Kategorie Archiv: box

Javier Martinez making Milwaukee proud on the way to World Championships in Russia

COLORADO SPRINGS, Klín. (Srpen 19, 2019) – Milwaukee isn’t known as one of the leading producers of world-class boxers, nicméně, Team USA middleweight
Javier Martinez may be the rare exception.

Milwaukee isn’t really a great place for boxing,” Martinez agreed, “ale (trenér) Izzy Acosta always had a great program that produced a lot of national champions. Doufejme, one day I can do what he’s done for my city. We do have a few good fighters coming out of my gym who are still on the rise. Look out for my boy, Luis Feliciano, a former USA National champion (the 26-year-old junior welterweight is 12-0 as a pro with eight wins by knockout).”

The most famous fighter to come out of Milwaukee is world kickboxing champion RickThe JetRufus. There have been a few Milwaukee boxers of note over the years, počítaje v to MyronPinky” Mitchell, who became the first junior welterweight champion of the world in 1922, Robert “Barbar” Moha (1910-15), former national champion Tyrone “The ButterflyTrice, and Pan American Games bronze medalist and two-time national amateur champion, LeChaunce Shepard.

Martinez is currently training in Colorado Springs at the U.S. Olympic and Paralympic Training Center for the World Championships, Září 7-21, in Yekaterinburg, Rusko.

It’s a good feeling and I plan on taking full advantage of this opportunity,” Martinez spoke about competing at the World Championships. “I love coming to Colorado; it’s like therapy for me, keeping me away from the distractions back home. I’m very excited to be going to Russia. I’m thankful to USA Boxing for all the opportunities I’ve had, and I hope to bring back a medal from Russia.

Martinez says he didn’t have a normal childhood, explaining that he looked up to the wrong people. His life changed for the better when his father introduced him to boxing and meeting Coach Acosta, who was recently honored by the USA Boxing Alumni Association for his contributions to amateur boxing as a boxer and coach for the past half-century.

I don’t know what I’d be doing today (if not for boxing),” noted Martinez, který se změní 24 srpna 24. “I just know that boxing was my way out of the ‘hood. Coach Izzy is a very loving person, and a great person to have around. He had a very good boxing career and it’s great to have a person like that in my corner.

Martinez, who is the No. 2 ranked middleweight in the U.S., captured a gold medal at the 2018 Elite National Championships and silver at the 2016 & 2017 Elitní národní mistrovství. He’s also brought home bronze from the 2013 National Junior Olympics and Feliks Stamm Tournament.

Self-described as an awkward southpaw who can give anybody problems, Martinez’ short-term goal is to be an Olympic gold medalist, long-term to be world champion.

Javier Martinez is making Milwaukee proud by punchinhis way to the top.

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Before and After: The Incredible Rebirth of Mikey ‘Baby Face’ Faragon

The incredible rebirth of Albany, New York’s Mikey “Baby Face” Faragon (19-1, 9 KO) is complete and he will return to action in a six-rounder tonight, Pátek, Srpen 9, at a GCP and Rapacz Boxing show at the Grand Casino in Hinckley, Minnesota against Missouri’s Demetrius Wilson.

Faragon was once a super lightweight prospect touted as one of the most promising young fighters to ever come out of the Capital Region, but a severe foot injury forced him out of boxing five years ago.

During his extended recovery, which included several painful surgeries, 32-year-old Faragon fell into depression and unhealthy living and gained a great deal of weight.

With his mobility now restored, Faragon challenged himself to get back in shape and said he would fight again if he could. Pictured above, doprava, Faragon is back in fighting shape and, against Wilson, will be looking to gauge how much of that immense potential he still has.

Legendary Air Force Academy boxing coach Ed Weichers coached perfect storm

COLORADO SPRINGS, Klín. (Srpen 8, 2019) – Boxing coachEd Weichers, a charter member of the USA Boxing Alumni Association, guided the United States Air Force Academy from 1976-2014 to a record of 19 national collegiate boxing team championships.

Coach Weichers’ Fighting Falcons’ squads produced a remarkable 258 All-America boxers and 97 individual champions. His teams never finished lower than second in the nation for 27 years and he also served as president and vice president of the National Collegiate Boxing Association (NCBA).

Coaching sports at a military school is much different, largely because student-athletes in most cases, zejména boxování, are not professional prospects. “Our Cadets were not trained to be elite level amateurs or pros,” the now 68-year-old Weichers explained. “In 1976, the cost to put one Cadet through four years at the Academy was $80,000 ale, v 2014, the year of my retirement, that figure was $417,000. Cadets are trained to go forward and serve. They fly, boj, win and defend freedoms that we all enjoy. Boxing at the next level is not part of the discussion. I got calls at the time about our boxers going to the next level, fighting in Tough Man Contests, etc. My answer is and has always been consistent: ‘You are not trained to be a boxer in the Air Force. Do not jeopardize your pilot qualifications or commission ability with a boxing injury.’ The Air Force has an investment in them, and I urged them to go forward and serve. I send them back to the real purpose of the boxing class/program at AFA. It teaches them how to handle press, stress, fear and anxiety. Boxing gives them the self confidence and self esteem to make good decisions in combat under pressure. The ability to handle these pressures and make good decisions are the difference in life and death in combat.”

Coach Weichers, samozřejmě, attributes a large share of his success to the Cadets, who are intelligent, disciplined and team oriented. All Cadets take a mandatory core curriculum boxing course (10 lessons) their freshman year, followed by an intramural boxing program comprised of 40 squadron teams with a minimum of eight to a maximum of 16 boxers per team.

Not only did Weichers work with this incredible feeder system, the next step was the AFA Wing Open Boxing Championships, in which Cadets voluntarily signed-up to compete in one of 12 divisions to box for the No. 1 spot, earning a roster spot on the AFA Intercollegiate boxing team that competes in regional and national tournaments. The advancing 12 Cadets represented the entire Air Force Academy.

„Sečteno a podtrženo,’ Coach Weichers noted, “this formula was a perfect storm. I must give credit to and thank two Physical Education Department headsCol. Don Peterson aCol. Larry Fariss, and two athletic directors who were instrumental to our support and successCol. John Clune aCol. Randy Spetman.

“I was blessed with young men who I describe as overachievers. Cadets are tenacious. We built on an individual sport with a team concept. I had great assistant coaches, the best training facilities, and an environment of being surrounded by quality people in all phases.”

