Archivio Categoria: pugilato dilettantistico

Arbitro di classe mondiale….. Tom Cleary USA Boxing Alumni Association, Classe di 2018 inductee

COLORADO SPRINGS, Giro. (Novembre 12, 2018) – Il tardo Tom Cleary è stato uno degli arbitri più rispettati al mondo durante la sua illustre carriera. Si unisce a un gruppo selezionato nella Classe di 2018 essere inserito nella Hall of Fame della USA Boxing Alumni Association.




La seconda edizione del Boxing USA Alumni Association Hall of Fame di ricezione, organizzato in concomitanza con la 2018 USA Boxing Elite e Campionati Nazionali Giovanili e Junior e Prep Aperto, Dicembre 2-8, si terrà dicembre 7, presso il Radisson Hotel (215 S. Tempio di St.) a Salk Lake City, Utah.




Oltre a Cleary, la classe di 2018 include anche gli Stati Uniti. Medagliati a squadre olimpiche e mondiali (professionale) campioni Roy Jones, Jr., Andre Ward e Claressa Shields, così come un ex direttore nazionale di coaching statunitense di boxe, alla fine degli anni Emanuel Steward.




La classe charter introdotta lo scorso anno inclusa Muhammad Ali e Evander Holyfield, così come allenatori veterani Roosevelt Sanders e Tom Coulter.




Un residente di lunga data a Westchester, Ohio, Cleary è stato un membro della boxe negli Stati Uniti da allora 1982, e ha servito come capo degli ufficiali per la National Collegiate Boxing Association da 2002 fino alla sua scomparsa, maggio 21, 2017.




Ha arbitrato 12 paesi diversi, in quattro continenti, come Ufficiale Internazionale assegnato da AIBA. Tom ha ottenuto una valutazione a tre stelle ed è stato selezionato per lavorare alle World Series of Boxing.




“La dedizione di Tom per la boxe amatoriale e il rispetto che ha raccolto dai pugili, allenatori e colleghi ufficiali non sono secondi a nessuno,” suddetto Chris Tofflemire, USA Boxing Alumni Association direttore esecutivo. “L'Associazione Alumni ha sostenuto con enfasi il suo caso per la Hall of Fame, e la sua induzione fu ricevuta da coloro che gli erano vicini, così come l'intera comunità di pugilato dilettantistico. L'impegno di Tom nel servire USA Boxing fornisce un ottimo esempio per tutti noi e non potremmo essere più orgogliosi di chiamarlo un membro della classe Hall of Fame di quest'anno.”




Tom non ha mai dimenticato da dove veniva, dedicando innumerevoli ore ai giovani di Cincinnati, oltre ad aiutare i club di boxe a funzionare in modo efficiente in tutta la sua comunità per più di un quarto di secolo.




Il 2017 Ufficiale dell'anno NCBA, Tom ha lavorato a livello locale, regionale, nazionale, Internazionale, livello mondiale e olimpico di boxe. I punti salienti includevano il lavoro in numerosi Stati Uniti. Campionati Nazionali, quattro Stati Uniti. Trials olimpici (2000, 2004, 2008 & 2012) e la 2007 Campionati del mondo a Chicago.




“Quando ero un giovane allenatore dell'Air Force Academy,” Allenatore di boxe USA Ed Weichers commentato, “dovevamo sostituire un arbitro di prim'ordine dell'AIBA che si stava ritirando. Stavamo cercando una persona altamente qualificata e Tom Cleary è stato consigliato. È uscito il prossimo 25 anni di fila. Tom è stato uno dei migliori arbitri. Teneva così tanto alla sicurezza dei pugili e Tom era anche un prezioso mentore.




“Tom era un uomo meraviglioso che tutti amavano. Ha amministrato cliniche per arbitri negli Stati Uniti e ha sempre aiutato i bisognosi, giovani e adulti. Il lavoro di Tom nell'area di Cincinnati ha influenzato così tanti pugili e allenatori per più di 25 anni. Ci manca moltissimo.”




USA Boxing Alumni Association


Creato per sostenere una vita, relazioni reciprocamente vantaggiose tra USA Boxing ed i suoi ex allievi, –pugili, funzionari, allenatori e appassionati di boxe — L'Alumni Association collega generazioni di campioni, ispirando e restituendo ai futuri campioni di boxe USA Boxing, in e fuori dal ring.




Gli Stati Uniti Boxing Alumni Association è aperta a chiunque abbia un amore per la boxe e vorrebbe rimanere in contatto con il pugilato dilettantistico. I membri hanno accesso a una vasta gamma di speciali ospita eventi dall'Associazione Alumni, compresi gli Stati Uniti Boxing Alumni Association Hall of Fame di ricezione.




Per aderire all'Associazione Alumni, semplicemente registrarsi al per un $40.00 all'anno quota associativa. I nuovi membri riceveranno una T-shirt, portachiavi e e-wallet.





