Archivio Categoria: boxe

Javier Martinez making Milwaukee proud on the way to World Championships in Russia

COLORADO SPRINGS, Giro. (Agosto 19, 2019) – Milwaukee isn’t known as one of the leading producers of world-class boxers, tuttavia, Team USA middleweight
Javier Martinez may be the rare exception.

Milwaukee isn’t really a great place for boxing,” Martinez agreed, “ma (allenatore) Izzy Acosta always had a great program that produced a lot of national champions. Fiduciosamente, one day I can do what he’s done for my city. Abbiamo alcuni buoni combattenti che escono dalla mia palestra che sono ancora in aumento. Attento al mio ragazzo, Luis Feliciano, un ex campione nazionale USA (il welter junior di 26 anni è 12-0 da professionista con otto vittorie per KO).”

Il pugile più famoso uscito da Milwaukee è il campione del mondo di kickboxing Rick “il getto” Rufus. Ci sono stati alcuni pugili di Milwaukee degni di nota nel corso degli anni, Compreso Myron “mignolo” Mitchell, che è diventato il primo campione del mondo dei pesi welter junior in 1922, Robert “Uomo delle caverne” Moha (1910-15), ex campione nazionale Tyrone “La farfalla” tricipite, e medaglia di bronzo ai Giochi Panamericani e due volte campione nazionale dilettanti, LeChaunce Shepard.

Martinez si sta attualmente allenando a Colorado Springs negli Stati Uniti. Centro di Allenamento Olimpico e Paralimpico per i Campionati del Mondo, Settembre 7-21, a Ekaterinburg, Russia.

“È una bella sensazione e ho intenzione di sfruttare appieno questa opportunità,” Martinez ha parlato di gareggiare ai Mondiali. “Adoro venire in Colorado; è come una terapia per me, tenendomi lontano dalle distrazioni a casa. Sono molto entusiasta di andare in Russia. Ringrazio USA Boxing per tutte le opportunità che ho avuto, e spero di riportare una medaglia dalla Russia.”

Martinez dice che non ha avuto un'infanzia normale, spiegando che ammirava le persone sbagliate. La sua vita è cambiata in meglio quando suo padre lo ha introdotto alla boxe e ha incontrato l'allenatore Acosta, che è stato recentemente premiato dalla USA Boxing Alumni Association per i suoi contributi alla boxe amatoriale come pugile e allenatore nell'ultimo mezzo secolo.

“Non so cosa farei oggi (se non per la boxe),” notato Martinez, che si trasforma 24 agosto 24. “So solo che la boxe era la mia via d'uscita dal "cappuccio". Il coach Izzy è una persona molto amorevole, e una persona fantastica da avere intorno. Ha avuto un'ottima carriera nel pugilato ed è fantastico avere una persona così dalla mia parte.”

Martinez, chi è il n. 2 classificato medi negli Stati Uniti, conquistato una medaglia d'oro al 2018 Campionati Nazionali Elite e argento al 2016 & 2017 Campionati Nazionali Elite. Ha anche portato a casa il bronzo dal 2013 Olimpiadi Nazionali Junior e Torneo Feliks Stamm.

Autodescritto come un mancino goffo che può dare problemi a chiunque, Martinez’ l'obiettivo a breve termine è vincere la medaglia d'oro olimpica, a lungo termine per essere campione del mondo.

Javier Martinez rende orgoglioso Milwaukee con un pugno’ la sua strada verso l'alto.

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Facebook: /USABoxing

Before and After: The Incredible Rebirth of Mikey ‘Baby Face’ Faragon

The incredible rebirth of Albany, New York’s Mikey “Baby Face” Faragon (19-1, 9 KO) is complete and he will return to action in a six-rounder tonight, Venerdì, Agosto 9, at a GCP and Rapacz Boxing show at the Grand Casino in Hinckley, Minnesota against Missouri’s Demetrius Wilson.

Faragon was once a super lightweight prospect touted as one of the most promising young fighters to ever come out of the Capital Region, but a severe foot injury forced him out of boxing five years ago.

During his extended recovery, which included several painful surgeries, 32-year-old Faragon fell into depression and unhealthy living and gained a great deal of weight.

With his mobility now restored, Faragon challenged himself to get back in shape and said he would fight again if he could. Pictured above, destra, Faragon is back in fighting shape and, against Wilson, will be looking to gauge how much of that immense potential he still has.

Legendary Air Force Academy boxing coach Ed Weichers coached perfect storm

COLORADO SPRINGS, Giro. (Agosto 8, 2019) – Boxing coachEd Weichers, a charter member of the USA Boxing Alumni Association, guided the United States Air Force Academy from 1976-2014 to a record of 19 national collegiate boxing team championships.

Coach Weichers’ Fighting Falcons’ squads produced a remarkable 258 All-America boxers and 97 individual champions. His teams never finished lower than second in the nation for 27 years and he also served as president and vice president of the National Collegiate Boxing Association (NCBA).

Coaching sports at a military school is much different, largely because student-athletes in most cases, soprattutto boxe, are not professional prospects. “Our Cadets were not trained to be elite level amateurs or pros,” the now 68-year-old Weichers explained. “In 1976, the cost to put one Cadet through four years at the Academy was $80,000 ma, in 2014, the year of my retirement, that figure was $417,000. Cadets are trained to go forward and serve. They fly, lotta, win and defend freedoms that we all enjoy. Boxing at the next level is not part of the discussion. I got calls at the time about our boxers going to the next level, fighting in Tough Man Contests, etc. My answer is and has always been consistent: ‘You are not trained to be a boxer in the Air Force. Do not jeopardize your pilot qualifications or commission ability with a boxing injury.’ The Air Force has an investment in them, and I urged them to go forward and serve. I send them back to the real purpose of the boxing class/program at AFA. It teaches them how to handle press, stress, fear and anxiety. Boxing gives them the self confidence and self esteem to make good decisions in combat under pressure. The ability to handle these pressures and make good decisions are the difference in life and death in combat.”

Coach Weichers, naturalmente, attributes a large share of his success to the Cadets, who are intelligent, disciplined and team oriented. All Cadets take a mandatory core curriculum boxing course (10 lessons) their freshman year, followed by an intramural boxing program comprised of 40 squadron teams with a minimum of eight to a maximum of 16 boxers per team.