After he retired as head boxing coach at the Air Force Academy, Weichers led Team USA in 2014 a 2015 to five medals, including two golds, at the Pan American Games in Toronto.

“The plan was to hire Billy Walsh, who was the head coach of Team Ireland,” Weichers added. “I committed to sponsor Coach Walsh upon his arrival and make his transition smooth. I did that and Coach Walsh and I have become good friends. He is the correct man for the job, and he brings a great resume and reputation. He has helped turn the program around and created a winning culture. Team USA is back, ranked among the top 10 ve světě, and that is a direct result of Coach Walsh.”

USA Boxing Alumni Association

Vytvořeno pro celoživotní šampion, vzájemně výhodné vztahy mezi USA Boxing a jeho absolventy, –boxerky, úředníci, trenéři a fanoušci boxu — Sdružení Alumni spojuje generace šampionů, inspirovat a vracet se budoucím šampiónům USA v boxu, dovnitř a ven z kruhu.

USA Boxing Alumni Association je otevřena všem, kteří mají rádi box a chtěli by zůstat ve spojení s amatérským boxem. Členům je udělen přístup k široké škále speciálních akcí pořádaných Asociací absolventů, včetně každoročního přijetí síně slávy USA Boxing Alumni Association.

Připojit se k Alumni Association, jednoduše se zaregistrujte naalumni@usaboxing.org pro $40.00 per year membership fee. New members will receive a T-shirt, klíčenka a elektronická peněženka.

Weichers joined the USA Boxing Alumni Association because he is a huge supporter ofJohn Brown, former President and current Vice President of USA Boxing.

“John had the idea or concept (to form the alumni association) and I looked at the purpose and thought it would be a way to honor and recognize those who contributed over the years,” Weichers remarked. “I hope that successful professionals from the past and present recognize those who contributed over the years. I also hope that they remember their roots were with USA Boxing and give back. We all had help and our start and success did not happen alone. Be humble and grateful and give back.”

Weichers is high on Team USA, especially its overall potential in the 2020 Olympic Games in Japan, rčení, “We’re solid going into 2020. The key to success, podle mého názoru, is head coach Billy Walsh. He is very experienced. His reputation and resume are top shelf. Coach Walsh is well known and respected on the international level. He has the ability to reach out to other countries and make positive things happen for our athletes. He has adjusted the culture in our boxing program, identifying our strengths, and making adjustment where weak. Coach Walsh brings leadership and credibility. Bottom line, we have the right coach for the job in place.”

Weichers’ association with the NCBA led to his relationship with USA Boxing at various levels and capacities. He has always felt gratified to give back to boxing, as well as an obligation to grow the sport at every level.

“I was lucky/blessed to work in a place I refer to as Camelot,” Weichers concluded. “It’s an athletic paradise; core values, honor code, and a mission that anyone can connect with and admire. I can say that I am a better person for my experience at the Air Force Academy.

“I love the sport of boxing, because of what it did for me, in terms of molding my life. The gratification that comes with seeing how young men and women grow and mature, as a result of their experience with boxing was very positive.

And countless Cadets are better people because they were coached by Ed Weichers.



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Facebook: /USABoxing

O USA BOXING:  Posláním amerického boxu bude umožnit sportovcům a trenérům Spojených států dosáhnout trvalé konkurenceschopnosti, rozvíjet charakter, podporovat sport boxu, a propagovat a rozvíjet olympijský styl boxu ve Spojených státech. Odpovědností USA Boxing není pouze výroba olympijského zlata, ale také dohlížet a řídit všechny aspekty amatérského boxu ve Spojených státech.


Srpen 6, 2019 – Devin Haney může udělat obrovský skok směrem ke slávě světového titulu, když v pátek září čelí kolegovi s nepřekonanou hvězdou Zaur Abdullaev ve finálovém eliminátoru titulu WBC World Lightweight. 13 v divadle Hulu v Madison Square Garden, New York, žít na DAZN v USA a na Sky Sports ve Velké Británii.

Haney (22-0 14 KO) v květnu debutoval s Electroom Boxing USA a DAZN, zničit Antonia Morana soutěžícím KO roku v sedmém kole jejich střetu v Marylandu. The 20 let staré boje v Big Apple poprvé v jeho kariéře a Las Vegas rodák, zařadil #2 s WBC, hity Manhattan za svůj největší boj dosud ve spojení s DHP Promotions a Titov Boxing.

Abdullaev (11-0 7 KO) is ranked #3 s WBC mít přistál Silver lehký pásek jen v jeho devátém tréninku v dubnu 2018, a vysoce hodnocený a nebezpečný Rus jej zaregistroval 11th pro win a sedmý v dálce v únoru, zastavení Humberto Martineze v Jekatěrinburgu, a nyní poprvé bojuje mimo svou vlast.

Koruna WBC bude v srpnu v srpnu v rukou buď Vasiliy Lomachenko nebo Luke Campbell MBE. 31, Haney a Abdullaev pozorně sledují, jak se střet z jejich výcvikových táborů v září stane rohovkou 13.

“Když dostanu oficiální rande, vždy se cítím dobře,” řekla Haney. “Zůstávám v tělocvičně, protože jsem pes a rád bojuji. Chci, aby mě svět viděl stoupat ke své konkurenci. Čím lepší jsou, tím lepší jsem. Bojuji s neporaženým bojovníkem v divadle Hulu v Madison Square Garden.

“Newyorští fanoušci jsou jedni z nejvěrnějších fanoušků ve sportu a těším se, až se na ně opravdu podívám. Abdullaev rád vyvíjí tlak a v září neočekávám nic menšího 13. Viděl jsem ho bojovat a je to hladový bojovník, není pochyb o tom, že je dosud mým nejtěžším soupeřem. Tento boj je jeden krok od boje o titul ve světě, takže oba máme hodně na lince.

“Abdullaev nemá velké jméno, ale je zařazen #3 z důvodu, a já ho neohýbám ani nikoho jiného, ​​kdo mi stojí v cestě. Jsem požehnán, že mám obrovskou podporu od DAZN a Eddie Hearn. Díky tomuto partnerství mám příležitost bojovat s nejlepšími na světě. Vyzývám všechny v NYC, aby si koupili lístky nebo získali aplikaci DAZN a sledovali můj růst na další superstar v boxu. Tento boj bude osvětlen!”