Tom è sopravvissuto da sua moglie, Diane, i loro due figli e otto nipoti.




La leadership e il mentore di Tom Cleary hanno ispirato tutti coloro che hanno avuto la fortuna di incontrarlo. Amava appassionatamente i pugili con cui condivideva l'anello, offrendo parole di consiglio prima, durante e dopo gli attacchi.



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Instagram: @USABoxing

Facebook: /USABoxing

Grande affluenza per il recente primo incontro della USA Boxing Alumni Association sulla costa occidentale

Per diffusione immediata

Si sono divertiti tutti coloro che hanno partecipato all'inaugurazione della USA Boxing Alumni Association sulla costa occidentale



COLORADO SPRINGS, Giro. (Ottobre 9, 2018) – Un folto gruppo di pugili dilettanti passati e presenti, così come altri coinvolti nello sport, recentemente si è presentato in forza per il primo raduno della USA Boxing Alumni Association sulla costa occidentale.


Il raduno inaugurale della West Coast della USA Boxing Alumni Association, tenutasi presso la Fortune Gym di Hollywood (Los Angeles), ha portato a una narrazione memorabile, benvenute riunioni, anche tra i nemici del passato, oltre a un sostanziale aumento del numero di membri.


Oltre a sostenitore di boxe amatoriale di lunga data, attore / cantante Frank Stallone, insieme alla madrina della boxe amatoriale, Melanie Ley, frequentando pugili e allenatori passati e presenti inclusi Mickey Bey, Alex Ramos, Maureen Shea, Ronnie Essett, Paul Banks, Jorge Hawley, les Smith, Frank Vassar, Don Deverges, Michael e Anna Keopuhiwa, Zachary Padilla, Lenny Gargaliano, Tony Lesbeur, Felix Nance, Falconee Vince Hudson, Rudy garza, Justine Fortune, Alan Santana, Willie Tubbs, Randy Crippen, Alan Santana, Jacquie Richardson, Steven Stokes, Manny salcido, Jason e Jeremy Williams, Mike Simms, Jeff Bumpus, attuale squadra dei pesi massimi USA Richard Torres (Tulare, COME), e 2018 Campionessa mondiale giovanile e locale di Los Angeles Iyana Verduzco. 1984 Medaglia d'oro olimpica Henry Tilman era presente anche e registrato come nuovo membro dell'Associazione Alumni.




Consigliere di boxe USA e collegamento con i combattenti, “Iceman” John Scully, era responsabile del reclutamento della maggior parte dei partecipanti.




“Il raduno della USA Boxing Alumni Association a Hollywood ha dimostrato pienamente la nostra missione: Collegamento di generazioni di campioni,” ha detto il partecipante Chris Tofflemire, USA Boxing Alumni Association direttore esecutivo. “Mentre gli ex avversari si sono riuniti dopo essere usciti dal ring decenni fa, due dei campioni di oggi e membri del Team USA, Richard Torres e Roxy Verduzco, sono stati orgogliosamente riconosciuti per il loro recente successo. L'Associazione Alumni desidera ringraziare Fortune Gym per aver ospitato questo incontro, e non vediamo l'ora di entrare in contatto con i nostri membri della costa occidentale in occasione di eventi futuri.”




Creato per sostenere una vita, relazioni reciprocamente vantaggiose tra USA Boxing ed i suoi ex allievi, –pugili, funzionari, allenatori e appassionati di boxe — l'Associazione Alumni collega generazioni di campioni, ispirando e restituendo ai futuri campioni di boxe USA Boxing, in e fuori dal ring.




Gli Stati Uniti Boxing Alumni Association è aperta a chiunque abbia un amore per la boxe e vorrebbe rimanere in contatto con il pugilato dilettantistico. I membri hanno accesso a una vasta gamma di speciali ospita eventi dall'Associazione Alumni, compreso il ricevimento della Hall of Fame della USA Boxing Alumni Association di venerdì sera.




Per aderire alla USA Boxing Alumni Association, semplicemente registrarsi al per un $40.00 all'anno quota associativa. I nuovi membri riceveranno una T-shirt, portachiavi e e-wallet.



Cinguettio: @USABoxing

Instagram: @USABoxing

Facebook: /USABoxing

Houston piuma Roma Martinez rappresenta prossima ondata di USA pugili di sesso femminile

Per diffusione immediata
Out per rendere economico al Summer Youth Olimpiadi Buenos Aires 2018

Ottobre. 6-18 in Argentina


COLORADO SPRINGS, Giro. (Ottobre 8, 2018) — Houston piuma Roma Martinez, che rappresenta la prossima ondata di USA pugili di sesso femminile, è attualmente in Argentina a fare una dichiarazione presso il corso Summer Youth Olimpiadi Buenos Aires 2018.



