BOYINGTON Capit sirah-TO-sirah jeung RAIO poé saméméh ngalawan: “Kuring GONNA GO aya sarta ngancurkeun Anjeunna”


Lewiston, Maine (Juni 10, 2015) - Gelut New England (NEF), Amérika sacara jumlah-hiji promotion fight regional, bakal tahan dicampur-bela diri-seni ka anak (MMA) kajadian, “NEF XVIII: Dilakukeun dina Amérika,” Saptu ieu wengi, Juni 13, 2015 di Androscoggin Bank Colisee di Lewiston, Maine. Cikeneh, headliners Bruce “Geulis Boy” Boyington (10-8), nu NEF MMA Professional Lightweight Jawara, jeung John “Kelas Kahiji” Ray(2-7) ngagabung NEF co-boga jeung matchmaker Matt Peterson dina husus “Kapala-to-Kapala” edition of the NEF Podcast. Boyington and Raio discussed the upcoming rematch and the controversy surrounding their first meeting in February 2014, antara topik sejenna.


The interview quickly turned to the top of the first fight. Raio appeared to apply a rear-naked choke to Boyington on the mat late in the first round. Boyington began waving his hand in the air and referee Jimmy Bickford quickly stepped in to stop the fight. Much has been made of the infamous “gelombang leungeun.” While Bickford saw it as a sign of Boyington’s submission, Boyington geus contended manéhna saukur signalling ka fans di riungan nu nahan ieu teu ngalakonan karuksakan nu mana wae.


“Kuring bisa nyaritakeun kumaha peuting nu réngsé,” recalled Raio of the first bout. “Dasarna, Bruce had given me his back. When I took his back, I had the hooks in and I had the rear-naked choke across his jaw line. I was trying to pressure it under his throat, jeung salaku I ngahontal bicep kénca mah leungeun kenca mah bade balik sirahna, ref nu dieureunkeun gelut… Kuring amazed yén anjeunna ngalaman disadap sabab, jujur, Mah emang mah geus loba tekanan dina rahang nya… Lamun dina kanyataanana manéhna waving, nu lebay keur manéhna.”


“Dina kaayaan nu, I husus inget Bickford nempo kuring, Kuring nyanghareupan nepi, he nu keur jalan pikeun beuheung mah Kuring waving,” Said Boyington. “Urang sakabehna dimimitian roaring nyata pisan mah inget Bickford nyebutkeun, 'Teu aya Bruce, Anjeun teu bisa disebutkeun yen '… Lamun Anjeun mikir yén Kuring ngalebetkeun atawa Kuring di gangguan atawa teu bisa hirup, you don’t tell the fighter, “Anjeun teu bisa disebutkeun yen,” you just jump in and you stop the fight. I feel like he made a mistake. I feel like he realizes that… Kuring ningali loba hal nu beda nu John geus ceuk online, jeung loba hal lain urang geus ngomong, and that’s when I really started to get bothered by what had happened. I felt like he could’ve handled it better.


Saméméh Boyington méré nepi deui nya, many felt he had been winning that first round. Leres Pisan, Boyington’s striking seemed to be on point that evening. Peterson asked both competitors to speculate on what would have happened had the referee not stopped the bout at that point.


“Inevitably, Jigana John bakal geus knocked kaluar,” stated Boyington emphatically. “Ku teu sangka Kuring gonna ngalebetkeun manéhna, because that would be his best chance with me. He’s strong enough to defend a submission.


“Jigana lamun ref teu eureun dina waktu éta, lamun ieu mah dina rahang kalawan leungeun mah kuring anjog balik beuheung-Na,” Ray speculated, “I believe my arm would’ve slid under his throat and it would’ve ended sometime soon before the round. Janten, Ku teu sangka nya tangtu tos Isro ka babak kadua.”


Dina poé, minggu jeung bulan di handap ieu gelut, both Boyington’s and Raio’s massive fan-followings have been very vocal on social media regarding the outcome of the bout. The heated debate has raged between both sides for well over a year now. With so much at stake for each side at “NEF XVIII,” boh atlit terharu naon hartina rematch ka maranehna, jeung naon maranehna kudu ngabuktikeun weekend datang ieu.


“Kuring kakara teu bisa indit aya jeung ngéléhkeun John,” Said Boyington. “Komo fans sorangan nu expecting nu… Kuring teu bisa ngan indit aya dina 13 Juniand beat John Raio. I gotta go in there and destroy him. Or I still lose out on this fight. Abdi terang éta, and I’m gonna go in there and make that statement. And I’m gonna do it with one arm, sabab panangan séjén teu komo digawé ayeuna… I haven’t worried about this date from day one. It’s nothing to do with John Raio. I don’t disrespect the guy. I don’t not like the guy. He’s a good man. I’m just at another level. I need to show up and prove that. That’s what it is to me. It’s not about me beating John. It’s about me showing everybody where I belong.


“Dina hal ka Bruce pagawean kuring gancang, jeung nyieun eta gampang, jeung teu bener pikahariwangeun ngeunaan gelut teuing, Kuring kakara manggihan eta cucungah kawas loba hal manéhna ceuk kuring, kulawarga jeung babaturan mah,” replied Raio. “Aya kali sanggeus tarung pamungkas lamun urang anu congratulating kuring (dina Facebook) and he’d go on like a one or two paragraph rant on every single comment everyone had put on my page for like three days straight. Janten, sanggeus éta mah ceuk 'Bruce mah teu bener babaturan deui,’ so I deleted him. I liked him before that fight… tapi lamun urang disrespect kuring kawas manéhna geus eta hésé kawas nu bodo.”


Pikeun ngadengekeun NEF Podcast di entirety nya, mangga


Pikeun leuwih jéntré ngeunaan John Raio Kang gym, mangga buka “Kahiji Kelas Kabugaran jeung MMA” dina Facebook. Likewise, diajar ngeunaan Boyington Kang Taekwondo Academy, mangga buka website marané


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