Not only did Weichers work with this incredible feeder system, the next step was the AFA Wing Open Boxing Championships, in which Cadets voluntarily signed-up to compete in one of 12 divisions to box for the No. 1 spot, earning a roster spot on the AFA Intercollegiate boxing team that competes in regional and national tournaments. The advancing 12 Cadets represented the entire Air Force Academy.

“Bottom line,’ Coach Weichers noted, “this formula was a perfect storm. I must give credit to and thank two Physical Education Department headsCol. Don Peterson eCol. Larry Fariss, and two athletic directors who were instrumental to our support and successCol. John Clune eCol. Randy Spetman.

“I was blessed with young men who I describe as overachievers. Cadets are tenacious. We built on an individual sport with a team concept. I had great assistant coaches, the best training facilities, and an environment of being surrounded by quality people in all phases.”

After he retired as head boxing coach at the Air Force Academy, Weichers led Team USA in 2014 e 2015 to five medals, including two golds, at the Pan American Games in Toronto.

“The plan was to hire Billy Walsh, who was the head coach of Team Ireland,” Weichers added. “I committed to sponsor Coach Walsh upon his arrival and make his transition smooth. I did that and Coach Walsh and I have become good friends. He is the correct man for the job, and he brings a great resume and reputation. He has helped turn the program around and created a winning culture. Team USA is back, ranked among the top 10 al mondo, and that is a direct result of Coach Walsh.”

USA Boxing Alumni Association

Creato per il campione per tutta la vita, relazioni reciprocamente vantaggiose tra USA Boxing ed i suoi ex allievi, –pugili, funzionari, allenatori e appassionati di boxe — L'Alumni Association collega generazioni di campioni, ispirando e restituendo ai futuri campioni di boxe USA Boxing, in e fuori dal ring.

Gli Stati Uniti Boxing Alumni Association è aperta a chiunque abbia un amore per la boxe e vorrebbe rimanere in contatto con il pugilato dilettantistico. I membri hanno accesso a una vasta gamma di eventi speciali ospitati dall'Associazione Alumni, compresa la sua annuale di USA Boxing Alumni Association Hall of Fame di ricezione.

Per aderire all'Associazione Alumni, semplicemente registrarsi per un $40.00 all'anno quota associativa. I nuovi membri riceveranno una T-shirt, portachiavi e e-wallet.

Weichers joined the USA Boxing Alumni Association because he is a huge supporter ofJohn Brown, former President and current Vice President of USA Boxing.

“John had the idea or concept (to form the alumni association) and I looked at the purpose and thought it would be a way to honor and recognize those who contributed over the years,” Weichers remarked. “I hope that successful professionals from the past and present recognize those who contributed over the years. I also hope that they remember their roots were with USA Boxing and give back. We all had help and our start and success did not happen alone. Be humble and grateful and give back.”

Weichers is high on Team USA, especially its overall potential in the 2020 Olympic Games in Japan, detto, “We’re solid going into 2020. The key to success, secondo me, is head coach Billy Walsh. He is very experienced. His reputation and resume are top shelf. Coach Walsh is well known and respected on the international level. He has the ability to reach out to other countries and make positive things happen for our athletes. He has adjusted the culture in our boxing program, identifying our strengths, and making adjustment where weak. Coach Walsh brings leadership and credibility. Bottom line, we have the right coach for the job in place.”

Weichers’ association with the NCBA led to his relationship with USA Boxing at various levels and capacities. He has always felt gratified to give back to boxing, as well as an obligation to grow the sport at every level.

“I was lucky/blessed to work in a place I refer to as Camelot,” Weichers concluded. “It’s an athletic paradise; core values, honor code, and a mission that anyone can connect with and admire. I can say that I am a better person for my experience at the Air Force Academy.

“I love the sport of boxing, because of what it did for me, in terms of molding my life. The gratification that comes with seeing how young men and women grow and mature, as a result of their experience with boxing was very positive.

And countless Cadets are better people because they were coached by Ed Weichers.


Cinguettio: @USABoxing, @USABoxingAlumni

Instagram: @USABoxing

Facebook: /USABoxing

SU USA Boxing:  La missione di USA Boxing è quello di consentire atleti e allenatori degli Stati Uniti per raggiungere l'eccellenza competitiva sostenuta, sviluppare il carattere, sostenere lo sport del pugilato, e promuovere e far crescere lo stile olimpico di pugilato negli Stati Uniti. La responsabilità degli Stati Uniti boxe è non solo per produrre l'oro olimpico, ma anche controllare e governare ogni aspetto del pugilato dilettantistico negli Stati Uniti.

DEVIN HANEY VS. Zaur Abdullaev settembre 13 AL TEATRO IN NYC Hulu

Agosto 6, 2019 – Devin Haney può prendere un passo da gigante verso il titolo mondiale di gloria quando affronta compagno di imbattibilità stelle Zaur Abdullaev in un eliminatore finale per il titolo mondiale WBC leggero il Venerdì Settembre 13 al Teatro Hulu al Madison Square Garden, New York, vivere DAZN negli Stati Uniti e su Sky Sport nel Regno Unito.

Haney (22-0 14 KO) fatto un debutto elettrizzante con Matchroom Boxe USA e DAZN maggio, distruggendo Antonio Moran con un KO del concorrente anno nel settimo round del loro scontro in Maryland. Il 20 vecchie lotte anno nella Grande Mela per la prima volta nella sua carriera e il nativo di Las Vegas, classificato #2 con il WBC, colpisce Manhattan per la sua più grande battaglia ancora in associazione con promozioni DHP e Titov Boxing.

Abdullaev (11-0 7 KO) è classificato #3 con il WBC di aver atterrato il cinturino d'argento leggero in solo il suo nono pro outing nel mese di aprile 2018, and the highly rated and dangerous Russian registered his 11th pro win and seventh inside the distance in February, stopping Humberto Martinez in Ekaterinburg, and now fights outside his homeland for the first time in his career.

The WBC crown will be in the hands of either Vasiliy Lomachenko or Luke Campbell MBE when the clash at The O2 in London on August 31, with Haney and Abdullaev keenly observing that clash from their training camps become locking horns on September 13.

It always feels good when I get the official date,” said Haney. “I stay in the gym because I’m a dog and I love to fight. I want the world to see me rise to my competition. The better they are the better I am. I’m fighting an undefeated fighter at Hulu Theater at Madison Square Garden.

“I fan di New York sono alcuni dei più fedeli fan nello sport e non vedo l'ora di davvero mettere su uno spettacolo per loro. Abdullaev piace applicare la pressione e mi aspetto niente di meno settembre 13. L'ho visto combattere e lui è un combattente fame, non c'è dubbio che è il mio avversario più duro fino ad oggi. Questa lotta è ad un passo da un mondo lotta per il titolo in modo che entrambi abbiamo un sacco sulla linea.