Il Summer Youth Olimpiadi Buenos Aires 2018 continua attraverso ottobre. 18 al Polideportivo Parque Roca in Argentina.




Il 18-year-old Martinez ha iniziato la boxe sei anni fa, quando il suo passo-padre è venuto nella sua vita, portandola a una palestra di boxe locale per aiutare a mantenere il suo potenziale di guai, anche per difendersi.




Lei è uno studente on-line presso l'Università di San Tommaso a Houston, pianificazione di importanti attività in, e Roma è stato in grado di bilanciare il suo programma fitto di appuntamenti per un semplice motivo. “Non ho molto di una vita sociale,” ha ammesso, “quindi è facile per me, per il treno e di studio.”



L'Argentina è il secondo paese straniero che sta viaggiato per aver gareggiato lo scorso novembre in India. Anche se lei ha una carriera amatoriale relativamente limitata, Martinez è riuscito a catturare il massimo dei voti a sei eventi nazionali: 2016 USA Boxing Nationals, 2014 & 2015 Batte lf the Universe, 20-15 Guanto d'oro delle donne, 2-15 Olimpiadi Junior Nationals, e 2014 Guanti Brown.




Come molti dei suoi compagni di squadra Team USA, in aggiunta agli avversari provenienti da tutto il mondo, Roma spera che lei può Parlay una performance impressionante a Buenos Aires per migliorare le sue possibilità di qualificarsi per la fine 2020 Olimpiadi in Giappone.




“Le Olimpiadi della Gioventù è la cosa più importante nella mia carriera perché spero di competere nel 2020 Olimpiadi,” Martinez ha detto. “Le Olimpiadi della Gioventù è grande quasi quanto le Olimpiadi, solo gli atleti più giovani competere. Prendo le cose un giorno alla volta, ma devo obiettivi per rendere le Olimpiadi, vincere una medaglia d'oro, e poi diventare professionista e vincere un titolo mondiale.



“Questa è la mia ultima gara giovanile. Questo dicembre ho muoverò fino a Elite Division. Ci sarà una differenza di età (dei suoi avversari) e la concorrenza più internazionale, ma ho bisogno che l'esperienza per raggiungere i miei obiettivi.”




Roma, lei dice, è un pugile tecnico che porta a volte la pressione. Il suo pugile preferito è il grande “Zucchero” Ray Leonard e lei sembra fino a Nicola Adams (2012 & 2016 medaglia d'oro olimpica dalla Gran Bretagna) e Mikaela Mayer (2016 USA Olympian). Roma ha approfittato di sparring sessioni con Adams e Mayer, rispettivamente, a Houston e Colorado Springs.




Martinez crede che la boxe femminile è in ripresa e lei aspetta il suo futuro. “Le altre strutture con pugili di sesso femminile significheranno cose più grandi per noi,” Martinez aggiunto, “Avremo più tempo TV e fare più soldi.”




crediti rom USA Boxing per lei imparare a essere disciplinato e lei è grata per il coaching eccezionale che sta ricevuto. piani di Martinez di viaggiare molto in futuro e quando lei guadagna la sua laurea in economia, Roma è determinata ad usarlo a suo vantaggio, possedere un ristorante e, possibilmente, una palestra in modo che lei possa rimanere nella boxe dopo che lei riaggancia la sua strada guanti lungo la strada.


Cinguettio: @USABoxing

Instagram: @USABoxing

Facebook: /USABoxing

2018 Qualificazioni Elite dell'Est & Regional Open Championships has Largest Turnout in USA Boxing History

CHATTANOOGA, Tenn. (Ottobre. 8, 2018) — Il 2018 Qualificazioni Elite dell'Est & Regional Open Championships in Chattanooga, Tenn. will begin tonight with the largest turnout in USA Boxing national tournament history.




After check-in and general weigh-in, un totale di 834 boxers and 550 boxers will take part in the weeklong national tournament at the Chattanooga Convention Center.




We have seen our national tournaments continually grow each event,” ha dichiarato Mike McAtee, direttore esecutivo di USA Boxing. “Da 2017, USA Boxing has been providing extra opportunities with our regional qualifying tournaments for all boxers, invecchiato 8-40, to step onto the national stage and box the best in the nation.




This marks the second year the Eastern Elite Qualifier & Regional Open has been held in Chattanooga, which saw a total of 645 boxers and 307 coaches participate last year. The first regional qualifying tournament, il 2017 Western Elite Qualifier & Regional Open in Albuquerque, N.M., had 302 boxers and 102 coaches and the 2018 edition had 719 boxers and 482 coaches attend.




With the large turnout in Chattanooga, the opening days of the event will include the addition of a fifth ring to hold the increased number of bouts.




USA Boxing will be providing a free live stream throughout the tournament, which can be found di qua.



