Kategorija Archives: Boxcino

FEJERVERKAI TARP Adrien Broner & Shawn PORTER Premier bokso ČEMPIONAI NBC GALUTINIO spaudos konferencija

Nuotrauka – Lukas Noonan / Premier Boksas Čempionų

Antonio DeMarco įžadus Nugalėti Rances Barthelemy vėžio ištiktas Sister apie Premier bokso čempionų CBS

Rėmėjas Floyd Mayweather & Premier Boksas Čempionų kovotojai

Baigiamosios spaudos konferencija Citatos & Nuotraukos

Spauskite ČIA Dėl nuotraukas iš Idris Erba / Mayweather Akcijos

Spauskite ČIA Nuotraukų Lucas Noonan / Premier bokso čempionai

LAS VEGAS (Birželis 18, 2015) – Animacinis Adrien “Problema” Broner įvyko teismas keletą minučių Ketvirtadienis, kaip ramus “Showtime” Shawn Porter pristatyti savo žinią iš anksto įdomų savaitgalį Premier Boksas Čempionų veiksmų MGM Grand.

Be skirtingą vaidmenį nei savo įprastą vieną, kaip Boksas anketa svaras-už-svaras karaliaus, Prezidentas Mayweather Akcijos Floyd “Pinigai” Mayweather padėjo paleisti spaudos konferencijas kartu su Mayweather Akcijos Skolos Leonardas Ellerbe.

Ant Šeštadienis, Birželis 20 TSK NBC šou, Broner (30-1, 22 Kos) imsis Dėvėti(25-1-1, 16 Kos) po Errol “Tiesa” Spence jaunesnysis. (16-0, 13 Kos) mūšiai Philas “Italų sensacija” Graikų (26-1, 14 Kos). Televiziją transliuojamų NBC prasideda8:30 p.m. IR/5:30 p.m. PT.

Taip pat Ketvirtadienio spaudos konferencija, Pagrindinis įvykis dalyvis Sekmadienis, Birželis 21 TSK CBS kortelės Antonio DeMarco (31-4-1, 23 Kos) žadėjo namo už savo vėžio ištiktas sesuo pergalę Sekmadienio TSK CBS Main Event kortų atvertimo prieš buvusio pasaulio čempionas Rances Baltramiejaus sala (22-0, 13 Kos) . Sekmadienio bendro funkcija vitrinos Papildsvars matchup tarp Sammy Vasquez (18-0, 13 Kos) ir Wale Omotoso (25-1, 21 Kos). Televizijos aprėptis prasideda CBS Sports ne 4 p.m. IR/1 p.m. PT.

Taip pat dalyvavo ketvirtadienį didėjo žvaigždės Mayweather Promotions, kurie bus konkuruoti tiek Šeštadienis ir Sekmadienis.

Bilietai Šeštadienio Renginys yra kaina $400, $300, $100 ir $50 ir bilietai Sekmadienio Renginys yra kaina $100, $75, $50, ir $25 neįskaitant taikomų paslaugų mokesčiai ir mokesčiai yra parduoti dabar. Norėdami įkrauti telefonu su didžiausiomis kredito kortelių bilietus į abiejų renginių, skambinti Ticketmaster ne (800) 745-3000. Bilietai abiejuose renginiuose taip pat galima rasti www.mgmgrand.com arba www.ticketmaster.com. Veiksmų savaitgalį bus skatinamas Mayweather Promotions kartu su TGB Akcijos.

Štai ką spaudos konferencijoje dalyviai turėjo pasakyti:

FLOYD Mayweather, Prezidentas Mayweather Akcijos

“Mayweather Akcijos visada daroma rekordinius numerius ir mūsų pagrindinis tikslas yra rasti kitą Floyd Mayweather. Su visa talento ten, jis netrukus atsitiks.

“Noriu, kad visi kovotojai ten išlaikyti dirbame, susitelkti ir žinau, kad nėra apribojimų, ką galite padaryti,.

“Su visais čia žiniasklaida kalbėti su juo, tai akivaizdu, kad Adrien daro kažką teisę. Jis linksmas ir žmonės, kaip jį.

“Nėra apribojimų, kiek Adrien Broner gali eiti šiame sporte. Jis gali kovoti. Aš salėje su juo ir jis bokso Top vaikinai. Jis stumia save.

“Shawnas Porter yra tikrai kietas konkurentas. Tai nėra lengva užduotis Adrien, jis ketina turite kovoti.

“Mayweather Akcijos nori toliau dirbti su visais kovotojais ir padėti kurti savo karjerą, kad jie galėtų patekti į tą aukščiausio lygio.”


“Tai AB "šou. Jūs visi vartų pirmas, gyventi ir asmens.

“Aš kovoju Shawn Porter ir aš kovoju jo tėtis. Tai kaip aš kovoju jo tėtis, nes patikrinimas ateina jo tėtis vardu, Tada jis moka Shawnas.

“Nuo tiek Shawnas ir jo tėtis gauti čekį, jei aš rėkauti abu, bus man bus mokama du kartus?

“Man patinka Shawn kaip asmuo, bet jis gauna tiek daug neigiamos energijos iš tėčiu. Tai tik tiesa.

“Kai aš rėkauti jums Shawn, ateiti pasirašyti su Apie Milijardai ir aš pirkti Jums gražiau automobilį už jūsų tėtis. Aš jau rašė iš sutarties.

“Tai bus puiki kova. Aš esu labai susijaudinęs, nes aš myliu išleisti šou gerbėjai. Tai berniukas nebus mušė mane.

“Aš einu pristatyti išguldyti. Shawnas Porter yra futbolininkas, Aš ruošiuosi priimti jį. Tai bus smagu.”


“Jaučiuosi puikiai, tai gera diena. Aš tiesiog skaičiuoja iki kovos naktį.

“Aš dirbu dėl visko stovykloje. Turiu greitis daug, galia, greitumas ir visa devyni. Ji ketina imtis viską laimėti šią kovą.

“Kamuolys atšoko gerą greitį, todėl mes rengiasi jį naudoja, kad daug. Mes atlikti koregavimus, kaip mes einame kartu, bet raktas yra tikrai rūpintis savo greitį su mūsų greitį.

“Tai taip saldus kovojantys MGM Grand, tai, ką norite, kaip kovotojas. Tai mano laikas dabar. Aš taip susijaudinęs apie šią galimybę.

“Numeris vienas, mes turime rūpintis verslo. Mes žinome, kad jei mes pasirūpinsime verslo, tai bus puikus Tėvo diena sekmadienį.”


