分類存檔: 拳擊


“It’s time for America to wake up and understand they have the baddest man on the planet right here” – Deontay Wilder

Wilder Shares His Thoughts With Below The Belt Host Brendan Schaub As He Prepares To Face Fury December 1 Live On SHOWTIME PPV®

圖片來源: 以斯帖林/ SHOWTIME

WBC Heavyweight World Champion Deontay Wilder sat down with SHOWTIME Sports correspondent Brendan Schaub as part of a wide-ranging interview providing a glimpse into the mindset of the undefeated champion as he prepares for the most significant heavyweight event in the U.S. in more than 15 歲月. The 6-foot-7 Wilder meets 6-foot-9 lineal heavyweight champion Tyson Fury December 1 住在Showtime PPV® 從斯台普斯中心在洛杉磯.




懷爾德, who is America’s only true heavyweight champion since 2007, discusses everything from his career-defining win over Luis Ortiz and his incredible knockout power, to the pressures of being the heavyweight champion of the world and his love for his family in the candid 35-minute interview from a double-decker bus in Los Angeles.




The Tuscaloosa, 翼. 本地人, 然而, had the most to say about his upcoming battle with Fury. “Throughout my whole career, guys always said I only had one hand,” Wilder explains to Schaub as they head to Los Angeles International Airport following Monday’s media day in Santa Monica. “But when you get in the ring, it’s going to be different. The game plan is going to go out the window, like Mike Tyson said.




“This is the moment in time for America to wake up and understand they have the baddest man on the planet right here,” Wilder passionately continues. “And you think I’m going to let this Gypsy come in here and mess up all those plans for me? I don’t think so.”




The heavyweight showdown headlines the December 1 SHOWTIME PPV 住在離斯台普斯中心在洛杉磯 (9 P.M. ET /下午6時. PT). 懷爾德, who has knocked out all seven challengers of his title, will attempt to make his eighth WBC Heavyweight defense. In the third fight of his comeback, Fury has the opportunity to become a two-time heavyweight world champion.







介紹不敗重量級的轟動詹姆斯 “野獸” 威爾遜

金童進入 “野獸模式或無模式”

洛杉磯, 例如. (十一月 8, 2018) – 在這個時代裡,重量級拳擊再次成為熱點師. 現在的問題仍然是問, 誰將會是下一個是邁克·泰森像淘汰賽藝術家? 或有喜歡足球和籃球拳擊採取的最好的大個子遠離運動?




輸入詹姆斯 “野獸” 威爾遜.




威爾遜具有上述品質的所有屬性. 一個了不起的運動員, 誰是在戰鬥背景顯示兇猛功率的NFL訓練營.




威爾遜, 誰只是金童推廣簽署, 有創紀錄 8-0 七擊倒, 但他的故事開始了 20 幾年前在洛杉磯街頭.




威爾遜正在經歷困難時期,是年齡介於無家可歸 13 和 15, 在那裡,他睡在汽車旅館, 公園長椅, 在這些公園洗澡. 威爾遜有一刮法律, 而改變了他的一生….為了更好.




“我被關起來,然後放在一組. 這實際上讓我有結構,把我在正確的軌道上. 我在學校表現不錯,開始做運動,現在我在我的生活有積極的選擇,” Wilson說.




威爾遜成為今年洛杉磯時報高中足球運動員, 還有一個三次入選全城軌 & 現場的運動員, 這使他贏得了獎學金,在西弗吉尼亞州康科德大學.




威爾遜, 誰畢業於社會學學位, 隨後又在所有的地方玩職業足球, 波蘭.




之後,他贏得了一個訓練營與芝加哥熊隊邀請. 然而,他選擇跟隨其他運動激情.




“我開始做幹峰,空手道, 泰拳,泰國和跆拳道。” 威爾遜有一個專業的跆拳道記錄 16-2-1 他在頂級公司如K-1和榮耀競爭.



之後, 威爾遜則嘗試了MMA和折磨了一個令人印象深刻 5-2 記錄並為之奮鬥的高​​度重視Bellator戰鬥的冠軍.




仍不滿意, 威爾遜開始拳擊.








“我知道在新西蘭啟動, 我能夠每星期打有. 這加速了我的進程和發展. 我回到洛杉磯, 並能得到四個勝場。”




在 7-0, 威爾遜然後會見長期拳擊產業球員, 賈里德肖.




肖看到威爾遜的影片對他的Instagram帳戶, 並伸手不敗重量級.