Cinguettio: @USABoxing

Instagram: @USABoxing

Facebook: /USABoxing

Otha Jones III competing at Summer Youth Olympic Games Buenos Aires 2018

Straight outta Toledo….
Ottobre. 6-18 in Argentina

COLORADO SPRINGS, Giro. (Ottobre 4, 2018) Two-time USA National Champion Otha Jones III is heading to Argentina tomorrow to make a statement at the Summer Youth Olympic Games Buenos Aires, Ottobre 6-18 in Parque Polidesportivo Roca.




Jones is from the new home of amateur boxing champions, Toledo, Ohio, where the 18-year-old Jones is also making a difference in his community, especially after his brother was shot and killed a few weeks ago while he was riding a bike.




Otha first got interested in boxing after watching a YouTube boxing sensation. “I thought that was cool,” light welterweight Jones explained, “so I asked my father to take me to a gym. I soon learned that I was good at it, worked hard, and now I’m heading to the Youth Olympics.




Fighters at all the gyms in Toledo help each other out. (2017 USA Nationals heavyweight champion) Jared Anderson is my best friend. The first year we trained at the same gym, but I never sparred with him (risata), because he’s too big for me. We’re at different gyms now. Six Toledo boxers, five of my teammates, are in the USA Boxing program, including my sister, (welter) Oshae Jones, who is on the women’s Elite team competing right now in Spain. We all push each other to the limit.




In addition to capturing gold at the last two USA National Championships, he also won top honors at the 2018 Youth Continental Championships, plus a silver medal at the 2018 Emil Jechev Memorial Tournament.




Self-described as an unorthodox boxer-puncher, Jones says he, “Throws punches from all angles. I can box well or sit and fight if I have to.




Jones, chi ha un 267-11 registrare amatoriale, has already traveled and competed in Bulgaria, Hungary and Russia. He’s looking forward to experiencing Argentina, where he will live and train for two weeks in an Olympic village atmosphere.




Making it this far to the Youth Olympic, so far, is the highlight of my career,” lui ha detto. “I love traveling to different countries to experience and learn about new cultures. My goal is to fight at the 2020 Olympics in Japan and win a gold medal. I need to improve my skills; punch harder and place my punches better.




After the Olympics, I plan to turn pro. I want to move my family out of the ghetto and get better clothes and meals for everyone.




I own the Soul City Gym with my brother and dad. A lot of kids in Toledo have nothing to do. We go on social media to tell these kids to come by the gym to get in shape. We are part of a program that feeds these kids. We feel that, the less time on the street, we can help stop the violence, like my brother being killed. We’re trying to get kids off the streets and in the gym.



Otha Jones III (blue)





Jones also noted that he really enjoys training in Colorado Springs, not only because of the outstanding facilities and coaching, but for his peace of mind.




I thought I was in top shape training in Toledo,” Jones added, “but you come here, and the air is different. After training at sea level, you get tired training here. I love it here. There are so many nice buildings and facilities, it’s like a small city, only without crime. I can be myself here.




Otha Jones, III is making an impact in and out of the ring, whether he’s at home in Toledo, training in Colorado Springs, or competing around the world.


Cinguettio: @USABoxing

Instagram: @USABoxing

Facebook: /USABoxing

Los Angeles flyweight Heaven Garcia Fighting for another gold medal at Summer Youth Olympic Games Buenos Aires 2018

Heaven can’t wait….
Ottobre. 6-18 in Argentina
COLORADO SPRINGS, Giro. (Ottobre 2, 2018) — Los Angeles flyweight Heaven Garcia is on a mission to become only the third American boxer, second female, to capture gold medals at the Youth World Championships and upcoming Youth Olympics during the same year, joining Shakur Stevenson e Jajairia Gonzales, who both accomplished this rare feat in 2014.


Il Summer Youth Olimpiadi Buenos Aires 2018 will be held Oct. 6-18 al Polideportivo Parque Roca in Argentina.



Garcia explained that her unusual first name is the result of her father being told he could never have children and upon her birth, he felt it was a miracle, aptly naming her, Cielo.





Heaven started boxing when she was eight. “After a week,” Ha detto Garcia, “I fell in love with boxing. I never played any other sports.




My short-range goal in boxing is to win my second gold medal at the Youth Olympics. Long-range is to qualify and win a gold medal at the 2020 Olimpiadi, and then turn pro and become world champion.




The 18-year-old Garcia, che era un 2015 Junior World Champion, avenged her quarterfinal loss to Kazakhstan’s Zhansaya Abdraimova at last year’s Youth World Championships, winning the rematch with a 3-2 decision in the semifinals of the 2018 Youth World Championships final. Garcia picked up her second World title with her 4-1 split decision victory over India’s Anamika




Garcia doesn’t consider herself a pure boxer or devastating puncher, at least at this stage of her relatively young boxing career. “I’m a fighter who goes forward,” she noted. “I pressure my opponent, go to the body a lot, and hit her when the right spot is there.




