Kategorija Archives: boksas


MATAMOROS, MEKSIKA (Gegužė 30, 2019)Princo rančo boksas 18-year-old featherweight sensation, Ricky Medina (3-0 2Kos) San Antonio, Teksasas, will return to the ring this Friday for his fourth professional bout at The Casa Ahida Cafeteria Gourmet in Heroica Matamoros, Meksika.

For Medina, kurį skatina TMB & PRB Entertainment, this will be his first time fighting outside of his home state of Texas, let alone the United States.

I am very excited to fight for the first time in Mexico. Mexico has a lot of great world champions over the years including Julio Cesar Chavez, Juan Manuel Marquez, Marco Antonio Barrera,Erikas Moralesas and many more that I looked up to. For my promoter and manager to be able to put me in a situation to fight in such a boxing rich country and build fans out here, it is quite an honor.said Medina about his upcoming fight on Friday night.

Medina, who faced an undefeated fighter in his last bout is looking to challenge himself in the professional game of boxing, early and often.

What I love about Ricky Medina is how he looks for a challenge,” sakė Greg Hannley of Prince Ranch Boxing, Medina’s manager. “Savo paskutiniame kovos, he fought Jose Casiano, an undefeated guy who was 1-0-1. A lot of young fighters wouldn’t fight a guy with that kind of record in their third fight, they’d talk about the business or want an easier fight. Ricky took the fight and won every round. Now three months later he is back in the ring ready to get a win in Mexico. He’s a star in the making.

Ricky Medina is a great, young fighter who we want to keep extremely active so he can develop into a world champion,” said Medina’s promoter, Rick Morones apie TMB & PRB Entertainment. “I believe it is important to keep him busy as he has been fighting every three months or so since he turned pro last September. We expect great things from Medina and see him as a future world champion.

USA Boxing standout bantamweight Duke Ragan fighting for his daughter’s future

COLORADO SPRINGS, Etapas. (Gegužė 29, 2019) – Boxers fight for a variety of reasons. Team USA bantamweight Kunigaikštis Raganas is driven in the gym and ring by his two-year-old daughter, Kennedy Ragan.

The 21-year-old Ragan trains with his fellow elite squad members in Colorado Springs, Koloradas, which is a long way from his home and daughter in Cincinnati.

It is difficult being away from her,” Ragan admitted, “but she motivates me. I’m boxing for our future.

Ragan’s future in boxing is bright. Jis yra Ne. 1 bantamweight in the United States, who plans to cash-out after the 2020 Olympics in Japan.

Although he had his first amateur match when he was seven, Ragan was practically born to box, evident by pictures of him as an infant wearing baby boxing gloves. His father and coach, Derek “DukeRagan, who named his son with his own nickname, had a lot of friends who were boxers. When Duke’s older brother by six years, Lewis Walker, trained at their uncle Sean Singleton‘s gym, young Duke was being trained in the house by his father.

I played other sports when I was young, but I didn’t in high school,” Ragan said. “My father started training me when I was six and a year later, I was at the gym training and sparring. I didn’t want to play any sports other than boxing.

Ragan has a 151-19 mėgėjų įrašas, highlighted by his silver-medal performance at the 2017 Pasaulio čempionatas. He captured gold at the 2016 & 2018 Elite National Championships, qualifying him for the 2020 Olympic Trials for Boxing, as well as at the 2016 National Golden Gloves Championships.

In addition to winning a silver medal at the 2017 Pasaulio čempionatas, Ragan has been successful in other International competition, taking top honors at the 2017 Chemistry Cup, runner-up at the 2018 Presidents Cup, and third place finishes in the 2017 Continental Championships and 2019 Pan American Qualifier in Nicaragua. In the latter tournament, Ragan lost in the semifinals to Ecuadorian Jean Caicedo, 3-2, to qualify for the Pan-American Games, Liepa 27 in Lima, Peru.

Ragan is looking forward to avenging his controversial loss to Caicedo at the Pan-American Games. “I was the No. 1 seed at the Pan American Qualifier, and I think I’ll be the No. 1 seed at the Pan American Games,” Ragan commented. “I think I got a bad decision in the semifinals. There will be some good competition at the Pan American Games, but nobody for me to worry about.

Self-described as a pure boxer who enjoys moving around the ring snapping jabs, Ragan also has sufficient power to put opponents to sleep. He wants to become part of Cincinnati’s rich boxing history, which has produced all-time greats such as Aaronas Pryor,Ezzard Charles, Adrianas Broneris, Rau'shee Warrenas ir Tim Austin, be kita ko,.

Pryor and Charles boxed in the same community where I grew up,” Ragan noted. “I really haven’t done anything yet, but it would be cool to be world champion like them.

USA Boxing has played a major role in Ragan’s young life and, if he gets his wish, it’ll continue to be for at least another year or so. “My main focus is 2020, I’ll worry about turning pro after that,” he remarked. “Amateur boxing has brought me a long way. I’m more disciplined, better focused, and a much smarter boxer. I have a higher boxing IQ. I’ve also had to learn to make sacrifices, because I’ve got to be a man to make time for my young daughter. All of this is getting me ready to be a professional.

Ragan has traveled around the world as a Team USA boxer having been to Germany and Kazakhstan (twice apiece), Lenkija, Bulgaria and Nicaragua. Galiausiai, Duke Ragan wants to continue representing his country and traveling all over the world, hopefully, booking a trip to Tokyo next year.

"Twitter": @USABoxing, @Duke1Ragan
Instagram: @USABoxing
"Facebook": /USABoxing

Pavadinimas „McGivern Vs Iran II“ linijoje birželio 22 d

Benas McGivernas prieš Navidą Iranas II

Pasaulio bokso sąjunga (WBU) Tarptautinis lengvo svorio kategorijos čempionatas

Dėl greito atpalaidavimo:

Londonas, Jungtinė Karalystė – Gegužės 27 d., Pirmadienis 2019

Pavadinimas „McGivern Vs Iran II“ linijoje birželio 22 d

Kartais pasitaiko kovų, kurios tiesiog patraukia bokso pasaulio dėmesį, Gatti-Ward, Ali-Frazier, Frochas-Kessleris, Holyfield-Bowe, „Marquéz-Vazquéz“ ir kt., Kad vėliau gerbėjai pasistengtų reikalaudami revanšo ir kai kuriais atvejais trilogijos ar daugiau, kaip Marquéz-Vazquéz atveju.!

Kiekvienu iš aukščiau paminėtų atvejų tai buvo tarptautiniu laiku transliuojami įvykiai, tačiau kartais dėl vienos ar kitos priežasties kyla kova, kuri praslysta po daugumos sirgalių radaru.

Viena tokių kovų buvo Beno McGiverno ir Navido Irano „Metų kova“ nominuota „Battle Royale“ dar praėjusių metų lapkritį., kurį tiesiogiai transliavo tik „Facebook“.