“Jsem rád, že se boj bojuje,” řekl Abdullaev. “Panikařil jsem, když jsem viděl nějaké příspěvky od Haney na sociálních médiích, které s ním nikdo nechce bojovat na 135 liber, a možná bude muset přibrat na váze. Neustále jsem kousal nehty a chtěl jsem se zasnoubit, ale bylo mi řečeno, abych zůstal trpělivý. Alláh milostivý vydal tento boj a nyní jeho realitu.

“Trochu mě zklamalo, že boj nebude na dvorku v Las Vegas v Haney, protože by bylo skvělé ho odvrátit před domem zakořeněným, ale New York je skvělé boxerské město. Nejsem hloupá a chápu, že přicházím jako smolař, ale v září 13, Chystám se zhroutit humbuk proti všem šancím.”

WBA a IBF World Super-Bantamweight šampion Daniel Roman vede skládaný undercard v ústech-zalévání šéf-podpora záchvat, když se na smrtící WBA povinného challenger Murodjon Akhmadaliev. Římský (27-2-1 10 KO) sjednotil svoji korunu WBA s popruhem IBF Irishman TJ Doheny v dubnovém souboji doma v Los Angeles, pátý titul světového titulu na odrazu čtvrtý uvnitř 14 měsíce pro 29 letý.

Romanova pátá obrana jeho koruny WBA ho staví proti nebezpečnému uzbeckému talentu Akhmadaljevu (6-0 5 KO) – vysoce vyzdobený amatér vypadal strašlivě, když skončil pět ze svých šesti profesionálních výletů do dálky, s čím 25 letošní poslední vítězství přichází na stejném zákoně LA jako Romanův popel s Doheny. Román vs. Akhmadaliev je vám přinesen ve spojení se společností Thompson Boxing a World of Boxing.

“Každý, kdo mě zná, chápe, že jsem skutečný bojovník,” řekl Roman. “Budu bojovat s každým, kdo mi dali před sebe. Akhmadaliev má hlad, ale tak já taky. Nebylo to tak dávno [2017] když jsem požádal o titul WBA, takže se toho nevzdáme. Jsem tu, abych znovu bojoval a bránil pás WBA. Mám dva pásy [WBA a IBF], ale chci víc. Mým cílem je dostat je všechny, takže v žádném případě přehlížím Akhmadaljev. Má amatérský rodokmen, může punč s mocí a ráda přijde. Druhé někoho podceňujete, to je, když se dějí špatné věci. Budu připraven na cokoli, co přinese.

“Jako sjednocený mistr, Chápu, že mám cíl na zádech. Proto jsem byl v tělocvičně, zůstat ostrý jako vždycky. Není čas na odpočinek a ohlédnutí za tím, co jsem udělal, protože moje práce není dokončena.”

“Danny patří mezi nejvíce oddané a disciplinované mistry světa,” řekl Ken Thompson, prezident Thompson Boxing Promotions. “Vychutnává si výzvy av tomto okamžiku své kariéry, chce jen ty nejtěžší a největší boje. Akhmadaliev je mladý a nebezpečný soupeř, ale Danny má všechny nástroje, aby mohl pokračovat ve své vládě jako nejlepší talent v divizi. Jsme přesvědčeni, že dodá další vynikající výkon a po páté si uchová titul WBA.”

“Jsem velmi rád, že Daniel Roman bojoval,” řekl Akhmadaliev. “Vím, že jsme oba válečníci, a bude to skutečná válka! Nenechte si ujít tento boj!”

“Na tento boj už nějakou dobu čekáme,” řekl Vadim Kornilov ze World of Boxing. “Věřím s vůlí, charakter, a sílu obou těchto mužů, tento boj bude bojem kandidáta roku.”

Na účtu je více akcí s titulem na světě, protože rekordní sedmimilový mistr světa Amanda Serrano zpochybňuje mistra světa Weather Featherweight Heather Hardyho v aféře Brooklyn, vám přináší DiBella Entertainment ve spojení s Matchroom Boxing USA.

Serrano (36-1-1 27 KO) v lednu obsadila titul 7. divadelní třídy v divadle Hulu, když portorikan zničil Evu Vorabergerovou v úvodním kole, aby získala nárok na neobsazený titul WBO Super-Flyweight.

Serrano držel pás Weather Featherweight v 2016 než ji uvolnila, její sestra Cindy ji vzala později v tomto roce. Mrazuvzdorný (22-0 4 KO) byl další v řadě a vyhrál neobsazený titul v říjnu v zápase proti Shelley Vincent v divadle Hulu. Hardy zastavil box a v červnu se vrátil na MMA s výletem v Bellatoru 222 v Madison Square Garden, ale vrací se do boxu, aby šel se svým kolegou Brooklynitem.

“V únoru jsme zjistili, že jako super šampionka mohla Amanda zavolat jakéhokoli šampiona v jakékoli váhové divizi a ona by byla další obranou — a vybrala mě. V boxerské hře jsem se nedostal tak daleko, abych nevěděl, jak to funguje, rozjíždějí velký boj mezi ní a Katie Taylorovou.

“Bude to poprvé, co budu soutěžit jako smolař, i jako současný mistr světa, ale já jsem nadšená jako peklo. Každý ví, že na to mám koule. Vyrostl jsem s těžkou mamou, věř mi – nikdo mě neděsí.”

“Jsem velmi nadšený, že jsem zpět v ringu a nadšený, že bojuji s Heather Hardy,” Said Serrano. “Heather je 22-0 z důvodu, vždy najde způsob, jak vyhrát. V minulosti jsme se zachránili a nikdy jsem s ní neměl snadný den.

“Tolik dalších šampiónů uvolnilo opasky, aby se mě nezabránily, ale Heather je skutečný mistr světa, který se nevzdá svého opasku.

“Známe se navzájem dobře a je mi ctí bojovat za její titul Svět. Není to nic osobního, jen obchod pro dvě dívky z Brooklynu v ringu.”