“Abdullaev non ha un grande nome, ma ha classificato #3 per una ragione, e io non lui o chiunque altro che sta nel mio modo sto schivando. Sto benedetto per avere un sostegno enorme da DAZN e Eddie Hearn. Con questa partnership che ho l'opportunità di combattere il migliore del mondo. I encourage everyone in NYC to buy their tickets or get the DAZN App and watch my growth into the next superstar in boxing. This fight is going to be lit!”

I’m delighted that the fight is happening,” said Abdullaev. “I was panicking when I saw some posts from Haney on social media that nobody wants to fight him at 135lbs, and he might have to move up in weight. I kept biting my nails and really wanted to get engaged but been told to stay patient. Allah the gracious has delivered this fight and now its reality.

I am a bit disappointed that the fight won’t be at Haney’s Las Vegas back yard as it would have been great to dethrone him in front of his home crowed, but New York is a great boxing city. I’m not silly and I do understand that I’m coming as an underdog but on September 13, I’m coming to crash the hype against all odds.

WBA and IBF World Super-Bantamweight champion Daniel Roman leads a stacked undercard in a mouth-watering chief-support bout as he takes on lethal WBA mandatory challenger Murodjon Akhmadaliev. Romano (27-2-1 10 KO) unified his WBA crown with the IBF strap of Irishman TJ Doheny in a fight of the year contender at home in Los Angeles in April, a fifth World title win on the bounce a fourth inside 14 months for the 29 anni.

Roman’s fifth defense of his WBA crown pits him against dangerous Uzbek talent Akhmadaliev (6-0 5 KO) – the highly decorated amateur has looked fearsome in ending five of his six pro outings to date inside the distance, con il 25 year old’s last win coming on the same LA bill as Roman’s dust-up with Doheny. Roman vs. Akhmadaliev is brought to you in association with Thompson Boxing and World of Boxing.

Anyone that knows me understands that I’m a real fighter,” said Roman. “I’ll fight anyone they put in front of me. Akhmadaliev is hungry, ma così sono io. It wasn’t that long ago [2017] when I challenged for the WBA title so we’re not going to give it up. I’m here to fight and defend the WBA belt once more. I have two belts [WBA e IBF], but I want more. My goal is to get all of them so by no means am I overlooking Akhmadaliev. He has that amateur pedigree, can punch with power and likes to come forward. The second you underestimate someone, that’s when bad things happen. I’ll be ready for whatever he brings.

As a unified champion, I understand that I have a target on my back. That’s why I’ve been in the gym, staying sharp like I always do. There’s no time to relax and look back at what I’ve done because my work isn’t finished.

Danny is among the most committed and disciplined World champions out there,” said Ken Thompson, president of Thompson Boxing Promotions. “He relishes challenges and at this point in his career, he only wants the toughest and biggest fights. Akhmadaliev is a young and dangerous opponent, but Danny has all the tools to continue his reign as the best talent in the division. We’re confident that he’ll deliver another excellent performance and retain his WBA title for the fifth time.

I am very glad that Daniel Roman took this fight,” said Akhmadaliev. “I know that we are both warriors and this will be a real war! Non perdete questa lotta!”

We have been waiting for this fight for some time,” said Vadim Kornilov from World of Boxing. “I believe with the will, character, and power of both of these guys, this fight will be a fight of the year candidate.

There’s more World title action on the bill as record-breaking seven-weight World champion Amanda Serrano challenges WBO World Featherweight champion Heather Hardy in an all-Brooklyn affair, brought to you by DiBella Entertainment in association with Matchroom Boxing USA.

Serrano (36-1-1 27 KO) conquered her seventh weight class at the Hulu Theater in title in January when the Puerto Rican destroyed Eva Voraberger inside the opening round to claim the vacant WBO Super-Flyweight title.

Serrano held the WBO Featherweight strap in 2016 before vacating it then her sister Cindy picked it up later that year. Resistente (22-0 4 KO) was next in line to win the vacant title in October in a rematch against Shelley Vincent in the Hulu Theater. Hardy put boxing on hold to return to MMA in June with an outing at Bellator 222 at Madison Square Garden but returns to boxing to go head-to-head with her fellow Brooklynite.

We found out in February that as a super-champion Amanda could call out any champion in any weight division and she would be the next defenseand she chose me. I didn’t get this far in the boxing game to not know how it works, they’re hyping up a big fight between her and Katie Taylor and this is the second of Amanda’s three-fight deal.

It will be my first time competing as an underdog even as the current world champion but I’m excited as hell. Everyone knows I have the balls for it. I grew up with a tough mamma, trust menobody scares me.

I’m very excited to be back in the ring and excited to be fighting Heather Hardy,” Detto Serrano. “Heather is 22-0 per una ragione, she always finds a way to win. We’ve sparred in the past and I’ve never had an easy day with her.

So many of the other champions vacated their belts to avoid fighting me but Heather is a true world champion who will not give up her belt.

We know each other well and I’m honored to fight her for her World title. It’s nothing personal, just business for two girls from Brooklyn in the ring.

“Di Venerdì, Settembre 13, seven-division world champion Amanda ‘The Real DealSerrano will attempt to wrest the WBO Featherweight title from undefeated champion Heather ‘The HeatHardy in what promises to be an explosive matchup,” ha detto Lou DiBella, Presidente di DiBella Entertainment. “Neither Hardy nor Serrano have ever been in a bad fight, both Brooklynites have passionate fan bases and are tremendous ambassadors for women’s boxing. This is a must-win fight for both boxers and will steal the show.

The Heavyweight landscape remains a hot one and there’s a great 50-50 clash on the card as Michael Hunter challenges Sergey Kuzmin for the WBA Intercontinental title. Cacciatore (17-1 12 KO) holds the International strap with the WBA having KO’d Alexander Ustinov in Monte Carlo in November and defended that with a second round KO of Fabio Maldonado in Maryland in May. Il 31 year old is rapidly rising in the rankings and can take a huge leap towards World title action with a win but faces a crunch challenge in the form of Kuzmin (15-0 11 KO).

The unbeaten Russian puts the strap he won at Wembley Stadium in London in September against David Price and first saw off LaRon Mitchell and then Joey Dawejko in successful Stateside defenses. With Kuzmin ranked #5 and Hunter #8 with the WBA, the victor in New York will be knocking on the door for a title shot, raising the stakes in this pick’em match-up, in association with World of Boxing.