“Aš tiesiog turi susitelkti ir įdėti į įspūdingą našumą šeštadienį naktis. Tikiuosi kitą kartą būsite pagrindinis renginys. Tai procesas, tačiau gaunu ten.

“Aš pasiruošęs bet kam į Papildsvars skyriaus, Aš pasiruošęs bet žingsnis pobūdžio konkurencijos laikotarpiu. Aš nesu vaikinas vengia kam nors.

“Porter Broner yra šiek tiek daugiau patyręs, kad mane, bet įgūdžių protinga manau, kad esu teisus par su jais. Įgūdis įgūdžių galiu suderinti kas nors bokso.

“Daug vaikinai nėra tokioje padėtyje, kad aš gauti galimybes, kad aš. Čia yra mano trečius metus, kaip pro ir viskas atvyksta gana greitai. Tai apie laiką. Aš naudojasi procesą.

“Jūs ketinate būti žiūri į sportą ateityje ateis Šeštadienis naktį.”


“Nėra tokio dalyko, kaip reikiamu metu. Puikus kova, kai norite, kad ji būtų. Gavau skambutį, nusprendė, kad tai yra puikus laikas.

“Jis paėmė mane apie 30 sekundžių nuspręsti imtis šią kovą. Kai žinote, kodėl jums kovoti, ji daro šie sprendimai lengva.

“Prieš metus nebuvo taip maniau aš būčiau šiame etape. Dabar aš turiu realių galimybių ir mes čia dabar.

“Laimėjimas, prarasti ar piešti, Aš ruošiuosi grįžti į sporto salę kitą savaitę.

“Aš slėgio kovotojas. Man patinka užsiimti ir suteikti gerbėjams, ką jie nori matyti. Tai puiki galimybė. Šeštadienis bus smagu.”

Rances Bartelemi

“Jaučiuosi gerai juda aukštyn svorio. Visi žino, Antonio DeMarco yra labai, labai sunku kovotojas. Jis yra vienas iš geriausių man kada nors kovojo. Jo rekordas, kas jis susidūrė įrodo, kad. Jis patyrė, bet taip aš esu.

“Noriu būti geriausias Kubos kovotojas visų laikų ir aš mano būdas.

“Aš milžinišku formos ir aš pasiruošęs eiti. Noriu parodyti savo įgūdžius sekmadienį parodyti pasauliui, kaip aš galiu kovoti su.

“Kas aš noriu kovoti? Aš kovoti su bet kas jie įdėti į mano būdas. Aš kovoti Godzilla, jei jis ten.

“Aš ne daryti prognozes, bet tai bus linksmas kova. Skirtingai nuo pastarųjų Kubos kovotojų, Aš turiu galią ir gali trankyti žmones iš. Per mėgėjams jums nereikia galios. Tačiau privalumus, kad tai, ką tai visi apie.”


“Tai bus nelengva kova, sunku kovoti, bet aš turiu didelę atsakomybę. Mano 15-metų sesuo man pasakė, kad jei aš laimėti, ji įveiks vėžį. Ji buvo diagnozuotas kaulų vėžys praėjusių metų lapkritį – ir tai buvo pavojingos gyvybei. Bet jos paskutinis Chemoterapija gydymas buvo vakar.

“Nuo žiedo požiūriu, Aš tikrai laukiu Sekmadienis. Aš esu labai parengė, Aš esu atsipalaidavęs ir pasiruošęs eiti. Be to mano sesuo, kiti mano pagrindinis motyvas yra tas, kad tai yra tikimybė, kad mano karjerą atgal į vėžes. Pergalė, ir aš galiu grįžti ten, kur aš buvau ir pajėgi mesti iššūkį geriausias.

“Aš esu gydyti jį kaip kitą kovos, tačiau, žinoma, jis yra daug. Ekspozicijos išmintingas, jūs negalite gauti geriau nei tinklo televizijos.

“Žinau Rances bus sunku priešininkas. Jis puikus kovotojas. Bet turiu patirties sugalvoti žaidimo planą laimėti. Nuo karjeros požiūriu, tai labai svarbu kovoti ir aš esu pasirengęs už jį.”


Tai didelė garbė būti čia šiame pastate tarp kai kurių didžiausių kovotojų pasaulyje. Omotoso niekada kovojo niekam, kaip man prieš.

“Aš čia atkurti Pittsburgh bokso didybę. Visi žino "Pitsburgo Kid", Paulius Spadafora, bet mes visi nešti deglą skirtingai. Gerbiu jį kaip kovotojas ir jis padarė keletą puikių dalykų. Mums buvo iškeltas skirtingai ir aš maloniai nustebinti tuo, svarbiausių dalykų jis atliktų. Bet aš čia suteikti naują išvaizdą į Pittsburgh bokso.

“Omotoso yra kietas. Jo įrašas kalba pats už save ne 25-1. Jo vienintelis nuostolis buvo Jessie Vargas kas kovoja už pasaulio čempiono titulą. Aš nemanau, kad kas nors šiek tiek. Aš apmokyti sunku, ir aš nemanau, kad jis kovojo niekam taip greitai, kaip man arba hitai, kaip sunku, kaip man su abiem rankom.

“Aš ruošiuosi mesti štampus daug ir ji turėtų būti smagu pamatyti. Tai bus linksmas kova. Pagrindinis tikslas yra laimėti. Jei galimybė prisistato trankyti jį tada aš. Nesiruošiu eiti ten bando trankyti savo galvą arba nieko. Turiu dėžutė protingas.

“Šiame žaidime viskas apie ilgaamžiškumą ir mažiau jums nukentėjo ilgiau jūs galite kovoti, todėl aš nenoriu pataikys. Štai mano tikslas.”

Pagrindinis OMOTOSO

“Jaučiuosi palaiminta turėti galimybę kovoti dėl tokio didžiojoje scenoje. Kova dėl tinklo televizija suteikia mums visiems tokį liftą. Pirmieji šią nacionalinę poveikio rūšies yra tai, ką kovotojai, kaip man reikia ir ko mes dirbame taip sunku gauti.

“Aš visiškai pasirengę pasinaudoti ir laukiu, kad galėtų pademonstruoti savo gabumus sekmadienį. Visi mano draugai ir tautiečiai ketinate būti suteikta galimybė žiūrėti, ir aš nenoriu jų nuvilti.

“Aš tikrai nežinau daug apie Vasquez, išskyrus jis Southpaw kurios greitai, jis yra tik dar vienas kovotojas, kuris gali kovoti. Bet mes visi galime kovoti. Tai nėra, kaip jis turi keturias rankas ir dvi galvas.

“Geriausias vyras bus pergalingas ir aš esu įsitikinęs, kad yra mane.