“V pátek, Září 13, sedmistupová mistryně světa Amanda ‘The Real Deal’ Serrano se pokusí vybojovat titul WBO Featherweight od neporaženého šampiona Heather ‘The Heat’ Hardy v tom, co slibuje, že bude výbušný zápas,” řekl Lou DiBella, Prezident DiBella Entertainment. “Hardy ani Serrano nikdy nebyli ve špatném boji, oba Brooklynité mají vášnivé fanouškovské základny a jsou obrovskými vyslanci ženského boxu. Toto je must-win boj pro oba boxery a ukradne show.”

Krajina s vysokou hmotností zůstává horká a je tu skvělá 50-50 souboj na kartě, když Michael Hunter napadá Sergey Kuzmin o titul WBA Intercontinental. Lovec (17-1 12 KO) drží mezinárodní pásek s WBA s KO'D Alexander Ustinov v Monte Carlu v listopadu a obhájil to druhým kolom KO Fabio Maldonado v Marylandu v květnu. The 31 rok starý rychle roste v žebříčku a může udělat obrovský skok směrem k akci o titul ve světě s vítězstvím, ale čelí výzvě v podobě krize v podobě Kuzmin (15-0 11 KO).

Nepřekonaný Rus umístí popruh, který vyhrál na stadionu Wembley v Londýně v září proti Davidovi Priceovi, a nejprve zahnal LaRona Mitchella a poté Joeyho Dawejka v úspěšných obranách států. S Kuzminem zařadil #5 a Hunter #8 s WBA, vítěz v New Yorku bude klepat na dveře pro titulní výstřel, zvyšování sázek v tomto výběru, ve spojení s World of Boxing.

“Jsem nadšený, že bojuji s Sergejem,” řekl Hunter. “Vím, že to nebude snadný boj, ale rozhodně jsem na výzvu a chci lidem ukázat, že jsem nejlepší v této divizi.”

“Při této příležitosti jsem velmi tvrdě pracoval,” řekl Kuzmin. “Jsem tady, abych vyhrál tento boj a šel po světovém titulu. Nezáleží na mně, zda je tento boj v USA nebo v Rusku, Jsem velmi jistý svým vítězstvím. Znám svého protivníka velmi dobře, je to dobrý boxer, ale pouze jeden z nás zvítězí.”

“Toto je boj mezi dvěma desítkami vyhlídek, oba mají regionální tituly,” řekl Vadim Kornilov z World of Boxing. “Tento boj bude, doufejme, vyloučen z povinného mistrovství světa.”

“Je to skvělá show a velká šance pro Devina, aby vzal NYC bouří,” řekl promotér Eddie Hearn. “Abdullaev je nebezpečný neporažený bojovník, ale Devin je připraven pro všechny příchozí a chce vyhrát tento boj a pak jít rovnou do Lomachenko vs. Vítěz Campbell. Je šílené věřit, že je spravedlivý 20 let – Myslím, že je spravedlivé říci, že právě teď je nejúžasnějším mladým bojovníkem na světě.

“Román vs. Akhmadaliev je absolutní válkou, Danny odmítl uvolnit pás a jako skutečný šampion bude čelit mladému nebojácnému, tvrdě zasažený povinný vyzývač, který po pouhých šesti bojích dělá obrovský skok.

“Divize Heavyweight je red hot a Hunter v Kuzmin možná jeden z upoutávek roku – neblikejte! Pravděpodobně jsme mohli toto místo naplnit Serranem vs. Hardy sám, je to úžasný boj o NYC s vítězem připraveným na definování boje Katie Taylor příští. Nenechte si ujít tuto show!”

“Jsme nadšeni, že můžeme zahájit naši rušnou sestavu s návratem vyhlídky na modré čipy Devin Haney na DAZN.,” řekl Joseph Markowski, DAZN EVP, Severní Amerika. “Matchroom sestavil skládanou kartu pro fanoušky boje v New Yorku a ty, kteří sledují celý svět na DAZN. Připravujeme se uzavřít náš první rok v boxu s ranou a to vše začíná v září 13 v divadle Hulu v Madison Square Garden.”

Oznámení o cenách vstupenek a termínech prodeje bude zveřejněno koncem tohoto týdne.

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O propagačních akcích Devin Haney:
Umístěný v Kalifornii, Akce Devina Haneyho (DHP) je prvotřídní reklamní společnost v čele s fenoménem boxu, Devine “Sen” Haney. Společnost byla založena v září roku 2007 2018. Devin Haney ve věku 19 let se stal nejmladším aktivním bojovníkem / promotérem v historii boxu. DHP se zavazuje přinést fanouškům ty nejúžasnější představení s některými z nejlepších bojovníků na světě. Globálně, DHP je v boxu považován za předního promotéra.


Shields Fights To Become Three-Division World Champion
In Hometown Debut From Dort Federal
Event Center In Flint, mě.

Live At 9 p.m. ET / 6 p.m. PT

Tickets on Sale TODAY at 2 p.m. A!

NEW YORK – Srpen 6, 2019 – Undisputed middleweight world champion Claressa Shields’ attempt at history has been rescheduled for Saturday, Říjen 5 žít na SHOWTIME. Shields will aim to make history as the fastest fighter in boxing, male or female, to become a three-division world champion when she takes on former world championIvana Habazin for the vacant WBO Junior Middleweight Title onSHOWTIME BOXING: SPECIÁLNÍ EDICE (9 p.m. A / 6 p.m. PT) from Dort Federal Event Center in Flint, mě.

