Kategorija Arhīvs: bokss


Selina Barrios vs. PATRICIA JUAREZ

SAN ANTONIO, TX (Augusts 18, 2018) – Undefeated NABF Lightweight champion, Selina “Aztec Queen” Apkārtne (4-0, 2 Kos), has an opponent for her Corpus Christi Showdown on September 22, 2018. Barrios will face Patricia Juarez (4-0), sister of WBC Bantamweight champion, Mariana “Bārbija” Juarez (50-9-4, 13 Kos).




On the line will be Selina’s NABF Lightweight title. The 10-round bout will take place at Whataburger Field, home to the Corpus Christi Hooks, the double-A affiliate of the Houston Astros.




Patricia Juarez asked to fight me, and I feel that part of being a champion is accepting fights with worthy opponents,” teica Selīna Bariosa, who hails from San Antonio, TX. “She is an undefeated fighter with the same record as me, and her sister is a future Hall of Famer. I look forward to making a title defense against a worthy challenger like Patricia Juarez.




I want to represent Mexico and fight on behalf of my country, and win this title for my people,” said Patricia Juarez, who trains in Denver, Kolorādo. “I asked for this fight, and now I have it. I can’t wait to take advantage of this opportunity and follow in the footsteps of my sister Mariana. I’m going to bring home a victory for my people back home in Mexico.




Viņas pēdējā cīņā, Apkārtne, who is a devastating power-puncher, scored a sensational knockout against previously unbeaten, AidaLady SpartaSatybaldinova (3-1-1). The knockout has already been featured on many boxing publications list for knockout of the year, as Barrios showed off uncanny punching power for the women’s lightweight division.




Selina Barrios is one of the most talented fighters in the world and will be a force for anyone in her division,” teica Kerry Daigle, Selina Barrios’ advisor. “What separates Selina from the rest of her peers, is her high-level ring intelligence, along with devastating punching power




Apkārtne, who captured the NABF Lightweight title in only her third pro fight is taking a Vasyl Lomachenko approach to women’s boxing as she is facing her third undefeated fighter in a row.




Corpus Christi fell in love with Selina’s style and power in her last fight, and what she is doing in women’s boxing, hasn’t been done before,” teica Colin Campbell, who co-manages Barrios with his dad Charles. She is fighting the best opposition she can and knocking them out in dramatic fashion.




“Nav šaubu, manā prātā, Selina will be the next female fighter to showcase her talents on a major network,” stated co-manager Charles Campbell. “She has the fighting style that everyone wants to see. She truly is the Roberto Duran of women’s boxing.




This event titled Heavyweight Boxing Showdownis brought to you by CCC ENTERTAINMENT in conjunction with CC HOOKS, HOUSTON ASTROS, un KEEPPUNCHING ENTERTAINMENT.



Biļetes cena General Uzņemšana $8, Reserved Seating $12, Premium Reserved Seating $20, VIP Seating $150 are on sale now and can be purchased online at ticktreturn.com.


General Uzņemšana $10, Reserved Seating $18, Premium Reserved Seating $25. Doors open up at5:30 PM, Pirmā cīņa ir 6:30 PM. Whataburger Field is located at 734 E Port Ave, Corpus Christi, TX 78401.


SHOWTIME BOXING INTERNATIONAL sākas plkst 3:30 p.m. UN/12:30 p.m. Par SHOWTIME Boksa Facebook Un SHOWTIME Sports YouTube

Klikšķiniet ŠEIT fotogrāfijām; Kredīts: Kriss Robertss / Frenks Vorens


BELFAST (Augusts 16, 2018) - Bijušais divu divīziju čempions Karls Framptons un neuzvarētais austrāliešu pretendents Lūks Džeksons ceturtdien Belfāstā stājās pretī pēdējai preses konferencē, kurā sestdien no Vindzoras parka atklāja savu pusspēļu kārtu.. Framptona pirmā WBO pagaidu jostas aizsardzība, kuru viņš ieguva aprīlī, tiešraidē tiks pārraidīta tikai uz ASV. auditoriju SHOWTIME Boksa Facebook lapu un SHOWTIME Sports YouTube kanāls sākas plkst 3:30 p.m. UN/12:30 p.m. PT. SHOWTIME ēterā demonstrēs encore prezentāciju vēlāk tajā pašā vakarā šovā SHOWTIME EXTREME® (10 p.m. ET / PT).