“賈里德與我聯繫, 並會見了在健身房, 和他有同樣的願景,我說我有, 剩下的就是歷史。”




“只見詹姆斯作為一個深藏不露,” 肖說. “他有組合的速度和力量,你不重量級見. 他有 “它” 我有Kimbo切片看見因素. 我很幸運,已經簽署KIMBO關閉了在YouTube上看到了打架的. 當KIMBO進入一個房間, 你覺得存在和能源. 我看到很多相同的特點詹姆斯而言是這種類型的吸引力. 如果誰搞錯的詹姆斯對一個足球運動員或混合武術藝術家必將有自己的雙手完全在拳擊台上. 這是一個藍籌股運動員, ” 肖說, 誰在這項運動中成長為他的父親加里·肖已躋身發起人之一,在世界上,在過去的三十年.






邵氏的第一個工作是用正確的訓練師讓詹姆斯. 進入賈斯汀財富.




“我知道賈斯汀很長一段時間. 既作為體能教練和教練. 大多數人都知道他在帕奎奧的側, 但也許很多人不知道,賈斯汀是一個重量級的前景誰打倫諾克斯·劉易斯. 我最喜歡這個配對賈斯汀是一個較短的重量級以及, 但一個強大的沖床. 他多年的經驗是什麼,是要幫助詹姆斯加速他的成長在運動. 作為一個團隊, 我們有一個目標,帶來了世界冠軍回到了洛杉磯,並及時,” 繼續肖.




肖的下一步是要找到合適的啟動子威爾遜與簽署, 而二人發現的最大的公司之一,這是有興趣的世界.




“很多促銷員在看著我. 我會見了金童, 他們看到我的才華和遠見,我覺得他們會做到這一點對我來說, 並把我帶到了世界重量級冠軍,” Wilson說.







“這是一個完美的情況. 金童推廣是我們這項運動的領導者之一,當談到推廣公司. 在這種情況下, 它的工作,你有從洛杉磯的總部設在洛杉磯的世界知名公司打一場巨大的應用前景. 眼下金童是在運動的頂部. 他們可以說是促進在CANELO阿爾瓦雷斯在世界頂級戰鬥機, 而他們能夠保證他DAZN前所未有的交易. 我們期待著這會是詹姆斯的機會, 並展示詹姆斯’ 非凡的技能. 我有 100% 信心奧斯卡 (霍亞), 埃里克 (戈麥斯) 和羅伯特 (迪亞茲) 導致詹姆斯的世界重量級冠軍, 並幫助最大限度地提高自己的盈利潛力. 洛杉磯從來沒有一個重量級冠軍, 所以,這是絕對意義上的第一個人會用一個完整的基於洛杉磯隊與詹姆斯, 賈斯汀, 金童和我. ”




“我希望人們知道詹姆斯是繩索內, 他是一個野獸和人類電影精華, 所以不眨眼. 但環外, 他是一個令人難以置信的父親給他的三個孩子. 一個巨大的激勵人心的演說, 並積極的示範作用向內部城市和世界其他地區. 他是社區和幫助青年大. 尤其是那些欺負。”




威爾遜說一個有關反欺凌很多青少年. “我做了很多口語和用於反欺凌研討會. 我去了很多學校和寄養家庭,並告訴他們我的故事. 我想我可能是某人的孩子仰望,讓他們知道,他們有一個未來,儘管他們在任何情況下. 我告訴孩子,你手裡有武器, 你的嘴是一種武器, 和戰鬥的唯一的地方是環內。”




當記者問他想打誰和什麼他的目標是在運動, 威爾遜說, “我不是在尋找專門打任何人個人, 我期待打所有的人. 最重要的是, 我在這裡給球迷一些觀看. 它是 365 天 “獸” 季節. 這是野獸模式或無模式。”




要按照詹姆斯·威爾遜, 點擊:


Banner Promotions signs undefeated Lightweight Mohamed Soumaoro

費城, PENN.(十一月 8, 2018)–Banner Promotions has signed it’s 2nd undefeated lightweight this week as the promotional company has signed Mohamed Soumaoro.




該 25 year-old Soumaoro is out of Montreal, Canada by way of Conakry, Guinea and Havana, 古巴.




He has amassed a professional record of 6-0 三擊倒.




Growing up in Havana as a youth he enjoyed walking, playing soccer, going to school and learning. During this time he was introduced to karate and taekwondo. He did not pursue those sports because in 2008, he moved to Blainville, Quebec to live with his sister. It was while watching television that he discovered an interest in boxing.