I’m excited to be fighting Sergey,” said Hunter. “I know that this is not going to be an easy fight, but I am definitely up for the challenge and I want to show people that I am the best in the division.

I have worked very hard for this opportunity,” said Kuzmin. “I am here to win this fight and go after the World title. It doesn’t matter to me whether this fight is in the USA or in Russia, I am very confident in my victory. I know my opponent very well, he’s a good boxer, but only one of us is going to be victorious.

This is a fight between two top ten prospects, both hold regional titles,” said Vadim Kornilov of World of Boxing. “This fight will hopefully be an eliminator for the World championship mandatory.

This is a brilliant show and a big chance for Devin to take NYC by storm,” said promoter Eddie Hearn. “Abdullaev is a dangerous undefeated fighter but Devin is ready for all comers and wants to win this fight and then go straight into the Lomachenko vs. Campbell winner. It’s crazy to believe he is just 20 anni – I think it’s fair to say he is the most exciting young fighter in the world right now.

Roman vs. Akhmadaliev is an absolute war, Danny refused to vacate the belt and like a true champion will face a young fearless, hard hitting mandatory challenger who is taking a giant leap after just six fights.

The Heavyweight division is red hot and Hunter v Kuzmin maybe one of the match ups of the yeardo not blink on this one! We probably could have filled this venue with Serrano vs. Hardy alone, it’s an amazing fight for NYC with the winner set for a defining Katie Taylor fight next. Do not miss this show!”

We are excited to kick off our busy fall line-up with the return of blue-chip prospect Devin Haney on DAZN,” said Joseph Markowski, DAZN EVP, Nord America. “Matchroom has put together a stacked card for New York fight fans and those watching around the world on DAZN. We are preparing to close out our first year in boxing with a bang and it all starts September 13 at the Hulu Theater at Madison Square Garden.

An announcement on ticket prices and on-sale dates will be made later this week.

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Informazioni sulle promozioni di Devin Haney:
Con sede in California, Devin Haney Promozioni (DHP) è una società promozionale di prima classe guidata dal fenomeno della boxe, Devin “Il sogno” Haney. L'azienda è stata fondata nel settembre del 2018. Devin Haney a 19 anni è diventato il più giovane combattente/promotore attivo nella storia del pugilato. DHP si impegna a portare ai fan gli spettacoli più emozionanti con alcuni dei migliori combattenti del mondo. Globalmente, DHP è rispettato come uno dei principali promotori della boxe.

Claressa Shields vs. IVANA HABAZIN riprogrammato per SABATO, Ottobre 5 LIVE ON Showtime

Shields Combattimenti a diventare tre divisioni campione del mondo
In Città di debutto dei Dort federale
Event Center in selce, me.

Vivere a 9 p.m. ET / 6 p.m. PT

Biglietti in vendita da oggi a 2 p.m. E!

NEW YORK – Agosto 6, 2019 – Indiscusso campione del mondo pesi medi Claressa Shields’ tentativo di storia è stato riprogrammato per Sabato, Ottobre 5 in diretta su Showtime. Shields avranno lo scopo di entrare nella storia come il combattente più veloce nel pugilato, maschio o femmina, per diventare un campione del mondo tre divisioni quando assume l'ex campione del mondoIvana Habazin per il vacante titolo WBO Junior medi suShowtime Boxing: EDIZIONE SPECIALE (9 p.m. E / 6 p.m. PT) dal centro Dort federale Event a Flint, me.