“Aš negaliu laukti Sekmadienis. Linkiu, kad atėjo laikas kovoti dabar. Tai bus mano Tėvo diena dovana mano vaikai ir žmona.”

# # #

Daugiau informacijos rasite www.premierboxingchampions.com, www.nbcsports.com/boxing ir www.mayweatherpromotions.com, sekti TwitterPremierBoxing, AdrienBroner, ShowtimeShawnP, ErrolSpenceJr, RealKidBlast, @ De.Marco07, @ SammyV2112, MayweatherPromoNBCSports, SHOSports IrMGMGrand ir tapti Fan ne www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions, www.Facebook.com/MayweatherPromotions,www.facebook.com/NBCSportswww.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing arbahttp://shosportspoundforpound.tumblr.com/.



ARTUR BETERBIEV taškai septintojo etapo


Spauskite ČIA Nuotraukų Lucas Noonan / Premier bokso čempionai

CHICAGO (Birželis 13, 2015) – Premier Boksas Čempionų (TSK) apie Smaigalys grįžo į Čikagos UIC Pavilion penktadienį naktį su kitu įspūdingų kovų įmoka. Atidarymas televiziją bijau pjūklas Arturas Beterbiev (9-0, 9 Kos) valdyti septintojo etapo nokautas nuo Aleksandras Johnsonas (16-3, 7 Kos). The second televised bout featured Erislandy Lara (21-2-2, 12 Kos) as he secured a unanimous decision victory over Delvin Rodriguezas (28-8-4, 16 Kos).


Žemiau yra pateiktos pastabos televiziją kovotojų po jų pasirodymų šįvakar:




“Ačiū visai savo komanda ir Delvin už tai, kad puikus konkurentas. Ačiū Al HAYMON.


“Tai buvo puikus spektaklis šįvakar. Galėjau žemės mano kairė. Delvin tikrai buvo tiesiog bando išgyventi ten, todėl aš žinojau, ką aš darau dirbau.


“Aš bandžiau masalas jį ateiti, tačiau ji nebuvo darbo. Taigi turėjau gauti agresyvus ten.


“Jis niekada jaukus jausmas paliekant jį iki teisėjams. Norėčiau laimėti kiekvieną etapą ir gauti nokautas, jei įmanoma,, bet bent jau aš turiu laimėti šįvakar.


“Aš ruošiuosi susėsti su savo komanda ir Al (HAYMON). Ateitis yra aiški. Mes norime, kad geriausiai. Mes norime, kad Floyd Mayweather. Mes norime, Miguel Cotto. Mes norime Genadijus Golovkin ne 160 Svoris.”




“Tai buvo labai nepatogiai ten mane šįvakar. Jis buvo aštrus ir suteikėte man daug keistam kampų dirbti su.


“Jis visada ieškojau žemės Jo kairė. Jis pagavo mane, kai prie kūno, nors ir paėmė tris ar keturis kartus nusikratyti.


“Manau, PBC yra puikus sporto. Jie atsižvelgiant bokso į visiškai naują lygį. Kai kurių dalykų, jie yra tikrai ketina sugauti su gerbėjų. Laikydami dėmesio kovotojų yra didelė dalis, kad.


“Sunku pasakyti, kas toliau dabar. Yra dar keletas labai kovoja už mane. Tiesiog todėl, kad aš praradau, kad kvalifikacijos, techninė kovotojas kaip Lara nereiškia, kad nėra didelis kovoja likę už mane.”




“Tai didelis pliusas man ir puiki patirtis mano karjeroje pro. Esu labai laimingas, kad dingo praeityje keturių raundų šįvakar.


“Niekas tikrai dirba, kad gerai man šįvakar nors. Man patinka dėžutė protingas ir rasti tinkamus angų. Gal righty į Lefty jungikliu paskutinę savaitę padarė skirtumą.


“Esu labai laimingas ir didžiuojuosi, kad buvo dalis kito PBC kortelę ir turėjo kovoti čia JAV. Paskutinį kartą buvau Čikagoje buvo atgal 2007 toje pačioje vietoje. Taigi jaučiamas didelis grįžti.


“Aš boksininkas, bet man nepatinka kviesti žmones, ir įžeidinėti juos. Aš negaliu nuspėti ateitį, bet aš sunkiai dirbti, kad mano pergalių seriją net geriau nei šis. Noriu didžiausią diržą, kad galiu gauti. Štai mano tikslas.”




“Trumpas pranešimas nesvarbu, nes tai žaidimo dalis, kad visada būtų pasirengę. Aš neturiu teisintis. Jis buvo geriau vyras šįvakar.


“Jis gavo vieną triušio Punch už ausies, kad įtakos man daugiau nei kai kurių kitų kadrų, tačiau apskritai jis buvo tik geriau kovotojas šįvakar.


“Manau, PBC yra puikus bokso sporto. Aš negaliu nieko pasiimti nuo jų ir aš tiesiog dėkingas už galimybę kovoti dėl savo kortelės šįvakar.


“Aš pozicijoje atgal į sporto salę ir aš aptarti, kas bus toliau su savo šeima.”


# # #

Kortelė buvo skatinamas skatinamas Warriors Boksas kartu su grupės Yvon Michel (GYM) ir žvaigždė Boksas. Daugiau informacijos rasitewww.premierboxingchampions.com, www.spike.com/shows/premier-bokso-čempionai, sekti TwitterPremierBoxing, LaraBoxing, @ DRodriguez1980, WarriorsBoxProm IrSpikeTV ir tapti "Facebook" ventiliatoriuswww.Facebook.com/PremierBoxing, www.Facebook.com/WarriorsBoxingPromoirwww.Facebook.com/Spike.


ERISLANDY LARA atvyksta į Čikagą RODRIGUEZ užbaigimas

Pranešimai spaudai
Dėl greito atpalaidavimo


UIC PAVILION Čikagoje Penktadienis, Birželis 12


CHICAGO (Birželis 9, 2015) – Kubos bokso žvaigždė, Erislandy “American Dream” Lara (20-2-2, 12 Kos), atvyko į Čikagą savo artėjančius bijau su Delvin Rodriguezas (28-7-4, 16 Kos) kaip Premier Boksas Čempionų returns to Spike this Penktadienis Birželis 12, 2015.

Šis PBC leidimas ant Spike prasideda 9 p.m. IR. Durų UIC Pavilion atviros ne 5 p.m. KT su pirmuoju kovos rinkinio 5:30 p.m. KT.

