Catetan Camp: BRONCO ronggeng dukuh Wright



Las Vegas (Maret 3, 2015) – 50-year old WBC #17 contender heavyweight, “Bronco” Ronggeng dukuh Wright (46-4, 37 KOs), kurang ti dua minggu jauh ti upcoming 10 buleud kajadian utama bout-Na jeung Gilberto Matheus Domingos (22-2, 20 KOs). The bout takes place at the Urang Ko Pa Kasino in Fort McDowell, Arizona on the RJJ tinju promosi kartu Maret 13, 2015. Bronco Billy Wright gives his thoughts on training camp and defending his WBC Latin Amérika jeung FECARBOX pikeun judul.


Bronco Ronggéng dina latihan olahan camp….

Training camp has been tough this time around. I’ve been working really hard to get in the best shape of my life. My trainer Rafael Garcia Jr. has me doing some out of the box training methods that has been real beneficial to my boxing style. We are finishing up our last days of sparring this week. I’ll be ready to bring it Jumaah saterusna.


Bronco Nandang méré pikiran-Na dina bout-Na jeung Domingos….

“Kuring teu apal Domingos akang téh jadi néangan nu knockout salaku am mah, so we’ll see who lands the first bomb. Like in all my fights, I’ll be looking to end the fight early. If I need to go some extra rounds, Aku ok jeung nu, salaku simkuring ngaraos di bentuk tinju alus. Manéhna nu keur jalan ka rasa sababaraha daya mah, éta pasti.


Bronco Nandang Komentar pada defending pikeun judul WBC-Na….

“Defending mah WBC Latin Amérika jeung FECARBOX titles is a pretty big deal for me. It’s my leverage to compete at the top level as I try to crack the top ten in the WBC. Right now I’m at #17, tapi kuring rencanana pikeun mindahkeun nepi ka unggal perang taun ieu.


Bronco Nandang ngabahas keur hiji contender heavyweight heubeul 50 taun….

At this age I feel stronger then I was when I was younger. It’s that old man strength I guess you can call it. Aku smarter, wiser and more discipline at this stage in my career. I have a goal to become the heavyweight champion of the world and motivation is greater than ever. A lot of these top contenders are shying away from fighting me. I just want to earn my opportunity and fight the best.


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Tiket dibanderol $20 pangakuan umum, $35 jeung $50, anu diobral ayeuna jeung bisa dibeuli ku nelepon Bronco Nandang Wright di (702) 524-3331.


Nu Urang Ko Pa Kasino perenahna di 10424 Kalér Benteng McDowell Jalan, Benteng McDowell, THE 85264. Lawang kabuka di 6:00 P.M. fight kahiji di 7:00 P.M.

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