分类存档: 拳击


马戏团报告: 赞布罗塔迪卡罗


论公主剧院在滨海克拉克顿周六晚, 埃塞克斯, 职业拳击后差不多做了一个最可喜的回报海边小镇 80 岁月, 当科尔切斯特的汤米雅各布展示了他的最新拳击推广, 恰当地名为“历史”.


在镇以前的职业拳击, 早在二月 1939, 看到爱尔兰的麦克·卡万在当时的最近打开Butlin的度假营击败伦敦的查理·麦克.


克拉克顿是在拳击历史悠久的小镇, 虽然自第二次世界大战主要的业余品种, 其实汤米·雅各布斯本人在多次镇在上的克拉克顿码头保龄球馆他的业余生涯中战斗和这项运动的伟人之一是由永生餐厅, 阿姆斯特朗的, 这是美国拳击手约翰·亨利·阿姆斯特朗谁也击败了在英国冠军厄尼·罗德里克的名字命名 1939.


它似乎相当恰当的第一个新时代的职业拳击比赛中应该拥有目前世界拳击基金会 (WBF) 国际和欧洲冠军, 以及该事件的启动子, 汤米·雅各布斯, 在对唐道克非锦标赛六轮较量, 爱尔兰的迈克尔·凯利.


从一开盘雅各布走上斗争,他的经验丰富的对手, 尽管有刚刚试探性测试刺戳, 但随着一轮进步的作用变得更加全面上, 与雅各布让翻录用油滑的组合,身体和头部之前备份凯利上的绳索.


黄绿色, 在他自己的权利之前多冠军挑战者, 最初涵盖并吸收了枪,但很快就开始有效地对付.


更在第二相同的初, 虽然必须归功于凯利他,阻止雅各布从具有在第一节的成功完全一样的水平光滑的反应, 然而,随着时钟进入最后 20 秒左右的圆形雅各布开始让与大款裂口的身体随着成功, 以至于从字面上在最后几秒钟凯利被迫采取了膝盖特别恶性左侧后.


不幸的是凯利艰难地喘了口气,并上升到他的脚在时间击败裁判李Murtagh的的计数, 停止福利的官方时间 2 分钟, 56 第二轮秒.


继拼汤米·雅各布宣布,他之所以进行了非冠军六圆,而不是原先计划的针对阿尔巴尼亚Xhuljo Vrenozi WBF洲际冠军争夺战, 是,他已经提出了潜在的挑战澳大利亚的两位世界冠军萨姆索利曼的世界拳击基金会 (WBF) 十二月世界冠军.


晚上的第二回合见院长波特使他的专业首演对阵利物浦的史蒂芬Sunners (2-0-0).

什么是破解一切行动外遇, 从开始到结束都小伙子们真的去为它全力以赴.


4闪烁密切的战斗回合后,它是不奇怪的是,结果将是接近, 并关闭它, 裁判李Murtagh的的记分卡阅读 39-38 有利于利物浦的史蒂芬Sunners的.


接下来是克拉克顿的自己奔“的Claxican之间四个回合轻量级比赛’ 库克和贝尔法斯特的黄凯芹, 两人均作出自己的亲亮相.


第一轮的情侣, 与波特-Sunners, 被如此紧密地战斗,这是不容易的调用每一轮的赢家, 然而,在3日作出决定,更容易一些库克全面登陆了开裂身体杆后迟到了爱尔兰人发到他的膝盖.


经过四个娱乐性很强的所有行动回合裁判李Murtagh的的记分卡读 40-37 有利于当地的英雄奔库克.


与前面的比赛,这是百年难遇的所有动作惊悚, 以至于这是毫无疑问它是夜的战斗.


不得不说真的很享受这场斗争中,这对后希望得到下裤头几个打架就会有一个复赛我很想再见到这两个在彼此的行动, 这是很好的.




埃尔登开始硬性, 采取的斗争,以他的经验更丰富的敌人,并让撕裂与大款身体和头部. 最初库珀盖起来,但很快开始了自己的一些大款打击, 然而,在这样留在他的防守一开口,该男子伊普斯维奇很快有一个大的权利,以头送铜须画布利用.


铜这让他的脚和行动大同小异静脉恢复, 与埃尔登让撕裂与大款面前了​​支持铜, 库珀再次与自己的大款回应. 随着一轮接近第二分钟, 再次埃尔登发现Cooper的铠甲的缝隙,这一次落在一个大的权利,以身体的利物浦发送到画布上的第二次也是最后一次. 停工的正式时间为一分钟,第一轮的59秒.


夜晚的标题战斗看到霍夫的纳维德伊朗和苏格兰的本McGivern争夺它空置职业拳击理事会 (PBC) 银国际轻重量级冠军.


争夺它是正确的说法; 这是百年难遇的大逃杀.


从一关闭伊朗采取的斗争McGivern, 支持苏格兰人上的绳索,让撕裂与大左和权利乱舞. McGivern理智掩盖起来,等待机会反击, 他做了良好的效果,一旦机会出现.


然而,它并不足以阻止伊朗几乎立刻回来了类似有力的攻击. McGivern再次成功应对并初步采取控制.


随着一轮的进行,伊朗降落几个开裂拍摄,再次被迫McGivern掩盖的. Irann跟上大款的压力, 而McGivern充分反映了大多数与他的手套,一个大的权利,通过苏格兰卫队有, 摇晃他的核心.


McGivern如何去到回合结束, 我只是不知道, his legs were well and truly gone, but somehow he did.


Round two see Iran come out hard and fast, however McGivern was ready for the assault, again initially covering up but this time instead of just countering and covering, he spun his opponent and went hard on the attack himself.


Round three see McGivern taking the fight to Iran, which led to some great technical boxing ensuing from both protagonists.