The vacant WBC Women’s Diamond Super Welterweight Championship will also be on the line in Shieldsfirst professional fight in her hometown.
The homecoming fight was initially scheduled for August 17 and postponed in June after Shields suffered a minor injury to her right knee while doing roadwork.
Shields vs. Habazin is promoted by Salita Promotions. Tickets for the live event go on sale today/Tuesday, Srpen 6 na 2 p.m. ET and can be purchased at Ticketmaster.com and at the Dort Center box office.
The 24-year-old Shields (9-0, 2 KO) is a two-division titlist who became the undisputed middleweight champion with a near-shutout victory over Christina Hammer in April on SHOWTIME. Přitom, she joined Terrence Crawford, Jermain Taylor, Bernard Hopkins, Oleksandr Usyk and Cecilia Braekhus as the only fighters to have unified all four major world titles in any weight class (Katie Taylor has since joined the prestigious list).
Nyní, the Flint star seeks to make even more history in her sixth headlining appearance on SHOWTIME. With a win over Habazin, Shields would become a three-division champion in just 10 konce, breaking the record of Vasiliy Lomachenko, who accomplished the feat in 12 boje.
I’m more excited than ever. Já jsem 100 percent recovered, and I can’t wait to get back in the ring and fight in front of my hometown fans in Flint as undisputed champion of the world,” řekl Shields. “Having the opportunity to become world champion in a third weight division faster than any man or woman in boxing history will make October 5 a night I will cherish forever. It’s another big step in history, and giant step forward in lifting women’s boxing on the road to equality.
Habazin (20-3, 7 KO), of Zagreb, Chorvatsko, is ranked No. 1 by the WBO at 154 liber. The 29-year-old, who will be making her U.S. debut, won the IBF Welterweight Title over Sabrina Giuliani in 2014. In her next fight, Habazin dropped a unanimous decision to Braekhus in a historic unification bout where Braekhus picked up all four major world title belts. V poslední době, Habazin avenged one of only three losses in her career to Eva Bajic in Zagreb.
It’s an honor and a dream to fight in the U.S. on national television,” Habazin said. “A lot of fighters never get this opportunity in their careers so I know I need to make the most of it. I’ve been training for this fight since June and the postponement has only given me more time to get ready. I intend to put my best effort forward to impress the fans and show that I am for real.
I am not just coming to fight for a world title, I am fighting for my life and my career. I believe I am the best and now I got the chance to prove that, and there is no better opponent for that than Claressa Shields.
Shields was the first American boxer in historymale or femaleto win consecutive Olympic gold medals. She turned professional following the 2016 Olympics and headlined the first women’s boxing main event in premium television history in just her second professional fight in 2017. Shields became unified women’s super middleweight world champion in just her fourth professional fight, and a two-division champion in her sixth professional contest. She was crowned the undisputed 160-pound champion in her ninth fight, less than three years after turning professional following the 2016 Olympijské hry.
From Christy Martin and Laila Ali to Cris Cyborg and Ronda Rousey, and now Claressa Shields, SHOWTIME has long been the pioneer in women’s combat sports,” said Gordon Hall, Executive Producer of SHOWTIME BOXING: SPECIÁLNÍ EDICE.  “Without question, Claressa Shields is the face of women’s boxing and we’re excited to present yet another historic milestone in her career as she looks to capture a third division championship in record time. This is Claressa’s sixth appearance on SHOWTIME and yet another test as she continues her personal quest to become the greatest of all time.
With the new date, this fight is going to be even more significant,” řekl Dmitriy Salita, President of Salita Promotions. “Claressa has had time to get 100 percent healthy and in the best shape of her life as she goes down in weight to fight for another historic accomplishment. Na druhé straně, Ivana has used this extra time to prepare for Claressa both mentally and physically. She has remained in camp throughout the summer as she prepares to come to America to upset Claressa and fulfill what she feels is her destiny. It’s going to be two fighters at the top of their games.
“Říjen 5 will be a magnificent event for Claressa Shields, for women’s boxing, and for Claressa’s hometown city of Flint,” said Mark Taffet, manager of Claressa Shields. “Claressa continues to shine a beacon of light on the sport, making history in each and every fight and reaching levels previously unimaginable. She is a once in a lifetime athlete and young woman, and if she is victorious on October 5 she will become the fastest man or woman in boxing history to win a world title in a third weight division.
Barry Tompkins will call the SHOWTIME BOXING: SPECIAL EDITION action from ringside with boxing historian Steve Farhood and former world champion Raul Marquez serving as expert analysts. Výkonným producentem je Gordon sál s Richard Gaughan výrobou a Rick Phillips řízení.
The undercard for the telecast will be announced in the coming weeks.


Photos by Robert Elizando

SAN ANTONIO, TX (Srpen 5, 2019)This past Saturday at the Alzafar Shrine in San Antonio, TX, Female lightweight contender, Selina “Aztec královna” Sousedství zlepšil na (6-1, 3 KO) after knocking out Nina Gallegos with a vicious body shot just 42 seconds into round one. Supreme Boxing Promotions was the promoter.

It was beautiful to see the fans of San Antoinio come out and support our boxing event last night. I wanted to make a statement with a knockout performance, and I was blessed to deliver it. The boxing community and fans in San Antonio are incredible. I’m hoping we can continue to bring more boxing shows to our great city.

Sousedství, the NABF Lightweight champion is looking to get back on world title run.

My focus now is landing a big fight with any top fighter in the super featherweight or lightweight division,” Barrios pokračoval. “My manager is working on a few things and my next fight will be announced sometime soon, hopefully against a big name.

We have plans for Selina to be in a big fight sometime in 2020,” řekl Kerry Dangle, Sousedství’ co-manager. “I think she will be best suited if we can keep her busy, maybe one more tune up fight before we step her up again.

Selina is ready to go on a nice run.” řekl Colin Campbell, Sousedství’ co-manager. “She really stepped up her game during training camp and it paid off. She’ll be in a big fight very soon.


Former Champion Jean Pascal Edges Marcus Browne By Technical Decision After Accidental Headbutt Ends Fight in Round Eight & Wale Omotoso Stops Curtis Stevens in Third Round of 154-Pound Duel

Klepněte na tlačítko ZDE for Photos from Nabeel Ahmad/Premier Boxing Champions

Klepněte na tlačítko ZDE na obrazech od Stephanie Trapp / TGB Promotions

BROOKLYN (Srpen 4, 2019) – Unbeaten Polish star and Brooklyn native Adam Kownacki (20-0, 15 KO) earned a unanimous decision over Chris “Nightmare” Arreola (38-6-1, 33 KO) in an all-action brawl in front of his hometown fans that headlined FOX PBC Fight Night main event and on FOX Deportes Saturday night from Barclays Center, domov Brooklyn BOXING ™.

Kownacki and Arreola set the CompuBox heavyweight record for combined punches landed and thrown in a heavyweight fight. They landed a combined 667 údery, besting the previous record of 650, while throwing 2,172 údery, far surpassing the previous mark of 1,730.

Highlights from the fight can be found ZDE, ZDE a ZDE.

Chris is an Aztec warrior,” řekl Kownacki. “Je to velký bojovník. I knew it would be a tough fight and I prepared for it. The CompuBox numbers prove it was a great fight.