Nors tai praėjo po daugumos gerbėjų radaru visame pasaulyje, tai gali nustebinti daugelį skaitytojų, sužinojus tai po pirmosios kovos, tiek daug bokso gerbėjų nušvietė socialinę žiniasklaidą, ragindami „McGivern-Iran II“, kad rengėjas Tommy Jacobsas tiesiog negalėjo jų nepaisyti, todėl birželio 22 d. Princo teatre Clacton-on-Sea šie du kariai įžengs į areną, kad dar kartą kovotų su ja., šį kartą - Pasaulio bokso sąjungai (WBU) Tarptautinė karūna.

Dar lapkričio mėnesį McGivernas-Iranas, kovojo dėl laisvos Profesinio bokso tarybos (TSK) „Sidabrinis“ tarptautinis lengvo svorio kategorijos titulas tapo pagrindine Tommy Jacobso istorijos renginio varžybomis, pirmasis profesionalus bokso renginys Klaktone prie jūros 1939, kai Mike'as Kevanas sumušė Charlie Macką.

Mūšis buvo teisingas terminas; tai buvo epinės proporcijos „Battle Royale“.

Iranas nuo pat pradžios kovą nukreipė į McGiverną, remdamas škotą ant virvių ir leisdamasis plėšytis su didelių kairiųjų ir teisių plitimu. McGivernas protingai dangstėsi ir laukė progos pasipriešinti, ką jis padarė gerai, kai tik atsirado galimybė.

Tačiau to nepakako, kad Iranas beveik iš karto nesugrįžtų su panašia jėga. McGivernui dar kartą pavyko atsilaikyti ir iš pradžių perimti kontrolę.

Raundo eigoje Iranas pataikė į kelis smūgius, kurie vėl privertė McGiverną nuslėpti. Iranas palaikė spaudimą dideliais smūgiais, o McGivernas daugelį sučiupo pirštinėmis, o škotų sargybinis gavo didelių teisių, purto jį iki gyvos galvos.

Nesuvokiama, kaip McGivernas pateko į turo pabaigą, jo kojos buvo gerai ir tikrai dingo, bet kažkaip padarė.

Antrame ture Iranas pasirodo sunkiai ir greitai, tačiau McGivernas buvo pasirengęs šturmui, vėl iš pradžių dangstėsi, bet šį kartą, o ne tik priešinosi ir dangstėsi, jis suko varžovą ir pats sunkiai puolė.

Trečiajame ture McGivernas imasi kovos į Iraną, kuris paskatino puikų techninį bokso rezultatą iš abiejų veikėjų.

Kiti keli raundai buvo kovojami panašia vaga. Paskutinis raundas vis dėlto buvo karas; abu boksininkai, mėtantys atsargiai vėją, ir visas „slugfest“ varžybas vyko visas paskutines tris minutes - koks džiuginantis turas.

Po aštuonių fantastiškų bokso turų Benas McGivernas buvo paskelbtas pergalingu, bet kas karaliaus pergalingai birželio 22 d.

Benas McGivernas prieš Navidą Iraną II, Pasaulio bokso Sąjungos (WBU) Tarptautinis lengvo svorio kategorijos čempionatas yra pagrindinė Nathano Decastro ir Tommy Jacobso parama Pasaulio bokso sąjungai. (WBU) ir Pasaulio bokso fondo supervidutinio svorio čempionatas, kuris pasirodo šou.

Taip pat kortelėje yra tolesnė čempionato kova, Sankt Albanso Andy Hojdysas prieš latvį Dmitrijų Ovjannikovą tiek pasaulio bokso lygoje (WBL) Tarptautinė ir Europos bokso lyga (EBL) Europos lengvo svorio kategorijos titulai.

Be trijų čempionato varžybų, taip pat yra nemažai tarptautinių rungtynių, pirmasis, kuriame dalyvavo Pasaulio bokso taryba (WBC) Azijos ir Ramiojo vandenyno čempionas, Indijos atstovas Neeraj Goyatas aštuonių turų ne čempionato varžybose prieš Tanzanijos atstovą Amosą Mwamakulą.

„Ipswich“ neprilygstamas „Super Midweight“ potencialus atstovas Robas Eldenas nori išlaikyti švarų lapą ir išplėsti savo pergalių sumą, kai šešių žaidėjų laukia kovoje su labai patyrusiu Nikaragvos kovotoju Ronny McFieldu..

„Clacton-on-Sea“ nugalėtas plunksnų svoris Benas „The Claxican“ Cook taip pat siekia padidinti savo pergalę, kai jis susiduria su Pablo Narvaezu, kuris taip pat yra kilęs iš Nikaragvos, keturiais apvalesniais.

Paskutinėje „Pro“ kovoje dalyvauja Deanas Porteris, kuris trokšta grįžti prie laimėtų būdų, po jo netekties Jackui Jonesui praėjusį mėnesį.

Porteris taip pat susiduria su Nikaragva, šiuo atveju buvusi Tarptautinė bokso organizacija (IBO) ir Pasaulio bokso taryba (WBC) Jaunimo pasaulio čempionų varžovas Michaelas Isaacas Carreo keturių turų ne čempionato varžybose.

Nathanas Decastro ir Tommy Jacobsas už Pasaulio bokso sąjungą (WBU) ir Pasaulio bokso fondo supervidutinio svorio čempionatas skelbia įvykį, kuris vyksta Princo teatre, Rotušė, Stoties kelias,, „Clacton-on-Sea“ CO15 1SE birželio 22 d., Šeštadienį 2019.

Bilietai, kaina 60 svarų (VIP) ir 30 svarų (Standartinė sėdimų) yra paskambinę į bilietų liniją 07475 096532, arba pirkti internetuwww.tkoboxoffice.com

Former Super Welterweight Champion Austin Trout Battles U.S. Olympian Terrell Gausha to a Split Draw in Main Event of Premier Boxing Champions on FS1 & FOX Deportes from Beau Rivage Resort Casino in Biloxi, Misisipės

Unbeaten Super Welterweight Contender Chordale Booker Defeats Wale Omotoso by Unanimous Decision in FS1 & FOX Deportes co-main event

Undefeated Prospect Efe Apochi Scores Knockout Win Over Earl Newman in Main Event of PBC Prelims on FS2 & FOX Sportas

Spauskite ČIA Photos "
Kreditas: Jamie Morton/Beau Rivage Resort Casino

BILOXI, MS. (Gegužė 25, 2019) – Former super welterweight champion Ostinas “Be abejonės” Upėtakis (31-5-1, 17 Kos) battled former title challenger Terrell Gausha (21-1-1, 10 Kos) to a split draw (96-94 for Trout, 99-91 for Gausha, 95-95) in a 10-round super welterweight bout that headlined Premier Boxing Champions on FS1 and FOX Deportes on Saturday night from Beau Rivage Resort Casino in Biloxi, Misisipės.

We need to do that again. That wasn’t right,” said Trout of Las Cruces, N.M. “Let’s do it again. That was after a year layoff. Timing is going to be off. Now that I am a little more active. I need an immediate rematch. Immediate.