After a 53-fight amateur career, he turned professional on April 8, 2017 with a 1st round stoppage over Antonio Vergara.




Soumaoro has continued his success as he has made two starts this year. 在他的最後一個回合, he stopped Ramon Urbina in one round on September 15th in Managua, 尼加拉瓜.




He considers himself as a counterpuncher as he is heavily influenced by future Hall of Famer, 馬奎茲.




I started boxing at age 15 after watching fights on television. I started fighting a little bit in the streets when I was in Guinea,” said Soumaoro.




I am happy to sign with Banner Promotions. My manager Otis Grant has said great things about Banner Promotions, and I see big things. I am happy. This is going to be a good journey. I am ready to make a statement, and realize my American dream.




We are happy to add Mohamed to our roster,” 說橫幅促銷總統, 阿蒂Pelullo. “His manager Otis Grant has glowing things to say about him, and we feel that we will take him to the next levels of the sport. We look forward to helping him develop into a future champion.





有關我們的戰士定期更新, 事件, 和促銷, please check Banner Promotions Facebook Page , 並按照我們 Instagram的嘰嘰喳喳 BannerBoxing


SAN ANTONIO, TX (十一月 8, 2018)Amateur standout and 5-Time National Champion, 瑞奇 “El Castigo” 梅迪納 (1-0, 1 KO), 誰是管理 Prince Ranch Boxing’s Greg Hannley 和推動下 TMB & PRB娛樂, is scheduled to return to the ring on December 1, 2018, at the Scottish Rite Theatre in San Antonio, TX. The hometown hero will battle an opponent TBA in his second pro fight, which will be a four-round bout.



I’m eager to get back in the ring and give my hometown fans another great performance,” said Ricky Medina, who scored a third-round TKO in his pro debut. “I’m working hard in the gym and I’ll be at my best when I step in the ring. The ultimate goal will be to score another knockout.




At only 18-years old, 梅迪納, who is a senior at Lanier High School in San Antonio, gives his thoughts on being a professional fighter while still attending high school.




It’s great that I’m able to fight professionally while I’m still in high school, because I have a lot of friends that come to see me fight.Medina continued. “I’m hoping to have a bunch of teachers attend as well. I’m starting to build up a nice fan base. I’m hoping it grows with each fight.

TMB & PRB娛樂 羅伊·瓊斯JR. Boxing Promotions, 現在 “Whose ‘0’ Will Go 2a live boxing event taking place at the Scottish Rite Theatre in San Antonio, TX, 上月 1, 2018. 在10輪的主要事件, 不敗超輕量級 劍道卡斯塔涅達 (14-0, 7 科斯) and Gilbert Venegas Jr. (10-0, 6 科斯), will battle for the vacant WBA-NABA title.




The entire card will be streamed via Facebook’s FIGHTNIGHT LIVE 渠道, which has already served more than three million fight fans since May 2017.




門票價格 $35 普通門票 $40 at the door, 和 $100 馬戲團, 現已公開發售, 並且可以通過調用被購買 (210) 449-5599(210) 322-9974. The Scottish Rite Theatre is located at 308 大道è, 聖安東尼奧, TX 78205. 門開處 4:00 PM, 在第一鐘 5:30 PM.

Jesse Angel Hernandez Enters the World Rankings; Now Gunning for Champ TJ Doheny

Click for video of Hernandez training.

Super bantamweight action hero Jesse Angel Hernandez has entered the IBF’s world rankings at #14 and is now gunning for their champion, Australia via Ireland’s TJ Doheny.




In the last year and a half, 埃爾南德斯 (12-1, 7 科斯), a southpaw from Fort Worth, 得克薩斯州, has turned in three sensational Showtime-televised performances.




八月 2017, he stopped then-undefeated Russian Vladimir Tikhonov in five rounds. Then in November 2017, he took the undefeated 0 of Batlimore’s Glenn Dezurn via unanimous decision. 最後, Hernandez cemented his status as a TV favorite with a thrilling split decision over the very game Ernesto Garza III in January of this year.




27-year-old Hernandez says he’s happy with his career trajectory, working with promoter Dmitriy Salita.




“The plan has always been to fight for a world title and become a world champion!” said Hernandez. “I beat several top-rated and world-rated contenders already and if I need to beat some more before I get my shot, it’s no problem. Knowing that I’ve cracked the top 15 lets me know that we are headed in the right direction and my time is coming. Whoever it is I fight, I know that I must be 100 %的準備. There are no easy fights at this level and I will continue to show that I am the best super bantamweight in the world.”




