assam 0-0 (CMBJJ) vs Jordan Norman 0-1 (Bad Little Falls Dojo)

155 Zacas Richardas 2-0 (Nostos) vs Chris Lachcik 0-1 (Nepriklausomas)

155 Mohammad Al Kinani 4-1 (Evolution Athletix) vs Clifford Redman 0-6 (Nepriklausomas)

155 Brandon Mailet 0-0 (CMBJJ) vs Ben Peters 0-0 (Titan Athletics)

140 Megan Rosado 0-0 (Evolution Athletix) vs Glory Watson 1-0 (Jungo MMA)

140 Henris Clark 4-4 (Choi institutas) vs Killian Murphy 1-1 (Nostos)

135 Taylor Thompson 2-0 () vs Catie Denning 1-0 (Jungo MMA)

135 Schuyler Vaillancourt 0-0 (Nostos) vs Felipe Gunther 0-0 (Pirma klasė MMA)

135 Nate Boucher 2-3 (CMBJJ) vs Jordan Young 1-1 (Nepriklausomas)

125 Chelsea Tucker 0-3 (Pirma klasė MMA) vs BJ Garceau 1-0 (Jungo MMA)




NEF naujos mišrios kovos menų renginys, “NEF 36: Mūšis dėl aukso,” pamatys, kaip bendrovė grįš į „Aura“ Portlande, Meino. Planuojama, kad renginys vyks šeštadienį, Lapkritis 17, 2018 su varpo laiku 7 pm. Bilietai parduodami dabar www.AuraMaine.com.


Apie New England Kovų




Naujosios Anglijos Kovų ("NEF") yra kova renginiai akcijas bendrovė. NEF misija yra sukurti aukščiausios kokybės renginius tiek kovotojams, tiek sirgaliams. NEF vykdomoji komanda turi didelę patirtį Kovinis sportas valdymas, Renginiai gamyba, ryšiai su žiniasklaida, prekyba, teisinė ir reklama.