Gaidāms 25,000 fani Framptonas dzimtajā pilsētā būs liecinieki pirmajam boksa notikumam Ziemeļīrijas futbola mājās. Atklāšanas cīkstēšanās, bijušais IBF, FBA otrajā atgriešanās cīņā pēc divarpus gadu atlaišanas WBA un WBO pasaules čempions smagajā svarā Taisons Fjūrijs sacentīsies ar divkārtējo smagsvaru titula izaicinātāju Frančesko Pianetu..




SHOWTIME BOXING INTERNATIONAL studijas atspoguļojums no Ņujorkas sākas plkst 3:30 p.m. UN / 12:30 p.m. PT ar vadītāja Braiena Kastera un Slavas zāles analītiķa Stīva Fārdija sniegumu pirms un pēc cīņas. Tiešraide no Belfāstas, ko nodrošinās BT Sport, sāksies ar Pianetas gredzena pastaigu neilgi pēc tam 3:30. Lielbritānija. sporta vadītājs John Rawling izsauks darbību ar Bariju Džonsu, sniedzot analīzi, un Ronalds Makintošs, veicot cīņas intervijas Fury-Pianeta.




Lūk, ko cīnītāji bija teikuši Vindzoras parkā, sestdienas cīņas vieta, ceturtdien:


Carl Frampton



“Tas ir sapnis. Drīz būs realitāte cīnīties Vindzoras parkā manas kaislīgās fanu bāzes priekšā. Tas ir īpašs ne tikai man, bet arī pilsētai. Visi par to runā, un pilsētā valda kņada.




"Esmu tam gatavs. Esmu redzējis dažas lietas, ko Lūks ir teicis, un es patiesi visu šo nometni neesmu viņu vērojis. Visu cieņu, tas ir vairāk nekā Lūks Džeksons. Tas ir par mani Vindzoras parkā, un es esmu ļoti smagi trenējies. Es esmu labāks nekā biju pret Nonito Donaire.




“Es zinu diezgan daudz par Lūku. WBO viņu ļoti augstu vērtē, Es domāju, ka viņš ir stabils profesionālis. Es vienkārši uzskatu, ka esmu citā līmenī. Nav svarīgi, ko kāds saka, viss, kas notiek naktī, ir vissvarīgākais. Tas viss ir par to, kam nakts beigās tiek pacelta roka, un es uzskatu, ka tas būšu es.




“Tā kā esmu apvienojusies ar Džeimiju un viņa komandu, Es jūtos kā cits cilvēks. Es vēlētos, lai es to būtu darījis pirms gadiem. Es tagad esmu tik laimīgs, un es izbaudu boksu, un esmu gatavs uzstāties ar lielu sniegumu.




“Cilvēki man jautā (Izzobot) Varingtons un (Oscar) Valdez, tāpēc es tos pieminu, un tās ir cīņas, kuras es vēlos, bet Lūks Džeksons ir vienīgais puisis, kurš man ir domājis visu šo treniņnometni. ”


Džeimijs Mūrs, Framptona treneris



“Karls Framptons ir pilnīgs profesionālis. Acīmredzot, mēs gribējām lielu apvienošanās cīņu, bet tas vienkārši nebija iespējams. Tas, ko jūs esat sapratis, ir tas, ka tas jau ilgu laiku bija Karla sapnis, un nav svarīgi, kurš atrodas pretējā stūrī. Es saprotu, kāpēc Lūka Džeksona nometne cer, ka mēs viņu ignorējam, jo ​​tikai tā viņi var iegūt jebkādu pārliecību. Tā vienkārši nav. Statistika liecina, ka viņš ir 10 procentiem piemērotāks nekā viņš bija, kad viņš cīnījās (Nonito) Donērs.