Adam is relentless,” Said Arreola. “He just keeps coming. I know I got him with some good punches and he got me with some good ones. I was more than ready to go all 12, but Adam came in and won the fight.

The action began right from the first bell, as Kownacki charged at Arreola and immediately began exchanging as both men threw power punches in bunches. Kownacki worked off of his jab to initiate his offense, while Arreola was effectively able to counter his hard-charging opponent and respond every time he was hit with a combination.

I thought it was a good close fight but I knew I pulled it out,” řekl Kownacki. “I landed a lot of shots and that was enough to win. That’s all that matters.

Kownacki stunned Arreola in the early moments of round two but Arreola quickly responded to slow Kownacki’s momentum. Arreola found more and more success with his overhand right as the fight went, landing the punch numerous times in the fourth and fifth round especially.

Round six was a back and forth affair that featured a big offensive surge from Kownacki early in the round, before an exciting exchange at the end of the round saw both men take heavy punches.

I tried to follow up when I had him hurt but I was throwing two punches instead of three or four,” řekl Kownacki. “Props to Arreola because he proved he could still hang. I’m sure the fans would want to see him again.

The middle rounds saw Arreola pick up a hand injury, but it didn’t appear to slow him down much as his punch output continued to be strong for the second half of the fight. For Kownacki, it was his first time going past 10 rounds as a pro.

After the punches continued to fly through the last bell, the two heavyweights embraced in the ring prior to hearing the judges’ skóre. Po 12 kola, all three judges saw the fight in favor of Kownacki, podle skóre 117-11 a dvakrát 118-110.

Retirement is something I need to talk to my family and team about,” Said Arreola. “I gave it my all this fight. I let it all hang out. After breaking my hand, I kept fighting because I believed I could win.

I just have to keep training hard, getting better and sharpening my skills,” řekl Kownacki. “We’ll see what the future holds. Hopefully next year I’ll get the title shot.

The co-main event saw former world champion Jean Pascal (34-6-1, 20 KO) earn a narrow technical decision over previously unbeaten Marcus Browne (23-1, 16 KO) to capture the WBA interim light heavyweight title after an accidental headbutt ended the fight in round eight.

Boxing is boxing,” said Pascal. “We clashed heads, but at the end of the day, I was winning the round. I dropped him three times. Byl to vyrovnaný zápas, but I believe I was winning.

Browne appeared to be in control early, using his jab effectively and finishing his combos with power punches. Throughout the fight, Browne would land 52% of his power punches according to CompuBox.

V kole čtyři, Pascal broke through landing a perfect right hand that connected with Browne as he threw his own right hook. Browne hit the canvas for the third time in his career, but was able to make it through the round.

Watch Pascal score the knockdown ZDE

Browne looked to have regained control of the fight until late in round seven when Pascal again connected on a powerful right hook that caught Browne during an exchange. Pascal jumped on Browne after he got to his feet and knocked him down a third time right before the bell ended round seven.

Montreal’s Pascal was looking to finish Browne in round eight, while Browne looked to effectively navigate the ring while recovering from the previous round. It was midway through the round that Pascal hit Browne with an accidental headbutt on the ropes that opened a cut over Browne’s left eye.

Watch the headbutt ZDE

Referee Gary Rosato halted the bout 1:49 do kola, on the advice of the ringside physician, meaning the fight went to the scorecards. By winning the shortened eighth round on all three judges’ karty, Pascal won the fight by the score of 75-74 třikrát.

I could hear my daughter ringside and that was motivation for me,” said Pascal. “She was yelling my name all night long. I’m going to go home and talk to my team to see what is next. Canada has Drake, the NBA Champions and now I’m bringing the belt home.

Browne was unavailable for post fight comments as he was taken to NYU Lutheran Medical Center due to the cut.

The opening bout on FOX saw Wale Omotoso (28-4, 22 KO) drop Curtis Stevens(30-7, 22 KO) three times on his way to a third round stoppage victory in their super welterweight clash.

For Stevens it was his first fight at 154-pounds, and he was tested at the new weight from the outset. Omotoso began moving and jabbing around the ring as Stevens stalked him and tried to throw power punches to slow his movement. Late in the first round, Omotoso broke through with a right hand to the side of Stevenshead that dropped him in the middle of the ring.

My coach told me to keep my hands up, be patient, box him and jab,” said Omotoso. “He told me I shouldn’t push it and that when the opening was there, I’d take it. That’s exactly what happened.

He hit me with an overhand right in the first round that knocked my equilibrium,” said Stevens. “But that didn’t really affect me too much. I wasn’t stepping enough into my punches, I was reaching. I got caught when I was reaching.

In round two Omotoso landed a perfect jab on Stevens, as his opponent was throwing a left hook, that sent him down for the second time in the fight. Stevens again made it through the round, and began the next frame trapping Omotoso in the corner and connecting on power punches.

I was just letting my hands go,” said Omotoso. “On the second knockdown my confidence grew. I was glad to get the victory by knockout.

While Stevens was able to own the early moments of the third round, Omotoso hit him with a three punch combo that featured left hook, left uppercut and then straight right hand that put Stevens down for the third time. Stevens got to his feet but referee Johnny Callas halted the bout at 1:28 ze třetího kola.

I was okay but the referee has to do his job,” said Stevens. “I was down three times so I know he was looking out for my best interests.

I didn’t expect it to go exactly like that,” said Omotoso. “I was just listening to my coach. The second knockdown was actually with my jab. I have to talk to my team about what’s next. I’m thankful for this opportunity. I’m so happy to have this win. Give me anybody next, Jsem připraven.”

Watch Omotoso’s TKO over Curtis Stevens ZDE

# # #

WBC Super Featherweight Champion Eva Wahlstrom retains title, fights split draw with Ronica Jeffrey

John Vera returns to ring with win


Oficiální výsledky

LAS VEGAS (Srpen 3, 2019) – World Boxing Council (WBC) female World super featherweight champion Eva Wahlstrom retained her title by fighting to a 10-round split draw last night with challenger Ronica “Queen” Jeffrey at Thomas and Mack Center in Las Vegas.

Wahlstrom vs. Jeffrey was the main event on another RJJ Boxing on UFC FIGHT PASS series installment, which was streamed live on UFC FIGHT PASS®, světová jednička v oblasti digitální předplatitelská služba pro bojové sporty

RJJ Boxing Promotions offered free admission to reward its loyal Las Vegas fans and 5,400 turned out to watch the action.