You never know how the judges are seeing it, but I know 99-91 už (Gausha) wasn’t right. I was definitely in there more than one round,” continued Trout. “But I didn’t feel good in there tonight. I had to force a lot of things, and I had to close the gap in the later rounds.

I felt like I won the fight,” said Cleveland native Gausha. “That’s boxing sometimes. You don’t get the decision.

I have been through a lot this camp. Yra kaip yra,” continued Gausha. “I caught a bad cold the last week of training camp. My father passed away during this training camp.

I don’t really care about a rematch with Trout,” concluded Gausha. “I just want bigger fights. I’d like to do something different. But if we have to go through (Upėtakis) again we’ll do it and just make it more convincing next time.

In the FS1 co-feature, unbeaten contender Chordale Booker (15-0, 7 Kos) defeated rugged veteran Wale Omotoso (27-4, 21 Kos) vienbalsiu sprendimu (100-90 X 3) į 10-turas Super Papildsvars konkursas. "Booker, a southpaw from Stamford, Conn., dominated the action against the Nigerian Omotoso.

I’m always emotional when I fight,” said Booker. “Šiandien, I just let it all out. I feel like this was my time to shine after finally making it to this level. This was definitely a step-up fight for me, facing a guy that they told me nobody else wanted to fight.

I feel like I’ve got nothing to lose,” continued Booker. “I just feel like I’m supposed to be here. I’ve put in a lot of work to get where I’m at, but I could have gone down a very different path. I got a second chance at life and now look where I’m at. I’d love to fight Trout or Gausha next, or any other title challenger that wants to fight, Aš pasiruošęs. I pitched a shutout tonight and I’m prepared to be tested and prove I’m the best.

The opening bout on FS1 featured Ahmedas Elbiali (19-1, 16 Kos), an Egyptian-American who lives in Miami, Floridos, scoring a technical knockout victory over Marlos Simões (13-2-2, 5 Kos) of Curitiba, Parana, Brazil who was unable to continue due to an injured jaw. Elbiali knocked Simões to the canvas and referee Keith Hughes stopped the contest 2:12 into the second frame.

When he went down, I clipped him with a left hook,” Sakė Elbiali. “I knew right away that I could hurt him, and that hook felt like it landed well. He was a tricky and really awkward opponent, but I just went for it and got the job done.

I don’t really like calling out individual fighters, but I feel like I’m ready for a world title shot,” continued Elbiali. “We’re getting better with every fight and I’m ready.

The swing bout on FS1 saw Chicago’s Shawn Simpson (10-0, 3 Kos) pralaimėjimas Sergio Quiroz (6-2, 1 KO) of Los Angeles by unanimous decision (60-54 X 3).

The PBC Prelims on FS2 and FOX Deportes featured hard-hitting cruiserweight prospect Efe Apochi (8-0, 8 Kos) of Nigeria continuing his perfect knockout streak as he stopped Brooklyn’s Grafas Newman (10-2-1, 7 Kos) 2:17 into round seven.

The FS2 co-main event showcased a welterweight attraction with top prospect Amon Rashidi (7-0, 5 Kos) Dalaso, Texas scoring a sensational knockout over Mexico’sJuan Jesus Garces (19-25, 13 Kos) 2:12 into the fourth round.

In the opening fight of the FS2 telecast, Ghanaian super middleweight Habib Ahmed(27-1-1, 18 Kos) defeated Colombia’s Juan De Angel (21-11-1, 19 Kos) vienbalsiu sprendimu (80-72 X 3) in an eight-round contest.

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Gerbėjai gali tiesiogiai transliuoti kovas „FOX Sports“ programoje, available in English or Spanish through the FOX, FS1 or FOX Deportes feeds. The fights are available on desktop at FOXSports.com and through the app store, arba prijungtų įrenginių, įskaitant "Apple TV", "Android TV", gaisro televizija, "Xbox One" ir "Roku".

Daugiau informacijos: apsilankymas www.premierboxingchampions.com, HT
ir www.foxdeportes.com, sekti TwitterPremierBoxing, @PBConFOX, FOXSports, FOXDeportes, TGBPromotions, ir @Swanson_Comm arba tapkite gerbėju Facebook metu www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions, www.facebook.com/foxsports &www.facebook.com/foxdeportes.


Six-foot, 7-inch Californian Sebastian Fundora Faces Hector Zepeda of Mexico In Main Event While Dominican Republic’s Michel Rivera Clashes With Mexico’s Rene Tellez Giron in Co-Featured Bout of Tripleheader Live At 10 p.m. ET/PT From WinnaVegas Casino in Sloan, Ajova

NEW YORK – May 24, 2019 - Six talented prospects will each put their undefeated records on the line in the next edition of ShoBox: Naujos kartos penktadienį, Birželis 21 gyvena Showtime ne 10 p.m. ET/PT from WinnaVegas Casino in Sloan, Ajova.

Billed as “Someone’s O Must Go,” the exciting night of fights will feature six boxers with a combined record of 91 wins and no defeats. Since the developmental prospect series debuted in 2001, a total of 186 boxers have lost their undefeated record on ShoBox.

Į pagrindinį renginį, southpaw Sebastian Fundora (12-0, 8 Kos) of Coachella, Kalifornijoje., faces Hector Zepeda (17-0, 4 Kos) from Tijuana, Meksika, per 10 turas Super Papildsvars bijau. Be bendro funkcija, Michel Rivera (15-0, 10 Kos) from Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic takes on Mexico’s Rene Tellez Giron (13-0, 7 Kos) į aštuonių apvalios lengvo bijau. In the telecast opener, Argentina’s Jose Romero (21-0, 7 Kos) battles Yeis Solano (14-0, 10 Kos) of Colombia, also in an eight-round lightweight fight.

“In the 18-year history of ShoBox: Naujos kartos, we have yet to feature a tripleheader with all young, undefeated prospects who are also making their ShoBox debiutuoja,“, - sakė Gordonas Hallas, Executive Producer of the series since its inception in 2001. “These promising prospects have a combined record of 91-0 and hope to join the current list of 80 fighters who fought on the series and went on to become world champions. This is a show not to be missed.”

The event is promoted by Sampson Boxing in association with Paco Presents. Bilietai, pradedant $10, are on sale now and available at www.WinnaVegas.com.

“I’m very proud to present these future champions on ShoBox: Naujos kartos, a show that has built so many careers and champions,” said promoter Sampson Lewkowicz of Sampson Boxing. “It’s very exciting to present so many undefeated fighters against each other in one event. Every one of these fighters are putting their young careers on the line and three of them will move forward and three will step back that night.”

Nicknamed “The Towering Inferno” and trained by his father, the 21-year-old Fundora fought three times in 2018 and has been called the tallest 154-pound boxer in the division’s history. Often holding a five- to eight-inch height advantage over his opponents, Fundora has knocked out his last four opponents and started 2019 in electrifying fashion with a third-round knockout of then 10-0 Donnie Marshall. Nine of his 12 wins have come against opponents with winning records.