“Karls ir labākajos gados. Bokss nav saistīts tikai ar jūsu tehniku ​​vai fizisko sagatavotību, tas ir šo divu lietu un jūsu mentalitātes apvienojums. Viņš joprojām pilnveidojas, kas ir tikai biedējoša doma. ”

Lūks Džeksons



"Sākumā, Es domāju, ka Karls mani mazliet pameta, bet es domāju, ka viņš saprot, kas ir uz spēles, un, ja viņš zaudē man, viņa karjera ir diezgan daudz beigusies.




"Mēs esam trenējušies ārkārtīgi smagi un gudri šajā nometnē, un es esmu pavadījis daudz vairāk laika kopā ar Billiju Huseinu nekā parasti. Man ir jāizcīna perfekta cīņa, un es ticu, ka es to varu.




"Pasaules tituls man būtu reāls" Rocky "stāsts. Es esmu cēlies no nekā, un manā dzīvē ir daudz jātiek galā, lai nokļūtu šajā amatā. Es ļoti lepojos ar sevi, ka esmu šeit. Mans tēvs ir 67 gadus vecs, un viņš nekad nav pametis Austrālijas valsti, un tas, ka es dodu savam tēvam iemeslu lidot pusceļā, piepilda mani ar lepnumu.




"Nav pārsteigums, ka sestdien tā būs naidīga vide. Beigās dienas, Man tikko jātiek ar to galā. Esmu mēģinājis tam garīgi sagatavoties, un mums tikai jāgaida, lai redzētu, vai tas darbojas. Es esmu gatavs nosvērt un cīnīties. ”

Billijs Huseins, Džeksona treneris



“Mums ir bijusi patiešām laba treniņnometne. Karls ir lielisks cīnītājs, tāpēc ir gods būt šeit un apmācīt Luku tik masveida cīņai. Tas mums ir milzīgs, un mēs ļoti vēlamies uzvarēt šajā cīņā. Austrālijas bokss šobrīd ir augstā līmenī. Mēs ļoti vēlamies uzvarēt šajā cīņā līdzjutējiem, kuri ir atbalstījuši Luku, un ir lieliski redzēt, kā visa Austrālija aiz viņa stāv šajā cīņā.




“Visu dzīvi esmu boksējis. Esmu piedalījies vairāk nekā simts pasaules čempionu cīņās, man kā trenerim tas nav nekas jauns, tāpēc es varu vadīt Lūku šajā visā. Viņš ir galvenais profesionālis un dara visu pareizi. Viņa treniņnometne vairāk bija domāta gudrībai, un es uzskatu, ka Karls Framptons vēro skatu uz Luku un gaida Warrington cīņu. Tikai pirms divām nedēļām viņi būvēja (Sergey) Kovaļovs cīnīties (Dmitrijs) Bivols un viņš tika piekauti, un es ticu, ka mēs darīsim to pašu. ”


Frenks Vorens



“Lūks šeit nenāk tikai ekskursijas dēļ, viņš patiešām iecienījis šo darbu. Tā ir lieliska iespēja sarūgtināt Kārli un nostādīt sevi pozīcijā vēl lielākām cīņām. Bet Karls ir īsts profesionālis, un dienas beigās viņš zina, kas šeit ir uz spēles. Viņš vēlas sniegt paziņojumu un nostāties pozīcijā iespējamai apvienošanās cīņai. Nav noslēpums, ka šeit ierodas Džošs Vāringtons - šīs cīņas uzvarētājam var notikt lielas lietas. ”




Lai iegūtu vairāk informācijas, apmeklējiet www.SHO.com/Sports, abonēt SHOWTIME Sports YouTube kanāls, sekojiet Twitter vietnē @ShowtimeBoxing vai kļūstiet par ventilatoru vietnē Facebook vietnē www.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing.