Wahlstrom (22-1-2), fighting out of Finland, was coming off a loss by decision to undefeated Irish starKatie Taylor this past February at famed Madison Square Garden in New York City. The skilled Finn has been the WBC titlist since 2015 and this was her fifth successful title defense.

Jeffrey (17-1-1, 1 KO), a former IWBF world champion from Brooklyn, was riding a four-fight win streak going into last night’s fight against Wahlstrom.

Wahlstrom and Jeffrey are both tactical, pure boxers who fought that way last night, going back and forth without either being hurt. It was an even fight that could have gone either way with judgeTim Cheatham scoring it a draw (95-95), Richard Ocasio slightly favored Walstrom (96-94), aLisa Giampa inexplicitly had Jeffrey winning all 10 kola (100-90).

V co-představoval událost, former top 10 rated junior middleweightJohn “The Phenom” Vera(19-1, 11 KO) moved up to middleweight, after losing for the first time as a pro last March in France toMichel Soro by way of a 12-round decision. Vera, fighting out of Fort Worth, Texas, won a six-round decision against his Uzbek opponentRavshan Hudaynazarov (17-2, 13 KO), the former WBA FEDALATIN welterweight champion.

Las Vegas-based super bantamweightJamie “The Miracle” Mitchell (5-0-2, 3 KO) and VirginianBritain Hart (3-3-2, 2 KO) battled to a six-round majority draw.

Local favoriteTrevor Covington won his professional debut, taking a four-round unanimous decision in the Fight of the Night against Los Angles super flyweightMing Freeman (1-4-1), who had a point deducted for a low blow.

Oficiální výsledky níže:


Eva Wahlstrom (22-1-2, 3 KO), Mistr, Helsinki, Finsko

SD10 (96-94, 95-95, 90-100)

Ronica Jeffrey (17-1-1, 1 KO), Vyzývatel, Brooklyn, NY

(Wahlstrom retained world title)


John “The Phenom” Vera (19-1, 11 KO), Fort Worth, TX

WDEC 6 (58-56, 58-56, 58-56)

Ravshan Hudaynazarov (17-2, 13 KO), Las Vegas, NV by way of Uzbekistan


Jamie Mitchell (5-0-2, 3 KO), Las Vegas, NV

MD6 (589-56, 57-57, 57-57

Britain Hart (3-3-2, 2 KO), Roanoke, VA


Trevor Covington (1-0), Henderson, NV

WDEC4 (37-36, 37-36, 37-36)

Ming Freedom (1-4-1), Los Angeles, JAKO


Webové stránky:   http://www.RoyJonesJrBoxing.comwww.ufc.tv/page/fightpass,www.thomasandmack.com

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Oshae Jones Makes History at 2019 Pan American Games

LIMA, Peru (Srpen 2, 2019) — Oshae Jones (Toledo, Ohio) made history on the first night of finals at the 2019 Pan American Games in Lima, Peru by becoming the first ever women’s welterweight Pan American Games gold medalists. This marked the first time in Pan American Games history the women would have five weight classes, compared to the two previous Games having three weight classes.

Jones defeated Myriam DaSilva of Canada by unanimous decision, winning all three rounds, 10-9, from two judges, and two of the three rounds, 10-9, from one judge.

This marked the second time Jones and DaSilva went head-to-head, with Jones defeating her 5-0 at the Pan American Games Qualifier earlier this year.

Jones’ previously defeated Atheyna Bylon of Panama in the quarterfinals and M. Moronta Herand of the Dominican Republic in the semifinals to make the finals of these championships.

Team USA will look to close out their most successful Pan American Games since 1983, tomorrow night with four boxers going for gold, Keyshawn Davis (Norfolk, Va.), Virginia Fuchs (Houston, Texas), Naomi Graham (Colorado Springs, Colo.) a Duke Ragan (Cincinnati, Ohio). Their four medals will be added to Jones’ gold medal and the five bronze medals won earlier this week by Rashida Ellis (Lynn, Mass.), Troy Isley (Alexandrie, Va.), Delante Johnson (Cleveland, Ohio), Yarisel Ramirez (Las Vegas, Nev.) a Richard Torrez ml. (Tulare, Calif.).

Follow the Americans final day of boxing by clicking herehttps://www.teamusa.org/USA-Boxing/2019-Pan-American-Games


69 kilogram: Oshae Jones, Toledo, Ohio/USA, prosinec. over Myriam DaSilva/CAN, 5-0

ADAM VS Kownacka. CHRIS ARREOLA FINAL PRESS CONFERENCE QUOTES & FOTKY – Unbeaten Polish Star & Brooklyn Native Adam Kownacki & Former Title Challenger Chris Arreola Face Off Before FOX PBC Fight Night Main Event on FOX & FOX Deportes This Saturday from Barclays Center in Brooklyn


Unbeaten Polish Star & Brooklyn Native Adam Kownacki & Former Title Challenger Chris Arreola Face Off Before FOX PBC Fight Night Main Event on FOX & FOX Deportes This Saturday from Barclays Center in Brooklyn

Klepněte na tlačítko ZDE na obrazech od Stephanie Trapp / TGB Promotions

BROOKLYN (Srpen 1, 2019) – Unbeaten Polish star Adam Kownacki a bývalý challenger názvu Chris “Nightmare” Arreola went face to face at Thursday’s final press conference, two days before they meet in a heavyweight showdown headlining FOX PBC Fight Night this Saturday live on FOX and FOX Deportes from Barclays Center, domov Brooklyn BOXING ™.

The press conference also featured fighters competing in action beginning at 8 p.m. ET / 5 p.m. PT as unbeaten WBA interim light heavyweight champion “Pane” Marcus Brownea bývalý mistr Jean Pascal, plus Brooklyn’s Curtis Stevens a Wale Omotoso, all faced-off ahead of their respective matchups Saturday night.

Vstupenky na akce, která je podporována TGB Promotions, are on sale now and can be purchased at Ticketmaster.com. Tickets can also be purchased at the American Express Box Office at Barclays Center.