The next few rounds were fought in similar vein. The final round though was an out and out war; both boxers throwing caution to the wind and an all out slugfest ensued for the entire final three minuteswhat an exhilarating round.


After eight fantastic rounds of boxing it was Ben McGivern declared victor by scoring referee Lee Murtagh, 由 79-74 分之差.


Have to say whilst definitely the right result, the result just doesn’t convey just how close each and every round, but the first, 是. These two really put on a magnificent show and was a serious contender for the Fight of the Night award.


What a great event to welcome pro boxing back to Clacton-on-Sea after a close to eighty-year hiatus, a return clearly appreciated by fans of the pugilistic arts who had packed the historic venue to the hilt almost an hour before the event was scheduled to begin.

托里·尼尔森 (Tori Nelson) 周六对阵桑娜·图鲁宁 (Sanna Turunen),卫冕 UBF 中量级冠军, 12 月 1 日在华盛顿娱乐和体育竞技场, D.C.

环城公路最爱卡里姆·马丁, 亚历山大 - 约翰逊, 山姆交叉, 安东尼奥·马格鲁德(Antonio Magruder) & 乔丹·怀特登场

华盛顿, D.C. (十一月 19, 2018)托里·纳尔逊 将捍卫她的UBF中量级世界冠军 桑娜·图鲁宁 在十轮联合主赛中 周六晚上, 12月1日娱乐和体育竞技场 华盛顿, D.C.




这场冠军争夺战将是回归者之间对先前宣布的主要赛事的主要支持战 尘土飞扬的哈里森 承担 詹姆斯·温彻斯特 在十回合的超次中量级比赛中.




阿什本的纳尔逊, 弗吉尼亚州有一个记录 18-2-3 三击倒.




该 42 7 岁的尼尔森是一位拥有 8 年职业生涯的职业选手,他于 7 月以 10 回合分歧判定战胜洛里萨·里弗斯,赢得了 WBC 超次中量级冠军 29, 2011. 二月 11, 2012 尼尔森以一致判定击败瓦尚生活赢得 WIBA 中量级冠军.




九月 13, 2013, 尼尔森以一致判定击败亚历山大·马格齐亚克·洛佩兹赢得 WIBA 次中量级冠军 (10-1). 尼尔森四次卫冕冠军,战胜卡莉·雷斯等人 (5-1) 和米娅街. 约翰·.




尼尔森还夺得了UBF次中量级冠军, 超中量级, 中量级和超中量级世界冠军, 其中包括战胜不败的现任世界冠军艾丽西亚·拿破仑.




尼尔森与世界冠军克拉丽莎·希尔兹和克里斯蒂娜·汉默分享了这枚戒指. 尼尔森将于 8 月 4 日在弗吉尼亚州斯特林举行的第 6 轮比赛中对阵蒂芙尼·伍德沃德.




“我很幸运能够环游全国, 为之奋斗, 并捍卫我的世界冠军头衔. 我到处打仗, 但令人惊讶的是, 住在阿什本, VA, 我从来没有在DC打过仗. 现在成为华盛顿神秘队​​竞技场这场开创性演出的一部分对我来说非常特别. 我的对手失去了第一次获得世界冠军的机会, 我知道她不想再输第二次. 她还不知道的是,她长途跋涉来与我战斗, 我会尽我所能确保她不会带着我的腰带离开,” 尼尔森说.




图苏拉的图鲁宁, 芬兰有一项记录 4-1-1 一个淘汰赛.






图鲁宁即将于 6 月 16 日在英格兰输给汉娜·兰金 (Hannah Rankin).






也将在 2018 全国金手套冠军 Kiante欧文 (2-0, 2 科斯) 宾夕法尼亚州比弗福尔斯, 在四回合超中量级比赛中 乔治谢泼德 (1-4-1) 弗吉尼亚,






欧文, 24 岁, 第一轮连续两次停赛, 包括 10 月 20 日在匹兹堡击败布兰登·克拉克的最后一场比赛.






“在业余爱好者, 我到处旅行, 但从未在华盛顿打过仗. 我知道这里的观众对拳击的了解与国内任何城市一样. 我希望能为他们奉献一场精彩的表演, 并从 DC 赢得一些新粉丝. 我非常感谢促销员, 埃尔文·彭德格拉斯特和肖恩·马格鲁德给了我这个机会。”




在八轮较量, 亚历山大 - 约翰逊 (16-4-1, 7 科斯) 将对阵门格斯图·扎扎尔 (6-5-1, 5 科斯) 帕尔默公园, MD 参加轻重量级比赛.






卡里姆·马丁 (10-2, 3 科斯) 华盛顿, DC承担 胡安·阿图罗·埃斯基维尔(10-8, 2 科斯) 奇瓦瓦, 墨西哥队在次中量级比赛中.


山姆交叉 (7-0, 5 科斯) 绿地, MD会战斗 托恩·史密斯 (3-1, 2 科斯) 俄克拉荷马城, 在轻量级比赛中表现出色






安东尼奥·马格鲁德(Antonio Magruder) (5-0, 4 科斯) 华盛顿, DC会打 加布里埃尔·古铁雷斯 (7-5, 3 科斯) 埃尔帕索, 得克萨斯州.


乔治·哈里斯 华盛顿, DC将在对阵 拉马尔·刘易斯 (0-3) 阿肯色州的一场重量级比赛.


约旦白 (5-1, 4 科斯) 华盛顿, DC将在一场超次中量级比赛中迎战一位被提名的对手.


泰瑞尔·博伊德 巴尔的摩, MD将在中量级比赛中迎战一位被提名的对手.




Tricky Entertainment 一直在推广音乐, 华盛顿特区的娱乐和生活方式活动. 过去十年, 由埃尔文·彭德格拉斯特 (Erwin Pendergrast) 运营.