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Former Welterweight World Champion Battles Danny Garcia
for Vacant World Title Saturday, Septembris 8 Live on
SHOWTIME from Barclays Center in Brooklyn &
Iesniedza Premier Boxing Champions
Klikšķiniet ŠEIT for Photos from Nabeel Ahmad/
Premier Boksa Champions


LAS VEGAS (Augusts 16, 2018) – Former welterweight world champion “Showtime” Shawn Porter hosted a media workout at the Porter Hy-Performance Center in Las Vegas Wednesday as he prepares to take on Danny “Ātrs” Garcia for the vacant WBC Welterweight World Championship on Saturday, Septembris 8 dzīvo Showtime no Barclays Center, the home of BROOKLYN BOXING™.




Showtime CHAMPIONSHIP BOKSA raidījums sākas 9 p.m. ET / 6 p.m. PT and features a welterweight title eliminator between Yordenis ugas un Cesar Barrionuevo and heavyweight action that pits unbeaten Polish slugger Adam Kownacki against former heavyweight champion Charles Martin.




Undercard streaming coverage begins at 7 p.m. ET / 4 p.m. PT on SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING COUNTDOWN as five-division world champion Amanda Serrano attempts to win a world title in her record sixth weight class when she faces Yamila Esther Reynoso for the WBO 140-pound title.




Biļetes uz tiešraides pasākumā, which is promoted by TGB Promotions and DiBella Entertainment, in association with DSG Promotions, sākas $50 un ir pārdošanā tagad. Tickets can be purchased at ticketmaster.com, barclayscenter.com, vai zvanot 800-745-3000. Tickets can also be purchased at the American Express Box Office at Barclays Center. Grupu atlaides ir pieejamas, zvanot 844-BKLYN-GP.




Porter was joined by his father and trainer, Ken Porter, as the two discussed the highly-anticipated welterweight showdown presented by Premier Boxing Champions. Here is what the Porters had to say Wednesday:






I love being in training camp and grinding every day. We’re just 100 percent focused on what we have to do. I’m seasoned enough where I know how to excel through these stages of camp. Es jūtos lieliski.




We always work on the jab to start our training session. Everyone knows that everything I do comes off of my jab. It’s all about the fundamentals. My dad is smart and knows my athletic potential is there. He’s focused on all the technical and strategic parts of the game.




Whether we look to box or not will be a game-time decision. We’ll have to read the fight. I think we’re going to start trying to mix it up and then take it from there. It’s up to me to see the adjustments and make them. Whatever it takes to win this fight, I am prepared to do it.




Danny’s counter-punching I think plays into my hands. I’m a combination puncher. There’s more than one coming. If there is only one coming, you don’t know where it’s coming from. I think it’s going to take care of Danny’s strength, but I don’t take it lightly. I know that he’s a strong fighter and that’s what I expect in the ring.




I don’t believe that he’s going to stand toe-to-toe with me, but I do believe that’s where he thinks he can win the fight. The point is to hit and not get hit, so we’ll try to keep it as clean as possible. It gets rough in there sometimes, but if you can’t handle the heat, get out of the kitchen.




Once upon a time I probably would have that thought that I could just beat Danny with activity. But I know that I have to be sharp, precise and land most of my punches. I want to throw 60 a round and land 40 procents.




I’m going go out there and be aggressive, be sharp, be quick and let the rest take care of itself. This is a humungous fight that I’ve been looking forward to for a long time.


KEN PORTER, Shawn’s Father & Treneris




Any fight that Shawn is in, you’re going to have action. If Shawn went in there and laid back, I doubt that Danny would go after him. I just don’t think Danny is going to go forward like that.




We have to continue to do what we’ve done to get this far. But we’re not going to go after him the way he expects us to.




Danny is trying to pump himself up like he’s some kind of one-punch knockout artist. But I’m a one-punch artist if it’s against someone who can’t box anymore or who’s coming way up in weight. If you hit Shawn Porter with one of those punches, he’s going to hit right back, and with Shawn, it’s going to be more than one.




My focus is on making sure that Shawn is prepared to do the things I need him to do. I have to get him where I need before I focus too much on what Danny is going to bring. We’re making sure Shawn is 100 percent first.