Garcia will be ending her youth career at this month’s Youth Olympics, after which she will move up to become an Elite boxer. “I feel I’m ready for the Elites,” Heaven remarked. “Every step I take is to progress.




I’ve had a good year,” ha ammesso. (she also won a gold medal at this year’s Youth Continental Championships) “I’ve also traveled to Taiwan, Hungary and now Argentina.




Heaven can’t wait to capture her third gold medal at a 2018 International tournament.



Cinguettio: @USABoxing

Instagram: @USABoxing

Facebook: /USABoxing

Profilo della USA Boxing Alumni Association: 1972 Olympic Bronze Medalist JESSE VALDEZ

(L-R) – Austin Trota, Jesse Valdez, Raphael Marquez and B.J. Fiori

COLORADO SPRINGS, Giro. (Ottobre 5, 2018) — 1972 Medaglia di bronzo olimpica Jesse Valdez, who was an outstanding amateur boxer, never turned pro because he chose security for his family rather than take a risk and parlay his amateur pedigree into a prize fighting career.




Valdez first went to the local BoysClub when he was 11. The youngest of seven children in a low-income family, headed by his single mother, in which the kids all slept in one bedroom, girls in a bed, boys on the floor, sharing space with cockroaches.




I started going to the club and I guess I did well because I started beating older and bigger guys,” Valdez remembered. One day a coach asked me if I was interested in learning how to box. A 11, USA Boxing people were interested in me, not me the boxer, and they always gave me guidance. Because of my background, I knew I wouldn’t be going to college, and these people helped me and gave me guidance.




In 1964, 16-year-old Valdez upset Olympic bronze medalist Quincey Daniels at the National AAU Championship in the welterweight division, and later that year he qualitied for the U.S. Olympic Team as an alternate. Valdez captured a gold medal at the1967 National Golden Gloves in the light middleweight weight class and he added a bronze medal from the prestigious Pan-American Games.




I wanted to be a better boxer and that (defeating Daniels) also helped me become a better person. I had never traveled outside of Texas before then. I went to the Regionals and Nationals and then I was asked if I wanted to go to East Africa. All I knew about Africa was Tarzan, Jane and Cheetah. In high school, I was offered college scholarships, but my grades were bad because I spent more time out than in school. I didn’t have a father figure.




While he served in the U.S. Air Force, Valdez won a gold medal at the 1970 National AAU Championship as a light middleweight and two years later, he became the 1972 National Golden Gloves welterweight champion. A USA Olympic Team alternate for the second time in 1968, the third time was the charm for Valdez, who qualified for the 1972 U.S. Olympic Boxing Team by defeating future world champion Eddie Mustafa Muhammad.




My dream came true in 1964,Valdez noted. “I was a USA Olympic Team alternate in 1964 and again in 1968. But in 1972, I wanted to win a gold medal, even though I ended up with bronze.




Valdez became a household name in America because his Olympic fights in Munich, Germania, aired live on ABC Wide World of Sports, the award-winning Saturday afternoon show during the seventies, when legendary announcer Howard Cosell took a shine to Valdez. Sfortunatamente, Jessie was eliminated in the semifinals by the eventual gold medalist, Emilio Correa, by way of a controversial decision, and Jesse settled for a bronze medal.




Il 1972 Olimpiadi, tuttavia, is sadly remembered for the deaths of 11 Israeli athletes and coaches taken hostage and murdered by a Palestinian terrorist group, Black September.




The Olympic village was built in a circle,” Valdez explained. “There were athletes everywhere from all around the world. My roommate and I had a routine after eating. We walked to digest our food and that night we started to walk, when guards with guns and rifles wouldn’t let anybody go past them. We didn’t know why and didn’t speak German. We then asked our coaches what had happened, and they said people were shot that afternoon. Dopo, we saw what happened on television.




I was team captain and all the captains from every sport were asked what the athletes wanted to do, continue (competing) or go home. We decided to go on because, if we had stopped, that’s what they (terrorists) wanted. The Olympics were halted one day for a memorial recognizing those who had died.







Team USA and Team Germany, two of the world’s top amateur boxing programs, will meet in Chattanooga, Tennessee, for two separate duels taking place Saturday, Ottobre 6 and Friday, Ottobre. 12, at the Chattanooga Convention Center.




The duels will feature some of the top male and female elite boxers as they prepare for the lead up to the Olympics in 2020. The two events will take place alongside this year’s Eastern Elite Qualifier & Regional Open Championships, which is expected to have more than 650 pugili, invecchiato 8-40, compete from Oct. 8-13.