DCFightNight 由肖恩·马格鲁德 (Sean Magruder) 运营, 这将是他在华盛顿的第二次拳击表演.








票价开始于 $45 并可在 Ticketmaster 购买.



星期六, 一月 19 From MGM Grand Garden Arena

现场直播 SHOWTIME PPV® Presented

By Premier Boxing Champions

Tickets Go On Sale Saturday, 十一月 24


纽约– 11月 19, 2018 – Senator Manny “吃豆子” 帕奎奥, boxing’s only eight-division world champion, will end his two-year hiatus from a U.S. boxing ring when he returns to Las Vegas to defend his World Boxing Association welterweight world title against former four-division world champion and must-see attraction Adrien “问题” Broner. The Pacquiao vs. Broner world championship event will take place Saturday, 一月. 19 在米高梅大花园球馆. 帕奎奥VS. Broner and its co-main event fights will be produced and distributed live by SHOWTIME PPV and presented by Premier Boxing Champions beginning at 9 P.M. ET /下午6时. PT.




Pacquaio is coming off a vintage performance in July where he stopped Argentine slugger and world champion Lucas Matthysse inside seven rounds. 现在, Pacquiao returns to the U.S. in his remarkable fourth reign as welterweight world champion. Broner, one of the most talented fighters in boxing, is aiming for his second stint as 147-pound champion. 如果胜利的话, Broner also will add a career-defining win against a future Hall of Famer to his already stellar resume.




I have missed fighting in Las Vegas. It has been a second home to me,” 帕奎奥说. “Returning to the MGM Grand Garden Arena to defend my world title against Adrien Broner is an exciting way to stage my homecoming. Adrien is a tough opponent with an accomplished record. But if I have learned one thing while serving in the Philippine Congress and Senate, it is problem solving.




Broner说, “I have paid my dues in this sport, and now it’s time for me to get mines. I get more views than everybody when I fight. A lot of people are going to see me pack off Pacquiao into retirement, and without his belt.”




Promoted by MP Promotions, Mayweather Promotions and TGB Promotions in association with About Billions Promotions, tickets to the Pacquiao vs. Broner welterweight world championship event go on sale Saturday, 十一月 24. 门票售价 $1,500, $1,000, $750, $500, $300, $200, $100, 不包括适用的服务费, 并且可以通过在线购买 AXS.com, 通过手机在充电 866-740-7711 or in person at any MGM Resorts International box office.




“Manny Pacquiao and Adrien Broner are two of the most gifted athletes in boxing today,“斯蒂芬·埃斯皮诺萨说, 总统, 体育和事件编程, 欣欣网络公司. “Both men throw punches with eye-opening speed and carry significant power in both hands. These attributes have made them two of the biggest draws in the sport. Pacquiao is a proven pay-per-view attraction, while Broner has consistently delivered many of the highest-rated boxing events on television. This matchup promises explosive action from bell to bell.”




MP Promotions is very excited about launching its new relationship with the PBC by presenting Senator Manny’s return to Las Vegas in the first defense of his WBA welterweight world title,” said MP Promotions head Joe Ramos. “Manny has a rich boxing history at the MGM Grand Garden Arena, and he will train hard to keep that title when he battles Adrien Broner on January 19. This will be another opportunity for Manny to add another highlight to his spectacular career and entertain his millions of fans. 但更重要, to prove to the world that he still belongs in the pound-for-pound discussion. It’s going to be a great night for the sport.




Mayweather Promotions is looking forward to working with our co-promoters and SHOWTIME to bring this spectacle between Manny Pacquiao and Adrien Broner to the fans at the top of the year,” said Leonard Ellerbe of Mayweather Promotions. “This is going to be one of the biggest fights of 2019 with Broner looking to defy the odds and shut everyone up when he steps in the ring on fight night. Pacquiao has faced everyone top fighter in this era and is looking to add another signature win to cap off his historic career.




“This is an intriguing matchup between two highly skilled boxers who provide entertainment every time they step in the ring,” said Tom Brown of TGB Promotions. “Manny Pacquiao is an iconic future Hall of Famer with a resume that includes a Who’s Who of some of the greatest boxers of this generation. Adrien Broner has become must-see TV in winning world titles in four different divisions, and a victory over Pacquiao will move him back into the championship ranks and add luster to an already sterling career.”




理查德·斯特姆, President of Las Vegas Live Entertainment and Sports for MGM Resorts International, 说, “We are excited to host this championship fight at the MGM Grand Garden Arena which will kick off another great year of entertainment programming for MGM Resorts. This will be a terrific matchup between two great champions and we look forward to welcoming both of them back to the MGM Grand and Las Vegas.”




A three-time Fighter of the Year and the Boxing Writers Association of America’s reigning Fighter of the Decade, 帕奎奥 (60-7-2, 39 科斯), who hails from Sarangani Province in the Philippines, is the only sitting Congressman and Senator to win a world title. After serving two terms as Congressman, Pacquiao was elected to a Philippine Senate seat in May 2016, capturing over 16 全国百万选票. Pacquiao’s boxing resume features victories over at least seven current and future Hall of Famers, 包括霍亚, 哈顿, 马尔科·安东尼奥·巴雷拉, 莫拉雷斯, 米格尔·库托, 莫斯利, 和胡安·曼努埃尔·马尔克斯. 在他的最后一战, with Philippine President Rodrigo R. Duerte and Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir Mohammad in attendance (the first time two heads of state attended a championship boxing event), Pacquaio, 39, regained the welterweight title for a fourth time with a vintage performance on July 15 at Axiata Arena in Kuala Lampur, 马来西亚, by knocking out defending WBA champion Lucas Matthyssee in the seventh round.




Pacquiao recently had the high honor of speaking to the Oxford Union and the Cambridge Union on the campuses of the University of Oxford and the University of Cambridge, 分别, on consecutive days, another historic first in a career of historic firsts for the international sports icon. Pacquiao’s speeches about his life attracted standing room only crowds and huge ovations.