# # #




Lai iegūtu vairāk informācijas, apmeklējiet www.SHO.com/Sports,www.PremierBoxingChampions.com, sekot Twitter @ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing, DannySwift, ShowtimeShawnP, LouDiBella, TGBPromotions, vai kļūt par ventilatoru par Facebook at www.Facebook.com/SHOBoxingun www.Facebook.com/DiBellaEntertainment. PBC is sponsored by Corona, finest Beer.

Boxing photographer Emily Harney Enters ring to KO Cancer

Haymakers for Hope: Belle of the Ball, Oktobris. 10, House of Blues Boston
EmilyThe EducatorHarney
(Foto kredīts: Cassandra Sanchez)

SALEM, Masa. (Augusts 16, 2018) – Award-winning boxing photographer Emily Harney will swap her Nikon camera for a pair of Society Nine boxing gloves for one night –Trešdiena, Oktobris 10 — when she fights in a charity event to KO cancer, the sixth annual Hayemakers for Hope: Belle of the Ball, at House of Blues Boston.




Fighting out of Salem, MA, Harney is entering her fourth year as a visual arts teacher at Gloucester High School, where her students learn photography, graphic design and integrated media.




Haymakers for Hope is a 501 (c) (3) charity that organizes charity boxing events to raise money for cancer research, care, awareness and survivorship. Emily, whose goal is to raise minimum of $5,000 to KO Cancer, is one of 32 women preparing to step into the ring Oct. 10.




I’ve worked in and around boxing for 18 years as a photographer and consultant to promoters,” Harney said, “but I have never stepped into the ring to fight. When the time was right, and for the right reasons, I’ve always said I’d get in the ring. This is also the one part of the business of boxing that I am not familiar with: to train, cīņa, hit and be hit. I’ve covered some of the greatest fighters to ever step in the ring from all aspects of their lives, respecting their dedication, work ethic and privacy. Just in a few short weeks of training, my respect for their knowledge, dedication and lifestyle choices has elevated.




“Uz 2016, I attended my first Haymakers for Hope event and I was blown away by the energy and support for a cause that means so much to so many of us. I knew if given the opportunity to fight it would be a great honor and it truly is.




Emily trains at Tomasello’s Boxing Gym in Saugus, MA, where she is trained by Joe Ricarrdi.




Harney is fighting in honor of her late grandmother, Susan Harney; friend and mentor Samuel E. Zoll, Chief Justice of the Massachusetts District Court; and Mason Silva, the son of Emily’s childhood friend, Alissa Collins-Silva, un viņas vīrs, Kevin Silva. Mason was diagnosed at six months old with myelodysplastic syndrome and AML leukemia. After months of treatment, Mason sadly passed away only 23 days after his first birthday.




This past December,” Harney added, “I was asked by another childhood friend to come and photograph his children for their Christmas card. His daughter Dior (7) was in Boston Children’s battling leukemia. Getting the kids into a photo studio was not an option; and realizing we were confined to her hospital room, we transformed her room into a studio and made some spectacular photographs. Dior was resilient and positive during the time we shared that day. Dior is continuing to fight each and every day with resilience and grace.




Biļetes, ranging between $85.00 un $500.00, are on sale now and available to purchase at Emily’s personal fundraising page: https://haymakersforhope.org/event/boston/2018/belles-of-the-brawl-vi/emily-harney Go toBUY Ticketsand type in HARNEY underOFFER CODEto purchase tickets and credit Harney’s fundraising efforts. Sponsorship opportunities and how to send donations if you’re unable to attend are also on this page.




Durvis atvērtas 6:30 ar pirmo cīkstēšanās plānota 7:30 p.m. UN. This is a 21+ notikums. All U.S. citizens must have a valid DMV-issued photo ID or USA passport to enter the House of Blues and international guests need a valid passport.



Greg Cohen Promotions Signs Undefeated Canadian Heavyweight Champion Mladen ‘Monster’ Miljas to a Promotional Contract

Greg Cohen of Greg Cohen Promotions proudly announces the signing of Canadian Heavyweight Champion Mladen “Monster” Miljas to a promotional contract.