After the 1972 Olimpiadi, promoters lined-up to offer Valdez a pro contract, but he quickly turned down all offers having other options as well. He could have remained in the Air Force and been a coach. Invece, he accepted an offer from a Houston television station that wanted to benefit from hiring the Olympic bronze medalist returning home. Valdez became a reporter and the station’s ratings immediately went up, but other reporters became jealous and that became a problem for Jesse. All'inizio, he contemplated a return to the Air Force, but Valdez liked working in television and he became a photo journalist until he retired in 2005.




Why not take advantage of his fame as an Olympic bronze medalist and turn pro?




“Quando ero 14 o 15 there were pros training at the gym I went to after school,” Valdez explained, “There was one professional boxer there I really liked and looked up to. He was a world champion, who will remain nameless, and I watched him work out. I’ll never forget, he asked me if he could borrow $1.00. I didn’t even have a nickel and that really opened my eyes. Here was a world champion asking me for money. It stuck in my mind. I took a job as a reporter because I really needed (medico) benefits.




I try to go to clubs and help amateurs, but I don’t watch pro fights.


USA Boxing Alumni Association




Creato per sostenere una vita, relazioni reciprocamente vantaggiose tra USA Boxing ed i suoi ex allievi, –pugili, funzionari, allenatori e appassionati di boxe — L'Alumni Association collega generazioni di campioni, ispirando e restituendo ai futuri campioni di boxe USA Boxing, in e fuori dal ring.




Gli Stati Uniti Boxing Alumni Association è aperta a chiunque abbia un amore per la boxe e vorrebbe rimanere in contatto con il pugilato dilettantistico. I membri hanno accesso a un'ampia varietà di eventi speciali ospitati dall'Associazione Alumni, compresa la sua annuale di USA Boxing Alumni Association Hall of Fame di ricezione.




Per aderire all'Associazione Alumni, semplicemente registrarsi al per un $40.00 all'anno quota associativa. I nuovi membri riceveranno una T-shirt, portachiavi e e-wallet.





Ora 70, the Mexican-American from Houston has never regretted the decision he made nearly a half-century ago, o, naturalmente, his experience at the 1972 Olimpiadi. Jesse Valdez has become a valued speaker for the USA Boxing Alumni Association.



Cinguettio: @USABoxing, @USABoxingAlumni

Instagram: @USABoxing

Facebook: /USABoxing

USA vs. Germany Duels to take place in Chattanooga alongside Eastern Qualifier

World medalist and Olympic Hopefuls to step into the ring on American soil

COLORADO SPRINGS, Giro. (Settembre 17, 2018)Two of the world’s top amateur boxing powerhouses will meet in Chattanooga, Tennessee, for two separate duels taking place Saturday, Ottobre 6 and Friday, Ottobre. 12, at the Chattanooga Convention Center.




The duels will feature some of the top male and female elite boxers from both the United States and Germany, as they prepare for the lead up to the Olympics in 2020. The two events will take place alongside this year’s Eastern Elite Qualifier & Regional Open Championships, which is expected to have more than 650 pugili, invecchiato 8-40, compete from Oct. 8-13.




We are excited to host the German Federation, as they have hosted us numerous times for training camps over the past two years,” said USA Boxing High Performance Director Matt Johnson.This will be a great competition and a great opportunity for USA Boxing to showcase our next generation of Olympic hopefuls on home soil.




Team USA is expected to bring a talented team that will include multiple World Championship medalists, Compreso 2017 Elite World Championship medalists Troy Isley (Alessandria, Va.), Duke Ragan (Cincinnati, Ohio) e Freudis Rojas Jr. (Las Vegas, Nev.), as well as two-time World Championship medalist Christina Cruz (New York, N.Y.), 2016 Campione del Mondo della Gioventù delante Johnson (Cleveland, Ohio) e 2016 Campionati del Mondo Youth medaglia di bronzo Richard Torrez Jr. (Tulare, Calif.)




Other boxers anticipated to compete for Team USA include international medalists Khalil Coe (Jersey City, New Jersey), Keyshawn Davis (Norfolk, Va.), Virginia Fuchs (campo, Texas), Oshae Jones (Toledo, Ohio), Quinton Randall (Katy, Texas) e Stacia Suttles(Brooklyn, N.Y.). These boxers are subject to change, and a full roster for both teams will be released closer to the start of the duels.




Boxers who are competing at the Eastern Elite Qualifier & Regional Open Championships are eligible for an early check-in on Saturday, Ottobre. 6 for the qualifier and will receive free entrance to that night’s duel. Coaches who pre-register for the Qualifier and complete early check-in will also receive free entrance to that night’s event.




Check for updates on the event in the coming weeks.



Cinguettio: @USABoxing

Instagram: @USABoxing

Facebook: /USABoxing


SU USA Boxing: The mission of USA Boxing shall be to enable United Statesathletes and coaches to achieve sustained competitive excellence, sviluppare il carattere, sostenere lo sport del pugilato, and promote and grow Olympic style boxing in the United States. The responsibility of USA Boxing is not only to produce Olympic gold, but also oversee and govern every aspect of amateur boxing in the United States.