Cincinnati’s Broner (33-3-1, 24 科斯) is a former four-division world title holder and one of boxing’s most popular and colorful personalities. The brash and outspoken 29-year-old has faced some of boxing’s best en route to winning titles at 130, 135, 140 和 147 英镑, including Mikey Garcia, Paulie Malignaggi and Shawn Porter. Broner, who will face his 10 world champion in Pacquiao, scored a draw in his last fight in April on SHOWTIME against former two-division world champion Jessie Vargas.



欣欣网络公司. (SNI), CBS Corporation的全资子公司, 拥有和经营的付费电视网络SHOWTIME®, 电影频道™和FLIX®, 并且还提供了精彩表演ON DEMAND®, 电影频道™ON DEMAND和FLIX ON DEMAND®, 而网络的认证服务SHOWTIME ANYTIME®. 欣欣数码有限公司, SNI的全资子公司, 操作单机流媒体服务SHOWTIME®. SHOWTIME is currently available to subscribers via cable, DBS and telco providers, and as a stand-alone streaming service through Apple®, 年®, 亚马逊, Google and Samsung. Consumers can also subscribe to SHOWTIME via Hulu, YouTube电视, 吊带电视, Sony PlayStation® Vue 和亚马逊渠道. SNI还管理史密森网络, SNI和史密森学会的合资企业, 它提供了史密森频道, and offers Smithsonian Earththrough SN Digital LLC. SNI营销和分销的体育和娱乐活动的展览用户在付费观看基础上,通过SHOWTIME PPV®. 欲了解更多信息, 到 www.SHO.com

The GOAT boxing trainer….. 伊曼纽尔管家

美国拳击校友会, 等级 2018 应征
(L-R) – The great Tommy Hearns & the late Manny Steward

科罗拉多斯普林斯, 膝部. (十一月 19, 2018) – 已故 伊曼纽尔管家, arguably the greatest boxing trainer of all-time, is a member of the Class of 2018 入选美国拳击校友会名人堂.




名人堂接收的第二届年度美国拳击校友会馆, 结合召开 2018 美国拳击精英和青年全国锦标赛和少年,并准备打开, 十二月 2-8, 将于12月 7, 雷迪森酒店 (215 S. 圣寺) 在盐湖城, 犹他州.





Steward was a boxer, trainer extraordinaire, and HBO commentator until his untimely death in 2012 在年龄 68. His boxing career culminated with his induction into the International Boxing Hall of Fame in 1996.




在年龄 12, Manny moved with his mother from West Virginia to Detroit, where his life soon turned to boxing. 作为一名业余拳击手, he compiled a 94-3 记录, 由金牌的表现在突出 1963 National Golden Gloves Tournament as a bantamweight, but he decided against trying out for the US Olympic Boxing Team.




在 1971, Steward became a part-time trainer at Kronk Gym, where he eventually guided many of the country’s top amateur boxers. Kronk Gym later became a property of Steward’s and he developed it into one of the most successful and famous boxing gyms in the world.






Steward also served as National Director of Coaching for USA Boxing in the early 2000’s.




Throughout his incredible career, Steward reportedly trained 41 世界冠军, 也许, the most noteworthy were 托马斯·赫恩斯, 伦诺克斯·刘易斯弗拉基米尔克里琴科. He also trained 塞萨尔查韦斯, 米格尔·库托, 霍亚, 纳西姆·哈米德, 霍利菲尔德, 和 迈克·麦卡勒姆. Manny also trained a young Detroit rapper, Eminem, how to box at Kronk Gym.




The last world champion Manny trained was 阿多尼斯 “超人” 史蒂文森, who remains the reigning World Boxing Council (WBC) World light heavyweight champion since 2013.




Emanuel would always say, 击倒卖!” Stevenson fondly remembered. “He was also the first to tell me, ‘You will be a superstar and a world champion. Just make sure you don’t listen to people with bad intentions because you’ve got natural talent.He believed in me even if some people did not think I would ever become a world champion.




Emanuel Steward impacted the lives of so many who walked through the doors of Kronk Gym,” 说 克里斯tofflemire, 美国拳击校友会执行董事. “While he’s most recognized for his achievement at the professional level, his impact was significant in the amateurs. Manny serves as a model coach for USA Boxing today, and his impact will be felt for a long time. The USA Boxing Alumni Association overwhelmingly supports his induction and looks forward to honoring him as part of this year’s Hall of Fame class.






创建于冠军终身, 美国拳击和校友之间的互利关系, –拳击手, 官员, 教练和拳击迷 — 校友会连冠军的代, 鼓舞人心,回馈美国拳击的未来拳击冠军, 进出环.




美国拳击校友会是开放的人谁爱拳击,并希望保持与业余拳击连接. 成员由校友会授予访问各种特别活动的主机, 包括名人堂接待的美国拳击校友会馆.




加入校友会, 只需在登记 alumni@usaboxing.org 为一个 $40.00 每年的会员费. 新成员将获得T恤, 钥匙扣和电子钱包.





For years he would come to my National Silver Gloves Tournament that I sponsored and put on in Kansa City just to show his support of the youth program,” added USA Boxing president 约翰· 褐色 额外. “Every year I would tell him to let me know if he was coming, so I could VIP him, and every year he would ignore me and just quietly show up. I would notice him in the crowd. I would ball him out and then we did the same thing the following year.




I also used to see him at big fights and he would always make me feel special by saying my company saved boxing in the seventies and eighties by providing safe, well-made, fair priced boxing equipment for the sport. No one else ever gave me that recognition. He was humble and not a blowhard, my kind of guy.