Il campionato welter Diamante Super vacante WBC donne sarà anche sulla linea in Shields’ primo incontro professionale nella sua città natale.
La lotta ritorno a casa è stata inizialmente prevista per agosto 17 e rinviata a giugno dopo Shields ha subito un lieve infortunio al ginocchio destro, mentre facendo lavori stradali.
Shields vs. Habazin è promosso da Salita. I biglietti per l'evento in diretta in vendita da oggi / Martedì, Agosto 6 a 2 p.m. ET e possono essere acquistati presso e al botteghino Dort Centro.
Il 24-year-old Shields (9-0, 2 KO) è un titlist due-divisione che è diventato l'indiscusso campione dei medi con una vittoria quasi shutout oltre Christina Hammer nel mese di aprile su Showtime. In tal modo, si è unita Terrence Crawford, Jermain Taylor, Bernard Hopkins, Oleksandr Usyk e Cecilia Braekhus come gli unici combattenti per hanno unificato tutti e quattro i titoli mondiali in ogni categoria di peso (poiché Katie Taylor si è unito alla prestigiosa lista).
Ora, la stella Flint cerca di fare ancora di più la storia nella sua sesta apparizione da headliner su Showtime. Con una vittoria contro Habazin, Shields sarebbe diventato un campione tre divisioni in proprio 10 estremità, battendo il record di Vasiliy Lomachenko, che ha compiuto l'impresa in 12 combattimenti.
“Sto più entusiasti che mai. Sono 100 per cento recuperato, ed io non vedo l'ora di tornare sul ring e combattere davanti ai miei tifosi città natale di Flint come campione indiscusso del mondo,” , ha detto Shields. “Avere la possibilità di diventare campione del mondo in una divisione terzo peso più velocemente di qualsiasi uomo o donna nella storia della boxe farà ottobre 5 una notte io a cuore per sempre. E 'un altro grande passo nella storia, e gigante passo avanti nel sollevamento pugilato femminile sulla strada per l'uguaglianza.”
Habazin (20-3, 7 KO), di Zagabria, Croazia, è classificato No. 1 dalla WBO a 154 libbre. Il 29-year-old, chi sarà facendola U.S.. debutto, ha vinto il welter IBF titolo su Sabrina Giuliani in 2014. Nel suo prossimo combattimento, Habazin cadere una decisione unanime di Braekhus in un periodo storico in cui l'unificazione Braekhus raccolse tutte e quattro le cinture più importanti titolo mondiale. Più di recente, Habazin vendicato uno dei soli tre perdite nella sua carriera di Eva Bajic a Zagabria.
“E 'un onore e un sogno per combattere in U.S.. sulla televisione nazionale,” Habazin detto. “Un sacco di combattenti mai avere questa opportunità nella loro carriera quindi so che ho bisogno di fare la maggior parte di esso. Mi sono allenato per questa lotta da giugno e il rinvio mi ha dato solo più tempo per prepararsi. Ho intenzione di mettere il mio sforzo migliore in avanti per impressionare i tifosi e dimostrare che io sono per davvero.
“Non sto venendo a combattere per un titolo mondiale, Sto lottando per la mia vita e la mia carriera. Credo che io sono il migliore e ora ho avuto la possibilità di dimostrare che, e non c'è nessun avversario meglio per quel che Claressa Shields.”
Shields è stato il primo pugile americano nella storia – maschio o femmina – per vincere consecutivi medaglie d'oro olimpiche. Lei è diventato professionista a seguito della 2016 Olimpiadi e intitolato boxe evento principale delle prime donne nella storia della televisione premio in soli sua lotta secondo professionista in 2017. Shields divenne unificate super-campione mondiale dei pesi medi delle donne nel solo la sua lotta quarto professionale, e un campione di due divisioni al sesto concorso professionale. Lei è stato incoronato l'indiscusso campione di 160 chili nel suo nono lotta, meno di tre anni dopo il passaggio al professionismo in seguito alla 2016 Olimpiadi.
“Da Christy Martin e Laila Ali di Cris Cyborg e Ronda Rousey, e ora Claressa Shields, Showtime è stato a lungo il pioniere in sport di combattimento delle donne,” Detto Gordon Hall, Produttore esecutivo di Showtime Boxing: EDIZIONE SPECIALE.  “Senza domande, Claressa Shields è il volto della boxe femminile e siamo entusiasti di presentare un altro storico traguardo nella sua carriera mentre si guarda a catturare un terzo campionato di divisione a tempo di record. Questa è la sesta apparizione di Claressa su Showtime e l'ennesima prova di come lei continua la sua ricerca personale per diventare il più grande di tutti i tempi.”
“Con la nuova data, questa lotta sta per essere ancora più significativo,” Detto Dmitriy Salita, Presidente di Promotions Salita. “Claressa ha avuto il tempo per ottenere 100 cento sani e in forma migliore della sua vita come lei va giù di peso per lottare per un altro storico traguardo. D'altronde, Ivana ha utilizzato questo tempo in più per prepararsi Claressa sia mentalmente che fisicamente. Lei è rimasto in campo per tutta l'estate mentre si prepara a venire in America a sconvolgere Claressa e realizzare ciò che si sente è il suo destino. Sta andando essere due combattenti nella parte superiore dei loro giochi.”
“Ottobre 5 sarà un magnifico evento per Claressa Shields, per la boxe femminile, e per di Claressa città natale città di Flint,” ha dichiarato Mark Taffet, direttore di Claressa Shields. “Claressa continua a brillare un faro di luce sullo sport, facendo la storia in ogni lotta e raggiungendo livelli inimmaginabili. Lei è una volta in un atleta di vita e la giovane donna, e se lei è vittorioso ottobre 5 lei diventerà l'uomo più veloce o la donna nella storia di boxe a vincere un titolo mondiale in una terza divisione di peso.”
Barry Tompkins chiamerà la Showtime Boxing: azione SPECIAL EDITION da bordo ring con la boxe storico Steve Farhood e l'ex campione del mondo Raul Marquez funge da esperti analisti. Il produttore esecutivo è con Richard Gordon Hall Gaughan produttori e la regia di Rick Phillips.
L'undercard per la trasmissione televisiva sarà annunciato nelle prossime settimane.

SELINA BARRIOS vince per ko al primo turno

Foto di Robert Elizando

SAN ANTONIO, TX (Agosto 5, 2019) – Sabato scorso presso il Santuario Alzafar a San Antonio, TX, Female leggero contendente, Selina “Regina Aztec” Quartieri migliorato per (6-1, 3 KO) dopo aver eliminato Nina Gallegos con un corpo vizioso colpo solo 42 secondi in un round. Promozioni Suprema Boxe è stato il promotore.

“E 'stato bello vedere i tifosi di San Antoinio uscire e sostenere il nostro evento di boxe ieri sera. Ho voluto fare una dichiarazione con una performance ad eliminazione diretta, e sono stato benedetto per consegnarlo. La comunità di boxe e fan a San Antonio sono incredibili. Spero di poter continuare a portare più spettacoli di boxe alla nostra grande città.”

Quartieri, il campione dei pesi leggeri NABF sta cercando di tornare in corsa per il titolo mondiale.

“Il mio obiettivo ora è di atterraggio una grande lotta con qualsiasi combattente top nel super-piuma o divisione leggera,” Barrios continua. “Il mio manager sta lavorando su alcune cose e il mio prossimo combattimento sarà annunciato a volte presto, si spera contro un grande nome.”

“Abbiamo piani per Selina di essere in una grande battaglia a volte nel 2020,” suddetto Kerry ciondola, Quartieri’ co-manager. “Penso che sarà più adatto, se siamo in grado di occupare il suo tempo, forse un altro tune up lotta prima facciamo un passo di lei di nuovo.”

“Selina è pronto per andare in una bella corsa.” suddetto Colin Campbell, Quartieri’ co-manager. “Ha davvero intensificato il suo gioco durante il training camp e questo ha pagato. Sarà in una grande lotta molto presto.”


Former Champion Jean Pascal Edges Marcus Browne By Technical Decision After Accidental Headbutt Ends Fight in Round Eight & Wale Omotoso Stops Curtis Stevens in Third Round of 154-Pound Duel

Fare clic QUI for Photos from Nabeel Ahmad/Premier Boxing Champions

Fare clic QUI for Photos from Stephanie Trapp/TGB Promotions

BROOKLYN (Agosto 4, 2019) – Unbeaten Polish star and Brooklyn native Adam Kownacki (20-0, 15 KO) earned a unanimous decision over Chris “Il Nightmare” Arreola (38-6-1, 33 KO) in an all-action brawl in front of his hometown fans that headlined FOX PBC Fight Night main event and on FOX Deportes Saturday night from Barclays Center, la casa di Brooklyn boxe ™.

Kownacki and Arreola set the CompuBox heavyweight record for combined punches landed and thrown in a heavyweight fight. They landed a combined 667 punzoni, besting the previous record of 650, while throwing 2,172 punzoni, far surpassing the previous mark of 1,730.

Highlights from the fight can be found QUI, QUI e QUI.

Chris is an Aztec warrior,” ha detto Kownacki. “Lui è un grande combattente. I knew it would be a tough fight and I prepared for it. The CompuBox numbers prove it was a great fight.