Bilietus į gyvą renginį, kuris yra skatinamas Warriors Boksas kartu su grupės Yvon Michel (GYM) ir žvaigždė Boksas, yra kaina $151, $101, $51, ir $31, neįskaitant taikomų mokesčių už paslaugas, ir yra parduoti dabar. Norėdami įkrauti telefonu su pagrindinių kredito kortelės, skambinti Ticketmaster ne (800) 745-3000 arba UIC Pavilion Box Office ne (312) 413-5740. Bilietus taip pat galima rasti www.ticketmaster.com arba apsilankę UIC Pavilion kasose (Ketvirtadienis arba Penktadienis 9:00 tarifu. – 4:00 p.m.).

Daugiau informacijos rasite www.premierboxingchampions.com,www.spike.com/shows/premier-bokso-čempionai, sekti TwitterPremierBoxing, LaraBoxing, @ DRodriguez1980, WarriorsBoxProm IrSpikeTV ir tapti "Facebook" ventiliatorius www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxing,www.Facebook.com/WarriorsBoxingPromoir www.Facebook.com/Spike.


Spauskite ČIA MP3


Liza Milner

Ačiū, visi, for joining us today. We have a very exciting call. All four of the fighters participating on the televised portion of tai šeštadienio Premier Boxing Champions on NBC telecast will be with us. We are going to start with the heavyweights, and before we head to those fighters, I’m going to turn it over to Tom Brown, head of TGB Promotions to tell you a little more about the event and introduce our first set of fighters.


Tomas Ruda

Gerai, thank you and thank you very much to the media for joining us on this call. TGB Promotions is very happy working again with PBC on this excellent card to be telecast on NBC šį šeštadienį afternoon from the famed StubHub Center in Carson. The doors openšeštadienį į 11:00 tarifu. su pirmuoju varpelio 11:15 tarifu. We go on live TV starting at12:00 p.m. PT. It’s a huge sports day for NBC. They’re also telecasting the French Open, the Belmont Stakes, and game two of the Stanley Cup Playoffs.


The main event is former world champion, Robertas Guerrero (32-3-1 18 Kos) out of Gilroy, Kalifornija. Robert’s no stranger to the southern California boxing fans, having posted two huge wins in recent years: the sensational 12-round decision over Andre Berto in November 2012 down in Ontario, and his epic fight-of-the-year win over Yoshihiro Kamegai on June 21, 2014 at the StubHub Center.


Aaron Martinez, West Covina, California turi įrašą (19-3-1, 4 Kos). He made his bones on the southern California boxing circuit, and knows how valuable this opportunity to face Guerrero is on such a big platform. Martinez never takes a backward step, never tires, and that’s his primary weapon: incredible stamina. With the styles of Guerrero-Martinez, this main event has all the makings of another action-packed StubHub Center war to add to the venue’s history.


In the televised co-main, the opening fight, we’ve got two outstanding, undefeated young heavyweight prospects: Ne JAV. Olympian Dominic Breazeale (14-0, 13 Kos). He competed in the 2012 London games, and Yasmany Consuegra (17-0, 14 Kos) outstanding Cuban amateur with a perfect pro record.


Vėl, durys atsivers ne 11:00 tarifu. Bilietus prasideda $25 and we’re looking forward to seeing the great boxing fans of southern California attend this great event.


L. Milner

We’re going to do the heavyweights now. Dominykas, could you make an opening statement before we turn it over to the media?

Dominykas Breazeale

This is Dominic Breazeale. Laba diena, ponai ir ponios. I’m excited to be part of this fantastic card this Saturday, Birželis 6oji. Can’t wait to get in the ring and show off my skills.


L. Milner

Puikus. Ačiū. And Luis DeCubas Jr. is on the line to translate for Yasmany. Luis, could you ask him to make just a quick opening statement and then translate that for us?


Consuegra Yasmany

I want to thank everybody on the call. I want to thank NBC, the PBC, Al Haymon for this opportunity and all the people involved. I look forward to a great fight. Šeštadienį, I want to show everyone who I am.


Ei, Dominykas, it seems to me it’s safe to say that this is going to be your toughest opponent to date. Would you agree with that, and if so, how excited are you to get this opportunity to move up in competition and show what you’ve been able to learn?



Definitely toughest competition to date thus far. Tikrai, Yasmany is 17-0, 14 Kos. One of those guys that steps in the ring with a ton of confidence. We’re both undefeated fighters and I was extremely excited when I got the call. Thanks to Al and the team. Thanks to NBC, we’ll be able to perform in front of the whole world, nationwide, and I couldn’t ask for more. It’s a great setting, a great way to have a stepping-stone to the next level. I want to be considered the top heavyweight and I guess you’ve got to fight top guys to get there.



What do you know about Consuegra?



I know he’s got a great amateur record. I know he did real well in Cuba, the Cuba National team. He had some great fights here in the States. He fought a lot in Florida.I know he’s got a boxing style. I know he’s going to come out tough. Cuban fighters always do.



Dominykas, you’ve had a lot of knockouts in your early career in the pros, but this is going to be your biggest fight yet with another undefeated fighter. Can you talk about your transition from the amateur style, which obviously you had to do in the Olympics, to the professional style?



Like you said, it’s going to be a big fight with a guy that’s undefeated. I’m sure he’s coming in looking to knock me out. I’m coming in to knock him out, tikrai. Bet, amateur transition into the pros, I would say was a little bit easier for myself than it was for most amateurs. The amateurs, a lot of my wins came by way of knockouts, so I’ve been knocking guys out since day one.


It’s one of those things that I transitioned from putting punches in bunches to putting punches in bunches with power. I’m throwing a lot more punches now. I’m putting a lot more punches together with power. Every punch I throw has got devastating power. I not only punch with the right hand, but I can punch with the left. So long as I make contact, somebody’s going down for sure.



Can you talk about the experience factor? You both fought a number of guys who have a lot of fights under their belt. Jo paskutinis kova, he defeated Taurus Sykes, who’s been around for a long time, a guy with a winning record. Tell us where you think you’re at. Because eventually, everybody wants to become a world champion, but what level do you think you’re at and how does that compare to Yasmany?


I think I’m right up there, jei ne, definitely above him. I’ve fought some very experienced guys and guys that have been former Olympians, o taip pat. Guys like Matt Galer, who have been in heavyweight ranks and considered top contenders at one point. Me and Matt put on a great fight.


My last fight with Victor Bisbal, that was March 7oji Šių metų. He’s a Puerto Rican Olympian. He came out with a great amateur background, very good professional background. When I finally beat him he had fought some experienced guys as well, so I definitely have the experience there. Not only as an amateur, but definitely as a pro, taip pat.