Emanuel Steward left his mark on earth, not only as a multi-faceted personality in boxing, but he’s also remembered for his magnanimous charity work in Detroit, in which he helped youths in their pursuit of education.




简而言之, 虽然, he taught boxing, and nobody has ever done it any better.




叽叽喳喳: @USABoxing

Instagram的: @USABoxing

Facebook的: /USABoxing

上周五晚上在费城进行了 5 比 5 的强力促销活动

Samuel Teah 在 ShoBox 上大获全胜: 新一代

皮萨罗, 罗莎, 塔皮亚和西纳金都在底牌上获胜

费城 — 十一月 19, 2018 — 刚刚过去的这个周五晚上, Hard Hitting Promotions 稳定团的五名成员在 The Theatre 的座无虚席的观众面前取得了巨大的胜利 2300 竞技场.


塞缪尔·佘 八回合一致判定战胜小肯尼思·西姆斯. 在联合专题回合中 的ShoBox: 新一代卡.




这场胜利是Teah职业生涯中最大的一场胜利, 谁提高到 15-2-1. Teah在比赛中表现出色, 见证了许多面对面的交流. 茶落地更多, 和更重的拳头, 这让家乡的人们兴奋不已,他们都支持Teah.




茶以分数获胜 79-73 和 77-75 两次.




在现场直播的战斗中 脸书格斗之夜直播:


燃烧的皮萨罗 六回合一致判定击败杰罗姆·罗德里格斯,赢得 NBA 洲际青少年次中量级冠军.




费城的皮萨罗以分数获胜 60-54 和 59-55 两次提高他的分数 13-1.


罗斯·加德温 系统性地以六回合一致判定战胜了 114 场比赛的老将德国梅拉兹,夺得了 NBA 洲际超羽量级冠军.




罗莎以分数获胜 60-54 和 59-55 是耐用的 Meraz 的两倍, 和奥卡拉, 佛罗里达本地人保持完美 9-0.


克里斯蒂安·塔皮亚 在预定的四轮轻量级比赛的第三轮结束时击败了达内尔·佩蒂斯.




塔皮亚(Tapia)占据统治地位,直到佩蒂斯(Pettis)的角球看够了. 科莫塔皮亚, 波多黎各是 7-0 有六个淘汰赛.




轻重量级 本尼·西纳金 刚需 2:23 第一轮的达伦·吉布斯 (Darren Gibbs).








费城的西纳金现在 2-0 一个淘汰赛.




“对于强力促销来说,这是一个盛大的夜晚. 我们能够展示我们的一些年轻天才,布兰登和加德温赢得了他们的第一个冠军,我们认为这将是许多冠军. Samuel Teah 奉献了令人难以置信的表演, 他击败了小肯尼思·西姆斯 (Kenneth Sims Jr) 的一位优秀拳击手. 塞缪尔将参加大战, 他证明了他可以参加最高水平的比赛. 我们参加这个节目的人数令人难以置信, 我们期待着宣布我们的第一张卡 2019 真的很快,” 曼尼·里维拉 (Manny Rivera) 和威尔·鲁伊斯 (Will Ruiz) 在谈到“强力促销”时说道

Granite Chin 促销呈现感恩节前夜表演 “军械库拳击冠军赛”

本周三在多切斯特的国民警卫队军械库, 嘛

昆西, 质量. (十一月 19, 2018) – 本周三晚的节目发生了重大变化 (十一月. 21) “军械库拳击冠军赛” 卡, 由 Granite Chin Promotions 提供 (GCP) 在感恩节前夕, 在国民警卫队军械库 (70 胜利路) 在多切斯特, 马萨诸塞州.




原定的头条新闻, 三届世界冠军挑战者 亚历山大·马吉亚克·洛佩斯 (18-4-3, 1 KO), 12月,当她接受世界冠军头衔时退出. 8 卡森, 加利福尼亚州, 对阵无可争议的次中量级世界冠军 塞西莉亚 “第一夫人” 布雷胡斯 (34-0, 9 科斯) 在 HBO 的主要活动中.




许多新英格兰最有才华和最受欢迎的拳击手仍将在本周三晚上参加比赛. GCP联合发起人 克里斯·特雷蒂 (26-4, 21 科斯), 昆西的战斗 (嘛), 将对阵挑战者捍卫他的新英格兰轻量级冠军头衔 尼克·拉文 (5-9, 4 科斯), 谢尔顿的 (CT), 在新的八轮主赛事中.




33岁的特莱埃蒂, 伊拉克战争老兵和大学毕业生, 八回合一致判定击败了强硬的拉文 5, 2017 对于东北. 称号.




“就像在这个节目中失去亚历克斯一样令人沮丧,” 特莱埃蒂说, “我们很高兴她在 HBO 获得了职业生涯的决定性机会. 她为这个机会付出了很大的努力,我们祝她 12 月 8 日好运.




“我们重新安排了一些比赛,并将我的比赛转移到了主要赛事中. 上次我们打, 尼克出现了,给了我八轮艰难的比赛. 我毫不怀疑他会带来类似的表现. 总体, 我们对这张卡感到很兴奋,因为它融合了当地的退伍军人和新秀. 粉丝们将度过一个充满活力的有趣夜晚。”




在六轮的共同功能的事件, 前东北部. 次中量级冠军 德里克 “外科医生” 西尔韦拉 (14-2, 7 科斯), 塞勒姆战斗, 嘛, 面对墨西哥老将 弗朗西斯科 “猴” 平均的 (12-15, 8 科斯), 在过去的几年里,他一直是 NE 顶级前景的看门人.




克莱蒙特, 新罕布什尔州最喜欢的 瑞奇·福特 (3-1-1, 1 KO) 当他遇到时,将连续第四次射击 索尔·阿尔梅达, 沃本, 在四轮中量级比赛中.