Adam is relentless,” Detto Arreola. “He just keeps coming. I know I got him with some good punches and he got me with some good ones. I was more than ready to go all 12, but Adam came in and won the fight.

The action began right from the first bell, as Kownacki charged at Arreola and immediately began exchanging as both men threw power punches in bunches. Kownacki worked off of his jab to initiate his offense, while Arreola was effectively able to counter his hard-charging opponent and respond every time he was hit with a combination.

I thought it was a good close fight but I knew I pulled it out,” ha detto Kownacki. “I landed a lot of shots and that was enough to win. That’s all that matters.

Kownacki stunned Arreola in the early moments of round two but Arreola quickly responded to slow Kownacki’s momentum. Arreola found more and more success with his overhand right as the fight went, landing the punch numerous times in the fourth and fifth round especially.

Round six was a back and forth affair that featured a big offensive surge from Kownacki early in the round, before an exciting exchange at the end of the round saw both men take heavy punches.

I tried to follow up when I had him hurt but I was throwing two punches instead of three or four,” ha detto Kownacki. “Props to Arreola because he proved he could still hang. I’m sure the fans would want to see him again.

The middle rounds saw Arreola pick up a hand injury, but it didn’t appear to slow him down much as his punch output continued to be strong for the second half of the fight. For Kownacki, it was his first time going past 10 rounds as a pro.

After the punches continued to fly through the last bell, the two heavyweights embraced in the ring prior to hearing the judges’ punteggi. Dopo 12 round, all three judges saw the fight in favor of Kownacki, con il punteggio di 117-11 due volte e 118-110.

Retirement is something I need to talk to my family and team about,” Detto Arreola. “I gave it my all this fight. I let it all hang out. After breaking my hand, I kept fighting because I believed I could win.

I just have to keep training hard, getting better and sharpening my skills,” ha detto Kownacki. “We’ll see what the future holds. Hopefully next year I’ll get the title shot.

The co-main event saw former world champion Jean Pascal (34-6-1, 20 KO) earn a narrow technical decision over previously unbeaten Marcus Browne (23-1, 16 KO) to capture the WBA interim light heavyweight title after an accidental headbutt ended the fight in round eight.

Boxing is boxing,” said Pascal. “We clashed heads, but at the end of the day, I was winning the round. I dropped him three times. E 'stata una lotta molto serrata, but I believe I was winning.

Browne appeared to be in control early, using his jab effectively and finishing his combos with power punches. Throughout the fight, Browne would land 52% of his power punches according to CompuBox.

In quarto round, Pascal broke through landing a perfect right hand that connected with Browne as he threw his own right hook. Browne hit the canvas for the third time in his career, but was able to make it through the round.

Watch Pascal score the knockdown QUI

Browne looked to have regained control of the fight until late in round seven when Pascal again connected on a powerful right hook that caught Browne during an exchange. Pascal jumped on Browne after he got to his feet and knocked him down a third time right before the bell ended round seven.

Montreal’s Pascal was looking to finish Browne in round eight, while Browne looked to effectively navigate the ring while recovering from the previous round. It was midway through the round that Pascal hit Browne with an accidental headbutt on the ropes that opened a cut over Browne’s left eye.

Watch the headbutt QUI

Referee Gary Rosato halted the bout 1:49 nel turno, on the advice of the ringside physician, meaning the fight went to the scorecards. By winning the shortened eighth round on all three judges’ carte, Pascal won the fight by the score of 75-74 tre volte.

I could hear my daughter ringside and that was motivation for me,” said Pascal. “She was yelling my name all night long. I’m going to go home and talk to my team to see what is next. Canada has Drake, the NBA Champions and now I’m bringing the belt home.

Browne was unavailable for post fight comments as he was taken to NYU Lutheran Medical Center due to the cut.

The opening bout on FOX saw Wale Omotoso (28-4, 22 KO) drop Curtis Stevens(30-7, 22 KO) three times on his way to a third round stoppage victory in their super welterweight clash.

For Stevens it was his first fight at 154-pounds, and he was tested at the new weight from the outset. Omotoso began moving and jabbing around the ring as Stevens stalked him and tried to throw power punches to slow his movement. Late in the first round, Omotoso broke through with a right hand to the side of Stevenshead that dropped him in the middle of the ring.

My coach told me to keep my hands up, be patient, box him and jab,” said Omotoso. “He told me I shouldn’t push it and that when the opening was there, I’d take it. That’s exactly what happened.

He hit me with an overhand right in the first round that knocked my equilibrium,” said Stevens. “But that didn’t really affect me too much. I wasn’t stepping enough into my punches, I was reaching. I got caught when I was reaching.

In round two Omotoso landed a perfect jab on Stevens, as his opponent was throwing a left hook, that sent him down for the second time in the fight. Stevens again made it through the round, and began the next frame trapping Omotoso in the corner and connecting on power punches.

I was just letting my hands go,” said Omotoso. “On the second knockdown my confidence grew. I was glad to get the victory by knockout.

While Stevens was able to own the early moments of the third round, Omotoso hit him with a three punch combo that featured left hook, left uppercut and then straight right hand that put Stevens down for the third time. Stevens got to his feet but referee Johnny Callas halted the bout at 1:28 del terzo turno.

I was okay but the referee has to do his job,” said Stevens. “I was down three times so I know he was looking out for my best interests.

I didn’t expect it to go exactly like that,” said Omotoso. “I was just listening to my coach. The second knockdown was actually with my jab. I have to talk to my team about what’s next. I’m thankful for this opportunity. I’m so happy to have this win. Give me anybody next, Sono pronto.”

Watch Omotoso’s TKO over Curtis Stevens QUI

# # #

WBC Super Featherweight Champion Eva Wahlstrom retains title, fights split draw with Ronica Jeffrey

John Vera returns to ring with win



LAS VEGAS (Agosto 3, 2019) – World Boxing Council (WBC) female World super featherweight champion Eva Wahlstrom retained her title by fighting to a 10-round split draw last night with challenger Ronica “Queen” Jeffrey at Thomas and Mack Center in Las Vegas.

Wahlstrom vs. Jeffrey was the main event on another RJJ Boxing on UFC FIGHT PASS series installment, which was streamed live on UFC FIGHT PASS®, servizio digitale leader a livello mondiale di sottoscrizione per gli sport da combattimento

RJJ Boxing Promotions offered free admission to reward its loyal Las Vegas fans and 5,400 turned out to watch the action.