“It’s an honor to be the headliner on a ShoBox event,” said Fundora, originally from West Palm Beach, Fla., whose all-action style has been compared to former world champion Antonio Margarito. “My opponent, Hector Zepeda, is from a respected Tijuana boxing family and he will be very tough. A victory over an undefeated fighter like Zepeda will be a big step forward for me. Mokymai vyksta gerai, and I’ll be more than ready to give the fans another exciting performance on June 21.”

Also 21-years-old, Zepeda is a busy, five-year veteran who goes by the nickname “Baby” and who fought five times in 2018. His father Ernesto Zepeda is a former professional boxer and he’s trained by noted Mexican trainer Romulo Quirarte. Per savo karjerą, Ernesto sparred all-time great Julio Cesar Chavez, Sr. and Hector is a currently sparring with Julio Cesar Chavez, Jaunesnysis. Zepeda is coming off a unanimous decision win over Giovanny Gonzalez on May 18 Tijuana. In February, Zepeda scored an eight-round unanimous decision over Jesus Javier Gutierrez Montenegro.

“This is the first opportunity that has been presented to me at this caliber,” Zepeda said. “Fundora is a strong fighter, much taller than most. He loves to exchange blows and I am sure this is going to be a great fight. Mokymai vyksta puikus. I am working very hard physically and mentally to leave everything inside the ring June 21. A victory over Fundora on SHOWTIME will open doors, so that a lot of people will know who I am and open the way for better things in my career.”

The 21-year-old Rivera from Santo Domingo, Dominikos Respublika, is a hard-hitting three-year professional fighting for the first time in the United States. Rivera has stopped five of his last six opponents and was last seen scoring a two-round stoppage over Argentina’s Carlos Daniel Cordoba in January. He has faced eight fighters with winning records, including two who were previously undefeated.

“I am super excited to have this opportunity to fight on ShoBox,” Rivera said. “That is where all boxers dream to fight on, especially those with less opportunities like me. My opponent is shorter than me and fights at half-distance and likes to counterattack. He uses his jab a lot and is used to fighting bigger rivals. He’s also more active the first three rounds, then starts to lower the intensity. I need to be aware of his overhand right.”

The 20-year-old Tellez Giron is a native of Queretaro, Meksika. The undefeated slugger known as “El Bravo” is an almost four-year professional with a reputation for fighting in his opponents’ backyard and still coming away victorious. Atliktas mėgėjų, Tellez Giron had 180 amateur fights starting at the age of 12 and was a state, regional and national champion, as well as Golden Gloves champ. He turned pro at the age of 15 ir 2018 traveled to Ukraine where he captured the vacant WBC Youth Silver title. Savo paskutiniame kovos, he stopped fellow Mexican Mario Enrique Martinez in two rounds in December of last year. He has faced nine fighters with winning records, including five who were undefeated.

“In reality, man, this is just another fight,” Tellez Giron said. “I have been in tough fights before and this is nothing new for me. I am aiming for bigger and better things, so I feel very motivated because this is the time to demonstrate what I have and to show everyone what I am made of. Rivera is a strong fighter, who likes to use distance. I also know that he is very disciplined.”

The 23-year-old Romero is a native of Cordoba, Argentina. He won the World Boxing Council Latino Super Featherweight Title in November 2017 and defended it twice. He is also the current Argentina (FAB) Super Featherweight Title and International Boxing Federation Latino Super Featherweight Champion.

“I am a proud champion of Argentina, but now I’m ready to do what so many of my great countrymen have done and bring my skills to the world,Sakė Romero, fighting for the first time in the U.S. “It is a great honor to fight on SHOWTIME, where so many champions have fought before me. From my pro debut, my promoter Sampson Lewkowicz has promised me this chance and now it’s here. I will not blow it. I am training like all my dreams depend on winning. They do.”

Solano is a 26-year-old native of Monteria, Kolumbija. The hard-punching Solano is a former World Boxing Association Fedebol Lightweight Champion and in 2012 placed third in the Colombia National Games. Savo paskutiniame kovos, he scored a five-round stoppage over Jesus Manuel Sandoval in October 2018. He is currently training at Compton Boxing Gym in Compton, Kalifornijoje., and is trained by Jose Ponce, Sr. and his son Jose Ponce, Jaunesnysis.

“I feel very fortunate to have this platform to showcase my talent,” Solano said. “My opponent has an extensive record and I know he’s a good fighter and, like me, I know that he is probably preparing for a war. I look forward to demonstrating all the hard work I am putting in for this fight and at the end of the fight, I will continue to be undefeated.”

Barry Tompkins will call the action from ringside with boxing historian Steve Farhood and former world champion Raul Marquez serving as expert analysts. Vykdomoji gamintojas yra Gordon salė su Richard Gaughan gaminti ir Rickas Phillips vadovavimas.

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Daugiau informacijos rasite www.sho.com/sports
sekti Twitter @ShowtimeBoxing, SHOSports, #ShoBox, arba tapti "Facebook" gerbėjas ne www.Facebook.com/SHOSports.

Apie ShoBox: Naujos kartos

Nuo savo veiklos pradžios liepos 2001, kritikos Showtime bokso serija, ShoBox: Naujos kartos yra matomas jaunas talentas atitiko kietas. The ShoBox filosofija yra televizijų įdomu, minios malonus ir konkurencingos atitikmenų tuo pačiu užtikrinant poligonas už norinčių perspektyvas pasiryžusi kovoti už pasaulio čempiono titulą. Kai kurie iš augančios sąrašą 80 kovotojai, kurie atsirado dėl ShoBox ir pažangios kaupti pasaulio čempiono titulus apima: Errol Spence Jr, Andre Ward, Deontay Wilder, Erislandy Lara, Shawn Porter, Gary Russellas Jr, Lamont Peterson, Guillermo Rigondeaux, Nonito Donaire, Devono Aleksandras, Carl Froch, Robertas Guerrero, Timothy Bradley, Jessie Vargas, Juan Manuel Lopez, Čadas Dawson, Paulie Malignaggi, Ricky Hatton, Kelly Pavlik, Paulius Williams ir daugiau.


To view the letter and attached evidentiary exhibits, spragtelėjimas ČIA.

The team representing WBC #14-rated middleweight Matvey Korobov have sent a letter to the Attorney General and Governor of Virginia, requesting they open an investigation into Korobov’s controversial majority draw last Saturday (Gegužė 11) against Virginia-based fighter Immanuwel Aleem and several relevant “surrounding incidents.”

Leonas Margules, attorney for Team Korobov, sent the letter on behalf of the fighter, along with several supporting pieces of evidence, to Virginia Attorney General Mark Herring and Governor Ralph Northam.

In it, Margules points out what he alleges is a conflict of interest in that the two Virginia-based judges, Mark D’Attilio and Brian Costello who both questionably ruled the bout a draw at 95-95, are members of the state’s Boxing, Martial Arts, and Professional Wrestling Advisory Board responsible for selecting each fight’s judges and licensing fighters.