2017 洛基·马西亚诺锦标赛冠军 亨利·格尼 (1-0), 来自格洛斯特的有前途的超中量级前景, 嘛, 匹配与 弗朗西斯科·内托 (0-1), 沃本, 在四回合回合.




彭布罗克, MA 轻量级 维尼 “美国梦” 故事 (18-1-1, 17 科斯), 布罗克顿的一名法庭官员, 马萨诸塞州和彭布罗克, 马萨诸塞州居民, 与 61 场比赛的老将较量 史蒂夫 “剧透” 沃克, 前中西部中量级冠军, 在预定的八回合比赛中.




不败的纽约初中量级新星 雷·杰伊·贝穆德斯(Ray Jay Bermudez) (4-0, 2 科斯) 抛出朝下 布鲁诺·迪亚斯 (0-4), 沃本 (嘛), 在四圆.




普罗维登斯 (RI) 中量级 安东尼·康塞普西翁 (1-0, 1 科斯), 受世界拳击组织训练 (WBO) 世界中量级冠军 狄米崔斯 “布布” 安德拉德, 与前太平洋海岸轻量级冠军对决 罗伯托 “旧” 巴伦苏埃拉 在四轮揭幕战中.








门票, 售价 $60.00 场边和 $40.00 站在房间, 可以在网上购买





门开处 6 P.M. 东部时间,首场比赛安排在 6:30 P.M. AND.



叽叽喳喳: @Granite_Chin

Yunusov stops Salinas in seven to remain undefeated

Coffie, 乔治·, Montano, 希门尼斯, Andujar & Toledo remain undefeated on King’s Promotions card at The Sands Bethlehem Event Center

伯利恒, PA (十一月 18, 2018) —刚刚过去的这个周五晚上, 三届奥运会选手 安瓦尔·尤努索夫 remained perfect by stopping Jose Salinas in the 7th round of their scheduled eight-round junior lightweight bout the headlined a nine-bout card at





The show was promoted by King’s Promotions.




尤努索夫, who competed in the 2008, 2012 和 2016 Olympics for his native country Tajikistan, dominated the action, and finally broke Salinas down in the 7th frame.




同赢, 尤努索夫, who now resides in Philadelphia has a record of 6-0 三击倒.




Salinas of Las Cruces, New Mexico falls to 10-4-1.




We are thrilled with Anvar’s performance. Salinas had fought and defeated some credible opponents, and Anvar fought very well, and we are excited for what 2019 will hold for him,” 说,国王的促销马歇尔考夫曼.




在共同特征, debuting 杰弗里·托雷斯 thrilled his hometown fans with a four-round unanimous decision over Steven Lopez in a bantamweight contest.




Torres of Bethlehem is 1-0. Lopez of Philadelphia is 0-3.




Big heavyweight, 迈克尔Coffie remained undefeated by stopping veteran Jamaal Woods.




Despite his record, Woods was game, 但是 277 pound Coffie was too much and finally got his foe out of there at 2:50 in the 4th frame.


Coffie of Brooklyn is 6-0 五击倒. Woods of Forest City, 阿肯色州是 18-44-7.


约瑟夫·乔治 took a six-round unanimous decision from Josue Obando in a light heavyweight bout.




George of Houston is now 8-0. Obando of Mexico gave a good effort, but is now 16-25-1.


Christian Montano 刚需 2:05 of the 1st round to take out Paul Holley in their scheduled six-round cruiserweight bout.




Montano scored three knockdowns, with the final coming from a hard body shot.




Montano of Houston is 8-0 七次击倒. Holley falls to 6-2-1.


亚历杭德罗·希门尼斯 remained undefeated with a four-round unanimous decision over Desmond Moore in a battle of previously undefeated bantamweights.




新希望的希门尼斯, PA是 4-0. Moore of Allentown, PA是 1-1-1.




Good looking bantamweight prospect Yeuri Andujar made it two straight stoppage victories with a 1st round stoppage over debuting Haziz Self of Philadelphia.




阅读的安杜哈尔, PA是 2-0 with both wins coming early.




In a fight heavyweight contest featuring previously undefeated light heavyweight, 特拉维斯·托莱多(Travis Toledo) took an entertaining four-round majority decision over Kendall Cannida.




Both guys had their moments in the spirited brawl, but it was Toledo who came away with the victory to raise his mark to 3-0. Cannida of Philadelphia drops to 2-1.


文森特·弗洛伊德 used two 1st round knockdowns to catapult himself to a four-round unanimous decision over Ricky Nuno in a welterweight clash.




Nuno made a great effort after the 1st round, but he dug himself too far of a hole to catch Floyd.




Floyd of Philadelphia is 4-5-1. Nuno of Bethlehem is 2-2.



迈克尔Dutchover (12-0, 9 科斯) Stops Ruben Tamayo in the Third Round on Friday Night

费城, 佩恩. / 橙, 加利福尼亚州. (十一月. 18, 2018) – 初中轻量级 迈克尔Dutchover (12-0, 9 科斯) closed out Thompson Boxing’s season finale in emphatic fashion by knocking out the well-tested veteran 鲁本·塔马约 (27-12-4, 18 科斯) in the third round Friday night from the Doubletree Hotel 安大略, 加利福尼亚州.




达奇奥弗, who had turned 21 the day prior, celebrated his birthday weekend with his fifth win of the year and fourth straight knockout victory.




The West Texas-based Dutchover used his patience in the first round to learn the appropriate angles against Tamayo, who had previously been in the ring against first class talent such as Jhonatan Romero, 奥斯卡·巴尔德斯, Joseph Diaz and Jesus Cuellar.




在第三, Dutchover unlocked his power with a left hook to the body that stunned and forced Tamayo to take a knee. After Tamayo beat the count, Dutchover attacked and landed a right onto the midsection, which dropped Tamayo once again.