His promoter, 德米特里Salita, says that Hernandez will have a great 2019.




“Jesse is one of the best and most exciting fighters in the super bantamweight division. His aggressive, exciting style and world-class body punching make him a real attraction in this environment. Jesse is a Mexican American with a growing fan base. The sky is the limit for him next year.”

Vargas to Face Espinoza for WBO-NABO Bantamweight Title at “Rumble at the Rock III” on Friday, 十一月. 30, at Seminole Hard Rock Hotel & 賭場在好萊塢, 佛羅里達州. and Live on Boxeo Telemundo

好萊塢, 佛羅里達州. (十一月. 8, 2018) - 星期五, 十一月. 30, 在 Hard Rock Event Center at Seminole Hard Rock Hotel & 賭場在好萊塢, 佛羅里達州., 促進者 Kris Lawrence and The Heavyweight Factory, 與聯想 全明星拳擊, return with “Rumble at the Rock III.”




A stacked night of Florida boxing will feature Colombian Bantamweight Champion Yeison Vargas (17-0, 12 科斯) of Cartagena, Colombia taking on WBO Latino Bantamweight Champion Ricardo Espinoza (21-2, 18 科斯) in a 10-rounder for the WBO-NABO Championship.




In the 10-round welterweight co-main event, 奎瓦斯Derrieck (18-0-1, 14 科斯) 里奧彼德拉斯的, 波多黎各, will face well-known Miami via Barranquilla, 哥倫比亞, 老將 Breidis “Khanqueror” Prescott (31-14, 22 科斯).




Yeison Vargas, 28, goes by the ring name “El Mulo” and is the current Colombian Bantamweight Champion. He won the title in his last fight, a KO 2 over Mauricio Fuentes in April. In his three-year professional career, the undefeated Vargas has also held the Colombian Super Bantamweight Championship. He stands 5 feet 5 ½ inches tall and knocks out 71 percent of his opponents.




“I want to thank Kris Lawrence of The Heavyweight Factory and my manager, Angel, for putting this deal together for me,”巴爾加斯說. “They call me the mule ‘El Mulo.’ I am an action fighter with concrete in my fists. I respect Ricardo, but come Nov. 30, I’m going to knock him out on national television. Don’t blink.”




Ricardo Espinoza, 21, goes by the ring name “Hindu.” He will be looking to continue the momentum he started in his last fight by knocking out crowd favorite Daniel Lozano in two rounds last August in Tampa. The nationally televised destruction of Lozano won him the WBO Latino Bantamweight title. Espinoza stands 5 feet 7 inches tall and knocks out 78 percent of his opponents.




“I am coming to Florida once again to show the world that Mexico is above Colombia in boxing, and I am coming to take his undefeated record away,” said Espinoza. “I want to become a household name and shine on Telemundo. I want to thank All Star Boxing and The Heavyweight Factory for putting me on this stage. I will not disappoint. Vargas is going down.”




“I’d like to thank Seminole Hard Rock Hollywood and our friends at All Star Boxing and Boxeo Telemundo,” said Heavyweight Boxing Promoter Kris Lawrence. “We’re very excited to be back home here at the Hard Rock Event Center for our last show of the year. It has been a great year of boxing in South Florida, and I hope the fans enjoy this great event. 2019 will be a great year for boxing.”




“I’m happy to be working with Tutico and Ruben, they are my dear friends,” said Henry Rivalta, Director of Boxing Operations for the Heavyweight Factory. “In this business, we have to work together for the betterment of the sport. The fights are action packed as usual, and we expect a sold-out arena come Nov. 30. I’d like to thank Kris Lawrence for his support of boxing in our community.”




門票價格 $500, $200, $150 和 $100. 所有座位均已預訂,可在所有Ticketmaster商店使用, 在線 www.myhrl.com, www.ticketmaster.com 或通過電話充電: 1-800-745-3000. Explore the new Hard Rock Event Center with a 360-degree virtual seat map of the venue at www.myhrl.com. Doors open one hour prior to show start time. 可能需要支付額外費用.


Banner Promotions signs undefeated Lightweight Golden Garcia

費城, PENN.(十一月 6, 2018)–Banner Promotions is proud to announce the signing of undefeated lightweight, Golden Garcia to a promotional contract.