And a similar question for Yasmany. Man, it looks like this is going to be your biggest fight as a pro. Where do you think you are as a professional at this point? Where do you think you rank overall in the professional ranks?


Y. Consuegra

It’s definitely my toughest fight. Breazeale’s a real good fighter out of the pros, but I’ve also had a great amateur background. I fought the best of the best, akivaizdžiai. The Cuban heavyweight program is much more difficult than the American heavyweight program, and he was an Olympian, but I won a lot of world amateur tournaments. I look forward to just getting in the ring with Breazeale and showing what I’ve got, because I think I could beat Breazeale, and I think I’m ready for Breazeale. The top guys in the division, I’m going to show them.



Yasmany, how influenced are you by some of the great Cuban fighters and heavyweights of the past year: Teofilo Stevenson, Feliksas Savon, ir daugelis kitų? How much of a role have they played in influencing your style?


Y. Consuegra

Akivaizdžiai, Cuba has a great history of Cuban amateur heavyweights. I like to put my style more toward Savon, who is a power puncher, as looking for the knockout at all times. And Stevenson’s a great fighter, but he’s more of a boxer, so was Roberto Balado, but that’s definitely a great point.


How does it feel to be fighting on NBC in front of such a big network audience, especially on a day when you’re going to be right in between French Open final and Stanley Cup game. Dominykas, could you answer that first?



I am definitely excited. I’ve got to thank NBC for giving me the opportunity to fight on this card. It’s a wonderful date. Can’t ask for anything better: southern California, vidurdienis. Sun’s going to be out. The weather is going to be great. Great venue at the StubHub Center there. It’s definitely exciting. Whenever I get a chance to perform in front of a hometown crowd, family and friends, and things like that, it brings out the best in me, so I’m definitely looking forward to it and, kaip ir sakiau, I’ve got to thank NBC, Al HAYMON, Goossen Promotions for putting this all together. My team, all of you guys, I definitely, truly appreciate it.



And Louis, could you ask Yasmany the same question?


Y. Consuegra

Taip, it’s definitely the biggest fight of my life, the biggest fight of my career. At this moment, I’d also like to thank Dominic Breazeale for taking this type of risk. Not too many guys are willing to take these risks to fight an undefeated heavyweight and fight the best. Taip, it’s a big day for both of us, and come Šeštadienis, I’m going to show everybody that I’m one of the top guys in the division.


L. Milner

Gerai, puikus. Ačiū, abu, so much. We will see you this week for a great event. We have the main event on the line now, so I’m going to turn it back over to Tom Brown to introduce Robert Guerrero and Aaron Martinez. Tomas, pasiimti jį.
T. Rudas

Gerai, puikus. Ačiū. Pirmas, I’d like to introduce former world champion, Robertas “Vaiduoklis” Karys, vėl, su įrašo 32-3-1 ir 18 Kos, making a quick return to the PBC on NBC.


Robertas Guerrero

I just want to thank everybody for being on and I’m ready to go.


T. Rudas

Gerai, we’ve got Aron Martinez here also, su įrašo 19-3-1, and he understands how valuable this opportunity is to face Guerrero on such a big platform.

Aron Martinezas

Taip, žinoma, Aš čia. Tai puiki galimybė man; I’m ready for battle. We’re at weight and everything went pretty good at this camp, and what can I say, vienas? Just excited to fight Šeštadienis.


Robertas, you’re a guy that has fought a lot of big name fighters over a really nice career, an illustrious career. Does it become a little more difficult to get up for a fighter like Aron Martinez who is, kind of unknown, at least as compared to the other guys that you’ve fought?


R. Karys

Ar ne, not at all. Coming off the last fight with a loss at the short end of the stick, it drives you to be hungry. Taip, that’s why I wanted to get right back into the ring, stay active. That’s one of the biggest problems with being inactive and not having enough action throughout the year. The year layoffs, a nine-, eight-month layoff, it really kills you, especially at that championship elite level. It’s hard to come back and be 100 percent sharp, so the plan is to just stay sharp all year and get back on it.



Ką žinote apie jį? Do you watch any tapes of your opponents or anything like that?


R. Karys

Taip, I’ve watched some tape on him. I watched a few of his fights that I found on YouTube and he’s a crafty little guy. He’s in there and he can fight on the inside. He’s got some good counter shots and he mixes it up. Taip, you’ve just got to be ready for everything all around, because you never know what’s going to come your way, especially when this is such a big opportunity for him, fighting on NBC. You know he’s going to come 100 percent ready and that seems to happen all the time when I fight somebody. They come 10 percent better than they were in their last couple of fights, so it’s about being prepared and being ready for whatever comes.



Is there any concern about coming back to the ring so soon after a brutal fight like you just had three months ago?


R. Karys

Oi, ne, not at all. Man, the fight wasn’t even that brutal. It may have been brutal for Thurman, but I was just getting started toward the end. It actually feels good to get right back in. I got right back into the gym three weeks after that and stayed on it. Taip, after I left that ring, I still felt good. My body felt good. I just had that cut, got that taken care of, but other than that, Jaučiuosi puikiai. That’s why I’m jumping right back in the ring so quick.



I know you’re a well-known fighter throughout your career, but was there any difference after fighting on that show. That was the most viewed fight in quite a long time, being that it was on free TV on a primetime Šeštadienis naktis. Taip, I just want to know if anything changed on your end, like more notoriety.


R. Karys

Tikrai. When you have a 96-year-old woman come up to you in the parking lot and say, “Vyras, what a great fight; that reminds me of the olden days of boxing,” it’s nice to see that. And you see all the fans coming around and just the average person that’s at the grocery store recognizing you, it’s huge. It’s not just huge for my career, but it’s huge for boxing.



Did that factor into your wanting to come back so soon? I know you said you want to stay sharp, bet, akivaizdžiai, staying in the public eye helps as well.


Robertas Guerrero: Oi, aiškiai. Out of sight, out of mind. So you want to stay active, you want to stay busy; you want to stay sharp. You want to stay in the public eye to make that big run before time passes.



Aron, I just have one question for you. You’ve been out of the ring for over a year since your fight with Josesito. Was there any reason for that delay? Could you just not get fights or did you just want to take the time off to clear your head?
A. Martinezas

It was just with my promoter, little here and there, they were not giving me the right fights. Anybody that knows me, I stayed in the gym, because that’s what makes it easy for me, making weight. I never have trouble making weight and that goes to show that I stay active. I stay active in the gym and that’s what it is.



My question is for Robert Guerrero. I was a little disappointed to see that it took you quite a while to get into the fight with Keith Thurman. Do you feel like that’s going to be something you’re going to change for this fight with Aron, is taking off right off the bat, Pirmasis turas?