Costello, iš tikrųjų, is the Board’s Chairperson.

And thus, two members of the body responsible for appointing a fight’s judges appointed themselves and a relatively inexperienced referee (Michelle Myers) from Virginia to officiate a nationally televised bout featuring a fighter from their home state, against Korobov, a Russian living in Florida.

It then questions why, of the three televised fights, this was the only one carried out like this, with non-neutral officials.

The letter also references the original scorecard provided to media, that showed Korobov as a majority decision winner, as well as the same scorecard 20 minučių, with D’Attilio’s round 10 Korobov score scratched out and changed from a 10 to a 9, transforming the outcome to a majority draw.

A further point of contention is the judging performance of the two Virginia-based judges, who scored the fight a draw when a Korobov victory was almost universally agreed upon by the boxing media and fans, po kovos.

To most, Korobov appeared to win the first seven rounds handily and hurt Aleem badly in round six before Aleem mounted a minor comeback in the last two or three rounds. At the final bell, Korobov enjoyed a sizeable advantage in landed punches (according to CompuBox statistics, Korobov landed 154 punches out of 417 įmestas (37%), while Aleem landed 119 shots out of 630 [19%]).

Respected boxing official and unofficial judge for the contest, Larry Hazard Sr., scored the fight 97-92.

A long list of fans on social media voicing suspected corruption is also attached.

Margules’ letter also points out what many consider a missed knockdown by Referee Myers in round four, when Korobov sent Aleem down with a counter right hand only to have her rule it a foul incorrectly.

Team Korobov say they are hoping the state will find a solution for this unfortunate situation to prevent another black eye for boxing and a “chilling effect” on fighters coming to fight in Virginia.


Apie Sampson Boksas

Sampson Boksas turi reklaminių partnerių visame Šiaurės ir Pietų Amerikoje, Afrika, Azija, New Zelaland, Australija, Europe and Central America. Sampson Boxing events have been televised on such premiere networks as HBO, Showtime, ESPN, VS., FOX and several international networks. Daugiau informacijos, apsilankymas sampsonboxing.com.

Beamonas susikaus su Saludaru, o Crowley – Mansouri per „Stacked Night of Boxing“ Wolstein centre Klivlande ir tiesiogiai per CBS Sports

Šeštadienį, Birželis 22, CSU Wolstein centre Klivlande, Ohajas, Didesnė nei gyvenimas Pramogos ir Mo Pramogos, bendradarbiaujant su šešis kartus pasaulio čempionas Miguel Cotto Miguel Cotto akcijos pristatys „Tapti čempionu," pirmoji iš laidų serijos, kurioje dalyvaus geriausios perspektyvos sunkiausiuose iššūkiuose.

Šešių kovų pasaulinio lygio bokso vakaras apima du pagrindinius renginius, kuriuos tiesiogiai transliuos televizija CBS Sportas (11:00 pm ET/8:00 val PT) ir įdomi apatinė kortelė bus tiesiogiai transliuojama www.fite.tv (7:30 pm ET/4:30 val PT).

Pirmajame pagrindiniame televizijos renginyje, Goldsboro, Šiaurės Karolina Dewayne'as „Mr. Nustok bėgti“ Beamon (16-1-1, 11 Kos) susidurs buvęs pasaulio pavadinimas varžovas Froilanas „Snaiperis“ sveikinimai (30-3-1, 21 Kos) iš Filipinų į 12-Jungtinių Valstijų WBC turas (USNBC) Super Flyweight čempionatas.

Antrajame pagrindiniame televizijos renginyje, Kanada nenugalėta Cody „Crippler“ Crowley (17-0, 9 Kos) imsis dėl Jungtinė KaralystėS Navid „Nav“ Mansouri (19-2-2, 6 Kos) 12 raundų mūšyje už WBC JAV (USNBC) Super pusvidutinio svorio čempionatas.

Kitose intriguojančiose rungtynėse, Klivlando nuosavas Miguel Angel „Silky Smooth“ Gonzalez(24-4, 16 Kos) aštuonis lengvo svorio raundus kovos su afrikiečiais Albinius “Danny Boy Albino” Felesianu (18-2-1, 7 Kos); ir šešių raundų itin lengvas laužas nenugalimas Montanos „Per graži“ meilė (11-0-1, 5 Kos) susitiks su afrikiečiais taip pat nepralaimėję „Baby Rico“ marškinėlių nuotr (9-0-3, 3 Kos).

Bilietai į „Making a Champion“ kainuoja $30, $40, $65 ir Ringside $150 ir yra parduoti dabar wolsteincenter.com arba Wolstein centro kasoje CSU miestelyje.

33-metų Dewayne'as Beamonas per savo ketverius metus trukusią profesionalo karjerą laimėjo kelis regiono čempionatus, įskaitant UBF World Featherweight, IBO International Super Flyweight, UBF World Super Flyweight, IBO tarpkontinentinis supersvorio ir UBF pasaulio supersvorio čempionatas.

33-metų Froilanas Saludaras yra kilęs iš Cagayan de Oro City, Misamis Oriental Filipinuose. Liepą jis metė iššūkį buvusiam čempionui Sho Kimura dėl Pasaulio bokso organizacijos Pasaulio lengvojo svorio diržo 2018 ir, per savo 10 metų karjerą, anksčiau užėmė WBO Azijos Ramiojo vandenyno jaunimo lengvaatletę, WBO Azijos Ramiojo vandenyno jaunimo lengvaatletis, WBO jaunimo lengvaatletis, WBO Azijos Ramiojo vandenyno lengvaatletis, WBO Oriental Flyweight ir WBO Inter-Continental Flyweight čempionatai.

26-metų Cody Crowley yra nenugalimas pietukas iš Piterboro, Ontarijo. Jis yra dabartinis Kanados profesionalaus bokso tarybos tarptautinės super pusvidutinio svorio kategorijos ir Kanados profesionalaus bokso tarybos nacionalinės super pusvidutinio svorio kategorijos čempionas.. Paskutinį kartą jis buvo matytas šių metų vasarį, gindamas savo titulus prieš buvusį čempioną Stuartą McClellaną.

30-metų Navidas Mansouri kilęs iš Rotherhamo, Jorkšyras, Jungtinė Karalystė, tačiau šiuo metu gyvena Los Andžele ir treniruojasi legendinėje „Wild Card Gym“.. Jis laimėjo BBofC Anglijos super pusvidutinio svorio kategorijos titulą 2013 ir tris kartus sėkmingai jį apgynė.

33-metų Miguelis Angelas Gonzalezas yra sugrįžtantis pietukas, per savo 11 metų trukusią profesionalaus bokso karjerą iškovojęs pergales prieš kelis geriausius varžovus.. Klivlandietis anksčiau dalyvavo WBF tarptautiniame super lengvo svorio čempionate. Tai bus pirmoji jo kova per beveik ketverius metus.