加西亞, 30 years-old of Montreal, 加拿大, 有創紀錄 11-0-1 with six-knockouts.




Garcia began boxing at the age of 12 when he walked in to a gym to get in shape.




I got into a few scraps in the street, so it was nice to go to a place where fighting was allowed,” 加西亞說.




Garcia had about 60 業餘的較量, where he competed at 130 英鎊.




Garcia turned professional on June 28, 2014 with a 2nd round stoppage over Michael Gargouri in Quebec, 加拿大. He has fought all of his bouts in Canada, which included a win over Oscar Mejia (10-2-1).




在他的最後一個回合, Garcia stopped Adalberto Borquez on March 24th in Montreal.




Garcia is a pressure fighter that throws a high volume of punches and tries to overwhelm his opponents. Garcia prides himself for his endurance and he believes that the longer the fight goes, 好他.




This is a great opportunity for me to step up. I will get better chances to show off my skills, and being with Banner Promotions can help me get farther in my career then I could imagine,” 加西亞說. “I am looking forward to this partnership, and together we will do big things.




Said Garcia’s manager, 前世界冠軍, 奧蒂斯格蘭特, “Golden has a lot of potential. He is a very hard worker. I have confidence in Artie Pelullo and Banner Promotions. I was his 1st world champion. This will open the door to sign more fighters with Banner. I have a lot of good fighters, and I am looking to send more to Artie.




I am happy to be working with my 1st world champion Otis Grant, and his brother Howard. They have a terrific eye for talent, and Golden will be the 1st of many fighters that we will be working together, to bring to world championships,” 說橫幅促銷總統, 阿蒂Pelullo.






有關我們的戰士定期更新, 事件, 和促銷, please check Banner Promotions Facebook Page , 並按照我們 Instagram的嘰嘰喳喳 BannerBoxing

弗拉索夫: “要么死要么死”

波蘭 克日什托夫·Glowacki 與俄羅斯的 馬克西姆·弗拉索夫(Maksim Vlasov) 在他們彼此之前已經徹底研究過 阿里·獎杯次輕量級四分之一決賽 10 在芝加哥的UIC展館.


門票可通過 TicketMaster.com 或致電 800-745-3000.




“我看了很多他的 (弗拉索夫的) 和我的教練一起戰鬥,我們已經準備好戰術,” 32歲的Glowacki說 (30-1, 19 科斯). “當然, 他確實有很多缺點,但他也有很多優點.




“但是我不專注於他, 真. 我不在乎他做什麼, 他吃什麼或是否睡很多. 我對自己和我的工作最感興趣. 因為我知道如果我付出一切, 我會贏.




“我帶給比賽的是什麼? 我的信仰大部分, 我相信自己會贏,我知道只能有一個冠軍。”




弗拉索夫, 在多個方面取得成功的戰鬥機, 為應對挑戰做好了充分的準備.




“我對我的對手Krzysztof Glowacki知道很多,” 32歲的弗拉索夫說 (42-2, 25 科斯). “我看過他的許多戰鬥, 他是一個艱難而危險的拳擊手. 他是一個隨時隨地都可以射擊的戰士,總需要注視他並保持專注.




“在我職業生涯的這個階段, 這場與Glowacki的戰鬥是關鍵. 要么做,要么死。”




拉脫維亞的 Mairis鹿 與德國的 諾埃爾·米卡利安(Noel Mikaelian)克日什托夫·Glowacki VS 馬克西姆·弗拉索夫(Maksim Vlasov) 是世界拳擊超級系列賽來到芝加哥UIC館時,兩個輕量級四分之一決賽以令人難以置信的雙頭姿勢出現.




美國的粉絲. 可以觀看DAZN上的四分之一決賽直播, 全球體育流媒體平台. 申請一個月的免費試用, 粉絲可以訪問DAZN.com或將DAZN應用程序下載到其首選的已連接設備.





Branden Pizarro And Gadwin Rosa To Compete For NBA Title Belts As Part Of Non-Televised Undercard Of ShoBox The New Generation Friday, 十一月 16 At The 2300 Arena In Philadelphia

Pizarro Battles Jerome Rodriguez; Rosa Takes On Veteran German Meraz

費城 — 十一月 7, 2018 — Two members of the Hard Hitting Promotions stable will fight for NBA title belts on the non-televised undercard of a ShoBox: The New Generation event on Friday, 十一月 16 在 2300 競技場在費城.