Referee Lou Moret immediately waived off the fight at the 2:15 马克.




I feel like I’m growing into a better fighter with each and every fight,” 达杜弗说, who is promoted by industry veterans 横幅促销汤普森拳击. “I took my time in the first round, but then my corner advised me to start letting my hands go and I got the knockout win. I’m looking forward to another great year in 2019.




To watch a replay ofLocked n’ 已加载,” please click here.


关于我们的战士定期更新, 事件, 和促销, 请检查 横幅促销的Facebook页面 , 并按照我们 Instagram的 和推特 BannerBoxing


Photos by Carlos Baeza / 汤普森拳击

跆拳道震撼 FFC 圆顶 34

Petje 保住 FFC 轻量级冠军头衔 5 与加扎尼的回合战争

照片: 布鲁诺·加扎尼 (left) 受到 FFC 轻量级跆拳道冠军萨莫·佩杰 (Samo Petje) 的身体踢击 (权)
照片提供: 谢尔盖·巴拉诺夫/决赛冠军


拉斯维加斯, NV, (十一月 17, 2018) – 主要赛事 “FFC 34” 一场令人难忘的跆拳道冠军赛在所有五轮冠军赛中都充满了不间断的动作.


只是唱歌 (36-6-1) 通过击败一位非常有挑战性的选手,保住了 FFC 轻量级跆拳道冠军头衔, 布鲁诺·加扎尼 (60-7-0), 以多数抽签方式 (47-47, 47-47, 46-48).




正如广告所言, 这两个战士 (加扎尼和佩杰) 在一场非常有趣的主赛事中进行了面对面的较量,其中不乏令人愉悦的亮点和激动人心的时刻. 加扎尼挺身而出,压了大半夜的动作, 利用他扎实的拳击技巧来发挥自己的优势. 佩特杰能够用高膝和恶毒的身体踢来反击,最终导致了多数决定的胜利. 看起来加扎尼在第五回合就击倒了佩杰,但最终被判定为失误.




当晚的联合主赛事, 是另一场由两位综合格斗重量级选手连续三轮站立和攻击的战争. 托尼 “废墟” 约翰逊 (12-4-1) 打败 DJ. “门徒” 林德曼 (21-15-0) 一致决定 (30-27, 30-27, 29-28) 那是一场绝对的混战. 林德曼在比赛初期右眼上方受了很大的割伤,尽管血不断地从他的脸上流下来, 他仍然决定站在口袋里与约翰逊互殴.


凯文· “雷雨” 约翰逊 (6-1-0)艾萨克·卢纳 (3-1-0) 在他们的超轻量级拳击比赛中. 一致决定赢得钥匙 (59-55, 58-56, 59-55) 在一场激动人心的战斗中,卢娜不断挺身而出,迫使约翰逊整夜交战. 约翰逊反击出色,能够利用干脆利落的组合赢得比赛.




在跆拳道重量级比赛中, 梅勒提斯 “噩梦” 卡库巴瓦斯 (33-7-0) 捕捉 杰梅因 “没有一个字。” 丛林 (24-7-0) 在三回合比赛的第二轮比赛进行到五十二秒时,右脚高踢向索托的头部一侧. 索托从画布上站起来后,战斗停止了, 最终卡库巴瓦斯 TKO 胜利.




今晚由重量级扎克·卡文德开始 (1-0-0) 首轮 TKO 战胜马吕斯·坎托内鲁 (Marius Cantoneru),赢得职业 MMA 首秀 (0-2-0). 卡文德的地面和重击发挥得非常完美,坎托内鲁头部一侧的一系列拳头导致比赛暂停。 2:30 圆一个标志.




“FFC 34 承诺提供充满动作的战斗, 正如广告所言, 这正是我们向粉丝传达的,” FFC 首席执行官/创始人说道, 奥萨特·佐夫科. “我们所有的战斗, 在每个学科中, 竞争激烈,这就是格斗穹顶体验的意义所在。”




“FFC 34” 发生在其永久所在地, “战斗圆顶”, 位于凯撒娱乐公司的里约拉斯维加斯. 该赛事在哥伦比亚广播公司体育频道全国转播, 墨西哥和拉丁美洲的 Claro Sports.




最后的战斗锦标赛 (FFC) 是第一个也是唯一一个专业格斗运动特许经营商,为粉丝提供独特的“多学科”’ 经验 (拳击, 跆拳道和综合格斗), 每场比赛都以冠军争夺战告终. 所有 FFC 活动均在内部举行 “战斗圆顶” 凯撒娱乐拉斯维加斯里约热内卢, 格斗运动的全新圣地.



完成 “FFC 34” MMA成绩如下:




(跆拳道) FFC轻量级锦标赛

只是唱歌 (36-6-1), 卢布尔雅那, 斯洛文尼亚

以多数平局获胜, 5 路数. (47-47, 47-47, 46-48)

布鲁诺·加扎尼 (60-7-0), 圣保罗, 巴西

(佩杰卫冕 FFC 中量级冠军)

(MMA) 权重股

托尼·约翰逊JR. (12-4-1), 纳什维尔, TN

一致判定获胜, 3 路数. (30-27, 30-27, 29-28)

DJ. 林德曼 (21-15-0), 怀里卡, 例如


(拳击) 超轻量级

凯文·约翰逊 (6-1-0), 拉斯维加斯, NV

一致判定获胜, 6 路数. (59-55, 58-56, 59-55)

艾萨克·卢纳 (3-1-0), 步骤, TX

(跆拳道) 轻量级

梅勒蒂斯·卡库巴瓦斯 (33-7-0), 雅典, 希腊

TKO获胜, 裁判暂停, (:52 – 2ND 路。)

杰梅因·索托 (24-7-0), 洛杉矶, 例如




(MMA) 权重股

扎克·卡文德 (1-0-0), 图埃勒, OUT (亲亮相)