R. Karys

Taip, it goes back to being active in the ring. Everybody says, gerai, Jaučiuosi puikiai, there’s no ring rust, and this and that, but you truly don’t know until you get into that ring. Tada, those long layoffs really kill me. You develop bad habits. You lay back a little bit too much, and you end up getting started a little bit late like I did in the Thurman fight. But when I did get started, there was no stopping me.


Taip, that’s why I want to stay active and stay in the ring. Kaip ir sakiau anksčiau, it’s being inactive, not being in the ring fighting. You develop habits where you do start off slowly and I felt like after the fight, when I looked back on it, it felt like I was starting off like I was sparring and just working into it, warming up, and then getting started. Glad to get that fight out of the way and shake off that ring rust, and it’s time to make that push.



First question for Robert. Can you talk about getting up for this fight, because you fought such top level opponents and championship fights, Thurman and Mayweather and higher profile fights, and I think in this fight, you’re going to come in as a favorite. Can you talk about making sure that you don’t overlook Aron Martinez and staying sharp and getting up mentally.


R. Karys

You never want to overlook anybody. Man nerūpi, kas tai yra. You’ve got two hands, you can throw a punch. Kas gali atsitikti ringe. Taip, you never want to overlook anybody. I found that out earlier in my career with a loss against Gamaliel Diaz. I was overlooking him, thought I was going to take him out and he ended up out-boxing me. He beat me by one point.


Taip, it’s one of those things where you live and learn. You learn your lesson throughout the years and at this level of boxing and competition, you’ve got to just be able to get up and do your job and be prepared for everything. Taip, it’s not a problem. It’s like second nature to me. I wake up every day. I run. I do my gym work. If I don’t do it, it feels like I’m cheating, because I’ve been doing it since I was a kid. Taip, it’s just being well-prepared and I’m always well-prepared for every fight, as you’ve seen through my previous fights. I come to fight no matter what.



What do you think your advantages are over him coming into this fight?
R. Karys

Maybe the arm reach, the hand speed, the height. It’s a matter of not just having the advantages, but putting them to work and using them, and sticking to your game plan and being well prepared and being able to execute. Taip, it’s time to react when you get in that ring and what you’re going to do with everything to make it happen.



Aron, I think Robert’s going to be the one coming in as the favorite in this fight, but I just noticed on a lot of the PBC cards, there have been a lot of upsets and unexpected outcomes coming in. Tell us why you’re going in expecting to win and what the effect is being on the PBC card on NBC. Does that add something special to this?
A. Martinezas

Yes of course. It’s on national TV at StubHub Center, this is where I grew up. It’s my home base. I’ve got 23 kovas. Out of these 23 kovas, I’ve never been the favorite; I’ve always been the underdog. I’m not even supposed to be at this stage. That’s what I’m looking forward to. I’ve never been the favorite in any of my fights, so I come out for every fight. I know Rob, he’s an excellent champion; he’s been in with the best. He knows I train hard for this fight because I really want it and it and I’m going to lay it all on the line. This is what I’m talking about. I’m on to show everybody.



You’re coming off a little over a year layoff as you explained earlier, and he’s coming off just a three-month layoff after a 12-round fight. Do you think that’s going to factor into this fight, especially if it goes the distance?


A. Martinezas

Ar ne. It’s like what Robert said. You don’t really know until you get in the ring. We could say a bunch of things now, but you never know until you get in the ring and you actually feel it, because once you’re in the ring, it’s a whole different story, how it’s going to be. We train really, really hard for this fight, ir mes pasiruošę. It’s whatever I’ve got to do, I’ve got to do. We fight inside we box, whatever. We’re ready for whatever comes our way.

Aron obviously, I know you’re up for this fight, and Robert’s already expressed that he’s trained for this fight and he’s expecting the very best from you, it’s been asked twice on this call if Robert is overlooking you. Do you find that disrespectful that nobody is giving you a shot in this fight? Or do you just use it as extra motivation?


A. Martinezas

Ar ne. I don’t find it that way. It’s what it is. Robert has been up there with the best. And I don’t find it disrespectful; it’s just what it is, and it makes me train harder and just to make a point that who I am and they’re going to see Aron Martinez in there šeštadienį and they’re going to see who I am.


L. Milner

Gerai, that was our last question. Robertas, do you want to make a closing comment?


R. Karys

Taip. I just want to thank everybody. Thank Al Haymon and thank my team and thank everybody who’s been putting in the work to get this together, and I’m coming to fightŠeštadienis naktis. Aš pasiruošęs eiti. I’m excited and going on right before the Belmont Stakes and it’s a big event leading into another big event. Taip, I’m excited and I just can’t wait to fight.


The thing is staying active all year and doing my job and giving the fans what they love to see and giving them a great fight. Taip, thank all the fans and thank everybody that’s on the conference call. I really appreciate it and God bless everybody.


L. Milner

Gerai, dėkoju. Aaronas, do you want to make a closing comment?


A. Martinezas

Taip, I want to thank NBC, PBC and all. Goossen for giving me this chance to show what I’ve got šeštadienį, and I thank Robert, and just give a good show to everybody šeštadienį, and I’m ready to push off and I’m ready to go. Dėkui, visi.
Liza Milner: Ačiū. Fight week events start rytoj į 11:00 tarifu. at the Wild Card West Boxing Gym with a media workout and I hope to see everybody there. Labai ačiū. Thanks to the fighters. Dėkui, Tomas Ruda, and thanks to the media.

Daugiau informacijos rasite www.premierboxingchampions.com irwww.nbcsports.com/boxing, sekti TwitterPremierBoxing, NBCSports, @GHOSTBOXING, @ElPerro82, JesusCuellarBOX & @VicDarchinyan and become a fan on Facebook at www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxing, irwww.facebook.com/NBCSports.

Boxcino 2015 Jaunesnysis. Middleweight champion John “Apollo Kidd” Thompson ready for next opportunity


Dėl greito atpalaidavimo
Niuarkas, NJ (Birželis 3, 2015)–Just two weeks after winning the 2015 Boxcino jaunesnysis, Artimieji turnyras, Jonas “Apollo Kidd” Thompson (17-1, 6 KO s) is already getting back in shape and wants a quick ring return.
Thompson won his title by stopping Brandon Adams in two rounds on May 22 Corona, Kalifornija, in what was the last show of ESPN Friday Night Fights.
Everything is going well. I am already back working out. I have been receiving a lot of calls to do interviews and being acknowledged,” Sakė Thompson.
I am going back to down to camp this weekend and start preparing for my next fight.
Thompson credits his self belief for his success and knows that the best is yet to come.
I always had big confidence in myself. If you don’t believe in yourself, you already lost. My goal is to be number-one.
I am just ready to get back in the ring and put on a good show, entertain and continue to win,” finished Thompson.
Thompson is promoted by GH3 Promotions and Banner Promotions.
GH3 Akcijos funkcijos undefeated vidutinio svorio Antoine Douglas, Super vidutinio svorio Jerry Odom & Derrickas Webster, nenugalėtas super Gaidys Adomas Lopez taip pat jaunesnysis. Vidutinio svorio John Thompson, Jr, nenugalėtas negu vidutinis svoris Jerrell Harris,nenugalėtas super Gaidys Qa'id Mahometas, nenugalėtas lengvas Oskaras Bonilla ir šviesos Sunkiojo Lavarn Harvell į GH3 Akcijos stabili.