Junior welterweight Branden Pizarro will take on Jerome Rodriguez in an eight-round bout for the NBA Intercontinental title, while undefeated super featherweight Gadwin Rosa faces German Meraz in a six-round bout for the NBA Intercontinental title.




Those bouts will precede a ShoBox: The New Generation tripleheader live on SHOWTIME® (9:35 P.M. ET / PT) that will feature an all-Philly showdown between undefeated Jaron Ennis and veteran Raymond Serrano. 在電視的共同特徵, Hard Hitting PromotionsSamuel Teah will face Kenneth Sims Jr. in a junior welterweight bout. Opening the telecast will be a super bantamweight matchup between Arnold Khegai and Jorge Diaz.




The NBA belt is a great springboard title, and to have two of our young prospects fight for titles on this great card is terrific for them,” said Manny Rivera of Hard Hitting Promotions. “The NBA has a long history of champions which include Roy Jones and Hector Camacho, so we definitely think that this will be the first of many titles for Branden and Gadwin.




Pizarro, 費城, 有創紀錄 12-1 六擊倒, and the 19-year-old keeps improving with each fight. 羅德里格斯 (7-10-3, 2 科斯), 阿倫敦, 佩恩。, is battle tested and has wins over two undefeated fighters, including world-ranked Avery Sparrow.




羅莎 ,奧卡拉, 佛羅里達州。, 是 8-0 七擊倒. The unbeaten super featherweight will look to continue his knockout prowess as he fights the 113-fight veteran German Meraz, who has faced numerous top prospects and contenders. For Rosa, this fight will be a solid indicator of where the talented youngster stands as he climbs the 130-pound ladder.




In more non-televised action:




Kieran Hooks (3-1-1, 1 KO), 費城, will fight Gledwin Ortiz (5-2, 4 科斯), 布朗克斯, 紐約州, 在次中量級回合.




Christian Tapia (6-0, 5 科斯). of Coamo, 波多黎各, fights Darnell Pettis (3-12), 克利夫蘭, in a super featherweight contest.




Light heavyweight Benny Sinakin (1-0), 費城, will face Darren Gibbs (1-5, 1 KO), of Ferndale, 我.




Also seeing action against opponents to be named will be super bantamweight Angel Pizarro, 費城, and light heavyweight David Stevens, 讀, 佩恩。, who will make his professional debut in a cruiserweight fight.




Tickets for the show, which is promoted by Victory Promotions in association with Hard Hitting Promotions, 售價 $50, $75 和 $125 可以在以下位置購買 2300arena.comhardhittingpromotions.com.

Banner Promotions signs former Olympian Naim Terbunja

費城, PENN.(十一月 6, 2018)–Banner Promotions is proud to announce the signing of former Olympian and current super middleweight Naim Terbunja.




Terbunja of Linkoping, Sweden by way of Pristina, Kosovo, represented Sweden in the 2008 奧運會. He currently holds a professional record of 10-2-1 一個淘汰賽.




該 34 year-old Terbunja began boxing at the age of 14, as he was a young soccer player looking to get stronger. Terbunja took up boxing, and fell in love with the sport.




That sparked an amateur career that saw him go 200-36. Terbunja fought all over the world for the Swedish National team, and then to the 2008 Olympics where he lost to Matt Korobov in the round of 36.




Terbunja moved to Long Island and spent part of his amateur career in the United States and captured the National Golden Gloves title in 2009 by defeating Luis Arias in the finals.




Terbunja turned professional on April 27, 2012 with a unanimous decision over Vladimir Spasojevic in Sweden. Terbunja has fought six times in Sweden and twice in Kosovo.




Terbunja has a 1st round stoppage over previously undefeated Joel De La Paz (7-0) 七月 23, 2016.




Terbunja is coming off a disputed draw with regarded Lanell Bellows on May 11th in Las Vegas.




I am happy to sign with Banner Promotions,” said Terbunja. “If I have a good team around me, I believe that I can fight for a world title. Banner Promotions can help me where I need to go.




Naim has a blue chip pedigree. He was an Olympian, and the bout he lost was close. He has had one bad fight at super middleweight. I believe he has the ability to be in position to fight for a world championship. He has an awkward style, and a good chin. He now has a good opportunity with Banner Promotions to realize his potential,” said Terbunja’s manager, Pat Zagarino.




We happy to have signed Naim. He was an Olympian, and we think he can become a player in the super middleweight division. We look forward to getting him in the ring before the end of the year, and we will get him in prime position in 2019,said Banner Promotions President Artie Pelullo.




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