Albinius Felesianu kilęs iš Svakopmundo, Namibija. Per savo 12 metų karjerą, jis yra laimėjęs IBF jaunimo svorio kategorijoje, WBF tarpkontinentinis lengvo svorio ir IBF žemyninės Afrikos lengvo svorio čempionatas.

24-metų montana meilės yra pietinė letenė iš Klivlando. Praėjusių metų liepos mėn, jis įspūdingai iškovojo lygiosiomis kovoje dėl laisvo Pasaulio bokso tarybos jaunimo sidabro superlengvo svorio titulo su 12-1 Kennethas Simsas jaunesnysis „WinnaVegas“ kazino & Poilsiavietė, Sloane, Ajova, ir gyventi per ShoBox: Naujos kartos. Love taip pat buvo plačiai žiūrimo virusinio vaizdo įrašo, kuriame užfiksuota liūdnai pagarsėjusi sparingo sesija, kurioje jis tariamai dominavo WBA super pasaulio supersvorio čempiono Gervonta Daviso atžvilgiu..

24-metų Tshibangu Kayembe kilęs iš Kinšasos, Kongo Demokratinė Respublika. Jis yra devynerių metų profesionalas ir buvęs Visuotinės bokso organizacijos narys (KOSulys) Tarptautinis super lengvo svorio čempionas.

„Darbas su buvusiu čempionu Migueliu Cotto ir jo paaukštinimo komanda yra didelė garbė,“, - sakė E. Jay Mathewsas, „Bigger Than Life Entertainment“ generalinis direktorius. „Labai džiaugiuosi galėdamas pristatyti šį nuostabų įvykį gerbėjams Klivlande ir visame pasaulyje per CBS Sports ir fite.tv. Kiekvienas iš rungtynių yra aukštos kokybės. Tai bus puiki naktis bokso,“ – pridūrė Mathewsas.

Rėjus Leonardas jaunesnysis., šešis kartus pasaulio čempiono sūnus, Cukrus Ray Leonard, kartu su aktoriumi ir televizijos laidų vedėju, Chrisas Spenceris pateiks CBS sporto komentarą. Pasaulyje žinoma drabužių kūrėja, Karlas Kani parūpins aprangą ringo merginoms.

Wolstein centras yra adresu 2000 Prospect Avenue Klivlande. Dėl Fight Night, durys atsidaro val 7:00 vakaro, o veiksmas prasideda 7:30 pm. Čempiono tapimą remia B&M BBQ.


Apie „Bigger Than Life“ pramogas

BTLE yra visų paslaugų pramogų kompanija, kurios specializacija yra bokso reklamos, Ryšiai su visuomene ir menininkų vadyba. Jie pateikia sporto ir pramogų įžymybes svarbiausiuose renginiuose visame pasaulyje ir siūlo sporto bilietus bei paketus Las Vegase, visoje JAV, ir tarptautiniu mastu.

Apie Miguel Cotto akcijas

MCP kyla iš Miguelio Angelo Cotto Vazquezo vizijos ir aistros su prielaida suteikti boksininkui tai, ką boksas suteikė jo šeimai.. Atsiranda 2005, Nuo to laiko MCP užmezgė puikų ryšį su bendruomene 13 metų šioje pramonėje įtvirtinant savo vietą kaip viena iš pirmaujančių sporto įmonių Puerto Rike.


Pacquiao vs. Thurman Headlines Saturday, Liepa 20 in a Premier Boxing Champions on FOX Sports Pay-Per-View Event from the MGM Grand Garden Arena in Las Vegas at 9 p.m. ET / 6 p.m. PT

Augalų vs. Lee FOX PBC Fight Night Main Event Precedes Pay-Per-View Also from the MGM Grand Garden Arena in Las Vegas at
7 p.m. ET / 4 p.m. PT

Spauskite ČIA for Pacquiao vs. Thurman Photos & ČIA for Plant vs. Lee Photos from Andy Samuelson/Premier Boxing Champions

Spauskite ČIA for Photos from Frank Micelotta/FOX Sports

Spauskite ČIA for Photos from Sean Michael Ham/Mayweather Promotions

LOS ANGELES (Gegužė 22, 2019) – Eight-division champion Manny Pacquiao and unbeaten welterweight world champion Keith Thurman, plus unbeaten super middleweight champion Kalebas augalų ir nenugalėtas Mike Lee,squared-off for the second day in a row Wednesday, this time at a Los Angeles press conference as they previewed their respective showdowns taking place Saturday July 20 presented by Premier Boxing Champions and FOX Sports from the MGM Grand Garden Arena in Las Vegas.

Pacquiao and Thurman will battle in a welterweight world title attraction that headlines a PBC on FOX Sports Pay-Per-View event beginning at 9 p.m. ET / 6 p.m. PT. Plant will make the first defense of his title against the unbeaten Lee in the main event of FOX PBC Fight Night and on FOX Deportes preceding the Pay-Per-View and beginning at 7 p.m. ET / 4 p.m. PT.

Bilietus į renginį, which is promoted by MP Promotions, Mayweather Promotions and TGB Promotions, are on sale now and can be purchased online through AXS.com, imti ne telefonu 866-740-7711 or in person at any MGM Resorts International box office. Augalų vs. Lee is presented by TGB Promotions and Sweethands Promotions.

Here is what the fighters had to say Wednesday from The Beverly Hills Hotel in Los Angeles:


It’s easy for my opponents to talk before the fight, and I’m used to everything they say. But when we get to the ring, it changes, and it will change on July 20.

I chose Keith Thurman because he’s a great fighter, he’s undefeated and because we can give a good fight to the fans. I want to make the fans happy on that night and show that I can still go toe-to-toe with any opponent.

He said he’s young, but we’ll see who looks young in the ring on July 20. I’m going to let my fists say everything for me.

We will work hard in training camp like always for this fight. We’re not going to take Keith Thurman lightly or underestimate him. He’s a world champion. I’m thankful for what he’s been saying, because it’s giving me motivation to prove that at 40-years-old, aš jaučiu 29.

Keith Thurman is aggressive and throws a lot of punches. I’m hoping on July 20 he will follow through with what he says and fight toe-to-toe with me.

The fans need to watch this fight because it’s a once in a lifetime fight. It’s going to be a Fight of the Year and full of action from start to finish. I’m ready to get it on July 20.

Most of my opponents are bigger than me and I beat them all. When we get into the ring, nesvarbu. This has happened before and it will happen again against Thurman.

My experience will be very important for this fight. It’s going to be useful against an undefeated fighter. I’m going to give him the experience of losing for the first time.

I’m still having fun and enjoying the sport. I’m excited to go straight to the gym after this and start focusing on training for the fight.

KEITH Thurman

It’s a blessing to be on this stage and have a fight of this magnitude. I’m an all-American fighter, an all-American champion and come July 20, I’m going to stay champion.

Manny is a world class fighter. He’s a gentleman inside and outside of the ring. I look forward to trading punches with a living legend. But one thing’s for sure, he’s not walking away with my title.