Andrejus Fedosov & John Thompson crowned Boxcino champions with stoppage wins

Dėl greito atpalaidavimo

Karūna, Kalifornija (Gegužė 26, 2015)--Memorial Day weekend started out with a bang as Andrey Fedosov and John Thompson were crowned Boxcino 2015 champions in the Heavyweight and Jr. Middleweight divisions with stoppage wins over Donovan Dennis and Brandon Adams this past Penktadienis night at the Omega Products Outdoor Arena.

The Boxcino Tournament was promoted by Banner Promotions, o Penktadienio card was promoted by Thompson Boxing and Banner Promotions.
The event also served as the series finale of ESPN Penktadienis Naktiniai Kovų.

Fedosov scored an 8th round stoppage, while Thompson got off the canvas in round 1 to score a 2nd round stoppage.

Fedosov landed some hard power shots in round 2 that Dennis was able to withstand. Fedosov dropped Dennis in round 3 from a left hook to the head. Dennis started being effective the jab in round 4, and he started mixing the straight left behind it.

In round 6, Fedosov hurt Dennis again as he ripped two hard rights off the face of the southpaw. In round 7, it was more power shots that hurt Dennis and made him take a knee.

In round 8, Fedosov landed a perfectly timed right hand that sent Dennis hard to the canvas. Dennis got to his feet but the fight was waved off 54 seconds into round 8.

Fedosov, 220 1/2 lbs of Hollywood, California via Russia is now 28-3 su 23 Knockouts. Dennisas, 219 lbs of Davenport, Iowa is now 14-3.
I was being patient and waiting for a counter, and I was able to hit him with it,” said Fedosov of the knockout blow. “Now I will look for a big fight.

John Thompson got off the deck in round 1 to come back and score an explosive 2nd round stoppage over Brandon Adams to win the Boxcino Jr. Artimieji pavadinimas.

Adams dropped Thompson in the opening seconds from a left hook. In round 2, Thompson landed a huge shot that sent Adams to the canvas. Thompson then pounded on Adams and a right hand wobbled Adams into the ropes and a knockdown was ruled. Thompson finished off a visibly hurt Adams with a heavy combination and the fight was stopped at 2:18 apvaliųjų 2.

Thompson, 153.2 Svoris Newark, NJ dabar yra 17-1 su šešių Knockouts. Adams, 154.8 lbs of Los Angeles, CA dabar 17-2.

This is a new beginning for me,” Thompson said. “We’re in a whole different ball game now. This is where I’m suppose to be.

Sakė Banner Akcijos prezidentas Artie Pelullo, “It was a great night, and John and Andrey earned these titles. We expect to have them in big fights very soon. Į kitą pastabą, I am glad that these two thrilling fights were part of the last ESPN Penktadienis Night Fights show.

Nuotraukos Emily Harney / Banner Akcijos.

John Thompson ready to win Boxcino title tonight

Dėl greito atpalaidavimo

Karūna, Kalifornija (Gegužė 22, 2015)-Šįvakar at the Omega Products Outdoor Arena, Jonas Thompson (16-1, 5 KO s) looks to win the Boxcino Jr. Middlweight championship when he takes on Brandon Adams in the finale of ESPN Penktadienis Naktiniai Kovų.

Thompson weighed in at a ready 153.2 į Ketvirtadienio weigh in and he looks in prime shape to not only win the title but enter the world rankings.
John has been really working hard in Virginia. This is his 2nd training camp down there and after his layoff we have really seen the improvement and his confidence,”said Thompson’s promoter Vito Mielnicki of GH3 Promotions.
Thompson, who literally entered the tournament at the last second when Cleotis Pendarvis failed to make weight for his opening round bout with Ricardo Pinnel. Thompson went out and boxed very soundly to win the unanimous decision.
In his semifinal bout with previously undefeated Stanyslav Skorokhod, Thompson peppered the undefeated Ukrainian fr.om the outside and mixed it up on the iniside en route to winning the split decision on Balandis 10 Betliejuje, PA.
Now Thompson will take on the Boxcino veteran Adams with the eye on becoming a major player in the crowded Jr. Vidutinio svorio pasidalijimas
I have believed in John since day one. A lot of people jumped off the bandwagon since his loss to Frank Galarza. But I always knew he had the ability to compete at the highest level and tonight he will prove that I am excited for not only šįvakar but the future of John. He is just 26 and is best boxing is ahead of him,” finished Mielnicki
Photo By Emily Harney / Banner Akcijos
GH3 Akcijos funkcijos undefeated vidutinio svorio Antoine Douglas, Super vidutinio svorio Jerry Odom & Derrickas Webster, nenugalėtas super Gaidys Adomas Lopez taip pat jaunesnysis. Vidutinio svorio John Thompson, Jr, nenugalėtas negu vidutinis svoris Jerrell Harris,nenugalėtas super Gaidys Qa'id Mahometas, nenugalėtas lengvas Oskaras Bonilla, Sunkiojo Natu Visinia ir lengvas Sunkiojo Lavarn Harvell į GH3 Akcijos stabili.

Boxcino 2015 finals weigh in Photos

ORANGE, Kalifas. (Gegužė 21, 2015) – ESPN “Penktadienis Naktiniai Kovų” final broadcast features two outstanding fights in the heavyweight and junior middleweight divisions that will decide the 2015 Boxcino Champions.
Below are photos from Ketvirtadienio weigh in from the Boxcino Finals that will take place penktadienį at the Omega Products International Outdoor Arena in Corona, Kalifornija. The show begins at 10:00 IR ESPN 2 as the finale of ESPN PenktadienisNaktiniai Kovų.


Boxcino 2015 tournament is promoted by Banner Promotions. Penktadienio show is promoted by Thompson Boxing and Banner Promotions.