Undefeated Miljas, a perfect 8-0, 8 Kos, stands an impressive 6’ 6” and weighs in around 240 lbs. The 25-year-old Mississauga, Ontario, native won the Canadian title last December with an upset two-round stoppage of long-time champion Dillon Carman.




Cohen, a well-established promoter in the sport, has worked with several world champions and gained a reputation for finding hidden gems like Miljas in boxing’s less-travelled areas.




“It feels great to sign with a real promoter,” said Miljas. “For a long time, I didn’t have anyone arranging my fights, so it feels really good having someone on my team now. I’d like to be active and fight every month if I can.”




Having had just 20 amatieru cīņas (17-3) and eight pro fights, Miljas is still a work in progress, despite being national champion in a country that has produced several world champions including Matthew Hilton, Donny Lalonde and George Chuvalo. Canada is also where several other champions learned to box, including Arturo Gatti and Lennox Lewis.




“I did martial arts, starting when I was four and got in a lot of fights as a kid, so it comes naturally,” he explained. “I’ve always been a hard puncher. I was that kid nobody wanted to play sports with because I played too rough. I don’t have too much in-ring experience, so I’m still learning in every fight. I get better and better, so I want to learn as much as I can in the ring and get in with a good variety of opponents.”




Cohen says he’s impressed by Miljas’ accomplishment already and sees tremendous potential in a fighter that big who can punch.




“Mladen is working hard every day to reach his full potential,” said Greg Cohen. “He’s a giant with unbelievable power and a natural gift for fighting. For a fighter with less than 30 fights in his life to take out the Canadian champ of the last four years in under two rounds, that is an amazing achievement. We are going to keep him fighting as regularly as possible and help him develop into a new force in the division. Mladen has all the gifts you need.”




“It felt amazing,” said Miljas of winning the championship. “It shows you I’m on the right track so far. I like to put myself in the underdog position. It’s good when you can overcome adversity. I like proving people wrong. Everyone expects you to lose and you go out there and win it anyway. I want to win bigger and better titles now. I want world titles now!"

Fight Talk Unlimited DOUBLE Episode

Šovakar, Tom, Tony and Rich recapped the last two weeks of action in combat sports. Listen to the whole broadcast to catch up on all the major news and events that you missed and what’s coming up this weekend, pārāk.




SHOWTIME BOXING INTERNATIONAL sākas plkst 3:30 p.m. UN/12:30 p.m. par SHOWTIME Boksa Facebook unSHOWTIME Sports YouTube

Klikšķiniet ŠEIT fotogrāfijām; Kredīts: Kriss Robertss / Frenks Vorens


BELFAST (Augusts 15, 2018) - Bijušais divu divīziju čempions Karls Framptons un smagās svara smagsvara čempions Taisons Fjūrijs publiski un plašsaziņas līdzekļu priekšā pēdējo reizi strādāja pirms attiecīgajiem šīs sestdienas mačiem., Augusts 18 dzīvo no Belfāstas, Ziemeļīrija SHOWTIME Boksa Facebook lapu un SHOWTIME Sports YouTube kanāls. Framptona pretinieks par WBO pagaidu svara svara titulu, nepārspēts Austrālijas pretendents Lūks Džeksons, un Frančesko Pianeta, Fjūrija sāncensis savā otrajā atgriešanās cīņā, strādāja arī trešdien tirdzniecības centrā Castle Court Belfāstā.




SHOWTIME BOXING INTERNATIONAL studijas atspoguļojums no Ņujorkas sākas plkst 3:30 p.m. UN / 12:30 p.m. PT ar vadītāja Braiena Kastera un Slavas zāles analītiķa Stīva Fārdija sniegumu pirms un pēc cīņas. Tiešraide no Vindzoras parka Belfāstā, ko nodrošinās BT Sport, sāksies ar Pianetas gredzena pastaigu neilgi pēc tam 3:30 p.m. UN. Lielbritānija. sporta vadītājs John Rawling izsauks darbību ar Bariju Džonsu, sniedzot analīzi, un Ronalds Makintošs, veicot cīņas intervijas Fury-Pianeta. SHOWTIME ēterā demonstrēs encore prezentāciju vēlāk tajā pašā vakarā šovā SHOWTIME EXTREME® (10 p.m. ET / PT).