All Manny does is hop around in the ring. I’m not going to lose to a bunny rabbit. He’s not Tupac, but he does a little hip hop and he’s not going to stop until he gets dropped.

Manny is a world class fighter, not a world class boxer. I’m going to trip him up in the ring and he won’t know what direction to turn to. I know who I am as a fighter, and it will be proven come July 20.

I’m destroying the legend of Manny Pacquiao. His legacy ends on July 20 and mine begins. He’s an inspiration to many people throughout the world and everyone respects him, but I’m respectfully going to finish him.

This is a big fight as far as the stage goes, but it’s a big fight against a little guy. He’s a veteran and I’ve dismantled veterans in the past. I believe I would have destroyed Manny Pacquiao five years ago. I’ve always been ready for this fight. He’s never fought someone like me with this kind of lateral movement, greitis ir galia. I’m coming for him.

I was in the gym four weeks ago starting some preparations. I wanted to get the ball rolling and use the momentum from my last training camp for this opportunity. Who better to showcase my skills and talent against than Manny Pacquiao? He chose me because it will be a guaranteed action fight.

I think this is one of the best Manny Pacquiao fights in a long time. Aš ruošiuosi jį. Pacquiao did not get reminded in his last fight what it feels like to be up against a real champion. I’m the youngest, fastest, hungriest fighter that he’s ever been in the ring with. Liepa 20, it’s the ‘Keith Thurman show’.


I never consider myself the A-side because my history says that I shouldn’t even be here. As beautiful as the belt is, it’s about more to me than that. It’s about legacy for me. I’ve been carrying myself as a world champion since the day I started this journey, so this is nothing new to me.

I’m the whole package. Turiu greitį, I have footwork, Aš turiu galią, I have the heart and the will to win. Until you find someone else who’s all that, I’m going to keep having my hand raised.

Where I’m from, there’s confrontation every day. This is nothing new to me. There are times I was told that I wouldn’t make it. Nobody paved the way for me like I’m from New York or Los Angeles. I paved my own way.

Mike Lee is in uncharted territory. I’m curious on how he plans on beating me. Does he plan on roughing me up and trying to knock me out like my last opponent? Can he do that better than Jose Uzcategui? Is he going to try to outbox me with his hand and foot speed? Because there’s no person from 160 į 175 who could do that.

I’ve been committed to the same thing for the last 18 metų tiesus. Rain, sleet or snow, I stayed committed. I’m bred for this. I was created for this. It’s the only thing I’ve done my whole life. Liepos 20, I’ll be keeping the thing that I’ve worked my whole entire life for.

At every decision that has to be made, you can go left or you can go right. From the genesis of my being, every time it was the moment to make a tough decision, I went the same way. Because I do not bend or fold for anything. No matter what’s tossed my way, this journey must go on for me. He said he has nothing to lose, but I have everything to lose.

All the motivational videos that he watches and books that he reads, I’m the very essence and meaning of that. I’m the pinnacle of all those things he’s studied. You can’t learn mental fortitude in a book. Those things are earned, they’re not learned.


“Tai svajonė išsipildė man. I’ve been through so much and there were days where I thought my dream was over. I’ve chased this since I was eight-years-old and I’m thankful for this chance to go after a dream that others thought I couldn’t reach.

The beauty of this sport is that it’s only me and Caleb in there. Everyone else can only talk. I’ve been in the ring through adversity and stuck it out, because that’s the kind of person I am. I know that if I come on July 20 as the best Mike Lee possible, that I can win.

I’ve been in the gym working every day. Doctors told me at one point that I wouldn’t fight again, but I’m still standing right here. I pushed through my pain to get here.

I’m excited to be here in Los Angles, where we hold training camp. I’m bringing the belt back to Chicago, but Los Angeles is a second home to me.

Today is the culmination of years of sacrifice, hard work and discipline. I’m undefeated for a reason but I feel people underestimate me and I like that. I’ve been underestimated my whole career. I’ve thrived off people say I couldn’t do it.

I respect Caleb Plant. He’s the champion for a reason and I respect any fighter who can step into that ring. You have to be a different kind of animal to do that in front of all those people, and I am that animal.

I’m coming with power, stiprumas, speed and I’m going to give it everything I have. I’m going to become the new IBF Super Middleweight World Champion.

RICHARD STORM, President of Las Vegas Live Entertainment & Sporto

I’d like to welcome back Manny Pacquiao and Keith Thurman, two of the world’s best fighters, back to Las Vegas and MGM Grand. Manny returns to the ring at MGM Grand following his convincing win in January while Keith will fight in Las Vegas for the first time in four years, looking to remain undefeated.

We’re truly excited to be hosting this sensational event at MGM Grand and we look forward to seeing everybody in July.

BILL WANGER, Executive Vice President of Programming, Research & Content Strategy for FOX Sports

Manny Pacquiao vs. Keith Thurman is a living legend, versus a legend in the making. We’re excited to deliver an unprecedented night of boxing on July 20 MGM Grand Las Vegase.

Manny is one of boxing’s biggest stars. Keith Thurman is an undefeated world champion and a huge ratings draw. We’re excited to bring viewers inside the ropes and up close to the action on fight night, and produce extensive behind the scenes preview programming that will air across the FOX networks.

FOX Sports is thrilled to have a battle on July 20 with such a compelling storyline to kick off a great night of championship boxing with the IBF champion Caleb Plant against the undefeated Mike Lee.

“Sausio, Caleb Plant headlined the most-watched boxing event ever on FS1. Now he’s fighting on the FOX network for the first time as the main event. At FOX Sports, big events that capture America’s attention are in our DNA. This fight certainly fits that bill.

Our goal with the PBC deal is to build these fighters into household names, and we’re well on our way. We expect a great show on July 20 in Las Vegas.

# # #

Daugiau informacijos: apsilankymas www.premierboxingchampions.com, HT
ir www.foxdeportes.com, sekti TwitterPremierBoxing, @PBConFOX, FOXSports, FOXDeportes, MayweatherPromo, @TGBPromotions ir @Swanson_Comm ar tapti gerbėju "Facebook" tuo www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions, www.facebook.com/foxsports, www.facebook.com/foxdeportes ir www.facebook.com/MayweatherPromotions.

Rising prospects, rematch highlight Xcite Fight Night 4 undercard

BENSALEM, PA-The undercard for Xcite Fight Night 4 at Parx Casino® on June 15 is packed with undefeated prospects and an entertaining rematch.

In the semifinal contest, Jeronimas užkariavimas (10-3-0 1 K0) faces off against Frank Trader(12-2-1 3 K0s) in an all-Philadelphia matchup for the USBF continental championship. That will serve as a prelude to the main event, which features homegrown flyweight Miguel Cartagena (15-5-1 6 K0s). Cartagena looks to return to his winning ways against Jesus Solar (10-1-1 5K0s), who is making just his second stateside appearance in what has become the Puerto Rican fighter’s adopted second home.