TKO获胜, 拳, (2:30 – 1ST 路。)

马里乌斯·坎托内鲁 (0-2-0), 拉斯维加斯, NV



Philadelphia’s Sam Teah Outclasses Kenneth Sims Jr. in Co-Featured Bout

赶上周一重播, 十一月 19 在 10:30 P.M. ET / PT在Showtime EXTREME®

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Watch the Ennis KO: HTTPS://s.sho.com/2TlRIDm

费城 (十一月 17, 2018) – Undefeated welterweight Jaron Ennis electrified his hometown crowd with a devastating second-round knockout of Raymond Serrano in the main event of 的ShoBox: 新一代 in front of a standing-room only crowd at 2300 竞技场在费城. Watch the knockout here: https://s.sho.com/2TlRIDm




The main event of the telecast – which featured five 的ShoBox veterans and three fighters who call Philadelphia home – did not last long. The battle-tested Serrano (24-6, 10 科斯), whose six professional losses have come against opponents with a combined fight night record of 111-1-1, proved to be no match for Ennis. The flashy southpaw with a deadly combination of speed and power scored three highlight reel knockdowns in round two, and capped off the night with an explosive uppercut to the jaw. 21岁的恩尼斯 (22-0, 20 科斯) has now knocked out 12 consecutive opponents and has proven his worth as one of boxing’s brightest prospects.




“这是一个很好的战斗, I was just in there having fun,”埃尼斯说, who is trained by his father Bozy. “My dad said to start touching the body and that set up the big shots. That’s exactly what I did.




“I knew after the first knockdown, the fight was over. He’s a good fighter and it looks good to have his name on my resume. I’m ready for anybody in my division. I will knock any of them out.”




Ennis wouldn’t speculate if he was the best prospect in the U.S. “I don’t like to talk,“他说,. “I do my talking in the ring.”




In the middle bout of the tripleheader, Philadelphia’s Sam Teah (14-2-1, 7 科斯) energized the hometown crowd by putting in a dominating performance en route to a unanimous decision (79-73 和 77-75 两次) over Chicago’s Kenneth Sims Jr. (13-2-1, 4 科斯). 点击这里 for the highlights.




Cheered on by chants of his nickname “Tsunami”, the 31-year-old Teah utilized his jab and set the pace throughout the eight rounds. Executing a clever game plan, Teah beat the volume-punching Sims at his own game as he averaged nearly 86 punches per round to Sims’ 59. After an even first two rounds, Teah began to pull away, as he landed 164 punches to just 91 for Sims in rounds three through eight. Teah grew stronger throughout the fight, and put the contest out of question in the final two rounds as he out-landed Sims, 53-28.




“Oh my goodness, this feels great,” said an overjoyed Teah. “This is my biggest stage. I’ve fought on SHOWTIME several times but now I’m at home in front of my friends and family and the energy was amazing. Body shots and uppercuts; that was the game plan. I had more in my arsenal to show tonight. My head might look like an acorn by tomorrow, 但这是值得的.




“I’m asking for the biggest fights,“ 他继续. “This is what I asked for. Let’s level up and whatever’s biggest next, let’s do it.”




Unified 154-pound world champion Jarrett Hurd, Accokeek的, MD。, was in attendance at the jam-packed 2300 Arena and spoke to SHOWTIME’s Steve Farhood about his upcoming bout with Jason Welborn. Hurd returns to the ring to defend his IBF and WBA titles on the Deontay Wilder vs. Tyson Fury SHOWTIME PPV event on December 1 in Los Angeles in his first fight since undergoing rotator cuff surgery. Watch the interview here: https://s.sho.com/2Fti97o




在转播揭幕战, undefeated Ukrainian prospect Arnold Khegai (14-0-1, 9 科斯) kept his unbeaten record intact with a hotly contested unanimous decision win over New Brunswick, N.J. native Jorge Diaz (19-6-1, 10 科斯), who announced his retirement immediately following the fight. 法官的斗争取得了 79-72, 77-74 两次. 点击 这里 for highlights.




Khegai, known for his aggressive come-forward style, stayed true to his reputation by pressing the action early. Despite suffering a cut over his left eye after an accidental clash of heads in the fourth round, Khegai was more accurate in all phases while Diaz’s activity made the fight competitive throughout the first five rounds. Khegai dazed Diaz in the fifth with a big left hook and followed it up by scoring the only knockdown of the fight in the sixth, landing a combination that forced Diaz to a knee. Tied at 122 total connects after seven rounds, Khegai clinched the fight with a huge eighth and final round where he landed 31 power punches to just 13 for Diaz.




“I’m very excited to get the win against a very uncomfortable fighter,” said Khegai through an interpreter. “He was tough and I had to stick to my game plan. He was doing different things and leaning in with his head. My main idea was to win the fight and I tried to get the knockout.




“I think I can fight a top 15 fighter next time and someday win a world title. 当然, it’s important to look good on SHOWTIME, but it’s even more important to have a good fight in America and to get the win. That’s what is most important.”




Diaz showed toughness and grit throughout the fight. “I am done. I am retiring,“他说,. “I have so much more to do and accomplish in life. I gave it my all in rounds seven and eight. I got caught with a body shot in the last round and that’s when he jumped on me. I think he won because of the last round.”




Tonight’s tripleheader was promoted by Victory Promotions in association with Hard Hitting Promotions.




完整的电视节目将重播星期一, 十一月 19 在 10:30 P.M. ET / PT在Showtime极端,将可在SHOWTIME ANYTIME® 和SHOWTIME ON DEMAND®.


Barry Tompkins called the action from ringside with boxing analyst and historian Steve Farhood and former world champion Raul Marquez serving as expert analysts. The executive producer was Gordon Hall with Chuck McKean producing and Rick Phillips directing.




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