Sestdien, aptuveni 30,000 Paredzams, ka fani redzēs pirmo boksa notikumu Vindzoras parkā, āra stadions un Ziemeļīrijas futbola mājvieta.




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Devin Haney Becomes The Youngest Promoter in Boxing History

LAS VEGAS, NV (Augusts 15, 2018) – Devina Hanija akcijas, the promotional company owned by undefeated WBC Youth un USBA Lightweight Champion, Devins “Sapnis” Heinija (19-0, 13 Kos), was just granted a boxing promoter’s license by the California State Athletic Department (CSAC).




At 19-Years old, Devin Haney, who was born in San Francisco and raised in Oakland, becomes the youngest promoter in boxing history. With the approved application, Devin Haney Promotions is off to a good start and looking is forward to showcasing events in California.




Getting approved for my promoter’s license in California is something I envisioned since I turned professional,” said an elated Devin Haney, who now lives in Las Vegas. “Devin Haney Promotions will start doing shows on a modest scale that will eventually lead to mega events.




I already have a couple of young hungry prospects on my roster and will be looking to sign other talented fighters as we march forward,” Haney continued. “I plan to showcase some of the best fighters in boxing.




Savā pēdējā cīņā, Haney looked sensational in his Showtime debija, Punktu 9th round TKO against a worthy opponent in Mason Menard (33-3, 24 Kos), who many boxing insidersthought was going to give Devin problems. Haney’s performance was electrifying, setting him up for another date on the network.




We have some big news that will be announced soon,” Haney concluded. “With the partnerships my dad and I have garnered, Devin Haney Promotions will be taking boxing to whole new level. I couldn’t do this without the help of my dad William, and the team he assembled around me. Together we are going to the top.




All I can say is the future is bright for Devin Haney Promotions,” noteikts William Haney, who has been guiding his son’s career since he made his pro debut at age 17. “Things are about to take off for everyone on the team, and boxing in California will be on the rise.

Jauns “Homecoming” opponent for headliner “Gallo” Jose Antonio Rivera

Featuring the return of 3-time, 2-nodaļa pasaules čempions
Piektdiena, Augusts 17, 2018
The Palladium, Worcester, Massachusetts
Šo piektdien night at The Palladium in Worcester, MA

WORCESTER, Masa. (Augusts 15, 2018) – Trīs laika, Divu nodaļa pasaules čempions “Gallo” Jose Rivera has a new opponent for his comeback fight this Friday night in “Homecoming”, presented by Granite Chin Promotions (GCP) in association with Rivera Promotions Entertainment (RPE), The Palladium in Worcester, Massachusetts.




The 45-year-old Rivera (41-6-1, 24 Kos), who was matched against RubenModern Day WarriorGalvan, didn’t find out until yesterday (Otrdiena) that Galvan had broken a finger the night before. Texas veteran LarrySlomoshun” Stiprs sitiens (10-37-1, 7 Kos) is the late replacement for Rivera in the eight-round main event.




I am not a fan of late changes,” Rivera said, “but at this point it’s either that or no fight, and I’ve trained too hard not to fight.




Rivera last fought in 2011, taking an eight-round decision over Paul Mpendo, at Mohegan Sun Arena in Connecticut.




The name of the event is “Homecoming” because five fighters in action are from Worcester, including three who’ve never fought there before as professionals.




Super middleweight Kendrick Ball, Jr. (9-1-2, 6 Kos) un junioru vidējais svars Khiary Grey(15-4, 11 Kos), both promoted by CES Boxing, will be fighting at home in Worcester as pros for the first time in a pair of six-round bouts. Ball faces Mexican FabianEl LoboValdez (2-3) in the co-featured event, while Gray (15-4, 11 Kos) sejas Antonio Chaves Fernandez (9-33, 4 Kos), of Brockton, MA, in a rematch of a fight won by Gray.