Wahlstrom (22-1-2), fighting out of Finland, was coming off a loss by decision to undefeated Irish starKatie Taylor this past February at famed Madison Square Garden in New York City. The skilled Finn has been the WBC titlist since 2015 and this was her fifth successful title defense.

Jeffrey (17-1-1, 1 KO), a former IWBF world champion from Brooklyn, was riding a four-fight win streak going into last night’s fight against Wahlstrom.

Wahlstrom and Jeffrey are both tactical, pure boxers who fought that way last night, going back and forth without either being hurt. It was an even fight that could have gone either way with judgeTim Cheatham scoring it a draw (95-95), Richard Ocasio slightly favored Walstrom (96-94), eLisa Giampa inexplicitly had Jeffrey winning all 10 round (100-90).

Nel caso in cui co-optional, former top 10 rated junior middleweightJohn “The Phenom” Vera(19-1, 11 KO) moved up to middleweight, after losing for the first time as a pro last March in France toMichel Soro by way of a 12-round decision. Vera, combattimento da Fort Worth, Texas, won a six-round decision against his Uzbek opponentRavshan Hudaynazarov (17-2, 13 KO), the former WBA FEDALATIN welterweight champion.

Las Vegas-based super bantamweightJamie "Il miracolo" Mitchell (5-0-2, 3 KO) and VirginianGran Bretagna Hart (3-3-2, 2 KO) battled to a six-round majority draw.

Local favoriteTrevor Covington won his professional debut, taking a four-round unanimous decision in the Fight of the Night against Los Angles super flyweightMing Freeman (1-4-1), who had a point deducted for a low blow.

I risultati ufficiali qui sotto:


Eva Wahlstrom (22-1-2, 3 KO), Campione, Helsinki, Finlandia

SD10 (96-94, 95-95, 90-100)

Ronica Jeffrey (17-1-1, 1 KO), Sfidante, Brooklyn, NY

(Wahlstrom retained world title)


John “The Phenom” Vera (19-1, 11 KO), Fort Worth, TX

WDEC 6 (58-56, 58-56, 58-56)

Ravshan Hudaynazarov (17-2, 13 KO), Las Vegas, NV in via dell'Uzbekistan


Jamie Mitchell (5-0-2, 3 KO), Las Vegas, NV

MD6 (589-56, 57-57, 57-57

Gran Bretagna Hart (3-3-2, 2 KO), Roanoke, VA


Trevor Covington (1-0), Henderson, NV

WDEC4 (37-36, 37-36, 37-36)

Ming Freedom (1-4-1), Los Angeles, COME


siti web:,

Cinguettio: @RoyjonesJRfa, @RoyJonesJrOfficial, @UFCFightPass, @KeithVeltre, @ThomasAndMack, @wahlstrom_eva

Instagram: @RoyJonesJRboxing, @artofmusiclv, @rivalboxinggear, @UFCFightPass, @KeithVeltre, @ThomasandMack, @eva_wahlstrom

Facebook: /KeithVeltre, /UFCFightPass, /Thomas&MackCenter, /EvaWahlstrom,

Oshae Jones fa storia a 2019 Pan American Games

LIMA, Perù (Agosto 2, 2019) — Oshae Jones (Toledo, Ohio) storia fatta la prima notte delle finali al 2019 Giochi panamericani a Lima, Perù, diventando il primo mai welter femminile Giochi Panamericani medaglie d'oro. Questo ha segnato la prima volta nella storia Giochi Panamericani le donne avrebbero cinque classi di peso, rispetto ai due precedenti giochi con tre classi di peso.

Jones ha sconfitto Myriam DaSilva del Canada con decisione unanime, vincendo tutti e tre i turni, 10-9, da due giudici, e due dei tre turni, 10-9, da un giudice.

Questo ha segnato la seconda volta Jones e DaSilva andato testa a testa, con Jones sconfiggendo il suo 5-0 al Pan American Games Qualifier all'inizio di quest'anno.

Jones’ in precedenza sconfitto Atheyna Bylon di Panama nei quarti di finale e M. Moronta Herand della Repubblica Dominicana in semifinale per fare le finali di questi campionati.

Team USA cercherà di chiudere le loro maggior successo Giochi Panamericani dal 1983, domani sera con quattro pugili che va per l'oro, Keyshawn Davis (Norfolk, Va.), Virginia Fuchs (Houston, Texas), Naomi Graham (Colorado Springs, Colo.) e Duke Ragan (Cincinnati, Ohio). I loro quattro medaglie saranno aggiunte a medaglia d'oro Jones’ e le cinque medaglie di bronzo vinte all'inizio di questa settimana da Rashida Ellis (Lynn, Mass.), Troy Isley (Alessandria, Va.), delante Johnson (Cleveland, Ohio), Yarisel Ramirez (Las Vegas, Nev.) e Richard Torrez Jr. (Tulare, Calif.).

Seguire gli americani ultimo giorno del pugilato cliccando qui:


69 kg: Oshae Jones, Toledo, Ohio / USA, dicembre. oltre Myriam DaSilva / CAN, 5-0

ADAM KOWNACKI VS. CHRIS ARREOLA FINAL PRESS CONFERENCE QUOTES & FOTO – Unbeaten Polish Star & Brooklyn Native Adam Kownacki & Former Title Challenger Chris Arreola Face Off Before FOX PBC Fight Night Main Event on FOX & FOX Deportes This Saturday from Barclays Center in Brooklyn


Unbeaten Polish Star & Brooklyn Native Adam Kownacki & Former Title Challenger Chris Arreola Face Off Before FOX PBC Fight Night Main Event on FOX & FOX Deportes This Saturday from Barclays Center in Brooklyn

Fare clic QUI for Photos from Stephanie Trapp/TGB Promotions

BROOKLYN (Agosto 1, 2019) – Unbeaten Polish star Adam Kownacki e l'ex sfidante titolo Chris “Il Nightmare” Arreola went face to face at Thursday’s final press conference, two days before they meet in a heavyweight showdown headlining FOX PBC Fight Night this Saturday live on FOX and FOX Deportes from Barclays Center, la casa di Brooklyn boxe ™.

The press conference also featured fighters competing in action beginning at 8 p.m. ET / 5 pm. PT as unbeaten WBA interim light heavyweight champion “Sir” Marcus Brownee l'ex campione Jean Pascal, plus Brooklyn’s Curtis Stevens e Wale Omotoso, all faced-off ahead of their respective matchups Saturday night.

I biglietti per l'evento, che è promossa da Promozioni TGB, sono già in vendita e possono essere acquistati presso Tickets can also be purchased at the American Express Box Office at Barclays Center.