Heavyweight finals–Andrejus Fedosov (L) and Donovan Dennis

Jaunesnysis. Middleweight finals. Jonas Thompson (L) and Brandon Adams

Andrejus Fedosov

Donovanas Dennisas

Jonas Thompson

Brandon Adams

Nuotraukos Emily Harney / Banner Akcijos

Boxcino jaunesnysis. Middleweight finals by the numbers

ORANGE, Kalifas. (Gegužė 20, 2015) – ESPN “Penktadienis Naktiniai Kovų” final broadcast features two outstanding fights in the heavyweight and junior middleweight divisions that will decide the 2015 Boxcino Champions.


The 10-round junior middleweight final showcases Boxcino tournament veteran Brandon Adams (16-1, 12 Kos) of Los Angeles against the smooth boxing skills of Jonas Thompson (16-1, 5 Kos) Newark, Naujasis Džersis. The finalists will compete for the Boxcino crown on Penktadienis, Gegužė 22, from the Omega Products Outdoor Arena Corona, Kalifas. Also on the line – the NABA Interim Super Welterweight title, ir WBO Intercontinental Junior Middleweight belt.


Tickets for the Boxcino Finals are priced at $50, $70, & $100, and are available for purchase online at ThompsonBoxing.com arba paskambinus 714-935-0900.


The double main event features heavyweight talents Donovanas Dennisas (14-2, 11 Kos) of Davenport, Iowa and Andrejus Fedosov (27-3, 22 Kos) of Russia in a 10-round fight to determine the 2015 Boxcino Heavyweight Champion. Dennis-Fedosov will also fight for the WBA Fedelatin ir WBO Intercontinental heavyweight titles.


Brandon Adams– 17-1, 12 KO’s John Thompson– 16-1, 5 KO s

Los Andželas, CA Newark, NJ
Pravardė–“Cannon” “Apollo Kidd”

Amžius: 25 Amžius: 26
Has won 3 straight bouts (all by stoppage) Has won two straight bouts
66.7 KO % 29.4 KO%
Has fought 74 raundai (4.1 Rounds/Bout) Has fought 78 raundai (4.59 Round/Bout)

5’9″ 6’1

70″ Reach NA

Opp Rec: 157-99-16 100-45-9

The Omega Products Outdoor Arena yra ne 1681 California Ave., Karūna, PVZ 92881 and can be reached at 951-737-7447. Durys atviros ne 5:45 p.m. PT. ir first bout begins at 6:15 p.m. PT.

For additional information please visit www.banner-promotions.com& ThompsonBoxing.com ir. Dėl nuolatinių mūsų kovotojų atnaujinimų, Renginiai, ir akcijos, please check our Facebook page, and follow us on Twitter and Instagram@bannerboxing ir @ThompsonBoxing.

Undercard Previewed for Boxcino 2015 Finals ESPN2 May 22

Dėl greito atpalaidavimo

ORANGE, Kalifas. (Gegužė 19, 2015) – ESPN “Penktadienis Naktiniai Kovų” final broadcast features two outstanding fights in the heavyweight and junior middleweight divisions that will decide the 2015 Boxcino Champions.


The 10-round junior middleweight final showcases Boxcino tournament veteran Brandon Adams (16-1, 12 Kos) of Los Angeles against the smooth boxing skills of Jonas Thompson (16-1, 5 Kos) Newark, Naujasis Džersis. The finalists will compete for the Boxcino crown on Penktadienis, Gegužė 22, from the Omega Products Outdoor Arena Corona, Kalifas. Also on the line – the NABA Interim Super Welterweight title, ir WBO Intercontinental junior middleweight belt.


Tickets for the Boxcino Finals are priced at $50, $70, & $100, and are available for purchase online at ThompsonBoxing.com arba paskambinus 714-935-0900.


The double main event features heavyweight talents Donovanas Dennisas (14-2, 11 Kos) of Davenport, Iowa and Andrejus Fedosov (27-3, 22 Kos) of Russia in a 10-round fight to determine the 2015 Boxcino Heavyweight Champion. Dennis-Fedosov will also fight for the WBA Fedelatin ir WBO Intercontinental heavyweight titles.


The Boxcino Tournament is Promoted by Banner Akcijos and televised on ESPN “Penktadienis Naktiniai Kovų” (ESPN2 10 p.m. IR / 7 p.m. PT). The show penktadienį is co-promoted through Thompsono bokso akcijos ir Banner Akcijos.


The undercard features crafty super bantamweight Isaac Zarate (10-1-1,1 KO) of Los Angeles against Fernando Fuentes (5-4-1, 1 KO) of Hemet, Kalifas. Outside of the two televised bouts, the 8-round fight between Zarate and Martinez is among the most eagerly anticipated fights of the night.


Zarate is one of the most exciting, young boxers in the 122 LB. pasidalijimas,” sakė Ken Thompson, prezidentas Thompson Boksas. “He won’t blow you away with power, but his hand speed and work rate are definitely worth the cost of admission.


I’m looking forward to a great night of boxing,” sakė Artie Pelullo, president of Banner Promotions. “It’s a great card all around, and the Boxcino finals will be fan friendly fights where two new world title contenders will emerge.


Zarate, a southpaw, makes life difficult for opponents by using an unlimited energy supply to launch punches from all sorts of angles. He’s elusive in that he darts in and out of danger spots, which makes landing combinations on him a difficult matter.


I try not to stay in the same spot for too long,” said the 23-year-old Zarate. “By moving and changing the pace, my opponents typically can’t time my movements.


Be kitų veiksmų, Colombian lightweight Andres Figueroa (5-0, 3 Kos) faces fellow prospect Angel Martínez (5-1-1, 1 KO) San Antonio, Tex. in a 6-round fight.
Humberto Rubalcava (1-0, 1 KO), a Riverside native who turned professional in April, faces super bantamweight Richard Tallmadge, who will be making his pro debut (4-raundai).


A pair of young welterweights in Eridani Leon (2-1) of Mexico and Isaac Freeman (1-1, 1 KO) of Los Angeles square off in a 4-round bout.


Taip pat, Canadian junior middleweight prospect Cody Crowley (3-0, 2 Kos) kovosime varžovą būti pavadintas vėliau (4-raundai).
Opening the event is undefeated super bantamweight Adomas Lopez (11-0, 6 Kos) of San Antonio going up against the veteran Miguel Tamayo (16-12-2, 14 Kos) Meksikos (6-raundai).

The Omega Products Outdoor Arena yra ne 1681 California Ave., Karūna, PVZ 92881 and can be reached at 951-737-7447. Durys atviros ne 5:45 p.m. PT. ir first bout begins at 6:15 p.m. PT.

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