Former Amateur Standout Featured in Film CRADLE OF CHAMPIONS, Premiering September 21 on SHOWTIME at 8 p.m. ET/PT Prior to ShoBox: The New Generation Telecast 9:45 p.m. ET / PT


NEW YORK - settembre 12, 2018 – Undefeated super featherweight and former amateur standout James Wilkins will make his live television debut on ShoBox: The New Generation on Friday, Settembre 21 immediately following the SHOWTIME premiere of CRADLE OF CHAMPIONS, a documentary chronicling Wilkins and the 2015 New York Golden Gloves boxing tournament. Wilkins will face undefeated featherweight prospect Misael Lopez (8-0, 4 KO) in the opening bout of what is now a four-fight ShoBox telecast. The back-to-back programs will begin at 8 p.m. ET/PT with CRADLE OF CHAMPIONS airing before the live ShoBox telecast at 9:45 p.m. ET/PT from Firelake Arena in Shawnee, Okla.

Wilkins, of New York City, has five wins and five knockouts since turning professional two years ago following an accomplished amateur run. CRADLE OF CHAMPIONS documents one of the pinnacle moments of his amateur career as the Staten Island native fights through the 10-week tournament in hopes of establishing himself as an elite amateur prospect. Having already won the New York Golden Gloves in 2013 a 123 libbre, CRADLE OF CHAMPIONS chronicles Wilkins’ journey as a 19-year-old competing in the 132-pound class and culminates with a dramatic 2015 incontro di campionato.

“I’m honored to be a part of CRADLE OF CHAMPIONS,” the 22-year-old Wilkins said. “Fighting in the Golden Gloves was a life-changing experience for me and it’s a great feeling to know that boxing fans can watch the documentary on SHOWTIME and then watch my ShoBox debut right after.”

They call me ‘Crunchtimeand that’s what I’m bringing to ShoBox on September 21. I’ll be ripping and running and I look forward to putting on a spectacular performance against Misael Lopez.”

Wilkins, who counts former four-division champion Roy Jones Jr. and former two-division champion Paulie Malignaggi as mentors, fought his way to the 2016 Olympic Trails in what was his last amateur tournament. His professional debut came in June of 2016 when he defeated Jack Grady via second-round knockout in a super lightweight contest.

In Friday’s main event, undefeated super featherweight prospect Jon Fernandez (16-0, 14 KO) will clash with O’Shaquie Foster (13-2, 8 KO) in a 10-round super featherweight bout. In the eight-round co-featured bouts, Irvin Gonzalez Jr. (10-0, 9 KO) meets Carlos Ramos (9-0, 6 KO) in a featherweight matchup, and Wesley Ferrer (12-0-1, 7 KO) will face Steven Ortiz (8-0, 3 KO) in a battle of lightweights.

Presented by DiBella Entertainment, tickets for the event are priced at $60 for ringside, $40 for floor seats and $30 for general admission and can be purchased in advance.

Simply the best….. Roy Jones, Jr.

USA Boxing Alumni Association, Classe di 2018 inductee

COLORADO SPRINGS, Giro. (Settembre 6, 2018) – Living legend Roy Jones, Jr., universally recognized as one of the greatest pound-for-pound boxers of all-time, leads a celebrated quintet of Class of 2018 inductees into the USA Boxing Alumni Association Hall of Fame.




La seconda edizione del Boxing USA Alumni Association Hall of Fame di ricezione, organizzato in concomitanza con la 2018 USA Boxing Elite e Campionati Nazionali Giovanili e Junior e Prep Aperto, Dicembre 2-8, will be held Dec. 7, presso il Radisson Hotel (215 S. Tempio di St.) a Salk Lake City, Utah.





Oltre a Jones, la classe di 2018 also includes two U.S. Olympic gold medalists and world (professionale) campioni, Andre Ward e Claressa Shields, as well as former USA Boxing National Director of Coaching Emanuel Steward and veteran USA Boxing official Tom Cleary. The latter two will be posthumously inducted.




La classe charter introdotta lo scorso anno inclusa Muhammad Ali e Evander Holyfield, così come allenatori veterani Roosevelt Sanders e Tom Coulter.




I am honored to be selected for induction into the USA Boxing Alumni Association Hall of Fame,” Jones commented, “especially as a member of this great class with my fellow inductees.




Amateur boxing gave me the chance to learn life skills as well as face every other possible scenario inside of the ring.




Jones, ironicamente, got into boxing at the age of 11 because of Ali. “I saw Ali vs. (Joe) Frazierand just felt as though Ali and I had the same mental concept on life,” Jones explained.