Also scheduled to fight on the undercard in four-round bouts are Southbridge, MA welterweight Wilfredo “Sucaro” pagānu (4-0, 2 Kos) vs. EngelbertoGuarura” Valenzuela (11-14, 3 Kos), Springfield’s (MA) pro-debuting featherweight Joshua Orta vs. Worcester’s Edwin Rosado (1-7-1, 1 KO), Worcester’s pro-debuting welterweight Eslih Owusu.vs. Bryan “The Brick” Abraham (6-30-2, 6 Kos) un Springfield, MA welterweight Jose Angel “KO” Ortiz (4-13-1, 1 KO) vs. Somerville’s (MA) Patrick Leal (0-4).




Visas cīņas un kaujinieki ir pakļauti izmaiņām.




Biļetes, cena ir $75.00 (ringside) un $45.00 (Kopumā uzņemšana), ir pārdošanā, un iespējams iegādāties pie www.ThePalladium.net vai Palladium kasē (Kopumā uzņemšana tikai), vai sazinoties Jose Rivera (elgallojar@gmail.com/508.864.6954), AJ Rivera (anthoneerivera@gmail.com/774.272.2269) vai jebkuru no cīnītājiem.




Durvis atvērtas 6 p.m. UN, pirmā cīkstēšanās 7 p.m. UN.




Event sponsors include Lundgren Honda, Elm Wealth Group, Atty. Maria M. Rivera-Cotto,Championsofhealth.USANA.com, Chieftain Liquors, Centro Las America, Baystate Savings Bank, Pamela Laporte Realty, Worcester Vocero, ChrisFIT Xperience and Grille 57 (hosting the official weigh in and after party).




A portion of the proceeds will go to Spina Bifida Association of Greater New England.



Facebook.com: /RiveraPromotionsEntertainment, /GraniteChin Promotions

Čivināt: @RiveraPromoEnt @joseriverachamp @KingRivera_, @Granite_Chin



“When Danny’s getting hit, I’m getting hit with him.” – Angel Garcia

“When he fights in the ring I see the energy that I had.” – Kenny Porter


Foto Credit: Amanda Westcott/SHOWTIME


Watch, skats & Daļa Via YouTube: https://s.sho.com/2B97w7A


KAS: Showtime Sports® Emmy-award winning reporter Jim Gray sat down with the fathers of Danny Garcia un Shawn Porter as the two former world champions prepare to meet September 8 for the vacant WBC Welterweight World Championship on SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING.


Angel Garcia un Kenny Porter, who both also serve as their sons’ trainers, are asked by Gray how they react when they watch their sons take punishment in the ring.




“As a dad, I have to separate the boxing,” Angel Garcia said. “So when Danny’s in there I’ve got to look at him as a coach. I can’t look at it as a dad.”




Said Kenny Porter: “As a former boxer, I felt what it’s like to be in that ring… So I feel differently when he’s in the ring. I have a more competitive spirit towards winning than maybe someone who’s kid is in there and they’re looking at whether the kid is getting injured. I’m looking at it like, let’s win.”




Gray gets Porter and Garcia to open up about challenges, regrets and the aspirations they’ve carried for their progeny both in the ring and outside of it. “I do [have regrets],” Angel Garcia said. “I said my faults. I’m not perfect.”




Angel called himself the “most underrated trainer” in boxing today, and Danny the “most underrated fighter.”




At the end of the interview, Kenny unveils a Garcia “DSG” T-shirt that reads: “Showtime Destroys Garcia” and both fathers shared a big laugh.




Live coverage of the SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING telecast begins at 9 p.m. ET / 6 p.m. PT and also features top 147-pound contender Yordenis ugas(22-3, 11 Kos) taking on Argentine slugger Cesar Barrionuevo (34-3-2, 24 Kos) and unbeaten Polish heavyweight contender Adam Kownacki (17-0, 14 Kos) facing former heavyweight champion Charles Martin (25-1-1, 23 Kos). The Premier Boxing Champions event takes place from Barclays Center, the home of BROOKLYN BOXING™.