The undercard features a welterweight bout with one of Philly’s most exciting unbeaten prospects in Marselis Riversas (7-0 4 K0s). He promises an entertaining fight with Lancaster-based TIE Dixon (7-23-2 2 K0s).

Camp is going good, my team and I turn it up each week,” said Rivers, who is a PGW foreman by day. “I feel good about my fightit’s always good to fight in my city in front of all my supporters, and I’m goin to give them what they want.

Brooklyn’s Omar Kabary Salem (9-0 4 K0s) returns for his second appearance at the Xcite Center. In his previous outing, he made quick work of Jacob Fox, knocking him out in the first round. He picked up another win on April 27 and will be turning around quickly to face off with Philadelphia’s Jamaal Davis (18-14-1 7 K0s) į super vidutinio svorio bijau. Davis will be the most experienced opponent of Salem’s career and the fight should prove to be a telling challenge between youth and experience.

The Xcite Center will also play home to a compelling rematch at junior welterweight, kaipOnsel Charles (12-19-1 2 K0s) ir Laquan Lewisas (2-10-0 1Kos) run back their entertaining fight from here last February. Charles earned a hard-fought knockout in their first meeting.

Rounding out the card will be two young guns who are becoming familiar with the Xcite Center. Negu vidutinis svoris Tyhler Williams (2-0-0 2 K0s) is fresh off this second stoppage in as many fights, and is looking to build on his early career momentum. He’ll take on Tyree Arnold (0-1) Filadelfijos.

Lenkų šviesos sunkiasvoris Jan Czerklewicz makes his pro debut against Angel Vasquez iš Springfield, MA. Vasquez will also be making his first start.

Negu vidutinis svoris Daiyaan Butt (3-0-0 1 K0) Filadelfijos, who earned his first KO in his last outing at the Xcite Center, looks to continue the strong start to his career. Jo priešininkas bus paskelbta netrukus.


Birželis 15 card will consist of seven fights, pradedant nuo 7 p.m. Durys atviros ne 6 p.m. The card is promoted by Joe Hand Promotions. This event is only for adults age 21 ir vyresni. Bilietai kaina $50, $75 ir $100 are on sale at Joe Hand Promotions (215-364-9000). You can also purchase tickets from the Hold My Ticket Call Center at (1-877-466-3404) ir tuo www.parxcasino.com


Parx Casino® is owned and operated by Greenwood Racing, Inc. and is the #1 revenue generating casino property in Pennsylvania. Parx Casino® is conveniently located 20 minutes north of center city Philadelphia, I-95 exit 37 or PA Turnpike exit 351 (westbound), exit 352 (eastbound) on Street Road in Bensalem Bucks County. Parx features over 200,000 square feet of gaming; 3,270 slot machines and 148 live table games; 40 poker tables; live racing & simulcast action; Parx Grill, an upscale signature restaurant; Foodies quick service dining; Chickie’s & Pete’s Crab House and SportsBar; Jax sports bar; Circle Bar; Bambu Noodle House; The Lucky Cheese ~ gourmet grilled cheese eatery; XLounge, luxury casino lounge and complimentary parking for over 5,000 cars. One year ago, Parx debuted a $50M expansion that included the 1,500-seat live entertainment venue, Xcite Center; Liberty Bell Gastropub, farm-to-fork inspired menu; Oliveto, New York City style pizza and Italian Classics; Parx Poker, new custom built private poker room. Į 2019, Parx launched sports betting and opened a massive year-round Beer Garden to rave reviews. For more information on Parx Casino®, apsilankymas www.parxcasino.com.


Light Heavyweight Brawler Elbiali Duels Marlos Simões in Premier Boxing Champions on FS1 & FOX Deportes Action This Saturday Night from Beau Rivage Resort Casino in Biloxi, Misisipės

Spauskite ČIA for Photos from Team Elbiali

LAS VEGAS (Gegužė 22, 2019) – Light heavyweight brawler Ahmedas Elbiali will return to the ring, and for the first time with new trainer Justin Gamber, kai jis susiduria su Marlos Simões in a 10-round showdown as part of Premier Boxing Champions on FS1 and FOX Deportes action this Saturday night from Beau Rivage Resort Casino in Biloxi, Misisipės.

PBC on FS1 and FOX Deportes begins at 8 p.m. ET / 5 p.m. PT and is headlined by former super welterweight champion Ostinas “Be abejonės” Upėtakis returning to the ring to take on former title challenger Terrell Gausha in a 10-round super welterweight battle.

Bilietus į renginį, kuris yra skatinamas TGB Akcijos, are on sale now and can be purchased at the Beau Rivage Theatre box office and through Ticketmaster.

Elbiali has recently began working with a new trainer in Gamber, who also trains super middleweight champion Caleb Plant, and will look to show his improvement in the ring this Saturday night. Here is what he had to say about his new trainer and more:

On training with new coach Justin Gamber:I’ve been learning a lot since I started training with Justin Gamber, which was about six weeks ago. Nothing against my old trainers, I just felt I needed a new look. Justin and I work well together and I’ve improved tremendously. I’m learning how to relax more in the ring, which has helped me keep my power in the later rounds of sparring. Justin is a great coach and together we are going to make some noise in the light heavyweight division.

On his recent training camp:
I’ve put in a lot of hard work for this training camp and I can see the difference compared to other camps I’ve had in the past. I’m working on the fundamentals of boxing, using my jab more and setting up my combinations. I know I have the power to knock out my opponents, but now I’m learning more how to set it up. Living and training in Las Vegas has been a big boost to my career because the sparring out here is second to none. I’m having a great training camp.

On his matchup with Marlos Simões:
I know Simões is a durable opponent who’s only been stopped once in his career. I’m expecting him to be in great shape. He’s had a lot of success in the ring, so I’m preparing for a guy who can really fight. I’m just going to go in there and execute my game plan.

On when he will be ready for a world title shot:
I want to get as many fights as possible this year and make a world title run in 2020. Žinoma, everything is predicated fight to fight, but that is the goal.

On making his televised return on FS1:
Fighting on FS1 is always fun and exciting. FS1 is the platform where us fighters get the most exposure while we’re coming up. You can’t compare any other network to FOX, where the whole world can tune in. It’s truly a blessing for me to be fighting on FS1.

# # #

Gerbėjai gali tiesiogiai transliuoti kovas „FOX Sports“ programoje, available in English or Spanish through the FOX, FS1 or FOX Deportes feeds. The fights are available on desktop at FOXSports.com and through the app store, arba prijungtų įrenginių, įskaitant "Apple TV", "Android TV", gaisro televizija, "Xbox One" ir "Roku".

Daugiau informacijos: apsilankymas www.premierboxingchampions.com, HT
ir www.foxdeportes.com, sekti TwitterPremierBoxing, @PBConFOX, FOXSports, FOXDeportes, TGBPromotions, ir @Swanson_Comm arba tapkite gerbėju Facebook metu www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions, www.facebook.com/foxsports &www.facebook.com/foxdeportes.