CARLOS Velásquez doonaya guushii ugu horreeya adduunka culus horyaalka

Photo By Marlene Marquez
Las Vegas, NV (August 12, 2015) – Dagaal in uu xumad horyaalka adduunka ugu horeysay ee Tuesday September 29, 2015, Puerto Rican tartamaya super khafiifa (WBA #9) , Carlos Velasquez (19-1, 12 KOs), ayaa doonaya inuu ku siiyo badinin WBA World Champion, Javier Fortuna (28-0-1, 20 KOs), his first loss. The PBC on FOX Sports 1 televise doonaa madfac ayaa laga bilaabo 9PM ET Eastern Time / 6PM PT. Ticket sales and venue for Fortuna vs. Velasquez lagu dhawaaqi doonaa wax yar ka.
Velasquez, oo matalayay Puerto Rico ee 2004 Olympics, is thriving at the opportunity to fulfill his childhood dream of becoming a world champion. He believes he has advantages that will lead him to victory. On the line with be Fortuna’s WBA World title.
“Ever tan iyo markii aan ahaa wiil dhalinyaro ah, Mar kasta waan sawirka sida horyaalka aduunka ah,” Saciid Velasquez. “Now I have a golden opportunity to accomplish that dream. It won’t be easy. Javier Fortuna is a very tough fighter with an undefeated record. He’s considered one of the best fighters in the division. Stylistically, he’s never been in the ring with a fighter like me. When I bring home the belt, Waxaan rajeynayaa inaan helaayo dhibcaha adkaadeen dagaalka ee ugu sareysa sida Fortuna.”
Trained by boxing guru Roberto Norris, oo haga nafaqeynta Tababaraha xoog / Angel “Memo” Heredia, Velasquez ayaa dareensan in uu leeyahay kooxda saxa ah in isaga qaadi karto si aad u sareysa.
“Waxaan aaminsanahay in aan qabo tababare weyn ee Roberto Norris, kan i fahamsan yahay.” sii Velasquez. “Waxa uu helay shaqo ii on dhan iga dhibcood xoog, bringing out the best in what I do best. Memo is getting my body in top condition. Waxaan dareemayaa weyn. I’m going to be at my best when I step in the ring with Fortuna.

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