The fighters were joined on stage by former lineal heavyweight champion Michael Spinks. Here is what the fighters had to say Thursday from the Brooklyn Marriott:

ADAM Kownacka

This is one of my dreams coming true. Since the amateurs I’ve wanted to fight at Barclays Center and on Saturday night I’m the main event. I couldn’t be more excited

I’ve been pushed hard in training camp and I can’t wait to show everyone all of my work on Saturday. The key is going to be jabbing in and throwing my punches in bunches like I always do.

This is a new experience for me being the headliner, but in the ring it doesn’t matter. It’s just two guys fighting each other. We both love to fight. I can’t wait to get it over with and punch him in the face.

Chris Arreola is a warrior. You always know that when Chris fights, it’s a good fight. But I’m going to test how much he has left in the gas tank. Chris has been in there with three champions and when I take care of business on Saturday, I’ll be one step closer to being world champion.

It’s truly a great feeling to have all this support from my fans here. These fans are trusting me to bring the title back to Brooklyn and to Poland.

Barclays Center has been my boxing home. Io non vedo l'ora entrare nel ring. This is a tough fight and I have to make sure I send the fans home happy.

This definitely has Fight of the Year written all over it. Neither of us are afraid to let our hands go and no matter what happens, the fans are going to be winners on Saturday.

Chris Arreola

I understand that Adam is the favorite because he’s undefeated and fighting in his hometown. Alla fine della giornata, none of that matters to me. I’m going to give it my all for this fight.

I’m carefree right now. I have no stress. Se perdo, I’m okay with walking way. But I’m not here to do that. I’m here to win.

“So di avere un avversario difficile di fronte a me. I have my work cut out for me. But ‘The Nightmareis going to keep going.

I went to Joe Goossen as my trainer because I knew it was time to make a change. I have to make this last run count. This is the best team I could imagine. Joe makes you work on your mistakes. I believe the winner of this fight is whoever takes advantage of the first mistake.

I respect everybody outside of the ring, but once we’re in the ring, I’m not friends with anyone. We’ll shake hands after the final bell, but I’m here to put on a show. It’s lights, macchina fotografica, action and time to shine.

He’s a volume puncher. He just keeps coming and he’s smiling at you the whole time. Alla fine della giornata, I’m going to put a frown on his face Saturday.

My prediction is that the fans are going to get their money’s worth. You better record this one, because you’re going to watch it again and again. I’m going to come out with my hand raised.


Being in training in Colorado really lets me get attuned to my game plan. It’s just waking up every day and working with that same mentality where I’m focused on nothing but the fight. It’s all about going in there and getting that win.

I’m going to punish Pascal on Saturday. If the knockout is how he wants to go, Sarò pronto. I promise I’m going to beat him for 12 round.

It feels great to be here defending my belt. I’ll be in a better position after this fight. I’m going to make a statement in this fight and put Pascal in his place.

Pascal is a guy who doesn’t come to lay down, he comes to beat you. That’s what the sport is about. You have to fight guys of that stature if you’re not fighting champions.

A win on Saturday puts me in contention to fight for a world title next. That’s my focus, but before that, it’s about Jean Pascal and taking care of him the right way.

This is a great card for New York with me, Adam and Curtis all representing our home city. It’s great for us to be in this position together.


Marcus has been saying that he’s going to go in there and try to knock me out, but I’m no amateur. I know what his game plan is going to be. He’s going to run around the ring and try to hold. We all know he’s the best at running like a chicken.

When I was Marcus’ età, I was already a world champion. He was watching me on TV when he was at the Olympics.

How is he going to knock me out? I think without the cut that Badou Jack had in their fight, he would have knocked Marcus out.

“Sono pronto. I’m a solid fighter. I’ve fought the best, so I don’t think Marcus will be able to knock me out.

I’m too good all-around for Marcus. This is my chance to show that I still have a lot of gas left in the tank. I’m still good enough to fight at the very top level of the sport.


This is my first time fighting at Barclays Center, and I’m going to give the fans a taste of what they’ve been missing.

I decided that I’d go down to 154-pounds because my camp has a lot of the top 160-pound fighters so we were getting in each other’s way. There are a lot of opportunities for me in this weight class as well.

No matter what has happened in my career, I have always come back. I’m mentally always ready to bounce back. I’ve had layoffs in my career, but I know that I’m going to get where I need to be.

Nobody calls me out because they know I can punch. I’m too risky for the top fighters because they know there’s a chance they get knocked out.

It’s incredible to have this opportunity to fight at Barclays Center for the first time. It’s going to be a good time for me and all the fans.

Casa Omotoso

I’m not worried about Stevens being at a new weight. I don’t think it’s going to affect him that much. Di Sabato, we’re both going to do our best to get the win.

He’s a big puncher who brawls. But I’m a big puncher too. He’s been there and fought everybody, but I’m going to show the world what I can do.

I think this is going to be a toe-to-toe fight. There might be some feeling out, but as the fight goes on and we get into the middle rounds, it’s going to be fought in the middle of the ring.

I’ve trained well for this fight and had sparring with lots of different fighters. The different styles that I’ve seen throughout camp will have me prepared for anything Stevens shows me on Saturday night.

# # #

Kownacki vs. Arreola pits undefeated Polish star and Brooklyn-native Adam Kownacki against veteran former title challenger Chris “Il Nightmare” Arreola for a heavyweight showdown that headlines FOX PBC Fight Night on FOX and FOX Deportes Saturday, Agosto 3 da Barclays Center, la casa di Brooklyn boxe ™.

The broadcast starts at 8 p.m. ET / 5 pm. PT and features unbeaten interim WBA Light Heavyweight Champion “Sir” Marcus Browne battling former world champion Jean Pascal in a 12-round bout, plus Brooklyn’s Curtis Stevens makes his 154-pound debut against Wale Omotoso in a 10-round fight.

Gli spettatori possono in diretta streaming gli spettacoli PBC sulla FOX Sports e FOX LA SOCIETÀ applicazioni o al In aggiunta, tutti i programmi sono disponibili su Fox Sports sul canale SiriusXM 83 su radio satellitari e sul app SiriusXM.

Per ulteriori informazioni: visita, HT
e, seguire su TwitterPremierBoxing, @PBConFOX, FoxSports, FOXDeportes, @BrooklynBoxing, TGBPromotions, e @Swanson_Comm o diventare un fan su Facebook a, e