The fighters were joined on stage by former lineal heavyweight champion Michael Spinks. Here is what the fighters had to say Thursday from the Brooklyn Marriott:

ADAM Kownacka

This is one of my dreams coming true. Since the amateurs I’ve wanted to fight at Barclays Center and on Saturday night I’m the main event. I couldn’t be more excited

I’ve been pushed hard in training camp and I can’t wait to show everyone all of my work on Saturday. The key is going to be jabbing in and throwing my punches in bunches like I always do.

This is a new experience for me being the headliner, but in the ring it doesn’t matter. It’s just two guys fighting each other. We both love to fight. I can’t wait to get it over with and punch him in the face.

Chris Arreola is a warrior. You always know that when Chris fights, it’s a good fight. But I’m going to test how much he has left in the gas tank. Chris has been in there with three champions and when I take care of business on Saturday, I’ll be one step closer to being world champion.

It’s truly a great feeling to have all this support from my fans here. These fans are trusting me to bring the title back to Brooklyn and to Poland.

Barclays Center has been my boxing home. I can’t wait to get in the ring. This is a tough fight and I have to make sure I send the fans home happy.

This definitely has Fight of the Year written all over it. Neither of us are afraid to let our hands go and no matter what happens, the fans are going to be winners on Saturday.

CHRIS Arreola

I understand that Adam is the favorite because he’s undefeated and fighting in his hometown. Konec konců, none of that matters to me. I’m going to give it my all for this fight.

I’m carefree right now. I have no stress. Když ztratím, I’m okay with walking way. But I’m not here to do that. I’m here to win.

“Vím, že jsem mít těžké soupeře přede mnou. I have my work cut out for me. But ‘The Nightmareis going to keep going.

I went to Joe Goossen as my trainer because I knew it was time to make a change. I have to make this last run count. This is the best team I could imagine. Joe makes you work on your mistakes. I believe the winner of this fight is whoever takes advantage of the first mistake.

I respect everybody outside of the ring, but once we’re in the ring, I’m not friends with anyone. We’ll shake hands after the final bell, but I’m here to put on a show. It’s lights, kamera, action and time to shine.

He’s a volume puncher. He just keeps coming and he’s smiling at you the whole time. Konec konců, I’m going to put a frown on his face Saturday.

My prediction is that the fans are going to get their money’s worth. You better record this one, because you’re going to watch it again and again. I’m going to come out with my hand raised.


Being in training in Colorado really lets me get attuned to my game plan. It’s just waking up every day and working with that same mentality where I’m focused on nothing but the fight. It’s all about going in there and getting that win.

I’m going to punish Pascal on Saturday. If the knockout is how he wants to go, I’ll be ready. I promise I’m going to beat him for 12 kola.

It feels great to be here defending my belt. I’ll be in a better position after this fight. I’m going to make a statement in this fight and put Pascal in his place.

Pascal is a guy who doesn’t come to lay down, he comes to beat you. That’s what the sport is about. You have to fight guys of that stature if you’re not fighting champions.

A win on Saturday puts me in contention to fight for a world title next. That’s my focus, but before that, it’s about Jean Pascal and taking care of him the right way.

This is a great card for New York with me, Adam and Curtis all representing our home city. It’s great for us to be in this position together.


Marcus has been saying that he’s going to go in there and try to knock me out, but I’m no amateur. I know what his game plan is going to be. He’s going to run around the ring and try to hold. We all know he’s the best at running like a chicken.

When I was Marcus’ stáří, I was already a world champion. He was watching me on TV when he was at the Olympics.

How is he going to knock me out? I think without the cut that Badou Jack had in their fight, he would have knocked Marcus out.

“Jsem připraven. I’m a solid fighter. I’ve fought the best, so I don’t think Marcus will be able to knock me out.

I’m too good all-around for Marcus. This is my chance to show that I still have a lot of gas left in the tank. I’m still good enough to fight at the very top level of the sport.


This is my first time fighting at Barclays Center, and I’m going to give the fans a taste of what they’ve been missing.

I decided that I’d go down to 154-pounds because my camp has a lot of the top 160-pound fighters so we were getting in each other’s way. There are a lot of opportunities for me in this weight class as well.

No matter what has happened in my career, I have always come back. I’m mentally always ready to bounce back. I’ve had layoffs in my career, but I know that I’m going to get where I need to be.

Nobody calls me out because they know I can punch. I’m too risky for the top fighters because they know there’s a chance they get knocked out.

It’s incredible to have this opportunity to fight at Barclays Center for the first time. It’s going to be a good time for me and all the fans.


I’m not worried about Stevens being at a new weight. I don’t think it’s going to affect him that much. V sobotu, we’re both going to do our best to get the win.

He’s a big puncher who brawls. But I’m a big puncher too. He’s been there and fought everybody, but I’m going to show the world what I can do.

I think this is going to be a toe-to-toe fight. There might be some feeling out, but as the fight goes on and we get into the middle rounds, it’s going to be fought in the middle of the ring.

I’ve trained well for this fight and had sparring with lots of different fighters. The different styles that I’ve seen throughout camp will have me prepared for anything Stevens shows me on Saturday night.

# # #

O Kownacki VS. ARREOLA
Kownacki vs. Arreola pits undefeated Polish star and Brooklyn-native Adam Kownacki against veteran former title challenger Chris “Nightmare” Arreola for a heavyweight showdown that headlines FOX PBC Fight Night on FOX and FOX Deportes Saturday, Srpen 3 z Barclays Center, domov Brooklyn BOXING ™.

The broadcast starts at 8 p.m. ET / 5 p.m. PT and features unbeaten interim WBA Light Heavyweight Champion “Pane” Marcus Browne battling former world champion Jean Pascal in a 12-round bout, plus Brooklyn’s Curtis Stevens makes his 154-pound debut against Wale Omotoso in a 10-round fight.

Diváci se mohou live stream PBC show na Fox Sports a FOX NYNÍ aplikace nebo FOXSports.com. Kromě toho, Všechny programy jsou dostupné na Fox Sports na SiriusXM kanálu 83 Na satelitních rádií a na aplikaci SiriusXM.

Pro více informací: návštěva www.premierboxingchampions.com, ht
a www.foxdeportes.com, sledovat na TwitteruPremierBoxing, @PBConFOX, FOXSports, FOXDeportes, @BrooklynBoxing, TGBPromotions, a @Swanson_Comm nebo staňte se našimi fanoušky na Facebooku na www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions, www.facebook.com/foxsports a www.facebook.com/foxdeportes.