Jones went on to become one of the best amateur boxers in the world, compiling a reported 121-13 record, including gold medal performances at the 1984 National Junior Olympics and 1986 & 1987 National Golden Gloves Tournaments.




Al 1988 Olimpiadi di Seoul, Corea Del Sud, Jones reached the championship final of the light middleweight division against Park Si-Hun, della Corea del Sud. Jones suffered arguably the worst decision in boxing history, losing 3-2, despite outpunching his opponent, 86 a 32 pugni sbarcati, and he was forced to settle for a silver medal. Even his opponent admitted that Jones won their fight, leading the AIBA to later suspend the three judges who selected the hometown fighter as the winner.




How disgraceful was this decision? Jones was selected as the Val Barker Trophy winner as the best boxer of the 1988 Olympics and, due to controversy, the scoring system for Olympic boxing was changed, replacing the 20-point must system with electronic scoring.




I was angered,” Jones admitted, “yet promoted to prove that I was the best fighter there, and in the world, at that time.




Jones made his professional debut May 6, 1989, at home in Pensacola, Florida, in a scheduled eight-round bout, in which RJJ stopped Ricky Randall nel secondo turno. His long, glorious journey has produced a remarkable 66-9 (47 KO) pro record, highlighted by nine major world titles in four different weight classes.




In 2003, Jones defeated John Ruiz by way of a 12-round unanimous decision to become the first former world middleweight champion to become world heavyweight title holder in more than a century.




The possessor of exceptional hand and foot speed, Atletico, movement and reflexes, Jones went undefeated through his first 34 lotte pro, 22-3 (14) in lotte di titolo mondiale. Against former, present or future world champions, Jones was 19-9 (8 KO) and included among his victims were greats such as Bernard Hopkins, James Toney, Mike McCallum,Vinnie Pazienza, Virgil Hill, Antonio Tarver e Felix Trinidad.




Oggi, the 49-year-old Jones, technically speaking, is still an active fighter. He also has two promotional companies and gyms, located in Pensacola and Las Vegas, trains several pro boxers and serves as a color commentator for HBO Boxing. He recently opened gyms in South Africa.




For the past two years, Jones has hosted theFuture Stars of Boxing Tournament” a Las Vegas, showcasing some of the best amateur boxers in the world.




Hosting the tournament in Las Vegas gives me the opportunity to give back to amateur boxing,” Jones explained. “It’s a great experience for the boxers and it reminds them that who they may have or still look up to, are watching them as well.




Roy Jones, Jr. with one of the many amateur boxers who participated in this year’sFuture Stars of Boxingtournament in Las Vegas (photo courtesy of RJJ Boxing Promotions)




When USA Boxing alumni discuss their favorite fighters,” suddetto Chris Tofflemire, USA Boxing Alumni Association direttore esecutivo, “Roy Jones is near the top of everyone’s list. His spectacular talent, dedication to his craft, and infectious personality make him a no-brainer to headline this year’s Hall of Fame class. He continues to give back to amateur boxing and support the next generation. Roy deserves to be celebrated for all he has accomplished, and we look forward to honoring him in December.




Creato per sostenere una vita, relazioni reciprocamente vantaggiose tra USA Boxing ed i suoi ex allievi, –pugili, funzionari, allenatori e appassionati di boxe — l'Associazione Alumni collega generazioni di campioni, ispirando e restituendo ai futuri campioni di boxe USA Boxing, in e fuori dal ring.




Gli Stati Uniti Boxing Alumni Association è aperta a chiunque abbia un amore per la boxe e vorrebbe rimanere in contatto con il pugilato dilettantistico. I membri hanno accesso a una vasta gamma di speciali ospita eventi dall'Associazione Alumni, compresi gli Stati Uniti Boxing Alumni Association Hall of Fame di ricezione.




Per aderire all'Associazione Alumni, semplicemente registrarsi al per un $40.00 all'anno quota associativa. I nuovi membri riceveranno una T-shirt, portachiavi e e-wallet.



Quotes of Note from other World Champions


Soleorge Foreman: “(Jones) hits like a heavyweight and moved like a lightweight.


Montell Griffin: “Floyd (Mayweather, Jr.) was no comparison as far as speed. Roy was much faster.


Mike McCallum: “(Jones is) the greatest fighter of all time.





If he ever hangs-up his gloves for good, Roy Jones, Jr. will be a first ballot inductee into the International Boxing Hall of Fame. There may never be another boxer quite like RJJ.



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SU USA Boxing: The mission of USA Boxing shall be to enable United Statesathletes and coaches to achieve sustained competitive excellence, sviluppare il carattere, sostenere lo sport del pugilato, and promote and grow Olympic style boxing in the United States. The responsibility of USA Boxing is not only to produce Olympic gold, but also oversee and govern every aspect of amateur boxing in the United States.